friu#: . il'*ooo LOCAL ,10,41"1410.,RAL. MU; TAI"•7-7 Time Table • airltbwassepheeliand New York Omni and Bit) Roateclognniiiddok took effect on Weds,ley, .14,1868 • • • • • 0..:...9x00 Anise— • • • • • Crum..‘ ' 12 0 Towenni... ~'....11A10: 1.41$ .10:16; AL ret 14 ~y WAVEULY • 5i0.;,..A1:45....-6:10: Amiss ••••75....14 iiIIAN.•••1: 70 - 11:15 4.40 Vurrim...,, • , 7.55 ' 1110" 4:15 TCAUNDA., .700 A. 11. P. X. JOHN P. 1301, Buferbkrigkid. _ _ ToiVAXDAL ChurcA.—Bay. Ranenr-Thnuar, Bakst Preaching; at 1O A: trglosul fl P. Y. SundaY 001, it• Fiver Meeting every Thursday, nvesi4isg. 3L B. Church.—rev.J. T. Mitnimptu e . Piry tor. Preaching sway &indaY 10} and 7 P. Y. S andar EichooVli Prayer Meetingevery ia&y evening. Presbyterial. Church—Bev.. :Wit: , Mum- Pastor. Preaching every.'likmday air MA L. LL, and 7P. 11. &malty BobootlePaff. Prayer Meeting Thursday evenings, , Episcopal Church. 7 -Rev. F.D. ltiouttss, tor. Preaciditreveat 114 a.x.., and 3P. x. Putilay . M•thool; Ur. at. • TheWAyerlY;Tip.e; . ' Mills id vertise that they 'Will 'buy'etraer; at , prices which pay the farmer to save his Wait and deliver it at the mIIL its. A temperance_ -lecture will be delivered by Day. 'realm; itonanra, of Del aware, at Mretroeton, Friday evening at 64 o'clock. DonAnow.—The friends of Rev. A. C. 13riany, will give him a %nation visit at the parsons" in -Rams, Thursday after noon and evening; :an - . 16. tor The friends of the Rev -A. J. AJTOID will bim a donation tat the house of J. S. Tno meta, • an, on Tuesday, Jan. 14, ~• • and erndng. Ili' Ane ge of Good Temp lar] has recently > - • established at Mater, called Ulster Lodge, t• • — 11: \ lioccewsza, W. C. T., /t meets • y : Pisousic.—Mr.. W. B. CHAFFZI, of Shesheqtdn. has •Ewe whisk has dropped fifteen Limb, within five years, all of rhieh have been roiled. _ M.. The friend's of Mew. R. DustiP are invited to make -Idta a ail at his ami dst= in Towanda, on Eddy afternoan and evening, the 17th inst.. and whatever they Bee fit to leave him for his fondly as a done lion will be thanbitdiy received., • DoemoN.--4he Herrickville Bap tilt Church congregation will make their pastor, Rev. D. E. Bower, a donation visit, et his residence, on Wednesday aiterrioen and evening, ?an.15.•1868. , , A general invi tationis extended to all, Ibl EL 4%. Bumunt kermeeting voith tine success in tke week of insurance in 7icinity. We would recommend the Com pany, that he represents to all those contem- Fisting a Life Insurance policy. The Phce -nix Mutual Life linumuice . Co.-of Hartford Conn., has the reputation of being one of the safest and most reliable companies now doing business. Call at his office on State Street ARREST Oil AIIRGLIIIB7,IIT CORNIKG.-7, The police of Orcning, Thiraday night, ar= rested two men on suspicion of having com mitted a bmglaryin that village a few days since..: One alba prisoners confessed to the burglary, and stated that they had their plans laid to rob abcrai every place in the village. it is also 'supposed that 'they were concerned .the robbery of the County Treasurer's Bath, a few weeks ago. , Mitres MnsEtni.—For Jan. 1868 la out in a censplete new dress and makes a handsome appearance. Taken all in all, thia Is the be monthly for Yoneg folks that reaohee this office. It contains upward of 40 Papp ef fiseellent reading matter. and is afforded lei the paltry snm of 16 cents a number, or 21,56 per year. Address, Hor ace B. Fuller, 245 Washington St. Boston. Tan Liu' E. GRAirr.—The fcir expressed last week that Mr. E. IL Gaurr„ son of L. C. dram, Esq.; was icist, in the terrible Rail Road accident at Angola, proves, alas, Test all &ibt. The relatives who proceeded to the seam recognized the watch,.satehel, cap and sample box of the deceased. Kr. Gunr was - well known to our citizens as a Youngman of fine abilities, prompt business'habits and correct charac ter; To she fen* the blow is aa overwhel ming one, andist their deep afiliction they have the vrairineit_ sYMPathr At our comma -1:14.—R/soca Jognsair Sans= Oznam, RAIL RoAD.—The - PresidegatibOloiakeca . Catcall/4 Rosa. Mr. J. EL Owe, =names that 10 miles 'the grading 4( 120 4 4 4 , In' OadittOn to .30Wer pin* 101111i13111. -OM* 11 miles is nearllNVegec 2is Maishirsi 2 Winne Mo. wilt and &Sem pate, 1 on the Inis Shore. thilidsnee tuoimall sections.- 8. D. Ilannata, melded. Nighsear, Las °IMMO arst Mila n Worth Of Owego; W. L comm. nybitden. about 25 miles, and Z. P. &rag, AnbuFlo7 all, to Peneeciiiv .er.On'thitiksdhinn Division in Novem ber, -211,5001,ssoddwon the Kiddie Divis too.422o2.laid on the Nadham, 7e6 The Atiltiltin Monthly for jail. may. bas - thefirst; kuitalment of Charles Dickens's new, Siney.y93,oll M Taman ' ll Explanation," writte n expressly for the At. lantic Ifpnthly. It also has the - following contents : The Wife. an idj of Besueansp Water, by zon,q. 'maw: ;lawn *4 Jetnn,Parki. Pitisbnre, by James Par ton. Doctor ke's Friends, the first of a series of papers osi "Aroitc Life," by Dr. L tteie s . The Combat of Diomed and Mani. translated from Hems; -bUIiE 0. Bryant. Our Second Hirka abort story, ' Mn.e H. B. Simi& °Myatt Wharves, by W. Higghison. The Late Freeddent Way - land. by Pro( 41: Lewis • Diman. ' By :010i of Europe, a Visit to the Balearic Part it by 13ayard Taylor. Aspects of Ord. tiro. by Ralph Waldo Emerson. In the poen; by Isms Bassell Mni.lolumon, short 1 1W; D. flow . Rawilteirm tbo, Bretton ()oaken /louse, from the trziPrilkisliell 'papers of Na hantel Oblifuterste the Louvre• and liodearrlit, `by - Eugene Ben son. Retirees and Literary Silicas. - TbS Atlanti o ilanlldy_is pal:dished by Ticknor 4 14 Fields, Boston, Fair Dollars a year. brotWit toms Otoziiets coniinad Ft. /Ai POO= ? grail th!riastk - . —, net out azure 4 -.4maist.c.., t ie ! f!4ll l K4 de .... i t c. l , l 9r-.) amnia • gree , , .vity milittinut beistit.' * iiiiit . 4 Owns Weskits**, :el c k ino4r , fcme, years. nta was but Oren that is a peM. - Wasp 111 404 1 .44trbueu: ; :.' ...2......4..,7-1 the Consmissi_energ,- %Wm /save Made the tabs , ,anioin It ^-•—' We =tang year : 1 ) I aeric—B. B. dootambon. . 1 ebyme4—Gro. Z. , MertmegilAppsehlr A. ItO .iNt tan .— Dr. ic E. Masa: Vam• : lin'Cloctraturcur, the to th sioners,bas idled the for Bar . and hlicre4ppoinimen ,witi duel faithful aerdees. and `, the bier tax : ryas. The • ' of the C nunt i e, sinews devolyes ins Oat -mew the Clark, and unless Le is damn versant with its detaLsv ,' and set watchful, *esti and exiravaganci likely to tidenr. Mr. C. l a mipari• him is,vainable otilee4both to Missioners and to theoopie. , t 1 NEw Tin TABLE.t r We pu,l week the time table of the Penney p New York Canal and [ ad now in successful o tion be veily and Towanda. e pre sen meat is an admirable o'rie for the public. .persons-desiri* to go ei Or scant are enabled' 4 leave .1 1 'Erie Railway trains ai reaso . . 1 while the connections 4 such . da, or the tows on the: Erie . reached without delay. 1 . We are Pleased to learn that over the road much exceeds the Boris of the °Ricers of the Road. es already upon the roail, have insufficient, to accomnitrata the passengers, and new coaches hay dared. 1 [ - ..._ . I , • THE GOOD TIMPI.A.II;E t tED IS : 41 am Tam—According previO . ments the Good TemFdais of our on Christmas,evening,l *acted, in where they meet, a wid4i i , - .. . sagi . fully mar Tree, froM whose w ended up of 200 ~w ailanohes the officers and mem of th while rmdeinundit . 1 were a artificial white rabbits airparentl - ' • I . - Y ' on the evergreen foliage bf some . en branches. , . , ,I The DiVialon of the p•Ona of T• A were invited to see . the ere and -1; distribution of the . presents ; and i of its mesn'beis Were preheat. ' The decoration of the tree and .of presents was confided , , to a . 1 consisting of Mrs. BO*, Miss Mrs. fizsams f assisted bi other ' . I, order,,while some of this dal e is a; cured the tree and placid it in the The presents were inigilied in I Individual members priritelY supp 1 to the committee, waning the . • whom they were respea i tliely inten list of articles were co4ebutively . ! and the name of each 1 dinor. site one of the_ nruntxustruld a c• ing number was affixed' til the artil presents consisted $4114, .' :.!) many other things of • • t ! the recipient lads and bawds. . : DeputY, (Gen. Perm* at Lodge (Mr. Duna) each weiviadla splendi ia. When Gen. P. received, his t eo. o and in his humertn4 4314 1 • strit , : 1 strides to the other end of tli! round facing the liudiene, arms against his Bidet and se o of his best imitations of ,the c a rooster, which brota3b . tihelsouse 1 a roar of laughter. Thenhwere so ..I ing inscriptions made in ,books, p by donors. As a speciineis of th: ..' lect one from Gen. P. t his bache ,* vis fromyour, 1 da+l,l This book e s my lad,. My batchelcir boy‘ 130 chary and coy l . Of feminine charms, So full of starrns,t To your' , bevy." hunks The c ompany were r dby :. ' nate by the Waverly d. A I yes given to the mmi • members of the 113+d. In ches were made by Xn Jams Mr. Tome% and the J - ievil M:.. ,,. . trau, and Dormer and others, and ent were delightekwithi t h e ente and events of the eveningl 1 -' TOWANDA kARKEIIL I T , --:•, Corrected every Toes& .y B Collis:LA Grocers, Mai* = , t:— Wheat . • , ..... ... 50 c Bye ' . ... ~ . .. 4 Oxen , 1 ' 125 c 0at5 . .... 70 c Beans il6o c Butter (rolls) i 4... 33 c " (dairY) 30 c BEV i 28 C Potatoes -- ' 75 C Hay (per ton) L) .1 . ... 12.00 d Salt (• .nr XX ' 42 00 C Sant ~ .. 14 c Ge Turittisk I . 14 c ese E Dubs.. • 43 Igait s i u 7. .. , . ... i2l o c c - Wixom; or ilturs.— " 601. 661b5; Bye, 58 lb; ; a Ibt; ' 4&lbs ; Buckwhea t, 48 lbs; Beans, BAIR. 10 lbs; Clover dit Ibs; 1 fk ibig, Sas, 22 lbs; Flu Seed 681bn.. • Sptchst _Jotters. i 4 OPEC/ALNo?ics. — Al!'debts 13. Norm and Itenry.Maicar rosining unpaid on tint iiint of Fi Mitt will be_pla . logi in the lands a ilornby for co l lec tion. 44 /Anti Ms . _qnstita doadia at O desiring irit,ll . Win nce, as Jan. & Arasais ACADEIir. resigned as ininctpal of take effect Nara lak his services, may confer obars, • - ri -o ttkit fiiii LI - - alum— n t ay of say„ 1888, we shall oommence to do li bt csah Baseiness. -- No cree* will i dialprice mill p T i zt in . Country . • 141 be sold less than et any other a Gloria and Mittens, a I Wok, sold at ocist. All acco must be Leg date, or th • bq left for ] I L & Cot `Tain . uels, Dem . 11,1887. . ax• • .. Thell '' Tacrwit cs NOrlogi . , an of the Bradford County' *Bre diterent Owns' oftir s m i r i" Oorm_t =trcksinnunienieraitli the Big ill *AO to Rena Neel their :respectiro immix '4%a 131 Conunitbas ean frowlah kimono a an til l zr im ron , rerisonablepa.- . pointed , who I repo ried, relt Oa. Lipe ct -do So vitt 'Towanda, Dec. 18,1 &Bu ' m 101. lAA Of Airotihfriviit tor e b , Daniel &mil& ; Biter en; Club= tin% Wm. Levrraioiii Dar id:- John Ward:Warrtm, Philander Pritanati r -Rerre Orvilln Steams ; Litehihdd, Berri:Tali; EirOjne, - B=l Weetbrook„,. Wm _ p4( . 0). hint gOrwell, Dimmodk Ridgebum. LIMO. Owner ; Springfield, Stiphed,l,_ ettioy_ osouta.croki IllyrniTurke; Towanda-sork Winletdeb ; Nortli- . Towanda, - Frannie Oren TvoY 13 0. ro, Adolphens D Spalding ; Tuscarora, "Wil mot Cobra ; Ulster, Levi &hie, Akira' G Moore; Wyalusing, Jonathan Hornet; mot, Oliver P • - mama AIInt—PIRET.IVIROL , - LAW= Mous Ellenerger ; Armenia, ohm)* T'Lyon; Athena T ip , Abram ;Mill; Burlington West, Joseph Hilton • Buffing ton Tim, Emanuel Guyer,* Burlington Bo nn, Sherman H ; Baielay, _Gearge.W 'Dickey, Thomas Miner; Clanton Twp, I .187_ers_Foster, George Id Williams, Thomas 8 Nnkey, Philander Case; Granville, Sinn; , uel Shepard', Herd* John Durand piton-, roe Two. Joseph Roll; Overton, Lewis Rol); Pike,- Wm Gre, John - Ellsworth :Borne WT. Wm T ; Btarrium N r o*; iliwinglield, Seth ifirerman; Smith field. UM/ Vahan' Tr ,Edwerd Bed- Vian"Balree 'lnlranda BEV, Ahira Wai ham, "John 7 War* r'Zerr, Madden ; Towanda North, Ira Stevens.; Term, John I' Dodge ; Warren, Randolph L Beardslee ; Wells,lWalter S Bowman, Gavin Jewell ; Windham, . Nelson Tyreri, Chatmoey Dun- Washingtc Wyaim Ingham rming, George, Rutty ; 'W il mot,' . - - of them found iri t' kidier [ . owed tai IONISE!. c_ Duty to for Coma& years, -iohis '= ta Of the unty Von 1772 . 00 n. ,P4O P 1147 are very ce maims I . e Qom. MUMS nr/10101-BECOED then Twp, David GardnerrNathan Ed na:aster Asylum, My - Kellogg, Barthel omew 4porte ; Albany, Stephen.D Steri ger ; Canton Boro, BenrB Dartt; Columbia, , Myron! Bollard, Asa A Bullock rFranklin, Nelson: Gilbert ; , Granville, John Tleam ed ; Herrick, Phillip C Angle Litcldeld. Oscar Wolcott, Win Bostw ic k ; Orwell. Chauncey G Gridley, WmSibley ; Overton,. Owen WC= • ; Rome Twp, Dennis Rock well ; Smithilekt, Wm B Barton ; Standing Stone, (Simon Stevens, Frederick 8 Wbit man ; S ToSPanda Boro, Thomas _Delano, Thomas B Jordon, James H rhinney ; To wanda Korth, Roderick Granger ; Troy Bo ro, Charles . F Sayer; Troy Twp, John Grist ; 1 Tuscartira, Beebe Wood, Henry F Keeney?; Wysox, Ferdinand Allen, Robert H Liuming; Warren, Robert Cooper; Wind ham,*-Dennis Russell ; Wyalasing, Sethlip Met ; Wells, Abner Knapp ; Cal • A Stowell, George Frutcley. Bah tiiia vania and 'll►Pauy, ean Wa arrange- travelling er north take the hours. t Towan : • can be • • - R.F.govED N. CALM' has remov ed his Law Office from Over the Post Office to the Recorder's Office,. when he will give particular attention to Conveyancing, Orph ans Court busineris, ,to. Oct. 31.-2 m. e travel expeetaL v. • coach /- n found timber of been or- SHErr Music.—All of the , latest, Pieces; last received at Crtamaraules. EvkiIYWIERBS The hi,ghest 'prize, the Cross of tlte.Lhion-qr /fin or, was conferred tux= the • representative of the - Gwynn . &Emma BEWMG, MA at the Exposition ITnivarielle, ITArl a T l i t t67, thus attesting their .great ti so• perlority over . ill other Sewing Mai+ ti es. For bale by W. A. Ctunuts=„Towands. CHRlST arrange- the Mll Christ to for Lodge, umber of .rowsing f its fall- IS. The largest stock. of Leßoy W. Pairthadts- Gold Pens ever , offered in this =whet, at Casmizinis's. i . 1111. The. stockholders of the First National Bank of Towunda aro hereby noti fied thatitie annytilmeeting for the election of diMetors will brEeld at the *Mee of , the Bank, Tuesday Jan. 14th, 1868,between the hours of one and three p. m- Dec. 10. N.' N. Birms, Cash. pezance 43138 the number e receipt mmittee • and WARTEL-500 linshels olChatcoa Apply to S. N. Aspinwall. Nov. 27. of the pro. Han.— • PAPElL—Subsc_riptions for Nasby's paper—the Toledo B lade—received at the the Baeoaizn office.. Price $1 SO. Nasby Wilicontimse to write ipeekly until the next Republican President is inaugurat ed. Come and examine specimen copiegt. wise : ed theta las for "bored oppo , =pond= e. The "port to District Deputy Reg a l. e put it with • SOL. SLOOOIO3 ; or-the Maid of the Jwdata, is the title of a new story from the pen, of that popular writer—llinmsou Ea urrr—to; lie published in the New York Weekly, commencing Dec. 12 1867. 'For sale at puma do Co's Book Store. • j Will any one lose' the present opportunity for procuring Frames, Albums, Card Frames, Bustles, Pictures or anything else in our line, when the place is so handy and well known, and the goods so very rea sonable in price, Emma & Stumm. room, I Mir Who wants lo buy a beautiful Mainz extremely, cheap, an elegant variety of such for very 100 figures at HARDM k Eaut, xannigallery of art. Don t fail-to come and, examine for yourielf. Dec. 9. clap forth wing of . own in 0 Unlit ented, we. Be i or EMU : • Holines_Steroscopes Sterosco pic views, Card Frames, Card Elsels Passe partouts &c.; at Hsaniso &'s Gal lery of Art. Oct. 2. E.D. SWEET—CRANDIMB.-at the house of the brides father, in Moriroe boro, Dec. 18, 1867, by Rev. 4. T. Brownell, Mr. Hiram e lf. Sweet and Miss Julia L. Cranmer,botli of Monroeton, Pa. - Wkart--MANN—By J. T, Brownell, at the Ward House, Towanda, Pa. Dec. 31, 1367, Mr. Nelson White; of Tarrytown, and MissNlbm C. Mann, of Wilmot, Pa. WILLIAMS—COOLBAUGH—By the same, at the M. E. Parsonage, Towanda, Pa., Jan. 1, Mr. J. D..Williamsof Asylum,Pe., and Miss Mary . L. Coolbangh, of Liberty Corners; Pa: • I . & Aleut vote of • and to reeling Bacnr pres- II ent BRINK-'.NORTON-By the same, at the IL E. Parsonage, Towanda, Pa.: Jan. 7, John B Brink and Miss Ellen •Hor(op; both of llheshequin,• . • I• rices. THOBW2I4-HHIJII REY—At the parson age in LeHayUviile, Jan. Ist, by Boy. Brigham', Mr. Morgan Thomas, of Middle, town, - Pa., to Mew Esther Humphrey, of Pike, Pa. ; WOODRUPP—GOTTLEICER—At Duahore $3 75 1 25 1 50 75 2 00 35 38 on the Mat of December, by Rev. Hallock ArrostrOog• lir. George H. 'Woodruff and Hiss Miss Gnash, F. Gottleber, both of '3O 35 15 CO 3 00 16 00 20 18 • 11 " BOSWORTH—At Der s ayvville, Dec. 29, 1867, by Rev W. & Heaton, ifr. Egbert, T. E. Becker, of Mount Carroll DI., and Mu a 0. Botniortb, daughter • of.L. L. 'Bosworth Esq..-of LellayerMe 14 12 • Gorn, FOX- I 62 illB ed Pm I Pa. MoRA . Jan. Mary WILOr ue H. , re. an At- by bosky BOGY let, 4 0 130 111 t/eld, -7 1 has n. to ideiu Wa Albs, 1867 El soh for gocido tore. --4 • Oast Or BLANCHABD—GRAY--At tho residence of the brides mother, in. Union, Tioge, Pa., -Jan. 2,1868, by Bev. d. L. Watoon, Mr. Ira Blanchard td Mrs. SandlE. Gray,both - of Union,: Pa,• • . WADENEOPAYITEEttdIZ-By ihe - same; at the site time and place, Mr. Andrew J. of Carbondale, to Miss Un rolls A.! Pothergill, of Union Ps. Drithii3-411EltWINK--On the 24th inst., at the:E. Parsonage,, in ?annoy, Pa., bY - Eli. ;Mk ,Danigan. Bykins, and •s' Lydia Esenwine, of Towanda, re4 l nion • 110 EE ve not • 4ho Ai) • . tn. vs Jake Cizedffig a your GOODD 1867, „,, , 1. t..,,,,.. i m .- ..... ..-:,,,.,- -.*, c•• '',. :-•;--,--: •.{, , • =7. ~MkTaigkOWAß/11 1:7. 1,.'..' .. "-' - ' , - - .1 . .,.: -, :': , "--•,1 ;:• ft •,. : siginualsoriwildittif,i i.,',1 -d• 1 1.,: d., ‘,;,,,,,_; - ,;:, -. 1.--•.„_, ~7:'• .4'l' -,, ;: .'r' 4 ,,'; 4 4 4 1 Threstargil ;, ;_jf•-.;:',; ,- ;:,:3 ..; - " , •:r - • , ;', , 0 , -'-Y. , r •,: \,;;;' - ; . .. i. ' ;,: 1 itimellkook, IfahraireetiTmnaidt.74 , l; . ).,.,..1.F.: t• :11- '' <1 ,-..: 'l , --1,:, .---. ,-,:ip 4 ., ~, : f .2z_i; i . l'l'”, ~, ',l; 4. :-.1 - I.l' ; ', 4 2 , r t , '• !-.17 ..ii Al.:1 tOr 3 '* l(6 PieStitiftm 4 ,-;-?:- ,-- ..,0 0 ,.': ; :•, - i t 1.- _ ; ~.,'. 'lt ~,- . \... •••• :• -- - ' Q ~,,.:\; - - , -W - til , y,t rM,. _ i i. 2 ~... , ~,...... ....4 c,a a) }-3 C` W • alkw Goons Nirw Goons'il JUST comma MUM =al • AT TAYLOR .I CO.'S ILUIMOTE Meizei' l Ilan Street, • , A g A VI 0 - - lif2 A 0 0 W . w . Ei O :4 4 PT■I M w W r 5 4 1 " ,43 \ 0 . fr 4 C.D 0 E-4 ...- . CIO =I ' O 0 C.: XZW GOODS ! zarw . Gomel JDET RECEIVED FOB THE HOLIDAYS 1 =aim Mid _ AT TAYLOR it !CO.'S MAMMO TH STORE, • '-' bl r, .fj bz ' ti 6 H S' PP ' o) ril w it . ri m bi :a VI oil Q 0 44, H , hi . H , 0.. W . _ , 1 . - y. Co. iii] 29, nk D. '.Ai_ , dam abn P. Utah- 13:33 ia 31, H. Iv its} of . 06() Mt.'. JustolkTimiwur,PATOt . ,'-' -- '•:.'ciiiiiiiiiiiyi':i4iiii - ''. l''''' '''' ~1- '' __.:.,._-.. ~.:'. I ____ - °i;I: : , : : ' Afi i TAMIL &,99t 1 .13:31414t,. ,Otiiirl#l4:i Mesas' Block, Main Street; Temaida:": 12E1 EN= .1 g... '';,'A ~. , F,..!. - 1',.7 . ':, -;',,, . , I s 1 • , ~ ' i •'I • -.• -..q---4 . i 1. -. ‘ ,:t: .'• . • ..i.: - - r. -A .:, ~, 10 1 0 123 TOE THE HO =ll U i = ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of lanlsituate in Litchfield twp., bound ed north by lands of Elms Goodsell , and Jona than Runt, east by lands of Johnson Rogers and William Wright and Cain McDowell, son e ? by lands of Edward Barton and S. B. Cern , westly lands of John \ Rogers Jr. and Ow a Parka, Containing about 230 a cres of land, more or less, about 100 acres improved, with one framed home, carpenter" shop, blacksmith 'help, two framed barn'and shed attached, ind• orchard of fruit trees thereon. • Belied sr.,* taken in execution at the suit of . Sell= Kirby vs. John Rogers. Also at the Zeit of Seim Kirby vs. John Rogers. , AL I SO—By virtue of a writ of Levarl Facies will be sold at the same time and place The fol lowing described lot, piece or parcel of land situate.* Litchfield twp., beginning at a hem lock standing on the south line of alot et land deeded by P. J.Decaters to John Rogers, thence Beath 1° west 159 31, prs. to a post fora corn- er of the Douglas Davidson lot, thence ftorth 89 0 west 159-pra., tO a post, south-east corner of John S. Cortwright's lot. thence north 1° eau 1593.10 pre, to a post and atones, thence so 4 th 89° east 150 pre to the place of beginning. Con taining 140 acres, 135 perches, &c. . 7 ALSO,-One other piece or parcel of laud sit uate in Litchfield twp., beginning at the north emit corner of a lot of land deeded by P. J. De caters to John Rogers, east 53 3.t pm. to a black oak on the wept line of the Seth Hunt lot; thence south 160 3-10 pm. to a post north east corner of lot No. 111 as surveyed by Z. Flower, thence west 53 340 pm. to a post for a corner, thence .north 161 3.12 pea. , to the be ginning. Containing 50 acres, more or leas, and both pieces inclusive containing 19J acres and' 35 perches with usual allowance. Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Barstow a Ilirhy's use vs. SamnellJavidson Ex ecutor of Wm. Lureock and Silas Bi Career„ tare tenants.. ALSO—AII the ovial undivided one third part of all those tracts or parcels of lands and premises hereinafter particularly described, situate lying and being in the townships of Franklin. Monroe and Overton, the first tract beginning Isaac atone corner of the Samuel. Pleasants, Sorrel, Walter Stuart and De borah Stout tracts of jand, thence south 208 a - post and stones,; thence rilong•the north line of the Petel i , Luddle tract north 60 0 west 245 8-10 pie. to post and stones, thence north 90 6-10 pre. to post and _atones on the line of the aforesaid Samuel Pleasanta tract, thence north St° east 92 prs. to a post, thence south 5 pm': to a post, nil, atones, thence east 121pra. td the place of beginning. Containing .264 acres more or leas. ' • The second put beginking at a beach corner of a lot formerly owned- hy the paid Park and rat:ling Sontk 69 0 east 160, pro : to a beach Corner thence south 31° west 106 rods by land 'of 86.119 and to a beach, -.theme' north 59° east by lands of. George Brown and Joh Ilaytharn 18(trods to a beach, thence north 31 --Ay lands filhprly owned by thesaid Pat grade ID, the place _of beginalog. C - oz 4 1 4 ViEs sad 44. }s. more orless. '_-" he , tract be tat 4 etioite pile the ,l4tdr 0 toss* gime; .Aaace, south 831° east 0 pre. to a: stone pile thence r orttraf° east 9.2-10 pm. , to inarreyliortkr nip west line, thence 'Mid firitlisouttrile east 12 pre. into the creek to W. A. Park's line thence Up the meek south 591°. - west 33:640 1 pra; thence south 8640 welt; 22 540 pm. then north 82° west 15 prs , thence- nath.24l°eas 8 8-10 pis. front." 4 poler in thri . 'creek-to 1 1 plum of beginning,. Containitig 5 acres, an r : 129 pmb.esonom or k w •,. ..- .O The equal undivided: orie-thlril. Da or right en& title in Water, Power, Pwitottil mad lora woolen facto!". ~ • . .. . plata and "taXen In execution at the alit o 1 James S. Hawes 90, Charles, H. Stratton an 4111 4 01 , !Urittom ' 1 - ,- . ,- ._ , WILLIAM GRIFFIS, To vista, January .7,1868. • :- • r 1 11 -P 441 U 4 ' C=l 1-3 'g II El 0 • • SALL.TBy - wiitue 1J a-uriifof Vend. , Napo.. issued out 'of tho Court of Common Pkas of ' , Bradford 'County and to me , directed. viii be 'OrEosed• to public; sak on themises on ;FRIDAY thellst day of JANUARY, 1888, it •I. o'clock, p. m.. the mowingdescribed lot piece or pared ol land ats in Sylvania. boo' bounded north by 'pnblio bfakway.~ gastand south •b; lands of 1 1 1 , leg Peck and H. Pee& west by woe or Let a ' der Grekey.. Contalblog I of - an sops of land more otiose. iU improVed, with a front horns and famed barn thereon. in . Seized and.laken eseentios -at the suit o %%Wan Boonton n. amnia/ham - ' WILI,tAID GIP.IPPIdi' Towanda; Jan. 1,18671 r_ . . EMU 1 2- ' ~" '- f l'. :! : -.' -::4 • - i k.- 5 4.: : 314. 1 ,:::- -,: .1, - - ,t , - 1 F k .-,mniiii4,l ,I* , ; __,. 4 a LIALI:-.!-ereak :1. ':' •Ma z.rAiriti a iragniats rtooklethAdjOn ll ~ 4W ll... „ ..A Dlitrict.- mtslittMnt Re el ' l,4 ti l i- '` - 'd . r" 7 AS Ir7 " 7"Mtr i tie l ,t Aesociabi --] Infund "for:iiid touo3 . f E ; old; have anal - their_Paceptbearfagatto l'a doritAttirt‘ D... 2 3 158 te, I ,_ _as directed; a vws' of Oyer ina Terminer, Gen- Qurterl3asions, ,of the Peace,__Cotongua end OrPlanlir Vona: at Towindg for lbw .County of Itradford, on Monday, the 34 day of "bawl 'next, to watinue two stab. • Th• • ;Notice, a thwack hereby &en to to Coro, Weft Juas of the- ferne - ,' and Constaideko ‘ the tionl i of iliad4ati • thikratafbe Unman' there fa' " lir proper person at 10 O'clock in the forenota of said day, With their records, in, - '=and other neunnbancea, to do those ,rrhich to ..their;. odic, appertaitte abe done; end thcalrho are bound by recoenisela as otherwise toproacute' Walesa the prisoners whowhose or may be the jowled! County; r 'who shall be band to appear at the said Court, are to be then and there to prosecute agalut them Umbel! be just : .:;Aron are requested-to i - be in their, standasee•liVoothl7 to Dated at Towanda, the "red diy - of Jan: , li th e • year of our Lora, onethoosandagte hundred • - and sixtreight, and of the Independence of the Unitedaltates i lhe niustyAnt. , + - i ft; ;;‘ ! • WILLIAM .GEI3IIB, SlatIFF'S - 5AL11.8 . ,,t.. virtue lot a writ of Vend. Expo. : `leaned lined out of the 'Court of Common Pleat or. Bradford- Canty, and tome directed, there -- read be expose& to public dle at the Cloud. • Rouse. fa the Borough of Towanda; on Tlll l / 1 8DAY, the' 30th day of JAN lIAIIY.IBBB, at 1 o'clock. p. m., the fol. lowing described lot - piece ensued' of land sit=, ate in the Towands.lionaded north bye lands - of K. 0. Meteor, east; by 34 itre'et; . south by Lombard street. weatby kind of Sam eel Powell.'. Being 50 feet on Lombard street and 100 feet back. :Coatelaing 5000 square feet - More agars, sit Improved ,ed sink a hamed -house, framed barn and few inralt_treartheivon,: Seised and taken in execution at the spit of ' Wm. Keane Watts vs. Bolomoa Copper and IL. G. Berry. Also at the suit -of ..wm. Nears ' Watts vs. 8. G. Berry and Solomon Cooper se- L L YI 3O--TheiMlowing " ' described lot, ipiecti ' !or ' A lof land situate in Athena tp., bounded 4 the north by , lands of Yates & • Co., net by of Geo. Wolcott and Abram Brinsicker, lands of Smith' Chins and land he longing to the heirs of H. Williston, decease& and by lands of Edward William and Smith Grill& _ Contithing-255 acres of land more or less about 100.acrea improve4;with two framed dwelling houses.. three Mundt barns -.milk a small orchard of fruit trees thereon, _ I 1 . ' ' Belted and takes in eacmatiotr at the milt lot N. p. Harris'lnse vs; Elias • Hunsickez. f ! .. A.L.SO.—.The followtog described letiplemi- or psxiel of land' situate .in ' Canton tp., Utta r : zing at a pod on. the' warrant line,.being the • south-east corner otEphraim Case's lot, MOP) .37 pre to the centre of the road leading from the Canton Steam Mill to Blossburg. tlieuee north 76° west dif: pr& .along said road toja , - post,, ninth 12° • wesit.2l pra. to a post, i the ice east 72 7-10 pre to the place DT" in- Wog— Containing 12 acres, more or, less, also i 10 - acres imiiroved/ with-. a binned "ha , framed ham and a few fruit trees thereon - I Belted and taken in execution at the snit f Orison Boyser vs. E. P.; Bisliop. . ALPO—By virtue of a writ of Al& FL Fe ,_, Wlll be sold at the same time and place , the fok o f lowing described lot, pie ce or parcel or laud situate in Ulster twp., sled north by lan& of Joseph Kitchen, by lands of Norman Blume, south by a read Ileading Isom the y u le road to Bolcomb's steam mill, west by the pub. Ile highway leading trom Towanda to Athens. Containing }acre of land, more or less, all int proved, with two framed dwelling' hoesesone i framed barn and few trait trees thermin.• . Belted and taken in intention at the suit of Chas: Stevens' use vs i .1. B. Hill. Also at U E. salt of G. Vandyke & B.ILIII/1. 1 • ALSO—By virtue :a writ of Fl . Fa.: will be sold at the same t and place, the team,- lag described lotplece lor , -parcel of land situ-I ate in Radiate& tp.,hea l ed north by lands of P. P. Sweet and public busy, east by landi of -Kean Leeds. and • Brooks, south by lands of Walter PollocMand Myron Luther and west by lands of said P. P. Sweet. Contain ing 103 acres, more or less, abmt 40 acres im proved with framed , house , framed barn and few &nit trees therese. Seized and taken in execution 'at the suit et coddle/ &Eo vs. John 8: Dykins and Ed win Wied. Alio at die suit of Geo. Stevens vaaohn B. Dykins and 'Edwin Weed. 1 ALSO—The following described lot piece or pucel of land situate- in Terry twp., bounded north by land et J. Bottles, south and east by the Public highway, west by land of S. Buttle i i. M Containing 7 acres of land, more or less, t • proved with turning lathe and shop thereon. &Mid and taken in execution at the suit of John C. Dyer's - use vs. N. 0. Dyer nna 8.1.. Vaughn. • l Was .l l.Btajaaia - . a Una W Staatiol (Chat! No. 840, Sep . ~ . term, 1967; , Thrtagleaftaol auditor 'prnted by - . &Action...mow la_lttaltaada of_ _ . atiff i gaja-float the ~Ws ralerat detest .. . pmeatvilll--•itisaittOliat%dtt • - ' 6 4011Vsalatakeat at, Ida taw la . • .. , . 4- ' d movnizeli; on FRIDAY, alai-Slat. . o f 1 • AU, Ism fit. 9o' sail, ltri OE ..:. 0 - balinircllima u_ mo ti l tinu ~.. , or forever be - hem [ r O. p. YON _ • . P Dee. ; l 96?; " Deel ' - j 11 - ' Audit or . I , . '44/e 141rGisnata• JJit hereby given, that tbere balk, filed and OMNI la wasekli 014* - (WNW", hi fOr the = ( ty of Bradford, --, , ta of ad -111;atat,11104,, Melba a** om way_ Cuer.r - GetnekVO of Conatimagdied.' ~ Vaal acc't of S. idlorr:or D. GUlbrd. fate of Walls. 'd. t nod :Gee% et Alain: ndsis, Melee°, Jana Wilbur, late of 13 rlnniteld, dec'd. plaid ancelof add A•fi Hoe: ley atint'in of John , Voorldi, latoo Elptinittle/d • .11u4 acc't of Benj. Vandyke &int: of Jona. than D. Vandy ke ; dec'd: Partial ucc't of E. T. Fox, adner of 8. Fel ton;deol.: • - p • • Phud ace% of &suet Niles. adm'r of Mu* ;en Carllale_, lateet Smithfield. deed. AlBo—The tpprilsement of property set off by, Executoreor, Adndalstraters: to iirilo,ffs or, cWldreti of the folio:Cog decedents : Estate of Raul Pepper. Mate of :,T. C. Barnes. • And the ISM will be preierited to the Or phan'i Court of Briolford Dounty,on Thursday the Atit day ofFebruary, next; foreOullrmation and allowance." H. J. MADILL, Jan.B, 1868:., • Register. RPHAN'S , ; COURT SiLE.—By . O *irtzte.dif an Order bilnied* , of `Coati of gradkord Cpaaty;the troika- ad.; mlnatratotof.the as ate or John. caldron, late of:l3hediequisi twp , pow An the pretakes,'otiBATHEDAY;JANIUNT 35, 1888 at,l o"clockpart;; the ' following deuribed lot piece or parcel or-land situate in Sheshequln twp. bounded and described as fellowa : Be ginning at a corner, thence by lour NO.91;101; thence soutls3o°,ls minefght- pare; to a corn- - er; thence bY Parts 'of lots Nos. 101, 102 and, 103, south 59° west 184 prs. to a earner; thence along Sheshequin r o ad north 64pwest 22 prs. Mime north 63° west 78 pre. to a corner; thence by parts of iota No. 91 and 92 0 north .49 0 east 238 pro to the place of beginning. Con ! talking 92 acres and 112 perches; more or lees. ALBO—A lot inseam township, beginning at corner of lot now owned by Stephen Newell, on line of divklime lormerly made by. Franklin. and Davis S. .941aekaran, attd running ari the old' fence runs- between the river'-and the stage reed all the &Stance throngh the old farm with' anglaise wen* the bill of about 11 or 11 pereh es. • The old papers designating the line as 1s supposed were left with H. Morgan Feme :35 year" ago; and being-the old division Has be tween said Franklin and Davis B. Blackman; made by Said Blergan and Daniel Coolbaugh,: boundedmithe-aonth-eaat by Franklin Black. man, on the north-east by lackiOn Blackrna (now lands of Horace Norton) south by lan ot Kilmer and Berner, and other lands of sad - -decedent. Containing 70 acres, more or leas. ' ALFA—Lot situate in Wune-townslifp, bound edoit therth by Jeunilah Kilmer,, west by lamb' of I Barber, south .by fitst des cribed lot above, east by second described lot above. Coldish:lllg 12 acres, more or less. Tesam i,oo to be paid upon each parcel of land being struck down; one-third of ,the bal ance on the homestead farm.ontktonlirmation of the sale, and the-balance - in _two equal annual Installments, with interest on the whole sum annually. One half of the bilanc. ofthe pert chase money of the other two lots on confirma tion of the sale, add the balance with Interest, ones ear thereafter. - • JOHN P. MOMAHON, MABTHA f ilediAHON, Dec: 19,1867.- Administrator. fiRPHAN'S CQIIRT SALE.-By virtue of an oider issued oat of the Or phan's C out of Bradford County. thef under slimed administrators Of the estate of Casper Gernet,late of sidd county, • dtied., ell oil atkpremisetion THURSDAY, the 30th j day of JANUARY, 1868. at 2 o'at ock, p.the fol lowing described lot piece or par ce l or land Coltunbla tp. beginning _on the east line of lot N 0.44, on warrant No. 960,11 n the center of said lot north and south, thence, north 80'240 prs. to a stone corner;. thence west 66 , 2-10 prs. to &stake and stones, the south-east corner of Isaiah` Montatiyar lot s , thence tenth '2° West 82 .2 4 10 pn, to a smelt beach Stump', -thence" swath 821° east 1f 0-10 prs. - to - *beach' 'stump, thence n - orth 2,ri west 4 4 10 prs. to a stone corner, thence east 51 : 5-10 yrs. to the place of , beg inning. Ccintalning 33 acres and 86 _perches, be the same more or less.. TERII2.-425' to be paid on dal of toile; one half" In one month, the balance on condrmation of deed. ' y - STEPHEN G. GERNET. • MARY . GERNET, 18613. , Administrators.. (V .'HAWS COURT SALE. J---Byi %.1" virtue of an order of the . Orphan's Court of Bradford' County , the Und l ersigned &drain's tautrix of the estate of Cornelius italicise, late' of Rome deed., will .sell; on the premisea on THURSDLY the 30th day of J4.3113.11tY, 186$, at 2 o'clock, p. in., the' following descri bed lot, piece or-parcel of land situate inlttome tp., beginning at a , stake„ tooth-east corner of W. W. Kinney's lot in the road thence py war. mai line east seventy-two prs. to, a saslce and corner of :William Strope, thence north 80 ~3 7.; 100 pre. to a stake, thence west 87 23100 prs. to a - stake in the road. thence by W. WI. Kin ney's estate south 10.1. east e sr 8-10 . pia: along the -road to the place of beginning. Clntain ing 40 acres, strict zneasvre ' nearly all improv ed, with a frame house and barn thereon, - TER 41—One fourth lot* pbrchase money to be paid at the ale, one-fourth •on confirmation and balance In ono year. • HARRIET ' CHANDLY.It. Jan. 8, 1868. - .Administrat NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY ' This is to give notice, That on the sth day:of Dec'r., A. D. 1.867, a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against theestate Of Win. T.Mackney of Troy, in the comity of Bradford, in the State of Pennsylvania, who- has been ad judged a Bankrupt on his own petition; and that the payment of any debts and' delve ry of any pro me belonging to each Bankr -, to him or for Ms use, and the traasfer of any pro perty-by him are forbidden l by law • that a Meeting of the- creditors of said' 13 takrupt to prove their debts and to choose one or more As signees of his eats to, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy to ha, holden at the ollhe of the Register in the Court House, in the Borough of Towanda, before EDWARD OVERTON, Jr. Register, on the 22d clay of JANUARY, A. D., It6B, at 2 o'clock. p. .THOMAS A. ROWtEy, - • United States Marshall as Messenger, We 3. tern District of Penns) iv. cia. By E. B. CO ILB tUGH, Deputy, Dec. 16, 1867.-4 w N °TICE IN BANKRUPTCY Thu is to. give notice, That on the 4th clay of January, A.lB. 1868, a warrant in Bankruptcy • was found against the estate of Riley Sickler. of Fiala, in the county Wyoming, and State of. Pennsylvania, who -has been adjudged 'a Bankrupt calls own petition ; - that the pay -meat of any debts arldelivery, of any proper _ty belonging to Each • Bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the. transief of any property by him are forbidden by law • that -a fleeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt -to prove their debts and to choose- one, or more Assignees of his estate, held at a Court of Bankrupt cy to be holden at the office • of the -Register in in the Court House, in the Borough of TOwan• da, before EDWARD OVERTON , Jr., Regis ter, on the Bth day of FEBRUARY,:i. D 1868, at .2 o'clock ,p. m. - 'PHOBIAS A. ROWLEY, 'United States Marshal as Messenger, West - •eru District of Pennsylvania. ' By E. B. COOP.BAUGH, Deputy.- Jan. 5,1868.-4 w. - . ' NOTICE IN BANKRCPTCIr.- A.l This is to give notice, That on the. day - of January, A: D. 1868, a warrant in twptey was issued.against the estate of Henry E tomato( the'townablivof Colundilit,in the coaq-, ty of Bradford and• State of Penns,ylvinia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own yeti.: tion ; that the paynienf of any debts'and,l3e :livery of any property belonging to such Bank mdit to him or for his use, and the : transfer of anyViopiaty by- 'him- are fortddden 'by law ; that a meeting of Om creditors of ,said Bank rupt to prove their debts and to choose one or more Assignees of ids estate, 'will be held at a Court et, Bankruptcy to be holden at the office - of the Haglike!. In the Cour.t House, in the 80. rough of Towanda, • before EDWARD' OVER,- TON, Jr.', Register, on the 11th day of February - A. D. 18613, at 2 o'clock, p. m. THONAS A. 1 110WLEY. ilAited States Marshal as Messenger West -; an District of l'enusylvanfa ftf E, B. C001.41.4.11411 a Deputy Jan. 5, 1116,11.,-4w, TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF the United Stites, for tbe- Western - District of Pennsylvania. William A. Park. a Bank= rapt under the - Act of; Coogreas of March 2d, - 11167, having applied fora Discharge from all -his debts, and other claims provable under said Act. by order of the couri, ;toffee 19 hereby given, to all.cleffito'ra vvho hale proved their Obta,abd other peraous interested, to appear ou - the 33d day of 1868, at lo o'. olook, a. m., before said Conti, at the office of - EDWARD .OVERTON, Es;, at Towanda, Pa., to show came, if any they have. why a ,Dis chtuge should not be grantedz to the said Bank rupt. And further .is hereby l Etiven. that the second and Third - Mo i u. creo, tons of the said flaukroiit, ;cooked - by e 27th sgd 38th8ectiona et' .aatir - Acl, will be had - be... fare.sald tieglater, at the same time and place. 13.3, E. MoCANDLESS • Clerk IL Dlg Ct urt for said District. Dec. 28,.1887.-3w. • - - , .iih - vrEcuTows • NOTEOE.—Notice ls beceby given MA all *emus - indebted. lect : th , estate - of illithaulel Smltli , late of Co- Iqlubistpillee'd, ere-requested to make "Mediae- pnilecut, eed sit *Yin 414111131111011 Osiiit”fillftfeeat Vltir-1114 !-F l44 " e g t " . Ltitotheiii. .)=.• ; alma Jut. 41618. Eisecatcra. === -Ye.,:-. -,A41ti44A441 . 4 :,t9t . r46,- - - , N 844' Int i '' ..,-..- n the milt 'Of WM. B. :CONtridt, liardirnpt. •ra the lAstrict Court olthe United States for, the Lirelkilkplittic‘APentisylvarda, jui.,- ) .r, 3 villowil it Riy_ _ _,111.: The .orkleasigited Id i t r i liZrWliihfftuf a Zt= lll. • • 6 .9 .9 - 4kaapuuts atiPennievini. 11 , ioa 0, irk: , Igo adjudged - a Bankropt; :Vika hi oww - Dial& Ocurt of sold District. ' • Dated atlieshOPPeniVtis. 1 3ttifty. of Deinal bfirr, A. P. 1867. . . , • • . • :.`A r I .' .—.;- . ii mat ' . • Cle0.1.141111Y; Dabbulyt.. • '• ln lb ) • 211 ' triet Court of the United States for the Western I?lstrict ot Pennsylvania, sa. -•• .0. ~ To whoatit may COUgeP : _The anderegned hereby gives maim: Of lds: appobitme na., as ea-, algae° ot George P Tracy, of biome; in the ;minty of Bradford, and. Stale. et Pennsylvania *Min said District, who has been.adjudged a. Ilaimkruptmon his corn petition by the Dbittict Court of mid District pate:tat Tcnnuitia, . loth gai_giu, 4,D.1867..• J. ' . EMT, Assignee. 11 _ • r trk „,.„.,..0,,..uf., • ... —ln gu4 matte :of orsim Blakey , Bankraiit:. In the District art of the United States for tit... West ern Db. .t of -Bennsyfraisia. Tckirb it may concern: ;The undersittost hereby_m.• notice of-his. isOpointratut m AA si,gnee of Oreon Bicle' of Rome Borough. in . . LW county of BMdtardf - and State cif Penney'. Mania ,within said *strict ) , wius has, been ad `fudged a' Bankrupt uton -his own etftimi by the Districl,Coort of said:District.r • Dated the' 14th day of comber, . A D. 1867. . . 'JOHN W. 311 X, Assignee..* •. TN BAN,KRUPTCY.-112.tle.matter - .Lot Edward Chilion, Bankrupt. In the District ourt Of .the UnitedStatesilor the Weitern Dis trict of Pennsylvania, as. Ta *Odin it may amarn : The. Undersigned hereliy gives notice of his appointment as as signee of Edw. ChiLsonaAsiluta, la . the Coen' ty -ot. Bradford, and State of :Pennsylvania, sill is said District, who bits . been adjadge.d a Bankn3Pt upon his own petl; ion by the District Court of said Disrict. • • Data! Towanda, ;the 16th, :day . of. December * . A.P.4 16671 6- - • JOBS. W. MIX; Assignee: NOTICE IN BANKRUPTat . giric Notice / k That on the .26th yof i ecember, A. D. 1867; d Warrant M Bankruptcy was issued "against thoestate of Josiah Stowell of 'the township of Wilmot, in the County of Bradford, and State of Penn sylvania, who bas- been a4udged Bank rupt maids own Petition;, that thepaymenk of any dp_bts and dellvery of any property belonging to such Bruikrupt, to him, ,or for lahruse, and the transfer - ..0f any: property bfr him are forbidden by law; that a meet ing of the creditors .of the said Bankrupt, tO proye theltdebts, and 'to choose .one or' more Assignees of his Estate, will be held at a Carat of Esidainptcy, to be - holden at the Moe of the Rem sterbirthe Borough of Towanda; before EDWARD WRETCH, Regiiterc.on the: 7th day, of 15ebroiiry, A. p. 1868, at 2 o'4ock, m._. • • - ; THOMAS A. BOWLES, . • United States =Wad as Messwigefi • Western District Pennsylvania. ' . By E. B. coo p pitu:Gta, Deputy.' Jim. 7,1868.-4 w- • •"' - • NOTICE ,IN gANXRUPTOY. This is to give Notice : That ! one the 26th day December, Al 1). 1867, a Warrant Bankruptay was issued *bast the estate of Nelson, Vit Erenthaf.the township of Wind. ham, in the county of Wyoming and State of Feruiaylvanis,lwho has been adjUdgetl a Bankrupt on* his own petition; that;he, pak, meat of any debts and delivery' .of any property ~ belonging such - Bankropti, to him, or for his riga, and the tranifer - any properfy by him ' arc `forbidden by lan that a Meeting of the Creditors.of the said Bank rupt, to proye their debts,- - and to choose one or more Assignees of Estate,: will be held at' a Court of Bankrui:irey, to be , holden at the Office of , the Register, in the Borough of.Towanda, before' EDWARD OVERTON, Ja., Register, on the 6th day of February, A.; D. 1868,. at 2 o'clock, THOMAS A. ROWLEY, - 11. 18.'Maishal, as- Messenger, Wes- tern Disfrict Pennsylvania. By E. B. COOLI3AUGH, Deputy. Jan, 8, 1868. NOTICE Rl ' BANKRUPTCY. This isle give -Notice: That •on the 4th day of January, A. D. 18(18, a.Warrant in Bank ruptcy was issued • against the, estate of Asalph Colborn, of the Borough of Troy,- in the County .of Bradford, and :State of Pennsylvania, mho has been adjudged Bank rupt On. his. own pekition;• that the payment of any debts and' delivery of anyproperty belonging to such Bankrupt , to hint, or for his use; and the transfer of any property by hint are forbidden by law: that a meeting of the Creditors' of the. said Bankrupt, -to prove their debts, and to choose one or more. Assignees of his Estate, will be held at Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the Office of the Reg - ster in the Borough of Towanda, before EDWARD OVERTON, Ja.,, Register, on the 10th day of February, A. D. 168, at 9 crclock,- a. m. - • , THOMAS A. ROWI,EY, U. S. Marshal as. Messenger, Wes . - tern District Pennsylvynia. - By E. B. I COOLBAUGH, Deputy. Jan. 8,1868.-4 w: - - TN ''COURT DISTRICT OF 1 THE UNITED STATES, for the Wes tern District of Pemsylvania.- George P. Tracy; a Bankrupt ender the Act of Con gress of March 2d, 1867, having applied for a Discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable under said Act, By order of. the Court, notice is here* .gi*en, to all creditors who haVe pioved t4eir debts; and other persons interested, to 'appear on the 26th day of JANUARY, 18(18, at 10 o'clock, a.m., before EDWARD I .OVERTON, Jr., Esq., Register in Bankruptcy, at his office at Towanda,to show causea'any they have, why a Discharge should " riot be granted to the said' Bankrupt. And butler, notice is hereby given, that the Second and Third Meetings of Creditors of-the said:Bankrupt, required. by the 27th and\ 28th Sections of Said Act,: will be had before the said Regis ter,l at the 'same time and , lace. • "... )3, C. /11 ANDLESS, _ - Clerk U. S. Dist. Court or said Cistrict. [ Jan. 8,1868.-2 w, " - ~ _ , •N 'THE DiSTRICI I COURT -OF THE. UNITED STATE 4 for the West. em District Of. Pennsylvania, ," O'Ohn „Veit taker, a Bankrupt under the Aclof Con& efts sliin ' iMarch:2d, 1867. having applfed for . us-. :barge from all his-.' debts, and „other a provable under said Mk, Ey order the: Court, notice is herby l iven; io - all" reds; i . tors who hafe proved them delits„ . and other Persons - interested, to appear en 'th `2lst -day of JANUARY, 1868,at..1.0 o'clook, in., before said Court,. at thO oillee of EDWARD OVERTON, Jr.,. 'Deily' - Register' at A`Wait sna6 di, Da , to show catuoivif any they have, • by a Discharge . , should not, be _ to thertiadt. - 2.'. And'. furtluir, ii,l3 ' 4 s R e 1i r hereby given, that . the See o l l 4 . d"4 • d Meetings of Creditors of said . , pt, required by tliii 2Vtli nt ,28th-' said Act ; . will be had befo re •saidßegister, of at the same lime and Nape.'. ~ . - 8. c„ ; . 7 :I' , Clerk U. 8. Dist. Court - for said Dis . ct. - • Jan. 8, 1868,-2w • TAT THE COURII 0 THE UNITIZE , - STATES, for the West ern District of Panulziyliania: Stephen Whit taker, a Baukiiipt nude % the Act of Congress of March 2d, 1867, hieing applied for a Dis eharge.from all his- debts, and other claims provable. Under said' Act, By order of the Court, Notice is hereby given, to all Credi tors who have-proved their debth, and other persons Interested, to appear on the 21st day. of JANUARY, 1868, at-9 o'clock, before E. OVERTON, Jr., Register, at his office, a. Tcreranda, to shcrie cause, if any they' htive,.why a Discharge.: should not be granted to the said Thullampt.. And further, notice is hereby given, that the Second and Third Meetings of . Creditors of the said Bankrupt; required 'l3y the' 27th band 26th Sections of said Act, will be hadbefore the said Register, at tlie same time and place. . • 8.O: moo.ANDLEBB; _ clerk ma Dist. Cotirt forludd District. -Jan. 8, 1868.-.2w. . - A . IMITOR'S-141:710E4--zn the Mat tate Mt atsigmarrit of Use Fainters 11W' 'ion Insurance Company to IL 0.. In the Court ofCommon Pieta ollimdford county . No. LSS Sei)tember Term 1860. The rmderaigned auditor aepointed b ‘ ji tconrt to dlstrlluttemoiloyila the hands ot the amignee, will 'a ttend :to - the &dies of pointmenCathis . odlce in the Borough of To= Wanda, an SATURDAY, the slat day PRE.. -gpAity,tacB,,ht 2 o'clock, p• In., whete aU : against:Said Anal must them, or he forever debarred. id - . ._ *qtrzlp: • 've0:21;1567. • Auditor, -.r0~5:.,~: ~::~:.~~,=.:.,.; ;.sue. 0 - ' l 4-4 *. - ' - lIDFPCIRe NO - " it74llr. or.FAX Chmapfoil; 4464 the * ir'uthifilitaktra z :V mt k- 4 1, Tit E4 6 01/tattditotj Ib7. eogrt to ougusuemoeep, hands of , the adtolAtristor itirsaid -*aW, 4ill -eltesir ta the:Azitlesetthbrapet, Ida ales r• • -E. hope& of •Toeutda. ThansdaplielfOtit of /2tNI7A ,111 t 186£4 'at ' o'clack p. -all persons Wog cialikut al;sialif4 - finsdis , inestßMlCllkthe, *TOO ftolirMisk . frem tas 'earns. • - ,Tatt4,o6B: - '• • • , NOTI9II.—'A. the mat , . :oft. &Tie/it iattite of Zejahlitit ratmdeeti, 'Mr the t O b a s's Court of Rrealbrd County, - - The TAkoditon, appotateal;btO..- Coot 4, ate ottottfirt the '1444 o of the 2 4 ipahihanier of the "hove • estate ,' will attend A - to the' datiee of his apitsVataseut Mr efflea fe: the ficuough„ of Tim as TIWIIESDAtt, tbe f. 30th •Is* of`Val7/11Y,1833, at,l o'cloeft at 'which ;tide dad Ipfaea all persons - he rb* claims 9 0 1 1- laid trAtio7 l must Mentitttitsar or , be, fotever debuted. • • w. CAI:MOVE! as; Unikkor. Jan. 4.1868.% : , . A - DMMISTRA'rOWS NoirroX-=- ' Lielfetice Ls lereby gives, Mit 7111- pefioas Indebted thd Amato =of . C. .I)...e..lifUlar Ws of . colamtdo; den'd..axe .v 4611124; to make inunediateLpajnvent; and ,thood_ tiovipt claims against aU estate vfll poeseatt anthaufJosdpi setAlement. • c • • . JOn. 1868: ' • •• • _ ' . A.I1„ - iti.N/STra. I;TOTVE..-4iodi'ic la herehjeven.that all personilidebted to the estate of- JOHN -N.-.IIdENES, -deed:, late of pko are requested io snake !aims& aleA7n?enl*wltlexit delay, and those twing. elids . as aping. said estate mast plesent theca dalganttleated, 63rtettlesseat. - _ . Y So% E. 20687.", • . ' 'Aftinlstraler. A DALI.NI TRATOR'S.NOTICK—Irgi.:, AlLsice.Ls he y evert,tbat 1 0 1 .14mora initA i s ed to the. of Thomas T. winder, deed.," .late otiiiall d . twp; are . rwmated to make - immeeZ .and sli, penewhininsi claims ' • salii.eatats will prra , wal them ibt.: . ,, fy au ' t 15461 for vettlement, . - .... ' ' • • - - , , '' "::: • • • - ' ‘: L. D: FORBZeiry '...". ' • Pec. 1,7, 1e67.. i : .-..:,- ', ..Adattalatrator. RXEoIfrOWS NOTICE.Notiqe is 4 hereby given that all persons indebtedia the estate_ tat Phoebe Moore, Axed., lanai at. Ulster twp., are requested to make payment without delay, and those having ms clai against paid estatemast,present them ; duly authentlea-. led, for, settlement.. ABI1111.111100 . 11E; .. 'Executor: Dee. mum A pAfINISTRATORiS YOTIOL7:-. Notice is hereby even - , that' all p_ereothi indebted to.the estate of:ADDISON NeKitaN; - dec'd, late of Burlington,are requested. make immediate payment and thus bavinll demands against said estate will present the* duly authenticated Lc:Tattles:Wit. ELLEN P. lic$EAN. S. N. . - P. LONG, - • Adminiatratm. 4 7 : - Dee. IZ, .'P.X:ECIARIXII3 NOTICE:;-Notice is hereby given JOHN P. thitlaW;persons indebted 'to be eatate • of (MEN, late • of Athens. tarp., deed.. ore-re quested to make. La. - mgdiate payment, and those basing - eldAni d old estate must present them del; au: then Heated for, settlement.. • • - 131JSAN WAYNE Executrix. - Dee.17.1N7 ADMINISTI V - TOR'S ` NOTICE. Notice is I{e by givetitbatailperaini debted to , the estate of O. NP DUX,. latetof Orwell twp., axe requestedte mike 1e; Mediate 'payment, and' those having claims against said estate must praise:it them duly. authenticated for seillement, ELIE& Die. 17,1867.• • • Executrix. Real Ostatt. FARM FOR. SALE AT A BATA. GAIN. As the subscriber wishing change his blsiness; therefore offers his homy for sale, situated in Liberty twp., 'Tioge.Cona= ty, Pa., c ontaining 250 acres of choice land; 200 urea 'lmproved, the !Manse in good timber,well wateredby,good never failing springs, well fenced'in 20 - leldsolnd lays gently rolling , with/ three good Apple orchards and Fruit for tam ly rise. The farm lays in a good neighborhood, and a good market seven miles trod Blessburg . one of the largest coal works in the State, and. five miles from the Williamapcirt h Elmira B. H.;handp to cburctiatrokscliool. The improve. meats are one old two god, house comfortalate - for a number of years, 1412 — Irgme barn '4O - by„G6 feet wio- underground stables for 50 cows, wpg gen shed and other ilocesaltry oaf buildings, also a, good Mill seat, with dam - built '1 farm 01 be sold with eveiAbing on the farm as followa ; 12 cows and all dairy .utencils, 1 span of young horses, 3 seta of harness, 2 wag goes. 1 cast iron field roller. 1 Eagle Mowing 1 1 Reaping- Machine combined, 2 Horse rakes am& forks; Fanningmill, Harrows, "Plows, A.c., and in fact ever thing that is [ wanting en a.. - farm, and mostly ell nevi. Price S2l an acre including all •, 43,000 down the balance, to ilia - the prrcheset. For farther information • addresm .11, K. blOrt,.Liberty, ,Tioga Co.; t io 13.. SALE.—A Dairy Farm,.-u- . , ate in Smithfield, one mile froni. _lnge int the road leading from Towanda and . Burlington fo Elmira, also from Athena to Troy Containing 150 acres_ all improved eect acres of wood lot and sugar grove-. with argo orchid of. choice Iruit trees, with a good use canine lipuse, and a lbod ba , n with base mentistabiing, and a stream of living, water running through pipes.Ziato the - yard.i Ror terina and Wither partlcalaw.. enquire 'of tha subscriber on the premises. DAVID FA IINSWORTII: Dee. 20, 1567.-Iwe' • T_.l - 113SE AND LOT FOR SALE— : ILAL The subacriter offera his house arid lot for sale. Situate in Towanda Borough, on Main at. Lot t i t lO feet front with room sulficieat for a build.. fug. r basktess purposes. For particulars ezi. quire on {he premises; Jant%,_ 8; 1468,.--Se* • VOW BALE.--The subscribers, E~. A: .ectifors of the estate of Win. Girard er o for sale ,the House and Lot, e,hcate cornf Franklin and Second streets,. Towanda. The. house is nearly new and contains 12 rooms be sides Cellar and woad house. "The • lot Is en ckieed with a gaod , picket fence_ well painted; good fruit, we: and' cisrern. Perions wishing to purchases honszi will do well to 4hll. and ea , aurae before purchasing elsewhere. Enquire of J. M. WOOD, or' on the premise*, ,• G. 14.• HALL, •• • • MARY A. GIRARD; Executors. Sept ,17.186'T. OR : SALE.—A- Eitel F Pro, rty with an establiabpd balineise.4l Aibsi Iloroi. Apply to • _ lIONTAIWE iVATtro. Aug. 21, 1867 A.LIJAI3 - LE - FARM. i - 011. SALE; • T; The subscriber, offers his farms situate lei, the northern pert of Werriak twp., containing 131 acres otlancl i abOnt 85 acres toilproved i now dwelling house;-and all nece &ivy out-buil d ings. trait trees,•&c: The farm in weir. ; watered and in &good stars of cultivation !For.L - ternis ply t 3 or address , - JONAS - I%AR. ; . Nov. 3 180. dws ' .'" oR sALE-olt-,EXCHANGE!FOR ON ?BOP/OWL-3. Track :Bar.. or. 10 acres each within one mile of Towanda Bo", rough:. Appuly to Towanda, Na 7. ZS, - • 414D*43 . i.ii, -- pir - '*.,,E*. ES It o. TATH - .I9*ICY, R. • 8.. - Ma , 1iz24. - 3 -.EsTATE AGE-117. - • • .. . Value' bkt Farms ; 1:111 . Properties,.• City . and. Town Lot for tale. - Parties having property forisale 'will find it l c to their advantage by .eaving tilescription of the same, with terms of sale at this agency; pa •, ',erne§ are constantly enquiring for farms &et - B. B. McKEAN. • - ' 'Real Estate Agent. - Office lifontanye's Block, Towaudo,P . .t. Jan. 29, 1867., , • , SALE.,Sixty acres of A' proved bud, with a neTer failing apilog thereon, situated within one-and-a , half mllet frontthe Borough of Towanda. For, furthar p _artiaulani, and ternia of tale, • enquire of W. W—KingOurY. 800-Tstionda. I EAL ESTATE AtENOY: B. B. McSEA.I2,' REAL E TATE' AGENT. • Offeis folloWing' tinny, Coal and Timber 'Lim& titian ./., Pttielimber,lot, 3 Miles horn Toiranda,crn-. taking:sS acres. Price $1,325. Tani in Asylum, containing 135 acres. 'Good -- buildings. Under a fit e state of cultivation. Mostly improved. — Price $6,000. _ . Farah? •Ww, Burllngton. r on the Creek..— New house and barn"er.• Under Minis state Of, cal l • tivation. :95 acres. iPrice $5,453, Firths in Franklin. z All under" good cUlties , " ilkni Good bbildings. For sale cheap. • Soferal very desirable Rouses and Lots ta i , A largitract ei Coal 1 1 4 ands ifi Tina coca": • Towanda, July 18,1867. . . • ' 13 JULWS FOSTER. MEG