Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 09, 1868, Image 1

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    Y 4 ~)
day Sforning. by R 0. Cloomp . a, 4112 pie
a =w a r in samurai,
ADVERT? jtxcur4in Aftm,
lines are baikand at tsamos for
first insi3rtion,,and ma many'per , listrifbr
s absegnenti insertions. bi.t
sorted 'before Idnii!ages siidVenthih
be charged mirmat cam per line iat r ai►eh
insertion. 4 11 renniuth?* Praisoo o /A 1 194
conunqnicationa otihnited orindkeldno
i n toceskand widow; ofilthriageafor Datlia)
exceeding five Linos, ara Oxused
per line
1 Test: Ono. 3. - nme
one (Jell:nun, $lOO. $6O. 6 • $4O
Halt 41 6O .85
Oao Square, ' 15 10 7*
Lstray,Cantion, Lost end Potlnd,'lndother
advertisements, not weeding 10 lines,
three weeks,•or lees, • • • - $1 50
Administrator's & Bleentor's Notices-2 00
Auditor's Notices ' 2 50
Business Cards. flue Ihro, (Per 70 2 1)-5 PO
Aleretanta and others, edvertisizig their
b u siness, will be: ay._ ged 42 6 . They' "in ,
bo entitled to / ooltunnoyndinipd ew49st ,
ly to their lntainess,witli privilege of quattir
ly change&
;sr AdVertiiing P?., pU pOrl , OXlgOint Of
subAoription to the paper.
108 PEIHTING , of everyldnkiii'-Plidn
• and Fancy colors, done with - numi,Ago :
dfspatoh. Handbills, Elamite, Cards, Pam
-phrots, dcc., of every variety and Style, prin: ,
red at tho shortest no i The Thteonnia
o r mi l a,innv knit been ' fitted dee:. iitts With Pones
Prosses,tirod everitting in the Ptirtand
,line cam be cuspated in- the most artistic
manner 'arid at the lowest rates. muss
R ivißT RT,Y •
- TORNEY AT LA FV—Office conum of
. Maio and Pius We*, opposite Portal Thug
Offers his professional services 'to the citi
zens of Frenchtown and vicinity. Calls prompt
ly attended to. •
Kay 2s, 1887.—1 e
W T. DAVIES, Attorney at Law,
TT • Towanda, Pa. , Office with, Wm. Wat
kills, Fag: Particular, attention-114d. to' Or.
Court business and settlement of deka
dents estates. •
111. at Lao, Toitikadit, Peso's,
The undareigiteil having associated thetneelves
together In the practice of Law, offer their pro.
fessionai services to the public.
March 9,1810. • • 4 " - : = '
/4 , W. COM ti—ln Patton likaskloilads,
Patrick's block, Athens, Pa. They Ins" be
milted at either plane. -
a. W. iATILICI, spill V. A. ISM
"GT 22Valikk Y . if
Li. COUNSELLOR .47:Lk - tEr, Towan
da, Pa; ' Pottlcalar attentTon void to baldness
In!the Orphans' Court. Jay SO. 1866..
TIENRY PEST, Attorney at Law
1-1 Towan IN Pa. . . „ j0u27,416.
DB. WESTON, ta l k/WT.-
61:11to Jo Pattoreo Block, over Gore's Dm
and Chemkal &ors. • - ljaa6ll
ggy fio ag na tte. 70** , 314. I* , osa• ibe
DR. R. DAVIES, LzßATsvnus, PA.
has permanently located tat the office
ormerly occupied by • Dr. B. DeWitt; for' the
practice of praeask. . . May 9,1887..
AT LAIC Toweads, • Pi. Lbw, Govern.
meat Agett for the eallottiottot Pessicms, Beek
Pay and Bounty. . '
Atr No chugs Unless Amerretret.. 'Ogee c,
he Pod OM • and News Room. Dec. t. 1861.
IT P. KIMBALL; Licensed 41ne
l/A Mama, Pottersville, Bradford Co.: Pi.
tenders ids Services to the public. Satisfaction
guaranteed, or no pay required.. All orders by
mail, addressed u above,, will receive prompt
attention. -.. Oct. 2,..18€7.41a
LAW , Towanda, Bradford Co. Pa.
General insurance and Real &tate Agent.=
Bounties and Pensions collected. N. R.—All
businesain the Orphan'4 Court attended to
promptly and with caps. Ofllue first block
south of Ward Erato°, up stairs. Oct. 24, '67.
AND Suaasow.—May be found dub* the
day--unlese otherwise engaged—on Main-st., a
few doors below Codding A ItosseiPs. W.
deuce corner of William and Division-its., late
ly occupied by E. A. Parsons.
Towanda, April 28 1881.-1 y•
TORbIEYII AT LAW, Troy, Bradford - oi.
Practice In all the Courts of the county. Col
lectidns made and promptly remitted. '
s. a. Pistons, dl2 sr. a. catutoosax.
DR. PRATT has removed to State
street, Atirst above B. B. lia;sell & :Co's
b ilank). Persons from a distance desirous of con
sulting him, will be most likely to Ind him on
Batard.iy ,at_each week. Especial attention.wW
be given to surgical cases, and the - extraction of
teeth: Gas or Mar administered when desired.
'July 18 .1668. D. B. PRATT, I[.'D. '
ace in Genies Dm, Store, Towanda, Pa.
Gala.promptltattended to at, all hours.
Towanda, November 28; 1888.
3:4 All letters addressed to, Mut at Sugar Runs
Ilesdfor.l Co. Ps:, will reeelire_prompt attention.
VRANCIg E. POgT, Painter, lbw
X Ana, Ps, 'with 10 yeire expedesce. is eon •
admit be eels givnthe best satisfaolion in Paint
ing, Graining, Staining, Glagng,Papering,:le.
Piutimlar attention paid to JoUlag In the
,zonntry. • April 14 1568. '
if K. VAUGHAN—Architect and
d • Diller.—All kinds of Architectural do
dger fanglike/I. i•Ornitnental• work in Stone
Iron and Wood. Once oo Kaki street, over
k Co.'a Bank. - Attention. eve' to Pa
eal -!relillecktirp airk-la h i li ar t d
- . A 1;188
&c.. &e.
Om% Main%POsOrli r j= s i mm illai
to bostnessinids Weep
given to 1111110114011ftldikliftrulli
d Ilse& Aisne angigilli eta
a ads as woo anivaraiadasigt
T • Pike lit 'peePinill
ona; Actandodge lb, Ezoestkot of Nods,
=rowan Moog. WI an othor
be worn to before es. • . • •
Me opposite th e Sof Mit tee of E. s.
Rumen ui., few .doom so;th of WI Word
Home. Tomas. Po.. Jon. 14.11 67 . •
Watch Maker sad if Gelb wild &Do'
Watches Mans and Finger Itinga,Olooke, Jew
ell 7, Gold Peni,fteetader :Mar wan; Pleti
ed ware, Hollow ware ' IS ;
•calata, and other pal - t 111,61011 s. MA:
Perucular illation paid to riajmirinirf at
L old plawavar PIPV. 12451 4 3. ; 31 1M 5 " .
JOHN 110!IAT;'
. .
Will promptly f tten to in ithi.
Special elution gives to lodialietitl Stew
oaeopto PhotorsAy..._ W =l,
ileoces,Stollm. mull '
chine,etc.,tstedinthe teat manner. - -
Particular attention.gins to th e WO AM ,
Woolard arereamplo - repreiriatation - of Objeoll.]
Orders nabs( at Wood 4 Eardlitte Fltott
Iliphic Art Gallia, Towanda. .
1 10 11 •Pirtikii TAI4RAr
N!Wiil:l 144
Wonia taki 'O4O
,I*,* at ON.
ttlakolrbo:to: • .1.,F1 n a taidowis
continoe:.o.,_,,fr•!!! -
APLEVOID 2,llTOCir'ek - 01t(F
e dee, leeedea.s OS
Braidtall # Co inew.
welis Aviv atom-
4 , 1.. •
E. 0. c *
• 1.1
T 0. OF 0.F.- c tRADF!
0. F..
lows MA; e M.Way
No** ht April even
, 1 1. t frpek • to.A
On Main Street,lhear the
Oct. 11,. 1888.
TO WA DA: 0 1
}Raving purchased *ell
Bridge Street, I hi
Ir ian
It with every cow ne fii
Lion of all who may
be spared to make a kw=
Nay 3, '6B.—tt. J. l , . P.&
i ~
'1..... -,
l_ eased _it
this'll a
Hulas * re ady to ac•
commodate the Tea 1 *ll4 b lip. No pains
t s
nor expense wilt DeOpered to, ve satlefsetion
to theseltao lasi give a • -
• /yr Set* ids. of 1 pabli square, diet of
Nereurisseir block .t ;buil gl.
The undersigned hailing purchaeed the BOOK
f j. 3'...* Orliall,
respectfully invite the old patrons *of, the Naito.
lishment and this' pub* gem*, to tell and Or
amine oar stocks p ~ , ..
. *Lvo . a taiume.
ik V. asvozie. • . .ft; Italars.
' DRESSI I MAirt, '
Respectfully tender then servi sto the Ladles
of Towanda and vicinity , work warren.
teed to give satisfactioh. P War attention
' -0111 T WO ViD 'Oh a. .
Rooms la Basement chutes • . Wsresidence,
on Second Street.. Towanda Oct. 17.1857.
~It- c
Respectfully Informs
Borcrigh, that he has Opened
in Phlnney's Building Opposite he Means House
And solleits it share eirpubllo tronage.
He Is prepared to cut and garments In
the mad fashionable style, an the most dura
ble meaner. PerfectiatbdacU n will be gnu-
Cutting and Bepafz7 A done order on shot
6ept. - 10, MT.
, .
Itecentlyfrom Europe, Wlth a i ms assortment
of Clocks afid Watch* from bait mean fac
tory in fiwitserland,_kive locsited•themseives,
temporarily, at the Masio . Roo of DeWitt &
e c t
Dittrich.where they Will be leaned to show
their wares to the pu t t. A orough e sped-
OM in_Eoropean es llshm enables them
to saw asurance of pieta satisfaction in
their department. Particular tuition given
to repairing clocks, watches an jewelry .
Towanda, Oct. 24, 1147.-3 ml
- L. B. PO WELL,
- -
Scranton, Ps., Thu m ts m Ar ddrierlng's Pianos,
Decker's Pianos, Bsinlin's i-Osblnsst•Or
gans, Treat, Lindsley Ai Co's Melodeons, sad all
of Musical butrumentiaiheet Auks sad Brisk
Books. Orders from-Desiers and - -Teachers es ,
wildly solicited. Address, • -
118 Peansylvsals Avenue, Scranton, Ps.
' Much 28, 1887.-810
ora ed Bankingi Bone Towanda,isn
der the name ct t CO. j
They:are I prepared!, to * Bills of; Ex
change, and mate oe , Wons ia: New 'York
Phibblelphia, and all4ortions of the Milted
Stater, -se also Engism,Ge yi and Fnuice.
To Leah money, recehiti dep 3 ,and twat) a
general Banking. bosinips.
G. F. Yawn ',was pne of e tl.tst , of
Laporte, ld is Fn & Co.)- of To da, Pa.,: and
his known of the liusineas men of Bradford
'and adjoin Count , and having been in the
;inking business for at flfteen years, make
b house a '4_ desirabl one, through which to
make collections.
- I I
1868. Al. G. MASON;
, ..
Desires to !inform tla ladies Towanda and
vicinity that lin is ooW, prop to IMMit Der
ROMs itaisittio an , a n aliortatent,
find is rowed to to . e on the Short
pasteb" notiew , ' , Veit 'variety Of
p est atterns, jot toed ' ' Y 4l nlik ,, ty iittaniton
given to drain and eloali insb2/ iim
- itoomatrar-Cohan , Bo ~ a 4p:thing
Store, Nerear l ol3look_ A . - , • -
Towanda, Nov. 16', up.
side k.
of COW
sot be titans.
es well as las
!Whirs sake,
irtli bar the eta
sw ag es hi&
ear hi this •0- -
*shod o'
We keel
et Pewee el,-
the •
pllnj onar b•-•
001 - 75.
ork the but
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Owe &Mel
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wark t a:
MM s. , tiettto
- ' ; 4 14411/I.WWI
trArl is t r _
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goilsolv • 04Cie
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smP • . I#o,l*
tyle, at hie I-I
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I ' Ia; irwrablisher.
,bets at Odd Fel
from the Aro
n. yin Octobe
?II sire} p.m. '
'ABEL ffec'./.
.nrt noise.
H, Proprietor.
OTEL - ,
' Hotel' o*
I letltted
tin scoommodav
• . No .psiniwill
EttiON , Prop.
of Towanda
. . , . • I I !
. ' ' • i
.X , 14, - 7 1 7;4,...NWar5a1ei.V.V0.;,'• ',-+' -- - ' '' . --, ..44......,^ . ..wftiti.a.r., : wrkg.:6l.4 , ,,,A.l.Olgr.4...,...7m.AttitliZlMlSNL. -•VIE=O ,
, , , . . , ..,: , ....ta-44”440..4,4-. ,
.. -./IrROPS .
Matti fattvg.
11 44 ADZ Tina eni6Dara COKING re
ET NM IL E. 7L anon=
Each day:when'the glow of lomat
Fades in the weaken shy,
And the wee ones tired of
. 1) 1 41 11 E,
-Go fdPidoli
IX steal away from my husband, •
Asleep in his easy dd:,
And watch from the open doorway
Their faces fresh and fair.
Alone, in the drear•old homestead
That once was fall of life, •
Itbiging with girlish laughter,
- Palming boyish strife,
We two ore waiting together,
And oft, as the shadow; come,
With tremutoas voice he calls me,
ig It is night l are the children home?"
"Yes, lore,' I answer him gently,
- :"Ttu3yore all home, long nor
Arid I . sing, in any gidyering treble,
A song eo soft and low, -
Till the old an drops to slumber,
With his head upon biz hand,
Are I tell to-myself the number
Home in a better land. __
Sometimes in the dusk of evening,
I Only Shut my eyes,
And the children are all about sue,
A vision from the Wes;
The babes, whose dimpled finial:li
Lost the way Willy breast,
And the beautiful ones, the angOls,
Passed to the world of the bhissed.
A breath, and the:Vision is lifted
Away on the'wings of light, -
And again we are together, '
Ail alone in the night. ..
They tell me_hia mind is
, failirig,
Bat I smilent feeri-' -I
He is only back with the children,
-In the deer and peaceful years.
-And still as the sammer sunset
Maas away in the west, ,
And the wee ones, tired of playing,
Qo tcooping home in rest,
lkty husband calls from his comes,
"Ilay t loie, hive the children, come f"
And I answer, with eyes uplifted:,.
„ Yee, dear! they are all ir *cam”
- ,
tfiloria in-EEC - eh& I" Tang thro'
the little chapel in a clear,volnme of
Bound that rose above the accompan
iment of the organ, and was just
shaded an4poftened by the flute=like"
(one that, accopipanied that single fe,
male voice.
Many of the sunbrowned seamen
who worshiped there knew the voice
and the singer, and listened the more
earnestly, because of her, to the
Chants and psalms, and the sermon
that followed. It was " English
4nssie," who came among their wives
d_children on many a kindly er
rand, and had always a cheerful word
for the sick and desponding. The
men called her a " hearty lass," and
*ished many a " blessing - on her
honest face. Their wives, in Sun
day dress, and proud of the stalwart
arms on whicb.they leaned, " thought
it a shame " that she had not chosen
from 'among the rough and hardy
wooers by whom she, was, surround
Prayer and chant were over, and
the still sermon-time ! when lielsie's
duties were ended ; and she drew
the crimson curtain aside to look and
listen with the rehtr The warm, sum
mer rum came quivering froin the
water- through- the lance-shaped win
dows, and lighted up the pale, grave
face of the clergyman in hisipulpit,
arid his strangely gathered audience..
&me were boatmen, or hands from
coasting vessels, whose -occupation'
allowed them leisure for home and its
Comforts. They were surrounded -by
their.wives and little ones in all the
oriartness of their Sunday costumes,
relieved by scarfs or shawls of bright
foreign weaving, the gift of some
Sueceesful relative on a return voy
age. -I The children sat uneasily. On
the high benches, 'and. looked it the
flies.on the: window, or studied the
Pictures in their prayer books as
children will, These were the more
regular attendants of the &apt.—
Beyond them; the trim blue jacket of
si man-oPwar's man: was, the content
ed neighbor of some " lubberly wha !
lee—in ordinary intercourse a ape-,
oval, aversion. And there were men
*hse dress had nal pretension to
Sunday neatness, wile scarcely knew
One day; of, the- week , from another,
except that the seventh was, in some
Sort, day, of ;rest' evert, with - the
hardest captains under whoa' they
filed—who were' there they seam
4. knew how or why, from idle whirl'
or vague curiosity, to hear the music
Or " what the parson-: would have to
Say," gathered literally from the_kigh
waya!ind byways, and compelled to
There were inuanal Sights and
Mom& for church.goers without. Now
lOna 'oaths or snatches of a sailor
ton . g , Irma- some groups- strolling
along the wharves, ftnday. Plea•
eure-boats left on their crowded hour
ly trips down trips down the bay.—
Belie rang isiid dogs barked, - men ,
eimutedorlizighet, with Marge. TM-
Seemly merriment, ::`at coarser jests,
the (lapel rocked and swayed in the
Swell of some prriving . or departing ,
*wel t pd stosdy F al4rftteat
SUM*. - open tho :n-loaf
sybosp occus ?wore !mother IA
flitOgri9cilatir le*
-i nno liteay. ; a
tress ad ds 'Valli )14310` alike to them
iititbAit; thet. 4°414. hm4 lathe:
: 000 0", PnOlm. -- 1 1 * and "Wad . *
s'ioup*M .- prsyer, r Or Allow!
therevisced asking ipterest.-
Zugliah Bessie; far the mike of the
Wave from-the SOW "We* sed
* 1 4) 1 1#4 e iqe-Ell4/4/ whose,
1 b
, 14-00 Wt
egikei hos:
* l l ll OO
OW yr
white hands dreir such noble music
from the organ's keys, While he mg:
the puro, clear tenor of which we'
He . sat with his face turned toward
Bessie, as if his sightless eyes long.
ed to know the; features Ai' this fa-
Millar friend, whom he had neveryet
seen. Kill long hair, thrown back
ward from a forehemetluitlast never
known exposure, touched thetroad
linen collar, turned over a sim . ple ,
ribbon, tied carelessly about tlict
11 4
throat. His dre 'a was alai*" and
IF, from new, at - neat, so, neat \
that you wonde d to know a' wo
nian's hand 'had not arranged it.—
Music was at once hie passion and
his livelihood. For thereat, he 'had
no relatives and no dependence. '
It was a singular ,friendahip 'that
had grown up between these two,
who met - not elsewhere ; and when
the sermon was done,' it was pleas
ant to see the sisterly care with
which she handed hiii his hit and
stair, ..ani led him -down, Ahe narrow
stairs; whele - he mast have . groped
slowly bit for , her hand. , - ,
" Here is the - r still, . - Millard," she.
said, " and here thi door, and there
is the rector waiting to , speak with
y D.') J
' ,But the quick ear of ,the blind man
discovered another step, and, though
hcilistened to the kindly words of
the - grave rector,,he heard an invita
tion given and refused, where Bessie
ste4 at the door of the vestibule.
~." What did he want l" &eked-Bic&
mid, in a quick, ma n ner peculiar , to
him, as . his hand was once more
placed in that firm, reliant clasp, and
she led him over' the swaying plank
to the shore. - .-
• "Steady I There n ow ' you are on
the wharf," Bessie Relit as she might
have soothed, an ezeited ' cilia.—
" Who ? What 2 Allen 1",
" Yes, Allen. I heard his voice
when Mr. StOrey was tilkingi When
did the Bessie come in i He has had
a 4niok trip." ;., • ,
‘ ._.
"Not very; tbemsual time; Mere
now, you do not n eed my hand au*
longer.",': - , - -
" Why;do you take -it away, Bes
sie ? There is , a crossing yet, and'
these 'piles of lumber."' f l ,
I' Yea "—and she laughed :pleal
antlp—" but you know them as well
as I do. , You could lead me here."
" I wish I wild; he•
lo* his breath, for the blindness was
still a dark horror to him. " But Al
len ?" ~ , ,
"He oily asted about '# o ; night, if
I should go to chapel, and--:.*
"If he could Wilk with ' you.•
When are you going to be married?"
he lidded, abruptly. .
gut Bessie only pointed out a loose
round stone in the crossing, as \ if- she
did not hear the question. ' •
" Mother's not so , well today, anti
I cannot go as l iar as usual," she
said, as they entered a narrow, crook
ed street L ' How bright and pleas.
ant it, must look out at the asylum
now, willi! all the reties in bloom 1"
" Yes, if one could see them." .
" Richard, you are not thankful to..
night for what you can enjoy," said
the young girl,. earnestly. " Yon
have a cheerful home and fresh sweet,
scented 'air and cheerful society."
"(o on, Bessie. , You,mean while
you are shut up in, this close street
with a sick mother, and your bread'
to gain by your needle. .But then
there is Allen 1" and the gloomy tone
came back'again. ' •
' " Let him' be there," Bessie ' an,
swered, siecidedly, 'pausing at 'her
own door-stone. "Richard, you sang
" Benedice anima • mea "_ this after
noon ; remember it on your Way
iome•-, I shall, so 'long as my moth
er has a shelter, and, 1 have health
and 'strength to work for her. Take
care now, and• lookout 'foithe car
riages and the crossings. I shall?,
have time .for a practice hour :on ',
Wednesday evening.' You may come
to tea it, you like.*
1 , The blind minis staff rang upon'
the pavement as he went on his lone
ly way, not knowing' that ebeetoci
upon the door-stone ; find Watched for
his safety as long as he was in IVO.
He‘did*not know what should' maike
him so restless' and •distarbed , about
this marriage. ' It was rightSnd na-
tural and what he could have wished
for Bessie. They would •be finely
paired—the high-spirited,,'energetie
woman and her 'sailor lover. i He so
tall, bronitid, and stalwart;
,is Bee-
We% husband. ought- to be ; i.frank :
and generous r as sailors ever are. •
Richard Langdon, the , blind: nnutfts -
'teacher, still • lived at the iteilitrk
Where he bad Studied' hielheautiftd
'irk with the love and 00eildeooe of
pupils and teache rs. The rooms
were of noble pispOrtkms,the grounds
fragrant with sweoteoented shrub
bery, and cool with ihe . shadoW,ef
heavy foliage.,,. HeS,beiWaikedithit.
still Sabbath afternoen; andihougAt
upon his almlese; Pyle*, cluldliotol,'
'and what if he had :a sister' like Boa.
are to , cheer it.' , There' were many
hours when his mind preyed upon it
self i- it had always - been 'so in the
pauses of study, but never 'sa minkh-,
8511011 f. 'i ' ' , ~ ' " 1 ~.;•
So be Wandered . . down the rese. ,
walk, listening te - ' 'the ' murmur of
voices that rose from the plaound•
beyond'the •
garden,.and:: envy the,
children their Sabbath rest and'peace
But his mind would
. go ' back - Sea
ilia Ind' the first acoputintaitoe, When
She came ut- offer , her fresh, strong;
but untrained vele° ,tii 1 - aliefsfhim to
1 13 0 1p ti!ephapel mule. His nature
sq gpsio *0 Ippuirig ntitL
'ring VW 1 * not P .tiN* et
mesait was riot tiii - Avaiiii
.ITO Red fiel. 'Wit* when he
44.44aIrtirOkKtilattrizt ehti-Willt
to. prove ;cow , sndlow
'grateful, for'llio':**tiiikoe. "...sow
wheiiiliy ' Were . tegether le' laiiii;
aside the 'died untiertnit4nfitt4
ind . manber,, irultinirtotergaidaikas„
Wibollibe '!iiiiii 'Wai'Md l s tluta liii**
Cant *tail ind'inheititahrotuat end,
UGARDIMNI plf,ppuicumait IRON ANY wurpm
. -
for she would have new duties and
companionship, and :pleasure's :', No.
wonder he was restless and disturb.
The pal , gentle midow,had , e,rirel,
come for hire *hen the appointed
evening me,,; and he natlownmear
het i * the open. = dear ; until . Bessie
should come in. - Ile Could fee the
neatness of all arorind him, andheard
thi - o.ovorrinit'on the docrai ll ,Auidt_,
the kettle singing ita pleasarit song
in the outer , room. It was_ all so sti ll
and homelike to hiin- r .thisfgh he hid`
never known a home but _in his
drentrifyi so different from the alatter.
of feet through the 'corridors of the
Mb= the opening andehuttiutof
doors,ihe,huur of l children conning
their, lessons, or the dricordance of ,
the tortured instruments under the
hands of Unskillful pupils. He won
dered if the
. giy- - ;blusterous sailor,
would apprecfate tl* . quiet rest, eo'
dear to: him, and•_Bage's invalid
Mother, with her delicate' :tastes and
instinctgi.. .'
, _•_
= Whentei ' was over and the house
hold duties ,erg euded.for the day,
though it weal - pleasant, to heaißes
sfe go so easily about them, she
Camel for the first time and sat down
by =him on the door-stone, for! the
house. was• one' of ,those lo W - 1 old
fashioned tenements Where Yountep
from the street into, the dwelling
roomat ma.. The street was till
and.deserted, save now and a
siditaiy footatep 'echoed along. the
pavements, and died away in the
shallows beyond:-"- A massive, bit
long.dierisa warehouse, bunt when
thisnarrow street bad its great com
mercial fame and influence, loomed"
opposite to: them, the iron-bound
dooid and shutterless windows gleam
ing in the:moonlight, an old, deca, y
-1 ed, but toßessie *pleasant neighbor.
It wrialetter to' eft - e by her inindow
and imagine the days of thenncient
bustle and opulence, than to Witch
the bad management of some thrift- i
less house-keeper, or her neglected
children quarreling on the pavement.
Tonight. it woe especially pleasant
to see. it so` softly shadowed ; and
she described it to the blindinan as
sbe, would have drawn the picture of
And yet she could not drawl por
trait of . herself .that satisfied him.—
She alwiys turned away with some
jest upon her stout figure and heavy
features," which displeased and an
noyed him, for he never could make
hen. anything but beautiful in his
mind. ' •
~ "I will ask her no w" thought
- Richard, " before any one has a claim
upon her ;" and, with quick impulse,
he preferred a long-indulged but un
spoken request.
"If you will only let me touch
your hair—your face, one *Mont;
Bessie, as I do when I wish to know
my friends and pupils better, I shall
be more contented when you are Al
len's wife. - „YOu have been such a
dear, true friend to me 1"
'She took up both his halide, and,
staying, laid them on her bowed
head. •
" As I thought," he murmured rath
er than spoke ; and his hands shosik
and trembled, though she was quiet
beneath their touch. " Soft, wavy
hair ; it in brown, I know, brown
and silken as a child's. The broad,
open forehead, that belongs -to you
Bessie. I know how your eyes look
now, honest and fearless and very
truthful ; such long lashes, and your
cheek so round and smooth I How
could you tell me that you were 11 of
beautiful l"
"Because I am not, "she said, ta
king his bands again. "And feel
how hardened my hands are,', while ',
you're are soft and white. .It is an .
ugly contrast,. and so are our faces
and-chaiacters and dispositionEo she
added, persently.
"-I know—but Allen is manly and,
hardy and, cieerfil, I was: mot al
ways NO gloomy, Bessie truly I was ,
- not. But I grew so rest less and de;
,pendent and home-sick—l cannot de
scribe it any other way—yet I never
hive had, and never shall have a
home such 'as ether men win for them
selves,who do not know how to prize
it ps I - should."
" It is almost time for the reheraal,"
said Bessie ' as' if to lead him from {his
hogelees mood,'" and mother has fol.
len asleep there upon her
- cloniei,let lingo, Richard. -
'She dr** his' -arm Within ,bers
they Fose,and they walked on' tiiwird
the river, for the 'Algol was scarcely
?ie stone & throw.- He longed to say
more, to tell her ill that, the' total ,of
that bowed head,bad ravelded-to him
how ruudonateAy he loved her ! haw
Alan* solitary his life Would 'brays
stio for-having, known her-and- for her
- .care over bim i bat he straggled with
this stormy rood binpuly,foribe knew
"lai hid no right to lay the burden of
tkinininfortmeautany 'woman's -feet,
:43Viii IWO fit* kite/kb - W.4e and
ben it on w ard-for • t
ge`theY walked' On li foil
litthr •timeimtifilher began to .hear
the soft nOlathorthe hioomia tide
%Omit the wharventualthe *Mu of
the vessels ; lying =ohm It re- -
(WWI the s tria'. schooner Ikelie:eed
her captid-to hie min& ' - -
When are-you, to be; married
hianhed; - abruptly.; diaretti hope
aim Ri c h ar di •
i!tyekttfii'kettee to. be sign ;7-
again the ationg tidiOtfealiniproah
s-ed liaised his teeth
1 , 1 , 10,0 them, acr;thatibittitoald say no
more, • - -
Welic-theNt gai4te. t : - htif
yap imptaiuce uwe kiwi no
OMOnethig-,W614 4 1." rsiA 1194
to nab lan *Mon! proposo unct
stritiffi, - Jolt ;Pi righf;iii* *it
lather , thipill ailitu,„ Von stile
be ill, Intabant Richard, when Ido
Sart rdt pa la as Alla dool
#O, ciputot;suCiyofr.,.
Ot - 114100i„ii, litc4A#
ekedo bliNife';lo
Bashi 8•-- Peer and , :blind 1 •-1
yoturhusband "• 1 . • ••.• .•
• •
-He - .reeled as if Weudden blourhad - ,
been struck, Mit she. upheld hint stew
. " •
yr:ado-notWish. it, .Richard, it
ends: herc. You:Anew . me .well enough
these. three -.yetis \to know ..that • I
Meanalk.lsayiciiii4 that I had;onlyc
to; assureitiyself of your love , before,
l;,..allOwed mine • to: be esen. You,
would; never, have .7. asked , of, me
but here /an, I offer Myself,:•-tnylovik
and care iMd companionship to.fon,
if you will take" it. Rioluird,.let me.
be home, and strength, ' - and -- Uight to,
you alwaye. " r.•
It was well that they had leached .
the' chapel-for the courage with which
she had, iteived herself wan fast foresr
king heli.- - By, the dimlight' she saw
their; •-rector bending over his books
*the *wiry, as was his wont when
he expected them there. The blind
man heard the . advancing . step and
kindly: welcome, as he came forward_
to the chancel, and the sonnd•of, oth-..
er loft above them.
"Make. it , real it is all a driiatti,:n
he. said, Unktheylinelt.4own
. togiath! - :
er for their .pastOr'n blessing, for he
Iniew all that was their hearts s ind
that henceforth . , the chant cif- thsuikw,
giVing • would come' from the inner.
Most - depthi of Richard Langdon'ii.
o arnwnetli me with merry
ving kindness. ". -
and 1!
; • llamalumanm Rrvia is °sm.—A
{Musa* Kamm Otauosnr.—lt is not
generally known that there
about a mile west of. Fremont, ale.
markable underground strewn, with
a swift, current, and an outlet shoe&
the surfaceathe ground.this side of
Lake Ed% ,1t was discovered sever
al years ago on a farm north of the
Four Mifti H9use,, now owned by wid-
ow 13hefferi.:Wa whi.was return
ing from a day's chopping in the
woods. In walhalc over a slightly
sunken place he noticed a hollow:
sound and tniaing,struck the grOupd
with 'deem The axe broke through
and disappeared and never has been
heard from 'since.. Further inveiti
gations showed a rock aboutaix feet
below the surface, with a crevice a
foot or mere wide, in which water
could be seen several feet
By tracing.: its course - fart*, down
and breakiiig through the "pnist, the
- same phenomenon appeared again,
and by dropping. a piece of- wood or
other floating substance . in the upper
aperture, it was soon seen to pass the
lower one, showing a strong current
A lead and line,let down to the depth
of seventy feet, found no -bottom.—
The supply of water is only slightly
effected by. droutb, and a pump set
up in one of, .the places above men
tioned,has furnished. the purest water
to the whole neighborhoodduring the
late dry season. • It is certainly quite
a remarkable stream.—Fremont (0.)
Journal. •
BEAM= OF Stubows.—The shit
down all • day. long play at silent
games of beabty. Everything is
double, if it stands in light. The
tree sees an unrevealed and muffled
self lying darkly along the ground.
The slender stems of flowers, golden
rods, wayside asters, meadow daigies
and rare lilies, rare yet abundant in
every nice level -meadow) cast forth
a dim iuuLtremuloni line of shadow,
that lies along all the morninvshort
enins till noon, and creeping out
again from the root all the afternoon
until the sun shoats it as far eastward
in the evening as the sun shot it
westward in the morning. A mil-.
lion shadowy arrows such as these
spring from Apollo's golden bow of
light at every step. Flying in every
direction, they cross, interlacing each
other in a soft network of dim lines.
Meanwhile, the clouds draw Shadow.
like anchors, that reach the gipund;
but will not ' hold ; every browsing
creature,_ every flitting:.bird, every:
flitting bird, every moving team, ev
ery unconscious eriveler t writes it=
alorig the giound in dun shridow.
we an cheeiful and contented, all
nature Smiles at us ; the air " ":seems
more balmy, the sky' more clear, the
lround a . brighter green, the trees
ave a richer foliage, the flowers a
More fragrant smell, the bNs sing
more sweetly, and' the sun, moon,
and :stars - appear more beautiful:
We take our _food with relish, and
whatever it may=be, it pleases us.—
We ISO lketter for. , it--str onger and
lovelier, and fit for exertion. - Now.
What happens. , to: es we -ant ill,.
templed' and - diSoceitented ?"Whk;
there is nothing 'which can please
as.. We (iparrel with our food, with
our dress, with our amusements, with'
our compLiionii, and with ourselves.
right for us ; the
Weathesis either too hot or. too oold,
.too dry or too ;, I :4lamn. Neither sun,
nor ; moon,. nor stars have - any beauty
the fields are barren, the flowers are
hutreless, and the birds sUent. -
&Ind about like some evil . spirit,
neither loving nor beloved -by any. ,
thing. -
• -
Turras ,
was a dry old : fell ow out in
Jefferson county, • in' this State , who
Called' one day on the ' 'of
Congrees,elect. , The famiiy. were at
lirealdnat, and" the old man was not
'in a decent triaoto be invited to sit
•hy ; but he isias tengry, and"-doter
gained to get an invitation. /
"What's 40 news P-inqtdretthe
Bothinumucir, but;. one of my
neighbors gavehis-chil4 each a queer
44 Ah t and ihat'name was 'that r"
11 W10P.Ckune and Eat." , .
en - pealiaiihni it
irin - rapeeted:%. , ..••
.A-Coats afidEati".-:-
r ord
.0 1111 $ t !tdiet .o 4o.#; 4.47-0442,
tsp Eo the
. -
ii*i• Aninun g , in Aldvanotto:
. ,
„.. „. . .. . .
- ..
- . 40111 KOTA i 113 ;PLCIEED AND Cuzco.--
Tboeinebmati. Enquir4 says , : ; ' - ,,A.1 7
though;this eitihaa received i .WOrld
pntiwried---teputiitiOn ' for ennetiPt,
rk -peeking faoilitierle-ve:ry. fe*' o l-
Stir :: citizens - urulerstandi tberr, .rAodmr
pper.crr4;li pursued -in :this knsiceeeir4
04n615g,t6. - dr.iio,p: in-. the -,plkeking:
house of - Ware._ Beninger, trobiad:
I gr Bailey; yesterda y aftetnoon,'aiiiiii
who did , their: own:. killingy *e -wit=.
tumid the, , whole protease. and .pie-1
toso to give a dstail Of each Branch:
Of the businesir..., , The hogs are driv
en- through' ; schute into .a email. box
some . twenty 'feet. - square ;_ 47 `stoat
chap.:then-enters the peri with-a haw
mer,,And ploceeds to - kill -.those in
el& by cruthing in.the *nil,- and so
eaP§rkne . haVe they, become that
- generally tie -. .blsiw. sakes Wkill
the . stouts t: animal:'' The irate is,
then opened, and a - conple of men .
with-long:hooks- haul_them on a, sla
-1 tell., platform, . where_ another . chap
cite their" - aroate 'OmmiSt,inresiiper- -
sting - , on a dozen withoUrgetting .
! .blo od , on the knife.. llinothet • gang
rolls thenr into n_latgoriiiit filled with .
!toiling Water, Where they. .pre kept
l' until, the hair, will.. pull ,off,froin the
eare, - after' which they are railed oat
:Of the vat by . -n , tentrivinai _latent ,.
bling a cradle; and ~ deposited on the
beich,where they: ideanedin an.
• incredibly. or time c and lifted tgl, a
1 leigvintptvot, from'which'afterbe
!lig 'rinsed - 'down, they - it* hung nit
antalhe - animal Warmtkhay . left the
carcass. - . They . ate ' theiroarried - on -
to &largo, block ~ an& : eta -up, each,'
Part „being scpatatedand
pile - . to itself ' ..T.Witimuiinga are
thrown into - the: . yard . pile; and the
ribs are sold - to.the (Athena living bi'
the licinity, and—every day the pork.
houses Ale . ' crowded- aathiok aa the
Imblie inarkets. , _ o iltet.the meat,*
beenpresierlyOured . and salted it is
in imitable talks' 'itedY.for
shipaientioany- point ' , .. - On receipt of
Orders.- : :-. .-: • ~.. - -..'c.. . • ;... . );I
00.Ncirr.7-11atdly anythlnir la wore
cOnte.mtible than the - concede, which
rests merely upon social - pCs . ition.--- -
the conceit of those - who imagine they
are divorced from the clay'of common
men, ofilfose who shrink with.harror
from4he idea of Work as something
which degrades. by its very contact,
and yet who, - very likely, owe their,
present position to Some not remot e
ancestor, who, recognizing his cal to
work, lived more honestly in- the.
world than.. they dp, and .was . not
ashamed of soiled thumbs. It is one
of the - meanest things for _people 'to
be ashamed of the work from which
' they. draw their` income, and which
glorified their ancestors, more with
their soiled aprons and black emus
Lthan themselves - with' their fine r'fb•
bons and flashing jewelry.; lt might
be a fine thing to be-like. the . Mies;
more gloriously clothed than Solomon,
and doing nothing, if we were only .
lilies: Advantageous position is only
a more' emphatic call to work ; amd•
while .those who hold the ad - Vantage
may • not be} compelled to manual
drudgery, the should recognize the
fact that manual drudgery, may be,
performed-in 'the same spirit as that
which characterizes'their own - work,
and therefore 'that is equally honoia
ble. • , I
ONLY • A Panum—Orily 'a pebble!
Oh, man, that stone which you thrust
so contemptuously out of your way t is
older than all else on this earth.--
When the waters under heaven were
gathi3red together unto one place,
that pebble was there . . Who can tell
Its the story of those first days, when
the earth was in sore travail, 4er
heaving bosom belched forthlorreuts ,
of ire, vast avalanches of hissing, - 1
seething water, and v'olums of dead
ly vapors? When glowing blazing
streams, of lava .threw a , blood-red
glare on the silent,lifeleos earth; and
amid a trembling and thundring that
shook the firmamen* a thousand vol
canoea at ones •lifted np their • firey
heads, When. out of the foaming wa- .
tern Ahem rose suddenly the rocky
foundations, of firm lindotnd greete4
the light that God had created? That
pebble, was' fife's first o ffs pring on'
earth.- The spirtt of- God:moved en
the' water, an& life watt loathed ;in=
the, Very gases
,that Were bid iu the
heart of The Vapory globe, ; They par-,
ted inlove, they parted, in hate; they'
fled arid they met Atom joined Mori;
loviaga sisters -Mese& each othet;'
and this lose, the:great Ecbild,4 the -
Spirit owesch,,brought fai t h its. Arai
fruit the pel3ble: "
* ?1 - i •t 7 - . A, i; 4 . . .
„ •
FADING ROYADITII.--Q_ wen Victons, , • '
it appears, ialfaithismither popular
ity with the English people. She ds,
towlionamonly spoken' of by' perione
of all.ranks; and of very different pia-
Utica' views, in language Arldch out
trOte moat palatially . , with, the terms ,
in whlet Ire - Americans liaye for
years' Wei accustomed to allaida to a
Queen whom we had' been taught to
regard w i a ~ pinodel of the domeitiU
virtneao, If the Priaso.of Wiles — Was
capable Hof forming a politibal, WV!
Marbortnigh House might very
now - become whit ',detester House
tosedtohe in the days-of George'',
and. Frederic--s" outingplace for
Erin9ese," Pat the Priace of. Wales
as no,hold of his . own op any, part.
psilaspe 'noniton *kir * . Perbtsin
none on: any tibias lat.lngland ; and_
ir the aloud Which: at preseratinciamil
1 1 0P41! )1 7; Mg* Tier' tbe Queen Ark._
nesayastead of helps dispersed,
Prince le itleast as hliel,y to pay the
penalty of his mother's losa'of
eINA - 4 1 5 he is to. redeem thti monarchy
thgC! ,( dritater,* l 9 l 4 - !li*
Vil - e§an ,‘ 4 11 Yfil*I., 0 04
~„ • Tmll.
/ I # ll . o a Itut te Wlicagi 905011
101=4 ii atli l ia u Vitrd4
fofriV deetiiiiirelmo
Toni f$ tag kaign,646oll.ltheo,i,
ft kill dott
~# ~ ;
..:.;., f.3.1:‘.... , 1
_MBER 33.
imug,--The daiesTille Gazette P3144.11p
foiletrinegood*Of Lute Titylcir t if
the Presscott Journal: .
the! Stage with a r party of gentlemei,l"
athoit . whoni Was e'neted
te4iihticlanTrom Minneiciti, sewers
eandidate'for a State office.- The day `
*as inte_nsell cold and the company
were testop occasioiallito
warm Up. Halting at *little' fairly
the, „ repdside, the..-Detnocrat "invited
Lute up to take. adiiidt of - whisky, .this
which- hp readily assentedi and as
Lite :was, both thirsty aid cold, he
turned out a Prettylitiffnhorn,:rawil
lowed it' instanter and repaired"sit
once to the stove thaw out.' lAte's
free and easy style suited the Deno
mitt to a dot, awl after freely
ing himeelfhe waked up t 6 Lute and ,
emd arlibet - any man ten dollars '
that you area aged pernicrat.”„
As I;ute is :an iwful.---radical,' this
toiched ;his pride and hereplied
hirusial stammering style : 7 1-Lad
viae,you n-not to bet more Rm-uitt
ey than you wish to
edge I h-h-have all thesytiptiiins,bit
not the d;d-disease.".: ”
Foamvirsass:—lmagine that . You • --
saw some malefactor led along4othe I -
mace,of,execution wailinganit u,niep. -
g for his misspent time, 'for, his
bloody acts, for his heinous crimes;
and that hie
,wailings -and wapingS
were so s bitter that they Were abbito
force tears from others, an 4 to make,:
all eyes shoot and watar Unit did but
look upon lief, „But they, this
in :this Case - „shqul4.,suddenl_ y see his
king rt k na . lng and, siding n
with a pard - on in life brad, .wknt
sight would this bel Surely, • zone'
like it. Thus it is With Mali; sorrow;
ing and repenting :for 'sin , wh#lst=fib
is weeping over tip .siddess . of his s:
condition, arid - reonfeiiing what a little •
stop there is betwixt him and damna
tion, is if he wero even droppingiuto: -
hell). In amaxe:he lobks- up. 3;nto
Christ, whom he sees with a spear
iri libilside, with thorns his hi)
with nails in his: feet; - indeed.:-49uoir
pleaesnt;isvishing i rbeiveidt 14tt-ir - •
such as' riot- the - rich -
sight oniarth;nbr airtio*Onteilug
sparigleild Hetven,'-efould *Cora the
Snag - -us !Kxcrr.- 41 Strike the
knot 1" said a gentleman to - -West*,
who, tired , andweery„:was leaning
on his aieuoirpr a log lahnifilliChad -
vain been trying to cleave-:ThenloOk=
fig at the Aog, :•ther' vtitlerian law - -
howliu3 boy bad :backed and - ohipe4 l7
all erolmdAeAngti sq.*?
__ t _.ut hitting
it,. lekleg__the axe. h e spruce & k i tv,„
bbarti blows on the kuot,i and ep it
- the log Without Alifficulty. Stilling
handed the , axe bi *,,
bineaying: - ,,
"Always strati the kno t
O 1"
Mud Wae • edifies.' "It It iigoOd
for yon, lan- it was 'fort/el'
boy to _whom it was gitren. -hire ,
It is a capital maxim to follow Whet' ,
you are in trouble. Have yeesituard -
sum to do at,schooll Are you leav
.ing home to live for -the first time ?
Strike the knot Look your trouble
in the eye, as tl.e. bold lion hunter
looks in the, face of a lion. -Never
' shrik froth a painful duty;
. but step
right up to it and do it. Yes strikeiho
knot Strike the knot, boys. and
girla, and you will allways- conquer.;
your difficulties.
DANCING TM:Ili Rho 037.--Two tuna
p_histicated country lasses visited
Kiblo's recently to see the "Black
Crook." When the short skirted, 'gos- *
same r nymphs made their appearance
-on the stage they became restless and
fidgety. "Oh, Annie 1" exclaimeaone,
sottoixrioe. "Well Mary ?" "It ain't
nice.; I—don't like it." "Hush." ".I
don't. care. It ain't and -.I wonder
aunt - brought • us. to such a place."
"Hush, Mary. The folks will laugh -
at y on " After one or two flings and
a inroute, the blushingMaiy said:
"Oh, Annie; let'o goo--it ' s 'am t a nice,
and I don't feel ,comfortable." "Do ,
hush, Mary," replied the sister, whose
own face was scarlet, though it wore
an - air of determination. "It's the
first. time I ever was at a theatre,•and
I suppose it will be the last; 8 - 43 11131. , *
just going to ittay it out, if they'
dance eery rag off their backsl"- - -
A 'correspondent orriting.frouk '-
4 says:that, the ladies, on being introduced.
to selanger. iamb*, on being eminaied.—
Ho, for Brezill---
A. philosopher Imo diaoavered that
men don't object to be•overrated, except by
ONE boasting" to Aristotle of the
greatness , of cormtry—"Thisk" -said •• •
Ariste.tisi .',4a not to. be considered. bat ;
whether you - ileserye to bo of that igy,s4
cormtry l ",
Aovisarry is the trial of prinpiple.
without it a man hardly knows whether or
nothe,is_sn honest,man. • , •
Lastair'-a-gentleman• gat: down: to
write a flood on& lett= wi th , • "Know OM:
woman by these presents.' -
!Yon eta Inoug,!!. add a Irsatantla,
ought to be. •Anow,e,ll men: - • - • ,"•••
TgWelrwa," answered the otrui;
wOuutn kutoint fk - "all thou Te r , of wine
Zr is better to sow a young hint
with esiiitrolovtatiiighigua &eft , Ica
*Ad , since. Witold% . barest Is
Pr?4 1: 44”-..
A Western "hate- orator; Asko
In astonieblng metaphor, recently
el ipirato, baler erbleh'- "stood - oa
or , " 1 / 1 1_104 1 7 110 V -, _ •
A-Portugeae , mayor rtheiatid ,
among the marks by which &body, of a
m g
drowned wan ht be id tilled ',rhea
frond, " a marked: impediment to hie
ispastlr . .• ,
A New Haven paper letely aimonn. ~
04 by.mistske, the subj tof , rede4Usg
club as 'fiChight'fliticre - ibe eh&
'abed r:;-..cao_ksz mrtviaisitat they .
avista t uan
inteudekto UMo
ut. - ' 1.. i . _ . •
_., giWassa was John.Rogere buined -
to death?" asked a leaches in a commas,
diug *kw ~' illoshua knows." said iii little
itikl.the Soot of.ther elms. !MeV." saki
teashero , if Joshua lmciws, he ray tell:.
'• ' the Ise: Sold Joshua, looking- very
grave and vim. ,
, 'A'titriterelithe or; rin - ly
beliirreirthitterweinett hive. sonughing to
*y on all imbjecis e reeently asked a female
Maud : "Well, 'madam, what do you hold
1 olteds:.guerticAmotfilmsle starrage t. , .. Ta
h i Makt / 24 7 relMilt,i!cabP.l3 ; 11 0. 4 ,
kola it* tontine." - ' '
,-.--; b A_ledy'ent with her l ittle girl and .
Iwyoqm , tat Witibber• Woos; Which,
esomped.smiftewimiutedhoMr , The girl.. : . .
tearsllBllTha iairtriC al. eddy h r y ou din gabl iMd - gO l ' ' 4 io iN lietk.. ever ' ' '
lien you'll flit it." ' . .' .
' - •Tiirheliht o f po li o sae et i ing
iPint . thC tiPtiodtallithilkittlaYi:
:when walOnt wiUtirai.islacdas Fmllo 449,
uPaikkersin i .