Il 4 "tom - :+~f-4:V`-J'~:Ct~s~'-.~ri~ ~.R^~ P.~Y~.'.9#T'til: ~y t- NtIDO from all NcitioM): —The recent :cyclone , in Jodie caused a - fearful loss of life and , property it Calcutta. - In that city and vicinity . 30,000 huts were destreyed and 1000 persons per ished. —The Virginia Reconstractign. Convention electedandge tfndeiwootiPieai dent. 'General Schofield 'a Mat a communi cation inclosing all the appeals which have I heen made to him in cases - of contested Seats. —.General Hancock has revoked the order of Ogn. Mower •susperuling P. B. O'Rourke. Clerk . of the second District Court- of the parish of Orleans, and reinsta ted O'Rourke. He also directs Gen. Mower to remain in New Orlear l is awaiting orders, tr instead ofjoining rekimant. • . .. , - ' —The ßoard Boar d.' f or the elimination of newly appoin d army - officers are to be broken up on the 31st of December, and thereafter' candidates for appointment will be ordered' to Carlisle Barracks, Fortrtss Monroe, or Governor's Island for examina tion. —Daring October 395 farms, corn prising 19,698 acres, were added to the pro &active area of Arkansas, Florida - and Mts sissippl . , —Thn_goyernmefit has accepted an additional section of twenty • miles of the Union Pacific Railroad. - - - —Mark Twain, lecturing on tb.e Sandwich Island, offered to show hOw the cannibals eat their food, if semi lady wordcl hand hirn'a baby. The lecture was not illustrated. Ward Beecher defended novel writing last Snndny evening on the gronnd that the parables of the Saviour were little novelettes. .* —A - box has been found in the riv er iickir Dixon, 111., containing' the body of an unknown. man, with his head and feet cilopped off and packed in with the body. —Ex-Chanceller Wal worth was bnried with Masonic ceremonies. —lt is rumored that ComModore Nuttaml Uiss 31panie Warren contemplate matrimony. —Airti s ßurdell Cunningham is su ing for a divorce from somebody in San Francisco —Tie official majority in • lowa reache the ruagiaificent figure of 32,000 Re publican „ of Course,. —lt is said that a caucus of the Democratic members of Congress, held on Tuesday last, declared almost unanimously for Gen. Hancock for President, and Jtidge Thurman, of Ohio, for Vice President. —As the Emigrant train on the Erie Railway was stopping at the Depot in Hornellnilie, on Sunday night last, a Ger man woman on board gave birth to a child. ) The mother and infant were proVided with p,omfortable quarters, and at last accounts, werQ "doing as well as could be expected.' --Since.the meeting of Congress the application for clerkships in the depart ments have been largely increased; Sacra tary.licCulloch is literally overrunning, es pecially by those desiring female clerk ships. - Twain" says that there wasdiscord - on the quaker City. When his set wanted to -play cld sledge the other set 7.1 - a*d to pray. --Rev. 11. H. Jessup has recently returned from his Beyront mission, and is now visiting his aged parents and friends at Montrose Pa. ----air-.,Mootly . of Chicago has enter ed into a e.xltact with 'John B. Gough 'for ictures eighty nights a year, for ton yeari, '2.1 the usual rates, in the f.nterest of the Young Men's Christian LisQo.laCion of the West. —The Teanesse,p Legislature has a proposition before it making it a criminal offence for any person to have in her or his possesslon a picture of Jeff. Davis or Rob ert V....Le0. —Tlie last rail was' laid on the La- Ligh and .9.usliuelianna railroad, and a train rc.n through Thursday. The Wilkes- Lure Record of the Times of the 4th inst. says the road will not probably be opened till January Ist, 18G6. —The mansion of D. S. Gregory, in _Jersey City, was de3troyed,by fire to the ex tent ot 520,000. —Copious extracts from President Johnson's message ,were sent by telegraph to Loudon, and the papers there do not speak very highly of the document. —Attorney General Stanberry has given an opinion that . the United States H holds a perfect title to arper's Ferry,with oat any restrictions as to what use may be made of the Property. —A war between Mexico and Guak.' A 211212., on the boundary question, is fearek —lleavy losses have oceurreo 1 Wra . Cruz - in consequence of inundations. ' —The peopleof-St. Thomas h ve voted in fayof or atmeption to the p od States.- ...; . . —The Globe Print Works in Fall Ma.ssiehusetts, • exploded a boiler, and the" maiu - building, was destroyed by Are. Three persons were injured. —Lt is announced by authority that there will be no contraction of legal tenders during the month of Dectinber. —The United States &tempers De ` , 'Soto and llonongahola are reported to have been lost in 'the recent terrible hurricapp at the Islands of St. Thomas and Santa Cruz —ln the case of the United Stated vs. Chaffee Co., whisky distillers, of Cin.: cinnati, charged with fraud, the jury re= -turned a verdict of $250,000 for the govern ment. - 7 General Hancock has issued an order (evoking a former order in LOuislana, prodding for the immediate revision of the jury lists, to exclude all citizens not iegis . • tered,voters mailer the Reconstruction act. —The London Times expresses ,veastma at the transfer of the islands of St. Thomas to the 'United States. —Afr, Hogan, wlio is alleged to have furni.hed'arms to the mob , which res orted the Fenian prisoners from-the police nnthorities in Manchester, was arrested on Vb - nrsday in Birmingham. —The Virginia , Reeduetruution l Cquvontion appointed a committee to report: I Um be - st practicable plan for framing t. 40 I•new constitution. • ) large portion-of tlie town of . . Seefurth. C. T., wanAlestrayea Ly file: .--The •nhip.tord Brougham, ir4.n llaudinrg, which arrived at New York e lost 73 passenger frow cholera on the way. Intitoviltporttro:. - _ll-1_:- Towanda, Thursday abil ;2 1 21 t- THE. PRIASIDELNTI, It g •••-''esr---16F; 1 ". • '- I '%V '44`..;' We publish int onr outside ; the an nual mesase of President' Josntson at the opening of the session of Cop -geese. - Thereader - wilf - notico thatit is- an ~ elaboratiort of _ hie: f previone views, the sentiments being iio wise, altered, stain fact, being put forth in rather 'stronger. foim. It opens, with a pointed reference to "thecon tincA disorgauization of the Union," his previous allusions thereto,and the fact that civil wars` are ‘ inevitable in the most enlightened nations, A:o whicC he adds that when, such, 4 struggle is brought to a. close it is the first interest and duty of the gov erntrMnt to-repair the' injuries inflict ed.liy the war,atid. Secure, as speedily aipossible . the bentfit'of, its lessons. This-duty was accepted, he says, by the Executive and by the rebel States,- but thwarted by Congressional legia laden, which he vetoed. He 'goes ori to say that there has- been no satis factory adjustment of the vexed clues, Uinta' that have agitated the 'people ; " that at this time there is no Uhior; as our fathers understood the term," which Union, he asserts, can exist only where all the. 'States are repre sented in both ' Houses of Congress, and where the ,national laws apply with equal force to every section. . He proceeds to consider the possi bility of effecting this ; and then fol lows a rehash of the old eulogy on . the Constitution, and - all his former talk about the execution of the laws being unobstructed and the Courts being open to all, and so on. His position is unchanged. He again de clares that the rebel States are still -members of the 'Union, and argues _, c pt e , the point in his usual way. He rec• - wica i s 1 1, ,e sel ommends-the - repeal of the Corgres- Je ll son, lir sional Military ReconstruCtiou acts,. i .ta s, be im a t and follows with a statement of the - an d. h i a eme arbitrary powers with whist; the mile l eg resu lt I itary Commanders are Clothed by, all Pmpublica these 'acts. Those he pronounces; li emo and violations of the Constitution ; the, aga i ns t 107, acts in,question usurpations and the , T is decis most dangerous of political- - crimes; ; sets, at rest t leading directly to the establishmeut mu , t, : Th e 1 of eh - Solute rule. These measareB,l!e lice s Votipt. says,totally subvert the form as well res lutiou, a as the substance of republican gov- be t h e e ff e ernment, holding the ten States in_. urged on file absolute alivery,and subjecting them of 'lle tweet to a strange and hostile power, more, tee imnny A , unlimited ' and more likely to he W . 'impeach abused other now than any nowt; k he 'quest among civilized men. He says that mi h r many this system denies tlid people (we it ti , i ue , o l presume he means white people, but . V ol s ity of o he dime not say so) of the rebel States ne is of the habeas : corpus, trial by jury, security of the peon! fgt. peraCiu, life and property,deprives e11e... The them. of oiti;;;;D1514 ; and Pii PP , S uch tutu and chi a punishment he declares unreason- vi ed in-op able, as malty of We victims of it are - ten groinii: innocent, and a large proportion even re jont _ of the rebel soldiers were foreea into Li. tety east the army by conscription au4L,other- hilstahe • tet the Pr r aped y rI and oiitr p sition to, t e partyl as a dello t be el rounds sio Fialpable tl tigree wiLli j6stiii: of ti I NUrly gol Republica propriety pint ; ''h w tee it then oucain to the President that this system is only tempoFary and provisional, and us that irnportant . fact Would, 'vitiate his laboted argu ment, he adds that through thiti tem -I:sary evil a greater evil is to be made perpetual. What that greater evil is he at once lets us 4cow. by us= section that the object of the system is to give the, right of suffrage to the negro,..s, anicto enable them to gov ern as a majority by disfranchising enough rebels. He asserts that the subjugation of States to negro domi nation worse than the mill tart' despotism, and that the rebels would endure any amount of military oppression sooucr than s allow the blacks to vote. This he presumes to have been the belief upon which the action of Congress was based, and that for this reason the rebels were left without a choice,._ - The President then 6igues against negro suffrage, and in fact against their being allovied any participation in the government, coniidering it a humane duty to says them from theta selvds, us they are die, for snob 6 responsibility, and have shown a cou stant tendency to relapse into baFi bariSrn Wherever they were left tci their owni devices. He thinks them unprepared,and without the'reeluisite capacity for citizenshlP; ' The, etia:t, differenCe , hetWeen 'the, two rii,c,, mental, moral-and, physicul, will pre vent their fusion or blending together, and hence - if the inferior race obtains' the ascendancy it will govern only: with reference •to its own - interests; and tyrannize over the other. ii does pot .seem to occur to the Preside it', that- the same gripment applies to the other 'race, and that th's"Was the bash of < the congressicival recen ., \ ' 1 struiftion eats- Xexthe takes. up tint cost of Congressional system, whicb,he stiyo; will demand a strong standing army and two hundred, millions- of doll6i aunually'to maintain -the suprewac of negro goVernMents tiler they ii established; for - which ninon ho- tiP, PrShends that our getii - illes'ulaY - , h. , come depreciatO, and tazpayeruanx ions to.repudiata the national-debt. Lld,- therefore, urges alit the gfea in .erects of the cenntrY - require' hp 'mediate - relief tcona.thesecnelments as business • • in the south is paralyai by a sense of general iuseenrity;b slerrorisf conilseatien,and the drea 'of negro rule; He adverts to'the. VIIS' importance of the suudiern trade,au in connection With the recent electio' ni declare d ce . the CongrOssionaj plan ofigeconst .ction was idop4 WO , i°- 1414P: t elletill - ' T limeottivi opor !nod , v -. • .' !, ' -If IF c... a 0. 11 1: r 4 P llB "' l lO, P renitence! Ur hp a' re d uty.° _ Preside*, requi ' 164 to go3n ()ho sing au iuncons itutional act of'Oon greet): —life 0, .that.it_haii....beed • 1 subject lf auxin s thunght to him, as he conoiera th t executive restraint i r upon th execu on of a duly enacted v law, ho ever neonotltutic4l - ; thig• law: di:4-be r l. uldle_...imply...civil- War, ' that s oulcl only bed resorted Loin tliclast e reality. ;He 0118t008 trusted to the p pular right .th matte at - the electfons; and lie ..ins this li been (hill,ll. Vie i ormo frauds on the Treas. dry, - byi which Olassal fortunes h'avo been milde at t . public .exkuse; will, he EiaiYo4f not 'iminished a. ou bring 118 into tallru and disgrar...e. Some of-the taXB,B ar so laid as is 'l:relicnt. an irre istible temptation 'lto evade i i ok paydie t, as th great sums' that of- - curs in y . win y connivance at fraud create press re which is inure than the virtue of any an withstand. The Teinuie of llicAtill has,he says, pitch disorgau zed ilig reynue trealin ry systems, an almost destroy - official accouVabilkty -He ••is iiir4 that under uch a r le • the •Preaideuit can not pe;tform th " great duty assigned hinio seeing' he- law 'faithfully exe ctrtecti He th -n proceeds V., lirguu that tile Pres' eat. is clot ed lif,itie constitution 40.21itti ''the sole authority .o rer4ove at Till, and thitt•the Ten- Office ))ill reditce him .to a ,utiumer. ure u mere NT DEFEATED. EEME Itepreaeatativea, on x conaidera i ble debate, f L rectly. upon Mr. Bout lion, 'tTnitt ANDREW :i4otkt..,:af. he . United i acl4o, fin. igh - criines i-- .ora,"wit i the follow-. For ffniamelimont, 0, a I ‘ againat atljleputi 111 ‘ik.rnOCrata ;' total • - i' House day, at Th Satu. took ye vote, We preatime,, e queation i of impeach . rge 'elf 4ratflutS r.:-P_QprwEterr owe bow have ta •of thoap who have I measire, orb the:strength sfactory and unreliable ich had ben taken by . ent Qumpiittee.i , inka beim environA ud great diffienWee from . There Vas 14:en a di inion amongst the oppo- President, arising out ar eirenmtitanees' or the lest and sohndeat states' ablest la*yers were di• itin AB to what Gontstitu for in4peabittnelit , of the nd precedeuta onfortn la light, 41?biecl -w4.18 w;gnueq4 fling I sident had' forfeitedthe , ( h e Natiim 'by . tin'arbitra • gpuus &inapt, Om pro- . ernovehiml from office by liad so basely , betrayed, 'te and e4ilorta one, not trtairntd !except up'on plain, aud: . for so - crimes o at the Country , would outdo unanimity , in the , he proceeding. and trite -men in the party ha , ;,e .doubted the the Impeachment move it doubts have not beef' • , y the evidence elicited. has been 'vague and un .• --none of it so reliable e as to satisfy the public. ndre* Johnson has sin- ktiaoved. Well of i patisfact ' or ] , And positi Deeply as tied sgai test inter' IltepUblies Ibe unjust, the miser ;angs like toration t :t the party that eledied ae he 4is been to the eta of Wei . country—,the party could not 'afford to yen to rid 'the country of lc deopUt and traitor w ic an lavabo' upon her': res peaco anditrouperity. versal . extferation of , all lainQL ho hitt' . punishment,: meanwhile:Ale': Mouths are `wherein can , pl4y his The nn F 6 0 (1 .44 3 ° and in tb , ahortenin: which ,rth D4lbe,.:cce try will b of: Match, shalt `go, t 'AUnwe' tricks." the • odium 11 • alw4s attach to his oilsi;a,tiiin,,ud the Icoua eathti irheu the 4th 186$, shall . arrive, Oil he Attfuncnviable 'obscurity" k =honored ond uniting." retreilek: ery poptdar,wi,v, trier hers e. Win daily interviews resentatiree and Senators, be - egrepathat the most , r • Work to, he done. is that Ives an immediate , redue o .expensea of thu Govern- iffirGe. wept aro of Congre with Re . With' ,wh• iaaperant .which iu tion . of ment. 16a. T is the De The :frie vOieimen 4gfriold had. We 'great au e re•eleatiOn: Of John T. 114 rpf. New.York p tuaores a split toratio party of that 'city. di . of .- , Fern.indo . Wood-: are ja the u,63otiii3p. that he rasa .by the 1 1 . 4 Hoffman 1$ .tiOt dm, inan to 'Hank ginnaveng, d: ity mice hritkhirs arc pw4rin- , aiiiugtmti, arid the riimaideiii, ugly Oiiguited with the per • *th *bilsusl4e hi purautid !Ifir S .! 11, , refh.s!eo pesiti vely to 4tk141t4 AtiO S.chate; • there histieh a witzaiible 4gin is eimzed sisteneji !frten sauct 'du us long his favo ktIMEM ' . ..,..,...0.01:1t;:•,4 -It. is reported ; that t .. en. { ••• ''' ' 'rhos again disapix)ared !um' e'" , • and it is fearettth t t alittith i " y ' ••;• will be made lifft ' t St 4 _ -; .. ', • 1e Party of Action.l4 : • . , I • , . • . i ~; 41 kt speech of - Minist4 - 1 .... urkit„ t at Minister stathd IVA .. Y kldlk‘h take shoul . 4)not forpibl4, posession of I{ : nine, gave rise. to an _angry debate itt-thez.ltaliast-Glutmberot Depend Saturday Prime Minister MEUAintsi= informed ithe House that he had aske d the French Government for eOlana t„tn- 4 1, :• 4 ii t i k i jit •-1 , 4 07 4 4 it j i t_ i_ _4... , ,e, OP „te itt _ r reply...- ILLaddLuLthaLltalY. auubLott. 1 Y gain PasifessioP of 4° 1 4? with iille• concurrent opulent t)l . Frauce andthe other. Etrope`nn Puwers; lik l at. it would be impossible to. aChieve hat'obj. , e,t• by force .. At 'the end •or tt t e .detiatij ii vote was take y, and the Govertiinc4it Was sustained • The ItSlittu Gixerhinent•ban fringed au atenesey . to GantiLtint's.ndheients. PrincU Islaionno ra' about to deliari for.Mer*.s, in Nortlieitt . Italy,.to meet, hin`futber-itolaw, Vivroa &MAN IJICL. ilt Or British ilOuse' of Lord , Saturday, s Ettri . Bey°, '-, in a ehn t speech, deplu'led the ,b a d, taste au 1 evil effect of the ,publie Cunt:rule ,1 ichestci . .Foniaus, and stattid 1 ,1 , his . opinion ; -thity •• ion fo sanction tuurdPr,. 11OUse•Of teem - len:, the •µ!.w; J i ntract , was• u ufait . eiably t a Utr how' of ni6lit-liothliiiiiseS UjoitriuNl to Moot (.11 Faruary 13 . 1863' ' • • Coretuoidospf t ywpatlitfo&l ,l oll4to Manchbstor Feni ans.,,Wo re 'celebrated with gtest . pomp-in_oollS Saturday. Fifty theusaud 'men marched in the I feneral procession., ,i• the Id that, in disposi Ia tin Wail c., ME • GRANT'S liareirr.—Geil Grant Isis completed his- annual report. He makes but one, -uniting . in:one docu- • meat" the report as Gellert : din Chief and as Secretary of War. ;He tee the expenses, of the War Depart ment for the next Canal year at-sevent -ty million dollars; •and 'explainl the : retrenchment "and - refOrdiiiiiinriiik tee in the dillerent hureaus r .;\ m suo branolieu of the army he recommends a reduotiou of fercea, masters. Of the Freedmilays Surliati says ROth ; Pg. He thinksi-fiedi the rcport, eubmifled front Gen; Sherman, that peace wth the Indians is. clearly established, and adds that 'theeptlpert sea of the 46ops - y the Plat - 4: ate greatly 41tais4ed by the Paciqe Rail road furnishing rapid and cheap.trautir portion: , The report also transmits the reports of yarieus minter* district tiact . ir couTke iu enforoing tl* R.,cou§t,rud, tion,act The Vote of the Stittti' of key/ York wet: oflkially ear:vase:l at Al banr, with the : • * Rep. vote. Dein. `vote. D.maj.. Secietary of State .325,099: 373,029. 43,92¢ Controller 325,658 372,517 46,859 Treaeorer 325,201 ..37g,769 47;560 Engineer. —.324,775' 364,703 . 39,027 Attorney (1eper:11.325,328 372,64 47,340 Canal Corn issicair 32.2,509 372,786 ' 20,2741 Prisbn 1n5p00t0r„325,4318 7 37k8214 47,810 -dndj) of .Appea15.824,477 364,849- 40,372 strange v0te.. , ..124,7514 870,800 46;008 Net)) 1 2tbrtrtiormilits _ ITO AT" T S (IR 0 WI! WAINER'S JEWELRY StoRE. He keeps good goods and .sells cheap. Titan y n' can. Ilud' • all kinds or ANlEfiff4 AN' ind SORIMN WATEllgi, also a layge assortment. of. OLOCKg.,. including, the celebrated suit THOMAS manufacture.' 4is f a spiel:Aid as: sortmeai, of JEWEI,RV. Including solid gold, and a general assortment at SII.VES PL kTED WARE, inc.'uding stmoris.forks, cake baskets. tea sets, Scat ~ o 1 the best Manufacture. SOLID SILVER -SPOONS maanketurmi fo order. Watch and CloOt repairing duno on the shortest notice, lu the be t manner, by au ex perienced workman, Ali.l at: prices th a, will give satisfaction:. A. U. WARNER:. Tqwatui4 Deo IL-,0671 DISSOLUTiON.- The . eFr-p_ar.tner . nerAlp hereto( •ro existiag ' under the firm namo.of Solomon 4, Son, is solved by mutual consent., The ..00ka accounts and notes of the late firm) belong to M. E:Sol ,Dpion, which are to hen& at twit Alex ia& for settlement. All indebt3Z to Lb.: Ipe firm must settle bafore. February 1.,1863: H. E.. SOLq.I.IION T0w.a1444 nee: A 9. I I E B T TA. NDEtt SOlitN9N, NNEW undersigned hive this day formed a -no: iirtnership tinder the firm name a Alex. Solomon "&: Co.; in the Clothing B• 19411111. a rid wilt don- titanthe imne at the store. of, tht latt firm of. Solomon .t Son f Thanking the r orpast liberal patronage, they most 'tespectfnify 'bold • oil a continuance of the acme ALEXANDER SOLOMON. . ' NATHAN STEIN, . . • -JULIU. • Deeetabcr PIOT. STEW TA L i 0 R El OP. t Has opened a shop in the, roo m ' back of 'the' Boo' me of theXonng Hexed' Chtistissi Asaoale tion, second s.tory, over Eddy s Clothing; 800 wliiere be is nowlfeeared Ac d, all hinds of I - • t ; 41 . 1 4txuCit • _ In the best and most fashiounbicmsnuer.,.!Ao "PrittieVol'uplu/' Years, xi deternittiati oit to keep op wituthe F ashluns ot . the Time.; , end is desire witless& his casibtrieniatelb . eliev . e s will enable Walt* give satislactioa. . • ' 1036 Caging (bine on Shorkriot'ee and' relson ibte terms: ToWandc Oct, 17, IM* PALL , AND ,S,4E , E 1 N.J Great nducemetita at I ! • •• f • 1;,•;, 4M81N.8-„CAR:R:JkGE„FACTO•At . - Open and Top flagkies, of the' I.attat 5.1340, and sivriety of light:and heavy - Platfen in yogi ons ; 101;of the imat, Material and Utah", at..yery low p,rices for, the Oinks. Also plain and-fancy 81eighi=-Long tittle's and 11.01.81eIghi. • Spec , *nitretalrett in' aelection of amok and with the work.. Nona Imt. eiperlancad Workmen ; aro employed hi each !Wallah of mannfactiard, and I um, bound tolivaiitiaraletlow to all - Wholavor ma with theirenatom.T All work warranted.;.. ! J. A. V,lli§fil;Fl4,.. ; Athens,. Pa ~ 'Deei2,1867.4w. z • \• • • rIIHE . NATIONAL Plrit Natlnital Bfsolismilth fil4 'Of timptown, tte., hits his' , clay deilitd a 'divi dend 012 Horse Shooing of 2' Tperzeent„ Se be: equally divided tuisctori custoisfers.liwieg to the, tirsoratile pattorraie recelredlu'. the pasttyegi: We mein:spy* toihes'ycnrikorae.fwithShoeir l ad° i l m g t lie 44%' Pt ir,a ton, 4p, Buort Do l ce, and we gain-snips yiiar eptire satikfac en.itslic wariset sIP-hark ?AS= thfs AO& othb# fr:si' a ,distaisctilsrf:l ticLd it to their alivantage to can rat -IlilsrslloP,'.witicit they salt fintott,Wie• 'le Street,. iset.wi eri . C: ./very's store all& the tileem isE• CainlAts*Oft4:l . I .l4GT,—;tri, • ,4 EMI $1... grad Meal. Feet], Sp., a`.. Deo 'l5. MEI = Anti i 0 Bova bLvdoesa at PE ZiIsIEPAC4ET, J. A. UILIST • " tit liiut a t, e 4 a• r V 143 44 • 4ri Corn . • W. A:•ROOKWELL`B. AlicrOOmbi)t. 1 , - 1 - ---' ''''''' . 42' ..- i . .....`-_,: - ‘ ll . . - ~ ...1, , ,1 ,_ f u .i. .f.t t., , - - - .., ,tt- -- 4- EXIT - 1 NS VE ' PREPARATION,S - WINTER . :' . 7TRADR ),,), 1 . ' 1.4!'i 1 'k . n• ' i'V:V4' . . is'. _l' tq, •" - Z. - ;,;., 1 ti ,' - . ' —4 l. .1.- ..1: i ' 1 — ' 7 ': 7 - • i- . WI! are Ow receialpg an'auu4ually ; • 1:7 3r. t;;?-1 . fit IniqS. . tdapted tthtseithatr:4l3l6lonut bethr Our atice OFAIPCtIac.: •,!, . ~,,:i. . 1,. ' • • Great`Declitte :in ~.Prwes 1 .‘ , ..... ti .: -,,,,, :.,, , , .• : ~...., , 4 .. 1 .. .We, p cage otirs'ilyk.iiii*lifit t . I -, ~, • - • •:.,._. ..... au.R. le USID OR i i,S , • OM Th i e I . P. er):ine. , i ;H . .; ,V...: i '.;,'::',1':.,`',„ , 1- .• ;"' -; ' ..; f : ; 3::)sb .- , '01:s ireirthilik. kew aniTilk4irilije wiiftlitotiad in this. Martrtont ut a plitiai it•duc- ~ •.' ~ thin froni t -er. :pq(14.7. :' , , I I -0140Ing ,ii-F A ' I ' cI;'oIiKLIICIA In t gTei*;,,t v.riety':itrci„rfd - intrilt. !• .1 s' ,H , l ;'' . 1 . ,,. ~ ..' , ~_,.; 2 . . EMI Doinestic :ifell#ve t pativirobitlrdlargsy.oi ,miAs in kilos au: haat 'tlie.mhst ' dealiabla fallen hat makltaor •!:11: 604 ioiN FABRICS NM • ' • '''ivtitebire'efreitt ' G 2 EA . T n A R•G A. I I'~ ~ ; ~ Shdwl= ! . •n t ada . II •1(1 I, Pa ll63 Y ‘43X,:!'utii.Srli4'3 ICI a no Oda*: anintin SI tits, 4 1 .41 . 'h s • and o.,stmatl4oriaxid;Firisre iLL.C. ' OI 4 . ORS AND QtriIATIES Wcol bug 61;aw a of 3,11 t4e ik , sf walies to alltili aid , . 1 . EMI L ITuR$ r f'l l l?s' f F, URS *it .to particurtar Otedion, to war" at io or tridles'ind chitarenle.furi; rniiritst lag 41' ii.lnic e Pitch, Siberian - tell Conej,,4,., c., orbjtt a MI VERi LARGE - REDUCTION " i Proniiiist 'year's priee:4 - . • SAND C A PSI HA now nee tving direct_ from Mannfau- We , - are .the, largeht elciek of Ilattt and LllllYi laps we hAva ever extOlte.l, A L L EW 'S T Y E SI ettAingly row prices. • a ; 8.00 niid. Our stn6k tutipie •tri:everi - reipect. .M4il4,ot#a` ,• ~, 1 ',. •-, .i_i •Il •-. •1 • •• - I ? : '''` I g 9 4do We S P./J In g 4 / 1 P I N: 81.0 i l n aa l . , •,' . t.. , .- i R'I • i .. i'd.,::, : !•- UFIAI : '4I 4 - e F re Y .•:;.q ;: 1 :ft•it 1. =II F'o.B`.• lII' ik 4 i) -41-4 , ; 7 1 Arid l• • 111 i ' , , • , i•• - •"' ily ',-, -..,..:,• ;•;-•,,.' • • -:-/ f,_ ' ..,- r' , si ,•I!• : . l', , ' ,---. •.;1,:: -- - 1 •T',It' , . 1 , ~ -,/ ; i 7( :...','.:'• . ,: x -...; ; ..-,4, • . .:,:ii•; '•:“'.; '',We fictvd*Qt . sided tO' liio, l ...1, .:),1: , I !1! • .••• ~ ,' ,erate ,Ithip : grpni , , va ' ',/y :: , :or • ~,,,: ' ~' .•+ .I'lo--.-".'- ' -.• ''il ~ ', , •:14 , , , _. .": 1 ' r : Ul9ta . -tirgle Wittintli i ;467,0re i . .e1 ,- / , ..••'4; ..',.A '.!..'il-i , .•i ,j is i . f i l le d ,:ppt , „ rev ‘ ctrut.tyl -thw. p 1 :vlke'thi eitteiiii i let 46 - • - 06 A . 1it0.00,10, ?' 411 .451 6 04 4 °V.ii 4 : Olt PiVka 11 11#efalict . Oil= : 291ete :iss. 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