ttylat. Hints About Work. The far ii; . kp_i of- New England,.-to say nothin of our readers in 'New . Scotland or even farther north, may I smile at the idea of our dropping hints about spring work for Febru ary,and congratulate themselves that they have two months of winter yet ; as the old salt, in the midst of a roar ing north-easter, expressed his su 'preme pity for "them unhappy folks a-shore now." Nevertheless, we, of a milder climate, can stand it very wellnot , to have the thermometer go belowzero more than twice a week, in December and January,and to have a thaw in February that will give us a eiance to do a good. deal of spring, work important to do early. Field Work—lf the snow is ,-off from the fields, the opportunity, is' a good one to pick up stones. ' Cart - them off from the mowing and grain fields in the mornings, while the ground is frozen The grass fields may be gone over with a sharp hoe, and all the tussocks of grass or.clods that stand up above the test of the field cut off smooth. Winter Grains.—lf grain does not look well, and has been thrown by the frost, apply a light even dressing 4 . : of fine well weathered muck, or soil, ' and roll, or simply roll without the top-dressing. Grass and Clover Seeds.--These may be sown toward the end of the month, if the frostis pretty well out of the ground and the surface open and fis sured:. The sowing is easiest done on a light snow, when the seed may t,be seen, and an - even cast secured.— To this end, it is often well to sow in two directions across the field, and N sometimes even three, as iii Sowing grass seed upon a lawn. Suitable weather for this frequently does not come until March. avoid sowing where melting snows will wash the soil away,or move the seed unevenly. "The Wood Lot still -furnishes work in cutting firewood and clearing p stuff already down, cuttin:t bean poles, splitting rails and posts, dree 4hg and hauling them. It is a goOa season to cut pine and hemlock, but hard wood ought to be cut earlier in • the season for either firewood or du rable timber. • Farm. Hands.—February is the best month for the employer to engage the best hands, and it is the best time fur the hands to make the best engage ments. , The prices offered to secure a first-rate man• are usually larger 'now than later. Seed.—Look out betimes for all the seed you are likely to - want,-,getting• samples to test the vitality, and ex amine the quality before purchasing largely. ' Manure.—Composts may be made • with two-thirds dry muck, and one _ third fermenting stable manure, which will be ready for use in six weeks.— ' ?dock composts, or those made with peaty material or soil, may be hauled and spread sitany time. It is also, ' an excellent plan ,to work over all the' inabure in the yard and barn cellars, laying it-up in compact rectangular , heaps, well trodden down. Animals, toward the closerOf the winter, often begin to show -rack of appetite, staring coats, vemin, etc , and, if these are neglected, - -more serious maladies. This indicates neglect of some-kind, and the master must look better to his own. fibs-Card and Currycomb canlar tlly be too frequently or too thorough ly-used. They will often exterminate • lice from colts and calves in a short time,' if used two or three times a week upon them. The best article - we know of for the removal of ver min is the carbolic acid.soap. Cresy I:c,soap is, we believe,simply a trade • name for the name thing. This is very efficient as a sheep dip r or wash, at this season, Jimd may be. - applied , • without ally danger of poisoning or ' injuring the animals. Working Stock should not stand idliC; find some work for them, and, if Vessible, gradually increase it, that • theAesril7Not feel plowing and other hard work!bp and by. • Both horses and oxen,? used on the road, must sbe kept sharp shod, to prevent slipping and disabling themselves on the ice, aid it is an excellent plan to feed roots with the grain given to both horses and cattle, or any other ani male. . . Cons.—Pet and handle- constantly, giving sugar or bits oiroot. There is often leisure for breaking colts at This season to both saddle and har ness. There is seldom need of whip ping. Coaxing with carrots or sugar will go twice as far. The results are more lasting and all fur good; Whip ping may produce a beneficial result fur the time being,but the after effect is onty evil, except with hard cases which nothing. elSe will effect. Steers also may fie broken to the Croke and to labor. This is tistri.ll'y an easy matter, and it is :-.11 t-xcellent thing to have the sight.of the yoke and bow in the IlltiAs.froin the,' associated with salt or a turnip.— yoking will be easy ever after. ORCHARD AND NURSERY.—There is lyot little of ou4.uf-door work that can be done i though st the South planting is in order. Injured Trees are to be attended to as soon as the trouble is discovered. Limbs that are broken; down by ice and snow are to be/removed, the wound pared clean,. -and, if it be a large one,covered with grafting wax. As the snow disappears, the work of Rabbits And Mice will show itself. If the bark-is only partly removed, put over a thick plaster 431 4 *.aaw ma nure and clay or loam, and bind it on with a piece of matting or cloth.— This Will keep the parts moist and in good condition to heal when growth begins. Cions may still be cut. - Pack them in sawdust ; vr, if put in a tight tip box, and kept in a cool place, their sown moisture will keep them plump and in good condition until it is time to'set them., Planting' and Grafting.—The time for doing these operations will de pend much upon the locality. We wish to give the caution not to be in • a hurry. It is better to delay both until the cold, drying,winds of spring are over. Much of the failure in graf• toiLT is due to its being done too ear lv,.and many a young tree is dried up before, its routs 'are in a condition to receive any moisture • from the soil. W . HAT is the difference between an editor and his wife? One sets articles to rights and one writes articles to set._ Q~roccris ~d `irQniaioiu. o_Rooray PROVISION AND IUF hap nom JOHN ifEHIDETH, drat door south of the Ball 'Road House) would moat respectfully, invite tendon of the public to /Ids large and, well se lected stock GROCERIES /AND PROVISIONS, Which he Is selling to suit the tine, , and purses of all. /Re has also t.pened a splentlid FEW STORE, Which hi well situated .to supply the mum—and - 11exclay coal region at all times. EIe.JMACM. constantly on hind a large stock of • -- TEAS, COFFEES, SITOARS, MOLASSES, FLOUR, BUTTER, PORE, &a, Which he-la sell ag cheap for -cluilp TM claim of TO - wands and vicinity, will please accept my thanks for their very liberal patronage for the last two years, and we promise with their assistanu, to improve ev ery opportunity to enlarge our buant. so as to warrant satisfaction to all. Call and Bee us again JOllll Towanda, July 10, 1967. NEW GROCERY AND PROVI SION STORE I THOMAS .1. JONES, Has opened a new Grocery and Provision Stare in Patton's Block, in the !Acme formerly o ma; pled by Solomon & Bon, wboye he noW offer a to the public a large supply of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Of the best quality, and to by sold at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. The stock contain s TEAS, COFFEES, - SUGARS, SUGARS, &C. ALSO • FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, 4k..c, In tact everything usually dept In a Oro eery and Provision Store. which I shall sell as low as can be bought elsewhere. air Cash wilt be paid for all kinds,of Conn try Produst Towanda, Oct 17, 1367 NEW STORE! NE - .W GROCERIIESI W. A. ROCKWELL'S. CANED FRIIITS, PINE APPLES, PEACHES, PLUMS OF ALL KINDS, AND CANNED OYSTERS DRIED AP LES, PEACHES, PRUNES, CHERRIES, &C., &C.., Sr TEAS, SUGARS, SYRUPS, MOLASSES,: COFFEE, SPICES, Of all lanai, in Net everything in the GROCER - Y LINE Will be kept constantly on hand FLOUR,FEED,BRA.ND, POTATOES; BUTTER, I.ARD, EGGS, AND EVERY VARIETY OF FARMERS PRODUCE. A fresh lot. o f DRY GOODS OF ALL VARIETIES, Purchased at tho LOWEST POINT IN THE MARKET And ;will beS&Ad as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST_ TO. THE FARMER; CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE W. A. ROCKWELL. y 21, 1662 THE UNPERSIGNED, HAVING Purchised.the entire interest of k. H. PATCH, O in the firm of C. B. PATCH Er now prepared to offer to the citizen,. of Bradford County and vicinity, a large aad well selected stock of GROCERIES, Which .I have purchased for Cash and feel coati- dent that can sell at as low figures as can be p.rchased elsewhere. offer to the public 13 epleodid s tock of TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, STARCH,SALERATUS, SPICES, Have on hand a large stock a AKRON FLOUR, OR4RAM DO RYE DO. BUCKWHEAT DO I keep constantly on hand, PORK, RAMS, LAUD and kinds of 17aa. Would call the at- tention of the pablier to onr Can't Be Beat STOCK OF TOBACCO, In quality or price. Jesse Oakley's Celebrated Landry, New York Chemical and Brown Soap Please call and examine our stock of WOODEN WARE Large assortment of YANKEE NOTIONS TOILET SOAPS, &e., At. I will pay the high eat cash price for COUNTRY PRODUCE. Farmer nirive us a call before selling elsewhere All persons indebted to the :late firm will please call aid make immediate payment Towanda, March 12, 1862,, MUSIC, OR ANY OTHER AR IL. TICL in our lice, ordered at short notice of calling at the NEWS BOOM. W. W. R. 11.0 ore, ( stint No. 41. Pa • additio EOM FRI2IR DR liasjast been re pared to supply t WANTS OP TB A FULL •SSO BOT I AtIC, E AIL THE POP PAINT AND FANCY AND'TO Tumult axon ABD,AMIN BREAST PUMPS Nursing Botti • • r:aaaa •ssoarx SURGICAL INST A large supply B ~hes for the Hat and Hair. Also for the Teel. and Nails, Tooth Pow r d en , an d ft :.. tea, OBS, Perfnmel7, Soaps. Com .s, flair Dye, hrlgor- 1 ators.&c., Kerosene, Kerosene 1 Lamps, :hades, Chimneys, . t Wicks ' ac.. all of tha -1a e et styles. reazon L CHOICE CIGARS TOBACCO A D SNIIii,T. ' air Physicians Eriptions care y and pplied at . unable rates. Medicines and Pre ac curately compound and prepare by compet ent persona at all . ours of the day and night. Sunday hours* iro . 9to 10 o'clock in the fcire noon, to 2in the ternoon. ------------; - • - W. H. H. GORE. Towanda , Sept. 9,_1888. _ NEW GOODS NEW SPR Would announce t ana ttie public gen and daily receivin, F R'E In hie line, enitabl which he will sell Consisting as us , , a -made COATS, VE DRESS COAT C. B. PATCH C. -PATCH , zjr rye, :;G'r , ,~~~~ f. G.O leg IS :If 41 Errorai, • 1. tooing, &Pcovit,i_ j Waimea g at. ths..7:oia 'a Block, where be k daffy to his Stock tbeiloGl and numnfientrefe reepeok - dors or Obliora-t-r?" of - 1 08 AND lOINIS [ived, and wed . now pre? PUBLIC WIT ARTICaS Q ro m rain. 1 ; ES AND LIQD01111:,; 4 1'- • i 1 ICAL USE ONLY.. ; , , BILLONG 6RE FOR ME OT CONCIIXTRATLO . 'TIC AND 110iDEPATHIC If • WINES. ';" • • PATENT )4EDICINES. , OIL, VJBIIiHHj ARNISH HRUSHIS, LAND 014141 EEC AiiTICLEfi OF ?VERY KIND. AND IPLOWCLTE#CTB.II 4ND . 13E/ " 0/4,9. e.Best Trusses : f. • L 8 UPI'? BTIEB,, tier Braces, ALK.ALOI ME NIPPLE -SHELLS; AND . _ 1 • - 'Syringes and Catheters.l OF zuzona, snwre, PsMirr LtiT97B, NTS OF FATS sTris, I.=ff QUALITY 12E0 b 3 t 'NG AND 'SUMMER GOODS! •-• EDDY,' R. W the citizens of Towanda', rally, that he has in store new and ' G 0 Ci, D S , to the wants or the people r Currency at !ormer PRICESI G 0 L of good well and reliable THINGS C L 0 any kind) consisting In (No Shoddy o SS SUITS, BUSIN 11 grades I TS AND PANTS, 11 Wool , PANTS & VESTS, , Dusters and Pants, Linen Con c Shirts, Linen and Paper simere and Flannel Shirts, era, Gloves, Cares, Leather Soft and Straw Hats. ember that Goo'. Goods are I rice than poor goods at any 'amine my,goods before buy- Powell dr. Co. Over Ails end Ov, l Collars, Linen, Ca:l Neck Ties, Snspen. Bags, Spring Style] All first class. Ite cheaper at a Lair price. Call and e ing. Next door_ UM Towanda, May 2 T IIE TEMI OF FAISHIO:NA_ AND NI.NV (Tons! 's* NEW STOIt ck bf. Clothing, , bo qtßs war to be tChld An entire new at! elmil IS 4 I wore th 1 PROFITS, 1 EUM Ould •reipectrul)y announce onranda and vicinity that he •r them elothinfi, each as The undersigned to the c itizens of is now ready to ofT ER OVERCOATS,, FINE BEA CHINC , PILOT:%, A 1:•() ti e AND BUSINEOp Scars FINEST DEES AND CAP,S. CIE aud th it these goods figures will' be 'sold with I intend to' e'stfiblishcit per is place, and in order to gain purchasers, deal; ,bari Furnishing Goods bought at very lo very small profits manent trade in t the confidence o basis of AND INTEGRITY (` HONESTY and all goods/will, are repreatut,ed t. convince yourself Temple of Faibio•end of- Reid 'be vtamtnted ‘ ffor-what thke be. Come and examine sad Don't forget' thh plate, 1 1 ~ opposite the Henna Hone, I eman'e Block. H. JACOBS. , 1867. '' ,' Towanda, Oct. 1 B N D OUT! COLLINS, I re burned, at the late flro,li4 I.g of his entire stock of g aving had Afs's desirous of dispos READY ADE CLOTIIING, CLOTHS, TRIMMINGS, RNISEIING GOODS, GENT'S F HATS, C., &C. Tliea. goods are sold n gond'ennditton and will be T BELOW OOST, 20 PER CE. - As I am obliged to of a pace to do bn lose oat the stock for vrant. •Ineaa in. Don't neglect t. Call at the new w. low Deldlemsn's hl nearly opposite th= s opportunity for bargaini. building,second store be k, east side of Main street, Means Rouse. NOTICE.—AII p signed, will Confer tling r up Ltnnieilla rson a indebted to the under favor by callhig and aet. • , andaave themselves coat, tir J. M. eoLuss. Thwanda,Aug. N 3 TS HIGH ;paid for all k Bra ST PRICE- IN CASH di of Prodace, at .11 4- Cotsell's dew store. =I Ihithllarieou. "NEw 'ywrtun KOMI- . ~- ,alkilaggentalthlo Pandtait WitrOldwall odupoospiod by -P. N.- Papj - -Atheaut. Fih voila -vow may to the pationo QIN* old Nftib Uslumold that I bon a complete nook of iloodo. jogtotetved; embriolog ottoyllibNlts the • IN 011111M1B la& *goods ere nsw and well selected; sod for win sot be imuterioid by : Call and en mho My stock before_ pu any rchasing. I ratan the' Workmen of the old establishment, and Will have amp of the btudessw and Kanufaet ft* la eon we have the finest Stook of n 'ear li ne west of New York, consisting of Chambereeits, Sofas, Bonsai, Marble-top Centre Tables, Exteaalan and Dining Tables, Males, lieddeads; MhTOlll, Picture Fraines, Photograph Ovals, Cord arid Tassels, i• SteeiXdicavinga. Oil Carting, Toilet Stands, W6IIE-Boxes, - - Pictures, &c. COFFINS AND BMW. OASES. Our Undertaker's Department will at- all times be well supplied with everything in that line. We have the - In thin section. not incepting anything west of New York, and will attend Funerals within a circuit of Twenty Miles on reasonable terms. G. E. voolints. N. 1. BLOT; Agent. Athena. Jan. 25. 1566.-1 Y FIIIPTITURE , WARE-ROOMS t JAMES AfAKINSON announces to the public that he still continues to manufacture and keep on hand a large.assortment of 1 CABINET FURNITURE,;; Bureaus, Tables.' Bedsteads. Stands, Chairs, &c., of every descriptea.-, which will be made of the best matsrials, and!ln he most workman like manner. linvite the inection of the pablicjo mylwork, which shall no be surpased In-durability, at any shop in - the country, and my prices will be found to be as low its the times pill admit. Beady-nun% Coffins constantly on hand or made to order. A good Hearse will be famished when desired. Aug. 15,1865. IMPORTANT NEWS! ALEX SOLOMON & CO. SOLOMON & SON, Have just received a gage stock of READY MADE CLOTHING 1 lately manufactured iit‘ltochester, by the Juni or member o f the new firm, and as they intend to make up a Large Stock of Spring Goods And need the room, they will dispose of the WHOLE STOCK Ofit HAND, And it was never larg6i thin now, REGARDLESS OF-COS-T And at much lower price than they can be MADE UP- FOR NOW Because the whole of t must he cleared out witbin,the next slxtl lays. ALEX. 1301, IMON do CO. Towanda, Dec. 17, 1867. L A SSW A R E I 225 Greenirich Street, 2 doors below Barclay Is the Great Depot for CROCKERY DEALERS'GLASS WARE CONFECTIONERS' DRUGGISTS' - GREEN GLASS BY THE PACKAGE R: W. EDDY GLASS. WARE. Alan, a complete E.s'sortmeat of •,_ • 1 BRITIANNIA , _ - ,W &BE, SILVER PLATED WARE, CHANDELIERS, LANTERNS, &Q., The best patent Fruit Jars,: in thskninrket, to' be sold, at the lowest prima. A fall line of Looking , Glasses. All kinds of Glass Ware made to order. Agent for Meridian Britannia Compai.y. J. T. WRIGHT, 225 Greenwich Street, April 15, '67. 2 doors below Barclay, N. Y THE CORNER GROCERY The subscribers desire to announce to tho Public, that they have com menced business as, general dealers in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, GRAIN and COUNTRY PRO DUCE, at the Bridge Street corner of Patton's' Block, and that they have now on hand, and design to keep, a.complete assortment of goods adapted to the wants of the village and coim try trade They would respectfully invite an examination of their stock and a comparison of the same with any other goods in the market, av to quality aaprice. They are provided 'with ample and efficient help to give proMpt at tention to Customers, and will give careful attention to all orders plaCed in their hands. CASSIME RES, CARS, We pay Cash , far PRODUCE and sellioods for Ready Pay. LONG :8t Towanda, Sept. l l7,' 1867. H R I ST M A S: Just received a splendid 'ass TOYS, AND . . FANCY' - For tke Holidays. Dolls from twelve-dollars and everything e pond. Zephyrs, . EMBROIDERY PA Sofa Cashkons, Slippers, Stamped kinds of Yankee Notions. , Call and see for yourselves, at Towanda, Nov. 6.1867.3 m. aomi Om! • NR. N. I. HAW Parlor Furniture, FINEST` HEARSE SUCCESSORS TO In fact all kinds of And , .KfiROSENE Best brands of Kerosene op. CHRISTMAS TOY P.*P: 1110 D g • 3,0 E -1 OLD'LVASi. - STORE ] - • lIINAWIFED lintarr I , l Alea Gorr* Wain ant Pine Streets. Towanda, Pa. • Bad* recently added hugely to Ids Stoolis hall sadcomplete assortmen:, constituting an *standee vasty, innbraclog many article* used in the Arta for mekbardeal purposes, sutra, selected with_tegard•to the progressive wants of the public, which • will be kept constantly sop. prod with fresh pnrishraes, and offered on the moat reasonable Perms at .Vholeaale or Retail, consisting cf , • DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS,' !ions, OILS, vaßzfumite, DENTINE: AND . TURPENTINE, - SASH,'PAINT, VARNISH, WHITE-IVMM, And all kinds of Brushes, KEROSENE ,OR 00* Alcohol and Bar 0 ritBAC LAMO3 f SHADES, W1.134tk1 . *E1t,.. Sperm, Lard, Whale, ItlAOrt, 't TANNER'S AND 'MAG*E .OILS, Fancy and Toilet Articles In di: *%Wit SPONGES, BRUSHES,' SOAPS', COMBS, Pomades,'Hairayes, Perluxury; POCKET BOOKS, TORII` UONAIS t .Pocket Knives, Razors, TOOTH, SKIN AND FLAIR PREPARATIONS , PURE WINES AND 'LIQUORS, For Medicinal nee, TOBACCO, SNUFF, , PIPES AND emits, Garden, Field and Fidur Seeds; Trusses, Sup porters, Suspensories, Shoulder Braces, Breast rumps, Teething Bin Nursing. Bottles, Nipples, Nipple gs Shells and kids, Syringes, Bed Pans, Self- Sealing Fruit Jars, Thermometers, Flavoring Extracts, Stone lugs, Glass Ware, Bottles, Vials, Corks, Bath Brick, and Stove Blacking, Fish Tae Me, Ammuni tion, Ike. Botanic, Eclectic and Blomo3path lc Medicines, and all the Popular Patent M'E 1:0,4 c I,N ES . AU 'articles warranted as represented. Per eons at a. distance can receive their orders by stage or mail, which will receive prompt and careful attention. DR. PORTER'S PREPARATIONS FOB FAMILY USE, Known as Safe and Reliable Bern edies, are war ranted for what they are intended to A ive salts- - diction, viz : Dr.. Porter's P ectoral Syrup', for coughs, colds, lung complaints4c.so4sl 00 Dr. Porter's Eclectic Pills, for bilious com plaints and mild cathartic. , ... 25 Dr. Porter's, Sanger Syrup, for scrofula ;shin diseases, lkc. 1 . 00 Dr. Porter's Uterine Tonic, for female weak .17(10, ti.c. • .... 1 00 Dr,.. Porters. Tonic Elixir for strengthening the system, 1 00 Porter's Tansy Schnapps, for liner and ludney complaints....... 1 00 Dr. Porter's, Comp. Syr. Itypophosphites, for nervous 1 CO Dr Porter's 'Blackberry Balsam. for diar rhea, &C. ' 36 Dr. Porter's Family Embrocation foi sprains • bruises Qt 35 • D..l'orter's Pector al, Wafers, for hoarse ness, sore throat,tc ' 26 -Pr. Porter's Werm Wafers, for expelling worms 25 Ver'f'orters's Wdl7' n Syrup, for extermina ting worms 35 Dr. Potter's Intent Belief, for crying babies • colic, 4c Dr. Porter's Cephalic Snuff, for catarrh 'headache J 26 Dr. Porter's Toothache Drops, for tooth- ' ache 25 Dr. Porter's Tooth Powder, for preserving ,'" teeth' 25 Pr. Porteer, Tricogene, for dressing and 60 , growing the hair 'so Dr. Porter 'l3 Tricophile, or beautifying the hair 50 Dr:Porter's Odoriferous Shampoo,for clean / lug the hair 50 Dr. Porter's Milk of Flowers, for beautify. Ing the complexion 50 . Dr. Porter's Pile O'ntment. - for external piles 1 00 Dr. Porter's French Compound. for scald , iug urine 1 00 Dr. Putter's Medicated 'Figs„ for habitual constipation - '1 00 Dr. FOrter's Healing Salve, for cuts.wounds Ite 15 Pr. Porter's Lip Salve, fur chapped lips • 25 Di. Porter's Eye Salve, for inflamed eyes.. 25 Dr. porter's Eye Water, tar inflamed eyes.. 25 Dr. Porter's Corn and Wart Renabver, for corns and bunions Dr. Porto 'a Constipation Pills, for costive- Dr. Porter's taxi Oils, for poor blood Dr. Porter's Citrate Magnesia, for a pleas- ' ant catbarrrc 50 Dr. Porter's Liquid Rennet, for making nu ' ' tr dot's diet for invalids 25 Dr. Porter's Rxtract Vanilla, for flavoring H • ice cream, &ic . 40. Dr. Port'er's Extract Lenten, for flavoring ice creamlarge bottles 40 Dr. Porter's Oriental Cement, to. mending broken glass o ke 25 Dr. Porter'' Lipid Gine, tor repairing , • i wood work ' '25 'Di. Porter's cleansing Fluid,for easy wash ' • ; ing . 50 Dr. Porter's PAid Bug 'Poison, tor killing hues \ • • •• 50 'Dr. Porter's Fly Poison Paper,. tor killing • fliesos 'Dr. Porter's Rat and Mice Poison; for ex ' ' terminating rats 25 Dr. porter's Benzine, for removing spots trom clothes.- 25 Dr. Porter's Black Ink, in phit bottles 2.5 in bulk by the gallon 1 00 Dr. Potter's Horse and Cattle Powder, for C a I diseases of anlinaha... .... „.• .. 0 344 \D'r . Porter's Horse and Cattle Laion, for prainS..galls, /re 60 14r. Porter's Ring•ktone' and" Spavin Cure, for lame horses 50 Medical advice given gratuitously at the office, charging only for medicine. W Thankful tor past liberal patrunageovould respecttu ly. announce to his triends and th e public, that no pains shall be spired to satisfy, and merit the continuation of heir confidence and patronage. Dec. tB, 1866.—yr SO,METEIPNG NEW[ AGAIN IN LIOTION ! Hating purchased the stock of Tobacco belong ing to &India, Compton & Go., and having built aphanty on -the same ground, we arc pre pared to offer to the public WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, CHEWriiG TOBALMO, Gold Leal, Sunny Side, Pine Apple, Michigan Fig, Rose Leaf and Star, which we oiler for sale in quantitiesl to suit customers. Packages in Barrels, balls and quarters. The celebrated Lone Jack, Pride of the Uni ted State% Yirginistie , Gold Leaf; Navy and all kinds or Killicknick. • BRANDS OF CWARS American Eagle. Gen. Grant, Leboquet, Im perlo, 'tycoon and the very choicest brands of Yaraa. ' 'Me Will keep constantly on hand a ,variety of Pipes, Cigat Cases, Tobacco Boxes and*Ponch ea and' everything asually,,kept in a Tobacco Stores,' ... . Landlordssupplied with 1.7 , 1;ari tit I Foil To bacco on liberal terms. TOYS! All orders-promptly Illlef I 1? ~ -notice. G. W. 4 OFFITI ant of ,GOODS, Oct. 27, 1867 WB. KELLY, Dental. Office . over WiCkham t Black's; Towanda,Pa. All the various styles of work scientifically done ant warranted. _ Particular attention hi called to the Allunainum -BMW for Artificial Teeth. which is, equally as good as Gold and far superior to either Rubber or Silver., Please calland examine specimens. Chloroforni or Ether administered under' dl• faction of a Physi when desired. Aug. 8, 1867.—tf brae Cents to ea to corral- 't. I ERNS I goods and al CARTER'S. AT TEI V. PORTER; D illistelkuitons A variety of Such as FANCY ''SMOKING BARNER ICI ,rbtuart. . . , 14 11 :: 0...., _., . 0 01, - - : Og. .1 4 r ci to is "t xi E 4.1 Q , MARSHALL BROTHERS & CO., Wish to call the attention of . the public to their new Stock of . HARDWARE, - FARMING IMPLIMENTS, BLACK SMITHS' TOOLS, - 'and CARPENTERS' yogis. Also, a large assortment of . Window Glass, Saab, Paints,. Oils, !Patty, Varnishes, and Paint and Varnish Brushes" of all kinds, which will be sold for the lowest Cash price. Also, a filne assortment of KEBOBENE,LAMPB of every style and pattern to suit the publk.. Lamps repaired and changed from 011 and F d . • 1 4 to Kerosene. rtienlar attention paid to the manufacturing o finds of •TIN WARE. " JOBITINO PROMPTLY 4.TTIINDTD TO We have on band a fine article of GLASS FRUIT• JABS, with improved self-sealing corks, and IIErnMETICAL SEALING CANS. which is one of the best cans used. Jane 20, 1865. H ARD W A R E 1 • I CODDIN G & RUSSELL, • tapectfully lufOrm their customers and the p bile generally, thal although- the fire occa sioned serious loss and temporury interruption tC our business " WE STILL SURVIV.E 1" And have purchased a large stock of New goods, built a new SHANTY STORE! end are fairly Reconstructed and doing busi ness again. - . < . The fKont of our store is now on Pine street, about MD feet from Main street, at.E. T., Fox [now Powell a] old corner. If you aho ud go into POwell's and walk - straight through the wall of theiSack end ,of his store, you would find you.self among the stoves; pots, kettles, anvils, bellows and vices of our new store. Bat as you. can't got through the W.l 11 just walk up Pine street to our Shebang, where we 'keep a full line of Hardware. We have a great vsrie• ty of GOOKING.AND PARLOR STOVES Among t!,em 1I the AMERICAN; TRIBUNE, EMPRESS, STERLING,• ORIENTAL, MORNING LIGHT, GAS BURNER, &c A complerc rtment of Iron, Steel, Nails; Window GI las, Sash. Kern sore Oil. Table and Pocket Cutlery, ?arm birg Tools, Carpenters and Joiners T arle, Blacksmith !Tools, Pumps, lead Pipe, Powder, Guns, &c. We i3rc agents f, r Elmira Rolling Mill Co.'s Iron. DVPONT'S: POWDER ELMIRA KEROSENE OIL We triarintacture TiN, SHEET IRoN - AND COPPER WORK, And do all sorts of JCR WORK in our line, Cash paid t r (lid frog, - Cast and Wrought Scraps, Copper, Brass, Sheep Pelts. Rags, Pura Feathers, Fees Wax, ,tc IVe buy cheat', sell cheap. and are content with small profits, conniNG RUSSELL Towanda. Sept. 12, 1867. illiscelicuticons. HOW''T . IIINGS GROW And so does business ;,t o WARNER'S JEWEIIRY STORE. He keeps good goads and. sells cheap. There yin can rind all kinds 'of .AMERICAN and FORT P,N WATCHES, also a large assortment of CLOCKS. Including the celebrated SETH THOMAS manufacture. Also a. splendid as sortment of JEWELRY, including solid gold, and a general 'assortment of SILVER PLAT ED WARE, inemding spoons, forks, cake baskets, tea sets, &c .., of the manufacture , 'SOLID SILVER SPOONS manufactured to order. Watch and Clock repairing lone on the shortest notie , ?, in the best manner, by an ea • perienced workman. All at • prices thd will give satisfact ion. A. M . WARNER. Towanda nee .12, IKT • NEW STORLINIINEW GOODS • , FRESH FROM TIIE NEW YORK MARHETS. CHEAP 9S THE CHEAPEST. • • The sub..,ciii,ers have purchased the building lately owned by. A. J. Noble, tone door - south of Boidiernan's Block,) and have filled it with GROCERIES AND ( ' PROVISIONS, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, Fruits of all kila§tin their season, (fresh and dr ell), in fact every thing usually found in a first class • PRO -V -I-lON STORE. A share of the patronage of' Towanda and clnity is respectfully solieited. We will pay the highest market price for all kinds of COUNTRY 3 RODUGE. • We also have the solo.gency for Bradford and adjoining counties rot' the sale of the Cele brated Virginia and Norib Carolina Smoking Tobacco, A liberal discount made to the trade. BRAMHALL & COWELL. Towanda, April 9,18676 1,000 MEN, WOMEN,. AND CHILDREN f9ANTED, IN WYALUSINGI TO PURCHASE' TIN- Hr,elRE The uridereigned having established himself at Wyalusing, respectfully informs the citizens of this vicinity that ho is. prepared to furnish all kinds of TIN ANI , t .SHEET, IRON WARE, On the - ahoy st notice. As I manufacture the goods myself lam enabled to offer better in ducements thimi dealers whoj -hire their work done. Merchants supplied with ever' thing in the line at the lbwest rates. Everything sold. WARRANTED. Eavetroughe and Tin Roofing pet 01 in the most approved style, and pn -short notice. • Dive me a call. Shop im WellearStore House over Chamberlin's Store.' • -R; F. EAJLTZER. Wyalusing, Sept. 10, 1601:",` A FINE STOCK rOF GOODS fultab . it for the holidays, will be, sound at Froat'aPornilare Store. CHOICE TOBACCO AND CIGARS at Braashall Cowell'a Cheap Store. It to :Ii.)0;:ii: , : I: POWERS, :'. ..nutin*B - ;:coANOsi Omii*ni ..;, BLOOD - :& - GU:;: 'I . i.TBEN . EI ' ; - .PA:, BLOOD'S CELNBILLTED THRESHERS AND CLEANERS, - - - AND' HORSE 'POWERS, To run the enure, sad are irepared to All orders PromPtl.7, As can be bought in the- United States. Hav ing been 16 years engaged in matsafac g Threshing Machines, we have spared tel er time nor expense in perfecting our • macbin . and Claim to have • n THE BEST SEPERATOR, One that will upends the pain from the straw more perfectly, and with less power. than any ether mantnactnred. • Our Machines Cilll•earn Good pay by - . - • THRESHING THE STRAW 'As lift by. most of the machines used: They pre' very simple in construction. being com prised in o - e.piece. so that i dces not require a mechanic to set them a:. or run them ; they are all manufactured tinder oar personal super vision. and we CHALLENGE THE WORLD To show better workmanship or material. Ev ery machine is set up and • - THOROUGHLY TESTED UNDER MOT.I6N, Before leaving the • Works, and are • be in . Working: Order They have been In practical use for several years, so that we are not advertising a new m 'chine every season, each " better than an , - thing ever beton offered to tbe public." Th y, can be attached to Tread Powers, Sweep Pow ers. Steam or Water Power, and tor. , Perfection of Working , equal has not been haven OUR PM Are as low as those of nay and parties desiring to put) their intetret to eiamiae chosiug elsewhere PRICE ° LISTS 7RNISHED On appllcatiou.- ell kiwis 01.. AGRICULTURAL MACHINES On hand, and Mill Work, EngMO, Botierii and machinery of all kinds- got up to) order proinpf ly and on favorable teITI.K. Athens, Aug. 8, Ma N ORTH BRANCH FOUNDRY C E SHOP, TOWANDA, BRADFORD CO., PA., Is now prepared to farnbib • CIRCULAR SAW RILLS, Of the best quality °with 'the latest improve,. enta. All kith's of Machinery for' Flouting and i.Aur Mills. STEAM ENGINES, MADE & REPAIRED, STEAM WHISTLES', STEAM GAGUES, GAUGE COCKS, OILCANS, &CI 01 heavy , wrought work for Bridges; .and all other purposes, done to order. Also, a large assorttnent of COOKING & HEATING STOVES, Coal and Wood Burners. Furniture for Cooking Stoves, Stove Pipe, Tin-Ware, Boat Pumps, Plows, Cultivators and Lerapers, kept constant ly on hand. DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS Of all Muds of maebineiy for mills and other purposes prepared by Foreman, who has bad large 'experience in this branch of the bu3ineas. Towanda. Oct. 29. 18611. ly CARRIAGES, WAGONS,SLEIGILS THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT STILL IN OPER ATION Successors to Reynolds, Fellows A; Co., are now offering and are' prepared to furnish on short notice, Wagons Carriages and S eighs, of all descriptions dud of the latest and most appro ved style, arid of the; best material - at the old stand opposite the Union House. in the cen tral part ot. Alba Borough, Bradford County, Pa. The public are assured that the , reputation the shop has acnnired during the last-six years under the superintendence of J . H. Fellows, will be more than 'maintained,as be will superin tend the work as heretotore be having long bete and having had much •experience as a Carriage and Sleigh Sulldef • would assure the public that ,to pains will be spared by the above firm to make the establishment worthy of their pat ronage. Thankful as one of the old firm for the patronage thus tar ektended, we hope tamertt a continuani:e of the annt. N. B.—We, the 'undersigned, being practical mechanics, can manufacture and oiler to the public at prleca thati.will defy coinpetitlon. i JAMES H. FELLOWS, • D. W. C. CHANDA.LL. J. G.. M SHI.TI' Ali a. Borough. Apri t 5; tsrat.. ty. ' I T 0 WA.IDA CARRIAGE public that they have purchased the C A-R RI. A E P Ilaituktbrits, at. Stilt c;onitans io nuinuhicture. ON As GOOD TOMS DIIR AB d. Cl u S fa . cture, iCher ni hase, will find it to stork before Liu:- BLuou Situated on Pine, east of Main Street,: AND SHIN GLE MACHINES Fcruibheo at short malice. BOLT . CUTTING, Done from to inches In lihreeter FORGING WARREN HILL, J( (AfIMAN FELLOWS, CRANDALL & CO., FACTORY. The undersigned respectfully annoinice to . the G. • DRAKE, • . - And are now prciatied to build work 1n THE LATEST *STYLE And most workmanlike manner. They wtl constantly keep on hand an'assortment oi splen did TOP : AND OPEN BUGGIES, PAMILY CARRIAGES, DEMOCRAT AND 'LUMBER WAGONS, ONE AND TWO SEATED ALBANY. SLEIGHS ALL WORK WARRANTED: REPAIRING promptly attended to at rea ,enable prict-s. BRIANT &. B.T.IILEN, Towanda, May 9,1867.-Iy. EW PLANING MILL The Undersigned having built a large and com modious Mill In the Thirough of Towanda, and tilled it with the moat modern and improved 'machinery, for the manufacture of • e WINDOW BASH, BLINDS, -- are prepared to fill .orders, whether• largo or upoir k the Shortest notice. We have alto a large4ariety of MOULDINGS, oil the. latest style pattern, which wo can furnish much cheaper than they can be, worked by hand. PLANING, • TONGIMING, GROVEING, • _ AND SCROLL SAWING. snd all other Work . pertaining to Joinery, will be dote to snit our customers. Persons building, and not living more than twelve to fourteen miles distant, •will find it largely for their interest to buy.of as, or bring their lumber and worked by our machinery.. Bring your grist of Flooring. - or other lumbe r ,. end while your team is id feeding, have It ground out and take it-home with you. • We will pay CABE for PINE & EfENLOCK. 'GUMBEEdelivered at our lumber yard.. Come end see us, or if yon can't come, write. • L. B. RODOEEB '& CO. Towanda, Feh.,1864. . , . . ... . 1,1....:::0W A !SDA., I .-.... -,. - •_;,,,• : • . _ . . ,TIN)3IIRANC ''' mutiscr . ,Polichis hmei,LosnesAinsted and prohit? i _ ' •.- * By H. B. NEIMAN, Agent, - OfAin following irettlinawn and-fellable Con, . - pains. Moo flobtinpFir Block. ..legrigateA,ssiof odvital, 117000,001 , 2Esi harotaxes Coirraarr, *TAW. eau., L, vaiyhos• • *** •**• • • • ••• • • • • •ra POO,OOO Lniarocir. int Unita ,IXD GL Vas AID lass blow= Co. Capital_ illarplai and Beamed Vona. OM) • $16,2711,74 Ayes fa the Milted Elates, over.... 1,840.000 Daffy Presdoaa k upiirards of (Goid) 17,001 Nip! )3xewri) bostruNas Coirrma,. . *grow d, Coms.,-1 1100,000 Wir ming! IN SW MR AY CE Coxriarr , Watts -14n e, Pa., Capital Nom% AnituoAa Taaitarr lasonel Co:, , (Accidental - dental 1 } • • 4500,000 CoNwrimiccvidortr brsanancs Co. . - Hartford, Conn.,l • Ca pi tal " 10,000,000. s Towanda, Pel4_2o, 1 2 66—M ARTFOIti LIVE. STOCK -INSU -I.I.•RANCE: COMPANY. Capital Putt assets Nov.i, 1864, '5165,296 63 - Insures on all kinds [of live stock, against left and death from any cause. _ H. B. MoKEAN, Agent. • - Jan. 10, 1867 Dec:.sth, the Hare "' Lady Mace," owned by Dennis P. Flagg of Boston. Kau., accidentally received a kick from another 'how, breaking her left lore leg, above the knee, rendering it necessary to kill ber as an act ottrimanity. In sured in the Hartford Live Stock Insurance Com Loao,paid Dee.: eth 1867. • FIRE; LIFE, AND ACCIDENTAL . • INSFR ASCE. T Y ~ nomy, their c.O.rrAL ar.paanintp ovu SEVENTEEN MILLION DOLLAR- ,i I C. .. RIISSELL,,-,Agent, - - FOR TM FOLLOWING NAMSD REEIABLB COMPANY r. GIAARD FINli MARINE TNAUSANCS - COMPANY Philadelphia, - Capital and surplus over.. i . Boltz INsvaioce Courktrv, Of New-York. Capital and surplus, over, &sultans COMKANY OF. NORTE! • AMERICA, Phrladelphia. Capitil slid surplus, over UA.NIIALTTAH /101URANCE COMPANY, Of I'Vete-York. • Capital and aurplv.a, over EiTEEPECIHS Ireex►NcE Collr►ltY, Of Philadelphia. Capital end earplug', over, RTIC INEIVRANCZ COMPANY-, - Of New. York: ,Capital and enrplua, over .Prrrlsit INKTRANCE COMPANY, • Of Hartford, Conn. A;apital and surplus, over iiEVITAL htis Ik:strict:ma .001fRitrY, i Of New- York. C4pitE4 and Vuudus, over TaAvELLsits INsraAncs COMPANY. Of 'Hartford; Cann. Capital and surplus, grrer Rieke taken on all kind* of Property, at as low ratesas by any other reliable Companies. Kir Policies.Jssned and Losses, II any, ALL jested at .this Ageney,thereby saving the.tronble and expense of going elsewhe,e for settles - int. A Oaten at ;the Rardwbe're Store of - Cod- - ding lc Russell C. 5. RUSSELL Towanda, Feb. 7, 1466.- THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. Office No. 24,1 Walnut Street, Philadetplala. This; Company are now pruseentin'g the be i ness of lusuraUce from loss or damage by FIRE on Buildings, Merchandise. • Furniture, Sec: throughout the. State of Pen nuliania, on li bg I al terms,for long ur short periods; or perman en ly of liqildingi, by a deposit ut Premium. The prompt payment of claims for lusaes dLc log the period of nearly 7U years that the Com pony has .been in esistence. entitles them to tti contidenee of the public. Dutravroas.—Arthur G. Coffin, Samuel W. Jones, John A Brown, Charted Taylor, Ambrose White, Juo. R. Nell, Richard D. Wood, Wm. Welsh, Wm. E. Bowen, James N. Dickson. S. Morris Wain, _John Mason. Geo.„ L. Harrison, Wane% R. Cote , Edward EL Trotter, Edward S. Clarke'. Wm. 'imantilngs. ARV:WE COF.VIN, Pres'nt. . • C. 8. RUSSELL, Agent, Towanda. • WARAIEWS MeTUAL FIRE IN SU .I.‘ • ' 11A,NCE COMPANY • ()Mee iu DEurfille,VontottiConnty, Penn a. Calital TheFanners , Slatual l'ire Insurance Company of Middle Pennsylvaeia. was Incorporated by the; Pennsylvania Legislature, in the year 1859, for the Mutual Insurance of Country property only, and immediately thereafter commenced Its oper ations on that principle, which has been strict ly adhered to since. All losses - have been promptly paid out ot,the Premiums collected on application. for ilisarance without making any asswoments. The insurance of Country proper .y only, the low - rates charged for insurance, and the prompt payment of losses are deemed'a sufficient recom mettdation of the Farmerz Mutual Fire Insu7 ante Company of Middle Pitins' lvania, to al owners of sate class country property. ' P. JOHNSON ; Sec'y . Prea't Agent. Towanda, Pa. March 5, '66 LIVERPOOL AND 1:01%.; DON AND -IA GLOBE FIRE AND bieE INSURANCE COMPANY.—OIIice, 45 William St., and 726 Broadway, N. Y. - Capital, Surplus and Reserved Funds (Gold) ' 316,271,675 Assets in the United States, over -... 1,800,000 Daily•Premiains, upwards of (gold).. - 17,000 The shareholders personally responsible for engagements of the company. All Director% mu t be shareholders. - tumorous Is Haw Yoss..Francia Cotteiaet - , Es Chairman, Henry Grinnell, Esq., Depoty Ch - iman, Joseph' , Gaillard, Jr. Esq. Archibald, Esq., H. B. H. Conan', ' Afez!tlo e r Hamilton, Jr., Esq., Robert C. Ferguson, E. -Alfred Pell, Esq., Resident Secretary, Ile ander Hamilton, Jr., Esq., Counsel of Board. Baxxxsa—Phenix Bank--Cammann do Co: The P.ollcfes_ of - this Company are issued_by well-known American citizens resident in. New Yorkorho are Directors and Shareholders, and consequently, with - the other Shareholders. are individually liable for all the engagements o the Company ; all Policies are signed by them '-all claims are payable in cash on proof of loss without deduction for interest, and not,.as I usual, sixty days - after presentation of prclot ' They expire at. allt o'clock, P. M., and not noon. • Life insurance effected, and annuities granted on favorable terms:- H. B. IicEEAN, Ageat. 4 ...„Towandfs „April 2311867. HE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSUR "AsCEB4xiety'ir Agency for B radford co .. CASH CAPITAL $3,010,000: Yearly Income ovc r 82.000,000 cash. hiONTANYE A WARD_ Towanda, July 25, 1867. THE ASTOR FIRE INSURANCE , off New York.. Agency. for Bradford Co. Dividend for 186 G, 10 per cent.. , biONTANYE SCWARD. Tow#o4, July 25, 1887. nE 1 4 YCOMING MUTUAL FIRE T insnranne Agency for Bradtcrrd. County, Mutital Cash plan, In successful operation or •er twenty-seven years. • 410 NT N'TFIg& vir An D. Towanda, July 25, 1867 NEW TAILOR SHOP Has opened a 'shop in the room• back of the Rooms of the Young Men's Christian Associa tion, second story, over Eddy's Clothing Store where he is now . prepared to dell kinds of; `• • In the belt and most fashionable manna': An experience of many years, e determination to keep up w th the Fashions of ..the Times, ends. desire'to please. his easterners. he: believes will enable him to give 'satisfaction. MI. Cutting done on short not'ce and reason bin terms. Towanda, Oct. 17, 1867. - . 816,000 ci.PrraL. $600,000. -83,730,800 ....$900,0i6 Or MIDDLE PENNSYLVANIA, CAPITAL $400,000 CAPITAL $3,400,000. AMOS PENNEtACEER, 8360,0 f, $L700,000 e .5350,000 $750.6 $704 WO o rmu o tc.. $500,0G0 $367,000 00