Nuns font -aIL !dim. --Tike .Re t treabluneAt Cammit,tee ask for information as to "lief the knees in the bureau of General Spinier ithienhe look aloe. - . ,-The war in Prete is renewed with tresh enemy; The Binding, Praia= e. andlPisech ate still nnwirsing.non-c,ornbat ants-to 'Greece. An American lady has in `? creased Anglican prestige in the East and strengthened Greelt deterninatiouby mad dress. --President Juarez has allowed the transportation of United Stitaiwas7 mats rial from Gluons thmigli Sonora Wolof.- zona.. —Mr. Charles - Dickens reached Boston, - Tuesday ertming, on the Cuba. A steamer with Mends on. oas went to wel- come him. • =The steamer Ocean • Wave was sinnk in Mobile, lower bay, Tuesday. eve- ning, by running on obstra!tions. • Newman HaC,addreasiii the blacks at ItiCtunotA r r - Va., 'in presence of GovemorTehwat and Gieneral Brown. —The Great Republic, from China aid Japan, has arrived at San Franaisco. • —The Alabama Ileconstructien, Convention agreed in Tuesday evening's -:session - not to disfranchise those who fail to rote on the new , Conatitntion, as they 44, previously' decided to do. —The birth-day of - Queen Isabella was celebrated in Haven on the 18th. —A steamboat with seven hundred balvt of cotton was burned on the Alabama river prt the 18th. " —The Postal Conventions with the North German Union, including Prussia and Switzerland, and that With Mini, are ready for the President's signature. the Alabama Convention, the Military Committee reported sn ordinance to•organize a State volunteer militia,subject ti► the Governer's orders. The majority re port on the franchise question Ina sustained -19 to lt. It disfranchises all who do not vote on the new.Cinurtitntion,and binds the voters never to contest negro suffrage, or to maltreat any for loyal conduct in the past • —The amount to be paid 'tor the Danish Islands•is $7,500,000. The French have no liens upon them. The cession is dependent on the 'sill of the inhabitants, And Mr. Hawley has gone to see them. —Mr. Seward has asked England to show clemency to O'Brien and McCotat . , don, Fenian under sentence of death at Manchester. —The workingmen in Washington serenaded Gen. S. P. Carey, M. C. from Ohio, on Tuesday evening. —Wm. ' Meeker and Caleb Ding well have been arrested at Newark for gar rOting and robbing ti - man. A committee fiam Newark are examining the health art em and public institutions of Boston. —The Mississippi Railway has been reorganized by the election of a new board of Directors. Wm. B. Griswold is president. 1u Wilmington, N. C., the eltc don was quiet.. The Radicals carried every thing, and not one negro voted a Conserva tive ticket. . —The Alabama Reconstruction Convention is in session, and the Radicals have control. They are said to moderate their demands, ntioer instrnotions from Washington. —The Convention is thought to be .laeat,sl in Mississippi. The yolk . was ,mall. --The Sub-committee on Retrench ment, having made some examinations at New York. think that the system for cheat inglhe government is better organised that for collecting the taxes. One of the mem bers favors a reduction of the whisky tax, since not one-fifth of the distillation now pays as it should. —ln October. 64,000 acres of pub lic lan& were sold at St. Cloud, Minnesota. —Fitz Greene lthilleck, the poet, died November 19, Aged 80 years. —Two ear-loads of firearms ar rived at Montpelier, Vt., on the 19th, con signed to a notorious Fenian. —The submarine telegraph cable across Chesapeak bay is to be taken up and sold. It is twenty-three miles long. —The hurricane at Thomas is con firmed. It destroyed seventy-nine vessels ( and Biz hundred lives in the Indies. —The Feejeana_ killed an eat a missionary and six native Chriatiaas. —The gold fields and copper mines of Qapinsland are doing well, and-new gold mines have been discovered in New Zeal and. —Nuuterous revolts occur in rein, and troops have been sent against the tab- —Spain has recalled the Admiral audit part" of its South Pacific aqiaclrea near Chili. —The43tw • Reconstruction Cet vention will assemble at Atlanta, December 9th. prizefight came off nese fcc tersburg, Va., on the 20th. Troops . arms ted the principals, and some of the spec tam: —The election in South Carolina was quiet the whites generally declined to Tote, • ( • ' —lnjunctions prev,ented the deo, Lion of Directors for the Peal& Mail Steam ship Company at New York on Wedziesday . -North Carolina has probe ly given 26,000 majority for the Convention. —Jeff. Davis reacliekt - Aichmo d Friday, morning. • —ThO Committee on - the Judiciary meet I fni Saturday to harmonize theit4e ports. j The report will be made - it the be. ginnhig of the week. —The weather is very mild in'Da ,eotali. —The Kansas City and' Cam4on Railroad was finished, connecting with Chicago, Pia Ramibal,and St Joseph. fire at Rockford, Ind., deat ey ed property te e the 'melee 0rE20,000, unin' . • —The Italian Diet meets Decem tier sth. and Menebrea will be its Sat dent. ~. • , —Tortola was not deetroyedin .he hurricane, and suffered no narrer c iiiip , llil L adjacent islands. , .-. ... . 1. ~ ... —lt -iErelated that. pr. l o teingal a was alive' Seven . mouths ego, 'and in middle Africa. 111:$000-540tet. : l iana% ThlindaY ' ISO% 28 1/ 167 , mu wietriatirWiClinalOok.',l • We have befoil i o,Adiod :110/44ai, rises had ,mad'- pmiTilon fOi;'the payment of thir . ,principat ti t bonds called .5;20;140 4 "and I 0 I boads.sia =dm - , Eectiidl -4 :act *mini* 5-20 Insti,__ provides,, that, all duties 6 0 444 imPaqB, Bl o l be paid in Ceti, and thenlitaidt*,." that the coin o .edni paid Audi be sef apart, as a s midi 1 - fund,landehall be applied as fe!o n.t• ReP l ('First, to the paymentin,Coinief a fori interest on the londs_and-it '_, !he United; tates. -- : . . j,: . 1 . :.‘ ty ' .k-c 4 4 14 ,--forl'4, iflrefhase GT'n#Yt 61 . ' nient;of 1 per cent. of the entire-debt i l n±. of this United States, for theeieaton of ,a sinking fund, for the paym ent t ie all the public debt.. . .., The virtue and vttlue of, i sinking fund consists . -in this,:i that ,ii entail ,sum "set apart, - perlispe only the4Tn thousandth of the_prineirial a debt, will in time, --aCoultinlate off " become equal to the debt it waede .. .1 signed to 'pay ; ' for while the pripci pal of the debt siecimulates by lim ple interest, the sinking fund greiws, by compound interest, and esiery school boy will tell you the e act month, and day, when a sinking *id of only $lO,OOO, will buy up a thou sand millions of bonds or debts ;lied all the while We process , is going on the government experiences n di mintition'of iteresezmrces, - exceptthe _original $lO,OOO, and its annua4 ac criing simple interest. But that al 'government may reap the. full +lee of the measure, it must most sacred= ly andseligionsly abstaiu from touch ing it. On no emergency may :I dol lar be taken from it, for, if one ad ministration-borrows from it tr.picov er a deficit, another will, nutilit is entirely dissipited, and tile s ystem overthrown, Our own debt. might I be paid off in less than fifty years, and our people hardly know hlw, if this sinking fund were only honestly and intelligently applied, by honest and intelligent men. ' It nevhas l failed, it never can fail, when mau aged discreetly and properly and each adMinistration,, and Con4ress,' for the next fifty years, can in no way dschaege their duties sol well, aslook carefully to its execntion. l o ll this is said Tinder the iMpres sio that Congress, or the Semletary of the Treasury, has in fact, illatitu ted a sinking fund in. obedience to - the law. One per cent. of 'the iwinile debt was really au abtindant begin ning, and we may confidently expect to feel the influence •of the measure I 1 ere long, in the lessened taxation wh ch must result. Now bet* is an en! ghtened, reasonable, philoOpitic me sure CO pay Cbibond-holdetis, aid' all they •creditors of the nation.— , Gen,llntler has told you hiii liroject, to it, the Making another bttch of legal tenders, which, after al l, must be redeemed some time' or arother; and still further diluting a currency 45 per cent. below par. Willett, 0, mot intelligent reader, do yim pre fer ? for you have got to chooile. . e would like to know wi other se orgy oneneed to have, t ilt both pr ncipal and Interest of these bonds, and all' indebtedness, will beipaid in Gem ? In - this act l a sinking !fond is -1. ' 1 , established to pay it, and tohuther that fund exists ter not, the otiigalioe is acknowledged, and that is l enough as between honorable parties. It would seem that Gen. %det looked no efiarper into the provisionp Clethis statute, than he did into the flefences l of Fort Fisher, as he has trade a prodigious blunder in each instance the first blunder to the gr4tt detrir meut of the United States, I the last to nobody but himself. i This then is the law, the fiery lan guage used in creating the Ilans, and how does Gen. Butler explain it away ? He don't att e mpt iin expla natiou, he Bays • hip say and leaves it, having sounded his horn of irepudia tion, to hear all the little mire, Tray, Blanch and Sweetheart, yelp in cho rus of approval. He has glade him self chief. of a silly Movement; and enjoys to his hear4contenethe noise and Clamor of hie position. He is as -vain as the beggar who, tOasted to his brother beggar, that the 'living had Cipeken to him. "And wha l t, did the. king say to you ?" was the, innoiryi aHe told me to get out of hia way."l 'Gen. Butler is welcome to his bluish: ing honors—they imply ag E lm_uch re spect as did the kings wotdit to the beggar. ' We have . shown you, the law, the • words themselves treatinglthe loan. We now give the aisuraipes of. - the laves agents, the-men .wielt tifold the i bonds, Whose \words would bind thel governMent, even - if the la , i , were eV lent. M. B:Tield,Aseista t Secreta-' 1 ry of the Treasury, wrote . February Id 15, 1864 .: ." I ant'' : direa - by the; Secretary to any, that it ie theptir poiii of the geiernmenti Ad pay said• bonds, like other bonds' ; of " tie United States, in coin, at matirily. n And 44 Cooke, the, authorisedd, agent'ef 'the TreasurY, 'says in his itilvertine .ment,'" thiais a 6 Per. conk lOanlhe interest and principal heti:4l.ooAM!) 'in. coin." : SPescer & Vin .s .IF Co ,. , say, " when the governitin4tredeelna 1 these bends • they .mnst,' ,igir :rid' in k4ld." ~ i/kewf.ttiT, 4wee-:t 4 Co. 10, 01 Iniest intfits • Poniilii. hkail; 14* Principal lend interest : are Payable, in, gold." Scarcely an &pint in the, MEE M • -'- • ---' 'if ,; „,, -,:. ,-. c4.z..,, it: matiethe same pima**, eons ' , . - Upotr Milliell 'welfe', thelleoPle;i4M,roPtedsbt ,1 11 end li al ift iv"l ' , - •:•i° llo7 lo 4l o ll r . - s - Ilt yoko f t„i . iteii ry cent offering public; says . ::"It is .be=' e ao,reciritiert offer sogreat ato to lenders, as the vaii tiptiene of .trn#o - ta!‘'ell_ n all` 'other fore:Oil of t: , indeb :so, e - faith And ehlkitt of i -1- or„stock cum' I . ..- , trate communttlee ! , are .pledged qVgi? OR Fl;ihrjoi thedelavi Viii . .. 4 444, .*:11 61 0 Proper -the eatinereie hoiden, to secure utYl ' t‘ of both : , pritieipid and .4 4 1itt s ' nie`Zia n -.• •l- ' ;:• - .•.. .. - • ggiVx en . rif:*- fag 19F ; 1 44 1 : glttatie -facts i• ~ : :;1,I.: -4:1.-..i.. 1. ir . liw of 'Clongrese; oreithig the 540 betide; antho i feed t'sinking: fried 10 ity off thec,aii a ll :. etlief United Steiett debts , : . Ciotti "tattall the age is selling .themplassured the purtheSere, that they wetdd - be-Paid in coin' at:Maturity.' ' '' ' . §. *nen the 'lO-40 hen& were tiff; tired for sale, ,the . Secretary - of!tbe Treaso I '„, the Geord,nment• Agents, whose, rd bindslice -rnitientle I all con . a cts, stsearitit t o oPle'thei I were -best,. securitie s they . eoehi., have k i r theitmonei.ealsii.the.cortai try in all its' inlereete,.*o -banto to see them paid :in 'coo_, +Litie tiOrds, thus pledging tie . Pf!n4ilialt l4 'o. l o binding. on the government; .as the law; mien, =mid make* z•- 3. Alll debts of the government have in every . ' administration, , been paid in. coin: No sittglti exception , to this e zeta in all_ our -history.- _Even the gal Tenders 'have -yet to be paid i that manner A l'au l d we look for , the d , not far in . itbq future, When , .. every shred and patch, .bearing Uncle Sam's mark,though given in exchange for a in whistle for one of biegrand, sons; 'it commatid'eieritable mitt - , whether of tin„tgickel, cobalt, copper, silver' or gold.. lie would be- less than it_man, if be could not comply with' ibis proper condition -of men• hood—that of rendering to all others a just equivalent, forvalue received, and less than sovereign , if his sov ereignty were dependt only npon i psper cartridges for defence. He knoWs that- gold is our only a l ieasure i I ' of Value, that every 4 commodity is subjected to a comparis on with' it, as we estimate its wort, as property, l and although we do not so it once I in yel l ers, yet calcultes , for un our 1 1 farms, houses, merchandise t , , bonds, notei and greenback , end its last verdict declared a g eenback dollar i ' worth just sixty-two copper cents, and Uncle Sam is not e man to for sake the honest habit of his youthi:, - and i ximpet - tarrisuritr i hr., hive reihrt- - ed him in extremity to resume his' o l hou rable position is Chi world to re ! ceivle his depreciated piper, when he knoiars he bu promiud them gold. •'' -A matter so prepreterOue *as that' set ep by Gen: Butler, wilt not' be likely to enlist .the sYmpathies or co operation of the peorle, .so long as men ore governed' by reason and jos tice, so long as they bear in mind that golden rule _of rtiversal appli cation, "do unto others as-ye would theythey should do unto you." it is true, though, that communities; bodies of men leagued et °get hey, do *things t h ch ;individuals wce ashamed et ani as unjust an tat which Gen. Bu ler proposes : bu they have nev er, here in America, since they-hung si. so many witches in, ea , Ejtgland.-- Whet Mobs may d ~ , eau __never be estimated by . any ordinary, rule of human!' conduct, and . they 'need not enter into otir citlulatitio ; though t 4 appeal is made i the .m+spirit, and if auceessful, pet be perpetra te by rabbi, or by en in whom the m b-mania predomi Mee.: Marat and . bespierre had th gddresa to - initt- it t to a reign of terr r in, France, andi l slay their countrymen by tens of , thousands, but lhe.4, at last fell vie - tints to the spirit I they - hid them slves evoked. lV$ oonune en their: fate to the notice of (ion. Butler. _ Wintry - and mill b 'inch bad Arao4,o: teetit': the Tre 'them to . Ina ;. ipduce c ,one dee. 13on 1 •.:--,; r .,....,,,,, . 6 . . I n Monday afternr 4 i Mr. Boutwell; f om the Judiciiry Oommittett,, pre conted the: eyidenoti. taken by the mmittee on the sUbject•of imPeach mentof the President, together with themajority' ' ' '- i i ; report and a reso n um. ~ . It la signed by Messrs. lkratwell, Thomas, : :Williams, Lomeli& and Churchill. After the Clerk had read the Majority reportforbitif au ho ur, ~ .„ _, • .. _, its - fur th er reaming WIIW dispense d` with. On motion °glitz:Bingham, and on the statement littho reading ot , all :the reports- would.:, occupy. ten 40uru, thitnumming up or the; twoirl k f.ePe.rt•Wee re" Itlielliiia *it in accordance with ihe'liestimony and; the 'view Of,the - 10 resented, the Committee is of the opinion - that An-, 1 w.tI94PICIP;E:ORejdeet , of the Fni• ‘eil. ,Steleet !eli4iltY 41 1 k-:ornees IradJoisdemeauort4 -re - gre' ;4 rhe i n . . erpesijion ofthe constiAitional,pOwv re. of the Aortae:. , .. , ..- . 'i3 , . Mr.,Wilseu,.or lowa , Chairiniu,sud - LWoodbrhigs, join.ioone minority 1 'Hirs and, El 4 drOp and AgarutOill out in auother,::.#o4l4g that the i t. Bgegoll•-•takOP- . • Itk_ c e PereeliAtee, does warrantuu 1 " P e "- vit '' and ' plat;-.,menu i . ' . 'Achy AO at Oommittie be disc , .• , yomisithk :.per traniiduratioma the feNeet• ' The pile -*rot '9 l l. *0 0 . 1 4 laid . ePee teable_ina: ordered printed, sad - I ":= lnalle r til a aPeC i f i lad4 e t fir W. y , oft nest - week- to :be thummilrom day t‘i , 4,141011, dilk 104 - 'o‘i!OVzi4 . 4 t• - ' , " -, ?‘.7 - 1.•,- 1 11. ( kOlireill *lnn 4 01011 " Ad, ,_9 ll Tilllno9% 14 fail Sew - 1 7111 , forty four: lumbers 4. Wade .la the 444 *. ' '' - , . aced AI bill ilintiiiint ~ .r . r securing litatxig hte ' ' • at. It is the s waa ~ - ma lt . ---.. y therresment Nom It was 1,110 over. A resolution *nth `Waif the Court of Claims to hear the claim of Mahar& W..,lleada.maa - • referred to the ,ItOciatexpommittee A retaliation deciarin4 \ thataheiiebi of * united State, :is due in MD; Wi ilititr44l9ily pini , 4 tn.gto; ecormirrwits-noiek4o—tn*P7 . "a w"-J-11 1 ,47f#1.?,`7-Th !*er o f ser musidate ant,falsta in his pdaseasirat, relative to the repeal of the tavola cattail. The Senate th e n oi9ltrtiett Y ) , . t, •••• • .• -t, . ) ~1,,- .. .411:ths goose on, Tfinrsday IN* at:; tendakeerwas lame. = •Mestirs. World isVardcof Permillysuis, and' Cari. of ,Ohio, were gworn in. When tlie'Teig Ilekse delega tion . c 0 149 Asilfar4 19 take the oath; objeoxinn waslnfahr: The matter was &ceased at-length, and .finally all bni.:l6 , .,Bager were called up *tidied the 010 ick!ninister ed to them. The.capuA4 Mr. j deaves, of New Mexico, contested:, by ,Mr. Cheever, was referred'to the Cc omit teelin Elections. l'hy o:p:int of the 40104rY t F0,14iltf.e-,,urafl .otlled for. iiid Ms. Wilson,` (*airman, reported that it would he. ready on Monday. The order iiria*plinedlolhat day: A teo°lution charging Tau- Charles '/‘-• Aflame; Veitea suites Minister $4. England, with neglect of his &Meg in failing to secor . Their rights to American citimhs in 'England and Ireland, and infitrn o 4o tke e9tieit' tee on Foreitin Affairs toexamine the matter with s view to impeaduent, and - direetier the., Secretary of Stme to, telegraph' Mr', 'Mama Mm to u, iii ( dOculsed botloiraeoide4. 31 cur ibvertunnents. B - tti 00- H • I O. g z I ' o4 5 , o OR SALE —Sixty" sixes of im- Deer tatlingsprtu.g iherZraitt i gn i rst two-and lt•hait wile, from Abe borough lof -, ZTowanda. -Por turthqr 11_1110711141: mut, terms , or Male , esquire or pt. Av. notary, North Towanda. N0v,, 11 • TiON,,--Whgireas my . Blusbeth beg *ft lay bed -sad *aid with. "optjest caned or provocstion. r 'hereby instill! aU persotis harbotiny imAtuathit hey on my account, an I will pay no debts ot her contract : .Ing after this date, LiiVl BELVEII. Blyclay, Nov. 16; 1867! • THE 'FIRST NA . VONAL - 1 ' The.Pirst, National Macksmith Elbop of Camptowti: Ps.. hes this day declared a divi dend en Morse Shoeing of SP•per tient., to be equally diviked amoeg codosure, owing ;to the favorable latronabe reeerved in the put year. We 'A prepared to shoe par horses With Phofs , Made from theheas of N. Y. Iron abort no tice;.andsre gnarrantee to your entire satbsfee tkm. u vehement ali work it this, pimp.— Pareserviind others from a Mebane. will'find it to Omar advantage call it this shop. which they Will lied on' Ifectuinie Street, between C. dulls store and she Academy Bonding. JOSEPH P. -Camptosin, Nov. 20, 1867.-3 m. paitty,—;Oame into the enc.!, . 0 114, sore ;9' Ale - entwertber. in • Ukter twp.. gout 3 weeks ego. two am COWS. t •or years One hie t little whltetsder the bel ly near the Bigot. The owner ts lapelled to piova ,property, Pep ,ebarges and' take then astay. A. B. SMITH. Ulster; Nov. 20 • 1867. • QETTLE 1:1P t In coniielittelied_of 1J the 111 health of the Junior Partner: of the Arm of Ilaomoll Woa be min retire, from the - business temporarily on th e that day of Yearn ' ary, 186A '. Ali clefts either by note or look account, due the Arm, must be settled mid pain before that time; It is : hoped that every one having accOonti s trith " will heed this notioe and save further -is - Important *st out 110 0 00 4 8 be • °bleed et %the time Indicated and at all hazards they sons& be , closed. • SOLONON• & BON. Towanda. Nor. 27.1 a 7. CH R. 1,5„ . 7:,21 \ T YS ! . CHRISTIUS a lf*.Wr CC. TOYS , AND FANCY ~43100115, liciiti-qtein three' eeste to twelve dollars and everythter eller to corm. red.. zephyrs ;, • - • • EMBROIDERY: PATTERNS I Both 6aahloni; Bkriiiisilltainpekothias gni et Ude °Ural**. icitloae:m 7 ,•: . endewtoererseliteket • ; Itewantbiritov. 180.41. MUM iv emi-menT 7 , A g ed :to rim Issad;,• ta 'audios all pereas 4, ,lraid ;h asthir ad Lim ad myscatitmt, is I sosn'issy - na debtadad• 'Mead bylia. • _ASALIFILIVIIIIC0014; • Towanda, Eftt.l6 MIT. • • - ' AYOUNG" PAIR MULES kind and go?d dee. Also Hernia la Ill'uon.foirabs -• • . 7. 1 1 1 :40.1 - , • - I - ,• LA.KIMBALL,' , Liceased • Aao LA. .timer, ftuimUkvilrolked Co.. Pew , teams pis senieimi te,to pu . blte. BaUsteolift guanu tee t t,betki - Ay isi*al. AU orders* >tetl; ~e3iaeeetas N, w9l Pis** - inapt • • •..04.1.11081,41a . colt, at ~• - . Atlipliumuflpii.S..lloolT 7 ls lb* , - E O . • t:01 El 4.-. ... . ;gat: _ , 'fil.„---..:-:-:,,-Kii,.:,-,... .-.-- .' ...-: - 1 - : liko-I t z 1 e.:‘• .,, -, _V: , .4 - - '.--7- .. : . t-,..5.,.. - ,, , 0,- 't- 'l , - ... . I ~, ~., p r'.. , , ,, i• TiCt . J. . , " ii ..14 ' -,,, .ir • 1 :z4::... '.'4,6,i,. - * t . "4 : ' .11 , i: :-.:. ': •r i -1:- i i .-; ~ ',. - -- , ,i . - - -...7'i.,11.--!•" , : .-;., :. ~-.........-- . vs- , , T, 4 1 - v , -: 'A ,i' • '' 4 ' l '..l" H *2 . ;,0 . 0 ' 4 1 * *ei 'it'Ai " ,l* - :: irtxris :,.2,_- :-__, ..; 1 7 . )i nirAZATIONS "C • ' ;;1:,..4411.4{01) We are sow nativist/pm sumelatir HtiAlbala STOCnra4' , • I. , *ool!:#lle,tioti!Slit::';,':. l;•''.1- 9rait'- , itie -- Is.' :primal ,Del , i O,UR :: d 111-7:0 1 11ORS The MU bowls of the Damao. \ . =I ME= aerie sad itisitoktra WM be . is , pite, , DowiallaraC. wt, a Vast tab& Ury _ • t-.. 1100 fro, lBB l 1 1 ** 41 *, - UM dLoiss &VANOT eLOAkINGEI I • - ' • 1. - • in tbsisaskst vatisly :at petoes. . Mil - 1 =MN . ,_ , I)=eidie ogkiss (wht Ws Imo jai parcbassol Lx ply of so, asts ibte:said have lie Sind i mu 4 timetable st yiss still makes or CO7 TON - FABRIegi . Wkies7 air at tAT'IIARGAINSI! H • ''Shawls 1 • Sh+ls Shattio , rabikiir:fr,e h tsl4 Is tie 4aalittet. Beiviuol4 Piii4-Q and • Gersaii. Liss aad Elquere. LL OPLORS AND . .1417.0 4 11"111S ! WvoE Lon; Bawls o! $ll thy ! befit uiloq. all•sisti INA &ort • F' " • 1 • 1 I I FURS FURS , •'• 'We hill to portico far Weett ri Li - pr rt .et 'of Lidieernad Cbthiteit to Pao, rotimist log of *W, reab, alb!lsa.goir rel, yer ]dick, Coney. ac whichwe bet at a CsITION VERY : ~.ARCi R 1 r 1, 140 host Year '•Yeriteil` ~ .. .11 ill BATS AND CAPSI lire are nee; reeetri,ler moc direct, from Naaufee• I tarrre be lerget!" kof Het* sod -Ceps to thiiir inter etittlitil, . 1 A 1;1, NIEW STY!, V. 4! 1- I • At exrardingly low privet. 80073 'AND. SHOES 1 Char steak of Boots sad Seas Is of will oelephite hi every repeat. - Moat of the goods we siolft's this Ha. ans num- *oIYcfCN SIS 4 R T RA.D,E A Ikea wiriautted. We haw mot apace to eaaw Qogdaa ems rilietiffivtat., varsetivor . iispeetfullt , viielhisageittiorr', Of - 114 ii lie &Oa" tier(it Via. pktein. _ . • • -• • . : ~ .4 .1 117: • CO.• •,i 2iiawks, 2411,1887. - MMI ' f - ..: , •: --- •''' ' :::i:::%4_4v..?-„:4,,, . -- • . -' , 4.: , : 1. i 1 .- ' - '. - .:•i: '- , 2• 1 ::.. - - ' . .-''''•.: .• : - - .•'t.'• & •,•;•,1,•-,::::•••_- - , - i ~-: - te, ~ t l . !, : 11 - J.7 ' 2: . ,_ ...7 : 1 : -.1 - , _ ' . . , -F , . „,,, _, :1.. .. , ,;, , • .:. ._ v i -.., .; I _ ..,.. -...;.. :- ---,,- .z. , -. ' 4O l- •:,' -A , ,, _ i ~,. : '! -:- or 1 - • f - • i,f . •-. II © Go. - . :mod\ -:- --. -.--:•••;: 1- --1 . -'1 •-• .3 - tr).s - 4 , K - 0' I' -. ' -: - i i,,,,,,,;„. ° 4 ,„ , 1 _,-, ~.: d \ ~. „,,,,,! :. , ...1„.,. .•..,... M I I : -6 ” I '' 72 ' ,e. t ._, ME DE • • oua-miscerriaNT-f0r ,,,, ,xl4l,t's .14 f.r.1:1 U u ;.. - 681SEEMIENEr ---;e. ;• . .k4lizrat.l.3uf , -", ~„. „,,, • " i D A I Liy- A jp , 111 ,. &'N'a4ll4lol Rt, FALL MEWS I ISE ' I't MEM WOLF ROBES . r-'" '".• C': ROBEfk FASOVAOB-11; HORSE B 1::41 NUT'S 11l FIE .., _ . - , , • • . . _ _ . 7.. • '• Ofealai lies& factlil 1- !'! ; '''i .' '-' 7 ' ;.,,'..-,;.-Ir!. EMI , •;.:.•••if . •.i ' .: 4,! -- .7. -, ':/ - :,! - - - r , !!.: -,. ` Losipol looodoooof of ~ % RE .1;104 11€, AND Eves nikad 1 - • IN Tril lEVId AS ET: • i . New and elegant lines of 1. \. • . TRUNKS,TRAimulleifiati • • Every variity of l .-1 HARNESS, SADDLES,. WHIPS; AC, 4 0 9 atl• ea A 3 'it -e.:: -,---. -A -' '8 . ^e " - la -% - s g • © ® ri , ` , 3 •i a ,s . 14 a 4 :2 • 0 lira 1a 7 !V/ ,- .-: IF to . .h, tr et . ~/ . 2 . , ai, Ra co 441- .1 MI v t 'l.'' .0 af \ ~i , • • • \4 ll e s ;.% a , . :IP. g-. \ a All 14 a a : a v ~-,....p..14 1. I; .1...:= .--s-\ --1 it. 44 C. /i 0 - 1:1 : 04 : 41 ' .ie ' . ,'• S - ~„:, at , ;4 ;5 LP ' 0 MI "" MI nll i , - , s 1 . 1. - -1; •01 :71 .- ~,,te. , t,l . co 7, 0 41) i .) , 1 0., ei ..,,,-, . ~ .• f 4- 64 , 4 ' 2 t .;- £ • IN t! II '• 1: !• 'PT coat o•ar `,3*lffav `SSKIDIVII grintA 409 a" gorLogrrinvara vpung. ,‘ IP sang stnisaP Ptm AYK iia.3lllVic bli Pomoaes ' . *k axt Yl_tt 'asuog t:. ` dxv 8311011 A.OblVa - - • • %MR. Olirit !SEWN ,41'10A Jo InegtPosim Vie I HaVILL 113214114 - gbrif, TWI C4 - rnlng , so . , ti ( \ Sal/Mau :oils 41,10CX)er 4 i o aglgitiVe 111 -.;.: ra , • • ~-...1 . rja ,-,...,„ •;_ ~.,i4 4,,, iiii ., v, i. •:-I.lFi ,1.-L'n...l.i . - , 1•! :1 11 ::: :._2. , r ,, :: ~,02- . :T . 1) ::. .' 1'.. '. . I tz-r,r , L. , lv:i ,'',"' \.':-• I.:tk,e-', ::. ~, . r. ~, :,..:-,..,....,.., --.,.•,;, E au ., - 1 ;:::... :!..: :': 'V' ',.. ' .... •.. 0 ' ' ' 1 ... 1 i SX; '''''! . l '._ - ..F 4111 1111 0 .• , ;,. :. , 'it" :-.',. Tallt:V!lLWltl.folner v ' - a' ,s -1, - -t -t ' „they lav e: earn- VOW ... - - VII"! 4 1 161 a . / c , 1 #, • • f ' .. ' ' paoyikojiiik OWN and COUNTRY r/10 ,, DU oalgted_... of eorm, ItOpielb-floiSt r eAL , that tin r , iIIITCUOW-On.-handp- and_ deitift,to bell* 1 1.-_%., ►' . AP.ttoh wants iiii and conntry l 42o, 15 , , ~, ~-4 •They Ipul d r„ .. . 7:1 1 1 !Al Jill L i einiiiiiiafi'oneril4i; (add a 4 " i 'w l Pl , ), f A,ligi rot T it APY otliii j im& in, lite inarkei, ai to iialitYgina F a; :••• .t LA ci, li grat. I t. P l a rl d i4 L 0 11 ! ;IRO. an d fft l e la ß t 4 1 44$ 0 '0 1 4tedit igt. tendon to enamel, sad wilt give eakefal attention to eJtardeve Amid sil t . , ,T. .1 r , c.,y , .../ ..1 in th e i r h ali de , = ~,,, :j . :': ~ ....,,r , ' •We'l Or calktor. PROD WE and sell aoods for Beady Pay: ' , LONG k KERLER. ~, air: ~- = , . = i -Towanda. Sept. 17,'1017' - IgPvOq I k9U 6 UY,A; 4II Mogi' - 1 - '' ARON:STORE! , s'°?). tliL:11: " • 1111118 677 •!), . .111ia upload a. akw•Chil-Pre • sill Preektnii imps, di'Pateeit Week, 11, , the. ewe lonabittylectik "tab '1 ilia. whose Ili 'tor eller lie the le eleirgra z GROUEHINS, AND i!,ROVISIONS' ! 1 Of the b^it quality, eatto be mobile the if WWEI•It PRICES. The stoat entities ME EMS ;1 . •:11* ; MEM - I ( EMT, eoplas e . • suO-Arts, • • SUG4R B I ke• ALSt , - Fgedi I iituigir tiro Yr and - Psuviskii _btopie I a oh aball szAW 411. lk "...I awcatn , be favebt else ii ‘ dere. .40*- '..*lrt4,ts• paid tar all Ickt.4 ' P u"; ": • TOWanda. eci 17:194r". NW STA.HINI - --- r. • NEW 43-06D-N1 N EW GROCk E-8,1 W. A. ROCKWELL'S. CANED FRITITS,; PINE APPIAS, PIZACf,OI' 4 4 rritrn - AN'D 'OAIfNED OYS,TER.S. PgACHES, P,II1 4 7135,. CHERRIES, M4)LASSI3,_ , Of all ktuds, lu tact everithing's G R. Y 1 N . 2'l • A' LOU n,FEED,BisAND, POTATOES, 4.111) - ; EGOS, ' AiD Mgr FARMERS PRODUCE,. A treskjot cot_ DRY . GO - 0 S OF`-ALLVARIETIES:, CHF;AP7. , ..AS' •::.OHlikllBll T 'lp N opurs 'BENEFIT IMEI ME DEM El .X'...~: M - fiNUL , " THOM .IN J. JONEN, • 1 1- . OF '4.14: -DAM, AP IroP.Ss ac., - ke., 40, TEAS, - SUGARS, " SYRyps.- COFFEE _ ,Ingss? • VIM be, kept cons4ntl7 on band 011040 . 0 d at tip iowENT POINT . IN THU MARKET vAad , grili kwaeti as `Ti)' THE_ ..FARMERS ? emu PAID Pon ALL. KIND§ OF PRODUCE ' ROOK WELL. 23, 1867 iniienlllo Inv/ -IN FLOUR! AKI POUND!! IN a Saintill. I FOUNTAIN'S . #143111311 #LOUR, Tans rxta.Den from - the beat cal climatic ' MICHIGAN WHITE *BRAT: ME This 'favorite; floor bin oe f ieperke. 1t U ot.apl°,• . -• rv_o FT,°!l4lO-14:1g/Plite.lumYi. OR L POUN D 8, • •;• .i•••:" . 4: , Andawd. excluevely to salt that "ffi114,111114 ottliii-itittartesdp: , ?ll* BIG BABBBLIA, 4t -- .131181 FLOITRI t ; '44) Oath Molars !WAN at a mill" Misses tramp east at Maismosuiss__ . wkisodemohmittgitin4i N. Y. J. ff; ituttliT9g CO. U, 120. • T rrnil lisoresoe iiiiiatibrittel4lll24oo, •:vr, .t.f.n • ; 'Az la .x 1 , 3 4: ilaill•* ,'1 00 1 1 1 ,^1 40440. 6 , Or Volio . tomai, • ; . . e • ME . . EZI AsthoN slut - • umill4l • • • - ;CO • "U. 1111"11111 121 ;WA I L .1111674 1114 : h al " C.‘ keel lOnVillilhdrlM -111111V $1 alyolllllll6loa, id eat, lenstr.',4 • tS,lVltiedit: "Moe Mot 111 _1111101111.01611411 gialitalklieL it ' ' NNW BOCITANDI3II9IIIOOIIII. Rep:outi*thiogiar gia l emma .tea so Ay ti mild N! Shoe ;oboe off krp lik!GtGeoll •if lONS AND nom . i 6444 to item' tadWovoraltirosi 4 to Ostoiltos Gootiiiittot *LW peat.' • Pidicalor taro male pill to MlNitsitler vill k void; aolt Gs • Milts watioatot ante Ito 11111111111 . tor the p -PM solkttod, soollist Got •Om tot gine • 7 - 41 - 11dfiler llosto owl nooosibsoil "Piteibid meholtociod, , Robber We+ oi K hoof/ ABO.diathe TEN iiieß CINT BELOW Tolima 5ept i 5 7 3 4 1 0 0.6 44 7; . - : FERE "B : 'Office; ,Oer Wit:kiwis "towanda lotoqo:Olgioo at Took imisatilloally does an 'tornado'. bilkalse actostioa oiled to lbar - olUtualiods B oar ler Matilde Illaablebich pqnally as good ea aod tar mew* to~ Robber of Wm% P call sad ussoLoo_••_ -10olatosa. - CadotolorsOrßear adadoistarid owbor di I latc9{ !tot* Phlakdo wade Addled. .444.11. 1617,-;41. L 0 T . RING! FALL AND WINTgR OLOTHINI; & ROSZNIMILD. - (Nod door in' rot, •Kurniiii, swear a tAih,i Haveltd recsini that FALL - ANIi hoot !in' York; zed the %twat= et the pr. lie # 'Lykes! M Ile Win sad atakettre tet6rt of RN-11,1146 Mat's mad Day% O , L T 1 1- N OA WMlined to the public at the bersit wa rt prices. sad 'bleb sill -be gold obesper thus isy ~OM IS *Li piste ow "kinky. they bite oilseed be siseetieell el donde sot ta for abs MIMIC .141 the sp. styles. emsprishis the teliewing Nikko Pa)t'it Bum? Overcoats, IiIT.SINESS SUITS, ALL STYLBC Doeskin and Caniarre, P.AN-TS AND VBST Ot all Andes for men and Mon wen'. sod brtft ,also *Sae meo►tmeat ui . MOTS FURNISHING 0001.1 s, Pleb sad Fancy Csashaeres. Shirty, Linen smi. Mulls ithlrts, Undershirts :sad Dream, Overalls and Over-shirts; Wain and • Parov il eallsra and Cal. Seven , Gloves. Ties. Travels,. Bags, sad a good stock of HATS ANDCAVS. Having a Man ease/lastly in New York, send log them goods. they are prepared to sell to the trade reasonably, and to middy your desire, call and sewalma. sad coaviace pound( of Um fact, - that thog' , Nell the . • - ' CONNII 6 MENFALD. Next dam to Fox. Stenos, Nerair I go. Tayside. Rept. rd. 1 8IR. - L4NT FRUIT AND ORNAIDIN - , P" TAL TIMES ANA ?LOWERS! thember• that 01.11te TOWANDA HOME NURSELY YOU - Mt bay ANYTHING Yin they wept to the line of NaItBRRY -TBEE3; WINS. ftiflit - )34 end PLOWKILS. It not on band Woe or giv, year order: and it will be - carefully end sell lartorily tilled. lan tuPPIT You with THRIFTY APPLE . TREES, • Splendidly rooted, VERY FINE PEAR TREES, Abp PLU j CBRRRY 811111111 A CRAB and' psaca TBREd. Alio. MAN , ' PEAR, CRIUIRT_ L PRACM and APP).m: TRIM. GRAM VINES of all no Mat tsar ilea. Iron I Year tad yews old. RVIROBILINS M MOUNTAIN AB, HOUR' CORSTNUTO. WILLOMB, lc., an.• Comae and mei. or amod 'meatier'. - R. N. WILLIS. Towanda, (M. I. UM- Ds 0 UiT B ‘u J. IL 0014N8,- Having did Ide atom bussed. it the bti ere, I daimon el disposing of Ids make stock of READY • MADE OLOTRINO, CLOTHS TRIMMINGS,' . . OtNT'S FURNigHING . GOODS, - HATS, OAPS, • &I 4 &O. • "I ': Thies gists ars Is good eassiltiss Sid lip 6t. 20 BR =CENT BBLOWMOST • • As I ma °blip' io i elem oat the Mork 'lb. •wt ' at ii Owe la 6 timbers h. • Dos% Reflect i t 4 opppitiaity kr kepis& Carat the ever boUdleg.leceed dere lot• 'ker_lteldbeema's Seek. emit fie d Itala tenet. .aeskly appalls thilleias Hem. - • Naricz—Ait pima: indebted loth, 'silt! sill aralitra Awe bp , tellies seCeet tlhig up hasediately, aid ervillsieehee oat. - J. IL t'OLLIII2. Tuwaelle..tsg.n. _ Mill NEW 13 1 tORX 01) NNW GOODS sees Pitoi luirwTaik*Luinni. CHEAP MITHE CIIIIAPIST. • bir 0 4... dmied the Waist !Me aseli,tilraisad 4r4M 41 0.1 t 1110410 ii PROVialO26, b i ol. , - I,ooliiii tirti WILIAM Illaßat Ihre ' llte 9( ell in Ode . asms, Oloemb 'ad L i la , , irr Wye Waft %GM la a P'S O:9 . ifil_i'4) : ll- 8 T. 0-1, E. op o zC it o Tominis sal th -14114 121Patallenglititet Wee Iler 1 10 1 4POIr ?ROO"' 1: rit!alfthin Afkes Ot t tbi llate . e 11 •t s 11 =1.2 "1" a a% sm. Wag". St_ akolllier c al si er lam* 1 0. 0 ' ' 4 v .% - Ea•h es CASSIMERFS, lIED M ti