Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 07, 1868, Image 2

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effect has been, his - ocktdnet,if not =-
der oath, at least • with less excuse,
since the.fatal day.which inflieteditim
upon the people of the UnitedlitAtes.
Utin the President bop; to escape if
thaifact of his violating- that law be
proved oiconfessea by ham, as-has
' been done? Can be expect .a infaciect
onitibisi of 111/5 tryers- to pronounce
that law unconstitutional and void—
thoseesme tryers have passed upon
Its validity upon several occasions ?
The Act was originally--prsed by a
vote of 29 yeas to:9 nays.
Sithsetitienty the House of Repre
sentatives passed the bilivith amend
ments, which the Senate disagreed to
and the - bill was afterward referred
to a committee of conference -of the
two Houses, whose . agreement - was ,
reported to the Senate by the Mans
- gore and was adopted by a vote of 22
yeas to 10 nays. ,
After the, veto, upon reeonsiderS
tion of the bill in the Senate,and aft r
all the arguments against its validi y
were spread before that body, it Fr
eed by a vote et ..3 5 yeas to 11 nays.
The President contends that by vir
tue of the 06filititution he had the
right to remove heads of departments,
and cities a large number ofeases
where his predecessor had done so.—
It mtiet be observed that all those
cases woe before the passage of the
Tenure Office act,March 2,1867 ; Will
the . reimndent say holf the hav
ing don e an act when there
was no liw to forbid it, justifies the
repetition of the same act after a law
has been passed expresly prohibiting
the same ? it is not the suspension
or removal of Mr. Sro.-rotr that is
complained of, lug the manner of the
suspension. lithe President thought
i he had good reasons for suspending
or removing Mr:. STANTON, and had
' done so, sending those reasons to the
• 'Senate, and then obeyed the decision
of the Senate in their finding, there
- would have been no complaint ; but
instead- of that he suspersis him in
direct defiance of the Tenure of Office
law, and then enters into an arrange
,- matt, or attempt to do eo,in which be
• _Thought. -ho had succeecled,to prevent
the due execution of the law after the
decision of We Senate. And .when
- `:.the Senate ordered him to restore Mr.
Su -Kroll, he mikes a second removal
' • by virtue of what he calls the power
vested in him by the Constitution.
News fratit all Nations
—A skiff, containing,` four boys,
fishing in the Wabash river, limit Carmel,
Illinois, was diawn -under' the dam, and all
but one drowne4. The names of the los
aro Young, Williamson, and Cavanaugh
—The Louisville Courier announces
that General J. B. Dictator, who, since the
war, has been residing in Now Grimm, will
remove to Louisville, Ky., during the next
month, end become editoiially connected
with Oita-paper.'
—T. F. Langstaff was
. arrested on
Tuesday, and taken to Cincinnati. from Bay
City, Michigan, on a charge of embezzling
817,000• froth Cameron, story 5: Malone,
lumber Madera. The alleged embeizlement
took Place in 1867.
—Two street railroad conductors
in St. Louis, named Philip Ryan and Chap
lin, got into a qtmrreL The latter shot the
former, killing him almost instantly.
—The eacific Mail Company's
eteamer.Ansen left San Franoisco on a trial
trip Wednesday, with a large number of
guests, including the Chinese embassy.
—Two men, named Frank Buchan
an and Thomas Laher, quarreled in a sa
loon in - St. Louis, when Buchanan stabbed
Saha . , severing an artery, from which he
died in six hours.
—A Hungarian, named Naphegy,
has been arrested in new York for forging
the name of Reverdy Johnson for $50,000.
, •
- - At'the auction sale of coal, Wed
nesday, in New York, there was a decline
of froth twenty to twoiaty-five cents per ton.
• —C. W. Adame, of Cleaveland,
Ohio, committed suicide at the St. Nicholas
Rotel, Cincinnati.
—John Stickler was accidentally
shot and mortally wounded near. Mount
Carmel, Illinois.
—The Pottsville Miners' Journal
says of the coal trade that it is excessively
drill, and prices for the producer are ruin
ously low. A number of the collieries In
tho region are still idle, the men standing
out for higher wages. •
—The Bellefonte Press ..says the ,
now jail in that place will be finished about
the first of Jana.
, —Frank
_Phelps, the showman,ia
going into the*patent-right buslaess, west,
this summer.
-31rs:Lydia Birchin -died at Pot
ter's Mills, in Centre county, a few days
ago, at the aivanced age of 115 years.
—The peach crop in Delaware has
4, not been injured by the late cold weather,
T notwithstanding the reports to the contrary.
—Complaints are made of a re
markable drought in Western New-York - -
It is'said that comparatively little rain has
fallen in that section for nearly a year..
--cholera is reported to be - raging
ing the country snrrounding Grand Coteau,
La., and it is said that freedmen are dying
at the rate of eight o; tea a day.:
George F. Carpenter,• an express
agent. living in Davenport, lowa. was mur
dered and robbed by unknown persons in
Chicago on Wednesday night.
—Eleven persons were killed and .
three otheis wounded at Buffalo by the ex
plosion of the boiler of the propeller Gov.
Cushman. The propeller was just moving
out of the harbor at the time of the acci
dent. There were 20,000 bushels of wheat
in the Yowlers bold, which, together with
the vessel, is a total loss. The Cashman
was owned in .Cleveland and was valued at
--The town'of East Berkshire, Vt.,
was visited by a disastrous conflagration on
Wednesday night. 1: - The fire originated in
Sherwood's hotel, and spreading right and
left destroyed the greater portion of the bn
_sinless hiruses of the town. _
—Jiidge Chase will' not address
the Senate on the impeachment case.
—Whalen has confessed to the as
sassination of Thomas D'Arcy McGee. •
_ non. William _C. Rives died at
charlottsville, Ye., on Sunday, aged 75.-
-The.majority in North Carolina
for the new constitution is over 7,000.
—The Temple Place savings Bank,
in Boston , has 5D,000,0 00 in deposits.
—Philadelphia is subscribing $lO,
000 for the benefit of colored orphans.
—There was a heavy tall of snow
Ms miles east of Boston, Thursday, 23d.
Callahan, a butcher, of St.
Louis,futished his career of r Aug fin. Wed.
nesday, by cutting his own throat.
John Milward, one of the pro
prietors of the Spottswood House, Rich
mond, Ta., committed suicide Monday;
—A houtte at Lockland, near Cin
cinnati, took Are "Ineaday in the absence of
Os adult gumbos at the 1 bay, and two
cldldrea war* Iwuzla, sip is iE. _
THEens I.T.A.TIR corlra,q.
Vratioxi Ittptlitt
- • -- 'dawns , .
o;#l,_3".pciva, Imaxwt-ia w avaia
11 7 480 i I.IIOI.O I FFIW ,
Towanda, Yk. ay ocalw)ndiiimaellto* et et
' the 140 8i1ub 1 i c a1,4 4141 :1 1341 !" _ W -09 111 1
Republican State 414
. .
flea. JohnF.BartrafaVoiMontgoinery 00. oaths' manatee for the Piet 4n
ptusuance of the authority natal in
by the mint convention :
Col. Jacob M. Campbell, of Muntenia Co.
—Han Gainalkirovroginanaa,—.
ABaltbniy—A. Brown,Thoinas Ew
Jam Walton. Chas. O. Batchelor.
Beaver—D. L.lnibria. - - -
Bedford—John Shirley.
Barks—Henry S. Eckert, O. D. Elliott,
Blair—Sainual McCiamant. -
Bucks—E. Morris Lliva.
- Batler—Wm. Hazlett.
- Cambria--Elairy. Bak •- •
Carbon T. Franktialter /
Oentre—baniel 'Rhoads. '
Chester—John H. Poineroy t -15.- Dents*
- ,
Cle:arfield,-H. 12. p et.
alliton—H. T. Harvey. -
Colorado—Dr. P. dolui.
Crawford—B. P. Miller. ' I
Cumberland—C. P. Humeri*.
Dauphin—J. Robley Dunglison, George
Delaware—Maj. J. L. Haldeman.
Elk—Henry Souther.
Erie—Jonas Cainidson.
Forest—John L. Dale.
Franklin—Jeremiah Cook.
Fulton—W. M. Patterson.
Greene—J. H. Wein.
Huntingdon-4100.W. Johnston.
Indiana—Daniel Porter.
Jefferson—Jos. Ilendertem. •
Juniata—H. H.
Laneaster—MiltnN. Jamb:eau sa i d B.
Lawrence—Jacob Haus. - s •
Lehigh—James W. Fuller. '
Luzern—Jos. A. Seranies.
Lycoming—Lewis Ent&
Mattean--Lucius Bogus.
- Mercer—S. C. Koonce.
Millin—John A. McKee.
.Moruce--4. W. Stokes. •
Montgomely—W. H. Takes.
Montour—Daniel Clark_
Northampton—Win. S. Eirkpatrick. l
NoithuMberliaid—Franklin Wend.
Perry—William Loather:
Pike—John Sherman
Potter—P. A. Stebbins.
I — Smith. '
Seder—D. B. Moyer
Somerset—Ed. Scull. tt
Sullivan—,T. J. Ingham. _
Susquehmum—Albert Chanibernini
Tiop—W. H. Smith.
Union—Win. Jones.
Venango—Jas. L. Cannel*.
Warrem—Myran Watem.
Wasbington John W.McWillinct.
Wayne-0. P. Waller. ' I
Westmccoland—J. A. Logan.
Wyoming—P. M. Gaterhont.
Phlladelphia—John Price Wet H.
0. Howell, W. H. Kern, Jas. N. Hems,
George H. Moor, - E ll iott, Samuel
Daniels, J. A. B onham, J. G. Butler, Jas.
MoManes, T. J. Coffey, Win. Sell aus4 Geo.
T. Grose, W. Harvey Money, col Samuel
Bell, Mahlon H. Dickinson, Henry 13umm,
George Deise.
' The Itemblican State Central Coremittee
will Inca atthe rooms of the National
Union Club, No. 1105• Chestnut i street,
Philadelphia, at 2 o'clock P. M. on TWA
day, the 12th day of May, 1868. A, full at
tendance is earnestly desired. I
Gamma A. Gnim,
Chairman State Central Comniitfee.
TUE DEMUCRATIC 111.1911191 T.,
A leading Democratic journal of
ifaine„ the ,Portland Argus, makes
the follOsting estimate of the result
of the first ballot in the approaching
Deingnratio National Conventionevlz:
Fok McClellan 112
" Pendleton, • 103
gar.cock, 107
In this estimate the Nentlngland
States and New York, with Califon
pia, Delaware, and Tennessee are
given to McClellan, most otthe Wes•
tern States, with Kentucky and West
Virginia to Pendleton, and the South
ern States and Pennsylvania to Han
cock. But certainly McClellan has
no such strength as this calculation
represents him to bare. Pendleton
seems likely to got many of the States
assigned to McClellan and Hancock
respectively. The N. Y. Bun remarks
that in all 'probability the contest in
the Convention will be between Gov.
Seymour and Mr. Pendleton,; and
sets down the following as the prob
able division of the votes at the
start s
For Pendleton, ..
For Seymour,
Dolabtful, ~„ . 26
In this estimate nearly aTB the
Western and Southern States are,
given to Pendleton, while New York, ,
New Jersey, Pennsylvania and the
New England Staten with the excep
tion of Maine, are , handed over to
Seymour. As the two-thirds rule,
will be enforced, and it will require
212 votes to select the candidate, it
is apparent that, if our estimate is
coned, there can be no nomination
on the first ballot. But the States of l
Oregon and Nevada, which we have
classed as doubtful, are more likely
to vote for Pendleton than for hie
competitor. In Maine, the Conven
tion of one district has also declared
for him ; and in Maryland, not only
are the - predominant. tendencies in
his favor, but some of the moat influ
ential Democratic politicians are
openly his advocates. As . the matter
appears to-day, his nomination by
the Convention on the Fourth of July
is more than probable ; but no man
can tell wha• may happen between
i 3
now and the meeting of the Conven
tion. These, are very rapid times,
and the plan of the shrewdest poli
ticians are often overset by causes
which come upon them by surprise.
of the State, almost without excep-
tion, arc loud in their praise of the
unifoimity with which Gen. CAMERON
votes for the Right in the Impeach
ment trial of the President. Penn
sylvania may well be proud of her
Senator. Gen. CAMERON takes a prac
tieakeommon sense view of the ques
tions involved in the trial. No man
understands better than he, the de
sires and convictions of the public.
Re realizes that long before articles
of impeachment had been preferred
agabist JontrsoN he had been arraign
ed before the bar of public opinion,
_conyicted of being a traitor to
his pit* and his principles, a tyrant
and despot, who was plotting the ru
in of the country. Sentence was long
since pronounced against him by the
people, who are really his triers, and
whose verdict the Senate should and
must respect. •
On the impeachment trial, as on
all other 'questions, the-votes of Gen.
CAUF t lifkldlaVC been of the most sound
and radical character. There is nev
et any question as to where his vote
will be cast. He boldly and truthful
ly represents the radical sentiment
of the State, for which he deserves
as he receives, the approval of every
sound and honest Republican. - •
STATE TR - EASCREIL=On Monday las ,
Gen. Ittalx entered 'upon the duties of
the office of the State Treasurer, to
which he was elected in January last,
W. H. KEMBLE, retiring. Mr. lambi.
will - unquestionably make a faithful
and popular officer, as he possesses
the ability, and we have no , doubt,
has the desire to administer the fi
nances of the State, in such a manner
as shall redound to her financial cred
it, and to the interests of the tax.
Mr. Isms has re-appointed M. H.
TAcoarr, Esq., as cashier of the de
partment, a responsible place, and ,
one which he has ably and honestly
filled for some years. He has also re
appointed as Chief Clerk, Wu. LEwis,
of this County, an appointment emi
neatly fit to be made.. Mr. LEWIS has
occupied one of the most important
desks in the Treasury for some time,
and has earned the reputation of be
ing an.efficient and valuable officer.
We congratulate Mr..laKui upon the
favorable auspices undet which he
commences his official life, and-pre
dict for him a worthy and popular
as, The election of Hon. GALL - BHA
A. Gaon as chairman of the State
Central Committee will be received
with the liveliest satisfaction by
every Republican. He possesses in
an eminent degree, the qualifications
necessary for a proper discharge of
the duties of that respowdble posi
tion. Energetic and persevering, he
will give his time and best exertions
during the canvass towards marshall
ing She forces of the Republican
party, and organizing for a vigorous
and successful . campaign. We hail
his alipointment as the premonition
of a "good time coming" in the
tics of Pennsylvania, when the ono
case of our principlet is not to bo
made secondary to the advancement
of mercenary and selfish scheme'.
DENT.—A despatch from Port ilervis,
says that. j iwo more victims; of the
fearful 'slaughter at Carr's Rock
have been added the past iteek to
the long list of the dead. Mi. Sty-
YOUR. B. FAITUI.A.N, editor of thapruira
Daily Advertiser, and Mit" MANY
STERLING, of Vallsburg s N. Y.
Miss &MING was uncoscious
the whole time, pith the exce jtion of
one day, when she was able to
recognize her friends.
Until the day of his death, Or near
ly so, hopes had been ent.nrtained
that Mr. Fallow; would recover, but
it was willed otherwise.!His re
mains were taken to Rimini Satur
day, and were accompanied; by his
sorrowing wife, his junior ipartner
Mr. CoLwri.i., at present Clerk of like
Senate, and other friends. Thia in
creases the number of the dead to
twenty-seven—a fearful record
against the Erie Railway. Company.
There remain at present ten i patients
at the Delaware House, and three at
the Minisink House, all of whom are
well cared for, and are in a lair way
for recovery. No ,more deaths are
anticipated. . - •
- The body hithefto 'eupposied-to be
that of Barnum ! SFLUISS, 14 Parisi
is that of ' t
doggie 'E.' Notyteen, of
Chicago, who was *Wailed by
friends who were in - . - search Of him.
He was insured for 28,000; and wea l
on hiß way to Near-York to' have .• 1
policies canceled, in Ovdeil to
some funds on them to 'relieve , .
from pecuniary embarrassrirsabs. n
der which he was laborb i g ! It '-!
now supposed that the burnt body o
an unknown person interred in Lau
rel Grove Cemetery. is that Of gnaw!
The French Consul has ,mitten
Coroner - VAIL signifying his_iptentio
of visiting the place, in order
identify &muss by articles founi
with the body.
The Compan have settled sever '1
claims for daMages, the amour/
paid ranging from $3O to slo,ool'
M4GGIE'IIOI7 received $9,000.
tended'Republican meeting was hel.
at the Court House, on Monday ev
ing last, Which was called to order
by C. K. Lew, Chairmaa of the Oogn•
ty Committee, and presided over . •
H. S. &Tem, Esq.
The meeting was then address:.
by Hon. (ho. LAimoic. Who gave a
- brief account of the &dnaof
Legislature last winter; . .
passed to the consideration of N
tional questions, which he • -
in his usual able and etoiptent m
JEFF. Derni'i bail , bondaw = • -
renewed in Richniond on §aturd l 47
HORACE GREIIPIIr t Poinictius Vav
BUILT, and GERRIT SNITS i l teMlie
ritiea in $25,000 each, the Tema . ..
$25,000 being gruintlieed by
of Richmond. The Mimed is to
appear at the next term ,of the 0,•
on being daily notified.; The j
annonnee that Chief Jiurtioe
vould be prepared to' trythe • -
immediately after the impeachm.n
trial close&
sir Jews Mum .
the belief that the cOustl i tntiot
to be presented for the endows" of
Visgbds, is altogether the !best one
she* ever had. ''
EstMk I% k
force, t
. Le shows itircothOte_uf
fcnn n
the store voted to Ouetithi it o:
ti - when iivisied --- ile
resol it mrtiutalli4 !!ri Oho**
in e..„..7gfar PPifxwent.i and: P i e :
iiiiii Ain the, Go se
erde • li . , the 'etteeliot to:teierilti Wm
• aPPP I34 Ihrisli44- iil as
hoe. f these five sepers • i te . &aldose
.of the Seniki, it woubil I*, Whet,
titillolt to tieb;*i ilOi ,it weld pee:
eibir tail. to 414414 ••
Mr.: JeggSol l
upon the Brit article • eciiupesehmest.
The Senate bacnot 'oily sided in ,
insking the law, but it has 'already
i, re
into . ted it, , and there can be ea*.
big eft . o it, even se i, jedlohl bait;
but reooguitigu of the hot of its
vie on.. -; .; , • ' '
' . lii ia'lmtite Lielletnie o fl
8 t!i0 , !MO: . Win t 4 i i l l 4 Pki i : ta l i ,
re '_ g fishing in.thiL. itasqualmm.
US isrpr; making it mi offence !to
01 snylish ' , basket Se WI trap in
the river; or fp fish with a seinsiiith
in . wo hundred yerde l if eny ',Jib:lc:el
or ffai-way erected for the , passage
of fish, nuke severe conikalties. - .
= T ide aw'iPt intended , for the 4ife.'
I Priiikstiof AA' 4 1 ? the 'suet*
*roughed the &Ste ,pad to the eye.
teMatic stocking of the waters and
the breeding of ffeb in them. The
"hi . h iiiitie of food .in thle obUntry In
anopirlion AO ' '44 It - .7wai a Jew
years ago i 'team it, labsolstely,na-:
co*, tory that pester economy .should
be used in the preservution. of .eveiy
article fist bin he 'used to sustain
lifp, and directs our attention to
t natural rescmtrees that lie with
our reach. The waterd Penn
4sylvanis abounded at one time is '
excellent fish nna in almost niundt,.
ell quantities ; but destructive op
tima of catching them, and a total
-gleot of the means necessary for
keeping up the stock have caused
them to become educe, and, as a
matter of course, very dear. In
France the producition of fish is as
much a - matter of business as the
raising of cattle cai- the growingpf
7heit,, and in ,England they am
ocking lakes and streams with
Mont and salmon: ,There is no good'
t * ason why it should not be done in
la 4ountry,:andwe, hOpe to_ see, the
ime when that excellent article of
liet will be as plenty and cheap as
fiver. •
Soon; Cenoixtut.This State, the
t to go out of.the Union, WiU, at
east be i the nett to the first to come
.1c and it comes•back with gen
. • e" republican 'form of government,"
oh as was contemplated in the
• • nstitetion: For. the first time in history the majority of her citizens
will now hive a `vote; and will' never
noeforth be regarded, in the langu.-
age of one of. her Senators,. the , as
"mudsills" of an autocratic form of
society. Se great has been the revo
lution in this respect that, not only
has impartial suffrage . secured the
Aupport of the tesjority, but even the
Democratic minority, ,of the State,
surpassing in !liberty . their party
"brethern of _the ! North, declared in
their State convention, their willing
ness, whenever they should have the
power,to grantthe - colored population,
"ender proper qualificatiOint as to
properttand intelligew,the right of
suffrage 7 .4 Ass sign of Democratia
progress this, is 'of interestg butother
wise it:is toe.. btte's The right kenf
frage is already acquired the
.freedmen, audit pan never betaken,.
froth there. It Will•soutui quite' as.
Welt for thinito Say Whit privileges
they wall henceforth grant In their
.democratic fella* Citizens, art for the.
latter. to setup Patronizing the form"-,
er.' The new eia for South has
begun, • and in the course of a few
years -we 'expect to see it prosper
_beyond all.foneer precedents.
1S• Tex Amendatory Bankrupt
Bill, passed by the House, is in three
sections. The fuvt section extends
the time mentioned in the second
clause,thirty-thio section of the origi
nal act,to the first of December. The
second section makes numerous ver.
bal changee,and the corrections in the
existing law is suggested by the .
Justice of the Oupteme Cwt. The
third section Scolds' the allowing
registers in bankruptcy to administer
t 2
oaths, and gir d s Commissioners, the
right to take , roof of , debts. The
agreement of , e Senate with the first
section ex l og the time msy be
regarded as doubtful, and in general
many leading penatore are;disinclin
ekto act uponf i the measure at all this
the 'speech
Were the
N r great
ion of the
the 13m.
mot.. Salmon Daus of Mis' iiouri has
published an eiddress to the people of
Missionri in hich he takes strong
ground in &vat. of impartial sniffy),
and reccenrmall a mordeomplete and
thorough organizittion throughout the
State. The prevalense of a strongly
disloyal element in the late slavehold
ing States la constant reminder, to
thoUghtful men, of the necessity as
'the duty of securing by Oonstitution.
aigiszeinte4 the equality of all men
before the
tizsrsipr &Foerze,the hushan4
ntAbbley Kelb , ,rOster, 1 1 ,11 0 many of
our-readers will remember :aeon of
the eirliestend inoefelocitund
ea in opposition to .111avemis Leotir
ing in. favori pf woman suffrage. in
'-4 7 i1114,,,the 22d, was teioted itO
deoaratiag the Isobel deed, in =lone pal.
de* 01 tha batik ipag at Oakum Xiii,k
Imo =llll VIII mita •
............mor ";.,:" ', .
, 1 ,
''Tflitainii** - Dkit,
opuippostmolopoothi . n
sank l
I# l lltt Pi*
pi, - ernibt, , iiiiiit 11119
the •
itiiiatiat 11ata 1 5 6 1 1 4
' his klioti6/01 td _
noon. Mr. Manager , than
°amasses the Sul argunene In the cue,
ihiCkeIAWAII .6 ii. lgooefokipool tiro4
awe aori bi piabia* , ififfelhei be
foe &big*. Suet vats. "
All Jes ot zYcefil .0, 1 - PAMPA IV silt
fricelli# l4 67 46 1 1101 64 W Wall*
al s *tcl! 'lO 'di NakA.K. lll2 o.**,
thijimitiiiiiii ofa too that hliaoolittg is
enithirc Mid MI6 elett \ eitt Agibikia sew
Sort *licit OW Obi will iota eddied his
sou rse and tom; ioa :0 Mantra
Grime of iota. Bader zezdeetTeeivbine
of west .va , ** et' 8C Tmeisinah
tatidbuti of - sk,- oad ihiaWa :of
Illidtma tO, which Will be a saksad MUD
bit to *oval eardoticia, ll' ease Senator
Vide dose not , Vote, if tie rola spoald
Prue to be. well
sill fornabod. But Ido not be.
&A thet r el Retertaleal senator gives
iniamition se, to how hole going to °sat a
kid vtote; - and I &icon/din& that three at
lesinof the &Woes mad in
_lb moo&
lag HO olio* ,tidal sir inorithey :bars
I made upon prehnitrup limations Mai
[ tfie . trial be counted O!daring 11904111.
'.:The fttlaterhisve ehotire rest !then/Win
'alicreing'qiii viiiiiiii took to die &ow
in the aftudaiime pf tesibecety, and . the
Odd JOiocklise, 10 far se, in hie 90Trpr,:b
'his VON* lialgotea tine4o l 4 for the
PMitideanitinmeet k In view of this, - thine
can I;. Po /mai kw., ,
_oltn9s Ortleaulax,
Or indecent heats, should * verdict for
, With the eseeptiort of thijuiteecheit 'field*
lisle* itts - •
arttatenb inett,b4A the
comet for the President, its ,medustite to
, Owl.lll /411410t1i, and theiceitorta 4sie bees
utak seitieragrksie diiisfs tome reAr to
mike'An imudSolkT. Alto *tat Pt .11 21 41 9
\ Weill was at, MI allggingt =two&
stamp Resch, baring but .WM elleruto7
to the itabjeet, end reigbi sell be *belied 1
atidaffat , the old pike Ze anarsged 101
4rel in AP Aite Vda case, whkdk le laid tom
be theatigin of the ,dialoultr .between the
Padden& and Jeraniah ik.' Bladr e and*
temptedSo made the hipreesioa got, swami
4the Managers were Wily ot an SHOOS
toldbeJudge Black to tarn his lookups
the Pseeldml9, la eandthistkin of War sign- 1
ing a letter willasing the IstPl4 of iblt
oisial of °attain private pieties by right of 1
discovery, tahe Island of AIM Vela. under i
a law of Congress passed some years egg
'bleb said ebbe . Judge. Black was-asking
the President to confirm and- mime, but
to which the President objected. The let
ter referred to, it was alleged by Judge Nel
son, was addressed to the Prmident, and
dated on the' 9th Mud', sone tWo weeks
after articles of impeachment laid been-pre
fared against him by the Home. It tuns'
out however upon an explanation of the
case, that the paper signed, was not at the
time the signatures were obtained, alias
ed in the fain dol.:afar to any paion, but
was a UNTO memorandum drawn up in the
form of a legal opinion, 'dinning the legal
ity of the claim, and a numbei of eminent
lawyers In the House, and Miens them
some of the Managers, video eonoineell in
the opinion, were asked to feign it, and did
sign it, news dreaming that tt was to anal
its way to the President 4but -which it ap
pears from Judge Black's own statement,
was after being signed, addressed without
authodfq, by hit son,' who Its $ practichig
attorney, to the President, with a , dew as , ° I
he supposed, of strengthening his side of
the ease. le
Mr. Emits, of New York. comes here sm•
der the 'Wig' protease of Wing a volun
teer counsel for the Prodded: claiming to
be a Republican, and not a political Mead,
he assumes that it is not the President who
thou WA, but the Constitution he is here
tudefend, and attempts to make the Senate
and the countrz believe it a work of pars
patriotism and reverence for the Constitu
tion, on hill part, that has induced him to
appeez in &fense of the President ; and in
assumbig this position. he clams roordi - _
denee„ and meets to gain a greater inlet
enio oyez the Senate. A vehother forme!
It is a Well grounded belief hero that he
*lmes ander the pay of the " whisky lea
gue" of New York City. who would wend
millions of dollars to retain, Andrew John
son in the Presidential ehair 'until the 4th'
Of Huth nest,' in order that , their framil
upon the revenue may be continued. ,The
reader will tally comprehend the import
ant* of tide issue to them, when they tall
to mind the fact that while the revenue tax
Per Salon on whisky. imposed by the ger/-
daunt, la, two donors per indlonorhisky
is sold in the New York motet at $1,50 to
,$l,BO per pan; and yet it comes into the
hands, of the purchaser with the packages
all. regularly ,stamped as provided by law, ,
and the stamps cancelled by the Govern.
meat agents, twenty to filly eanta per fisl-
Jenks, than the tax, while if the tax was
honestly paid, ar collection laws* en
forced by the goiernment agents, and the
ant of mannfactering added to the tax, it
could not be sold'at less than about $B,OO
per gallon ; hone the "league " can well
afford to fUrnish is volunteer " counsel for
the President.
While the trial of the Great Obstruction-
Was slowly progressing to a conclusion,
'the lately rebellious states are one after an
other being , restored to their former rela
tions in the Union. South. Carolina, the
former. nursery of nullification, secession,
treason, and rebellion, is the first to present
her constitution, which has -been ratified
and adopted in accordance with the provi:
/dons of the reamstruction laws, and asks
to be restored. Dr. Mackey, the President
of the °emanational Convention, present
ed to the President on Thursday last, an en
grossed oopy of,he /loath Carolina Coast'.
station, according to law. Arkansas, North
Carolina, Georgia and Louisiana, are ready
to do likewise, and several of the'new mem
bers from these states are already heiv,, and
will no doubt be admitted as soon as the
impeachment trial is ended.
Some mischievous joker, not having the
feat of the watchmen of , the White Haase,
Posted upon the outer wall of the . White
House the other night, a flaming placard,
whiehzesnained there Suing the forenoon
of the neat day, labelled "This- house to
let, inquire Of, the present occupant, who is
shoat to remove to Tennessee." •
About ten years have elapsed since the
rebels of the south attempted to overawe
the elections in Kiwi& to vote down frees
dean, and establish 'slavery therein, and
now the compliment is returned, by the
complete abolition of slavery, and the ea
tabliehment of the equality Of the citizens
of the rebellious states without distinction
of race or color. -
It new pretty well settled that the pres
ent session of ikanpreas will not 'interfere
with the currency queethin,., bat will pass a
new revenue bill, which will go far to re
move the burdens of , tuition, and will
probably pas a new tariff bill, before the
adjournment. C.
A steam boiler , exploded at Mal*
ewe, Web., on the pd. and Med eight
wariness, and vorunial tau others badly,
;Andrew , Dinkel was instantly
Maim Koaday, at Gin faaadry, Wm.
Ws, lqilke biaillog of a lugs jali
, —Three large breirettee entiteon
tents, vaned at $300,000, at Holston, Ta•
114 1 bin be total bre. :mese otihil i e
be Lam.: "
—Jaclob,M. fliaoll4 -. .ii h eithi Bar
anta4afillak* Biiitialßtatablicai
4•oloiiiiii.r, iiiar,lmatai a
1 111 1# 11 ( 1 0- 11 4:- - , biz; kik.
, lo lad
1)7 -, 1 . - 1 11 6 ger-1 1
publioist 14•101 • _... Cbi.
Chogibell, yet bola A i'''''' ' - °W. , - 1
one by narebs—afil bybreNal, and ones
tlr OW 'nfaleitilik afte-to
astled by bin props oak)
~ ,inr#o9. .
—lbil plifiltabeteleiste4 this ,
lin bi - .
.Irom. *Ala nited A - U '
Otaida CielOr i te . 11f4rtmLifter as 4th of
Illnidi; 1630;.‘dien mic,lir I!ones out. •
of t 1 ODn , - 1 „ ligi da• on 4i .4110ak
andti dedied la Pl ar
ibkikaidept. 4'
The Eiitailtiri (Ark4=
bailie mita ikikekt/0 8
,1 Pc* t,
Aram . 1 000 6 1% ; "i T 4' - oath.
litsy dlite I nfo;tiom
Wit for alum Dadriam
Rriilitliartil State
OmmWonsiMmAjsillebrWmei t i r
Ab4 loll26ll4 o oolo . l . entinitebblesfor
"4011110i::Imeake-to $49110490`,4-
ifiationiesAicticoick Pla..aogiege-
sedan a$ held at the same
43 / 1 "; -e l ig " - O k . ffaffs.. ta'OW B l% 11 .4
1061**00 far GA' *MO;
*OM of yeniont and of
reipsousui, aisle dat. , ,
gene to dr Mango•°omegas NM* 19th
of Key. The Wiescusda soldiers erili drat
Alamitos NaOonventioa tote held- in NU
*wakes al the 111th of Nay i
BJ ' Oder . Cif: Gen. _Sibley, coon- '
emiodiag 51 40 1 4 14 4405urgiu. radio
egAisestious *Augusta tha malt ot the
elliolirM4re PMalibitaff._
ingield.Reiublicaii. says
bind NW's that bdlh litt•Ckiv.
ths. of IPermlylvitritt, • dad Gov.
.ltint sof
Nov ltork, ass lab* Or idled thdreSaiten
rtt Wage it seats *Alia! and
Eh* amen of busbies; • are at, Washington ,
trybg trimirotiata flak delimits excliattim."
The New York-lithipasst thus
tau of Yr. Chase A short time ego
We thou* that the; hest gin. Which Ibis
* cad offer he the Gaming Chicago
-Convention was M. . Chase's Mustriens
rums. We n o w havereame to believe that
Nr. Chase would not acceptthe Republican
numbillikilh even if it were tendered. We
have equal minion to believe, also, that he
would accept the Democratic nonikaffon if
it could be tendered on a platform not in
maident with his wellAmown views of no
w suffrage,"
—Wm. D. Washburn, of Minneop
olls, a brother of all the Washburnes, is
- mine:llly mentioned to emceed Donnely
—A tiepubliean Steals Convention
is to be held inViaahville, Tom., on the
Mr Of JAW , next, to take =lon at the
Chicago nominations i and prepare for. the
Pro ddential =vase. _
—The State Aktotion in Florida
commenced illanday,to continue three days.
There are thie - e tickets in the field, as fol.
bows : • Bapublican Saaamoat Its= for
°lmre:nor; Wanunga. Gnaws, Lienten
antGovernor, and Lumen Slums for
, Cmagress. Dernocratio—(sows W. Soon,
Governor ; Aso W. • HALL. Litlitetailt•
Governor, and Ann Pernan for Congress.
The California State Convention
on Thundwtestructed its delegates to the
liatkorei Ocavention to vote for Gov. HAIG=
as Clellfoldell gait choice for the Presiden
cy. Should no advice be made by other
States for his nomination, the delegation is
instructed to unite with friends of Paarome-
Ton in the Herthreat, in demanding his non
union. •
The Chairman of the Fayette
oottety eonferese eats a meeting of the con
ferees orFayette, Westmoreland and India
sat counties, at: the Monongahela Moue,
Malang, an the 4th day of MaY next, to se
lect a delegate far that. Congressional Dis
trict to thallational Nominating Convention
at Obiesgo.
ie. It wux. be satisfactory to the
discharged soldiers of the volunteer
army, and to the widows, heirs, and
children of those whose discharge was
death, to learn that the lonvieferred
bounty claims are now being adjust
ed with a rapidity that will soon
exhaust the crowaed, files of applica
tions. About sixty thousand el l aidt
are now passed monthly through the
different'office& About two thirds of
these are settled by the Paymister
General, and the 'remainder by the
Second Auditor.
A Rum -Wcotss.—After thirty-six
years of litigation,the celebrated law
suit of Mrs. Gains has been settled
and the decision of the United States
Supreme Court in her favor renders
her the weathiest woman in America.
Mrs. Gaines claimed to be the daugh
ter of Daniel Clarke,lwho was born in
Sligo,lreland, and came to this wan
try on the invitation of a rich beam
lor uncle who made him his heir. In
1802 Mr. Clark married Zulema Car
rier,and Myra Clark (afterwards Mrs.
Osines)was born of this marriage.--
Disagreement arose between Mr. and
Mrs. Clark, and in .1807 they separat
ed. No public acknowledgment of
her Snot mi Wrier was ever made,and
Mrs. Clark married again. In 1818
_MOM Clarke made a will wherein he
recognised the legitimacy of Myra,
and devised her his immense property.
Yet, of this will his dangter was
kept in ignorance. She was reared
by a Mr. Davis, and knew nothing of
her parents or her rights. In 1882 she
married Ma j. Gen. Gaines. In examin
ing some old papers, by mere acci
dent, he obtained intimation of his
wife's parentage and claims, and a
suit was at once commenced against
Mr. Clark's executors. After a long
iz t l x = straggle Mrs. - Gaines has
in establishing her legiti
mate and rightful claims to her estate,
which is *Nth $20,000,00.
OAMEBOL—NO Senator in
Congress hi e s discharged his duty
more to the satisfaction of the loyal
people of the county, than the Hon.
Simon Cameron. While ether Sena
tofs have been floundering about,first
on one ride and then on the other,
leaving the people in great doubt
whether they had not been properly
influenced in the intonate of the Pres.
ident,,,General Cameron's votes have
been truly and steadily cut in the
interest of the people: No doubts or
fears are expressed with reference to
hie position, but a ecikatiilk!
eurity_that "all is well wthim,"
prevadee every loyal heart, that is
truly gratifying.—West Chester itepub•
--The cosi oil distillery of. Merritt,
Poliages. Co., Bauarsom, w tamed on
the 23& - - Logs $20,000, humraaee $15,000.
" —Samuel ,H. Waft, convicted of
elebneuei the Meal Masao Bilk
•Wtbilo petiondliyakorteildedi
cifired by .
Nltiaol4 of
dent Pot bii._
in Mlllegt to Aro
the . Al'Vela _ ery
asked MMus_ . language
tended •• a ehal-
WO to lii.l , ..4 liscdier I
plied that be was.-urge&OM by
.profesalonibit he had intended to con,
iiirc teManstOvrtim the bnproulon
that he [Ns l i.j Was ready to give
bina:anysadd au he might demand
He disclaimed any I"intention of in
suiting *Scuts. ,The motion le cen
sure war tail on they table. The order
prbvidingfor night seseions was next
oonsisdered. An amewdment was of
iiiiidbn.frota 10,
A, - hut ettmotioattte Whole subject
was id on thaiiible. Mr.livurs then
resumed hie argnment,• -atntoccupied
the reinainder of tai session, \ ,
• • .', -rally,- kitty i,lseti.
At the. opening Cr • the ' Court Mr.
Sums' resumed his argument bile- .
half of the President;' and spoke for
three hours. He wits follo Mr.
STANIMICV,WiiO com menced mobing
Wrgement fOr' the 'defame, but, after 1
*caking some time„ his strength
fined, and thete adjourned. He
will finish his rein tomorrow. ,
ltar 2, 3868.
O auetitht
n the Senate Mr. Bun- -
URY contin & hiai argunient for the
defence. 'He contended - that the pros
coition had faded ''entirely to Make a
_the ~President, sae:-
pressed amAdence - in obtainblit an
acquntal. Mr. usiafic strength
f• 4 Idcw before concluding" and a
clerk in the offi ce ad a considerable
portion of the ar eat .. Mr. STAN
tut himself; ho ever, read the con
cluding portio r.Which the Court.
adjourned. ,
easy, Kay 4,1868.
Immediately o' the assembling of
the Senate Mr. tomtit commenced
'the closing argu ent on " behalf of the
prosecution. II had not ginshed
remarks when the Senate adjourned.
It it expected thathe will occupy the
the greeter part of the session 'rues
day. • 1 ,
Mr. Bingham occupied Tuesday with
his remarks, without concluding, and
stated that he would require about an
hour Wednesday morning to finish.
The Senate probibly proceeded to the
consideration of the case Wednesday._
How long they may. , deliberate is un
certain ; as we go :to press Wednes
day we shall not be able to announce
the result. It may be expected at any
time after to-day (Thursday.) -
Dlfiltati AUDI BERrer.—The debate
in the British House of Cooimons, on
the Gladstone• resolutions for the dis
establishment pf the Irish Church,
closed with a tory defeat, even more
decisive than tlie two previous votes,
the first resolution being adapted by a
majority of sixty-five, being larger
than the majority _by which the - go ,- -
ernment was _, beaten before the
Baster vacation. This . was rendered
more significant by the bitter opposi
tion of the Premier, 'who pronounced
the scheme. one of confiscation and
violence, to wliich he said the people
of England would never cosent. This
defeat is regarded in London as de
cisive, and Disareli asked time to
deaide what course to pursue, which
was granted by an adjournment of
the House. What -his iconsultation
with the Queen may result in we can
only conjecture, but we think the
ci l with
Queen will a vise him to accept the
measure, and. procetd upon that poli
cy, as he did ' the Reform bill.—
He has the ante of doing that,or of
dissolving Parliament and appealing
to the busting% or of resigning the
seals of office. Trusting to his pres
tige on the - strength of the Reform
bill and • ...kby- - • triumph, he
may rer
RANcemiz.— _ account
from the Harrisburg State Guard of
the violence of the elephant Romeo
proves that the temper of the animal
is not to be ttuated,and.thatiie should
not be exhibrd in: _a public place :
"We have a eady given some partic
niers of the unties of this elephant,in
-eluding the murder pi' his keeper, and
we are now informed that although a
part of his taip from Hatborough to-
Lancasterll unattended with any
unwonted lisplaya of temper, he, a
short distarre this aide of Leamen
Place, agaia resumed his warlike
disposition„ and report hath it that
after arriving thuslar, his elephant
ship took a fancy that be did not
want to go any further,but concluded
to take the back track. This, how-
ever did not suit his proprietors, who
remonstrati with him with some
severity,at which he became enraged,
and proceeded to demolish things by
killing a horse,injurin several others,
tearing down fences and telegraph
poles,and:finally pitching a horse and
carriage, over the fence into a field.—
His managers were obliged to put
the chains on him, and then put him
through the customary process of
pounding and stabbing and ehooting,
fok over five hours, before the
huge brute would cry for quarter.—
He was then brought on , to Lancas
ter,wfiere ie arrived in time for the
evening exhibition.
Passematte REIINION.--For thirty
one 4ears the Presbyterians of the
United States have been.divided and
known reapactively as the New and
Old School, but a general Convention
of delegates from various divisions
adopted,laat year ,a basis for reunion
and it is now beingi discussed anii
acted upon in the subordinate synods
and. presbyteries whose ratification
is , necessary. The Presbytery of
Western New York recently met as
Buffalo, and unanimously agreed to
the proposed plan. Their example
.will probably be generally followed
throughout the country, and as the ,
leadingclergymen on both sides are
in favor Of the measure ngreat breach
of thirtylyears' standing will at last
be healed. The abrogation of slave
-17 and the prevalence of more liberal
views respecting abstract questions
of theology have materially paved the
I way for the unity of the denomina
&ominous Oomminiox.—A terrible
cue of human spontaneous - combit•
tion,which resulted in death,is report.
ed in Olevelud Ohio. The name of
the Min was Bernier. We learn that
he drank on a wager siilaige drinks
of whiskey and a pint of stock ale St
a sitting. With , bluing face and
starting eyes he reeled tdwards a gas
jet, in order to light his pipe, what
the no*ions gases issuing from his
mouth . sere instantly ablaze, and. he
poor wTetah was wan being consume
ed - by inward fire.
filiAlatot 0011ffon - •
";_‘•'Siesuibmr Caateron, :of ail .the der
essiktors ohm the commeneemiult 'of
thirisepesehmernt trial, IS one the
list Gaited and stesdfut on the
iigist side. He bag ffitter given
doeltall-v.ote,never once ranged Mak
self with the President's baebers,lm t .
his yea, yea--and , nay, nay, have
always been against the'grest Crim
inal on the trial. Gen. Cameron votes
and settpreeimel7 as his erstitstesii
Ather.S b" be m?y,faitering
wessay'be serve he "ems` lot be
among the number of the faithful
ness. 7
tort :r.
' --4116-1011-00ptitution-ef Lonisi.
ana luui bean ad pso4, and the Union iitio 4 .
ticket &Wad by at
zaajority r of 10,000 to
25,000r' -, =-. • 4 -
Weil; P
a' 60 10011 IteiPer
soar Casthsent
' tibia , ' ens
innahnod atm&
2 ieek4 itol . lilvy ElOribig• The rannhog
—The house of B. Stern, West
Po:4l*th Bt., New York, wws Maid.
bonds and jewelry, valued at s27^ i
Sundry night, - 4
—O, lif t . Thomas,. an -envelope. siiii
afactusor, of Boston. bas idsoonaed , 4
committing forsake to the, ananit Of oar
164000. - ~
—Twelve convicts at Clinton, N.
Y.) Basilan/1W escaped on the 22a. smi.
W v ad the mania day, and two,.
mai. '.` • i
—A in Alleiheny City on Irm
day night Irma Bylaw' fannery o l d
other properV valued at $50,000, as in
kw $20,000.
Nei 2btatist.."ments.
T 04. E
Desirable Assortment 'hods
L now betog op:nal at the &bar sOre,
They have not heretofore tplf
'C A 12, I"' Bi.-111
From 38 cents to $2 1: jstd, ot
Window Shades f; .sixtures,
BOOTS & 430 ES I
MIA. TS az 7 wA-PS- !
'Prom plc styles - 0,,t 34. to 1868
And the public gen 2/)% knowing we
N .2* V E's.
Towanda, May 6,186.
-*1 AT
,The autactiber woul d orm his friends and
the public generally, .he has now on hand,
and Is prepared to Vent order,
1 .
Democrat , and Lorna ',Maisons, at reduced
priors. I hays enured riy' shop, by adding a
superior p a int so d irmaii room. .rrhe differ
mt departments area* the charge of
I would ; inform the fiat that. I have secured
the services of Mr. ,IS. W..I3IdISON, formerly
of Waverly, who to charge of the Rahiting
Department, we IT now Poland to do all
kinds of ? L iam having just imeived the
largest and best sew stock of paints and
varnishes ever brovilt__._lllt4 the county. Ord
ers solicited and &Byars warranted. ' Repair
ing done on the mostellionable terms .
aplifllMEß VOSBURGH.
April '!b, 1868.-IjOIL
WANTED„• one having a
Copper Btlll,ft9m 3 to 5 barrels cap
city,and wUbing to ispose of the same. a.
drees#l6, (stating sio Ind price) F OR D.SANC.
Frank=dale, Bradlcd comity, Pa.
May 7, 1868.—tw
ICE 1 . 1-:The subscriber will
eoranneee rianig an ICE WAGON &mit
the ftrst of Way ,as will delver Ice to caste
sun at the followbr rste
6 pounds Per s 7 3 ars per week.
10 " 9 1
In eyes of the We up-to 50 Pounds Cr
day, 60tenta per hsdred . In excess ofs
60 cents per fiundr6. - : Payable'every Bator!
d /ids Ibst hicluderCar customers the the
seam . Commas rid be made by lit
of Kay. Parties 00 tin for Ice can cow
mane recelying•lt stoilime.' The patronage
of the public is soncitcl• •
. Towands, April 23. DM
The tindersignad We this day foisted s
co-Saltaell'hi be Wont as the o f
EINE & , FULLER, forte Purpose osa
on the above - hi:whose
mess making as
rePellitik&ine to ordatand all !Nark warranted.
Ca& pan for hides.
: 29t1868.
• law ud vary
Aboie for the littrpe:..
Macy be foun t
01 every detcpan
Ind impold.,t
In endlesP J•
native& wille lipid at a
We cordially iTge our
" - .OP THE : tilatfiOit;
- • S
&ring and Summer Irafie !
ke., et prices ellkkt Ike rack Si ILL
4 g
DRESS Goons.
DBEs sizars r .
ALP.A t oAS"
A splendid variety in all the new 'styles
The finest assortment
All the
Styles Hats and Caps !
~ ~:
W .
V 1
W .~
Misses & Chilarens Shoes
And in all styles. We would
To our large stock of
0 "R 4 T S,
oiL , TJ,oTgs,
MALT I N Ci; !
;" •
All the New Stiles In
And White .Tucked Skirts
tacilivest , CaSh Prices*:
Towanda, NU 411868.
v'J g
• ti
01 the
Of wbM3
b i
The ceiebruted
AT - In