Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 27, 1868, Image 2

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    ~Pcais..f di, Nations.
—G: B. Hanger's toliacoo factory,
at Hannibal, Ninon:4 bat ' been seised, in
consequenee of the proprietor hiving
tetthe revenue laws. About 4 ,0 0 0 o=4 ll
of tobace and °tunnels erenred.
- —JohnSullivanhoe beeri convicted
at Nashville, Tenn., of**Ohs ogle° of
the Southern Express of ,000,at Dresden,
Tenn. He goes t0)1,2
~pmaitentlary for *ve
—O. IL Jo neon, assistant . general
superintendent of the Merchants' Union Ex
press, died at Clifton Springs, N.Y., on
—Three persons in all -were killed
by the recent engine explosion in Lowell,
KIM A earner's inquest will be held to
morrow. •
—The bursting of a kerosene - lamp
caned the death by burning of Phcelia Wil
kie, at Fall River, Masa., on Monday night.
—A spiritualists' convention' com
menced in Bain& on Tuesday.
—Mre. Abigail, of Boston, died and
Left $171,000 to charitable institutions. The
will was disputed, but the United States
Supreme . Court has sustained it,
—George Morrison;Thomas Thomp
son,and Wm. Alexander were drowned in NI.
agars riv3r, near Buffalo on Tuesday. Their
boat was capsized by floating ice.
-9-A postal car was -accidentally
burned on the 15th Mat, about fifteen tidies
from 'ort Wayne, Indiana, by which a large
and valuable mail was destroyed, including
foreign letters by two steamers for the West.
em States and Territories and the Pacific
coast, •
—Governor Bullock, of Alassachn-
Betts, has votoed the bill repealing the State
constabulary or liquor law.
—The Supreme Court,in Richmond,
Va., has decided that the stay law is =con
—Williams, Morehouse and Arm
strong recently escaped faom Owego jail,
but were - soon brought back to durance vile.
—The heavy snow caused the roof
'of the Park Hotel barn, at Owego, to tum
ble in.
--The- grading of tike Southern
Central railroad has been going on without
hindrance, excepting last Pridey,duringthe
entire winter.
—There is a fu,led among the Owe
go barbers about obeTin,g the ordinance of
the village in reference to Sunday shaving.
—Tioo county elected eight Re
publican and two Democrat Supervisors.
—On 'account of the ice on the lake
at the Geneva end, the Seneca Lake steamy
• ers-have laid up, the Laugdon at Geneva,
and the Magee at Watkins. _-
green station agent or opera
tor, =from up the Tioga road, blew out the
gas finis room at the Dickinson ffnnee,
- Ganda& the other night, with the us*
—At a fire in Tallahassee, Florida,
a soldier named Pratt was burned to death.
He was caughtllia falling beam and could
sot escape.
number — of neg,roes-_ , ,were sum
moned, a few days since, to nerve on a jury
'at Chattahoogs. Term., but Judge Adams
refused to permit them to act as such.
—The safe of the treasurer of Louisa
county, lowa, was robbed by burglars on
the night of the 7th instant of $17,000,
—On Thursday, the steamer Sallie
List sunk twenty-five miles below Selma,
Ala. No lives\ lost.
-A man \ named 'Sweeney' was
killed b, • of the roof of the Oxford
mine, in
li,as des'
loss $B,l
cille, T•
and killed
Idiog, Natick, Maas.,
fire 'Monday Morning.—
plosion in Oinoiunati,
bestroyed a cfiair factory.
iihtly occur in Nash-
on accidentally shot
in Scranton, Pa, Sun.
—Allen;C. l Fuller, formerly of this
place, is one o the most prominent candi
dates of the Ripublicart party of Illinoia,for
the nomination for
.Governor. In 1864 he
was Gen. Oglesby's competitor, and was
only beaten on ecc.ount of the Generals war
record. •
—All that is known in Ohio a the
new Senator (licdreery) of Kentucky is that
he is about 51 years of age, and, though al
ways one oft 1; leading Democrats of his
Stith; has nev before held public office.—
In 1813 and -1.15 hi ran for Congress, but
.-bis district 17g largely Whig, he *as der
- 1
-The eleetion in Arkansas to tie
• cide on the ew Constitution, Will take
place on the 1. th of nezt crtootk. It is to
be hoped that Congress will, before that
time, amend e law by substituting a ma
_ jority of all the \•, votes cast for all the votes
- registered. As It igen& Row the law is anh •
versire of the only correct principle in PP
tiler elections which recognized the snore,
nracy of the majority.
—The Hun. /distill' Grover, a dis
tinguished Democratic leader in New-York
onee gave a terse and graphic description
of a Democrat $ l 4 Democrat," he said, "is
a Dian who don't lodise° that clod ever made
anytiody quite as good se hiosalt, satd
d--dlew worse
The Republican Convention of
Indiana, Thursday, nominated Gov. Conrad
Baker for re-election, and named the Hon.
Wm. Cumbria for Lieut.-Governor. The
Convention unaninacraily.named Grant and
Colfax as their preferences for President and
Vive-President. Mr. - Colfax Bents capital
s letter to the Convention.''
• —The Reading (Pa.) Eagle calla
on on Democratic soldiers to withdraw from
the Grand Army of the Republic. - The Dem
ocratic papers generally did the same thing
daring the war.
—Retarna frost 122 counties in Tex
as are Pititi4ed, showing &MB- whites
and 47581 oolornd voters restered, and
7,738 *tied aPPlicatlaus ; 413 t are
almost exclusively whites.
—The Kentucky Dethoeratic State
eauvesticin has renominated Croy: Steven.
son and feawmted Mr. Pendleton, as their
choice for the Presidency. The reaohations
adopted demand the uneonaltiOnal re-ideals
sioa of the lately rebelliceut Stays and the
promulgation dim universal amnesty.
.—The . Virginia Republican St*te
Convention is called to meet la Siam*.
an Jive days after the adjournment of the
Recctletruction convention.
Tmuvia, Thtndtw Feb.
The annual'report '
of thODireOtOrs
of the Lehigh Talley . Railroad -Com
pany to the Stockholderi; was sub
mitted on the. jlBth -inr"
of which has come to .
bodyini facts and stet
est to the - Pee - pie of thi
The - Lehigh Valley ri
operation, extends fri
Mount Carmel, 100 mil
tot to-Wilkes-Barre,ll
Easton' to the extensi:
ver Meadow Branch,
"which - more than 60 m
track, with extensivi
turnouts, equal in agi
to a third track, maki ,
hundred miles of sink
eluding sidings, reachi
portant coal fields . of
owing and Beaver' Me:
a connection with the
road, large supplies of coal tonnage
from that arta e Black - Creek coal
basin are recelv
Under the charter to build a
road from Wilkes-B rre to the New
York State line, the controlling inter
est being owned by this company,
the work of construction has been
pursued, and nine miles
of, from the connection with the Le
high Valley rob e d at Wilkes-Barre to.
Pittston, there connecting with the
Lackawanna and Bloomsburg road,
has , been completed and brought into
active and profitable use: At the
northern end of the line about twen
ty-one-miles from Towanda to Waver=
ly,' is completed and a connection
there made with the Erie railroad.
The amount received from the
stockholders of this Company who
subscribed for Lehigh Valley railroad
stock, for the purpose' of being ap
propriated to this work amounting
to $1,151,120, has been expended.—
Besides the fifth and last installment
of nearly $400,000 payable op the
fifteenth January ultimo., it will - re
quire, it is estimated, a million and a
half more money to complete the road
and procure a trill supply of rolling
stock, depots, and shops to meet the
requirements of the business that
will o er as soon as the road is open
Speaking of the' proposed exten
sion of i their road from Pittston to
Waverly, the report closes as fol
lows :,
In regard to the policy of building 103
miles of railroad, from a connection with
the Lehigh Valley road, at Wilkes-Bane, to
a connection with the Erie railroad, at Wa
verly, that work was undertaken by the
Board of Managers of this 'Company, not
solely on account of it own intrinsic value,
but because it was .deemed cf vita *Tort
ance to tile interests of the Lehigh
We have competition in the Mahony for
the coal trade of that region. We have
competitors for the coal trade in the Wy.
oming both south and east ; but in regard
to the road up the North Branch, when that
road is completed we have no competitors
on that line, and, to develop a rich and pro
lific country, rich in agnoulture—as the
opening of the road will do—is an object of
primary importance to the interests of our
road ; besides it will open the best routes
for the coal in Wyoming to 'Central and
Western New York, and to the lakes, and
will alsO open railroad communication north
and south, for the bituminous coal of Brid-'
ford county. In passengers and freight this
road will deyelop an extensive country goy
without railroad facilities, and py our close
connection and control, we may reasonably
expect a trade, both isi amount suf%
that will amply pay the Lehigh V alley for
all its outlay in that direction in the peat
and in the future. Independent of its great
value as an adjunct to the Lehigh Valley,
the directors have no doubt that the road
up the North Branch will make a refurn of
profile that will bequi t e satisfactory.
If it kind been 'aft fey the Lehigh Valley
road to remain as it, was, wit hout lionldn_tc
the future, theTirectors would have had
far easier task than bag !alien to their lot ;
but they felt the necessity of adminktoring
the affairs of the Company, not only for the
present, but for the future. In qudertakint
this important extension, the - Directors
have no doubt that it will only add to the
business and profits of the Lehigh Valley
but mVe it power to attract busi
ness to lie main stem, that it otherwise
could not command,
The wisdom of the policy pursued
by the Directors, we have no doubt,
will be amply proven by the success
of the railroad from Wilkes-Barre to
the State line, in earning profits fOr
the stockholders. The Pennsylvania.
and New York Cantil and Railroad
Company will have the shortest and
most feasible route fur the transpor
tation of aottiritoite - goal, from the
Goal fields of the Lehigh and Wyo
ming valleys to Central and Western .
New York, reaching .4 market en
equalled is the country, by easy
grades, to supply which, in'a few
years, will tax the utmost capacity
of the Road and Canal.
The annual consumption of anthra
tato aroj is increasing at a rapid and
certain rate, as is the subject ofma
thematical demonstration. The pop
ulous and fertile " counties of New
York reached by this road, are at.
ready complaining of the ecaroity of
fuel, and are . anxiously devising
means by whiCh the anthracite and
bituminous coals of Pennsylvania
can be cheaply procured. Already
several roads are projected, looking
to a connexion with this road at" W
averly, AO we have no Might that
within a few Short years, there , will
be Bernal divergent lines, carrying
the coal into Central and Western
NeW York from Wave-Ay:,
-The Republican party through
out the State are united in favor of
te-nowipating Gen. John F,Hartranft,
and Col. Jacob if, Vs,zupbell, for the
offices of Auditor Generals purvey
pr General, which they have filled for
the last two years; No other candi
dates Atl 3 Mused, 014 the State Con
yeptiont whlgh PiteMbles J4*o4
will, of come ? unsuimousl7 place
thOm on the
able that the
noininate thi;
wi tfi:via
Pl° l **/ 0
mbable tha
that this yes
°pimento at
,186 a.
--. 1 . 1 1 .9 11 v
Fr.l3 - •
HS.use of Re
iy[on: Wean
- •
sedate, log
log a - railro
all be chaff
!I filing J
ini the office
the propose
and pru
the apPlica
The capital
leSst tee.t 1,
Sam of th:
iap' have
companies :
right a, to •
Object to
tOititia of
isl4o, and
wider this 1
Oeding $2
pester sm.
interest to
1:11 will an
aad becom:
I i W- .. mow D. 0., Feb: 21, NM&
iThe House of Representatives on the 13th
instant, ref .: . , by a vote 4:41 15)8 to 43„ to .
adroit Jolla ' omto Dams, chiming a seat
exi-ii re , - .. • tive from the stxmdAistrict .
:4KentunkY, on account of his having uvol
twily gi , . aid, capita counsel \
and enc • , i:ement, to perso zu engaged in
allmedt. :; ' to the United 'N •
. ITheEl nim m the 19th instant, relbied:
bf a vote of 1 to 28, to admit 'itimp Flt=
ThomAs, a seat as a pe l t:Leto?
, from
ttielitate of iiaryland, for thestime reasons`
tut in the efla Of doh Totmo rioint reject
ed 11 the 11 TWA, F •
lAs sh the tendency (Atha democrat
iiPartY. in 6 approaching ininHionign, the
fcillowing 0 . : • be interesting 1
' i The W '' • Vindicator, 13 democratic pa
per putilishe'; at Bt.Josephs, iiissouri, in its
i4ne of the th instant, puts forth the fol
- as i : Trclarr and PLA:frown which
seems to be ;indorsed by the) democracy of
the liorth-w •t. . ' ' 1
This is a
by W. .
zoo - d
fors, is
Mtn! Do
ion of the Military to the Obit
ire . ers thelilaffsps I' !
EQUAL TriliittON and the Itxrarnrin. HAMM
8110TATIOit OF ALL =a Swiss, os Aim
an BssscztoN) I
novella= must be met by counternevo
lution—Force by Forne—Vkdenee by Via
fence—an Userpatien should be over
thrown, if bee B Ten yours 1 I
pown th the T t Oatit and Registni
tion !! . - ,
Vire La publiq e!! , 1
1 •
eAt a Sing • held,by th e . Demons& in
this city, 19, the *lowing resoln
tion was • ously adopted:
1 Resolveb, That we tepid the Jinstouri
rodionor.l as the true - and faithf ul
neat of o m t a mArg prin.. ois; and
it as the of *at Dem tio — Pyl;
the Ncuih 1 t. •,,,
trOw far these evidaoes in support of
the cla put forth by Os Peemoaretio
Pith, to Wag the greet''.llonserratix• jln
iott Mutt 9f th e CotioteYl very g intelligent
reades ins jiAge. . i ..
~ In the if the' letting of the contract
for the _ gof a new Jail-in the Dia.
Mot of Columbia, nude the superrirdon - of
the Secrredry of the Interkri. toinbioh I re
feared in. last letter,ll4, committee on
Public)l4ildings and Gr4nnde, of which
lion. Jo Omen is chairman, Snd that
grosifrand hesbeen oun4tted; which by: -
Plies eilf+lati an the Of tip Secretary
of the Interior in the letting of the contract,
and reeolnmend the Inn of the cons
tract, arid 'the abandcmine* of the site se-.
'busted by ' -Secretary, 44 !?sing entirely
1 for the purpose 1 The lams of
JOEIN COV ill. has became
I ; ti zous with
economy, in 911 matters to the ex
penditure !public money, sinile his Beare&
ing inves on and uncovering of the
frauds un r the administration of Buchan
an, throu4h his instrumenting.
The g 4. appropriation bills for defray.
tag the rent eXpensa of the government.
for the ne beat year ba been report 4
to the 80% : 'The ha providing for the
lieghdetjv • excentive;ruidilicudslerlpenne,
and the, 1 • . • , . , and kolonat4a dppro 7
puska , bee pamed the Roam, watt.
pending - the Omuta The kw arid
'Rs* ap • viegett 001 Manes hi lir
The - , tlios at *doh, these AMA ere
Wag l'• . • through; gi: promise of an
4 Th 7 "- '
e • - mdepthm to estimated es.-
*wrest . the Imp
hied - tad to WO . 41 60 1 1 1104*
41, Wog made to by the bide
aboye ter - • to, will pear &great redue!
1 • P - 1
ieket It is late prob.!
,Demosracy w 4.1 oleo lit: n
11 ,
r old esndide.
, .
of Stud!"ll4 ! .I. P.W..
e St* 101,444irirl
ty,,41 it • ii,therelitiiiii
i tbeyw►ilcdo better than
iio matter IwhO their
Elamite& n.
inroad Bill i meted the
Iresetitativett I iaaluilitig4
tillay ‘ last.
~., t provitlea
liter • of citizeict ,
O f Penn
less - tion.nll ) , may as
they , for_ ..the tirpose of
maintainipg ti 4 operate
for the publioese, and
red flea a dorrratiun
e necessary
f the Secreteri , of Ate
lib. Not lee than four
lays per mile I l e length of
road Must - be stibscri
officers elected, before ,
. -
on for a charter is filed.
tuck must consist tot at
.usand 'dollait per mile.
be opened ithin six,
time when th y,are cont . -
hen the n previa
•en complied *With such
ball be
. entit to all ibe
era and priiril ges i and be
e t
I the restr icts us and He
e act itigulatiag railroad
approved Fe l itiusry 19,
1.. several s pPlements
Broad compallieg formed
w may borrogr .not ez
000 per inile, c luk, not toe.
not that the pital stock
at a rate of interest-not
yen per cent ' The (A
-s relate to details, not of
e general pliblic. ~ This
.oubtedly pas the Senate
a law witho t material
_ I
gm Magi** .
raESME 3 7 / 86 6.
• , or,Chuo.
on Yic l i nnintisT,
U. 810101714
' OF Oosnsurnmrr.
ODS 110110.
4oti or a Prep) right! r
of the 041'031! !
oint Docratazt,
• MAN'S Goma
' • Mg* 14 WIRO'f!Ti
r . c.fmrsprf, rc) hEitt
.** wiz Tux 14.1criat.
of the NWot*l:pebt Mills et*
Amalfi A, oirrenoy that is
for Working-ilea, IParmers,
Meobantoi, Aribsons end Edi.
,enough for Yo6kee Shoddyo:
with the Bordiiolders ! ! •
don in the internal team to be levied for
t Year. _ thellcuEmdttee of Ways and
ahlimi have decided to so iliqa the hill
1/6 1 113 gf or th. , Tr4giall ' ar
boy,Msatkm, as topmlidO moWservorr:
fig . alone hundred mid fUly of 401;,
lin. This will be a redietionOf one
"wor;ou -the revenuelboiti",Miat*.fliet
ytiodind will afford grealrellef to thetax,-
perm. , The tame will be balled mainly
upon luxurlie;szol takenTolfhoid nuumlbo-
Ores, salaries, _
fOr the relief orAsugiemrClithiina
also "a bill pawkons Mwoldiers of
the war of 1812." both ofirblch
*alit thifienate;
Excitement W"thin gon I
Usurpation by l'i.fulAmi
z; moral otlso.ltantos !ad appolammat
of Om - . TholitaiWailal . of Stanton to
!analog tla 1311ca•-Anat or Thanus
— nosalni raohaion, Impsaa4ng
• Sebum
ti ,
The count*. as gluttedr
on Satu
day by*neno noement irom Wash
ington thaiiilie residefit i the day be
fore, had assumed to' cirder the !emir
val of Secretary_. &Anon front the
War Office, and to appoint Gen. Lo
asszo Tereus pecretary- 'of War ad
interim:: _ i A \ 1 \ I
When the fed was , comunicated to
the Senate, that, body imnsediately
went into 'Awl:naive - Seenion ; and
after a discussion of over seven hours,
resolved that the President had no.
constitutional or leicil power to make
the removal. This: action was com
municated to the President and to \ Mr.
STANTON, and Mr. STANTON, in view of
that action and his ''own convictions
of duty, refused to, vacate: the ?Mee.
• 'ln the meantime Gen.
awned underthe order., of the Piisi-
dent, .that he was, in point of fact, ' ,
Secretary of War,' and issued an or
der signing himself as Such,direnting
all officers of the War. Department to
obey. no other person thau himself,cin
der penalty of fine and imprisonment.
Subsequently to the, issue of this or
der Judge D. K. Casirss,. of thtr Su
preme Court of the District of Colum
bia, granteda-warrnnt for the.arrest
of Gen. THAONAB, upon the charge Of
violating the . Tenure of Office-Law,
and be was arrested and held to bail.
Mr. STANTON, at once, on receipt of
the order for his removal,dispatched a
copy to the Hollins of Representatvett
A resolation was immediately intrel.
diced 'impeaching i the President of
high crimes and misdemeanoreiwhick
was refered to the Committee on RE
\constre9tion, and the Ronne adjourn
ed, On Sqtarday mornipg the Com
mittee fit, and after dipiaidering the
question decided by a vote of seven,
all Iteßublicans, to two. both DeMai
crate, to, report the resolution to the
House for impeachment. It was so
immediately reported and the House
prectqlled to the consideration there
of. The debate \Was long and earnest
on the subject, tile session extending
until nearly midnight, -when nn ad.
journment was had to Monday morn
ing at : ten o'clock. ' \ ,
As was generally believed', from
the action of the House, on Saturday,
the resolution of impeathment, as
previously agreed 'won, wan \ put to
decision at 5 o'clock Mondak after
noon, and resulted in fall vote, of
a strictly party character, 12 to 47,
Carey, of Ohio, and Stewart, of New
York, were the only so called - 109111 1 -
Deans, maw Tot 4 against the roseln-
Don. 1 , -
, made
The announcement of the result elic
ited no manifeitatiork„but the im
mense audience which had filled the
galleries and corridors all day t v rad.
nally dispersed - till it was reduced
less than one-foarth the original ntim
Mr, Stevens moved to reconsider
the vote by which resolution was
agreed to / and also ;mired to larthe
motion to reconsider cu the table.
The latter motion was agreed - to,
this 'being the parlimentary mode of
makihg a decision final.:
Mr. Stevens, of Pennsylvania, then
moved the following resolution
Resolved, That a committee of two
be apfcented to go - to the Senate, and
at the bar thereof, in the name of
Hone° of pftpretiej l tstiyes and of all
the people of tb.WVnited States to im
peach Andrew johneow. Ire9ident of
the United Statekot. high oristee and
misdemeanors in office,_aud accraint
the Senate that the Wouse will ;a due
time exhibit particuloritrtiol*of im.
peaohment against hyro, -add:make
good the same and, that the Senate
take the order, for the apgearance of
of said Andrew Johnson :to answer
said impeOlnpplith - •
Resolml, That a. committee of sev
en be appointed to prepare and report
the articles of impeachment against
Andrew Johnson, President of the
trnited States with, power to send for
persona, papers , and records, and to
take testimony under oath.
The Democratio -members attempt
.ed to resort to filibustering, but were
t Off after an ineffectual effort\ by a
motion to append rules lo as to bring
theillouseimmediately to . voto on the'
- •
The rules were saspended•and the
resolutions were adopted. You 124
nap 49.
The speaker then announced the_
committees as follows : . •
Comtniitee of two to announce to
the Senate the action of the House,
Messrs Stevens of Pennhylvania, and
Bingham of Ohio.
Committee of seven to*prepare the
articles of impeachment,Mesers Bout.
well, of Massachusetts ; Stevens of
PentisYNOwf Bingham, Ohio, Willa
ion,of lowa,-Logan . of Illinois,
ap„ of Indiana, sad Ward, of New
Wssinnprow, Pebr4r) , itt—The
President today dominateito Senate,
Thomas Ewin g , Or., of Ohio, to be
fteretary of War, in place of Edwin
M. Stanton, removed.
He alecaent tO the S en ate,e execu•
tive communication in reply to rem.
Wire, recently passed by that body
liming and insisting that he not only
Lad rig }t Under the cqnstitutiou and
tenure of otgoe 'bill to remove
Stanton,brit also to appoint Beeretaryi
• of isigar.
`made his appedrauce
r iattbe-Weer,Thipartrient at : 11 A. X.--
entering MT. ftilk , '
Tooto;' r lPefl,6lol am again di
imitedb7 thiPreaident of the 'United'
tat tObrianoroflotoiiielaloif
of areirives, ieixirds and all 'prOperti ,
I of AhttWirDepaetMent,and lam now_
hereair, to make, that demand."
Mr. .Stanton . replied, "I do no ack
noiioleilkellielti thin* of " the Presi.
dent to learte 7 ,_enek an order; as. I in
formed you on last Saturday, I refuse
Ito adirender the VV;ar DepartwieUt too
- ail - toir!i:atul I...again order 'you to
*our Oast as Adjutant GetUraVoi the
'Arnr,y." • -
,this -Gen. Thomas imstvered "I
_certainly . will . not obcy that , order and
I insist:upon heing Recognized as ACC•
rotary of War,alkinter.
•Mr. Stanton &pealed his refusal to
peitait Gen. Thomas to,-perform any
&actions of the "Secretary of War,
And Geri. T,honlas took his leave arid
=entered - the roomlof .Gen. Pchriver.
It is supposed ; that ea application
fora, writ direCt e d against Stan
ton, to' ihoist. cause why he retains
posaession of the War .Department,
will be applied ror to•morrow.
The 'Senate referred the.nomination
of Thomas Ewing ,t:C'be Secretary of
War to the Committee on Military Af•
faire. , _
It is now , ascertained almost be
yond a doubt that the - orders left by
Gen. Thomas with, the" Assistant, Ad
jutant Generale of the War Depart
ment, to lay before him the 'business
the Depariment,Will not be obeyed.
EVVY one. in cik4:ll Townseud
to the mess e ngers; are instructed by
Statitan to•obe,y no orders . except
'each as emanate from him
Several members the press en•
deavor to see Gene. Townsend and
Williams this , morning, bat-Fere re:
fused admission by 'the former \ •
\ _Dqspatches have been received from
Vfni(ai League Clubs froin all points
proffering' ttrir, service's in support of
Congresii, On Ile .other hand, the
President received nnmeroui pr s offers
of 'rapport from Demi:lC - ratio Clubs in
various parts of the 'country,
The second step in the great and
imposing work of impeachment Wild
taken Tuesday. Mr. Stevens arose
4 in his place, in the House, aud stated
that the Committee of the House op
pointed to wait on the Senate, and
inform it as to the action of the
House in the matter of impeachment
had fulfilledthe t ir duty.. Upon .ask-'
Ing the Senate to take older for the
appearance, of: Andrew Johnson,
- President of the- i .llnited States,. be
fore them, the Senate replied " Odder
shall be taken."
The articles of impeachment will
be reporto for consideration and
passage by the House.
,The body
voted that their aousideration should
take the precedence of all other mat
tiro which, might come before the
House, that, the remarks should be
confined' to fifteen minutes in length,'
and a Vote taken upon the next, Leg
' alaiivedaY, after the discussion en
the impeachment article began. The .
Committee on rules of order intro
duced a bill that, pending the resole;
tion to susfend the rules, the House"
;may entertain one motion; that the
House do now adjourn, but that after,
the•respli, is annonneedj , it shall not;
.entertain any other ililatoly motion,
until the vote is taken , on suspension
This provision was spade to prevent
filibustering by a minority of less
than one-third on any day when it is
in order to suspend the rules. , The
Committee on articles of Impeach:
ment, appointed • byt the, House on
- Monday, composed, of Messrs. Bout
well, Stevens, Bingham, Wilson, Lo-
gan, Julian and . Ward i 'held their
Prot meeting foi eousultation, yester
day. afternoon. It seemed to be the
impression that few charges would
lie preferrekand only a small num
ber of wiuteesea would be required,
6 4 6 baying , been the .expressed de
sire of eertainjtepublioans.' The ar
tiole will not be presented- until the -
Senate shall resolve itself into a
Court of Impeachment. j
The attendanee in the Renate yes
terday, at the beginning .of the !ses
sion, was unusually large in anticipa
tion of the visit of the Committee of
the House. In the midst of the pro
ceedings of that body,Messrs Stevene
and Bingham entered, the former,
leaning on theJatter.. Profound si
lence reigned, while Ur. Stevens pro
claimed their mission by Ike order of
the House.,
. ,
'After a brief debate, the Senate
nominated a committee of seven, Ito
make arrangements for the trial Of
, the President. Impeachment seems,
'therefore,as ‘atlfirst , :believed, to be
inevitable. Bo‘e hesitation is ex
pressed, on the part of some Republi-
Can Senators aheut voting, before a
decision sha ll be reached in the Su
.preme Court. all to the constitution
-ality,of the - Tenure of Office bill. The
President=aVers that he is willing to
place himself before the country, on
his last message, respecting, the
grounds for the removal of Mr. Stan
ton. The gravity and solemnity of
the proceeding of impeachment have
impressed both branches of Congress,
who will move with all due caution
and deliberation lin the consnr!ration
of a subject : which_ requires the most
calm and .unimpassioned judgment.
• -- for . “ •
»d. In a recent ' debate in the U.
a'Senate,the following extraordinary
stttemen was made by Senator CAM
BRfai' in answer " to the . declaration
made by Senator Join:sox that Gen.
ass was, never arrested :
Mr. CAMERON. I will tell you'why he
was ket•&Treated. General Lee called on a
gentleman who had my entire confidence,
and intimated that he would like to have the
command of the Army. He - assured that
gentleman, who was a man in the confidence
of the Adminisbation, of his: entity lOYaltY,
and his &fction hi the interests pf the Ad
ministration and of the country. I tonsul
ted with General Scott, an/ General Stott
croney t ti of placing him at the head of the
Army. The place liatiofferel White =offi
cially, with m y approbation, and with the
approbation of "amend Scott. /t was ac.
oirpte4 by Mtn, verbally, with the promisegat he would so into ' Virginia and. settle
his business and then conic -back to take
command. He never gave us an opportuni
ty, to arrest him ; he deserted under Woe
pretenses.: 'I should have arrested him in a
moment if I luid had a amain at him. and I
have always regretted that I never did get
that thane: IthoughttheSenatorretsired
before to the ease, of. Joseph E. Johnston,
who was the finartermester gtmeral, anB it
was of him I a eke first: luragard top.
Lee" we, I Udak he behaved worse an
any of the men who 'toted so treacher cutly
to the goverment.. • • ' i •
, 5 •
Arroirntstrni BY m l PREstmorr.—
The-ftesident sent to the Senate Sat:
- - `nrolo , ,i'the following uommatiOns :
Mcp s t., nt.Lizr; of 010 ttn*:
Ativn3i-", .Extriordinary and -Minister
`Pedipptentiary to England _ -; Awe'
B e Attalt*.„ of Onio, b.: Minister
Ileialdent to the Republic of Ecuador-; .
Major-Gen. tlzo. H. Vuottes, to be
idettlenant-General by brevet, and to
of tn•.be; Sarieyor. ,
General of Oaliforimi ;13ArrausrusBnan
unr, to be Assessor of Internal Rove
'tine; Seiond District, Indiana ; HENItY
td - h Jestrie`Of- the 'Pisa
in and !or the Oonntry4Washington,
Harrisburg cormspondent of the Pitts
-hing Centel* ial in .:
referribg to the
great dehatein the; Stantonreeolution
in the State. SenateVihus :speaks of
Hon. GLEm - LANTION, _
Several vie - wheawere made forand against
them ; but the leading .ones weie made by
Senator Wallace, from Clearfield, against,
and by_Senator Landon, of Biadford, in fa
per of them. Wallace, is a "head end
- shoulders" abiove any other * Democratic
Senator abilitpziand ; tattles and makes
- ''very plausible - argument, even on "the
wrong side of the question ; but Senator
Landon overtone him when it comes to orig
inality of thought and forcible and impres
sive delivery.l, fact there aro few men in
the State whei - can 'elucidate a subject more
clearly qr rivef conviction in the minds of
an audience more certain than Kr. Landon.
Command of language vivid imagination, and
earnestness of delivery ,are the characteris
tics of Mr. Landon as a public speaker. He
is acknowledged the best orator in the Sen
'AL . 8.0.1T8 - .FOR .SALE.-
li gned offers for sate
f which are ieCiind. hind and one Lew.
rl in gcod 'repajcit---These boats ; can be
:Et thecCbensnecTsni I also .'
and a
: made to suit purchasers.
:ens, Jun. 29, 18G8.-,3ni"
nn lo have pleas6l the in
ha l bitts of ,
Towanda, and vicinity, to recog
ate Mir fair way of dealing . ;!
Limb Wnsassa, We owe oar sincere thanks
to the commnuity for extehdingto us so liberal
a patrionage until now ;
AND Wilmette, We deem it our duty-to ile
elprocate all the fitor.i bettowed OpOn-asthul
' We do hereby publicly PROCL &lid, that odr
As also of all hinds, 'of the best bads of
lit now ready to be dispo Bed of at sacb
That w ill astonish the comm , in ity as we want
to make room for oar .
, ,
We Ars, dotermia ed to sell our present stOckt
a sacrilleek The best . way to convince yon -
selves is 0.4a1l at
Next door to Fox. Stevens, ?demur Sy ce,
Towanda, Jan. 23, 1868.
You can buy ANYTHING Yoa may want in tlio
and FLOWERS. It not on. and leave or give
your order, and it will be 'carefully and sttis
tactorily tilled. I can supply you with
Splesdldly rooted.
CRAM i and PEACH TREES. Also, toW' RP
TREES. GRAPEVINES of all - the ;: V vArle
tles, from 1 "esittroSleara old. EVER( REENS
WILLOWS, Ac., Lc. )' ,Cane and see or :- a d
your orders. R. M.
TowaudA, Oct. ,186
Constantly arrilfing from our l ialits In Michigan
/ I ,•
ikholesaleTuid Detail Dealers suppled cheap,
Near the Erie Railway Depot ELMIRA, N. Y.
Dee. 10, 187.
IRELAND 04 PIN I CUAND !'s i.nm op orrJoilarro noluos To
41131112UTOWN 1011 unutroot.
• • I 1 •
& Gnion's old "mack Star Line" of
,Liverpool v Pacbta, sailing °eery week. -
-tail Lino of Pack from or to Lon
twice &month. •
don, sail
payable o
For ma
Caton, 29
Act. I.
WU.. 111 DA
O C Al A T I 0
sratml STOCK t
Veniemtler th:lt-at the
Frain our ti3tore the
r 4 I
vista England, Ireland ant Se4tlatid
demand. ' •
1 , er Particulars, apply to Williams &
Broadway. New-York, or
G. - F. MASON & CO., Banters,
868. -, Towanda, Pa
t.Rheip, at _
t Cowell's Cheap Story.
ICY "0 - ! 0 i - lii . - E: -. , - R - :..Y .1
Art L
The. laziest and T
beat'aeeortment cif 0
Crockcalr'yet ; :
edifl this Comity; •
will be so,ld cheap.
lyrcanAu Ar,
0 Lamps, Lanterns,
Y •,Burners, Wicks,
S Chimneys, Chan
&c. &c. at
WicxnAg. ,& Buck.
in. China,, Lava,
Parian Marble, 0
Glass, Weed, 'Sze. • Y
just received from S
, Goods of tasty
• patterns(and every
piece - warranted),
S received from the
• ! - manufacturer.
KRTVEg, Forks,
Spoons, &c. These T T
lines of goods WQ , 0
either get direct of _ Y Y
the importer or S S
manufacturer.- • !. !
Toviezida, Dec. 8.1867.
has in store a splendid assortmeit of goods
suited to the Winter Trade. Compr !sing ev
ery thing In that line. The stock has been se
lected with especial reference to durabilit
and is off-red at lowest rates, by'
Robes, Buffalos, and Blankets, are being
closed out st very much reduced rat es, making:
it a great inducement to purchase at this sea
son. '
Belgian, Zinc and Common Trunks. 'Tra
velling Bags, 4kc., &c. Best assortment in
Northern Pennsylvania-1n tact the only place
in Towanda where a good stock can be Mund.
1 t.
I. Harness Made to order aid kept on band
In oar Hameln Department.
_4ll of the best
material and up to the standard: • -.
.Towanda. b 18ai . _ .
A a License, es
,required. of the
Goodyeat Vulcinate:ctompany, to Vulcanize
Rubber as a bass for iArtificial Teeth, and has
.now a good selection of those beautiful carved , .
Block Teeth; and "a superior article of Black
English Rubber, which will enable hini to sup
ply all those in want of sets of teeth, with
those unsurpassed for beauty -and natuml Bp
,pearance. Filling, Cleaning, Correcting Irreg
ularities, Eitractis and all , operations be.
longing to the Sur gi cal Department
performed. Cholo orm adthinistered for the
extraction of Teeth when desired, an article
being used for the purpose in which he ha's
perfect - confidence, having administered it with
the most pleasing results during. a practice of
fourteen years.
Being very grateful to the public for their
liberal patronage" heretofore received, he would
sty, that-by aßiet attention to the wants of Ns,
patients, be would continue to merit their con
ddence an 4. approbation. Office in Iteldloman's
Blochopposite the Mesita Hansa,- Towanda,
Pa. • • Dee. 40,1867,=3m.
dial' uranct
Olrcisale the tolloiihigprOpeitte4 at retwaaable
Woes and upon WombFe termi: • •
A tract (Claud al We In Gloucester coancy,
New Jorraar:, Contain lag :44. aura. miles
from Malaga Station, Camden and Cape May
The" Blue Anchor!' . property hi Wina - loir
km 416111 14 Camden county N. Y. Containing
3500 acres.
To be sold in lota.
Potter County Lands. Ravi!, timbered
with Pine IlemlAk, AIM. Cherry and hard
woody as foliciws • - •
Tracts No. 4763; containing 990 acres ; No.
4755,•990 acres--between :the first and east
fokks of the . Bintunnahaning in Wharton' and
Sylvania townships. •
Tracts. No. 4767, 090 acres • Nol 4768, 400
acne 4698, 400 acres; Wharton town
ship. = llpe -of 'Appot,• head-w.tters of Kettle
Creek. •
Tracts No. 5917,1100 acres • No. 5720,1080
acres ; No: 5823, 110 acres ,; ' No. 5924, 1092
acres 75 perches: NO. 5912, 1100 acres. No.
5930,'1100 acres ; N. 5938, 1100 acres ; No.
5929, 1100 ; In' Whartoe and Btewardson town-
Ships on head inters Kettle? Creek, near main
Tracth No. 4717, 196 acres ; 4729, 990 acres ;
Appotitnd Stewardson -townships, ins Little
Bcttle Creek.
-3racta No. 4920, 837 'acres ; 600 w-res,
WhartOn*.fown4llp , main branch, SlnnsmShon
log. .
Two hundrea an.l eeventy-five acres prime,
,cLisa coal land. Blakely to unship. Ln
serne county. Pa., hall way between Scranton
and-Carbondale. Very near the Railway :
One thousand acres first class Anthracite
cosi land about miles north-east, of WO kes-
Barre, in the miklgt of improvements.
About 1000 acres of land In Medford town
ship, Barlingtim county, New Jersey, about
four miles north from Jackson Junction of the
Camden and-Atlantic and Delaware and Bari
tan Bay Railways. Valuable mill seat. 'Two
pr three houses, stable, barns, &G., second
growth of timber., never failing water. Po r wer
full 1.5 or 16 feet overshot. Price $2O per acre.
Dne•third may-remain.
Detaware - Farnts and Penneylvatiia lands.—
Dticriptio•aand directions given on applica
tion-. _
A valuable Country Seat near Philadelphia.
Splendid grounds and trees. 69 acres of land.'
WESTERN PROPERTY—For hale 0 7 ex
change. 120 acres of good land one third tim
bered., San Flue, Stark county, lowa.
Forty acres of good It nil with trait trees, -ap
ples, peaches; pears. itc. 25 acres improve d,
one half mile from San Piere on Stilway
Price $BOO. ' ' -
SO acres one mile from San iere, one-third'
timbered. No improvements. Oa .
A steam mill property in Burlington town
ship, Bradford county. 1 1 very desirable lam
bering operation.
Eight parcels of land o :cnntsining from 50 to
100 acres,each partially timbered. and improv
ed anitabe tor farming or grazing. ' .
House and Barn in good order and Ltacres.
of improved and timbered land, orclue,d, good
water, .3tc. Union towpship, Tioga_ county, on
Northern Centr4l "..ailway. Ver oa, long
time and eery terms.
2G TOwn . Lets lu Mouroc- torattgh, BrAdlurd
county, Pit.
3,000 •Acres Timbered I :Ina. Sullivab
county, Pa,
• •-
122 Acres. good Farrah,: Burliagtor,
tOwnillitp, Bradford
Other timbered and improved prepertitg..
Descriptions given on app' tion.
Tenements and improved Beal Estukte, To
wanda Borough, aud o: her,prvertys.:
ExecutelCotlyeyances, tomtit: Difefs , ol Title,
bnyand sell Real Eitate, collect rentals and
liens,siiivey anti examine all kinds of property.
They are prepared to ni_ , gottate sales of farms,
homesteads, and properties especially desirable.
to capitalistsl to 'procure advances 61 money
upon boinl and mortgage, and to prosecute in
guiiieslor Oman! desiring to, make investments
or secures home. They wilt effect
• 0- )
In the - best kuown ME AND LIFE COM PA
NIEi3.. They have exclusive A teary o iom:
turd and neighboring counties c ‘ou
pinies in these several departiiimits
Those who desire to buy or sell tormo;
. •
Ail who wish to effect insurance agaitst Fire;
All who seek" permanent investments . for the
future benefit of -their families,. In secure and
first-class Life Conufacles
Capitailsts desiring to bay or. sell valuable
specalativi properties: •
Alt wishing surveys and examinations ;
All wishing advances upon valuable real
property ; • •
All who wish to obtain tease or rental of
Farms or Tenements,. '
Are respectfully solicited to entrust such busi
nese to our Agency.
Farther particulars furnished at our office
Office, corkier - ot Brain and Pine streets
Hon.U. Herein% Towanda, Pa.
• Hon. -William Elwell, Bhx)msborg, Pa.
C. G. Ward, Esq., Towanda.
M. C. Mertur, • "
G. P. Mason Co.. Bookers, Minds.
J. D. Mohtanye, Toiranda.•
.Lathrop, [Addington "4 Co„ New York.
Dickson Brothers, Philadelphia.:
' Hon:John N. Convngbara. Wilke s-Bane,
• Charles Parrish, Wilkes-Barre. -
HOD: P. B. Streeter, Montrose, Pa.
• Towanda, April 2,188,7..,