Nan froth all Milani. —David M. Lyle, Eng., - Chief En gineer of the PhilvdeiphiaFireDepiaiiment, was found dead in hia office Monday morn. ing. Hedied of heart disease on Saturday afternoot —Senor Romero, late Mexican Min ister to Washington, has arrived af Vera Crnz, after s a perilous voyage." His friends are running hi m for Governor of the Stated Oaxaca. - - --A fire in. Plymonth,Maeg., on the `.sth instant, .debtroyed $5,0.50 worth of property, pertly insured. ---The new Hon- . se Committee on Way! and Means is said to bO oppoied to to the contractiimpolicy of Secretary McCul loch. —Hon. Louis W. Hull, late 'ipeak 1. er of the glate Satiate, waa mar ri ed Har risburg, to Miss Eliza C. Warford, 4 ghter • of Genera A. B. Warford. —The:demonstration in behalf Of the condemned Fenian took place in Lou. don on Sunday in Hyde Park. A procee sign'of two thousand men was. one of the features. Addrelises were made bondemning the executions, but the police were not cal lad upon to act. 2-The- Union Pacific Railroad is finished to the Rocky Moiuitains, 525 miles _ vest from N3analta, and Will be completed thirty miles further, to the highest point on the route, in January. The rock cutting on the western slope will continue through the winter. —A very destructive fire visited Ket•syille;N: V., on Saturday night, and de ,troyed several public and nnmemls private - , -The Austrian Minister of Finance hopes tor . an early srttlement of the finan cial position of the empire. —A malignant fever -prevails at _.,,-Cape town, and 514 cases Were , reported in five days by siz physicians. —The, American Consul General,C. Halo, is said, by a dispatch from Alexan dria, to have procured a decree from the Viceroy, permitting American missionaries and their converts to return to Egypt. --McClellan declines any govern ment,ofhee. The President has-appointed E. Cooper, his Private Secretary,as e Assis tant Secretary of the Treasury. It-is thought Ile will not be confirmed —The-French Chambers assembled on the ISt.h, and Napoleon stated that there was no longer any- objection to Berman ---They have organized au Emigra tion Society in Nashville, Tenn., to induce white 'folks to make' homes in that States —The President hopes Congress will torn its attention to, the financial condi- . t ion of the country. --The Wises have been indicted at Raltimore for trying to kill Pollard. —A fire at Oswego, N. Y., on the destroyed a grain, elevator and flour Mill and scorclied a schoonBr, besides mak ing ashes of a lumber pile. Two borises were also bitrnCd. - services in .honor of the into Governor Andrew took place in Boston on the,2Gth. —Th'e Lutheran General Con yen- Lion at Fort Wayne ; adjourned on the 20th :, ( die —A specimen',of the proposed in ternational coinage has been received in Washington from France. * . --The Alabama Reconstruction Convention his adopted an article assessing taxes equally, but allowing a poll tax of one dollar and a half for public schools. The Supreme Court Judges and the Chancellor are to be elected by the Legislature, all oth er: by the people. —Trains on the Macon and Angus id Railroad now run to Milledgeville, Ga. N • - 1 -Tile:Georgia Conservative Con• vention to organize opposition to the constitution, as niodifted by the Constitu tional Convention, --The Louisiana Constitntional convention organized the 26th,with a white president, and colored secretary, sergeant and i doorkeeper. --:Tbe steamboat Idaho exploded her boiler at NeaOrlesuu3 on the 2611), kil ling two men anatwomiding —The Grand Jury at Richmond on Wednesday, had ex-Secretary Seddon be fore diem. They found a new indictment, xpanding the old, on which Davis Will be taken,linto custody, March 22. Lee and Seddon are recognized as witnesses. . —Delegates to. the Virginia Recon ,trnetion Convention are arriving at Ytich mond. The Republicans desire Military proteetion'at the Polls hereafter.. —ln the,Lonisiana Convention, on Wednesday,a series of resolutions declaring the objects of Ritpublican party were tabled, :Ina the ConVention adjourned to Friday. —The coiner-stone of the halLpf the Young Men's Christian A.isociation - waa laid at Washington on Wednesday, General lioward,'Chief Justice Chase, Senator Wil son, Frelinghysen and others making ad dresses. =The Prussian Diet declares that the Constitution of the Kingdom guarantees free speech. Prussia has agreed to a gen e-al European Conference. France and Austria are pledged to , support the integrity of Turkey. —The British government was as 'ailed in the Commons on the 2Gthlfor send ing the-Abyssinian expedition. —Baron Von Bengt has declared that the temporal power of the Pope must be maintained. —The Colored State Convention of Lentncky met at Lexington on the 2fitb, to ask complete equality with white citizens. —The Tennessee House instructed Its Representatives in CongresS to vote for Mr. Johnson's impeachment —The electrotype plates seized by colonel - Wood prove to have: been those from whicn the spnrions $lOOO seven-thirty notes were printed. • —Six colored and four white men were publicly whipped at New Castle, Del., on Saturday, and fire were placed in the pillorY. —Ther,e were fifteen deaths from yellow fever in Memphis last week. —The Indiana have not arrived at 'North Platte," and the Committee have scat tered. - 7 The Coal =Mountain Coal Corn. pay's breaker near Mt. Carmel, watburn ed down Wednesday night of hat week. The. Soldiers' and Sailors' Union rant Gen. Grant for President.- ME ~x~~~ax~ ~~p!~►x~~x• rtow!tnda, Thuradv i Del 6,1861 THE intralwairzwr WITABTIoN. riC Judiciary:Committee to whom watt 'referred the.resolution of the 7th 01: 'March last, authorizing thein to in quire: into the official conduct of • the President of the United States, havo made their reports to Congress. Three repoita are. presented. .majority repOrt signed by Messrs. Boutwell, Thoinas, ; Churchill, < Wil liams and Lawrence, charges the President with 'high critnes_and mis demeanors, and recommends his Im peachment. The principal charges are in substance as follows : 1. Unconititational usurpation of power to organize civil state-govern ments. 2. of the right of Congress to con work of reorganization. 3. 'Elle7 ales of goVernment prop erty, espe tally Southern railroads, which were turned over to Southern men against the advice of the Secre tary of War and the Quartermaster General. 4. Wilful and,..corrupt _assumption of power 5. Corrupt and unconstitutional ex ercise and abuse of the Veto power. G. Abase or the pardoning power. This report concludes with the fol lowing resolution : Resolved, That Andrew Johnson, Presi dent of the United States be impeached of high crimes and misdemeanors. The report signed by two of the minority of the Committee, Messrs. Wilson and Woodbridge, „(Republi cans) differs from that of the majori- ty in that they regard many. of acts elnirged by the majority as not established by the evidence: The report concludes as l follows Judge him Politically, we muit p ; condemn him, but the day of political im achmenie would Abe a sad one for this conntv. Politi cal unfitness .and inclipacity must be fixed at the ballot-box, no m the- high court of _impeachment. We must therefore declare that the case before us presented by the tes timony. and measured by the law, does not; declare such crimes and misdemeanors with in the meaning of the; Constitution as re quires the interposition'. of the constitution al powers of this House, and recommend the adoption of the following resolution Resolved, That the Committee on the Ju diciary be discharged from the further con sideration of the proposed -impeachment of the President of the United States, and that. the subject be laid upon the table. - The report signed by the two Dfi m ._ pciatic members of the Cortr.aittep Messrs. Marshall'and Eldrid g e , w hil e concurring in. the coneitlP : ions of their associates of the rainr.rity, tat, noth ing in the testimony before the Com mittee presents a case for impeach ment, does not agree in their censure of the Presi.dent's political course.— They olor,e" their report as follows : "He (the President) after passing through his fiery ordeal, we have no hesitation in predicting, will have and retain all over the land, even to a greater extent than hereto fore, the respect and confidence of his coun trymen." MI The whole question has,been made the special order for the first Wednes day in December, and the country will look with interest to the - action of Congress with regard to it. The testimony taken is voluminous, and will of course be carefully read and pandered by those 'whose duty it is to vote upon the vital question in volved. The country looks to them to do their whole duty, and to be guided in their action, not by party feeling on the one hand or idle and unmanly fears on the other ; but by their conscience and judgment _alone. If Andrew Johnson, in the judg ment of Congress, deserves impeach ment and removal, let it be done. If he does not, as soon as that fact can be ascertained, dismiss the question and let irno longer be a subject of agitation. EntOPE.—ln an address to the French - Senate, Saturday, Minister MousriEsptated that the Frinch troops would be soon -withdrawn from the Roman territory,as their presence was only intended to'insnre the safety of the Pope. The question between the Holy Father and Italy was one of dis trnst, and the object of the genial Europe Congress was to remove this distrust. Italy has not yet acceded to the proposed European , Conference. Her deeslon will depend upon NAPOLEON'S reply to a demand for explanations which has just been addresgbd to. the French - Government. Mount Vesuvius is now reported to tie in a magnificent state of eruption. The obsequies of the executed Fenians were celebrated with great solemnity by the Irish iphabitants of Manchester, Sunday. A funeral pro cession passed through the streets and a meeting was held: The demon stration, though imposing, was how ever inferior to that which occurred in Cork, where fully 20,000 persons, .including over 1,500 women,followed for some distance ,a lofti , catafalque drawn by six horses. The proposed increase to, the-Hilt ish income ttw intended to' pay the exppses of the Abyssinian war, was pasSed to the second reading' the . House, of Commons Saturday.. A A meeting d American citizens was held in Berlin `Friday. - American politics and finances.were disciisSedi and the policy of Hon. Minims &B rims was violently denounced.' ,`' In the Austrian Roithsrath, Friday; a draft tor a sew Conatitation was adopted after a, strunnous reaistenee by the Liberals. - - , Cosaaess.—The regular session of Congress, commenced on Wednesday last. We,shall print 'Presidents Message in our next issue; • - out Uash 9gton Special a., . ldenee of the 11,3Rortim 4 W , , n Nov . mui. 7 t. 1 16, . , . , i... ---4 ? t, an twm 20thiiii„ . ,iiiiiit.t,alroßak...ol , oi.oth i ai l , , : ....bled cal. ThirSditylofinst *bk. - the ' lat last i;t.':'.. ,4.'it I, ':;•,f• -,•;•:::j. The .. day:wita lirinniol*itaitenlip in' thi prase ,I , tion of credentic*i s uid swearing in pf ne . Members. , A diSonssion arose riphn thedmission of the Tennessee dele gation, th Democracy- objecting 'upon the thigrckuid tthe , government of the Stafe of Teimesseci was not a constitutional govern mint. The entire delegation are radical, had they teen of a different stripe of poli tic, no o jectioii would have been made from that quarter. They were all admitted %km th.± criteritials, except Mr. Butle r. wit:, it w alleged had in sotneway,eorapro mbed hi .. 1 . elf, very early in; theTitabelliceN• •bu , after ds stood• earnestly by the Ott imi ; his •• e was referred t? the Committee onlElecti.i. . The erdentialspf several of th • Ken . hy delegation are, refetred to the ~,, ei -of Eleatiens upon chargettof dis loyalty. • " • I • ty am. tion ;mind in the closing mo 7 ' merits of the last Session, the Judiciary I:kinurtitte were compelled to submit the testimony bearing , on the' question of im peehmen of Andrew Johnson, on tha first dat.of th= &ikon. It ;was be soisubmit - . but the House extended the UM°, req.. •. ! the Counitittee to • submit thhir repo with the evidence accompany= ink it, on onday last. 011 that day, a ma lo fty of the Committee, Svel hi. number, Mrsrs.tailing, Pa.; Boutwell, 'Mass.; Ltrvrenc hie. ; Thomas, Md.; and Church ilhof New "ork, reported ip favor of prefer ritig articles of impeachment. A minority e, lii report, by Messrs. Wilson, of lowa, Chair man, and Mr. Woodbridge, of Vermont, (Republic )'was enbrUitted by Mr. Wil soh age' impeachment, but in •favor of cehsure, c aiming that the offence was po -lit cal, an not, within the meaning of the la,i, , an • dictable crime. ' Messrs. Maish-` altand El ridge, (Democrats) submitted 64 mina - ty report; entirely exacta , • g thp Presibut from all blame, or e.-- Tlfe gene .1 belief is that the •Hop .will stain the re art of Messrs. Vir icon and Wpodbrid . e ; 'but there will no oribt be a .lo g pro 44 disenssimi • np the consti eii tot 'anal a• d law questions volVed in. the c e, and t will be postpo ed from time to I• c and .. et disposed t i n until nearly the cl AEI of' is admirers tion ; and like a d th's b ad at a feast; Andmv Johnson w I prove an inn anew to the lt.pnblican p ty, tin, 1 the xpiri.',l o ,-. 0 Ce: "I of his tam of Froml, 9. •1( tiet cl'ay, the house adjourned Oyer until '..,nday last, to permit the Speak- Ito 1 1 / )are the Committees, and was in " irL'''a onday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, V II 13X the. again adjourned over to &bar tilty, to-.. orrow, which will close the Extra, fit First • ession of the •10th Congress, and li Cons tutional provision the Second or vigtdar '•ssion, will commence on Monday i txt at n. i The S nding Committees were announc t on M nday . last. Judge Mrmermi of your strict, 's on the Committee on Claims, 1:11 I slid upo the Select 'Committee on Somh eln Rail ads. = _, • - 1 1 The • st jects of the Currency:mid Tara- Colel 1. see to be the prominent queations of ilia and he approaching' Session. The pol- Iy of e retraction, and resumption, has its tilvocate'elnit so far as one can judge from tco espy ssieti , thus far lead, it cannot pre -1 mtiL ' T e policy of redeeming all loans ade afthr the o.eation q the-legal tender otes, or, the 25th Febritary, 1862, in legal mder netes,and all loans made'before that ilt coin was thi only legal tender Abe law, in coin, end the payment east in coin, oil such bonds as are y4ble in coin; seems to be the pol likely toprevail'. Mmittee of Ways and Means Wilke report a bill in favor of the repeal v on raw cotton, and it will no passed. The [louse has referred he Ciammittee. of Ways and Means, .poses to tat distilleries in proper , c number of gallons they have ca make, and repeal the specific tnx n, on whisky arilf other distilled The ..e, w own t , the in o, law p „tinost The C eed t the t. oubt ' bill to bleb p onto city t ler gall , On I:Witten of Mr. Wm. E: Robinson, of en Vol , , a resolution: is -referred to the mmit ' e on Foreign Affairs, wldcli pro ,ores th recall and impeachment of Mr. I' dams, ur liiinisler to England, for neg- CI of d ty, in not interfering in behalf' of .: thre te nians recently exeented by the t s) glish veriunent: • A :foil Resonition proposing the annexe -oti of t e territory comprising the Govern _fent of Mexico, to the 17nited States; has, ,een off:Ted by Mr. Miller, of Pa., and re )3rred to the Committee . on Foreign Rola-. Very Respectfully, .C. 1= Davis' TRIAL PosTPorma.—The Jeff Davis 'has again been ed until the 4 tlief March next. JEFF. ,rial of 6ostpo oth here ' w ie Cha ble to rties were ready for trial, bat as a desire to' have Chief e preside; which he- was not n at the present term. au Mycelium tuts. 12111 AND Great inilacempiate at J. .&.141tISTI/L't4 OABRI . AGZ -FACTORY. THE. Open andl d B u d a . Taalw price leigha— GM ~ I he work. mployed , m boo, • inn with Top &Talcs, of the Latest Styles. ty of light and heavy Platform wag. f the hest material and finish,. at very for the times. Alan plain and fancy ng. Sleighs atidllob Sleighs. "Spec taken In selection of took and with None but experienced - workmen are in each branch of inantifactme, and I" to give satisfaction - to all wbo favor sit custom. Au work _Warranted. ' L A. BRPATOLL Pa., Dec. 2,1867.4 w.: , ' „ Ath n 13,9 . isi S T 0 Y:..4 1 ~CFIBISTMAS TOYS! celveita•ipirto4' is;Ortninnt of • . AND :FANCY,: GOODS, Doll9,inxii thieci caosta larkand :everything , else• to. corms hyra, 4 91DERY P,ATTERNSI ionB;siipperst,l4.4,4 ()Do& aid 01 - ankee Notions: • see for yourselves, at - • , Nov. 5, - 1867.3* : CATITEIIt;, 1 ja3t TOYS critic twelve d pond. ESII3 - . fa•Cas )zinda of • 'Call an Towan EV' the i • m or 1868 account,. tore tli: Oiving e ad nave ,obr ao nd at all Pt -UP !-z-in, For.seqnence of ! beelth Of the Joulor I rartuer of the lomou ac Son,,he will retire front the ..pontrily.tot-the first day of Petra __All, claims- either Thy mote or book_ • et the firm, must. be settled and paid i t tithe. It id hoped that 'every one ,•ounts with us will heed thli nethie arther trouble: .ItLis • important the , a be -closed at the time indicated hazards they must be closed. /r- SOLOMO#BOIII, .N6CIT4•IBA7. • - Towan. I 11411 T, 1%." fipition al Aumonm I:lactodb.ji ;Town O - tn.-.,-tit : i Y t b 4 1,44 l tthitis ,t . o persons isr Intrusting account, as.l ihilrib - debts conk. b l n pt . le ,A; MI - C 49• ... • - i ,",-.. ,-, - , ... • . , BINI .' ~~ie~p_°:~ t~rhsateri#~r Bilt;;.lir 0 X Ri-Y" I • • , • • • AND • - f I , 1, IrkAM S TO r r -. 'Goons.. - ' -. OROOKERY. I " - The largest and, T I best assortment of 0 Crooker,7yet,open. Y ed this: County, i 1 .. '' S will, be - sold ,che._ WICKHAM & B a sLACK. • GLASSWARE. 1 4 amps,' Lanterns, • Birners, Wicks, Chimneys; Chan deliers,. Ize &c: at WICKHAM & BLACK 0 • 0 El FANCY GOODS in Chinn i Lava, Parsitin Marble, !, Glass, Wood, just received from -; Auction. WicsnAn Sc BLACK. , / T 'SILVER Plated Goods of tasty pater:l(mA every • - piece, warranted), S received from the 1 nianufactzurer., WICKHAM & BLACK. KNIVES, Forks 4 Spoons, &e: , These T v T lines of goods we 01 _ 0 either get direct of the importer or . ,S $ • _ manufactnOr. WICKHAM & :BLACK cxr~zsAs, MEI WICK HAAI - BLACK Towan'a, rec. 2. 1857. 0 cl., a. g: 0 0 ,0 W N N FOR SALE.—#Sixty acres of int proved land, with a newer fatlin g thereon; situated' within ose•and-a- half miles from tab Borough of Towanda. For furthar partial:UM, and terms of ,cafe, enquire of W W. Hingsbury - Morth Towanda, CAIITICIN.-L-Whereas my wife Elizabeth has left my bed and board with out just 'cause provocation. 1 hereby forbid ail persons hiehotiny or hosting her on my account,as 1 will`pay no debts of her contract leg after this date. LE,VI BEAVER, 'Barclay;liftiv. 19, 1887 ,* THE FIST NATIONAT, 1 L Tho First National Blacksmith ,Shop of Catnptown, Pa „Ise this day declared a-diyi dead on •Horse Shoeing of 25 per cent., to be equally divided among customers, owing to the favorable patronale received in the past year. We are prepared to shoe yourhorses with shoes 'made from the best of N.. Y. Iron, on short no tice, and we guarrantee to entire satildac tion.BB we warrant all work At this. shop.— Farmers and others from a distance will find it to their adVantage to call at:this shop, which they will find on idech is Street, between C, Avery's store and the Aoadeiny Building. , JOSEPH P. LEN— Camptown, Nov. 20, 2if67.--3m. JEW ELRYISTO . RE AT DUSHORE A. YOUNG, • i• Worms the cttisens of - Sullivan county that. e has opened a Jewelry:Store, in the . huilding op= hosite Welles Abkley's store; Dashore, when e will keep on hand an ssaorttnent of JEWELRY, IWATGRES, AND CLOCKS, Which willle sold u low as at any otterplace in the coontry: Particular attention paid to Watch and Clock Repairing: Or Give alien call, as many years' experi ence will enable pro - to give satteactign. Dushore, Oet.9. Piet: ' • 17ALITAB4VHOTAL 'FOI!,gAL. • BRADFORD HOUSE WAVER!. , N. 'lr. In consequence of dommitleadlittlon. and the Ul-health of the pro_prletor,.thia very des irable . 11citel prcpPity Is offered ferule: - The Bradford Item. fa Attested chnvenbuttly ,near the depot of the Erte.ltathray. and It one, f the moat desirable Tavern stands In the hosui ttry.• 'The building* have been put in thorough repair, 'and compriat everything, thing. itectint• - ry for doing a larim busluetia.l 'The b'nruttime, will be sold with the now ; Price. low," terms made easy. and 'lmmediate pasession 'skew •d igt Tawan da AA P: KIMBALL, Licensed Anc.; Pottaimille4 .Braliford Ca. - Pi.. ten abbe aervicepitObi-pitalci., Patlaraction guarantee - Am tin pax rtipnixed. - All gays J) man; ladmemearas Mover; will'aecelvi: pomp attention: .; MISCEIOUNEPP! .14°11IBOOM ennt. at ibe ' PHOTOGRAPH MAINS' Ora/ S:laa utir*st ibe lrEC ROOM, INIS . I OWEL & -COi VXTENSIV.W.) PREiARATF ADE ! • . . ; We are now. ring an . nnosua Ily . 1.1.A.76 'STOOK., Adwatai the neuron oitgli ban been inv."- cli slime the recent • Great Decline • in . P :-••!" - • 1 ; WINTER t - - 1 1 0 U,;R ..' : c.,,-qs,l,.o:mwßis• 3::i.?m!se poops Everjtbing new (it'd desirAle will.bctound CLOTHS &'PATCY ' OLOAKINOIIII Domestic Gbtto'n GoodS 1 ECNK=E3 = dO7TON I.7AI.IRICSI GREAT;OARGAIN'SI i-xl 1 • t-1 t-i tit Q. tit, Shawls I Shawls I Shawls I z t: ALL COLORS' AND QUALITIES ! r e. - IY, I tit X B. T. PDX 221 1 ~•I EMU =Si MI Igiii 'We pledfie - , etirselire; to give • 1 1 Thefoll beßellt,ol the , ,peellue • !, ME In title Department , at a ..great:redoe lion from,form er It:titre firgateSit variety at reduced itrieep. -.,=, I We have jovt, pm-A*4, largely of 061 , 4 In, thin line, and hive'-on ha nd the moat 7` iksitatile . st y les and waken of %UM! we otter af• Painley I;Ong nod Eiquare iihawls, in ft ne qualities, Brache WI awls, Frea.:ll and Gerugn, Long and-Square Woof 7.ongifilhawls of all, the - kon makes .! In nl.l3slze And i.nlorn, • FURS! FURS! 1 UkS' ! We Mat to paitieu lar atlentiAt to onr Betel; of Lndles! and dbildien 's Fans, consist lug ol Mink,.l;tch, 3 itierLn rel, River. Mink, Coney.,te.,,te hwe oflilat a • VERY TAR6E . REDUCTION_ From LA . yebr . 4 pice HATS AND CAPS! We are now receiving direct twin ShinOfac tarot's Ike issgsbt stock of lists and Cape we , hive ever exhibited, ALL NEW STYLE:4I \,.t esreuliogly low prietba. BOdti , ANA SHOES.! Cur steak ofPoot4 and Shp( s is at maid complete In every respect.' Most of the / goods weselt In title line, arelnan ufactureti expressly . r 0 If U R R ! , And wat.ranted. * : . We have hais p a asia entc . " . • enite the 'great tgiriety.,:ef ag )4B with .394,41';e0 . Store .fitled, but respeetfUllj . in vite-the - eine/Won of *Pub /ie Gineral - Stook,whieh 101Leonstantli beftruuct, Ple#l4. W:DePaitlonu. 'PO WE CO Ibivitnda Nov.ll 1867. =E - *6 4.. 4 tohinm. - :' 0 , . e° ' - : _. -4 ;. .:.. r-...,..,-.. •., , ,ri. , ~, . z. , .... - -, j . Gil- : 6 . • &a - 1 • -,. ,if , ~ , --al 8 . • PI ‘4,4 1 • W" - 6,- . ca - . .., , .... o - i- - - . .: ,P2,_,.,_ ..-- cil 7 ,0, - t ASEkiIiTMENT OF BOOTS& 191-101 ES D AiL Y ,4,-0,--P'I.T.IQ:N..SI FALL AND WINTER TRADE.! WOLF ROBES BUFFALO ROBES, FANCY ROBES, II 0,11 'SM. LA .N FO' IN THIS' MAIL ET! TRUNKS, TR/LViLL*4 BAG.S. HARNESS; SADDLES, WfIIPS, 0 = . 0 co 6 co 4.‘ 1. ~... 'LI dc` 4:. •-• C.) V V +a '' . 0 f'' ~.,,. • • 0, LC tr . 4 7. 4 g. o G. p4 let us • V.' .4 0 ' A ' , 0 ,2 15 op.. , .. - 4 , xi 02 - I.) -- i.. = § a A-. a - v • I- , , .. a C,) 4_, = Pr P 4 • "*. Cid. ° , - • " a', m • .—. • ..0 0 Z A 7 5 .4: , :2 les r 6 541112+1 `samalis tsaguvn SOVEU - fitkIIITJAVILT, `SNUITI • , jo•soun ptw Atom ikLamlrvlc 141 1 . . a X Isl 'I 11. S 011 - sactou ADKva `Saitoll 0r1V.3,11.14 , * N `sattog 3iloAt ~~f+ 1 11HINTA1 (ENV i'§kb - i tiija:(ft-v -- -, ' - 2vri v' a =I El azolio: T pai. T loc)er IF " 17, t' • 4 14' ° ' ME =I MN Is . receiving Of Goods suited to the Largest assortutes AND I Ever offered • New and lines of • It*ory varjety of AC., B.c;, 3? '3? '3? Siegv.t dao.ta pozogo zata .asv. luottrimi Wawa eft) 01 Re1P1,413P009.f0 2rumboal • ,r ap : Ltaihnom urio MEM , . • zi p . • '544. • •: c 47, o- , -, , 1 --:-.., ,:g 4 2-.. 0 . " 1 -'_ ,'...0. =4,....H_: : 52 , • • 11.,., - THE ORE4:4II,OOERY I , • The_palmeribtit ire--to& announce 44:1 the Publie;iihatOey have cam inopmthulli * det4era r in tkßougmEk-- - -1% .SIONS, GRAIN and. COUNTRY PRO DUCE, at the 'Bridge Street corner .of Patton's Block and Mthat. they on hand and design to keep, a complptoassormsntafpogs adapfed to the wants of 'the ` village and country trade.' ..• They *child respectfully invite an examination of their Stock arid comparison 0' the same with any other goods' in the" Mail* as to quality and price: BM They are; provided with ample and • efficient help to give prompt -at tention to customers, and will give careful attention toall,orden placed in their hands.' • - -We pay. Cash for PRODUCE anii sell . goods fgt. Ready Pay. LONG & I(FELER Toianda,:Bept,._ 17,- 1861. EW GROC E RY AND PB.OVI- SPIN ~STORE 1 THOMAS J. .10. V flaa opened a uew Grocery and Provision Store P4Vton's Block,: in the stony formerly o.cen pied by Solomon.* Son.-where he not oiler e to the public II /mg° aopply of , ROCEII,IO AND PROVISIONS, Of the best quality, and to beisold at the vEgy. LOWEir PRWE9. The stock contain s . TEAS, COFFEES, ' SUGARS, SUGAS, AC. ALSO • ' FLOUR.; '-'rEgEo, MEAL ; &c In tact i'vetything usually kept in a Grq eery and ProvNiun btorti, which I shall a:II as low as can be bought elsewhere. oar Cash will be p rld for all kins , a of pj o un try PrStince. ' .Towanda, Oct 11, .1 . • . . , NfIV GROC-E.14,1E.5.1 W. A. ROCKWELL'S. IC A I4ED_ PINE 'APPLES, PEACHES, PLUMS OF ALL KINDS, AN() CAN NED OYSTERS DRIED AP LES, PEACHES, PRUNES, CHERRIES, t 4(3.. &C.. &c TEA 4, S 4 ITGARS,. SYRtt's, Id 0 tiAssk s, OOF F E Of alfkindA, in tact everything:in the GIROCERY- Will be kept constantly on band FLOUFI,FEED,BWAND, POTATOES, BUTTER, LARD, EGGS, AND EVERT-) VARIETY OF FARMERS FRORFCE. DRY GOODS- OF A-4L VARIETIES; Purchased at irlo LOWEST POINT IN THE MARKET And will be no'd att CHEAP • AS THE CHEAPEST 1 TO THE FARMER". CASH PATH YOB • - ALL KINDS' OF' PRODUCE M y 23, ISP. THE PEOPLE'S BENEFIT . I SoMETHING 11F:w N FLOUR! 200 I'OUNIM A HARta:t.! n)juNTAIN'S • PREMIUM- FLOUR, iw IN 12ISE TS Manufactured - by the stabserl bees in htichigan from the I)?.it cel ehrateu • •r • . • MICHIGAN WHITE WHEAT. This favorit:!,Fiour has no eupetior: qt np in 4 TWO . 41.1NPRHI) PEIIIIiD 'BARREL:3 =II OR 50 POUND SACKS., And made exclusively to suit thee mill want of the mail Vide. Tpt, - .:BIG BARRELS, MEM E S . 1 1 " F 0' -V 11'1 Cash Dealers supplied at a small advance from coat of MatiVacturiug . , • . • Wholesale Flout:kr at Etat N. Y. Aikt. 22, 1867 mHE uookriroliturtrAt PIER .L.,inanrace Amoy forikad 'ant Conll,ll. ' . CkPITAI43I.4OO. I OIOe • • Natuni ash plait4inacesatut. opera:llas oi a twenty ieveit,yesize„ „ NatitA .41oriattii Towanda, Jfly 'Mina , fL . NEW GOODS t SPICES, A tresti ' lot oT W. A.. ROCKWELL And the - t - .• Ate: F481114N44.131,13 I'AIiANUNG - A 4. DAvlitBoll. ifigpoistfidly ,alOlOllllOlll to thelathe that be hi• opened a Tailor Elle2pria Bee Ington Born' nod will eat sa4 inabeNes-stel Bop Onrlnents lir the stet substantial sad - ltashable tun. nor: ...MTH% 111!OO on *bon notice end on resiteable terms. .• .1 1 trtleoket- attention Oleo - ta. Cleaning and IViritilottjas ot all nods_ • b pague. - efept.l,lB67. Ns' B°' TAND - ?4,19E STORE '6; B;;TITQ& Besiieetfully in Dane the citizens 01. Towanda" Borough, t at lie tras_samened a Boot sad Shoe %bop to IClrbta &High*. .west side of Math street,Wbere boy will keep on hands stock or • ; • BoOTS AND SHOES, ; Ado Oct to Men's and Wetnen's wear, to wh'ch tie inettes the attention or the public. .Particelar care will be Odd to is saufactaring the very. het stbek wilt be used, and the work. masablp will be warranted tint class. The-pa tronage of the p. bile is sollefted, confident that satisfaction can be g ift n _- Old Rubber' Boots and 'Mots neatly patched andhaDeoled. I Rubber doles attached to loath. -- er boots., RE P4IIIING. TER PER CiEIVT.BR LOW ti'S 'V AL ltdir A" S. Towand Sept. 3,18 GT. . , . - B, K tLLY, , _Office over Wickham& Black's, Towanda:Pa. All the -newts Miles. of Wait scientifically • done sal , warranted. Particular , attention le called tothe Allmninum ' Base 'Mr Artificial Teeth: which: lal'ecioally - . is good as Gold and far superfon to either Bobber or Silver. P ease call and examine specimens. Ohlorotorm of administered Wider di rdction of .a Phialcian when desired. Aug.6.1867.—tf. , . CL 0 PALL AND,. CODEX b. ROSENFIp D, (Next door to; Fox, Stevens, .Meren? h rn4) J ui!l received :their : FALL' AND..WINTER CLOTHING, - • From New York, and the attention of the pub lic la invited to tbq lerac and' attractive stock of ReadS-Kacle, lien's and 134'a L - 0 'T. fl. INGI • Now olTcVed to thepublic aieloweat market • prices; and Which will be , sold • cheaper than any other atoreiln,ibiskplace or vicinity. They have just opened a fine assortment of Coods, suited for the season. Call and see - the new - styles, comprising the following articles I)oeskin, Pilot J- Beazer Overcoats, BUSINESS' SUITS, ALL STYLES, Doeskin and Cablimere PA. 'P S:AN . I) VESTS, Of all grades for men and boys wear, ifriOtre also a fine assortment of • GENTS. • FURNISHIN G G 09DS, Such as Plain and Fancy Cassimerea. Shiria,Limen and. Muslin ,fbirla,,Undershirta - and Drawers. Overalls and.,Over•ahirts, Linen and Papa-06111ra land Cub. Buspen • ders,ploves4 Tlea,-.Traveling Bags, and a-good" stock of FI,A S AN. D `' : A P S Sewing a- zasui constantly in New York, send- Ing them Ova, they are prepared to sell to thee trade reasonably, and to. caddy- your deni m call and See lima; and convince youvfielf of the' fact, that theV sell the cheapest. •• CO,REN -& R9SENFIEII). Nezt.dcior to Fez. Stevens, Mercdi & Co. Towanda. Sept. 12,168?: PLANT FRUIT AND •ORNAMEN , T A I,,TREES, VINES ANI) FLOWER! • ; Remember that at the • _ • i TOWANDA' HOME NURSERY • • You can boy ANYTHING yel may want lathe line of NURSERY TREES, IVLNES, SHRUBS and FLOWERS. It not on hand leave or give year order., and It wlil be carefully and liatis -factotily filled: I can supply you with THRIFTY APPLE TREES. • .- • splendidly • rooted. 'VERY : PINE PEAR TREES, • Also, PLU X,-CHERRY. QUINCE , SIBERIAN CRAB and PEACH TREES. Mao, DWARF PEAR,T - • CHERRY, PEACH and APPLE TREES GRAPE .VINES of aU the best varies ties; fromryear to 3 years old. EVERGREENS MOUNTAIN ASHES, HORSE CHESTNUTS, WILLOWS,ac., Ac. Come and' see, or send your-orders • WELLES: Towanda,Oct'. 1,1867. • B URNED 'OUT • - • • • M. L COI INS ,• ! a ,; . _ . Having had is store burned. at the late fire, is desirous of disposing 014 s entire stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, (;A OOHS; 4 NMI TRIIMINGS, GENT'S FURNISHING !GOODS, HATS, I CAPS, These wpm's iii e hi geo,) condition and - wiii be sofa ! ' .- I .. . • 1 1 iii i 20 PE I CENT EEO* COST, • • . . .As I am ob igd to Giese oufthe stock for want of kploce to do basinesi in. Don't neglect this opportunity for birgains. Cull at the ntw wood building. second stem be low &Weenies block; east side of Main street, nearly opposite theMeana . Reese. 111. NOTICE.—AII person a indebted to the under signed. confer a favor by. calling and set thing up imnselliately, and !lava them-elver Cost, J. M. COLLINS. Tairandi. ing.29. '67.: - 11E1 .TORK AND NEW GOODS N EW a TH4, IpTEW YOBK NAURU russa AP f 3 THE: CHEAP'S/3T lEE Tibetaguevo_ptitchased the building I byl 'V J.: !Noble,. (6ne door south n's Iropk;) Ind.have 4114 it with t. "EN4Nif PROVISIO NS, "gff WILLOW. WARg, Feline of all •kinda In their Muoi, (freah and dr oil); in tact t erery thiagsignally - found In that• ' • • The sub lately owoe of Bel. ~, OROCE EIII P 8.1 -0 N B _T 0 E A'aliaieot the. patronage of Toirande and ei elnity la respectfully solicited. We willpaythe higher: marktt puke for all klnditot • GEE i!itoDll47l3. . . We ALSO have the sole Agency for Bradford and adjoining counties for . the afoot the Cele brated Virginia and Neritr, Carolina Smoking Tobacco, ♦ liberal discount made to this trade. • BRa I BAL. I 4 4 wimpL. ,Toinutast_Apors,lBB7., SSI ERES,