trarisfroeta Nations: --The Ohio &ludo has indefhlitely postponed.* li3U to allow a nigher rata of interest than ids per emit, on spatial , o traet:t . —The Mavaachneetta Ltgielature viiiited,the /loom Tunnel Thursdity end inspected tharprOgress of the work.. A.disastrous fire oocurrecilhurz• day at EA. Martins, deotroyiattereivit es and other property. Theless is Asthma': Lod at $30,0 00 . —While a Fenian Meeting %yea irg held in Heal3's HidiMdcagoi an thuli dAY night, the flooring gave vray, and the audietnee.were precipitated to the floor ha- I¢w: One person received injuries of wl4h he subsequently died, and several others *ere badly injured. —The total amount of insurance on the lives of the vit rvi and wounded by the late accident on the Erie Railroad, hear Port Jervis, is $114,000. Of this amount - the Railway Passengers. Assurance Compa _ ny, of Hartford, has $31,000 ; the Travel ers Insurance Company, $5,000 ; the Knick erbocker Life Insurance Company, $20,000, and thu Guardian Mutual Company, $5,000. —An express train ran off - the • traction Tuesday night near North-Vernon, Ohio, and the_szpress car took fire and was , destroyed together with its ormtentis. —A bonded warehouse r $30,000 - worth of whiskey lately seized by Govern men, and a distillery were bitmed near Day , ton, Ohio, on Tuesday. - - —Four men were arrested at Jeff - ersonville, Indians, charged with haTisg conspired with others to rob the pay train On the Jeffersonville Railroad. and to mur der the persons in charge of it. Two other men who - Were _suspected- 'escaped. The • men rgTested were employed on the road. • . --The Fremen'a . 4avings Bank in Charleston revcd $81,665 on deposit daring last March. —Pastor Pilatte, an eminent French preacher and writer, is ;taming to We country, under the attspicee of the Evangelical SoCiety of Parte. —Stalks of winter wheat grown in Georgia. which were already Leaded. were last wee} - Ice Ex change oi ready been nionumer ford, col -At all thp a has been managci silver chalice, ___ antiqui have illmady been procured in Aby'sinia for the British Museum. —An artesian well en the Colt es tate, at Hartford, has - reached the depth of 1,100 feet. It ifi r to be bored 200 feet deep- ' —A _ sheet of ice,., twenty-four • inches thick, covered the surface of Lake Wininpisogie on April 13. Last year on 1 - I'he same day steamers wets-tanning. —A Tonnesseean recently commit ted suicide because his wife confessed to having "ki s esed divers and sundry men in her life," before their acquaintance com menced. —The new hotel in Brookfield, just completed, and owned by Geo. Mitchell end others, was destroyed by fire on Thurs day night. The loss is estimated at 520,- 000. The property was insured for $B,OOO in Worcester, Springfield and Fitchburg offices. - —Membership of- a base-ball club caused a young may in Fort Wayne, Ind., to neglect his business.and consequently to lose his situation. Idleness led him into evil' . ways, and on the 22d blatant he was detected in stealing . valuable Utters from the Post-office boxes, and was*. lodged in jail. —A cullision between a mail and freight train occurred yesterday afternoon near Bethel, pd' the 'Vermont Central Rail road, killing Mr. Hazzard, the baggage mai,ter, arlitinjfiring Mr. Webster, the En- glDeer —Then! is still much suffering in . Edward's Island among" the farming popul.dion, occasioned -by the scarcity of fodder Which has compelled them to feed grain and roots to theft. stock. In Bedeque a rich and flourishing settlement; hay is selling at Stria ton and straw at $l6. —Ttic_savine ban Ka of San Fran !ism, artilaainly patronized by the workin ein.sse.{, contain $700,000 deposits In gold —At ;t. Louie,• sixty, boats are , ulv,itim,,l to leave for the Rocky Mountain ,--Af l cgiou. A large trile . from the plains and mountains is exp.:et:NC • .., • —rvuthern patqa announce with great satisfaction that Butler, as chief Manager of the impeachment trial, is called "Sergeant Ituftriz." Have They for - gotten-that Sergeant B. won his case. - —There are said to be a thousand Sweden, and their descendants now living in Gloucester, Mess They follow fishing, and are a Worthy class of citizens. —The convicts of, the Clinton pris on who were at work in : the iron' mine 600 : feet below ground, attacked their keeper on Wednesday, and , , reaching the surface es, cared to the woods. Nine of them have been recaptured. Among those still nt large is Geo. Gordon, iiho was sentenced to prison for life for the murder of a drover in Albany. —Mr. Chaydeayne, of Titusville, whose wife and daughter were very serious ly injured by the fearful accident at Angola has effected a settlement with the railroad company, by which he has received the sum of $lO,OOO. —VOlue'y Winehell, a broker, for merly doing business in Springfield. Mass., left that city two weeks since, having in his poseasion a large amount in bonds and and oilier securities, and has not since been .liard from. Ile is supposed to have ab. s conded. .1 —The nt annual fair of the New York State Agricltnral Society is- to be held ip Eoclaoster on the 29th and 30th days of Septembel-; 'rind the Ist and 2d days of October. —_Gov, Bullock, in- a message to the Massachusetts Legislature, decline aiguing the Liquor License litw recently passed, but does tot veto it, heride — it be comes a law. ---A nights 'since some of the members of the Su Klux Elan, in Itiatiippi, attempted to frighten some negroes, when the blacks attacked them ,and killed one of their number. —The rentnant of the Seminole: In dians kit' in Florida acem disposed to be unpleasant, neighbors. They ieeently burn ed alive a captured white man. —Daniel Drew is reported to have purchased -a -private sesidence In rifty- . fourth street, near St. Luke ' s Hospital, at a cost of 3.0.8*0L — Th6p l encla'cr,op ift`Deliware has been killed by the trait and 'snow, In the West an abitndant field of all garb; of fruit is promised. taiford Stptivttt Towinda l Thursday, Apr 80, 1 Republican State Ti 00,16 FOS =DEM CLINZIAL.W Gen. Solna. Entrant, offirentedlineyeb. - FOB sum= ozzicono Col. Jacob M. Campbell, of Cambria Co. Enlanement of the Reporter. We this week present TEE RE PQATItat„.,,to patrons, enlarged by -the addition of one column to each phgViiiidiiith the columns length ened, adding one-third to the former size of the paper. This enlarge though it will - add materially to the cnrrent expenses of the office, had become a matter of necessity, in order to accommodate the adver- tising which sought admission, and at the same time enable us to justice to our readers in the variety of its contents. - For some months, we have been aware, that, advertisements have occupied too much of the space we desigried Sor,:reading matter, al though we have scrupulously refused to palish all, those not belonging especially to the business of the town and county..-.We shall now have ample space for advertisements, and at the same time , to give the va riety and freshness to our columns, demanded by the number and intel ligence of our readers, and tile size and impOrta,nce -of the Oddity. Although nearly doubling the size -of the paper, no advance Jill be made in the price, bit it will be furnished at previous rates. We shall continuo to adhere, as far as pet - 3sible, to our system of advance payment!, the only one by whictra paper can be made prosperous. We shall now print one of the largest country papers in the State —making it the cheapest paper in the Commonwealth. ITo the Republicans of Bradford, Eve al ion of a at Gull- •fiftit of Thilways who have in the past, generously sustained THE REPORTER, we look -with confidence for continued patron ago and approbation in the future. We are on the eve of a great con test—out of which we are to emerge victorious, but not without the strict est vigilance afid the hardest work. We areinot to achieve sueoess with out ank,Fffort. raven the great name of GRANT, popular as it is, will not command triumph, without zealous, persistent labor. One of the best weapons to be used, is the Press. And we believe that no paper has so powerful an influence, as a well conducted local journal. Our ene mies are already making use of this auxiliary, and are sending their pa pers into every neighborhood. In the coming canvass we propose to do yeoman's service. The prin ciples for which we have contended for years, through many a hard fought campaign, are no less at is sue now, than when the rallying cry / was Free Soil, and Free Speech.— With the nominations at Chicago; we will commence furnishing THE RE PORTER for the campaign, until the November election shall witness the election of GRANT, and the sue . cess—we trust, the final success— of Rep nblican principles. We will furnish THE REPORTER, to clubs, and for the Campaign as follows :-- Single Copies, one year, - $ 2,00 Ten Copies,. " " - w .15,00 (and we will send THE REPORTER gratis to the person who sends us the club.) Campaign subscribers, from June 1, to December 1, (six months) not less than 10 copies sent to one address, at seventy-five cents each. Those of our friends who are de sirous of aiding in extending the circulation and usefulness of TEE REPORTER, are requested ,to do so without further notice. , --We shall not forward subscription papers to any _post _office, and we trust that no one will wait to receive them, but proceed •at once to procure clubs.— We hereby appoint every Republi cp au agent to get up clubs. oss mis TUE WILMOT PROVISO. . The death of judge Virnmer hes been the occasion of several publi cations in regard to the authorship of the celebrated Proviso, so widely know, and identified with his name. One account ascribes its authorship and, origih(to a dinner party of New York Bar4urners, which we take it is ::4n in`iehtion of the writer. On our outside, is a letter from Judge BRItiKERHOFF, of Ohio, who claims the paternity of the measure, alleging that the Proviso was originally draft ed by him, and placed in Judge Wn, nor's hands to offer, he being the moat likely to be awarded the floor by the Speaker. Judge B. however, does not claim any especial merit for having drafted the Proviso as it was a necessity of the, times. We see nothing improbable in the narrative of Judge BRUIZEILI/OFF, as we have never understood Judge Waxer al claiming any great credit for having -offered the Proviso as the amendment to the Two Million Bill. He always insisted that it was offer ed after consultation with leading Northern. Democrats, and that it was a literal copy of the .celebrated Jef fersonian Ordinance,- which guaran teed freedom to the 'Northwestern Territory. The Anessure in itself waa .not an original ides, sail. was made ab soiately imperative, by the uncork• eeileitaurpoiseor acquiring new ter tin3,ry for the occupation end spread of Slivery. The ,annexalion of Ter as, .isio.c : h Mr. litrumorp_with most of • -;- MN= the Northern Demooreti had .f p. pertea, wits Mimed byes wat-wth be acquired from theapleal of iy: Dereoariti, feeling that they haOrn wittingly.beenmatkinseolto adrmm measures which they did not apprOtre. Whoever may have made the erig inil draft ot thif the endorsement 4, poet Ptibe•Prm'i hers from the 'Free States.: •• Those' who adhered to firtlitorigir goeidwrgll evil report;thiCrigli - subcias versity, despite the blandisluitei 4 rto place and the, denuncia l tions of poy-1 et,' are the preu - who deserve credit,. -and have Wei bettered bY the 13ftion: Oonspicrionaaniongst the gallant bind' was Dann Wilmot' As alildri.RlUSA-, IMHOFF justly Basta. Mr. W.•hiPila come, , by, his votes- on the Tariff, a' favorite with the 'Southern leadets.' But that did not save - OF fir:!EP the persecution _and obloquy:— He found himself deserted byAnany of the men wirtitad advised the of feringef the Proviso; 'but atm in the hour of trial, prived faithless and succumbed. before the :tlatteriewand persuasions of the slavery propagan dists. A young and prominent Be*: ocrat; I•he. of the "strictest ,Isr. the faith," wan ; ostracise ; 6 1 2 d IT? scribed by the • leaders , of tint partyi and discointenftneedlithelgational Administration.' It was hit ebtitige 104 constancy, 'through - ,lll;,,:theie scenes , so ti‘Al_4o • pith:m. 11u t gave Judge Wuxotareputatiowwith the Mende ct man might wig to Whatever of meritte may hate been in the origin and tibia of the Proviso, and 'whoever may deserve the credit of it, no one u4ll i4nestion Mr. Armor's right to the reputation which he acquired as a consistent and eloquent advocate of the princi. --ple of the Proviso, to wit : The re striction of the spread of Slatery.— For years, he was the fearless and able champion of Free Speech and Free Labor. He lived to see the cause of Freedom . triumphant ;• the institution of Blavery overthrown, through the crimes of the slavebold era, and the curse eradicated. To. wards this glorious consummation he contributed as much.lls any ork o mah, by his bold denituciatierui. of the. " sum 'of human villiabiee,h and by his eloquent and stirring small: for the cause of Haman Bights. ea. The Revenue .Boanl of this Commonwealth increased the vain tion of Bradford - County ',upon .per sepal property over the assessment and return of the CountrOomia sioners, about $1,900,000, Making the increased tax, each year, $5477- 80—and in three years, $16,128 40— exclusive of per oentage for collect ing. Which would require the sum of $23,4E4 12 to be paid by this County for the years 1866-7-8. The tax payers of this County, we knoW, will be glad to learn that by an act of the Legislature paseed last 1 1 Winter, a deduction of 50 per cent. of the excess over the original assess ment has been allowed, which. saves to them, the payment of the nice d m= of $11,757 06—or nearly one-half of the State tax - for the three years mentioned. It is but justice to say that the ever-vigilant Clerk to the Commissioners, B. B. Ovum:ton, has been indefatigable in his endeavors to save the payment of this unjust assessment, and that Blessrs. , LAlMON, Wasp and CHAMBERLAIN, deserve cred for the passage of the law. , ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION or Pipzw ALesur.-A cable telegram from Lon don, dated the 516th ; Wet., gives the particulars of an attempt to assess' , nate Prince Alum, at Sydney, Aye tralia, on the 12th of March, by as Irishman named Faun', •who shot the Prince in the back. FARREL is said to be a Fenian. - The ball was not extracted from the wound until two days -afterward.? The wound is dangerous and painful, but the Prince is doing well—beyond even the hopes of his physician. His recovery will necessarily be slow.-- According 'to the advice of his medi cal attendants,.the Prince sailed for England. The attempted assassination of Prince Aril= by the Fenian Poplin', has produced the most profound ex citement from end of England•to the other. The press teems with (inun dation of the assassin; and among the people, with whom the Prince Wall a great favorite, the crime forms the great topic of conversation. MS. A short time ago Gov, Geary, , and the Republican - members of the Pennsylvania Leghdatureomited in s letter to the Ron Simon Oameroff, urging him, in the event or the remo val of President Johnson, to use his influence in favor of having Hon. M. Stanton appointed Secretary of the Treasury under the new administra tion. This fact being made known to Mr. Stanton, he addressed the fol lowing letter to Mr. Oameron : Wes Deresenorr, t Wasineceros, Age 1114.1868. I Hon. Eynon Ormeron Din 13nt : Pereeivtag in this morning's Ousel,* that a comonnviestion has been signed by the Governor of your _Slate, the Republican members ottbe other wavomassking your noommendsti ovi for my transfer.opoa a certain contingency. to the had of the Treasury Desit hasten the request. earnestly Mire reeomme to ndsdatibe made. has been devoted to pubikr deSes. and no ecmsiderstion can induce mete moms those of the, TvessumDepainvent. or to continue in the. W for ar deportmen o intmentloner Gan may be reqrneGm appointment and confirms- I lion of my sueeessor. • Yonn truly; • Einint 11!. Swarm —Virginia is rejoicing over the; prospect ofs ociwidamble ernigEadal- bps' Rat* houlSend and &Mend. to prbient the mis s of I ganeral Whim* and pe - ire- Vial bY.- irrnsOiiiiibb - -"- - tilitialf,lbi p r4 P e iS C I I P? g t ` a c k l . .4 41 14404:01, ibNpmnsiscuinau9l444. Pt,r9 oho tAO II OI I.rigl 919 .Sect .of toft;`c*Piicai!owfil ifith• 0t...144,-*lsoi, *Ask oil a 4 h tis r i b o ims ,eoo fisriso , tai tif_ o ,:this„ r ,„ ii , ts74-4„•_,:e0310.4,0444..:904-21 :9f,sen-pet venV ef Ahcf•anoseeiptibi.l When this , stiteinbt, -pitipeity,,Oi • , shall have ben aeluicowleftedl V th e gewreitifY 9etilitai r' tike:C9. o it. *1 teled 'Pa Y whalkw thO ikilkilfbig Pww-1 mil : and privileges ;ander the. Oil*: -ust, ,; • „, • ; ,!... ;;.• h; ~.. --r - - 1 .- • :1 ` litrifOrciflive __ .Ire'ftli 804;6 - .1 ratanamsfastlie - pselodi angled baits ail-t, Asit of asecitiop•:," - k_ , !• !' -)i---•);.• I &wadi ,ened,,,ameelebit and defend, bans - ' •oibur_ar--equitr ! .. - • 11644 To • ; 'thilitdise . i•boassucuTa, 1 ant abet the lomat pleamtha- ' .-- ! ; -: • • 1 , To hold,. ssul, ,, eonvey. nob reelviel pezionsi motets sal ; jhe puvp -1 , of the:ol o22 Wibwr 04 lw liwi;sW ' the Emu*. llsittsd,lii the Artie" of -;:. IT: ~ti.;: • •••:: --,- . • : TO - _.. heliktei:offiesurszot Ma ai tilt .iot the ocupprefaei reqw*stidl 4 k P,W - thert akft4!a l3 bi li/o= tl 1/31zUti To =tar by-talis -nal ineieudsteSt with ehrsitatin liv • *Abe nisasgenzent 011ie peopertme4pguletion f, Ate?affeka, 'ma far irliv triniglF'g iik 4 o4 l K ! k - , 11 !tl Ol: th PY : * l O4 l OP4 O:9AP! 6' izik,l4ectr tbo,44l9ciaiioamedkio to' jerospootua,‘,sis. , fully - ,l4.:arky nail* - orestkag hy . #opial - "ifct d., . e legielatiire i'44 - 4 0 1f*Itit'' 1#1.1: are thitiO . 3 4,4 41 , 4.44- sight and privilegeo i an d ;, ate :Subjected:ta r all the restrictidnai and liabilities ;riveted or impeed i ' in the ' 'old ,rail idad_ law o 'l obitiary 14' 18,4.9.7- Thus chartered, the companies are • i . ri?quired to complete and open the first -50. miles of the' road , within five years ; six months more .being al ldwed for each additional 2fs miles,— ilranch - roads, connecting with dui. amain line,tare else' ;authorized under Ate act ; and When the 'directors of, t i o companies 'cannot agree on=inn• tually satisfaetory, terms , respecting the junction of the roads, the Court tCommon Pleas 'of the tistriat: in hich the . connection , is ' te"he made ikall . have the final arbitration of the nestion, ; This brief sketch of mrincipal featnres of the new law ost essential I, partictoltirs simile!' to that of New torli. f'.-------New•----r-_ ft Iq We have heretofcire briefly' alluded to the.nstounding fiatKla veipetrated fast fall in the; Senatorial, election district, composed, of the counties of Blair, - Huntingdon, Crntre , Juniata an&Ferry. The 'election was Contested by J. IL Robinson, Repub lican, and after many weeks of pa: tient investigation the. Senate Com mittee reported in hie \favor, and against his Copperhead opponent, S. ° T. Shugart. The investigation developed the most, daring frauds on the part of the Copperheads, and thows conclusively how the Republi ns lost the eleCtion last fall. " • For the purpose of showing out readers some of the sharp operations bf the Cops, we annex a moderate ose of the evidence taken before the . ommittee. - Rev. Robert Tracy of the Roman Oath°. "o Church testified ,as follows : lam the Priest 'of thecongreption at Clearfield ; I did pay Michael • O'Meara $5OO • before the investigation commenced ; it was in his lowa house at Clearfield, in the evening, 'bold a week before:the trial ; in considera tion of it he was to leave the State, and re. 'marl absent far.thortio months • Mr. Borman the boss of Collina an the rail road, gave me ttte . money to tive him for that purpose. I mconVersations with the ' man who gave the money ; no other party had knoril xidge of the transaction that I know of ; I died Cclreerniince*lth lir. Wallace on 'the subjec of getting him to leave the State ; I understand that he was to remain ~ : cut until after this:trial should cease • he is ;the only person that . knew of ' the trims:Lc ition that lem aura of ; he warithe only ,one that gave me any money, or authorized ran to give any; he said; aaregards" himself 'he would not give any, as utwas not neces. racy • I saw 0 Goranm within two weeks, [at Clearfield; I know JrupwrOollins ; have. seen him about two months ago; I do not know from whom I the money came that Garman paid me ; the Mr. Wallace I men /ioned was Senator Wallace, the Chairman of the Democrathr State Central Com imittee." What dq houest Democrats think '!of this ? and yet in the face of such :stupendous frauds, Copperhead pa : pets denounce the Registry la* re cently passed by the Legislature. ; nor". mamas ancuctrit. A-mirrespondent from. Washington in giving a sketch of the prominent Members bf Congress thus speaks of ;our Member "The present Congress, iis the most orderly awl ei b emplary in iits character, di any convened here 'Since my acquaintinee at the Capitol. 'ln the House, do not know a single member of the 109 who is habitually intemperate, an 4 a large number are earnest advocates; of temperance. In this apseet the example ' of the Rep. remintative of your min District,HOn :. U. Mercur, ie . most worthy of imita- I tion. Strictly -.temperate, always in his plaee,trueto his political cosmic. tions, ;an earnest advocate of the most advanced ~dectrines of republi- • canism,hs commis:As the respect and confidence of the House, to a degree that reflects Credit, and commands consideration for his district." Tni ,ButcrtOma---Siotrrn.--The oleo tions*the SoOhern' States aro pro-, g re m in g quilrY• In Georgia 'some isturbanoe U& place at different pale, and in - Oreral instances collie alone betweeti like whites and blacks occurred. Tiler latest .advices repre 7 sent that the rlsult was doubtful, but strong hopes' 'are entertained that the radical ticket has been successful. The return" from LonehMa are not full, bat oullleleitthave to leavo no doubt auto theammesit of the Regtial- State ticket. lite ttew cenetj*on has , tbeen'adoiO4,l*# larger*oritY ,jlSO: coeeikl tatib. , • "n 41 4 •, , # act, that ber a law days • !AL • .11 of* igmlatnie elected y rge mJorities. it is wortly of note at in most of these eliations.ihe not lees company kr 1g or rtmz, . one may be State, except incorporated clsmbre antlaboleal VigirahtlfiVitifiCirettliftibOieWier And - with_ whati: !mess result 11 2 "3- ITTATI n CTI j i 4c l-.1 . gaiVerliroiiaiii . tt - .' ilea -state tiiiiitiilliiiititikiiiilii;e car 4 . ~..IthwifitAWiiy +AQ,(l(fi o r A 00;! Pni°4 ;1114,/j14!17,34,&1:049-44, 70144944011,qpil*res t agrnsikig:. I*4. "i*Oel*PgfillriißtitrY; #kr Atipte 41 1 81.40.41, ;.. ~,,,,,,K, . ,„ , i--.•,.. i I:. 745,43 #o9nB-44m. *SI kuibis, M4 - 4.oppiEjelpiii , aiksi.-V#oo4 tv -70 e pw,:ikt:rmificaticgi ,, ot th#-,40.wi, Fl,4oda and Fjrginier f*Rodtthelre, -and tbey.onieit-1 4 1 4 8 14 8 iPPi 5 1 r:sfudarbr, *914 4-10918, Vonvention: (4 1 !la4xl!rexwi February,but' ktetfilArdeted , atiaentbleaf-11 1 1 0:64. 3, 49a. for -tlo s fNtjscatiott: in fifF- 1 4-1 0 1 1 Pc.ctir , eady lu May. i101•1411P4 #igiPt. . 0 : 4—The Delaware Republican'.Siaie Convention met at: RisTat Wedneetliy and ohm" delegates, to ; the chtsugo Conven tion. Gen. Grant was ileidflifpdr,the : .fillit ehploe „of,Delityare , ,The goovention,loyc*,' , lfx: Nadel tor, Vacp r i°l4 l „ iii ttkb4: 4l '4? e riP i,9 o 4lo4oB 1-4 t 0,11 1 r : he enioCrata fraseachtteette wnl hold kgonve,l4tiii WorCe*tet•MAY °;l4-W la' del lg a # tat • large 404hci Na- ' Pention. 4,t, is propasedsto dome Paticict ; delegatesat-ttiofouno time. ' ,! . ...4!overnor 'Fletcher, of idiut4orn;i, irbblieais MO State_ delegation to s OlLcago,, states that the will vot'e solid for Kr. Wade for the Viee.Presidenc,y, , the Des Wines Begister 1 arcs th;it Wllspn will not be - a di date for ri.nnomination in the First lowa iponamesional biettiot. —During the five years the 'Repub.; Ream Hof Indiana - h'ave been in power, they have reduced the State debt more than one half, besides paying all the war expenses of the State. --The . Hon. George A. Halsey will not accet a re-nomination to Congress from New Jersey._ ' —4llrj. Bristol, State' Treasurer of West Virginta, is a Republican candidate for Congress in the Second District. .. —The Bridgeport ,(COm4) \Stand ardt•nominates. Ez-Goir. Buckingham es: Vice-President, "or any other ofllce." . --Virginia is entitled to eight rep resentatives in Congress to be elected from districts, and one at largo. , , 41-en.lBicirlets,one of the delegates at blig k from New York to the Chicagd Con vention is a prominent candidate for Pres ident of the Convention. —There iii a probability that Gen. Janies S. Negley will betheltepiablicart can didate for Congress In the ,Twenty-second (Pittsburgh) District of - thin State. - • —The prominent candidates for United States Senator before. the Connecti cut Legislature are expected to be Ex-Gov. Hawley, Ex-Gov. ] Buckingham, the Hon: Augustus Brandegee, and the Hon. Henry B. Harrison. • —Senator Cameron, of all the Sen ators since the commencement of the im peachment trial, (says the Gettysburg .Star) is one of the most earnest and steadfast on the right side. He has never given a doubt fel vote, never once ranged, himself with the President's backers. • ' 1 —The Indepen dent, IFhich.has hith erto urged the no tion i of Chief-Justice Chase for the ,Pr 'dewy iby the Republi cans,era now recalls its advocacy, upon the ground that the .Bcpublican party can no longer with propriety-regard bim as one of its leaders. , I 1 • 1 r• .PEASO2 4 TAL • • --Rev. Francis ViraterEi, a venera-. ble minister ) of the °Methodist Protestant Church, died at Mr residence in Baltimore on Thursday, aged 77 *ears. S. Mansfield, formerly of the , FiretNational : Bank. in New Orlearei, was -arrested in that: city Wednesday. • by order of United States. Coramissioner. Weller: on tha charge of ,00mplieity , in burning- the Steamer Shooting Star. OA • which $lOO,OOO insurance was collected. -Hon. Alexander W. Buel, a prom inent eitizen of Detroit, ''died on Saturday night last,' aged 55 years. 'He Ims held many offices of public trust in city and county, was a member of the State Legislature four termsousd in Congress from 1849 to 1851. He was a native of Casalebar, Butland Con te, Vt., and graduated_at ! ihe Vermont Uni versity in 1831. 1 —Hon. Anson Burlingame and suite will leave San Francisco for New York in the steamer , Colorado, on the 30th inst. ' —Right Rev. Oiceio S. 'Hawks, D. D., who for twenty-four years has been the Episcopal Bishop of Missouri, died'in St. Lords - % on Sunday, week, aged fifty=flie years. 'He was born in Nowbern, N. Cs; was a brother of Rev. Eraneis Hawks, D. New York, and Was for seven years Hector of Trinity Church, in Diffale: —Hon. Samuel Shellabarger, of Ohio, .has been entirely cured of the , disease with which hp : hes been long afflicted, and needs now Oily,a brief interval for -the re cruiting of the strength I and vigor necessa ry for the performance of his public. duties. —Henry W. Lorigfellow, with his famik, 'will pace the summer in Europe. —Wendell Phillips made the dos :ingalirese at the Boston Czetan,Fikir. '—Queen Victoria, has telegraphed n message , of condolence -to Mrs. D'Arcy McGee. *.• —No leiss than three lives df Gen. Grant are being published in Bartibrd, Collunetiemt. 7-General Wilder has arrived .at ,Gbattanooga with man and machinery for his aontomplated iron mannfaatory.l fine portrait bf. the late Joseph AgTi.wiran, ben been Piaeed in the ioom of the Detroit' Board of Trade. . • .--The Prince and Princess of Wales are on a , visit to Ireland, where they are Coat*, reosived„ • The visit is probably a i4)/4101d one. , r, Diekins watt entertain ed in Nevrlrork, - on Saturday: amain& by nresrhers of the prelre of - Una' 'city. He left,in Tuesday forligbrtid. '•' Christopher, pager, ,Esq., for 20 tears' Presidentof tire Farmer's Bank of Lancaster, died on die £sth inst.. —A monument to the late Earl of Of Bosse, the distinguished: . rutironoiner; ie ki be erected hr Iseiana. --the *v. *m-,11. of PhPi!44.4oi Atittublan*Gl4 . , bie".position "' in "ooaiei~aeaoe !:41 has Caen introduced -Into " t a lis = g boit ubt UT lsing Privilege • iiptot _ ap , Wriit6sod-forlowerepentin the f, , Ointird has ptiblishe,d ;Node atykeli the mitt:emphatic teen= tkpeporte wised* mateVeeniel the, Mlaatie betweewthe steen*e Oahe t‘wd Ci. 4, of Peri& , 4 )I ;!,Afrif.'74itrard J,i94e,Rf our wager 00. cs 3 0 1 , 11 0k ) .• I)* a few qa* AU. : nag" 90 Y11110414' 4 deffinied` Cciii'an pas .supk, titlAhlsig*clumelrbig i a hie rialfaloY, wird , =OO O 4 ,stems to eere ,enough about him to Inquiso whether. hap, living _as de* Eta fate should bo.e wanting Rqu a:0) 1 4 1 # alocetsaY• Doi; little ,and'Dieow will soon folio* Wei.* :h31134411641b1P-o,olmitY• ' • i -- 1 PA PE,A . P H NIANT; SE Wednesday,. APra.. 22 ; 1968. The' `Conitwau ''oCcatiked a. 9 arty two' consideringours, in' 4ucatm* of • 40 argument. .in thelmpeachment' 13 Ptd.O. o.wqto Pre‘out : !deba(o.l . oteiaded., and finally , ie)ected;atil Mr.T4emen t.seb l nitted an' cider; thateacb4 the Aalager* and ba - ch . ,cif,the canna - el for ; the defeat) bbokild halre - 11M04'flOge. addrefeleg.theg9o;4 ? iiuti 41, case tli ictt c , ott9ooo ta 6empe4-. BP3,9qtAtey , "Tigkit Ole printed argn mentbia the,,casb any,time. before the Oise ofthe hist, This was agreed to, and immediately tbereg . ifter Mr..Bour- Vmi. comme4ed hie erginiestil read ing from a printed copy. At. 4 et_clock he bad not concluded, and a motion to adjourn prevailed. . Thiusday, April 23, 1868. The impeichment trial was contii , ued, in the Senate Thursday. 1 Mr. ' (lama endearredi to have the hour of assembling chan .ged froml 1 o'clock to 12„but objectiOp• was made and his motion went ovler under the rules. Bourvizu concluded hia.argument in behalf of the prosecution,the whose of which was not delivered the previ -ous day. was followed by Mr. NELSON for•the defence ' who spoke ex temporaneonslya 4. ntil o'clock, when the Court adjourned. ..11141V, April 24, 1868. .Qathe,assmebling 9f the,Sextat the order offered by, Mr. Gsatis j on: the previocur day,proyiding that thaConrt for* trial. of the President meet hereafter-at 12 o'clock instead of 11, was adopted--yeas, 21, nay 18. A proppaition to admit to a wait r on the floor of the Senate the reporters who are to reporti,officially the final argu meats was objected to and went over. Mr. NELsoa resumed his argument. for, the defence, and,. with--the excep tion of.a brief recess,' occupied the attention of the Court until 4 o'clock, at which hour he concluded,' and the Court adjourned. Saturday, April2s, 186& The first busifiess before the Court was the 'consideration of the.order of fered by Mr. ,EDUIINDS providing for an official report of the final proceed ings in secret session, The subject was finally postponed until Monday. Mr. Simms proposed that the Senate should proceed to vote on the im peachment articles at 13 o'clock of the day succeeding the final argu ment: Objection was made to con sidering the proposition and it went oiler., Ho also offered two additional rules relative - to the - manner of taking the vote on the articles, which; also went over tor future consideration. Mr. GROESMCK then addressed the Senatelbr the defence, •and at the conclusion •of his argument the Court adjourned. , - . Monday, April 27, :1868. The Seuate. inetas usual and the. Chief Justice announced ,the first business ,to lie, the consideration. of thnorder offered 'autlierizing the official report er to report, the proceedings in the secret session when the vote is taken op 'the impeaChment charges. amendment was • offered providing that Senators shall not speak more than thirty minutes on each article. This was rejected—yeas 10, gays 30. The 'subject was then postponed until the conclusion of the arguments in the case. Manager, STEVENS then deliver ed his argument in behalf of the pros ecution. After reading for a time his voice failed, and the remainder of his speech lwas read by Mr. BUTLER. Mr. WlLLuktics, one of the Managers, com menced • a lengthy speech which he -was unable to finish, his voice giving out, whereupon the Senate adjourned. The remainder of the week will in all probabilitry be taken up with the arguments. The vote will probably be taken on Monday. A NEW SECRETARY OF WAR.--On Friday last, President JOHNSON with drew the nomination of THOMAS Ew nei, Sr., as Secretary of War, by sending to the Senate ,a communica- . Mon' nominating Gen. JOHN M. Salo- YIELD to be Sedretary "in place of EDWIN M. STANTON, to be removed." This cothmnnication took the Senate by surprise, and its object does'not seem to be clearly understobd.. It is supposed, however, that it was in tended to influence the votes of Sen- ators on Impeachment, as Gen. Sduo• FIELD is a warm friend of Gen. GRANT, and not 'obnoxious to the Radical sentiment of the country. No at tention will bey's - id to the nomination until the trial is over. 'Amy- The state of Arkansaii, which a few weeki ago adopted a new con stitution aci, has now , taken thesec- ' and preliminary step to entitle it to a place in the Union. On the 7th in strant the Legislature elected under the new Constitution. finally ;ratified • the fourteenth amendment to the Con stitution of the United States. As soon 'as the impeachment trial is over, its Senators oud Repreerenta tiies,on applying for admission to COn gress, wilVundoubtedly . be received. The same process will soon be gone through with 'other of the Southern States, and thus gradually all the .tripm4 of our, laW conflict -will be-re- 'moved. end. O* Oinges 00010, 2 4011#*A 111421:VtW' B _ Csigartip gm) Friday routed Tsar The who attempted to murder Ainou-kkook,*se:an Irlehman end cliF•vaibuf Pri*, though etOetgiVba r titittli -reeovenug- and now : ere for England. . * „Beg I Sllinguclr.ll B El keen aPPein4.4 'Uovernorlf Shp Llpdsenay,l3ompa4, ny. - it Mr. Charieroite has p ublished a cant denying t he Coriietnesit of all the personal ohargettittule:dgainst him-; The loss °film 4111 rreratitre Federal litany pre Rgrat i i Germany. reduction of ths krassiati*.ttrmylo peace footing will be contmenekti May 1. - ' The PFave Pahieet ht.Pw ed -and Will ,piarsue tr policy identleal to that , * the 'late!TrimeiMinhtter - Tne examination alleitda Clerkenwell i conspiretaurwaa eontip-, ned on Saturday.!, Testimony, forthe defence was taken, and the Attorney General snmmndiup'ini s OTii* ron tion. Srscsinsurvillus‘been appointed to succeed Busting ias itussistr Minister to Paris. Y Many American naval"offieere dire •expected to be Preeentni the opening of the Internationitiliforine Ethibi; tion in Havre. " Tu& Ham.titTM arc gratified 'in sliteing, aide to Mate says the ,Lanalater Examiner, that the health of Mr; Stevens, is now bet ter than it -hairimew aw time du ring theyast4Wo : yeare.:' He seems to havo mastered-his. disease, and the presumption that -he .will before long regain his wonted good health and energy. Hie appetite is gmicland he sleeps well at. night. One of the 9 1 3 as is that he will piobably occu py-Mi...seward'a position in President Wade's Cabinet, should he consent to accept it. 1==::21 An was , anticipated from the result of the last-Massachusetts election,the_ PrOhlbitory Liquor law in that State has been Gov. Bullock, however, seemes to. have shrink the responsibility of .signing the.license law-;which bait been enacte / d4. in its stead,r4d it will 'take the effect with- out his approval. The'Massachusetts people' have made pp their 'minds thet prehibition \is . a failure it remaius to be seen. whether they will be any better .satisfied ,wit,h the li cense system. ' Nor Ilbotrtistmatts. p a,S. F 0-Vir LEE, (Fornuntrof New York now of Boston.) t WILL LECTURE AT MO7NTiANYEII3-11ALL, ON I= I HRAI NOLOC:3-"E pplied to Life, Health, Self Culture, An., Free THURSDAY, MAY 4 f, Ig6B. FRIDAY, Lore, fieloction,7oour tabip and Mar• tied Life. Seats '45 cents. BA TURD/a ,at 2:30 p. LADIES - . Free. SATURDAY EVENING-, to Gentlemen only, . on Manhood, and Its improvement, illnotrated by appropriate models. Seats 50 cent i. Phrenological Hmaininations and Charts, with full written out opinions and advice as to health beat business adaptation. !marrying and Inane.- ging 'children, daily' till Monday, only, May 11, at the - Ward House. Improve this on ly chance to learn all about yourself and childre n from this gtmitest living Phredologist, new or never . April 23, 1888. • NEW GOODS AND , NEW AR RANGEMENTS. Mrs. H. M. NICHOLS; tialLn.L maned Ilan ro• partnership' with' Miss cmr.c HINES; would announce to the, citizens of Lellaysville. and the publid get:ierally, that ther hare jaattre ceived anew and'splendld stock of goods which they will be happy to show to their old custom ers and all the new, ones who choose to come. 23,4888.3 t.• - CCAPTION.—Whereas, my wife Sally Ann, has left my bed and boardnkith out Jost cause or provocation, all persons ate hereby forbid harboring or trusting her on my account, a s I will pay'no debts of her contract ing after this date. DANIEL. NEESE& Litchfield, April 18, 1868." OR SALE.— One of the mo 4t de• F arable reences In the Borough of Rome A good frame d elling house, barn and orchard thereon. Terrai made easy for the purchaser. Apply to or address . Rome, April 23, 1868 FASHIONS ° FOR SPRING AND SUMMER OF 1868. Raving just returned from New York with a full and carefully selected stock of MILLINERY GOODS, we hope to be able to please all who favor us with their potronage. Come and See ! We will do over your Straws lathe latest styles and we defy competition in this branch of our work. Collars,beautiful Thread Lace—no cheat. Also Madame Foy's Corset Skirt Supporter. Call and =Mune before •you par.hase. Booms on the east aide of Main pt., between the stores of fox, Stevens, Menus it Co., and Miles Carter. f i • B. J. PIERCE'. Also, PATTERNS OF THE LATD3T STYLES for Ladles' and OhlWrens' Dresses. Ladles wishing to brio good . work and the . best of styles, with graceful and elegant fitting, will find it to their ' advantage •to favor us with a trial, Ito Oms over Mrs. Pktoe's. • H.-L. OUSTER. Towanda; April 8,1868.--4 f • • . TANNING & RONK% MAKING The undersigned have this day forted a c o-p_artnerahip,to be known as the fi rm of M 4. GBE &• FULL ER for the purpose of arrying on the above Waimea. Harness making sed repairing done to order and all work warrseted. Cash paid for aides. GRIFFIN MAGEE. - _ EDGAR S. FULLER. Ccunptown, .12n. 28. 1868. 'MISS GAIFFI;N—Having. enlirg• .LTJ:ed her MiUlttery Establishment. is there. , by enabled to , tarnish a larger assortment of goods than heretofore. Will the ladles please call and. =onto her present stout of Spring and Saintlier Bonnets' and Hats. Towanda; Aprint, 1868 ri OR SALE AT SCOTIA TANNERY J 1.7 Plastering Hair at whole - tale and ratallnleci Soap and Wagon Grease by :ho pond and par.: rel.. Gash p3d for Bark and BAN. " • ' ADAII Granville Centre, Pa., April 9, MS. m Vir/JNT SUPPLpEDI Every shoemaker can eat his own patierimby the aid of BURT'S NEW CHART for draught :mg all kinds Of boots, oboes and salt° rs. Eft. d furl O f boots , Feb. 5.10 PRICE .IST.-CASCADE MILLS; Best quality Winter Wheat Flour per hundred .. i 37 30 Beat'quitlity Rye Flour pee hundred. • • • ' 4'oo "I '.: " - , A.,Buekwheat 'flour per hundred . 360 ;, tr i : Vie . .. Hea l Bye and- Cont Feed ...,_ $ 60 4 fair tear • lillo'ned to des'ete. .we par °ash -foe' Wheat $2lO to $2 76, Aye 21.25 tol 25:Coin 21 25; .. (latest grinding malty done at otice, - ae the ~ • -Is,:ot the , mill -la sufficient • for a largo . nut. or Work. • H. „14 ItiktW.. 4 autOtotetiolfueli3o,lB6B. . . Annual meeting of ' Os Tiar*/ Coal lil om•. Moe 114. i __Bobb Ad s a Noonix; 0 ,- 0 1 0 ii. owl. Owe M .. fibrk tr after; M I, me tab oa• ! ..,. - HAM' MUM ofigissma—sor. _lssolgus. ..... 1133 I lON I—The .entio .--- wth A ooausaass flambe sa 1011 WAGoJ o a f the fit at or I‘ll/•_dbaLblho'sr Too so came l r 5 p altr y 4---- ,lir .t i i4 .:,.. - - 1 R. lifal.._ .. ....liftip;‘ ii 511 A -0 days 80 0 0Malo moo oimo••••b• szeaur Of 60artfb pet - 6*L ' rasaw' "at Maui %Is tithi s ige it of-lia3N—Vaatlw-ablaastilltkof ka mono ronevels ItAmtem Tfa lialrealate ' of tab potato b aRAI It L I ions ./_ . -- 5 : 414141 _ 31*/191 #11076;—•; . bet4'lllolk *a ateselthollibm et the— eel asoffilia Stook- Asseelitton of Beeose#, at; thes, des- JO .. liesAarjrar mem at 7 (stoma, m i. . f or the of pillows electing a Y. Trossarer, and Dye Yaeger, oto k A mpoe u. boa. lain AMOCO • al to law paws Board of Per-grildesilloolort ed to *shoot 0e of %ha = a aseSoonlool'i tte •of the agooditares mai Ibis alai , of. as Of mild moolalloll: • A lull attseadaoa "the wick. boldess la ns qalred. 8. I Atildl23:llWBp: -;liteskleat. i.RIN:9I 7-B 4 O.E; S L.,-.1868 4 =I P.'N.',8.11011r5 4 91 4 4 - OBV LL , - Mrs leilderii most stook of Nadal .11ardweL401, lain Ogg Painter !kith Doer 4 ° TIN 4(00F8,` oonnToToßs, Elutternmai on by •ar worinien Ask the.lowed ratae. mad jobbing, 'sap kayo, Hap 4 11 ‘ owe's fiewisg. Ilachiant, was .aln. V o l Clothes =W, best la'ess, . rod sad Com ater floinw nbie e attention Iff their'o4lllgo *nom 's flowing Na ti dies, amble And' - des or 4.1 foot att. Tables, chairs , bedsteidk g bed bottom., and other F T E "sneers wll.llOl tb ie th lest inality otTin Pass, ifiUL and Pa ,assi,e_sei7 geeerlptlas of Wirt - Float' illet - Salt, Clover sad TuktAr: bat,. phodag:Wheele, Flax Wheels, Sias: Reads„ Field Hollers and. Bader Mowers tarnished to order at lewd sensible pries. AL80;-00ra Meilen, liorsleing Machine, .Cotting Sava . I Orwell, Feb, 20, 180. MEM! THE ASSORTNKI COMPLETE! 4 • BOOTS /4) SHOES reeving L.I.,RGE DITIONS Suited to the 'Spring Trade ! -THE .? STYLES • 21ig BEST QUALITY ! AT LOICIST BATES, AT HUMPHREY BROTHERS DAILY BEING -OPENED! And are reid.f for the fospeet ‘ fon of the public. MA.NUFACTURED.GOODS, On lonian usual. We are caning i . BARG2UNS, BAGAINS, omn Lotrsl FROM FAST YEARS' STOCK: REE..►SDLESS OF COST! farness, liarneBs, 3BLA.NICHI'II 9! O. P. YOUNG e ghost and a l goods connechd with The Sad ry Business 1 (RUNES; , 7ITAVELLING BAGS, VAIOLS,'., LEATHER, SHOE 'IFINDING \., Tocculd3, April 18 1888. OF NEW, ',GOODS The a:Makers are now receliAg from - New York seine auortment of GOODS IN . THEIR LINE BILOVN &4 BLEACHED UIISLINS, 1 _ • LADIfi AND CHILDBEN'd PipS GOODS. , - 4LOVi S , _ HOSIERY; Yess+ Noriox All of ,hICh can bo, booght ea cheap ea the lame oAIRY of gooda can be Ought in To• Bands• Tbek MILLINERY DEPAITMENT lo beg kinhihed with the *et styles of BONNETS _AND! HATS, J. 8. - 811RT . 4 Towanda, Pa • And a gimbal antatineut of tilinst7 Goods. loth m odest Milken tb =Ms taste of rho mik ! favor theta pith Wit Patronage. sp e d! atieuiton plaid= • - - DLEAMtiO, AND STRAW WORK • • - • • 10 umiesieed" pg*ipizzahr this deptitneld akin . kiln Stied. directly - the Court Home. • A Ima co, Tom o stapruls,m3.- . 3m, ova mac or Of Coda Inures of Mate Goods are OUR OWN lepnder tocooe out the Ca rrics . l over ' And gill them . AM, SADDLES. WHIPS, FARNESS tIUMMINGS,, Coniliting In pill ct AND PRINTS, fine, Ekirts, Bbawle, Hoop. Skirth &e., he., ap; ; 1 pOWI-& :: =oo., ' : ,- ' MEESE '• - , ire now reoeiablig t)aeir • ": BE INIE il/PRiNci STOCK, 11111 I -----' IME ob conirimr> n I THE USUAL GREAT VARIEIf OF GOODS, IR EVERY DEPARTMENT, lIMiNEI All of. which— ARE OFF-ERED At the • - Lowest Market Prices 1. 1 t Towandi April 1,1868, Real Ostatt. VALI:TABU FARM FOR SALE.— T The andenigned offers for aale his Farm in Sheshequin Mynah! , situate on the road lead ing from Ghent- to Towanda, about roar miles e r. 'from the latter place; containing 62. scree, 20 acresimproved, which will be sold at a bargain. For further information apply te JAS. WOOD, Esq., Towanda. - April 7,1868.-2 m• • HOUSE, AND LOT FOR SALE. -- The hoe= recently erected on t C south side of, Poplar street, near Western Aven ue, is ollered for sale. The building is 33 feet frott by - 31 leet deep, two stories high, with a good-cellar same size. Price $3OOO. - Apply to GEE - . P. CASH, on the premises. Towanda, April 7, 1868.—tf VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. 9itaated in Rome toirnahlp, about one• and a-half miles' east of Rome Baroagh, con- Seining 90 acres, about 7u acres improvpii; well watered, with dwelling house, cratbiildings good bearing and young orchard theromin_g-:4. Terms reasonable, and time given for a ports of the purchase money. For further panto, - lars Inquire on the premises of B. U. TOWNER. Rome, April 1, 1868.-61 e - VALLTAIILE FARM FOR SAL 4 The undersigned wishes to . diopooc nt 11:9 facm; condoling of 60 acres, situate in VV' ~,s townaldp, about one-half mile from lilyet sbirg, bordering on Wye= Creek. About 50 ;tat, improied . I::&fortable dwelling, outhuildin &c.. and ilarge orchard thereon. Price s'2,(c.o $BOO down and the balance In yearly instalment, For further information in quire on tke,remises of A. EILCHOLS.or G. tiRANGER March-la, 1668.-sw. AI LIABLE FARM FOR SALS.- v The subscribers offer for sale a very - desirable farm, containing 100 acres, about 70 - acres improved, with a good and wei, -finished frame house, h good barn, gooos water, good fencing mailing, and well • ed.. Located near F. 13.-Ayers's Steam Mill, about 31 miles from a Bail Road Depot and Coital, at Ulster; good land for grain or dairy, and will be sold cheap. A good title given, and possession given-at once. Apply to CODDDIG I RUSSELL.. Towanda, Mardi 10 1868. VALUABLE FARM FOR-SALE.- A farm of one hundred and fifty aere.i. Ithln six miles of Towanda,• and one mile -from the river is offered for sale on favorable . terms. One hundred acres are cleared and in a high state of cultivation, with good fences and most excellent buildings. The house is a well built dwelling with very convenient out-build ings consisting of summer kitchen and store room, wbodhonse, and the yard well filled with overman 'and other trees. The barn is a large bank barn 38z68 feet with a good shed - attache a horse barn adjoining with stalls for six horse; a large corn house near by and a tenant house on the property. The farm has an eastern and , southern exposure and is offered for sale solely On account of the 111 health of the owner. For further particulars and terms, which are highly - favorable, application may be made to B. 8. RUWELI.. Towanda, Feb. 20,1868. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR TOWN PROPIEBTY.-3 Truck Far of 10 a fireleach, within One mile_ of Towanda Do- MO. Alla i to - NTANYE it, WARD, Agents: Towanda, Nov. 16, 1867. ' • LT Olt & AND LOT FOR SALE.- 11 House and Lot on Main &net. A valuable business stand. pply to MONT A AMYE & WARD. • Towanda, Jan. 29. 1868. VALUABLE FARIS FOR SALE.- . Minute. In the northern part -of 'Her' la towtwhip, mlles ffrom Leßaysville, 2 miles from Herrickville, on the Valley road, running (tom Towanda to Montrose. about 13 miles from the former, and 20 miles from the last- named place. Containing Omit 95 acres. About 60 acres well improved. 20 acres of timbered land with over 100 maple trees In the centre of the farm. The remainder in pasture. well watered. A good framed house, shop, 2 barns; large shed a ;meg, bearing, orchard, principally grafted Milt: The farm well fenced. For terms and further particulars enquire of the subscriber. March 26, 1848.-30 E. N. KEELER. - ROUSE AND. LOT FOR SALE. J—L. Located near the Depot. and valuable for a }tote or residonee. A bargain offered. En quire of Dr. DiWITT, Tow , nds. Much, 18. ifia&—tf. QTORE AND TAVERN Folt RENT. 1.7 The an ribei will rent his Store and Ta vern at Sta • og Stone. Pa. For terms, ie., apply to .To h Powell , Towanda. Pa. H. W. TRACY. Standing Stone, Feb .20,1868. _ _ _ _ OR SALE.—A valuable Hotel' Property with an established business, at Alba Bore'. Apply to KONTABIza& WARD. Aug. 91, 1867 ALUABLR FARM FOR SALE- The subscriber airs for sale his turn in Wye= nearly opposite Tani a. This farm oodtaln's 120 litres of lend Ina high state of im provement, with a - splendid dwelling house, Was and outballdiass• It has a large never failing orohazdatocked with good fruit of ev errdescription. It. Ls In a:good neighborhood within say reach of the church and school privileges of Toiranda borough. For terms of hiasale, to., enquire 01 the aubscnber on the_prem- MORGAN D. STRICKLAND. Wisoz, April 8, 1881.—tfe
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers