Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 21, 1867, Image 1
%No'4lll*lo4P - 41mL Tan Reinio.L.Fn • Or! , day naming; bj E. o..,(hitharm at 51 ink annum, in adrankaa - • ADM! 4 4. 0 0 1 2- tines an mars= at wpm= pa! UMW- ;IL first inssObi4itid#l2: alial \ .o 4 r l 4 4 *lr sobsecpientinnoSilons•Alpeciatiplba_ serted before Alp:daps arid:Poitleo..will be charged immu, cum fiet 161 ? .1111 * insertion.. All resolatioos _of Aor C'cmiannications of 1 / 4 4104 ?1 interest,and nOillies of Miacitaii elm:Ming fi a linesqwe shamed son onnwiC p 3r , - )Ireer• 'Ono; int); One_ , se „ ;so Batt " A4O _ 25- 15 square, 10' 74 5 ,;-:trati, Caution, Lost and Pound; andother -adiertiseanents; not.wrseediwg 10 life*: three weeks, or lestt, $1 GO 4.lrainistrater's t Eft,ststtor'sl2,otioss.-.2 00, waiter's Notices' . , ' 50 rill:dues& Cools, fiit , r0011..5 00 Ilerchints ilia others, advertising their - business, will be charged $2O. -124 . be entitled to 1 column, confined notastra , ly to their brudness,witbprisilegesgeha t ime. Advertising= all osies nouns of subscription to the paper. , - JOB PRINTING of weary kind, in Plain and Panay colors, dons with neatness aid dispatch, .Handbila Sialams dardat.taii phlets, ise., orrery sari* indstyledirin teortest Waco: The Ithocanin ornos has - just lxen ,reditted sigh rawer . Presses, and every thing hi' the Prizithts line can be - eseettfed the mat artistic manner and at the frilliest:rates. TERMS 1- , tar* 12EORGE D. MONTANYE, AT VI TOR - NEV A T LA -omoe'corner of Main and Pine streets, oppcsite Porter's Drug • Store. DOCTOR EDWARD S. PERKINS, Offers Ms prolessliknal seivloes to the'cut zens of Preschtown and *bit,. Cats prompt ly attended. to. T. DAVIES, Attorney at . Law, • Towanda, Pa. O ff ice with, Wm. Wat- .. kias, Esq. Partieubtr attention paid to Or. phans' Court business and settlement of dace dsnts estates. 14, Eitt;llß kMORROW, :Attorneys at Law. Towanda, Penn's, The undersigned having associated thesisiaves ' together in the prude, of Law anti their pro. sessional services to the public. ULYSSES MEI:IODR' P. D. MORROW. March 9.1865. PATRICK & PECK, &from-n -4T Law. Offices :—ln Patton Mock,Tovandi,. Patrick's block, Athens, Pa. They may be asillted at either place, n. w. r mince, apll3 B. MoKEAN, ATTORNEY 6; It • COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Towan da, Pa. Particular attention mid to Madsen in the Orphans' Court JaIT2QJB6a. . lIENRY PEET, Attorney ata 11 Towan la. Pa. Jaal7, 6G. nR. H. WESTON, DENTIST 1/ Office in Patton'i Block, over (Wet Mug and Chemical Stens. Mantle LID WARD OVERTON Jr . ., Attar ljney al Law, Towanda, Pa. Once in the Court Haase. aul.7 13,1865. DR. R. DAVIES, Lskizsvtus, Pat, has permanently located at the office ormerly occupied by Dr. B. DeWitt. for the practice of nis profess:on. May 9,1867. [JOHN N. CALIFF, ATTORNEY 0. AT LAW, Towanda, Ps. Also,,Govern went Agent for the collection of Pensions, Beet Pay and Bounty. oir No charge unless anccesilhl. Office over he Post Office and News Room. Dec. 0864% DOCTOR B. DzWITT, PRTHICIAR AND fiumizon.—May be found dub s the day--nnless otherwise engaged—on Zan- ~ rew doors below Coddiug & Russell's.` ; Rest• deuce corner of William and Dnrislon-sts., occupied by E. A. Parsons. Towanda, April 28, 1887._1y. 1 D. STILES, M. D., Physician and ‘../. &avow atuzonnoe to the people ot some Borough ' and vianity,:that be has gamut nently locate at the place formerly occupied by Ur. 13. W. Stone, for the practice . of his pates- NMI] . Particular attention_ given to ttie -treat ment of women and children; as also to the prac tice of operative and minor surgery. Oct.- 1.'611. UR. PRATT! has removed to State street. (first' above B. S. Russell & Co's stank). Persons from a distance desirous :)1 con -citing him, will be moat likely ta find him on SatercLiy 3f each week. Especial attention will be given to surgical cases, sad the extraction of teeth. Gas or Ether ittintinistered *hen desired. July 18, 1868. D. ti, PRATT. U. D.. 110CTOR OHAS. F. PAINS.-Of .1! flee in pouf's Drug Store, Towanda, Pa. TCaowanpda,Novllepromptly ed attend %a 1.866. all hours. - Ternbcrr 28, st 14IDWD MERKS--AIJCTIONEER. Ail letters addressed to him at Sugar Sun, aradfox,l Co. Pa., will receive prompt attention. FRANCIS E. POST,'Painter, Tour ands, Pa, with 10,years experience. Is con fident be ain give the best satisfaction In Paint lig, Graining, iiitaining,,Glasing, Papering, de. Dun try sir Particular attention paid to Jobbing in the . - April O. 1868. j K. V.MIGHAN--drchite,ce and •fl • Builder.--IJI kindi of Arehltectaial 'de. .igas furnished. Ornamental work in Stone, Iron and, Wood. OfiltwioD Main street, over Russell & Co.'. Bank. Attention given to lin eal Architecture, such is laying out of grounds, 'Ac., &c, April 1,1887.-Iy. J.-NEWELL, OP • •• COUNTY SURVEYOR, Orwell, Bradford Co. Pa in wi s i a l i romptittend to all business labia line.' P order attentioon ,give 4 to running and establishing old or-divn lines. Also to survejing Of all unpattented ands as s o o n xi wineads are obtained., *yl7 VHERSEY- WATKINS, Notary • P‘blie preps' ed to tSk Depot*. one, Acknbwiedge the Emmen n of - Deeds, Pinrtgages, Power. of. Atto d all other instruments. Affidavits and - o e papers may be worn to before me. • °Moe oppte : tite Banking fooled 8.8. Rumen & Ce., a few doors north of the Ward House. Towanda. Pa., Jan. 14, 1867. D, D. K N A P-P,. - Watch Maker end Dealer in Gents and Ladles Watches Chains and ,Fin r Ricuts.Clocks, Jew city, Gold Pens. lapectlic e es Sliver vows. Plat ed ware. Hollow mon, es; Sewing chines, and other goods beknighorto aJe Ys wel- ry Store. Perticular • attention, d toittffildrhig, at his old plate near the Poll, Oleo. Waverly, N. Y. 3. 18116.-•—tf. JOHN MORAY, ABTD3T s, • PH TOPAPILEII. Will promptly attend to All business his line. Gpecial attention given Itifmatoam and 13tem. oseopio Photography. limn - of !ape! . Rest denas,Btatei,,Pn6ite' - AWN" Alli• • chinst, eta., taken in tbeltiest manner. Particular attention liven - 'to the novel end r beautiful stere-copkton °tabled.. Orders received at Woad & *larding's Photo graphic Art Gallery. ToWanda. - Towanda, April 23.lB67.—yr. THE UNDERiGNED_ ,HAVE - opened Beata/ ones :in Tom; ut der the name c. 0. - P, MASON & CO.. • They are premed to draw Re of Ex hsi lead omsb - colkotians Rev * PbW.elphbr, And ill Portions of the - Milted Stf-es, as deo Elng4Germany, ind,Prance. To Loan - money, reads. deposits ;and to do a generel Banking . O Awn was - • •11i1 the We brie of Laport4 - I non & Co. • f Towanda, Pa.,. abA his knowlt p of the a men of Ilnuiford and adjoining Coon • ,and having been In the • saki* bustards tor • t fitters yam: mike ti - hoose r. &Mal* one, ,through which to E aka collections. : . • Tpwinds; Oct.i. 'lB6ll, THE. ASTOR .F A . . of NewTork;,..A • :CAPITAL Dip4lo4 foi 1860 i 10 - 740010104. Jotiii. I • WOMB ASSORTNINNT - OFira• •LX:eal add taltrmikeafthitisks mow_ tb_ga ad-at the 1111113 nm! ' • - ..- .• ...-,---.•, .--,_ •-•:••••.-_- ~..•,....-. -,, „- ':,- ,-,.-, .. ), ; -7 . ,,, 1 - - - Y =*-'," ±- ' ,"! 7;' .' ! ., :''''' ...- =' .' - -% : .) ',:;--- ,:'-'.'.--azki/ •t:PY:`',--4t.' ~V.,;r."'="4-i• Ogtir,-,„.frit-1.5?".3-:,-.-.....41.7,'„-XV!,..t.:7'.i';',.-I.'k;::.-;,:::::t;,,:i,...;:': -,, lr ,Y. if d-' i... , M' 1 1 ,*,,i•-. 6- s . 't -it ~--,;-:: :::-.•,:,' i , •-- ----"'.' ':',,,-- ,-' 4 ; 4-': s ' '' : ' •'• ' ''' ' - ''. -. ' - ' ."- —.- . ' ---- ------'-- - - - ''' ' . 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Asmxistms , , I ---: .---_,-, ..-:. •,•:-- - ,-;,-.--;.-.••,--,, .;•., -.,„ 3 ,- „. 4 . 3 . 4 - -}..611,-.. 4 - t i ..,--,. .-.....-, -,.- .• ~,•miso -,. • • tt . ... ~,,----. . , •.i.,..-;11.- , 1 ,.-.0....)00- ca11,2 - Vt ttatit ..'• . the ' '-' ---.- - g .- ..- . , , ~. :1. . -..;f Z' . ~,-.. ..., . ..-,- , --.,:„-• .',. .:*:i " --,,, .: - --' '' I •:;`':: ..;,,--!'::\''.!''..::, .I.lft , - te,' -,....,' ~.. . . ..- -,,-- '-- "_ '7. J. A - ..,,-,, - . , . • . - .. , a• . . - .1111thidail" i11i'.. ...4 1.i1.'i • . . 1 . 1 '. • • •• - a - • - ''‘ 1 . Alt + l e •• 8,, ~ , • .1 ..,, , t3K:MO '9lltrmit ikat estate cuit-4 ;-‘ REAL - 1113TATEI 47f47: (Hie prloes awl ars finusb ism! A. blot of leaddisikilike • New'Jassy: Costidnl24 441 from MAW Waft 3l l4 - Vaal° 1361 Hallway : A " 116 AischiU" pegs rtir swum. Cando emir, • ' , VI 111100 sons. To be sbld. UAL . • Potts: *Kinky laid& Moils WM. Plop: Ahab* AsVitObeny i r00d... moan. . : - - - Tracts Ne.- 1 47116 %Wades ,INIO 4755,-11111). - 10es-4ditem- the Fodor of the. Shumeishothig Sylvania toetteltipe, ' - - 'hicts No. MT. 000 acres • Bo acrts; - No. 4698. 400. sates; e lite of 84,06.. bead-wetors. Croa Treats No.; Sill; 1100 aerie ; No I acres ; No. 6823, , 11(0 acres; No.' acres 76 parches; No. 6812. 1100 6930, 1100 ens,. No. 68681100, , on I'loo Whartois WIWI* ships on beat vaunt Settle_ Creek, branch. ' * May 28. 186?„ —ly* 'bias No. 4717;196 t ileitis 4729; Appal aad - Stewards* toimablps, Ugh Creel. Tracts No. 49i% 837 . E • 4924; Wharton township main bratielr, Btu • Two hundred and nventpllie list class 'coal had. Stably townahrl ia mf Berne counts. Pa„ half sew, bemires Scranton and Carbondale.. Verypear the lis One thousand acres erst clam Media coat land about 11 miles northima IFllksto Ilaire, La the crimp . _ -About 1010 mar .Gla nd hik town ship. Dallagtea ew J 7, about four Wise north from Jacherm-Junc lon of the Camden and Atlantic and Delaware and Rat* tan Bay Railways. Valuable mill seat. Two or three houses, stable, barns, ha., emend growth Of timber, aria felling water. Power all 15 or 16 test overshot. Price WO per acre. Onethird maj' remain. 1 T. L. Didaware Farms and Penneylvan Descriptions and directions given lion. A vskisbtiessantgilsstmr P Splendid grounds and trees. 89 WESTERN PROPIIIITV-Por aims 120 sorer of good lead one . bond: film Pfate, Mkt mat". lo iirty acres at Appals sd srlth*ni pls., peaches, pears. /M. 26 acres one half mils trom Elan Piers on . . Plod WOO. 80 acres one mile how Bea Vre, thaberei. Price . Ho Improvements. fOn A steam mill property in • • ship. Bradford J. A very • wing operation. - • '- • . Eight Parcels of land. °entitling 100 urea each pazthals Wanes& idenitablirfor Wining or gr Hoomemodikra le good of improved and timbered water. ie. Unloo tot • Northern Central wait time arid 'easy terms" • 26 Town Lots comstliPlL - 9,000, Acres Wild Timbered 1. and county, Ps. 122: 'Atr farming faaa; townthip. Bradford count, Other timbered and Improved Di,criPtb, 3 nallivon on aPrr ration. tenements and improved Reti wands Borough. and other wooed! SzeoutellOonreginces, thrash Bra boy and all Real Wats, collect liene,array and, enable all kinds of They are prepared binegotlateaab hoinedeads; 0114, prlpertke espeola to capltallate t procure Mance" upon bond and mortgage, and to pr quirks for thosi WA( to 'make 11 or secures horde. They will retort lathe impt,.kaonts ifIRBI A4IID tin? CONEW 17 F ies NM The? bins ' ' Agent of ibull tird and neighboxing t):. ' ling cosi pubs in the# iblierimildi 'd Wu' anon, vie white b sleet hilitirsnce All who seek innewleat Wreath future beat& of their Wanks, first-elm Lite tioupsalas Capitalists &Mg ,to bay or 00006000 Aevid ) ft advances uP3I AU who wish to obtain kiss o Yawn or Towboats, Aro Allsootadtr so • sooti-bad tau to Our AVM. Farthe-P.l"l4Pitiilabila at 'Olkic softie et-Wabi I ' -. i.. PROPERTIES AD FREE OF' CHAR au . G. F. MASON -A. G. moms:- • 4168.1). Karam Toinpida t tifar,MlLthusAlpeisit, • 11.70. -- • o.lhratem • 1 -• --, • o. r. Note co. aoskiell, J. D. ISpilmookerlol,4 LIMION WOWS. CCObl i 11 ,11.1 t 1 / 4. Corks Itrifsb, ram Timid% Sora sei PA So Iwo riligs )-4`` RR INSURANCE -w oo to i r mxi ird Co. cm NTAIITBA:W.girK td. ore Tiogs y. Pot ea Monroe Sarong MONTANYE WA INSUR A-010 Those lobo dohs to bwr or Nil . ell wishing songs add e 0. D. KO REM- ..' ~' ~- 1 t NEB ISM I : : _.p.loid.y-fiOry: 1 pi Zli itotkiiii: . ...... . • - ~ : a. .where iipetrhmis "Ipeti '1144°4141144 24:14 "e*& 1it;1 4 :d 1 1ei Tig+Alight trellillbit , s 'L:Vi,bY lieee beetiOefe7 l. •- - ' /elle ie hatidstnneisppasily too, ' And* will beg* a nd great . ;' iitts, • :intber, whY is =Aiding bOY 1. 34 ; ‘: ,', •, , rl.rf c t-. ? "1: ' iq,Mr boyls a Child no more, l c Re .il ..r4 l3 ;eikeettil4fi. , * 1: 11.1cs tane a imurtiogiiinnht Guy, . ; . . be stays so late ; inbeken4.eifee.g44_o9:llt-1 Have stolen his heart Sway ; .-- , • • ' And be in the billy twilight hour, .• - d', ' sweet Minsde .. • I I . • - .. . • , filing does khe maiden lure him away ~ _ Nowise age growingneAtidlt ~ '..i.- 1•_.1.i) i And Wellhitit'Oltliiilte• • - i!ittittefittiftitiftlielon cold ; • maiden . . mabbot can never love as we velloved him all his years, - '*li hire led htni abtog the path . f life, his nudist and team." . . 'I• _ , 'BS 14 111 ,01 1411 . ,. r ib e l * n glV!, - / / tral nanatorneimi tpty;. , J- • - . yon 4 niaidei so fair and sweet, lOwn stole my heart away. • _. I : il father old and grant- ' ' 2 AS limo*: kind and true, - 19* hrred me fondly all my . life— crept : /lat Knill*anientirithicii." , Tr.: 1 A crept over her Withered cheek, • tens's** elentand saildpi• No she chided the loirely maid ' -.- .74408. 1 4100 1 2 3 N4 ;-. . • • cs , 'than& 'of thalipittirwl T "- •I_ close to her . Tover's side In' the ttle church;and the man of clod her a happy_brids,:::: EOM (abeaV i "*lt. .w • /6:basel tad Wird No. aad ; art ME 1083 . No. USW* Auk 600 scree. EiVoottautow . ,,, . i in an the Agitator.) NOB . puma ..L' . Dana Sts :—ln attempti . :' to give a few incidents connec , with the early settlement of o . County,* it eii r is n nary to refe to the charter by Oh lee II of : ngland, made in 1662 Connec,-%nt. At that time there has . .. - ignorance --in-Itu g land fa tete geography of this cOun .y, a the charter. embraced (but . o a express terms) abOit one de . - - of latitude being, aajt sub , - .tly ,appeszed, from shout the 41 t . abort the 42d degrees, and ~e' . , .:. g Aue;.'-'weat to the :Pacific , .-.. . There was all exception,'e se ' Biel th e glint ilio madeJall terit ries.thentn setuarpoi*esslim of ih subjects, f an,yotherChiistrin pith') or Mate ;' which exception ex- - elude :. the south-east part ,- : of the State, New York, - then iii oiwieffen fee sion the - Dutch,, end for which it was a ially intended. ,I. In. 681;berig_ nineteelf,„yeira lie: tii ter, e same king made a grant to- Willi m Penn of the lands contained in the present State of Pennsylvania which, extending to the, 42d degree nerthatitude, caused an "if4rfer ence " tin the two charters of one de gree of latitude. This occasioned a dispute between the \ tivo provinces (as they were then termed)) which was finally settled , by, Ceiori: eilli*iplAnt'firetOkiresk - St mm Triliffifi, N. J„ in 1688, giving the Territory in dispute to Pennsylvania. In 4774, the lsectiai so in dispute was bly a law of. Connecticut and by the. ow. 04,"-WestPwrel.aPC' tehetto Sitfielde-ecini4, MAW State, of which it was considered a part, and Subsequently Col. John Franklin, Of the presentitownship of Athenk - Bradford county, represented\ this- part of Litchfield count, in the .. Ginaeatinet Legislature: PlYhi7 Sus `quehanna Land Company" was or t gsnir-d or incorpOrated by A law of that `,, of : which.,it ptirchased a large intiti of lan i ds n the vicini ty of Susquehanna river; extend ing ' into anC 1 .4.99 13 1 1 Ti. 98,4 cone-. Ite - company aided , . part Of 30 bought to be surveyed ens," such as Smithfield, Ad, Armenia, Cabot, Ate.— named town included - the village of Anetinville, and name to tliCosilify WSW* LIPOlog.:liow 06110 d " Ofr lands.— l a applies- -Ipldii. of 1111111 Pi trees, sp• roved, one-thlrl railway . Ele ! !rn 50 to d Improvl 138 owes ird, good atil t on e on tong a Bradford SaUlna roperties. iiiiii of TRW mtafiaiid, Property got farms, 'of mom lamas - to In ivastmenta standing 'the decree; or de .ie at Trenton, the Susque- Ingiany alleged Abet it could ere with vented rights, and had purchased, of Column• had ju0,44440.p. wary. "Mir e - o Maw' le towns to be surveyed in. which they prOceeded to sell who weal willing to emi ' whl u 7tituted the first W. in thiwpartrpf,, Ate it righ to' tbilinds 0 , settled Was disputed by , ania claiMantai which cans. strife, and for many years the growth of the Bettie. I= EEE 11 valuable Effl rata of ones. .riot . ...„ their title, to the lands in, dinpnle„ hr now court ` 1 1%4 ikenied 4 -6 be aware in Byron) " Mammon-wins where seraph's might . des- The agent of the settlers be. suddenly w - mviz' iced — that IV better tck..mabe a comw , -they weep. induMfd to.arign b 3 whicalhey pliced *Om , the power, : of thilrennte landdioMera.., One Ilan, ,801. lie,, before Olin' ed, -iefusetio cms to av arrang!menk and .no 0 1 0 suit. : ,as krunght Vomit him. pie deb 4rising fro Obis lipepronAte were r a long tidier an u tt p44 en ' energies _cif,. et and 't hink ire Oat Others 4., w latiden neciied *Oh th :crunhlous*pee Iby a : Inont.ahe be .! ~, . y 1 the . ' t eentuißl have . ack - !Assts.: ANTS, ANL of th, lib T I , l z. 4 ME I= EMI MEM , ,_. • 7,1;1 ~~.. ~,~~ ~ . R. TOWAND 1 -AHLUVORTYCOMITT PAOTO - ; , IN • 00 PP MEE E= T' .4l i'' ' ;'•.?., ;'''''''' ' ' th e , ' tele - et= 4 111 . 3 10r 11 1% 0,4 1 4,i,1i Isiiiiriet , Whiad Es - mi. • north Of the presentiviDnomikAthens- Soon it . ft' er hiving itsurnyo he vialsite , * Eill e k t le e ent* e , s lA the tel tett Din o ,- on or r - , in the evening twillglik lietening to 010Doffedfleileilfili, Plii)itit on II finteofheAlie wen. othoi thropikthe heafte Illeli)dat la' Ito taldel , i the family. The Perpetrator of -the Seed wasnexerideixnferedki.ol: I Abouti 1808, the Pennsylvania 'claimants found, or supposed there was, a legal necessity. for making or finishing some surveys forthwith to protect their title, which theConneo. Omit men, lor " Yankees " as'they fwere teretare ~.a.: -, . . iveyeris pnt up, at a house, ,-, , - preseiriilligeer toliefillifititt , - ' l 4 Plke' Vig.. ift'MakflePt ,If the house . theOext morning\ was snot at land severely;lbutliaLfatally wound ed. I think his name „was Richard riGleatC :4 Selititlikaftthi *WWI* , eaute` d on suspicion, but noun tin victed,:''.'-one Of . the'' zifkiiiiii_liaOti• ted lived at thii- present villagi of 'East Smithfield, and had to Belli his farm to pay the expense of the an' I subseqnently _bought it and ~w reside on it. In 1888 I was at : .se-. vile, and saw an aged ge , eman who informed me that the ' ankees_ intended to frighten, the surveyor antlaelected Age , '- t ;l ieu who wiiii to shoot bee !it, the first 'm an who:came , ou of , th dolt; bit not to hit him-,at he :wee acme in -1 timidateti - and)llif,Thetead Orodesing -him as be!WOO, , :., ~, ,f,, '' ' rjoyo The surs went back toStis quPhll9tereqqatlifiel'tett PM moth: if r 3qatne on and commen ced . usinese : _ One, nui.kning. t oo it , 11, came iii from the woods in re,fitel l 4 o 44 PkaY4 liSenlhptsltnit one of th em having a bullet mole through the "pack ", he; had at the time on his back. The' all returned at once to the agent inSusquehanna county, - who heard -their storks Lnd an affidavit for them to'sign and ver ify by their oaths, giting all of the facts. One of them signed it, but the eecnidgefused. „Ile said that Ipt mithildcdf thislithkees• they' tiiir put the pack on a log and one ,of them shot the bullet ' through - it' to make an exhibit of Vie d angers to whiCh they had been exp osed. '. About the year -.4804 4 4.an0gent of the Pennsylvania claimants i was tare and Jkathiked•-ltii•lirenke4 near the head waters of. Towanda Creek::. An aged'. lad./Pilielf al Ohild, now living in, Panton,,,wisted in washing the - liti'ind &tillers from his head. As he .knew some cf the parties he had a bill of indictment against them before a Grand Jury at Williamsport. One of the jury had furnished the jug - to carry the tar.— They put the cost on the prosecutor. A. novel 'method of settling law i . kuiittpieyfiere, by even t 4 in* ki ; _ meihttlielpresent' villa of4therit had the Connecticut title to la lot r ef land near there; and - died,; leaving a widow end a small family. .Ikneigh bor, iiiiini the Pennsylvania title, thought,it a good time toobtain pos session, and • went to_plonghing' on the lot . - ; The fairidolw;l healing. 'of it, armed herself yith, a flood ," raw hide " riding. Yfilp, 'and coming sud deniy,ibeln4thim -oppliell. it great'enirillasis across. his back aid shoulders. .. - 11OJOahed atoWsrds 'her with great fury on which she Iretreat ell, but " with her face to the foe: ' '— As often as he' returned to plowing she applied the whip till he gave it 'up and went home, amidst the shouts and• scoffs of the spectators who had .assembled to witness " te law suit." In telling me of the trans a ction many, years afterwards `; .she soehe pitied 144161. lie 'arida - abi L kali, het& 'the land. , - Thisaniewommilived ,on a lot for which a judginent in ejectnien was - .obtalned by - default through, some fraud in the, .United' States court it Philidelphiihi favor tichirles Cerro!, of Idanlind, ing the'Penneyltinia title. The de puty mar141 , °14210, t0. , 44% , village in the evening, with kwrit,to disposes' her, and she was informed that she , ;the her family must leavithe house the next morning. - She fastened all 'the lower doors and - windows, and had a' large quantity of boiling we ter ready to pour from the chamber Windows on the deputy marshal and aToeFitaPaf stated,) as, \approactied _the haue. Ifer'oldest (laughter Was 'Sta tioned below with,s- leadedt-iifiai to shoot the , first person who should break ltitcrthe betisikilThei agent having had/ some experi "ce of her resolution ticAlibelir ried to ex itrem,Kisis,sid the wfite i sits not %pm ' The jedgment at the nett rm Of the court wasae,t.aside4 this* at of instance of Mr. berm!, who was jgnorant of the manuer in which his name had been perverted.. I also think he gave the woman the title to the land wilthoutsompensation. I i"ight Proceed, ad itifinituss, to i give ncidentsof those days which probably woold have no ipterest,for !my person but) the writer. I could 4 .. • . ,f ;? ; ..1" : 7 14 Itrl.‘ fi ' • ON Iliblit ANT """ Opposed to bo.of any TON to a Olopti,* for sl,9oo'ooo, *doh was Set apart for aimbool fried, lnd is the. fouodiAlton of thrliod.frad of (that State At- tide time: • The-territeglyso Old is withinthe-Ifiteimnfillimith of the Shiite of Ohio,- and is frequently called .<' the westenk*,mative "'lnd embraces Ashtab u la ; Gleams:T*l - sad other counties. , I Idid, think to-have risapsd: the -- Manna in whiclahe ant Pennsylvania were mo o by a fa" " land , holders, " t .1: ear; 1 ha* already..writte more tbsi you- will be willing -to read.t! /rim* .phoul ifi 'diffibake tbesttemptve ?Ito , culty deciphe •* , g, 4oti will rile ollectibeariter ore than 10 years of ege t -and th the vilest of, pareons vaosd-'- in leers he is incliaa belprolhi in his eta - temente and ries. I miOt add that he has ot rink halls Seat from the *me he commenced :this letter til ze now inbegrlbes hint aell; You 4 truly, 4th. respectosud igiteem e , NOR Bt l itOlL , ' - ';• f, .. - - r- - • - • Dr. SCLUICE fit awl, years if age. .64,4-tor- iedirs moan' 'able coma wee President Judge, a Major- Generale-of-the =aldea -;time•ienkat the= Tose/gene - Institute held- in 13Wthr, field r a short' time- ago, atteidek Promptly sictilsily.eesaionsi entered into all the enrolees, and when the contest of Belling hundred words for a Webster's - . Ignahridged Diction; was bUdilseentereit the list;and oftsipctio,Wer words thaiany one,tho'l 110 Bradford, 'county , twhere weed; amonrthe; con teapots.' - - P. A. Amur. atisfiellf; P 0 41861. . 'Bradford. • _ I ;;71 7 m=iboltizotra IMIGEBT , _ C:Young„ ch il dren - ahould.-he taught how, to act in some of . a cidentrit lit lac e - which surgical skill. The arteries of the NA, carry . the life's blood from the heart. If one of these is ruptured' ftam any eau* and,the blood is alloired to 'escape; the - than` within 'a few, nunl ate!, sometimes, when -with the aid Oar Stick and a string or howikei• chid; either of which are ahnost at hand, his 'life migh!, be saved. •• If the severed_ :artery fa in the leg or arm, and there is no string at-hand i tear a erilpireta part the - 1 clothing, tient loose - around, the pass the ntiok: between the skin and the string and twist it mend Until the bleeding O,vein is Wounded or cut, applY,thkr duet , from a tas-aaaiatar cotata„ dobyeb or even" without these, wrap-a- Itnp of cotton - cloth around moderately tight,' . and . _ then another piece around: that ; if -the bleeding: does not cease, let cold wa ter fan en thaWound until it does, or Until a 'plqinciatt arrives. Bat it is ofiftsl impertance `to remereber that. the artery.seeds out blood by aparb3 or jets, and of a bright red characb3r. If the blood coukKa from a vein, it flows aletily and evenly, and is otia dark red. ant these directions• will do no gocid unless it is especially no ted that if Abe blood comet, from an irtery;the,application of the string must bamade &Imre the wound, that 'ie,between tiny-worth:and the'heart; has been '-wounded, and the acme appliances are n ede4, they .theiff be made beleYr the' wound; ' or between th43-wound and the eitremi ties. •'-' 1 • - • Ir ti n w atery lit cut in a part of the bedrwher grastring Cannot be air pliedr hard pressure with the thumb at a spokabout where the string would have been applied may save 41' stung ot`bittelf-br inOct, snake or animal, apply, spirits of bartahorn ,iery,fieely With i soft rag, beckansi it is onu of the strongest of alkalies, and is faitillar'te most persexic.L.The mabstance which causes the solialled poison frini bites in. stinge, is,. as far 48 ascertained, generally acid.— :Hence the ' hartshoni antapnizes it in proportion to the promptitude with which it is applied. If no hartshort Jen in band ; pours cup of hot' ivatei nn a cap of cooking:- soda Or siilene4 lila c or even- ;the ashes of, wool - jut trim the StoVe:or fire Place, ,iieitause Ult.:these. are only alkaNai" and birtehorn is oily best beciuise it is the 'strongest. There is no coneln- Sive . evidenCe tolelieve that binning tor cutting;: out 'a bite-hat ever done the slightest good. ' :The.prcoof duced'tci show that they have-.been effectual hi' wittily; ot,iinegative'clir acter, therefore, not decisive.— Dr. - ; -, 'Qt e`:Fausme Anuthuia.-4 hr once related to his childieh the 'r°l l6o4 l dory The Governor of "an Wan Iva* once -called appear before Ili King to give :1111 'coolant of his stewardship. 1 Thnie friend" in , whom-1w wet ,imilded, parted with-Must hie -house; 'others, rent *ltkidriVto - ther eide'., while many* West:hi himi . phiftd'hat - littintruat,: and- viinwhelcaroely reco :4. 2. rrieDdik PuOtito bikilurPrist4 Lem* Id him on his journey—spoke for hint' tt'ke9nFesr ,f 9 Fr!lii# - $ 1 , 0 4 1 0,*..4 in , , ` l ,2* -ms"," ',Continued-the father, hskomearth,t4pfk.l4dii_of , fen' Inds, ta t ehOte oulileanct f toArniti "right *hen hClecialled tnleave -this world ;re*klini, - ,*:,*nt this nit !twain behindi. a the and telitife,e 7 go onlyi ;to the Grt. 6 ' ilF#Yet.4 tite::64444l:' deeds—moonlany hist in bis-journey teti7W-bi, ttor e land a , and are with phriat hit adiooatiiibefOeithe throne frolinirchsiee for chin favor end par dr* 4teo, PgO Solfitlilleiet:iilita Wait to MBEt - : - .2 - 1-186 ''Y 11 " 111111111 "" HOW It' LOW r!' .4; ; 4.. Wee 4P An ingthda gen - ?Paris lstely,determ *Arta edibility of horfrlesh by a poraol__ Thule[ it r oadobtaissksit iaVitatien tollitkiwith,ll2.4koroii,amotsigibuy *Arliclm, ' l * lAA horse fa* % *„nese *lo* MO - 0r.10.111' - ,Thei'diktuil • turdeilitibuf eittimildosttoi Loudon, Susi: I TYi r tlittdONlP'4o 1 1 :dbillfW.PCWhioV ,eyer 7 consisted . of borstOlic4 cooked - Decitilea b orne private stddier,. 'Who' was ilea*: attendant We 'began with livery post soap; aud , then.:hid 1 ' 1 4194 - W l4 roSotildi of- hont, *irk. ftinping 4hook *is' not iiatunivity -04 one of po4stoeic bittbise`bid tonuf oil pourtst over: them, , act *Jai every: thing;Was'. wkettale:Abs - 4esult was thatrweall.l-prorienatpd, th e, refialt eidellent; 1 begin with ,fleinded *dined prejudice and' repignande; tft was, impossible-le reArt 'the act that-the food was as _palpable *Rd good as any: opetobld , wish to eat. Ido not >believe that it could 'have been distinguished in taste fie& excellent beef ; 'We had not knewn Whatr 'We were eating, we should, in perfect, indocenoe,! have supposed that Our dinner-weawbolly i'taken from bur old frienit.the Ireadally - good 'Were .the soitp, the iagotif and roast. The 'color of the, meat is dark like that of game, itsit this is - really- the: not oidy.difterence that can, ho perceived betweee horse flesh when, .. cooked and",., beef' or .riutton. , There Were twobottles of horse-ail a the table, andit wea l and pure end as free from an unpleasant smell, as oliveyet the horse ..which fiiinished all the dishes;for our cap ital dinner.was an Old one—very, old, is Isir-hosit told nal and, 14_1 - have before said, the chief 'book 'Was; private 'soldier': '7 An regards, then, mot only the ca. ability, but the fitness of ha rsefiesh to furnish a new and excellent article of human fodd,l hive no doubt whit e:tier, and 'when once the feeling of prejudice is overcome, I see no reason ,why it should not, „take !its plain on .Our tables as a Welcome. variety, in. 'aidof 'the everlieting beef, mutton veal: Wluni We consider how many -thodeanda Of families it this country never, or hardly ever, taste meat at all, because the price .places it beyond that reach, it is obvious that the- introduction of horseflesh as an article' of food would" be an iu 7 estimable boon, providing that it can be gotat es cheep ea: it is nouns* lug and . Pa/atable. That is paleta, ble I know*; that it is more uourish ing than beef I, of coarse, cannot at. Bert from experience, but it is declar , ettebe so by thosewho' have - care; fully watched-its effects; and, as to cheapness, it can he aold, and is sold fa ,Purls, at about Peace, ,sec paned.” This , may aurprise pe4le first when they remenibei how 'much more valuable an animal the horse is than the ox _But. the question is not about killing end sending I to, the butcher horses which are fit for work but those which are disebled by au-. cident, and those which are' getting` too. old for : labor ;; for ihese' latter; after elittle feeding,furnisb excellent food for the table. vast > numb Pr. of hors* perfectly free fron2disease„ which are now -sold' at the price of each for the-knacker's yard,mlght be butoders for , human food.' M. Decroix has eatan,horseflesh for eight years , . and the average / price of each t of rise saimals r►his supplied his table has not • exceeded 15f., or ; and he calculates , that - in France and Algeria there is enough of horseflesh now thrown away ad nobles,tosupPly- a large -yearly. ad ditionlethe food or the people. The sale of horsefiesh is gradually gain= login Paris; and ,there arenow 17 or l 8 butcher's ehope whets it can be procured. It is becoming 'erticle of flied in Denmark, Austria, Prussia, Saxonyriz Wurtemberg, and 'other countries. - e A teacher . I'll one of the primary schools at Brookfield ; lowa, - oth er day, found among his list of juito• lies one who was constantly engaged %some mi!mt k ier, Havuig, uttered. 'an aath.i4 nolitieu Abe Amber's ridei, he ordered : the . aforiMaidjuven-, ile,to take his. place in _Re:comer:of Oro rickety *O4 bouoo., pd placing 'a pail old•faidudned Jura , tiMia bin hand, Ordered w a tch:a hole , HMI fl oor Until ,he could Autch a pose, lug thia Weald, be a grOt rims The little urchin &Sid steadily at 'the aperture, while teacher with his face turned from him 'wfts.: - ingagell with [the other scholars. At last be heard the old - - tisigsego bang ir'. He turned his eyes I quickly upon the youth, *he, 'with a ' countimasee bearably w ith etei‘ meet, Teacher ; P‘'e got thel lit tle main and -true-enough, he had " Mister House fastby- the head:- Way its * kini : -the, ereatiett-of the ? ma& of ',Whips, "Was'? the' boa. eenitiefitiii bite said g li de boy to s sholndt'n.' 6 0b, 110:•bzrrvektdiehtfair#:k4mbhivit ut.., •L •,, _ietkur toil' le- & 01 otoer - iihere thereilai nooty:toogoto to tia-andbitt tot /0 1411 ;0 talk _ • • Wie there'vvet-an - tin;‘ h i C i gr* / * t ° Atassol firths =WI xif /1111 i 94 a o 'stick, it 1" iiid s esail4l„ =mintage ,ctiot *AL “Thistialiii been; ail romd thifi wag, sins lailsoriadd this u.lasdryla MI only aitiolo_,. livgar9ise *she** it4ll4lreatill abioXim il i o i goo rt2l l o l4 t they vo i l a . hi hi loins' salt "6"1.11134 WINN ,1f.:4411111441* • , 4114111011:11141 AIM - iilklutf . t;= . ,: - `tfrx~ ffg,.;. ./.1133o; • 'll 1 FEZ 4F:,'..41,0, - . I -• inithiCaulatiarge) 1 : . ' - - '- • • ' - - ''' . - '' . 4 1 6 -41 4 . 4 .-- difiiiiiiiefitiV OttAirtiiiipii •toufujklued after ilitaPi tpaPhillfakatlit et4ll o o4 .l *Xii Ipo iPii ?• ! 4 ll • Mt l g er ig r ow , i lk , , ‘bti jfi , . A, liti , o - . iifikfirheAdifafitiffit r! Of_ ' . ' titrOlirilnktilteitt XI Vie.' hilt . cif their 110 %. ...41i51it V* , t omur pt • : . • 1 , T., — . ,: ,-- - - biter pt . pit i ' ~ • ~..:..; ~.:- ' --- *hat 3 netatter . '"Aorlitutia ' '''lkt.' , . .-Ifonao Ofloodaiti, : • • , mairAblEi , I „xlek i MY .)mleabilk ' t! ir.30#07. Perf.FI944LAP!:,. • '' ' ~ ,,-*EX.: :a Intent ' peer.. . _ • : ; : . , • , Lni !citrAlitiatitigin t :".. hi '. : .Qhflhatef-' ;feetiditiitsigbtifl`? ,', '-,-' ' ' 1 • - : •e --the- li fo ! ' peerygei c'and - the• i I , , f .•• • • • • • • lIQV ' Pen!llito 4 l 4, 3 like : Mtk. : ANNOW:iik Ahem,. Ppre can. ; oplybe e triVA Iktuse *of Unity - an 4 thiellcti cwt. Centel' thiiiOnit'iniiiiicW Zari'ol l :steto,ozeillirkid oviThinieseattearbit tbaHomie ntlkumnOna • :lads 'LAO Owlehro:o9MAoX... - : .49.kifilfetirm jo ll4 .Thi iiii lic r us i t ." . ; , ( i' f - . t o --, , :I - , ... ~ .. 0 i j i , .. , ! - Ati "oiki rith:lativ aotati or j.sia.{...ded I* - countiiiii dewy • . , Andiudocciti 'Bidet.. ' The me • : •••• -- ltaimseqmiticav 091 s tred• ' ' •1 1 4.4thfrishif. e, Mriet:'''. - 4-re:ei • rlti9f44 - M00.9t . $B,OO 4 aid 'Mein i ' : ko4oi'ditieit Of boronghhOte/100' . 41800•1 1 7. Thanoie CC pieta ;and- :a embers t& gle.• tinhweiticaL , iOnt.raelitired;lo P;Or4rMe 4c 4 lnrlMA *; .•', ' " .-:-.414 413 .1 clergymen,nage4 t . - tirnrog oiiioe io in their reipictita - .' ititiOtuaiii, oM ceraoltheezeine, - - .'"i'itithil **held ' pensions of aftitedi:durationsirocitn; : treelOrkwithAP "'.' " - klAillgill othert ezpOaed to .., lertial.. i utd,we, are 'ineligible te.Partlinnent. . .1: • '! ' , ='Tbh right Orvithit.fifistalnibere l cif ! Pailhunent laglcoallthilitb3.etffii..:Util ! smt tolespi.ihokholavoustiefoteasre— e4pClA*Ar,Afinea, , sot - 61E0k fttai ppundi., 7eikr. - ,,40 1 4.* fie?:44. r. Ilt will, 11 . irang liiiiisii,t. the' I *.ii Of 'fif ty' -Olinda (WO); Pei' '•Yeir' i 1 ; ' nd la .... :11 holderi of ree4impleilltaidene teigl emente of the ;Fyearli4iilitellf 1 forty • Oillinfre- 4 1 04 -4184 1 e 1 ,(-44Likerr oug.ha„ o -othe ~rvoungiwitypikt t i t redditti lnituie•holdiira - *hoed *P. Okeitaluii. liirilh" an - tibial': ient Of ten ixitt" fide, ; .: (00,1) but , tha) ti of freemen in the. niCcOnctitue i . are prepepted - for the i termicf Ali lis . ta: pg ratline. • The nuinher of,Atentbera of the ionuinintrlci!lB64)COß'6BB. the duration--- Of a' Parliament iti , tietil• ally tarreislyesitai yet tilts lihiwii dis. cratiOnsty:WithAte. enverignoito can ditctolo,lt st any lime* maY.. dee* proper. , . A' member iff the Commons may be'. - chosen • limn" &or' district i that it he.: is not reattirediii Will* idenVef the district icrhicit! he _ 7 repro. itet . tta i . Af . metither-of . r iParlia t inent re ! comp no pqmpene 4 itien.',....-Thp;Pgrere. Of parliam" tit OrebolitiCally on pipe tent fief* , lhele - *Wile. ethipira. - " . • It maw**urildictiotan'4ehisiiiitt:- .oji.ompo al,,Anileeidr_fiaditary. Test; leot7.#Md - i . I *,MAT: - .-, 1 40r:=0,F44:40. EC otrit eo • stituticn. •.,: ~. r• -,! . ~.,. The sae ' - nth* government obiliiii Britain , ai'. f.•lthela.tikle'siistiiia neat o'll7 m ' , e Crowly !nit Praotioilltht the cowl it of munatem-4444 , Chtbit , net; .. Tk ,Cahittet,only coatilittekao hingyaa f can OaMinand: the Cool-, dance ef ' arlfinieitt, ant partfailaily ! thello .- • - •otTodiMotia,4mitlit*cte'd a "want itconfideaccitliassothrthet Pontine , - it anA i• •:: :menthe ~Of_„,taur. their, ,- - ignatiek-ahtiethit 140 aliityi , riOptlY do: f i""q :?:'":!'- the y The . ~ mbar of the Cabinet-' who' SUL*, luationof Eiret•Lord.of the , a'Fpasy *JAM 4 emntille4-7. 1 00 it Aimee i i: t of tOlia.ntrllo:l,Of 11ia.E.u.,..• 'clittqinii 18 the:Oiled:llm, 'infantry, AMIE lore Orthe'lliiblitet.''' It is i at hie- :conicendatick that lihr Pc& 1 league. are•itliPoin!cd•and Itedlapenij pee tha..ntronage. of the,.,Orcon, „ ...„„ ~ The- way in ,which; v oting is d one in England' is by ilirei' l t-I:Eitiiiiie= thing - after 'the, manner' il: I *in Meeting.; ~.Arbere : thole: in : favor of a 1 to mmy° dray to the tight, and: thoea Of. *contrary 'to the left.. - ,Thereppec.., tiie candidateit •:itddreeethe' .people froth tho ' huithige; . and ialiCitl their.: I auffrage,itvote•hi then' taken,* the Candid ate; deolaretektctedim ; T.:.1; h;1-,, vie ft • , TIM WIEST DAT 8011110tra OT tag. ' Thhils a chequered -ge t .. sad the changes are "mercifully,. &woman:* &tad tO our circiuristancen. ' Muft i's' comfort' and =Piesperiw wouhlhe unsafe .for. us. Continual affliction. would be-hard : or). n I as.., Thergibm our gracioussppoints „ns changes. :Comforts inid trials in`teic woveilln our 'dispensitkinli; - 'inuf so closely :that there is inirdly tit - hour pores ifk I whichl we i Inay not have many calmeit , , for. thankfulness, ,ned. nom" exercise ; for faith and patience. 1 ' Bishop Cowper : compare s • - thelife of= a believer "-Nto' al piece of worked cloth,, the threads Of mhioltfrOM:end to end, tbrongle-theyhole 7 length of life t are comforts ;„but . the_ 1,901- tionv;begliming3O end; elled'up iri creases. ' SurelYittit is; 'for; iliongh we are favored iiritfilltyn kid - 4000W bnirhichme`.panhardlyisaime ha* in 40444 of ,thesn, An . • unhappy , i - gennityin contriiing” and milting up cronies for 'ourielves: ‘- fh. , ,iror" or look;or =the; holding •up of 1.6 . 114er, is aunt:lent:. to ' disconcert Uallin our inenotlati .bcnni; 40 aPctillthe relish of, a.thoussuChlessings, so that i t*, it& sun alines upon us 'almost hi vain. , re - ilire'n - r m from"imaglnsir evils, ari much perliape .:froin:'apprei=. beaks_ if what; mar never :happen, its " ftg)ni 3 4 0 ifklikrelOuli 4:whAtMe trii l 7 'mt. Thug, we ifirLk'sde,,o4 our -- -Araidea: - and ' •ti. we nay; tkiditailliiiiir beifilit iniflitiiil4o.'t So grestisihif goody isd3fittbo• fnuisaa o God that we : are iftualty enabled lii stand .nnder heavy trials. ilnoli,likerise our,weakneSs. p , that . e ate' i l keijabitti'iesdi ' to link 'ander iu these-lessoss. ..1014millr .41diTitie leionibiy; bolliziarblichanOrtAel -UtiioboSWismiiiini sraisrefkupaiimp Ito kill him ; it is Carbonate okild. INC( 14 - iir • } S Wbe11 13141"-44 .1 ll2 1 I '*: :.;. . If the proportiorLqr oheetrin • - thisliiitt isiMeisiissandi theisaviirould • blimbenniallhasmalite,lheliitiniateh , litostabWreissinhe ' tpessnial- - vealko.. atom of 'the "last ttssas wisytA 41, • 4 . 4 0 1 ,4F9. WONI.C. ' ' ... re • , - ria --• tiefitit ,„.4 4 1 8 -r•.' •' • - ,4 4 Of ' Ake came in direfulp - n 4 sg Wt n :ce l th, *,pOMMy. ~(q;:A n ; fri_ tt..4 . A -zlitilii4 gelid" itt-oiy• inlthe 'balite inviithe , *rerswit wonieleonstantly-iniMeihe gni now 1 administeredlto , OrsomP - mbio have .. theiWi1 . . 117 4100 4 14 'illithoin, !or**, 40 ATWAsibig ~P 4 0704 . , Mr4htber2.1 1 .9 6 9 ,1 " 1 J41. - L1LW1nt.„........0140 0 .1 1 :4 1 41-41,k. f•'.. If 'the itiitVii_ r one alb's' g4veii: Iflibolleii 4 werelblilili'' tenth Mgr or bltrbtfit bind's - 1 ":orit iniipound '-_ issight'Of matter tiftithiladded , terot taken from the-nearth,7fersisto of the beim* *Or, itherefeWol4.l3e-"a - 011404/40 1 4tscallfoarrnr_vOetok:;1 4 4 < worlds;1"- ... , the.1,9**03,90n 0 01 1 ‘,44 \ be inialculableOho,oirteCtApi* I diabli. i , g' Wilk iN - '44 7,7,dirn' , reaer, ,- and' . etatidef'UlriiaWelletil are I thy worlG ii4l - Sdia;434l,--41; in; ifirliadom •Abbh r halt-ilia& ::: all itAbffia " .., .-; ?S`Z:ir;'in.r •". '."•,',1,.! ' .;- • ' - FUN ; ,FAOTEC2,4IiD.IAQ;ETLE. .1 "'" ' fT" teacher 1: 0 .041 11 1448hiP5..: Lemons, taught a lawyer to,read his.crum • writing. • Tits - bby Wbbr &E lost - his balatlea:9l &emelt founditeirwin! altar* Ate.= mil& • *air does the lbws Imola' . a •iakal . 74.Bscabos it 7, ;•• 1-'l7 • gai l trWlY . 446 end when we are beloved tio'kirger the ebillitielis of Ulageirrahairtimpapeasesithatmgh. - . • - 3rOiC thinkihat it. • maylie r aomlody-elie, rtild that your turn may come next. , . . • iPassvctdayalli& Wishes. soltibody would legs Hmtiaarriiiaad, Vim &nit hintth s fiighx3odr • A retired school mastertuteuseshis !passion for anglinglvving that from'con siliati*Whe newiifteh —quftitlitnieltun less ha's handling the No&:,.•' • 'tend le - Open 10 41144; potion as the hollow mountain retails 'IF • s f e .F*; - . ,4! • ,IT - t lialanderitissuing (froze the biontifiil liPs aren of a slkhlertilmalr li rldtrern the heark rose. ; pomessates on musts -; nime g enies - iai`ffi ons, 11-enema fithelgrieSsoVett has= sulterWontideted elddly in fawning the glow and frsalutest 4:d the heart. " `1 •*, Tins L 1 ,4 t ;ihttradictiorukisre , &It wit er u figh lresh_aua hot war* >cc I, Alr Tax purest joy.we can experience is one In, lave Is to•as thal person`a , Source -Wmar 'Haddock's wife kicked' hire out of bed, said he, 'Mock-hew Slow i s you bad better not do that .again ; ycakdo it isaissuis'i &Mewls i tgncsa`tElpyrn , 04 Tomtr. rot otal4*. flotillas they eat Ed 'food that Wow to the 0 4,Estertetalrititi,inif • i t,"#.I_,PRISTIJAciniI. I3 IIP (14 -1, 1 7 _ Bs careful bolsi:you:l4ost: nem* oke of the season Ms7oll a TIIINULIV^ 4 1tAiilt" tit'e pains peke Liken some people to perform the labor alone& Umiak* arectokos b 7 WM to avoid it ei . should heat. ninth knooeid ebtlut troub 7 ' Wank Riff* think niirrt,nattially eom , •y • • , 3 OP alio*, home•"•witAibut s gill- is only. hankie) t'; it in inneibiSwithout bloe- BOMB, a spring without now , A house full of eons is like LebenOn with Its cedars, but iloughtent bYrthii. are like roses in all~ica- • • ' P - • Gkioo tanners should begisit home =is not an urtiele to bed worn in only,. to bol,pritt on when we pay ofineeireeemplhneutpry visits i . GLICK, beton meat," as theyoOng said when she laced .. ,he too tight tO'swallow: • . • - • • :ATIRIOI has heard enough t Tabout spa's late' rising," and now at, to hear of her "early • it!' the diffeiedee betweee With siuteggi? ""Trath mashed to 'earth WHY apt ryi . iiipkin,'!' bat eggelmatt, • 'W . = 'tiniest 'bankrupt like in lion* poor min ? .Benue' both . tall to 1419livl? He whb has an inordinate' :adritira• Um - 11,1..43111174W mod baze,more taste for ozbdcleig than liimPlak- r • • A •gepto. Oat. , Weelt,?wii , wished— to malts a Ulf dozen min shirts, marked the first 4he ?c'eeeAle ; 0 4,4 4 4.0 11 *int ,5 , w4141-: . 1 7 1:w t o on, kttlet-defiz ladz. - - 416fiddialWO poeinetst: t'Dtm-t?' belangilV . • acrynnanneb.olNrin A VIVILRAN amateur id, winedrink: tog TM* to ligurgir ISTEPPIL could be in duced to_pwlaim a uuneenut. tortutasitd meek :ThouAlit not co m ma addles- Ii ISE • Ilta 2/ I talkiviadywal reproved by beititstatiVilko *nested her to keep inloseltica • th. dime te , thdArifb. "ft spinet the int t4l - canrconcedediropom. Iv, M at - 4 41 il. I! 46" 1R! , 1146 6 1 I WO 1 0 t vki . eii.g mai 1;4 kkantfil'•--3;r abstaitie • SodialVare 1- 4 *sow ~ • =Wail ot a WIPt ME EMI