Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 13, 1868, Image 3

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fraifori tfoxitr.
TtivaNDA CHURCif DIRICTOBY.•••--Baptist
church—Bev. Boas= Dinurr, Pastor.
Preaching, Sundays at 101 A. sr., and 71
r . If. Sunday Sehool,, 11 P. as. Prayer
Meeting every Thursday evening.
11, church. —Bev. J. T. BROWN/CM, Pas
tor. Preaching every Sunday at 101
and r. at. Stulday School, 11
Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening..
r i , s !.yterian Church. —Rev. Wm: Hams,
Pastor. Preaching 'every Sunday at 101
and 7 P.m. Sunds.y_Sehool,llP.X.
prayer Meeting Thursday evenings:.
E L I - spa/ Church —ltev. F. D. Rosana% r - tore
Preaching every Sunday at 101 a.m.
an d 3 Sunday School, 11 P. M.
TIPS TABLE.—The following ie the
Time Table of the Pennsylvania and New
yorl: Canal and EMU:toad Company, 'which
effect on Wednesday, Jan. Ist, 1868 :
1:110 sr v:vol.1:4
P.M. P.M. A. Id.
• .6:35 1250. ... .9410
. P G:SS 12:50.....920
-.7:15 105.....9:55
..7:30 120 950
..800 1.45.:..10:15
P. M..... 1). Bt. . A. It
WA Lave
kraENs• •
nrUS • • •
I LqTr.ll. •
A.M. A. M. P. M.
8.10 —11:45.....5:10
—11:30 4:55 •
.7:40 11:15 4.10
7:25 11:00 4:25
...7:00 10:35 ' 4.00
A. M. 4. M.. P. M.
JOHN P. COX, Superintendent.
XII .0 , . •
[ I ..TEII. .
r g.; ANDA
Er. Senator 1.4.1ND6'N and Repreaen
t,,toe CITAMEEILLLY were Name on a visit last
R There are now fourteen lodges
(;nod Templars in this county.
t.rir Jrtura RUSSELL, of Windham,
cud at Lis residence on Saturday last. He
w.tA buried with Masonic honors on Tues-
ems' Mr. 11. M. SPALDING, formerly
f thi. county, died in Rockford, 111., on
fr, lay last
INlestirs noun., of VT) sox
h • ,l pair of steers weighing orer four thou
.1 1 ,, mias. ,
tc.T. The mail betweeu this place
.Waverly is hereafter to be carried by
B. It. Co.
IN - 6 notice that large qa anti
-1., stone is being delivered on the Epis
, Church lot, preparatory to commencing
,thfice In the spring.
:t of Ways and Means of the Assembly
L.:\ e reported a bill to raise by tax, the sum
of ,i , 300,000 to prosecute the work on the
n:tugo Canal Extension the coming sea-
M., tie memory of the (blest in-
Lo,,Ltut is taxed to recall the recollection of
L older tithe than was this
loluity,on Friday night last. The The-
L., , nieter varied at froth 22 to 25 deg. below
fluNkrioN.—The friends of Rev. J.
Craue are respectfully requested to attend-a
Tho.iation for his benefit, to be held at the
TGWU ll~ili, in Ulster, on Wednestkiy. Eve
tau:.; Feb. 19th, 1868, all are cordially
iucu d to attend.
z The North Branch Assoiation
of Universalists, will hold ii.conferenee
at the Court House in Towo-uda i —on
W,,lneAtty and Thursday, 19th, and 20th,
At week.
SrErirEN BtmLoes, Clerk
_ —The Dusbore Lodge, No.
A. Y. M., was instituted on` Thursday
hing. Feb. 6, 1868, by D. D. G. M.,
LIONTANTE, assisted by Past Masters
01 Evergreen and Union Lodges. :The fol
-I,,wing officers were installed : Jamie DEE
4, t.N, W. M., W11.1.1A11 Evsy,s, S. W., W. F.
M i t interesting `Sunday School
Anniversary was observed last Sabbath by
.i.e Burlington village U. S. Sundliy School.
The school was opened two years ago with
:bunt forty members cinAhas grown to near
ly two hilidr@d. This goOd work for the
y,tlng 0 41 exeitia most happy influence
- 1. , n the 4age.
C , ,URT PROCEEDINGS.—The February
L.r:u and Session of oar County Courts,
.w.meneed on Monday 3d inst., before
lion. F. 13. STur.zrza, presiding, and Hon.
T 1 1 ,3 first day - was principally occupied
Ith the usual prelimiAw busidess, hearing
granting rules,receiving Constable
: - Lturns and swearing in the Constables clec
'; 111 the late electron.
•] lie grand•jnry was sworn Monday after
on, as follows :
1, , :a . a - V.i.sar.n foreman, Benjamin Ball, l i
yruCTlerk, .Addison 'Cooper, Wilmot Co.
- 1 4a5m. Dittrich, Elias Dimrnick, 1). H.
-MT:4,V914:--Ely, Francis Clegg, Jonathan, S. D. Harkness, Wm. Lawrence,
SlcGlew, Peter McCracken, Levi No-
P. Putman, Wm. F. Bobbins, 0. Ste
•, us, A. D. Spalding,' N. P. Stacey, who
re discharged Wednesday, having acted
u all the business laid before them.
The following indictme i ts , were 'disposed
-: Ly the grand jury.
Miles Norton for assault and battery.
titth Watkins for violation of lionize law.
_ .
same for selling liquor .on Sunday.
William Simla, et al for riot.
C. E. Coe for selling liquor without
Sante for selling liquor On Sunday
I;t•ul,en Schradbr for larceny.
l'oullua for larceny.
(1. D. Perry for assault and battery, de.
James Leßis for larceny.
Michael Kennedy for larceny.
In the quarter sessions, the following
- ales s was" transacted :
rs. Miles D. Cass and -Ilarcys neench.—
' , ,urt permit the District Attorney to enter
• pease4al in this case, upon reasons
I* . 0. IL P. Disbrow. —lndicted at
by , taber session for selling liquor on Sun
'l4; The jury found the defendant guilty.
TL Court permittthe District Attorney to
thter II noile prosequi as to two other indict
-14 nt , for violation of the liquor laws.
;4ii. vs. John Curia.—lndicted Car assault
t=atter. Jury found the defendant not
AI that the prosecutor, B. C. Com-
pay the costs.
qm. vs. Reuben "Se/trader.—lndicted for
.0-atilt and battery upon Levi Winn. toned
;;nifty, and Court airgenced, him to pay a
clue of SI to the CotarnearMth and costs
Cbm. vs.
James 0. Ginslon.—Defenultilrero'
ed for stealing a pocietbook, 'lea
counter of Mesas Dimmers 14king L
in Trey, said pocket-bookbeinkthe pi
ty of Marcus A. - Porter,, contabiingp
amount of money. The jul7 found ti
fendanta "liotguilty."; • '. !. -
Om. vs: - ..Lyman Beach.- 7 . ' . '-easel
discharged by the Court as , nn ounded;
Chin. vs".oltn Carr.—Be . t wit
dieted at_teoember sesaio p t libel 1
Philip Angle. Being *arraigned, Cid (
direct a plea of not guilty to bit enter
The jury found the defendants not g t ,
and that- he was insane.atllitt, time of
commission of the crime, smithey al
him on the ground of inennity. 4 - H
C. vs. John , Coz—lndittelfor lar
in-taking a snit of clothes an moue]
longing to F. A; &core, piesui guilty,
was sentenced to pay a fine _ _elf: $1 to
Commonwealth, costs of prosOcution,
undergo an imprisonment il Cituity jai
four months.
I i
' CbM. vs. Alexander NiUadc.—aurety a
peace, after hearing the &trident was
Cam. vs. William Barris. ed 'kith
assault and battery.. This ceseavinglleen
arranged by_the parties the Court permit a
nolleprosequi to be entered. 1 1 •
arm. vs. Jackson' Burrell.- r ---Surety of the
peace. After hearing the Olurti direct that
Abe defendant give bail in the stun of $i 00
. 0 keep the peace, and s t a nd icoiamitted; -
til the sentence is complied with.
l in
The remainder of the Conic cee - •gs
, will be published next week.:
• •
MIL. Quite a "scene" gee !Ted Li a
hotel not a thousand miles frp thew , e
other day. While thb propriflor of e
afbresaid hoterwas enjoying asocial t
with some of his neighbors in his bar-r m,
a lady carrying a little girl bfAbout i ee
years of age, came up to the" Ix and nut
ting the child down, informed boniface,tha
Ihe wailtte father of the child, B and tha he
must Bettie the matter at - once b
one hundred and fifty dollarsi - oche wo d
t I
take Benefaction in another wsy,let, the s 6
time displaying a well loadedi 84 shoo ts
Before the matter was arraUgell our - or
mant left, so that we are unablei t to give the
denouement. "The evils we fio en this life
are brought home to us." 1 1
i i:
In. The Band of Hope, (if Tow,% n
da, will give a Concert, vocal an4instrum •n
tal, in the Court House, Litlt if34ttrday In
ning, commencing at half-past seen i k' o'clo Ir l,
Songs and'hymns by children,yeting peo le
1 3
and old folks. Prof. Towsza , d son, aiia
an accomplished Pianist and fine finger
OWego have generously conSeiated to be
present and favor us with some 0 their bpst
pieces. Svuw'e LString BONI have also
kindly promised to contribute' toltheir enier
tainment. .Twenty-five cent tilets willlhe
sold to everybody on tub. ,by a com
mittee of the Band. _.
The Concert is given tor the special beike
fit of the boys of our village. 'Ai small sin
from each one will do a great food to e
many. . .
EDITOR REPORTER -YC,11146 ggestitak
that editors of. papers be f hed with
items of interest is good. Stina ted by.the
suggestion mentioned, behold ihe foll4r-
16 whow- try %. )we
may be condensed thus : With as finti, a
location and natural advantages as great 4s
any town in Bradford County, 4 has ben
kept back and stunted in growtli, as a sys
tem of old fogyism almost beyonil belief.--
Recently we have had additions IA live mOl
from adjoining places, and a n ber of the
young men who have grown u here have
identified themselves With our rogresai,—
result is that Canton has withilione y4r
doubled her property. valuation. We hake
now in the borough, grist mills, saw mi*,
mdchine shops, and woolen factories,all A.n
by steam, and all in, satisfactoryloperallok
A new Methodist Church has been erecttd
within the. past year, on the _corder of Cen
tre - and Union streets, at a cimi of $700;
which minims our total of fonr}Churchis,
within the same period thirty ne dwelling
houses have, been built.
There haryrecently been discov red on tie
farni of Mr. GUSTEN, about one .mile fro,m
the borough, a bed of Mangatie4, of large
extent, the value of which is variously esi
mated from $l5 to $3O per ton. 1
Frequent efforts have been inrde to fella
'a stock company here for, the purpose if
- - building and operating a tannery the facia
ties-being excellent for obtainiugi bark, bht
these efforts have failed from I the fact tat
We have no enterprising men of, tetallh.
Nor are we deficient in beanti4nl natural
scenery.pne mile south of the Vil,age on tie)
top di - hill, lies Gillitte Lake, la sheet- Of
water two miles in length bypne in breadth,
in whose glassy depths the sun frph, per 4,
pickerel and eel love to disport tberaseive ,
not to mention the catfish, which`, are nnm
roes, and • have to be skinad before eate i"„
One mile north of Canton are 11 Sulphur s
Sprigs, celebrated in all this ection for
the wonderful medicinal qualiti s of their,
waters. I can certify that in test and stud
it is fully as disagreeable as th water t
some of the most famous place's f resort ni
Ameriea. -
Our glorious - Pennsylvania is i i ich in n -
ural beauty everywhere, but thesp,are spe
ial attractions of ours
1 , .
J. 0. RennALL's grocery store,eccupied in
upper story as a photograph .gtillery, w 4
burned recently, small insurance. Tile
goods that were saved from the flames) - 1. Et
now selling at auction. . :--. ,1 •
At our recent bo.ongh election ihe'is's . e
was new School House or none] the t
named whipping the old fogies i3y a band..
some majority, accordingly we sr p to haven
School House, this year, suitable fo rt - forir
schools, built of brick, and with iarblec
ners l bully for'ns. J. K. SEMIS /laS ob tain
ed a patent for his improved Calendar Di 4,
and has disposed of New York State territo
u l
to parties here for $3OOO. The mannfacto
for these dials is here. Her . J, T. W h ere° ,
pastor of the Baptist Church,4recaived
donation on - the-night of the 31st t.,amo •
ting in round numbers to ,sl2s—none
good for him, he deserves $lOOO. But
many things are transpiring, let Imm I
defer until next week further ite .
Canton, Pa., Feb. 3d, 68'. IL N. O.
Eipeciat 4 Notices..
Fon SALs.—A Seven Oc avo Co
tage Organ, very cheap. Enqn a of J.
PArreason, American Hotel, Toianda.
Feb. 13, 1868.
,A. large lot. of Clover Seed fo
sale at ('
Feb. 13, 18G8.
CLOVER SEED.—Large and Ohio ol 1,
ver and timothy seed, for sale) by W. A,
RocrwrT, z. Feb. 10.
JIB' P. Polrma., NO:tolesal '. apd re
sail dealer is oysters, in the basement
the Ward House, keeps constantly on hand
a supply of choice Oysters. FaMi,lies sup&
plied. A liberal discount to dealers.
Towanda, Jan. 25, 1868. I -
. READ AND JuDos.--4togers,Baymond
,t Co., Wholesale Clothing Manufacturers,
Fulton St., N. Y. We havei-Wsed your Sew
ing Machines for years in the . manufacture
of all kinds of clothing, both heavy end
light, with. entire latisfaction tO 'Our.oUsto
niers.' We have used - others. ltitLpiefer
yours. They are more rapiale - operatihn
than anYlither, and less Ziabitto derange
monk-s=o=Be most simple in construction. i
No oil or.: grease comes in contact with the
garment 'or thread. They are fai more quiet
an 4 easy in operation than any others.:--
They cod be used to advantage by tailors
and Seanietresses in the country, TO Messrs.
Wheel ;W ilson; Manufacturers, N. Y,
„..: - In acc (rdance with the above is the testi
mony infour vicinity, who have tried for
Call at, Wiekluun & Black's and see the
Sewing Machine, suited to year case.
Towanda, Feb. 12. 1w
1 ---Lia--.-- '
bforlo.-,..The Board of Revision
hive fixed upon the following dates and pla
ces for beldam appeals for A. D. 1868 :
Towandiil bore at the Commissioners' office,
WednOday; Feb. 12 ;
Towanda, twp. and Towanda North, at ihe
Comnffimoner's office, Thursday, 13th.
Asylum, lot S. Decker's, Monday, 17th.
Terry, at Bowmen's, Tuesday, 18th.
Wilmot, #t. H: Hoilien's, Wednesday, 19th.
Many, at P. NV' 7 !is; Thursdar, 20th.
Overton', fat, Chas. eichmer,- Friday, 21st?
Minim tsp. and iv., at P. Mingos's, Sat
, urday, 22th.
Ulster, at Ethan tile's, Monday, 24th.
Athens Bero., at o.lDay's, Tuesday, 25th.
Athens twp„. at o.Day's, Wednesday, 26th.
Ridgbary ? at C. Kandy's, Thursday, 27th.
South Creek, et G. F. Gillett's, Friday,2Bta.
Wellea, a J. Brink'Sl) Saturday, 29th.'
Columbia and'Sylvanik at S. D. Goodrich's,
_,'March, 2d.
Troy 80r ,., at V. Ml, Long's, Tuesday, 3d.
Troy tivi., at V. M. gong's. Monday, 4th.
Springfield, at R. H. Benson'ii, Thurs., sth.
Sruithflel at L. D. Forest's, Friday, L 6th .
Burlingto twp. and boro., at J. S. I ' s,
Saturday, 7th. .
Burlington west, at Geo. Goddard's - 7, 41 - n
day, 9th.
Granville} at B. F. Taylor's, Tuesday,4oth.
Armenia and Alba, at G. X. Estell's, .Wed
nesday,i 11.
Canton tiip. and hero., at 'J. Fox's, Thars
) day, 12th.
Leßoy, at C. D. Holcomb's, Friday, 13th.
Franklin,jat'S. S. Downing's,f3aturday,l4th.
Wysox, at J. Conklin's, Monday, 16th.
Sheshequin, at J. P. Rogers's,. Tribsclay,l7th.
Litchfield{ at S. Layton's, Wednesday, 18th.
Windham; at E. Osborn's, Thursday, 19th.
Warren, at R. Cooper's,Friday, 20th.
Rome twr. and boro., at Hy G. Goff's, Sat
urday, 41st, • ! .1...
- Orwell, at, W. H. Darling s; Monday, 23d.
Piliii and i Leßaysville, at J. Champion's,
Tuesday, 24th. \
Herrick, at H. Coleman's, Wednesday,2sth.
Tuscarora, at D. D. Black's, Thursday,26th,
Viryalusing, at M. Brown's, Friday, 27th.
Sfebilirig Stone, at E. Cowles's, Sat., 28th.
Barclay, at Commissioner's Office, Tues, 31St. .
assessors - will be pierctnal in delivering
notices to; taxables, and in making their re
turns in person, at the tune specified in
their warrants, at which time and place the
Board of Revision will attend and hear all
who conqder themselves aggrieved by the
AssessMent, and make such alterations as
.0 them shall appear just and reasonable.
By order of the Board,
I Attest,-E. B. COOLI3AUCUI,
Cm's. Office, Jan. 31, 1868:
! for
of Can •n
of the to,
skir- Ilearl Barley, Hominy and •Sn'
go, for sale at Loxo S liEELER'EL Feb. 6.
ser'Ciscoen and f, for
sale at Lobos KEELET: Dried Bee
. Fbe. C.
siee,Pried and Cannes
kinds aet t oNcs S KEELETZ.
LEV" Timothy Seed for r ale , at Lallo
iinstr.O. Tow4tda, Feb. 6.
SALE.—One Parlig Organ in
good conation, and two Shod/ Cases .En.‘
quire-of WICKHAM & BLACK.
Tosrands, Jan. 23.
Ttike your Pictures to. kluoss
Co. axtd:got them. intoned. Jan. 14.
ser Will any one lose the present
opportunity for procuring Frames, Albums;
Card Fraules, Rustics, Pictuies or anything
else in our line, when the place is so handy
and well known, and the goods so very res•
sortable in, price, HAnnnia ak SMALLEY.
tel.. Blank Dceds and Notes for
sale at Crass & Co's. Jan. 22.
DMjets Tee"th for sale) t Cross
s: Co's. • n. 22.
LINE-4MPBE.T.I—At the' ouse of the '
brides lather, by 'Rev. C. C. Cores, Feb.
4th, Mr John W. Lane to Miss Sarah E.
Campbell, daughter of Josephus Camp.
bell, Es 4., all of Burlington.
BARNES+ENNES--By Rev. J. T. Brow
. nell, at the M. E Parsonage, Towanda
Pa., Feb D. Mi Nelson Barnes, of Or
well, Pa., and Mrs. Matilda. 'Ennes, of
Standing Stone, Pa.
HATCH---LrrfLE--Feb. 2d, by Elder S.
W. Zieglar,Mr. Jaw Eiatela, of Newt Alb
any, to`Miss AnnaE. Little,of Eaglesroere,
Sullivan; Co. Pa.
Nii) 2bnerhstmento. -
Price reduced_ to 58 Dollars. It sets op
i , s own work.knits Mil sizes, narrows mad wi
dens, knits the heel-ilito the stocking, and nar-'
rows off thO toe complete—roducing te vatie
4,(cay of knit ',goods, from ,an infant's stocking,
Mitten or glove, to a lay's. shawl or hood.
114 taken First Prezniums—Gold and Silver.
Melala—at rtil Fairs and Exhibitine r s, including
the Paris Eiposition of 1867. ‘, _ ,
It is simple, darable, easily operated. and
guaranteed 4o succeed in the hands of every
purchaser. ISend stamp for Circular.
Also ager 4 for a first class Sewing Machine.
i S. P. WARNER, Agent,
t Herrick. Bradford county, Pa.
Feb. 13, 1'868.-6iv
F L ` °
br i ApE FH!;SI THE BF...ST
t . •
traving tioni Cu 11111 a In Irilvnigan
nd &tall Dealers supplied cheap
Froin our Store in the
ATILORN 011if,DiNo.
o-RAilway Dept. ELMIRA, N. Y
Nut r tho Er
Dee. 19, 1
sill pax SO per to f 4 Sy Straw in Bp; •
dies. and S 9 ;per ton for Machine Threshed. 4e
livered at the Company% ?dills In Waverly.
1 11 85
7 S . BALDWIN,' Supt.
: _itt4 eoiidt-'OO,-:l,l*at'':*t,
MONTANYE - & - wAup o 4,
Offer sale the ollowingiiropertte s reasonablp.
prima itso upon - terorable tehtu::.
tract of land situate tneloacester county,
New Jersey.• Containing ,146 acres, iii mites
from Malaga Station, Camden , and Cape Kay-
Railway. ; -;
' .
- The" Blue /Lachor'? property hi iWinsioir
township, Camden, county. N Y. Containing
3600 acres, • To be sold in lots..
I ,
Potter .0 onnty lan . eavil y timbered
with Pine. linmienk, Ash, Cherry and bard
woods as follows '4 _
Tracts No. 4763, containing 090 saes • No.
4765,, 990 acres—between the fi rst Ana' east
torka of the Sinnatnaholdnfi In Wharton and .
Sylvania townships. -
• ,
Tracts No. 4767, 990 acre5:N0..11768,400
aerea•, No. 4698, 400 acres; Wharton town.
Blip, line, of Appot, bead-w.iters of Kettle
Tracts No. 5917,2100 acres • N. 5720,1080
acres.; No: 5823, :pa ; I No. 5924, 1082
acres 75. perches : 1100 . 1 acres. No.
5930,4100 acres ; 938, 1100 {acre! ; NO.
5929, 1100 ; In Whartoc ,and Btewardion towel
ships on head waters Kettle, Creek, near main
, Tracts No. 4717, 196 acres ; 4729, 990 acres ;
Appot and Stewardson townships; near Little
SettlOCreek. -N
Trzeta No; 492 e, 837 sates ; 492 t, GOO acres
Wharton township, main branch, Sinnaniahon
Two hundred and aeventpfive acres prime,
first class coal land. Blakely township, Lu
zern(' county. Pa., half way between Scranton
aig,d Carbondale. Very near the Railway.
One thousand acres first class Anthracite
coat land about miles north-east of Nil hes.
Barrevm the midst of improvements. •
AboatJooo acres of land In Medford town
ship, Burlington county, New Jergey, about
four mile north from Jackson Junction of the
Camden *rid Atlantic and Delaware and Rari
tan Bay Railways. Valuable mill seat. Two
or three l houses, stable, barns, &c., second
growth o timber, never failing water. Power
fall 15 or 16 feet overshot. 'Price ED per acr e :
Onethird may remain. .
Delaware Farms and Pennsylvania lauds.--P
Descriptions-and directions given on applica
A Valuable Country Seat near Philadel phia.
Splendid grounds and . trees. 69 acres of land
WESTERN 1 1 110PERTY—For sale 'or ex
change. 120 acres of good land one t bird tiro
bered. San Piero, Stark con nty,zlowa.
Forty acres of good land with trait trees, ap
ples, peaches, pears.acres improved,
one half mile lrom San Piere on Railway.—
Price tad.
60 acres one mile from San Piere, one-thit4
timbered. No improvements. On railway .
Price 1600.
• A steam mill property in Harlington town
ship, Bmdford a gPanty. A very desirable lam
boring operatia.
Eight parcels of land, containing from 50 to
100 acres, each partially timbered, and improv
ed satiable for farming or grazing.
Housii and Barn in good order and 136 acres
of improved and timbered land, orchard, good
water. &c. Union township, Tioga county, on
Northern Central /...ailway. For sale on long
time and easy terms.
fruits of a
Feb. 6.
26 Town Lota in Monroe Borough, Brainerd
county, Pa. •
.3,000 Acrea Rild Timbered Laud. Sullivan
county, Pa.
123 Atres good Farming Land, Burlington
township, Bradford county .
Other timbered _find improved properties
Descriptions given on appr ;ationi
Tenements and improlied Real Estate, 'To.
Wanda Borough, and °thee properties:A
ExecutelConveyces, tarnish Briefs of Title,
buy and sell Rel i Estate, collect rentals and
liens,surveyaul examine all kinds of property.
t t 4l3
They are prep' red to negotiate sales of farms,
homesteadi, - and roPerties especially desirable
to capitalists ; procure advances of money
upon bond and ortgage, and*, prosecute In
quiries for those dosirin,tto illake investments
or secure a home They will effect
In the best known stoIRE AND LIPE compa•
NIES. 'khey hate eacinsive Agency o: ijind
f,rd and.aelgnOring eountiest): coin
parries in these several departments al Instil,
Those who desire to buy or sell farms ;
All who wish to effect Insurance against Fire;
All who seek iisrw,anent investn;cnts far the
future benefit of their families, la• escarp and
first-class Lite Companies
~ .
Capitalists de li lig to buy or sell valuable
r l ,
speculative prop ' tlestt
ill wishing an eys and e saminattons ;
All wishing advances upon valuable real
property ;
All who wish I to obtain tease or rentul o
Farms or Tenements,
Ate respectfully solicleed to entrust such bus'
nem to oqr Agoacy,
\Further particulars furuisbeq at our office
Of fte, corner of Main and Pine streets
lion. U. hfercur, Towauda, Pa.
Hon. William tlwell, Bloomsburg, Pa.
C. L. Ward, E4q., Towanda.
M. C. Mercur,
G. P. Mason t Co. 'Bonkers, Towanda.
.1. 1). Montane, Fowanda.
Lathrop, Luddington & Co., New - York,
'Dickson Brothers, Philadelphia.
lion. John N. Conyogimm. Wilkes. Barre
'Charles Parrish, Wilkes-Barre. -
Streeter, Montrose, Pa.
Towanda. April 2. 1887. -
U It A N 0 E
lu .
. _ -
. .
-ois: Thit on the., 28th - tisy-9fi
D. 18613, a, warrant B onkr9 l ol
vu lured agsitist the estate of,Josisph Creators.
of Sptingliehlitt,..ther ;Comity .0t.,-Bradford,i! , lol..
State - of Pennelvenis, who has been arliadlicdat
Bankitipt on Ws - oven petition ; that the pay;l
went ot.any debts and delivery of any proper
ty beloisgiug to such -Barakinpt - to hint or Ibt
his abei, and the trans!er of any property 6y
him arelorbidden - by law ' that a meeting of
the creditors of said Bankrupt to prove their
debte and to choose :case or-more .Asaigneea of
estate, will he held at a Coast of Bankrupt-:
ey to be. . the office of the Register in
In the Coda 11011413. in,„the Borough of Towan
da, before EDWARD 'OVERTON. Jr., !regis
ter, on the 4th . day of 2dAll,Cli, A.
'1,868; at 2 o'clock, p. ra. •
United. States Haulm] as Messenger, West.
ern District of Pennsylvania.,
By B. B. COOLBAUGII, Deputy.
FtblB6B.--4w: '
I.J of an order issued' out of the Orphan's
Court. of Bradford , County, the 'undersigned
Committee of the estate and person of Alvan
Morley, will sell•on the premises on WEDNES
DAY the 28th day of YUBRUARY, 1868, at 2
o'clock, p. m., the undivided three-fourths of
an Island situate In Athens twp., and bounded_
as follows : -On the north by lands of Curtis
Thurston ;east arid south by the,Chemang riv
er, itt:d west by the mill-race . 3o.ling to and
from Griffin and Morley's mills. Containing
abut five acres. Terms—One half on confir-
Mat/On of sale, and one,imil to one yeas, with
interesc to be keeured byjjudg ment ben on the
pram pea. S. W. MILLER,
:FRANK 13, Mt3Bl Y, - •
Pet. 6, 1868. Comtaittee. •
Thiiis to gine notice, That on the 18th day of
Jan'y., A. D. 18 , i8, a warrant In--Bankruptcy,
wad tamed agalnat the estate of Martin C.Wilccui
of Granville, in the con.. ty of Bradford, in
the State of Peunsylvatiia;. who • has betfi\ad
fudged a Bankrupt on his own petition:; fid
,that the payment of any debts and delivc ry of
any property belonging to each Bankrs,pt• to
him or tor his use. andthe tra :sfer 01 toy pr o
perty by him are• forbidden by law ; that a
meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt to
prove troll* debts and to choose one or more As
signees of his eat to, will be held at-a Court of
'Bankruptcy to be holden at the. office et the
Register in the Court House, in the Borough of,
Towanda; before EDWARD OVERTOP, Jr.
Register, on the 28th any of FERP.UAIIY, A.
D. 1868 at 2 o'clock. p. m. - • •
United States TifarMull as Messenger,
• tern Distilet of Penns ivards,
• By E. B. pp L
Jan. 23, - 18 , 37.- 7 -4 w ,
tern Distriet-of Pennsylvania. .Gebrge- P.
Tracy, a Bankrupt under the Act of 4 Con-,
gress of March 2d; 1667, having applied for
a Discharge from all his debts, and other
claims provable under said Act, By order sf
the: Court, notico is hereby given, to- all.
creditors Who have proved their debts, and:
other persons interested, to appear on \ tbo
24th day of JANUARY, 1868. at 10 o l eloOlc,
a: in., before EDWARD OVERTON, Jr.,
Esq., Register in Bankruptcy, at his office
at Towanda,to show cause,if any they have,
why a Discharge should not; be granted to
the said Bankrupt. And fort.her, notice is
hereby given, that the Second and Third
Meetings of Creditors of the said Bankrupt,
required, by 27th and 28th Sections of
said Act, will be had before the said Regis
ter, at the same time and place.
Clerk U. S. Dist. Court for said Cistriet: .
Jan. 30, 1.868.-2 w.
Ai' The above is lidjenrtiel to Pebraitry
13, 18,68, at 9 o'clock, A. g.
THE" UNITED STATES / for the West
ern District of 'Pennsylvania. ORSON
RICKEY, ti Bankrupt under the Act of Con
gress of March 2d; 1867. having applied for a
discharge from all his debts, and other claims
provablesunder said Act, By order of the
Court, notice is hereby given, to all Credi
tors who havo proved their debts, and other
persons interested, 4) appear on the 29th
day of FEBRITARY,IB6B,at 10 o'clock, a. in.,
before said Court, at the office of EDWARD
OVERTON, Jr., Esq., Register at Towan
da, Pa., to. show cause, if any they hie,
why a Discharge should ,not be grunte to
the said Bankrupt. And further, noti ois
hereby given, that the Second and Third
Meetings of Creditors of the said Bankrupt,
required by the 27th and 28th Sections of
said Act, will 4, had before said. Register,
at the same timV and place.,
Clerk 11. S. Dist. Court for said District.
Feb. 13, 1868.-2 w. '
N./ virtue of an order of the Orphan's. Court
of Bradford County, the undersigned adminis•
tratrirof the estate of Cornelius 'Vancise, late
of Rome tp-,dec'd.. 'will sell on the-premisea
on,TIIURSDAY the 27th day of FEW:CARY,
1868 at 2 o'clock, p. in., the following descri
bed lot. piece or parcel ot land situate in Rome
tp., beginning a t a stake, south-east corner of
W. W. Kbaney's lot in the road thence py war.-
rant line east seventy-two prs. to a stake and
corner of IVilliam Strope, thence north 80 37-
100 prs.ko a stake, thence west 87 $3 100 prs.
to a stake in the road,. thence by W. W Kin
ney's estate south 10i° east 81 8.10 prs along
the road to the place of beginning. Contain
,ing 40 acres, strict mcas re, nearly all imprpv
_„, NON a frame house d barn thereon,
Excepting and reservin , the interest which
the late widow of the sal , decedent, viz. Bar
riet Candler, may have o the following des
cribed piece of land, viz Beginning at the
south-east comer of J. Wf Woodburn's timber
lot, thence east along tile line of Charles E.
Brown and Joshua %%ought, 72 prs.. to the corn
er of William htrope, thence north along she
line of William Strope, 32 prs. to a stake, thence
west through_ the lands of Cornelius Varieise es
tate 76 prs. to the public road, thence south 10°
east 32 pre. to the place of begrnaing. Con
tntng 15 acres and 32 perches.
TER; S—One. fourth of pbrebase money to
ba paid at the sate, one-fourth on con6rmallen
and balance in one year.
b. 13, 1563
staed Gu ardiafi of minor of Jo
seph ~Rotiusen, late of Springfield' top.,
deed , 'cygnet it on the 'Testing on WEDNES
DAY, M 4, MS, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the.
followliogldescrlbed lot, piece or parcel of laind
situate in Springfield twp.. bounded ai follows:
Oa the east by lan 1 of. Alexander Clark, on
the north by land of the Widow Pitts' and by
lend of Elisha Gates, on the west by hal of
Mary Jane Voorhies, 4a the south on ,
tatting 50 acne, or tere,abouta, '
• TESNIS.—E2S to be Old on day of rale ; one
„third of balance at :conilrmatien of sale, aui
one-third annually thereafter.
'7- D. SCOTT, Goardbn.
, rel. 13, IE6B. ,
is hereby Siven that ail persons it 4 .I.lled
.thf estate of Newton W. RenLv, late of
Canto' dec'd, are requested to make im
mediate payment, and all h.tving claims upon
said estate will present - them duly ; , r.itfmticated
tor settlement
Feb. 13:1868
2 - Luce is hereby given; that all persons inch bt
ed to the estate of Henry Pepper, dee'd.,
late. of Pike tsvp. 7 • are requested to make
imtnediate payment, and all perions having
claims against said estate will present them du
ly authenticated kir settlement.
P • lit BUCK ,
Jaa. Administrator.
A DIIINIKOR'S NOTICZ,-Ngtic©. given that all persons Indebted to
the estate of Ira C, Newman, dee'd. i. late of
of Orwell twp,. are requested to make-immedi
ate payment, without delay, and those having
- claims against said estate must presput them
duly authenticated f setement.
Nairce is hereby glren, that alt persona
indebted to . tie_ 'estate of C. P. Miller
lute of Columbia, deed. are requested to
make immediate payment, afgl those having
claims against said - estate will pretest them duly
Jan. 8
.Cl. Notice is hereby given, that all peritilld
indabted to the - estate of Dancap
dec'd, late of Ulster twp., are requested to
make immediate payment, and th, lumina
demands-against said estate will present the&
duly autlaentitatecl fur settlement.
JTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notiep is
hereby given that all rel.:inns indebted to
the estate of Isaac Cooley., dee'd., late of
bpringtleld twp.,ate requested to make payment
without delay, antithose having claims against
raid estate must present them duly anthentlea•
tod (or settlement.
1. hi. COOLEY;
Jan. 21, lsGs.s Executor.
• Bradford County, fromylptisT/ 1r to
- ,1:4 • :4 In
• ~ • Ma 40
- 4.246.82-
ridge-Views . !BB 00.
minonwealth Spits. - 3,134 78
tinsel to Conamo3" Honors. 50 00
mashies for making returns and
attending „Court 813 76
iier: ; • - • 112 00'
listrict Attorney' 300 00 -
/ swage for Falling Co. Bridge.... '.,100.00
"actions - ' 883 81
uel and,lights . • 276 56
rand Jurors .. 726 84
verse Amore 2,709 83
Bisurarice upon Public Buildiligs. 137 00
Justices InTiisitions 4.3 31 .
,Yury Conwassicuiers I . 33 .86
Oflico Books, Stationery,and Sen s
for. Offloes' - 704 53
]Prisoners Support in County Jail. 1,429 84
. . .
Acepunt Leah the several Collectors l of County T for il4 County of Bradford. •
, • • '
Towns. ailleetors. Yer Charg Received Rron'alPer.. C. Due.
7 -.... , ..-- 1 .- , - ----- ---- --.
_ ,
Albany . .., Gee W Cramer 1859 125 40 • 114 71 . • lO 69. '
Armenia '- ' . Benj 1/Knights 1867 104 02 - 98 82 - - 5.20
A1bany...'..:.... Cameron English. ~. -' 1. .294 \ 93 - 256 34 25 10 •13 49 1 2. '
Asyltim.•, l 1 •AZ Benjamin ' 455 41 425 14 790 _ 22.37
Athens tw Fitudr S Morley . 1,674'92 1571 161 21 06 82'69
Athens bo 0'..... R C Sinsabaugh ~. . _, 567 82 537 031 252 28.27 -
Vba l borol - • 0 F Young . 5 1 9 78 56 561 24 ..2 98
Burlingtontwp.. Philander P Barns... 416 50 420 88i 3 '47 22-15
Hilrlint, bolo MIL V Rice, ' -.. 117 46 '111.17: 44 585
arlington West 4 A Compton • F 37G 27 354 13 "'_3 50 18 64
Clanton twp ' 0:21.1 1 9 Landon ' . 750 77 708 11 '. 1 1.1 39. 37 27
Canton boro'.T:. SamnelOwen........ . • 159 61 • 150'83 ' - 84 . 194
do. 'amble B F Knapp r , 944 47 891'24, 632 16 91
Ft in........Fr0nk S Rice • 350 63 326 76' .607'17 20 '
Granville Orlando Taylor . 504 . 66 575 28 "`4 36 25 02
Herrick •' ' - Charles Stewart. .1, ' 371 02 350 52 205 18 45
Leßoy Csrperiter Hoaglin... 359 70 339 37 247 17 86
liitchfield..; - J P Munn - , • 582 20 548 451
.. 4 88 28 871
LeßaYnville boro Stephen Brink - 116 09 111'141 5.85
Monroe twp., ... Clark Cummings jr..: 402 20 379 811 240 19 p 9..,
Monroe bore . ... J G Hornet , 86 04 81 741 - 4 301
Orwell William Helve • . 686 85 . 516 561 6.24 34 03
0vert0n......... Elenry,,Sherman jr... , - 138 19 • 130 314, 1 01} 687
Pike . John Keeney , 841 94 795 72. 4 34' 41 881 -
Ridgbary &arum Mitchell:. 619 81= 581 44 1 1. .4 611 30.76 11 1
Borne tap . B L'Sraith .... ...... 538 04 496 731 15 17 - 2G 14.
ItOnie boro L B BroWning 69 03 G 5 581 l 3 451 ;'
Smithfild ' Dighton Phelps • 910 36 888 601 499 4617;
Springfield. Martin Harkness.... 192 92 . 748 841 467 39 411
&nth Creek._ , . Peter J Dean 392.•31 363 38i 080 19 131
Sslitakia 4 ~.. N B Stevens 93 24, 88 171 43 . 4 G4l
•Slieshecinin I 0 D Kinney • - - 825 261 779 .511 472 - 41 031' .1
Standing Stone.. C &Taylor - 0
4.10 08 397 95 1 15 ' l '2o -I .lto .
Terry ; Jonathan Terry, - , 314 43 . 292 88; 6 14,15 41
Towanda tarp.... D D Maynard 370 31 316 72; 537 18.25
Towanda Bore'.. A. J Eastabrooks 1,240 65 1,171 65i 7'33 . " 61 67
Towanda North. Rd.derick Granger..,, 279 74 264 911' 89 13 941
Troy tarp • Ezra L00mi5,........ 925 56. 871 111 8.60 45 851
T tr fy Boro A S Newinan ' 453 80 400 001, ,22 69;
'L carom. C HNewirmn......... 422 75 398 20 . , 3 531 '2O 96'
•-„.. ter S C Hovey . 1 511 45 . 484 121 1 851 25 48•
W iTen John D Rion°
9 t 759 63 714 77'7 24 1 r 37 62
idliam . 11; W Darling, -_ ' 1 635 635 52 598 02 6 031 31 47;
W •alusing A C Stevens , - 690 81 053 59 2 821 34 40 1 *
Wysor..... .E It Bishop , 5797' 78 749 - 51 8 831 39 44 ,
Welk . Walter S Bowman.. 1 ' . 1 . 518 78 519 13 233 27 32
Wilmot .- GEI Morrow 391 39 366 85 5 23 1 19 31 1
~ R eassessments .... ) - 107 91 ' 1 6 / 1 . '
I'. 123,661 46122,128 121227 9511,170 89;
t \ retry Van Fleet,. 75-easurer, in ac•cou
To amount\pf State and Militia
-Tax due 'upon duplicates of
186 C and provious years... M.s . 523 15
To i mount of Daplica.tes of State
and County Tax fc 1867 23,-131
Re4asessments,• 1867 14
Inaidentid Receivals 560
National Bank tax 559
In .Treasury January 1, 1867.... 8;024
- -
Dr. County Order:s. in Account with the County of BrwlArd for 1868. _ Cr.
To amount orders issued in 1867,524,991 99 I By ain't orders redeemed in 1867,52.4,9t4 62
outstanding Jan. 1;168 637 1 " ontatenhling Jan. 1, 'GS, • 637
$24,991 99 I Total
BRAD , ORD COUNTY, SS. ... - . • .
WAA the undersigned Commissioners of. said County, do' hereby -certify that the above
s a true and correct statement of the receivals and expenditures of said comity, from
;be, hest day of January to the 3,lst day of December, (inclusive,) A. D., 1867.
Witness our hands and seal of office, at Towanda, this
STERNE 23th day of January, 4. p., 18GS.
McKEE, )• -
Ay. B. DODGE, ' Commissioners.
J. A. MOODY, f_ ,
(A, - STEVENS, MEROUR & 00.,
Haijuggiven up our Ia:TAIL. Nve arc
no enabled to give oar x7ole attimtiou. the
eellug.of . I
And other goods In our 'line, which were pur
chased for-CASH, from first hands, and which
weeffer tc the trade on desirable terms.
We desire to call particular attention to our
stock 01
Boiight directly fioni the iMrollTell.l-1,.c0n
N. M. kI..I.IISEY,
'.tt4st—a B. COOLEAUGEC, Clerk.
We have in store a large s'..oe's.
Which -we offel 32.
Guaranteeing the nullity in .111 case'
Wn arc daiiy receiving additions to nor stock
in all DEPAIiTMENTS, all of which are bought
with speciii reference to the wants of tills mar
One of our firm being a resident
buyer in New York, of many -years
experience, enables; us to take ad
vantage of any favorable changes
in the Market, and to keep our
stoek,always full and complete.
Our businea experience added to our facili
ties, enables , na to offer great inducements to
Orders by mail, or otherwise, will receive
prompt and mein' attention.
Telwands, Sept. 1, 1817.
Quera:srows OR LIVERPOOL
Williams &"Qaion's old "Mick Star. Line" o
Liverpool Packets, sailing every week.
Swallow-tail Una of Packetilrom or to is'itx
don, sailing twice a month.
Remittances to England, Ireland zed Scotland
payable on demand.
Fii4 farther paitionlars, apply to Williams Sc.
4i/ion, 29 Proadway,.NewYork, or •
G. F, MASON Jr.. CO., Bankers.
Oct. I. IBG6- Towanda., Pa
-- aAL . , I ' AND SE.EI
Great..lnducements nt
Open and Top • Buggies, of• the Latest Styles,
and a variety of light and heavy Platform wag
ons ; all of the best material and finish, at very
lam pricea for the times. Also plain and fancy
Sleigtis-6Long Sleighs and Bob Sleighs. Spec
; lel care is taken in selection of stock and with
the work. -• None but experienced worknien aro
employed in each branch ofmaaufacture, and .I
am bound to give satisfaction la alrwho favor
Anti with o , ,,eiv custom. 411 work warranted.
j Algeria, ra., Dee.
the - NEWS ROOM,
.4[ol:nig - :financo.
r 31, A.11..186? hiclusite.
: • _
Prisoners Sippoit remientnn7
, 1112 .
Conveying Prisol*.mta "" 278 50.
Pablio Printing
.Proth'y arid Clerk of Sessions ... ,445 f. 1 040
Repairs on - • • 148 6
70 , 1,44
State Lunatic Asylum. -
'Teachers Institute as. per . A2o
? kb :
1067 • - 78 88
Stimmoning Jhrors 140 40
Townships for School Au,1(1T1"721
161 4O
Tax on Seated. Land
Township Line Views... . ;..; . l u o_ 00 90
Wild Cat Certificates
John 13es.rdslee,. late Commission'.i 332 00
William B. Dodge, \ ". , 118 00_
Sterne" I 390 00
. John A. 71oody. If CA 00
E. B. Coolbangb, Clerk " I 1,000 00
„ •
Brun T_ 24,985 62
nt with the County of Bradford for 1867. (1.
Areountreturned uncollectd for
. -.1867, and previous years 4 .;
^Eionerations to Collectors_
Percentage " • .
Orders Redeemed
2 per commission on same..
1- " • " 523,358.57
S e ta Treasurer's Receipts..
In Treasury Jennary 1, 1868
Fe, take • pleasniv in informing you
Ptat we have ju# opened in, Towan-
da, 'on the corer of Bridge-, a*l
Main, Street, 1 1 , 0..3 Fatton'e Block,
on Elegant, Xetv Book and Music
Store, where every thing in the Book
Stationery and music line may 'be
found. Also Statuary, Paintings,
Gold Pens, Spectacles, Eye Glasses
Spy Glasies, Oiera and a
general aiwortment of Musical In?..
stivnents, Yankee ;Voila? . .ancl
..zitaj : t. - y Articles:
Our Goods were all selected in the
city with great care by- ezperienced
ands and 'bought ; with cash at a
very lota figure witli - a view to the
wants of this community.
We feel confident -we shall be able
to- offer bargains to all who_will fav
orls wit their a patronage. Call
and see us.
EW FIRK—The naersigned
.1.1. hare this day 'formed a coliartnerehip
under the firm name of Alex. Solomon &
Co., in the Clothing Basiaess, and still Con
tinue the same at the stare or Vat late firm of
Solomon k Son. "..Tbaniting the prtblic for past
liberal patronage; they finest respectfully roll•
cit a umtinuance of the same.
December 3,1907.
NOTICE.—The Auditers_of Colum-,
bia Township, met at AlAtiuville, on
the 9th of Nov. 1867. and found the amount
of war tax
by the Road Gommia.
sioneks of' said township to be 523458 47.
Bat as said Road Commissioners kept no
reliable accounts, it appears impossible ct
present to. get -a satisfactory statement o
such accounts. -
.... 1,170 89
.. 24,985 62
499 75
233 59
!,099 34
65.1. 97
Tull IS PERSONAL TO A.t.L.,41v,n0
READ IT.--CD.OSSU.% CO.,- have just
opened. a splendid New Book ,and
Music Store, in Patton Block,
Towanda, where they are Belling
everything in their lino cheap for
Cash: Call and see them and sat-
isfy Yourself that such is the ease
Towanda, June 27, 1467'
Jan.p.C, 1868.—1' • , Audits,
.Notico is hereby given to all persons In
debted to the estate of Joshua Stannous late of
Tuscarora twp., requested to mike im
mediate payment, ani those hav lug claims
against raid . estate, must present.them ly
authenticated t or:settlement.
Jan.24 . lBfg
BALE.—The heirs, of WilliamZaner
deceasedovill sell -at -Public-sale on thea
premisca on SATURDAY, the •tith day of
FEBRUARY. 1868, between the house of
exidt3 p. m., a certain farm situate
partly in Terry and partly in Albany twps.,
Bradford County, of vbic-h sea' Wm. Zaner
died seized. Said farm contains about one "
hundred end twenty 'acres, with the natal
allowance for feeds, te. Seventy-tlve sores
of the same is imprcived. On said farm is
a. good log house and barn; also a framed
house, barn, and a - good apple orchard of •
about one hundredtreea, besides other fruit
trees.. Said farm contains a number of lir
lug springs. • To be sold subject to widows
right of dower. Each of the ,heirs of said
'Zeiler reserve the right to bid for said arm.
-TERIIS--To be made known at time of
sale. JO3l. 14. 18611.—ta.•
GAIN. As the subscriber wishing to
change his b tsiness, therefore offers his farm
for sale, situated in Mindy twp., TlOga Conn-
ty,Pa., containing-250 acres of choice and, 200
acres Improved, the balance in good tiniber,well . .
watered by good never tailing springs, '
fenced in 20 fields, and lays gently rolling, with .
three good Apple orchards and Fruit tor feat
ly use. The tarruldys in a good neighborhood,
and a good market seven aides from Blossbnrg ,
one at the largeat-coal works in the State, and
five miles fronOthe Williamsifort .t Elmira B.
Lt;, handy to chove,b and school. The improve•
meats are one old two story house comfortab'e
fur a number of years, 0119 frame tram 40 by 66
feet, wit. underground stables fur SO cows, wag
gon shed and other necessary oat. Imildleger
alsci a good Ala seat, with-a darn built The
farm will te sold with everything On the farm
as follows: 12 cows and all daily t cite, 1
'span of young horses, 3 sere of 'harness., 2' ovate
guns. 1 castitotrfield roller. 1 Eigle Mowing ,
/leaping Machine combined, 2 Horse rakes and
forks, Fanningmill, Sarre - Ws, Plows,
and in fact 'ever thing that Is wanting' on a
farm, and mostly all new. Price $32 an - acre
including all; $3,000 down •the' balance to suit 77 .
the parcheser. For further information address
li, K. bIOTT, Liberty, Tioga Co.. Pa..
The sabscriter offera his house and lot fer
Situafe lu Towanda Boroazh, on Alain st.
Lot 70 feet front with room sal::lent for a build.
Mg for business purposel. For particulars en;
quire on the premises
Jan. B,lBsB.—Zw*
port - SALE.--_--Tlv: subscribers, Ex-
JO' ecntors of the pixie of Win. Girarci s off.m.
for sale the House and Lot situate er of
Franklin and S.:cond Streets, nwanda. The,
house is nearly new and contains 12 roome he-7'
sides dellar and . wool hoc4e. The lot is en.
closed, with a good picket fence well painted ,
good fruit, wed and cistern. Persona wishing
to purchase a hump - will do well to call lad fix-/
amino before purchasing elsewhere. Enqalre
of Wooll, ur oa the premises. -
11. HALL,
31 20
Sept:l7,l6 - ;
VOR SALE.—A: valuable Hotel
Pro: : erty with an I,,tabiisivAl tiusinesa, nt
Alva Unco'. Apply to
= - . 110NTANYE & WARD. -
in g. 21, 1517..,
The subscriber offers his Lim Situate in'
thenorthern part of 'derrick 't.wp., containing
131 a'res of law:Lab - Jut 85 acrei-Impr ivea, new
dwelling bona:, ant ull necessary out-building
unit. treesok.z. Tne tarna ii well watered env
Oa a goal star: . For term-4 ap.
pl,y to or address JONAS LEAR.
P;0v..5, 1667 Ow* HerriCkville. Pa.
106 30
i 137 30
132 17
337 39
TWO.',I4)I'I:IITY,-3 Truck Farzu.s of •
10 acre: each, within 'MO ralic of Towanda 80.
rough. App MO ly to
NTA.tiiE, WA1.16, Agents.
Towanda, Nov. 16, 1857.
Sn;ll3 G 8
H. B.
Valuable Farms, 31111 Properties, City amt
Town Lots to: sale. -r:
5u,991 99
Parti:!3 having tiroperty for sale will fluslig.:
to their advanusge by Paving a descriliticin of
the same. with terms of sale at" - -this agency, as- 41
partite are con4tatitly eutquitiug for farina k.e /
El. B. SfcKEAS,
•Ileal Bstate.. AF,F. , IIt
Office's Towatdi, Pa.
Jail. 29, 16;67.
VOR. SALE.—Sixty acres orim
i: Proved lard, with a never failing spring
*mon, situated one-and-a-half miles
firm tile-Borough of Towanda. For 'union.
partigalars, and terms of tale, enquire of W,
W. Kingsbury, Northowancl3.
The subscriber off6ss fer, sale his faim Ir.
Wrsos, nearly opposite Towan a. This farm
eoidtadus I.'2J acres of land in a high ,atate ina
proveruent, with a splendid dwelling boas°,
barns and outbuilding's. It has large never.-
tailing orchard stocked with good fruit of ev
ery desezipt ion. It is is a good neighborhood •
within easy reach of the church and school
privileges of Towanda borough. For tents or
sale, 4 - e. of Ihesulyscriber on tbe prem
•-iAI - 3 - sox , April h, 180
li. B. McKtAli,i REAL, E93'_S.Tri
Off the knowing Coa. and Timlrcr
Lands tor stile :
,Fioe Timber LA, 3 zilizs• Irons Towanda., c
tainir.g fia acres. l'rice $1,3,25.
Ffi'rin In dsyium, :nntaining 111
buildings. Linder a file state
ira L)1)7;,(1. price SG,OOO. -
Farm in Wc , t Burlington -0n • the Creels.—.
Ntw liou.•Le and barn; Under a tine stato of cul
tivation. 05 acres. Price $5,4,50.
Fdrins in Franklin. .111 tinder lood.cnltiva
thin. ft,od 1 - ,uildings. For s - :le cheap. . •
Eeveral •very desirable- 'louses and Lot; in,
A large tract of Coal Lards iu Tiog eonqty
Towanda, July 18, 1887. ,
WOOD ALLY:s.i hiving pnrchased tho
Bakery and Eating EstaLli•hment,and fa&tery
recently kept by Hill & Smith, first_ door smith
of the Ward House, Main strut, "Towanda,
N., and having re-modelled the same. .they are
prelim d ta. tarnish :their customers and• the
public witli everything in their line at .
able rates.
Is fitted up in the ;xis'', ayproved style and
meals are served a all - Imars. and their store is
titled with a good assortment of
They will keep is store alai self whoteaatta
and retail or =mai:roue to'graclr
Of all kinds. Also wit! lecep the be.t Crackers
of all kinds in the inarksat, by the barrel or
pound/Fresh ,Oystera ou band by
the keg or dish cheap rts the cheapest. They
will use the hest matekegls in every thing ana
will try to please the ;nest fa.stidious.
Akr Wedding and other tansy Cakes wade to
Aar Families supplied , daily and promptly
with anything . desirec. in our line.
- They employ none hie the most skilful work
men, and r.ini only the be material. They ern
determined to keep a first elsss establiahment;
Give us a fair and caudal t::,11 and you will emir
It to your advantage. '
.-G. H. WOOD. i J. S. ALLYN._ '
Towanda. Au g 1 , ti'u7., : —y r. -,
i 9 respeetfay informed that,the Book
Bindery has been removed to the Argus &AU
ing,3d 2tory, where 'will be dooc
In all Its various branches, on te. - .!rs as rea
sonable as" the times" will alkiur. The Bled
ery—w-111 b y e OAder the amigo f 4•
co.'prziericeil Binder, and Sit work`will be
promptly ?tone, In -style :hi manner whlpb.
.annot bis excelled, Rosie, .I,ligazlnif,'
papers, Old Bdoks. xe., bound in every torletl
of style. Particular attention will t paid tc.
the IlbHug ana of
. .
Tv agy crldch in ge3r:4400
riarability Warructed.
All wc::: will be ready* fur delivery wben.
I s; •
The patronage of the public is solicited, Rack
polite satisfaction gulrranteed.
Towanda, August 2,1866.—tt, •
8O O 1 N
R. C..: WIITAK fl
131..VN K E:(10