Nano front all . Mains: . —Gov. Andrew's IThrary has been sold at —Shipments of specie from Montre al are to commenoe at once. J. —The cholera is raging fariOnaly on the Island of St. Thomas. —A temperance convention has been called. to be held in Boston in Rap* —Thomas Chandler, the prize-fight er, was released in San Francisco on $l,OOO bonds. —St the port of Quebec 1,300 ves sels arrived is 1856, and 1,211 in 1867. Cleared in 18G7, 1252. —The Hon. Rejoice Newton, a wealthy citizen of Worcester, AVM, died at the age of 84, on the sth inst —Colorado askstiamission- as a State with a prospect of the request being granted. —Japan keeps open its ports to the commerce of the woild. —Dr. Holland, (Timothy Titcomb) is about to make a visit to Europe. -A colony of one hundred Germans have recently settled in Columbus, S. O. , —A nameless cashier of a New York insurance company,who was in default of 1500,000, committed suicide last week. Zoickens,it is said,has sent $l,OOO to Mrs. Clemm, the indigent sister-in-law of the late Edgar A. Poe. —A. Sanctuary of;theOrder of Eter nit Progress was:founded in Washiltgton,D C., lit. week. —Moore's . Rural New Yorker has opened an office at 41 Park Row, New York city. It is now published at Rochester and New York. ---The consumption of tobacco in France during the - past year reaches the enormous amount of 913,474,961p0und5. --Senator .Nesmith, o f Oregon, a war democrat, has epezily avowed that he will support Geri. Grant for President _ —James Love was hung on Friday last, near Maysville, Ky., for committing a rape on a young girt -A man at Port Cheater, N. Y., recently attempted to walk one hundred consecutive hours without rest. He went further than he intended, and walked clear out of this world at his fifty-seventh hour. In other words, he droppOl.dead. —Nine hundred million pounds of freight were shipped from Hanville, Vn.,be tween the 30th of September,lB66, and 90th of September, 1867. —There are rumors that Napoleon has abandoned the cause of Pope Pius IL, he (Nap.) hiving traced some Bourbon in trigues‘to Rome. An entire estrangement is probable. • —The notorious Fenian, - Capt. Mackey, has been arrested in Cork. A res cue was attempted, but the prisoner was taken to jail. —Tile Gayoso SavingN the oldest bank in Memphis, the sth inst. Its liabilities $500,000. —A Grant Club was o Wilmington, Del., on the sth ' M. .Ignkins, of the Commercia l , —The Chicago underwriters w raise insurance rates on exposed buildings not provided with iron window-shutters, 20 Iler cent. . _ _ —Joseph Bloomgart, assistant Tel ler in the United States Depository,at Louis vale has been arrested for embezzling 812- 000 of GO'verzunent money. -=John Gut has been sentenced to be hanged in St. Paul, Minn., on the 8d of April; for the murder of Alexander Camp bell, at New-Min, lot year. --The authorities of _ Costa Rica, CaL. to prevent the repetition of A prize fight within that county, threaten to indict \ all persons who take a part in such ezhibir . Zions. . —Willis Hall, a fireman,was arres ted in Memphis on Tuesday, at the instance of his wife, for ; committing a rape upon his step-daughters, aged 11 and 12 years re spectively. 4 4 „. .—A member of the - New York As sembly, named Reed, dropped dead while standing.-at tha liquor bar of a restuarant, on Saturday morning Apt. —John s Price, late secretary of State, of California, , died at San Francisco on Saturday morning last. • —Another Fenian scare has pos- session of the Canadian people. -,---Senator Wilson has gone to New Hampshire to take the stump. --Surratt is selling his photograph to pay the expenses of his coming trial. York has laid in 750,000 tons of ice for summer jaisPa of 1868. —A live bullhead, five inches long, VAS recently found in an oyster opened at .Newport. Schurz has declined a seat the North Gernian rarliameni, • —A woman having the misfortune of possessing seven livin,g husbands, is mai. ding in the Cincinnati city jail. —Hon. James Guthrie, 11. S. Sena tor from Kentucky,has resigned on account of illness. This makes room for another rebel Senator. —F. J. Moses, who first raised the Confederate lag over Fort Sumter, in 1861, is a member of the South Gucdinn Canstitu tional Convention. , —An attempt to burn the Aubaru State Prison was made laskyeek, by a pris oner named Haley, who worked In the Tool Shop. He was shot before he was secured. —Aboul five hundred feet of the southeast corner of the beach_ at Atlanta City, N. J.. Luc been washed away within the past three years. Nearly the entire grove of cedars along the inlet front is gone. —The boys of the Trenton (N. J.) State &form school havebeen presented by some kind-hearted merchants of that place with skates. —Rumor .liks it that Minister Adams will leave trigland for,the United States in April nest. ._ —The British expedition into Abr. nla ic advancing into the interior very Moat bat steadily. Yankees are laboring well to wait. the army. —The civil war in China rages with fury. A battle wzac recently fought at Shantung Proinontory, which resulted in the defeat of the rebels and loss of $O,OOO - lives. • —lnsurrection, revolution, robbery and murder, make lap the Rani Ooze Mex ico by the last anima antra pliquirteL Towanda, Thundq Feb:2o, 1888, trttit4s,ll.l/ 4 1W1 tlO.l The correspondence which we pub- lished last week between Presiden* JOHNSON and Gen. GRANT, relative to the relinquishment of the i pflice of Secretary of War by the latter to Secretary Swam, has been followed by another batch of lettere from the President and the members of his Cabinet and a • rejoindet or final an. savor from Own. Mr. JOHNSON in order to substan tiate his previous assertions, pro duces the statements of five of his Cabinet Ministers, Welles, McCul lon¢h, Randall, Browning find Sew ard. We do not „see that these gen• tlemen in all their anxiety to bolster up the President, really make his case any stronger. In fact, Mr. BROWNING and Mr. SZWARD, sustain GRANT in his declarations as to his understanding with the President. Of these the clearest is that of Mr. Browning, who, atter saying that 'Grant admitted - that for a long time he had supposed that the case must finally be decided by the courts, and that it would'be his duty to hold 4 on until ousted by legal process, - goes on to give the remainder of the con= versation, thus : "But at the time of the first' conversation be had not looked very closely into the km; that it had recently been discussed by the newspapers, and that this had induced him to examme it more carefully, and that he bad come to the conclusion that if the Senate should refuse to concur in the sus pension Mr. Stanton would thereby be re instated, and that he (Grant) could not con tinue thereafter to act as SearetexT of War ai r id interim, without sabjec himself to fine and imprisonment, an that he came over on Saturday to inform President of this change in his views, did so inform him. That the President( replied that he bad not suspended Mr. Stanton under the Tenure of Office bill, but under the Consti tution, and had appointed him (Grant) by virtue of the authority derived from the Constitution, itc. That they continued to discuss the matter some time. qui, Slimily, he left without any conclusion having been readied, excepting to see the President again on Monday." • This sustains Grant completely.— It proves that ho did notify the Pres- ident of his intention to surrender the Department to Stanton ; that the matter was fully argued thereon, and that the President denied having sue, pended Stanton under the Tenure of Office act. This dodge to induce Grant to hold on in defiance of law, and become thereby responsible, was worthy of Johnson. But it did not deceive Grant, whose first long let ter proves that he was keenly alive to Johnson's aims throughout. In itself considered, it is a very immaterial matter whether the actu al facts in the controversy between the President and General Grant are as the former or as the latter repre- Bents them--excepting, perhaps, that of insubordinatiou, which the Presi dent explicitly charges, and which General Grant as explicitly denies, as he does the other allegations against him. But here is some thing that is very material, namely, the fact charged by Gen. Grant and tacitly admitted by the President in all his letters, that be was himself willing, and desired Gen. Grant also, to vio late the Tenure of Office Act. Here is a plain law on the statute book of the United States. The Pres ident may think it nnebastitutional. But it is "binding entil set aside by the proper tribunal"—as Gen. Grant has well said. The ?resident more. over had recognized its validity when gave his reasons to the Senate for suspending Mr: Stanton—also in ap pointing': en. Grant,not as secretary of War, but as "Secretary of War ad interim." But after having thus re cognized' the law as binding on him self, and having received from the Senate their judgment that his-rea- Sons for the suspension of Mr. stun- ton were not sufficient, he still desir ed and advised Gen. Grant to resist the operation of the law to hold on to his ad interim position, in spite of the action of the Senatewhieh necessariey placed Mr. Stanton back in his office as Secretary' of War. Is , the Presi dent guilty of a: deliberate violation of law, for adviting 3nd, counselling a violation of law in his albordinates7 This is the great and only important question foi Congress and the.conn try to decide. Some may believe that the President is sincere is his version• of the understandings aid conversa tions between himself and Grant. there are few who will not believe that Gen. Grant has stated the simple ' facts as he understan4 them. But the question still remains, whomever we may consider right in hie state ments of fact, is the President of the United 'States g fteliberate violator.of the law natitution, I:pended on I•• exceed I ganized in t., with H. as President. Somme ReconsailucuoN.The Supreme Court of the United States rendered important decision on Monday, though Justice Nelson, in the reconstruction Cages of the States of Georgia and Mississippi. The ca ses were ergnea last year by Attorney General Stanbery and Judge Spark ly, and we believe that other counsel were heard in the matter. The cases came before the court in the form of an application fot an injunction to re strain General erent, Secretary Stan to; the President,and Generals Pope and Ord, from executing reeon strnction laws of Congress in (how gia'and Mississippi, with the under standing that it was ntest question and if:decided favorably to the appli cjiata,the other Southern States would act upon the decision. The ooart'st thatfii.4o tiiiikags4e4 ttiP lipp4al4lol4 wing that it ha ease. The dee , ..... . _ nojudedietion , the . n made on Mon ay na for this eon in._ ' ' -lan Manila?* aid that the coMation . 0 1 cal; and the to , k AllibaritY it& - denao , If tbgi, 'nape& 1 nth to the execn tiomd harm); • oontainld the re stop at. !length; Justice iNelmm . iras pt#y thereforp, had er oilholde moves another raised ity the of the laws and on in Alabama Hew constitution failing to Benin_ _, • gistered votes-. l Th . !s l e art the result o ter bel papers; ins' ted, ii an Who voted sh uld his employer p and e poor 'fellows re the, polls . on thi no of cougresn,l its ii . that the oonstitttion i . ajority of the duty re. mugs every register not neat for the l l t it. •Congritsal law making thug 11 1 ast decisive • 1 r a new- electl !TM been lot. The been dftleatttd majorikt of the r is, no dpnbt, in roristn. t The r • thatthelcOlored be dimpsed b thousa v lis of t kept a i tiy from count. iThe to • stands, require , shoubl receive a This ; ini effect, ed votelthat is stitutioo, again probably pass jority votes matter, iand - ord that Istsite. I J3ITORIVIT TO deciSica l i t of the membe/s of the nia regiments bouniyi: 26th, - 11 st also, all betweeP April 1861, Old were geons 4rtillca received no bo' : . Lnmaa.—By a -'cent Court of Claim the . following Penne 1 Iva , entitled to i 1 4100 87th,' 48th, 290 and persona Who enlisted 15th and Julyl2s3d, diacharged upea aur a of diaabiliiir and nty. i M. OEN. 0 applatele of all testingi agains secret ifgente 1 menu: !Such's._ tem of 'Aliplom outgrowing. i negoti army of snake.' • x has earne' the naiderate men 14 pro the, employidsnt of , y the State Dapart ents belong toy sys y the world IP fast ne honest, fran and tor is worth a • hole and Spies. Can air cktti t itee% on Shtirday 1 lectea :to the Con4eltione, Gen.l Grant fo eha 4t. Grow f, ing, of *the &Irbil. Crawford connt,held t, delegates wee se ' tate' and Senatorial d instructed to support . President and !Fiala r Vice Presidentp ilirmita . Landon's speechbe fore th Teach rs' Institute, at;,l CLeb anon, I tTh sday evening, was an able'efcort. T e speaker did Olt con fine hi ipself to the hackneyed Ilplati tildes Which can nothing; bit he took high gro ud fdr Arogressri and stirred up the dead ,bonesaf a .stand still oriretroc e ciinseivatisml with out any partizan or sectarian' lean. ings he drew no eiviable picture of the politicans Who would go beck to barbarism, and of the church People who *mid quench the-glowing" spir it of vital, Christianity in the cold and freezing perfo .mantes of a fossilizing formalism. Many of his passages were truly eloquent. • It is snob ad dressee that ~ ake people thinkl; and •out of'-thought . collies improvement. —Lebanon Cojrier. Aran abncrtistmentsJ T 1 THE lINAitRID BEST I WEBSTER'S I ita.unitarza ' 1 QED .DICTIONOY, • !IBA ENGBAii i INOS. - m. \ re max' num war fl cram i MOTIONAIIIII,II. A necessit • to orrery iittelligent dually, stn dept, teacher an pro lestdonal man. • What LI. imry Is Icomple without the best English Dic tionary t . t "llulletrAtt ID t respects . to any other Eng lish Die of evrtt to me. %llon.G.P,Marsh "Tan rw W Is glorious—lt brperiect —it distances at d defies 'competition—lt leaves nothing 10 be deelhal• —r. a RaYrisfut tI.L.D., Prat: of PkaserriCollage. " All Young persons should have I a standard Dictkmary at their altars. And while you are, aboatlit hat laistre unabridged, llT; that Dictionary . - I P T iosu Wsesrs4-the at work unabridged, If you are t poor, save the; amoun trona your back put it into your bead."—Phroselogica/ - Journal ,_ , i " Ere* yards- should give his sons two or three iqUare rods of ground, well prepared with 'the aValls of wish h they may boy It. f Every merhanMshould put a receiving box4n.some consplotOus p in the house tol catch the stmt' rinks for he like purpose. , Li" it up on vo r table by e side of the Bible' .it is a better ampoyi , ldir than DAISY NlllO4 ehtl,at_,o be expocalders.' . Life -Boat ' - • la'one vol. of MO Boy al Quarto' Pages. I si Pablillb4 by 0. 0. iIERBIA_ ,_ll Springfield. ; Am. Bbld by all Boottsellerad • , 1 AlsO, Just published, Atriussum's NiviosAL PICTORI4I. DIC7TION/LRIN 1040 pages. Brice All. i OVER 300,001 10,000 11,0101 A 1 RF0.5.3 I, ,it MIX'S 1N50.8.41. CE AGBNC i I , I , - 'ir4tpitil Be ted over $2'7,00000, !..... 1 4773 REPRESENTED!: - i .. f . North Ancerina, hUsdalphia,...s Lsause 72 Pi cie Tt o z w at i r rd, 1,934195 41 New oric, 876,616 60 Homei.ln.i Co., N w Haven, 1,619,1370 SO North Anikerican ire In. Co., of II Now/ York. • - • U 6,000 00 Euterpe*. 01 Ci cloned, I,b, rVNotnel 114,N0w Yerk, 200i,00 . po , we In the above reliable **- lent* akthelo r p t ratai. Particular ofthe p 7. Olhoe two nor th of thelol2 ,up stairs. in then* occu pied by 4 bn W. Mix and Henry Pciet, 4 idso at the bank Ho- -oflt S. Handl & oa. i -1 , • B. S. BU B SEI4 $ JOHN W. 102 C. Towan , , Feb 20;1868' t I 1 ' - • r 5, TORE AItIYTAVERN toaliENT:, la The inbseri r will rent hie More arid Ta vern eft Blanding' : tone ,Ps. For te ' p ite., applyito.loseph •owell,Towande. l'a i l l i 1 r__ l H. W. T CY.'. Fita'. diem Ston. Feh.,2o. 1868: 1 FORllila gum of ..e hundred and flitY 1 apes, within elz zell • of Towanda, and one mile from ihe trim offered for sale on favorable terms,, nee hundred acres ars cleared add la a staf,n of 'ration, with good feetoe, and moat Imogene ldltucs. The house is, a ,Well built dwelling th very convenient outtalk!. lugs oaugistlng of summer. kitchen a 64 room store room *dhows, and the yard well Ailed with ever and other trees. The ben Is a. large bank 36z68 feet with a good - 4103*mb, a 1 1211P o lp adiohalogerith stalls for all Wier a large liaise near by end - temagifibbnie on p persy.l km his .14 Mat= and soutiontiezposore and°Bared for salti, solely on soooont of this ill bealthm• the owder. iFor teethe, artlenlits and terns; which eritighly fayo4bl4. appliOation may be made to • I i B. O. 113188/L L._ Towin , Feb; 20, 1868. • C.►_ , t11 . 01 4 1r- —WHEaza4, tai 1 wife XlitatlisrineJans, has it'll my bed and board Just al ' or:promtanom. all person are dime I hamplos or trust's" Aer on lay Octractingoont.a. shall pay no detta oft' 4er con er , i 1 11 , p • lug'. HN B. . lIIMRICIL a. . . Stone. b.' 17 , 188—mr. , ?miss D .1 D NUTS of 'a 4 u kinds bilks at 4 Csued• CAMS tan. pia ~ Ilhatiienttithi. _ . , T. R- t 1868 litA s BRONSON, .ORIVB f .r4,- i PA.'' , • ip builders most ooMplittiteli4 *arwan t. Saab. MAW - Otimetimpt. 1.31:111112/ Butte, • --- ROOFS, CONDUCTORS, Gutters, put on byexperienael ,er_orlanen end Ater kunst - rites: ` Vieterliti and 'jobbing, sap boilers, Sap spike, &c.. Howe's Sewing Yacht a, none :Utter, linisetail Clothes Wringers, best in ass. Wheel Bakes and Com bined - Bower. *artily the Attention of the inetliga e larmer... thibbyd's Mowing lie dim. Snit desirable. 4or 41 foot at. 'Weis la bedsteads; eyeing h i ed hottolns, And F :U : ' R U;11E 1 Partners will And - ' this seam the 'quality of Tin Pass, Milk and - Strati Palls, and every fiesorlsioa of TM Ware. j -Flour and Salt, ciovr and Timothy Seed, Spinning Wheel. Flax Wheels, Reels, Wheel Reads. Flyers; Fis4l Rollers aadkPlardcv -Selma tarnished to order at lowest possible price'. ' ALSO—I Corn libellers, Morticing Macidnes, Cutting Boxes. • N IIR9NSON, Orwell, Feb. 20, 1888. !*: Ida ion • has has G ROVER &• ...BAKtIVS 11101115 ST fREIMTIit, eon the SEWING 11A.CHINESI 730 Chesnut Street, IEIIII adelphis. THE VERY HIGHEST PRIZE, THE CROSS OF THE LEH 0' OF HONOR Was conferred on the represen lathe of the GROVER AND BAKES SEWING MACHINES, at the 1 EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLEe tarts, 1867 ; thtu atteetlng THEIR GREAT SUPERIORITY Oyer all other se wing-maeltheee. As assortment l ot these" celebrated . machines constantly, on hand and for said by W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Feb: 8,1888.-Bm. LOOK OUT FOR HOLIDAYS I NSW GOODS NSW GOODS ! • 'l' W. A. CHAMBERLIN Nu - enlarged tdi store and bs Just received slug. stocker Cioldand Biker AMERICAN WATCHER - And a well mdeeted assortment of SWISS WATCHES, all warranted to - run well or the mozion rettinded tha . He beeps as band-a Urge air =twat of oelebrata •- • • SETH THOMASCLOCK (Ala elegant astot*ent of the latest Mew Geld - - JEWELRY7- - -AER SILVER -WARE. In the plated line. he hag Hegira Blether FORKS AND' -SPOONS! • Heavily - plated- Breakfast t r:Castars, Elegant treble plate double, wall ICE PITCH"“I3I. Banitio•me Cake Baskets, BUTTER it BERRY pis Hips, PickleStands,Tes Bells, ao., c. • CHAILIGG= is now keeping the GROVER A BAKERS) . Family Sewing ' fraehines. These Machines are superior to alt others for family 0311. for the following reasons They sew with two threads direct from the spools, and require no rewinding. They are more easily understood and used, and len liable to derangement, than other ma chines. They are capable of executing perfect-7s without change of \ adjustment, a much greater variety of work than other machines. The stitch made by the-se machines Is much more firm, el +ado, and durable, especially upon articles which require to be washed and ironed, than any•other stitch. This stitch, owing to the manner in which the under thread is nnwrought, is much the mod plump and beautiful in use, and retains this plumpness and beauty, even upon articles frequently washed and ironed, until they are worn out. • -The structure of the seam is such, that, tho' it be cut or broken at intervals of only a few stitches, It will neither open, am, nor ravel, but remains firm and duraMe. Unlike other machines, these fasten ,both ends of the seam by their own opeiation. ' With these machines while silk Wiliamd_ upon the right or face side of the seam, cotton may be used upon the other aide without,leasening the strength or durability of the seam. This can be done on no other machine, and if a gram wi saving upon all articles stitched or made op th silk. These machbies, in addition to their auperfor merits as instruments for sewing, execute the moat beautiful and permanent embroidery and ornamental work. Yon can set 'Sewing Machine Needite, and all articles pertaining to the machine badness. WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING, Done In the best manner, u usual, at low rates Towanda, July - AND HE PLAUD •ON 4 HARP OP A 'THOUSAND STRINGS, DITTIiIOII if 00'S TEMPLB OP $171310 I For sale the celebrated Mathushek Grand, and the beautiful little Colibri Pianos. Pianos ofll9 strings. Pianos of one third more pow er. Pianos that exhibit mores= ill structure Pianos that Ere bettor made in every respect ' and will stand In tune longer than any now le use in this waintry and Europe. These Pianos differ in lion bribe inside from all o era the strings mess the iron frame in all di- , recta—as, distributing the Immense pressure equally to all sides of the plate._ • Besides nth.' er Improvements peculiar to their constrnetiorc they combine all the hats of very,' other peaufacturs. s for illustrated e eiscri-; lass whirs everything is explained to satialseo; Gen. Also omudisdry on hand a fhll amort-; mentor Haines Brother's Pianos, Organs and Melodeons of the best of various Jitylea.for the chtirch - andparlor. Parlor and Melodeon Cod ere, Piano and Melodeon Stools, Instniction Books for Melodeon and Plano. New and of sheet musk On hand and ordered It desire Also . for sale:, Prof. Van limuselier and Pled eon's . Plano, Mare and Carriage Polish.-- Piano tuning ne eit: about Aldine. Moral discount to m cruisers and teachers. Also agents ler tla • . ' • • • DECKER BEGTHERE UNE4GAIXED - PATittitl PIANO . -FORTES W.A. CHAMBERLIN. ' W. DITTEIOII. - Towand,a, Feb. 13.'1868. 7 • THE WAVERLY PAPER MILLS a pay NO per tali for Br Straw hi Bon • dun. a nd 19 per ton for Machine Threshed. 41!• livered at the Company's Mills Ih Waverty _H. B. fiALDWILIZept. • WantlY. DOC. Is, , 'VALUABLE - FARM' FOR SALE. The sufacribee oliefe! hie '(irm skeet* in the northern part of Herrick) tarp., containhig 111 acres of land.aboutls sexes Imp z roved " new ginguag house, and all mammy oatimumitlide l nth trees, ko.. The fa r o is well 'Owed egg in a good state of cultivation. For tennis ep ply_to or Wean - JONAS LEAK. Nov4,llllllllws I. Herrichville;Ths. 01010/1 Na akePiPas Fpn VVsthurwarmtipaato Hs' PLACE TO - BUY YOUR .1. Grace** ehesp, at • - insphall Cowelts Chew Stott CANAIi .= BOAT FOR SALE.— The naliedigestelleas for este: TIT' CIANAL , AOOII" siteld-batiCand one ~1 344.: 14.11 ca n ,s:=4".iiiitrohist , " •'• Athens, .145: - Y11) 1 , MA"; -partner• DISSOLUTION : —The `co—The ebt beretotern. elating- bebraan—lP fataielnd IL - A. Boas. le Oda dal dissolved tr' =Anal consent. Tliwbusisese will be carrie d bo bereaftei in the mills by E. B. B tone h Bro.. and in the store by IL -A. Boss. Mining by strut attention to - badness to merit our share 01 psi& p"trln . ip, Aisb Amid Itor all kinds. itt ?" • 1 ; ILA TONB: .- A . ROBS. - Oct. WENTY-FIVE . -YEAtiS .Exkigru T ENtThi or DENTISTRY. • ••.! J. EL Sawn, tl. D.. would Yelped:tiny Inform the lababitants ot Bradfard County thrtle is permanently located in Towanda', -Pa.,- -Ile would say. that from • his long_ waif successful practice of TWENTVVIVE- YEARS dnrition he ts familiar with -all-the diffinemt et les of work done in wind all ,Dental ments in city or sptttry. ILO is better- prepared than any other D r , operator in the vicinity to do work the best adapted to the many and dlftrent cases that present themselves oftentimes to tbe Dentist, as he understandi the art of making his own artificial teeth, end has facilities lair doing the- same. To those requiring ander meta at teeth be would calLattention to his new kind of work which consists of porcelain for , both plate and teeth, and for Ming a continuous gum., .It is more durable, more natural in sppearanceomd mach better adapted to the gum thin any other kind of work. Those In need of the game are invited to call and examine specimens; Teeth tilled to last for years and oftentimes 'tor 114. Dhloyoform, Ether, and ." Nitrius Oxide 'Y ad ministered withiferfect safety, as over four bu dged palliate within the last tour years can tea ' &ice in Patton's Block, P R • COHEN & ROSE?IPI-ELD, WnsusAs, It •aeema , to bare .pleased the in• habitants of Towanda, and eldinltY. to recog nise our, bit way of dealing ; Mm Witimiel 'We owe ont sincere thanks to the community for extending to us swliberal a patrionage until now ; AND WIIIRIAS ' We deem our duty to re ciprocate ill We' favors bestowed upon us thus far; We do hereby publkly PROCLAIM, that oar great . - STOCK OF _OVERCOATS, AB al?? ol_gi , llldada of the best kuidis of TOWANDA. PA. REDUCED PRICE-8.1 That will WAWA the eonAmon ity,u we want• to maka.soom lot our We are determined to sell our • present stock et a sacrifice. The . best way to convince your. selves is to call at „ • COHEN ,ta ROSENFIELD. , _ Nazi, door to Fox. Styrene, Defter & Co. Totianda. Jan. 23,1885. • - • . • pLANT FRUIT AND .4SRNAMEN , TAL TREES, VINES AND , FLOW ERS Remember that at the c `: .. TOWAIkTDA \ HOME NURSERY You can buy ANYTHING yea map want in the line of NURSERYiTREES,JINES, SOREI BS and FLOWERS. p not on hand leave or give lour order, and It will be carefully and setts-, W.mgy filled: I can supply you with' THRIFTY APPLE TREES, Splendidly rooted. VERY' FINE PEAR TREES,- Also_, PLUM. CHERRY 'j QUINCE, SIBERIAN CRAB and PEACH TREES.AIso, DWARF PEAR, CHERRY, PEACH and APPLE TREES.. GRAPE FIEFS of all the best vasie ties,froml yew to years old. EVERGREENS MOUNTAIN ASHES, HORSE CHESTNUTS, WILLOWS, Ao., kn. Come .and see, or send you orders. B, M. WELLES. Towanda, Oct. 1.1867. F L 0 17\ FOUNTAIN'S PREMIUM FLOUR, Constantly arriving Proni.dur Mllb3 , in Michigan Wholesqlsiuid Retail Dealers supplied cheap, Near the Erie Railway Depot, ELMIRA , N.' N. i Dec. 19, 1887. COLLING7001:1 & STRANG:I WATOIMAKERS & JEWELLERS, &mem= to the old housolot W. P: YATES, 1 W1101, 1 13541.E 1 DALF,ItP 1 • 1 .0 J f....! SILVER,PLATLED WAltily 'lsm thin elan nian4aetagers; including Gorham Mannfactoring Company. Mee iden Brittaiinia Company,Rog. re, Smith , CM, Boom Brothr*, Reed & Bar ; • tow. ttep As we. bay th• lane ~ 'quautitleo. we am .pre pared to sell at *orrery • T , OWE§'I` . 11 ATEST Efoth to t p retail cpsio;e7s to doalre at ' 1 I . 4*PI4ATTNif ' 1 -• Of old'irare prOmpia k tiin4a. th e Wed charged at 114 lat It il L1 , 11014001:01116 c 2N 41 6 1 ."' Street; lamlrs, 104 i 5 4 1368 . • . ' 1 11 -17 Hanson. OCLAMATION TOWANDA, PA. ',O,LOTELING - 1 Is now ready to be disposed of . at such • ' - SPRING STOOK 1 I= Gin THE BEST MADEVROM I I THE BffiT MICHIGAN WOITE AND OTHER GOOD BRANDS Prom our !Store in the HATHORN BUILP,Iiiq J. 1140IIIITAIN & CO. 147 %tea. street, Emirs. 71,Y. ! Established In 841, are wg9I,BA.LEt IWo otro aisoytepetred to do • .• • • • - ‘T ! t, - - ...,-. . _,--,,,-4....,, , 1 . ... .:•,1 ~ , , . , ,, ...,, t ,,..;.-i-:,z , AND e ~1 iw -:„..:...i•- , .„..,.. GOODS. . , - vu a :,,. -,..,,,r....,;:,,:.,.,„ „ 1,..,,,....;.. .--...--- 1. - I:IROOKE4a. . The largest and best assortment of • 0 •t. .oroo.9griet open- Y id in tthi County, S soil he -f • 4- . wicycHAN BLACK. - , O T Y FANCY 'GOODS - in Cbina, Lava, Parian Marble, Glass, Wood, &c. • 'Y • just received from Auction. WICKHAM & MACK. Jan. 23, Is6B. KNIVES, Forks, Spootis, &o. These lines of goods : we . : , 0 either get dire,Ck of Y Y the - Importer _or S a S manufacturer. ! ! W z msusu & BLA4'. WHEELER & ,WILS,ON, SINGER SEWINC , MACHINES, fT,.i.IOICHAIt & 7. THE WELL KNOWN BOOT AND SHOE EiTABLISHHENT OF TOWAN•DA! basin store a - splendid assortment-of goods , /tilted to the Winter Trade. , Clomp'. tang ev• ,ery thing in that line. Tbe4tock has been se, lodes) • whir especial retblench to 'durabllit y; sad ie offered at lowest rates, by.. • HUMPHREY _BROTH Elt11; OUR ENTIRE STOCK OFD FANCY Bobes,'Beffalos and Blankets are being closed out at very much reduced rat as, making it &great Inducement •to purchase at this sea son. LARGE STOOK OF SARATOGA Belalap, Zinc and Common Trunks', Tra velling Bags, &a., !to. Beat assortment -in Northern Pennsylvanla—in fact the only place in Towanda where_a good gook can be frond. HIIMPBBNY BROTHERS. L'IANOt \ CABRIAGB AND. TEAM L 'Harness de tnorder and ,kept on hand in.onr Harness t. - All °fibs best materkl and up to t Standard. • HUMPHREY:BROTHERS. towands, 6, 'Ski:- • OARD.r4Yr. Bum= haw tamed a License, .0 - aired- of the Goodyear Valdosta COM to , Viilesurise Robber.asti base for ;-•A And Ms noww good selection u ca those, beaUtlitaverVed Block Teeth. and a superior artfollailleek English Robber, whieh will enable hi to atm. P_IY abase la lint of ~ .seti,of with woe angarompoi4 . -, for beauty ono :watt Peldince. Ma*. Gleaning, Correcting • alarities, Extracting, and all ;Opcestiotorhe.l !coda" to - the — Surgical Departures; ' w.rfo*ed. , Cholefonn admix' istered - ; for the exhserion: of •Teeth •whirk'dcsked, an Wel* Wog Used tor, uoi ,pitoblo wok** has pert e 4 coddetice, g, lnistered it with` thifo meat plftsing ng 'l:practkn, of =i."•yeara, ••t• • • liberal Patel* • Gig Palle for their parrimege heretofore received, lie would RAY lhat by strict Mantled to the 'manta ot-his patinas. he would , conthure,to merit their con. Uwe. and approbation, °Poe in Beldieman's Illocir;eppodte the lifeanillonse, Towanda ; • ' .1 Dr: StiAlit3m; ; ! WM • - SS,I4,SSWAIW •- I)3urnere,.:Wicks; Chimneys,: Chan dollen, Ito; it • Nir,CIERAN- &BUM: SILVER Plated Goods of 'testy patterns(andeVery piece warranted), 8 received from the I manufacturer. Wmumin Sr. Iksmr.. IMI AND HUMPHREY BROTHERS. ME OE Mil Real Estatt aria Insurante. i a.corywitir E. & WARD, IRiiiit;,llo'l l l4E AGENOY, ~ , 1 .---; '‘ , . r tier sale lAwidryw c tiropertsee at nano c 6660 njpois ST terms : • , A tract of land situate in. Gloucester co ' ' New Jersey. Containing 446 acres,.3i Tr. from Malaga Station, Camden and_ Cape • j?, - Railway. - . .., 1' t ..' TtiolLilleet-Anehor , " Dampest/ Winslow beeiniblg Weida boa at,. T. 45oatlelelsig 3600 acres. To be sold In lota. • _ _ Potter My .V ttorrtim4 with Pk ape", Agt 4 - clietry) . 01 asoi woods as p opts : Tracts No. 4763, conittinin 990 >acres ;No. 4755; 990 acres—bs e first and mutt forks of the Sionamationing in Wharton and 6 7;v 1 ".*!:41!Ialbirk' 4 - Tracta N0.•,4707, 99G PSIS ; No; 4703,44 Atria 05kt. '4653. 490',acres • Wharton town., ship. Hie. of , Appot, hesieurS ten of Nettle Creek.) • L. • - Tracts No. 5917, 1100 aares ; N 04720,1080 :Wm ; No: 5833, 'llOO acme ; No: 3934, 1082 acres 75 perches : No. 6913, 1100 icres„: - No. - 5930, 1100 acres __l No. •6938, 1100 saw I 'No t , 6929, 1100 ; Whartoc and Btewardsont town; ship on head.waters Kettle Creek, near main branch.-: Teseta No. 4717,196'a0rta ; 4729,190 scrim ; Appot and Ettewardson totinstdps; neat Little Kettle Creek. Tracts Ha: 4920,837 sera ; 4924, _6OO acres, Whirton Idylls/4 , main brandbo-Stanunahow Two,handred and •seireuty-ore urea prime, drat; clue coal land. Blakely township, bi t . :erne county. Pa., halt way between Scranton and. Carbondale. Very near the Hallway: • • One tlionsand acres first elms Anthracite emu landieb4ut 11 miles northeast of Wilkes. ilarre, ftethirmidat of improvements. About 1000 acres of land in Medford'town hip, Burlington county New Jersey, about fobs mike north from—lickson Jdnetion of the Ilamden and Atlantic and Delaware-and Hartz tan Bay Railways. - ,Valuable mill, seat. Two or three houses, stable, barns, tic., second growth of timber, never failing water. Power till 16 or 16 feet overshot. Price $2O per acre. Priewthh4l . may remain. Delimits Farms, and Pennsylvania lands.— Descriptions and directionsgiven on applica: , ' A valuable Country Seat near Philadelphia. Splendid grounds and tries. 69 acres of land WESTERN PROPERTY—For sale of ex change. - - , l2ostrep qf good land one t bird , tim bered. San Piece; Static - county, lowa. orty acres of good la ad with fruit trees, ap ples, peaches r pears. &c. IS, acres ,improved, one half mile from flan Plere on V4ilway.— Price $BOO. • -. BO acme one mile from San Mere. one-third timbered. No improvements. On railienv. Price $BOO. , A steam mill property in BECritegien town ship, Bradford county. A Tay desirable lota . . . bering operation. Eight parcels of land, containing from 60 to 100 acres, each partially timbered. and improv ed suitable for fuming or gracing. Hone and Barn in good order and 136 acres of Improved and timbered land, orchard, good water. .4e. Union township, ?foga county, on _Northern Central Lailway., For sale on long VMS and easy terms. - ' 26 Town Lote In Monroe Borough, Bradford county, Pa. • ' - 9,000 Acres %lid Timbered Ladd. Sullivan county, Pa. _ 122 Acres good Farming. Ladd, Burlington township, Bradford county . Other timbered and, improved properides, Descriptions given on appviaticr. Tenements s and improved' Beal :Estate, To wanda-Borough, and' ot her properties.. MONTANYE & WARD, EmecutalConveyances, tarnish Briefs of buy and 'sell Beal Estate, collect rentals and , liens,survey and examine all kin& of property. They are prepared to negotiate sales of farms, bomesdeads, and properties especially -desirable to capitalists; to procure advances of money upon bond and mortgage, and to prosecute in quirk:l3pr those desiring to make Investments or 'wellies home They will effect INSURANOE In the best known LURE AND LIFE` COMPA NIES. They have exclusive Agency o: 0- hr] and neighboring counties t). e.l om panics In these mina' departments of Insur ance. Those who desire to bu,y or sell Win ; All who wish to effect lootwonco.against Fire; All who seek permanent investments for the futon benefit of their huoilles t la eecare,and Aret•claps Life Companies: . . • . , t Capita/Ista de l / 4 to :boy or sell valuable ope9ulative . piope ,i ; .1 . Ari wishing surreys and szaminstion ; An . wishing advances upon valuable real All who wish to obtain lase or rental of Perms or Tenements, .-- Are reslieethily eolicltea eating each bad ness to our Agency. Farther particulars tuinished at our office. Office. corner of Main ,and Pine streets. ME mr-3 1 ROPERTIVS ADYRRTISED MEN W WAAGE.- REFERENCES : onvll. lierettr. Towauda. Pa. Hon. William well,: -Bloomsbarg r Pa. o,k.Ward,lirg.. Towanda. • - Y: C. G. R. Mason Co.jkakors. Tawas& J. D. MOntanys Twangs.' • • --- • Wimp: & Co.. Nens York. Dickson Brothels, Pldlnielptda. - ' Hon. John N. ConjnepWilksialurs.• Ctuirtes Parrish. WI - Han CIL Bul tar' Irplar, Pa. •• • - Tonaoja, April S t Ms- • . IMI umi G. D. RONTANYR, HENRY. WARD. kat. ="4„ - aumtbtot SALE.—Thi under.• iilgaa Guardliii of minor children of Jo seph 8. Robinson. late t f Iprinideld two., 40'd , , will mg on the premium os WEDNEB. DAY, MARCH 4,1868,, at 1 o'clock, p. to.. the following 4sierllald lo t, pleat or panel of land Wont* ht Sprlaildwid twlP.i_bolanW st *Mows: Oo tbei.oK by land of Alexander Clarlr;on the worth by land of the _ - Pitts and:by .$/kita Gala, -on the waat 'by land of litt u zJano Soorldel, on the/lowa on -". ft 80 wive, or thereabouts. biP paid on day of isle ; caw third of balance cot , conflrsendlon of sale, and onekhlfd annually - theninher. 1 O. , Cloardbin. Feb. la, 1488,„ - O SCOTT , •ix NO . TIOE IN BANICRUPTCY. - This is to give Nolice: That on the litbday of February A. D. 1868, a Warrant in Bank. mptey was issued. against the estate of Hiram M. thff, of the township of Clinton, in the -Cdunty of Bradford, • and state of burnsylvania, who has been adjudged Bank. rupt on billows petition; that the payment of any debbr and delivery of any property belonging to sash Bankrupt, to Mm, or for his inns and the transfer. of any:property by him areforbidden by law: that -a meeting of the - Creditors of the said Bankrupt, to 'rove &ids debl4 — and to choose one or more Assignees of his . Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the Office of. the-B,eguiter in the Borough of Towanda, before EDWARD OVERTON, Register, on the 23d day .Of March, - 1)..11368,..1 2 o'clock, THOMAS Ai !ROWLEY, U. 8.. Marshal am Messinger, Wes tern District Penns_ylvinia. By E. 11 - .O9OLBATIGH, Deputy. Feb. 20. 1868,-4w. _ NOTICE EN . BANKRUPTCY This is to give' Notice__-: That on the 13th day of Febritary, A. D. 1868„ a Warrant Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of Andrew J.Teeter, of the township of Canton, in the County of Bradford, and State of Penn sylvania, who . has been adjudged Bank rupt on his bun-petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the . transfer-. of any property by him are forbidden by law ; that a meet ing of the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose - one or more Alsignees of his Estate, will" be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden of the Office of the Register in the Boriagliii, Towanda, before EDWARD OVERTON, Janßerate; on the 20th - day ,of March, A. D. 1968, at 9 o'clock, a. m. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, - United States Marshal as Messenger, Western District Pennsylvania. By E. B. COOLBHUGH, Deputy Feb. 20, 186&-4w. IDMLNISTRATOR'S NOTIOE.— 'Notice's hereby glien, that all persons Indebted to the estate of Gates Wilcox ) late of Franklin, decd. are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will.present them &sly authenticated for settlement. Feb; 4,6 h 1888. .AiDMINISTR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to he estate of ' LEWIS JOHNSON, late of Terry tarp., dec'd.. are reivested to make im mediatepayment, - and those having claims against said estate Mast present them duly an thenticated for settlement. HABBT BENJAMIN, Administrator. Feb. 20,1868. itD KINISTRATOR'S NOTICE,. Notice is hereby given that all persons. indebted to the estate of ALBERT NEWELL,. .late of l:Rater twp., ,dec'dq are requested to.• make immediate payment, and all persons bay 'lng claims against said estate, must , presenh them duly authenticated for settlement. , GEORGE BIRNEY, Administrator. Feb. 20; 1868: A DMINISTRATOE'S NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given that ail persons indebted .to the estate of IBA C. IfHWHAN, late of Warren twp. deo'd.,' are requested to make immediate pa yment, and all persons hav ing dahlia against said estate must' present them duly authenticated for settlement. _ ALBERT T. -WHEAT, Feb.%), 1868... Administrator. TN. BA.NICitIIPOILn the matter -A.- of ASAPITZOLBUBS, Bankrupt. In the Wtrict - Court of the_ Daai' States for the estern Distaiet of Pennsylvania, ds. .To whom it may concern : The undersigned hereby gives. notice of his' appointment as as• signee of Asaph Colburn. of Troy Boro' in the County of Bradford, and State of Pennsylvania Within said District, who has been adjudged a Baukropt upon his own petition by the District 'Court of said District. :Dated at Towanda, this 30th day of February_ X. D. 1868. . JOHN W. ILIX, Assignee TN BANKRUPTCY.--In the matter 1.-of Joidah Stowell, Baal/apt. In the District Court of the United States for the Western Dis trict of Pennsylvania." To whom - it may concern : The undersigned he"eby gives notice of• his _appointment - as As signee of Josiah Stowell of Wilmot twp.. In the county of Bradford ,and State of Pennsyl vania, within said District, who has been ad judged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. • • • Dated Towanda, the 20th day of February, A,D. 1888. JOHN W. Idl%, Assignee.* AttUDITOR'S NOTICE.- Wm Braine li 2 use of lima: d Express Company vs. tliani It: Broine. In the Cont of • Common Pleas of Bradford County, No, 241,Beptember term,- 1868. - . The underalgned,an auditor appointed by said Court to distribute money in the bands of the Sheriff, arising from the sheriff's sale of defen dants yeal estate, will attend to the de ties of his. appointrient at his office 'in the Borough of . Towanda, on TUESDAY, the 24th day of mAsca, 1868, at 2 o'clock, p. m, where all persons having claims upon said mottles will attend - ior forever _ be debarred from - the mime. : WM. _WATKINS, Feb. 20, 1868 AUDITOR'S'` NOTICE.--Orriscm, Hope os. E. P. Bishop.' In the Court of vommon Pleas of Bradford County No. 176, September term, 1865. - The undersigned suiditor appointed by said Court to distribute moneys in , the hands of the sheriff, arising from'sheriff's sale of defendant's real estate, will attend to the duties of his ap pointment, at his office in the Borough of - To- wanda, on TUESDAY, the 24th day of MA RCH 1868, at 10 o'clock, a. m., where all - persons having claims against said fund must present. them, or be forever debarred. JOHN •W. MIL Feb. 20, 1868. Auditor. _ , ADMINISTRATOR'S. NOTICE.-- Notice is qereby.giveit that all persona indebted to the estate of W. H. H. OEBMON, late of Troy,.dee'd „ are requested td make fat mediate payment. and all persons Laving elaim against said estate must present them duly au. thenticated for settlement: ' B. B. BUSBEILU, Administrator. Feb.2o. 1888. - PIEEOUTOR'S X/ is hereby given that all persona indebted to M estate of JOSEPH ELLIOTT. late of Rome, deed". ,ire requested to make Immedi ate payment, and all parsons having - claims up on saidestate must present 'them duly authen ticated for settlement.= OSCAR ELLIOTT, WILLIAM ELLIOTT, Feb. 20, 1888. Executors. IN BANKRUPTCY.--In the matter of H. E. YOUNG, Bankrupt. In the District Court of the UnltedStates, for the Western Dis trict of Pennsylvania, as. Titt whoa it mg Conran : The suidersignesi hereby gives notice of his appointment u as signee of H. &Young, of Columbia in in - the Coats ty of Bradford, and State of remsyhants, within said District, who has been adjudged Bankrupt 'mon his own petit ion by the - Distri ct Court of said Markt. Dated Troy; .the 20th day of February, A. D. 1887. - E. POMEROY. Amignse. CITIOE.—The Auditors of Cola& r ,bia Tcrwuship, met at Azstinville, on the tith ot_Nov. 1801` had found the amount of-war tax collected the Road Commis sioners of said to wnship ,to be $23,158 47. But as said Road Conunhudonera kept no reliable accounts,. it apppeeaarrse impossible at present to get a aatiafictory statement - such accounts. ' JAMES LANE, PELEG PECKHAM, GILES PECKHAM, Jan. 10.1868.—Str. • Auditors. DISSOL .- UTION—The Ctipartn er bezetof re existing under the Arm name of. Solomon & Son, Is this day dis• solved by mutual consent. The boats. acconate and.notes of the late Arm belong to M.S. Sol onion; which are In she bands of we Alex ander for settleateut. All ladobt. 4 - t° the late Arm must settle .before February 1,1868. EL SOLOMON. • ALEXANDES SOLOMON. - . Towanda, Deo. 9,1867. BREAXFAST, DINING; EXTEN 81011,.nd Paripr %Wm, at PLU*T'S. M. D. GAMBLE,. Administrator Auditor.