Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 07, 1867, Image 3

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    fradfard frioxit
hOCAL „AND :ariggft4.b.
.1 . • Mr A ?In k Clines Dulazroair. r : Rapist
' e.harch. —Rev. ROBE= DIINEA, Pastor.
Preaching, Sundays at 101 A. ar. and 71
p. ar. Sunday &hod, 11 p• s. Prayer
i..! - Meeting every Thursday evening. '
tt.: E. Church.---Rev.;. T. Banal:mixt(Pas
tor. *Preaching every Sunday atlol
and 7P. 3E. Sunday_ School,/1/ P. x.
Prayer Meeting every Thursday'evoniug.,
- Presbyterian Church.—Bev. Hams,
Pastor. Preaching every,SUnday at 101
~' s ., and 7 P.m. SruslaiSehool,llPas.
Prayer Meeting Thuisday overawe,
ChurcL—Bev.V. Hoairece, Pas
tor. Preaching every.SondaY at 10i
• and 3 r. Sunday I3chool 1 '
• / •
- Bar The Rev. j. 00RDON OARNOCIIAX
of Danville, Pa:oia spending - slew days at
the house of N. Aserawaxa..
ser Tile Association of Bradford
.1 'onaty,4`eaehers will mejit at Monrosian on
Crulay% Nov.
,BtB. A. T. LILLY, Pres.
0: E. Faxmcwoirrs,Bee'y.
Or The Bradford County S. S. As
odation notice. published last week,should
rend Nowntier 11 and 12, instead of October,
I I and 12.
Those desiring to purcbOs a
‘alnakole Tavern Stand, will find sm'oppar
t unity in tlia "Bradford Howse," ,Waverly,
which is adver t ised , in another 'oolumn, a
more desirable property is seldom offered.
BROKE 14447- Two - prisoners,named
Frederick Austin and Gearge Shippy, broke
out of the jail at Montrese on Tuesday eve
ning of last week, and are as ydt•their own
keepers. Sheriff/Lane offers a reward of
~1110 for their capture or $5O for either.
RELiciotia Nonce.—Quarterly meet-
ing of the Wysox Baptist Church will be
held on Eatarday and Sunday, 9th and 10th
lest. Opening sermon by Bev. B. Durtr.,►r,
19i o'clock, A. M., at the Black School
lions e. D. E. Bows, Pastor.
Friday morning a young lady of our city,
whose head has been drawn upon her right
‘shoulder and breast from infancy, was en
tirely relieved of the unsightly deformity by
Dr. Up De Graff, at the,Eye and Ear WO
tite.—Elmira Daily Advertiser. o
Cows & Post have opened
a new Eating Saloon, under the Azlpts ()flies
in the room lately occupied •by the Tele-.
graph office, whers they are ready; to supply,
the wants of all who may favor them with
a call. ,
.They will endeavor to satisfy all,
with prompt attimtfon, and good fare.
i A two feet vein of Black Ox.
ide of Manganese, has been discovered on
the farm of Mr. Benajah (instin, near Ctui
ton. The property has been leased by.
Messrs. Wilson and Packard, of Covington
Tioga Co., who intend opening it soon. It
is said to be worth $2O per ton, delivered
at the railrdad.—Troy Gazette.
- 'sm. The Erie Daily Republican is
a welcome addition to our editorial table.—
It is a daily recently started,:and giyes
cry evidence that talent an'd industry are
'•onnected with the concern.
The Lewisburg Chronicle, has been erilarg
vd improved. It is one of the best of our
A GRZAI LAND Surr,—The people of
t he Fifth Ward, Williamsport, are consider
ably excited over ejectment suita brought
by a portion of the heirs: of the late Judge
lummox° to recover ninety !acres of land
.;fild some years since to. Pzrzn Thin' Dle,
which is built upon with some of the most
doput residences and extensive establish
ments in the city.
There has iittibtbly been more
unprovem6nOw Stoves in the last few years
than ever before. Many of our best me
chanics have turned their whole attention
to their improvement, and the result is,
That we have now many stoves smear per
fection as possible to get them. We
Lave noticed a Cooking Stove at Aspinwall's
New Hardware store, called Our Muilmi
Friend, and a Parlor Stove called the Morn
flg Glory, which we think are perfection.—
If they make anything more beautiful than
the Morning Glory; we have yet to see them.
SEND U 8 TEIE NEWB.—There are items
oi local interest transpiring throughout the
-minty every day which we would be glad
to chronicle if we had the facts. We there
lore ask our friends to note down snob items
,as they think would interest them if they
were away from home, and send them to us.
We trust that our readers and .friends
throughout the county will send us the facts
in reference to occurrences of which they
hare personal knowledge, and their names
guarantees of the truthfulness of their
statements. Give us any information you
may hear about improvements, accidents,
crops, farming,
,taking care ,of grain, ani
mals, poliltry, and information in regard to
.-rerything pertaining to your business-or
hisiness interests, and we will work it up
into news. •
rm.—This excellent miswrite for Novem
ber is befoie us. The object of the pro 7
-xietorn to give to the country &serial, Ant
ilia& in matter as well as in mechanical ex
:ration, to be of use to the practical gard
nor and instructive to the amateur has besn
folly attained. Each number contains 64
pages of reading matter, numerous illustra
tions and descriptions of new !mite, veget
ables, and flowers, and cannot fail to be of
advantage to persona/timing a taste for the
useful, the ornamental, and The beautiful.
The second year of the publication of the
magazine will commence wittl oTernutry next.
The subscription price is :3.06 per annual.
To a club of ten 52.50 each, and a copyio
the person getting up thd
kddrese J. E. Tilton It Co., publishers,
Roston, Maas.
eft. JAMES G. Cwut, the author and
t t u
Composer twill hold eof his sociables at
the Court House,
,in - place; on Tuesday evening. Noiembar th. A Mr. Ciras is
well known to the people of this County,
and his reputation as a balladAdnger so well
established, that it is hardly necessary for
lie to urge attendance upon his concerts.-"-
The following notices, show the estimation'
in r whieh. he is held :
are glad ,to learn that
James 1,. Clark, the distinguished vocalist
and song-IV-liter, is so well satisfied with his
C( rile! reception in Northern Pennaylvanla
that he proposes to spendlimeralinwithi in
Riving his popular !wadable*" in this and
neighboring counties. In - this utilitarian
age, then like Mr. Clark, Who can Maslen
ally lead our minds awarrfrom the routine
of every, day business late the' beautiful
realms ofmuslo and imetry,are publitibsue..
4 factors, and as such should be weloonted
among tut.--.3kndroiet Republicam. -
Passonx. -Ames; G. Oak, ire 11 knOwn
as theranthortif scar pStigt .. 1
and pop Mar balls& 'lf wi th
taken up hiss.
_reside tie WU**
has manned ali 'e. gaiviit .. .
ed by all Who know ' r., , .
and vocalist : Mr. 140 'songs
ing, have naikmady a good. .- ,
silways abit to make th e world
not worse. His pen di* wine
good service against altivitrYand
mice. At'the idol! +fp" of Ids ,
fore the State Temperer:me Con,
Albany,a few weeks sinceithe Rev.
Cuyiero of Brooklyn 'llOl.lOPd-1
nteished there were 1
singing trtdhs ingot/is
'. : Ctica Daily Mould.
- Mr. Clark will also
dakalferiing.Nov. 11
"0 4 04 and at W.
.Tionnaur pi. - , ..--lhe ..ti: w ' Tau
npry bitildiitge of • ~. & Bra; at chelion,'
in this county , virerilentiielY' des . .yed by'
firs on Wedneoday ' ' rsiiiig of kis week.—
The fire is supp sd hive ori !• ~ ted from
the engine connect ed with the buildings. A.
large stock otieath will& had ust beim
fins hed up4orthe N w toilf . ob. Ins
destroyed: The loss! is ei
$20,000,//bet a very sinalltrMrtion Of which
was cAered by izsu#4; !This • : the sec
ondtotal lois' of buil gi4this
,en_ prising
drill has suffered witkin tito yea -7-21iin/c
-liannock Den. - t 9
• •. .
sia- Esquire N t i e wnrion of
recently went into Dug Ste
well 'and Whitinan, fcar4ii ag, an
tumbler intennine to ma it wits
Mr. Whitman bad stepped out of 1
fcr a few moments,
,ind tl in .tx - -yit4
himself, instead of 4et * , g wine
mistake, and - drank ote tk ir'• dof a
of Laudanum. By prokipt am
medical assistance kolveier his
saved. This is a coatio* to all
not to iiieddle with ariclpt - in a
—Troy Gaz4ie. i •
sop Th : Misse Ckrrints
' 4 1 iing
ready pre .. ' .g for tl e ii, ~
al:twill be .een by He ir ixdvertisl
Theit show window i alriady a
hearts of . e little • es lA° '
admire the .• e dolls erekiisplay
many a yo . . a heart 'Wird
the gifts w. oh their It" en
nigh dnrin: the approaching ho
Children . f'a large i groll-th" wi
Fad for a iisit, with a sight ! oil
thlne they fitePlay. ' 1
,yr ‘ ?
last Mi. I , c Bum wps ve:ry s'e
jured while I engaged ipclashing. l l
for hip Charles 134.0°4. 4e was
tom of the well and hail filled
the debris which stimeione*bove . 1
inglip, and when within 4 few, f
top the rope br9ke, 14th:wilt° buc '
a diitance \of over tfiir4 fe4, upon
breaking several ribs Joosi from' ,
bone and seriously injPrini him 4
He now lies o in a wertcriti;t!tl co
Waverly Enterprise. t •
TEmPswick.—Thi3 o,v. Ta s. Ron
was of Wilmington, Delailiare, 1. tared to
an appreciative audiene4 at a Court
House, on Saturday saver4bg, onl temper
ance,tlia under the authority of Grand
Lodge of GooA Template qf Pen ylvania.
His lecture 41$ dog** did hig ly inter
esting. The places ussi i d to lila in this
county for lecturing are one, •• here he
established a lodge lust : eek; ome on
Monday; 'Orwell on 'Pues4ay: Le .ysville
on Wednesday; Herrick on Fri. ay; --and
Camptown on Saturday oft this 'w • ek; and
at Wyalnsing on Tuesday Of next week.—
Gen. Perron, the Deputy toistriet .`. C. P.
for this county accompanyfiag Mr. Roamers
through the, eastern partied of the County.
i g'
• For the RE I
- Two, -DiorcenoNs.—tie t
Methodist Churches, the Mi uroet.!
in this County, - will be dedilmted
ship of Our HeayenlylFathir, (his
nutting.) on the 13th'ind 11th day
1867. The one at Freuchtc(arn onl
andlhe one at Franklindalli on
Rev. Wm: Sums of Auinxriz, N:Y
expected to preach_ on eachccasi.l
o'clock, A. M. ; and Re 4. T. T.
Venn Yan, N. Y. at 7 o*ock P
these churches are for llie pe ople a
dially invited. C. M. ll 4Erus,
Pr. RI S. Sr
*S. "The Cultivataril and
Gentleman,", is one ofthe bait of o
taral exchanges. It is pOclishe
weekly Numbers of 18 .to 26 . pages
designed to inclnde ever4:Dep
Agriculture, Stock-Ittdifing,Bortio
Domestic Economy.
The Maine Fbrmer speaka of the
Gentleman as •Standing a 4 the B
Agricultural Press of the Cdantry.
The Scottish Farmer calls he Co,
tleman "The best of all theAmeri
papers devoted to matters id' Burl
The Gardener's Monthly sais that
try Gentleman is "Conducted wi
of talent equal to any. European jo
superior to moat of them."
Tne Terms are lower tl4in the
other paper of similar standng
$2 50 per year ; Fonr.copiets $9 ; :
iea, $l5.
Lore= Trot= L- SoNsipublii
bang, N. Y.
c. , .
~, ---.1 1„ ,
D .FFENDNE.--ttflt 4 aturaay
night, Marshal Knapp got Inform. tion that
Owens, a well-known char4ter of the light
fingezergieltry, who has Been '..eking his.
headquarters titre for some time, past, had
some back for a temporaiy*it to his moth
erit and sister who reside jitst. n o lik of the
city, on the Horseheads roll. ' 4 l' king with
him a posse of police, he tags essful in
stlrrewedin the hAgißei /Atli in th eYenea, 8,
Without arousing suspicioil, and found'his
man. The special charge itgains him now
is for attempting to rob gal* Morley's
store, at East Burlington, pa. . Fie effected
tia l c:ntrance, but was con fronted by two
met, who slept in the store. IThey en
deivored is take him, but ileulden y dashing
a dark lantern into their eyis, he dazzled
their sight that he had timk: to ' cap,e with
hie accomplices, but he was, sPc't.
tea by them and at' their f` he was
arrested. ' Upon being . tak k Pr,,int csatodii
he confessed the offence acid wen Nick Bat.
urday night, with M0r1 . 41 wat , 2 of Wav
is. .P- -
, . -•.--:
a Peat, as an lartkle o I ',fuel, so,
a l./
long in use in the old corm, 'es, has but re
cently been brought into u se iii. this: It
produces an intense lAii ;' and is likely to
bells:10Y used in mannf rtes where the'
highest degree of heatin &lipid, for produ :
*Mg steam. It is esipleciaily - esteeined- for
F e
nse lasi& [ Douai, having e o ratifying st
reet of a woo' ilre;azulican ma e without
the noise :. attendant nien malciiig tires of
wood or coal. - : : ! , . 1
i A Son swim= ipitliii lull fuel bas
been sant us.frcon Bring 7 - , Wadford Clo: -
The map item►willch". was taken is on
Vit faro of Augustin ,- , #l. is. Lewis, a
7• 1
• . .
third portion , of the Ewa - MOS On the land
-lour townsman Lorenzo Ackleizthk: iv .
including about seven acres Of. ground.
:has binm ascertained that tliepiat 1 4g 11 Or',
inatio4 sixteen feet in depth, and be* intinh'
lif ie
; - 1 it may be, remains for theenterp ,
of ; he' t lige to disclose. -• *
. 1 Th4e are other, valuable d e posits e
same kind in that vicinftlyawaiting the d
of indinttry to bring out their Wealth for . .
beneflief the world.- When the Lehigh V -
ta i
lei ii completed we may - hope to 8• -
!lis, Many. other seen and unseen . ..
*van accomplished.-Pittston Gazette.-
I , latirting
; -:ism*.
1 tri=
. : ma ei4
1 . d*au3k
, ; tom
' •tter OA
ve done
don, in
that he
of Ihe
.as Mon-
. . .
- 1
Allipui!3.-I*n the 13610 . crat .--
&tturday lest , st, as r. *.., ..
and b i ts daughter and E. M. Hadlook, i f
Litol4eld, 'Nitre coming to toWn, the horseti,
a Pali of spirited conic—took fright at
drove "of hogs, and the bits of. one of th
bndlei breaking were of course inunanagei.
able d ran with fearful speed, to'nearthe
Susquilanna bridge, where both men weri)
throw! out, severely bp - acing ,Wolcot
MiSS Wolcott, finding herself alone, ,letipe
fibril he carriage just before it was
turned, thus, no doubt, escaping with h
life, although receiving .severe Injuries: 7 -
The 4rriage was a total wreck. The hor
see creased the bridge and- were stoppet
near the American Hotel. They wereinnin
of 'Col=
egg in a
marl, f
be pl
Cow I
ream :
broth : 1
I door
; to help
made a
life was
0 g store.
ing to
ly des j
'are al
• ment.—
roy to the
y stop to
'd. HOW
lend by
will fur
It was
,fir H. A. BURBANK is- 'Agent fo
the Pficenix Mutual Life Insurance Co., 15
Hart 4 rd,6nn. Applications for Inxraranc -
can. made to him, at Dr: Pratt's CHIC.).
be re-
the nice
Fos SALE.—Two Cows at the Ward;
Rows. Towanda Oct. 7; 1867.
t . tidy In.
. tit a well
the bot
ket with
• as &m
-et of the .
• et down,
his back,
*Er Dewitt & Dittrich offer gria,
inducements to teachers desiring anythinj
to their line. Give them a call. Nov. 7.
"ft WoodwaTd's Country Monies,
cheap edition, for •carpanters . showing' thel
best ay to build a good
_House cheap, ati
Cross - Co's. - Nov. 7.
Ilga . Musical ihstrnments- of alll
Lt Cross & Co's. . ' Nov. 7.
at Cro
for sal
on oho
at Cro:
o new
,• charge,
the wor
•tvor per
- of Iticfv,
the 13th,
I®. r Persons desiring Pianoes. will
t 4
take ' lice that Dewitt 4 Dittrieh kee .
always on hand the largest and•best stoc
that be found in N. E. Pennsylvania'
that y sell at prices that defy competitio .
They7ll to ministers who will act as tigen
at who esale rates. New sheet music s:
ceived .. •y. - -
, may be
n, at 10i
M. As
/ are coy
• aster.
RE O,VED.-J. N. CALIF? has remo rr
ed X.saw Office from over the Post Offich
to the : -corder's Office, when he wilfgiv.
partia • attention to eonveyanisinw Orp
an Co • business, &c. Oct. 31.-2 m. I
Azar AND SEssioNs, 1867.
ci L s • Gump ln Eons.
Athe twp., Joseph McKinney; Albany
Dyer rmsby 2nd; Burlington Boro., Jo
V F =Bur li ngton twp , Reuben Haigh ;
Canto twp., Andrew D .Foss;
Andrews ; Granville, A Jackson
Robintion ; Monroe twp., Abram Boyce,
Seven" W Alden; Monroe Boro., Stanie} ,
8 jr . .. an; Oiwell, Henry Howe; Pike,
Griffin' Canfield; Rome Boro., John Pas
more; ; . ~ e twp., Sylvester, lilinier, Cheri"
Browni Springfield, M W
It Hubbard;i3mi
field, . rithorty B Child, Wmi B auto ;
Steadily Stone, George Sage ; Towanda
Boro. t i Charles : Dayton ;_T9wanda Nortl4,
- in large
each, and
tm ent of
Lure and
ad of the
try Gen
an News
Ezra 1
tatty; Windham, Jackson Babcock;
Wm S Ingalls; Wilmot; Harry 13* -
F .
i is
TIILVEIIB amions.--niagr *mg.
Ath twp., James Mcl'Vain, Elijah V -
gorder ; . Athens Bow, Richard 0 ,llins
Baugh Asylum, Franciite; Francis' "
Hemet; Burlington twp., Daniel Seller ;
Canto" twp, Joseph Bonny,- Thomas W -
Barns ; Canton Boro., • Solom
.an Duane I;
Fninklin, Nathan L Dodge- Granville, II -
lister Catlin; Herrick, Win ' Bowker; Leßo ~
Levi c Wilcox, Diavid H Hoitgland; , Mo e
Boro., Joseph B Smith; Orwell, . Ro •
Nelson, Edward C Bull; Ridgeberry, Bel
Withal., Benajah tCooper, Sturges Squires;
Rome i twp., Josiah Horton; Spnngfiebt,
Wm Fi Gates, Joel Adams, Lyman Porter;'
Sheshequin, John Osbuin ; Smithfield,
Wm S Iliroin;. South Creek; Samuel Fan
sett; Tuscarora, Norris Fargo, John Clas
per ; Towanda Boro., Joseph G Patto ;
Terry,] ll,anselaei L ewis ; Ulster,, II
Kitchein ; Warren, John Carey,._ W .
John Lenox, Tracey Ditcher; W ,
Jacob Piles.
, FILANZILS /171101111.-13ECOND WEEK.
Athens Bow., Wm Durant, Athenslt ,
Philip Crane, Richard Lambert; Burlingto n
twp., bluirles" Scouton Jr., David : Write ;
Colnbia, Ezra W Dann, Daniel C Can;
Oantoia Boro., Geo E Bullock; Cantontwi.,
Jamey A Bothwell; Leßoy John Kelley 20;
Litchfield, William Garner; Overton,Thoia
as Mullen ; Pike, " Martin rrintice, John
Reenoy; Ridgeberry; Irad Baldwin, Arab!
Stilton; •Rome Boro., Oscar F Young; South'
Ore* Peter a Dean; Shethecpda. L P H
ton, .Rosettex ' Gillett; 'Smithfield Edwin 13.
.Tract';Stahloe 3 di - ' &Berge Barrett; 4 1 ; 1
_van*, Colic- Mepitt ; • Standing Stone,
Nelson Stevens; Troy ism., Oliver , Batter,.)
Azor Rockwell; Troy licoo,; Daniel F-Pcitn
eroy;! Terry, - Miner Terry; Towanda ,
Elias! W! Hale ; Towanda. Born., Oha
Cask D, Henry - harstowyalushig, -
ton ;Lewis;-Wells, , L eslie-Lawrence, .
beat eeley; Warren, Mylon Prince; Wyso •
7# l Ai ShureS, - . ,
, . . .
STAGE • TOE ' Way", . conneotin
wiltp'•dns East and Wes ' leaves .Towan
ev rycluOvping. at " 7 o'cl and will cell,
d legs:l6i passing - ere, if names and '
dries ie left at the Post Office with Mes '
1 41.1jc b u; !. Barba:. .„ .1
- a returning leaves Waverly on
o evening trains from g ! tsit a_nkr a r r 4:l
Aug. 1 - '1867. - • ' , ' , -,•• .
1. e Comt
e degree
rnal, and
se of any
ne copy,
ight cop-
I hers, Al
Be: .The. First Nitional tank,,oi
f e
itaito ' da has this day declared a dividend
of 6 er cesa. payable to stockholders on
N. ; N. Brrts, Ja., Cashier.. -
Oa . 29, 1867.
'he friends of 31 , y5.. Tracy, (foi l
Miss Myra Park), of this place, wil
seed to learn that she and her his!
-Rev. 0. 0. Tracy, arrived safely at
utinople, on the 7th ult. By 'a letter
A, by Mr. D. F. Paitc, Odra. Tracy's
r,) we .understand they are in good
and about, to enter on th e duties . o
aission. •
he Saw and Shingle mill belon
F. N. Page, of this place, "waa enti re. oyed by fire,on the night of the 24th
The property was vaned of 22,50 CM
snpposed to be the work of an insert'
Special Ncitittic.
• —,....--- ;
The life of Prince Albert, by
Victoria, at Cross 16 Co's. book store.
Music Books—self instructors,
& Co's., Book Store. Nov. 7.
, F ,
brrED.—A -thoroughly' competent
i and Book keeper, apply to, 1 . S. N. Asrumuz.
A large stock of Furs just re
at TAYLOR CO's. Nov. 7.
SALE Caser.—Several valuable
',also a two seated Democrat Wagon,
new, credit will t ,be given.
7.-3 w - Jxa J. Garevmm.
Pictures and Picture Frames
at Cross Co's Book Store.
14 .
Pi tires of any size framed
t notice, and very reasonable terms,
!s Ar. Co's Book Store.
-' -----°' •
ditAlrli IRA 1
' Clio. P. McNair,' of Honey,l Mr. : 1 . •
Baldwin to Miss steui whatact l e. •,, , of
Pietnre Hocks, tyroming Co., Po. - '
wotcorr-ltrivroN asthe , •. •
mouse in Chive, Oct;3l, by the R ev i ll
-.Y.. liikri -Ahi 'biro* Wolcott lof • .
ham, Pa., to ?ties •Hattio, unite , of
F 111.1. 1 114-LANDON--In Herriels, at-the
resithince of- the bride's father,;Oct. 1;
by Bor.' A. X- Arnold, lir. Ethel_ ' i • „.
, of Herrick, to Miss Libble 'F. I I •
eldest daughter of a011. 4 30i Litm.. • •
pomEl3o/i—tiANPON-Atthelame is , e
and place, by the ""'
same, Bev. Wm. :
of Herrick, to Hiss
Landim, c
, o , ro 1• daughter of Pm.
WEYMANLlthil'oll—in Overton, 0ct.417,.
Ca i n
by B. H. Richard; Esq., Orlando W 7
,Miss (hatstands Hatch, all of
HAIND HANCOO H—By the satne, - Oca.
31, vin Hatch
-to Mrs., Abby Ann : . -
cook; of Albany. ' 1 •
- ' - D 1 D
SNITS—In Canton boro' . Wedneekty.
tober 16, 1867, Deborah D.,'Wife t2i:
Smith. - Aged 27 years, 8 molls an
EVANS -In Piki, Oct. 10, in tie r 70th y
of her age, Mrs : Catherine' Evans.
Mr.nnd Mrs. Evans came 4m_ Walesite
this town in 1831. This part of the y i Cotity
was then mostly a Wilderness. Mi. E.varts .
was an `esteemed member bf the Welsh eon.'
gregational church in this town and had
been a consistent follower of Christ 4b yetis.
She has left a beloved husband / 8 'children /
20 giand-children and a huge Circa& 44
friends to mourn her departure as - si alb&
tionate wife, kind mother and *,ittdiehNi.
Nun Mountain' obi,
LAW, Toirismia, Bradford Co. Pa.! ' 7
General insurance,and• Beal Estate Agentr.,—
Bounties and Pensions collected.
Inudnebs in the Orphan's Coart attended tq
promptly and' whit rare. Me' tiro black
smith of Ward House ,up stairs. 0 ct 424,
ESTRAY.—Came to the enclostiro
of the subscriber, ToWanda twp.. about the
Ist of October, Y yearlings, one pale red, one
white with a little red. The owner Is request ed
to prove property. pay charges and take th em
away. A yoke o f 3 year old Balls for Tale. ,
Oct, 17, 18a7. .
Has enlarged Ma store and is dilly' adding
largely to hii stook. •In tto , line of 'Watches
he keeps the
And a well selected, assortment of, SWISS
WATCHES, all. warranted to run .well or the
monep refunded. He keeps on hand a large us
sortment of the celebrated , •
- •
And the
Suitable for offices the. Parlor or Kitchen. As
' usual a good stock of line
In the plated line, he has Rogers Mother
Heavily plated
Breokfast & Din4er Caiskfrrs
Elegant treble plate doable wall,
Handsome Cake Baskets, -
Pickle Stands,Ut Bells, &co.&
CHAMBERLIN is now keeping the
Family Sewing Machines
These Machines are superior to. all others for
family use, for the following reasons : •
They sew with two threads ',teed fiorn the
spools, and require nn rewinding.
They are more easily' understood and used,
and less liable to derangement, than other ma
They are capable of executing perfecLy,
without change of adjustment; a much greater
variety of work than other machines.
The stitch made by these niachines is much
more firm. el- stag, and durablei. tally upon
articles which require to be washed and ironed,
than any stitch.
This stitch, owing to the manner ID which
the wider thread. is unwronght, his much the
most plumpsnd beautiful •in use, and retains
this plumpness and beauty, even upon articles
frequently washed and Ironed, mail they are
worn cit.
The structure of theses/ft is such, that, tho'
it be cat or broken at intervals of only a' tew
stitches, it will neither open, ran, nor ravel,
bat retrains firm and durable.
'Unlike other machine* these fasten both
ends of the seam by' their own operation,
With these machines, while silk is used upon
the right or face ; side of the seam, cotton may
be used upSii. the other side without lessening
the strength or dprabillty - ot the seem. This
can be done on no'.other machine, and is a.grest
saving upon all
_Articles stitched or made up
with silk. •
- These ilach Wes, in addition to their auperior
merits as instruments for sewing. execute the
Most beautiful and perma nent embroidery and
ornamental work. • ' • ' -
Yon can get Sewing Machine Needles, nd all
articles pertaining to the Machine bdsineas.
Yon can get at CHAMBERLIN'S one of
,No better made in the States. Warranted sev.
'Ten, years, and to stay is tune longer thiti - auy
Other. Keeps on hand the Aaierican, and Treat
Lindaley& Co , celebrated .
Which for sweetness of tone and style of 'finish
.cannot be surpassed. Are sult.ble for Churches
Lodges, Seminaries, and the home circle..; Also
a general akortment of other musical bistro.
meats together with Violin, Weill:well° Strbiga
Bridges Tail Pieces, ST, Bow Bair, Keys,
Resin, tc., he.
Bernember.that I do not depend upon the
sale of Musical Instruments fora living, curiae•
*wady am willing to sell. at a very small
Done in the beattnanner, u nano!. iatea
Towanda. July 18. 1867. I
A: yciuppL
Informs the citizens of Soßiven county that he;
has opened a Jewelry Stora,•in the building op
polite Welles & Ackley's store, Mistime, when
he will keep on hand an assortment of , I.
Which will be sold, as inw as at any other Flo*
in the country. Partidular attention paid to
Watch and Clock Repairing.
ewr Give me a call, as , many you& exp ri -
once will elable me to wive slag tctior. -
Dashose, Oct. 9. 1867: -
. ,
' - hIARAI FOR SALE.--SiinatUdi in
X Mansfield. toga county, Pa.,'in the• *MP
limits. 'Contains 113* acres, 40 - of Which is
Timber land . 30 acres improved fiat land. end
43 acres. pasture. A good two do .7 brick farm
house nith kitchen and wood house attached.
also barn and other outbuildings, orchards, itz.
(*Heat water, Ao. A good farm , for dicey
hop growing and all of er ,crops : • The State
Normal School, arid Hom for ,the soldiers' Or.
phan tibildren are' toot here. The Mansfield
Iron Works have btea remodelled and are. mike
4bg 16. tunitbest pig iron daily. Other simiffr
works and Rolling ,hills are . , in oontemplati
Taint reasottabln. • •- - • •
_ :I Oct.
' ' • '''• ', - ' i Hai H. MAIN
- Mansfield. O 28, 1867..-Im*, • ' _ ,
SALE.-163 acres" ' uni rP
• • • a od.
ed hold thitered Witb•Phte, one h .
Camptown, four miles from the Bungee/is • •
Apply to
' ,?, MONTOTIS a,' W : I
• - Towanda -Aug. 41,1881. I .: •
pall 4 7 1 4M tori.
dP f
~~"'ir, n+uFsi~il~, "
Liglot -*;' tflir =i
- sits
, o
T . '7
(!)-. '
{`~ +-
~ ~ -'
I . 4
• , -
1 - , ' ,
~,.. 1 ::,,
Cl 2
tk11) • is - ALLYN loving pulsated the
Baker 7 tad Xalgat...kletsbil !went sad
retently kept by istakElaiiii, dna deo=
of the Ward Noose, Hain street, Toweadki
Pa., and having re-modelled the maw. ;they are
prepared to to al& their customers and the.
able rates. •
radio with trverythhig is their ilas st reason-
r •
\- o
, ~.,,-,
.. 1.... , •
: 8 .;.,..
. 0 1
~. ~, :. ,
I '
til • i- '
. .
. •W ,
, -,-• • . - til . - -'
: •• i .:. •n.= , • •_, ..,
• oil .
. 114
- .
• :
L =
• r-
I._ T.
• : • • • FALL. &MINTER GOODY,:
*ll=lliinipiff alleUe
skittle 3 ,4 -
•;,;, t zr
, 6 . a '2 VllNTlLV i llgitle
D'lt 4, t. O.= :[::43,:"0 - O'irgi i
s„ - r-s se c ia ,
Pita& 9(4 eltprydr
Gingimuno 12i,
bags. "
Blooola d 0 d0....10 ®
WAl l k i ßeA li k !FOB! THE SW*
mums s.atwur ;gros• VIII SEASON !
Dlt S 13' t RIM *INGE, !
MVP 00 61 11101110 ktalii/4010Ct.
soma stkti St to u)Ss ot000k:
PAIINI - 11102 . 7awre zoos mann
♦ usir sad spleadlt, ar,tbia.
1. • NIOE
,FOTIONN nalralltlr t
A socyliviiertuantiof Sas aid' Bop
[ aka*. of Ow Mot WON
Alt vow. low Wow. .
IL I, IA 14:1 IsT ito- 7 1 7 1
Wears also r•xiiAs spleaM4 line of mac
la this &prima • as Oa late Styles of
Togethelmitki nicejiall et
TRThatiNetr ! ,, Ain) FEtiTICERS
All as lite sad Masi' gybe of
'B 0 R T 8 . 5.!
So that weke4prepared to salt the wants aad
tastes at •B. • are applied with' expatiates'
sad able Milhous. and will apsre no pstos to
plum sad girl sathatetios In Ibis branch of
for put kn e w§ bops to small
continaid !liars at t!ais Ara •p. =
Towsads. Sept. 36, ° - •
NEW swim AND NEW- Goons!
_entire new 'stock of . Clothing bo tight .a.,
cheep atibetorethe war to bir etildtrith ;
r <,
The touhesigned would reipecuolly mosses
to the citmons of Towanda sad vicinity that he
is now mods to oar *ea Clothing, anch tie
' t an* AlgD OAPS.
. .
Furnishivg Goods. he.. and that' thole goods
bOught *lvory - low limns will los sold with
my small profits I intend to establish a per
ntanent,trade in this place, stain order to •
the coldbkoce of purchasers, will- del on a
buns of
.61111 goods will be Imitated for what they
repremated to be. Come said mains sea
maybe* yourself. - Don's forget the placit,l
Temple of Fashion. opposite the Means lioase,l
south end of Beidleman's Block.
• act:l7, 1867. _ •
ld,lltted fa' the most approved style' elad
meal me served at ill boom sad their, store
'filled with a good asioneseat of
• • •
bRIED MIT% ac. &A
They will top in store sad ,asll at wham&
arid retail or manotacture to oaks
Of all him's. Also will keep the best Crackers
of all kinds in. the market, by the barrel or
Round. Fresh o,wit eonstmuly on head by
the 'keg or disk cheep •as the ampere. They
will ass the beat materiels , la army Wag lad
will try to please the mod fastidious;
Wedding Ind other hum Cakes made to
'Mr halides, suPplled daily and . promptly. ;
with anything desired la our. line.
They employ none bat the most *UM
man, and use may the best material. They are
determined to keep a first, clam establishment.
Give a fair sad candid Uhl and yolk will dad .
it to your advantage.
G. H. WOOD. , J. S. ALLYN .
Towanda, Aug. 1 ; 1881.—n.
r -N Viral estati.
4 Rm
F oat,
. As ' the : sabeariber - wilding .to
. -
**sage his b :eines,theore offere his firm
tor sao. l 4takimi la L Ain, Mogi
, %Pa.. eantehdagin ' of choke Ind, SOO
'acres improved, the tabuird u r tinberovell
watered by gent Dein - - spina, well
'laced bi Wands, sod 10,101, y 19u*, with
the good Apple *tabards • sad Pratt tor taw
ly we. - The Dina nye is a good .
sad a good market seven
miW . 13 ,11 4 11 =4;
one lathe lergeneoel wake la the ,Elbile, wed
eve lona hoot the . Willhaniort 4 Matra B.
11.,traily td chetah and ithool. -The inprtal,,
meets are on old two shirt hoses osenirtenli
tot a lumber arisen, oas hone ben 40 brat
feet wit,' undern nobles tor 30 cowering
goo shed and other aneseary oat bohemia,
aba s iron • Hill seat, with a due built The
Inn will be sold with anything on the farm
infoliowe z 13 cows sad ill -..Mry , Mani* 1
ena of bones; Mists ol_ harstea, away
arm. 1 on ir on Reid 03111 r 1 Inge lowing a
liesping Machin co , 3 Horn rakes sad
- btlis, bluniagmlll.lhuto - Plows, , go., he.,
sad la, fact ever th ing is wasting oa a
-', gun; siatandy ell a saft.Price $32 as aces
.16; $3,000 dant the beldam to sin
-the War lonberielornedow Indies
H. KOTTOAbiety, ;loge Co.,Ps. .A -
. atig.1,10,,'01,;--na_' ~ ._ ~ • ~..-, '. :, ~:
DOB SALIL— r The subscribers, BY.
:.J miters of the
... mi State or wai..Gicersi ,oar
toe ale tbis Rouse sad Lot situate swam of
lmn& dad fleeead stteess. •Towsalle. • • lbe
blame Is newly new sad eoatalasil mega' lIth :
sidoweellat.woot 1 7 : 4 1. 4a rt• a lci m tilo ea
egood tvalu-we7":" elders. • Pallas wiellaii
toVaretutse a hose will dw well to t ill - sal Wad
min beam parelsaskat
_elm Itairke
9/1: IL 1/090, arcs_
du madam
e r 'i • ',- • ' 4
~,, ' • ‘ MAIM A. MIA sa, -1'
. ' seps. nos?. : ,, .. t • .ltssadors.
inissehse aids foe Bahr Wig &Nile.
lasted ss &Moot IMO Is Boob Tomas:.
rat*Weft As, *kik iird. hoses h
, t idied visit &rola=Tie
/Cane 4111-We imam - um vill to
wi z
R.mirply Drftleri:lbssusalkst.:q.-
sag. : JOHN
Folf iratIALL:. Tataiii‘• axe
ulq - 00 , wigioNk3.
4.large nristy of
1 • - -1111 -•-• - •
ViECUTW we - - Notice
NOM • 0 0 kW of nisi
'lair ke t e
adateffoo4Wrieildily Ayr
0111 most- ' •
: 'llowittEbi'l
Nowa. LtsT. - , • • liaosears.
LlMMlntatakti g • IC;
de thlEpilt
hisisILC~ NW Willorp4mlspirled
lawilsky 0 1 101 10 4 at se , posiearmiet
Ad= sipdakaidtailleill MIMS dila /e-
V satbesauted for omtlassat,
AUPtiti t r i Ml io t r
Nov. 5. 48117.- - '
4."Airmke is - iiirabt slim; that
i t=
Milted to the aim of OW: w;
kb of Overton, deo% 'aro maiotad
mob liaatodiotakammateflod dm, km*
old= otthsattofiffl lwattwilw
oothooticatot foroattionott..
Ott. 11.1811. , ,
i.hinf#Vred thiteWpazons ind ebted to
die agate of HILaN D. 04.4iPtlig late
at Sheshaqula. are • todsedel to: make hums*
oft Maw, without - 4d ay, and those baring
_abbot added
dtteated add edge dot: must dm
daily autho tor _ •
Sept, tk-1, 1 111, 1.1. • Laanta=:-:
Vxzovroirs tonota i Nolice
benib tbeebil
be Meteisime of44ll,thi tr. PIOLTIr "lete of
Pike hip., dee'd.; ,ste Chemed to Md. bit
mediate moot, and
salt estate suit labile "them duly att
ti for eettlemest.:
Oet 174107. ; _ Ifiecuton.
xL:sotaiii.binby , lfteliesilas • row
indebted to the :estate of E. a . 11l YoN,
deo'd, late of V i a, are Aeliut7.tott to
- leaks imatedhite - and 'ammo haviell
demands Against estate will preeest thew
duly meted forer i eweaL ßlA
gi i n r oz i ,
D: F. PAM , •
A DMINIMS NOTlOlV 7 4loooe_iii
414 i befell era 'dial ' all memo ' to
the estate et Rased ll'illeasy.deo'd=
Water tvp, me rerieslier to lecke
:ire allay tad theme baring claims= easiest
es. estate m ost preseat them kli.eatheree
Aliatiebtnow '
'OCR 2,18 ff.
ter if tie estaSt .0 I ate, •
.hr the Orplaties Marto/ mimed ,
The underalgued of
appointed ea
Coon. turibardratintosele falbsbande —lob*
B. Mall afindidetaturr, win attend 'to the
du*. or ids appolatareeal bit oiler is 'Athens
Borough, on bated's, the - -.ltiridny Cl Soya,
1867, eV/ (kink, fL sa. ranee an pita= in
tomcod ma attend if t hey Adak proper. And
all perm* baring chime on mid lona mud 'pre.
'lent them, or be forever *Awed therefrom.
•-•- • /AV BUPA
October 2,1827. , Auditor.
gIIDITOWS N 1171014. --/n Oe mat-
terostakulifr '.. y
In Ow OrphatesOoorKof : '
The unikeelogie - - Ippobsted V
Court upon excePtiose lo Intimation a p
m to ink" qt deeehotorill attend
to the
to thellereogdeep h of Itle appolotaten, 11118PAY.t his oet a
git .
where en , mooseC elahislautat pleoq,
them, or be forever _
" ltuditop
Oct 34.1847,
A UDITOWS . NO 03.-inthet Mat-
AK. Mr of di idsker.f. Fr.. - di, die'd.
ni V e lanit; 2 ooorkot: County. .
The an ,malltire - appointed, by .
illd court to - ktrdinhf to .bands of
the adadabarator a pinstedwill attend to
the duties of his ap II a m his Mice to
the bossed\ of To ''enWILIDAT the 16th
day of NOVSYSER, US si I,o'clock p. m.,
sad all persons baring 4 upon said fads
must present them, or be forever debarred
horn Ms mate.l W. T. DAVIES,
Oct. 24, 1867. „ . ; • 1 • ,yv
~ ', Allactr.
XL ter edit *di& q AA* Bmat;ilte'd: s l is
the Orphan's Coart of "Bradford Comely._ ' •
The -uuteedgued Auditor, appointed by!aaid
Court to diatribate zoomme in the '.banla of -the
adminietrator of the above . • aerate, will attend
_to the duties of hie appostment st his Mimi la
that liknongla of 'Towanda, oa Ttenadrai.No*.
ember 21,1867, at 1 o'clock p.m., u which time
and place all persons biting claims upon said
nines prompt them or be forever de-,
B. IfjlPliC, ' •
Oct. 9!,.1867. , ' ": Auditor.
:AUDITOR'S NOTlater-/ri the nag
- ter of Lk - Mate of Reed ltossiortajloed. I
In the OrpUale Court of • !trudged 'County.
The undersigned anditor"appointed hy said
Court-to distribute Wadi In the hada-of the
etecutor of said isszate, :.wW attend to,thel
duties of .his .appohstinent. at hieotliordrkthe
borough of Towanda, on 'Thornlike; 3IM day
of Ifoseinbtr, 1867. at .2 o'clock. pan Thearand I
'theme all pawns having claims op int mid es- 1
;fate" prosint *tali or oi abated. fres I
Oomodarin, pare of lands. •
.47 • • : maw
P .
'Application tor Inoorportion • f ?list abiel
ay of the M•thattist 14V-cop - It reb CMS;
App for Inoeatioalvtiraw , Libra
ry Assoc Atka of Br adford County .
_Applicatkon for Incorporation_ cd.Urionlick.
'ral Farm Stock Assoeiltion of 2' orta .
Anplkation forineorporatkis of the tint Free
Bar Md. Church of Tuscarora
ettekiiiii **above a amed
Assadatroaa have severally precasted to the
;Court of Common Pleas of Bradford Coring y
their article/ of Association Irak ins . tot's' de
cree of Incorporation, and the , saldUemt hay
eWineg examined the sante, and
t hen cor
ct, will decree that they be incorporated •as
prayed for on Monday the 2d day December
1867. at' 3: o'clock, p. ;Garai ems be
ahown to the contrary,
PAAbceoter Sae "zutticla
s 0 , Oct. le, 1967.
a -
LE —By drtoe of orders honed , out of
the Court of Common Pleas and Orphaa's Mart.
of Ihmifor.s county,laumel Howard, Committe
of APen D. Drown, a buratto, nattlatut_T Brooks
Guardian of Mary Drown, Loraine U. Drown,
Adeline' Brown, Witham Drava, minor chit.
die* of,abrant Brown, Woof Wjefusing, BA will sell on the premise's pubU sale on DAT
UM/AY, NOMA= Dial,at 1-o'clock, p
m., all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land
situate in the township of. known
as the Hiram •Brawa Paine. and :hbonted and
described as follows, to wit :
On the north by land of lobo HOiliala r on
the eastansts of •Ita Brown. on the south by
the Sof quebanna • blur and on the trestly
Ends 4. D.Y. Barna an d Ira grown•Alontaho
about: a acne of ••
• The widow of the said - Hiram. Brown, dee'd,
will Join lathe deed so as to Axiom her inter.
eat in the - hind to the panes whoinay melon
the/amt. •
TEMEI4IOO to be paid lila the property
is wrack Owe, ~- $55 at the confirmation of the,
isle, and the balance of two.thirris of the whole
ptirchalm vioney in Untie Ma annual Mounts
with inte b :pa osalwation rttliale.; ;tut,.
,third of, the parthriulikerry 10 Ott soar
ed bta and 'mtg.& &rift the life time
of , Minny Brooks, toVMS therWaristrie to be
paid annually, and's! her . death the trhiole awn
ao secured, to be pabl. to Du, -1 114 1 .1,ti11A
to - receive lt. • • • • • - •
FANNY DMA% Clettektne •
Oct. 26.1807. • =
ORMAIThav corn Ams.:--B 7
, **tie. of kloo4 13 4 . at the 01 *
OW. Coder`'Of Bradford saato s tbir maw
Aped Adadaldialoss at Jae of Japtat
BOOrtiolot mkt owastr; Loo'dft WI/ bass
poi pattUA L Wkaa thaa_a
USUAL LIOMB /et 1 1 47.01 o'swek
the Mow* &ICAO .1 0 •2 160 * or Nll4,
of ianAaltuale la Tap top. R . 001110104 WO&
kink &Omar ottiotoottalottooloOtToos
aad moolo.loollt par,,b) a 'IWO
oak, mob" tbs. tanllp,llm id pea .10
sad damp, ate% sat& WI pai n to ap
ant tree, tan IS pia: to tat plata a( Seas his.
Clegaltill L 6 OPO4 Oawagollialooflor tomk
'boat Wadies loptoteirs Ahmed bus sal a
saalttraatA dwaloplamaathasca. •
212116 IMAINIAtathe ptapsety Wag
street day*, °NW, et tailalaaqa apoatilis
coaleatatltatat But,atio :said tAa, *ma
Intaest acal - aallnutimajo aaa_mtAero
alter BRUM 1101waan
. .
li Rifigitur.4liiheilittee
. ,
of Jolla illositipt—' , llroo*R It . I
trka of Pone/Ins& * 44 :l ii ii . * m a
lb lobos .4 oft , , .
toribigino nolkoAt West is at-'
Aim of ;Jobs Whillobt-of. ia tioQqa•
17-of.:atikawd.aanikata :tn. Pogookontig,
ulddcoold Obrtglotenotta boa kw foOdi 4 o
Ilsokroptni t it resiVi lot brohlinoW
-9ratolflMo .shollith'd* of . 1Otobee l .l: ' D
1867. -- Ii sr: DECO Aiso, 'AiNgeeet
ma~yy{; 3. - .yY): J ~.::~'iY ..
ilnoCLAXitibit:4 l -11 HOll
•• - illT e LaraWriatrnsibOth,4El
of tile Et ___ ,litobriat i 4elog
eiteilot " ' ilbsoloro- tad beaerre aid
Lime bow! 11118111001 Abet ..t• .•-• Too , Dlttri
Assedoe, k.let optiViot" oill - Colmar of, .
' 101161 godr_iteMt bat* lido -
gfrLi * .01 Oct., Jti - D.; 1W go, so Areided,"
for •litelkEnetCoolt ar Oboe aid Toelbton. Gliii
oot Qom* liontose."of tie Poo, combos ..
Rem Ed Oepitio' 'it Coitt.lit Tomollei !Nib , •
' • atikodified, tok moWiaii the •Irs Jiff a
-1 • pin, to maim two iroske. __ „
v • • lo tbeeelbro busby' giro to AO Om.
• 'eutitisot tam Pim, sod 'Coodeldepoie
Att Aadterd, NW Vow What sod
ONO la ' ; I Ve' -yeoper4oreoa, It 10 (Moak Is •
Oa - • ' et Mil, dal. eta tbdr neotele, bi- •
ob.= lad • ' ollescaosoesbroposo, to illotholol.
Utiopilobkh to -SW Alloo appertains to be
Moo t- aid thole wbo aroboosit by voeogidosse
•or Wand* to peooleoto.. WAN* the ildskillion
:trio sei or *orbs la taw *tot mid tloo*. sr
Ma sire beboood to Appose at tbi sold Court,
ow SO be Ws web then peewit, owe
Ibis po ebitt be**. *AV o M ore toquogod a=
be poattost Jo - diets ' a tteadukoo, agerebiy to,
ihiledst tbs . 314 di t y of Oat the
yeer.of opt 10001, thousai eight hoedreit
ditylerna, sad of the -ledepeedetreepf
• the Vetted Mash the alsetpline. - -
• • • , eihIPPIS. Shedd.
QHBRUTI3 SALIC—By . virtue` of
17 ei 1613.44 1 Vead.:Sspe. lowed oat -ot the
Coon Wow' Pkee ot Bradford County, ,
aid to tie dltecied, there will "be exposed to
iesolest Voutt • •Howie: in the egh
ADA DAY. the 2& day of
Dig i Vik i lt i mmet 1 o'clock, p.m., the lot.
knrbg deectlbed kir place or parcel of laadelt.
eats* Tgo Imp., Naiad north by lasd or
Boom& ..00stteloadroir Eon' Loom- •
le sad State Maggots, 'math - by lead'ogols
Upesstrolad vela R. •
_& .L. 13thee
.1W Use'
Dab& hlOway. witmalag
t e aoete
hat 130,ataat yi et t
h eam d ar ame.We Mears 4/hng
°Mon otheittait. i henp l a
Belled and taken in eteentkit at ths at
& Poster" um vs. T..1.° Ormt." • •
AIAK)---By virtue as a: writ ,- eti Pi. Irs.;
be soleatk4 same aloe sal ..placo. the Wals
h's.. -dmaib*M,plecatx 'wool of laud
&tett WO IP; maw wortk by land form
erly_ belonging to lhimea, Bogert, •east the
public hishway, moth by lairds bob:siting to
the Cost Compaq. west bylaad of Wm. Braise
Confalaftit aaSIVUOte ee Ws, about 30
saes harrowed. mew& house -"V
small halt Imes theteon, .
What sae tikes II elteostioit 111 the mit of
wunsaleshis I. WillisinA. Panes.
3 ..11449!—The following described Act, piece or
petesteif bnd eitnate - la &Albany tp. - , bonded
north-V bad of Z. (Amok sot by lands of B .
'Add earl Jading Vartkom. Paths my bads ot E 1,
4N. Bobblnstin, west - by lands Of Usbewl Dav
ison. Containing 93 acres, mot* or about
la saes its roved, with flanked4Paili itaaeed
harts and a IstrArull , Una Lksage(M. • • •
• Betted' and mum la- UMW. tbkeem
John N. liessock vs. It. It. Soots. • :
• .111A0.—TW *allowing - .doseribed lot, plot" us
.parcel of' Amato tia • Wpm tp. wooded
north by kodo of A. Loa i t sad .1; ,&
V: E.
nolea, ow by bad of iiorookWhito. oath
by Ind et Brood bbores and *. B.bkower,
mot by Lodi of 11. bbores and E. aV. E.
Oatileing dl seram, more oz boo.
oboe, SO sass
_oath a log boon ood
taw bolt trees theremi.-
• Belied and take* tn animation at the aids of
John m. Jams noCorrille.
ilmeilbed lot Age or
puma of land Amine in Mails tp bousuloll
north by had of Rikrglotitte, east by ibis Imb
ho bliglwSzy, south by tind ot Wm. Gamble,
sad west by land of Luther Smith. tontalala
,about acre of land, more ur May all impevved
with trainsd twine thereon. -•- • •
Seised and Wien In • execution at the suit o
Alonzo Morsen nsa mIL imokard. •- '
- WM. GI fliktfki, Shedd:
Towanda, Nov: 7, 1867. •
islasiss sof*, That gax
4 117,01
Oatober,, 1. D": 1867, a warn* BC=
isited - paduttbeastatsel Ulna'
of Aglaia, to the meaty of Bradford, sadiasa
of Petthsylrazda, 'Oa bar beat_
Basktopt car Ws own' pelftkal ; avar IncPsY
meat of say:debts saddallsery or say pleperJ•
Oelonfiuil-ta5 4 114 Banknipt' to 11434 or for
his use, - th e !traluker 'or any tampLby
biro are forbidden by law ; that 4fr•
the creditors of
.sakt lbakrupt •to yeaseeh.
debts sad to choose • one or more, - Aadmu of
his.sstate, will be held Us Court ci
oy to be.holden at the dike . of the Beetteter In
in-the Conti Roue, in the BorOuith of Towaa
ds; before' *EDWARD OVEBTO Beits
tar, eh the 1116 day. of •IPBCIIiMIBIi,- 1.-•D
-1,801,1th.9 o'ckiSk; s. M. . •
unlhaffifaial Marshal as leseenger, Mew,
. era Markt of l Painglasakiv .•
Nu. 7,1867. 77 4 w. • -
PLIDATIOII of lauretta Palm/4.We powe.
10 convey Beal aerate.. In the tAlart. of °mu;
mon Pleas of 'Bredbird Boa sty, No. 195, Dec
term,lBB7. •
And now With ...Sept. 3, 1887, on reading
saddling siffidavit sin petition of Lancet re
Palmer setting forth that her husband ehillp
A. Palmer, has absented himself, lad that mid
Freltioner is possessed in her own right of sm.
'real trade of land, sink of which she desires
to mil stideonvey; being unable to in so.
whhont her Ulna folfiblif .9 11 2. 1 1 th lsl3l3 urt
to make a decree, removing her ea airy from:
making the necessary moveyances tq vest's'
good tale in the purchaser. Whereupon
nertka of bir. Peck, tne Goon gnat rule in
accordance With - the payer of rhe petitioner,
namable to Deoeinber Term,„ end direct the
Proilmnotary to give notice of this_ order in
one of the newspapni itt this nullify for four
treks prevkais to . Dammam Tent." •
W. A. TROMLAS, Prelhobotary:
Chit. id,•,1867.
!Ok i * Lanai Ic . la the Court of Common
ot Biadlord County. • ,
Notice it hereby glow that George Mir"-
toe, Qoaulatto ac mad Joba Hortoo lum filed
hm scant ea mad CoaaiWe,in.thiaafila aad
that said secotrat will =be prestmted for alio w
ins" °a ' 4:61117,' Dec. of watch all
persons interested will please, tate
THOMAS. Prothcaratarp.
Oct. 20,
ToTirvis sat ad lio: 610, May. terms
1987.- 'rowan be notified that *Amine
11.Davis,by her next ,Jobs N.Cen
haa applied to the Court of Common =
Brathord County, fora dimes from the bonds
et matrimmy, and*. said Ccitirt 'has appoint.
ed Monday, gm 2d day of Deo., 1667. at two
o'clock, p.m.; for bearing the said Catharine
11.1Mele,in the preodaas,as which time and piece thittaer.
W tatIFFIS. •
Oct. U, 1867..' ' ' • - Sheriff.
To Geo. •A. Beymour.—No; 201, Hay
ferni,l667. You are lanieby smiled that Cirelhie
.by her ant • friend 'Gabriel Rai
.yan has applied to the Court of Conunon
elaiawf BradMrd .Coarity for Wdivorce from
the Wade Of. watrimony, Auld the aid Coati
has illilloilgol:Bpalider the 2(1 daY of December .
Wet at tiro :O'clock; 'p. Di., ' for bearing. the
add Caallue• Btymoor r tit the prerabea,:' 4
:which time and place you :can attend . if you
think proper. OI4IFFIB
Oct„: 24i 1861;. 1 c - ' : sheAr;
A /Pla
ktemort T riivoitot
To Elisabeth' Ohnstitad. rf li ,o. 153, Dec .
Seem, 1866.. You sec tummy ate lOW Oar& W.
Olmstead 3 0 ar lumbaslas atlgiedw lbw
Gnus of Common Ness of Baultoct tical ty,
tor &divorce from the tsitidsot 'matrimony, sod
the acrd curt him appointed" Monday the ;24
day of December..lB67 - at 3 o'clock, p. m., for
besztug, said S.W.' Olmstead, In the prom -
Ims, at which time and plate you can attest It
.ion thick prope. • . WM. GRIFFI4,
0ct.24,,1681 ".• - , Sherif.
To Jacob_ Wllltams.—No. 634 Key tent
lee?. Yon am hereby.
_notified that Mod..
Miami, your wilehy tor next friend, 0: W.
has applied - teak/ Court of :Com
zi Pleas of android , County for a divorce e
from the bonds of matrimony, and the Amu -
Court Des appointed Monday the 2d day. of
.Dee.„1662, at, two O'clock, p.- nt,, Ice helium
the ' sald'Margaret, In the
_premises; at which'
thas sad plime-yott am atletaitt low thltai ptvp.
04.14.1110. 2 ,
-44011. To Nary Barth* 649, Bep‘
OM Toasts 'why 'notified *lt' Henry
IWO*, your butbuiti._ hp. tgpittd to lb, Court
'ot Comma Pleas of idutatotd Count* tar a di
-faros hoz” the bonds otAnatrirnaal s a c th e
• Court has appointed - Monday the Id*" of
- 1867, at two *Ws*, of molar baarktt
acid Henr y Bardleh t in the madam at iNw
that and joisea yow , ea sneaky It,* tio n t•
,proper.. 5 - WILLIAM URWPI9:, '
Oct. 26, 1867. , •• Shari&
- ' i l4Ollll . Atilluctri /•• " - " ,
Ilespecitelly talented, eitteeee et Tottae!ta
Voilnlo. tiat let to armed it '
-. i '
~. . Aliak SHOP, ' ..- --
bk_ndn'aelts suanskomou•siamis 'Roes.
-W Mad* a sham f o rks paten*. -'• •
S:lloapdgeted to and . askeigamests Jo
the itotekottkootilo _ c ..10 owl At atiekt dalta•
ble preftit . ; j'etabet'aetweettea "Irk, ptet7
. _ .
a Mis sad Resdithe dose to cider ea :bort'
noticet. , • 1 eept• 10 2 /867-