Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 23, 1868, Image 1

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    • -ix
Tsallammons poblidosilismgenimi.
derigo r be /AL ealsiliC**PlF
sam e la WM% • ;
ADVIIMILIOOM, aseeestles files
lfsasere imerbet eh en mors per Mae- kw
Assi beeelliee, east ens own pie Or he
sebeetendlbreeribm. 11Pede1 weber is.
anted base lienhepee Doti, vill
be *bawd surport MOB per lies foe seek
isserdoir All resegbillses et Ameoeirrlbies
einsaroniestiome et Bided d todbriesid
intesskand adios et Wardiges or Doses
notediag Ivo lines. an share* mot own
Paz linty
Vies/ 11 re& 11:1i l.
OneOohs* $lOO $6O _ SAO
Bali as -. 00 16 25
One 0 '
totest i g=6 Lost sla ls
lom*. Issolothes 7$
advertiammois, lot .needing 10
$1 Huess,
three weeks, or leis,
.tdminis Elecatar's Notioes..! 00
Andhots Notiosir 9 50
Business clads, An Raw (perrst)..s 00
lienitattisad Maas. laratisball thith
boathook will be. oluogod M. They will
be entitled to 1 Weems, eonlinsa what're.
ty to theft toosinomettimitikee ofqoutor,
"Er Adams in ati eases endastre el
subscription to the power.
JOB PRIXTEER)_44TRI kind , in Phill
and Panay odors, Acne 'with asitness and
dispatch. _Handbills, Blazdtic, Cards, poin.
Wets, dm, of essrynidatr andstyle,prin
tad at the shortest notion The Became
Orson has itost been raliMed with Pow*
Preens, and'' gem thing In the Printing
lb. can be wanted in
~ths meet Wadi°
IMMO Sallll4the linnet Islas iplil3
TORNEY dr LAW—ollos comer at
lista sad Plus streets, apposite PQettr's Drab
Wes hie profeedosal services to the MW
'Cu t
of Pm orron and irktiolty. Coils prompt.
Nay 28, Ithri.:4f#
T. DAWES, Attorney at Law,
Ttnnutda;Pa. 011 lee with Win. Wat
kins, In. Particular attention paid to Or
phanal Mort Woo and eettlenront of dem
dents estates.
IM-1& MORROW, Attorneys
, I Tc:saes, Pen's.
The tuullsealapod hula/ swooped tbosamerna
together la tha practloe allay. olio Um& pro.
toaloaal atairthee to the paldlo.
ULYSSES KM= P. D. 11011110 W.
March 9,11118.
umr. Moose Pattoalikook,Towands,
idt Nook epl , MI w
MS. Pi: sr my be
elated heo
a. w. raraua, 0113
da, Ps.-Pastkulas ailsation paid to business
in thiOroblateiloust. July 10,
H'ENRY Plat Afterway at Law,
.1.1. Town* PA- Jun 27,
in. K BD
J OVERTON Jr., Atka..
. Towanda, Pa. D
Moe in the
d U, U.
Tons N. caupP L 21 7 0/INEY
V TLA FP, Towanda, Yo. Alm, Govern
Pay t
aM Aga ßoweld foe the casaba of Pendoes, Beek
mr No charge wale. oneoardal. Moe over
he Park °See and Nun Boom Deo. L, net.
PIE P. KIMBALL, Licensed 'Ane
w Unser. Potts:wine, Bradford Co.. Pa.
twalsra his smokes to the public. Sallegaotion
suataateed,or no pay Maks& file
mail._ slammed as above, will met
attention. - Oct.
DR P. GODFREY, Panto wir
Elosesos, bee pensuasogy located
at ysbulag, 'oboe be will be bead at ill
thaw 291.111'88.810,
Pa. Having pernisnently located, (den
his prokodonal aereloes to the public. Calls
prompt], attended to in or ant ottow.
withDeWitt oft Kahl eked. Beddow,
Mrs. dumphrey's on *and Sweet.
April 111-,
U LA W. Towanda, Beaked Go. Pa.
-- General Woman sad Reel &fate Ai=
Bounties sad Pons (enacted. N.
badness in be d are {
Coen attended to
pumptly sad Ida Ofilea Ant blook
south of Wentlionee n 001.24,'6?.
TORNEYS AT LAW, Tmy, Bradford Co.
*alike In all the Courts of Ole county. Col
lections made and promptly remitted.
s. a. ransoms, dl3 v. R. women%
Ds. PRATT has removed, to State
JL , street, (Ihrot .twill. B. Banell WOO*
Bank). Pas from a atm" &dram a? ooa
salUng Wm, will be most Dimly
_to AM bin on
Saturday of each week. attostiosmill
be tomega- 1 alsoo, and Uto extrootios of
July Gos IlMix iftanWnet wino adze&
18, ' D.
.1100TOIVOHAS. F. parr —Of
.s.. 11011 I. Haas's Dreg Sten, Towsels, Po.
car promptly isttestial to at all bosisi
Tcriroids, Norember IOW •
thicela Pattos's Mock. o ver Clore's Dog
and Obaikal Bonk Man
Dil& MASON & ILY_ Physicians
Dargeoae.—olliee on PM - Wee. To.
1/611811. at tits miaow of Dr. Mom
Partlealar attention given to Mama of Wo
men. and &ems of Are, Dar and Unit.
al.; wan S. D. DIM OW= MX. 11. D.
AR Won Wynne to bbnAtltspz Ron,
sr Oa Ps., trIR motto ponist .t om
Fl!M018 IL POST, Nisikr, The
i [ ll6, Ail,with 1A pu im s=os. ce*
admi a at mtWe n6a . i ..the 1011.6ar_ bt Mat.
lag irit=oMigiiiirdalh o . " i ris
cOllll • •
T K. VAllGW4—Archiied
co • Atitier.-411 Mode. of Anattootozal io.
olgoo totoldsol. Ilkoomotal work 1a
Irall Woe . Oaks to Mk liteolk Veal
Roma Mak. Attoolim glelo DE-
W Ankflootato, a* so topriocostoitwoo"
itro. • . • apes 1.1•17.—1 t -
T J. ..14 W I . L L. -
COMY- Stal= o2 , --
orwa. mow Co. t Pa o la ..4444.0ttg0i_
toallbo=bloWto.... aauha s
1 - nom Akpe a stWolt e r=
Ms Y soot ontomoolt ate obldsol. 17'
B. PORD—Zionsal Astiomer,
ittediptoekAy on Weirs ist o•
to Ida. ammo softest. rib:
jOats )(ORLY.
Awe= gm mrocilWqmt.
inusand to all badame la Ida Uhl B glees ,to lirsaiw sell aim
osoopis Iliklgt Newt.
IR rafMT 1111 1 •__
aesashaltmeh liallitapa - mum" RIP
olwa ia tha bast aisiort _
41 .16_____.,, k gbris is lig sold mai
boaatifig' al aWsak
Oran ago =l7" .m bailyea Mto
grra,rprii iw," 1
Vir B. HELM - Uwe, oak *
• cow indrhan Jr, Meek '
All Ibe
v isticsi sm as or
doss sad :110kiskr ,
pillatto Allsalimir Ise 11107
.vide I*st se_ft at vat as sa
lir rap*/ tosidal Male se WNW
an sag NalidiletPMANOM
Chlordona se viiiiiibistasi aft 16.,
ratio of Wilda
W7ll/111511 MATIUNK: •ZW .
' , POW it pespwid 6111/161--
2111•108016" shi lbetwook -4 " 1 " d4
IhreirroliMirmlb,moi antes
IF.4lllolo4.ll l o w
011 AM 10 100“11111.r. .• .*:-.
DAlMMtwelsegsribit l 4
Plaiendip Pa w l", Maas 1
11111AXI1IT DINING arms
simmilasteam, %offs.
/.6 0 Si.
low* HI,
Koala t
at'lep. ,
• . 3vi vis '
4 1
T A. run. i
t 1
Intareitthe eltiseaa of Win& emmt,y_ that be
bag owed . .Tew , !Ettare. fa le banditti op.
c idts . I Atep's stare Daeltare, who
on bead an worteleat of i
le) *
Wit - Ibe said ae how ae et int on ation pine
In the : Particular Atka
,paid ito
Wakh Repairing. , . _
ar me a ad:4l as eam ust r om m i are mad
ame aside meta ere
Dual* Oet. 9. 113419. i
rimpliG st!
4-I `.
in=. f
the .1.. :, for th e
l Wed In_
st, the Mu lbemerli Wood sad
Nardingoe . 1
dd atthathe
of the pabbeto st andante which
i neWoltles as; Bo la? Photo
Plaht sad
lath M.. h* on 4 4 -107 aorillool
sad km* of toesi sad Arttetlo MIX eon
not be milk W• Melte allto(scamthe then
es well oe Vonore *omenof Portraits
which we deke, fell well thoSthey
kw=aut do
will beer the ec sett This Gallery
dolma th e - 140M mistatios good work of
Say is shk t i tr Zli etendry, lad we aide.
letudeed trite sterdlow le Whom
the @spieler Of oar vorit. ie *sot OW
retaill.___but hfrt %w a rty
-We keep ,on mai the =
of Pram wooer rim slimy other
satabiloboolutih Went. Pllo9.llosie
Card fr u %Naos% INallso
= woo Tlet o e s a b d o etegthleg G etie s
es an i n air ',` 1 • :(, -' it
N. for th e ea
moot now eehle • - • to, gAignerG.
Aug. SWIM ~ . 11'. MAIM:
o.l . 4till•Pas . '-'l6l tad ' in?
- i
(XMIPAIII3 illnal**MlD s
ifs* rdiabolleblyi .$ SALM
Pbsibe, - * A /.216,111 k
Gissionft, Noe ••'' ' s • SW e
I 116 Ohs ' 4::1- 'AVM 10.
• Aseriesiali / 11 . if _
•--- at •.:..:
• 10111 M MI
• SPA Ile
So' Ilta• Mow oda* cor*
vile * le d° la
tosn* nag. I**pdsr*Ousea I
Om %aft •• owarsub us*
oUtbss Past . Wm* sow
pi* by him . sac = 0 a t
P. Waft . ~ ,lit : w Neal . •
- • _
. 1 , Nix .
- Ton.% Pieb. *al*. -•* -.-r • -
t -•
f 1:;
: •
.•• • 7,
• ,:-.
• .
. .
. _
" • , :,.,:••••••,.'•,-..• „ • 1 •4 .: 4 '•
; - •
, .
Muted Esft.
.asan wawa
window opiskto ale bay.
AP 1 4 1 57,V1W
there,al Owa and mi at din
/a prom she kiesk.l
Loan" AI *ON To paw abase
visa ac i d Wm the la m sems.
so tie tombs Item'
Of dna gee kola •
1/ 011 11 old hod fa by *now al*
. 1 0 4 demi shim *Lui amisisdke
gams waft est lbok 's
Bohn melds ,
Tbq cow, dhq go,' bid soomoon
WO. hem kohn tillkWho abar,
INo b swillowbwob Iddoe•
Tbs woo didloh, • - ,
" G 4 ThOU /Id* wboa ' t ti s , Id& is dq,
Aid oda So nes sad ha ramp,
Look oda" you goy 'wade sad ary
Wino Hagar" ha.
paadtaan, as Boas Jan bomb
Or Odzakf t berid the nob
Of 321111, bo hew the saaddaig ipso . b
' Of idols:id saw
0 Aind IMIld dogs anal
Thi New* Wok ibisymis nom%
AM yovild m 546411; thin 'bed. ,
Anibal soar tals
loft whole that too hi; was hall
A aisonaga falai if/ foot ea toams
Boca thought of tao, a last food pow
Os tiog vain
a Come, erith rev &whet teeth did' ell
The teem that Wait merovad about
0,11 I omit beer this ilaid*
That Ohs breelL,
Theme* Is bettor thin th. &ma
akmi ine bed ties to moms my 4M
mp in tram mad bops bultmid
\ IX Ids la *mar.
It m g htlsiis bees the Mufti tram
net whbissid, In the grades trees;
It might bars bran the suandotsees
' TIM mossad ;
But rdth lam hest, Knot bee a ir.
TIM old loved yoke she seemed to beet;
4, brat to meet See s ; be at thew s
7/ca is inn
G. lt%dder.
ri :T:i :111:, ' ;1":1 0:1
Vann whavabi kinsaoe sad Cienagaila
PM sad 1886," by O* Apneal.
I hid taken my_place in *empress
night train from Paris to liare
on my roof" to Algeria and Moro*
There was nothing remarkable in my
fellow-travellers, nor in their conver
sation, until we arrived at the third
or &alb station, where've received
an addition to our party -in the per
of s passenger, as remarkable
for the neatness of his equipment' as
the perfectly gentlemanly style of his
general pearano• Sverytldng
abont him ap exhibited the - taste of a
man of the upper \ ten thousand, who
had plenty of money at his command
and was accustomedto the best so
to the present time, as the con
versation of my fellow-travellers had
'consisted of nothing more , interest
ing to a striates than the'
'of the harvest and tise
dosed in the corner of the carriage, I
quietly enjoying my edger.
"Ah monsieur," exclaimed our
new voyageur, 4 what sm ok esendid cd
gar that he you are ing
knew it to be an Havana, by the aro.
ma, the moment I entered the carri
age. You cannot' get such a thing
now in France, at - any price,Wass
'yon import them yoarseW, Ad then
you must get a specdal order to do so
from the , ant. t- Nererthelesi
fine upon andoubUdly_ en,' th ink
mine are equally pod, odd he,
handing me it the same time hhe of
garage to help myself. -r .
This led to • most animated eon-
venation ; and I was struok"by
Vie distingue appeiranoe of the
etc:eager at first, half an hour's nab•
venation showed me that be was it -
WW2 of rare ability. Like coyeelf„ he
was ckho a great traveller ; had been
all over lame aid a - great pert of
Asia and Northern Airbus spoke oev
end of tbalanguagetaf Europe with
great fluency is *ell is a liftki Bur
Stan and Tar ; and. while coca ,
paring fides, I loud be was sel welt
aoguinted with the manners and
_of th e various countries be
had visited as imelf--4 my mew
al, thing in Feenahmea t who have
nothing Of the guidon of the Pngliah
foe travelling, and, neely speak any
Amiga language solloumW well to
make themselves ureloo&
ceaseless with details of oar adve*
turei, sod anecdotes Of the straogif
alszacters we hid siet with dorbw
mgr-. tree& ; look q tr to
at i'mt bullets - gong the
line itteated each other in the same
Mina*, conadbi swam - se if we
bad bows lea other for yeses *—
Nothing wowed to interrupt au
harmony until I snivel et likreeilles,
when having secured a plass lathe
steamer - bound - for Algiers, we sat
down to' a comfortable breekfast 'at
oar'hotel: I had, however, somealy
taken the !kat mouthful, vthltmt. -the
Inaba mind telling , so theta ins
Etigath:fia veiling tosses* in, the
non. emits was sal.
tatell see that the person who
had - mat for wan: an agent off: the
1 "Konen" esi **RP said the
" 0 4 ""sielfr• s
"i thontt ed. toe hive ionte
aim titer Park and ion _ant OS
• toII*IFIZIO ) you took loam
et Ggass, sat dark it
otrold Chantloartin . eriNt /sea
Ve.. 'AMP OA 10.1 aw
66 0 61 1 1
jos over meets*ilk the ires.
llea*before f"
) ,
stivoi;! ' 2 '• •,' ' ' 1 '
4. ` - then,' ' ' kill' ilea
' , -Acme, you w -
bid his history or i estecidente l'',
!' Abfaleakaaildag? RI
"Aio .dosht youfinds him o is*
pleasant companion 1".; 4 ,
~.. - •
• "
sever.- met wi th owl more oarec.
abe r eut l e m an k y. _ 1
much. th eworie tor these he
selects:as hie, victims; 41st, look
and lee if you have ,tost*aim , ?",
" Igo ;,here is my money all right
may pooket•book, and there are my
dati l stae.!. fu the breeetikeeketefair
000kr •
"?ikariet3Ost ' marvelous. I"
criedWere:gator: "Yon ,will
no :Ft be. Wounded When I talk
you t you have Made. the atiquain.
tea of one the molt accomplish.
lid Were - Maw** at this mg.
meat in 1/1 Iwo" wbo,l uotwW
standing his disreputable calling, is
a nobkmlan, l and related to some of
the grat.lamilke inbalm. . We
Lla", , weida4 . against hfm at present;
t a• r the very] Yew; this be has
021 Y) 1 4mhisI of im
..ube iam4 won Kd, and his asp* are so
true le esture, that even the Argus
eyes of the most vigilant agerit,clepo•
hos Li dsadved.. • Indeed, it was: Oaly
by the Aghast chance I realgnised
him, and then I owe_ it entirely to
that, strong , bottle of I b rgaidtile
helped you to drink at Lyons ii buts*
it is, and hoe ever been, in nine cases
out of ten, the cleverest men in crime
that I hsve had to do with; lose their
wits Whew, they, take •a, ease too
much.* AU saying this,' *turned_
on hilobsel,and elosbmwmionioui
ly 4sitted the zoom. i I , was boat.
mid. , I bow not *hate to ibiala...l.
Might Stoat be A erns of mistaken
identity! - --lurnaer _ genital) re,
ti each
o mom i
4 ; oluddered The more I
ot &Ml: vd
teeth*, th e more I be Thad ar.
rived at the. right oonclueion. What,
so perfect= as that, to be
somnrion wet V 7 -e t T a r q nmon Dick
prnketlt .. ti ii I ballast
nothing ; Ca th e bon 'he had
plente of_ money at leommlnd, and
throughout the journey rad his share
of wirn_thvft we had I ir 7 ooinmon, es
every other bighepirited 'gentleman
would have ,ue . I was loot - in
amassment ind b f r t e dl ak e ras f onlideDoe in
the honorable character my
I Wired' the
laughingly said, ,in the elehiTai l-m rnan:
ner of a man who disbelieves in solo
what he is =about to say, ("Do you
know, saarnieur, that I have just had
s visiti d from an agent des - polio/040 .
has to me that are one of the
rrniteit emote of the day :—one of
thencist accomplished thernkos d'ir
&aka at this moment in Europe.°
" Neasienr I have You seen any
thing hi \roy conduct during bur short
acquaintance to warrant gni* a sup
positioir\ he answered, drawing
himself Up with all that' ignagon
e E ted and bearing that might
be from a gentleman who
felt if injured by an unjust sus.
vicious '
" Nothing r I exalsimed i " on the
contrary in , all , my 'travels I never
met with a compankin I.' liked so
much, ° one therms More emueing
and - all [regret is that I did!not kick
the fellow down stairs." , ''r ,
11 Don't be so hasty mobei—
Appearances are all in lay favor
but, ales I every word the agent told
you is too true. I am a sorry dog,
for, having lost all that I had; u&
afterwards what spy Mends and re.
ladone could spare,Thave been corn
pelledlor the brt, four or five . years
to Hasty my wits. , Still, dermg all
that time, I never forgot 'that I was
a 'gentlemen. My quarries; when I
want money, are thole that , prey up.
on the weakness of their fellowerea
thern--?*our princes of the State and
Church, your rich financiers, bankers,
and stock-jobbers ;__ but never , yet
have I taken a cent from a p_oor gen-
Vernon., Illyscouts at the H o tel dm
Priocee, where you were staying,, put
me on a false scent I certainty did
intend to do a little busbern on my
own 11000111 1 t• at Per eulmufie, when
I took my place with yOllllllO sow
carriage ; i'ind :now'' yot *at be
aware ofilirauttabogle,es opportunie
ties I had oi l = every farthing
yi n were • 4111 was so
Wised. ,
i t u i ci a I very soon saw
you balm ' to 'spare, and to
spoil sob es monsieur, would
be. wore. *a see:deice Above all,
you chumed me with your camera•
tics) aliColvamtwei I you made me
happy LI was -again a gentleman,
and you treated me as . one.
Pad a
collet to reYAMMlthienak tIO Wit*
of ary life-ithe time wiles
I was Am I tkeia - crime t he spoiled
child of a `id m other„ *be dated
her darling ,sgthilt weilth could
pandas& •Antmose,lmensieur, has%
lug tokOrni emethlegr , At my sad,
eves *I lib, I am sari pit will great
use boot; plums soars 1 tato the ed.
joining tOOll4 for just five minutes,
while I peek op **few Weigel beve
and be dIV ; ' ,
isilles. - thimY E ir ee e lvto l Voruel__ +
_ 4 I " ".
*xi ape •fro et 110 Naseigailie Imp&
dale peso:Packet ?floe, who had
bowled for my luggage and se say
Shit,' ewiag to alek)graphiecisisgs
jest recittedleito Ptizis, t om` stasear
wauld.eilikk bile than 1 quortee of
es bout. '; Hui* - se` time ;to lose I
harried an-beerd/ and warm in the
act tif_ , t ditalat a Pima of- hi
the b111;at my oondoctoi, a ; peteliel
look and a **lea* AO teldpee
r at - e eisia, sib* I-ted bare* I
, base alapkttely teeeeioneed in sp.
lorFokto as 4 111 ( . 11 .1,1 1 bultr 411
issoordtkuL ' I asellerely a suemet
'to iikti 1!,00 01 the ute ;ri that le
l_yort true -utWetbe ! : 1 pp . not *gat
able r ther my, idord:i..Write and
I lia lurbelNl-9 1 11 1 .t1e "tit 01 7 -14 . 1 .. ;
eire *till- ' --'- - ' ''• , -
' 01 trit **iyetai ht *kr - faille.:
rooinicsirinev 7ir we* sk
141theiehtlibill of 'liald•bilitidatii'
, . „ 4 ' • ••
Assamicar_ awaramos P 902 WARM
'I never met _gab 4:1014 however vkd
ons, aim bernot - something good in
Ida 1,111411119,: it yon happen to strike
tbel,right chord.. Tbehigh-bOrn,
tled roes, up ti this time -;bed
been aelebratimionly for - - mime, au
once, vaniodasi from the workl e ss if
be never-:had been. Inbe
adopted tbe counsel X bad given Mm.
*lunged his name, and is now one of
the most, POpolar adorn of the
as mach reipeated 14 his *ow SS
be is admiredlor his by every
men of his aoraintanoe. - • `,
The ioil -of Bladensburg, St, has
a bloody 1 . record. It has been the
scene oofi man_y - a refined murder in
dm past. . Oae Who visite the place
now will fhid the. held green with
,ierdumwhich a few years sines was
trampled b 3, the feet of men arrayed
in deadly hostility. Hare on a bet*
tifui ram plot, surrounded by hook
farim made staff theboard . God
011100 beat nature and
en: In 1814, Hamad Hop was
Wed hers in it duel. This wean to I
have been the ft these fashions-'
bin murder" at this duelling_ground.
Ia 1819,A. T. Masao, a United States
Sanatoria= Virginia, beght with
Widen% husband, John McCarty,
here. McCarty was averse to fight
log, and the there was no 1100011-
sily for it t but Mason. would ftht..—
McCarty named muskets tded with
buokshot t
_audio near-together that
qiey Irodd bit heads it they fell on
Ude OWL This' wee chewed by the
se, coeds to. leadhig with beads, sad
mating tweivettet as the &steam.
Mason was lined .instantly, and Mo-
Cartyi who bad hie Collar tone bro
kea,lstill lives with Mason's sister in
Ghpoigetowril His hair tarsal white
so soon after the fight as to cause mach
comment. He has since been solicited
to sot as second in a duel,but hateful.-
ed,in accordance with a pledge mad
to his wife mustier killing her broth
er. InlB2o, Commodore Decatur was
killed here in a die) lb: Commodore
Barron: At the first Are, both fell
forward„ and lay with their beads
within , ten feet of each other; and as
each apposed himself mortally wow
ded each folly and freely forgave the
other, still bine on the De
catur expired in a har but Bar
roe eventually In 1821,
tio strangers named Legs and Sega,
appeared here, fout, mallow' was
instantly killed. Tbe neighbors only
learned this much of their mimes from
the wake on the gloves left on the
ground. Legs was not hurt. ID
1822, Midshipman Locke was killed
here i n a duel with a 'clerk of the
Tresitaryllepartment,nsmed Gibs*
The latter was not hurt. In 1886,
Henry Clay fought his second duel
r with John Randolph, just across the
Potomac as Randolph prefered to die,
if at all, on Virginia soil. The latter
reoeived - Clay's shot and then fired
his - pistol in the air. This was is
seed:dance with a declaration made
to Mr. Benton,who spoke to Randolph
of a can the evening before on lire.
tun and alluded to thequlet sleep
of her child . and the _ revue of the
mother. Randolph quickly replied,"l
shall do nothing to disturb the sleep
of the child or the repose of the moth
er." ithn. Jessup was Clays second.
When Randolph 'fired he remarked,
"I do not shoot at you, Mr. (lay" sad
extending his hand , airmail toward
(Rey, who rushed to meet him. Ran
dolph; showed Clay where the ball
struck his oast, and slid facetiously,
"Mx. Olay,you owe me a coat." Thank
God, the debt is no greater." They
were \ friend' ever after. In 1889,_Mar
tin waabere killed by Carr. Their
first war were not remembered.--
Thayirere from -the south. In 188$,
of Frank Km,sed broth
er of Barton Key), met Mr.
and Mr. Sherben "Mr.
have 110smie `io yon." "No
matter,* Key, "I came to kill
you." "Very well,\ said Sherbon, "I
will now kin you," am did. In
1845, elawyes named \ Jones, fought
with and e Dr: Aohnoon. In
1861, R. A. Hook, and A. J. Da ll as
had 'a hostile meeting he* Dallas
was. shot in the. shoulder,but recover.
ed. In 1858,Daaila and Johnion,two
Richmond editors, bald harMlsee
sotto bere,which terminated is
In-1863 Davis
=lll/ and Ridgweg a rght
be" 2 41".""
aist to fire Wonting the
4 Roan or Taras.--liogruvings
shed their sphits over a household •,
the taut portrait* of the- great - and
worthy diamiceercise great influence
over me., I could look on those over.
toy (Mt fimplage until they - meta
neither absent or departed; but lit
mg yieL ' Every good platers is the
but of- MOWN and lectures. The
genie informs =the soul. Whatever
you lave, have beauty. , Let habit,
be a the *Per on your walls. It
is it sexy to choose a paper lugger.
tiva at the lovely in aim and firm;
as the uncouth. Why should not
every household object - be sanctified
with this grateful charm I lack
&ekes& table each tea orohantber.
servies, and every object for kitchen
or parlor, tombs hose of the poor
non, artisun k tre mtgobanie; t 'would
have them all worthy -of alone
tasta.—/ifyibuy Burr*.
k '
Lulus who have, s , disposition to
PM* dm* imboade *odd noollool est .
wk mem sumidoewia nosh so kids
wow 61111611011e411111 pls.
/IP the Dielninll sad good ale sot
11111111C11104, *kik sayt at dim
ooqiis to be obi he Um to lost Ml*
k A Isis ISM is -hrzetensile habit
ittotire ',MINK etas aka mfg. oda
lis 'Mem team s ask "he Rilakti
fasaPatige sea ; • salt sae sem bo
bliP' &No d !" t OP', "
114 'lli* - bit°
low joo Wig puktoilOst aid*
.111 0 0 i h ri le le Perla!
of the
We publish a careful maple of
the' new Registxy . Act, which seta
forth all its essential features briefly
and clearly, withcintbeing encumber
ed by the surplusage irhickidways
surrounds'legislative enactments :
flixstion 1 provides that the Anse"-
*Ore; after receivingtheir transcripts
fro:new County Commissioners, shall
make of all white freemen
shove twenty-Ise years of see, Trkici
shall maids- dein to be qualified vo
teri in their • respectiire
£o:, and state oppoeite their
names whether said voter is a house;
peeper, and the -ntunbea Or place of
asideace ; and it not a housekeeper
the occupation, Owe of liouding ;
and if working for another, the name
of. his employer ; and set opposite to
his name the word "voter' And
when a-piirW claims to be a natural
ised -voter, be must exhibit his anti&
cats to the ~4filisearior, unless he shill
have voted in the tawnship, borough
or wards at five preceding general
eleotioni. When a party *as de.
dared bit intention toleciame a old
ran, and means to be naturalized be
fore the next election, the name gall
be marked D. J.
Parties between the ogee - of twen
trollo and twenty-two. claiming to
vote by ream there 4 shalt have the
word "age" entered ; and if said
;tarty has moved into the district
since the last general election, the
letter 8 shall be placed opposite the
name: In all the above enumerated
cases $ tax shall be assessed against
the person; To carry this law into
effect it shall be the duty of the Com
tnissktnars of the respective counties
of - this Commonwealth, within sixty
days after ,the passage of this Act,
to cause alphabetical lists of the pa
ges returned by the Assessors, as
seemed in the „several districts for
the present year, to be made out and
placed in the hands of the respective
Assessors, who shall, on or before
the Ist of September next, ascertain
the qualificstioni of the
therein named, and their claims to
vote as before mentioned, and return
said lists to the ComWisioners as
hereinafter This section
further provides that alle parsons who
were thus ' red and permitted
to vote at the preceding election
in . October, shall, without further
proof be:4lmnd on the list or registry,
to be prepared for-the electiori in No
vember ; but they and all others
shall be subject to challenge as pre
scribed by the foirth Section of this
Ju3t. .
Section 2 provides that when-the
lists of assessments are completed,
as provided in section 1, and return
ed to the County Commissioners, they
shall. cause - exact duplicates to be
made, with all the observations there
in noted, and plaied in the hands of
an Assessor', Who shall,. before the
first of- next ensuing said assessment
put one 'copy on the door of the house
where the election of the district is
to be held, and to retain the other for
the inspection of every person rest.
dent in said district, free of charge,
who may desire to inspect the same ;
and on the application of .any one
claiming the right to iota in said
district, the Assessor shall-add the
claimants name, and mark opposite
his .name O. T., and immediately as
sess him with a tax. On -the tenth
day preceeding the general election
in October next, the Assessor shall
produce thilist in his> possession to
the Inspectors and Judge of election
of the &skid, at a meeting to be
held by them, as provided in sea
tion S.
&lotion 3 reqUiree the Inspectors
end Judge of , the election and the
ASseesor to attend et the place of
hofding the general elections for the
respectise liection districts - on the
tenth darpreceding the second Tues
day in October, and other succeeding
days, from nine A. M. to six P. M., to'
bear proofs of the right of persons to
vote whose names are contained in
the Assessor's list. or who shall ap
ply to have "thew names registered
dad all those who.havo not previous;
ly toted in the electkin district, are
required to I - sake' proof before this
board-of their right to VOW -in said
district ; and thole applying to be
*listen* 'whose names have not
been aerated by the • Assessor and
marked .-"voter,* mufti` make like
prootof their right to vote, when sups
tra the Ammer shellaseess said per;
um with a tax 11111, required by law.
Thaeltietkes pacers AA cause du
plieste copies. Of the lists thus 'cot
rot:46ol dkem mole out, one
tdbe placed oz* the door of the house
where. the elactkm is held, theother
to bet held by the Judge of the elec
tion for the inspection of citizens.—
It is further- provided that persons
claindng to be.entitled to vote Whose
names halm not been entered on the
registry. of the district in which they
claim .to 'be entitled to ivte, shall
produoe t it lust, one qualified voter
of the eleetion district to prdve the
=residence of the olaimaiit to the dii•
triot- for . - . - od of, at least, ten'
days ~ -•-- . . • the general election.
-nut ..... .___ The : without*" s.. shall,
subscribe an affidavit *fining clew
ly where b e-
of theparson - , . . . ..
Asimin be- a, voter Le. - The per. A awn o n ce c came inki court in-
NOD ' the *Mt° be ne s t e r. toxicated, when = the Judge said to
'ea shill lieiequired to suburb() him : " . -
an admit stating respectively when . ' 41 131r, lam sorry to see you in a
sod lime he was born, 'that he is . II situation which is a disgrace to your
&boa . Pennsylvania and of the . self and family,the court and profes-
United tee ;if - a naturalized cit., Sion to which yoabelolig.n
sea be _ state I. when,
,where sod, This reproof elicited the following
by what he" was Ritualised, colloquy colloquy : . 1 -
and _ ~ proent his certificate of "Did par honor speak to met -
isalbst for exuninatica, inlets ' "I did sir ; I said sir,- that in my
be has been a voter la *seed dim- °pin*yin disgrace - yourself and
trlot fortes yeira then ant weed- your family, the court and your pro
ing. • In - the , sone _ tunes: is the ftsift, by yew bonnie of conduct."
tdehusat to be registered, required to ' ."Iday 1-tit plow your . honor, I
pevilithat , he maimed hist demon have bees in this court for
ship, if he bad lci4tt the saitta t .thet 'he Meen peers. : and permit ,mo to say,
has not . Itan:iegistsied as a voter yourlusior,iliat this ii the first tor
, thew** that bathos paid tea with- real COinion'l ever - knelt , ' you to
• '
..•' id two years, &e. -' girgive I" - . ,
WI per Annaini; in .4kiiviintte.
The affidavits voters and wit
nestles shall be presemd 'by the
bositi,and on the 'close of the election
day they shall be pitied in the ballot
box with the other papers now re
gutted-by - be preserved there
in ; and if thaboardlind that the ap
plicants poseess the legal qualifbea
lions . of vote/exams. shall add _their
to the nit alphsbetjolly with. like
effect as if the same had been done
ten daja before the election. The
reception of the vote of my person
not so registered, shall constitute a
misdemeanor in the election officers
so receiving it, and on conviction
thereof they shall "be subject to fine
aid imprisonment.
Section 4 provide, that on election
day it shall be lawful for any '
fied 'cider of/the district, to chair
lenge the vote of any person offering
to vote, 'notwithstanding his name is
Contained on , the registry, and his
right to vote.hid been poised
on by the election baud, whe reupon
the lame proof as is dow req uiredby
law shall be publicly made and again
acted upon by the hairdo/lid the vote
admittedor rejecbal,ikia . eding to the
evidence. Naturalised citizens will
be required to produce their naturali
zation certificates at the election be
fore voting, as required by existing
laws,' although ,the gamer - may have
been exhibited to the election board
before registry._ -When au& vote is
received, the election officers shall
write the wordavoted" thereon, with
the-month and year and if any elec
tion officer of that or any- other elect
tion district_ shall receive a second
vote on the same day, -by virtue of
such certificate, the person so-offend
ing shall be god* of a misdemeanor.
And the officers of election_who shall
neglectorrefuse to make the endorse
ment required open said certificate
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Section & provides for the 'sealing
and preserving of thelists,
in the same manner no w
required. by
la the tally_ papers.
Section 0 provNai that ten days
before the election. for Electors of
President and Vice ' President of the
United States, the board of election
sliairconvene at the place-of holding
the general election, to hear applica
tions of persons whose names have
been omitted from the registry, and
who claim the right tb - vote in the
same manner , ss is provided for in
the third section of this act.
Section '_7 provideslithat every .
special election provided by a law,and
at every city, ward,borongh or town
ship eleation,,the registry required to
be kept may be. used as evidence of
the persons, entitled thereat to vote.
Section 8 prescribes the oath, and
defies the power and duties -of the
boards of elections, consisting of the
Asseessirs,lnspectors and Judges,and
provides •for their compensation.
Section 0 provides that on petition
of five or more citizens of the county,
stating that they believe that frauds
will be - practiced at election' about to
be held in any district, the Court of
Common Pleas, or z. Judge thereof on
vacation, shall. appoint two persons,
jtulicions,sober And inteligent citizens
of the county, to -act as overseers at
said electiona, with proper and moss
sa.ry authority to prevent the same.
Section 10 providei for the punish
ment of any Prothonotary or Clerk of
the Court who may fisWnently issue
or furnish naturalizatkat papers cer
Section 11 provides the penalty for
any Assessor, election officer, or per
son appointed as overseei, who refu
ses or mglects to perform any duty
enoined by this act, without reason
able 4.4 cause.
SeoWn 12 provides the penalty and
prescribes the mode of punishment to
be inflicted upon any tax collector
found guilty of issuing a receipt for
taxes, said tam not having been
Seaton 18 provides the time for
Orining and closing the it Ils.
Sectuin 14 directs that the Comity
Commissioners shall,at the expense of
the county, furnish all blacks made
necessary by this act. • .
Election 15Ortixsals;a11 la** inclose/9.
tent withihui act
Star wren a Yong..—A Con
necticut exchange tells the following
story of a bay who - was sent , from .
Croton to New . London one daY last
summer with bag acorn. IU. boy
was gone wit h
day'; returning the
bag unopened, which he, dumped on
the toor, saying : • 6 ' ,
"There's yolv core sad sell it,
-I Can't.
"Sold any Ps -,--
Pve-,,been all over. Lends* •
with it,- - and nobody. Slid anything
onneeraing_green corn:. Two or three
fellow.asked me what I had in joy .
beg, and I. told them none of
business what , it 'vim. - - !
The boy is not unlike hundreds 'of
merCiltants who will promptty call
him a fool for net allthg what be had
to sell. They are *dna"' de* the
same thing on a. much larger' scale
than atd.that boy, by not advertising
their. business,
141 " 111 the PIP
i l k who ame n Wks" - mien*
afternoos was s citfaintetWesb Jer
sey; 'Re brought,s eineketempi sad
butter. In Via' )ig raMb
most, - part of kb' wig* be bit
splendid peacock, whose tail Aimed
out, - imantitui even to gowassemses,
Wm the trailef aWs Anew An
bishmaa, palming le shearrad 4111.
Pionuire Ohs bbd= sag
Inked its pries.
"Thee ese have it for Mien dais
waithe reply of the owner,
whose garb d bias as s maw
ber of the &mkt/ of 'Meade.' -
'That's a good pries? was the fa
emaogatiye remark of as Celt, as be
othe&the ample tail of the feath
ered biped. -
"Mime are - plenty of people' who
will give that for him,* was:the Ow
°blend very true rejoinder.
The Celt surveyed the
his 'proportions, but - still=
to cheapen - him. "Mister,* said be
at last, tithe grave . gantismin
held the bird for pi* pee.
pie say that these birds bare s roy
bad "doe - -
"I have nothing to say , Oast their
voices," was the wild 1017. . "If
thee Wants the fowl thee can take it ; •
if thee - doesn't its value - dosn't make.
any matter to thee.* • - •
"But," says the Celt, "don't them
bids holler like the devil I" •
"Mad," was the' placid - ret
"thee probably in that
the advantage over me. War
- dently hasitstizttances that I boys
not. If thee .
that the soma
of this bird is like to that. 41 - dw
friend, whom thee has maned, I, in. -
my ignbranoe, not pniannte to
contradic thee? wM ,
"The next minute the Qelt was at
an opposite stall in the market •buy
ing a ten cent bunch.of carrots. Be
bought no peacock on that day.
Las, according to the Arable pm.
verb, is composed of two parts g
That which is past, a dreaad
that which is - to come, a wish. This
in exceedingly well exemplUbd Is the
lives of- of ea. We ane lr og rat
more Oor=rition. dream enr - fataro ici '
a wish, is in no meanie
by the put till we grow a:3d as
look to no Mare this , aide of the
grave. Then we any, "If ire weld
kat live over again." _
FUN, yitm ANIr-rApETIA
. War is .a chrysalis like a bat of '-
bread? bemuse it is the grub that sobs
the bolter SJ
Boa fills many a bottle, and the
bottle Ms many a bier
Ltvz within your. mums, V - 706
would have means within vizi& to Jim
have not loved Ugh*? 'as the
man said ',haulm martial a I,lllolr
bg three Moira pouts&
WilAt makeii the "Sternidliiie an
eternal abomination to dead& nosh& 1
Its saoma.
... As Irishman remarked oft a ladY
irho bad beenvery kind to hfm, fleW
,she's a penieetgentleman." •
To prevent your hair from coming
out—never Ist your wife each pm Midst
the servantgirl. -
Wzrr do ladies prefer to lay wageis
in gloves ? Blouse they Us' to have a
hand in the bath*. •
Tema. are some forty postmistres-.)
sea in South Carolina. They otuumnbnal
the nudes if anybody can. _
WRY bra a bridegroom worth moire
than the bride ?"- Beco' nee shale even nay.
and he la sold l •
"DON'T . you mean to marry, my ,
dear sir r " No, Weed,: my dear vt/i/ovr •
rd rather hg all the ribs ett Soda
another. . . • .
A bachelor merchant's advice in
selecting a wife was _ "Get hditof a piece
of calico that will yeah."
/WSW - between women are like
two handsome =method gloves—chamning
=with their props mates, hat good Om
in that way.
Lawn= not infrequently get to
ride in their own carriages. from the darer
tray in which they harete. nuke/god the eon
'fiancee of tlmir labia
Tim true alarm belle -is your pretty
girl. Like the fire ride= it often Sounds
out en extensive ecmilerpition. e on
difference in the °adhered= ti that one
horns bouts, the other merely MAUNA.
A priest asked a tipsy fellow.lgan
lag sokinst the fume, idlers he trEl to
go "inn be flue -iulf caul get owy
better then now . q - - - -- said 101
nwere." - - .
A poor_ ;relation.—telling as ammo.
dote bedly.F
"Sup dark,* as the old basheke
said to his dyed
• Wan is the remedy fora Need
bookr—A "skeleton key ,* of awn.
A young woman's omnsedrein—
who is au favorite Ramat hero? Mestom: .
A Man who makes a livelihood by
his penis often pandits&
. .
noun told his sweetheart be
"Gould not sleep for dmmnizig
H of ins"
• •
Tam are more poor, willing , to
give amity from their neeemity; thaa
how their sepselinity.
Tan first "bus" in America, liter
much disensdon, has been decided to bare
been (Mnism.
A - girl . "with a ringing 16141*
mused MD alarm of the taltenia, nig
took bra for a belle. - -'
Thus iroodsem ia the \ iglow
vow; is sidemiNices whip. MO M. IMPS
file!! Otb•snistie are ora 16 •
AVAliCat in old age, says am% is
tooth& ; for abet ma be more ahead Om
to imams our provisions for the rand, the
serer we approach
our,joanwre sad.
Iris not luta the Bower has fallen. ,
off Vat the fruit bogies to:lpm -leis
less he r is past that Um Isee
vsefulness highs. •
Hs who tells a lie 3s.not sensible
how greet a task he underlain', thrbeasua
be forced to hill „twanly maw assebtiela
006. .
Ms most effecting instance d
u t :wide is_that yressated by Om
mentioned in the saw • Ide
rang so sweetly hh, actually 14001111 d ms
guiter.7 - 1 •
How msay fine hats servo an a.
time for boa" mallow saw
plaited shirt bosoms oared a lollop app.
where s beast *add be WO.
say, ma, is it - true that we ars
all made old of &di . Ira% str W. so -
we me wan be bomestk I -
%lion is, own if vs vas who ps twat"WWl Abe mvaidyr
a.ann m_ay be blight, Wit .
Mattis mit Tao niabcnr is bawled la
the air .bile beneath is tin maanbignM e
A little girl tappenbir to hear
Itme:maibi sposidog at Ohs
momidng, _
"Why me lre gains b.VZtaK ,ems.
mamma ; any of oar -