Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 09, 1868, Image 3

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    .11.0!#0411 fl o ! r,„
rOWAIIDAL Caoll3B' Dnumar.—Batutial
awral‘—lianr.-11amer , Donn, Pastor.
Browlatug„ Sm at 10i awl Ti
P. at. Pam* 3.1 P. IL PIIITIr
Meeting err 210135471,11131111 r
JL aserd6.-8en... - i.: T. Bacnratau, Paa•
tor. Preaching eery Sunday at 10/1
and 71 _P. filundifil imoicr io4o4 4.11t0n.
Pram lterttagevert . .NlMt
Presbyterian Clkatdo—ltav, Ih4 :Mink
Pastor. Preseddng trim Sudo M. IN,
and 7 vac SonAaySidaakitus.-
Prayer Keating Thursday
Episcopal elatnii.—.ller. V. D. Bumaa, paa•
tor..- • Preautdng every Sunday at ne L.K.
and 3P. X. Sunday School, 11 P. X.
Tres' Tascs.—The following is the
Time Table of the Pennsylvania and New
York Canal and Bell Road Company, yid&
took effect on Wednesday, - dan. Ist, 1868 :
P.M. P. M. A. IL
WAVX2tY.... ......... 1240. —.9110
Awe ....6:55 12:50......920
-.7:15 1165..L.905
123 9510
Toakwixt: 800 • 1.4 ...A0:16..
P. X. A.
p, • , %-111
A. M. A. M. P. IL
%mums __saw 11:45 5:10
Arms 7Z5 1120 4Z5
Mao ' .7:40 11:15 440
Marts.... 7a6 Ilia 4a6
Tow* . —700: .1025 • 41X,
JOHN P. COI, f3uperf:tior*d.
NS. The contract for supplying ate
Post Moe at Shaihequin and. Hombno
hei been awarded to U. SHAW, of taster.
After the Ist of next July those Post Offices
are to be supplied from Ulster, three times
a week.
A Cams -Lnnuar or Mostc.—The
United States Musical Review, pnblishedby
J. L Peters, 200 Broadway New-York, is a
mammoth monthly magazine, • sheet4nusie
size, containing over seventeen pages of
musical news, reviews, choice artjtsms,
every line of which is readable. Thia' l .alorte
is well worth a year's subscription, whichis
only $2. Each number contains fourPle - s . c‘is
of choice new music by the beat writers
America, thus giving a select library Of new
music at each a low rate that even the poor
est may indulge In what has hitherto been
considered a luxury. Nine dollars worth of
choice music sea appeared within its pages
during the butt six months. The U. S. Mu
sical Review is published at $5 per year,
single copies, 25 cents: No mpsical family
should - be without it. •
SUICIDS --Oa Friday afternoon,Mar.
27th, John Holnies.a young man of 22 years
of egg, son of L. V. Holmes, of Owego,
(Cabinet maker,) purchased arsenic at Pin
ney's brag Store, took several doses of it at
different place which soon broiled on
cramps and spasms, when. he was taken
home to his father's residenoe, on Central
Avenue, where he died about midnight—all
efforts of physicians to save his life piOving
unavailing. A Coroner's jury summoned by
Dr. Alkm, rendered a verdict in accordance
with thi foregoing facts.
• -
The deceased leaves a wife and one child
at Ithaca,and had lost one child& shad tinie
ago. .DoMestic troubles and dissipation are
supposed to have led ldm to make way with
himself.. •
TROY AND Vlcuurr.- 1 -The Qtut'rterly
Meeting of the IL E. Church at Sylvania.
willconunenee un Thursday liptß9th, and
continue till Sunday April 11th. Rev. Wes
ley.Cochrane, Presiding Elder, of Troy Dis
trict will be present on Thursday, and Rev:
0. L F. Howe will offtchste on Sunday.
Miss Nancy o : Smith, of Springfield town
ship, graduated at the Woman's Medical
College in Philadelithie,reeeiving the degree
of M. D.
The bills around Austinvilis, contain iron
which has been tested and found to be of
excellent quality. It is believed to - be in
large quantities, and yet, strange to say,the
men of means have' made but - little or no
effort to develope it. The iron of Austin
ville should not remain dormant.
The largest tree of Western -Bradford, is
going to decay on 0. P. Ballard's farm be
tween Troy and Alba. The tree is a theet
nntand twenty one feet in circumference at
the base.—Gazette.
sir Quite a controversy has been
going on in reference to chartering a com
pany to build a Itridge across the &Mine
banns about four miles above Athens, near
the State line. An application .has been
before the Legislature of this State for a
charter, but it was refused. 'The application
in the New York Legislature has been gran
ted, as we learn by the following paragraph
in the Waverly Advert*: g.
The Legislature of this State has Passed
the bill granting a charter to builds bridge
arras the tiluscfnehazuras near the State line.
A bridge there - is a public necessity and will
soon be built. We learn that nine roads
- coming from- Litchfield, Nichols and adja
cent towns centre there.
BUMP Sravatie.—The many :friends
of Binhop Bizviats, in this Clotaitar,', will be
rejoiced to lama that he is steadily improv
ing /ma the effects of his tenons accident,
and it la thought that in a few weeks he will
be able to retarn home. Re brat the hone
of Judge Cannonait. an Wilkes Barre.
Tun'.GALaxi.--43innmeneing with'
the Nay number. Sheldon h Co., wltl be the
publishers of this favorite Magazine, which
after an existence of two yams ; has already
sitained a most audible reputation.. With
the advent of the new proprietors the Os-
Lary is to be enlarged and very much im.
• prayed. in itnapPearaseq is the sprightli
ness and variety of its contents, and in its
embelibdunents, making it the most attrao
tire and Mluableperlodical in the conntryzi
Suzann Co.. publishers, No. t9B audit*
Broadway, New York.
1116:lispars, '_Ersillivan 00., is s
model town. - There a few towns of which
it tail be Wailfully 114 ma the The P rigs
-says of Lapoite : "There is not $ lioinsea
hotel in the Isivssiti of Upside ; hut one
ueensea house.; and no IMP**.
dogged* nUrt-tyglet Iwitea MO/ aP_
'BM on the MY.' To show the'sevil e ff ects
of on this, our ec;enty jail is empty *mot
tUths of every year ; while we have a Go*
•Teroplar's lodge with some forty-fiveor ifty
iiiir Iron. deux Maw:soiled at Wit;
Ither on Sunday, - in the - 74th r ow of. bb
A severe snow storm paid
sn OnnenS9ltat4e 'digit on Tneeds,
Unite the 4 .5 41 0 ; Weed leeleele
Mir The _woth of connecting the
&inlay aid Via& and
ovum: wed, 0124 ire :spit ,in $
*ir 'mks
.eipixt , to see cgs! rnindeg Wel* Oie.
Will"' ke 6 •o vitl4icat rigi o o l4l o l, 7:
04 thMolo_l2iiailinki heelesefeillie.
itcatiarihnei snd mina.
.19.!" ) Prim/ P ...ilirdigi cho lta
to lowdown. ' in
thla tIO tiotMtrwto tO
-O r,"• i
STEM Onnirc,4m' -a e
'dmto motwctoithrvii - sad be
PrefeTei to- fahi* their - #47. 1 41111004
',Woe*. pilhow , WliiiOniinlientireek,
Ara ft :-
Thil hoot iiiabiedimieiteiflitta earn
and will innaporralt the new OW of the
W.S. - Davnt' and ' 7,,< , with
their.Valiett Trai l
oe,iyill, atilloa
twee lialkcer . 07014 April 13th.
Presenting'a eteeia4 OW•Allatill.
braes, ethiopeia s net, ,fe.. *wet
- a Pragraxama oflrari - excialonee•
lar meeti g of . Tow
son!, of eseperaire.
the foltairing 01100211
Ile. At a rei
ands 'Division 103,
held March 31,1888
were elected for the
P.—JAESO 11.611114
W. 44.—fthallat Emus,
P. &—W. lhapliait,
- T.—Wnasoc Joii4
R. &--E. J. OLMill010;
fi.—Joan - Idansrm,
Wham, •
A. o.—Daim. 130li000r.
1. B.—Axas 11,twa,
O. WootenniP,
W. Bonin&
%pal* Notitts
ma. New Sprit* Good=
ceive&st Taunt & COL -• '
Towinda, Pot., App . % 1868.
M.. Go to TAYLOR & C
celebrated H. Eh K. G.
MI6 Seedless Raisins a
iler LONG ot 'hi •
a fall and complete
Gsocoas and ale dailyrecei
to their stock.-:ftllbg the
eat market prices for ready pay.
lug cash for devisable country p
April la . a•
IS. The eelebiated H. S
sale at Thaws & Cda.
EXAMINATIONB.-4-The unilmigned
will be at the publie school honk. at Orwell
Hill, on Satuday, Apt 18th. Troy, Thurs
day the 23d, Towan SAM*, the 25th,
May 18th and 30th to examine 'molt teach
ers as it may ben eoeasary to employ to sup -
ply mummer schwa
Applicants must be present ready to com
mence at 10 co'ClOCki A. 111.
None gill receive certificates at these ex- .
aminations who do not present the request
of at least•three members of the board de
siring to employ them.or had no reasonable
excuse feetheirnonLatimidance at the regu
lar annual examination.
Certificates valid in this'county must in
all cases be prcamr+l before commencing
school O. J. Osrestrcx. •
Orawm., Marob2B, 3868.-3 t
' TAYLOR & th
ted IL 8. IL G. •
Mir Liar of Jurors dra.
Court, 1868
Monroe, GU
N. VO j atoll ; It titriLiga, H. F.
Johnson; Canton , imp., Jas. Warren; South
Creek, Samtiel Ingersoll; David Iting ; To
wanda boro', E. K. Parsons, 0. to. Passage;
Wyse; Lamle: Wood; tristericenther;
Itidgbwy. Charles Barrett; Smi old. John
Smith, O. B. Riggs, Ogling W Ainoe 0.
Hale; Tuscarora, Staled Ltilliveri : Troy
lxrre,"Levi Bradford; OrareU, Sylvester Gor
ham, Nelson Barnes • Pike, LeWa Edwin ;
idnumilk. Maim A rea; Leroy,lLß: Morse ;
arren, Miles Taylor; Towandaltwp.,
Welke; Albany, Anima Hamlet'
rnvses 31111161111-47.11,2
Wysox, A. J. Noble; Pike, Warnm Drink
water; Itidgbury, George is Wells,
Alvah Toun ; Athena twp., Wm. ld. Math
ewson, Jos. • y, Jr.; Ove*n, Joshua'
Binebolt; Alba bore, V. M. V 14 C. Wil
liams; Leroy, B. Pepper • Burlington twp.,
Seth "P. Guatin ; Warren, G. .iTalmaige ;
Sprineeld, W. Berry, jr., S. Yning, Win.
cooper, /Vine Burgess, Waitaki Higley ;
Sheshequin, Georg
... 0: Gore, Win. J. Del
peach, Abram P A• rex ; Sylvania, Pelee
.Peek; Granville, Jaime Merritt,; V. Bovier ;
Smithfield, Edam Davide, Neheiniah Tracy;
Burlington West, Geo. W. Goddard ; Troy
twp., G. IL Peek; Troy bow', • orry Oliver;
Canton bort); A. J,,Omiklin •A • hero'
Geo. Merrill ; '
Prinoe; Tuscarora, 0.8. • ; Towanda
boa, Amos Pettes; Asylum, •el 0.M91-
land;South Oresk, r l john t V
TWIS relt4ll-1120tnth
Albany Warren Ayres,' Thoi.B.Qtfick.Z.
Wilcox, J. S. Campbell, Olives Allen ; Can
ton twp, Wm. Owen; Orwell; Zini Cook, H.
Kimball; Renick, L A. Park; Standing St.,
G. Wood, J. R. Polfonl; Bidgblirry, Mee.
Hardy,David Lannon; gheehecininakr.drew
Webb, G.W. Kinney, J.E. Elliott; Barclay,
Wm, Scott ; Towanda borongli,l7 Mix;
Franklin, G. B. Park ;- Warren, EL ;
Pike, Asa Warner. Wyahufing, Stone;
Asylum, Charles its°, Geo. Gordon; Trg,
bore, A. Ogee , omerny ; I rivoY
Morgan; Windham, Abram -Dunham. 11%;
Latclineld, Hemanidoree ; Athens twp B.
F. Oventbire; Burlington weak - gess alto-
Kean; Smithfield, Alvin Seward ; Leroy. W.
H. Holcomb ; Monroe twp., Abram Mace ;-
twp, C. R. Boonton Armenia, ,
clan i
Fog SALL ma —Bo en Seeds
at Woon do Atimm'iii. Mark 18.-Im.
TAYLOR—COX—At Monaco, an the 25th of
Marsh, by Bev. H. Arms , Mr. Zan&
B. Taylor to Muffs Susanna x, both of
LEVIIIf—ADAMS-At ilia M. parsonage
is Oomptowt4 April 4th, by? Bev. A. J.
Arnold, Mr. Abial Lewis to Mu Eunice
• M. Adamvhoth'of Wyslusthg, Pa.
1.; Plaidesing,Thdriat 'Baked, retall l &so
SoiioastWairoa GrOas Wks poitui and bar
rd. Cob paid for Bark and.Bidea.
APB 9.,111111.....4m.
6tan~ ui~atte, i,
Once 1* Mob's Block. cove
midlabcolodlitow. „
DITTSTON i:IGAL.—_O43 under.
,sigssitynt Zia Arderila Towanda,
Mita Oast M 1 tea we &I Pm Wit at his
path Wyatt. haat %Wpm & 09,.'W
•store will many . pittleatkai. ' -
OZ= 01101
, *mat. Mail I. lslB-Im. a a
Best malty Mat 4 er Mot /10 11 1' Per
seta l i trAr e " Par tr . 00
kwheat ear _ peed unclad 360
Corn Weallad e ltyeliid Coro • 3 4 0
Me wire* Moil, to deist'. We pay
area ler tieta - Voir $3 254,0 4116. Bye
41 SS to 41 ILI:Corp $1 14. j
Colton grildlogoandly boos dt once, as the
aapeeiq , '(411ii111 11 -sunder -fora la*
pasetint of work. ' IL 11 1IGI1•111.
; - Comptelse. Witch SO, 13480 , •
WIOILING IltillitThAlllGE 1.431qi .. -1
WYOMING 11111104A2103 .114 NY, -
• i. -12Alsio4lorre,, ILI. ' ' -21 '
Talt. B. SOM. 'I . '
,L".A'reoliari .
L. D. 811021LOCEP. m PrisKall
' L . c. intrrai - '4p &O
Tn p hr "1 . 20 surplus $160.1?Ixo:. , .
I I"
;‘ l :4lw 4till itaurli "L a ff 010)
- wi it elt Tot ''''''' ' ' ' ' " . . 160 MOW
. i dt4 Wow: .
_,1." 100 004
. ....:Et.. ,, •00s for mousoce m the_above cow'
''''''"kokisit° Moo; ad Worm Wait
'ea tomth wi topilieita egad oliO. N/8014
4 0 : 11
AO: Wives to funk deb *Abe
it soos andi tod LivoiLmOmmor g r e
' I,lolkl.lNewasift ki lioitrN '
' Twiwillaii, Ward 12, 1116, '
.4111: Ludas 414.Waldallo. 214 .Des. Wit
t You me Infebylootillad toff
Wuldo, by her Dem Mend, Oztam High&
lets &Oiled to the Court of ConusonlotessoM
lesoltora County, tor a divorce hos tho bones
eirmatriinons„ and the mild Court ban ajOnt.
id Sonday, the 4th day otNayeslSS;_ - at two
o'clock, . p. m., for baring the WS Mr/
In thipmminee,at whlch.time melphoe .you can
igtendif you think wooer.
Apell $,1868. Sheriff.
, Warman . ••• s
To WA•hftin Pierce.-' l Nortaft; Dec. - iiiiiinoniTokeph B72
term mu. Tou are hereby notified that Patience 107 '• Barren Jan Jr • - 'f" . 7•44
I • Pierce, toff efue,_, =Ler fa Peale •Abd - " ' 17
has appli ed "of winnow. 93 , B us h Noses ''` 4'`6 'Bo
Pleas; of Bradford Comity ‘. for a' 'divorce
tram the bond' of matrimony, Ind the sal 7. , „ffitatew .p.,,
Coat ass -appointed Monday. the 4th day of , net
Kai 11868. at two o'clock, p. m., lot hurtle •, u ""M •
• the said Patinas, la the premises , at which I .manes tat.
time end place youean attend_llion think pnr . William Dd •,, go
err WM. GuaFFAS, Sheriff. Biddki James = 7 02
April V, 1868. - ' • • • 205 , ,Biddle James - • 51.76
913 Berroa John Jr 23 13
8 59
JCL To HaarSeptpr.—No. 684, Sept. urn, _ am) !Ede Samuel ' •,70 70
1867. YOU are hereby notified that , Aludra. IS2-- 30 19
1.4 , Edge UMW-ffe
&guava Wife, bj her MC " hie"' • Mal vin , • .2141_ • Gratz Wilbur) , 16 26
Boger*, has •applbid to the (knit of *anew . .
ma& of Badaed Coady for a-divorce from 11:75 • ;Graff John .• •_lB 51
the beads of isatrinsael,and the said Coact, has 200 . 15'15
appointed Mem* the 4 of -May. 1868, of 400 -;Hardy Junes -70 70
two o'clock,of,forheatLag the. 6 44 kthlfre hl '4OO ~ -Hardyltudrew, f 7O 70
the premises, at which Elmo , and' place Yee 400 'Hardy Simon ' •70 -70
ca attend if you think=. „
-Merit FIS, .442 f7O 70
0 0 H ardy Paul r
Api4ll4 1868. ,Hardy Nathan • • •70 70
150_ 'lrvine George 11 36
• 300 -Ladley Andrew- 22 73
400 ,Ladley,Peter„ .60.60
330 ” 'Medley Joseph ' 25 00
355 Stewart, Walter • 26 92
285 Stewart Deborah 20 10
400 Bidden Samuel I 70.70
400. Siddena Joseph' ,70 70
325 'Bidder:is James 57 42
175 Saddens Peter • ; 1 30 98
•200 :Wallace Semi* 15 18
,120 Beck Frederick
202 'Beattie; Frederick •-•
X ll7 Beadle Jukes '
1151 Morgan John
289.: Price John .
425 , 'Pfeifer George P , •
164 - flinger John -. ' -
324 IWister William
.31011208 Townson.
400 ,Anderson Samuel
391 ,AMlerson JosephA
180 'Benner Jacob
195 :Benner Jacob Jr •
18 - „Castator Frederick
172 'Ellis Marcy
97 Gray William
400 ;Hampton Robert
200 -North Samuel
400 North Peter .
400 , Shotta Peter •
400 Shotta Frederick
400 'Motto George
280 Wallace Mary
100 I Woodruff Hannah
174 .Barnes James
343 , Betz Henry.'
343 Bete "Idol ' _
343' , lietz Joieph '" ' •
'343 Betz James ,
409 ByscinHem7,
300 _Barnes Patrick
375 Cooley. Samuel
400 Cantata. Harman.
400 Cooley Joshua
400 Castator Joseph -
$42 Edge Peter, i ,
100 • Ellis Matey
172. Edge George
343 Fritz Samuel
400 Men Peter , •
400 Hags Nathan •
200 Hags George - • .
400 .Hardy Samuel
975 Hardy James • •
225 •• Hardy. Rainy
390 Herrin Ann
400 , Hollingsworth* Stephen ,
100 Lidley Andrew ,
375 , Moore .George' • ,
400 ' Moore Peal -
393. Moore John •
300 North'Sainte)
400 North Jonathan I
400 Seeley Henry
200 Seeley Peter
400 Siddena Andrew k
400 Siddens George., „-
WS _ Bidders Peter -
75 Siddens James
400 - Seeley Joseph
400 Temple George
400 Temple Peter , •
400. Temple Samuel
fill Whit e James . -
Woodruff Hannah'
- Cochran . do Polk
Reeder George
Baron James
Everhart Samuel •
Bentley. George
soma CM=
Blackwell Robert
Blabkwell Robert ,
Bliiiirweß Robert ,
Reeler John 4 Co oraere
Field Henry , .
Hunt job
Flirter James' s
. =BBL
Baldwin Samuel 17 40
Baldwin Isaac 5 22
• Bennett Rufus 1 10 88
1 . Baldwin James 11 83
Catlin Eli ' ' 8 70
Catlin Putnam , ; 10 88
_ CortrightCornallus ' 10.32
Outright John 'l6 68
Davenport Daniel 10 06
Davenport Cornelius 13.08
Fell Jesse 6 26
Hallenbeck M's heirs 4 18
do do do 418
• • do do do 421
do do do 421
\ do do do 418
, do 'do do -4 29
' do do do 423
do do do 423
_ do do ! do ' 4 18
do do '
do . 8 41
Ingham's heirs 1 97
t . RoseiElisabeth , • 10 ,06
0 Ross Lucy • 957
i 0 • \ Sherwood William • - 2.18
- Thomas Nicholas 8 '7O
50 Thomas William -15 23
wfluar. I
140 , Allen
.John „ .
220 Butler Polly 297
218 ". Barrett Joel . 0 242
49 Fish labee • 5 7
89 ' Hibbard Haiumh. 21
76 Hollariback John , 1
97 Marsh Samuel , '• : ' 1,31
170 . • StelrlingStunnel , 230
70 Sterling Lucy \ , 95
180Sterling_Saurael fyr S 'RO 43
119 Welles - 0 1
90 wags 0 • : f 127
Too Edward Brigjpi..—No: 204, Dec..'
teem, 1867. Yon are bererby notified that Mary
C. Beep poor wife, by hes next friend, E. B.
Hale, boaipplied to the : Own of Cow
mon Plata of Bradford County, foe a divorce
from the bonds of matrimony, and the said cart
has appointed Monday the ith day of
ISO, at t o'clock, p. m., foe healing Me ifsla
Mary in the prosaism!, at which time and place
you can Mande' you think oroper.
April 9, 1868. Sheriff.
. .
just re•
'a for the
April 6.
AlOLPhatince lealllster,—No..l96 May term,'67
Yon ire her eby notified that Lashio Milliliter
your wile, by her next friend. John JolmsOn,
has applied to the Court of Common Pleas of
Bradford County, for a divorce from the bonds
of matrimony, and the said Court has appoint
ed Monday the 4th- day ,of May, 1862. at 2
o'clock. p. for hearing the said Loving in
the Prembes, at which time and place you can
atterid if yon think proper.
WM. GBIPPIS, Sheriff.
April 1.
:• 'on hand
"tof Imo=
:.• additions
it &slow
' AliO offer
; Roe.
Apiil9 1868.
..La. l'A• Wm. H. White,—Ne. 205 Dec. Term
1867- Yon are hereby notiOed that LYdia A.
White, by her next friend A.D• Vangorder. Nal
appliod to the Court of Common Pleas of Brad
ford county, for. a Divorce from the bonds of
matrimony. and the said Court has appointed
Monday, May 4, 1868, at 2 o'clock, p.m., at the
C. art Botts.. Towanda, for bear ing the said
Lydia A. White in the premises, at which time
and place you can attend if you think proper..
Anil 9,1888. WW. GRIFFIS. Sheriff.
K. G.,for
April 7.
- - -
'l - 2. :To Joseph Hording. l 7-No. 202 Dee.Tenx
1868-:-Yon are hereby nOtiNed that Hannah Bar
dlog,:byler next . Wad, Paisha Inightsi: has
'applied toile. Onirt of Common Pleas of Brad ,
for" el:exity. for a divorce from the bonds of
matrirnony, and the 'saki C ourt
_ has appointed
Monday, May 4, 186 4 . at 2 o'clock p. ra.; at the
Court House, Towanda, for - heating the arid
Bannith Harding in the premises, at which time
and 'Algae you can attend if you think proper.
April 9, 1968.. Wei. GRIFFIS, •hsheriff.
..01-1p William S. Brigy.Mo. 190, Dec.
ter , 1867 You are hereby,notlfted that Mary
T. Reap, your 'wife. by her nest Mend,
E.G.l7,xomer.bas ap plied _ to the Court of Common
Plead of Bradford County, for a divorce from
the Ts of matrinfony and the said Court
has pointed Monday the 4th day of May,
1868,•_ • burins the acid Mary in the pre,
miaintOtt which time and place you can attend
yoo 41dak proper.
April 9, 1868. Sheriff.
April 6.
for May
AAA' • _ •
Thtiis to give notice, That t on the Ist day of
April, A. A, 1868, a Warrant in Bankruptcy
a( vr=ed against the estate -of Joins H.
or Towanda tn. , in the county of
Bradford, anedtate of Pennsylvania, who
has been adjudged Bankrupt on his own pe.
tition ; that the payment of any debts and
CZ"! of any property belonging to snob
pt, to him, or for his use, and the
transfer of any property by him are forbid
den by law; that 'a meeting of the creditors
of the said Bankrupt, , to prove their debts,
and to choose one or mcce . A. of his
esta*will be held at a Court ofßankruptcy
to be holden at the office of the Register, in
the borough of TOwanda, Pa., before ED-
I WARD 0W...RT011, Ja., Register, on the
SIXTH day of MAY,L.D.,1868, at 9 o'rkek
. U. S. Marshal as Messenger, Wes
' ! tern District PernuOlvania.
y. By R. B. CocomArrou, Depttty,
April 9,1868.-4 t
4.1 that 0. F. Welles, HoradiVrilliaton;
and Others, have presented to the - courtof
Common Pleas ofßradford County, the
Harter of tha "Tioga Point Oemetry," pray
ing the Court for a decree ot incorporation,
and that the same will be heard onlitandaY,
Ma 4, 1868, of which 011 persons interested
will takeliotico. W.A.J THOMAS;
I Aril 9,- 1888, • • Clerk.
'1 •
/: T.—
Gorda twit
n. + i F. 2 ~¢ ~~
74140 RS
68 Broad Street,`_
We have - • Paahion ible 'Cutter } from Neer
York City, and take aU the riak 1111 giving you a
gored flt. -
'• '
le m l ake. at our own establishment. • 'We give
parlealat attention to Youth's Boys, mad;
I I And *twirl haves good annodinint.
•• - -
1/rom lils coots to i 3 par yard, (ol'. wool.)
ROgltocle..!f. 'aviciCapi,,
iirithbi.n4les. Moine 4* jock and
P" :1 8 : . " 4 7, 79111111af , B .
Agents for Griner 1 Baker's Bening! Machines.
April 2,1868.
A .WANT Str r*P - TAND
'Ey :ar4tcranater can cut his own *tient bY
the ,of BUBTS - REICORAIrt tor &might•
of boots, shore and gaiters. ' • < •
• !SW:fora chador. , - • 4 , ;
• • - • - . J. tillitT
; I ' t ;b.;:, 1868;--In. Tonand4
an' y $lO par:ton ior Eli atm* in Bun
dler. and SO per ton for /Lachine Tereabed. de-
Urrre4 at the paapilm'a La Waverly.
8: )iVLDWIH; pt:
,; .
itixDigs of:Awkiiids
wi:,Poseip Fruits sad- '• I
• -Bnbon 11;410.1r* PAtiO Stare.
Pliine !of A
kindvs. Bacewhat From Bran, C 46,
rtaiNtsg,F4,liis rOR' s4.lm
• _ MariMINS.
- 8101romd Parlor Tali.% at • MST'S.
1.3 4.14 , " 434., •
- .„
fritlii.SUßEß'S ittLii OP
) 0 ) . -
001TNIT.--111 peitados al 240 t of Ai-.
• • • 4 34 1 4 3 thkg 9flhak l o:
Aids 4;
WNW 449onmisndonar's
biToutool ‘ s lif thif *pond MoR !
rat L I M 'deitirultill=2l:
widow *it to sad coati 'pow Ma lap*
plialbekisethaStinis.:::b . :•:l •
1,1486-4 n pursuance of the provlsionirof
the Act of Glimeral , AssemblY. Peeled the
29th day 44 AMU, 1844, tileoWn 41st, at the
Jame time and place will be awned at pub-,
lie sale, the tarts or ; wo.* of Land` 'Or
• Real gatattl desqpiated in *0 S011016:I get.
unless the taxes 'dile upon the pima two pain
berm that time. • -
Li' 1
it /
AT Tommy.
1866-47 kite & go 50 , 50
1865=Besnian N D, ;100100 • 9 -,81 ,
--Nichols' Edward 100 . ' 100 12 50
i --Sickles Daniel • .100 100 1. 60
Daniel. 100100 600
• ster Eichard 200 ' aoa 8 40
..-.-t-Waxd C L 050 250 25,00.
~..—lllackmanJas's 70 LP 8 ' 88
' klasonLklderonr 500 500 42 00
McMahan Xio'l SO " 30.: 90
!.686--Desmen 141 D., 100 100 6 25
.. Mason & Mena 500 500 50 00'
Nictieds'lldwardloo 100 12 50
• Sickle s Daniel 100 100 7 00
L Sickle Daniel. , - lop g 1)
Wiatee - 200 14' 00
. Ward L L „250 25 , 00
' 131ackman4n aff 70 - 70 3 '4O
n •
.... Jackion Samuel/dant hal • I'oo
.... Harris %cid_ I 126 5 121 Vet
Gibson*Charles '.75 72 3
• 13
r M Dennis -'62 It' 2 78
L IMA 80 - I+'3s
196!)..424puakWIllburi 't• - 5 0 3' 50 ' 53
smithitiOna irate.. '
18is-A r ima 35 88
•;! ' ittitniatair
1866--Baileisithan Ati 56; se ;1 ot,
1886--Fostir 8 bonse&lot hil,, 1 fa
: Rockwell J : 230 4 r t,
1865:4-Foi l .- , 401 60
mama, =mum,
1865-;-Powers - D 51:Y r , ' 5O 1
1866—Pe1ton , 8 22'
.. Powere'D "50 - 50
' " ••• • - 97,N* 24 4-
.4€4 . —Beacti`irolui
• Mimosa &Pi a 480.1. 400- 8.
McDowell framealoo 100. 2 16=
• CoughlitiManie 100 100 •1 20
Madden Patrick 230 • 230 ~ 2 76
/41441 i illab#, 100 SO
100„ "1(0;4 62
a rialcor " l aso If 42
. F
Rudy P -•• ' 50 274
• Mahonegohn ,- 85,1 51
Medden Pottick 230 ~ 230 10'93
.... McDonald liinesloo 100 4.80'
Melliettels Peter 67;; 67 40
• HielutJerre 150. • „ 150 576
. . ,
1866--Egan Patrick 67 '.67 106
.. Farrell Wallop u bO, ra 79
. gamic. 13 ' 8 5 50
110201 TourreintP. - '
1866—Elliott William 12
.... Clymer Wm B 114
1865—Brague Ebenezer 25 '5 .20
.... Parr William 50 ' 50.
. . • lizaith i 14,0. 2. -
.sogra ass. '
1865-Lbonziable Daulelloo .:. 100 , 3,41
. Hathaway& Griffin 440 440 55 56
.... Chas 111 am 25 _ 25 69
Leonard Valorous 96 96 2 65
1866 HattOwtrya.erifii44o '440:55 31-
Smith James 40 '4O 5 60
1865—Seper Billy I lot ,1 lot 43
1865 7 —Bennett Climber - 10 .50 10
....' • Badvens Alba 7_50 '•5O. $. 10
_ . Travis Oliver 20 2O 53
1866-Boriveni Alba 50• • 50 69
xcewasztc Towlerarc,.
1866--Sluyter OP .4 52'
.2965—Ha1l dames est 50 - r• 10-40
MeylettldichaelllB- 118
IreYlert MichaelllB 118
1865—Oarle Michael 93 7' 86
Jonei Alma 50 50
.... • May William 90 ..86
1866HathaWay &Griffin 900 Iwo 75 34
N. B.—Notice is hereby- given that tin
amount sufficient to pay taxes and cost will
be required in every case where the land is
sold. at the time or sale, and unless, the
terms are complied with, the Leads will Aga*
be expesed_to , tade..), =•
C. N. MOBBY, Tie — cattier,
Treasurer's Office, March 25, 1868 1 -
1. 67
5 56
9 68
6 98
23 87
27 06
virtue of an order issued out of the Or
plan's Court of Bradford county, the ander=
signed executor of E. W. Durga, late oi,/
Rush twp., Susquehanna county, deo'e,
will evose to publiasale on' the premises,
on FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1868, at '2 o'cfock
p.m., the)following deetribtia, lotpladice or
parcel of land situated-about one maafrom
the mouth of the Wyalusing Creek on the
Wyalnaing creek toad; in- Wyaluaiag town=
ship, Bradford 'county,. recently owned by
W. S. B. Bragg, bounded as fo ll cowa : Owl
the west,by the Wyalusing creek= road, ou
the north by htude.ef Wide Bragg - BO 31
T. Shand; on' the east the Wyalnaing
creek, on the south by, ds of (now or
late) B. Taylor and . N. .Ross. Containing
5 acres and 20 perehes be the same more
or less, with the appwitenances,' a good two
Story framed house; recently-lOW, and in
firstrote order, with a good cellar, one barn,
one blacksmith shop lin full blast, with a
good-run of custom.? a good garden,- fruit
trees, 44c. &o. A good chance for any one
wishing &location- in .tlu3 centre of a busi-
Aleo place. About end Milifiom the North
;Branch Canal 'and the Railroad being built.
,TERMS—SIOO to he fold on the !proper
-3y being; strsick 'down, one third of the pur
chase,. money on the confirmation of the
sole, one third at six months; and the resi
due at one year thereafter with interest, and
to be secured on the place.
April 2, 1868.
Reck's use ta. M. a. am. , rit the
Court of Common Pleas of Bmdford cliuntY
NoL fil7, May term, 1867.
The undersigned, an auditor appOinted
by said Court to. distribute moneys aka' ing.
from sheriff's sale of defendants real estate,
will attend to the duties of his appoint.,
ment at his office in Towanda; ait-PRMAY,
the 17th day of APRIL, 1868,. at 1 o'clock,
p. m., at which time and place all persons
having claims against said fund, are re
quested to present the same or be forever
debarred therefrom.
March 12, 1868. Auditor.
1 81
1 43
, 22
1 28
1 75
4, 71
AITDITOn'S NOTICE.—Iit the mat
ter of the estate of Elihu Case. deceased
In the OrPhan'il - Court of Bradford county.
The undersigned, an auditor appointed
by said Court upon exceptions Med to the
partial account of Hiram Cue and Edward
,Case, executors of Elam Case, deed., will
attend to the - .duties of his appointment at
the office of Parsons ik Camochlux Troy
Bore, on THUBSDAY the 9th day of
APRIL, 1868, at 1 o'clock, p. In., at which
time and place all persons interested are re
quested, to be present.
March 11, 1868. ' Auditor.
Q 7
1 1 7 3 6 5
la hereby given that all persons Indebted
_to OP estate of Charles Carman,. late of,
Burlington deo'd, are requited to make lin
mediate payment, and all having ;claims upon
said estate will present them duly entbenticated
for settlement.
littz4nell vs. P. 4: Mame. In the Court
of yommon Plets of Bradford County No. 193,
December term, 1867::
The undersigned auditor appointed by said,
Court to distribute nionoye irs the Imola of thri•
sheriff. artiing from sher Ors sale of defendant's
persMus 1 property, will attend to the duties. f
his a a titintment, at his attend
in the Borough of
Tow ow BA TIIRDAII, ddth , day at ..APIUZ,
1868: t'; 2 'o'clock; p.a where.all"perseim
ogebast said fups% molt present
them, er beMrever tiebarrid • 4
i.PACK ,
' Marsh IA, 1863: . ; ,t1 AMiltor.
is hereby ; givep, that al. persona in
debted 7 to. the:l estate of ,Dtitidzlifilmot,
late of Towanda, :dea'd. are repeated to
make imuutetote. 'payment,. and tilosejtating
elation against said eatate.*lll preskit them duly
authenticated for settlement. "
• • ' ;R. B. EMBITUR,
April 2 ,1868. • 'Executor.
. hereby given that -aU persons indebted - to'
the" estate of dobilson- Brown deed., lap of
Columbfa twp.,are s'equeeted to mire payment
witiguit delay: 0d the haStmesiblikeTtimiast
said estate must present them ' ,duly autbentlea
ted for saUlement 7 " •
Mach :.18.c.a.* —7, -. tor.
..ow Notice is hereby given, that 411 'persona
indebted to the, estate of 'B. Ball,
deed, late of Tocsin . = imp., are requested to
=aka bumadiata payntent,, and - Ithvont , 'umiak
detriande 'a'gainat' said Witte 'will prese nt then!
*as authenticated for aettlernent. . .
• ' '0; E. PIOKETT,
'March 26,1868.. Administrator.
Notice is hereby elven'• to - all peika in•
debtod to tlikeidate of Achts IL Allen, late of
typ.,deedorre *nested to make int-:
mediaepsyment, ad, those, havlpg claims
agnitiit elltal*, , mast present that duly
,authentkided for settlement.
Narch 19,1869. Admialstator.
•-•••-brb9 gUren ttsa all pe debted
itcrthe tate of 4AOOu !late of
:Roue;; deal., ate - Militated to; =list. qiefall
ate payent,and all paraona having 611 hos op
en NM estate Taut prtient Ahem" .thily author.,
ttostedioratttletnenU, •. •
. •
. .
411. Notice Is hereby` given: MAIO Annie'.
.indebted to the -estate 'of' JOHN !DOTI, Itte:
ollinaltbileldtop,- deed., 'are' , requisited:rl4
Make lainiediate payment, and di Inman barj ,
lug claime'4Blminat said• estate, - moil present . ,
Mein antlieediaGial rojoellreEc'
• G
• lA'dminbdrators.
. _ ~ ~, ~ ?
~~~~~, 3r
2 his is to give noike : That on the 21Ot
of March, A.TO. 1888, a I Werrant in Bank
Tho m pson, uraed. m . agaiwt th the e estate of
ficorwW;rors; in
County of Bradford and State of Pennsyl.
vania, who` his been adjudged Bankrupt on
his earZialithm;, that. iNksParnalit4f tug
debts a nddeliver; of 'any property belong.
is g to such Bankrupt, to hini,.or for his use
and the transfer of any property,b,y_him are
forbidden by - law;' that. a' =Whig- it the
creditors :of the said Bankrupt, to prove
their debts; and; Wohoose one or naore - As;
eignees of 14040 I . wtd beheld at a Court
of Bankruptcy , to bdholden at the Office 01
the Regis terht the Borough ,of . Towanda,
beforeEDWARD OVERTON, Jr., Register
osfthe 90th day of APRIL, A. D. 166E4, at 2
o'clock, p.
THOMAS A. it,COLtir,":
11. S. MarshaVas Messenger, Weis
• tern District Pennaylvania.
• ' ' By EB. COOLBAUGN, Deputy._
Alareh 26, 1868.-4 w.
This is to give notice: That on the 16th day
of, March, A:. D:. isar, a Warrant in'Bank
rnptcy was issued against the estate of
Tananttallnyer, Of Burlinkut taWnship, in
the,ooMify•of Bradford. And Otate!of Penn
sylvania: Who luts been; adjudged Ikinkrupt
on his , os*.peititicin; tlidt the' payment of
any. debts. and: &lbw?g of any property be
longing to • such!. Banbupt,r , to him, or for
his use, and theliansfer of any property by
him are forbidden by law; that a mectiw of
the creditor s of the said Bankrupt, td "'rare
their debts', andlo choose one or more. As
igilll*rorbia' Estate: 4111 be held 'at; aT,Ourt
gafraittif4c7,,to lie holden the owe of
theßeterlteH4 m Abe . ..Boreigh -,olVowenda,
,batire EDWARD , OVERTON, dui Register
on thellBth day of APRIL,. A: D. 1868, at
1 - -- It ELMarsliiirlarifiltaierige — scWeic
tern ;Rated PennsylVania.
By E. 11"." COOLBABGH, Deputy. •
1.4ar4 2f),•186W.
1 30
4 00
3 21
2 01
2 20
2 03
This is is give Notice : t on the 14th day
otliaich; ;A; - ; 1). 18 fa. blatant •in
ires•issued against the *Mete of
.Timothy"" P, Palnh
.4 the township of Towan--
e944:,'4f kr i z ,ttila 'State
of Pennsylvtuusi who has. timi.kiadiall a
Bankrupt on his own petition; that the pay
ment,oi any: debts 'Mul: delivery' of any
property belonging to such Bankrupt, to
him,-or -for bil!,tise, and the transfer of any
Property by. bon azo lorbiddixo by law;:that
a meeting of the Creditors of the said Bank
rept, to proxe c:their , debts, and to_ -choose,
one orMore • Assignees 'of his Estate, will ,
be held at a Court of Bankruptcy," to be
holden at the (ike of the Register,,in the
Borough of Towanda, before EDWARD
OVEIrI'ON, Is., Register, on_ the 17th day
of APRIL, A.- D. 1868, at 9 o'clock, a. in.
E. S. Marslud, as Messenger, Wes
tern DisfrictTesmayliania.
• By E. B. COOLBAUGH, Deputy.
March -12,
is is to glue , Notice: _That on the 17th day
of February A. 1). 1868, a Warrant in Bank
ruptcy,was , issued against , the 'estate
William L. Bardwell, of Tunkhannock; -
in the County of Wyoming, and State of
Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged Bank.
ropt on his owiiiiitition; that ,the pay rent
of any debts, and -delivery of any - roperty
; belonging to such Bankrupt, t o; him; or for
Ilia us% and the tatithifek orany, peopeity by
him are forbidden hiw: that , A meeting
of the Creditors' of the said Bankrupt, to
prove - their debts; and to choose one or
more Assignees of his Estate, will,be held
I at a Court of Bankruptcy ; to be' holden at
Wall's Hotel,' in Tuokback,- Wymning
county, Pa., before EDWARD OVERTON;
Register, on the 21st day, of APRIL;
A. D:1868, at 9 O'clock, a. in.
• Taoll/413 iIDWLEY.
S. Marshal as Messenger,Wes
"tern District Permsyvynia.
By E. B. coompau, Deputyi
March 19. 1868.-4 w.
This is to give Notice : That, on the - 9th
day orMarch, A. D. 1868, a Warrant in
Bankrup~tcg was issued against theestate of
'TEPHEN 'D. BACON', of Tnnkhannock,
in the County of Wyoming, and State of Penn
sylvania, who has been adjudged Bank;
rapt on his own petition; that the payment
of any debts and delivery of any property
belonging to such Bankrupt, to him, or for
his use, and the transfer of any ,pr operty
b 3; him are forbidden by law ; that 'a meets
ing of the creditors- of the said Bankrupt,
to prove their debts, and ,to chdose one or
more Assignees of his Estate, will be held
at a Court of BankraPtcY , . to be ; holden at
Wail's Hotel, •in Tunkhannock,; 'Wyoming
,county,-Pa., before EDWARD OVERTON,
la., Register, on the 21b1 day of -APRIL,
A. D. 1868, at 9 o'clock, a. in.
United States Marshal as Messenger, : .
; ,iWeatern - District. Permayhrania.
I March 19, 1868.-4 w.
° l / 1011 TN B.WPIJPTOY;
This ititei, give notice: - .,,That niktlia 10th day
of March, A. D. 1868, a Wairant in Bank
mptcy was issued aftainst.the estate of Jill
per J. Seymour, of Braintrhn in the county,
of Wyoming and State . otTeiiruflyiva she'
has been adjudged Bankrupt on`-his. own
petition; that the paymexit of any debts send
delivery of, anyprop,ro belonging to such
Bankrupt, lehim, or for his use, and the ,
transfer of any property . by him are fbrbid.
den by law; that a meeting. of *senators
of the said Bankrupt, to prove theii debts,
and to choose one or more Assignees of his
estate, wit be bah' at a .4:bort of Bentriptcy
to be holden at the (*cif, of the Register in
the Borough of Towanda, before EDWARD
OVEItTON, Jr., Register, on,ilm24th day
of APRIL,"A. D. 1868, at 9 o'Clock,` xn.
-U., S. Marshal, ea Messenger. Wes,
tern Dlabict Pennsylvania,'
B. B, 000LBAUGIL Deputy.
Marsh 26, 1868.-4 w
March, tog set ;,That
hab en the 9th day of
March:A. "D. 1838', a warrant : ht Bankmptcy
was issued a gainst the estate of Hassell Billings,
of Lemon, in the county of Wyoming in
the State 'of Pennsylvania, ,bo has been ad
judged allankopt on his own petition; and
that the paymentaf any Adds and delivery of
any property;longing to such - Bankrupt. tb
him or for his . and the transfer of any pro.
• party by an forbidden by law ; that I
meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt to
prove their,debta and to choose one or more AA-,
signees of his estate, will be held at a Court bt
•Beekruptey tot tie' hoiden Boteli
Tottiftetnnock before EDWARD OYEBTOM,Jr.`
Be rater , on the 22d dsy'of A. D., lBtli}
at 11 o'clock, a. la.
United Steter, - Marshall's* Measenger, Wes
tern District of Pcnusilvania.
Byi B. B. COOLBiIIBH, Deputy.
• Marcb..290.130,4w- • • •• -
A of Mall 08101 1 0111),Italltopt. In the
Irrict Coort,,of _the tfattO grates: [for the I
vita= Dfittrict of Pensykrantap •
'as" y eotbeler,lise lersigned
teritl y ree - =Mee bf Motet as aa.
i theieffo • tietob Oredlferd: - Offlpriagteld,ln the
'Mt`y• Bradford, sad Bute of freamlyanla
withlikkaitlPhafktfOrheillra.:bleradludlred a
=eV l 44_._llteVer 4 F l a f t 47444 P lat lf
L It. _
Thula atcamwassaL. tklfelith! day at Ilan*
A: D. 11388. -ITni K ,lAPipee. '
X~...., .~E~.
Thr er e t gift el*S, LTbst on t itr=
day of warriuit In
risey wed of the Mate of
tr, Burns; of iffiehabon township, in the cana
-1 iotifteednilaidligabkotreener s o
JustbeekeiliartP4l Reektnli en, eint
tttrrrrark !PROMO • of, in O
liver/a any impart, twinging to ilaciajlank
roptio hhn or for his use, and the transfer of.
Z14 1 34 4 1(41 , hirer , forbidden
i bi si V .
awe of t --eredgert 4fas -
rapt to,prore their debts , and to 'shoo's one or
SeceelAwireeesfot er*, will be Midat a
Omeret^Mialwoptey 1,4 ibentolden ) at
Hotel. in Tunkbannock, Pll. before EDWARD
OVIIRTONOr:en! the 21st day of
APRIL, A. D. 1868.0 1 oTelook, m.
tidied Ostia Marshal as .3teilelOrMeat.'
=District Of reembeidiv:..
' 11.,11: - 000LBAUGH;12tipoty.
-.01arcb 1868.-4 w-
.Thsi, giptnoace,That on the ,6th dal of
March,• ••
•D. 1.1868 ; a! marribt in -Baitketittoy
was issued flst the estate of Almon 0. Stark,
of Tnalthala the Coast: of Wyoming,smi
State of Pennsylvania, who has been atibidged a,
Ilankrupbon Lilt owl 440tkowl. that- the pay
ment of say deltria antidelivery of any proper
ty belonging to , such Bankrupt' to, him or for,
a mie,aad-the 'wider of any . ; property by
;Au & ' maitlng cif
M-Wtort o ljat u• 4a ly nkrapk, to , Wve their
debt& aid to choom. WM) Aile Moth., Astignettalif
Liu,Nth*. ,IrAlthitheld at a , Cosit'ot Ikuiltrieptd
eitrs be /Math. gibe - 41th .0 - thii,VAYskriAz la
In tbeVonit Hauge, in'tbe %mink "of -Uinta
thvbefoce: SWARD OVRIITOW • Itegis•'
ter. on the 12th,,,day, AP'Atlla a.
1868., at 2 o'clock, p. m.
United States lianas l as' litessetiger,Przt
. ern District of Pennsylvania. ,
TOOLLIPaa, Deputy.
arcb32, 1668.-4 w. .
,TAU is." give itoticei ,, llit on tha--19th•day
of.]itarob, •D i - 1868; Wanrsitinßank.
-ruptCy Wan IntiniCagshuit' the estate of R.
Seymour Phil:mu - 3y; of.the Borough of Mon,'
roe In the County of Bradford and State of
Pannsylvarda; who bit been adjaiigedikunk.
rapt on his own petition ; that the payment
of any . debta and delivery,, of - any property
hal:Tonle sichPanktnja, UM. or for
Melts% and the tangier or any property by
him are forbidden, by Jaw ; that a meeting
of the Creditors' of-the said Bankrupt, to
prove their Debts,-and to Choose one or .
more Assignees of Ida estate, wall be.held
at a Court of Bankruptcy, to -be holden at
the Ofilee of the Register in the Borough of
Towanda,' before EDWARW,OVEBSON,
dn., Register, on the 30th day of APRIL,
D.,,1868, at 9 o'clock, a.m. I
• •THOMAS. A.ItOWT/Et • '
S. Militia!, eAMAsse4o,,liteiii
• • :7 , tent•DistnetPermsyl iroile.
By. Rs .B.,COOLBAUGIL Deputy.
Aprli 1,1868.--4 w. • ' • -
tern District of Pennsylvania. %Luau 1 k
Coirrawirr, aßinikriipt under the Act of ccm
grove of March 2d; 1867, having applied for
a Discharge from ; all his debts, and other
claims provably under said Act, By order of
the Court, notice is hereby given, to all
14vqprolged their debted and
to Appear bri the .
1757.11 ETTA,PBIis, ,1868, at 9 o'clock,
a. in., before EDWARD OVEBTON, Jr,
Es q., Register in , Barikruitcy, at his office
at Tqwanda,to show cause,if any they have,
•wlty a Discharge should not be granted to
the said Bankrupt. And further, notice is
hereby given; that. the Second and Third
Meetings of Creditors of the said Bankrupt,
required krthe 27th and 28th Sections of
said Act, Will be had before the said Regis
ter, at the same time and place.
• S. C.' IdoUNDTY
Clerk 11.-S. Dist. Court for said Cistrict.
April 1, 1868 . .-24., t
THE UNITED STATES, for the West,
ern District of Pennsylvania,iJoeuß &row-
Bankrupt under the Act, of Congress
of March 2d. , 18,67, having applied' for a Dis
charge from all his debts; sed Wm-Adria
provable under - zsaid Act, By. order of The
Oonrt, Notice -1a hereby given, to all Credi.r
tors-who have proved their debts, and-other
persons interested. to- appear on the 18th
day of APRIL; 1868, at 10' o'clock,-p.
before ,E. OVERTON, -:Jr:'; Register, at his
office,' at Towaiida,. to show cause, if any
they, have, why Discharge should not be
granted to thesaid,Rankrupt. And fiiriher;
notice is hereby given, that the Second and -
Third Meetings of Creditors of the said
Thinkrtipt, rediired by the' 27th cand.2Bth
Sections of said Act, will be had before the
said Register; at_tbe seine time aril place,
Clerk U. S. Dist.-COurt for said Dis trict.
April 1. 1868.-2 w.
TER UNITED STATtf3, for the West
ern District of Pennsyhania. HENRY E.
YOUNG, a Bankrupt „under the Act of Con
mut of Allttroh 2d,•lB674haviresppliegi for s
discharge from all his &btu; ind other Claim
provable under said Act, By order of the.
Court, notice is hereby given, to all Credi
tors who have proved their debts, and other
*aims: interested,: to appear on, tlni- 14th.
day of APRIL, 1868, at 2 o'clock, p.
before said Court, at the office of EDWARD
OVPRTON, Jr., Dig., Register at Towan
da, Pa., to show cause; if any they have,
why a, Discharge shonld nut be grant 34 to
the, said Bankrupt. And further, notice is
hereby given,.that= the Second and Third .
Meetings of Creditors of the said Bankrupt,
required by . the 27th end 2th Sections of
said Aet, will be had before said Register,
at the same time and place.
--- 01.4ESS;
District of l'enisylvenia. • •
To wit= it inny,earicerS: The undersigned
he-eby givee notico k ,of his appointment as As
signee of Andrew!' J. Teeter, of Cantos, in
the county of Bmdhird 'and . State of-Pentrayl ,
vents, within said District, who has been ad
judged a' Bankrupt upon his own-petition by
the plattict Court of pia District. -
. - -Dated= Snweinda; the .21) darn' D.
JOHN W. 111; Assignee. •
TN - BANKRUPTCY.- r --In the mattii .
of Jacob IL BOwretia.Balikrnpt. In the
.tract -Court of the United States for the W
District of Pennsylvania, es.
.To whoa may eosesott The ;undersigned
hereby gives notice of his appointment an
signet ot twp..inthe
county of Bradford, end State of Pennsylvania,
within said District, ititattitc heessiadjudged a
Bankrupt upon Wenn petition by the Distriet
Court of 'said District , ' • ,
Dated at Toivanealp., this 9th day' of aptii;
, • D. 1668 . , Inn B. ,lIIIIIPHAKY,aatiaIIee
N BANKRUPTCY,—Ta the matter
4( Hiram M. Griff,_Baokinpl.' in the District
mrt of the flatted States, for the Western Dir-
IWO; Penfigirania,se. -
TO whom if may C'oneera "i - The. undersigned
hereby gives notice of his wawa es on
etime°, 'Wrens 11. Sot of C OM" in th e
County of Bradford, and 13 toot, enbsylvania,
within said District, who been' adJadvd a
lifinktutt Roo saris own pelt aby the DiArtet
Court of said Dierict. ' • •
, Wad Towanda, dhe .2d ,day pf_.April, 41,; D,
MS. --' SOHN 0111wW,
Ms is to give notice. Thiat oa the e 31st dig of
*web, ,1:o t i 1.e41 a , .War r ant in Bank
ruptcy was issued ;gains - it the estate of IX..
mid Smiley of Meshoppin, in the county of
Wyoming and State - of Pennsylvania, who
has been- adjudged bankrupt on his own
petition; that the- payment Of- any debts
and delivery of any _property belonging to
such bankrupt, to tam or for his use, and
the transfer of any property by him are for
bidden by law ; that to meeting of the eredi
. tors of the said bankrupt, to prove their
debts ; and-tis'ohooie one or =OM Assignees
of his estate, will be 'held at a Court of
Bankaciptay, to be holden " OW office of
the Register, In the borough of Towanda,
Pa., before EDWARD OVERTON: Jr.;
Register, on the SIXTH day of hiV, A. Ai
1988; at 9 eelbelr.;l. , i • :
, S. garid. Messenger , . Wen . - ,
a * • - tern District Pennsylvania
By P. B. Comm:row, Verity.
' "April 0; 1868.-4 t. •
iXECIPTOWS . x071.0 %.- Notice
is herein Oven thzt persona indebted to
'the estate' of TlVlsza bittirsW ' deed., -late of
grei hot.. are requested to make Immo*.
'mfteo,lelthout delas, And those having.
01.VAlt* Asia ' l3l _ lllo _4lll4 l .l ll oeitt !14 111 -
iliMit i attna n t iei t .;
'.17;a414 DA2olll4l?.likiage • '
"Ittilte;iscs,• t • Vink"Voyn.
•:, „ r
S--r ...y VCIO Of
rtgiugs:.. Lima" ty - if •
a,Weit of ftt.„PAciihr - , issued out of the
,Coart of CoMteriak..Skas of Bradleid- County
*a tome db WM- i will s' be - elated -to public: •
elle - sta. thitiOoortr Hamm in _ma, na l oisteor
-Tama*, Bradford co., ott THURSDAY the3Oth
of °API/11086$, at' 1 O'clock, p. in. the
following described let piece Or: parcel at-land
sithets is - Albany twp.,•tounded north and east -•
by land. of I. B. Campbell, south bilked - of '
'Joseph:r e ar% wed by Borwielletunspike. ''- -
eciatainlor id USA more or less allimpraved
with $ ,horise. partly nabbed Mei few °mit -
- -Seized and taklni - in execotion• it the snit of
; 4:1
.04aneatiellua. D.. . Saishbarger.
:- Al ....../3. Patch 8e - ~ 11. D. W. Ha
.AlBO -. Teo follow - dab:tired lot, piece or
peittel cielandultnate la the Bold' of
, ton, - bounded and desdribed 'as follows I On -
thenorth end mt. ti birds belonging to the
estate of • Addlion, Wilma.decd., tenth by - . • .
land of A. 4. Rem west by lkirwlek turnpike,
containing Wu saes of lend more or human
beliroriel, with - framed dwelling house and barn
and few trait trees thereon. • • _
• Seized and taken In, eseceeion at- he snit of
Ilinclinimilluse vs. Henry-IL MP. -
1180—The following lot piece or -p imel at **-
land situate in the boro.. of Barliogton,bounded - . •
al follows r Ort the north"try imbibe lead lead
ing to TroY, east and south by boas Whinging
to.the estate of J. F. Long. decd. and west by -
land 'of John - Bloom,oontabling one acre of land
'more or. ins, improved, - with- framed , dwelling
home, framed barn-and chop,'p and n fewfruit -
xeciat t ereort. I ' 1
and. taken. in executinn at the salt of
EL E -11..1.11i1v5. James 0. WbCat
.'ALSO.-The following described lot plector •
perimlof land situate is -the bore. of. Canton
bounded as bellows ; On the north by leads at • :
BamnelOwett and lot belonging to Presbyteri
entlhareb,esat by Centre street. south byland.
of-Cornelia Spraloing and Sol. Benne% west by
lot. now occupied by ,-4o•-•e• Underwood; being
'66 feet on centre-st. and 150 feet back. contain
log 9900 some feet more or lees all'improveti;
with homed dwelling house and - -Iser fruit trees
Betted int taken in eieentbilk the stilt of -
Charles Stockwell vi; J.O.' ItaadalL, ''-
' ALSO—The following ,described . lot "plece"cil
parcel of- la t& situate lathe twp. of 'Franklin,
iwandedus fellows. On the aorta by lands,of -
Lather Smith and John Cole, mat by liable
ltighway leeding.from West 'Franklin to Urea
vine, south by the priblki highwily leading fr , iEt
Towendato Canton. wait by bed ot Luther -
Smith. containing ept an acre more or lea - all -
Unproved , with a trained tavern Weise. trame.:
-barn and hog pee thereon, - ' - - .
Maid and taken in execution at, th e knit - ot
John Cide's use vs. G. H Gamble.
ALSO—The following described piece or par
cel of land alteate in Homa. twp;. bounded an
lolloiri*,•," On the east. by lands belonging to the
estate ofcladmin Blackman„deed-..0n the north,
. sionth„and west ly lands of 1.-11. Lewis, con-
Altruist 3 0 IMO, morn or less, abort 7 acres lai•
prove , with an old dwelling' gum, a board
;abed aid a law fruit trees thereon. •
041sed-and taken in exeontionut the salt of .
Augustus Lewis vs. Levi Baldwin, Jr.
ALB 6 --The following described lot, pietie or
partel ofland sitnatein Orwell twp. bounded'
Saba/LOOP : 011 Ile norther:id mat by. lands of
Soloman Sibley, south by public highway lead. _
hid tram patitsibley's •to °lesion' Hill, on the
yet° by-lands lortneritriowned by -Austin Rae. •
nen.,contalning.ofie acre of land ailimp roved . -
with a-frain3d Mersa and few-frnit tries thereon.
~.__, fiebed.and tam in ' °smatter' at the snit at
William IL Emmen vs, Jolueti.timith.. - -
• ALSU-4he following 'described lot piece or -
pascal of lend abuts- In °agree twre, bontele.l
and described soleness : Beginning so. a poet
corner back ot 'U. Carter's blacksmith shop
"Itmuthenorth 45°, west 0 perches and 6 links
to center la middle-of Actvapikei thence south •
77 0 west 20 parches 'to a corner inmiddle ot
meth branch or Towanda 'creek., thence south
17i. east 10 4-10 pm. to °entreat said creek t.,:
stone heap. theoce nook ,1,71°_ mat-11 pra. and '
6 links to post ennier. nu east sine of mill road,
theme north 12 0 east 6 pm. along said road to
post °ogler humid road, thence -north 64°,east
10 - pre., to , place of - beginnbig, containing 14
acres, more or leseall improved • with a famed
dwelltg hours, eons, hone. wagon and paint •
.shop. and blacksmithshop, turning lathe chin.
'ler saw and frame fixtures ; and few. irtlit tree.
Seized and taken in execution at the , "nit at
C. Carter vs: O. L. tails. ,
-- ALSO—The following dogerflaed lot piece or
parcel of land situated In Albany twp.. bounded
as follows : On the north by lands of Silas Ve.r
guson, east by lands or Sullivan Hakes, sou b
by land of Joseph Scrivens. west by lambs -of
Ake said Sullivan Hake- , , containing Ave acres -
Of land, more or less, about two acres improved .
with a few fruit trees therecin.
ALSO—One other but piece or parcel of land
situate In Albany twp., aforesaid, bounded as
follows : On the north by lands of, Sullivan -
Hakes, east by lamb of Joseph Serivens, south ,
by lands of B. J. Hakes, west by lands ot Dan
iel Chapman, containing five acres' of land.
more or leas.' partly improved, with a. plank. --
house unfinished, and a few fruit trees thetvon.
. Set zed and taken is execntio.. at the ant: of
C. B. Patch viz J. J Beeman. • .
r ALSO—The fo flowing described lot pick, c •
ror parcel of land althea in Overton twp., bone -
ded.and described as follows: Beginning at a -
cherry tree the south east corner ot - lot .No. 5
and the north.eaA corner of lot No, 4, thenco ,
north 31° east 108 pro. to a beach, the north
eaat Maier of the warrant, thence north 69^
west 161 prs, to a post the north east .'corner at
lot No. C. thence south 3t° west 108 pis. to a
-beach' sapling corner of lots No. 4,3, 6 and 7,.
thence.r.outh-59 0 east 161- pre- to the place ot
beginning, containing - one hundred and eight
' acres of land, more or less, being. lot No. 8
las of Edward uverton's map; about 20 acres
, Improved,witla a log-bonze and a few bait trees
thereon. - '
• • Seized:and taken, in execution at the snit oaf
Johir Holmes vs., Barbel . Gately and lame*
Bonnier. ' ,
ALSO—The following described lot piece tr;
parcel of land situate in in Asylum twp ; , - boan- -
de_desailbed. asl. follciws : lirginr,4l4 - ar-•
the` bank 'cf the. StiFauchsneavir. tnerc e
sonth4s o east along the-liner of [Whops land .
100 reds to a large- ri white ,Cak marked for a
corner, thence south 63 0 west about 12 rods to a
post and 'stones ,thence south 68 rods toil staff,. -
and stones for n corner, thence south 61 0 -..e.;
.4 5 rtidl to it state and atones _thence --..-sth GG
rods to a yellow pine, thence Elatk 62° weal
sheet 32 rods the the bank, of the Elegnehanna -
river, thence down the several courses of the
river, about 250 rods to tbe place of !Yenning.
containing 50 acres of land ,be the same, more
or lees, nearly all improviid, with - a -framcii -
house and fruit trees thereon, together with an
island situate opposite of -tHe above described -
land is the Susquehanna Jiver, cantata% six
acres and 136 pra, of laud more or, Ma, all im
proved. -
Seised and taken in - exeention at the-snit ot
isaire P,T i wner vs. B. M. Bishop.
- WILLIAM_ GiclFFifil,
he metier.
. thr2eß eDis,
hereby giveutbat tbere.bp been filed and
settled - in the edit eof the RegiFter of Wills, in
and for the County of Bradford,accounts of Ad
ministration upon tbti!oldowing estates. viz
Final acct of ri C. Kellogg gruailian or Wir
Watford mb= child of Juel Watford. deed.
Finat iOn't 0111111 es Penes; scirirtv hag adm't
of Joust& Prince. Lira of Warren. deeo.
Finalised orit.n Bart and tafarett T
12.110try , adnr4s of John iflekluson,la`ey of Warren
de.:eased. ' .
Final tee'l of Rs ymnnd Garnet. executer -or
John Forman. 'ate oECoinm
Final ace% of NM rrarwmban, .
Runyon . late of Tr.y.
Pertialvanet Paald Palmer and Jainrri A••
lingent.exireofß R. IfeitikrAJate of Ca'il.
, Partial sen'Ent Elarknea. and N 8
'tem John Voinbli,,la'a ..1
"Partial aroM el Lydia Fitch anlnTin of T.) 'Ca
Fifth, lata of eaalmni
Partial aeconnt. or - 0 0 Beell3 iolarT, of p W
- Beady. late Of oohambla deed,*
ALSO—Vbe appraixattnt of property set off
by.the Eaecotcra or Administrators ot- widows
or childifstl the forming decedents :
Mate ofJohoroo - Penson, •
" In 0 - Newtaan. • _
" Francis C Mead,
' ti Joseph Ellett,
'Dtinests Sinclair,' •
". Eels+, D Chaft'e,, , . •
` 4 Addison
And gleams will be vresented to the Or.
phan'a Cott cf Bradford County. on Thursday
the 7th day of 1157 next for confirmation and
aliowence. - ' - li. J. MADILL,
.441 it, 11168. ' • Register.
pRocLAInTION.---Vlieriisks Ho'
1. PABHYB B STRSETER:Prestdent Judgi
of therlith Judicial Dbarint, conelethig of the
counties of Bradford and. Susquehanna. and
Eons. Levi P. Stafford and, J. W. Van Wig
Associate Judges, in and for mid Cooky
Bradford., have Waled theirpreeeptbeariog date
the 2d day of April, A. D. 18.38, to me directel
for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer. Gen
eigairter. &plow; of th e Peace, Commoi
a and Orphan's Court, at Towanda. forth
ty of Bradford, Oa" Monday, the 4th day c
NVneat, to continue two weeks. •
Notice is therefore hereby gluts to the Cord
nets. Justlces of the Peace, and.pconatitbles, •
the Colanty of Brodionl, that tregz,be then an
there in th lir proper person. at Wo'crock i
the forenoon of said day, with their records, tt
quiaiticuatandiiher •rerneimierercesrto do thof
things which to, their office arlitertalas t° l
done . ; and.these'who are *tend by recoguLue
or ot herwise te museum against the pristine:
who atwor RNA. in the polo( said County. •
who shall betound to appear at the - sald Cour
itre to be than • awe there to prosecute ago an
them as shall be just. "Wore en; requested
be punctual In their attendance, agreeably I
their notice. - - - •
_Dated at Towanda. the 9th. day of:Arcil. la tl
rear of i'mr Lord, one thousand eight hundr•
and ihty-eteth t, - and 61- theo,-Independence
the United State.. the utueti*hlo.. -- •
••• • •• WAWA. iillF*ll3.* Sheriff.
WHlgit - MAlXlifilirrAT AN
v lack Vied PeisAir siabt it .