grgimiwor. __ .. • • ;Mate About Work The wipterevenings have come,and it is .a !natter of the first importance that II portion of them should be de voted to the Otiltivathin of the mind. The summer has necessarily been de voted to labor. In the winter,Nature puts a harrier upon many 'of our la bors, and we should take advantage of the interval to 'read ripen topics that have been deferred for. want of time to discuss them. The [hind needs_ cultivetion as. much as the soil, and .it as generally the • state of the mind that makeslartning . profitable or oth erwise. The brain is more and more showing it s power every year in econ omizing farm labor, and no man can afford to remain in ignorance Of the manifold appliances t hat help his in dustry. Keep the mind improving, and make allur farm operations a means of men rculture. Look back over the past y ar, and-see wherein you have made( bad plans, or failed to carrrout good ones. Deter mine what ptactices have been profitable and what ought to'be abandoned.— Every year's operations ought to have its lessons for the thinking farmer; and settle some principles. - Periodicals.—These are indispensa ble now to keep a man abreast of his times. Na investment pays better than a few dollars in the - best agri cultural and horticultural journals.— Farming is progressive like- the other ails, and there is money saved and gained in the hints which these iia perS drop in their monthly or weekly visits. - Circulating Libraries, will furnish much that one is not able to purchase for .himself. These should be estab lished- in every town, and \provision . - made for their regular increase. At 'T`least exchange books and periodicals ''• with your neighbors. The) are great educators. Your children will read something, _and you may as well di rect their education as to leave it to others. A home well supplied .with good - books and papers is rarely de- sorted for places of vicious resorts. • Schols.—Keep your children in the i nest-schools. - Make the free.schbols as good as they can be, but if there are better, use them.. There is no compensation for the loss of the ad vantages of education/. Accounts.-11ave everything settled up by the close of this month, and ascertain definitely the result of the year's transactions. Snow whether you 'have gained or lost, and how much. Farmers are more negligent than any other class in this matter. They have much barter with their neighbors, and at the store or market town, and often accounts run for years with - out any settlement. They I do not know how they staid with the i world, and cannot tell whether any crop they cultivate is - a loss or gain to - them. This is bad farming,. and .-)ften leads to bad morality. Keep accounts and settle them once a year, for your own sse as well as your neighbors'. 'Begin the next year with a clean balance sheet. Protection against -Frost.—The cel lar may be made frost-proof originally, by good underpinning and double glazed windows. If this has-not been done; make,a thick bank of earth, . tau-bark, 'sea weed, or straw. The roots, have cost quite too much labor to be ruined by frost. A well pro tected cellar makes the whole house warmer and saves fuel. Protect wa ter pipes-and pumps, and -if the pipes chance to get frozen; wrap them in, flannel and potteihet_water upon thet4 to thaw them ouL:- Save plumbers' hills by timely attention. Fodder. --This- has cost money to • aise and should be carefully used.— Feed regularly, and only so much as .111 animal eats up clean: - There is waste iu irregular,' or over-feeding. If you fodder in the yard let it be un der a shed, with racks to put the hay in. Stocks_ should be brought to the barn and foddered there. It is waste ful-to scatter hay upon the ground. Much of it is trampled and lost. . Cons and Steers.—hoprove the leis= ore of the season to break them in to work. The smooth snow patkpakes light loads ; and their strength should not be much taxed at first. . Horses The horse above all,aul mats wants careful handling. See that the shoes are well put on, and the caulks sharpened as icy weather _approaches. Warm blankets save fodder and promote health. If the young folks go on a sleigh ride,insist upon the horse blanket to keep com pany with the robes for Tom and his sweetheart. There will be _bills .:hough to settle without a sick horse in the stable to be doctored. i. Working (Area should be kept shod and caulked, if used. Keep nP the -llehh by generous feeding, A lean _working ox is poor property. - Cows.—Keep the stables clean and well bedded at night. Sprinkle Oas t( r or dried peat upon the floors when cleaned out,to save the ammonia arid to avoid injury to the eyes of the cows. Ventilate thoroughly, : and from the top of the barn if possible. Give them an opportunity to exercise au hour or two in the warmest part of the day. Keep the horns ornamen ted with balls, if they are inclined to be quarrelsome. Plan to have one or more farrow, or- new much cows for winter. - There is no substitute for a plenty of good milk in the fatu ity._ , _ __ _ II 2 t, Hogs ought to be well fattened by 'hi istmas. Perk is made mach more economically in warm than in freez ing weather. Pay great attention to the quarters •of the animals. Good sties with plenty of straw are cheap er than keep .up the animal heat._ The pig is cleanly in his hab its, and will keep himself clean if yon give - Ahim a dry lodging 'place, and straw. Corn meal is high this year, and the root crop is short, and pork will probably cost -the Eastern fanner about all it cciva to. Cooked food pays best. - Wood•eutiing and Lumber.—Xow is the time. to lay in a stock of wood :for the year. ,Well seasoned wood saves fie), time, money, and the tem. per Of the housewife. Much of the comfort of a family depends upon the kitchen, fire. - Rails have also to be provided upon many farms. Posta are wanted, and joists, planks, and hoard& - logs are much more easily . carried upon sleds than upon carts. Improve the first good- snow to move them.- . . . WWI is aIA ergyinau tnarying a cDnple like an Riotlieutryi Becatuse be cam , pJaads simples. ' ~~ t1IN ; .. x' w .n. o - otif's•i„ ‘ll • 'DRUG ':810118, W. IL B. titeril. (Maria, to %Ai a • sic ooa lb. • babies at UNI • Wad N 0.4, 'ea'sabdre be . receiving slakes to Ws Mart bin Go sellable. impeders sad imilhetaxere oria liberal Abate of peidkealreepv , ages 4 11 /Patock9 l FRESH' DRUGS - AND KEDICINW 1 1 • Has just been received. sad we ars uow prei piled ao supply the - • • ; wAirs or TREPUBLIC WITH Airranza IMONIFINO TO IRV ?lUDS. MBE WINES AND 11Q130,, FOR MEDICAL" 178 N ONLY! ♦ MILL 4118011111:1ii or 00100tHnio BuTANIC. EOLEOIIO MID noviwAinup lIIKDICIENE3. ILL THE POPITLAZ PATENT laDlfatakp ?Anon, OIL, inmos t TAINT AND VARNISH BRUSHES, DTVIISEMPA AND GLAD. . FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLB3dE Eng* stun. trusx's asconouo mra nolo =mass, ALKALOID AND RESINOIDS. All the Best Trammi, ABD YINAL illPOBT1110; I Shoulder Braces, • • I BREAST PUMPS, NIPPLE SHELLS, AND SHIELDS, Nursing Bottles, Syringes sad'estheters. A CAzair Assornaarr OP ;Lucia, more. mits:r Exuma, - • SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS - OP LATE STYLE - 4ND . : mer Qtruan.` A large supply Brushes for the Hat and Half. Also for the Teeth and Nails, Tooth Pow- , ders and Pastes, Oils, Perffunery, Soaps, Combs, Hair Dye, in4gor &tors. ko„ Kerosene, Keroe . Lamps, Shades, Chimneys-, • • Wicks, • ibc., all of the • late st styles. CHOIGII CIGARS, TOBACCO AND-BNIIFi sir /*skims supplied at - reasmiable rate - Medicines and Prescriptiorui carefully and an 'curately compounded and prepared by compete ent at all hours of the day and night. S y hours from 9to 10 o'clock in the fore noon, • to 9 in the afternOon. W. IL 11. Towanda, Sept. 99, 1886. • i Clattikg. NEW SPRING AND' ,SUMMER. GOODS! R. W. ED Would announce to the citizens of Tawnier,. ana the public generally, that be hint In stirs and daily receiving, new and FRESH GOODS, In his line. suitable to the wants of the people, "which he will sell for Currency at former \ GOLD PRICESI Consisting as usual of good well and reliable made CLOTHING! (No Shoddy of any kind) consisting in - . BUS'INES B. Er I 'TB it AU vides. COATS, VESTS = AND 'PAN#; All Wool DRESS COATS, PANTS & VESTS,. ' Linen Coats, Dusters and Pants, 1 I goer Ails and Over Shirts, Linen aid Patter Collars, Linen,,Cassimeri - and Flannel Shirts, Neck Ties, Suspenders, Gloves. Canes • Leather Sags, living St11:411k, So ft and St raw Hits. All Arst class. mbar that Goo , l Goods re cheaper at a lair pr en than poor goods alt y price. ()all and, examine my goods beforebny lug. Next door to Powell & Co. R. W. EDDIri 1 Towenda, May 28, 1867. ' , Til' TEMPLE OF FASIIIOI 1 NEW STORE AND NEW -GOODS I An entire new stook of Clothing bought as ene3gAs before the war V) be sold with, SMALL PROFITS 1 -The undersigned would respo ctfully announce to the citizens of Towanda and vi cinity that be is now ready to offer them Clothing, such . FINE BEAVER OVERCOATS CHINCEIILLAB, PILOTS, f FINEST DRESS AND BUSINESS SUITS HATS AND CAPS. • I Furnishlig Goods; U.. and that these roods bought at very log (*aces will be sold •af Ith very small profits I intead to establish a per manent trade In this place, and 10 order to gain the confidence of purchasers, will; deal! I n a basis of HONESTY AND INTEGRITY I snd all goods will be witrr,nted ;for what - they aze represented to be. ICome and examine and convince yourself. Don't forget the place, Temple of. Fashion, opposite the Means Ranee, south end ,ot Beldlenutn's Bloch. B. JACOB/a. Towanda, 0ct.17, 1867. BURNED OUT! J. M.' COLLINS, Haring bad Ms store Darned. at the late tire,ls desirous of disposing of kin entire stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS, TRIMMINGS, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, &C., &C. These goods are In good condition and will be 20 PER ©ENT BELOW .00FT; As I am obliged to close out tho stoat forirant of a place to do bualneat Don't neglect this opportunity for bargains. Call at the turw wood baliding.secoad store be-. low_Beidleman's block, emit side of Main street, yearly oppoidte the Ifeans House. - NOTICE.—AII person sindebted to the ander dgn trill confer a favor by calling and set tling up immediately, and save theasehea oats J. K. 6OLLINS. ToWn l 4l l 4 Aug. 29.'6?. • , HE HIGHEST PRICE IN .:11620 T pad ft* all kinds of Prodace, at_ anuskau • CowittPs sleep store: , i ' • ; seer WORK Unties alba 14444 IVA • GROCER! Which he' Is purses of all. Which la well Barclay- coal • constantly on TEAS, C FLOUR, The citize please accept patronage to promise with ery ()porton 1 to warrant WAD. Toyama, .1 N EW Has - Opened a in Pitton'e 8 pied by 8010. , the pebile a GROCER Of the best LOWEST I' In fact Eve AM' Provisio as can be bo.: gyp" Cash Produce. NE W. PINE A AND Also the OASSIMERES, CAPS, ' , Plo'olBll ' AND 'BBD -NOR& " •-•- ltlatiDirtr • • -,L5 • APO 1111-20114. litTfte . theiht. • lo slairkzigelltit Ifte 40 AND - PROVISIONS. suit'th times, and 0 Maas° upwind splendid ERD STORE, 1, • Rusted to supply the canal and .gfon at stl times. ale 'keeps Ind s huge stock of FEES, StrGAji,S; MOLASSES. UTTER; PORK, 10.; is selling cheap fo4taall. Which • - d * ' • ,„ or Towanda mi wlll. lug thanks for 'their, very - Moral the last two yeers, and _iire their itinistanet, tolimprove , tier y to enlarge' our bqs neskso is isfaction to all.ell and see us JOHN 11041DliTii. , ly 10 b 1867. 1 . . , ROOERY AN 11 PROVD .10N ISTORRI; intias ✓ Joryiis, new Grocery and Prevision Store oek, in the store formerly ocea n k Son, where he 0,1 otter a to e &apply of • .1 y ES ANT! PROrSIONS, L silty, and to be sold* the VERY, ICES. The stock contains GOFFEW SUGARS, ISUGABB, LC. LUC! • TEAS, FLOU FEED, ME+L, . f . • thing usually kept In a Oro cery Store, which 1 5h411 esti as low ght elsewhere. • Ili be paid for all klia of Vona try • Towanda, Oc 17, 1 . 167 . STORE NEW GOODS ,GROCE4 - I'ESI N E W : , ROCKWELL'S. ANED FRUITS, iiLES,'PEACHS, PLUM OF ALL HINDS; ANNED OYSTERS RIMED AP LEEI, PRUNES, 9114RitkES, PEACH ac., &c. SUGARS, SXIWPS, ES, COFFEE ? SPICES, tiOL AS Ids, 14 act everytiting 3 in the Of all CERY 1:4IN Et G R be kept constantly , on band EED,BRAND, ?OTATOES, FLOUR, LARD, EGGS, AND EVERY cOF FAIIMEIIS PRODUCE. A fresh lot, of BU TE OW OF ALL VARIETIES DRY G Purchased cc •thu 11 POINT IN TIIE lU LiRKET LO WES And will be Bed! on AS THE OHEAPEST CHEAP .2. • THE FARitERS CABII - PAID FOR INDS OF ;PRODUCE • ALL • W. A. ROCILWELJ, 1887 , 11. y 23 UNDERSIGNEID, HAVING THE rchased the entire t6tere4t of , R. H. PATC/11 . rm of C. 11. I!ATi i i! Co., se noW In in the offer to the eftlien.9 of Medford prepared d vicinity, a large find welt selected County , stock of ' ROCERIES, ire purcbased for CAA and lee! coati dent that tan sell at ai Wei fignrea as can be Which I tuni pure elsewhere.. I now ?ger to the public s'eplendi ',Weft of f . TEA ~ COFFEES,' , SUGARS;. STA *II; 6 ALERATUS, , SPICES;iO. ' iit .oó hand a lazgeatack at 'PLOUR, GRAHAM DO. AKRO 'DP; *11:1107 DO: natant], on LandOßK, HAMS, I keep kinds of MEI. raid call tho at- LARD an the kopbßc i to onr Cite! Be Beat OCK."-OF,.TOPACCO; tentlon o or iwke. • Jesse 04kleyto Celetkitted In quilt Laandryt ear Bork Chemical sad Brown Soap. , . Please ...I and examine our frock of • WOODEN WARE. Large rtment: of YANKEE "NOTIONS. TOILET SOAPS, &e., &e. I *III pay the high. •Icefor eat cash °ENTRY TITMICE. he us a call beforq telling elsewhere Fairness • ' 'AU pc '"Mt 4 a arm.wlll atia : *e teimiiilloe payment. = maid, PAM' Toian gust 011:::AXT COVIER As. votat (neared at abort Watt by •ftlfts at the e MS ROOM.' iiiiiii -1 141'091k 410%7% • • • 7 : 114 7 lutr-ft a --a- Vint cm wiltilltlen at Ifs Warelloonis, which , hp Mikan, tO,Oportesony mut +tverl_6l o Wee of Charge - :O, to Mt -art • veryThalu • visor Ova ord. Thisskhaltor the put liberal Isitroattge - ,of the s tmbUe:- IF would say thel, shall sittli.enderver to Duke, It to their interest t- deal with me, not only by, keep! n • Latimit - -stoolc; To select !rota tbeHite kept le 'any other Facet tare Store la this.. nsfilea ;• but Moab, offering 'the* ; "• - - XT A LESS PRICE Thati the , quality of;goads 'cap be.pur chased eltewhere., t have now ila.atote over '430 DIFFERENT -PATTERNS OP CHAIRS, THIRTY . . DIFFESpy STYLES ttplaTEAtis Besides Birreaus, liltands, Tables, Mak Bankil, What !gots, Bohm Tete4-Tete`a, Boaters, and litany Piario stools, Chß- - drab's Carsiages,Obildren's Cradles ' : 'and Gribbe, Looking Glasses, Looking Glass Plat s, Pic tuna. P;ames,' Pbokr- , _ grata) Ovals,Steel Engravings, Gorda Ana ` ' • 'raids; .o.a 0 •to., , • . • In fa full aisortrnicit OF EVERYTftINO IN, THE LINE, All oc vihicb will be sold cruinr;iFoß cAg!':r. The public are invited to call andeximine my stock before porches ing elsewhere. Store on Main:Street, 2 doors sorith of Monianyes. also keep on hand, sl ihrge•assortment of READY bt &DE COFFINS, • • From the most common to the finest Mahogany or Rosewood, which will be furnished with or without Attendance_ with - Hearsei-at as low a price artbe-samelue/ity can be purceased else where,- Deist 1866.—yr. NEW - FURNITURE STORE! - ._._ _ . _ Having rented Ilie -Furnibl o ro Ware.rooma-form erly otcupTe4 would now - uty to the pall na of the old Estab lishment that Ltiave a complete Stisek of_Goods, jest 'receliek r eimbricingerAything *Vie 1 • FURNITURE 1411E 1 My goods are new an well selected, ano,tor Will not be 'tuutersoid•;l.)y . any. call and ex amine my stook' before ,purehaming. I retain the. Workmen of the old ottablishment. aid 1•. . . Will have chalice of the business' add Manufact uring. is' short we have the fine6t Stock. of Goods in onr line west of New,York,eunsisting Chivaber-Setts, Sofas, Btireaus, Marble-top Centre Triples, FAtegt4nri' and Dieing Tables, (:hairs, Thsistkads, Photogrpb Ovate; Cord and Taasels, 011 Curtliw,' Toilet 'Sliintls, Wurk•Boxen, COFFINS AND CpRIAL'CASES • Our Underlaktiv Deparininit will :at all times be well se _ Hod with everything In that line. We have re In this section, not eteopting anything vest of New York,apd will attend Tunerals withic a circuit of .TirentY reasonable terms. N. 1. ElAirr.'Ageut. Athitus. FURNITURK WARE-!t00111S JANES AAKINSON anhounea to the plablic that he still continues to manufacture and keep on butti a large assortincrit of , CABINET PUILINI'TAI Butiatia. Tables, Itedsteads. Stands, Chairs, arc., of every descrlptiut which will be, muds of the best materials, be most workman like =inner. invite the ineetiun of the public to myiwork, which shall nc be surpssid in durability, a tliny shop in the ,country, and my" prices will he found to be as low as the timer will admit. Beady-made Coffins constantly on hand or made to good Hearse will be famished when desired. Aug. lA, 1866 G LA.SS. W A • E 1• • 225 Gieenwlel! S . tree T t:t2 doors below Barb.layst • • • CROGgERY .DEALERS' 01,4047/ARE; CONFECTIONERS' • " " - DRUGGISTS' GREEN GLASS BY THE PACKAGE dLASS WARE. BRITAN,IA W ARE, BILVER_PLAT ED WO RE, CHANDECIERS, LANTERNS, W., The best patent Fruit Jars in the be sold, at the -lowest !lints. • A fall line of Looking Glasses . . Allki nds of Glass Ware made toorder. Agent, f r ideridlekl Britannia Compar..p 3. T. WEIGHT, 225 GreenwielreAreef, '4111111,. 1 67. 2 doors below Barclay. N. Y. MEIICIUNT!S UNION EXPRESS GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO MERCHNTD_ ND , DRIPPER& . ~ Having made arrange;it enta with the New York t el and Erie Italia/ay, to o E4prets Business on their !pad, alte • now calving all kinds of freight'. and metalloid for all parts of-the Union—North, South, t, West: the Cana dim, Europe, West Indies. Goods-sent direct' to any part of California', all . with'the quickest despatch.; Shippers and Merchants generally , know what enormous rates they have been pay ing for quick transportation. Now this Com pany Is made up - exclusively of Bankers, Mer chants end Shippers. to !break up the monopo ly [which the old Companies had formed] so as to give fair rates to the busincotomaitinity. All goods or packages weighing 40 lbs. and up irards, are shipped by actual weight: The spy to keep low rates, is to patronise the Compaq that brought them down. Particular care and , attention given tb - money and valuable Pack -1 ages, Collections. Ito,: Collections • made and 1 returns forward, d by t qackest dispatch. . R. 0. . 4;:l, CRLNS, H. J. 1 . GIFFORD, - Agent: r -.- Div. SitiPt. .1 P. B.—All Packages to be forwarded from Towanda and , v4iinity. 'saving them at the Stage Office of Johnßitiman, will be forwarded to the Waverly> 0111ce this, COnipany ,_- day." ' - , J. DEENA jrcip'y'Stage Lbw . Jane 6.1887.=1y.1 C. 18. PATCH. TIMED - 140'4 ..11)K7seish;Pliiitoi.: • Bramkan r And more than 6 - 00 I) &NODS 11111.. N. 1. HARP Parlor F.uralture, Miirurs, Pi4tare Fr ames. Steel Engravings, Pictures IlEilltSE O. H. VOORHIS giiscellancouc' Is the Great _Depot for . • . • ID fact all kinds of Alan, a coinplete assoftment of , And KEROSENi WARE; ° '‘,` ! t• • Best, brands of Kerosene Ott. Canued ,- Adld Abel at. • twell's Cheep . Store, _ - - - • '• - - --..*---,_ ,-.-.:,...,..-....„ ~. N .. a LOrt; -,..,-'.;,_": - •-: : ...r... , , - ,., - - f ": 4 •,.. , :a.. .. : ,.•,:7. '''..:.--::,.:',-.±„:;:,.::,-..:: ,_-,,, ~,..- T.. , ,t ~ ' , .. - 4 ,r 2..--: ;4 -..:.!,. -,. q.A:-.. ii iiiiiir . .; : y,; - . ...11,, - .... •.- i • ,',.7 . - , :..; .. , •,,,i ... Aa to . ..tailV:f; 0 :'-' , . -- Inlitr.WM3Vgati '''.t .. ;;; - A.: 4 2_,_'. : li -- - .146-'-'•:i. 4 5, i lK:F. - ;" : 1 -' , -*.f.....T .: 5 1. ,1:.: -=:;'.'FiitiilllF “101,C1010ii.•f.1 ~, '... - 4,..Y:44.4,41'.41.4irW I:',. i .,,. itinins__, --i4idiu5.4440101 4 4 40 taistookm "am- 48444, : 1111 .0 11 4 114 : 4,491 ..1 11 4 1 1. 1 giquia otebeive ' ,liibleeloglmeai - exWee-sissil be tle,"Aiiiiot.--puF . cuarf4l,l _athotta wi th tegsitlo.tbei pro ' ' 4...tiranti a - 00 public; wldeit.-will . be kep -eetilintly . stro• Plat Wilk** lveilOvilelyVidireetteedolt lit numfieseeemielterme, , :et.waeleisliv ot;01014 . eossisting . 1., , 4 - • -,.-.,- ', , if ,, . - ..- , : ,----,•'.= -, Wards -MEDIOINES,'OHEMICALS, 11 4 1 [NMInUlt,TAI 1 IM 111 ,: - BENZINE' TmON*INE.' sail,. PAINT, Timm , Audit kinde - a4lnishei4 —KEROSENE ,':OR COAL OIL,, ;Ale: 4 0 1111 _4 iurning • 131TADF7.'4ICKS, Sperm, La l rd. Whale, Nests Foot; T 41•M;g4 1 0 : ANA MAOrnN :. OILS. Vanc) , .iiistioiles Ax4electiatil their iarletyi i3poNo s ts;' uttusimii: -• -Comm; , PPomades;lpiltayea, , A!dtuniryi - , POCKET'I3OOIC,S" PORT, 140NAtIB, II Pocket /mow, Barn, . TOOTH, SKIN ANAL , R4lll ItIINrAUTIONS PURE - WINES f ARR LIQUORS, - For Medicinal 'use, TOBACCO, 4.NtiFF,I. PIPItB AND CIGARS, Garden 'Veld An F ll dr i Seeds; Trusses, Bhp ' porters.-- BtlsPenser es);; Bbtralder . Brame, Breast pumps, T eething Binge, Naming • .ficttles.,Nippiee, ° ,Nipple Shells and . B . ielda..Syringes, Bed Pana , Self- • • Sealing' Fruit Jars. Thermometers. Flavoring Extract", Stone. Jogs, Glass Ware, Bottles Vials, Corks. Bath, Brick, and Stove .Blacting.-Fish Tackle, Ammnrit- I Eton, dm., BOtanie.Soleetio and Bommpath- • ib Medicinea,• and all the Popular Patent' M D LIN E'. All articles warranted ai represented. • Per sone at a distance . can receive, their , orders by stage or mail, which will receive prompt and careful attention. =I DR. PORTER'S PREPARATIONS Foe. PAIIILTUSE, . • Known as Stift and Reliable Remedies, ate war ranted tor - what they ere intended to give salts= factiobrvis ! • , Dr.. Porter's Pectoral Syrup, for cough!. told:, lung romptainlsote.soo/31 00' Dr. Porter'sEl i lt l ictio' Rills, for corn. pl (admit(' cathartic.. :25 Dr. Porter's &niter Syrup, for serotula skin diseases, tire.l oo 'Dr. ?Otter's Uterltte Topic, for female weak miss, • 100. Dr. Porters Tonic Elixir 'for strengthening the system, . • • 1 00 Dr. Porter's Tansy SelmaPpa, for tier, and 4katioey complaints 1 00 Dr. Porter!! Camp., Syr. liniophpsphltes, for nervous debillity. i 00 Dr Colter's - B il lst a kberry Balsam. for dim.- v , . • • 35 Dr. Porter's PaMily, Embrocation lot sprains •brueses , D. porter's Peo r torst W.sfer 1, for hoarse ness,tore throat, - 25 Wafers, Dr. Portor',s - Worm rafers, for expelling worms Dr. Porter's Wortu.Syrnp, for ersgrosana., - • gag sun= 35- Dr. Porter's Infant Relief, fur criing 'babies cotio 4•0 • 25 Dr: Porter's Cep6alio Snuff, fur catarrh ~ Dr. Porter's Tootheebe• Drops, for Oath. 2.q" Dr. Porter's, Tooth Powder, for preserving 4 tetth..,% , Dr. Porter's Tricosene, for dressing sod - growinc the hair . 50 50 Dr„-Porter ' s Tricophile, or beautifying the hair. Dr, Darterls Odoriferous Sbatopoo.for olefin. I lui the hair 50 Dr. Porter's Milk of Flowits.Jor beautify. . lug the:complexion ~.... 50 Dr. Porter's Pile .o'ntme,*. `for external . piles . . _ . .." . _ 100 Dr, Porter's French Compound. for scald- • Ins urine. 1 00 Dr. Putter ' s ldeditmtal , Figs,_ for tiairitual . , constipation ' .'• 100 Dr. Porter's ilealin% galve, for cuts.wounds , 15 Dr. Porter's Lip Salve, for cbappklips..,.. .25 Dr. Porter's Eye Self°, for 'lnflamed eyea.. • 2.5 Dr. Porter's Eye Water, for tiglahled oyaa..• 'Yb pr. Porter's Corn and Mart Remover, for • corns and bunions. - .. Dr. Portv's Constipation Pills, for costive• \ ness.. • . ...... .... Dr.)Porteett-Ir oa l l'ills, for poor blood .... Dr. Porter's Citrate Magnesia, • ant catharric 50 Dr. Porte,i's Liquid. Bennet, for manlci- trAlous i dlet for invalids 26 Dr. Porter's Extract: Vanilla. :for flavoring - ice cream, dm..., 40 Dr. Porter's Extra,c4 Lemon, for ,flavoring ' _ice cream—large .. 40 Dr. Porter's Oriental Commit., fo. mending / broken glass,* . 26 Dr. Porter's Liquid Glue, for 'repairing wood w0rk........ 25 Dr. Por6r's Cleansing Fluid,for easy,wash • - • ' • ' 50 Dr. Porter's Bed Bug Poison, for killing bugs 50 Dr. Porter's lFly Poison -Paper, for killing flies 05 Dr. Porter'S Rat and Mice Poison, for ex• termination rats ..... ....... 2,5 Dr. Porier's Benzine, for removing spots • from ,clothesl 25 . Dr. Pokier's Black luk, in plot bottles....:. 2.5 ' bulk by the galon 100 lir. Porter's Boise and Cattle Powder, for diseases of salamis • 30 Dr. Porter's Horse. and. Cattle Lotion, for sprains; galls, lc' BO Dr.• Porter's Ringillone and Spavin Cure. , ' . for lame borsm.. „, .. .... 50 , Medical edifice given gratuitously at the office, charging only for medicine. ' Sir Thankful tempest patronageoronld respectlaiy Mmottude to his friends and tb e public, that no pains shall be spared to satisfy, and merit he continuation of heir confidence and patronise. H. C. PORTER; H. D. Dec..lB, 1816.—yr. illisitl S 0 M N .. NE W I AGAIN IN MOTION! Ravi ng pornhased the stock of Tobacco lug Id Randall.. Compton & Co 1 built a shanty on . the mime grono pared, pi odcr tu,the public WIIOLE§ATA AND RETAIIs;, A vailety of CHEWING TOBACCO, Such ss. , Luat.aupuy Side, Pine Apple t illehigatt Sole Leaf and Star. which_ weeder for sale In gait:Mlles: to Suit customers.' Packsges 'in Bards, and quarters. - •: ' Fepcy. The celebrated Loiter, Jack, Pride of the Dill. ted States, VirgiolatleP,Gold !eaf, *airy gad all kinds of It , . BRANDS" OF' CIOARS American Eagle, Gen. Grant, Lebcquet, Im Peri°, Tycoon and the very choicest brands of We' will keep epristaaily a variety or Pipes, Cigar Cases, Tobacoo: Bona and Pouch and everything • usually kept in a Tobacco Store. Landlords supplied with 111Joil tiaeco on , • ,; • 4110Sers,Prompti$ oak& 13:' W. 'dFFITT. 41'. 18it ~. . NU B. 'KELLY, Dentiite. Office f T T s over Wickham & Black's, TowsndaYa. AI/Ithe Nii:riePs:istylecormiork scientifically done an:l' warranted; Particular attention la called to the . Alltuninunt Base - tor Artificial i t Teeth.' which - iv equal! -st good a l i. - 9 0 14 an d far anperlortheither i n r' or llilver. - ; Please call and examine spec.' ens.- ;: - --; • i Chloroform or :Ether' minbnited undeill reCtiattor a Phipleign E ther , dant& , dr 186t!-at; rj. -:,.. ---; -- L ' U art. . , ~--, ,•- , ~ ,,,...4 . ..4 " 0". ..... •1. , 4.-4- ,i.:.- -4- - 7.4....- . . j - .;'.'4" '' :-:/.. - 4 .. ...", 1 .:4:1.," "-..1 . 41 . - l iii;-' , l.i ":-. • - Y . ; 3 1 ! - ;;;"1. --, -,'.,,5:1.--: : et ~,,,`..-_, t, , • 4,',:1 ' ." : '-',-.,:- - : z4i.".: 7 vL.;,7.. .4 .. 0 . - '1•'•'10 6 r , '....-. -'', l-. . ~.'', -i .. - ,.- c". • -3 : • - •..;Ci , ". - i - ' ..."2 ~ - , :', 1 ::: • ?, !, - ;.a.; ..1 ll . 1 ; , ,:'-' ;3 1 ' I i:- - .416 :• -. '...:.:7 , 134. ~,A, . .:...., ~r , v i, - 5 1 :0- 1:4 ~‘,",: iii . 1 .-F.:- : 7 it ., i _. , =4, , , ,i xt . , .., . ~ -,{,,.;. ' . • : f ir ' ;..;14'. :,•;„ , ;--., :1:0 ,- - .- ,' :. ' , / ,..,....t5 , i' , ~. ..): -. ' -- - ' t' S • -' ' . ",,,..; ~--:„,1 , MARSHA '. BROTHERS: Si-, CO: Mak to can the ett4otion - of , the ,pnblieto". that? new Statcot• minDWARE, , FARMING imPumEtrrs, . • stscE earraw 70oui. and CABPENTE,Itir T09u4., Also, Lsrgi assortment of • " -r Window Man, Haoh;Vaints, 011 a, • , ;Patty, 'Umtata!, and Paint • • andNarnisti Braaten ••, , of all kinds, which wW I bOaold for !the lowed' Cash pidce. Map, a glee imoTtnient•l • K.F1 , q,8A1 4 1,13 LAM dI OTept style and pattern to. salt the :An3144,. Lampe and OutpiTed irom and, Fluid to Kerosene. . • • Particular attention paid to the manntaetating • of aukinds ot- „ , 1 , • .• , T 1,1! it 'weE. I aenstegi,'eaoialPTLT-•TTgarneri To, •We 'have on band; tine, arilele of I 91:41313"FittlIfT with improved solflieallig corks; and a ERMET;O 'CA'N which" is tined: the twat ce tie awed:l Junejarl - 865.:' - ". IT A ?it P E .;: Respectfully inform their cgatomers and the public generally, that although the tire ma shined serious loss and temporary interruption to our Imainefia And have purchased a largee stosk of Not needs, bailt a new SHANTY Sl'OR-E1 , And are fairly Reconstracted and doing bad: ness again. Thedront•of Sur store Ia now on Pine street, about lOC/ feet from Main street,"at T..' Fox (now Powell a 3 old corner. If, you eho old go Into Powell's and „walk straight through_the wall of the hack end .of his. wuld find yourself among the stovel, pots, kettles, anvils, beliciws and vibes'Of oar new at :re. lint as yon can't got through: thirw.til,'lnst %sulk trif t Pine street to qqr 4110b4tig. where swe,keep , 'a lull lino at Hardware. We Illy° a ipvat ty of • COOKING AND PARLOR St:WES . AMERIOAN , TRIBUNE, . • • EMPRESS, . • . -sTER,LiS,(I., - i --- . ..- ogiENTAL, • ";'MORNING LIGI4, , - ' GAS* BURNER„ Sic Iron, Steel,. Nulls. Window 011ie, Bash,-Hero sene Oil. Tablit'axid Pocket Cutlery., Farm ing 'fools, Carpenters .arid - Joiners T pole, Blacksmith Tools, Pumps, . • Lead_PlPm - Powder, Guns, Pistols, ice. • .., 50 Elmira Rolling CO:8 Iron. 1 ELMIRA KEROSENE OIL, TIR',,BREET IRON AND COPPER WORK, • ' And do all sorts of JOS worix In our lino: Cash paid t r Old Iron, Cast and ;Wrought Scraps, Conner. -Brass,-Shecp Pelts, Rigs, Furs ,Feathers, Bees''".Wax, &e. We , buq,cheap • sell ',cheap. and are content with small profits. - ! COOPING I t RUSSELL Towanda, Sept. 12, 1867. i ' • MA Y ~ I 3 E bE E. A T EM F• E, 0 F .?"Ai USj C 1 he NI.LTHEFSHEIT PIANOS, recently, invented by Mr. Frederick Matbushek (author of the principal improvements in plattos),4llffer from all others in having the strings troturthe frame iu bothdirections.. This equalises the strain upon the frame, and- -histtres greater...durability add forger continuance in tune than 4aq . be had any o.her method. The Bridge. also, runs rhe whole Icngtb of the shunding-board; an en tirel y new feature, which -gives -greater power and better tonetban is found - la any other in struments. The smallest size square, the Colibri, four feet nine inches long, seven octaves: equals in - all respects the full size of - other makers ; while the full size, the Orchestral, is equal to any Concert Grand.. - "Franz, Schlonter, the.eminent: piatilet, says . " The Colibri I consider the chef d'ouvre in-the musical world. 'lts tone is - not equalled by the .largest sized square or upright pianos of 'au factory in this country. - Mollenhauer, of the conservatory, of lin go, says : 1 with great pleasure bear tutu& qualified testimony to the great superiority of • the Mathushek Pianos over all others." Many Other testimonials,equally . strong , have been tree:* given. P lease: call and fetamlne,.or . Send for descriptive circular& it is universally admitted that 'Haloes Bros are the cheapest first clan Piano - inute, and Ve'Rr lit Dittrich by dealing- largely in theta nn . furnish. an elegant Rosewood - Piano for $315. Sendl for circular. • Handsome Piano Steals and Corers, Organs and Melodeoin of the bed quality the moat 'rasp:table prices.— Large 'stock of Sheet Masks constantly.oa haid. sent, by mall on receipt of marked price. . 1 0r& era should be addressed to J. A.• DzWITT. • ammo. rgog ray eg, , we 'are ;pre 51); AGENTS—We are -prepared to lamb& -Skeet, Music and all kinds of instruments at the regular ',4ll2count, to dealeru. • We:want:au, au live agent In every ' toWn - and - the ad joining countlea. - -14Aor tercusegdrese,.- -.1 -: I IsWITT-a DITTIUCEI, (Weir' !lock), Towanda, pa. Oet. 24.1867. , ' • NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS FRESH PRIM THR NNW I'ORK lIARKETS. • . . CHEAP AB THE CHEAPEST. Theaubicilbers have :purCharied the build Log lately owned -by ..A J, Noble.'.,7(ottel dam , Muth of Beldletruin's Mockalind have filled' it with .O , RocERIEs , AND PROVISIONS, WOODEN. AND WILLOW. WARE, Fruits kinds la their season, reshaiul .d.v.eVt tad meg thing ; ,tunially found in a P R O'V I-S 0 loic2S-T A share of the ia -I;„ tionsge of Towanda 41 . • einity is twipeetfollY , solicited. We will pay the higliest - tnaiket price for all s binds of - _ • - .1 ' UOVNTRY .PRODUOR. Wit, ober have. the sail! Agenery- for • BTadtbrd and adjoining countlis for , the sale of: ititeeko t ra r l . frg i n t an t edlkuo libera l. made BRAIIIAII t c9y3ll ‘ , TtfinuslWpAprii 9,1867.. • - ."• A. BLENER. CODDING & RIISSNLIB ", WE STILL SURVIVE 1" Among them I. the A 'complete • aglattrieSot of We are.agents for Durox POWDER We manufacture filioctllanicaug, DEWITY DITTRICA'S TOIVANDA, NE* UN *ION IN Pp *S! MO a1e5 (M0R01f.4,041,91, (MOROlf.4,04 1, 9 1 , 440,0 e Mums,- AMIENS, :I. 4 ,BIIU , V;IONIWEtcfr Ilmamadam infitifizass'o! A 1 ,12) 02(0E, 'POW=ERS; - - , . To man thiisania c andlireprePared to filiir,ders: Bt - As GOO . O : •. ile can be bongh4 ha Mil .Thilted „Stites. .. Has lns' years engaged In milonfacturing ThrirshingkilbAtdnesi-ime have "paled neither WOO ses,OSPOSAPIa P,skaing one,, :115sebises, lattA'clatft to Idara• ; - , THE BEST BEPEIiATOR One.that will lisPS;eis the Fags from fkalkalD OttriipetrectlyVand With los - power. then any other.-Imannuutatra. Our ,Machines can earn if5P. 0 4147-4.7, • THRESHING • .THE STRAW' • Aialeit by most of the niachineti used'. ~They are very simple in'constriction. - being dom. prised in o effete, so that . ' drew not require s aisechantn,to set them a or wan them they are all mantilactured;under our ofirearm! atiper vhdon.and we ' • ' • CHALLENGE . THE WOR LD *oho* better workmanship or material.. Ev ery machine is et upend THOROUGHLY TESTED uNvip, MOTION, Scioto -:leaving the Works, and are . .Warranted.ip be ; in= Working:.- Order. They have been id preetkal use for Beyond _years, so that. we are not advertising a new uo , chine every season, each " better 'trod au i - thing ever Wore offered to the public." Tb y 'can be,attaebed to Tread Powers, Sweep Pow ,!rg. Steamer Water,Ptiwer, and tor ‘D' I T Y Perieetiou 'Or 4iirititig add SciMcimv, their equal has not heed invented. • , . • U ' UR Pft,IC ES as low' s those of azy other manufacturers and: wattles desiritm to . purchase,-will-find it to their hitenst to examine our stock before pur ohaaltigielseivheree • ' IyRICE LIStS -FURNISHED . On application. •AU kinds of AGRICULTURAL MACHINtB • On hand, and Mill Work, • Engines;,Boitera and machinery of all kinds got up to- order prompt ly and on favorable terms, • - BLOOD it ,CO. epa. Aug. 8, 1 867. N bitiII ;:;; BRANCH T.QIIN.I)R,Y MACHINE SHOP, Situated on . One, cast of Main Street, TOWANDA, BRADFORD CO., PA., is now prepared to forniih CIRCULAR SAW -MILLS, AND SiliNtitAE .14ACEII14,,TES, Of the best geality • with the latest improve mita. all kinds of Machinery tor Flouring and . Saw Mills. STEAM ENGINES, , = MADE & REPAIRED, • STEAM WiiiSTLES. STEAM GAG DES, (31-AUGE- COOKS, Furnished ai etburtaiotice: T, I 7N Done from to 11 niches in distiOefu. FORGING 01 heavy wrought , work -for Bridges,, and all other gar• o trzaa, done- to order.- also, a large nalortment of • • 'COOKING 4r, HEATING STOVES, : Coal and.lVoxr Barne,re r Furniture for COoking -Stone, Wove ripe, • Thi-Ware, Boat Put Ope, Pimps, Oulthrabxll and Lcrapera, kept em4tant, ly =band., . • DRAWINGS Sr. , SPECIFICATIONS Of all kinds of . maelduely for mjila . and other purposes prepared by WARREN HILL, Foreman, who bee bad large experience in thin branch of the biisineas. • , • JOHN. CARMAN. • xowituda, Oct. 29. 4186.—iy. AUIAGES, WiGONS,SLEIGHS THE OLD EfaTABLIBIUMNT S Mi. IN OPER. - • FELLOWS, OR.LNDILL & CO., Sucteessora to Reynolds, Fellows & Co., are now offering and ure . prepared ,to furnish on short notice, Wagons:Carriages and 8 eighs, of all descriptions and of the Latest and most appro-. veil style, and of the best. material at the, old stand:opixiSite the Union'Bonze, in the, can. 4,10 Dercugh, Bradford County, The,publie .are assured That the reputation the shop has acquired during - the last six years underithe superinteedeave wtll be more than maintained, is he will superin tend the, work as heretofore - he having long been and.hisfing - hail much experience as a.Carriage ;and Sleigh , - would assure the public - that ao..pains will be spared by the above - firm to make the establiehment worthy of - their pat ronage. iThariklal as'one - of the old firm_ for the patrottuge rims tar extended, we hope to merit a eoutiruthee.of the same. . N. B.—We, the undersigned, - being pr*tical. .timuulactore and-. oiler :143 the. `pltbliii at prices 'that will defy competition. ' 'JAMES H. FELLOWS, . \ • • i.-W. C. CRANDALL, : . • Allot' ftaromeh. April it,. hiath ly. . . rpA), N C.A E I A.O E - • . PA. GTO • ,Tho undersigned respectfully annoance to the public that they hale purchased the , \ • , OA.It R A. aiE\ • P - 1.1 \ , . And are now prelim ed to b)aild work in • T'il E AIT.E§T S And most wOrkmitalke manner. .Thei wil constantly keep on hand an assortment of apt& TOP ;:h - D` _OPEN- Bug-qrga, FAMILY "XARRIAGES, vadowi, Dias A2iD TWO 810XED A L - 8 L H'B ;• ' ;:ALL WORK WARRANTED. ' LERAVIING. Pruitt UY aituie.4 to kg ma' sawble'piloes. , • Pala= do STIMEN• toirand, May 9,..1867.—1y. NEW -PLANING MILL The uudaralgued having built a laiti and cam. modlous Mill in the Borough of Towanda, and filled la with the moat modern and •improved machinery, for thamenufactun'of • . supolv SABs, .t BLINDS are prepared to fill orders,- whether or small. upon the shortest notice. We ve also:a , largacvarlety ot•MOULD11148,- of the latest 'Ate and Paliern.,,WhiCh ean furnish much c eaper than they can 'be worked by • •-• , • Toisluzurii, 13Bor AND iNG,_ - • B(TBOLL BAWINO, and all o ther work pertaining to ;Joinery, will be 'dote to malt our enstomeri. • • Palmas Indbling,and. sot living MON thaa twelve to, fourteen WWI -distant, will,' find it largely for Omit interest' to bny of IM, Or bring their lumber' and . • worked. by our machinery. Ening= ymmir grid of Floatage or otherlumber, and while your team b. la _feeding, lam's gromui-out t and to loa it home with you. • We wilfpay-OABU - for PER a' =FLOM Llitißliß : dellVeted at 'air:lumberyard. ;toilet mad. also qui Or if yon csal tome, writs. • / 4. /WNW a co: :toitanalhAb.3444; - . •-,.-,••••- • Ittosynst, !ft: w Kl4lllk - -110 tit'ANb AGENCY Polfedas issitedpw..adipOokand iiromp 112 1 . _ • low 4%0. x vot,' Of. 410 following 111 :0 11 , taw; an& reiiple Coo. 0$16) 40. $17*,00 4errw'r Coilisin .0 0 e-o Li:max - An GL i : FIAT AA) Urn Iffunusozco. ,' • Capftal Sarples and *served flaunt. (Gold) $16,111,470 AMU the United Motes, over.. .. 1,800,000 Dapy Pkemizone, upward' of: (Gold) 17,00) Nair Ricausubistimurcs COMA • • •.! IlatiJoirl, coops.: I lifiromuso ussuNsvaanticaCOMPArt, 111144e5-Part e, Pa, lionia TOMINIT IntrILAXI CO, - (Accidental) I!6tituldpkia, Common: my Co.► • liartford, Capital i • Towanda. Feb. 40.1!66-t[ OIL CANS, &C., ATION OF ==ll =MI Capital qaPitai ITARTFORD LIVE STO JUL - BANOS-COUP:gil Y. • , • • ... ..., j- cafiTir. $500,000. . —1:- • Cash meta N0v..1, 1 1866, 1..51.&5,2a6 g 4 , . , Inansea on all khads o f, live gtoet, again theft and death from any raise. H. B. IacKEAN, 1 Jan. 10, 1867 • . ' I Agent. ' Dec. 6th, tint Mare" Lady Mace," owned by Dennis P. Plagg,Of Boston, bless. accidentally' ] received a kick from another h0;1141, breAking her left foreleg. above the knee, ;rendering It necessary to' kEI her as an act of humanity. In eared in theilartrord Live Stock Nil:ranee Com pan,y. Loss paid Dec. 6th 1867. i IBE; LIFE ; AND .ACCIIiENTAL • - INSURANCE. ' CARITALL FLY.PILYSZtiTILO OTIlr SEVP.NTEEIV - , MILLION GooLtaits • - G. - 8 1 -RUSSELL, Agent, . t ioif TILE 701.1.03iING,HiMiD IiZLIABLE COMPA Nis Giimuans ‘t I.lmuNzlsruilici, . ( V-pmphary - Philadelphia, f ...' . Capital and surplus over 1359",00 go*i 1N1T114,1611 COMPANr. - • 1 • t - k Of New- York. eigital andearplus, over '- 53,750,000 t . - -.....-- INgilitiliCS COVEANY or 2Q011.111 . t ' a mitatca. ' -. Plladelliitki- i , _ - Capital and eurfolos, over... V:: .. .. api:10,000 . , HANUATTAN INEICILANCT COVIPAST, 1 \ - ' • :.-. Of, Nsw-York. ,- Capital and_aurplas; over , 1900,000 Fa:tsarinas 1148rit/INCY COMPAXT, } I . , Of Philadelpkk . Capital and supine, over ' $360,001: ,?. • - , A-WrIC . IIiBITRANCII - COMPANT. I _s 1 . } . 1 'l' • Of AretrhArsr%l. r. Capital and surplus. over $750,060 _ PCTSA.IIIItikIMANCE CoMPANY, Of Hartford, Cotto. Capital and.rarplos, over $704,0W • - MUTUAL LIFE INSGUANCII; COIicP4XY,; t Of .Netc-York, 1- • Capital arid surplos,over 18;000.000 TNAVYLLELIS hillettAlNCE CiOMPANY, • Of Hartford, Conn. Capital sad suiplcia.sier Wits fakes on all kinds- of Proplaty, at us, jow rateaas by any other reliable Companlee. 414- Policies boned and Losses, if any, ad. justed at this Agency,thereby saving the trouble and expense of gciing elsewhere for settlikmenL 'O/1-,Ottice at_,the Hardwliese jEi tare of 1Y.41- dill (V.: Russell C.R.IIIII3SEiJ.- ;7. Tosiandw.-Reh. 7, lee n: tt THE INSURANCE COMPAN OF NORTH kMERICA: Office' No. 24 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, This Com - pany are now prosecuting the to $- neas of Insurance from loss-or dalUsie bY rink on Buildings Merchandise. Furniture, &c.. throughoutthe State of Pennsylvania, on liber al, terms,for long 'or short OrWds • or permanent - ly of Buildings, by a deposit of Premium., The pronipt payment of blaints for losses. du ing the period o 1 nearly TO years that the Goes pang has been in esiatence. entitles thew "to Ut .confidence of the- public.- • Dtarcroas.4—Arthmr wan,. Samuel W. Jones; John Brown, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, Jnb. Neff,• ahard D. Wood, Wra. -Welsh, Wm. E: Bowen,; awes N. Dickson, B- Merris Wain,. ,John Mason. Geo. L. Harrison. Francis R. Cope. Edwitriii H. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke, Wm. Cummings.? A SNUFF. G. CoePi*, Pruett. • C. S. RUSSELL, Agent, Towandew I.4 I ARM'EkS MIITII.AI FIRE INS J .• Relict ccoPANY 0! RIDDLE PENNtiTLVANIA, °dice in Danville, Montour' County, Penn a*. Capital The.Partuers Mutual tire Insurance Company of Middle Pennsylvania wus incorporated by the Pennsylvinia Leipslatare,• in the year 1859, (or - the Mutual Insurance hi Country pßoperty only, and immediately thereafter commenced its oper- - atluns on that principle , . which has been strict ly adhered to slate- An losses have been promptly paid out-of- the Premiums collected on application, for insurance without, making any assessments. . The Insurance of Country properg only, the low rates ell:aged for Insurance. and the prompt paymeht of losses are destined a sufficient recomc mendation of the Farmers ,Nutual Fire hiss: - once Company of Middle Penns;lvania, to at owners - 4 sale class country proarty. P. JOutiaon, Etc'y.- Wm. Presi LUCIEN MYER, Agent, Towanda, Pa. marcrifs, IVERPOOL AND' LONI)ON AND LLGLOBE Flit AND bieki COMPANY. -41 e, 45 William St., and T 2 Broaaway,.g.T. Capital, Surplus and Reserved Funds (Gold) - 516,271,675 Assets in the Utited aatos, over:. .. 1,800.040 Daily Premiums , upwards of (gofd).. 11,000 .Theshareholders 'personally responsible for eng4,g6uxent6 of the company. All Directors mu t be'shareholders. • tascrorts4s Nsw Yore.-- , -Francio Cottenet, Ear Chairman, Henry Grinnell Esq., _Deputy Ch rman, Joseph Gaillard, Jr. Esq. ; E. M. Archibald, Esq. -El. B. M. Consul , Alexander Hamilton, Jr., isq., Robert C. Ferguson...Et% • Allred Pell, Esq.; Resident Secretary. A x ander Hamilton, Jr,, Esq.., Counsel of Board. Batavia: Phenix pank--Canimarin & Co. ; The Policies of this Company ire issued by well-kn Own American citizens resident in New kcYork, who are Directors and Shareholders, and consegnently.with the other Shareholders. are individually liable for all the engagement, a the Company ; all Policies are signed by them alrelaima are payable in cash oti , propt of loss, without deduCtion lor Interest., an nut, as . 1, usual; sixty:days atter presentation of proof They expire at six o'clock; P. ltd.; and not a noon, Life insurance: effected.' and annuitie grantaioa favorable twirls,..l • • TT, B. BrKEAN, kgeist. • Towanda . Aprii 23, DOT.. -"i pH m EQUITABLE LIFE, ASSUE 4 .• A CM Fisclety's Ageneffor Bradford co: C. CAPITAL • $3,000,000. Yearly —.mo over12:000.00is Cub., - MONTANYE & WARD, Tow.. , July 25, 1867. TELE . TOR FIRE INSURANCE 14New York. Agency for Bradford Co. CAPITAL $400,000. Dividend fo .1860;10.per cent. • -11ONTANYB &CWAIID. !Iciwasula, July 2.0, 1867. , T LYOOMING MUTUAL FIRE 1 Insurance Agency for Ittadked .Connly. • .0AP . 1TA11.,.53,400,0p. idittual.oash plan. ,in ineeesatid'on o" 'er twenty seven yeeirs. . • oPeratt • • BIONTAIgYI3 & W Towanda, July.2s, 1667 1 "D. , NEW- T_AILOII, SHO.P. _ -Taros PENIIEPACKER, f . _ . Nay opened a 'Opp in. the room - back of the Roo out of the Young Ken's Christian Associa_ Noe, seeond story; over Eddy's Clothing Store wlaere he Is now prepared to d" kinds of -- TAILORING, in the beat and moat fashionable manner: An egpetrignce of many years ' Iv determinatlon to keep up,w th theTashlonsof the Times, And a desire to pleitia his easterners: he bellevo tt will enable him tq give tratisfsetion. - AO. Cutting done on ahrot s ytottce and reason ible terms: -- Tow4da, Oct". 17,1367. S/00,000 sl6oxo • ..,ttoo,ooo i 10.000,00p' = 5020,000 $157.D0u