Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 14, 1867, Image 2
- • - News frani alt Natkessi. - .. , —lt la stated' that tier tZhibi Justice Chase, Stu* TradatiraWiii'Dhil triot AttorneY Otenulleillveressivell agr, definite reply from thi isominalbr Jet Da, Tie regarding the lieoppeitiori of am Chid ;ludic" to f ttl Dirk, pa' the nth ONOTeal-, bar. Judge UnderWoodhai recedesol slab , t• r frnm Williazaof Nl - of muisel foi the Oirreetnaerti;_iiiitaiiy• he writtee to* ickuta 3i vaiyi, 'cif Ilos*, one of the connect for Darle; - an thi fulled; but has received no reply::,' ie . said that at a little. Nev England town where Sheridan stopped &few ininntee,the girls erpresaed their admiration ,y kissing. One lass failed to reach his lip. "It was a miss,'!aahl Sheridan, "but a good line shot." A - - -Horice Greeltweni View*lll to 'deep on the stage at the Giver Initl- Otte.. the other emii3gi• while Ansi& of Ttlinniti teas telkog stories about President Liiienln. . . z...i.-: ~ =The Lorille.rds; ttibteeo tjpiety chat* made ettuna for government tit is Septanher, - to the amount of $1911,000, sni)- , reed to be the lined sans eves void by say-home in the United States. Joeeph Linda LW, of Lindbs r t IFOJI _ llKVllay:_killea in Cameron Ocronty, Pa, by of a tree II the wrong direction, which bad been chopped down in the 11004 where he and Othela }were haabadag. ' -S. T. McGowan, of Corning, a yonpi man eghteanyeara of ageorea hitatty Wined by the ears at Olevelaaa • on Piiday —The mathin' e shops of the ksed G. - W. ,Reilway, Are being removed from Corry—one pntion to Mesitrilln--the other to Kent, Obio. —,-Bneiness matters are looking up muddy, in littera* and more gratitiag than for menthe peat, New on tenitory is being developed, etzsagernize coming in, and king absent hoes have retained. —Two attempt; have been made to bnnz th. old Academy baildingin Frank lin, but both have been insnoonsfol. --=Two bean were- shot In Frank .lin county last week, by two sportsmen.— Three were discovered in one tree, and bat one of them escaped. -- 7 The Binghamton BeirtbWan reo mule : '{'We and informed that on Tuesday last, a large mass of earth in the unfinished Mantel of the Albany and Suiquehannaltailm road, - wear Nineneb, 'gave way, breaking down the wooden support of the roof and completely filling up the tunnel, so that no estimate of, the amount of damage can be Arrived at. So dangerous is the tunnel considered, that it is said workmen refuse to go into it, for - fear of being entrapped by falling earth. This is apiece of intelligence we regret to hear, as the ...damage may be immense., —Chins refuses ,to work her mines lest the bones of her ancestors should be disturbed. She is opposed to broken China men. There is a project in tow for Uni ting the Gulf of Mexico and the Miaiduippi by a new channel. —The present Governor of Borneo is 11,11o:bury, Maas., man, formerly by the name of Terry.• —Ten thousand negroes have learned to read in Virginia during the past year ; certainly a pretty good beginning• —A young daughter, 15 or 16, of ' r Hiram Barker, of Orange,whila he and his • ~, wife were on a visit, is said to have eloped with a colored man by . the nameof Joe Ds,- enport. Their whereabouts are not yet Ois covered. —The poet office•at Burdett was robbed last Friday night,%y forcing - three doors, and postage and revenue stamps to the value of $32 were carried off. Ten dal lark worth of similar property were taken from Beettabnrg office upon the suns night. _ —:-Some officers, passing through Hampton, Va., ware assailed by tulip! the unreconstructed, who was algal:nod, whip ped 'and locked qt. —Chief Justice Chase is spending a week in New. :-York. t • —Five prisoners escaped from the Schenectady, N. T., jail i tm the sth. sad are 021 at larga —The Massachusetts Legislature is deeidedl3 , for licensing. 4 -The Sioux and Arraislioe &ails are awaiting the arrival of the trading hot* to plunder them. The Indians de in oi4 the surrender of the Powder river coulitry on pain of war. The Canadian Parliament was formally opened on the 6th instant, with Min. James Cenchen as Speaker of the Senate. The speech from the throne is to `be made on Thursday. —Garibaldi is said to have been arrested by the government, and, with his sons, is a prisoner.* The towns of the pro vince of Rome voted secretly for union with Italy. The royal troops have been recalled from the Papal territory, and the French troops will retire, pending negotlationa. —Every office in Maryland is. Bald to be filled by Democrats. —A revelation is expected in Maxi. co for the olanthr‘ of Juarez. —A tornado . lately visited St. Thomas, destroyed five hundred prism, almost destroyed the =town, and caused many shiparecim. —The Cretans are preparing for another campaign against the Turks, witha determination not to know peace until the island is free and annexed to Greece. ..Mexican government will not have intercourse with foreign Ministers until the republic is.reeognized by the gcrv ernments they reprisort. --In the fight between the Gui baldians.uad the Papal trOope, near Tani. three thonnuid of the fornier were either killed, wounded, or captured. —The opponents of a prohibitory liquor law have elected a two-third majority in their interest to the Massachusetts Leg islature. —The Reconstruction Convention of Alabama organized atitontgonzary on the sth.. Capt. Barker, of the Freedmen's Bureau, was ,shosin President, and Moses Aseiy, of Mobile, a negro, Secretary. There are siiteen negroSpes. --In South rolina registration returns froui threafourthe of the Bette show a black majority of 4854. ' ...—About $500,000 due to northern J eseditors matured at the eiwries4s, 8. C.. backs on Monday, and wan promptly paid.: —Three ruin hetOnging to the Brit,. 'lei steam bigot* Wolverine, wire drowned liaseday at cftebee by the uisetthq cis Wham Vta4fitiltpstio.* f - MEE Towanda l Thitnik i Nfml4l.BB7. - s t This State ins. kilren a Sepubliran major ity of about 25,000. There hare been con siderable Democratic gaga aII over the . .eltssS4l...Ths Legitimists* le hugely. Itesetblle. eanAut the , members chain are igenendly opposed in prohibition. < Tbs ; following State ticket (all2epabliesis) is elected ;- Goirstuor—Abetandet H. Bu llock. • 414014=4 Oavernor—William Beesetaa of the w eeMb Waste. Tniiiarer uml Receiver Cienimil-4aeob Anditot—Haag EL Beggs. Attorney Gemist—Cbszles " - I VMOUIDMIL • Although - there have • been comidarable Demoeratio pine hi this State, there lano doubt that the following Republican age tieket, brelectod . by it 'least: Ave tiOnend Uoutonsallmmtr—Wymn Spooner. tiKStates—Ckm. Thou . 8. Alba, = ; 111Slam E. Smith. Attorney 611/321--001. Chinks Gi Bank,Oomptroller-701. J. M. Bask. st4e i saimenaatit—A. I. Craig. &kelt:ism Gasunhnioner—Henry oar. Tbdi - Leffillatur" EePubliogA usual; which secures the election et a itade• fad 17. a Senator in place of J. R. Doo little, 'who betrayed his party and became one of Andy Johnson's tools. - This State has given a Ilepuldiean ma jority, probebly not over 3.000, sleeting the following Wired State ticket; Secretary of State—Bemy O. Rogers : State - Treasurar—Emil Munch. Attorney General—F. B. OomelL Iwthe Legislature there will be a decided Radical majority, which rendea certain the election of a; staunch • Republican in the Owe of 11. B. Senator Alen. Ramsey. WU& - 1/2 In this State the Baths* have elected a majority of the •Leglalatuth but the Con stilational amendments striking out the wards ."white" and “male," have been de tested. The Brcubliban majority, in the ; State wilLbe about 7000. naisces. The -elections in this State--for 4101111tyi yams have resulted in the choice of Be, *gleans, generally, with snail Dem to gains in some &eel on the paytous iota. • ' The new mutilation, which eiatireelm.l Partial wattage, is undoubtedly ratified smill The unprecedented majority of ovei, 70,000 in the city of New York and Hinge, county has secured the State to the recotai cratiby a large majority. The following Democrats are elected: Secretary of State=Heary A. Nelson. Comiltrolkir—William F. Allen. Treisurer—Wheeler H. Bristol. Attorney thmeral—Marshal B. Cluin4 plain. • StatiAneneei—Van B. Richmond.; Canal Commissioner-John D. Fay. Inspector of State Prisons—Sokunon Scheer Judge of Court of Appeals—Martin Gro ver. ' 'NW JEREMY. There have been large Democratic pint), and the State has gone against the &pub; beans by some 4,4:100 magaity. The Senati will remain Sopublicae possibly, but this Assembly will be largely Democratic. The members to the Legislature are elect ed annually, and there is no election Of . 11. S. Senator until next year, hence . the election of next year will decide that qe4- tion. MARYLAND. This State is rebel all over. The Repub licans made scercely, an resistance. The new rebel State Constitution has been-ruti fled fully.and goes into force next Janes' The following ticket (all Democrats) is elected: Ludas Pal alibi. •1. t . I KIN=M3t. 21:RW TIME, Gorerzurrl-Owen Bowie. Attonietteneral—lisao D. Jones. Comptroller . of the Treasury W. 4. Leonard. &paint' mukcit of Labor and Apiculture —4. W. McPherson. Clerk Court of Appeals—Junes L. Frank lin. The Democrats cany New York, Now Jersey and Maryland-3., 1 The Republicans carry llbsuachusetioi, Minnesota, Michigan, Kansas, Wbocuutin, Illinois and Nevada-7. se- Whether Universal Suffraie will be soon adopted in this country, or even continue to be maintahled in the States where it now exists, will depend greatly upon the character and attainments of the men selected tik Congress from the Southern States wider the Reconstruction Acts. !If upright and able men shall be gener ally chosen, the argument of the Radicals will be strengthened ; !if many of the other sort shall get in, ,the argument, on the side of liberal ity will be weakened. True, a geed many men have gone to Coignes who were not fit to be there, by white votes exclusively, and thrfir deficiencies or misbehavior has been overlooked; but the men who go there mainly or largely by the ballets of the blacks, cannot hope fora charitable judgment pot their behalf, or to be allowed the privilege of rib scanty: They will be pointed out, and their defects charged to the ac count of that system of suffrage by which they were chosen. Wtdlei it will still remain the privilege of whites to. send a rascal or a blook head to Congress without being Ob jected to the deprivation orthe right of suffrage, or r evert to sharp anid version, the blears will be held t e a' a different rule of accountability They must make no mistake of thin sort, under penalty of losing the chance: of mistaking again in the { same way. „ i • --thmeral Schofield has requested Picepoea, of Vixen* to Intwol as, taszebere at the Legislature that the #suhe avian for the canting week will l die. peeped with. • Ikpu arrn Trrr insisting +.llty thus . 01111 Y, I . llPon Oil' 1 ! *Anti ' th! P-0 1 44 4 la a .41* , . ... , 1 wimmi , -..-, ~ z., ., ,2 , , lm* ' • Wit#lofor'lliiit isiiiir,— not pitioi4 l yeTarit of uflinchiog et oduot Mi. I bility - f t lat. it ..sbould EM2 . 114 nisi Will dim who lam steady and own**, rei `bC remembe birned out, a itida sis w e l inert. de g putY; .more *Am : I justified lb Iffx. thtuunm angina tti is even 4mition it in And cites demand to conduct- of cdsiini may inss , betide, nceutlicy tit carded the. Prudence. that Mr. Fphuson bias 1 . ! ''woreo th‘ hi ! .‘ Wert* troito by z,iiie:ltepidid*: 101480 aatfor.; ( 4 1 , 1 1Fter.•:••4.:, , :oentut* trust ploOid is .theEW is defectio*:#:l 2 o': oot" . ea. ,otakoOt *AM" :to .(se :444301 7 4d. .stg, bl • the 10t:Alit. i ch trader end 1 tbe. .ibonfi` presente..:Whatever let it :not tin - Bald with t the ßepablicscs 'die- suinfatiOnol of ordinniy d by tbebr. - owa roaklOso • themeolvekto•freeti dib - , aingliationo;,( e tr. and - - • reme Onurt nf the District Satuiday,tio) fall Bench twin the oiler of Judge - ding Mr. IBradleY as a ° at the Bar.; Hon. Robert. ade ,an argument in be - Bradley, after Which the rendered jby Chief.Jus• who said that although suspending!' . member of a painful oae,it was nee. attain the dignity of the unish Mr.-Bradley. for his It will he! remembered iginal diffinnity betreen er and Mr. Ilradley oo Barrett trialai • IN the Se of decided to -1 Fisher s torsatitionel J. Walker' hid of 2 , Ideoision'sr! floe Carter the duty of the Bar w eseary. to Court and i contempt. I that the judge F . I red at'the I - tructive fires' occurred Bat , Sunday in Chicago, .n House Ties destroyed, , tors sustaining a loss of .$20,000, land an entire nrdsi and The Brigh i its propri l $15,000 block of s Wells an prising down. dares, bated between Lasalle streets, - auCcom . n b u ilding si was burned e loss by tbe latter conga- Olmsted ats6o,ooo. Early morning a, likoiler explosion gration is Thursday occurred street; ti valued a and en a flour _Mill in . Canal '. building aid its. contents, $65,600, *ere soon fired l ay consumed.. • The engi loyed in the mill is reported neer emp miseing. e Sunday CO question has . a deciSion of the SIP T keen setts prema Co delivered on Wednesday, at Pitteb rg, - which reversed the deci sion of J dge Strong, that to run the cars wai a breach of the peace and a . , misdeme r. Three of the Judges— Chief Jes ice Wood Ward, Dem., Read; Rep., and Thompson, Dem., agreed np op a final decision. judge - Strong, Dem; &nil Agnew, Rep dissented. Deallmitio party of. Ohio is in so ' how to claims f United . the me .) crate to pledged port. V men of ahead • 1. perplexity,' not knowing dispose of ' Tallandigham's Ben Wade's seat in the "totes Senate. Nearly all hers elected iby the Demo the State Legislature are tri their constituents to sup- Ilandigham, but the wise the party gee utter , ruin these pledger be redeemed. pile u IBlN the ATl tueilri ON AT . . .1 heAspassedi's, NBA leanser. of the th instant,has the 1 twoonni of an oration at Big isnot on the Railway a few it of that city : 1 eight ,on the arrival of train Na.,.,5 ate, Mr. John Brongluun„ of HMSO. 4 off and skated for his home. Ho' ceded about six : 3Z eight rods from ~when a man crime out of the wood thrust a 4iitil igtol A ilto his . 11 . and fired, th e ballthrough hie; .1 . , -. lip, jaw and paling through the palate, lod :.., : in his throat, Almost the same . .. t that the assafedn fired, .B. drew his . .Iver and fired, but with what effect is I . .t' kuown, as the man, immediately after i . . ...turned and, fled. . 8., thinking ~ - was fatally hurt: tired more shots to ' .. his the .people.— 4 1 PPo had : . off the train hear ing and cries . murder, returned to the and calling up Mr. Smith, the agent- the Brie Bail , , oonveyed Mr. B. o tot w to his . A. . . . Wu called and dressed the wound, but . . not think it ad visableextract,' the . Mr. B. fully idea the man. deicers are snow in pursuit, and will without . doubt effect hie tzio esp The man, as nr= to by Brough al, is . Wm. J. 'fttl4, a young dentist, who. ' been rturningi With Brougham's wife. . °blot was to get rid of Indian Pe4 Comminionein N peace with the Ape is to with the rihe I°4 • Ibly illme*th . are tore quantity quanti:ri' the 55, 61 7 are money, : clothing. A • will be * - with the Azar corm wi th the Choy `, of the hostility of the Ist- Ths cheyeaues had not, &needed the Cannon, Asa• Ezaama Elmira fo • : Flats, a miles w - "Last at Big heads, : the 4- 11 13 • :— I Skated hl . 1 0fis emit,. ft., on the Bozo' i j u souga i Ili ,40 of tildeb is sons eat load. sad • good do-, brick fans t aad ood .omo attached, . cooker* ex. all• 1 43 1Z ial an for othb l etroits.; TiM i ti 1 NOM the MOW Or. ' , *l ; The llaarflold Voaad are audg• ra t Mooir abidlar a plssioa. . H. 13. MAIM lai• AiaBEWS . ' 04.2E4 Ml 7 w Miuwtwswit ...1 - 5.1.5•-•. ---, , •1 3 .'s - Scg" . ;)'• . • - ..... - ,:- -‘74. 1 0. 4 : li I. • ' i - I +i. ; . , - ' '47 ; -4. . *"-. •/ ..... - a . - ,y. - .' 1.... a • • I • . 1 .." r_ . ...; - t i. 4 -• t-1 - it) - t• tri , n - 11 al • itar. ~ :2 •• 1 i:5.,.1 Nii..111, . ' 7 .* • Wi_.'_.,, -. . _ _.:, .....,-.' ". -_ . - -tLi -:- -- 4.-: 1 t ;:. i'iti.ll,o7l 01 10 "( f vtiritirf,t/ A; 1,..,..1. , ~./ r.LI 4 1 - i .1., t, 1. 4 4'.12tir• f• ....,' : ~'• 4.,•••4 4 ..''i•.* .4 flitriti fINVIIII . ...4 : 1 , 4” 43i .'rtl, 1 .:...7.1 . ::i .I.l)".Wili 1 4 .--2 ' '.! •s • :, .' : ,/i 4 , ,-1 ',v,:.....„, i e5i- fl-Jraii •M I • ! . i vi ~.•.-.. 1.--.-: iiiqq/3.12 Lai .. I fi-f4 ' 1 "" .:..,,-.1 .:,-464:1166, , ,•. - Ti' .- i: / i. ,, , , i - ii. ,-, - i.1 .4 --,.:3z-r..1.- , . - 1 - ...1 . 5 . 1 k'' . ~,. .-::..., .: ..,,..g,,,w , -.72 ~,, -,,•.-• •:. ~...,,q7.--, Mil f!,- - •;,:iF:r71".• iiir: • .•;, ,•,, .1 ,s_ . • ..I.IT .-:-•• ".31' .1101 4 1 . • 11l " ••'. :- , t,1 r , • :2 4 10 - 2 z ' ,'N ..;*••?: • . ; ``.-., 1; - ',l•_l , ‘ . ,f . 4 . , 1' , - 41 , :es ',,,,!,, , k , 1, _' A .i ii tn, ' :. ~, ~,•. .•.,. ; :)A • . •.1-.: , ~..,- ; • ..4:...,i,, , , , .: :.,,.s_Oiti:•• z.•,;:._ , 1.,; crli Ig . ;. i ,, ~ CV , : - ! , .." .:-,f , -,44...15,.....„ . v .,......,,...... 2 ......„,; -..,,..7 r r,,,,,,,.. ..•..„. 4 ; 1 .,,,.„..,. ~... ~,,;70- ;,:ii,,-:0,-.: ,-.4.,,S •,„ - -... ..,; .; ;f •:,..',. • ii. . -•••,,, .. 7 1 • . ,- ;•• • -1,iiiii , li .... 8 ... * ••,:- ' t ‘''' ''.-- ~ MVP •1. - •-,. ••••, „In,: i 1 • . Sal r ., f •.)..; . i• , r 1: • ':• • • .00 . --. ' '.7 . '!•- . -i•-1 [ • . ' .. - 7-• - : `'T . • y:'',-- S - OR -STOLICIE--Ttro, 1.7 Red Cons, ow 10 or Alum old. s ;An, filcheow,lha other 8 or leyeer Old -sue etlk ant 'barns ' little drooptiyy. Wised frOrs i ltbe pastors= te stesiser i , Nov. , person . thew hihOrml4lll whore they can found vm be T o n i= ALL. Towssis; Nava.. OM ; ,fit '::; ERTRAY:er _thasatgalbor. thilthield.lo: About • !Sin of Oetobe ni th , „ S ed roong hcesslAtelor , iThs owner is to Prove properti, ohms" sod tittlarlom. Nor.ll, 521€1744* 'WOR SALE OR BIOHANGS 'FOR a;- TOWN PROPZOTT.-4 Truck Faris of 10' acres each with* one allio of Towasdil Bo• rough. A triTiNTN a wAiD, a g el4l;,. Towandi, Nov. 16. 1847. , . MILLINERY & DRESS MAKING f Aft (4174117 ', 2. #‘ B T g O " 9 WM • ON,IIIAN, 1, • to Worn the ladles 'of lbwandiind ~lNt7 thstaileqina7 Welland to Bsitir har ST u* AND 181 W 00C1X3.-' She has constantly on hand a tall amortntent, andestigirigared to notice.i xecnte tlro :d o s on the s peat hiporiti. patterns, just received. Particular, ignition; given to drew and cloak Roam over • Cohen 4/... 1 =1Ve Crothini Btore,Kercark • • - Towanda, Nov. 18,1887 , hos lift 1 OP ALIT =WS 1100 N. VATRAY..-, , Cano . into - th e gado? Ali ureof the eabeeribeapi oar elop*tho 20th darof 0etpbee,11.8874,1144 YiestObgwitthe owners • requested to erty,' Vey charges and Wiehbe awsz • - - GEORW3 .W.F4TII. Burlington, Oat 29,1867. ' ' ' PREMIUM BUCKS ,F 0 WM lett tor ale or to let, a lontwoolad-rAgltsh Bob. 'Alio 1 014 0 kept fOr fordo. ' Lbw a •wee to lat. Tornmasay. P. -GI Lalaysillle. Nov. 5. 111117.;-3e VAILVABLIC FARM F The sabscrlbsi diem Ws the aoithensart of Berri* .t ' 131 wee of huid; oboes 83 ow dweillag how, and ay meow" unit trees, ae. The firm in stood-date -ot cultivation to Or addle., . - .11011 or. 6,1881. , - Herr PUBLIC OAIITION.-peisinks .are cautioned against chasing ',Dental Plates of Vulcanite or Bahl:kW/a Dr, Bon o Weston, and Dr. Martin L. ' or Towanda Borough, Pa., they heist thoelsed and butddded to use mid omen of the sole right thereto, under the r Pat eats. klusetions from the U.S. t "will be eased upon said Dr. Weston and Dr. Vanßao , kirk, as soon as they can be obtained. £ll their customers wearing plates With* mallu hatture are,equally llible to, suit.. Belau BA04)1114 0 • treasurer, Goodyear D. ,p:Co. Oct.lo, /867. - ' • • VALUABLE HOTEL POE SALE. =moo BoviN, 4 ,4lvina, N, Y. Ia conesquensse of domestic affliction. sad the HI-health of the proprietor, this Awry desirable Rotel Emporty for sale. -1 The Bradford ROOM i. -situated ,conveniently near the depot of the Erie Railway, sad la one , of the moat desirable Tavern stands In tbieoan try. The brillt .. lNi_have been put' ht lbotosigh repair, and tbfaussesses• will be = 4l The Furniture will be sold with the Hotel. Price low. term made auy. and immediate psearesion giren.. Application mey be made ca thepmbesi, or to JOASPR POWSII, or C. T. =TR, Ward Roam, Towanda, Pa. - ' nose CHRISTMAS TOYS! omustictiTQYB Just reeel * red a splendid usortannt of - TOYS AND' FANCY GOODS, For the Halms Dolls from tutee costs to twelve dollars an d 'everything elan to. corms. pa& Zephyrs, • EMBROIDERY PATTERNS ! • ... r as tr y lons, Mi ro Stamps . d oSods SD Ca and sea for perishes, at - Towanda, Nora, 1867.3 m. • CARTZB'I3. READ ASTATE_ 4GEN47., • a.. MoKittli c BEAL Emu *Garr. awn the following Panes, Coal sad Thew Leads for saki s_ .1 1 Flnelftmber lot, 3 Tanis from 'Topsail', coa• tuning 63 acres. " Prioe $1,335: Farm la Ambit, eoetalalsg 135 acres. Good bandia mailer aat e Alta of salttratlon. .Meatly barraged. - Prieeil,oo3. • " Farm I. West Barllaatoa.—as the New how and bar& Maier sane S a te of col., tivatlan. 95 amen. PetaiSS.4so: Parma In Praaldba; AU valet flii6 minter tloa. Good ball4lap._ _For Ws camp. , • &mai very 'desirable Roma and Lola In • large tract of Coal Lauda la Tioss'asnity.. Towanda, hay-18.18M „.= 11AUTION'..-46 , L son Ifenry;lisged . ' ‘,../ wpm, iambi kit Ids hoile, ebb to mum perm. troa.buborin .orArudas Limon lay moos*, sal shalt toy no osatssoo. tesctollb MM. ABILOI . I.SAVEINgOO,I". 111i5pL14161847: - • , A : „ YOUNG - :PAlR''„lnn”' and 'good ilia Alio Harmed is WypeLforaile. , ._ 11.4.111F0X. T psi viada,B• uhiat taised 4110: tioner, Ce. 4 Wore t& i ai*. Wanptb_ltd. gammteed,or no pay reaufta.Lll Min 10 7 RAU, add:NO as above, wW rtibein Imp attention. • Oat spun.4l.- s. MisoELLANsous Booxs Air ,00d. the NNW& ROOK maw.. RIMIEST. TRIORINII42B I JL. paid for all Ida& of Prodtui, at • . Catwalks/amp Orr& ESTRAY..--Oame to' encionse qt the ,la %LW*" tosholdp i abodes 111) 67 of f apt., s Taw Ift steer: The omit r-KhOoi`to ph", prop. pool atoms sad Mae my. W • s . A.,114111,91p.: Opt elt • -- - • ~ • E MN 01 II .- r • ' !, , i.. !I.:a ": , .. , 4 . : 7! ..1 " ,ir :4-ii '4 l 1.1? -1!- , -.4f tt .A. , 41 u! ~ .21.• MEE •: ',...' .-... ' ! a .': ~..I ::;. • •: t - C ,, ~ •‘ iii l ;-. ~, ~„- EWE ii;11* I Oil • r; ME dozi GE 0 Ell! = El :SAL iF of .thess .1111111 ml Suit obis, OL la ISM E . fi v IBMs% per= ;Tatmed and : Items lip -14A11.7 FUR In ! HA tm ; AIM now mete* direct from Ilfenufec the famreet stock of Hate and bowie lidre rim eiblbttedr EU BO Oat: ; -of Boob opt tikes a te ai ; loud • compfetel orgy rerpeot. , host of the • goods we men le thli Hie. Ire son. . ,F.OB .0 0: T R,A.D 'Li Oot ipice to onus ** 'the ireag variety of jeodel with teitich, olir Store its butbut S rePeetfulli . vile attention of tit 3 pub: lieto &sera aiwi l tema trioinsacone.: getwf I 4 ~ 4 . , i l,lO t j • 'lti , ~-,- ~. -' --* --' PREPARATIONS 11;,1-114Cist. Ly, • t 1 :"4 L:0 41"., e oj - _L, .1141: 4 1 0_1 21 ,0 01 —P 14 1 00:0 1 slits rwm• =EMI 1- i• •:,.::.. , , t ,,,, 4‘ ," 3 1.:,. 7" Ipbdilkiiiillpiim ti Oa .oca ; ss . '-'ity 11810 M ZRS : • tlilr:‘l4/4; - 17 - 0? tt:t T 12111 • 0<30 . 1) 9 • Dip of co l ; at i grlst;e*-. , „.„ isoleffiti*sepii i4PANOT OLOLIINGS I " • variety at retiicaa prima '{ `. . k: r, • lEEE Goods I =I Puteba,d Ltlakrof trOod! ie .1161 Su, ea- Lad the m ISM styleisad makes of ToN F,AB RICSi ws,ll we Oa at 1 Mlle il'.,Shaiki - i S_t MB Long aso Squaw eihaids to ==l Gessa, Lontuul Squire, I LOW-AND' QUALITIES ! Shawls -of : all leo best oak", la anises oil Golan!. H ME ii Pdsir FURS.! to piirtlioo la Wadi a to c oritart . . pad Odbirs'o fors, maid of Kink; Vita', Bfborioli • • , Rh* 114 k, Comm ke FM whkth in °WIWI mom REbtfirriox I ,l~mm Lei, EIMMI=MI IrS AND CAPSI i"NRW,STYLES:I At emedlngly low price.; .15'' ` '4.4V7) . , SROES t 1 • 0 110 , 11.4 allweetl-: ~ • •'• •.:: ; Asa .:nautili!. - S` ~ _ r.• '-O LL `C'©:: -5A1148611 likotOr's doininst. :' ; • ' : ;: : - . -... 1 .: , --: r .. „. ; ; • ;%, ,„, , i ir, • ...•. -" ~ 100 I. IPA ;',;;•.. - I • ~- : : ..: - .; • 1 . 0. .: . . _, . ..'••••- 02 ',AP" - ' •••••• .•:•!• , _•ur,t . .?•••• m r"..-7...74 ,47r.' . '.. " ....• : . . . _ M v:..,,,._._.-.t..; -.;-;__:.;7;•_-...- VivAT If; •-• OUR- - r.7~i -~'t?'. ISCXYX4I -- &ISEEEO73X3' BE D A ,3(•:—AA D - D:i tc:o i'lca CO IOO6I Mika " 161 4 • L.! FALL - AND 'WINTER' tIIMIN I ~igeef'ltaotl~ent oi'. `` • • •".. ; j • WOLF ROBE'S,' 1 rgAli - Buso•-Roiii4; • -• rimot.:RoßEs, : ; AND • ' noltstßLANxiqs ME 1111 tie IN' TllllO - gA.I.,g:EiTI =NI New r end :elegant linei of TRUNKS; TRAVELLING BAGS t - =I Every 9t.t HARNESS;S MEWS, I. . ac. t• .Pi Sb too Ca cb.. g r. t• : al tt "' • m i cy • 1.:-11-104 0:1 d ,-0 jEr, ,14 .5 . g • ';°. ra • - • P . CS 2 • 8. t hgas.El A), • .m s 4. 4 „Z., 13i 0 ~; ,; .., C; •aT "DT +•aB `mum tarw.ays ME p /min APAR, Bova ONI'IIaAVIII jo *OUR rig Akabl sittli' 111 woo i9Aa t~ss~-.Ax~►rs- =~sgoH fil'affoll /01,1V,ff I SattOlCO'lVaaatt VatIOU arl.OM. Jo *min= palm (DIV TIV *:,1V C31 1 1 4 1 ari i rva I= fh*mom sr EMI exO3mo vdtElthicxiic do MI RE =1 .. . ~ . : CD - ' i ' ' • C l 2 1 s 4 . GO -.. . .... ", ~: -A :. g :,... - .g -- ;14 . ..- 0 , 0. - , --4 ,0. -0 i.,-;02 , . ::, ... CO • .. • ; 2" i: 01 J . cu. :bftWanr,deere to announce t' they , have cont.' as general dealein in -GROCERIES, PROVISIONS;' GRAIN and COUNTRY PRO , 11014 - Eittlielkidgeilteeet coma NOVI' ind- Viet they 'eta design to keeNW_ 41Wasigt*ent a koala adapted to-ther—rnitrof the' iglage intkeinuttii ilituler4.7llti • OF J~ ~ ~ n ay. EME S 10 ; frostsittni.., l ocecir R ' , GROCERY I .4TO/ w94 l PaPacifto l Y - bliita. an examination of their stock "and" a eemtparison . or;thif reams With any gt.!liF .:8 013 4r* , g 1 c 1 ,faa.rkt, as , ta quality • - ' --They 'ere' provi4a w4ll 41413 , iind i;ffieienf helito give prompt of tention to customers, and will give eareftit attentiOn-Joall orders placed in their hands.- .We pay .Casli for 'PR9DUCE and sell goo& for Ready Pay. LONG & KEELER. Towancla, Sept. 17-1867. NEW GROCERY AND PROVI. I • SION - STORE .• - , THOMAS -J. JOKER, k - opened 104.6nm:try and Pray!, ion Store -us• Patton's Bloch, In the store formerly o ccu pled by Solomon & Son, where he now oat 1 9 - the public a large supply!ot -GROCERIES AND . PROVISIONS; Of the best county, and to be sold at the VERY LOWEST PRICES..- The stoek contains TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS,', . , BOARS, std. •ALBO • FLOUR, • F D, MEAL, •. - • In - • . fact everything usually Imiit iri a tiro gal and Provision Store, which I shalt all as low as can he bought elsewhere. w flash will be paid for althin di of (Sown try Produce. • • 'Towanda, Oet: 1n67 . . . NEW STG"It-E • NEW U ODS,' NE'W GROCE-RIE"8 W. A. ROCKWELL'S. CANED FRUITS, PINE APPLES; . PEACHES, PLUMS of ALL KINDS, AN - D CANNED OYSTERS. DIUKD • AP LES, PEACHES, PRUNES, CHERRIES, &C., 4C., 4c. TEAS,,SUGOS, SYRUPS, MOLASSES COFFEE, SPICES, Of all kinds, in fait everything in the (GROCERY:LINE! Will be kept constantly on hand FLOUR,FEED,BRAND, POTATOES, BUTTER, LARD, EGOS, AND EVERY JVA.RIETY OF .FARMERS PRODUCE. ; A fresh lot 0 f DRY GOODS OF ALL •VARIETIEf3, Purchased at tho LOWEST : POINT IN THE MARKET Aid will be sold CHEAP AS THE TO.THE FA CASH PAIL . ) FOB • - ALL KINDS. OF PRODUCE. W. A. RO9K WELL. Huy 23, 1667 THE PEOPLE'S BENEFIT l ROMETHING NEW s IN FLO. '4 ! 200 POUNDS IN; A BARREL: I , FOUNTAIN'S PREMIUM FLOUR, THE BEST IN ÜBE • / / • - • la manufactured by the subsc ri berg Michigan from the best celebritekt MICHIGAN WHITE . WHAT. This , fa4otlitk Flour him' no. ;Superior. -it is •ut uirin . 1 • TWO MINDORO POUND Bateau, OR 50 i'OI7ND SACIESi And inadanelostrely to suit the ge natal want of the retail trade. - BUY THE. BIG : BARRELS, And the VEST FLOUR! Cash Dealers supplied at a small advance kora Cost of Manufacturing. Wholaudelloar aikLIIIRA. N. Y. 47.,. FOUNTAIN CO. Ana. 22, 1867. ; . , , THE LYG'OIdINGItIJVIAL FIRE inimeance Agency tor.Breatoril County, chirtlik 0,400`,000. Nlth Plan* la wcoeuhl er twentY • 1 7 1 ; . 11151VAN211 Towanil,4oos, 1887' "• , . , Asl - IIONABX,E TAILORIN G G I 7 • -A. T. DArDIIOI, teopoOtiisk sooouncos tkiO pliblli th at la, opene d?idlor Skip 1 / 1 Bar ton Bore ' cot antsnakoltss sat. esiment4 ;IA them ot:sabsOtatint .- and Is m an . nee. CtlrTlNG"dono on short _Dales and ou tesiiciailble twins. - - kastlonkis attoatkoo gives to Montag ind &poking tilothes ot all kinds. '-'-Borlisittoni &sit S, 1867. • .BOOT AND SHOE STORE • G. B. TITUS, -- liespectrially Informs the. citizens of Towanda, lio'rouitti, V at he has opened' a Boca and'hh'oe Shop to lEirbfs, Building, *eat side of Male street, where . ho wlil keep orrhand %stock of • • .‘ -• BOOTS AND 8E OE4, Adopted la Men's sad Women's wear, to wh 'eh he invites the otteation of the public. Partientar care will be paid to manufacturing 1 111!= be t stock will be. used, and the will be warranted first class. The pa. Irouage of the plblie is solicited, confident that ;satisfaction can be given. Old Bobber Boots and Shaw neatly patched and half-soled. • /tubber stiles attached Co leath , er boots. -REPAIRING TEN PER CENT RE LOH' - USUAL RATE& Towand., Sept. 3, LBB7. • W B. KELLY, Dentist. Office a. over Wickham & Black's,. Towanda Ps. AIF the various , !dila of work scientifically dorte'an 1 • warranted. Particular attention Es 'called to the' Allumhmes Elise for Artiticiaf Teeth. which is equally as good as Cold and far superior to either Robber- or t Ellver. P ease • call and examine specimens. • Chloroform or Ether administered' under di rection of a Physician when desired. • Aug. 6. 1867.-0. C : I, 0 T • H I N G FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING; r . COHEN k ROSEIiFIELD, Next door to .Fox, Stevens,' &lemur & (*At] lave jest received theli FALL AND WINTER CLOTHIN G, Peon Nes York, and the atteation of the pus lie is invited to the large and atyactive stock of Ready Made Ken's end. Boy's CLOTH I N G! Newpffered to the - publican the lowest mark , ,. priefaiand which will Ab e Bold cheaper than any other store in thhipb s vicinity. They have tint opened a fine as ent of Goods. snfiad for the season, Call and see the new styles, comprising the following articles : Doeskiii, Pilot ft Boiver Overcoat,. BUSINESS SUITS, AI.,L STYLES, Doeskin and Cashimere PANTS AND; VEST S dF all i n a e d asso rtment es koe s o ld_ 4 l4 s wear, and b.IIV 2 , - GENTS FURNISHING:-GOODS, Plain and Fancy Caaaimeres, Shirts, Linen and Muslin Shirts, Undershirts.. and Drawer. Overalls and Over-shirtif, Liner and Paper Collars and Cuffs. Snspen 'dms. Gloves, Ties, Traveling Bags, and a good Stock of • 41 • H T.S A .N.V!.. :t P S • - Having a man constantly in l New York, sail ing them goods, they are preparedd - to sell to the trade reasonably; and to satisfy your desire, call and see hem. and convince yourself of the fact, that they aeU the cheapest. • COHEN & HOSENFIEII.. Nett door to Fps. Stevens, Mercer k Co. Towanda, Rept. 12, 1867. PLAN + I'. FitIIIT AND ORNAMEN TAI. - --TREES, VINES AND FLOWESS TONVANDA HOME. NURSERY Toucan boy ANYTHING ypo may watit in the line of, NIJRSERY TREES, VINES, SHRUB.; and FLOWERS. It not on, hand leave or giv your order. !kid it will be carefully and ait ' factorily filled. I can supply you with THRIFTY APPLE TREES, VERY FINE PEAR TREES, Also , PLU , CHERRY. QUINCE, SIBEI: 1 A N "CRAB and PEACH TREES. Also, DIVA 10 , PEAR, CHERRY-, PEACH and APPLE TREES, GRAPE VINES of all.the best vatie ties, from 1 year to 3 year,' old. EVERGREENS MOUNTAIN ASHES, HOIM3E CHESTNUTS. WILLOWS; &c., &of Come and see, or send your orders. . R. M. WELLES. Towanda, Oct. 1.1887. BU. R - N R&D GIITI EMU 'Having,had his store burned, at tile late tie, desirous of disposing °lbis entire stockOf READY MADE CLOTHING, RS. CLOTHS, TRIMMINGS, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, / &C., &O. • . mold These goods iro in good condition and w ' / 20 PER „GENT BELOW COST, As I am obliged to - close oat the stock for want of s place to do business in. Don't neglect this opportnniq for bargains. ' Call at the new wood building.second store be low Middleman's block, east side or Main street, nearly opposite the Means. Howe., NOTICE .. —AII persons Indeb ted to the under signed, wllieanfor a favor- olty 'calling and set tling op-immediately, and save thempelved cost, o • 3.11. COLLINS. Trivia*, Antg.29, '47. • r NEW STORE AND NEW (COOPS FRESH PEW MS NEW YORK-MARKET: CHEAP - As THE CHHAPEST • The aubst‘ribeis ha e purchased the building lately A. . Noble, (one door south of Beldlentaa'a Bloc ,) and hare tilled it with GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, Fruits oti all kinds in their season, (fresh and dr ed),lnlact every thing usually found ia B Ant elan S ‘, P R-017=I S I 0 - I§i STORE • A share of the patronage of Towanda and 11- omit is respeetfulli solicited. We will pat the higkest nimbi price for ill Abide of . , COUNTRY PRODUCE. • We also bin, the sole Agetiby for &salad and adjoining counties for, the sale of. the Cele brated Virginia and Nor.h Csrollua Smoking Tobacco. -A liberal discount made to the tr.& BRAIIEII6I. & COW LL. • T01F6016, Apr 119,1867 ., • tion ov. WARD. Such u Remember that at the Splendidly rooted J. M. COLLINS, ^ / CASSIMERES