griatittsnd. TAPPING EitrGIIWAPLEIMEEI, Years ago, when the country was new, it was no Abject to protect.the maple, for the forests were broad,and sugar trees were roiling thickly through a great portion ofthem. They. fell with other trees, until the wood= man's axe converted acres of forests, into table fields leaving in. Many cases at a small nook of woodland - . upon the farm. Fora few year past' it has been noticed that maple trees. are dying out faster than others.— Where but &short time ago thousands were used for sugar making, but hun dreds stand to-day. The cause of this can be attributed to nothing but the scevere mode pricticed in tapping. The old plan of boxing with the axe was abandoned, and one supposed to less injurious adopted ; bit smce. tap-. ping with the bit has been practice d maple trees have died faster than ever before. When an incision is made into the sap wood only, it will heal np, but when made deeper it never will And all the adjacent parts will die, and often decay. Now, in proof of this, let any far mer examine two maples that have been tapped for a dozen or more year —one with the bit and the other with an axe-oz gouge—the cuts by the lat 7 ter not made beyond the sap flowing - wood. The inner wood of the foil= and much of the surface will be found 'lead, while the other, where it has sufficient time for healing, will be found to have formed a perfect gnarl; so tough and sound that it will be next to impossible to split a log of it, stove-wood length. Another proof of this may be -made by noting the difference in te decrease of maples in different sugar' orchads where the two modes have been practiced. • Trees tapped receiving the least injury are the most profitable, for the reason that the greater portion of sap flows from - the wood near the bark.— When a tree is tapped with a bit, the spile stops up the best flowing grains. When an incision is made with a large anger or a gouge, more grains are opened, and of course a greater flow of sap obtained.. It is a' fact, however, thats tree tapped in this way, the wind dries up the wood sooner than when a bit is used, bat this is easily prevented by frequent freshing over. " Many farmers hive, withih" a few years past, used sheet iron spites and a large anger, and have found them profitable and leas injnrioas to the trees thgn any other kind. The spouts are made by. cutting sheet iro'n strips two inches wide and ten or twelve inches long,bent hollow, and one end ground sharp. An auger one and one.fourth inches in size is used for tapping, the bole not being bored over three-eights of inch deep, , and the spite driven into the barkfbe neatkthe cut with a square faced mallet. When freshing over, an an ger is used each -time one-eighth of an inch larger than the one before it, and the incision .made but a shaving deeper. The spite will not have to be removed to do this. If a farmer has not to hand the different sized augers, and does sot wish to be to the expense or purchas hig them, a two inch gouge may be made to answer every ' purpose. It should be ground thin and very sharp, and the cut made with it about two inches long and not over one-half an . inch deep. The gouge may be taken • along when gathering the ,sap, and any tree requiring it freshed in half • a minute's time by taking off a thin shaving. There are other advantages in thiemode of -tapping, aside from' the preservation of the trees ; more sugar-can - be made,for a greater-flow of sap can be obtained, aad no less sustained by leiptage, as around the common wood spile.—Ohio Fernier - . Pecos BooNow;.—It is poor economy to lei your stone heaps lay in the-field year after year ' and mow around them. My method is to pick my rocks in piles in the spring after harrowing in my grain and sowing my grass seed, which Lthink should not be harrowed in, only bushed or rolled. Stones can be picked much cleaner and cheaper then than at any other time. I haul them off in the fall after taking off the grain, if the ground is not too wet;if so, any time after it freezes. Any far mer can find time to clear off his fields and fit them for a mowing machine. Clear out all the fast rocks and fill up the holes. See to it yourself and dont trust it to - the boys: once well done is twice done. " It si poor economy to drive cattle to yotir neighbors or to the spring to water, week after week,because your pump has failed. By so doing you not onintroublelyour neighbor but you lose money every time you take your cattle from the•yard. If your punip is old and worn out, get • a new one at once. I find the Moss pump to be the cheapest and best pump now in • use f Id is' poor economy to hitch colts in the barn floors, where they are liable to get hang with the halter ; pdor economy too keep more hogs than you can well feed, and poor economy to feed meadow hay and straw to sheep or barely to horses. It is poor economy to get in debt for anything you dont need,or borrow with •no prospect to being able to pay.--Maine Farmer. PREPARING Fen vonSrwasm.—The ,cut hay, straw and hay or other cut feed,is moistened with a large water ing pot (if done, by hand,) at the rate of, at least two gallons of water to five bushels of feed, while being stir red up':with a- fork ; then if bran, meal or other feed is used with it, it shourld be:sifted on and mixed evenly. Two quarts of bran to the bushel of straw will render wheat,' barley,oats and pea-straw equal to timothy hay. A little salt should be added, which will be perfectly diffused through the mass.. The feed mist 'always be moistened before steaming, for steam will n6t, cook dry hay or straw, but only diy it more. Moist* is requi red to absorb the steam.!--Burallfew _Yorker-. Sin your suds for girdeu plants, or for garden beds when 'sandy._ Aux or - vinegar is good to sot colors of red, green or yellow. • Tams professors who after's short time tarn sway are like the new moon, which shines a Me at the Mt pert of the night, bet it is Boon down before half the night is over. ME== ~~~~~u. ~+BO~BSY~ ~I~~">~6 - .1- JOHN' soft ths testkolinii" :11,11:11141- ,GioonEfOgit:Alo PROVISIONS,' • -104 to =4 the t A l l i k... ll , d i pane i of alL 11" - Be bee alai ilesed ornma!, • • FRED ,: S TOP:. Mich Is it shoaled lo manly the cam aM %May cal' welds at an USW He bolo coastsatly on hand akw stock of . 4 AO TRAS, s OOFFERS, SUGARS,. FLOUR, BUTTER, WORK, &O.; Which be if ailing chow for eash. GOODS DELIVERED IN THE 13.0-RO' Tbe catisesuCet Ttreanits and 'Wel 4. will please *owl, Iny eels tor their verylMmtl pittonege the WV two years, tad we woods, with-theft tosiatanot, to improve eq °Pport=ionehlorge UMW., ID as to warrant to all.. edited see as Kling Maw= Towaadsolab au 1814 NEW GROCERY AND PROW; SION STORE I THOMAS I. JONES, T h l i a= a d i szr il a roz e ri t eg i P ft ro , visit rare . Cart a = ; g ir iiy er i ter f ebe nom afers to GROCERAIS -- AND _PROVISIONS, Ca the beel, „ Wit afil u to be told at ti r e VERY 111A13, , COFFFIS, SUGARS,: AZGA3B, ie. £LBO - FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, &o. :law% everything k ept A' 1 1 ; Q roeeep .0 low as as be WV . * elastrhere: ," Club . Inutkpcdrtzwrltrizifa7. NEW STOE.EI . j. NEW 'GOODS 1 N B W . 241 II 011 BIBS! W.' . A. ROCKWELL'S. PINE APPLES, MORES, PLUMB AND CANNED OYSTERS. PEACHES, ,PRIINES, •WIERRIES, 1 . TEAS, SUGARS, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, COFFEE, SPICES, FLOUR,FEF . ABRAND, POTATOES, NAIMUY OF FARMV PRODI7OE DRY GOODS OF ALL VARIETIES, 1„:: " CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING la In the &o pt O. B. PATCH 00., Is noir prepared to offer to the citizens of Bradford County and vicinity, a loge and well .elected stock of Width I hue parehased for Cash sad bad cone• dna that eta aell at es low eons se eau be .• pas:bawd eisniben. I now oiler to the pabllo a splendid stock of NOLASEU;Si FMB OP CHARGE. CANED FBUITS,• OP ALL KINDS, DRIED AP LE3._ W., &0., &a Ot vlkinds,le fact everything in the GROCERY LINE! will be kept constantly on band ZDTLIDI, LARD, ZOOS, AID IPTZRY. A .fresh lot of M!!!rT.Mn And will be moldd-u TO THE FARMERS. CASH PAID FOB ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. W. A. ROOKMrIML. Nat 23, WIT Purchased the entire interest of R. H. PATCH, 411100EltIBS; TEAS, COFFEES, SU9ABS, SiABCa, smogs, ao. Hrn oa Mad a lap stook of ARBON FLOUR, MAI O. Ern DO. BUOMILDAT DO. I keep oonetentfp on•baad, PORK, RAllit, LABD satiate of MIL !Odd tall the at-- teal= of the patittalo our Can't Be Bed STOOK OF TOBACCO, Is Tidily Or Wee. ; Jai/ Oakley% °debated Landry, Non, Bark Chemical sad Brown Soap. Pte sue call and =mine our stock of WOODEN WARE. Large samottamart of YASOISE NOTIONS, TWIST SOAPS, Szotc... IvW p4the Wilb ur, asap:toe Str - couNTRy - PRODITCE. Amen she m s coll milbli dgewlMM! B:rivta An MOM ladebtel to thi Artil Ono sill not nee isomotais pyirat. Tcoroado, 11,1817. 11‘:!,1,r11 ,0 OR ANY •OTRIR Alt= AIL TV= 1111131111 rat the la ea! Ilaeroplarsi itiibinsotiee Sin ROOM. W 11%.,14a. Sore; • • • 4110,1 kJ_ no , •000doolin, tet Poson't "boo .bo -liolls roothiat addigois hie dlooktolijimi nibble fo*oeum- , loomildomot 10117 oda VT a' l allanOPOlia= 1 1 1 6 *... l . ll Pdaak. ' „ • -- *BMW DIM . tr. * NiA ssmuisso _ Thijost bees • , Al!' Aow pifedos! mfflo gm : , • MOTS Tat alitrioloB aliliOn is ZTO PUBS AND 1.19D0151 ' • ' • WM A PVLL M l 7r7 LITHE 1717 i FANCY CO ♦BD Musing a tAliall r A large . i and Bair. • Abbott .. Tooth Pow • , 10%.V.:tr2; 4 .__ D SIenzT i gr _ Lam . Lam _mas, .. . : . . ia., all or the -.: • ' acurnon. MICR 010A118 Toa&coo MTh Mr% ' gar Pardid en • ' Ice d at minable min. Medicines and ptiona onefully sad ac curately and o rezired b i L I COar It =gn i re all . . 9to 10 o'clet a iln thee fore soon. tot la the . _ Tclnade, &Pt- NEW SP EDDY, - . Would announce " the entrant 'of Towanda, Slid the public groarally, *at he hat In store and daily receiving, new and _F_RESH GO , ODS,• s In his line, satiable to the wants of the people. which he will sell for Currency at former QOLD PRIC118! R. ' Consisting al . 1 • L - (NoMioddylk 11 -S NI GOATS, V STS AND ' PANTS, I All Wool. - • ' i • DRESS COATS, PANTS & VESTS, i i 'Linen Coats, Dusters and Pants, , . Dux Ails and Oar Shirts, Linen and Paper- Collars. Linen,.cassimere and Flannel s , Nock Talk San, Gloyes. Ilitnes, BM: P : 11 11 BI is Bia 13° Itat an CtoU l d irs Olida Rli a t ie . c4temeatier cheaper at a , price than poor goods at any price. Call an examine my goods before buy ing. Next d I to Powell a Co. •i , B.W. EDDY, 1 Towanda, Nair 28, 1887. : - ~ I mu' _i__E TE NEW 8 An- entire Obeapies before The ari to the elthene it now ready t FINE B ' AVER OVERCOATS, - • t i C CHILL" PllgTti, . CT AWO the I • Pager D mar BUsItIMIS- Stns.. TS AND CAPS. ~ • aarubbtsg Goodsoto.. and that ! these good; bought at very low figures wiA be sold with very small prods I Intend to establish a Im manent trade M this place, and in order to pin ;the =Menu .of purchasers, y 11400311 on a Jingo of 4 , HONES AND INTEGRITY i. :sag all too& be waniude g or what .they 'are regatta to be. Come examine' and 'are yo lf. Don't forget the _place, iTemrs of Op opposite the.gmas Douse, ;soul end of ;Wideman's Block .1 4. JACOBS. .17,-1867. Towanda, 'B u B HaTillf had ' , desirous of. [CUMIf3, 1 11 H El That odd 20 P : : CENT BRI,OW COST, Aslant • . • to done Oat (he** . lir ant 41616010 • • buissnibt. - ilds r u ‘t* far barpina i lOW at wood asoone store boa isw •• • • block, east of Main street, mat • • tie licauis Roar. - • . , •1 Amnon* Indebted to timo WWI& sloolorill Connors lam loy eillinit-nad set. Unit listsedistigy, spl sus thosurdwis cost, • J,A t OOLIANB. Ands.l. • • . - THE -paid IWw• (WMIPIIMID OWATIIIO. MIES; P EVERY I:enUl;Alp OLDS, RTB RS, WIE/4 8 9 AND !Setae, insars, rowan TE W. 11. B. GOBI. ,IPAL WM' Ia AND : r tioois t of good wen and reliable THIN( !" ni soy kind) °mudding in ESS SUITS, All grades. PLE OF FASHION RD AND NEW. GOODS I stool of °lowing bought as he war to be mold yr. Ith L 1 PROFITS 1 would respeetfolly announce t Towanda and vi Chitty ilea he oiler them Clothing, such as E D - 0 IT 'r I COLLINS, store burned. at tie bite fire, is , posing of his entire etock of MADE OLQ*EING, CASSWERES. FUBNISHINII GOODS &a., &o. ire in good oondt+n end will oe Oniagtnizos .Q 4: 301; all kinds of PsalmSi, rt , ranks" ¢ Coicolf's; chop semi. • in4atki(aUF. • blin"l.4 -4 , 4H. , -A.D...t4,• 1 -14 , 47.1,=: . '4:•• ,- .. iva)ol . ~Mr4s el 4lo.l o oll - /101.00 IMINPI*, B6 * it-O;lnnalt*ZiatliVi r rilk 7, Ur . eveaeldeeiedlicied - feit — lr• - - • • GOOD - 13901 ,- WI me be 'adenoid;.bir-sew. Call sad, no woke my stock belbeirieuebedag. I reeds ,tbe Women of the old Illibldiduallab, sat = • *mine cuip of the bi Mandfied 'orbs. la shaft ire • fletec Stook of goods fa our Hue, trestetlisiefork, ociusistths CV= Ohambsr-Setts, Boris,aims. Nablatno Centre , and Dining Tahlaa, • literors; Ploturetturwin v ' Photograph Ovalandyinaels, - Steethograylziga, ; Oil Curtin., Toilet ,Iltaids; WOrk-Sozei, - ; Piettliel s ko. , COFFINS Oar Undertaker's ZDPeiwer tikrei will 11/;•1111. Una be weltsupplipil WitkeVerything In pat; Une, We halo the _ =f= in ;this Section, noti wonting' InAbing• iris! of. Ncw York, and will Otd 'Funerals within* $ circuit of Twenty Mat, on reasonable tents. • G. H. Vooltllll4. N. I. Haw?, Mb/m.lm 26i, 18116.—1 y - F ITRNITURE T WARZ-ROOMS 1 JAMES HAMMON annoinems to the public that he still tontines to , nianaletae and liatir on hand a large assortment of - - -CABINET. tirwom. Tables. liedeteada. Stands , to., of every deacrlptga.,•which win be made beet materlakanan he _moat workman • I Invite the !ne ttica of the patine Untylwark, which shallno be sawed in durability, at any shop in' the countly, and •my prices Will be found to be as low as the thrix will admit. 1 , . Beady-made • Cons Constantly on band' or made to order. A good Hems will be fornbdied 'when desired, Aug. 16, 1865. : I MPORTANT I NEWSI ALEX SOLOMON d CO. SUOOEBI3OIO3 TO poLo 6'tx Have just receigia a Parr dock of READY FADE CLOTHING I , We maauhscinied at Rochester, tby the Juni or:Member of the riew firm, and as they intend to:make op a Large 'Rock of 'ing Goode And need the room, they will dlepose of the ft WIIOLE STOOK ON HAND, And It was - never laiger thin nowl,-`, REGARD LESS OF COSTA And at mach lower price than they can be MADE UP FOR W, Became the wbol $ must be cleared out within lb next SOLOMON 1 CO. Towanda, Dec. GLASgWA RE! 2preenwlch Street; 2 doors below Bare lay st la the Great Depot for CROCKERY DEALE'RS' GLASS WARE. CONFECTIONERS' 41 DRUGGISTS' : 14 4.1 GREEN GLASS BY THE PACKAGE In fact all kids of GLA - SS NTA-kE. Also, a' complete aced \ - BRITANNIA SILVER PLATE • KEROSENE WdEEI., OHANDEVERS, LANTERNS,• &0., \ \ Best \ ' brands of Ker o sene 011.' The beat patent Fruit Jars in the market, to be sold at the lowest prices. ANB line of Looking Glasser'. All kinds of Glass. Ware made to order. Agent for Meridien Britannia Company.: •J. T. WRIGHT, \ 225.0reenwich Street \ • Akwil 16, '67. • 2 Booritelow Baichit, N. Y. • T HE CORNER GR , OOBRY 1 The subscribers desire to announce to the Public, that they have com mkncedbusiness as ',general dealers i GROCERIES, . "iPROTISIONS GRAIN and COUNTRY PRO DUCE, at the Bridge Street corner of Patton's Block, and that they have now on hand,' and - .:deaign to keep, a complete assortment of goods adapted to tip wptits ,tlio village and country. trade.:. - _ ei 'Would respectfully invite an examination of tlieik stock and \a comparison of the- same 'with any °ther goit•ds . in the market, as to quality and price. They. are provided with ample and efficient help to give prompt at tention to customers, :and 40 give careful attention to, ll orders placed - in their hands. -- We pay Cash - -for. - PRODUCE and sell goedf - Beady Pay. _t!-.1 - LONG ii-t=lMt. Towanda, Sept. - 1. 1 4' 113671 E UNDREStolitl) BY notifies all indobted to Ids that thei lust oall and settle tkeir. , lotOSSVl isunsollaisty Wooltolso say that no suus - Slas on Book will given or on Doe Billi 'kept than liken use has odd at =liskrices-caimotteWatt that sold on thasg oods, and he is dstemWdto sdoPt - tkotaidp. Tbankhd for: poi' podium* so unimuy tor. toted upon Ma, ha Amid respectfally 'Welt a continuance of the same. Ho oilers tor Mile his done, dialling know lot and nth, stook of roods.. • - - • 111111 W FRUIT, - thinned:. Fruit; riashiltall', a splaidil 'ftraialati *ViapeWs atop More, EN - DIFACIItAtf- 1 011 1 . 1 -4 4 41 4 . ..11,-.:.: , :; 4 - vi ~.i- , -.lf: i;.:•:::"ljai r iar-Yi - ;n1,:-.7:- ~.Vz.y Z - -t - ; -, .fiol::icitY : t. - _:'+'w.-',- wi tW 0111 t. 01411 A) ,fr, , :. i; .•,..4-:&;;i-.... , ,keiii-,, , .-. 1-_-,--,v--- ontatitatiknt*itneti: Toi#44i P: Rot* *ends R 040,4 AT'iiiliii eitiSkill' MARA a mi Amplite , A - iimisikatthir in, iliiiiiiWilaisir abeliclog ligtpAstltAs e net It theAlittrAmilikalk4 WPM!. le 4104 11 % v i e wArrasoiutl e cri=' livitleitcish webs ' lA* , _4obrodel a re 7k , - terms' At ,- ,lemloe Or BelgOi 0111 11 41 If 1 re.i- 'F ---- ' .0„'-'1':: T!, 4'.. , ^s` . ;, , Witkovittinon*'igrEMlOALß) .. , .. , 5 . .1..! ,I._ .. ..!, ..,•.:;,- , , -,,,: i: ~ 7 , ' . rinrir 0041100111613111111, -; ''; I BMW AND . `TURPENTINE; BABliiii - Wit 11 4 1 0 11 4,..",7 4 Tki i i - '_ , Asa ill ands of Dadari, - '-: KEROSENE :;•eitik COAL i OILS,;' - , -AlcOholand Roisitig Flulds,C-'-' LANDS, EDIADES,IIVIORS, ORDINNTS, SSaii, LArd.,Thakt, Resta Foot. t - TANNER*. AN tp -)l4iximpinoipsi AmicTs:andio,iie.Otimpudik.i in- their *PthOP' tiPOßralik • Bariii* 006A:Pa, ea* '' • Ping4St Efli'DieglP - PerflOit_ _ POCKETBOOKS, PORT MONAIS; , - Societ Rithre:i, Damns,, TOOTH, - SRIN AlO H AIR pnEpeatirioNEi I'UD4, I :,'WEREO AND LIQUORS, Per Medicinal uft, - ViinAcoo;' . !SNurr, . Puss' • - AND Oldgul p Garden u Feld and Pam Ikeda, Trtuwes, Sup. ' • Porter, BusPenscrl ca. Shoulder .4 g --Breast ?amps, Teething Bizigs e linrsin ' Batiks, Nipples,. .Nipple and - B:gelds, Syringes- " ' • Seal* Fruit...TAM-Theita . ()mean Flavoring Estracia, , ,Ntops J_Eqrs, Ghia --- Ware, Bottles,l7lals, Corlo, Bath Brick, -and Stove Blacklng, , Fish Tackle .Asnaund; Bon, Botanic. Eclectic and lionuspatip , lc Nedlckwa, and• all the Popular Patent • SIEDICINMS. - , ,„ All articles wartante4,l. as' represented. gs sons at s distance can receive : their orders stage or nail, which will receive prompt Caned attention. -- r , - ,P0RTEZ8P8.r.?0,41.2 1 101713 FOR 'FAMILY USE, Known as Safe and Reilable Remedies ranted for what they Intended to Live ends baton, vin o : . ~ , • ' Dr.= Porter ' s - -Pectoral. -1 2 3 :26k .h t u ten — 0 0 Dr. Porter's Eclectit i V6siliou s 'eon. plaints aid en/ I cathartic— 16 Dr. . Porter's Smiler 1 13yrup, for sergfula • skin diseases, 4.e. 100 Dr, Porter ' s Uterine ToMe.for female treat mess,. . .1 00 Dr. Porter e Ton , to Witzlrfor efreagtheeiss 1 00 • . , • Dr. porter's,Tamy 13=ye. farAeer twt — 1 00 PorPorter's l 337. di ne ty PtloBoltea . 1 00 Dr porter's Blaelthe ac. rry Balsam. : for diary 35 Dr. Potter's Ainoiy . grabroadion:roi grains i ts D. Porter's Pectoral •,t c aters ' for hoarse.. tun, Sore throat, #e 26 DePorter'S Worm Wafers; for **Mug 25 s ior. Porter's Worts' Vcip i ihr extersana-' tin wow • , '35 Dr, Porter's IMAM Wet; for eryinettobtes •••, eche, te • 16 Dr. Porter's _loepbstio snuff, for cidarrk _ kadsehe, EMI =III 1 1v 4 R B' , And \ WARE, • _ entgl, .26 Dr. Porter's, Toothiet r. i"e Drops, : for loath ache 25 Fortier' a Tooth Powder, far preserving • 25 Dr s Porter's Trloomme, for dressing and - 50 Dr. Portal Ceopg e k or beautifying the • 50 • I •i hair, 50 Dr. parter's Odoriferousßhampoo.for clean the . 50 Dr. Porter's 111111 t the Pleiers — , tor beautify. inj_the "mplexion 50 Dr. Porter's -Pile o.ntment. for external 100 Dr. Porter's f Cid Comrinnd, to scald= ' urine 1 00 • Medicated Figs,, Dr: Porter's for biblical - constipation 100 Dr. Porter's Healing Salve, for cats motucids 16 Dr. Penci l 's Lip Salve, for chapped lips.... 26 Porter's Eye - Salve, for lamed eyes. 'Porter's Eye Water, for intliuned_eyes.. 26 Dr.; Porter's Corn and Wart Remover, for. • corms and bunions sa Dr. Porte:'eConstipation Pills, for costive- ness. Dr. Porter's Iron PM, iorpoor b100d..... 25 Dr. Porter's Citrate_ for a-pleas ant catbarric. 50 Dr. Porter's Liquid Rennet, for making nu- - ' tritknis diet for invalids 25 Dr. Porter's ic E t t : ict• Vara, for flavoring 40 Dr. Porter's Extract Lemon; for flavoring -Ice cream—large bottles • 40 Dr:Porter's Oriental Cement, for mmiding Dr. Porter'sLiquidVie, for repairing 35 Issiod work Dr. Porter's Cleansing Filud,for easy walk 50 Dr: Porter's t iled Bag Poison, lor Idlling 50 Dr. Porter's Fly Poison 'Paper, for killing ' 05 Dr. Porter's Rat and Mice Poison, for ex \ terminating rats 1 25 Dr. PorteesZe m nit c ar l removing spots Dr. Porter's Black Ink, in pint 25 ~.._ pi, _ ..‘iles , In' bulk by the gallon 1 00 Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder, for ‘ diseases of animals as3o Dr. Poher's Horse Nur Cattle Lotion. for sprains, galls, dm ' \ 50 Dr. Porter's Hing-Done',and Bpavin ' Core, for lame horses ' \ 80 Medical advice evensmtnitonsly at the office, charging ody for medicine.- IT Thankful tozwist liberal patronage,would remedially announce to Ma friends And the palled, that no piles 'shall be spared te:satisfy, and merit the continuation of their confidence sad patronage. - - H. 0. PORTER,k..D. • *o. 18, 110 yr. ' Misullantotis. S'O . METHINV NEW! AGAIN IN MOTION! • Had Purchased the stoctof Tobacoo belong- Bandall, Compton it Co., and hiring Wit a shanty on the asme ground; we. Mo. Pre pared to offer Wen) public WHOLESALE AND RETAIL; ArvesSety. of • CHEWING TOBACCO, '1 Snob as lipid Lest, Sunni Aide, Pine. Apple. Malan Pig, Rote Leaf and Star, which we oflekln sale In quantities to .W 1 anstonnn. -Packages In Barrels. balls and quarters. FANCY 'SMOKING. • • Thanelebrnted Lone Jack, Pride of, the unl. ted:Statee, ifirginlatle,Gold Leaf, Na vy and all kinds of Silllekelck. BRANDS OF `.OIGABEL, Anion=Sites, Gen:Grant, Lebknet, !im part*, Tycoon and the very choicest bran& of Taras: M IMI bap constantly on hands sanely o f .Pipes 4 Cigar Cases, Tobacco Boxes and Pouch es and everything dually kept in a Tobacco Store,. , TAnfilords supplied with t;ligars and Foil To. fami l ia Meal terms. • • • • f! All bra promptiy on ittOrt nom G.' W. 31 MITT. Oat: 17; 1E167. - • • QEEDS,' - AT. wittilizakuL=Wei 1j "have 4 geed ido&of West tB 4, kedt, se4.oldo rad TWOloo C10w..: Ala 1111: aoh.limothy end of prime tuallty, which we pieta lowed mActlxioe at whouma. 'FOX, 'orwIrAINIVIIBROUIr & CO. fIHOIOR No 1 - MAORERRL, -- FOR Ai on Wiling per pftid at _ BramkaU Cowen Map store. EM :. :'.'''-'.-'.:.:is-'7,', ~$1.0.J),., .i.. 1 ;, , ,i. t• 2111 ~ - ..-1 4,,t7,3 1 , ti - ' ' ' 4 ' • ,1 ' ' * : -: ": 04 . '.'',.'4 , - . ii • : " ) 1 .....,,•. _., , ~,,:,_ -,- --: L., - ; 4:' .t , 0 2 .: - •:-: I 1 .',.. .:' A •d .• 03 '', . .....;. ,-,- 4 :-.'. ' - ,.J, - .1 .. 0 .. 5 . to ',: - ..1' • .. 0 , , vs _ •• '-• ct I I ....... i f ;3...1 ~ ; ~Lg -~ r .te.z.5, - tter Al;SFiyf , Ti - • BROTHERS l& 00:t, Wish - Wean the attention - of the publiO to their new Stook of.. HARDWARE •.• - • , . FARMING IiMPLIMI ' • - BLACK SMITHS' TOOLS, • • and CARPENTER& TOOLS. Also, a large assortment of , Window Olase, - Sash, Paints, Oils, j - !Patty. Varnishes and Paint , andMarnish finishes ' Of all iiinds, 'which will - be sold for thafoirest °ash - price. Also, a dine atwortment Of KEROSENE LAMPS ofnvery style and pattern,to fait thi pub& Linips - repaired .and cluukcid tiom Oil and Plaid toKezosene.-- - - Particular attention paid to the manufacturing of all kinds of , • • Tlfi• WARE. PSOIIT.TLY •TTINDID TO We haw °whited a flee article of GLASS FRUIT JABS;'; with Improved aelf-sealing corks, and - HESMKTICAL SEALING CA NB. Which la One of the bat cam aged. . . Jona - 20,1886: _ HiARDWA.R I. CODDI N ( & RIISSELI, Repectfully inform their customers and the. p bib generally, that although the ere occa sioned serious loss and temporary intern:Vim to oulbuslneas . " WE STILL SURVIVE 1" - And. hive purchased a large stock of Niw oloods t bellt•a new • 13HAVTY STORE!' ; it And are fairly Reconstructed mid cluin - y bud, nee again. The front of our store is now on Pine , about 100 feet from Main street, at E. T z [now Powell's] old corner. If you sho o into Po, well's and walk straight throng a wall Of the back - end of his store, you Would end yomeelf among the , stoves, pots, kettles, anvils, bellows and vices Of our new store. Bat as you can't got through the wa 11, just walk op Pine street to our Shebang, where we keep a lull Ike of Hardware. We ve a great varie ty of , COOKING AND'PAR AMERICAN, TRIBUNE, EMPRESS, STERLING, ORIENTAL, MORNIN GAS : ron, Steel, Nails. Window Glass, Sash. Miro nue Oil . Table and Pocket Cutlery, Raw log Tools, Carpenters and Joiners Toole, Blacksmith Tools, Pumps; Lead Pipe, Powder, Gans, Pistols, &o. (Mill Co.'s Iron. ELMIRA KEROSENE OIL. Tar, Sinn IRONI• AND COPPER WORK, _And do all sorts ot , JOB WORK in our line. Cash paid for Old ,Iron, Cast and Wrought Scraps, Copper, Brass, Sheep Pelts, Bags, Furs Feathers, Bees Wax., &o. We buy cheap, sell cheap. and are content with small profits. . . _ CORDING Jr; RUSSELL. Towanda, Sept.l2, Ma. HOW 7H , IN4S ,GROW! WARNER% JEWELRY :STORE. He keel ! good goods and sells cheap. There yon can find all kinds of ;AMERICAN - and FOREIGN WATCHES, also a large assortment, TCLOCKS. Including the celebrated SETH.' HOMAS mannfacture. Also a splendid as sortment of JEGIIIr, Including solid gold, and a general assoktment of SILVER PLATE D WARE, inu:nding spoong, forks, cake baskets, 'tea sets, ito „, of the best manufacture. SOLID SILVER SPOONS manufactured to order. Watch and Block 'repairing done on the shortest notice; in the best manner, by an ex perienced workmao t All at prices that will give satisfaction. A. M. WARNER. Towanda, Dec: 12 1867, NEW STORE AND-NEW GOODS FRESH FROM TH NEW YORE MARKETS. CHEAP 48 THE CHEAPEST. lhu g erenlare lr ha r dthbaidi llatel;, ( one door of Beidleman's Bloels,) and have tilled it with GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, WOODEN AIM WILLOW WARE, r e it ol n iL t kin ev ds tt i tg r . season, Lfresa n and drat class P,R 0 V I•S I 0 N S•T'O EL • i d share of ti re il v i t llonatiec e l d Towaad a and We will , pay the Malt n nuatet price for all kinds of COUNTEY.PEODUCE,' 'We also have the sole Agencyfor -Bradford and adjoining counties for the sale of the Cele brated Virginia and North Carolina Smoking Tobacco. A liberalidiscount ma BAHHALL de thistrado. Towanda, April-d,1867. . WOO MEN, WOMEN AND IN WYALUSING! „ . -,' . • , ::_TO ; PURO SE. iTIN4V4IitE. • . The utzlersigniad having , established himself at W.Taitudnif. rem. Iy informs the citizens of this vicinity t he is prepared to tarnish all kind; of -- .!, - , . . . TIN AND 13 'ART IRON WARE, 01 the shortest notice. As I niumfaeture the foals m 7 144 tam I enabled to offer better in. aucemente-than !dealers who hire their work dope. Merchants supplied with everything in W line at the lowmt rates. Everythhig sold. :Eavetroughs and I Tin Hoisting ' pit outwit* Most approved style, and on short notice. 1 - Give me a' can. - - Shop In -Welles' Store House over Chamberlin's Store. ' ' _ A. LONER. - . It. P. SULTZSB Wyalasthg,-5ept.10,1867. • , STOOK OF ROODS , Woutenft for the Holidays, will be found I lit Frotela Furniture Store. • • -, . . /VOICE TOBACCO AND CIGARS . ,‘..; at 'Bramhait ¢ Cotivirs Cheap Store. • •,! `c'R`~' `_.~.~ JOR STOVES Among them L • NER, r - , ent Of A cOmpleti east WeilM figenbejor Dtrporr'a PowDER. We amuinfacture Migullantone. Arid so does %ridness at CHILDitEbI FASTED. IM= l =Mil Xhnut*lmmini.-. 4 1k 1 . , = .**E.* - 40iiv: /Air' - - 41111-, , r. g ,1106111 1 1 Malik 111144 PSIS NMI, TOWAND,A BRADFORD CO PA. L now prepared Whorish ''CIRCITLAR RAW MILLS; • '''SHI;.IGLE-SIMAOHINES, Ofd best.aullis- arith the latest Improver . io t a. _ A u u n a s dv i many - tor. Flowing and SsW NMI. • STEAM 'ENGINES, .MADE EEPAIRKD, . STEAMY WHISTLES; -' • STEAM GAGUES, GAUGE COCKS; • - I ' • CAliSi_ Furnished at abort notice: BOLT qIITTIN.G, Dope froin }le 11 inches is diameter. FORGING : . - Of hese . * * l otted troth 'far Bridkek. and all other purposes, done' to 'order: -A*,-; a large COOKING & HEATING STOVES, Coal and Wood Boners. Furniture - tor Cooling Stove' Wove Pipe. Ttn-Ware,.iloat , Pampa; Plowl:CnlUvatorrand Lemma', kept constant !yen hand. • !. • • • DRAWINGS & SPEOLFICATIONS Of ali kinds of machinery • for mills. and other PurPoseP prepared b• • . WARREN: HILL, Foreman who bah hid largo experience In 11215 launch o{ the bushiest Towanda. Oct. 22,, 1866.-19. CARRIAGES, WAGONS,SLEIGHS THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT ' STILL IN OPER _ ATION . FELLOVS, CRANDALL A, CO., - Successors to Reynolds, Peibis & Co., are now axing and are prepared to famish- on short notice, Wagons Carriages and Sleighs, of all descriptions and of the latest and most aapro, 'wed style, and of the best material at the old stand opposite the Union House, In the cen• teal part of -Alba Borough, Bradford County, Pa. - The public are assured that the repritation the 'shop has acquired during the last six years under the superintendence of J . H. Fellows, will be more than maintained, as he will superin tend the work as heretofore he having long been and having bad much experience as a Carriage and Sleigh Handel, would assure the public that no pains will be spared by the above firm to make the establishment worthy of their pat. ronage. Thankful as one of the old firm for the patronage thus far extended; we hopeto merit a continuance 9f the same. N.-11.--IWe, the undersigned,, being practical mechanics, can manufacture and offer to the public at prices that will - defy competition. I dJAMEB H. FELLOWS, D. W. C. CRANDALL,. J. G. If ERITT Alba ttarou&h. April IS, 1866.* ty. . TOWANDA CARRIAGE FACTORY. • - •7' The'undersigned respectfully , announcO to the publics that they have purchased the O'A.R .R E SHOP G. H. DRAAKE, And are now prepaibl to build work in THE LATEST STYLE • „, . And moat workniaralke manlier. They. wil constantly keep on hand an assortment of splen d • . TOP AND OPEN _J3UGGIES FMA]a.Y .CMIFAIES, DEMOCRAT AND LUAIitER,;3yAGONS, .02i3 , AND TWO SEATED ALBANY B.LEIG.HS •ALL WORK WARRANTED. REPADIING promptly .attended to at rca sonabb3 prices. BRYANT it STULEN Towanda, May 9,1867.—1 y. NEW PLANING. MILL The undereigned having built a large and com modious Mill in the Borough of Towanda, and Ailed it with the most modern and. improved machinery, for the manufacture of WINDO , W GAS/WA BLINDS; are prepared to ciders , whether large or' 'mall, upon the , sliortest .--notice. We have also a large var y of MOULDINGS, of the p. latest style and rn, which we canhunhth much clever they can be worked by hand• .. .& ! , - - !LIMING. __-_ :, . TM:OICW ,14 ___ .._ ..? • GROVEIBT4B. G; _ i • _ ~AND SCROLL SAWING, and al other work pertaining to Joinery, will be done to suit our customers. • Persons building, and not living more than twelve to fourteen mike distant, will find it largely for their interest fto buy of ns, or bring their lumber and worked by our machinery. Bring your grist of Flaking, or other lumber, and while your team is is feeding, have it ground out and take it home with you. We will pay CARR for . PINE A- HEMLOCK LUMBER delivered at - our lumber yard. Come and tee us, or if you can't come, write. L. B. RODGERS A CO. . Towanda, Peb..1804. ._ SOMETHING NEW! J. O. FROST, • Would Gall attention to tho fact that he has started a FURNITURE ktANUFACTORT In Towanda. Ia which be• has the latest idp, proved Machinery driven by Steam. Power, add is now Prepared to offer greater laddeementa So the public-than ever to purchase their tarot. tare of bird.. I have also added.another LARGE WARE-ROOM To my More and am now exhibiting the largest and best stock of Furniture to be found in this regkm, whiiiti lam happy to say. I can fell it GREATLY REDUCED. PRICES To thelarmer I would say I can aeLlyou more Farnibue 'Or a load of-Oats or Wheat, or a tub of Butter. than you could buy with the same before the War. In ~m y new Ware•room will be found fine IJIM&Itra.ID PM,V,OB.I3OITEB bihair, cloth or re ps, • also in muslin; to 'be covered to order. I ro also - CHAMBER SETS! lamahint. Chesnut, down to , the most common, also Tackeri. Decamps, and Halls, Spring Beds, Spring Mattrasses, -Husk Sea Grass, You, Hair and Sponge Walruses, P ll lows. Comforters, gents Blankets Table 8 reads,Ae. - Also Moho, Bediteads; Bureaus, Dining and Manila= • Tables, Mar ble Top Centre Toole. ,f3o fas, Tetr=a-fetes , Bock ors, Buy Chairs, Piano Stools, Book Bub, What H ots, Chi ldren's (Lariagee, Children's Cradles and Cribs, Looktng Glasses, Looking glaas Plates, Picture .1 Frames, Photograph Ovals, Steel - Engravings, ,Cards and Tosses, fact a fall wsortment of everything in the line. All of which will be for cash. _ Illustry Dealers supplied at Wholesale Prtees The piddle are invited to 'call aall ozalnkle ray stook before purchasing elsewhere. Store on Hain Street, 2 doors south of Madames. I also keep on hand, a large usortzikni;, of READY WE GOFFENB, From the lout common to the lined Ma l l& or Rosewood, which will be furnished w ith or without Attendance .with Hearse; at u low a price as the same quality can be preened else. where. _ Dec. 11387.-T-Yr. iir - A. --CE • AGENOT rolideihnriegakslidipitid i By 11(16'llfirEal,N, 44;r4c, • of pe (*.vim wee ad reliable Cott, psalm; -*lke Maitalve's tkek. • 4egyfgate.44:- • $1 4 700,r00 "MITA /313171.1ia1l 001171311 o Isrsirooiviso Lomat isz Gip - Pas'ANAL= hunmexoe thirptnellul Rommel Pan& Mole) .1; 846,271,67‘ Mote In the Unlteilfltatee, 0ver....1,800.000 DailyTtetelome, Omni* of (Gold) '1 17,000 Nsw Emu Asp brwassas Cosrssv. - .Itarijoi at, Coma.; CaPttal . .... -6200,000 WIONINIi histrxamumaz CoirAnr: • . - ,Waest . -/liirt e, Ps., *: • iosTit. . • ' ~: '•• - i If.lauor4oati 'hum? bar Cammi pp.,- • -. -( Accidental) • - 1 . ••, • • Phstaddpkiii, ' Capital . ' • . - . .isoo t ooo Co. '' ' Hertford. Cam, Capital 10,000,000 - Towanda, Feb, 30, 1966--tt - TTARTFORD LIVE STOCK IN RANCE 0.014P.Mr• - • - ier. goo,oop. 'cash assets No vi 1866, $155,29 1 83 Insures, on. a ll , khids'.of live stock, against theft and death from any cause. •• 8. - MARLS, Jan. DI, 1867 &gen L. Dec. sth, the Mare" Lady Mace," owned by, Dennis F. Flagg, of Boston , Mass., accidentally received a Ida from andther horse, breaking her left ford leg. above the knee, rendering it necessary to kill her as an act of huautnity. In bured'in the Hartford Live Stock Insurance Cum - pony. Lose paid Dec,. 6th 1867. JOHN - CABMAN. VIRE,' LIFE, AND ACCIDENTAL INSURANCE. CAPITAL EXPIUCIICMI2I OM SEVENTEEN' MILLION noLLAns C. S.-- RUSSELL, Agent, FOU'Ult FOLLOWING NAMED RELIABLE .COMPANSII. GIRARD Flaz Brennis Ixitaixes, COMPANY PhiladelAicr e f Capital 'and wapitis , over.... hatTrUNCB COMPANY, 'Of 'yew. York Capital and surplus, over.... INSURANCE COME4XY Or Noun } AMERICA., Phi/add/dug. . • Capital and-zeinlos, over - MiMUM); Itatraa;jCZCOIEPANT, Of :New- Fork. Capital and surples; over CAJO.uI ENTEiII'ItIBE 11417111 MA CONPANY, Of Phlladelpiia. f Capital an a surplus, over... IsamuNor Cospstis, Of New-Fork. Capital -and surplus, over Purxam Imonasoi COMPANY, • 'Of Hartford, Conn. Capital and warping, over • Lin IssinuaTcs CourANT, C - • - Of New-York. Ciipital and surpins,oser sB,ooooll' TRAviaxima Natraawca CoxpAKY, Of Hartford„ Conn. Capital and KliPilig, over Risks takeif cw all kinds of Prepert& . at at• low ratesaa by any other reliable Companies. tor Folleles issued and Losses, it auy', ad justed at this Agency,thereby saving the trouble and expense of going elsewhere for settlement. sir Office at the llardwhere Store. 01. Cod ding & Russell • C. JB . . RtISSELL Towanda; Feb. 7, Latio.--tt t. HE. INBIIRANCE COMPANY JL OF NORTH AMERICAI Office No. 249 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. This Company are now prosecuting the hn.i ness of Insistence from loss or damage by.PIRE on Buildings, Merchandise. Furniture, tr; throughout the State of Pennsylvania , o n Ibe al tensis,for long or short perlode; .or permanen ;ly of. Buildings, bylisleposit of Premium. The prompt payment of claims for losses du lug the period of nearly 70 years that the Com pang has been in esistence, entitles them to t confidence of the public. .Diaacroits.—Arthur G. Coffin, Samuel W.. Jones; John A Brown, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, Jno. R. Neff, Richard D. - Wood; Wm Welsh, 'Wm. E. Bowen, James N. Dickson, S.. Motile Wain, John Mason, Gee. J.. ,Barrison Francis R. Cope, Edward H. Trotter, Edward S Clarke, Wm. Cummings. AirrntrE G. Corny, Prea'nt. C.S. RUSSELL, Agent, Towanda. Ii'MWER f aiM I AJJ A N F T I RE iNsir Capital • - • - The Farmers Mutual Pirc Insurance Company of ,Middle Pennsylvania was incorporated by the Pennsylvania Legislature, in the year 1459, for the Mutual Immrance of Conntry property only,, and immediately thereafter commenced its oper ations,on thatprinciple, which has been strict-. ly adhered to since. , All losses have been promptly paid out of the Premiums collected on applica tion for insurance without making any assessments. • The,lneurance of Country proper..y. only, the %low rates charged for Insurance, and the prompt payment of losses are deemed a sufficient recom, mendation of the Farmers Meru& Ere &Nu) once Company of Middle Pennsylvania', to ao owners of sate class country property. P. Jon son; Seely. , WY. FIIIMIIt, ['real . LUCIEN MYER, Agent, Towanda, Pa. ME ME OF MIDIILF. FENNSTLVANIA, Office In Danville, MriourCoanty, Peun March 66 LERPOOL - AND LONDON AND GLOBE FIRE. AND biloE INSURANCE COMPANY.-00Ice, 45 William, St., and 720 Broadway a N..Y. • , Capital, Surplus and &served Funds (Gold) . .. . - 316,271,675 Assets in the United States, over.... 1,800,000 Daily Premiums, upwards of (gold).. IT,OOO The shareholders.•persoirally responsible for engagements of the company. All Directors mu t be shareholder's. 'SECTORS is NEW Youx.—Francis Cottenet Es Chairman, Henry Grinnell; Esq., Deputy rman, Joseph Gaillard, Jr., Esq., E. 11 Archibald, Esq., H. B. H. Consul, Alexander Hamilton, Jr., , Robert C. Ferguson, Esq. _ Alfred Pell,. Esq., Resident Secretary. Ale x ander Hamilton, Jr., Esq„ Counsel Board. Batamss—Phenix Itank,-Cammann 1 Co. The Policies of this Company are issued by well-known Atherican citizens resident in New Yorti'who are Directors and Shareholders, and consequently, with the other Shareholders. are individually liable for all the engagements o the Company ;- all Policies are signed by them all claims are payable in cash on proot of log without deduction for : interest-, and not, as • usual, sixty days after presentation of proof They-expire at six o'clock, P. X., and not a noon. Life insurance effected, and entwine granted on.favorable terms, • H. B. BcKEAN, Agent. Towanda. April 99,1867. THE. EQUITABLE LIFE - ASSUR AWE f3ociety's Agency for Bradford co. , CASH. CAPITAL $3,000,000. ‘ll. • . • Yearly Income ora $2.000.000 cash. • - • - MONTANYE & WARD. Towanda, July 25, 1867.' THE ASTOR FIRE INSURANCE of New York: Agency for Bradford Co °AMA. $400,000. Dividend for 1866, 10 pe cent: YONTANTE k.ARD. Torinds, July 25,1867. . - THE LYCOMING MUTUAL FIRE Insurance Agency for Bradford County, CA.PITAL, 13,400,000. Mutual Cash . plan. In suooessful operation or er twentyseren years. MONT Pi 'ATE z& WARD: Towanda, July 25, 1867 EWTAILOR SHOP N AMOS PENNEPACSER; Rai opened a shop in the room bock of the Rooms of the Young lien's Christian Awes Con, second story, over Eddy's Clothing Store where he le now prepared to d all kinds of - TAILORING, In the beet and moat fashionable manner. .An experience f mum years, determination - to keep wt h the Fashions of the Times, arida desire to please his customers. be believes wri enable him to give satisfaction.- • All. Cutting done on 4 .4Cort notce and reason hie terms.;. Tvon do - , 'Oct. 17, 1 fiC7. 1150,1X* - $360,0C IN ..., t3,750.00(A f1,7tx).1-0.1 ~ .1330.000 ...6760,0() ....s744Aso .IbQO,OOO $357,000 UV