Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 16, 1868, Image 4

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: .........aisrOnost"*.MSam).: - -.
atteallim; but iti.W berrstandliOarilia t Old:
to Ikastaito .044.Uribehl s tek .
dance to"jeogekMei OS *Odle = Ale
plea igassmal aftlia , 'Mid at hosiglielti
wrong hei bees deem is tocelsomeisdipea
waste *Malian , to the. lied i rspaiallhp
his eattelltaiele. lOno 'hal: fhtl'`l=
and knowiedgi of ahhilitair . been
disclaimed, paned both brinieheinf the At
lambi", and was seat In due foal; erMi the
Signatures of the proper affluent, - for the
&menthe approval, and in several . ..inistaw
ces bills Seen passed - and sent for imovsl
in depilate. All tuck -hasty and' careless
legislation should be avoided, and the mem
bers of the session now about taeomnience
be enabledst its - close to give an iccouni of
their wirticipation in every sett however un
important.- 'The regislatare, owning as it
does, fresh lions the maks of the . poop*
should set an example in economy,tetrench
nient, and reform.. It is the custodian of
the public , interests i and is 7 In ' e " . 2
extravagance or prodigality in thimixpen
tire of public money is reprehensible ;It
was a matter of common -notoriety at the
last session that a nnmbei of subordinate
officers in both branches, of the Assam - by,
were amanted. to whom li beral salaries
were' wit& and isho ware never seen at theft
designated posts, and rendered no service
to the State. This anodic. has been em
phatically condemned - by the was and the
people, and will ,not be - ciontuined by any
tura whitilimmus to aaptire a repu
tation for faithful performance of &Ay.—
Your attention is respectfully invited to the.
law on this subject as contained in sections
fifteen to eighteen of the act' approved the
7th day of May, 1855.
Your attention is directed to the practice
of withholding "the annual appropriation bill
until the latest moments of the session. In
the public estimation great importance is
attached - to this bill, and no action of the
Legislature undergoes a closer or more
careful scrutiny. Its provisions concern
the entire community, and in their enact
ment too much caution.cannot be obkrved.
Last year the - appropriation bill was not
passed' until the last night of the session,
when it was hurried through both branches
of the Legislature, ant on the following
pionii9g presented for approval, without
affording time for the necessary investiga-
Con, and subjecting the 'Executive to the
alternative of signing t with all its imper
fections, or suspending , for the ensuing
year, the indispensable means for the ope
rations of the State government. It is, there;
fore, earnestly desired that the approprise
tion bill be •token v, discussed, and
at a suMillently early period during tr
sion to' =able it to receive that thorough
examination which jta importance demands.
. SWIM= or OM=
Very many serious- complatnts havo'been
made for many years past radii/etc the dis
position of debris which ennui,* accu
mulates about the Capitol. • This seems to
have been regarded as legitimate perquisites
of certain attachaes of the-several legislative
and other departnaints,and has ocinseipuint- 1
ly led to practices which shoidd be preven
ted. ' It is alleged that valuable propety
baa thus been taken possession of and
plied toto• personal uses, or sold for mere
' nominal sums,. and the amount obtained
privately amopritted. A remedy for this
- evil is to aWw no perquhdts whatever to
rjAge g, the employees - ofthe government.—
som: - kin all cases far the:ser
vices rendered, should be wowiste& be
yond which no other .tiini abould.
• be allowed, The adoption of thiaprinci: ple
would remove the temptation for young
men in the departments to resort to improp,
Sir practices. All the public propel!. Of,
every description, as well as the Now a y,
andgnainds, should be pissed in charge of
the superintendent appointed for that-pur
pose, chosen for his known _integrity aid:
general capability, and requirektogive entc
ficient bonds for the fa fhnilpertormence Of
his duties. All property sad material not
needed for public use, the superintendent
should be required to Ballet public sale,and
partner the proceeds to the State Treasury.
cusiztur. BALLSOAD raw.
The subjejit of a general railroad law has
long been agitated, and although it hal
found opponenha but few objections. hO,VO
Leen urged ageinst it, sidulst arguments a'c.,
inzaubte in its favor. ft seems impossible
that any person can receive injury from its
' a d option, . whilst its benefits may be felt by
aclasses of citizens. Even the chartered
semeanies have no reasonable grounds for
oPposition. • The intention of the proposed
i e
l 4r-is not to deprive them of any vested
ri hteor franchises; but to secure to others
same, privileges and opportunities fpr
mpetition. It will open new avenues to
' that marklits; improve the value of pro
perty; give new, impulse to immigration;
pot ad&tional lands under cultivation ; stim
i: elate trade, agriculture, manufactures and
mechanic arts to increased energy; fund&
greater inducements and facilities for travel
and add to our general prosperity. -Other
States have tried the experiment with satis
factory results, Red there is no reason why
Pennsylvania should he a laggard in the
grand marsh of progress and Improvement
Next to the importance of creating addi
tional railroads on the free principle, is the
/ruction of charges for passage and freight
minimum rates. This is a matter that
c ncenis every individual. Transportation
will increase in quantity in proportion to
the reduction of its' cost, .and ae the-facili
_. ties increase and the costs decrease, the
more vigorous will be the development of
' ' our industrial resources. Railroads will de-
siva more benefit from low than from exor-
hitsat charges. The increase of travel and
freight will be vastly greater than the in- 1
create of expense, The transportation of
a loaded car costs but little more than one
that is empty. In the iriattia of paasen-
• gene alone, it is reasonable to stippoae, that
the lower the rates of fare, the greater will ,
be the number of persons to avail Ahem
'selves of the privilege of railroad tramper
_ &alien. Themane is true in regard to
freight; for the engine that draws a half
dean cake, can with nearly equal facility
propel a larger ' number, Moreover, the
that is -worked to its utmost capacity
. must necessarily, at very reduced rateg, as
' quke greater profits than one that transacts
but a email portion of the business for
which it is competent. The adoption of a
system of uniform rates for and
freight, so graduated as to be pro table to
all immediately interested in the use and
conduct of such works, would bewoductive
of decided benefit in lessening the prices Of
food, clothing, fhel, and all the necessaries ,
- of lifik to every citizen of the Common
• ealth. ,
ntsuasniui rfsa. •
My attention has been to theenb,
ject of insurance; and so important does it
' appear, that f deem it worthy of legislativel
anundination. Many millions of Mine
arenaw inecilved,, in the United States, in
' Insurseam, and the 'amount is being r a pidly
ineressed. To guard the interests ofinsur-:
tut, our laws are hiadtquete, and therefore
. need a thorough revision. /0111 have beers
established in several of our sister Stietat;
and-so snocesidul hare been their opera:
lions that the ineurmica ext compa nies acting
under them command a cor
and nfi
; Once which .is not ed to those of
PermsYls/mis. Whilst a large portion of the
insurance business of New donelin
this State. some of OW' companies have re
cently 'abolished their agencies - in New
York. because, as they say, no one will in.
cumin a Pennsylvania company, in conse
quence of the le,eity td" our maurancelawi.
The policies of many organizations; under
our present laws,are allegedto be worthless;
ling although they are, continually failing, 1
others of similar chancier are starting-tato
existence. ' Within a few 'months - five are
fire insurance companies have failed, and
one of-which had issued policies to over
one million of dollars, and other. serious_
defectrans are of frequent nccarmnoe.
r• In view of these facts and the costly ex
perience of the people, I would recommend
the establishment of an Insurance Depart
ment. similar to those in New York mid
Itsasachusetts, that shall have sawrisiofr
and eontrol over ail companies awed to
transact business within this State. Such
enactment is required for the security of our
citizens. Millions; of dollars are paid out
by them strarts l .4 for insuniliee—much "of
• it under suckarennistiinoes as to Nolo it
impossible for a private indlvidusi to know
/whether the, company to thicliLers*
or is not reliable. Malta In , n, by
a superintendent 'appointed law,
- published reports of the same. under oath;
• would prevent mach loss and fraud, . .
The security of the nom • thew
ideas require an Insurance t,rWeA,—.
The people demandinotsetkin groat lift.
ance, hand sad insolvency:
the insure nee Omele t In kid art*
' thing, Psnairylvania, Wow* eagiager
ars fleriakial si imiimiditle,
abtma, awskiteboiseur mod palr ll
Pf the Ns* no OM m 6f4
- shippm=itaill
ibIhe,PPROMIW -•,---''.' - -1 ,'''"''.',..-„„
1 04fibiiii
cfaii iio '.;•-:.1.4..--;!:::,:.
voni -
-** -
takfrosioencou. .1,0111 ' - .. 4 ._
mom.. kke. - .lll*- imitkit , 401110 - ~., 1
we e
Stated Shatherbeversioppittsk -
.. -
Cosy mode Of wabeir.. , .
of the gas :companias. -' 3 2 1 / 4 V - _ Ails*
these complaints are instil it " WOW
-004 to ascertain, , Pal, that *4;4 banes fo r
Some of -there snaf dooperly :he Inferred
from the number.hi - t , ioit.fsii"daiiiipiocisk
bility of the peril. Itr. Aikuutlllult Wel
made. • There no ressonWhysneb esildsil
of thinge.ahould continue , ' tomesbot;twhiftti
VafilaaSa;ahaxisti' tkide::tvp*ii*Sfee,
have sit easy iniSeffectuairemed7. - ",: - \ -
lie' Legislature of g'', s t edi c aticd o ` g , - .
has created . the; 'alba - al faaPO4o* :of Silk
and pm 'metres. •A. bill Anight bet: emoted
*rents:ors sham . pea:Sion. :in - any. •cittin
which it may be resumed' in' Ibis Ststeoied
such arnmgesatilfte-ineda Ws would ems
jostles to consumersand_produres! without
Wag au elikaaa:ti *0 =a --- -::: 7 '. - .' i
I ,
trimrsa won um iftggroz, si waimrsoresr„:,
Accompaiying this` will 4, found" e air=
euler from numerous Melbas ofilhe Sen.'
ate and • House, of Representatbnis:rif - ,_thei
'United States, relative to en act -of Congress,
pained July 2, UK inviting "each laid's!!
of the States to provide and ieraish, eta-
tue in marble. or brads, 'not i rcr ,
two in number forieecli State,-o f
persons" wholuive Weal citizens *ego*, and
illustrious for their historic renown, or
from distingnishidebillar itedekrehritices, - -
such as each State shall determine to be'
worthy of this national commemoration."
The intention is to place thestituai, , :whie
foinishedi in the old hall of the House of
Representatives, in the Capitol of the I:fni
tedStates, which is set apart as a hill of
nationalstatuary, for that purpose. Other
States will doubtless avail theuiselves of
this privilege, and Pennsylvania should not
be behind them in thus commemorating the
memory of her distinguished dead. •
; That Pennsylvania might be i
represented n the " Model Amen
School House." at the " Universal Expos'.
aoit all Nations:" I' catered to be for;
Otto the :American Comurissitiner; at
hdy, last. 114xix:cOntainhig . ry large
nurnber of books And docturients - relative
to the various departments of the Common
wealth, with a request that they be placed
inn prominent position, that ,visitbis from
distant lands might have - opportunity:to ob
tain from their pages a - correct ideant the
progress and importance of the State.' Iri
acknowledeng the receipt ,
OAS -package
the CoMoner states `Snit its :contents
were diSposed' of as' requested. - Arid we
are assured that the repregaiitatlon "of 'the
extent, clutracteriatiess, roominess Mess_
and privileges *tom'. country, as: Zllll46'l4
the " Farmer's Rome,"arid ‘f Free ' Com
mon%School t ifouse," nttraeted" crowds of
curious antinterested ,visitora. and would
scatter wide arid permainuitly. in' distinct
form, the', doettinas of Our *pans, turd
"result in aiich retattni theiCaltedStates
for the outlay, and a higher "iippreandiari,
among the people of Europe, of the*
kites and institutions or this. land of free,'
dom and:equality."
- 111'4:conformity to an .act of Amenably,
" for the bettez protection of pens oti o rtZ
catty and life in the: mining regions
ConunonWealth," approved April. 151867,
and on the earnest appeal of loam eitisensi-
I appointed. ; immediately after that dais; &
Insratial of golice and, number of mbar-
Wastes, to give pnitection to tha, inhabi
tants- of Schuylkill and liorthrunberhind
counties: In these counties, .'for it.- king
tune previous, 'crimes otheinons character
wens of fretineat oecurrence. Cambiae.
tient; of desperate men were fanned to OIN.
Wawa the:propristors and superintendents
of the mines, and to control their manage
ment. Citizens were' murdered in their
dwellings and on the' roads; others were
driven from - the counties; and a feeling of
insecurity and terror vertgenerally prevail
ed. The administrators of the law seemed
powerless to suppress these outrages, or
bring the guilty to punishment. Since the
appointment of the new police force a re- -
markable change has takenplace. /X law
less combinations have beendispersed, th:
persons composing them have chiefly fled;
not a single murder or atrocious crime is
known to have been committed an im
mense amount or capital thit bad been
withdrawn hes returned; and the people
'enjoy the assurance of safety and protec
tion. A. similar,' state of affairs to thet
which etisted intheccsutties mimed ia said
to prevail in some parts of the oil-regions,.
and. applicatians have been made for the
benefit of the aboved named hot -It ; is,
therefore, recommended that its provisions
be extended to those,. or to any other °enti
ties,. tipon the petition of a sufficient num
ber of citizens, who shall furnish gotta rea
sons for deisbing, their benefits. -
wiaciers,- mast, rune, &C. •
You will find among the papers -Isend
you, a uniform deciaial System of measures
weights: and currencies,: including a new
method of reckoning circles, 'time and lon
gitude, together with the action of the Leg
islaturo of **Op reference thereto. 'As
the subject:. ione pf general "Importance
and interest, it is presented fop your con 7
Herewith will be found the. .report of Col
James Worrell, commissioner appointed
under the-aot of March 30, 1866, relative to
the passage of Ash in the Susquehanna riv
er and its tributaries, - • ,
patarrawrianiss. , .
Prom reports of the inspectors and direc
tors, it will be seen: that, in order to, carry
out the State:prison system,.. additional so._
conuioddtiona shoald bo provided, either.
by - ereetingexhinsiOns to the present :build-.
ings, , or an addiiionui penitentiary. The
appropriaticiainade at the last session for
the erection of a: hospital in connection
withthe Western Penitentiary has not been
expended, the board of inspectors not be
ing wiping to select a site . until it is deter-.
iained,by the Legislature whether; or not ad
ditional wings or cells Will be constructed.
' =QM ration. •
ilefaverstok,7/0 _ wide respecting
many of the co ty &Eine of them
are 'alleged to be inseatre and titketwPfli
tit for the iiiir , pcsisi totelided; omen orl3l
isnofildeint co and',so overcrowded at
Ur endanger , the of the linmeteni
while the managemesit .and-disotpline of
nearly all alight. doebtlesa, be Instarisity
iniProved i . The 'pnlioyAs not e soma! see
that ;crads • together, indiamindristely,
ehtidrerrizid others canidoted et their drst
a w edoffenies, with men szid-Wanieni
whzsg:l4ole I#ni. have hew blackeneek
z with en net et iiieltstip r `
v mved - On 'l7th of .Apeil Usti Mots;,
WMiam ,kiwietrong...of kr/Pig/sift sow
Theodore /Xi:Nevin,- of nungwvioonem
ty, Win.4l.• Wattnent Cumberlsud. end Aid
es...rider Hem and N. R. Browne; c 4
were atgainted mmitdcours . ufo
s h il "into the verinus spetenne:•of prison
' cirdbai, aspuntitaidia . Other Stetecand
countries." Thom gentlemen- entered up
on their Wins, and have visited, rations
' prisons, one Of their number tinvigg,me
to Europe for that - lanolin. - The ad re
-914,4141 them to report to-thie session of thi
Legislator% does not allow. diem snilicient
time to 'do jostles to the anbject,razid - they
ask an amendment et tendhig the rani fo r:
their report until the eemion of I/389. , v•
Among the acconst willbe
found a rat•Ort brIV. N -ib
all= -11 ' li O ga..
80 2% Wha wee 0P6140414 crl4o#ritli
an act of the met Legielatrim 100
. 44 VI, Y . it.:
for stbilatithropic perpOme,prkeng aid
salms-lionsei in the Italians' *midis* of the
Commonwealth:" ' The. report will be !mind
interesting in all its detalle, and thewrit***
suggestions deserving of especiarattenthai;
A report . is berew of the pow
di as, reenuiens ef Ana, forfeited. new
nitwit* enctibbstaurfregitee trued by/ tea
daring the plat year, Initi *. *lair state.toant of those front 1791 to lite pm ;
rot times-;::.TL4lll9ort,4lnade in acme
anoa with wines. of ditty. to; Ole Xteuibt.
tare and the publk AkSTO a light to be
Warmed in what, manner- ind- to whit ex
Epputive ciemenar en!.
go 7 • 01 town& ~a l )! Ofct.,)al • Nu)
*0 due to the /*Mgt
actkinin fhb engird meaewirwea;
On no anbjid has - num basnigreaLtrlt*
reprenantativat thanes thatwhiatt rekttwr to
the OMAN 01 ibb PraOldetil
barek yomgiltavcrediohed
- of Ito fibto% =Us* ay*. 0m0401 4 4,*.
POO thasol e 414.211 ,Wero , noroc_.** - §r*
olfrati Imam Ohntoolo, wirlittb;
boss rim aka. soatolowsod - olop
niotioa, to Wiz
NNW *blob so appeal tor
_..,4 evidiiiir, - :
; - •
le, .ituitttstl ,
.404 lei 41 , :ileciive *oat:
before it' idleteri
reinedupt, .iv red; kr Wittri White
betioitie it 1. Of ,ieettrdi"..- Sinroihniiint
istois_ be - yikit tidal Wr tre • OOOri;''
siid *nixie teZiiihntAllnViciugreiri4
' &tr.isitidtet - epfus-.aug**7..hci committed
except thiotig ,apPealdp-ihe 14xecietiviii,
It a judge can mit or shorten a senteue4
beidtanin ' it, exidthatis it:politist dart-.
gerettele 'hil ene'iiiii ;KM ''''S.ndlrcir:J
it wfalloillfvikkatCop '
eanillotenlif tencei at pleainiVit ,ral:.,
lowii Sell of all-,other - coatria4SetAd•
be Invested lltl* thcl , ..!uittiOrrerwiteilittl
ft "seqUires no Rgument to ahow. to-ivbat*
daugerons exte t it: might t be. need. IHap.7l
Oily the • . - appeire,to . :. be.Confined•or
the court nom;; ' watitt4SeSlW, Ott* whh
tte•s:disoliiiiii •• , Ysticit authorit y et
,I ••• --„ '
Fortner : • stare* have".bi*l 2thilli - St-t
teatiOn - - - : ti.that - Met . persona. ere
. ' , o : ':county -pranms. under.
i i r
sentence tif ' - Pomo of iheni•for many:
years,; whose d warrants werenever is
sned; and whom We - severed -cloy
ernora, daring' Whosei_ternt , they were gen
tainted, timid ' tit' discoiNir sufficient zinnia'
for the e'er* '.ti the , perdoning power.-'
The onatoinha b calor :titte,X,Governor to '
decline issuing 1 t1.,•. oath' warrant , ' *blob lad -
bien . Withlield
,y IS predecessor . : Hence,
these I _oolitic sentenced : to %death,- for
'whose. =eon • the ertvions ilCioreniors
did not name iv ; - tits, - and Wbogti it.hf Pre"'
inmed;-• they'. e ved:'deiierred - tt; tattier
punishment," eith e r be Fordormd'or re; . _
mainprieonerti fii life.,'.To remedy this,
the Governor ri b d' be vested *di author
ity itkleommu t death' -penalty in rho
cases-only to • ellnalonhas been made,
to extol aterzn imprisonment Sit big ludg
mentWould e pr e i end' to remove the
convicts: from , n tYistle to t:h9.rifitero:..
aritis. ' : ' : '-•, ', . 1 •
; I ()NAL A17A11113.
. A brief refer rice to the condition of the
country, will h , proper, and wilt doubtless'
be expected by all who were earnest in their
desires and, : peratien for the suppres
aim: of the rebelliqm ‘ and 10:0 are now
-equally in earnest in their' wishes and-en
deavors to secure an early, final and perma
nen! settlement of our national'diffienities,-,
nontlthibasekof loyalty and patriotism.
Contrary to the hopes Of. , ,the- messes of_
Portion of -th° country
whic ' was in rebellion hea not, yet-at
tainee: complete triuniniiity. ' A n d this
seemi, IC bare been inevitable; l for all his
tory-teaches tu(that a people who engage in .
theperppanrm or high. 'crimes' cannot eri-.
tinV or iirmaietely- weer their' cense-,
seispneis., Norr, is it desirable that
they ebould.: , ',. waver this- may be, It is
certain that , - t _repose cannot be ac.._
puredeintil thelinsturectionery States "shall
teatime their original practical ,relation to
the General GOvernment. "
gout, when and through whoin 4his ' CUL be
beat dono v ia the great qtiestien of the pre
sent: I _ 4 ~ •
That the virme and , doriceptions of !a sin-'
gle individual, however ! high be may, be se
eidently andtem porarily exalted, -. should be
tillftid to Con ' l or-determin e tinsi ques
lion; *mat fo a moment b i cenceded.—
The Crmitituti ' provides that the Mated
g l iu
Stated shall ' tee to every State-in. the.
Uniona rep ubli can • form of government;
auk Whevelh will of the - people is ha ac
knowledged-la of the land, it requ.res an
extraordinary ' omit of political effrontery
to assume tint a Chief Executive of the-us
' tion, to any de or , under any *cum-.
is' the U nited States. i,:, „.
An yet in - e ect or substance, if not In
Terms, pe
plain ". .this wee assumed, shortly after
the surrender of Lee And hie armed forces,
by the Pr t; and , he has continfied to
act on this assumption, even in his late gu
nnel Message, which,. while claiming, in
words unknoN to oar ; forefathers, and
s our "
instit tions, belhe - •! , elected defender'
of th perple, e:arrogentlY calls on Can
t i
grass, • Imm tely attihsfrom the amt.:
, ate books "
.its its construction laws.
' That Co - " will surrender its plan .
of .reOnstruo on " -to this manifeetly oies
potioleinmad, cannot be even imagined or ,
conj4tured; nat - plam carefully matured
as is - ;trall. and' illy approved when it Was a
dine Terme be e the people, is eminently
just, wise and triotio. Itiusitita that men
who. were Ilk* in acts during the-rebellion,
or loyal in the feelings; ,- Should alone par
ticipate in the Mediate government ofthe
" insiirrectio ' distriets." ' Going beyond
the mere surf e, it rests. UltimateV on the
important " doe 'e, thatilie deitinLe of the
lit s
nation can mil ' be safe ' , intim hen& ctits:
'friends;lrof tho e whose political and moral,
'unto rema - su ffi ciently pure •to feel the
impulses of triotiem -and the obligetions:
of oa hs. 1 t ~
T t polier a tbiA antagonizes the Con
greets mud p which has obstructed, and
, penltently e deevored f tor dere-skit. first
Woo! s ell these rmprtant cousideratirs4_
f tst
Ha g done it consistently maintains
that those wit devised th e wo r st infamous'
Means of war, and for. years:relentlessly
perpetrated, • aid of their purses, theft,
• plunder, zdnr er, _starvation end assaesina
tion-4-the =vo leaders of the rebellicin—'
should be alhoWed, after' theirlnvolwatary
failtMe, to, possess all • the , rights and privi
legezi,of good I 'tizena. That a scheme so, -
absd and'd eions should be - sternly op
pose, bye!, true.patriot, ought to admit
of ni
nonbt. The faot that it has some ad
vocates ?midi it more import/Mtn) sustain
- phe clergy ' oSition.
In; y inaugural illness, • I..,daid, ts that
whit ' Pennsylvania anfide in a loyal
Congress, flu i lliwill not hesitate to !swain it
by her indite and power." This !repeat. ,
Nor han ,I be. duoed to charige this per
, pos4 nor do, X , .belisre-' the= people of the
Stan can be, by appeals to the honis•eltar
llof the II tsge ; find. the invention ,of
m for thoetwhoseatrocioui'delda have
clait ed the ' es of our history, jt, hue
I whichifell SO ' the pity or the magistrate
nag" . criminal; dangerous to sod
gig escape -deserved Runialunexit; ; hi
f u
not mercy, b ireaknees." vine mercy in-'
ohne" Us toli ty , And 'relieve the • Unfortu
nate hand,' ';'-brif only in accordance'
vigil lam& , it 'may:: he well added,'
:that ',hi at' a Weakness , it net a Crime,
i;? , ''
I. ' Peidauttod. only outwardly
••___tO •exercise.'the egleonve
' • • ' odliees,'or lake-partin the
delibbistkins legkdatirm ', or the nation.
, its n ary VratptiW;;' - .t,tm ' welfare' of
the ' ple
,_ . - 'ind lierar',. ; :centiot per;
Slit to . be done. - . • ,
• In vidual ' ter,te,* ;Well 'Lie the ien
eral ihtiniier - offonrl , natima sf
fairs_;W#W.bigiteatly benefitted by the aim
plilleatton'oriusesuntel taxation, ra
dar,* the number of artielekiaied - end
honesty and feithfolnese in coil,.
i t l icu lin t i llbe -` octkin - ortaxeson - the nis-
Ss Or ti..*4ld 'On Autwidittelwres that
b it
are ,4 W*lgti ol l 'with the . Pfaattete ` l3l .
ea t
labor humid :be entwinraged r while
theltei on luxuries .. and i mports 'should be
made sufficient la matalit the,; expenses of
the Gorernmenk ' '-' ;• l': r.- • • -' -.-.
i 0 0 2 1 .1 1 14 PeUngilirilgth 4 fiVer'tntelo:
therVidalW_ ,Igqd.nusivervilig - in 'their deter:
rigniAticut te Preserve: it* honor . Integrity
and Lars tweed -and' free 'to as.;
Nest OA: 41 or the tmetional debt,
aa4 that Saritaliks4 P 1 1! tut!"
Wrack's*. ,
blimps* thee tariff,' the Ilotectlon'Ut
laoni. tsbot at 4 resonniee,:l need prily - re.:
fer to the vie expresked4n*lnaigund:
Timeinnd co , tte'reliotlon have strong-,
thenid' the - th4eln.tvpressed.. Brit
this object the' watchful
care Of our presentatives: in Congress—
'Surely the U ted States should proteet and
indtistabldttlriSi4hei o*4
•AszierAli 441r0e -the 1:44ai1a6 4 1 " , '
s tiod, pass
:nughtyions deliberstton4 and
tbat , pent Sinwitions to pro
igiotboti anttbelpeolde , and the
1 ,10. 0 1.0ar tlePiti4tOinfitanweadtle,' •
• • ' f:, 3 4Cf; if44.4 1 9r: 41
lig. 4••
7-1111 - m . • •
r.,_• ,in!uhs .
•. . .
1 / 1111 P2:, ,
• hiveimgrelpittoit.
*6* Ottt A tl 4Pld 11 1
jitugl4 V,
-.- ri~ 3 ';ns.Eva...__
. ... _
• ' ',x -,...N. D.
I . ';'.=::=-' ' - -it. -4- :) . . V.11 . , $ - Af.t..7.M t z D ,,, --I 4 -4.`:-.t::- :-.T.;
4 & ki
4..UtliattisailAinmid4W - 4 1 '.4)4VsaitilV
*donrillo ebtkiaersifi - . 1 'l,liifthi!
. tbsovotkmets-bribw*i' I li si atlelt , ,:
~ ,,,....„.4 ~,,,•*:-...,_ ~ ,, ,....f=„, ,, ,1 , .....---, . ..,„ ~ <1,...4.-.,; s,
*l. -. =42 , 4 , :„ . 1 1 - d _ 7.0 •
Viii hivll . it tbOAdiltrielit *di VirieMP
,ttifittiwii.l' 'rtilkiiiip•theilhesfilikie' of
, Qoothtlionitthi•inatot Ifilt,Ttetitillidift
giet•; ~ ...A 4r% 1 4 v.......,-.:i'
-r- Z --:---
i rA
- bkigi 6 sfleitklialikoite44);loP. ::,
, 1 4
and if ,Crhalningomag
Ildinll/700/14- 7.;
Taml " 4 '
4 ilctii#o2;*olllol4*
• -..
. • ,
• ••• • r :;••••,.
ifttle'VAltireakiei: 761/1'.14
ilmes' be "Welle*predivelk errilldzig 14 - teat
h!ive Ulte . • .
. ,
Ptiy.EST - 4P444% .
le bb' .4 e4 1 0. • gll;t‘ 6 '404 . El • vest
br Itiv-Irtizt:lo:7*lll'
e - ell6e '0 1. ,-.7veritv:llll te, a tm:
nor eab oo l lin eter...
1i cif. M i igente :I I %.
Furalrrung wABE T ROQMS
.115iftS1 .11A 4144 ; 13'017 ' tbipobllo
that belt!!! ceotitoies to aiantifactitre do keep,
tin hit*il it larj..ostairtnienrof . v • '
..-i•Ci * l3 r r i r , 1
Bervaus.'Tablest 'llealstekils.. Mends,' Malts, -
So., of eirent.desorlpttut which will be triode
oldie best materials, he most yot h usti
like taanner.:: - . • .
• I invite th'e tnectlon - of the public tOrtiNwork.
Whitt shall ne belawpased . hi durability, at any
shop. lu the mar v. and - nry pricer - will be
bond to be as low u the time" • wlll-admit.
-Brady-made Calm - eotistantly old hand or
made order. A good Rearsewilass l'eralabed
When deaired4. •
.tu Id; 1883. .
tNeikAo).i- .:to • FO4. 8 . 1e1.41i1,, *mar &
Have Justleeehred theft- • -
F4l AND =
Frdm sail the Ittentlon of the pub.
tie le Itrified,to the large •• othl'attuctive,stopt
of treadj' &tape Metes.andik>fs . •
' N
Now • '. • •
ofthredlo the, public at the 'Wrest rparket
prices, and which, will be Bold cheaper thin ,
an; other store iti place cir vielialty. The; .
have just opened One assortinankpf 'Goods.
suited for the .season. Call and See the. new
Miles; tornpriAng' the folluwing articles': . 4.
Doeskin, Pilot Beaver Ore'reoilte
Uocakiu and Cassimere
Of all grades for men and boys wear, and bat
a'•so a fine assortment of
Suck .-,
risii and Fancy Cassirneres, Shirts , Linen and
Shirts, Undershirts and Drawen4 l-
Cvendis and „Over-shirts, Linen and
.Col tars, and ,Cuffs. Suspen
\ dere. Gloves. Tied.. Traveling
Raga, and a good stock of
. • ACr S ND 0
Ln. • •
Dating a =mon ityln New York, send.
lug timm goods, they ire prepared to sell to the
trade luanoonblY, , and to artisty your desire.
call and see hem; and : convince yourself of the
fact,thafthey_aell the elleapett..
& ,R0811IfFIELD:
Nexidobe to Fos. Stevens, & Co.,
Towandi,Pept._l3, 1367.
aL,A,SS‘" 4 . l{El'
225GreentrIcli Street doors below Biro lay at ' I
Is the • Glikt begot for
In fact, all kinds of
G L, A 8 W A 'R
Also, s coolpleta asaorkroent, of
eta -
0 11 10 4 DELIERS, LANTERNS, 4G2;
Beat brands of lieroiene 1)11.
• .
The best patent Pauli Jars In the market. to
;be sold at the lowest prima. • A foll-lloakef.
Looking Glasses.. • All kiwis of, Glass Warp
•„___anae order . 4 4/ 1 1st for llerldteo Britian%
`. O •Pa , \' _ _
2. 1 J. w• gi t G B ll4,
April ISZ'of. ,2 doo " 41elow Bushy. N: l f.
288 000 NY.
. .
Having made rruggeminte _ With the: :stew
;York and" kris 7 ilirt3g, to' do Express fineligess
901helY midi'. - . 7- now rarely hi 2 ag 'kinds of
freight' dad me bandied: rot ear partslit the
Union—North; .' 7.. nth ; East, :West; the Cane.
Idea, Earopei'W- t Indies. floods sent' direct
to any part of C Wanda, all' with the quickest
I despabelk:: .8111 p "I. and: Merchants generally
11 know whet eno tug rates the hire been"ypay
' ing for - quick spOrtat loc .- Now this -Cow
-1 made up ; eichudvely of Eankdr, Ver.' :
I Omni end Ship era.' to break ,up the menopo:
17 (width tee ol Clotitparilis - had'forntedi so m,
It: 1 4,111f - _rt „to the Wires comigunity.
1 or rah ' welghine 40 Ihe.'ind op
, ere shl ' y scloar.widgbk • ' The Way
rtriceep low rat 'it to petrinlie thgt•VolarldY,
:that btroghttheatidoWn. , Pentodes ease end
1 ilttentionsiventio , money and rellueble Pick. ,
shytaXdirotions 'lke, '• Collections , made and
; • retorne forward , ,by , gig - lard- dtepatch.' '
r. , LAI, eftahle,- • . , • 0.; 4, fIIFEFORD; .•
Atm ti"':' •'.--- '''.,, 1' ~.tliT; NV% '''
P,13.:-All• Pa bled 14 . ' orjorirprded from
TofiptiV e ilfsio aifyitiore - *thic falba
*AO rill bk. ; trill be figgintrdod
to th e stray Mike-a this uomPM3/ every
Idsy. f. _4. USUAL grop'r Stage .f.hie.
--eyel. t BB7 . --k V.. - '
'",; • - nta.tEi ~",, F 1:11T, Canned' -Fruit )
-Neth-riattrokiiaendasedisfai,, , ,;;: I , - 1 - ,......
1 Bil tt PetatiOltiV4 "'Ralf.; 1-
as-tiONTima Poem 'KWIC st r-fl*woc-;‘f
. .
',W,lb.ef .-:.:.;.;'''.-.•:
.144 £5 . .' 7 . 0t ? , . eAtat, , AT
',-, ''...-,. i !.?-7'.:IIEINO-20011:-::-.7-
'FP II4:I-
__.ra044 , 11
llowfileff, ais.,
10111.11 k '''Etjuli
it • .1 . 1 - -
A. nootivitdd:
:x~~.~+'„'kp=,Fr;'.'.JSl'~~`rty:,y~;i F' z-M;: r :,~_'_,
'~ .. ~_~ ,
r te, ' ~: -- -- ~~.
P r ii i P4Pfltitlit i lli I '
CM., VM-',' - -f4, , , t1 lii i- l'lli,r-flst
C?': b* .444 qp , Aai l % Zi.7- 7 4 1 ,4,4i 16 1 , :::4 4 "..
tO .l
...54 Mt 1.01-44:4 1 011111‘
f ait__ ..fiwvzr-14.450,-,.q./4 g.xit,ii-iO,:iY4fA
.i , 4*--ItirlORIMW“IlailDILIONI 6#0. 111 )x . , St .
f.23Vie,,,11-alfiLt 41.44. Lyn 7 A,tise-10:41.116
r 11 1111111 14VME, *OP aika alta
gir,.., 'PI 4:14141.4.Pa 447:,1-11 lit-...k:ig:
• 411M1*-**Titre lON MOW*
ter: 141=r-ilit:.
' AT . ' . purpoomoritionisilp:
kw. p I* uwoleshasil lIIC
frith . - p rch Kir. - Ina , ellost mei
, g ;„.... 01 10 0 0 1 14 -*Pat a..Wialeurotilittap,
row sr, l *l'lo ;
biatiditifii i i ii ii i iiii4;i o iiiiiiiiii=. ,
:!) r•rrgi:ts. , : 7 - ~r ~:: -.
1. . ' '', -7. i n t?! . **E.OtAltiqlll* -1 A '_:‘ `-•
. 4 '!..",
' tn . , - - ,.,_;,1
. .,_ i ea . t.,..,-;
LUE , IIE It N P : "fi n ni tP iti f l i g t F:
i -17 . .', .-. : ' i 4:
il 0 1 0 1 O:Pi% ' ' ,s 4 l o l frit • s sittAiAoligni
, A r qd94 'daft of BenOes, •
= 11{R6Stbtlit= ' olt•- , COAL.:0!4.- ,
..,,,, 3 1) ..,;• , —, _ ~
1,:;.,--,- .4 101 h 01411 4z&nIPS dquAttli.' - , -•?. '•
LAiak,lllajiES;"itiCkH a' ''cliiiiiol 4 ` 2.
I --,-- liperat;l4ard.lllo,4eatirooti't-- ! .1 ,
; .r iNNER'_B AND ., .‘ , ffectinqz: - Olts,
F u e l . -and tHlet, iiiticies bi - ' `
their variety
SPOKOFS, BRUSH RH - I: , 61.1 Pi 1 .1 . 'tot ifs.
, - -
' - rosuilks;llalii4iii+ Pertthiaiii,l I :
' - P0t:11.4 Katy* Union, ' : '.-
f-11 5 0
; -
,;.' For !fedi.4ll:ll3i,
Gardia, Fled Fivar Seeds. Triages, 81 . 0.%-
rrters,r.Sprpeusor- Pp, •Sbauher , finteasi,
Rresat'Paattla, Tgething ithiga, Miming :-•';
• „ Hottest, s
-N F IFItic:. Nipple 14bells and
• Eieldi. !Origi lied '- Dana, 4.ltki lt ; ot.
.• • •
• - Reath* mit, Jars. - Thermometers,- 1. 4 ,
FlavOrhig Stoae:%.raga,, Masi •-
- T • Ware, Blittlel4,Viati:Cork<flatir Firlek;,
and, Stave "Blaeltine'FlabTaekle, - Araniatw
tinn; itotaide. Eclectic and' Itorricvatb- ,
16 , Map:data: and itH the' Pew! tar - Patent' •
E I N.
. 'All articles. ,warranted ter repremetil.- !Cr
ape* a dretridee tea ter,eire their 6.kdens by
stagii sir 41ii(itrorrill-r.c.elve prompt ad,
armful attention. • • ' • • - ,
• •
lingWo sae and Refiate : tem edles, ale war:
ranted for *ILA - they - Jim; intimated inca s iva , awls;
faction. - :
'Dr. Porte Fiat tonal •.Elyrnia,,, for camtais
Dr. Porter's. fti.dect c Pallaifor• hifinn to resat "
plrugqtts and livid 26
Dr: Pair ten niter `-itlyamp., fa. seris)ri/a
skiidstoaeJs',. e.. - [c 00
Dr. Porter's Uterine Tanibl.fmafratude weak, -- •
- %mesa, tfkr. - 00
Dr. Forter,a Tonic - Ellxithe s‘ressiglkerei c hig'-'
, „ thr xxsteni i tOO
Dr. Porter'a. Tansy pcbruppa.'far are, 'end
' . -btfmry anoptaisttn./4-1.... ,1 00
ttir. Porierlaßannp: Syr.•.Elyianishhiaptaltes,
' animus clebalety:l... 1.-00
Dr Porter a'neltherry..lialasm. for akgr. •
.... ... • 31
yr. Porter's Family Embrocation fcg rinjetinst
britiiPs ... • . 35 "
PareFai 1.,b a& it .1' ptitrafer:a.l;al - *iarat..
twat. )191e.45m11,
11.1r.1!'s Worm Witham: jur.ltzpelliwg
- = ovrinit-• *• • • .
;; .. ZS
Dr. Porter's Wiartini SyrUp. fo tzt4:roina•
ti tomato..
Dr. Pnrier's Enfant Relief. fir crying bubo. iii
e.O, - _
'Porta Cephalic Sant[, fur "catarrh
Dr. Pairtir's Toni the Drum!, far tooth
• qght . '26
Dr. Purter's Tooth Pat.vder.`„for preseming
Was. .. . • ... 25
Dr. Pistcy'a Xrl - 4.cier4i, for' di •
cu iot lb.. hair 1 60
Dr.PortailZa.Ti or he etilying the
• • . hair.. ; . • .. . 60
Dr Torter'ii Odiiriterons - Shampoo:6r
itiwthe :hair
Di:Porter's Mph ot Flowers ;
Vorterie' Pile D ateuehl, Ter external
Dr.. l'orter's French ;pi scald 1"
ingg urine:..• 1`".00
Dr. P4ter's Biediraled Figs. r t .t . habit ua l
eons , ...... . - 1 00
'Dr. Porter;ti Heuiicg Salreaureuta.wohnilit
• -. . ... . IS
Dr. Porter's pp - Salve, for c'ttapped
Di Porters Fie Fhi Ivo, iittaiiO;l, eyes.. 45
1)r . ..‘ Poker's Eye tyl ter tot rticiftinie;fejets
Dr(Portor'sArld-Viart . Remoirer, soy •
• '
Dr. Porte Cmsistlpleion , Pals,'• tore:rattly& '
. • I
Dr. Por t 25 1...0u Ill's, for poor blood
1. • -
Dr. Porter's Citrnte .113,gup,abik, fora pleas- ,
'' , ant cath.ltrio .... 4;- • ...- ...., 50
Dr. Porter). Liquid .11ennet, torinskinglitt** ' f,
„ , tr thnis diet tor invallds...4.,'.'. 7, 74
Dr. Po rter's ,Extract= Vantlia, ;tor flavoring •
•- , , ice cream, 1t0.... • - ~,..... - 40
Dr.' Pertreti Extreekteinon, for. Savoring
D r'.- P o r ter'slcie r a tral in ClreaT, b°l 4- til lu es aa " iil . l4 . • 4.13
broken glass;lo IL
Dr. Portees Liquid. fi10... Aur .repairing
.. ~ iiroodiVork.. : . - - . 25
Dr. Port Or's Cleinasing Ploa . d,for easy Tub.. -,
• lag .. '.... • ,
Pri. Por;9o.i. - nea' ;gag ' P ulses, flit killizfg , -
0 60
, i . i)ii.erl3 Fly.Poisosi * Pain!, for killing.
.. • ftles ,
Dr. Pc:irk:es' Rat and ca pottioo._ for lit-“, • •
• ~ • • terininati rata ... '. ' ''...... :26
Dr; Poterti Benzine. rot removing spots . •
, -; - from clothes • ' .. 26
Dr. Porter's Blaeli. Ink, in pint bottles * 25
\ in bulk by the gallon 1 00
I it. Poriees -Ho ree " intKattle _Powder., for.:
Porter's diiiiii,of inlnals" 30
Dr.% Home 'and Cattle,LptiOlk; for
, g . - sprains, ga115,.Ve...,'...4. ~. 40
Dr..Ptrter's Riag4lone and - Spavhi- fl . ro. +,- ..„
~ . tor lame Noises : ~: .; 50,
, -
"Iftitlical advice given grab/Donal) , at the„ ,
charging onlyVir tnedfcine.
~ • . . c.
sir Thankful for past libernl,p.iiitntage,monli
respectful.) , anodunce to his triends.:And-th e
public. tkat no paint - ,shall he aparvil itzatisfy.,
autta(erly the
-e ; tuttiunatiqnsof heir oonlidence
andlsstronago. -
Den. : 18, Issek:— - ,•, : • .
i . \ ' NH. C. PORTER; 16. D..'
-, • Yr...
Ctellai _-
V. Er . 1, -, 14:13111
4 4.Atit*ritefenoitt. • ;. ;
Barf'n~ pa re.Nipaibii.o*k of ibbicei4elaiDi
tO . tar: CaroPton a co..,..socholnig
bunts - ay.**, tho,samni poutid.',wopro,
prod tO *Cato tbo
•r - - •-;- - rr; •-"
*ll6ll$iLE Waal 1.,
-1' Titrieo4::
• ' ' Ili'. • - •
GS4 I §*o
rig,llloo tee alidttai we ellefieieile
quost(tlie toll4o J4'0144. :ri - kaltaigee)lt
ISarnts r iudiessatioirees: .. ,4 " • J
1, • k •, 4,=
- The etgebiw4l 'Wee leek. • Prile 01 tee
te4Stistel;-7 11 11 1 uhitle Wll Ni s/. etul all
,- . •
teg#l; deii:Origi#,•Lab644lP,r,"l6l-;
giikio ,
: Y
" We will IteoCous6ritlicia hand a etriety if
;Mei, Ogg Cues; Totem° tkum end Peagb
'4l} 414 eveirbijos. usaatly ki-pt .In al'obabcc
-1044.01"11 166 _ 1 0.
H*Oxtkcktly*":s l -,•:4
.. • .
- -
WyB;;:7- sv ' KkEibitiLLii & res - . 1 1
- - Au - 1 . V"' :At : I _,
iirialiisi .'"Wriote :lb-RW.4ll,i° -,.. k I.
.n.actio, the -4441_ -11-,414-4,Atti
Fliia,Ull7.ll -itavitiAt r
- - kwriitatherigigper,,,,?!w! -
.gemstramirosptiomiiat6 kit-4-a-iiit
I 4
r -
„ .. _.• -
444.:,4 sa•ltt
.. ~.. _
it—, ~..,2 a '2.• 1- i.-,.. - - -,
~- '” -: :y3
,-.."-•:,.. ..!,-,:1-- '0 p,,,,q.: , .- 1,-:•, , q; ~, , ,,J,r,e44, 4 ,„1.-4 ...
,tiiirt Avr, ..;,igt,:,.:.:,121 , 71.19.7,,ft5.
- 0. ,:if
, 1 2. : - , , _• . 1 p;,1.0.-. ".1 . „. , 7'.1 7.7 , 1;41. :tit: 0_
1 i -- . 4 : --...-%;. 4-..2:-=. t i , , „I- ;. : , r,..„ ~.., i.-:.10,31 . t:t
~, ...•
itf,.:: ~ ,livis. -.: •t;%<-._ , S-1...-11it.. - 6. fox iCi
i,•21 ;Wit -,. -m., _ ~. tit?. mit '-,!-!,.. .41-
.. if; ir P.rAto,K iatit'gf, -- q
i (ft , 1f ,
',!,:- ' ~ •z ,-.. r5 1 .:,1 - .4 10 . - :. Ilia.f.Tift. aid'
f4X ~ .);,.: 1 .A1f..
• V i `',;..F.Z?. . ~, -- -
-• ..;_1er,=:!..0.,-.t.
;ri . , rfszi, ,O. ...
. et .........,,,..„.-. , „1,, , ,,, , , A
, lA_ , ... 0, , i,t,..-,-!,;',..11::T.
' IA :
4..1,...,,,,, , ' , L qi,f. - Pi F=-fl -t-U . '
Vo l l' i
I IieIiSHALL - 011011 1 01**
aan -the- 'attention 'of 'tikt i ltityWitt
1 . 11 0 7 . 1 kelrAVeltor - - , - - •
I L 0,411411489 1 . ' ' - ' ,•' '
- i -.. -14, , TABEdgiftmpiof ' -44 , 4 t
• -,-.. , ~.1 , - , • , 4-4 1 *. a
, i f
Ainti.lattinhitmaßtikibleit,f ~44 ~, .: .
'' W
__intAiweinethlitift„"PAltint. OIL, , , _
winirel7 - _11104.11-4-:,-4-i- •
191 41 kiii44:iritit9 w -
ili,hf . ' , ,liiielliiiist
41=ig ht
t,mit'peteer. - .llted,iiiiiimitantatitieat Of ;
eve lli - g - ,4411,4 , ik. ~
ot lTityle and pstAnn to oft* pohti l ,„
ginge'liiilliAtellla;d autiiikrtititritiVinti
PialoP' to grtmetikt.':: -4 ''''';', -- - '.. ,-- - • i , --"
Particular ettoatiotr pii#to :the fillaiittitibii
'or..iti Ikinolot,.
; .• ..-'t• ,-; r il : .- 41!• A4l g . - ,:: '-z , : " - A.
a Wg.ti 71 - 0 ttiiaPr i - I.f A 7 7 it!' #f * '! C
.NO tave'int band ie it&ieoi ",
• - ti i, A 81f:
. iP, DTI IT JA &b ,
S , _
with lipkoike4 Mt-sealing mita, and :, ,:,''.; .
at Rubric A.L a 4A- - Li N GCAN ii
'hick's °mot, 14e bea t as ye a: '. - -
. innelo,"tingi. .
' r•
r .
VICIV'W".4 -
al R;; r
Respectiutly. Werra their coalmen and the
public gegiongty, that , although' the,lhitvera
aloned Bothnia lose and to
. porAr v•lnTeiyhro lon
to our buelnese •
- lutes purchase ' a large ato.A Nty
Clouds, built a neir • -
- r*o
A N zE-
AL444 1111 07,7 il*owtructiti **l l 4'4 44 1 0,0 P
The front of. our More is nil - ( 01' Pine sheet,
about, 100 feet km SO:V I E. T,. :Raz
tempi Peoell it} • old-efireeri , - ebould - ge I
WA. Payer:Plat' *ME Ibito4o.-1111 •
!flant the bick - tile ).terik.,l, lee *veld l
flAd r,utinettemoot ~ t herstr.44,gpatiagigii;
rind 4 - viced 9f Qv mewilirithilat;
slum olin'tg , tot EfiribiElbANt w-filtiad!.,,waik
,our Shebog ,ote,kastril
itt ligedwitt 104,iff,if,e;
cob KING , ANlsl,itioa
--, '• - . : 'ltiiinig thai hAtie ' lt , r.
' T. 11 2 7 N2..i ''. '-r: ' -
- • ,. 1:• , -- .'ORIENTAIY:- - -.,-=:% , i . '...'
:. r -,
- ' ' ---• ' 74 0 ..RNINGIrckil t i.;,.
-,. '.'....-• : I: ;,' - •GFA,O , PURSICRi':,Bi9i
......... - ~ ..1•-•-_,-_- -' , . • ~ :,:- ....:;, Pi --, _ ..,-...:,
;-•,' , . 4.-ixili pieta aiii:rtniiint of ~ 4, - ...- ~ :
Iton,,Steel; -, Na Ili.: Windiiwi'.olalie- Hasii. item
:..teite.oll.l'able and;-et. CittLar; Ratxr 7 :z.
j.., Liu ',CoCils. _Cloven str. .I'2 anti ., atuctisk ,-,
A' ...olii ! - Olaokitmitti• TOls.Tilikpa
f ;-)1
- .- ---- 4-A *,-1 1 43 derir
- ristois Aune;.-- - n
~ its. '
W 01 r.. 11 11e144.1*;r:,7,
'l.• ; - -•
Elmira:lied/ing- Mill
- • - 42,
01720 8
s'l_. '
:-APd do all lioital of JOB HRH li sprilas.; :)
Cub paid tx' 0 1411 1 K19 , .; Alan eadlltraosid
tcritigi• Poil 6 .# l :,.g*_rastift e t treat rs; NV!
It t id - ate;Couteat'*tulaniqll olits; ,
- • • .TonDlitigrA r
- Towing* : 5ept:42;11)67. - •
E 1 4 1
E.M L US 1 . 0
The MATIIIISHEICKANDii, asessilY !meld
by lir.- !raided& liathoshek. talker' hi the
'principal beproveineata in .?pinoeValliihr Ikea
all others le leivklebie ettingemosethe frame
to both dirythaps. This' egualleee.the Main
upon Aetna:l2e, gad:harem , griller
gerColabanalcelaittintaali cu
by any e.her awaked.; - The *Op; ejso..reas
the whble•Jetittb 4 pil - the waitftt topetal;aa en.
y new, teams* which 'gives' gleater-poirer
and better tone tbawle., found in any other id
--l'hearaallest collibil;,ls
feet - nine Indies them sever 'actives.- gla le
all respects the -full-alas -of other. ' ets
whiletbn full sillea 00eriaal, It avail to
*4 *meth Oran.
Few' illebloulerelli:ellkleal2Phialnk*l•
" The Cahn I ooesklerelevelwie'ouvre in the
.musical world, latlieurha ael'elrallei Oithe
iaollesilmaarC"ortite cepikeiekeY
ale, sees t e Lvitlagreak plaiserees.
the lialhaabeirMaies 7.W,
.otherlistimoutalLreiluilly strong. have been
tree.yfo d eq
PleamiCeelr en 4 Vino**, ur
ead, , Wonted that ljainediiral
DeWlit t ik Dittricb•by - A(ea lin f
SSTS." lOW' toe u
circlate_ dais* '
Stools and CoversieriMaaml Melodeons of the
bolt 4'417-k 4 0- l u o /41.11010oilableft#0.-_-
krzoook orrEdpst lifeeipaiengatemarrrat
iidoilicritatfoo we of iftv
itiithooldtelioldreised Si*: — 2
-41103 AGENTS'. 13 foIatirleitifrol'fiifie610
Shiet.lilrialo sad all kindle! inatzenteatallit tRp
regular diaconal -10.-dielsah- We a tng /10-
live agent, la ever, loam in= ad-
Mail* 130116011116 was iYS
-11- • # ANTI radDEllifen.
• 40011414PINIWN*-,
.. .
NC5.1 1 411$ Op , . I. ~0,00 )5
:-.-.-......,- ~.r...,14i.- 1 (... ..-
~ ~ , --L. ~.... ---.., . • • : ..t: ...,:
`C II2I-11*: :41111FLWAPXER4... - - -,
Atte sulocuribero luite,pqnsbuall.. OiebgtjAing,
litsett olio, 16- A '7li' Nobst,loo ''lloor *doll'
otlieldheilCirlabek.),Aal hethwinitlifidth'''
?,). '....- •- , r,..di - ......-' 1 v.1.1 :•3...... r, , t , .; z.,-,if.,..qt,t);..,,.) ::4!
oßoosuxus-,q*No , poßvistoss
~...„..-.,.r.,-,.„....:, gl. 5 )4 7., '.. 1-USY 3 s-k.'::- ,, ..,
' --- •; 2 1ttoolip-Alai,-.Wit.Loit watz,-.-,t,
• -' 1 •.±1 , - -.• A • .ai• L,., - 1- t•r; i e-: U.', V. , 'i
Pllgib4 ll Val lirlidl - alelmelZront
are4apc.,.e lo rprik: - „oilier:" 10.*
jo t
..,..,. -77 - . ' r,„ , t....z, ....f ,: - ..7. , ..-.,.1.
~....., - • L ..,,,.:
" . :1,4', .f . ,1-.1 ...t-:At:“.....:1...1.1 . 7.• :1'
P R oi I 8-1 7 44-27 o R R.
riz: , ;•...,...-,,..„_,.., ;v i5.,, ~..,,, .4, 3 .3 - ,13,3 .3 73!k, 3 . 34.334
Adoslitat LW- . . .41Dai k oas mass
is issi
, ~,,, , ,v - ..y,, L . 8
- ia .
.... . Litt_ __ tst,%srft.*-fit*
..--,1 , ...1.,..-.
~ - , :loo.tir t tiTo t rriiorms. ._..
4i , 5. , ::f.e..74.1 zy- - - .- , '.“1. - „! - '2.'4 , ' 's 4 ,-, ; f !lr,e4 -, •
%MOW AIL • . •
• ..
_..74.- -- !..F..011, WilkiplM3lll.ka;;
Tomids, A A, MIL , 1 • . ~.
, -
• , 11 1 • . -
' s
: PPJ l "9.l' .. *'#Er,4o4 , k
iVE'A.TII.Ii-!OITR 1 1,1 1 0 !"'
._, .~
TOWANDA-, '142,
'NEW" - itivEknorr * . msixs! .
' .
9 • - 111 -, • . 0 .ii - .ruta J,,. ..-4.41
wiezzatow ? l e
~ ,--•_%;...4,7'?„ ~', , f`r*- .ii-' '" '''''''' -''''' '
10LOODA lear i k l
akilige; 4 P4 l
:SI diAl.'9l., ,__' - '41.4i0 414 Is) ottiAii ,7 :).7 grl ;14,KT
atrrixii. Mg 1 60 1 111P* 1 10,0 1 .00,1 -, -;s: ';m:d
Wt 1.1;1, 07je...-tizierojtjtjr - fi , -. ?. f ~::
pito °Rao'f . -roArtze
. -_On fis j i lt o,- TPUIS - ' . 1 1 , .
tiger uot
I ts easilmi UIP lial ~XIIIIN
ighear. gsigioll-16 t4 lMOWietinse
g i l i e L Ili P pisw744.7 , l;:of, inebuies,
alitokillta J'--'zaa'''' , " - , --;',0.-: '.:',:-." 1 -•'
11 ) MP BRBT- 811211112014!' s
dike ' 'v
morosrfatstit r ancsbstb, s poWerabalk *if
other. maims-tared. Oar,* icjilskikm, ii,alfii
. . fey
aterotesydthojileltr foto behteetrin.i
prised in o e piece. so Mot i. dies not rslolol
a mechanic to set them or TIM than ; they
small nuundsetnretnteer bat personal super
-41110faillOiFfa1•• -• . • •
tole ;t
Pkallq*W:w ll o4llorilatitattioL ,1174 .
sry old -t
•• „ •
titi t Aicors i oA,
- *f '
Warranted to be in Workini'biege - :
been in poetical fuse, Jur sesentl
eandsulthat .11411. ere nos ildrett4sktiFilliCW
thlog rierlitpots - offered to tberpoblie.". , Th y
ear Os iintacteit t6-Treed • Palms Sweets Km'
if ol nfPs9 4 !PY/:W_lllefßaP lll 4:4, l 4. At: :..,,
• Ptilj !•11E4A, •
.ftsek.4 . o . eir.,Worldnic •sod -Reissman Abele
clad ha*
k,,,g.° •
Ares* low ss &baser vissay other reanufletureni
end paitles:deiirtrig to . purchase, will ,dod It to
their Ititedist - *Dew/mine ours-stock +elm Pur
. glah. 4l 94;ohlowiletei • •
_ _
'On application: AIL kinds 'oi •
A4iiiIPULAIIRAI 1123.0111NEE -
OrillitikaiiillllllVork, rigkes,toilera and
mnetdoery ot, all Made got.aprpo order prompt.
ly and on favOrable terror._.. .
MACH - I WE - g Ho p ,
• t
.. , 4 On Liu! 'ealsoi/ilkia Stmt.
- • -0, tiriffenlati
SAW - Mit4,
Qt . tut 'beet, q4l}ll:4lth , the- fates' lapifolire
eats. Ali Undo of atobpary Gm Plowing sod
ANOM 4 /13;-, •
4141),Eriillt6UPAIRIEN .
Fr ICIaOKa r
' ,OIL
Vutfliobeffift ADA - ibetial 4 --
0 /
.nosielroll4 to II tztOilea-lci.dialieter. 1.•
61- belly tcfri Rridia . , " andill
SktiltiPs!Polufo *dr, 'to order... Also;: a law
of_. _ • • ;
Coal and Wood Burnam Furniture f o r CoOking
Stoves, B , oro Pipe. Tin-Ware, Bdat• Primps,
Prolani:Cultiyatour and Lerapeer, kept constant
-1,704.4atitt•. • ;
kliid4.oi. michiaily *kw Dill's and other
F I 7P,T!7-PreKr!=d by
W,Ait A REN if:ILT,, : - hal ilad . 4 1 11 T experience this
branch tiribe Vittnets
• _ 411114 N - CAIIIIAN. -
Towanda. 0cL.2.4..1-88,1._lir.
eptßlAUES,:WAGtilkiiii;gLE' HMS
„ _ .
liAtooloWs to Nelnolthi; I-Co., are now
011%rlitg kid are ,prePired to..tirnish on short
notice, • ifingtitui-Carrhiges at ail
Pttoosi - sad et the „West Abd.most appro-.e
wed style, and of material . 4t,tkie! old
intidoppostte •the 'Union 'Rouse; In the eel).
Dal Part of - AU*lltorosigh3 - 13rialtord Cleunty
The Ptibite - itre 'aeacired thiit reputsttOn
,shop has acqulred , doring the lost six years
gluier the impaintendenee-ot .F. 'R. Fellows, will
be 'More than as . he- will samba.
tend theliork itileretotorejle hoeing long been
sad havlsigladitnocb experienee. law carriage'
and Sleigh
_Bolide! would leisure the poblie;
thst - ao paini Wilt be spared by the slieve - firm
to nutkethe'establbhment ['worthy or theii ,
rousse... Thsnittotas one ot the old firtalfottke
pittronage - thils - fir istended,-we hope to merit s ,
kotritinmineeet the earee:- - -
8.--We, the .underelgued, Ileitis practical
echanice, cart. atteulacture
_aucl_ager, to the
pu~ltd " it "prie d 41:71 - 11 dety Otnapetitinn. .
i. - ItELIA)WI3,
April IA.:Ulla: ty.
lb* ikwn
W, A
41 z - ". - FIA. 0T 0 .
Alicundentigned re,sperAtillt inztottAeo the
Pub4 o -tbat 4 1 e7; hays peruhaftd the
Et' l lr
-•-• • •
;'1314 are tot: poued kalkl work 1a
. lid 'MO , Wo t italadlilio - **** 4" -• - I iiiii
. lifil
igtpdamly• keep Go Ultra oisortMestfit apiem
i i - iiii lanifii .:".
. • .•=-,: ."."T q'a. •4141Yrik
'-'••,') . ... - . Is .• - ..c.idki.ll3:: r i •l - L,!. st':' ,
1 #lol46ltit'.iiiteliAGMß;
-." • '•- ' wo sorit'lvro- litisioi: , :=!-- t ---, ' ,
I ' ' ' o i- ii . kit i . ' .• . i3 . -isi l iG " II i s i ' '
......1 :,.... L .'
0 ,
protoop.... j.l kte/ello,to , strap.
mlobb o : Kie .f•?: ---"'•-- : . ' '. - -
. .. AZ1 F . 18.111 , 017i *lli= ,
• Tierand4 :ll l4l4 " l B lM-47.• [- . ri• •. ..
, -
•N' a 7iir P L I A-k-i NI . G. *lt I;
Ito' %:-:,:,: , .r -, 1 - 1-,f . ii -f,-;.. , . , ..
Thi 1 .
`-aa . ogiidlia4al s , bop ettlikoo
medians KM to Mt 800 • 'of Toivinds, - Ind
Oa Width Uramt improved
mit4metilofitim At :.'
- '' :.,,..,,,
I t =
A'. _WINDOW;s „iv Let --' -
'elemipored W TI Zottfotii 1 1 /Witet i ili
~,, op* the elMitom notibi.r Mo. have
did it lardOL iitLIIOIIIIDINGS, :al the
West i 'lmidt - .:_ • mitieltf-ins am fend*
• smelt Own "" law cm, be vorkod by
-4,11 -
1 , 416_ 1 - , . • '-- ! ' :,•1 ,"‘.. q ."z.1. , '
'' - • Aiiiiiiiiiii '
- '
.._..- • .. - -
114%1 other Wilk
Imamtto* t!
- 7.4
lirsols .blif,MCAIt . 4,14 111
twelve to 1011611111MINLdistiate ira dad it.
1404= 0 , 01.:' , 1
• mar labutemiM, tU gi t7 l
potiod'oet sat Uittpso with Pom --'"--
• , 7I fOr 'MS 4k. Aldlli . I.Wg
IW - ..*iiMo. emiltptimotattftelemitilsisiidit 'll'
'': ' ' - - • 4 - ` 41,16 14 1 20i41111,41,Xikf.t
: _ lorti .iiii; !eh, telt, -. • -
.. Ik. r • • 1
i • ...„. . , Ilia: . , ,
ar O*A ISla=• - • -
..,,y R A N C E
- ..... _ . .....,. .._ ~.. ~.. . , _
__ , , IS- Pi1. , 4311 '1131;1
, • . 4-o*, ••
04160: . ki m oti• , 4o *shre eGn.
f ie,
:',..1 - :1 /
.: .:1 , litootis,Wsith ck.
Ai m l i " c •,41 ii to.. ....,-; ~.snooo,oo ,
sou ei cour4.0 2 ', . t
bts facif
:,•• 0.040.'" ' .. i...ii4et"' - '
~: 7:: ,;..:.!....M".. 7
iiiiiiiioir 6 - owir AO C h.- :.
, rtitiND britativoiCo. -,.
.7 -
Ve 11414104 /4 ; (-.
6 ~` i. 2 ., . -'-.. 4-• 4. 'f' .. • .<4/C4 ll / 1 70
' 'llol4l,loltrosUrtivver. t. 000.000
/11441:1!IIM01111; 0100 iti) 17,00)
4.1.4.. -- 0..145.1" 4- ,:.,;_i t!.! , ..• -, Co ,
pletakitz) 4.**Figax . Cit acrAsv„, It • -
- ' - 'Ago., I-, '•
- -r. - . : f. ,
4iie il3Liir/L,8340,000.
C44tif Sail; AEA- , 1145,28; 83
ivißavet vs 3
.. usas.
of the
stock, ag ain v .
11.01!. Sid &Oh from= caaae. 5
.. . _
-- • • • - -• H. 11. Mc KRA N,
40610, ISCr q 4 • ! gent.
Dec. Stli: the itato.!...LeakilLswe," wine/
I)=.-k? WT. of flo,:torr, Mass., aee.denuily
a•kia - here , ' mother horrie; • breaking
betkittlgte legiAlbore the r.knee, , , rendering it
necemeirs. kiltber tile act et humanity. h
icaredGrthell,iittoril tihre Stock Insaranne C
iiji• Laii,tcakt 18,67. ,
sEPtarritg/ii . i.111L1;10.6r
iI , S&JLESSELL, Agent •
FOK 1E1541:11101111X0 CO
- ~; f•T: •
f IsE da PiLtal%s Unions 1
eOiRANT I Philtqiiph4l. (
Caiiitiiran rsurplu a. o'ver
11:14kixsua,§4tas Comr.ktrr. j .
• 'OrNru , - York
Oapttal and suiplga; over . $.'..750109
hricie*Sca - Coxicavv 'Ca; Souni
CaAltai and.
... .. 11,700,acn
'1 r
i4ttIATTA ir,fianilitANClC Y. t
; Of - New. , Ym
‘pital and.sorplve, over.
isitirkascs t.;4•..rrAlor, '
;_f • Of.
CaInUO in 4 szip4ll),_oiet.
411 , 112:billtly*) , : 91 COUP
. .15iY, •
rOf Iti*Yark
asCapital s* - plus.' over.. ,
POO I Nallal7iDa-Cogetor, • '
Wartfard, Con.; • f
90101tal Sipl-altithais, over $704,0p 5 ,
Yc Lll/1 .barl7, Wawa Orittutr. t
lark , I
Capital simians.
1114,tr!KLL*114115CANCi 043364 FT. "
Of HarAford, Conn:
.7.qaPttal and linrilor, over: • ' soOO,OOD
'lliztsiaken'ort - di Rinds -'of Prope r ty. 7 alt ,
hit rates:m.4 any other Wish!" Cottpaniss.
based audid3ans,,,it any.- act-
JOH . itthillgeneyitherehp Saving the trouble
:expensed going elsewhere for rettleinent.
Office •at the _Elardwhere Store us emi
tting • & Russell C. S. RUSSELL
• - Towanda, Peb. ?, PSC.'
Office No. !Jit k . - Waltiot. Street, Philadelphia.
Compaq - tAow prommting the be I.
nese - Imenrance-from loss or - damage by FIRE
on'' , Etdldlbgs, llijrcBandhre . - Furniture,
throushont the Stnte of Penneyhtinia, on liher
ternua,foriong o short periods; or permanent
ly of Buildings, his deposit of Premium,
The.prompt payment e steltdms for losses do
in& tine period . 01. tw4rly 70 years that the Cum
papy has bein irceldstence. entitles them to th
tiOntidorioeif the public.
- , Diztorow--Arthar G. Coffin, Samuel W.
JonetC,,John A Brown, ciliates Taylor. Ambrose
White, Jae. B. Neff: Ilichiut D. Wood. -Wei.
Welsh, Wm. E. Bowen, James N. Diekson, S.
Morris Wain, JOhn Mason. Gel). .L. "Harrison,
Francis IL Cope. Edward 11. Trotter, Edward S.
Clarke, Wm., Cammings:
. _ Allen Mt G. COFFIN. Preb
C: S. 'RUSSELL; A gent ; Towanda.
umnuc .rtintkirmune,
OMNI bs Dativitlt", Mcintorif Munty, Penn a,
, •
The Parniers' Mutual rire Insurance Company
ot Addle Pennsylvania was incorporated. by the
Pennsylvania Levsliture in the year 1859, for
the: utual Ins u rance of bonntiy property only,
and immediately thereafter totruneneed its oper
ations on that principle. whioh bas been strict
ly ;sabered 'to stnod. •.
All lossea have been promptly pahl out of the
Premiums' collected on application for insurance
Without making any, assessment,:,
The Insurance of Country proper - 4 onlyithe
low rates charged tor Insurance, and the prompt
payment of losses are deemed a aufficientvecona
mendatlon of the Ficrmrrs illethre "Pre hosts
ance:Ccnnpany. of Ifidoile; Penris%lvania. , to al
owners of safe class conht_ry. property.
P. JtorfxsoN,.Fee'y. Wu. Prvatint, Prert.
March 6. '_e•t;
-J 41'41.0RE FIRE AND 5,!...1 .1 iNzURANCE
COMPANY.- - --Office, 45 Wilihm St., au-I 726
Cafdtil,Suiplus sod - Reserved Fluids '
...(Gold). .1.. .... —516,271,675
Medlin Cho United States, over ... .1,A00,009
Daily Premiums, upwards of (gold).. 17,000
The shareholders persodally- responsible for
eoga,gements of the compaay...All Directors
um bs . shareholders. ' •' •
:,11247/011.$ u6Nsw-Yoax.—FrancialCottenet,
. Chairman, /bury 'Grinnell
. Eaq., Deputy
Ch - bran; 'Joseph Gaillard; "Jr., Esq. - . E. U.
Arebibild, Req., H. -B.- H. Conant,' Alexander
Hamilton, Jr, ,Robert C. Ferguson. Eaq.
Altredliell. Esq., Resident Secretary. Ale
ander Hinniltoss,Jr,;.Rft„ Counsel of Board.
Bap:Rai= Phenix Banic—Casummus it Co.
:01 tlib' Conipany are liaised by
wellAnowt Anierlean eitisepa resident in New
York, whit. are Dirrxtora, and Shareholders. and
rComez4y„with the other Shareholders, are
• II ' for all', the engagements o
pany.; : all Policies are alsaad by them
alrolatma are payable in dusk- as, proof of loss
*Rhea - 'dednetkas Tor. IntareeWand not, as i
anal, sixty days atter presentation of proof
They expire at sit n'tdork; P. H., and not a
noon. Lib inanraliee'eteeted. and annultie,
igranlirdasi raviliblirterms. • .
H -8 itel{EAN Ageat
,~ s
- mixt ,E4m,ABLE LSSITR
"4. /710 1 4136drecrs Amu for bradfoid co.
' •
pIOYITAL- 48,900,000;.
Yia6liile6g t" "r riNeAllY ea ti I r4t to:
Z)irUtd . s. /867'
' of New Tort; • Agency . for Bradford Co,
$ . 406060. •
• . .
Diridend for 1881,10 Or tent •
- 1/1011TAN4ti:WARD.
Towanda, July- 23, 1867,
, , -
, lasurow, Agency for Bradtord,
r. tud oath 1: 1 10; -- Tiesticcitasfal Opt , OT
* tilt*
r"4l "3 1;4 &
E 1!-A - 1110;It $ 0-P,
Po l o4ogit,, •
- .
- tho roost - b alkof the
et'Uthe Wang: Ness. Christian Aisoel I
tion, Sienna itoty. over Eddg's Clothing Store
where he is now preinred to 'lran kinds of
- . TAILORING, ' - . '
. ii ttand most 'taihtOosiblelsaaibirr. An
gtas; wietennlotfon to
Tlt i theTssada
liii cultonntshObellevesnllTa festri
istlstsottott. - : - - • '
•'is. Cutting done on short notTce and.resschi
able Wow . Towinda, Oct. 17, 1867.
~ucs circa
10.0,4,f,0 0
$3:. (Or , L
t.911 ,. ..pc p
S 3. ill 14
07,05 w
$357.0i 0 00
:Agent. Towanda, Pa