Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 14, 1867, Image 4
E======l==lM AlOtail. /las il r _ m _ r ! Ps -F liurr i r t Al P 1 . HON Let sailors Bin alike deep, Let poldiess praise their armor, , But in my heart this toast wif keep-- The Independent linnet When AMA the,rose in robe.of gram!' Unfolds its crimson Avid 'round hla cottage porchis:Been ,; The honeysuckle twining .; • When banks of gloom their' rireetnetut yield To bead that gather ." • : He drives his team across the field, Where skies nre,eoft and sunny.: . - The blackbird clucks behind the !dough; The:quail pipes loud and clear, ;ion orchard bides behind iis botigh's Thehome he loves so dear ; ' The gray and old bun doors unfold Ilia ample store in measure, More rich than heaps of hoarded . A precious, blessed treasure ; While .yonder in the porch there stands .4lie-wife, the lovelrelawmer, The sweetest rose on all his lands*-- . The Independent Flamer. 4 ^ . l`oil l tiae Spring comes daneln,g ly, - To 'a the Summer blushes, The /tall= smiles with mellow ray, His sleepold Wmter hushes , He cares not how the world may move, No doubts or fears•confounditim ; His little flock are linked in love, And household angels round him ; lie trusts to Gedind - rdien Nor griefs nor ills may harm her ; He's Nature's nobleman in life—; The Independent Farmer. rertlalre., The great trouble of farmers is Ego deterioraticn of land under tillage, and the cost of manure to supply the properties abstracted by growing crops. By the order of nature the tree returns ;to the earth all that it has taken' from it, by giving-, back back each year its crop of leaveg and fruit,and finally its woody fibre. This year's grass is food for that of ne*t. Everl animal returns, in droppings and,its carcass, all that it takes from the - ground, and, in sav age life, this is true of man. Civili- , zation, by depositing the -waste of' familiesin deep vatilts,-'und draining it off into rivers, poisons the wells and streams, kills the fish, creates pestilential diseases ' and robs ' the land. The lifer Thainen became so foul froin the drainage of London that the new Parliament House and other costly, buildings °nits banks were uninhabitable. The sewers are pow emptied into tanks forty miles from il the heart of the city, there deod 'ized by a - chemical compound, which pre cipitates all solid matter to. th bot tom and leaves clear water o the surface. This is drawn off and the iediment carted out and sold foi ma- note. By this device the city 'waste is returned to the earth, and iastead ot importing fertilizers from the Gush() Isles and battle-fields of the continent, the English farmer,, near London,gets his substitute for guano and bone dust, in a form as inoffensive] as either,. froM the city sewer tanks.— The•-process is, perhaps, the mnst'ex pensive which could be adopted, but, even then, it is a vast economy com pared to the old system of waste.. A new plan of "earth closets," as a sub ititute for "water crosets," has been adopted in some parts of England.— The Baron Rothschild has them intro duced on his estate at Halton. These etnisist of water tight, shallow Doxeo, on luw wheels, under the seat. About aue'ponnd and a half of dry earth is thrown into the box, daily, for every racAuber of the family, so as to cover and absorb the waste. The bet is drawn out and its contents thrown in a convenient place to dry, when the same earth is sometimes used several Mmes as an absorbent dedorizer, and becomes equal in value to gun m.— Those who object to a second use have it removed at once to the coin - post heap, and an "earth closet" is found so free from offensive odors that it may be keptin the house without any unpleasantness. This secures the occupants from that fruitful source of disease, the exhalations of vaults and water. glosets, and ensures A return to the earth of the _waste which is its natural compensation for the strength expended in maturing crops. In cities a system of cartage and railway trucks can bring in the Slay and take out the waste, much as the kitchen slops of large cities are now removed. In a coal region the ashes, made in a dwelling,. would often he. sefff'cient as an absorbent, and there would be no additional cost in remov al. Furnace cinders, and coke dust, irr addition to being, valuable absor bents and •deoderizers, are the best -pulverizers for clay, soils that have been 'discovered, No shovelful bf Coal ashes or_cin . ders should be wasted. In addition to their pulverizing and fertilizing qualities •they are sure to enrich the land by their color. This absorbs the sun's rays and thus wargie ai4 feeds the growing plant. The blaclinesi of soil is an assurance of its fertility, not only from indicating chemical properties, but from the color itself. White rejects the light and warmth, and reflects it back into the atmo sphere. Black drinks the rays and they become warmth and nourish ment. For this reason moot is a more powerful fertilizer than guano. SHELTER FOR Cows.—As the season for cold storms is near at baud, it is especially important to provide shel ter for stock-paiticularly that per taining to the dairy department some farmers are culpably remiss with reference to their much They will not thrive and be produc tive if left .to shelter of fence corners during the prevalence of storms of rain 'and sleet, where they become so chilled as to assume a crecent shape, and tremble - and shiver PB if under the influence of an ague fit. Thus situated milch cows cannot prove productive,` nor render' that return to the farmer which they would- do if suitably cared for daring the incle ment weather of the autumn - and winter. Asa question of humanity, as well as of interest, farmers should see to it that their stock is not al lowed to suffer for want of attention in this respect. —Ruad New Yorker. A shocking , thing to thing_ of—a gAlcoip wry• The miner is happiest when his tri umphs are ore. Vics`itings evenit Y"pjeasure, bn virtne.corusolts even in our : TILL ANMIEIii.#IFWITO9B.I Off' .GOODS.! J,lllOB 0. PROST% would dl attentlonlothe large and varied awn boat FAT UNIT TYRE! - Now co exhibition • at la - Warellooma. whieb be will be WIPP/ to show to *V and=one free ol thugs. or to jell at a very gd.:. 'ranee from eat. Tbankftil for the pot liberid patronage- it'the pabl - I would say that 1 shall itllFendeaeorto . make It to their interest to deli withnu,, not only by keeplag a - • E - LARGER STOCK 'Po select from then is kept in say other Farnl' tote Score in Ibis region ; , but also tbelDby earth& ' . AT A LESS PRICE Than the 'same quality , of goods can be ptir chased elaswhere.- -bare now in store over 60 fDIFFSItiNT pArisrwi t oi , &kw,- ' And inoreAban VERTY DIPPEREgT STYLES -BEDSTEADS 'Besides Burn* Stands Tables Book Mickel.' ,What Note, liotarcTetti4-Tete's. Rockers. • and Easy' Chaim, Plano Stoo ls; Chia-. dren's thiniages,Gbildren'sOmdles . mid Gribbe, Looking Glasses, , Looking Glair Platka, Plc tare Frames, Photo- . graph Ovals, Steel &swings, • Cords and Tassels, • &a. " In hint a fall imsatinent OF EVERYTHING IN .THE LINE; All of which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH. Tho Public are invited to call and examine my stock before purchas Ins elsewhere. Store _on Main litreeti2 doors south of Montanyes. I also keep on hand, a large assortment of • READY MADE COFFINS; 'From the mode:mem to the 'Austell • or Rosewood, whieh.will be furnished wi . or without Attendance with Homo at es low price acthe sane quality can be pareessed else where. • Dec. l i BB4.—yr. NEW FURNITURE S'i'OßE Having rented the Furniture Ware-rooms form erly occupied by F. N. Page, Athens, Pa., would now say to the poisons of the old Ire* liahmeut that I have a complete Stock of , just received, embracing eveeythOg In the ERMIMITHE LINE. My goods are new and well selected, and for GOOD GOODS Win not be undersold by any. I Call and ex amine my stock before purchasing. I retain the Workmen of the old establlabrunt, and MR. N. I. HART Will have chalice of the have and Manufact uring. la short we have the finest Stock of Goods - in onr line west of New York, consisting Parlor Furniture, Chamber-Setts, Sofas, Bureaus, Marble-top Centre Tables, Extension and Dining Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, - 45) Mirrors, Picture Frames, Pbdtograph Ovals, Cord-and Tassels, Steel Engravings, Oil Cortina,' Toilet Stands, Work• Boxes, Pictures, &c. COFFINS AND BURIAL CASES. Our Undertaker's bepartment will at al times be well suppliedwith everything in tha Hue. We bays the IiE.A ILSE In tlds section, not. erne - piing anything west of New York, and will attend Funerals within a circuit of Twenty Miles, on reasonable terms. 0. 11. VOORHIS, N. I. RAH?. Agent. Athena. Jau. ZS. 1868.-1 y FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS JANES ktAHINSON announces to the public that he still continues to manufacture and keep , on hand a larg, assortment of - CABINET FURNITURE, dattk a Banana. Tables. Be . Stands, Choirs, &c., of every descriptiet eh will be-made of the best materials, and'ln k most workman like manner. I invite the inection of the public to myjwork, which shall no be snrpssed in durability, at any shop in the cotmtry, and my prices will be found to be as low as the timet will admit: Ready-made Cetus constantly on hand or made to order. A good Hearse will be famished when desired. • - Aug.'ls, 1865. .fftgullannus. G ROCERY, PROVISION AND FEED STORE. JOHN ISIERIDEI'H, (Ma first door south of the Rail Road Rouse),would most respectfully invite the at tention of the public to his large and well se• lected .rock of GROCERIES AND !PROVISIONS lie' Is selling to suit, the times, and rims of all. He has alio opened-a splendid FEED STORE, Which is well situated to cupply the canal and Barclay coal region at all times. He keeps , constantly on hind a large stock of TEAS, COFFEES, SIIGtARS, MOLASSES, FLOUR, BUTTER, PORK, &C Which he is selling cheap for cash. Thelcitizens of Towanda and iichilty, will please accept my, thanks for their very liberal patronage for the last two years, and we promise with their assistance , to improve ev , ery opportunity to enlarge our bns•ness, so sq to warrant satisfaction to all. Call and see us Towanda, July 10, 1867. MERCHANT'S UNION EXPRESS COMPANY. GREAT INDUCEMENTS- TO lIEBOHNTS ND SHIPPED& Raving made arrangements with the New York and Erie Railway, to do Express Business on their road, are now receiving all kinds of freight and merchandise tot all parts of the Union—North, South, East, West: the Cana du, Europe, West. Indies.' Goods sent direct to any part of California, au with the quickest despatch. Shippers and Nercliaiits generally know what enormous rateslthey_have been pay, ing for quick transportatiOn. Now this Com pany is made up exclusively of Bankers, Mer chants and Shippers, to break up the monopo ly (which the old Companies hid formed] so as to give fair rates to the business community. All goods or packaps weighing 40 lbs. had up wards, are chipped by actual weight. The way to keep low rates, is to patronise the Company that brought them down. Particular care and attention given -to money and valuable Pack ages, Collections; &c. Collections made and returns forwarded by quickest dispatCh. R. G. CLANS, H. J. GIFFORD, Agent. • Div. Su 't. P. S.—All Packages to be forwarded from Towanda and vicinity, by leavin g them at the Stage Office of John Z eeman , be forwarded to the Waverly Office of Kthis Company every day. J. -BEEMAN, Propir Stage Line: June 8.1867:-1y. 10. OF 0.F.-BRADFORD LODGE • No. 167, I. 0. of 0. F., meets ft Oddlel lows Hall, every Monday evening, from the fira Monday in April to the first Monday. in Octal* at 7f p. m., from October to April at fie m. CAREY, geo'y. April 23, 1g67. lOrngo anb ;. 7 „'' -139 r 1t mxy frit'At74; iL 091*Disidiagat Mbar Int ftsft ! tibel•f/bashouisti 111 At iro ta g uS Ai ti 'to libißtoelscA unuinaiebm Daly asks or ii; Mad- dna* cotinal ag 6 . - 4 132 1PF 4 Detcd , 11138,11,.: DNB AND - *Ng! kaii,l o been ceeived.and we ar 'pared, sup the • OP E PUBLIC WITH . ask OM la Tut TuAni _ PIAUI +NBA AND LIQU4 ~ • • 1 :YOU_NEDIOAL 1188 Oisl OEM a l iwrni - Al4lll2;ilitr OY: 1 0 21 , , BOTtrit . o MVO*. q A2 M I R i ' s 1 " f" 'MIMES. ALL as rorn4R !wallop si ;464, 0 1 ;wilaitlauli PAINT AND *ARNLSH--B] , -'.. ' DT . DTDDDDAND QAMIL Pariri AND i4D.4414/Liteigil KIND.— '' mimes itionok!iii, FLUID i.$4l : lllP .Aigt 4 1 4' 8 , I ' Millie Beet Trusia. , A BID OPI NA L' , 1 3, 1 1PP1 - , ' Shoulder Braces, BREAST PIIIIItB, NIPPLE ' B: .1 Bzl t riardrig Dtties, p,ri„,, r -a, • A TIM ABBOlO/IAO4II, ari#CAL . iifranumkris or I • l aw) sirr' gatraLynr. . :", • . 10. large sappy , Brasher for the Rat and Bali: A for tthh iiis Teeth and Nails ooth Posrf . . and Pastes ,- 01 %g-- A Boaps4Cumbi, Ralfpn. Tiltor• ''_. atotafac., Kerosene Ke sane Lithps,l3hades, Ya• Wicks, 10., all ' lnfo , . 2 t - ' - late st styles. ' • ..- 1, , • . ~ , ,'-' - ORRICE, CIGARS, TOBACCO .1,10 IIIfIIPP. J6-limielitrui supplied at reasonable rates. id4iclnes a4Prescriptions easefully and%ac c tely co undid. 0 pepared by oontpet ent,persons a all hours of the day and night. Sunday hour' - .tram 9 to 10 (Meek in the lore nodn, to 2in the afternoon: '', j , 1 ' , W, Aowanda , Eiot. /9, 1868. • NEW SPRING AND I &Oros !. • . • . - W. D Winid announce to I the : citizens' an the public generallY;Akat 111 - ?f daily receiving, new alid SH GO.l ill; his line, suitable to the wants which he will sell for Currency a G - 0 lb D .PRIG gel:misting ai usual of 'loud we Ti" /e CLOT H . T. (No Shoddy-of any kind) s U S NES s S All giades. [ OATS, VESTS . AN All Wool. RESS CdLTS , PANTS f vcr Alls and Over Shirti, L nen and Paper . Collars, Linen, Cassimere . and Plannel Shirts, fleck Ties, Suspenders, Gloves, panes, Leather lilsgs, Spring St le Silk, Soft and Straw Hats. All first cler Remember that od Goods are beeper at lair price than P r goods at any rice. _ Call*nd examine my ds before buy. f _, . . _ . _. Calliand exam.... my -ag. Next floor to Powell Jr. ..n.. •• - E. W. EDDY. Towanda, May 1887. ! - It P MI- 0V A L I ! - ~ i We take pleamme in informing ,Our friends and natomere generally, that we base lately re ared our Stock of Goods from No. 2, Patton's T lock, to odr new and maga' t stbre IN i. !" EANS' • BLOCK , - v One door, north of Tay or dr.- 04, where we are prepared show a finer and better selected stock of ' . i i 1! READY MADE CLQTHIN( I With ever4thing akiertaiiing than we or,any one else in To boast of. I Has been of late reduced to al , that now oi l er new house is fill WELL MA DE TAS., Of varietJs to. snit all and ti terns the inarket affords, ant bought tot! We'ean sell at prices to defy our line. • i • OUR COURSE OF Shall be In the future as It Sears, In our dealings with ere purpose to , make our new a TEMPLE OF FASHION 1 r • And the house of every citizen in the county. packing lon all for past favo ,we remain Yours truly, BO MON . & SON. _ JOHN MERIDETH 8001.-BINDEBY.- PUBLIO ls respectfully inform° that the Book- Bindery has been removed to he Argos Build ing, 3d story, where will be one , , ; • BOOK-BIN DINGI• In-all its Various branches, o terms as tea sonable al" the times " will spew. The Bind ery will• be tinder the chargeld ' l• - 'H. O. WHITAIIII, , An experiiced Bffider , and W work will be l i r promptly one, in a style in manner' which' cannot bee:celled. Music, Ines, •News- - papers, Old Books, &c., boun • every variety of style Particular attatio will be paid to the Bulln&and Binding of 1 BLANK BOOKB To tiny deilred pattern, which in quality and durability', wil be -warranted. 1 All Work will be ready foz delivery when promised.l , i The pattonsge of the pub lic is solicited, and perfte satlsfactton gnarranteed.! . • - Towanda, Augastl, 1868. • . ' WHOLESALE MUSIC DEPOT. {,L. D. POMMY ( - , , Scranton, Pa., Dealer in . Chliikerlng's Pianos,. iy. Decker's pianos, Mason &Ha 7 8 , ,Cablnet On, gans, Treat Llndaley & Co's M lodeons, and all of Musical Instruments, Sheet inks and Kole, Books. Oidera from Dealers d Teachers to., pecially GO Dotted. Address; • -` . L. . rowEtii. , 116 P ennsylvauls;_Avenne, Scranton, Pa. March. 2: 1867.--Bm. • • - - ' , QUAVING ANRTO w for axle cheap at the GAMES:FOR:NHE CLY 4 at the 611162 Ckitl)ing. Co:ata, Daliterse an OUR OLD ST, CASH ONL AIR AND UP Sept. 1867 t.— . CA 919 A A TA/ T: - .0.3. F',P.Pikk jo r IY/onfat, .k4.11 , 0i; r d , .. 4 4 . 4 , 0 ; )„:„.......-. 4 , ,1L..... ; „ F. 7 ., .1 1: ~.- ...:-.;41,11-11 ,, ,Rit es. l I ... 4 1...^ 14: ki.:, , ,k ± fale eillsfied;and reAtted their store &ea .1. . .1 . ti L ;t' 'ol'l At ii , i.?:.i. t i - , 1 Ari an? WWI a- ' - .-E -11 $ 4 ik;, o 4 1.• • INMILIS Ba .VERB Livittld a (.1 CINEE4 , knaJirsuiiii ,irwiwmAart ~Fs. Eigi now RTIOLI6I =I ~~ ~• ~d ORS f%) AV/WO 53E , 1 : 4 }7'o ,:j. '. 1 .=1;) 4131:114W11.11. l uix iiM ' ur• : 1 1 E11 `-f1 • 1d1N14113 7,311 I.i 1 /J . ' El tfaMS , e , .., - ,iT' . 4 . 7,4 ,1./ A im•.il'i . ; , ',,:: ;r:..•:, , 1 ii-i 1 , (-,:• ..- .-;.; :-. .;,.... 7 :::.., .z,,-. , I ' •,- !''' STONELWARY:i tOF 'WithtbA stiOie a tall stook of otos, ; SILVER , PX,ATEI);' ItTEREI r AND IMMIS _ JAPANNED GOODS 1 ‘7 5 16131. =EI 3. =MEM rAs ife bnj adni *midi from' litaclr'ibmllesf Irk 4;unil ..4 99 D Lower 'thin any iotheir partiet.fn ibis, region. R. GORE. 1 9i SUMMER ' TAILOR'S TRIMMINGS, D of Towanda, has In store DS, f the people firmer S and reliable CI , _ WILFAiNiS Of.l T SiNGER'S BEWINO4irINEI3. , March' 1867 . I '" PANTS, L A S-4 . 1 , doOnitoi: o'ol4 et Br, Pants, • • 3 CROCKERY DEALERS' GaiaS WARE, OONFROTIONW DRUGGD3TS' GREEN OLASS BYTHOACKAGE .GL A SS E Alio, a Complete assortment of BR, N.l A R , ~ • . • • BUN! RIRL AT ED - WA R.B, CHANDELIERS, ,LANTERNS, &C a Manta outfit ands could ever 'OK The best patent Fruit Jars; in the market, to be sold at. the - lower, .pricee. A,:fnU line of Looking Glasses. AU - kinds of Glass Ware made to order. Agent, for 'Meridian Britannia Company. - • I • " • .1, T. walowr, - 215 Greenwich Street = April 15, 2'dixns below Barclay, N. Y. • °et nothing, so 4 with- all new ,Y GOODS pchoicest Tat which ha viog r . V UNDERSIGNED, HAVING if competition I¢ . ACTION In In the firm of C. B. PATCH CO., Is now prepared to offer_ ,to . the oitiaetu► of-Bradford tas been in past Ccitiitf hid well selected IGHT stock of ' -= js i '' fle,, and It is oar' the . Wbicii.l horeptmoband for Oath aid feed omit - dent thatcai. edlAit 'as low ifguran ai can be purchased elsewhere. • I now offer: to the public sple4tce& of t TrA4 STARCH; ff-ALERM BPIOEfil; &C. AptoN FLOUR, . CFl4lL4 ‘ .lf DO I keep . CoturkuitlP on hand, KIT, 11:1LI4 pew and kin& , of - Would pall the at tiankm %If tha pnbliato ow. Can't Be, Bed in giallty, or price .!esan Oakley's — Ce ebrated linpiry,:geFYork Chemical aria Brown Snip. Pte age cBll nnd„:nzatiline our stock of Lame 14:01101518 TOiLET-110APeote:,&e. I will psy the high. eat cash prioefor Farness give es s call. befoieeelliegere. k,~.. ::~,~ _". An pinions indebted to : t1 e Vate `Brm viii: *sae all and make immediate 5 ET. SOAPS; Ewa 4001 ff Y OIR BCKM. . --. - 2 C. B. PATCH 'Towanda, Hatch 12,1887. - ;CROCKERY, _c (41,4*WAlt, 111 MEE OE W0.0%, - wIUow,. AND I ' ri- •r:! T~' ma FIRST HANDI3,-,`. VLOTIrS; '"* CASSIMERES) AND Of the' to6it CirfTP.i - d''' Aud MANIIPACTURING :L EMI Done to ordei, •-•,• • r Agents for And GniaDeprA for :7n fact all kinds of KEROSENE. WARE, Best brands of Kerosene 011. nirchaied the; entire Intestot - R. H. PATCH, G t . ,o._'(l'!l!, I E 2 ,,13 , ~;. ' Have. on Land a: Wife aka BYB DO. , BUDBWBEAT DO. STOCK OF -TOBACCO, WOODEN V :WARE. ~001Twii?R0Dvcir,;. • PATOIL Vet p OLD` .04/011:-:;:; 'DRUciI• ..'..- STORE INITABLprigi, TWillfrrrYllAtU3,;- . .,.. ' .-:, i • , • • Corner Main and 'Pine Streets. Tiowanda Pa Baring recently . idded largely tab's Stock,i full and _eomplate assortmen constituting an extensive tarietY, embracing ninny articles cued in the Arts for: mechanical .purposes..carefultit aelected`with regard to the`progresidve wants of the public, *doll WillQw kept constantly sups pl.ed with fresh purcbeses i _and o ff ered on the most'reasonabh) terms at Wholesale o r . Retail, consisting " • r ' .•• . , DIVUGS:MEDIORXES, CHEMICALS; raixis o VABIUSHEB, BENZINE 3. AIt,TURPENTINE, BASH, PAINT, VARNISH, WHIPBAVABIte kfjei of Brushes, ' • • KEROSENE - 4A COAL OIL • AlCobol and - rnlng Fluids, , • LAMPS, SHADIII;;;NICSEL \ Sperm, Lard *tile Nests Foot, TANNER'S AND MACHINE OILS; Fancit z irni Toilet Ailties in all their variety, BPON, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, lionandes, Hair-Oyes, Perfumery, , • POOPT BOORS:: PORT MONAIS; i }locket 1411#O, Razors, TOOTH, SHIN ANlkteent PREPARATIONS ii)RE WIENZi,AND LIQUORS, E =I (1 \ For Medicinal we, .• TOS Atjo; SHINY; -PIPES AND CIGARS, •,' ~.. --- • ' - 24 0 , Field and Roar Seeds, Trusses, Sap. port Snspenstnies Shoulder Braces, B 't Pumps, Teeth in g Flins, Nursing ' B es, Nipples Nipple S hells an d , --S!,•ields, Syri+ll, Bed Pans,Self-g Gelding Fruit ars, 'Thermometers, 'Flavoring Extracts; Stone ,Jugs, Glass Warp, Bottles, Vishr, Corlrs, Bath Brick, anda ve Blacking, Fish Taekle, Ammuni• • do p IlotanlG.f.xlectie and Romcepath- ' le ;Ines, and.all tlip Popular Patent -4 1 EDI7VINES. All articles warranted tut represented. Per sons at a distance can receive their orders by stage or mail, which will, receive prompt and card. 1, tention. '‘ 11111 DR.C3ORTEkIi -I PREPARATIoIfSI 0 ' FOR F,AIII.LY USE, Knomtota &ifs and Reliable Remedies, are war. ranteVilr ,whal, they are intended to hive Batts. : tactloneyls :! , • ~ - Dr. P 4 eier's r i. P ectclisr - Byrnp, for coughs, • t Colds, holg`comp/ainisotc4oasl 00', Dr. Porter's Eclectic - Pitts, for 'bilious Com - plaints and ; mild cathartic. ,.. 1 25. Dr. Porter's' 13anifer'Syrup, for scratida skin cliiteasels, 4-e. 1.. 1 00 Dr. Porter's Uteritie Ulan, for female pita news'; 3rc. ' • .....t.... 1 00 Dr. Porters Tonle,. Elixir for strengthening • the systan o .' ..1 00. Dr. Pinter's \ Tana% Selmapps, for liver etind ' kidney compiaints...... ...4 .. 1 00 . Comtr. ayx„ Hypophospidtna, for nevaas.debiltty , . i .. 1 00 Blackberry?, Balsam. foridar rhea, &C. - . r • • 35 Family Erntirneatienfoi4retins: bruises ' ,ll.c. . 35 D. , Porter's ,Pectord Waters, for hoaise- : 1 l rasa, sore th roat, 4.e -..• ~ . 25 Dr. Porte rs Worm 'Waters, for expigtOg Norma oms ' • :,, .. 25 Dr. Porter's Worm Syrup, for extern:lna. ling worms ~. 35 Dr. Porter's' Infant Relief, for crying babies • ~s.lic, 4-c - _ Ca.. 26 . ME Dr. Porter's Dr Porter'Ef\ Or. Porter' ME Dr. Porter's Cephalic 'Snuff, for catarrh 4eadache ' Dr. Porter's Vouthache Drops, for loath , achel Dr. Porter's - Teorh Powder, for preserving teeth; Dr. Porter's Tricortene, for dressing, AA groaintt the hair..._.....: Dr. Porter's Tricophile, or beautifying the • . ..... . Dr. Porter's OdoriferOus Shitilipoo,for .ing,the---hait" t vacirtir's Milk ot. Flowers, for beautify. - e ing the complexion Dr. Porter's Pile .O•ntment. for external piles Dr. Porter's French Compound, tot scald ing urine Dr. Porter's Medicated Figs,: for habitual I constipation Itm-Porterts-Hesihrir Salverlopeuto,wounds &.c, Dr. Porter's 'Lip Salve, for chapped lips.... Di. Porter's'Eye Salve, tot. inflamed eyes Dr. Porter's Eye Water, for inflamed eyes Dr. Porter's Corn and Wart Item Over, for corns and bunions'. •' 25 Dr. Portc.'s Constip ation . Pills} lot costive. • ness.. 2 Dr. Porter's Iron Pills, for poor blood ..... 25 e, Dr. Porter's Citrate Magnesia, for a pleas- • ant cathirric.. . „ 50 Dr. Porter's Liquid Rennet, for making nn- tr,tious diet for invalids 25 Dr. Porter's Extract Manilla, for flavoring ice cream, &c 40 Dr. Porter's Extract Lemon, for flavoring ice cream--Aarge bottles 40 Dr. Porter's Oriental'Cement, tot mending broken glans, cte - 25 Dr. Porter's Liquid Glue, for repairing wood work;;. - ~..:. 25 Dr. Porter's CleansintFlual,for easy wash- Porter's; -..- 50 D. Porter's Bed -Bug Poison, for killing bugs. ........ ..........60 Dr. Potter's Fly Polson Paper, for killing • ' 05 Dr, Porter's Rat and Mee 'Poison, for'ex terminating rats 25 Dr. Porter's Benzine; for removing spots. - tram clothes ' • 25 Dr, Porter's Black ink. in pint bottles i 25 itabnlk by the gallon 1 00. Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder, for • diseases of animals 30 Dr. Porter's Horse and, Cattle Lotion, for i. sprains, gaits, Sec 50 Dr. Porter'tritiag-Bone and Spaviri Care, - • ':• -'> for- lathe horses 50 Meditial advice given gratuitottsly at the office, chargiD i ha only fur medicine. . - Mir nkful for past/lberal patromiger,would respec tray announce to 'his trlends and the public, that no pains. shall be spared to satisfy, and merit the contin'uatlen of their confidence and patronage. ~.r. H. C. PORTER, M. D. Dec, 143, 1866. L—yr S - O_.DSETHING. • _ ; AGAIN IN MOTION ! Hay! ng purchased the stock of Tobacco belong ing to Kendall, , Compton Sr, Co.i and having, built a shanty on the same ground , we are pre pared to offer to the public 1 WIIOLESALE, AND RETAIL, 'pHEWINq TOBA,CCO, ld kiey, Sunny Side, , Pine Apple, Michigan Fig, Base Leaf and Star, which we oiler for sale in quantities to stilt.. autitomers. Patikag,es in Barrels; halts and quarters. Theteilebrated Lone "Tack, Pride of tho.Uni , ted Btatefe, Virginistie , Gold Leaf, Nary and all kinds iilllillicknick BRANDS QP CIGARS Anierican Eagle. Gen.'Grant, Lebognet, Im perlo, Tycoon and the very choicest. brands of Yams. , - We will keep constantly on hand alrariety of Pipes, Cigar Cases, Tobacco Boxes and Pouch as and everything tiitially kept in4ll Tobaccp Store, Lanalonia supplied with Olgari alit-Poll To liaecoon liberal terml. : k AU orders prompt 4 fillet 311:1 notice. G. W. iI.OFFITI. Oct; 27.1867. T H AL F EWN 3 A I Acy t io F r Branford '8 0 11 ? • CASH CAPITAL $3,000,000. Yearly hien:tearer $2,000.0(0 eaah. Towanda; July 25, 1 V6 1 17 4115" 16.111-ID. CLOTHING . IN GREAT variety for t aale cheap sox NMI NEWI A variety of Such kw FANCY - SMOKING A. BARRER . ' , Tht i - lig. 7tAr1.... 2 " , - - :7- .:.A 2.71f11r-gr..- - / ,- ;:- . 12. 42 - Ail ,:i•3ll7iii •:: -. "`.f. - 1 .6'l ,i-..- ..'„, 1ic, ,,• ~,_„„., „...,,,•,..,,,,,,,..-.0..„:.: c.,..,:...,, , •.„ ..,....,„. :.:,..., ~...,,,,,,.. ~.:„...„.„..•_;,..,.,,..,,„...-..„, . t . ;-: ~-_,31, ,, , ..,i• • , El --,Pi I._ ba : fit - 1-- ,.. 1)! : .;('+ . '- ii, '. .. ' Lt ' l'll , efs i. , :... , i1;...f,i, ' . ' ft, .I",'. c', ~ ..., . • - :-,.; , .il -1 }..! :7 .11:" : 4:- .. ;" 0 -; " ••• - 1 0: 1 - -,1 ,-, , ; c .1:- •-• o et' ' ''• ' -- -' - • ...• , .:,..„ .., . ... ... , • , it ...„,„...,,, _. .1 2 3 ':v. , 0 . 7, a !. ? . .- 4 ~, •-,.'1;1. - , 40,- , 31 - #. 4, ; ,-,.... ' t. ..,-• - • 4 ° - 1 .....;••:•tirr• - •••, - 4 1 . 4 _ , . k ‘'.: • 11 , .s-r. :ft 10.,',1i: k i;',.:..iif.,7 ir, 5 , 2. - ,- : :::: I. ... , .. ARSHALV' tROTHERS — Ie"CO to , talk sitentloit. -of +tho,piiiiiie to their hew 1 3 44441.4 f —l, .1114/03.1411% _ IFAIIIIIRG WPM!Nrclis„ MUM' TOOLS, OARP KIITIBLEI I I I OOLEL Alm:4A laige assort:inept it: , • • putty;Tarnishes _maraud • ashes of all budat which-lria7.b9 fifibklogAtiktslFeit Cao PrVe• !4 1116 1, 1 e asnorthi . eat Ito 8 - E*l,- P . • ,Graveo Ityle and-patterttosalt4liet puldii. Lamps repaired Ind Walked Inisir;foit and Fluid to Kerosene. - , Part - kids, attention paid to- the niantliianting or ail kinds of TIN IV A Itir::i JOBBING PgQIIIPTLIt •TVErIIVIDTII : We havekon hand ague ertiele:ot - I - • ,' ••-• eorife,and akit-M'trio iSE4 I,4Erwt , "whielf one of the beet cans med. . ! June 20, 1866: H A A) VtA,'IC:L.I;, - : - ‘,-1.':,,3 CODPIIiG. & 811iiik.14;,.,‘: . Respectfully inform their cuatemeta and the public generally, that .although , the• flre,Oeea• Atoned serious to es and-temporarY interruption to our hesitate. - 1. - " WE STILL.43IIRVIYEI" And tura parchase.T _a huge. staaeof-f ova , . • _ SHANAY STORE! Lind are fairly Reconstructed and doing buss The front of our store is now on Pine street, about 100 feet from Main street, at E. T. Pox [now Powellai] old corner. If yen' sho old go into Powell's. and walk straight throagh . the wall of the back end of his store, you would findyoniself among. the stoves ; pots; ketaes, anvils, bellows and vices of oar new mere.-•tut as you can't got through the well, just walkup Pine street - to' our Shebang, where we keep a fall tine of Hardware. We haven great vane! . ty of • . COOKING AND PARLOR STOVES Lunopr,them la the AMERICAN, TRIBUNE, EMPRESS, , , I STERLING, • ORIENTAL, MORNING LIGHT,' '_ GAS - GAS BURNER, -&,c . A complete asAirtmenter. 'ran, Steel, Nails., Window. GLASS, Sash. 4.1.9 acne Oil. Tabu-and "Pocket Cutlet', Fnrm ing 'fools, Carpenters and Joiners Twly, Blacksmith Tools, Pampa, Lead Pll4, Powder, Guns, _ VjgrOlS &c . We are. agents for Elmira Rolling , Mill Co.' Iron!! 1 00 1 00 DuPorrr's POWDM. 1 00 ELlthrti l L KEROSENE. OiL. We manufacture TIN,- SHEET IRON . AND COPPER WORE, Ana do ill sorts of JOB WOllll In one line. Castryald Old Iron, - Cast and Wrought Scraps, Coppery Brass, SheepPeltd. Rags, Furs Feathers, Bees Was, &e. We buy cheap . , sell cheap. and are ergot profits. , - CORDING .Ir, RIISSELI. Towanda, Sept. 12, 186?. filiottllantous. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS EXPERI ENCE IN DENTISTRY. • -• J. would ralPectfully inform the inhabitants of Bradford, County that hels permanently,located in Waverly, N. Y., where he has been in the practice of his profession for the past four years. He would say that front-Ids long and successful practice of 25 years duratien he is , familiar with all the different stYles of work done in any and all Dentallistabllahments in city or country, and is better prepared than any other Dental operator in the vicinity to do work the best adapted to the many and dialer:it cases that preterit themselves oftentimes to the. Dentist, as be understands the art of making -his own artificial teeth, and , has facilities for doing the wane. To those requiring under seta' of teeth he would call attention to his new kind of work which consists of porcelain far both plate and teeth, and forming a continuous gam. It is more durable r more natural in appearance, and much better adapted to the gam than soy other kind of work. Those in need of the sane are invited to call 'and examine epecimens. Teeth filled to list for years and oftentimes for life.— Chloroform, Ether, and ".Nitrous Oxide " ad ministered with pe rfect safety, as over four hun dred patients within the last tour years can res . , will be In Towanda from the 15th to 20th of every mouth, at the oMce of W. IL TAYLOR, (formerly occupied by Dr. 0. H. Woodruff)— Having made arrangements with Mr. Taylor,,l am prepared to to all work in the very best style, at his nem • April 83, 1867: DR. V ANBUSKIRK OitatATNE' AND MECHANICAL DzsrtsT, has .opened rooms In the Beldleman Block, dlrecply oppo site thejleans Holm, for the practice - 01 his , profession, and Is prepared at all time*, to per-L form all operatiime Mousing to Dentistry. The', different kinds of Plate Work, will be recom mended actor ing to their honest merits*,. Nat ural Teeth tilled and restored to their Original beauty -With . material the best adaptetto each individual case. The greatest dare add atten tiormill be given to -the correction of.trregu !milks and the extraction ,of-Teeth. In this. Department of practice ille Dogtor wonld say he claims an amount of BM aid experience equal to.that possesset' ' -" any other. country. r without pain, ether, and a mac tlenta, as the test shown. Please call our work, and, be a the statements. A. be cheerfully and gri Towanda, Jurieli, Ir_TA.RDIN G . .1-L • • Having entered . transaction of the , at the rooms formeol 4 Harding, would remait of the public to sever we make special* . Plain,' enciled am leiu - Pietues, ite9 and brilliancy of tot not be exeefled. We as well as the more wltichlry make, it will the-closest claim:lathe highest oily in this section termined by . a strlc -the. superior waft retain tut inimasse We keep constant of Frames wad i at lcr eilablivhment fly t..ots Card frames, Card •EleMli, - Holmes' Stereo scopes, Stereoscopic • 'Vies, and everything else of importance to the fatalness. alts me an 'earl N. 8,-Solar erbibig ; for the trade on the moat reasonable -term& - D. HARDING, -Ang.49.117.• t‘. P.I3MALLEY. IIONS4,,TOWANDA,.P,A. W Ou`Wain Street, near the Court House. . C. T. SKIM Propti‘r. oct.e.,lBCt cs ; -,Ed t - 1 , . . 101114MMMS,4EPMATOR4;' a ;tog thin I Mooreikoamionp:lgarow*ANO: . . . ul . . . -*N1) 4, 110082 - .:.LPONERS6 .)5,1,:. , it: t,,;i io „, 1 , 4 - 1 A 1144-14 T -1 19F 84 - " banal i:Bl,ates;-- , itriVr it:goo Ira grgi r t i l l t . illikiNinJjklar4 1 4 .;j:1' ‘. . • THEA3EST;AMPERATOk. , . Wigytti**4o4 the f Pri.444, =di , IF4- I fAs,,,,LPtir.trt:t4a,lo4 imer el ll . i= ,,, .!"I4IRESHII 4 IO I i. THE' STRAW They are very simple la: colittnietto*; being com psrifietei Q-,e, OW4 3 _ t:A O thakl -,( 10 #040. Moire s'eAtiisitetolekittedi ; •they . Ansali asaa*tsettuaed lioderonr lieMotial ri•-r - 1 4 1 11ALIARN.GE.--THE -, WORLW , To ebOW material; :EV ery %ItcMing lu - 14 up artd,... 4- • ; TlX6Boll6llele Tp3TB.D ,ONOEB `AI - ,..llies;ClntAring the S9oi7ie, and Are • TbeylfaVe been in_lintetical use lox several, m it ,w so 'that 'e are' not - advertising ' 'a new mg chine evetyselieouietich .1 . " better, than an •thing ever before offered to tbepubitc,"!- Th y can be attached to Triad m Powers';l3i.teeP:Pow ne Briar or WiterPower, and - for • ' -D - RTAI3 - 1-14 - 1 ; T-Y " Perfeetion of • 'Working Ecanom r, their eiluOltaanot been invented. . , ; .:: - • -•• ,ir R ,C- E .S'ns those a &ay , other Mafia fa ctu rqs audparties desiring to purchase,.wiil dad it to their Interest to'examine our stock before pur *Wing elsewhere. '• • • PRIGI: LISTS 'FURNISHED , 14,application. All kliJds of . • • • • AGRIOI7LTURAL MADAMES On hand, and Mill Work, Engines, Boilers and machinery of all kinds got up order prompt ly and on favorable terms; • - - -•-• - • - 111.001) & - C-11„.14 - Athena, Aog. 8',111187. N ORTH BRANCH FOUNDRY A li A: . O II I ' S H.O Y, Situated on Pine, east of Main Street, TOWANDA, BRADFORD CO, PA, Is now prepared to, fnruidh , 1- 011tOULAR SAW MILLS, SHINGLE .MAGHLNES, Of the test qualily•yrith;the. ilitest improve ants. all kinds of Machinery for Flo oring and . STEAM' ENGINES, - - MADE St-REPAMED, f STEAM- WHISTLES, STEAM: GAGUES, GAUGE COCKS; * - • OIL CANS, MI., Furnished at short notice. • BOLT „CII,TTING,. - Done frail lioheellri diameter. .FORGIi4G OI heavy wrought ,w - ork !for Br idges, and all • other purposes; done •to . order. ALTO, - .. a lirgee assortment of • COOKING . & B.BATING'STOVES Coal and Pima Minters. P.urniture for -Coo Stoves, Stove Pipe, -.Tin-Ware, ,Boat Plows; Cultivators and Lcrapers, kept consta - ly on band.. DRAWINGS & SPEtLF'IOATIONS Of all kinds of. marhinPxy. for, mills and other purposes prepared by WARREN 'HILL, Foreman who has had large experience 1n this 411" 434 the 115111"L ' JOHN dAIOI "Towanda, Oct,. id, 1866.-Iy. CARRIAGES, WAGONS,SLEIGHS THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT STILL IN OPER. ' ATION - FELLOWS, CIUNDALL t Successors to Reynolds, Fellows .k Co., are now offering and are prepared to furnish on short notice, Wagons Carriages-and, Seighs, of alt descriptions and of the latest 'and 'most appro ved style; and of the best material at the.old stand opposite,the Union. Rouse. in: the cen teal part of Alba Borough, Bradford -County, The 'public are assured that the repuistio . n the shop has acquired during the last six years under the superintendence of J. , H. Fellows, will be' more than maintained,.as he will superin tend the work as heretofore he'having long ben and. having had much experience as a Carriage, and Sleigh- Builder ; would assort , the public that uo pains will be spared by the above , firm to make the establishment worthy of their pat ronage. Thankful as one of the.old firm for the patronage thus - far exteruled,wo hope to merit tontinuance. of the same. the undersigned„being practical mechanics ' can manufacture arid offer to the public at prices that will defy competition. ' - - JAMES 11.• FELLOWS,; D Wi C. OI:ANDALL4 .. • , • • X. •G. ILERITT • • /Dm Borough. April 15,1866. . Iy. T .OWANDA ,CARRIAGE FACTO.RY: , The undersigned, respectfully annoupee to the public that they•have purchased the CARRIAGE SHOP G. H. DRAKF,;- I And are now prepared to build work in THE•LATES'T STYLE And 'most workmailike mannet They will constantly keep on band an eaiortntent oteplen, TOP AND OPEN, - BUGGIES, FAMILY CARI!,IA4ES, DEMOCRAT AND LUMBER_WAGONS, 0111 MID TWO ISTAT'AD ALBANY''' . BLBIG:1113. ALL. WORK WARRANTED. REPAIRING promptly, attended to at rea souable ' BRYANT dc Towanda;. May 8,1867.-Iy, N_E.W.FIANII~TGF ;MILL The undersigned haring •.titillt.a large and com• modione Kill in the Borough of Towanda, and filled It with the most modern and improved machinery, for the.manufactore of g WINDOW 9iNH,4sIBLINDS, are repared to 81l orders, Whether large. or , upon the shortest_ mottos. We hive also , a large • variety of MOULDINGS, of the latest style and pattern, which we can furnish mach cleaper pan they. can •be worked by PLANING; • TONGUBING, ' • - - •• GBOVNINII ,e• and d ad aot only' ,re#141,1014-- 'ND_ SCROLL - 'SAWING; and all other work pertalnlngto. Joiner*, will be done to snit our. customers. , Pawns building, end not.livingtiore th an twelve to' 'fourteen Wiles distant, will find It largely for their interest to buy of u, or bring their lumber, and. worked, by oart maohinuy. Bring your grist of . Flooria! or o th er lumber, and 1 while your, team la feeding,. have It ground out and take It horn with"you We I'M - °ABB for' PINS ligh[LOOK LUMBER at our lumber yard. Come ant see n& or Myatt can't roma, write. • - - L. & DODGEM* 00. Towanda, Feb, 1884. ; e .. fi , • • •e'A''o . , , • 0.; 1 • '4' /• di t•- '- • i t- , 12,,J..,' • ' _.' 4 • _47'4'l7'e O.*Ati..ITA —IN II EA 1(0 E • .- -- ::-- • • : " AGENCY Pdßeies..liumed,Lessetodiestedsuid iiremp 513 pa i ..s - ---- By H. .15441V.KRAN, 4,5e , ti, : . Apetat follositigirellinaiia ilia -rellitde .6.,1,.. ... , ....„1..0“5661-;: - .01BeelleSitenyik's Rlir.etr.. . • T jureifittes l o l il.for Piliiird, - '''::: - . 1!/000,00, - -1, - ,:v ..'7..••• 'l.. ,•,_•:" ,i..:.'z,: • •• - ! 41117NA - 41111102.01141`iirri - • , •••••/ - . • ct. fft ` nfti - ' ..,-..* Tcl,rdr-:... ,— . ' .....-...„ cit - T . tr --- e5e0r!"...4,!',-.1"•!t*,4.!-Tt".-..:i • /10W,(4. , ,•: 1 cre'- ''':Z ', • ' -`-'• Four:Axo Lot zures ii 'e6; -- ..,:.''j 1- • 12,ek I Capital, es.and Reserved Puzleb' .. - _ . "(Oold):: ' - . • . 4 Mlati 'United StatiC pini. ...- moo m 4) Dag _ taw . ; opyTaz:4l4 o I', (Gold) ' • 17 -2 40, Nivi - Amour? AescreescirAerri 4-- ' • - --, -;,.'.. ..';-;, *Argo ',Ceerv.,. Ca - p4/. - ..'..,• ...: „..... • ......• .. •.. $2OO ; Jo , 'WYOXING isorunewuterCiturr, 1 _. ..-•,- - . TiLkes!#erv,e, r.s.,f . - • 'capfsaf '' ' -_ - ' ,•. :---.;,...-.. .... .... .;25r..0. 04 0 Mos=s 41044* Tiwyrriiinnwiesl • C,d., --, ; T,AAecide4tal)_ • ,'.,-, -.7 - !;• - ••. , .. 0 ".. , .f- ,, :i.. ' - , Pluladerihia, -- :. :. VaP l 4l:4 l l. 44 • ' - ' EMI EEO MEE , .. -_.Capital Towanda, Fe . , trrtrAiLln Is=lung liartford, slo,isxl,tA.o .20, 1266,U .111;TP° D LIVE STOCK lls 61: Ii RANCE _COMPANY. oarrrar. 6600,000. Cash asaeti Nov. • I, 1866, $15.5;291, Insured on all lands of llve stock. agsk, theft and death frour , any eanae. . H. 11-: kicKEA .It&i. 10,1867 Agent, Dee.. 6th, the Mare" Lady Mace," owned by Dennis F. Flagg, of Boston, Maas.. accidentally received a kick from another , horse,. breaking her left fore leg, above the knee, rendering r necessary to kill her as an act of humanity. L. awed •in the Hartford Live b'tock la iurwice patty. Loan paid Dec. nth 18c7 FiRE,LiRti,4L„NRDAs'efaI.DENTA 4, 'CArITA.L Kiravirtnan -09 ER SE VENT,EE IV AMMON :DOLL C. S. RUSSELL, Agenl, FOft TUE ItiLLOWIHO- HAYED itELTABLE COMP :•• - qiutARD FIBS, it /URINE 6 4 / 1 16iANCY I COMPANY-, ' . -Phitatrapkia, • Capital and surplus 0rf.r...: Hams IssuuSxcs COXFANT. •• • • Of New-York. Cspital sztd surplus, INSCILANCE CCOEZANY OP NOATiI lonutro.ii • ' Phd4delpfaia. Capitil and surplus, over Ifirrnairitz 6'3l:lawn CoscrAsy, <Of Mein-Vork. Capital an4ati,rplaa, dveT.- t WA; , • . . iS . . . ENTIMPRIga fiaIIIRANCK CONP.OT: 1 , - . ~ Of Phitadelphia: i Capital and sorplue; over ,- - - 13,-o-j.,... Ong INBUitANOE COMPANY, Of iVelb-Y6ric . Capital - and warplds. o7er . Pcyziais It:sax/ism COMPAXT,' ' • Of 11cOlord, Conn Capital and surplus, over • MUTUAL LIFE IEAL - EAICII , I Of Netn-York. capital and surplus,cver TRAVELIXES NETUELECII COM ANY, :". Of ;Hier Irani. Capital tied surPins, over , • -Risks Latta an rki. Linda.: Properlit:at' low rittebas Ly any other rel Ctunpawe.. • aar Polities laud. and. -asses, josted at this Agency,thereby 'saving the trnul,it and expense of going. elsewhere for eettiettor.t. ()Mee at - the Hardwhere Store (I ding, Or. Russell - ' 'C. S • Towanda, Feb. /I . SHE • INSITRANCP, • ()QMPANY ••-* OF NORTH AMERICA. Mice Nu. 242 Walnut Street,-philadelpuis. This Company are now prasecuting the bu i; 'netts Of In4urance from loss dr dainage by FIRE on Buildings, •-11rcbandise,',. ,Furniture, frt.. throughont. the:St te of Pennsylvania, on U1,:?r• al tertusior long o short periodal..or pertnazei.t • ly of Buildings, 14 a deposit at Premium. The prompt payment of claims for losses:ln - itig,the-perkd of l iearly 70 years that tt.e C.--,r, parry has been in eidsp.nce, entitles them t.) -:' confidence of the nblic,, -, ...,,- • - ' Dlllif.CTollB.—A2 _bur O . f (7offin, Samai *y:. Jones, John A Brown, Charles Teeter, AUll,7(.:•'^ White, 'Jno. 8.-Neff, Rl , fiart D. -Woad, Wu , . Welsh, 'Wrn. E.. Bowen, James N. Dick.o.n. S: Morris Wain, John Mason, Geo. L. Barri , :,. Francis R. Cope. Edward El. Trotterjalwald S Clarke, Wm. Cummings. • Aternra G. COF Flli, Pre? n' . f, C. S. RUSSELL, Agent,inwanda. ' 4 4. kitIVIER'S MUTUAL-FIRE I"iS, ..7: , RANCE COMPANY OF ipriats Office in Thuiviiio, Montour COunti, Penn a Carital •The Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Comtniny of Middle Pennsylvania wds incorporated ty the Pennsylvania Legislature, 1n the_year 1859, ioi the \ Mutual Insurance of Limutry prOperty only, and itantediattly thereafter commenced its open along on that principle, Which has been strict ly adhered to since. - _•• All kisses have been promptly paid oat of 'the Premiums collected on application for insurance without making any assessments. The insuran'ce, of Country property only, the low rates charged fin Insurance, and the prompt payment of losses are deethed a sufficient recetl mendation of the Farmers . Mutual Firf - once Company of 'Middle 'ennsiarania, • • owners olsate class country property. -P. JOHNSON, Sec'y. Wu. FULMER, ['rest , LUCIEN *MY ER, Agent', Towanda. I ;larch 5,'66 BRADFORD C-OUNTI LIEI‘L ESTATE AGENCY, H. B. McgEAN, REAL ESTATE AWr:N Valuable Farms, Mill 'Properties, City ono Town Lots for ;ale. Parties having "property for sale will find to their advantage by . eaving a description o: the same.-with terms of sale at this agency, a. patties are constantly enquiring for farms'Ac C. g. •B. NicKEAN, ". Beal Estate Agent Office Etontanye's Block, Towanda, Pa Jan. 29, 1867 LIVERPOOL AND LONDON N P GLOBE FIRE -AND bieE COMPANY.--Office, 4.5 William St:, and 726 Broadway, N. If. • Capital, Surplus and Reserved Fsinds (Gold) • .. Assets in thiUnited States,.over.... Daily Premiums, upwards of (gold).. • 17,- • The shareholders personally responsh , 1 .engagements of the company. All Dire:tor , must be shareholders. • • DIRECTORS u NEW Yonic.—FraniAs Cotttn Es,. Chairman, Henry Grinnell Esq., 1• 3 (;; 11 .7' -Chirman, Joseph Gaillard,. Jr., Esq., E. fit. Arehibald,Esq., H. B. H. Consul, Av.sande r Hamilton, Jr., Esq 4 Robert C. Ferguson. Fsu • • Allred Pell. Asia., Resident Secretary. Abr 'ander Hamilton;lJr„ . Esry.;Cduusel of Bard. BAximas PhePlz Barii—Cammlnn & Ca , The. Policies of Aida Company are issued I,y Well-laicism American- citizens resident is New York, who are Directors awl-Shareholders, and consequently,.with the other Shareholder:. are individually, liable for all the engagements a the Company ; all Policies are signed hy them : all claims are payable In cash on proof , a 101$ without deduction for Interest. and Sot, as usual, slaty. days alter, presentation et prx,l They espy() at al o'clock, P. Id., and nut...t noon. Life insurance, effected, and, sunciiio granted on tadorable.te rms . • - • • 11. B, Itch:CAN , A get,t Towanda. April 23, 1867. .. N ,E,w AAR A N.G E Kti T AT TWA NEWS AND lOOK STORE - The undentlgned having purchased the BOO: STORE AND NEWS 110011 of J. J. Griffith. respectfully invite the old 'patrons of the esiaD livhmerit and the public generally, to call and t-N amine our stock. .. - AL'IrORD. A" ER_ICXN TOWANDA, PA., . . Raving purchased this well known on Bridge Street, I- have refurnished and refitted •it With every convenience for the acconimoda• tion of all who may. patronise me. No pains w be spared to make all pleasant and agreeable. May a l '66.—tt. J. b.-PAT rEssow. Prot , - • MUSIC, OR ANY, OTHER AR TICLIC In our line, (*tiered at abort -notice qy calling at the bi.SWId ROOM. TIREAEFAST,•;DINING, ELATE N AP SION, and Parlor Tablet, at - FEINTS ESE $3,7y9 1 i UM ..1(1 $357,( 1 10 ut) AINORD & BARIUM • P. E: SARBKR.