i*torter. frafti ~:,....,..... -._:: „, [ llll! . ..tiff , f 1 ml_ . .:1,. 11 - 2 3 4 77: ' 77 12 .7 111 ' . -- , P'..3 6 7 8.91 11 - '5-6'7_B .91011 312 13 14 1 1516 17 18 12131415 16 1718 12 20 21 22 23 24 25 19 21 29 9425 26 27 28 29 30 3 ;' 26 2899 91.•-•-: ,-9.2 456 78 2 3 - 4 5 - ALT 3-9110 11 12 13 14 15 . 1011 1913 1415' 'Elm 17 18 19 20 21 22 17 1819 90 21 22 -9 3 24 25 427 28W 23 24 25 262 28 29 - . - '1 2 3 4 '5 24 - 1 - .2 .3 .4 -5 89111119 13 14 67 8 9 1011 12 15 16 17 1819 2021 13 1 151617 18 19- 122 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 2425 26 29 30 31 X 27202930 - •---.' I'2 3 4 .- - 1.2 3 . 5.'6 7tB 910 11 4 'O - 7'B'9 10. 12 13 14 1516 17 18 11 131 161617 Zl9 20 21 2223 2425 18 192021 22 93.24 1 26 27 28 29 30 t . 25 26 27 28 29 30. 1 • -- • 1-2 • .- - • -- 3 4 5.6 1 8 941 2 3 4 56 7 r,-; 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 B 'B - 9 10 1/ 12 13 14 - *l7 18 19 22 21 92 23 a 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12425 262728 923912223 24 262798; 1 31 " .92 30 . . ala 2,3 4 5 6_, I'2 3 4'5 7 8 9 10 1112 13i - 6 7 8 910 11 12 1 2 %14 15 16 17 18118 20:13 14 15 16 17 18 19 - 121 22 29124 25,2627112091 92 23 24 25 26 1 28 1 29 t 80 1 . : I'. -; 6 .27 22129 90 31, - I - LOCAL. AND GENERAL.. . .-. . _ Tz.,WANDJ, CHIIECI4 i DIitiCTORY. , "/19CW t7turch.—ltev. Boma Dtatcri, Pastor. Preaching, Sundays at 101 A. X., and 71 P. at. Sunday School, . u . :? 4/Prayer Meeting every Thursday CM . . Jr. E. Church.—Bev. J. T. waraz., Pas. tor. Preaching every Sunday at Di A.X. and 7P. X. Sunday School, 1} P. X. Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening. Presbyterian Chureb.---Itev. Was HARM, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 10 as, and 7P. X. Sunday Schootle Prayer Meeting Thursday evenings. Episcopal Church.—Rev. F. D. Homan, Pas ' tor. • - Preaching every Sunday at 114 and 3P. lc Sunday School, lk P. X. Tina TABLE.—The following is the - Time Table of the, Pennsylvania and New York Canal and Rail Road Company, which took effect on Wednesday, Jan. Ist, 1868 : SODTHWASD. P.M. P. M. A. M. -6:35 12:30.....90 ...6:55 12:50.....9:20 .....7:15 145.....9:35 . ..•4.7:30 140 9:50 i i .. I 8.00 1.45 ....10:15 1. , P. M......P. M. A. M. • OurnwA2D. A. 111. WATEULY . . ...... 8.10.... Amuzy.....; .7:55 ......7:40.... WATEIILT AVM 'S . ITYSTEB . TOWANDA lILSTEE . . TONVIL:LIDA , 7b 11:00 4:25 7:00.....10:35 4.00 A. M. A. Id. P. M. JOHN P. COX, Superintendent. Viiir The new Depot corner Of Divis ion and River street is nearly completed. g The Ice•bridge on the 'river has been in general use for some days. It is perfectly safe for the present. 1:ei". The next term of, Miss Os mium's select school 7111 commence on Wednesday`, Jan. 29, 1868. DONATION. --The friends cf AIMIZTIGONG desire making. him a donation call at his residence in Idcmroeton, on Fri day afternoon and evening, January 31. All are cordially invited to attend. An"old fashioned snowstorm" which commenced on Friday morning, cov ered the earth with a fleecy mantle, to the depth of eighteen inches of snow, making the roads almost impassible. To TRAVELERS.-All persons travel ing by railroad or otherwise, and wishing to insure themselves against accidents of all kinds; should apply to H. A. Bininsax, who will issue polkies for a long or short period, at the very lowest rates, and in the best Ac cidental Insurance companies to be found. I• A *BROW ESCAPE FROM DEOWEING. . o tx*V-R ? zannz, daughter Of :nit= SEAELE, andl4 - Trut, daughter of Roam Barce,were skating together. on the River on Monday afternoon last, and thoughtlessly ventured on some thin ice, where the inter was of considerable depth, and as a consequence, found themselves struggling in cold water ; fortunately plenty ofjoung men *ere close at hand who helped them out with no worse damage than wet clothes; chilled bodies,and ' frightened looking faces. \ Girls should be careful to go only where the More experi enced boys have ; proved the lee to be safe.' —Pittston Gazette: A SHAMEFUL 'FATS.—We have some particulars of an outrage in Ward. township about ten days ago, involving thej beating of a woman by her brother. Miss, Rowena Bice married Mr. Isaac Comfort' about Christmas time, much agidnst the will_ of her brother George. A few days after, Mrs. Comfort went home;' for her clothes, which her brother refused to give up. Shd attempted to take them, when he knocked heidown, rind beat her so badly that she till remains in a critical condition. Such sire the facts as vouched for by good author ity.—Tioga Agilat;yr.. FIRE Ar RIIIIMERFIRLD ctructive Are Occurred at Rummerfield ()reek, on Tuesday, 14th inst., destroying !belay em, barn, blacksmith show and wagon shop, belonging to damn W. 43Qtrums,and the store house, belonging to - Aracuanai Esaris. The fire vailirst diaeurered in the wagon shop, icommutdeatine froni- - thatto the adjoining bindings. Mr. Siitais's loss is about 86,000, on which thero-sis an in mance of $.lOO. The store house was valued-at $2,4911, upon which there is no insurance. Much credit is due to the citizens of that place, far gm* effotts to stop.the spreading. of the flames, and the save property. The furniture is the hotel iris ,much of it Saved, and mast of the goods from the stOrovarried • . • out.. • . is.. A meeting of the "Band of Hope, "'was held at Holdover' Hall on Bat; urday afternoim last. Nearly hundred boys each wearing a Band of Hope Badge were in attendance. The exercises coned= led in singing Hymns and Temperance sonils; (in-which-the-boys were assisted by Misses Cerny Foil= and Woonsurr,) and . a short. address -by the founder of the '.Band, " Rev.?. CaITSIZIDEtt, Auld Rev. Tuns. Ronsurs, of Wilmington, DeL At the close of the address, Mr. Carrrzunzir give the eoralisuly BC1111:14 Afreshments, which all present seemed. to enjoy. The whole affair passed off very . Tdetmantly, and -will -aa• anidoribtedly leave laiting impressions for • good on the minds of the boys, and will do - much towards conflurdsgthem'irt the pin ciplesof total abstinence. Mr.- Oarrnmuss deserves the thanks of all parents tor Ida efforts in behalf of the young. f, that :the; . their , O* Wit 1111* thei Mg be, • ' lICCII2III-0 1 1P !he eloquent B 1: ~. t er` *wadiTemider littd* Caatia; eils week kiestizes Saw 0418.4 SPrinigela. - t*ortilie Stiff'Leacof24./ ntt*Ofir.. *ft as 'great nature his lot-SuritilithkgMat 1 4th - which 014' Ph*o_ne•.‘ caketittaitwevening, is Er. Bonen% tterellieg r `.'At t6v .~lCCtlOa 111. on IgzidayAunt,. the 'Wont eleokid;. - 2bten anentii—i),. IL Ll= sitm. O *FR Overseers if , (Tudge cif Aech, l- . 7 °41* • s kfpeetort-45. W. Imam laiik • sessoi-11Azig Mu. . Ekrim u i. , keett.l74—W. T. PA • - O /02t natable—A* Hs OBEIRT tgh altiticeibp., B. W would Dairymen tit a nevi:. and, Rs& !1 31 4 : .* by D. D. iirritirvarrr. • It Ili 1 as to told six dor.en nillk copying more.: tlian. a circle Each shelf eau he- turied ro bring .each pan td the most • without r dlaturblug the The trwidwil the'riel tywillbeatthe&glegotel.. court, where a upecinuM can and, those wishiug to purities a Toinuthip right, cau have au No good cellar 'shcmidlxruith*, 1 • Tin WAY To moul, ' zwa.—We recommend what ell too . 'friends. 'lt is our desire to soft** ; ' ' !' '' ' 11 .• 4 *•, sect record of all oyeihts of ~ interest transpiriog in the . world ; 11l rime espec ially do we wish it to contain orMation of gt all the °eminences of intere st appening In this vicinity end diroughout ids . Uri forkmabdy we *riot ns and are t often not apprised of events ir viould be tacT ich of great. interest to the pub ' until long after their occurrince, or ' licit at all, and it may be that cansurdis eipr eased that incidents areinot noticed, hen it is no fault of ours. ,In order to e a paper coMplete in its *ailment ofloca l news, it 1 is absolutely essentig that its patrons and readers - should kind the editors an amount ; dell oomarrencei of interest which con4S - , under their notia4Me hope that our friends"' will bear this in 11 014 and !la SW* 1 1 0- counts more frecplently* . ' tell us who 514801 the ,biggest turkeys a the most of them fang emit one alongthe account occasionally)." aimi, killed the ttest - hogs, ol g ,who has the large 4 cattle aid best horses,. whose horse ran Off with the •14 spilling: . its contents out ita the snow end smashing: things generally ; iwho sold alarm °Amiss, ' and who purchased, with the - • not ; 'what improvements are going on ; who has step ped into ecstatic bliss, or plriAged into the. unutterable' woe iof the ma , • , ;Onial sea dust as the rude's ham= to . e it), in short, eve us an account-of the happen ings in your neighborhood, nib a narrative as you would MECI tc?riail about somebody else's neighborho4 If you lion't time to put them in shape for publicaton, no mat; ter ; just 'send,thent along , and ell fixthem up and print thorn for the ... tertainment a n d_ egigeagon at all Clip .*: . out gird keep it before ycni. . • , M. P. M. 11:45 '5:10 11:30 4:55 1115 .440 803. The following is = Shipments of Coal;from thelllarelay on by the several Companies, for the ; e they have been in opmationl: 77- _ ,A+ TOM. • .4= - - - 18564295 ' . 1,295 1857 6,265 . . ~ 6,265 1858 17;560. . 17,560 1859 30,143 . .. . 3 0,143 1860 27,t . . 27,718 1861 - 40, 835. 40,835 1862',..........52,778 : 52,779 1863', .... 54,535 . . 54,035 1864 62,058 . 82;058 1865, . .. 48,375 18,836 x.BBB 73,197 1866 37068 29,696 3 881 • 99,453 1867 30119 16,952 ~ 868 74,739 • 410 650 63,472 ,436 541,577 INS.. A large assortmen lio 800103 for Bale at Cross .t. • • .Tan. 22, 1868. i De otiaterreeth fors & Co's.. • • /fir School }looks, a tulao rtaeat, tcwaitluat (war at us. Bakers Secret ,-.. ; go. A l lsrge , ittpply of strunetts'clievitVross tt • i••••••••--• ,air lin,•l3la*w, Guitar FM., at Cross it Co's. 1 —Amaticail geting; at • Jan. 22. ie. The American Deb . te r—s val. esjr liable tookfar all; who wish bsocitneßiea' - kers, and shozddibe in ds at every member of the'4aeum, for s oak Close a 430. !!1 -', , *. . , .1. . • J an' 25 ' 1111.-A lar ,I;(1' aßsortine t of L . M433i w. Nrchilda 140 , 41P•ma ' tbazi ever at Cross & Co's, /amid. iii*Tititogral4' Are -- , Akunis for solo at Oralkw - , • jar p.,Powili, : y114) tkalerin .oyStork in _ *Ward Haase, keeps . • a sgpply of choice Oysters. pliiiid. Aintotint to 'towanda r dan. 25, 1568. ifs.,Lont a & Kee*, at s ten' Block, TO always on plebininintimeitpf c Emir. Feed, 4 p kivi Mae Wye* Tin 1011/01,44 /40:1118k IP:44'lf 'asomixik -1,68- a sale at Crams do C o ' y '; . . . Amll l ;4largitiAtiorifte —iestetiAibleolvitespo ! , *ii cow soot -stoie.! b " 4 :9 l gh 714 B 71- and J. if eCkn.- t tention of enient • without (m -ono yard.— , t. iso as to Valiant place of this SE=. 4143013, a sfitaOriToi ° N kt r ft oV: nt one. Opici4l Notice of: Catho.; le at Cross, . Jan. 22. 1:e and fall itOces. oe at.egotot usiciiubi; or the Vio! Mum &a, ha. 22. • Instructor tvrAph Jan. . ate _and tcf. bia,ml244 , Uyanband r e r g. 1 No. 1, Pa. Kandla own- Prmidims„, '• l'esaY P ll 7 , invi Notes . for . 4 1 . 30.; Ir . ;of; Bib Crai . !fa& I I ° - ' a ... - lialiteil* VI arie; igiliat; . m* T ' Mt 1 7 11 11:i - W . ' .: . ,•• ' - , , IP(' L ! ' ., bins; Owe% MR 1 . ' '. • 'il',.. • • _•,.. •• : ' '' Ilarluints; un1 . ... ::P • : -'.- • ...., •, • . Btu* wounsua Illzwk -Wm 'l• • • :' 1 'Franolol_Ostor; , • . Ilo ill spolb*;.usearatailm. ,:;.usw.• Uri Ikablei-Kbrankll i . - , Wlnloving. mulatto* Eon* Mil - 1 *IP 1 4 - •,,I. ' • • •-•, ':', -:•-•.:, ' i c i4 Tunas inwr—num , !um, Hoses Eibudsmger ; ; Armen* T Lyon,' - illhsnaTsp,Abs sat Basil; Faglington West, &wept Haim • !Wing. Tay, Emanuel 'Gum"; ,tmjlo-. 131"121941. 33101 K- I ! iii /aner " "l Clintot George ets tanazd iketw o Plillawlev:i matok, Geurge 4 join Wilita" ; Clan zurina vinu; Thwilli . ion. Stult,- limi6 T‘P w i n Zodigiallk john lniztosV ninnnut iorthiltalit t 2gup, Wm T t•waths t ;Ridging*: Ismscacni oorhis;Spingdela SethEdusszum; Smith: Bold, Allen Daher, Trim Poijvildvim2Bod- In Wm:Ram -` , Tesiranda'Rato„ Ahira - ' , 170,1n'1 1 -301104 - ' /Stiff Madden; TWewidalloirth„.lnt Stefan* ; Tony, John P:Dodge,' Warren..l4adobblakazdiW; W=alter 8 •Bovu_nan. 70•111mi l Tilwell. ; haw Wyslashig._ 2 ' e' l lintti; .. . a %Latino= inisurn. tr. r . --,`- -'• - - , _ mons - - wssM__ _ .. _. Athens Twp, David ' • Nathan" , %Ed• *niter; Asylum,. Kellogg, Barthel -4E.l.,ygtie.:.„, i i i i M a r 1 4 l a oiu At Semi. ; Ballard, Aza ockt! Flunklini Ralson Gilbert • Joan T Learn 'imbriggiit . A4 N e r4 , „I= , oOscarr v Oluzzuleey G ' - ,T.: m Sibley ; Overton, Owen HeCanir ;' Re Tino, , Dennis no* well; . Smithfleld,'lr ' Barton; Standing Stone, Simon Stsvens;Fiederiek 8 White man; Towanda : Bum -- •Thornit ,- DeLenti," Thomas B Jordon. - Ja IHlpm - oulyi To wands North, Boded& Grlnger ; Troy Bo ro, Charles. F Saylev .-, TriteTwt4tn: Tuscsiora Grist f , Beebe Wood, F Keeney ;-. Wysos„• -Ferdinand Allen, - Robert H Fanning; Warren, Robert Cooper; Wind ham, Denzds Russell ; Wyidusing, Seth Ho met ; Neils, Abner Knapp; , Wilmot. Win - At:Blowup, George Frutehe,y. - '-- • , .-• r _ , ~ -4 $4,1 Lf $4, istriTro* . oaten, , _46 1 / TSCPW \ I and Gra. TRIAL LW for Fe4ru o iy Term, 1868: Hewittt vs'. &Rum • - . • Ejectm ent lngham vs. Northrup ',. Debt ehilson vs Sweet, et. al. ', - Replevin Peck re 'Bullock ' . . Cata Brow:airs Parks Appeal Davison vs Dobbins - ' : • Case Limit's use vs. Prince- - iiii. Fa.: do , , , .. do ,• .. ' fr-d0,.., Biniey vs Fall - Creek Coal Co, Appeal Pierce.vs Peck Jr. „.. ... - - Ome t : Whi pis vs Oash's . admin'i:..-..Alte render vs."Bidgbury townshiP. - .....Debt 111 Erb. . - ..... ... 1 ...: - ....'... .flass B wvs 3iniiii - ' ' 4pesa miatiiio,vs McQueen: . . -. . .':".''.."...;.44 3 1355i• Millez iiTanner ,;-. - 13c1. iFi.' Cloykendall rs Lincoln.- ... i.Case Sayer vs Lalkiy , Townsiup • ' - Debt Quaidvs Towanda Township -, do - McGill vs • same ;do Redington vs Parsons.:,..'i . ..... : . Appeol Means vs Watts . Case Wolcott vs Sweeney do Patterson vs Grills et al ' Trespass Davidson vs Humphrey .Case Ridalllr vs Belford . , l im a Harding vs Colwell A Churchill..RjecGiant Lewis vs Lewis... ... . ' -.'. ;.. •do Granger vsVowanda Toiviiihip,.......Debt Ikscidrich vs Smith Case Macy & Moore vs Smith:, '..... .... ScL Fa. - Bowen is Russell ::::..:.: I . ' ' Appeal Wheeler vs Terry Township 10614 Wilcox vs Ayres ':-• :A Appeal : iving vs Ball. . , -'- - do Subpacwisretiirnable at 10 e. m. on Mon 'day, Fehrtut 10, 1868., I • • ~...'• • . A THOMAS, Prohonotary.' ' Fon -, Ssui.--One. - Parlor Organ in . , good condition, - and two Show Cases. En quire of ' WICKHAM & BLACK. Towanda, Jan. 23. I ,7 aft., Thecdnimittee:4B Ameri can 'lnstitute, give York, ' ted to ei amine Sewing Machines, a long, elab orate. and able- ropmt, of much interest to thepublio. 'Tim MftAmues ire arranged ac cording to the stitch made, and the purpose to which 'the Maeldne is te be appl ied, in four cbisses—lst, 2d, 3d and 4th—a classiii- I Lodi= indicating the general order of merit Maid inportance. 1 ; ; , I Cuss Ist Includei the IWO:a? Lock- Mick Machines for family use, d for man- IlfaCill2WB in the same rangl nflALTPose and material. The Committee has assigned this aura the bighest rank,. =Account of ' the "elasticity, permanence, beautZand general desirableness of the stihen done," and the wide_ rano. of , its ob la ti on . At the head of this class they , the. Wheel er Jr. Warm; Mailine, • and award it ;the highest premium.. This hes been the nth form award of this MaAlli , a _tliroughouttthe country for several years, find we think no disinterested person will dispute its just* and.property : I i ‘• CLASS 2d Includes the utile or Dock- Stitch Machine s for heavy manufacturing „ .., purponee., 1 i Cuss d includes the Do Mein Stitch Machines. • The Grover & er Machine is placarat the head of Mid . . The Coro slide.. objects to the - stitch ma de by 'this nuteldne, *munch as It Consumes mare *Mad than any other stack and leaves a ridge projecting from aosidds 41: the seam, This, in the Ommittee's• cpinion, mast; mote s ' i Maldl i mpair the d beauty of ur t s i tl ) lity iif en tr o M ei aril so stitched, ' though some ofithe nuking this stitch on lbe tuexl •er7 ~„. ~. ylbrembroid i mnr= dr ' 4'. includes the Tambour or * . Stitch' Machines. 'The,' tendency of .1- • ; .. to ravel,-theCklat teegonsiders an objection so serious t - they:refuse to recommend the m es w.ng it for any prenunm. - ' . - , - • WIC RAM & BLACK, Lo : Towanda, Jan. 23. • ' ';' - 1 Turmunce. NOTlCT."The,MailaWrs* of, the, Bradford County Tempe rance Ibion in the different taints of the County sib re quested to ecsantunicste with,the-Exectiiivd Committee in regard to Public Iffeetixigethi their respective towns. The Executive Committee can tarnish.' apeakece at most any_time on nttu_i clog:ie notice. M _ have _ Throe appdntedlinows IMO e - nos rePorted yet are to do so -without lay._ A. Disci; &O. Towanda, 'Deo. 16,1867 . __ 'sir Take your Pictures to b: Os do co. ond,get,thena named, . ; Jana _ L 1 .1 lily *k b Wilt lily outilOse . the present opportunity for procuring Frames, Gad Prsaies,Anstice, Pictores ur else in 'our lho, whengherdsoeleso handl and well known, and the goods so my rea. sons &is mow llama & &masa: ; I. BIR IND. - • WN-41OLLAND-541u , 1. a.sttbi J-Puwnwin Terrytown,t7 Bet D. Craft Bnak"to Alit Saab ionolhatl, both of W il mot. DIVTIZ—VANGORDIOI-.-At tie hone if the arida SEW, Hr. IL T. VanGorileri JJan. 15, Wits% J. T. Drovaell,, Mr. ,Ly r inks W.- - kft to Kin Urals Vim 0 13 1404 both of 310 4T0 44 941 4,3 ' - r ; -"' .1D •Eg .0 . .:'''' -. 1 - 6011:At 'fArnverly, N. Y.; `oit - Dee,* Miss Both Ann GenWd, aged' B2 yews. , , _: The damped bed, until Tory , l'eeetillY, been, a resident "of the tovnehip of SoPt liola•-, in . 04 0441 1 . 1 iddi was 40 4 4 4 barbutbak. - -18honietiof e. tacit talialeolls -0110/V*!Orithk% kb4;'##Vole *4 vil wading., -- lei tali -it maitieratr kk#4l llBo o o 7 Illeimil bei'4 l lrotOng paent„ lie ilerioVe4 2notter;* Ig* bialk: And *ten, ad by her tomuntarivie;: See ad friendeerlitezatee she had "....,,, ~4 ~-.,...,4 : ,.. °. 4' - 11141:: ____:--, r 4.,.. -' ,5. Q-__ . _'fq '-',.. i'' .. r • t ' r V:ilgi -041 # 1 1 1 the "4 410 ., 02 4 ' if* , 41,w A haptpe.iibioutog - auttorckft, IiMME!! 4 421: ..a• la ,Alhaq_.i, ~o r tv , Dailtfilibliar laaa mn aju . , A - lolohb7 _,..aiafw a 1 l a ..44 istaim , r.,- ti d a . ..apam (4 -- it ' Lei rti erne; ini mei. m tea ar e arlilla , ops boat/ !I . **. a u tesin , 1,-, tho - 4 "mo = at 181411.611116 la extention 'Adria Lae *WWI* :ix winatia Nu N iac t i s, . , t , - S ' ' '' itaitai a taiii at .114.' , 1 8 1. Faap 41,810—8 Y a . ti..jaidoss, the LP • iksin bp at th li tt ! lll i am , - "' or pulif iitad orbramerib e it, oil, ....161,..a ki........... daste ral= SP! , o r -Vain:WOW- Towner'. 10.,1114 § inuaboitab . /06 acehltlitea Albi° CaolP) • ,c 4 4!PILA W t omens akf.'4W 4151t321,, aote___,cr a main 4 4, iti,l. ,*.."tk, tri wit a Tatou.. 4imilraTaall vLrlNkil° AigAlai.:N - --. --. s . , s ha d f , . erairindilaan; If. /SOL • - - ' i . . .11711(jat ThteDlVQll,o& To JOeivlC O. Dlcklikei.:=No. 110 4 Kai termitilik c.Neu ilia 1 Denby notthed thitottebt. Dlekinaon,yonridle,by her mil trhind.Lenik Ia; Whipple, bae- maenad la Mart of Omni, adon, , P*l at thredifrit • COultt.T Alt " , it* dilate., train - the bends of matrimony; add - tbr apart Ina,SPPehtted Afeeda7...), 30-:day of Pah" 1848; at - two o'ckic,k, ta., for awing the laid Anna. the limbs at which One azul Sire you can attenditiou'thtnk p_rftp nr,, quirP,lB, bperur.rt,i -1 411. U, 1868. 16' , . , , :A PPLIOATION f IN Dr7OllOE.-- . To hook, Elea:—tio: 151; 1 - Sept: lain, 18874 Too are hereby sotilioditat Lillian C. Elea, your W an her nest `: fibliz4;4olo Hams, has ; ap to' th e' Coast Lot: Coisiza4o Plat of= ott COutty for a divorce': from the bolds" twatzhaokyozad the,aalitCoutt hue appointed ••Monday the - &II day of Teti:4lo3B; at , two o'ikcir, of lig; for It tarblig the said Bann In the retnixes, at which time sad plow gat eta attend it you think . E. GRIPPE% 14. 1868. A PPLIOATION IN - DIyORQE.-- ja,: - To Arthur - T. Plakett--Nii. 21t...stenn' 1867. Yon are hereby - 'notified that Margerett Pickett, by her next- .friend Harrison Rol halk_ applied,,to. thcCotati 01.,461pm44. Pleas of Bradford County for a Worm, from the bonds of is ," tad' the said Court has appointed llonday.tt• day Februfb 1868. at,twe o'clock. for 140 said Ifargeretta Rickett, In "'the' preauseep\ i * which time and place you lcaiL attend - u you *bp* proper .' • W . ll. GOWNS an: 14, • 1868.: 1 -f • -"'" - • - , • Sher lE. PPLIOATIQN DIVORCE. - 43., To Airitram'llaelhnirt-451e: '309, Sept.' lertb; 1861. You arebandiy notilledibat Fmtly illpWlmah loailrite, by beraext Mad; Charter H . Decker, tam applW to: the Caius, of Com - 1 mon Ptak of rd' Cootie' for 'divorce bom the bonded matrimouyai ISM said Court has wob ted /Maw I the d daY of February 1868, at a cock*. p.' for hearths. ew th 9 said Emily ha the premwm,o _which thee arid e you ouiattend'U. rat thMktroper ny her nos. Lae appllo,46,the Court of Comma. AIWA_ Bradford County, kir a divorce fuga Ma bonus of Irliddiskfois notibe Sad Ocaket Wm_ appolat ; ed Mondni, the Sd da,y of .Fek., tlBBB, at t iro o'clock;' fdr beating the sald/ 1 04, 10 ) , In the prendoesoft "lack time atuiploce you can attend it you think pror. - „ , .„ ILIJAII 081 pi, leas— APPLICATION,: IN, liivoaor.- James D. D eade-X0.67, Sep t term, 1507 You are hereby notified that Ikinnt - .1. Cloud ken'. wile. by her neat friend. Be bert Turner. as applied to‘the Court of Common' Pleas of Bradford County, for a divorce from the bon& of matrimony, and the said Court has appoint ed .Monday the 34 day .of Fe brainy,. )868. at 2 o' clock, nt., for hearing the said' ma in the premixes, at whichtimq,fuld Plaaa you can at tend if . you . thlnirroper.= I A I . WM. GBH 1 1 413,Bheriff. Jan. 14.1 86; A PPLIOATIONH 114 . 1 1 .iI*ORO.E. .Aioa. To Gilbert C. Hibbard.—NO. 530, Hey kerb, 1867. You are herebynotilied 'that'Pri lonia Hibbard, your wife. by her next friend, Ira N/frilibas applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, for a div orce from the bends of matrimony, Ind the said • tourt has appointed Monday the 3d day of Fe brim• 1868, for hearing the said the'pre. mixes; at which time andplace you c an attend, it you think proper.' • ••!, • • ti GBIFFIS. Sheriff. Jan. 13, 1888. T SICENSE3:- . —Notice is here.by . I.J ea that the following named persons have Ned in the once , of the Clerk ot Quarter pas sions, for Bradford County, their -petitioni Joe Licenses under the existing Uwe of the , Com mwealth, and that thelil several appilvutions will be heard before, the Judges of the said Court, on MONDAY, the 3d day a-FR (I E I7 4n BY, next : • : TOE -A TAXIMIT LIORNa P. D. Wilcox ~. „ . ... . Albany tirp: J. 8.1011,A • Burlington bore. S. 8, Downing,. trranklin twp. Eieneca.l. . Orwell lip. Sq A. C. Peters n • vr twp. John A. Ush e r , twp. G . W.:uires _a Standing Stone twp. Bhubal Boman, Territwp. Allen McKean, , • bore. Smith, _ Benben Stiles - Troy twp; J. H. Wells, - - Tray twp. 3012011ASIT :MALES& Colwell & Whltlnan,.. Cantor boro. Mitchell & Newman ...,..Trdy 'H. W. Nobles, • Towa nda bora: j BATIKS nousza . ' Cram, - Athens, twp. Melvin A. ,Wall, Edward Swain, Burlington bore. Bealydo Ferguson, twp. Oeo. W. Coon, .... . m ...Towanda bo. William Henry, • " •. " Wanes Molutiref 1. -• Uschr 0. Post,. . "r s. 0. Smith yr Barnard Dunn, - - .Overton tiip. - - ;W. A.- THOMAS, Clerk. ' jan:16,1868 :VOTICE . IS HEREB- GIVEN ;A that Jere Zalrosyy HEREB Y= Samuel ;Hartshorne, B. B. Russell, and othere, L bave: preaeatedlo the court of COMM* 140140; Bradford County, the charter of the 4 , Wes Windham Ohm*" paying ithe Court foi decree of incorporatim, tuid 'that the same be heard on Monday, ifebrusrys3d, 1868, irhieth persons interested will take no. - ' • 4 ? " TP111613,'!.` Jan. 14, 1868. r - = --• 10C1ICIITORIS NOTICE. Notice: Is hereby given tfiat all persona-indebted to thr estate of Nathaniel Smith, late of Co iambi& tp, deed. are requested to make intii mediate :payment, pnd all hating: &Juni °pan said estate will present them duly anlienticated for settlement. ' " ' 4 • vitemns B. WELLS,- ..scgs;/. L. SMITH.. • An. d. 1668. • ' ' ' itteent6M , • E XECUTRIX'S NOTlOR—Noticeia hereby 'given that all persons indebted to he lodate of JOON P. GREEN, late 'of 'Sena twp.; 'deo*: are lognetted,to make it& mediate payment, Sand those biting. dahlia t=said estate roost proud tliosi_dolyza for aettlenient. • • -Executilk: De 03.17,1867. NOTICE IN BAN)CRUPTOY, • i • • Tali nto Ow 'Notice: Aid: on the; Way Of Janusz ,b D.1868,'. Warrantinßanh; top; was issued against the setae of 441 01:41)1414 of the ; Borough of Troy, In. Calikl, of Bradford,i,nxid;StatOW lisenryinankorhp.hasbeen4tdndged %pia; rapt on his own petition;" that the paring suzust bta a'thdisergo ton is ttmp;Meite rftotrYebtoßnh BankupVton,orehim.sarymgil:icinalyrghieforpit .~ ~' Ir ,~ ~a t - at ~- -'JY. r~~ tO MUM two week& 11fotinsie imenti' stohwelbrerM to the Onto . t ndirofthe ,end Constables, o teadhiedg '-thetbethigantirdrfs~oporeoweS breaks sif.ishilleyorith theiretiswie, lions and oilier renweibremees, to do those Which to theirnoilleeopertidcw to hi and that whwere hound by 20000dianel Otherwhietn ! sgainet therinixeces, thojeifoissidAlocudyi.Or: ha rbe bon -11/ Awl** Cann,, ere to be then Neither, proseenio sitolet them se shall be juslealnits las' requested' to ` be l a d nct4lo 4 1•.#-* 44 tend a P 4o ; ll4 PC l -04 •t! ) Akatea ToVitik of year QtAKIr =knead id& An i ndted sisty•eig t g e . vid oVdepeswiencii pe United Stiles • • +,•- • iffterit ti. 011BRIrra;SA.L11:-By ,Vi 110' of wilt of Vend. 'l7xper. tuned out ortie Court Of I:amnion PIeM of SWAT' County, .061 t4,tite directed; there will be expound to patio sale at the Court _House. in the Bo m b & ,ofiTowanda, on THURSDAY, the 90th ddy of - 4411.1MAR:di 1: 11'cleek pi.ll4.the fig ' toning dei, bed lot _piece er pareel of lsa sit ate ja _the bOntogitoUlostand‘bonadedlantht by lor ds , 11. 0-- Hetenr; eine...by , 34-streek. =south by bombard itreet, west by: lead; f . Barn ind Powell.Being6o feet on Lombard street ' and 100 feet back. t ' Oentabdng.llooo seam feet. more or lets, all improved, with a - framed 1*,..74491*/ ban and.awlitult,lresa thence. •-- lemmata; Wen 111;:atecution at the pit, of tSa,l HOMO Watta Ira k Sokiaton Cooper aud.l3- • G - w , Also .at the suit of Wm.- Means !LILO. Berry and Solomon Cooper se= eerily. 1 • ,-; _. ~:..-,., , •‘. lATOO—The following -described lot; piece or ping of land at hr Athena 'JP . .. bounded on the north by lands ot 'fated & Co., east by' lands ef . ' Geo. Wolcott and Abeam„ ; Bunalcker, . seeth.lo3rhinda of EMith Uright ' decea s ed, longing to the - heirs - a U. Willbiton , and by lands of. Edward :WMlanis and Smith Grillht. , =Containing 266 'new et bind more or 'less about 100 mores Improved, with two framed direllingauluses; -three teamed. ' bane . arid a small biud.of fruit trees thereon. , ' , - ,--.- Seised and taken in exesmtion lat the , snit of H. C..lierris' pas vs. Elias Hundeker. ..I . - • ALSO—The following desdribed Id, Piece or Parcel:of land - innate la Canton - tp.; begin ning step* on the warrant line, - bnag-the . south-esat -arena Of B*sim Case's lot, tee' S7pra to;the centre of the road 'leading from the Canton Steam Mill to Bloasburg. thecae north 76° west 68 pry.; along said ' , road tole Peat,.thentelnorth 12° west 21. pre. to. a post, the ice east 7.10 pia to the plane of begia ring. Con gl2 mines, more or less, about 10 ,acres proved,. with. a :famed -hew*, hinted barn d a felifrolt trees thereon .I. t a , I Seized and taken in execution at the su it of Orison !toys° vs. E. P. Bishop. . . ALSO—Bp virtue of a writ of AU. Fl. Pa., `IOU be sold at the same time and place, the fol. , lowing described lot, piece or parcel of land a lt u n i ate In Ulster twp., bounded north by lands , Joseph Kitchen, east by 'lands of North= w.nouth by a road leading, tram the Main .road to Holcomb's steam mi11,.4414 by the,Pub lit highwaY leading from Towanda to Athena. raining t acre of land, more or less, all im ved, with Iwo , framed -dwelling inunensne ed barn and few fruit trees thereon., ; belied and, taken in execution at the snit of IThae. Stemma' use vs. 8. R. /1111. Abut el the spit ;4. 6. g!lv_godshels.B-R./UW •- ! ..• . • • i ALSO- By virtue' of $ writ of Pi. fra..-Will lifsold at the same time and place, the Allen g described lot piece or parcel of land situ e In Buributni V., bounded north by, lands of 4. P. Street and kublitt highway, east 14 lands of Evan Lewis and 'Davis .Brooks, south by' lands of'; Walter Pollock and Myron L uther and test by lands of said . P. P. Sweet. -Contain ing 100 acres. more or less, abut 4.0: . acres im proved. with framed house, framed i barn and *w fruit trees thereon. , - i Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Codding A Burrell vs. lobe S. Diking and Ed- . win Weed.' Also at the suit of Geo. Stevens. es. John 8. Dyklus and Edwin Weed. • . AlBO The following ' , described lot piece parcel of land situate in Terry twp., hounded north by land' of J. B tittles, south and east by the public highway, west byland of 8. Battles. Containing 7 acres of land, more or less, altim prsmed with turning lathe and shop thereon. , Seised and taken in , execution at'the suit of John 0. Dyer's use vs. N. 0. Dyer and E. L. Vaughn. . ALSO—The following described lot, piece*/ Parcel of land situate In Litchfield twp., bound ed north by handset Zima Goodsell' and Jona than Bunt. east.by lands, of Johnson Rogers end William Wright and Cain McDowell, south by lands of Edward - Barton:and 13. B. earner. west by lands of:John Rogers Jr., and Owen Parka.. Containing about. 230 acres of land, Inth e'er less, ' about 100 acres improved, with one framed house, carpenter shop, blacksmith shop, two framed barns and shed attached, and brchard of fruit tress thereon. . Eeised sad taken in execution at the stilt of path Kirby v‘ Sohn Rogers.: Also it tbesult of San Kirby vs. John Rogers. ' • - ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Levert Facies will be sold at the same time and place the [al lotting described lot, - piece or parcel - of land situate in Litchfield twp., beginning at a hem lack standing on the south lineof a lot of land deeded by P. J. Deciders to John Rogers, thence south I°. west 159 3.1% pis, to a post, fOr a corn er of the Douglas Dunhison. lot, thence no • 'B9° west 150 pre.; to a post, south.east corner of ;John 8. Cortwrlght's lot, thence north 1° east .159 3.10 prsi to a post and stones, thence so th 89 6, east 150 pre to the place of beginning. Con taiPng - 14 0 "PM. 135 0. , 1 • 4.LSO—One other piece or pardel of land sit uate in Litchfield twp., beginning at the north east corner of a lot of 'fad deeded by P. J. De caters to John Rogers, east 53.3.4 u pre. to a black - oak on the west liner Of the Beth Hunt thence south 'l9O 340 pis. tna - post north genii corner of lot No. 111 as surveyed by Z. Flower, thence west. 6. 3. 3-10 pea. to a post for a corner, thence north 161.3 = 12 pra. to the be ginning. • Containing 50 acres, more lees/ andlboth pieces Inclusive containing '199-acres sad 135 perches with-usual allowance. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Bartow & Birby's use vs. Samuel Davidson Ex bailor of Wm. Lureock and Silas ga r ner, terra tenants. . - 411/50—All .the etual !undivided one third part 0.111 those tracts or parcels of lands and premises hereinafter particularly ' described, situate 'lying and being in the townships o f Franklin. Monroe and Overton, the first tract beginning at a stone corner of the Samuel Pk:wants, lasso Sorrel, Walter Stuart and De borah Stuart tracts of land,' thence south 208 pre. to a post and 'stones, - thence' along the north line of the Peter Ladd% tract north 80° west 245 8-10 meta arpost apt stimes,.thenee north- 90 640 pre.' to a post and stones on the DUO ; Or .the Aforesaid Samuel Pleasanta tract s ; thence north 849- east 92 pre . 'to° a post; thence south 4 prii. to .e post *nil stones, thence east : 121 pre. to the place of begkididge t Vemtaktieg 284 tuxes tnore.or law., ,• -, b ..„ . The second. beginn i n g it-it each corner 'of, a y. lot formerl owned *by the said ,Parkand leaning aouth.s3 o easo.lso pre. to :'tobeach 'corner,_ thence south 31° west 103 rodek_land - offlionle andilthere tit a beach. clhence north 59° east by lands of George Brown and 'John Flalthont 180 tedeto steads', thenee.north 3 1 0 . - by lards fcirmerlicierned by thittitaidPark ,ips ^Kw to the, rpl_ace 7 Ofjlegillia%) PC9.4 1 4 1 er ing 115 Ides enMzirs.'more or less. - ' . ~ -Ttizt third tracttegionlog. -at ,Latone *Semi the - forth bank of Towande 4 Cree'k i lends ,south-831! east 57 pro. to r e stone ptielhence ittrith' , W east 9 2- 1 104ira. tee RerreF NOnt• raps West line, thencesiong said line soutli3ir east 12 pre . Into Slit creek foAr. l .C.Pltiithi-lin' thence gp the creek south 594°, west 23.8-1 les. thane* *nab Stietwest 22-&I0 prs.- then e 77 9 u north 82* west 25,prs. -thence north 241° ' t A 840 pre. from:s ‘ ,point in the :creek th e place of beginning. Containing 5 tic and Itirt4ol, more: or 1110. . , , • - , , ,-. o—The equal- undivided 'tine-third Fait 15 ilifhviumS , title in' - WiMii P: ll Fer - A 1. °90!. 4 . deed tor I iroolen factory., , - Seized and taken in execution et the suit of James R. Hawes vs. Charles' If. = rattozi and. liadore Striaton. , • ° . .. _ - - - AVELLiA. tditiftis, ' 1 Towando"hauaritines. - , Q :Olt IVY'S AA --By, 'kith) Of I.? g tof Vogl. issued .\ out of the Court 04 Comm_ P ,Ot ' Bilidtont CoUnty and to e directed, 11 bo exposed to pub ho wile on be premise* on 'MU" 'the pa do of JANUARY, 141, at 1 o'clock, p. tn . , IV,* fOUOriblr 41 1 mdba kg glece LIN Weeiglia. a situate in Jul borebounaast north bs the pic hialwra i Ilgekitiksoutii k 7 loids "Ere* legPecr an if . . reek,lrait ry Isag, ot des Gre r - Containing 4ot an acre of hind, wh ir more , toll - improvele with a fpunod house tut framed barn thereon. . Bela sad taken in Eleccdion ittflthalkit ol tr Sconem vs. Amer Connivent, - IlLttilt . wilds, Jan. 7,1887. 1 is, 4 FAZIOR'§ mY.17,„144(H CZt rgh, zwber.lVir,sraPrl'utit - The undersigned an aupoi apaWd by said Oearti* ttry. Andante InjWinkor Sk• ainagroulalag treat Abe oWwii / dentaliesionat property, trill anentio t • ties;f his appointment at. lie otlioe t atitgl as r allat 41.81 *o Ti 808, at Ito' Y e all pees= haviog claims Upon laid monies win tattled orforer4 - 1 twat* seam 2.11U1, Dec. 2e, NUM ;,-.;,,, 1 '! __ _ , aiii:li.- Wri ariVina lipstrepreff'Wroil•*Affolll. gigi a Mai ie4a4,ifelif. ysoslavo*, then D. Vandrie. dente. • ~.,•,.. , • :._fi Partial mai or , air. A3x,-iiiii4 i tffet: toaallaft'f'4l- i l l ts •v -- • Ni el ;:', .61LP-tv • Bind wet of ael Niles , athalf or Nam Jos Cotholo T 6111404 1 3401144400;. C.— mpprafseafant of. pro mei off . item' ritorive to os at tlerfiglowlipflonedenta 1 ~..-; liktate of 471 111 1 0 Per.1 - : ...',..z n '4 r i Notate of: if, . i Barnes '. ; ' 'l' i . And *sm iiill bsparesta ,10 tha On• plain's tams" ofikadma Cowley; Or Ttunad ay aokk4sriaCifOrupi*ust tor old' apa IWOWIIIOO. .; „, A i.111.1' - 1 Jars% 111661 2 'ri atii virtue*, awarder bused Oot Orphal of BradittOrtioddy; tie Ididelditned ads adarenstor of theforma of John Y d htt of tibrahoiidn twp.Lidee'd ,will iell on 1110, prendses, onSA,TUßDL o lf g a mi tAltY 25, INAI ail o'clock p. M., lido drmribei kit p,oroarctil lend : ' situate Ethoublop twp:,biuMaemi deendbed 'as fellows t ginning at a ortner.thene4 foto No t . SI, 01; Wass south 110: 1 4min. pers. a mew erg glow es t -4w, 1 02 sad numb entail., los. Otto Uwe. along Ilimaltequitt road northltrarest. 29 pre. thence north 6b west 79 pis. -a corner•; thence by parts Of brts No. ,91 U. 49° east 3311 prs tothe phut of itieigloslag. teinieretectes end /13 perch... imollt or kal• ALW—A, lot in some kV4 begiantas at mosso, lot now owned by. *aphis Nowak on line of division Iconmrly made -by Franklin aid Davis B. Illaekman. find resift as the old Warman between the rives Sad the road all the distance tbrong a the old farla_ so o li ket upon the bill of t 11_ or 11 perm. cep The old papers designating the line u supposed were hit with H. Boron some 35 Yvan ono, and betegthe old division line I* Suomi said Franklin...ad . -Davis S. Blackman; made by said Alcorn and Daniel COalbaugh, bounded . at the southeast by Franklin Black man, on the north-east by Jackson Blackman, (now lands of Bums Barton) south by lan& of Kilmer and and other. - lands of said dOcedeht.. 1 - Co ntaial 70 aons„ more or less. -.ALSO-Tlot altuato - ht aims "timidly, bound ed on tbesorth by Jeranlaig Nihau, west by hods of Abraham; limner:. month blint des. cubed lot aim, Mot by second lot above. t Containhg 19 acres, more or less. Inman-450p to to paid I:pos.4ml parcel of hnd being struck down one-third ot4the Nice on the homestead firm on conArturation of the vale,and Um balance to two equal annual undallments, with interest on the whole sum eaumo33N, *le halt of the . Wasp of Sho par,. than won of the other twoloto oa confirms %lon of:theses add the balsam with Infertst, JODY P. mciulicni. KA.M.I.;•3I.cIiATION, Dec. 19,1861. . Administrator. tAREILAN'S. COMM SALE.-By` N., :Mae of an order issued , out . of the Or pfCourt of Bradford County. the under wdministratort of - the estate of Casper of 4. Utc ol- mad county, deed., will sell on the , 'on THURSDAY, thelOth day ot 11.3renases 1 UARY; 1868. at 2 o'e ock ,p. m., the fa 1 wing described lot piece or ;•parcel et land situate In Columbia tp., beginning on theeast Ifne of lot Ner.ol4, on warrant No. 860, In the center of, said bt north and soutb,tbence north 80 2.10 prs.,to a stone corner; thence west .66- 110 prs.toli stake and atones the south-eut corner of Isaiah lientanyes .14 , thsloos tooth 3P west 82 2.10 prs. to a - soma beacbattunp,- thence month 821° east 17 9-10 pre. to - a beach stump, thence north 240 . west 4,9•10 , prs. to a *One writer, thence east 61 6110 pro. tb the place of bolinning.. Containing 33 acres .end 88 perches, be the same More oriels: - ' - • . : _TERNS-425 to be paid on deaf sale. one Ulf intoneinonth,the balance on condrmition o 1 deed, .- , STEPHEN 11.‘09111NET.' • MARY A. GEBNET, Jan. 8, 1868:s- .-. Administratow. : ORPHAN'S COURT SALE,—BY virtue of ini *order St the Orphante Court of Bradford County, the undersigned adminis tratris„of- thtestate:of Cornelius Vancirn, late of Rometp., deed. will sell on the'premisea on' TRUBSDAY the 30th day ef JABOARY, 1868, at 2 o'clock, p. In:, the folloiring descri bed lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Rome Ip., beginning at a stake, south-east corner of W W. RinnePilet,in the road thence py. war rant line east seventy-two prs. to • a sub and Corner of Williant Ek.ope, thence north 80 37- 100 pre. to a stake, thence west 87 23-100_ pre. to a stake in th e road. thence by W. W. Kin ney's estate south 14 0 east 818.10 prs along , the road to the place of beginning. . Ointafn ing 40 acres,,strict measure, neal IniPrin• ed . , with s frame how tuntbarn aeon: Exceptlug and reserving the interest which the lent widow of the said decedent. Bar % tlet Chandler, may barn, to the following des cribed piece of land; • Beginning at Ake, south-east corner of J. W . ...Woorn's timber, lot, thence east along' ihe line of Charles' B. Brown and Joshua Vought, 72 pm:. to Os corn- . er of William Btrope, thence north along the line of William 13trope, 32 pm. to a stak&thence west through the lands 'of Cornelius 'Fuchs es tate 76 pm. to the public road. thence South 10° east 32_,prit..to the place of berrnsing. Con-. Laing 16 . acted and 32 perche& TER. sil•L-One fourth of pbrchase money to • paid at the tale, one-fourth on tonfirmlition And balance In one year. • HARRIET CHANDLER: Jan. 8,1868. Adndrdstnitris.' N OTICE ) IN BANKRUPTCY This is to give notics,`That on the 4th day of 'dannag, A. D. 1868, a warrant In Bankruptcy-. wu blued against_the estate of Riley 'Steller: of Falls;la the county of Wyoming, and Eitate of Pennsylvania, who has 'eun adjudged a' Bankrupt on his own petition ; that the, pay ment of any debts and delivery of any proper 'ty belonging to such Bankrupt - to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law ; that a •meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt to prove their' debts and to choose onej or more Assigneescif his estate, will be held at a Court ,ot BanT cy to be holden at the °Mee of the Retie* in' In the Court . House , In th e Bo rO9ll- aryl:ooin da, before EDWARD OVERTOP, Jr gii ter, oW.the Bth 'day of, FEBRUARY D 1868, at 3 o'clock; p. m. - THOMAS A. R*ger WOWLEY, United Staten Marshal as MI .-mest.: eraDhltriet of Penbaylvisnia.. By E.. B. COOLBAUON, ' Deputy. , • :-Jan. 5. 1868.-4 w. • N OTICE 'IN BANK ' UPTCY. r This is to give Notice : .That on the 26th day . of December, A.' D. ,1867 t a %scant in Bankruptwas issued against the estate of Relson , W. French or the township of Wind ] ham,tin. the oiounteof Wyoming and - State otEMulsYlvanlss, Aim hats bees adinagpili Bankrupt OD luatown postillion; that the pq ? 'Meat of any .debts - and , delivery of .Any pUipasty b ging to snob Bankrtrpt, to in -hlinri - or - for use, and the ennuis: or any property him are forbidden . by km; that a noes of the Creditors di the Slid Bank rapt,elecrove_ their debts, and to 'eloode one or ore Assignees- of his Estate, -will be h at a Court 'of Betdoroptoy, to be hoMen at tile Moe of the Register, isithe BriN o e of Towanda, before EDWARD * Ns' 'lmo - Bel ,lona bw Glivilay .f Felntury. A,: D. - 1808;-Ate Ire'elosek, p. no, THOMAS A. ROWLEY, * 11. f 1... Marshal, as i Miasengez, liras- °- tent Diseziat Pannsylvtusia. • - -ByE. B. COOLBAIIGH, Deputy. • Jan. G, 1868. • - . ..A l , . MOTICK IN: BANKRUPTCY. 4.1,; Lt 'give Notice: That on the 26th ,lay of December, A.D. 4867, a Warrant in Bankruptcy.was issued agaiust the estate,of Josiah Stowell of the township of Wilmot, in the °minty of Bradford, and &ate of Penn sylvan's, who bas been adjudged Bank ruptoh his crenpetitkeit that the payment' of any debts and delivers 7 of any property belonging to such Bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer .oflany: property .by him are forbidden by. jaw ; that a meet ing of the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to puma their debts, and to choose One or nmre Andiron's of his !date, will be, held ' ' at aDeurt tit BuW, to' at; the °Moe of the in the of Town* before ' WARD OVER Ns: , on the 7th thig,Febinary,, ism, at 2 - reelook. " ' THOILIB ROWLEZ Massearre, Western patriot Pesi3oiWna3W, By R. B. 000LBEttretli t , Dbrn#3 . Jan. 7.1868:-4w. • . , tleiliatter la tio IMAM (*se the .tratedlotatio;for Oi• Wi den Dtri Mot of Pennsykants; so. . _ • - 21ile40ii it uy Cialimr The owlets Aigebytivsaiodse-vi , saw ilipiesiondfinedisosoLts, b i l e sCosa• sisio Up bps - r & upotkikk 11001,1111011Pktrid I,l !!: l3l 3 t isifinseiet. • - - , T Vra u rtilkiii.4 B Itittle=r• 44u14,4410 ,Sto- r of aßANKßUPTOY.4.litthe;migte* , geoir.lteil ilkolospt;- . .la Hi qtfit'w Coin of Aito wilted Oita! ho?a Mitt= i , • • tot Ftouvitiothi i i Of __, ' ^• Li • _._'' 1 o whoa It Ay ocsowo s ...The a oitortigood h. obi ginw *Ow ,it hlo appolatolowl sa ow of APOOSlg re .,ltictii:arliooroW; iik ail! ir lattosts 14 fonailewititt said Mots, who :ha lied' Kluged a' tffor i ids ciirl ! P , : ... ! . 13111 P ' !r ri , 1 DOM at Towoolts, thlintallotot DeceOlier; lag 1867. . 4,1,...418AVAt01gue5.- MYLICE -- , 'IN BANKRUPTCY. 43:://is a Aritial atiticiclbil iiii • Owl iltif dal of Janway, A.D. DWI, a warrant In Bank ruptcy tae baud wind Uttortato qt Eno X Toontof go fondly at Colothlkin the colni• ity mama and Sudo of Plowlranlii, who assa ° C M Libili V al"111 ai rar 1-11 11 / l ast•ll7 dOhtly * II at wis *Men& W nara Bonk rapt So Mom . lAN MA •U. trairlig4 an* pr= i ty ar kfpa, My *Wow .til jios; fiat a lit cm_ _arodUcig , at oarawwt, rapt to prove debts and to chows ono or amo or by mate,: will bo held at a Court otto titholdsooff itho ;Mot ot.tho Wage t ae Court Rolm, lathe Ea wish 0f. ,- Tofratillk, . WSW lIDWA.W .°TAW TON, Jr.. Reeder, on the Ilth day Of yebruark A.D. 1868, at to'ilkook. won. _ ~-• THOMAS •41. ROWLEY Dukod States Marshal U Meaeoger t.i. We4- , L Ay X. B. 43001,4 1 1 3 7. Jan. c. 1a05..=.4w. '• • - LUS VtlONvAbi BANK.Urtetr.. l This is to girt aorice.litat on the AO., AL D., 1868, wanant Benkruptcy was hoed against the/state of Martin C.Waws oft Granrillef in the' amity of .Bradfort, in the State of Pennsylvania, who has been. ad judged a ilenkrus on, his ownPatlikal ' • and that th . r . mm.nt of' any; debts and dellsrory htfnpbelonging 'to' such ' to or sae. and the truster of boy pr o. re= g 1 idm ::art. foraiddel - bklaw ;of the creditors ,ot a u Bankrupt . move their debts and to dome one or more Aa given of his estate,artll bo bolds& a- Court o Bankruptcy to be - holden at the dire of th Reg ster in the Court House, in the Borough of TowandarAmiam BOWAN, .01_:TIBBON.t ir. Register, on the 28th day of FEBRUARY, A. DOBBB, as 2o'clock. a. TROMAB A. BOWLE . United States Yerthall-Altraterager" to tern mama. *? als , • - By. IL B. C 01 4 1 . 1 4 1 :411 1 * - Afeji;: : 4 8 07.4. • , , _ A MUMS N 1417 gin gni - Lk. - 41 ter of the diagraming qf tie Fannin" thif fen,ilmnrenee Company lo- H. C. Baird: In the Coartof Camuion Pie urof Bra ford County Nb.'lss September ve4 terni, 1860. • ?The Imi' esffi pgJede4,4)7 mid COM fatdietributeMone tur ysln the ffi . of' the' eatlignee, attend to the duties of hie s pobatment,at his office in the. Bormigh of . p. , %ads, on SA UMW( the 124,, day of PBS. rfPAr•Ashs, ;ere pumps *Mpg, _ _ f d sae b ROM Umnr,or forterer'ffielksed.* • G. D. NO,STANYS. !Deo. 34,1887. - - • • %When • 411111.11.11STRATORS NOTIOga.—NO. • ties ti hereby givesiAbit siliPerleist. 1MM0... io the estate o f f . Henry Peppin'. i deed., late of Pike twit., are septeitod to make Immediate MOM, and ' all persons haring claims against said estate will t _them , do. ly anthentleated for ise :r-,.! . - ;:t ~. 7 - P. IC.-1317C1C ;.Jan. 21, 1868. . Adlohildrator. EXECUTORS NOTlCE.—Notice tstreliy Oen, that - all !mem indebteil the Rtare of Isaac Cooley, diss'iL, .late of Ibpringtield tn . .", requested to snake payment thous delay, and those having claims against Rid estate mast present them ; duly asthenia led for settlement. : • • B. H. COOLEY; /taunter. , 4=.iuscs.s . A DMJNISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- ..IM. Notice is hereby given that &lips:sons; in, debted to the estate of Joshua Simmons late of Tuscarora tnp., decid.,are musing' to make imyi mediate payment, ;and - those having eishis against said estate, must present them day authenticated forpsettlemeat. • ALLEN licKE_ AN, • Jan. 21, 1868. • Admisistritor. . , . DMINISTRATOR'S Notice h hereby given, thst parsons indebted to the Mate of • Dun Bibciair, deed, late ofDieter hrp., are /requested to make ihmadlate?payia m it, sod Awe lumina demands against Laid estate wjll present' them duly authenticated forsettlement. RIC SINCLAIR; Administrator. Jan. 21. 185EC.* -.- TN BANKRUPTO ''.- - =ln'thi3 inittii Furman, .11. of Howard Furman, apt. In the District COart'of the United fortho Westem DU irict of Pennsylvan '• To whom it may cern : f The tindenda hitiby . gins notice' this' appointment - u As signeelimerum of Howard of Springfield twp.. in the county of dford land 'State :of Pennsyl vania, within d District, 'whet has been ad judged a pt upon his own petition by 'tile District court of said: District. :i - - Dated Towanda, the 21st .day of Janney, A:D • NSW JOHN_ W. MIX, Assignee. TOR'S NOTICE:L.& ihe mat . .4ir of lige utak of Jolus Champion, dee'd. bA 15171 4' Olphan's Mart of Bradford County. Th'e unO.rdgned, an auditor, appointed by said court to distribute owners in the hands of 'the administrator of said 'estate,torill attend to $ duties ot bit appointment at his office in the borough of Towanda, on Thursday thellOth day of JANUARY 1868, at o'clock p. add all persona bay ing claims upon saki funds .mastpreserit them,.or.ebse be forever debarred from the same. • .1. N. OALarg, Ari, 4,1868. Anditor. A DDITOR'S "1;4- li ter dike: esfelle.ef Zephiewil Knapp ,deeld. lathe Orphan's Court of Bradford County. • The und..gned A.ndltor" .a pointed by:said Court to distributeintoneys th the ;hand's of the adminlatrapr of .the above estate, will attend tothe.dulies of -his appo'himent at his office in the .11onxigh 7 'of Troy. on . TBDAY,'"the %OM of JASPARY. I B6B , et feslock p.m. ! Sew time and place ''persellur having dolma upon : wild moneys mat pip:tent them or bo 'forever, debarred, • .vr. H. VABNOOFIAN. Auditor. ' Jan. 4. 1888. A DMINISTRATOR'S Notice js hereby given, that all persons Indebted to the estate of C. D. Miller late.' Of z Colomblai dosed. are Teghisted: to maker immediate payment, and those. having elation against said elate 1W present, them duly authenticated for settlement. " ' ;i' " I ' THOJEAS:CARD; r:, • lap. 8 ; 1868. - Administrator. ADitINISTIVIX NOTICE . —Notice A A ha* / gave* dna all paeans 100,4 - to ditViatate a/ JOHN r. 1311182Sokied„ bite . are , retuested ta make Imam& ate :mithoel • delay6l4l4olll baying clams spinal mid estate mad premmtikem dol.)! ' O O4/9 ..tted tar set4l4/.levreirs. • 1ir0v.46. 1867. - Administrator.- THR" idnacif• coukt-t4 - the United States. for. the .Weatern District of Pennortania. ;-WiMira A. 'Pailt; a Bank-, rapt under the Aot of Congress of March 2d 1882: built aPftliertibto. Discharge front ail his debts; and °tut claims provable under said Act.by order of thellbert. notice is. hereby given, to all creditors who have proved their debts and other.: interests& to maw on the 23d day • JANUARY, 1868, at 10 o'- clock. a. xi., before said Court,, the °Mos of EDWARD origami, sit, da, Pa., to show:atue, if any „they ha ve why a Dis ,cka. we should nett* panted .to tiiwirl rapt. • And Audio . notice IS .h ereby that the second and Third *ratings of Credi tor.. of the.isid flankrupt,4entdriAby the • llth. and 28th &rations of mud Act, .Will be had be-: fore said Register, it thilaW ibis led place. _ S:-O. MANDLRES Clerk U'. a:mm.07141 Own* District. NoTica—The Auditoricot biaTownship. *et Anitintille, on or Nov. 1867, and fcintidtbeimbint of mar tax collected by the Boadipoirulds.. fliaiteri of, said township to be $23.158 47. But as 114 1 /lead, Conualwilowe ic!,Pt no rellabler it meats 'inimuuls at present to get a sa t tm, statement Of mut noXonkfit' = - - JAKEBILANE, , .PELEG PECKHAM, CHM IS:301141, A :WM ./ 8 5y-. ,-..4110141,A TVAam VERLY,PAPER-1 for itfe S t raw Ar %T, _Tbraigh ea r . and Oiler "").. '7l lintiA-al " 414 3411-ji.- W 414104 4,11 v. 71. • • nit Araboat- laser, lib, Da Wolff on. this Mk day of , 4 8 011 , 14 6 1N0PC ' • gi;4 E'AVifirceribi4lffia,'t '" tcf .4azarOdabomboui "AY ~ a aoi l . f toodok4KE4T.olllar'.. "EnvoroW Ost' aidOlion .? A* oat la* ;boiuza, bao,,azul a good_ nolo orebardafl4: ,okoziloso laiWoootizar *Lib 1ave! 4 : 13 14 4 aziasaimir. o 4tvt bo told: sob** i UO4 trdOst , 's of Ot tba. baba6f-vidd7 AktzeonosoveVantlabitabidfor Azinoriz.lTlF.; , ,4 10 AMW -; •TO be Podo,ibloyzr://itios - • jan. Vifik--*** I p int FOR : . 134.11474 :liAli=" 7 ;> GAIBI:Auf the' "subetetbir teltildng ,to ~*--• change ldi bubo., thetatee -ocara Ma tem for, aele,. attested In Liberty twg.. _Moja Conn. ' ty s low. obnitatileg 250 neres ef olitlealindr, SOO ::- i Metes Improved, the bilenaehtgoeg theinirorell , . watered b good!, never„.. ap well fenced 1n 10 - deldr,inidleyi . with threw/oat Apple Lev:gar& d i?hitt llunt—in , 1 7 PS. , It/ ream 1871 , 111.agdgetthAt . NW, . _ and* good market aeven m fres numoourg .' - one et the hugest Wel works' hi the 'llietegand ' :7- 11 ‘0711111w &M A, Wdll~6 a Altistlca,S. .11.; han47,ta elm& NA 01.- V* taterom .‘ ,-- .Malohl Intone old two 'dm boor einiedebta 7 jipa a timber of pats, ions Moe bins 417217.14;. r ..: , = ain 01 4411 1 40 0 . tor on. wag. Elio._ other' neosiserronf bandlagr, onek-11132.asaPlirith a den ;UM.. The 1 /M 341 011/ 11 . II livir7lWag A : the, Wee . ~, le wa t. if town ,end .. all awry ...ntenega, 1 E.ofToalg kallat_ - 3 mete of hariewo wag; ~: : 4 : slit ma add roller; / Rag*, Ilaglag ilk . i log Machine combine d ! : 2 *ewe mine and forks, Fanningadll, Eau:rows, Pktirsi"gt.,•de., '''. &WA ; fact leiret.thieg thatin tittal: g ANVa • lattspend ntamigag. any/. Price 1241 aa acre .. • Inelndhej e al ser l i 13,000 down" the' balaneelo Inn ' ' 111. . IPaeforther Idonnetkirliddresa Ili WM MeV. ?Toga Co., Pi.:-:; - mile Firth. :"' ate in Elntstidlidd. one ' front the TIP' *- lagoon the , nod leading bon , lawinde red •• • Darlinigtoa teElndre, also faint Athena to Troy Containing 160 acres all • improved eecept 12 acres of :wood lot and ingar:greee. wish a large orchard of choice wait - trees, with A pad house carriage- house, and • epee s B ra with ban meat atibllng, sad , a 'striate' of - lirierwater rtijudng thronek idpea •Inte 7s td roe 7+; birma and furtherjparticalar . censqui; of the. • anha criber on- the preirdier; : • • .. ••• • DAVID PADISWORTII4I7 Pee• -t JO. 1861.-41 , t; L: ; 4 OUSE AND :LOT FOlilf .-- - ' ALPI . : . I ' l ' The oribiscrlber'offbri hts- - brase in let ior , :.,Sitatto Tporsaaw trArenalilse.,---; ro, het holt iiithX9g _.___h,_,,_ 8 4 1 4141: i or Voidness prqp_oseB T For rtr”c4tarli 01 " , on the premises = l , - =, - • • - --- — i .1 •,..• f,-.., itqua,roaTra: - R,.,..4w. ~, ~.,..- • - - • Jan. 8J OR .1 : 41 41-41telitilisMberii . lA:item oft the estate et tric - iGirirdioliar' • ' for t rraL ti f Fhe House and Lotsiteate„ earner at,. and SeCond streets; Thwanda. The 'house lit Naillylisetr Ind" eareitainaltritines'bev sides cellar Ind :weed . :ktiess".: The: let hi ; elceed with a good picket". Jule* : welt psi sited; docwlfnitt, Tea and' etsteitt — Persons wishing " to parr,Lw s home wilt do': welled es& beiare c larchasinc alaerhsTO TA Iptiletfe 111: ; orbit the remises. - 1114 STA. GUlSttiat - . • stmt. /7, , : .tueators:. 1101 Z . H ote l .. • Pfitipeny with sii btkohuimi, - Albs Bozo ': Apply Ao r I - • MONTANYIEId:WIED, ; VALUABLE 'ati War SALE. 1J Then , dem:lW tinirsitnete in thenordlenpat _ tv Her -twp.otrootnnsing 181 sores of Jana{strutAl acres , Jeelr dwelling lionse,Andelk neeessery r, • trait trees, Bel The 'term b.. well, 'lateral aka lit a go:WOO of cultivation For tuna sQ. ply to or amnia JONAS LEAH: • Nos.s, 6w , Hetriekville, FO SAMOR EXPEW ME FOR 'WS PROPERTY.-4 . Truck pawn ut 10 a -each. within one mile; at - Towanda Bo ron Apply to - ' • - „ . MONTAM & WARD, 4 genta. Towandafliray. 16, 1867. . BRA.DFORD pOIINTY, REAL .11STA.TE*CY., . 'IL B. *KEAN, Itr4l, EsTATE A.ortri .. • • . , . ~--1- 1 Valuable Parma, .11111 , ?manes,- City and Town iota for tale. L'. - ...---r.. ; • , , Partiarhasing . property:for 'Aisle will fia4 it to their advantage. by ;easing a description of the same: with terms ob sale at, this gamy; RN' parties are constantly enquiring for farina ..5 , '.:.- -, • . - H. ft,IIOIK.EAN„-, , - - . " • teal Estate Agent. • Ofece Montanye's Block, Towanda; Pas" , - ' • Tan. aB,_ 1867, - . .. , - , VOR acres -of ina , 17 proved land, with a never Ming apring Mama. situated withlw.paewadta-half miles from the Borough of -Towanda. . Pot turthw p_latlittlars;aad terms of vale, eraintri of 17, W. Sialtabox,nNorth Towan • VALUAttt :FARM FO.R "The subscrlher - offers for sale - litsAhn Wysox nearly opposite Towarif s . ', This farin =dhat i ll 140 urea of lad ia a high state col int• provement, with a splendid" dwelling house.. bins and outbuildings. ' It' Era a large here?. failing orchard stocked With good ;fruit os - ev.: ery description. It is " in- s good-nelghborhocil within easy reach dlthe church and school privileges' of Toivanda borbugh. - For tents of sale, ikc., enlitire of the:subscriber4m theprete hies: HORGAN STHICKLAND. ' Wysox, limit 8,1867.— AP • EM, R ESTATE AGENCY:::. • . - - H. B. lif i c8E6.11, 'BEAL WAVE Aamvr. - Offen the 'following yenier, Cii! ;elf; T im ber Lands' for !ale : -. - • ' • - • - • Tine Tiieber.loti 3 mlles-fscon %Bilwanda. c 'mt. (Akan 53 acres. Prig $1,325.- - • Farm is its,olum, containing 135 ecies."GOod buildings. Under a fit e state of etltivedrier. Mostly improved,-. relief $6,090. :f • • - Fermin West Burlington --6n the Creek.— New hoes!) and barn: Under 4 fine state of eel. 1 inMOrt• . 95 emus.% Frit:4).46,450 e ; Ferms in. Irrealltn.. All ender , good. , lion. Good buildings . . For salis'ebeirt. •-• tßefeiral very: dettralile Monier tad Lob ia Towanda. r - . . , . ands • , A large tract of Ccialaa Codity Towanda. July If, I.BfiL • A ND „HE .E14&YED,,041/114 if i. 4 7 . ,•,•• • • ;i 3 A?. • 7 ',i4 :7'l r. ITTRIOMTEMPVE : fit tor the Celigitied ifatbwiwk - vOntek 4.4 theb.*94l4o ilttlkCollbrkpiaacni p: . Pianivo of 319 strings._ Pianos or that_ ntive.pow. Or: -Planes that riahlbit mote kill IsHattesterip Plume that.iinthettimmade Ovitit , reepeet. and will stsintla to longer than Soy-DOW, tee %MU country'sindMaropri.'lttese-Pfanos dllisrlifeenstemtkm ta trthiddhomPloth• 4 110 .120 ,1 / 1 8 1 cross the - trotOramain,ell Al- Nouons.`dhartliiting . the brunet* Pi:Matra equally trial] 'ldea t tee' plate! 1 flesMOttitli: es improlremente peculiar to,l4afrAtimudgetilea they MP UN art_ the, improvemeeti.fil every other manufeefaie:' SemtforAllastrited 'chea ters where everything is -- explained to istfilse !len. ~Also constantly on band 'a fall assort. meat of ijaWs BrothePs. Planos, Organs and ifelodeonsof .the best of various, styMepthe , church and parlor.-Parlor., and ov ens,Plum and Melodeon • Stools,"lnst co on "Ilmts for Iffgodemi - Plano; -flew etidold 'sheet made oa band and -ardePeiV ; Also ,for, ede.,Prcif. Tan Itiumeher and' Pier son's Plano; parnitnie and Carriage Potirkr— Plano tenlnutione ei short 'mice. Liberal _diwount. to ministers, charchte arid teachent. • -. Rooms updstairi fn the 31earm :' Dll/1399011;. • • Towande,,jau.l . l,lllcB., . _IIISSOUTION;."—a-Tho co4artncr , riLr'ildri heretoriiii existing ; under 1,":-.e Bros mime of -DsWI - it ,Dettri di.: Isllt'it;day dis solved by win I oonverit itlioritess accomitt -and debts du he We tlrm'tve Wilt' bands - hi Wm. DIU& t irbri Is aitbarlsed- lOWlleatite lime. ,T busizem *fit he cforitloged by !kw I Dittrich, th e old Stand, where he Invites IN frlen , da dcastanwt to call. :.I: • ~,i.. 1). •-; !. 1.. JORN liko)ouTr. f. - . , , - - M. D=Wl( ' ?'ii i riiiiii.. Ail: . 11;18 - 08: ' ,", ' . 2 ' 4 - ' . r • 4 ' • -:- 1 , ' .7 * , -.-,• ~ ~. i • . W; Ylltill.--.The' , . wele.Wewl . „ balm this,. day , fanned a. co•=pril ntideithe 'fiii lamer PC , Alft:c Co.; hr the: Cloth] on liaabrasa.-sakmill Oa. Nan 4basiune at theitore ot,ilitslate Am of Bolotamii Son. Thaktnethe PubnetrorPasi .W 3 ilberarVilltonsilei Sof 111041r/ippecitally acii• A mok. aft a l ppagnaanco.of 11141111219. r . ; A'o4 *. d..: ._ ~ -: , : AtiocANT. - / gikii s iciliceti 4 54, .. . -- 1 -. ,-) - itATHAltds-p! cc‘ i. ( 1 1.,...' - : ,;: antilikWOlgr t ' , " -- ':•-/ ' --' Deeeilber 9 ),997 ' ''''',-- '. EE . IEI