;vc:. ask NV° l ° o-1 1 to Otitt,glei li*Oitcq femme* to trldelt hikkiaajrivlted •thetCfoi' ootab l B/ 1 4i l atMoOtt maims a lirizikthr in the. cansick ,5447, Italy bag taken no ato ia Utiard - thia,o7a* - 4' ease. —Mr. doliartuitrie, .of:-the State, Departineet,:lajtemporatily acthlgAtonald General of the r i United . , &ibis: atlihtlatit,';.' miring to the.suit•txmlikit*tgentlioi ,rnan mioinied thatiocak - Z- , •• . —Thci 'Paris ihat'O‘ Conference to - settle 114 Italian finestion hei not - been abandoned. . --A gait Elhop in Cork was .r i led by Fenians on the 29th Inst.• . —The reperted rising ofinegrO,es Virgnaia ;is = oi - Stradloted from - ,ltiohmons9, and said to be ierithout4ceitelation: -There .were 14015:patents. &aimed in 1867, being 3515 more:than last year . —A - severe snow storm bairbloak -0,34 Nashvil*Vsori —A fire at ,Qoiney, 111. , destrOY. $50,000 worth of property. , —lt ie stated that the sale of the Island of St,, Rartbalomew, West. Indies, to the United-States is urged in Sweden. . —Gold.has been found on Copper river, Rritish America. --A report that the two European steamers owned in Tiosion hare been bought for New York is denied by the owners., —General = H+neock has legalizeti the acts of B. L. Shelley, "shrives eppoin. tod Clerk. of 'the ond District , Court in New Orleans by den. Mower and removed ' by (ten. Hammel . - .—The Louisiana Coivention has adopted an article in the constitution Pa king citizens of all persons, !without regard tower, color or'prelious condition. —The et fensive flour and grist 4 ' . mills' and a largi elevator at Farmington, Masa , were burned on Friday night. —The Feilians stormed and Cep; hired the Itartello tower near Cork, in Ire bald, on Friday iight. The assailing party gathered together a largs quantity of arms and ammunition, and escaped. The man who tired the fuse which caused the Cierk . enWeR explosion was arrested in London on Friday night. - —The remains of Maximilian .ar rived at Cadiz on Friday. • - • —The Spanish Corte‘s commenced its session an Friday. —The Cogia"-Legislatif has passed - the bill for the reorganizalim otthe army. —Russia has'ordered- 80,000 Ber dun rifles ,from the Bolt • Patent Fire " Arms' Company of Conneet*it, and 100 (suing cannon are ordered by Prussia. The Rus sians have ordered the same weapons. ) —=Two bodies found on the linna the Memphis and Ohio Bailread lately. are believed to have been those of robbers exe .cuted by Judge Lyneh. , —General Canby has appointed January 14th as the time for the-assembling of the Convention in South Caroline. —lt is said that no new or'extraor &nary powers will boasted by the English government of Parliament for thempression of Fenian plots. --Letters from southern ..111,exico make no mention of the Wanda* difficulty between Guatemala and Mexico:. Commu nication between Acapulco and the City of Mexico has been re;establisfied. ' —The severest storm for many years prevailed 'Francine.' on the 22d and 23d. The city and shipping suffered greatly. - ' , —The Idaho and Oregon 41ranch Railroad Company has been organized, to connect with the Union Prcille and ran tNreugh Idaho and eastern Oregon to the navigable graters of the Columbia, . —General . Granger hai been 're lieved of command in Arizona, and is or dered. to Nevada. —The first Parliament of, the Pro vince of Ontario was opened on Friday. —Judge Richard Buateed, of the 11. S. District Court of Alabama, was Shot on Saturday by District Attorney L, V. B. Martin, who had been indioted for tread on the revenue. His wounds are not conaidur: ed mortal. :---A meeting in favor of protection of naturalized citizens sbrottd liras hell on Saturday in Worcester, Kass. 1 —Cutler's mills at Ashland, Mass., acre burned on ilatuiday. toss $20,000. —Robert Preston, clerk pf the Dor ebester Maud Fife Imam= Itostota, has decamped with $lO,OOO. • —A Serious decrease in the amount of MMUS in Greet Britain is vxpected to be shown by the S'anuary returns, on =mint of the prostration of commerce and trade daring the past quarter. —A Conference on the Eastern question is now being held in Fit. Paten bug lave number of acid= stateemen. • —Northern and southern Italg are greatly excited upon political - matter!, Mull .outbreaks Against the government are in Naples and the cities of Piedmont. —The Papal government offers to pay the interest an the Italian bonds veld& represent , the old debt of the Pcratilefil States annexed to Italy. . , —the. Angola railroid disaster IS now attributed to lbey 'springing of mei isle of the last oar ax throvriog the wheels out of proper position. • • . —Au unsuccessful attempt was made on Saturday to ere the denial %d -oilies in Dublin by means of Greek are: —At a paitir in - iadrnarritieet, I.ovell, last week. .th'ets)were 'present 'LI /adios, cousins, whose.nidted age was 444 5-ems. • • —An army contractgr has been, sentenced to Areyears' iniprisonment, for 'attempting ‘!co chkat the . 'English' gerern-' dent. • "4. —Henry Ward Beecher hue given a thousand dollars to Glaninal Los'a ocdlage in Virginia.,- --Seventy-five years have elapsed since the *at Canadisn'Parliament" anew bled in Quebec. =4. report is current .that Schofield will directly remove the Siete old. cers of rail& sad appoint othets is their —Biriog Brothers, of London, as gotiated a Nom Soft Az per Arit. booty, 4326,000 par In!one - _ _t 1:13 :rands, Thureda,TAJ* Tuts ammo CANT WI/0 t I.LI The followifie seni 4pon . the responsibility wh) es to the RepubliOan party, them thirac LT . Xu. 1 : . _ I tbilarchil itigluiltleoPONF. l6 4 4 - islative peaitione,,aruspropoiitvi6T of fike pepdiug 'Presidential - election, Oikiighitoil-tfitheiliiiipprepriate and pttoper"cirrstreftracliins: — TThErifrii -from - lheiT Mote - 64?..014-thlr*irlhe .psiper ' at Efarriali - nti.:i' l lti i ;' • - _ editor lte'ys that in-one , set}se .1t not right tq 144 a party which 044tedlik rePizaentative-reaprialelor.ilihii actit - - yet PartiesU,li* , fso .114 :refeie . thOSe. Who'4oinpakeliertiek ise `ibey acts of tllc-OeP.W ll O,l O r O O tlieniselvea -in- nine cases out :of tenon organise , - 'ions as their :rePresentatit-el," , ' We will ha called fight,' inr tbfo . s.yeat! 1868; the s moat imPortaat battle ever waged :Since' the forma tion of the Union. 'At the present time' the Republican petty . dUtni sant i u Congress and a m ajority the 'State Legislatures assemble ;during the winter, Every wrong act Committed by thcp - majorities in theSe hodies ; every corruption unchecked; every successful,;" and . injury perpetrated on the masses; all‘ dam age done3..to business, and - alt: dig. grace inflieteit, on common*ealAs . and 'the charged; and justly, too; to the - Republican Paity, because our representitivis have4he power to ,stand between the peiiple , • ainialfrOng: Republican representa tives.* legislattrobedies must never -be alb*ed to lose sight of - these facts; because as they actrip a legis lative ..capacity, the masses 'of the Republican 'party, - in-the great Presi dentiai contest oflB6B, will be affect- , , ed for good pr'evil. •On the -issues of Republioan:, 'principles; equality4jus tics and order, ivithadue regard for . every interest in which the prosperi: ty of honest laboiinAnielied, with re speot for : Constitutional • law, with ' Unswerving devotion to national how 0 and unalterable—hostility to tree eon, the :Republican party - can win a victory in any Political contest. tat, we cannot, win vi4ories and catty. the fraudanf dishofiest men; we dare notgo.beitore.:the people approving the trickery of demagogues I: if we rclo we will 'be shamefully, disgrace fully, and deservedly defeated. Those • who represent the RepilbliCan par ty, understand the importinee of these facts, but it is nevertbelesti the duty of all true . - men at the bead of Republican journals to keep the truth constantly before the people ; never to let wrong go unexpOsed, regard less of the power or the reputation of ttia *tong doer. 'We dare not go into 'a Presidential - campaign, with our banners befouled with corruption either inktongress or. the Legislature,- and he Who has the. honrage as a legielat4, l , to oppose all such wrongs in the name of the Republican party, • will be most honored by the Republi can masses. 3 A letter from Hon.. H. J. Ray mond, to the Albany Journal, throws a great deal of light_upon the true character of the famous Philadelphia Convention, its origin, professed and real objects and how it ultimately be came an auxiliary to the Democratic party. Mr. Raymond was not one of its originators, nor would ho take part in it lllltii assured by theaPresi deit and Mr. Seward that it should be made auxillarY to the future sue cess of the Union party.. Thepresi dent had not.thendeterminedlo 4ipa rate from those' who had - sappOrted ). and elected him. He wished - r ther to compromise With that part and - atone tot his hostility to some the .leading measures supported by it.— When it was sciggested that the eon veltion might enure to the health-or the Democracy he ; expressed .a hope that in such: case, his friends would "bole--remarking th at he knew the histciry of the'Democritic party; that it did not deserve and 'could not re -04.v0 th e confidence of the country.— When that 9ontingsnay ocourred t , Mr ; Raymond and -the NOW York limes did bolt; while Mr. Johnson falsified himeslf and went over to the Demo°. racy. , .Thisorso.—iGeo. rot is reinOved, and, general, 41144 has been or de Ced to take command in Abe this Dia Gen. Pon has imenistriot, in his ' ter `and endeerOred 'to carry eat the.la r of Congress, Without yietdtng . do• recoristinoted Rebels.of pandering - Northein'eopperheads. . He has been tjacessful- iii'inaintaining peace, suls tailing the rights of freedmen; giv ing stininTunto in4etitry, Ennanfactn res an cornineroe,Alabainahius held its Convention;_suid that of:tkorgia is in progrees. - Political :changes - have gone on with ttunn!t eteitiTnent; bit the *Sire pd . ' the Mobile 'Register .demand,hia reaboyal.. and the 'Preaident azendeir to wishes to preyent teionsiritetion* a 14ralliasis;- . ; , fitrzerflnri, 'Um ,N; 1 11 ' bins, of the RepnbliOnlortrnali Rnb- 1 Hilted in Vie . 0011 - 4 .western portions of Psintillvittiatt, l have exprestied - st.piliferersii. for 124- untELA. (how -the oftadillitn'psr ~fce=Predtdeut:,: stile, eipsikinsS4 .04 1 44 1 044, tili*i_Lik.C*o44the Ws 0 OISCEI 4 I:rp =I ~:c? EIN ~ eat ...11.,... r.B o i nl ., 3 ,t r air_ diff:lin isir th pir e d i : mt on Broo-.street, - which, will presenVera, - ottlia - moet. tt features of that Of ~ ..seatigbfarek i 1.- ~ 1-- -Th I workmen, _ nehr on gto% Verut..ware Ttientisyilatitidjhat a, uctio , ' of temper 0.30. Inithiimiliages late , tiAily.:.• Thailingahaviief - sradtmgsmeight-laasurtbmt. e prop eters of the Dixon Iron Workirati 4 • Munn -•- ,wldakeakplopinberGatiazi iiiSteri . ",, gyre widEathizibiltice!ti WO 44007iN4 • . willkalso vedrioct-lhaliintabta‘ iO wor , , , ,I*lllmihasgiitt:tiiiiirorther ai - , ': ..tha.aclimnikiltati tkeitipany ittiran • n' , recently ;disellfetgeiiiii large - -, O ineni4Olvillittitlier7feidtlee id fl 7 4P:I I ' ' 4 0 4"; A ie so w; •Opl qtd .. 'at * 4 . 4 9' 2 ; 1* * '100 3 .4 4 42 A: mg to 'br , i jell On 'Mendez dot, erfaislipt, .41 in, ' 7, kilhid•bY #P,.5 2 ‘4 6 94r1±, , •in.1, 11 t 1 1 ( 1 8 . 11 .' '' el #44:t4°jail i i4-499. 1 r-t‘iiriai ° -#i..,' !Ifus - Ace ayes (064e4 14 Bed; • • , the ey and attepipte4to anhick.tha - d re. - eupon the EiheriffeleitHenuin 4 af, , rds sequrid tlr,eitierpriaTiera, lui4., t the la.! l 3lll2e.wthei:iirilioner. Mr.siaati Mrs.' Brtkiii;: , charged II li 'd i s ef er Mid cirsoa; wsi tmiiii°4;at on' d :ially, committett"tie* are - rOd 'th 'having iet **the hoist f ix: . feint (lanai Ciattele,` thereby . .4 .• the h La ft t e d: O ti 'liliikr;°PVl§s 4 , • they 4 a n igsu *Oix4 l :PY; .: ' " , . _ Chu lea U. Parlie! . , a _ yailrosiit i mr. adaptor' was murdered Tuesday near Ma l e ,4 l ,liStatlia, Penn.. , One ot his pasamgers, named uel Hull, refused to pay Wafers, I cl when 9 conductor attempted to eject , . from, e cars, lidl-stabbed,hini,lls the a andome killing him, almost instantly. 1 7 --- Thu day, at Newark N. J., a '' ci f3 th f e IY years' penal bu ty ka o lidaran t the last eriM, ' Th e e ; al (3fivlirsior f thatidtate,quita aantrary 4this babi of governors - , declined to inter:; i r with par4onotrid the Isentencent the, was dnlyi executed' /4 the 'appointed ' . In ' a the convict shoired that b tat • ate arty and ibsesiAtuti ; Which is 4 1 41 0 ftea the accompaniment of dime, and f which - the recital nte*eentionit so re-• ... I.' - ' in Ir-:-A ,(1' Flitch troll 0194'9 ,fa11i,.14. 4, I says the shock ,Oi,n-,lll3lPaiii *feat fa "Ilie :chinos:ln .tht nortimni pact of th ' S tate , about 5 ci'°i°°k-164das atani* jiirnimr . tion roceiTi4 ..14'_ OW.. p , was ...e. effect that , ?)I,sicinsp Nand, , d orilii was Baddeali emllilrettand total! disappeared. -llonadkam made' f ake 41 . -. 041 its ,si indicate.cl,A feet of water' flOw \ - 1 over it, : No lives were : tist. ' -The Os- p . f 4 Oda aanaatienaliarcanettinal b .ev indication of being a hoax. It hs 4.: es fro an unknown person; Mat not ugh e regular - cbanaela by which Wicfro _ giat section is °tinned, : : • .. . • , Nto tinertiscnlnt!tt.. AVERLY PAPERWILLS SW pertOn for Bje Bt4 in Ma pes. ton for Machine Throobed. de e ComosizAra Wav O rly. • H -8 HALDIVINi - Supt. lee. '• . • HE' ..1110 d . and $ erect at t travery, 1 ))88-- P (1 name of -D salved by sad debts m. Di • same. n.I ittricb, • eade a lITION -The cgt-partnerc . -tofore etiatlat under Vrelirm - Witt d. Dettrich,[ is this daydis: utu I consent. All note.. accounts , e the latelliin in - tho hands of b. Whu itauthorined tos.olleot the business Will be, count/tied by WM. the old stand, where he customers to.nall:. JOHN A. DzWITT, Wbi.prfTßlcH. Towande IZEI=3 OTIIE TO ALL cON'OER? , TEDI ' The edounts of !Solomon 3 son having pissed hi • the - hands of 'L I E. Solombn, be hereby giv -: notice . that the, acconuAs of the lite tiro, . well as his indivldnat aceetuds cart bhsettkd - the "store of Bobibten A Or).. As h 1 Uveista ' . beater, a fa- neoessary that these a c,ounts s uld be closed. ' After the Ist et Feb r ar y nest , all - unsettled matters will 7 he placed 1 'the hart of an ottlear tor 'palliation, with: o t regard persons . AU Indebted wtll sive e ats hy se ling before that tibte. 1 • ' ~ -IC C. 1301 . .0110N. !Mee. 23, :7. , -C. i_ • T HISG , S ORO W And eo does basin/ at • • r WA :Vain; JISWELlyiri B,TOI E - : 4, ' i c Eivheips d goods end setts amp. There yin can II .. all kinds of , AXEIIIO 4N arid FORRION PA.TOBRi, also a large assortment of CLOCKS. 1104 g the celebrated. •SETEI TAORAS nun e. alsof a ,t. fßlgndi d as • aorta:tent of JE WS RY, InCludhkg - solid gold, a" d II gmneral lasottment of azpvga, PLATED 4RE, Inc alling spoons, fork*, cake baskets. t eels ho , of_ the best. manufacture. SOLID ' 8 L'irkill SPOONS niannfactn red to o Aer. .W a4d Qlock repairing done on the' st°neat tifis, la the 4cat =kw, '1,3 , an es- P.Piellood rlfinag. AA gt. T grios (IL ,t, w in g' aatlsfa ton. . '4: le: wArsxpa. give 13, 180% '4' • ' •' '. U 0 • - - - • UTION.--T , he' co;partnci . hetet& re. eztating under the' Solemn 4t Sion, ja- thia day Abe tail coolant- !Me i , oolca,seooosita the Iste Arm befog to IL V. Sol ara in the heeds of hti.410 . 0 stem •. mt. , ill .lndebtec ; to .the bete tie before February 11868. . *• Ed. kt:' 'SOLOMON. ' " Arf A.B.DEA.I4OO4ON;. I Dec.,g; }KT • • - ISSO nevbi 10006 o ved by m. add eater odion;val adds- Or ee atm mast r:Towaads, 14:-T - ANT . I NIW-.13 _:• SOkON9*- I LP s 8u904. :Escei L- 6 If. ij''.iir' - i‘i . .:.. , i..'0,;.i ~ EMI ate redived i !ars*stamic of ' RAD MADE' OLOTHING-1 ctuied ht Rocheitei;: bj the Jett!: f the new - 11rmisns4 &Catty intend PLUM a . . . , ~ ~ ~.... : .karffe.' sck of-S4rinff Gods . a 1304. - , e roe*, diey,#tu pipii9se ot-liie .1 , 11 .WHO STOCK;; ON; 414-glii:,.: .1 I ....-,..: .: ..,,' .1,.: 1..: ' I -., 1 And was, stv!r,latger .141A - 1101F4 ; ..: • . ~ ...7:17:.;: ~.:: -...., ;.; :: . 4 , T; , :.t: R E a ,i; . 111 il. 1 4431:4101 .0.0371 . 4 ~ --...-- :,:z. ~. lied km loki*"; prethirittei . eigky . ': . ." - . ;.L..7:.,':::.: .;A D. 13, II P FOR :4, N o;.Yirl ..• • ......,i , ..'. .-.., . 1.....' 4.. , ..!!,.. 1:I.Q; ! :...i . , •"' • . tilt whole' . •ii - ik iitilai` Ili 'tiiirir s t i 4 bithelliszt.dity dat5..t4;w7:1;.,,„:.7.1 , . H ; I ALM 801.01 4,01,4 CQ.. ; .I , 'wands, sec. IT. 11147„ . , ,-,` f . ' `.` •, ';:: • frilS l'.41311? WV .04/1174:.-nitYsHr ' L.Be*tir . 495. Prostit . t• 4 •:toi I 28.511 Warranted to tan We sort-neat ot the gels ourrdiu; SETH THOMAS'QLOOK hie Td - 71M t rr re 17:"ErACIF - NbtsTrAMt, "A. . : In the placed line. he has Uofersthother V 0 It KS! - dal' b. • 8: •4)0,1:81' • .1 , • Si.. ~ . , ~-, -, , 4 , r.— Hesvily plated 1 , , .. Brefikta ' 4# l Piiiier atifto,B l O , J;fitqi ';',`: •„,' „ .-,•L .4 1-.. I/ 4 , 444', 4, 1 'l filegvint MOM/Ate Mahler 'midi - ' '=' 7 ' ft-Jil ' 1 iIJ-I.: . —', -.1-; • i - 11`0 - Al l i t j I rvp,_, If .0 nos 1 .„.., -__,..._ ..„.,„, . a .._ ,t` !),, , • 11. 1 1 - ilvOmimolAgivi.,l444olo, : 1 =:c..4th UTTER:HI VIM DIB7S; T • ' ii... i.d. 4.4.... -1. i- .- 1 ; - I et . , I llicirle - filial:CO - 4 neonvio.; se:, .‘. '1 * 1304/XllofoltaiAoW Inifilii# Mip. J .' • ; ' • -^ • 5., ii,A-I,i-, , i lA sh ite4 , 1. .. ,i/- :1 7Tr 4 : 13. -1 .71,",' 1 •1 1 .,:- -. .. o." 2.-32/ Family,: Snv i.zlifachinati -J-Li.,,,,, rt- - -trt - .4.7 1 1 - r,l Tlieselirocl,ines ate su lorl6 aiLotbere t er IMMIY/iise.lior thelbilowiajt. 11 / ThelOteir miPtitvtlt Annuli ivisect , ftorn.thri spools 4nni require.nq reminding. . • t Theinn ' mere etudlylindentoed , aid used!' and teas liable tadermsgenman, thaw; other init.'. chines? •- ' ;•- .- ,I, 4 , r } ' They -ere cipable, i of ' ineedting ,perfeef.Y; withoutleliangi AitisWetwent, irlinnetii flintier , variety of .work 4tlier itmehloes.42 I ' . - -‘, The stitch made hji;these maebinel limp'fa k were Ann, erwtice.lind derable.oretwciail7 til s6 / 2 ` articles whloiereqttire to be washetsadlirosed. than any other stitch. This stitchoning to the manner;Ltrlitilf the udder thread - 3s twinned, 4a / /the Most gluey uif, healitlial. M., pse„„apiiretains this plumpness and beauty; even upon tertian frequently washed/ lutd/treOed, , until they an worn out. ,' I - , i I,: I . :' , - s-'• ' •.,. +. . The structure of the scant s sitch,Mint, rho ', it be cut or broken - lit' intervals *of •(MITA lei stitches, lt will neither Wpeoi.. run,• nor; ravel; but remains lir/nand dueabl". . 1 1 ) t 4 ,4 _Thillice other WisiA .es, these filite both' Woof theisan hy 4lhsitworn grim twin neennes, while silt; iii upon the right ot, face :aideof the seam co n may be d email thelntlier ilde. wittidit lowening the strength ar dursbilitr of the VIA: This can be done on no other machine, and le, great saving 'von all 'articles: stitchd or Madenp With7Bllk. 1 - " - -; . •- . , 1 f _;:91 .',: /':-/ These. machipee, la addition lei their noperior merits as isetrumenn," for sewing matte the pest beantifid- and permanent miihroldery awl Ornamental.work,. ..,t- .. ; . .. I 1..: • , Yon can get' ewing Machine Meediesi and all articles pertaltdng Mtbe mashlnetusineu. . • --• M -U- 8, 1-,0!" I'' :. - .•"; 'V-: . - I I IANCO; , ;ORGANS' :'' AID: titl,o ofid 1 .. , - 'iroirein Bet it ettelliniaigiS 40 bff :" 1 Annitheationtiai 'oq*Litimi; . PATEM ' - rdsty' , , -- .. ist) iTts! . . S: ll +t . . : : No better niadeln , tho!States.igisitrazAsitfsev.: en pusriff_and tosMriet tone, , forryier „thsiCility I Other. Keeps on hand the 4metttli•ald ?te st I pindaletkUO. outlebrated - - - .. .I:.' ;-' -,:—.: 1. 4 . frt,t_bli.- , ‘ . bli 0-4.ilr.,§': i'. 1116h,for sireetriess or tone aitd.atide of finish.] Cannot be surpassed. Aresuitable, far Ittubea 1 bcidges`,Semb im laties, ettre Mind 'We! . &Um p general assortment at other musloal, itistei-; 1 Wea4 togetherjr l thlYlonni.Ylollnee_l4 l r, Strings MO:Basil' rim*, was, •fliiir. lislr,•Keys, 1 Resin, &e., &e:-..- -z - .. ••L .., .• , .. - 1 . - . . sale that JJ. do bat., de end- upum the sale ,of Idosic,al Inst,ruments for living.,conse gtiently'am - 011ie* tti itell'at.a. Vetrrati adz Vance... ... : .., .- , ..••• :,.. • • • . • : 1 • , • !WATCH Alia CLOCK 'ItE Alttifi ft , • (.. in the best titarnMr, - iiivnall. at I° l lj - retie: )wands, July 18L1867. 1 1 .' ..' `. ,--- r -- --- , - --m -ti M - ETU IN •G - N . E NV, 1' , . Don. To ,O. Id call attention to ilia fur tha Wtnt star Ap_ 'ItTE ii - Az.iuk ' OrANIR ~. .., ~ in ?Lianas: • slif , wilolth4 haathe latest Im proved blachleery driven hy.Stemo Polter.enit le noir - prepared to offer,greater Inducement/Ilb the "nblic•thatevcrlio perc4se Ihei turn I tore of him \.l hoe also added /mother • LARQE 4040E - XQO/1 . .:' To t store =I am notir:cisiilblillthei largest and t m Furniture stock of to be ouud In this r n, which lam beppy.z9 say I can sell at .. G ATLY :.REDUCAD ~ PELICIM I. 1,04 e ' Far , To i e mer I would . . eay Ivan sell you - mote Furniture lbi• 'I load of Obte, - or Whleit; or ti tub ot Bette:Man you -•ccukld hay etittt the same before the War.. In , my new Ware•room will beim:End flue - ' ' - 1 - 414nLiFIAii€1 141it04 611111' 1 E8i In bah., cloth or tape, alto In I nui+lld .to be covered to order. .I.have shoe j- - 1 :. • , • -6,g.4*:T1,' . ..1i::„0it..1.4 - v .`• In walnut. Chesnut, ho., doUrn to:_rlts 'West cslatiaaj ie alsO,..Tuckers. Decansps, Agd Sprin& ds - t3pring Idattritsses aitil l;t k*Ses. Grass, oss, andllpunge.3l es, Pll. lows...Conshirters -1110akets eo Table Spreads, sc: • Al 4, Chairs; Bedstildi, Stitesis, liteakitistrnin lag shd•'Eatitifshin Tabltst, !far- - ble TokiCowtio ,ilo.hts, TptitAletto, Houk %Easy Chipl. PAP° gbuolS.. Bonus.. Note; tilldren'S v.. - rriaget,,• Mil 04 Cradles and Cribs, Looktno-91owasi • lug- Natep... Piaui ,Rhotosraph Ovals, _Steel Eograirinipt,, cipia and Taping, in., in. taut lt.sortment. ot -evetiyttang In • the line. AU .01 svbleit 0111 hoz .wdd - oheap tot: cash. ConntrpDaalerasnpplied gt Ilfnules leo' Prices the Wino atv invited to -call • and *surdas at":l4beroni..purOast o elmadm fly)re qu - Mat9 Str4t,, diwa a!? cti 11 0 44 1 17 P, _0 also - keep 60aell, large rtsßipx 91 READY WADE coppisse3 Froittli alogioompol l p) ship: awed hlahegiv or Roleirood; whleh be tarniebed - sith or withatitAttendaileW- with , - !tweed, it as lbw's . price ailhrt *we. *las; - *b* Plumed * l st where. = vniyi .mEN, . woUsw..i, op -1 0 4 4 1! 1 ,44Y, :-, , I.:- - ..L.`,;.. • 1,•_••,•' 7 1.,_,,i.. . , - --z.:, . ', , N.' W:lr AI •17 S' I riti V - 1` ' I I , . tO PUROILIA1,1,11f1.14111.! : : TtWooderrlipbid `tisibillestibilsiedidtpieli at WVabift, tokleetbilly•lliottes 411Weltisetul: of -this vttilthil it In :Preclreit, l 9,lt4lllelt ellitlauls c ol, ~,, . • • •. . . : -•: - •.„..-..-... ..,,,, - -., :-' s::,, ,-- : , ,i , ; ',1.! T i N TA * S P E r lUQII: . ** : onibcsbottipt,,Ret leis. TsAw,l -ntiaofwetott • 'lO6 mYteifi /:$ Bl ennbIWWITSr _better ID!: oeementliilute 'dollen; ' 10 ' filte•tbeltwerit tlone. Merchants sapient :witketentltros in tbe line at the `lowest roles, tiverritbio& sold. , WAIMANTED. - a •-' • ; P.-/;/; , >- - / A.. -/ • PrretreaglS.WW TAlkiloOttliV.Pat /Qtkilikti* most app re d lit, ) Oil on, slitort- notice. Glue Oh* nurittall: Sh e, op to Ifefte.,Ettore HOW* over $l. •• beribetilitore,'Ml:"l. "• • • ' 4 ".4 • •,* , . ‘ i i 4 Ei44z64.,, * smug; giic ill, ' tear ..'; -. •• - . _ . ' D 7 ' . 1 e A Ull . I . I ti .• 1 • . t , 4.. aa=tti ATO tbli; da; f9emeolt op he - . Anil Rule "or Bo lo : thelelettatg' illtYeeiVA a mime at the eterej of -the We, up her &zoo,. l'ileoldpg.the;riblktioilmt li• oreweil V s• ;.- .4 91 4 11raii SOLOMON. 1 STEIN, - matilFol4lo,fil.;)"'. El oadeE Co. elk Untie U Rolm( aitA , ) • Deci PLWX/M-Thealtoliiiitlier• :so rea, = Va' atieSik.7l ican,4,, a t i jo t t il r i azilig , . 04{4;34 ',061 2 1a1l all Wok ; coo 4 4', Ott AIN Ituiti 7 7 A i'l.,i ? i 0 4 ; 4 " - , Stain unseal 44iNs •Ip stems a 's # a . sand! yi! Shore and 0 -:. TrAnk r ilitilwayi, tor la! iiotoa ,railouid mrati, k i i: , ,-, Oepted;tor to;e4 esioavonirirt, Con-. ?aqui; Argus lirtbil Wet; 3 '• ;••:•(' $:, ..1. i 8 00a cr. Way Freight:Sundays exeeptadf -. T . L 2:87 p., 1 01. ? Emlfrant.,Tratn,..,pidly, roi the vreit:rr , z,..4 ...; AI - 213 t.: Y,E :,.' ..,, J'. . •..v .„,......, ~, -1.8 8 4# 8 4.1 11 4$ 1 091 18 (. 4 8 38 8Y0 9w,. : ,f , i;••_.-.•:' . 0 418r.9 ,. • . i , _ 1 1:0: Wi t ` (iio.2o.l. - - lipniidiyi'ex•-• 1 B • l lloB4•Mineeft is I ,olrago Jar Ittlucai;a4l m. Mos OL,TAYtwx: B 6 L'akqt.catlftel4fr,l and PpOelphla ; - at ,packantaae4 or • Bad'Ali-Uttart •• for iliewburg Ind , . ant iLf 1 ; ,, • , (f,+-••• , - iiir.:' •', ," !fi'; ,B:sra.m. 'lBllBlutA#Ai 4-qFOTanantion;OPP,- arkila t wpt i fid, Tyr: ~.,•• , i :,_ 4 1,, , , 7 , '. AM p4a4AecenbOto4aticut ' hi;:datly..-1...41 ; 42:05,p. 144 Day Expreo. fitf days excepodi ja cermet:tin '•at Bidgbidottia f or yracnae;:,lt fit: : ; Beeler lowa te,lAut ee for Heiden I ead-et f J . yi - Clur rifiilOplrght".exprem , i lf train ed Ni . ;Jersey litailrthal • f r iliiladelplAk.` Baltimore' aAd:WaahingtOik ~ - • •!• • !Ai - .•. •• 1 , 1 :6 28 PA,40.1 , New: VArk ;and Reitimoie^./1101 - 1 tiondayaax , , tkrl. l ., , ~,. • ‘ ... ; .. ,' . I ; 8:;.5 p •toq Aghtzdagitipresi.' iiiindais` 66'1 cepted, ma warder, City faith 'Morning eapreas,tr.rin of.Xew ierany Railroad .tor.Balti, e l more and W ' Itistor, and at 'New York with i atorntie - •Itritta for BoatiriC , and Oil Earl . t: a 3: •, 44 ,1:•• :. 1 i :,:, pre..,, Warwick _ F ... 9 :,.. ,1 , !O iri at' raywnif .tor - Wiwi ek 1 •and• - nt .it ;g Yr ' -4 th 'abM ,, 0 ' ' lteattlent , I -. _ . more, iirirriliiiig. iliiil -- M;;Moort;irtitt ilia Orall Oil Regitinltiaf' Pannaliva..' 2 elegant Sleep. '' lars °nal; night trains. ' , , .. - On.anri., r .Uonday. November , 25, AM?. the balita - bp 'the PhilAdeiphiCkt - Erie 'tail Road idirrun folksin. :'. • -,; I. ... - .. , Mill Triton le i. es" hiladelphia.. '.. li .16" P. M.. aftr a •• • ~, f : • • -I. lWilliimapcirt , ' - 8.05 A. Iff.', ', l ` ,-, s ra it Erie • ' ... 9 011 P .M. "Erie Express l ve t o Philadelphia., .12:60 noon. • "' - " ' Wililamsport:;. 6:50 P. M. " '` its "aerie." . . ;... 0145 A, If, Blmirir Mail ANA. Philadelphia. i . s:00 ae f i - •••• " tilliamaport... 6:23 p! pr. s*;f,. .• - iViiii tOdk Faired: 7:65 Ir. m: .. . ..t , naarraan;,.' J 7..! 1, ...t . " Mail Train; i yes E - 11 I 1k26 p. it. ." : • • d ' - Woilarnsport."J.:ll:6s a, m. - 4• keg at Philadelphia.. 8:65:1Cm. Erie. F.:pre/0 , eaves Esits..,' ..--. .. i1...r4:25,..p. m - • le • • . " .• ' WilliainaKri,.. ' glairPt 14. visit Philadelphia • 1:00 p 'm I , vrit Lock linve4.: l 4:- 1:10 A. it, , , t Wllllacgsporj. t . N:B6 4.4 . I " ‘ a rives it Philadelpbra. 6:10 P. N. •Mielind pieta etinnectwith.d ill 'praise on Wasroni t+naktto .Railwas. - ,raineadvn• tear, ig Philadelphia tlt 12.00' to; rrtiro at itvinat On, t CO* m„_aad Oil City at 9,slrain; . ' ' - ' wiletving Philadelphia at 11.1011 . m . ,- art ivaet, t It• AltftimrWarta and Franklin Railway, tapirrelejoksta thins at Oil .Citsfprith'itrahut for Franklin Petroleum Cent re. -Minus -L.- 7 . Checked' Tim gh, • • --= - I re - ' r ..-'• -A LIFIgieD . L. TYLERLOSn'i 4 etre. .-7 Sail 1 RG :La, TER A RAGESIENT. lioremboi 'ISA*/ .osneke Tittlltlf Ewa ?nom TizirWourn • AND trarett•witsifor Pottsville, Tamaqua, ,tsiztutd, Lebsnoo,,A.lle4- town,-Easton;fre.Ae. • - • ' Trains leave Harriahurg for-New-York, as fol lows: At 3.00,1.25 and 8.10, a. m., and 2.05 apd 0.35 p. tn.; I connecting with similar Trans pa tun-Pennsylvanit Rail lload, and arriving'at New• York at 6.10 and 10.15 and 11.60 a. in.Aand 8.40 and 9.90 - p. in. Sleeping Cars aocompa nying- the IRO. ni l and •4.35 p. m., Trains, aithout change ,. change ,. b ,. , ; _, - ••- ;', .-, i LeMft,- Barriabarg • far: Reading. Pottsville, r T" aqua, Mine file; " Ashland, Pine t ' i 'rove, Allentosin inidl) ihidelphia,at'B.lo a.' .m.,,' and fc! 1.05 and 4.10 p. ni.otopping at Lebanon' and all Way Stations. the 4.10 p: tn. Train malting elostrepnneation i t- Philadelphia and• Columbia For •.:Phltsville, r uyikß Ratan and Auburn, via Schayikill'aria i Susqueharuis Hail Road,leavp Harrisburg ,at 3 5 p. m. Returning 1••• vansiew-York it,4.00 a. in., 12 noon COO and 8,00,p. tri.;,, Philadelphia. at 8.15 a. tit. and 3:30 p. in.. Way Passenger Train leavis , Philadelplflaitt 7 . 40 a. in.,lettarn ing (rant'issuing at 1440 - li. iii:', stopping ••at all stations ; Pottsville gt. 845 , a. In. and• 3.45 p. m.; Ashlatid at 6:00 Mid 11 19 soon; LOU p. in Tamaqua at • 8.311 a. M., snd Mend 8.45 p. In. _LeaVePottavUle for flarrisburg,•lla Rehu.9 l- . kill and Sdaquehanna Rill Bnad: at'7.lo a. n., and 12.00 "goon: . . • - .1. : - -- Readinglaccommodation Train : Leaves Read ing at- 7.30 a.-ta., returning:. from Philadelphia at 4.00 p.m. -5 - • 4, Pottstown ; Ace e ommodation ,Train, knelt Pottstown at 6.45 a, ra.. returning /eaves Phii adelphia at 5:00 p. nri_ • Columbiallaß ROO Trains leave Reading at 7.00 a. in. 11110 016 .p; • in., for Ephtuta,:Litia, Lancaster, Polninblai:l'c, •On Saadaya ;)‘. Le a p NeW 'pork at 8.00 p. in. Philarlelphi4imio a.ra. ; and 3.15 pi nt., the,B,oo a.l 3 l„'Oain ritnalg 041719.Readipg. Pottsville 8.00 a.M. liarrisbargl.ls a. IC and Reading' at 1,00 and 7.15 a. in., for Harrisburg, aid 7.08 a. gi, and - 11.40 p. m., for Nett Xork, a 144.15 p. m., far Philadelpha. . • . Commiltation' 'Ailleage..Season,. School and Excursion Tickets Mr and from alt pointaoat re &tad rates. 4 1 - Baggage - 'checked lthirough ;',lOO pounds al lowedleach-nuisenger • G. A. 111001.14, - • i• ; , 7„ - -General S apprintendett.- ; ,. leadirg,pa., Nov. 15,)367. he hsi 'cm' i • 911sullautoug - VAllBl3l3lpRg talned a - Li ay`_required, of the Goodyest Yulobiate Compsnyb to -Vulcanise' Rubber as a base for %Medal 'Toth, and has now a good selection of thoge.bcaatilid carved Bled` Teeth; Wnd it • supers:sr article - or Black English Rubbw, whioh,wiliP• enable him to sup ply a u thoie r in want, of seta of-teetk i iwitl) those tinaurpasited tig , 4•anti end' zeta Itip• f~tfe Iteavastae. • PllllegoqeaSinitMoriediroi. rms. 4141I t Tg.' . opera stone -bet lon ifze,thtt %WC 'AePartigens L Slollfoily Pe orMed• t3he Itiret .1)&11111110r e ! tor the extraction!. aleeth *ben desired; as article holuplag4l: for the gOrposc in, which he has Rerfeet dolgtaettet; hieloradmlrattered It teith the most pleasing malts !Miring a, preettM of fourteetyette.., - , 4 Beteg very gritetuf,to :the Public for %hal Ilberapeetftege'beretelbre received, he ' my that by strict atteltslonlo_obc wants of his patiebta,,he wonld 03000 14 merltC l oof•.. aderete ire sti*Malle.- 011Ieofq ernama pArcofOuilittl ilealialionlie, • 4.1; I. .-. 1•13111.-As•. ' • r . .Clkj4cl 034 litliomeseldCat - t ‘,.. /.Itrailk ; • _poaCa S voOnaW' 11 arliw . tfr led N t e ' Iti rit an m d P dill; o low l micas 14 t _lip& Also plala sal„@geby Me.loa slid 1161),81•Ialse., apeit: lelbaariataltaa oelatitioa , Moak ilia *tit thkatOrk. brit . madonna Workmen tra eloploya) .eaelt b;enea of mlinatactoko, and j• ton-boand to Ore eittsfeettotr to, all leieo favor mtrStltk: autanN lllafitkileasaatea.Llc. • A. 21 ARTP 1 4 1 ::! , Theis; Pa 6 Dec: 1Eln•-•tef. NEW. .... , .. .... FLO URING _ MILL STEAM !.:. ' PluVillpgßa thicint •.io ; .r. , jr: r . .. i - 2 4 ! :'', l ' • 4i.. - ; Ibifllai?lliiibiger, liitofoit ofetioi..,a t a4O l . 46110 , 116drIntitak Ws - beim/ p oi dity, balttcoltoOr thiliiild 11:Clial latilioadidir Moneffroilobili` Oroolit tordotah thy pevic: tit aradfaid .09altyl lald Tiottly3tati, ttov aro r prepared to oval to *Milo its btOnolkei: la' the.' atott laptate` t, i Tbeitta46 iaio4thimOderatt4pro Temento 4 i me Wit), 4111.1111 workmep : .oad•onfii at tIPJ drat babe a vodka! kg:Morita:di ale; gailia4l 4 ' tkUbldfirgit :::*r• 4: . `..- ••'; • , 1 ,: • 1 4" f na ll it . I t itle'Vgit*Wilie:Of klia:4 If p t Ina to ilmdto ott , gattiaation ' ilivekara as ',',l, • t.:air.Woartll baton dot 414,, .117oas enelOrholfigard:aad Yeoln.lt- 1 'Fel:Cask. does; :::ea /t .r. 1.; 5 ~. '' t?,:i 1.., ...1:.. •.:4 1 . .5,.•11...1 1 *:14 4 . 1 . NO* ,21tetPla re Gra*-- ~: 4 YJA 8, VOQUar MtaillhitStri 2C.11141,:. =,. ', f: Ad01t , 79iv.140. intlatiroidocHaudiii, r wo u Akio' iftiat , „„ rom , o , B , 6* , ~.,„:,:. ,;., f ,... ,:.... .04 ii ft,.. lo oo l tt a LCO'fsi iiii ‘O. si ttlditi . : , --). : - . • . : , ;14 ywnl..wa+ ~ Ifta~QlltQlls. .. h WINTER GOODS. ' 4 :.'" — •ire now receiving in ptci- k, a One arsortment. , V WINTER . TRAD =„ . nalsting in . , " •- . , G 0.0 D such as MER /,` 1 , 14.11PRES8 CLOTHS , _..s...2..*fie*QatoirAiraouNL—n—' • 1151 )tW, Prints feom, , .4454,5 1 Giagluunt • " 121''' Browfi ShAttinggraShiltri.Tra --', ' zI. i, nr - 0644; do, ...10 6,30 " 7 4 r P. iMEN AND TABiAE CLOTHS! . . TOWEpc. [• -- liAmma*V4LT pak..i.Wißsasozi • - MISBES - SHAWLB Tote - THE-SEAOHM I oattiew D . R R . s S I COMPRISING THIS-LAXEST STYLES, A !argil taifeitWafitiitirOniSt3itilOO Of' ,DRESS _AND WA , OrSM'POI 44 3I i tneY's PATEL 7 Lltile s EU/31;:liieobliEieft*, A ttaAffiiilglii*Aick Igtt YANKEE EMO.N.N PEEFICNEMAIiti A good assortment or tin{ ,and Wye BUCK MITTENS ~" '*Nti. t :ILOVEg-1 _ •••••'•17.7.; r r LADIES° dLOY" I°4! -- 410 us y ' A nice Uno of .the Intent 14A* of ;-;l'F' LADIES' .4 0LCiAiIS: "Af4ii 4216k.5.1 rl'64lDir ifipliiticirdlhie a woods In this deps !knew., mock'', acute /ow H AND' .BONNETS,T i- Together sfl4,llii r eor . FATHEiS :EstrellaAy' lir, : the ki FALL AND-IWINTEIL TRADE i 11 the late and, BON'NET, F- SI So that we lie pupated to soft this- stints aid tastes of all. We ate.sappliedylth expaietieed and able DI Miners.' add CH' spire no paths to please end- give i.atlafsailoo this-lmineti of our busine es. - ' _ Thankful for' p6at ta,v•-ra, We &Ts. merit a continued share arthe itiablle patronage. • •A. • PITT Ea is CD. • Towanda, Sept. 30, 1807. TO T F'll . l"EteS OF EnupA- CATION Av : D 1.9 1 / 1 352, 'J ' We take ple,a agi l e in informing you that we have juatopenai in Towan da, on 4h,e .corner';:of..tinWge . .and Main Strcet, 140,.13..Patton*Rkek, on Elegant New Book ancttiurie Store, whereiroery thing fn.the Book WeatiOjaeriffaW music iine may ie F ound. • A;aoiciry, Paint's, I,ClIt Pene; 4 - ieiiiftia,:eissei ,Spy Glasses, Opera` '41(4245 and. a ifetieiat , :aisiig4aJe:lfnileigirit, etrumeny, , tar4ee ..; Neiane . , and ;Fancy . 4rtic4s. . -',. - '',.. l •'-- :,'.' 7".: I ] . Our- MS °di; joei* 44 ie4cieci 41, the. ~ 1 , , cityy;midi' 1 great c are ' ' '?ly . ''erietienced ,I.ande. .and :bought with ;cash cat a 'fiery loth figare.teitk a:'is iiier'tii the , . wants cif tleiii I o . 1:-; ; Itiziiniti. = ` • . - We feeUeonfulentioirehaq4e:able i f 0 Pier 46 ;!.9'448.0.q4;04 4/ ..: _4.v 1 1 o r us.:.;ivit:-tieir.,4s-pcitronaoie: 7 '(ita and eee as. - : i . ,- • 7 :2... ;.!'••,- ;' .. - '(• :. -,-:-..: .10-44;- . 5' , 5: sl*-..4 1 0,: - Tp:lB_49 , Pltio4llT. : TO Ail. 411 ' 4 1 " 1 : . IT-70,80 8 4 4* 00,' MVO kw opened ti oplendldltew Book ati .14.naio Store, in 'ratton's Block Towanda,..y,kero they are. eaUlag -everythingin act!. Brio 'eked? 'foil 8411. COI and see thorn and sat. ionnieft ihat such iB thO case. 9Fi!tl4,- Jnne.2l; 19111,;.:; . , • " 4 8904 3 ,/ 24 /Mat l L . Tl t tik: ttißito - 11 ). 020ettflasr 'ttifortted-that 'the 'llnok- Bindery .hat been reinoved tiithe Afgas Bond 1D1434L;04141r 74are_Wili kwdome-, . o:o Ft; i-N G'l • '-'"' tn vnifouo : new:mini, on- XecisO ai read ebitabless " the Ones wlll allow. The Nttil: err -sill. lie nailer tho obarge et '" ---' • 1:1 giTuotta, . . Antxperlanced- Milder, arid «in ptplopite One / la ,w style: and . Witmer. which 'cttenpv . tie excelled. Music, „littgarinesi Nora ofperi,,Old Bcoka, &c., botind In every varleti stele. Puthmhte attention will 'be patd.to the gating and Binding el . .• -•4, • . . fl; BLANK 'nciogsio. ; - ,eatiy petteni.. irideft yx.valkty "{kid eatabillty be iiattanted:4- ' All mark 'toady gor:'dolleeiy *hes P,r".41 1 b1 4 . - * - Tbe stroeep ot the public Ls! solicited , And bba guairrantiod. ' • ' , ' - 2 to,Fit.. oda, Auitusit HEAPIA'SSACIE 19.1{ TO` AISLAND OR r ENGLAND I awitamantes swots aisAit ' Atntaustwirti Gtr L 1 1 ,130 40 J.;„ • N• WiniiimiL4 %Wil l a 144 'FBack `l.4vit"iol ket . , stalk* caw _week. • ihrallow-tall kilns bt: 'Pottiest:Emu auto, ton: 411111211 Vcli4k.; • • g . 414 Iketbiltat skyptikia_akdetinual: . gor further particulars, aikply. to Willitims k` :44tione 2 11.11tgattosirlitaworioritoril 6 ' 14.4804(!i'l 004 Batik :y a w TAILoRtN6I,IO r#4lliliBoN,,; ; - .3eolinity,Litinotineie to' s ttbe b e tbatka, ha t .upened a Tape shilp,r,juhlkuliairima torte.. ititiikakeKin tna - Bap piententii -Wee mita ititotabtial *ad ties,; SWF/WM*IW ; 011 ,.':16001 Mk, TtScia' Tot • 1 .Reeng ambles' 01.1111Eite. . VALItAiBLititiARIIITOR:43Atak Y! I r batiatawaibet Min Sat mkt Miura =was* i9PPoillttiToWan Vila.krill Macro iinstartirthigir statelorint-• pavement, with, a ,splendlit t dwellliteloalky Mgg gutbi*illr 0A 14 4 4 urgstrr , eewitkir o Zit 0,4 elptiotai, form k 4 ToWlWidit i st&lP9Zp. sale Vite. etiquittot titian Awake -, 11000 A t, 0 f .'! 114 4 / 4 1 01gailliVinTiErr rcatignitidurandoulmit -11,W PAM C WO:f4, "P:1.111./rs=j, E'lt• 11 it f -t ‘, _ - - , ......... ME 4tiP aeso ent o - ed in rth ►;, QAT( will b~ .I — 4-11t1711- Y t •• suirilAY 11101 ; 4114SEILtita4- 1:••en ' •v i ew , - r B. I,3,arii t i o 3 4 A f- T - p d4 ;, eit i„ WlciaLtit alum F ; GOODS. s, -- - • ." • ." „- Parian sM4ble , (t) - • lffir4o44 . - : Anit*OilrOtieln : ; J : • *OMAN & *LOX KO s. Plated : • . • Pi** :** l: /40 6 4 . received-from the _ I g ym - m infeetrer. WICKHAM & BLACK.. I= II Vs; Forks; 1 . SimensAe, These . T lines of goo& we 0. , 0 eitheriqt,Mirect the , _ importer manufacturer'. WICKHAM & Bzaci. CSR;, WICK- Towanda. Dec.*. 18C7. B - cr -7,k2 • 00 .., 0 ..-,•gt • , .. _ ~....,...., H . 1 . _ .. ...: • • - ,- i.• eb." - ' tI ZI " 1 . • -I ~' ! 0 , t w ~. ........ 'I ; i t.l. ..' PLANT FRUIT-AND ORNAMEN TAL TREES, VINES AND FLOWERS - Reiember that at the TOWANDA HOME; NURSERY TOalsii buy - ANTTRING You mai want In the line of NORBERY.,TBENS„ VINEE*IIIIIIIIEB unAPLOVIRE, It net on . band /OM or sire rear order. sad. It will le carefully lad Mk factorgy Med: inn sandy you with . • : THRitl e t APPLE TREES, , - • Splendidly meted.; VERY FINE' ItEAR TREES, ettiont i gtprOz. scut CRAB' end PEACH - mm,':-A100, 1 1)W PEAL- CRECRET,' t PEACH' ant.. Al. TREES OHAVB•VIIVEll eltaltibe beat vale- tbretlroat l'yorlejl ivies oId:IIVMM= KOUNTAEINAEM•" HOVEN VIIMEECEL W I LLOW I34 "4‘-*U• i• °cancroid see - *ilia 'Totianda.Oet. 1:1811t.' - • • •' ' " jim . sLiq sycolty. 4T.t#!M!TIM EU . , , Yattptl' Y. _ . etZbUfhe loannpened a - Selrd n Wit* dlng op. poidte Welles & Vero, orbs! 14-11111Yeqt paliasetexuiestikeu,:ei, l 4EWI/101V, WATOBVB6.OI) u lowa enemy ,mithamiplaca lathe PartieW nttontioatial4-4ss liVatob and' ; Mr Give me a call, as many yiarelnapset- once will outdo me tees. seMsfutilat., DlinbcrecOnt. 2; 1867. 19 Alt, •! 3 ' i r 11 ,. 4- 4 tit) 1Y,13 CHRIB7III4B iecrlnd TOYS:inirt' FAZTY.: •000DS; Vithisige: Dori trot ill* - omit* Tdonowsis ieverOthutt.elfe !.. 4 •eq • ))ThlifitollAST rATTERNit ; % ow Nal — 11112psis,' ' aikido aidAl sal seelirfostelehis, at ',.-- -•:- --:!:= ' , .4kiv.4,411417455iv - 1 CARTZWO. ~..,.' . rfk, Hit .iiitigrAtitimiAL I ~,, ALN:ViiflistAfitiatial'. Bisokunitle,abb, it re i t i traitteb e wswatoa rro r it " T io ra hivelle , 'plit cro stimuidtelidlos yoifiliotimi aido ..readohotate N. V : ,higie,i,73 l4 " l ' LW, tad tkii - l'iiiiWiii - Ostr list ` We iiiiritir Ci - wilt Farmers andinbm IX!!! jr "Hi p e a I l ai al t a t i rlerkingE t V lie 410141 say ,=-,- =- 1 ,Tyer.. 1 7.7 7 ... ;7; ,- .4.4jammr, ; ' l l , 3ll P iti ni li f it.ll. B ISit'AIV '''' l ''i ,- -' ~ ' .::.ak .. . I , , ' - , . • Hi EMS lEEE BM =I IBM *1 - 4i t-i t - I. - tzi - H tV X g '24 1-3 0-3. 1 44 H - , • " gamsammuuktutoqiin t #ku ' TiltdhA e eAltriou uihg t . 6 9 r, 0 ni 4. e4cnr4es $V . 4 `:. 4 _'Es , t ctUM / OlMC3SritlWilliye corn: 1 1 M 4 erawesiers A ARY PRO. 14164 Utl l lti 0 1.7 - 34 11 -4 11 # Ik e V ?let corner Jack Black and, that they iii*iiii*thfliiiii • 'Pattl.' fleai gn to keep, a complettitatortment of goods 'llpted' ti thit'- village tavicomatry , ,trada. i . e t4ei' WWfild:resiieCtroliy ;mite an `lzaiaittitfeh ' &ILO!' stoat .and ..a ' • e„ ovirquisoit - or* "plc with any later: goods - in' ) the' market, as to iqrtdatindP • - , , , s ip!; - , , ~„ ; heyare provided with ample afidTeffiCierit hedi to u gttsi prompt at rei 4 texttiou,doJoatemere, and trill give i tatfttr attention to_ 4ll orderaplaced r 0,2.) *thilirchailillie - :" 4 PROMME 441 goli4 tor Beady Pay. , •• ~.;;;•:-.,-, ~- ,,lLeNG.:*•.mpl imp r p.. , 451,77:1 - , .. , :... i'.'.' towanaa,‘ '• 5ept,....1'44867: IrMSTEVENIontemt & co., WHOLESALLO49O,ERS, Hashiggiaao op Oar nitrate ?OLD*, we are oiCenabled to eye oar whole attention to the :-,466Ds - We him In store luge dock of GROORRIBS PROVISIONS, And other goods In our line, Which were pnr ebased.lor ChM; (MC drat bands, and' wevirei to the trade owdo4cabilio t e= l .• • • We de44o,4 l Fig. Paiggekir ,_lO/404111. fall? Erni FINE.INEW C , OP.TEAS; Salvo& dlnictix Liair-tio - DIPORTBR9 %a o f _ - t.a.Ct N. oit N G -4 - 1/Tao N • uipsakter.44l.l, t • . ;- . Nmor - 7 , 8 .- 0,f4-4 •-• • , 'NKIN - 41)11,1C---1-JoBBI)TO PRICES. ' Pw!m ll44l 4 tse qda l t, WIM-441mg. 11V .j.dill We ere may reeemit adMoas Weer 'Mkt Mk lel DRARTlVUTtkill'aelmhfell ere bonett erit frot h !pedal niferenee to the wants of Mk mat • One Of, nut Erin, Nag resident buyei', in Rim Yo 4; of many years experience, enables to take: ad viniagil of any. favorable. Osage, in , the; Market, . and to, keep our stock always full f and- eOinplete:- Oar basin= experience added to err foal ties eriabka us to eller greal laducentente to. Ordern mail. Or -,otherilie, wiitraceivo prompt and careinl attention. . • Towanda.Sept-1.. 1813. , - L- R GRIT TB BEST: FOUNTAI Ni 3 PREMIUM` ?LOU BADE FROM, THE BM MICHiGAH 'WHITE WHEAT. IN~I OTHER (GOOD BRANDS, =I wi Mllbi fa ilchigast 'Ooles4 and Retail Dealers supplied cheap, -:Proo oar Store to the lin .g.4lams BUILDING: fat tile- Irk gal l mi.7lvel ECNIRA. N. T. J.ll. FOUNTAIN.4.I3O. D~c:19.1867;, . . . -.-. . . . „ - . . Irtg i r OWICN DA - BAK:gal MID RATING • ' : g 4 TABLISIINIENT I • •- • - WOOD 'Mat • divine-peraisied tlie; Belem and Eating `llWaldielignent:and Grocery totootlEASS 80441.`lrat dew swab Of SW _ IwaraL .,Hain' Main street. Towanda. Pa4indlavingtweiWialied tanonow , teoy _ lll, ippelyt i = r lte u ewatoweis SW paMidtlk: liwir,llol at , Inwa rds GBP . ARVID= ' Isittet , itptcrtedifseile 'Ana ilaiebi eSsivasvall &WO theft store St 1 1114 I r 4 1 ! 1113 51 • ~ OW 1111:t„ tsar 10NAM aPREES = - - --AND: WWI 41/111Tit; AC. • de4 hey will keep is store and .sell at w a M l . 4 1 11 1 4 1 10.4.01 a / 1 4114 1 01m 0 *O l . - DREAD;' : O 3 Oit; -- )Otsx.'P . li .‘ I ik)ta, lifrgiii,,l). , kip Cstpcit:. : ~ Pt . •au bibi l l.'.‘ ileotrlii keep tilt jest Ottlekety 00111thuts in Dialog 'kx tt4e„beriel or pound; 7 PieihTO bt :,oithited b 7 tha kegor Walk o ea elteapes4ley will sae tlhe twat Jit sego , sad Irill try tei phase the` mph &Maws.' •' . • . X: % !: ,1 1 1 , ge '"11 .4 /q. , :90 1411 • .d. ~7 "iir.lrandline aippliegl imiii -g' ' tty ; 11 ad* altjtbAtt dralred'inOnWiliwi - ' - ' '' • • -Ll'hal ef1 1 110.? Saatiatalls Wet *Oil °rt.: -.-• •..,, tad ase,orrboat 'rnaterial • • 7 are ' liefaratheir artlndi elms • • eitabltsh t:' .. GOO *it "eallgtriftalWndlet Ilit;1 O. EL WOOD. • • "t ' - - ',l:',S. - ALL id ' 4- - L Towanda, Aug 1;1861.4—yr. • • ' kETTLE trii_4ll-,,,,,,, ,:, ....; the 11l Welsh Of ibirmia;iiiquenl m, a .n *Mat Ad ' Ittiv 9t 1119 ee Alikaw4 1344, wiU , friortti•rc: Ibe4lll4oSilibra .•""r by stuck 1 .;;liie the Ihee mast bi aXO Par , 11 Ma UMW II IN liopett liet treari * arta:wields with verUl heed We oat sane father ifeebta. 1 JILSi, that accoan.4 la cloud at' she ladlkohed I t intat all b lears 11107, MIA beldame. SOLOsi ON k SO li. I s lentlfai 1101. rr, logy /I " . 1 3 . liii DM =I =NM NM