El Ndadhad. Health of Chwi domestic OoOd health in &medic animals is 'always a.matter of primary impor tance. As bad hr Ith . in parents transmits ti tendency to 4iaease in the offspring, it is important that every kind of an imal we desire to cuntinue - ,en our farms should be,kept vigOrons and healthy. - As domestic animals are a source Af butuau food, it is a matter of great importance= to preserve them in a health) , condition. biseased meat baffles its qualities into the stomach off' its consumers. It is a serious ob. jection which . vegetarians !age against the use of animal fodd,rthat the artificiar circumstances ii which animals' live, and the bad/treatment they receive, render them' unhealthy. As an unhealthy animrl does not con. some food to as good advantage as a well one, it is .econot l nical to avoid disease. As comparative misery and dis comfort aecompiny disease, it is hu mane, as Iveli as, economical, to see that the animals under our care en joy, as far as possible, their creature comforts. Each of the circumstances is a gni ficibnt reason for guarding with scu pulons care the health of the animals we feed ; buPwhen we derive milk - from animals, it is doubly important that they arp kept free from every objectionable taint. A sickly cow not only yields a diminished profit, but she yields 'a sickly milk, and sickly in a higher degree'than hti flesh: If a cow eats anything that has a strong or disagreeable odor.it appears in her milk. ' If a oow mite anything medicinal, it comes ont in her milk. If she is feverisb_h,er milk shows If she has sores about her,pus may be found in her milk. If she is fed upon 'decayed or dis eased food, her milk, since it is de rived from her food; will be imper fect. It is lI'S impossible to make. flood milk from bad food, as to make good building from, rotten. timber. If there is anything wrong about her it will appear in the milk, as that is an effective source of casting filth from her organism. These facts should at all times, be well impressed np.:rt the minds of dairymen: more especially at this season_of the year. i Closely confined in their narrow stalls through the long winter, where the air is not always fresh and pure,, or water \\ - and exercise always bad when dc from foul medicinal w ds, as thistles, daisies,whitc top, e 0., cow are very likely to vary from perfe tly heal thy condition; spring chef will be faulty euough,to do the bee we can ; that every dairyman kno a The :health of the cows should not, at any rate, be allowed to become a cause of deterioration. Green food should iu winter be alternitted as often as pos sible with the dry ; for this purpose, beets, carrots, turnips, potatoes, cab ' bages, parsnips and apples 'are-val •uable. ... Ventilation and watering 5h6.4" ild 1 promptly attended to,aud salt and meal made by pulverizing burnt hones, should be kept where daily aceestrcan be had to them, if desired, nor should their strength:and.flesh be allowed to fail for the want of a suf ficient nutritious diet. The best fla vored tinter and cheese cannot he toad(Nrom cows that are badly fed or ailing, or poor.—Exchange. A National Dog Law CongresS is soon to arsemble; and the great interest of the nation will he likely to receive -just so much at tention from our Legislators as -the people compel them to bestow. There is no money fur Congressmen in this measure unless they happen to be sheep' owners, but a good deal of money for their constituents. On the contrary, our lionorable ^ Senators and Representatives, who affect d'Ogs and sporting circles, might find their taxes slightly increased. We have shown, in our past issues, the great necessity of this law to the sheep in terests of thnation: England taxes her dog owners three dollars for each dog, and raises a- revenue of $3,000,. 000 from this Source. In England mutton, is a great institution by rea son of this very efficient protection. If v.'s want like protection, we must legislate against dogs.• Wool-grow ers' associations should take the lead in this matter, and make their influ enc,e ‘ f,e_lt at Washington. Agricultu ral societies and farmers' clubs should start their petitions, and send them up Eiyithe cart load to the Capitol..Z— Sheepolvners who have political in fluence should write to their repre sentatives; urging the measure. ,By timely effort we may secure u hat' we need. Wool and Mutton can have no secure' basis until the relations of sheep 'and dogs are permanently re constructed . America* x4grieullurise. —The report of the Commissioner of Agriculturelkaks of the re vages committe&by dqgs among the sheep in the United States! In 1866, 500,- 000 sheep were killed' by the dogs, and their value wa5 , 52,000,000. The - uumber iyjured was 300,000, and the loss is estimated at $600,000. To CLEAN Clara GannNis.—ltub some• soap upon the wristbands and collars, and dip them in boiling hot water/or new made ends, and scrub them' well with a brush. Then go over 'the dirty and greasy places in the same way. det fresh suds -and wet and brush the whole garments right way of the cloth. Stretch the sleeves, pockets,and pocket holes thistbands and collars into shape, the same as ironed and put to dry.— They will look as well as new.-I-Ger- Alan/own •Telegr4ph. . - POULTRY litimmr..—The productive power of the droppings of the hen nery are very great as compared with ordinary barnyard manure, yet many farmers, with a score or two of fowls, take little or no pains to ptgo servo and apply it, to the purpose of vegetable production. It is an excel lent dressing for gardens, and will repa3, a hundred fold; the carp and expense of preserving -and applying it. I thouilit . you told me, doctor; that Eadth's fever had gone orrr 0. ye i het it and Smith went off together," n,. .~ far~~n`.t;.: STEM ANOTHER, NEW, ETOOE /: OP GOODS! . ._ . JAM 0. MOST, *odd call attention to the Lae mad ruled amachaast of •FItaIiIVITRE! r low at anise at his Wereloonte, whlcb he win beheppy te shay to atos and eetl7 one tree of thug, or to- WI at a. eery M um ban soot. Vrtutaktetter the p i e Ilberel pelmets etWale, I 'resist that I she etlUsedstear to maw It twthelt Interest to dem vita siketot only bY keePLIT a • • \ 1. 'IIARGEB STOOK 1 . To mileet from thin is kept In any ether Pled tare them Store M this region bat also bj oliketeg AT A LESS PRICE , Than the same \ quality of goods can be par clamed elseibeis. I have now in acme over 10 DIFFERENT PATTERNS OF CHAIRS. / - \ And m\ ore than THIVY DIFIFERE!IT STYLES BEDSTEADS. Besides Bureaus, Stands,- 'Fades, Book Backs, What Bois; Sofas Tete-a-Tete's, Rockers, . and Easy ; Chats, Piano Stools, Chil -1 dren's Carriages,Children'a Cradles and Cribbs, Looking Glasses, Looking Giant Pkars, Pic= a • tale Frames, Photo graph Otals,,Bleel Engra ngsvi. Cords and • 'rashes, ac. In tact a fall assortment . OF EVERYTHING IN THE LINE, - - . 1 All of which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH. The pablic are invited to call and examine my dock before purchasing elsewhere. Store on Math Street, 2 doors south of Montanyes. I also keep on hand, a large assortment , of READY BADE COFFINS, -from the most common to the finest Mahogany or Rosewood, which will be furnished with or without Attendance with Hearse, at as low a price as the same quality can be pnrceased else. where. Dec . 1866.--yr. NEW FURNITURE STORE I Having rented the Furniture Ware-roomeform erly occupied by F. $. Page, Athens, Pa., would now say to the pillions of: the old Eatab• liehment that I have a complete Stock of Goods, Put received, 'embracing everything in the plii: 4 0010:14 , 114:4 gy goods are new and well selected, and fol GOOD GOO DS Will not be undersold by any: Call and ex amine my stock before purchasing. I retain the Workmen of the old establishment, and M. N. I. HART Will have cha.tge of the buainesal and Nannfact aring. In ahort we have. the finest Stock of GoW.s. in our Ifne,west of New York, consisting Parlor Furniture. Chamber-Setts, f3otas, Bureaus, Marble-top Centre Tables, Extetialon and Dining Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Mirrors, Picture Frames, Ptiowgraph Ovals,Cord and Vases, Steel Engravings, Oil Curtina, .Toilet Stands, Work-Boaea, Pictums, /to COFFINS AND BURIAL CASEZ Our . Undertaker's Department will at all limas be well supplied with everything is that line. We haws the FINEST HEAicsie In this section, not est:opting anything west of New York, and will attend Funerals within a circuit•of iloentu Milts, on reasonable terMa. I. H. VOORHIS. " . I. HAIL?, Agent. Athena. Jan. 25, 188a.—ly FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS ! JAMES iIiKINSON announces to the public that he still continues to‘manufacture and keep on hand a large assortment of CABINET FURNITURE, Banana. Tables. Bedsteads. lifands, Matra, /Lc., of every descriptiut 'Phial will be made of the best materials, antil3 he most. workman, 'like manner. I invltil the bet:lion of the public' to myinFork, which 110111nc be surpssed in durability, at any shop In country, and my prices will be found tWe as low as the timer will admit. Ilcadynffide Coffins constantly on hand or made to;order. A good Hearse will be furnished when desired. Aug. 15, 1865. ~m celluncous. G ROCERY, PROVISION AND FEED STORE. JOHN BIERIDETH, (Main-st., first door south of the Mal Bond House) would mitt respectfully Invite the at tention of the public t, his large and well se lected stock of , GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Which he Is selling to suit the times, and parses of all. Re has allO opened a splendid FEED STORE, .Whichls well situated to supply the canal and Barclay coal region at all times. Be keeps constantly on hold a large stock of TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS,. • . MOLASSES, FLOU.R, BUTTER, PQ {K, Which he la selling cheap for cash. • The citizens of Towanda and Vicinity, will please accept my thanks for their very liberal patronage for the last two years, and we promise with their assistance , to improve ev ery opportunity to enlarge our bits•ness, so As to warrant satisfaction to all. C I and gee us again. JOHN N RM. Towanda, July 10, 1887. MERCHANT'S UNION EXPRESS COMPANY, GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO jittOIINTS ND SHIPPERS. Raving: made arrangements with the New York and Pie Railway, to do Express Bailee* on their road, me now receiving ail kinds of freight sled merchandise for all parts of the Union—Mirth, South, East , Welt the Cana da', Europe , West Indies. Goods sent direct touy Pict of California, all with the quickest despatch. Shippers and Merchants generally know wh at enormous rates they_have beeepay leg for quick .tranaportation. ,Now this Gm• paay Is aide up exclusively of Rakers, Nor chute and Shippers, to break up the metope ly (which the old Companies had formed) so u Tire fair rates to the beldam ourunnity. waroft !Manion wdellag 40 lbs. and up allire snipped by aetaal weight. • Tile way to keep low rates, is to patronise the Clompaiky that brought theta down. Particular care and attention given to money and valuable Pack ages, Collections, he. Collections made, and returns forwarded by quickest dispatch. - IL G. CRAPS; 114. GIPPORD, Agent, Div. Soil. P. BJ—ill Packages to be forwarded fres Towanda and vicinity, by 41•111BN them at the Ste. Mee of .111 be f~iia to the Waverly Ofitee 'of this Commisi every day. - J. RUYAN, Prop'r Stage We.. T 0. OF 0.F.--BRADFORDIAODGE • 110, L 117,14-0. of 0. P., meta at Odd Tel lows RAU, every Koaday smiles bola the Ors gouda, in April to the nest Monday to Oetobe it p. re., frost October to April , at a. s. osaFf April 37,1807. = • ts, 00:41 :erec whales "- tttetr aetees tally or a - age; • : . liege deck DRU '1 t Haeju' pared CO Opp!, th I WANTS OF THE I_ passa4o3 FibRE 144 IiSD. rsa AN° • WM sus d. IKI ALL TH PO • i • ?Ann! PAIIMAND 1 • FANG ir kw To TrLDAN'I *Loom 1.114Lc0110 N I suee A NOpll IN 8110 nalU r. UM ' S _ I IlMalnit Bottles' A LATA 8118G1 1 0 LTNS • \ A large tly B Alao f theree dam d Boat Corn at ra.&c.,, mpa, • Wicks I . . CHOICE . CIGARS mls l Phypictana ei Medic nes and P ent c,nrai rl y so ce; Ml mpound; at all San y Inking fro , noon,i to It tbe T I l an Sept. I MI I\TtW SPR /1 ; • g W Would anjounee sea the palblle gen! and dOl? *caning I a Fißtt S In hie linei aultabl which he !W s bell 1G L coruottnois ova: made .: I .C 1 .14 0 (No Soddy of, • • B U S , I N , • OQATS, VE DRESSOA tO *Mien Coa I Over Ails sod 0 Collars. [filen. C Neck Ties Sospe , l Bap, Sprltig St I. AU that eXisa. : cheaper atia lair I price. Call and Sig. Nei! door .1 Towanda, May R I Q I_Ww_take ptinwure customers egene ' moved oufietock Block, to one new INdF Onidooriorth o prepared t show stoc. of _READY t With everything than we otany.. Wait Has beet B o il nits • that now clnr lICV WELL M Of vatted! to terns the, bought fo CA at pri , OUI 00i We can se our line. Shall be the' Years, In Our dealings purpose linake TEifPt And the talmse o Thanking,yon a Yo. Toirana, Sep B , 00E- BIN 1 ERY.-THE PUBLIC is itispeott • y lutormed that the Book- Bindery his tee removed to the Argd Build, iner 54 11 4r9. w . ere will be doze: II II I 800 • -BIN DlNltii 11, ' is all its as breathes, on teem* as mar sonatde as • the • •• es" will allow. The BM& err will .• . - the abarge al L eve:l H. t. MIMES% ! (... / As , • • •a, anti all work Will ha promptly dose a dyke sad salaam width = Ail , M ic E (. l2 , a r:a : I 11 1 1= 1 1124 . t_s! da nirissa atteatloa will be paid to me i E BOWES. To aumath la gadfly sad domblite l b a • warra nted.- i i All world wW • ready far ge limy inn The patrinage • f.thirpablie Is aellellid, lad pm* eatlifactio • gasmadeed. Towns* a , • • 2.1866.—et. L. B. POWELL. 5 Seriatim, h.. DeikstlEdeksrtftase. DadreOs Pews. Mason Eselin's Ot gm, ?rest Llsdas t de's lfeledsoss; sad MI of - Susleal guess ts, Mese Made sad Irmo Books. Orders Dodos -sad Thstiers psedsily solicited/ Address, • L. B. POWELL • 1111 Plinth's Anus% Elsralloa, Ps. Verdi 111 le ~ SHAVING i ikND TOILET SAPS, L.) dies at the • - RIMS 'BOOK GAlf*FO: THIVFAMITS OM. 10h11, at NEWS SOOM. •r : :." . "Gl;.: 0 WW.r - ES t.',:;-?3*41...--.-_,__';''..--:-.I?•-•:..q. 1 . - ; fife* rvwina • biota" at Ai to lu briQc ts" frortlM =madam= p Noe* abaft of üblkt patron- AND IfirDIOINNI l and *ti are acix pot- lIBLIO WITR ARTICLES to tal Two. AND LIQUOBI3.I CAL USE ONLY. 0 AND HONCEPAINW mums. . . PATBNI lIEDIOIIIIIB. OIL, *Amnia, NISH BRHSIII3, AND GLASS. • • ARTICLZ3 Or EVERY /Mb. c axa runct. cols, AND FLgBIIVOIDI3. Beat Ttneeer. L 8 UPPORTERB, der Bram, NIPPLE SHELLS; AND lELDE,. Syringes and Catheters, 0711V/dna, vntors. rOCIIINI MIMS, T 8 OF LATH BTYLB QUALM'. bee for the Hat and Bair. • and' Nails, Tooth Pow tea, 011 a, Perhunery, , Hair Dye, Invigror• erosene Kerosene hades, Chimneys, - ftw, all of the at styles. - TOBACCO AND SNUPP, P IP P a llea n ti d oho p it re \ cs o mili ana regll nikb b yi l co an e E tes. ret no= vont of the \day and night. 9 to 10 o'olonk in the foie ' 'fal)°n W. a. 43. 130IM. 1R66 lathing. Na AND SUMMER GOODS ED DY, the cltizein of Towanda, rally, that hp has in store new and - • GOO D to the wants of the people or Carrency at former • PRIOESiI of good well end tellable ... T H I - 21' G !! i any - kind) consisting in SS SUIT S, 1= .TS AND PANTS, AU Wool. , PANTS AC VESTS „Dusters and Pants' er Shirts, Linen and Paper imere and Flannel Shirts, dens. Gloves. Canes, Leather Silk, Soft and Straw Hata anther that Goo Geode are rice than poor good. at any amine my spvivis'before buy Powell Co. ! R. W. FADDY, 8; 1867 A L i n informing . our frienda and ly. that we have Mktg re (roods from No. 9,,Patton'e tilid magnificent store. id BLO9K, • Ta)i or &leo., *here we are a finer and betteoeleetsd ADE CLOTHING I r . ppertatning to a men'a outfit e else in Towanda eimtd ever pIIR OLD STOCK t duced to almost nothln g, ao house is filled WI" , all new E TASTY GOODS, t all an( the el:l een pat affords, and will h having ke't olihy a to defy all competition to ME OF AOTON dare as it has been in past, PAIR ND UPRIGHT ith every one, anti it la our at new store the OF FASHIOS 1 every citizen in the county for past favors..we remain r . re truly. SOLOMON 'a SON. 1 1867. • • I. MIISIO DEPOT ~, _ . eTtOVICE , UT STORE , MAHAN Os , BIOME am alit ,ad reined *dr store and Li vttb a VERY'aRGE And jaded ammiiiment i ofj CROCKERY, GlatiViißE n - A r 1,,- - _OItINA, yzukoNi, STONE WAREq- We propose to keep In connection with the above fall Eta& of SILVER PLATEI!, WOOD; WILLOW, JAPANNED. GOODS ykr,itommiNA:4zki Aa we buy al; our goods from FIRST HANDS, We Satter ourselves, we can sell GOOD GOODS Lower than any other parties in this region CASSIMEW, TAILOR'S TRIMMINGS, Of the best quality. \ M4IIFACITRING WHEELER & WILSON'S SINGER'S SEWIN4 MACHINES. Tominda, March 7,1867 G I A 8S WARE! 946 Greenwich Street, 2 doors below Baro lay et la the Omit Depot ter CROCKERY DEALERS' GLASS WARE. CONFECTIONERS , ' DRUGGISTS' 11. la GREEN GLASS BY THE PACKAGE In fnete'ail kinds of GLASS WARE.I Also, a complete assortment Of BRITANNIA WARE, SILVER:PLATED . WA RE EZROBENE WARE, CHANDELIERS, LANTERNS, '&C., Be - brands of Kerosene OU The beet patent Fruit Jam bribe market, to be sold at the lowest prima. A-toll line of Looking Glasses. • Ali kinds of Glass Ware made to order. Agent for idleu Britannia J. T. WEIGHT. 226 Greenwith Street. April lc '.67. 2 doors I,eldw Barclay, N. 1% pE UNDERSIGNED,., HAVING Purchased the enUre interest or R. H. PATC Ia in thefirm of C. B. PATO ; prepared to offer to the eine Oointy and vicinity, a ifirge a stook of 'h GR.OOER Which I have purchased for C dent that can Bell at as low purchised elsewhere. I now o a splendid s tgok of TEAS, COFFEES, EiThROB, SALERATUS, Hare' oa bawl a large AKRON FLOUR, GRAHAM DO BYB DO . BIICKWDB AT DO. I kee9 eosaieetly ea Wad I rORIC, BABB, LAID swl Wadi of MM. Would all the at- batten of the public to oar Cae't Be Bat STOOK ,OF TOB A CCO, IR coallts , or prim. Jan Oatley's Oeiebr atai limadai. New York Canolcal sai l Brom Soap. lima all as make oar oro l of WOODEN WARE. Lew amortaisat of LUIS= 'mon, ton= BOAPtii &N i bs. 2 trUl pay the at exib pttoo tor QOUNTRY PRoDupz. noun give im s call Woo #ll persons indebted to the Palle 1,. if i ikon ce4 sad mats beasedisto pampa. 11. ram tinnoids • knob 13, INT. lita EIII ,BOOK;_ LAVA AND AND In . variety. CLOTHS, CUTTING Dope to ord..r. Agerkta for . And A4'CO., bi now ns of Bradford d well selected Els. b and feel cond gnres as can be er to the.public SUGARS, PICES, ac. MB Q. 13, !•A.Ton:: IMI M§MtMM/Mti ME t ; D B 0 R. 7 A! !pa ..‘. OLD! :00H- AUttrori sironz, vanzusup unairr Corner Misfit sad liiiiilZiteeeti. twit itoenuiudea *sell to his ittoilt; toll Mid eV . assortmen coostitoting an estesdre oambreeing msay *Miles turd in the Arts torehankal purposes. MIMI, selected with regard to the piogreesiew veldt cot the pa bile, which , will be kept oonstantly mfr. pi pa with , fresh Iwasaki. ses,and o ff ered on the most resmatble Um at' Wholesale or Retell, CiOnsistlng cst ; • )RUOS, MEDICINES, 'CHEMICALS,- ruornmei t . "BENZINE AND TORPg.NT,INE; BASS; PAIN T VARNISH, WRITPrif7AB6, . , . , .- • , And all kinds of !Brushes, • - --, KPBOSESE - • OR CO4 I OIL, Alcohid and Burning Flalda, . LAMPS, SHADES; mop, "'CHIMNEYS, \ " ( Sperm,iard.,.. Male, Nests-Foot, -TANNEIPS I AND. MACHINE OILS, Fancy and TC.lle iArtloloM In'all their variety, SPONGES, lIROESHES, -- BOAPH , COMBS, F Poinades, r . D7esi PerrrinTi , . . POCKET BO XS, - PORT 1 MON A IS,' , Pocket Entree, Ratio , 4 p ' ' TOOTH, pm AND HAIR PRE ABATIONS . •PB,BE W/CNES• AID LIQUORS, . i! .I I For bndle'sal us e, ' TOBAID0; SNOW', ' Pl7B A N D (f 1 161.11118, , t i O •ni kid and Friar Seeds, Trussea, Sap. .. . i Suspensories Shoulder Braces, 0 1 : . Pa pi, Teething Rings, Nursing • , Nipples, Nipple Shells and • ebb; Syringes, Bed! Pans,Self• , :.. ng Pndt 'Jars, Thermometers„ aro ,ng Extracts, Slone Jug*: Glue • Ware', Bottles, Vlals,,COrks. Bath Brick, and 'S • Blacking, Fishl T ,aekle, Ammuni tion, An ' . Botanic, &led - Wand Homcepath ' lc Medi Ines, and all the Popular Patent I clg S IcIiNf~ED. AU articles 'warranted as represented. Per sona at al distance. can receiveeir orders by stage or mail, which will receive tio prompt and careful attention. DR. P •,RTER'S PREPARATIONS FOB FAMILY . USE, Known as Safe and Reliable Remedies, are *- ranted for what they are intended to hive saris faction, viz : pt.- Porte r's P ectoral Syrup, for coughs, colds, lung comptaintsotadcail 00 Dr. Porter's Eclectic Pills, for bilious coin- ' plaints and mild cathartic.... 25 Dr. Porter's Smatter Syrup, for ski' . • 1 00 Pr. Porter's Uterine Tonic, for female weak nesi, 4-c .• 100 Dr. Porter $ Toti; Elixir for strengthening the stern, . Q.l 00 Dr. Porter's Ta y Schnappsdor liver and kid :ey complaints 1 00 Dr. Porter's Co p. Syr. Hypophomphites, . ous de I,y - 1 00 Dr PUrter's Ma kberry Ea m. for (liar. ' . &c.' rh i er. 36 Dr. Porter's Rattily Emb =Jot sprains bru;es • 4-e 45 D. Porter's Pee rat' Wafers, for hoarse ness, sore throat, 4-e 26 Dr. Porter's WO= Wafers, for expelling 26 Dr. Porter's Worm Syrup, for extermina ting umlaut 4 96 Dr. Porter's infant Relief, for crying twines ' - colic, $e.... as Dr. Porter's Cephalic Snuff for catarrh headache 26 Dr. Porter's TOothache Drops, for tooth , ache 25 Dr. -Porter's Tooth powder, for preserving teeth...; 26 Dr. Porter's Tr•loostene, for dressing and ' 60 growinl the hair 60 Dr, Porter's Triwaphile, . or beautifying the hair , - 50 Dr. Porter's Odoriferous Shampoo.for clean to the hair 60 Dr. porter , g Milk of,Elopers, for beautify. - . Ins the complexion ~... '6O Dr. Poiterls Pile 0 .ntment. for external , piles. - bo Dr. Porter's French compound. lot; scald. ' • lug urine 1 00 Dr. Potter's Medicated Pigs; • for habitual • constipation .... ... ... . 1 00 Dr. Po is Healing Salve, for cuts.wounds 15 Dr. Porter's Lip Salvti.for chapped lips.... 25 Dr. Porter's Eye 'Salve, for inflamed eyes.. 25 Dr. Portal's Eye IWater, for billamed eyes.. Dr. Porill,'s Corn and Wart Remover, for t ; corps and bunions Dr.Po Constipation Pills, for costive. Hess' Dr. Po r i se Iron Pills, for poor blood .. Dr. Pa ir7i Citrate Magnesia, btr a pleas: s i antCatharric 50. fee MOM Rennet, for making nn f tr.tious diet for invalids , 25 nos Extract Vanilla, for fl avoring i ice Cream, aro 40 er's gatract Lemon, for flavoring I ice oreamL-large bottles 40 ii's Ori;ital Cement, to. mending • 1 1 bro ens:smoke 25 ....!es Liquid Glue, for repairing 1 i .. wood work 25 Dr. Porte 4's Cleansing Plutd,for easy wash . • Dig ' ' 50 Dr. porte r 's Bed Bug Poison, for killing . 1 bogs ' 50 Dr. Port's Fly Podson Paper, for killing flies; 1. per, , / p.... 05_ Dr. Porter's Rat and Mice Poison, 101 l ea- terminating rats 25 Dr. Porter's Benzine, for removing spots - ' l fro clothes ! 25 - Dr. Porter's Bla ;k Ink, in pint bottles. 1 1 ... 25 'I . in hulk by the gay ion 100 1 . Dr. Porter's ill i e and Cattle Powder', for i dise es of animals- •$ o Dr. Porter's flo e and Cattle Lotion, for sprains. galbr.lrc - 50 Dr. Porter's Ring-Bone and Spavin -Cure, for lame horses .. 50 Dr. Po Dr. Po Dr. Por Dr. Por Dr: Por Medical advice given itntultonaly at the office, medicine.charging only for medicine. sir Thankful tor past liberal patrunage,would respecttu ly announce in Mb frienda and th e public, that no pains shall be spared to satinfY, and merle the cOntlernatl'on of • heir, confidence and putrdnage, C. PORTER, M. D. Dec. 18, 1886.—yr. -1 SOMETIIIING NEW! AGAIN IN 'MOTION Hayl ng purchased the stock of 'Tobacco belong ing to Hendon,' Comptoo do C , and having built a shanty on the saMe ground , we are pre pared to offer to the public WHOLESALE AND 'RETAIL A verlety of CHEWING TOBACCO, Such as Gold Leaf, Sandy Side, Pine Apple, itielligau Fig, Rose Leaf and Star, which we oder topside in qtuktititie; suit customers. Packages. In , Banda, halls and quarter i a. • 1 ' •• • - FANCY SMOKING. The celebrated hone Jack. ?tide of the lirnf • ted Stites, Vlrginistie Gold I*, Navy and kinds of Illlicknlck. !RANDS OP CIGARS. Mer►cae Eagle, Gel. Grant, Lieboquet, Perie. T3laical lad the .eery choicest braede of Iref will keep constantly on hand s variety of, Noir, agar wee, Tobtooo fuse and PouchT es and eyerythblg nensity kept In s Tobacco- Skink =riglondlordssupti Olgsre and Poll To. Moro on Mini . vir irp AO orders OF elle an shoo sotto. O. W. •Id 0 ' r. Oct. 97.18 57. EE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSES T AMR EoMrs lipaq lb/ Iteadtord , CASE CA AL 48,000 000. Yeentrinoome twat 12.006 co& TimuldsautY 25. 1 1217. W4lll. • INBl4'_ CLOTHING IN GREAT • 14 far imb abov oior a 80. • 1'714'5.4'. ',.''. '.':-... , tw.,- . i...- , I; - .1... : .: . :: .1- - - • ' •wy -- f .. -- • ' ' - • '•,.1.i i t , ' , il-... , - to ,-, 4, . f t ) r.. '- il l- . .ir i• - tr i 4 k. -,a• -.!, 1- ..... ,:' ''' . ':'-' '..i : 1 , ~, 3 .4- -. ., .' tzi - vo -1' rn , 4,, • ~,, ,f ,.. ' . 1 4 .., MARSHALL BROTHERS . Or to -- r Wish to call the attention of r tiM,'''' Idle , to their, new &MEW... 1, - --, •;,,,,,, ',,.... i. ... - HARDWABB. • • J ',i YARNING autumns; :: - 1. - - • -, BLACK Burros , aroouiv; , and CARPENTEIRSVPOCith. . Also, ii largeb assortment of ..3 i.. 1,.. • Windovt Glass, Rash, Paints', bus, _ 1 ratty, Varnishes, and Paint : . • _and Varnish Brushes' .:•V , • of all kinds, which will Ibe sold for: the lowest Cash price. Also, a flinel assortment Of - _KKILOSENIK LAMPS ", •• of every. style and pattetb to suit the r m. .1 ['Amps; repaired and 13haneil fre t '= ,Oil and Plaid to Kerosene. Portia:War attention paid to ,the manufacturing of all kinds of _ 1 TIN WAK E. ,r - i d °SUING Pl:01IPTILY . •TT ES:DEP TO • • We have on. itand , a tine article of 1 GLASS Faurr J A tt Li .- th improved spli-scalitig corks, and: • KEKkiKtICAL SP.A_LIN (3; , A IS 8 , htch is one of ' the beat .in.al used. - -I , • . June 20, 18 6 0 - ', - 1 ' • • R D W A, It' E ! ' CODDIN G & RUSSELL, ectiully inform their zustomets and the lo generally; that although the lire,ocea• d serious loss and te'bporary interruption it business- Re! pu eio llto El And have purchased al large stock of New 000ds, built a new S II A NT • Y: I S TORE And are fairly Reconstructed and doing busi ness again.- • The frout - of oar store is now on Pine street, about TOO feet from Main street, at E. T. Fox [now Powell a] old corner. If ybu eholild go into PoNell's and walk' straight through the wall of the back end of his store,. you would findiyea.self limong the stoves, pots, ken.l es, anvils, bellows and vices of oar new store. But as you can't got through the .iwall,jast walk up Pine street to our Shebang, 'lrhere we keep a full.tine of.Mardware. We have a great vane ty COOKING AND PARLOR TOVES, I \\ .1 AMERICAN, TRIBUNE, . EMPRESS, • STERLING, . _ ORIENTAL, MORNING tIGEUI , GAS , BURNER, &c ELMIRA KEROSENE OIL. nd do all sbrts of JOB WORK In cur line. iamb paid t.r Old Iron, Cast and Wrought ps, Copper, Brass, Sheep Pelts, Rags, Furs there, Bees Wax, .tc. We buy cheat', sell p. and are content with small profits, " CORDING h RUSSELL owanda, Sept. 12, 186.7. TWENTY-FIV YgARS'EXPERI- ENCE IN DENTISTRY. J. fd. SMITH, M..D., would reveetfully inform the inhabitants of Bradfind- County that he is permanently located In`Waverly, N. Y., where he has be.in in the practice of his profession for the past tour years. He would say that from his long and successful practice 0r25 years durfitiou he is familiar with all the different styles' of work done in any and all Dental Establishinents n-tity or country, and is better prepared than any other Dental operator la. the vicinity to do work the hest adapted to the Many and different cases that prrut themselves oftentimes; to the Dentist. ash n'derstauds the art of making his „own artificial teeth, and has .facilines for doing the same. those requiring undertett of teeth-be would call attention to his new ind of Work which-consists of porcelain fur both plate and teeth,And forming a continuous gum. It is more durable,. more natural la appearance, and much better fidapted..tp the gum than any other kind of work.. Thoseyln need of the sa'ate are invited to call and examine .specimens, l Teeth filled to last ter par.4;and ottentimes for life.— Chloroform, Fither, and " Nitrous Oxide " ad ministered with perfect safety, as over fobr hun dred patients within thelast lour years can tes tify. • I will be in Towanda from the 15th tol.3oth of every month, at the office of W. K. TAYLOR, ,(formerly occupied by Dr. 0. H. Viroodrult)— Haviitg made arrangements with Mr. Taylor, I am prepared td do all work in tho very beet style; a his.!uffiee. . April 23, Itt67, VANBITSKIRK, . OPERATIVE AND MECHANICAL DN'tIEVE, has opened rootris in the HeldLeman Block, directly oppo site the Metres House, for the practical; 6} his profession, and is prepared at all timesto per form all eperations belonging to Dentistry. The different kinds of Plate. Work, will bnlrecom molded smear lag to }heir honest' erit*; Nat ural Teeth tilled and restored 'to their origlital beauty, with material the best adapted to each ease. The greatest care and atten Hon will be given to the correction of irrega larities-and the extraction-of Teeth.' la' this Department of practice , the • Doctor would any be dahlia an amount of skill .and . experience equal to that possessed by any one in thbs or any other country. Teeth will be extracted without by the use of gas, chloroform o: ether,, and in a manner very satisfactory to pa 'cleats, as the, testimony, of hundreds can be shown. Please call and :examine specluiens ot our Stork, led be assured of the correctness, of the statements. Advicel and consultatkin tci 1, be cheerfvllyland gratuitously giv,en. , Towanda, June 6,1867.-6. m. . • r I lAitDl VG & ,StifALLEY, ' ving entered into a (*.partnership for, the tranesetion of the PROTOGRAPHIC business, at the rooms formerly qccupled by Wood and Warding, would respectfolly call the attention of thjs publiato several styles or Pictures whicl we make specialties, 4 noise Photographs, Plain, Penciled and Co rod, Opaltypes, Porce lain Pictires. (to., whi we claim for dermas -and brilliancy of tone d Artistic finish. eau ,nbt be excelled. We invi all to examine them as well as the more co n kinds of Po:traita which..., make, knowing full well that they will beta the closest hispection.. This Gallery eleinse the highest reputation halloo& work of any In this section of country, and we are de termini:l4 by a strict attention to filminess and the superior quality of okwork, to not only Main eat Increase lake enviable repailion. We keep coutantly ors nd the bast variety of Praises and at lower prices tAan at say other establielunaat in tow a. Also Pamepartouts • Card frames, Card -la. Mohnen' , Stereo scopes, Stereoscopic V -., and .!crything else of importance pertaining to the business. Give asan_early call • . , - . •N. B.lar hi nting for the trade on the most reasonable lemma. -D. HARDING, -Aug. U. %T. P. SMALLEY. A. R&BEEEt. WAIO HOUSE, OWAHU:ii, PA Ob Main Street, near the Odin House. • . O. S n . 13111T11;.Propiletor, Oct. 8, 1860. _ , KNOIN WM MEM , 14 • ' ls CO t . a ' " WE STILV SURVIVE!" Amon them 1, the A complete wi.g:rtnent of , Steel, Nails. Window GI tea, Bash. lie ro ,e Oil. Table-and Pocket Cutlery, Farm• ng Tools, Carpenters and 'Joiners T.,01p, Blacksmith Tools, Pumps, • Lead 'lpe, Powder, Gnns, y Pistols, &c. We are agents for mira Roiling Mill co.!8 Iron. DuroNl POWDER We manafactare SHEET /HON AND COPES tTong, flisteilaneons. -" 11 111 4 , .; ••• t cr'W R -a4 " Ei. %slaw." A., Thigisams' P CO.,' _ BLOOD & 8 0 1 Critinne-i0 nitioo.4'42thiiirkipto *Hanna ANI) CLEdIVE:RB,' AND irionsp - lOWEAS, TO tan the same, aad ire prepared to 111 order' PrzaPtlY• 1- • .1 • • - ON AS GOOD TERMS Al can be bought in . the Vaned' Stites. kai. lug been 16 years mimed' - In -osanefletnring Threshing Machines, we hare Weld Wale time narexpenee in , pe rfecting oar naohinee t and eleim to hare , _ T 1333 BEST SEPERATOB; One thatlrill uperak Me Al am from Mt drew store perfectly, and 'with lees • powrr than any other manmaktered. , Our Machines mamma good pay by , • TARESHING • T HE ST,I4W., As left bY most of the . machinesimed. They are very simple in ainstractlon. being am-- prised in o e piece so that i dies not require a mechanic to set time nl• er run. them ; they are all manntactured under our personal super vision. and we 1 , OHALLRNOR THE WORLD To show better WorkinanshiP or. material: Ev ery machine is set op and' - 'THDEOUGHLY TESTED. UNDER MOTION; Before leaving tho,Wo:ks;and are Warranted to be in Mirking . Order. They have been in practical' use fur several veers so that we are not advertising a new mchine every season, each - '• better than an' - thing ever beetle offered to the pablic.". 7Th y can be attached to Tread.. Powers, Sweep row ers. Btcam nr Water Power, and ;or DUR.A.;-BILITY"•. Perfection of Working .and Economy, trieir equal has not been invented. 0 - UR PRICES Are up low-as those of tidy other mannfaiturera and paptiea desiring to purchase. will And It to their intet.•st to examine our stock before pur chasing elsewhere. PRICE LISTS FIIItiiISHED Ou application.. All lands 01 AGRICULTURAL MACHINES On hand, and Mill Work, Engines:Boliars and maehit,e'ry.Ait all kinds got np to order prompt ly and on favorable'llerms. -13L000 it Cll. Athens,, Aug. 8, 1867. ORTH BRANCH FOUNDRY ,„ AND, Al AOUI N E 811.0 P Situated on Pihe, etie't, 01 Math Street, TOWAiiDA, .:BRADFORD CO., PA., • Ls now prepared to furnish • CLROULAIi SAW MILLS, • AND SHINGLE !MACHINES, • Of the tett finality .wlih the latest impiMre• eels. all, kinds of Idichlnery for Flaring and S.tw Mills.. STEAM , STEAM ENGINES,A MADE & REPAIRED,' STEAM STEAM WHISTLES, • STEAM GAGUES, 'GAUGE , COCKS, OIL CANS, &C:, FurLisbed at short notice. BOLT CIITTING - ,.- - Done from i to IT} inches In diameter. • FORGING 0: h • •vy wrought work for Bridges, and all other purposes, done to wder. 2!..140,_ a large assortment of COOKING & HEATING !STOVES, Coal and Wood Burners.- Fiarniture for Cooking Stores, Stove Pipe. Tin-Ware, %Boat Pumps, Plows, Cultivators and Lcrupers, kept constant. ly on hand. ' \ DRAWINGS 'itt, SPECIFICATIONS Of all kinds of machluely. Iformill i s and other purposes prepared by _ - WARREN-. HILL, Foreman j who has Dyad largJ, experience in. this branch of: the,busintiss. , ' i 0 HN 'CABMAN.. Towanda, Oct. 29, 186 G. 1 • Is. • CARRIAGES, NyA9ONSALEIGHS THE oim ESTA BLISUMENT S I'ILL IN OPER j ! ATIObi - . i I ~.. FELLOWS, 011..t.NipALL dr ; CO., . . Successors to Reynolds, Fellows A, Co., are now offering and are prepared• Fo furnish' on short notice, Wagons Carriages ) and eighs. of all descriptions and of the !a est and most aupro ved style, and of the • best material at the old stand opposite the Union }louse, in the can. tral part of Alba florong , Bradford County, Pa.'. The public are, assured hat the reputation the 'o3l:top has acquired'during the last six years 'under the superintendence old. 11. Fellows, will be more than maintained, as be will superin tend the work as'heretotore be having long been and having had much experience , as a Carriage and Sleigh Buildet, would assure the public that ao pains will be spared by the above firm to make the establishment worthy. f their pat ronage. 'Thankful AY one of the old firm lot the • patronage thus tar 'extended, we hope to merit a contiuusnee , oi the same. 24. IL—We, the undersigned, being practical methanies„ean manufacture and offer to the public at- pricis that will defy competition. JAMES EL FELLOWS, W..c._clz,kliui - 1.1. Alba 17.nough. 15, ly. 1 .0 / 1N -A. DA CARRIAGE FACTORY. • • - The uutlersignei respectfully .zunounee ter the public that they have parehased the C It It lAOE SII 0 P E H. DRAK ure now prepared to build work in THE -LAVESTLSTYLk, And most workmanlike Manner. -The, wil constantly keep on hand an assortment of splen did I TOP AND. )PRN BUGGIES, FAMILY CARRIAGES, pEMOCRAT AND LUMBER -WAGONS, olrE AND . T;gl !DIATILD ALBANY 'ALL' WORK WARRANTED. REPAIItING promptly 'attended to at,rea siniable i prices. BRYANT Ar. STULEN. Towanda, May 9,1887.-Iy. ' • N EW PLANING .- MILL • - The oadersigned having taut a large and And Kill in the Borough of Towanda, And filled it with the most, modern; and improved machinery, for the nuthufactare of • _WINDOW SASII, & BLINDS, are prepared to fill Orders', whether large or small, upon the shortest. •notice. We have also a large variety of MOULDINGS; Of the latest style and pattern, which we 'can furnish much cheaper than, they can be worked by hand., pL # l l , Wbiorrii t iT dvEiNG, - AND SCHOLL • SAWING, and, all other work pertaining to joinery, Ira bo done to suit our customers. . Persona building, and not Acing more tbah twelve to tonnes" mile. distant,- wfil Ind largely for their interest , to .buy of an; or het' - thoir lumber and worked.) by our meal& ...±t Bring your pistol Flooring.. or Atha} Jews. and while your team Is fa -feathee. Ambef f ground out,and take it holm witb,.r bare; It We will 'pay CASH for PINE d ' • " LIMBER delivered at:our fismlw _neamtsCH and see ua. orifyon ean't .kisr e 3.1..._„11/11.2 Come _L . 2_ . re, wri te. • TOiraUd3, Feb . .,1R64 ..7 JDGEES & Co. iniag IMMO 714144inteirt-k 1 . ; • , To W NDA' 1N,3112A NC E IPollifes limed,LossmadJuatoi/uiururaptljp - ai • lIPMEANt ;dom. Of thitpllowlag welt knows aid istiabie Co n , • psaki. Ofile. ifontsaye's - • 41irierik r !if 0# Atari* IntmaiosangrasT ? : • . '44l""':-.414,000,0G0 LIVI - 0001;411 7 0 Ltilitiestf Ltar t _Gt.' Lira lastraasesloo. - • CaBNal Sand= and pained Panel, ; • Assets In the Milted Dtetea, itti,l7l, 1,800,00i70 0 Daily Premiums, art:avia ot.tOolti) 17,001 Eseiaita htiarsamas Oactuurr, t Hirt,* el, Coast., t Capital.. _Wtpunte bisitirSeialtcl Cos PANT Wi4a•Ban e, Pa., Capital: . - - $150,q0 Sorra Aailiciii Taaniatlnsuiuncal Co.; - (Accidental) . - PM/adelphui, _ _ Capital ' " ibop,ooo • COinrioinon liproulan lxinralnesi Co., • I#l4l4wil, Conn., • Capital • 10.000,000 Towanda, Peb 4 . 20, UtB6—tt ErARTFORD LIVE' STOCK INSU• A.A. RANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL $600,000:' Cash emote Mon-1, 1806, • 1166,296 BS Insures 0n..a1l klidir of live stock, against theft and death fririarkey cause. H. B. McHEAN, Jan. 10;1867. - "Agent— Dec. . • D the Mare" Lady Mace," olned by MennieF. Flagg, of Boston, Maas., accidentally received a kick • (rod another,,horce, breaking her left Ore leg. above the knee. rendering it necessary to hillber lie an act of bnausity. In. • tared ire the RartfordLive Stock Insurance Com parry., Loss paid Dec. 6th 1867. VIRE, LIFE, AND ACCIDENTAL INSURANCE. CAPITAL REMDI/ENTICD OVER SEVENTEEN MILLION DOLLARS • 0, S.> RUSSELL, Agent,. /OR TAB FOLLOWING WAXID AILIABLX CONFI NYS GIRARD FIRE & BIAEINIZ INSURANCE I 4. COMPANY Philadelphia, f Capital and surOas . pver Hui!! histutaigap Couriarr; t - Of New- York. 1 - Capital aid surplus, over, INSURANCE CONNANY 0? NORTH A biILUICA, • [Philade/phia. Capital and 'astiplus, ofei $1,700,000 MA/mien:ix Isstaascs Coxe,arr, - of 117rt- Fo lk. - rk. • 1 Capital aud - surplami o'ver . / 44ikatIptleilf It•bUtiANCil COMPANY, Of 'Philadelphia; C3pitai and autplus, over.. INSVEAVON COMPANY, " ' - - Of Weir Yak. • Capital and swplue, 0ver.,,... PLYNA3/1 INSURANCE, VOYPABY, iiCtiftia., CO7l CapitAr and sorpins. evrr -• LIFE it:SCR/a:CU CaltrAxr,. - L, Of New- York . Capital and aurplus;ovef., . , TAANIILLEBEI INSMANCE bOIPAXTi Of fiartford, Conn. , ' • Capital and surplus, over.. „.;„ ‘,...100),01* i , Risks taken'on all kin i s ol Prvert, at as low rata as by any other reliable Compantee. Kir Policies isauetV arid Losaesi U any, ad justed at this Agency,thereby 'saving the trouble, and exPeitae•of going - elsewhere for , settlement. lair Office at the Hardwliere Store of ding it Etusnll - • C. S. RUSSELL , • Towanda, Feb. 7, 1860-11 T HE INSURANCE . COiPANY . OF Zi,ORTM AMERICA. Office No. 242 Wahint Street, Philadelphia. This Company are now prpeenting the no- i• fleas_ of Insurance from loss or damage hy FIRE on Buildings, Merchandise. Furnittire, throughout the State of Pennsylvania, ion Jibe! , al terms,for long or abort periods • or permanent ly of Buildings, by a deposit of iremluM. The prompt payment of claims for bsses,dg ing the period ot nearly 70 years that the Com parry has been in esistence. entitles them to th confidence of the public. , • Dis.i.4 , —rona.—Arthun G. Coffin, Samuel W. Jones, John A Browu, Charlie Taylor, AmbrOtle White,' Jno. R. Neff,q filthard D . . Wood, Wm. Welsh, .Wm. .E. Bowen, James N. Dickson, Morris 'Wain, John Mason, Get. 'L. -Harrison. Francis R. Cope. Edward ii. Trotter, Edward S Clarke, Wm:lCummingl. Aternue G. COFFIN, Pres'nt. C. S. 11115 ELL, Agent, Towanda. ~RMER'•S'MUTUAL FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY - OF MIDDLE YENIIHYLVANIA, 'Office in Danville, ikait4;ux Coant,y, Penn kl. Capital The Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Entallni4 of Middle Pennsylvania was incorporated by the • Pennsylvania Uegialatirre, in the year 1669, for the Mutual Immix:ice Of Country iiroperty only. 1 . and Jrnmediately the fter - conunenced its oper ations on that principi . which has been strict ly ,adhered to slime. AU losses have bee a r s o a mptly paid onto! the Premiums collected on application for insuraroda without making auy merits: 'The Insurance of Crtry proper.y oniy, the low rates charged tir I surance, and the prompt paiment of losses are deemed a-sufficient recom mendationof the Farwers Mutuai Fire hittir once Company of • Middle Penns lvania, to al owners of sate clasicolntry property. P. JOIINSON, Sec'y. Wm. Futaaa, Pres t. LUCIEN MYER, 'Agent. Towanda, Pa. II:It:A I).F - 0 R +ll arch 6. '66. REAL EST H. B. ,McIC.E4N, REAL ESTATE AGENT. ~ .1 . l • nl Valuable 'Parnis, Mill- Properties, City and Thl9ll Lots for sale. ' Partlee havingl pror u rty tor Bale vrtli find it to their advantage by ea a' description of the alma, with terms , fB4 lO ht this agency, as parties are eonstitntlyinq firing fdr farms &c. 11. B. MoKEAN, 1 . Rout Estate Agent. lock Towanda, Pa. Office Moittanye's Bii Jan. 29,„1867. LIVERPOOL AND LON DON AND -L4 GLOBE FIRE AND LIME INbURANCE COSIPANY.—Office, 45 William EL,. and 726 Broadway, N. T. - I Capital; Surplus and 11L . :erved Funds (Gold) - . ..1.... .516,271,675 Asseta in the UMW . d States, over ... ~100,000 *Ditlty Preminols,upwaids of (gold).. _17;000 The shareholders - p rso,nally respOusible lor engagements of-the mpany. All Directors must be shareholders. s • plexeroas is.hisw oue.—Francis Cottenet, Es Chairman, Henry Grinnell Esq., Deputy glmrman, Joaeph Gil' rd,' Jr., F.sq.' E. hi A bitraid,Esq., H. B. U. Consul, Alexander Mon, Jr., Esq., 110. , rt C. Ferguson. Esq. --. Allred Pell. Epq., dent Secretary. Ale x seder Hamilton, ,Jr,, ..., Counsel of Board. - - go-mas Phenix : . k—Cammanp fr, Co. The Palates of this Company are issued by. well-known American Weans resident In New. ; York,-who ire Director and Shareholders, and, comequently, with the other Shareholders. are : indliidually liable for lall the'engagements is. the Company ; all Policies are signed by them all claims are payable in cash ou, proof of toe's, _without deduction for Interest, and not, as fi astral, sixty 441 . 1 after presentation of proof/ They expire at,iut o'clock P. M., and nob at 114012. Life insurance effe cted; and , rinuttitifiLt granted on favorable tenni. _ II Et McKEAN, Jtgett. Towanda . April 23, Ufa. - t NEW A R R. - •'N GEVs IL -; . , . . ,} : • Al NEWS R 0011414 , , licv o i iiORE . The undersigned hav i i4 • • STORE AND NEWS , . 4reluised the BOOS respecting) , invitao J • . g of 4. 1. Griffiths, 13 Haul:Lent and the i -patrons of the *Haab -millet our stook • - 'a ' smite. to call and ex il•-►• . Ali , Om . j il . !: . i t' A . 41 P li irror,t *-TOW'AND • - ' • - 1 Having purchased this Bridge Street, I have re faith every coivenieit lion of all who nifty pat' .1 be iipared to make all pi! 1fty.11..'411..—u. J. hi. •WITSIO, , OR OW OTHER AR AIL TIME in oaf 112,4 badered at shoot notice oy at tbe. ,:NEWS . ROOM. BREAKFAST, PIN-ING, EXTEN ; ' :SION, and . Parlor Tables, al FROST'S: 5200,000 • $350,09 G $3,760,C;00 - 3900,4)00- ~....f30U,00q i 704 ,Of -758,000,00 Q $357,000 00 I) COUNTY TE Af3ENCY; ORD & BiRRZR F. X IMMIX HOTEL O. PA.; 1 ell known Hotel on . rnished and refitted for the aceonunOda t . hie are. No pains will ':. ant and agreeable. • ATTRIIsON , Prop.