I Al 111!„; 4111)111110/11111111. Tits lieroarez. le pebaidMialefirs I** - &rya/441;174 0' 000111101. 4 If* mai* la ' ADM11111111:111112‘ omen NM& lined ne. baSeltetitllleo l **lbt. * Brat bard* aid 111PRIONIMI- pit ihwas eabsequent insertions. 111**10004#4 Barred Were Kieriegie easki beehiuirei karate- tain*p.likle. iwiertios. , Akrestgaid* ; 00M171UntaidOes of isikOdinof i Titans' , sza *lca o f , ihrillitelkort** weeding give Lines, ire chimed vie arras par line. 1-Taii - 70M - O. 77 Wma I %le 00inmn,.... . ... $100• $6O Ltd' " "60 • • _ _25 One 6quare, • - 16 - 1Q rlitray,Cantion, Lost and Pound, andother advertisements, - not exceeding 10 lines, `three weeks, or less, • = $1 60 -Administrator% .1t Executor's Notioes . .2 OO Auditor's Notices 2 60 Business Cards. Ave lines, (per year)..s 00 Merchants and othern, business, !gibe charged $315. 'They' .. 4 011 be entitled to 4 column, confined excladvo• - ly thetrbtusineasorithprivilege aqua:ter ly changes. . /lifis.Adiertising in all cases exclusive of subscription to the paper. JOB PRINTING of every kind, in Plain and Fancy colors, done with neatness and dispiich. Handbills, Blanks, Cards. Pam phlets, do., of every variety and style, prin ted at the shortest notice. The- Rum= Om= has just been rented with Pc4i# Presses, and every thing : in the 'Prindug line can be snouted in Alseliost astistib manner and at the !melt rates. THEWS MUMMY CASH. Barbs. (1 EORGE D. MONTANYt, AT• VI TORNEY itT LA IV—Office corns of • gen said Pine streets, opposite Nutter! Drug • Storli. DOCTOR EDWARD S. PERKINS, Offers his professional services to the eiti sena of Front:Moms and vicinity. Calls prompt ly attended to. Nay 48,1887.-1 y • • Vr T. DAVIES, Attorney at' Law, • Towanda, Pa. OMee with Wm. Wet lass, Eq. Particular attention paid to Or phans' Court business and settlement of dece dents estates. MERCUR dc MORROW, &korner at Law, Towanda, Penn'a The undersigind having associated themselves together in the practice of Law, offer their pro. factional services to the pubIic . ULYSSESYSBCIIB P. D. NOBBOW. March 9,1866. . P ATRICK .& PECK, Arro w LAW. Offices :—la-Pattoe Illock,Toweeda, Patrick's block. Athena, Pa. They may be malted at either place. s. w. PATILICI, 'pile B. IfcKIAiIk_ATTORNEY cE _LA. COUNSELLOR AT -LAIF, Towan da, Pa. Particular attention paid to Wahine In the Orpiuuta' Court. July 40.1866. 'TENET PEET, Attorney at Law, Towaais. Ps. jaatf. ppWARD OVE.RTON Attar eti Law, Tovsnda, Pa Mee ht the Col a t7 " l Holz se. July 1$ 186 L TO gN N. CALIFF ATTORNEY el Er LAW, Towanda, Pa. Also, nevem meet Agent forth, eollettlan of Petulant, Bea —Ply and •Bounty. WNo charge unless snecessfal. Once ever he Post Office and News. Room. Dec. 1, 1884. LT P. - KIMBALL, Licensed, Anc -1-10 times; Patient"lls. &inflow Co.. Pa. tenders his services to thri public. Eisitiafaction guaranteed,or no pay required. Alli kwilars uy mail, addreaaed as above, will receiver prompt attention. Oct. 2,1867.-6 m JOHN W .MIX, ATTORNtY AT el LA IV, Towanda, Bradford Co. Pa, General insurance and Beal Estate Agent.— Bounties and Pensions collected. N. business in be Orphan'. Court•isttended to promptly and with care.. Me first block &oath of Ward Rouse, u stairs 0ct.24. PARSONS. & CARNOCiIAN, AT TORNEYB AT LAW, Troy, Bradford Co. Practice In all the Courts .91 the county, lections Made and promptly remitted. R. a. raison, dl2 w. H. CAILIOCHAN. (IR. PRATT has removed to State street, (int above B. S. Snesetl & 'Co's Bank). Persons from a distance desirous of con eilting him will be most likely to end him on &earth y)'each week. &pedal attention will be given to. surgical eases, and the extraction of teeth. Gas or Ether administered when desired. July 18,1868. D. B. PRATT, M. D. DOCTOR CHAS. F. doe in Goaes Dreg Store, Towanda, Pa. 't Calls promptly attended to at all hours. Towanda, November RB, 1868. DR. H. WESTON, DENTIST.- Mee in Patton'. Block. over Gore's Dreg and Mended &ors. 014111268 nRS. MASON & ELT_ . , Physicians • sigigionsists on Pine street. To. want a at ihr the residence of Dr. Nam. pli attention (given to &mama of Wo men, and diseases of Eye, Ear and Throat. L. - 6. Lamm, Y. D. =me °UV= SLY, Y. D. April 9 1468. 'filDW'D MEEKS-AUCTIONEER. 12 All letters addmeaed, to him at Bogor Bon, Bradford Co. Pa.. will receive prompt attention. PRANOIS E. POST, Painter, Toto -1: oda, Pa, with 10 yearsexperience. he con. Admit he can give th e beat aathfaction in Paint ing, Graining, Staining, Gluing, Pantivo. iarParUmiar attention paid to Job the country. April 9, 866. K. VAUGHAN—Architect and ter • ihtilder..—All kinds of Architectural de alga' furnished. Ornamental work in Stone, Iron and Wood. Office on Hain street, over Bnewll & oo,'s Bank. Attention given to Bu eal Architecture, such as laying out of grounds, Ac., &c. , April 1,1867.—1 y. J. kiEWELL. ill COUNTY SURVEYOR, Bradtord 00. , Ps„ wul promptly attend to all business In bb line. old Particular attention Owlet sunning and astsbllslg 'or diVn- I it W to s. Also to sarveying,o n fall =patented tell! Ina* Itsusattlire obtained. ayll Fe B. FORD—Licensed Auctioneer . TOWANDA., PA., Will atland promptly to all badness entiustad to Ma. Charm maim a. Feb. - 13, 1668. JOHN MORAY; Armor LAD PROTOOR44IIIIB. Will peseeptiy_ Mend to all bedew In his Hu i Special *MOM given to les and Sere. oomph, Photeipsphy. . Views of Family Real dame, Marne, l'ablie Wilding% Animals, Kip chigoe, ple.,iakei lathe beet ineanor. - • Eforliouiet Miamian givgn to the novel snit iteemoolde viipeneMitioa of Weds: , 'grams vedifami al Wood 1 Bodine' Photo. • 're i g ns :k w. : Gallary, Towanda. • . Apvilll.lllll7.-0. - IVIV B. KELLY_, - Dentist. Office T • liter Wickham A Black's, TowandliPa. £ll the 'wow styles of work scientifically done sad werranftd—Particalar attention la called To salaminuns Base for Artificial Teeth. which is eqmni, as g ood as Gold and far gard °l. t 4ll' . I ° lo Raba or Silver. Please. call amd szaminßrotimed, • Okiolgorlo or muor administered underdi • _section a Physician wk.% d es i re d • 1861 f• HpAny WATPANs, ic ri=v• Public to prepared too„k e thoo, Acknowledge -the areentbm %f Deeds; ifogigages, Power* of &Mersey, And via botroakooto. Aflidivits sod psps 01 7.; be monk to before se. t7 - ‘ 7 OM* witit, G. D. Montann, caner lain sal 'Mao Meets. Tawas's. INT., ?FUNNING it HARNESS MAKINII .L The undsratipsed have this day formed Co. be Maim le the Bra of ilk & 11:11.1414 kw the purpose of aaeryfig , on the sholre bWeees. Harms &skim sad repaiiint dew to order and ell work ',silted. easttpeld tor httles. • • _ GEDIFIN IFUL fg. LEU , _ EDGAR L. Oamptaws, Jest. ..18, IfteL AHE PLACE BP JT Mani: ING leak:eta and Baskets W awi d0e1104014 ell04014 *Frost's Furniture ROTC Eli Ell E. co. Gocplnnen VOLUME FVIE. • TO. OF O.F.—pROFORD 0 ,Thatit. No. 167, I. 0. df 0.. .4meata -Odd Pal lows Hall, every Ilfmtakfivening froinAlm flu Monday In April to the. fino MoMay VOotoba at 71k p. m., from Ootoberi to April A .at Oi p.m.' 8. CW April 13,1887. • WARD HOVSE; rOWANDA, PA. On Main Street. near i tlie Court Hone. 4 Oct. knee. _ C., Pliri',l:llerletar* lICIVELi f =j a i i . TOWANDA; PA.. ~ Having purchased this Writ known Hotel col Bridge Street, I have red:slashed refitted it with every conveniencefor the tocommodic tion of all who may patrol** ms. Noialas wiU he A sparalto make all pleaM e ar m arrlt i - day Med.—tf. '.l. . P ELW' ELL HO B USE,I Towaina, Pal, JOHN 0. WILSON. Having leased this House, lidcow res r to ac commodate the Travellingigmblia. No l pains norupon se will be spare give satisfaction to those w o may give him call sir North side of thepublin sq l uare . east of Ilercur'e new block (now buPdingl• . AM ERIOAN NEW ARRANOE - ENT AT Tail NEWS ROOM AND BOOK TORE. The undersigned hating iparobased e BOOS STORE AND NEWS BOON( of J. .1 0 1:rildtha. respectfully invite the old Ostrom of the estah• llshment and the public generally , to and eft. amine our stock. . ALVORD & EL i sz W. eLVOILD. ' P.L. f • FASHIONABLE 14W113 REWIEIN Respectful y Informs the olVions of 'rowan& Boroigb, that he has opened a In' Money's Buildingopposie the Meins,House and sonata a share of pnbliq patronage. -He is prepared to out muff make gsmnents to the most fashionable style, 'nd•tbe most dura ble manner.- Perfeef, satisfaelloti will be guar anteed. W. A. PIO& Catting and Repairing done to ordet on dun notice. t Sept. 10,1067. rPHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE opened 6 Eandsing Bomb in Towanda, un der the. mime c 3. F. LOON & CO. -, They 'are prepared - to draw Bins tor. Fs change, and make collections in New York, Philadelphia, and all portiOns of tke United States, as also England, Germany, and France. To Loan money, receive, deposit.; to do a general Benldng tundnefie. , G. F. Mason was one of the la firm if Laporte, if son & Co., of Towandi4 Pa., and his knowk ge of the instinct's , men of Bradford and adJohling Counties,and 'having ben In the banking business for about Beenpins, make this house e desirable one, through which to make collections. 1 Towooda. Oct, 1,1 8 86. JEWELRY 81'ORM AT DIISHORB = l , A. YOIING, • t , Informs the citizens of Sullivan count that ha has opened a Jewelry Stare,* the b ding op posite Welles & Ackley's store, Dualtbre, when he will keep on. and an assortment oi JEWELRY, WATCHES, IAND 0400/IP3. Which will be sold as low u at any other pkee in the country. Particular Attention paid to Watch and Clocklltepairing.l Mr Give me &cal as, many jaW' expert. ence will enable me to give satisfaction. Dushore, Oct. 9, 1887. HARDING & SMAIALEY : I - i . Having entered into a coliartnerill p for the transaction of the PHOTOGRAPH! buainese, at the rooms formerly occupledatod and Harding, would respaetfully pall Ms IttAntioll of the public to several stylesof tibia we make specialties, as : Elblar Pla a ngrapbs, Plain, Penciled and Colored; Opalt , Pores. lain Pictures. ho., which we 'plata clenumis and brilliancy of tone and Artistic finish, ens. • be excelled. We invite alit° them ir well as the more common, kinds of Portraits ',..hich we make, knowing Bill well 1 that they :., bear the Gluiest inspection. This Gallery c .. the highest reputation for goo work of any in this section of copntiy, and e are de. termined by a strict attention to and the superior quality of our work, - t0 .6..„...1 _ , 1n0t only retain but incresse its veri s rable We keep constantly sta the v . 'lleir . =isty 'of Frames and at lower prices than &tatty other establishment in town. Also PaNepartonto Card frames, Card Basebq Holt*? 'Stereo. scopes, Stereoscopic Vies, and everything else of importance:pertaining to business, Glyn WIOM OLTIy MU, for' N. 8.--Solar Printing the trais on the most reasonable terms. 'i D. HARDING Aug. 2E037. 1 F. SMALLRT AOARDA-Dr. Vaiilinuaihas ob? tallied a License, Ili; rap __, of the Goodyear Vnicinate Co , to Vulcanise Rubber as a base for A o Teeth, and has now a good selection of Um * beautiful carved Block Teeth, and a superior- artiola of :Black English Rubber, which will : ;enable him to sup • of ply all those in want of ilets of th, with those unsarpassed for Utility sa d'_" ap pearance. IPMing.Clean dull lrreg. ularliles, Extractif, ao lona be ' longing to the ilin ad DliMutinent skilllialy performed. Cholo oral a4Mhihderal for the extraction of Teeth wheal' Ideidred4ariannie being oiled for the wooed in sir h 'as has perfect confidence, having administered it with ima i the most pkwalnkresults dadne a " radtioe*Of fourteen years. _ _ ' L I s "._ Beliirrety gimtsful to the WIT liberal patronage hinitolbreiweelved be would lay that by strict attentloWto the nts Of his patients, - he would coutlaiulitO gibiltrthetr con fidence and spot:WW2.Office inihßilei Block, opp osTW the lliviimil How, I Towanda; Pa. _ - ',.. DO. ' ,IINIVItt. TWINTY-FIVEMeARS : ' ERI WOE IN MISTISTIIif. ''. - 1‘ • J.fi, Eatni, M. Dorocild bane the i n abitant s of -Braffoid Coball UAW la penman" -located LV s. :.". -Be wooldsertird trait hie finittalefol insetioe of TWILIiTY- - -duration be 11 Insilles Mph • di the_ i _diffe i realt i -af work doss - fa fay end ell Debtal Flub la dWor opetiml, Mt kr better - than any Mbwr MIMI oomedor- lit the *do work the best Sawled JO tat Maar aid' 4 aim the prima Ihemaell , ofleatimot - tO the DMA, aeloweadaidands sat et' Ili rows utilleial teeth, end the erns. ' Tor thosereceleter , ate teeth be woublyell ottialiob to siewitind work irlddheonelets of imbeds Rot betels*. and teeth, - end Sartain a colannoes ge: - It is morn derablei awn natant; in appeemooe s sad mach bettor etepted to the thalway other kind of work. Those in of the some are spen t wow to can •andOsoodno lIPOCI F TOth awl to lad for yeas end Often for Ilk.— Obknotorm, Wm, and " If side ?rod. mint mg*, se , focWlim dred Wilma wit leet km/ yells 9 1 11,4 4 _1w ° tilos in Petton's II • • 9 1, ..- Jul; Wl*. R rus I NS' #+ A NO-Sl'' Aa N 0.1 7 1 4 • Wiereeentedints $27,000,00:4,-, • 1" ASISMANIES t Node Asteries;Pbestelpies;...l ,001,110 IS Phenix of Batter!!; ;! raki , & 4 / ',Xmas, New Yotilt_,_ stesuAlo Is. 00., New - X 9,07010 '''•,,,Asiet'ken Fire la.'• leo.; I • • ' • ; 114,0* Se Zl K : E n k et 1000.010 s 0 Xew York". : **o.o9o* W ittriel the I**l pa et eves to fent steLatel l iii m .0611163 a of e k e p e ek em e ry.- teal** meth yd e d souk W. 4a,sosto. is w'ooovia , the banking lloosO — Z n a l Rena vaitigh° 0 • tiLitaireui '• Thom* ieb.lo,l , - • • f , r,...ftfirt: l ) . l , l', Pr.: -, - 1,;:....i.it,..74,:.-; , ,-, , ..,., •,..,:1...: 0,i1.1,.. 1 4.f.1 , ..... -. ‘-.• - --.1- ... '"1. -.H., , -- , ....,,, ~.,...,..,-. - - ~... .... ___ I 1, ...,__ A JJ'i,ii t ts . .-I.4.;:tfi ..!t , ~_ ..- t•- , . - ,: , )...i gilt?, --- ./ ' ) E ..,, ....., ..,_ '1 ./ .'.-*. •F • , _, t,: ? ,.)_i„,:•:: ..0 ) ,„ ,I, ,•„.. ,_,....._ ~.._.,_ „( . I . ta„„ - . „...,.i-.: 74-• .1, , ..”, !,.., ,'I, . ••• tli,is.s.-.4e,' 111 ti-±, ',.. r' j 3 *.// . ... ‘ ' . :lit ..,. ...7; "tr,;: i ~,-,:- I' b.f91:1 - - .77 •-•., -- .v. a ',:-!.. S \„„ . ...„._ \,... ..,,. 1 .: ~ •...... • ' i't;iiizr - ' ,-, --..." ,' -; -s- .4: q . .11.0.5f:Ji:10 ''..' ' :E;''''' , !i".. .1 % ;../.: .'..... -3-`,0.1 ~t. 1 , .K 2 `./.);f...ti - -.;...4 , 3 a. liWjr ' - i'. t 61..... , 5: c: 2 1:- : f . i ...... , .-. - - t -1, , Qtaca4. TAI; OR SHOP, G. F. !WPM, A. G. ANOW. 711. 7 . v.:kr REM f.• ===l Ss . ledtd Nut*. „118a±eitele.lielhaliiangh thi "WO olobag, 'Tb° dinb f itlu faint!lakeoffialsolk Aft 0 1111 141,. The meet rod liianalholtaeo—, • aconbilaaarlOWNl; mak mug !gad * 4 440 /gm , . Within an !bite Waist be i tin& As bib:, &Ms. • TM imr. *044 1:00 hot 1 in '42 : o4l P aeiginr A ”: -The "i inn, waite .l6 4 "reek 17 0: 4 } the Ably redAhli; ams_ buretagib 4 ,l lol l o . gaz, MK " 1 4 haabilAwathilt - - AISI 10 * 1 • 1 4+ .4 41 Ant wag" through idit. arum% Anbablidina AO IMO eldilnie gith Ott !. Aya!*.imagicirofeogia andliaffen is ,on. 1% 2 0'41'0 6 4W* to F i r g u l u rf l r rata P . f a q i r /. M er! 'Way the iilontinie glort=' While etill zgy derling's violet eyes - Rep* the same cad story— 6 babi sleeps . / tolan geo imuldoeprit spookv *tom fmtonstnii I think rirbst gifts of We end,greco heir hidden lamb are imbiging ; What paths the little feet may tread-- What works the hands be monlding- T . :What morianaits my darling's haid, 'When heart and Bout unfolding, -No longer sleep. ING 1 Ah I Hope bas many a fairy thetas, ' _Prom bor ars . 5..34, • unfel4lilB-- And lib IMO That some fond heart is holding ; But, sumo so glad as those that rise, In NO mid beatify 'blending, To shinelbefare a mother's eyes, Alms the cradle bending, Mine alb/ deeps. Pkothums. = THE 11111113.---4011SNONtil TRIM:qJM)II • MUNI' BY KR. NAT. , Wiananms, A O m _litazoi 8, UM The meet affectinlime I river egg?• ncea br . this wale O' tars in Washington last nits. Ilia Eggslen• ?y tolegrOpe to come on to Wank ington, and I obeyed. I hevn't tie 4 much to him reoensly, but I coodent forgit that he gave me the of& I live on, that his honored 'name is at the bottom av the commishin I hold, and I felt that I ought at least to be with hinrwhile he was in dissolution. I determined that ho shood drgr bin last offishl breath into my faithf ul busztam. 1 arrived late, and at w aist per ! ta : ceeded to the executive M ahem It wuz a fismilyer seen. Ther was reward, Randall; Beare 'Welles, and the , President, and all nv , em graver than-the eiliefly area ef-the stately dive nv yore, Tile Proddeat wuz' a tryin to keep a stiff upper lip; but I cood see teers a fol#nng each other adown his holler'ch ks in rap. id succession, "He's a goner - 1" then I, "no man kin stand that drain ea his flooida, No matter how much be may take in, that Lime Will kill any one." 1 i The President wnz a ' reed* :tale. grams and lettere, and they was not nv a water to please him. The first was . from .&egnst Belmont, and red . thus ; 4 . 14 tiov, ekyoe the - hiest p oi?' Bible regard for your Eggslency, and steel regret me:4ll4ft to see you deprived of yoor high cap ; but, ree. lk s ao. s3 l F r io eeereelY eEP le Peet t! to lemberrass 'the:naves by expousin 7oor cox The fact is, no party , hem a &cher before it kin tie Itself to a ded past. The teems. ter draws a sigh over a ded mule; but el* ded mule, ean't dravilds cart, he :Laterally turns his eyes onto them still possest uv vitality. 'lope yoo see thopint without my esple*-, in jt. Excuse me for comparin yoo to a ded mule ; but the simile - was the fitei that suggested itiseV to me. " With profound respect, I.am; etc.. A , I " V13.-41ionld bisnis call me to -Tennessee, I shell do myself `they on• oF, to clal on ...you. in your iled retitenient."' • ' ' ' The. President.wiped an avahmis6 iv teen which kilned the 'reedit: eV tbie uufeelin !otter, and the next, was 0004; Jimmy:l.!, KT, Feb. 80,.1808. Wood i teethed Irish raised in- ll* phi" O,I I V way !en* , 4 4 , ler , Hell," said. Randall, ",the whole county only polls eight , hundred Totes, and,that'essw beg biu.borlit ine fors. plaoe in the department for over • year. • Mire on. - One wun from a Western pelitlaheri lit ly appointed Paitthaster ' " Sir-4 return 'the appointment yoo gave me last' month with loathin and "kora. IsurviTed the 460 Or liaidisol **his Vassagran, rmw, opposition to the will of Oofigrii, ink 4amzin uv, yOor most daaritiable adteinistralion i but this l I ,last *temp to histiltauto• can't: endorse. Therefore I bolt. Your successor hopil, do me just* and hicewlie the &nit" Lortr, -feed ..Bandall, Ithat eels borottrieformore net •• Ourftor appintinent, but the &nit, wont 0011* firm him. Oh, Wade, whoa &meat you irhit t to undergo I Oh, Jebrulou, fawn' eiVioo e- • - • prominent ftm -'democrat wroth es - ' • T Plaiplaazi4 bot oak Welch yam ' Dare • am to do. `their .ibirtr d-4est. ~Xittla3y ',hood hid yoo all thP belief. - will be basieale • . . . . • • . . , . . ~ - • • -.--,- • . 1 1 i' - ' ..- - . -'-- 'i '• . .- . •, . . - - • •,. • , • . 2 . - .!.. •.,,,:,: ; ; T,P.... -- I.l'o found to have an''eleystion-'of oye hnudied fdet The - Statement of JOsephusis therefore to exaggeration :..-' If any one ,-looke4 from the battlemintg into -die valley he, would be giddy, . , his- sight could not reach to snob sir immense depth.' Sections of the ancient wall. of Ophir have been ethumed, show ing that, asJosephus says; it wt joined to the so :04W angle of the temple. Aqueducts ( cisterns,- and rctok t hewn! channels- and passages have also been discovered withic and around 'Horan:, throwing 'pew light on. the building, the Arrange ments, and the Bermes cf the tem-, ple. ,Tluctgreat work of a bomplete exploration of Ancient -Jerusalem - is thus fairly and auspiciously com menoed. The opportune, vi sits. of the ,eultan and the grand. vinier tp, tbis country,' end the repro, potation:: made to the latter.bY the archbishop_ of York, &doled up, as they hive been, .by the energy; the wisdom, and the tact of Lieutenant Warren and his admirable stair; have smoothed down Moslem - prejudice, removed local opposition, and thus - bronght about opportunities for excavation and endoration snob sever ourred '. before ; and, besides, large number:: Of Arab laborers . have . been ttained to the Work, and ate eager to omployed ; and the • exact Pointe for successful • exploration are. ~ ow Well Iplow, Biblical scholars doh:tatting with deepest interest .11er discoveries." tONG FACZEL-What a sad mistake t is to suppose that a k nian'shonld be gloomy because he is a devout ; as if misery were acoeptible to God on its bwn account, and happiness an of fence against his dignity. A modern 'writer of much wisdom and pith of writing, sap : "There is a secretor unbelief amongst some : men that • Gal' is displeised with ,men's happiness and .'so they slink about ovation, "Aimed and *afraid to enjoy' • if 'Wee are the plf: of whom H... says ; "They think they're pious when 'repthe.y bilious 1."-‘ good mai n armost always a cheerful one.' It hi St that haden 'scowl, - and look bine and he elati, ,choly.; bat he: ho h ni at--God's smile: of, approbation upon , him,should show: its radiance in his oolintsnanos, Johnson said he - "nover viii Han in hb life that' was not, - on' the Whole, an unhappy dog." -Arid well, he muy • And an honest xrianai-, \the ;can with a good ooliscience-;,•_let` him enjoy his sleep, and his. dinner,' and the love Of-his Wife'Md the tle4 hki iddldren; rnd shoiv a beaaq ing facet to his neighbor.- Sorely there , ' is 110*Ottie theology._ than that which' teaclies \ that he who hassie:es such' fullness of joy to beasts and delights in the misery of men or ; that haviriglile4 - with gladness, we ought to . give the lie to his, goodness' by wenlmig faces' beclouded with woe; "arido - furrowed with pretended happiness. ' - ' A Bu m% Mora heatitilnlty, sap "The little . that! have seen - in the world and! known of the.' historyAof norikitid, teaches me to look upowtheir errors in sorrov4.l3o anger: ti , When 'take the 'history Of one _poor haat thit - hat oinwd and 846.4; and ittireacaks, tapaif• the "treacle" temp it vasied , :throngli the, brief pulsation* of At; the bars of ;ears the rfAlenessArrPo4o4 'the, seprn of the world, that 411 i little 'charity the leeehiticiti br the soul's ikrn canctaattand-lond cvolemi lbesith!goneyhappinees gone-:1 wood tato leavethe aniatisouLaLakrfed. low man with him fmcffli whose hmde .it cane." • • . . ,t• .4414. *a. - UT. - Oa 11111 • • •,...._ ............, ......, The felkiwbg. Uglify - *tire' ,1 pito tura of litisihm sociallifeweeit from tine of our Jtoglish extgiststm. ?Writ 1 j. probably, qt . gab et truth in ikinit Amerkins w " it hardly - M*4 t , `40.. &tint aa it rends. Weare 30d Verisapoi the wenit-charikderbitio 'Ol Sudan soeliity, wheriit does* ;an tet.9a kiikilg `:***111;11. na Pa y, it is extreme coarimen&- meri one is tittle nod' lowi." All the Oisst *kr who . h a ve • ay- tot dling' to- say to gather" at the to eir voices. No ione = listens. , They*. tradiet each > stbek ;flatly ; tilaY, are "bogie ; the" quarrel,_ ~ , the; me tr e, it up over the teii.table Wheylibik/14 . ly take , conititatininifein =gond their deptiAmentAtereti• knit thilt,theroft‘. appehr Repo: eposi—,Thiii.probogyAiosii m their 'extreme iversion to idle** er pl(rdiallesertion, 'inefy `oohed Wimp to an"- old age- without' everi. baying got' on horseback Or taken 4 laStbY Walk Their- ixssosse af Poi try, .and semi to have a con!erpt for the beiuties:it nett* &It: - phisunie of (*entry life: Wei noilove of - 11patilbooting, - bulldog; raia,Nfo sire tilifieettmknown among .. .. , . therein not a shale yacht, in the Back Bes, • Ishsriit is summer - •ff the" Solidi West i 'all the year • ;., d. Thiiihousis; When Meet splendid are bit doovatealalartilit-, tug and looking glaseit,J2Weareix btstst. s P_Logitl.M. ll . l oo4 l o_oS *Amer ! their realms estenditure incl anthill are equal to their covetousness. No. where is dress' ea ' costly - or sonobn simnel. A cloyard Vl* gtes • eight bondrisigniness fatalistic fmndat AWL Jilting -Siki iiill4l'4lsikasitair iirokamlociolgat i rtokoosioda footaio *WWII llett4ift tilt ordered to - giviiiitiniektioW,;', The moat wetly I lidleihtrinisei iiindein Paris go: W . Sued& r lint Iti , younie Illuicovite kellitleill tkiiik'of 41 *( 1 4 geting into it ma* 01* . . and ' roam' g ' about , with hei_ spend or* _the win** Om" winter Owlge till it is spoilt. Thus is s iiiitish belief tbitititsidal din= nets ire of delicate' fare, end side gay by frcdts and pretSt atitrellte••- Nothing of the blink Thsvitoidit are coarse mil A.assorted 1 the cooks*" is abominable. .'Rs*: SA, raw haldi mushrooms in oil, - strong cheese, fer, mented — cabage, eaten with sou creem i bmied coin boiled naidilog Ow smalbeer, soup, with cold fish, salt cucumbers, ice MA fermi in it, this, with WWI fowls, is the stiple food among 44401 dent gentry'; and it is washed down with raw spirits and II beverage called quash, more name -1 ou thou any known in the West." How Mumuurs Swa trim nix kw, —Muskrats have .a curious method f traveling under the ice: In their excursions to thefr feeding grounds; which are frequent l y at greet distant oppB fr om their abodes they take in breath starting, an d remain under water as long as they ;can. They -then rise up to the ioe, and breathe out the air in' Abair lungs, which' re; mains; in bubbles against the lower surface of the ice = They, wait until this air move= oxygen from ,the water'sed iceoind then take It again and ga on until operatioiSlesilo be repeated. • In this way:tiny can travel almost'ity_. distance, ands live any length of tiw&'under the ice.— = . The hunter sometimes taken advralage of this habit in the following =Omer: When:the mar4hes and pesubrisimere the muskrat 'abound are first frozen over and the ice thin and deer, on striking into their helms with hie hatchet for4e;purpose of setting his traps, 'he frequently lees a *Able family plunge into the Water end swim away under the ice. Folicering vne of,them for some dist4olgoo 4 beleeil him come up -tq TOUOW,IIie breath in the auwer above described. Alter the anicial ht., - breathed agiiiiiit'the ice and before be 'las Alum itetakti his bubble in sgaiNthe hunter strike. .with his hitchut (Weal/ over -- him 4 1 111 4 1 "yes hint away from his, breath; Tai this 'case he , drowns - le Serinimieg few rods ; and' "the' hunter; cutting a , hole in the ice takes himont: - • Mink, otter and-beaver travel an= der the ice is the gime y l k,And hanteia liaverequently t ofd c j •ti taking'. 'Otter in ` the; hiainiei'l hive' ae., ticiibed; *hen iheacritii44(iriiiiilin house of the ixttuartati-lor ptar-: . • Abner - Sees ':Lorta.n—lt is rarely,. indeed, that liei • heTe.readisaythiatt more truthfully, pithetic thiin the 'Opined - iii#Whieh we find giating lamoa oar excliaveri.` WoOdilitt **Tyr inistaid la Our huid-taligitt:teid: It. sad profit by itzr-, 1) lu , "Dcpt stay. _long l ibuffisadrA t ibil yiting , bride tenderly_ in ._ my-prompw one evening, as her .., hastiaid ' , WSJ preparinglo go out i The wordy m-, selves were "'lathlike* : bile* looliter . *Mier flehiene with which they : were soootapaided,- opal • vii; umes It told. the w> :depth: 'of woman's love—of grief when the Ilea of' hiesmile, the sou* Of, 511 bitrjtjt, b ell4o,zot r!ght ,l 7, ntoch 41 -I)Ontt stay long, huabatat I" sad Isi*ed tsw.the loving wife, sitting jolo_ne , a4loniryoF 6l 4liting the momenta other blabana's abitelbe; OVerifilir mcnimtate ronniftlo ; Vied `door tit be* if-he wee not , . la - VIM,: raid"thidhit that he woe noti - l - tlmughf 1 omild boaboar lier. eteleading, to disappo l inted : • : •'. • ',`Polet sty long, hie* 1" , nitdj egthi theight tukSieni4 irife'reehintunerioiiely ~r *eat arin,H4hair 'laud'Viet tar Ilaikitirceldhre •-weipitk ikai the 16 01: 1 1 0 0 0 ;4 4 4400, ataY a weals '" • u ' T °hi 4 1.1011 1 4-111iiit ;7yoll golbrth, .think et - thdw, wheeliefare mingling in the , hive °flamed try just a little mike their homes l~ s*. _ MMW=UM= area Asaaot void. • bilbaudin and 411111Milicholles to a raw& is.bri cd • liblf6tr7therf! a; soft -A s ta l4t=l lol 4 F a ct -416 1 112 , bra‘ 46a P l * !O w "' O r' "Olir-bEk Mon an article by inesinassen in the • ...,. t • Fedismegne&l ; —. ' 1131 i. WADE OF offfro. . ~ ~. • Miseachmette pre tiihrmair birth in the year 1800 lie was the *nig ei#af tea ehildanCj lile' father was . at•ooldiori t , *lto (Night: in (mit teoo - lino. Bunker Hilt to Yorktown. His mother was . the *Oder of ii Preal v e A :slergy. man, - lie woman :4'4 ' ' ii,s- intellect 'and' great 11'00 , 'of 13he %rand iikitlietitiir! brood ,While the tither ***hi - the army:-' Theliimily .wients of the:waist - -inl No* Eng. land. - A por . ti o n of its sesatrprop- Lrix Wl4l-,11 V ist riTt books. Th,ia„ ennt-P - - 13 9 1 Putili. :0111.011110X1: '0114,11111 T volumes lhOilliiiiillr' , tlll6llll4 ,14111 . Oat sad after Idi riot6iiillad ' led litiOio far into an education - as to iiinlinad mita': Wksi Iteir.legiaelleitiaac he Am** term& his hack "f• oar ties 'old . ilkinglemettliveill homestsakamt, willing's, Idolises Anidelossisst'ssd a kundle of cloen his bedt, -, be started to wa lk_flpriegleld, Wm; te Iltincia;_to Beek hi s Ire (biked ft to;' Aribtabids; musty, Oldo -- Thitr4, ' the ,inso" *jelling, he determined to wait foriiprfakto•do! • *hide journey r idred himself Out to. cat wood r in.thellorest at lid cents pereeskand linatehed !hints from sleep at night , 10 read thellible by the light of the fire on the lieartWof the legiabhx.- Both the ! Old end the 'New Teetitielteare iikhis tvsnes end."llpries Caine tibtittliiil . 14 nthelVelict„ forrilini." i,ne ed4iliniiiichi - Work_ 1 , - and 'grabbing; ' followed by. a *kw wig. -at - sehoolteiching. Thn journey-was -suspended `by a fascondoir of saoh work, and was finally last in An experiases it :driv ing/61nd *Castile. Wade led the Mead" steer of a drovnAkent Obie to New ;York. „Sin dimes be me* this trip. 'The' laiitsithe le4: took him . to Albany. 'Twit wiakir, - or iiiiiiie, the drover "there expunied Into a imilier.' When the frail was Out *Lc the - ground, . scholars - and iteacherwent to mental labor. -=The • BrinCanalgot the - teacher. -During the sum - met ~of 18$0. Wade shoveled - . 'and wheeled. ,:'• Thi. - caili,AmeriCan I kni4, ll ' said Go,' Seward; in a smoicbt-the *l3inate,' "who' worked - . with a sped. end wheelbarrow on that great ingircsnaneet." Another winter of school teaching in Ohio. and the peninsaions• of BlialicWhit doily, and the - friendly' oar of a triverateefiet; Wk . .) hpid "got to loving Wade, to trust lutk,be d and board without limit, drew - Ben., at-thitege of twenty-six into, it law office to study for the bar. „He was admitted in two years. ' • • He .waited another year for his first suit, He won that, and in winning it won the sympathy And-faith of the lawye.rs of the district by, his seal end hard work for his, client. The man's hand was on siccesi ; * thing but death could detach 'it Juries .in -Northern Ohio got to be ilia way. of thinking, and there wars- a growing ooneidence between Wade's argu ments and . the , judgments of courts. ' He began to be a man of property,and - a part of his eitato was the opinion - • that prevailed' all over the Western Reeerveithit he was an hoziest„inst, benevolent, brave;-sta _wig' a man:— That part of his estate in Ohio has been accumulating at - compound in. tetest. .It is.very big now.. -- - , . Soon after. taking his seat sire:. 'Wog Southerner, in debate, grossly essidleta Free-Attila Senator: As no allusion was made to himself or his State, : Wade , sat still, but, when the. Senate adjourned, he-said openly if •J ever a' Southern . 'Senator .a&, such an aftscle On' Hai- or -Ohio; ihile he sat-on that floor, be would b and him as_ s liar, . This. gaining to the ears of' . .. &lathers men, nSenstor teak oo• 'cation to poingrapeak, . a-few days afterward,of, Ohio andler : peoplet se begro thieves..-; Instantly. Ms. Wade sprang to his feet and : pronounced the -Senator a - liar.. - Tim Ektithern Sena' toil were iiiiteunded, and-gith eied around their - thiupionirldhithe N'Orthein men grouped; about Wade. A feeler wasiiiitt out' from the South il4=-ice Jeeirinfi' to Otalcalen, -but „gr. Wide , retorted )o+ l l stile;',.end'' demanded se oxy, for the milt oireield runie and the i*Ooo iteAlePMletkied• ' -The aster iIO - lied; end a fitht - iiiiii looked upon, as certain The next ::day a* kentletdiai'ealled On the Seim& from Mini aid-ailied airestionloseldne -his *knowledge:mitt of the tied.. - - "kii,iiikeri," he-responded .nu a double, • uppity., -1< represent the' State of - Ohio and T represent_ Ben. 'Wide; 744 a bernitor, 1, am . sed :to '&04; Aii Bea Wade, 1 OplOrecog liiiithe code.* - '' ' • -.'' 1. - - 4 * 'frimidleeti'sigirieved,* said tbstestleasii, - "fskiihet'yet- said in -the Senate--rwleidapr; . tad will Bask 1 91 MAP: II a o. ll Vatl l l l oCdon, 4 • 1.1 was somewnat , embarrassed e continued 'Beriatoi , 'Wile; "by my imaition yorterday t -os I 'have I 501110 *spot bribe Clianiber. 1 nolitskit this opportinity to saw what I then gotitio lol oo vi!lsif re.lilease t repeat 'Your; frit* is a fold mon Old bhickgnard.* . "Certainly, Senator Wade, you do not Irish' tie to ceiir7 wet II mee. sage airthat P - ' • • . ,f ~, , Most:nbtedly I do.; and will 411 700,. l ot your own benellt..tide Ilideao( yo IQ noi4o4otios it. I ns; wiu not be ked for either rebeetkin, explenetion,Or a fight." • 'Nett awning Xr. - Wiik come into thellenitikaiditedthi tci his seat delibeestekr . w from under his coat twols_rge , and unlocking his desk, held - in inside. The Soatherii men looked on in silence, wtdiethtr 'P'xtbefa.,..; . "era .1.4 13 9 6 ,4 - the ar6. ettein!, snip ge,it th e, pr . • •seenft of liii 000 blO P miet4t . N - f"" i Coate' was • 'en of the it* th e day before. W e was not - 0141mm* ; butt eve r re tard; •; Was =', Wasted vithipoh • I tilt Benito tscked him.l aad comaiftmidos by who bad hook** at• e,