Wiwi from cilrird • .—A young. womini OfliiiniatATe, years, reeentl i died at,Pittiliiti i & :Pi., iiiiiii rNeesiive tat s. , • , . . -- e, t a -Wenile Philips is ,liying to form 11 . indepepd t tinilinsuce party_inliaisa. Butfotirteen .`colored deteritei: been'elected to the AlOipiitOtate Pini; \ ,•nt ion —The Good Template haver images; their Membership, ut the State of Nee , York. more thart , 27,ooo doring the pet Vein% • =Mrs. Stark,; who resides iu Ontario Co., lc. T., cut and harvested %rid' her ow_ handi, 25 acres of wheat, the present season. —Sixty thonEuind . persons Gave had he yellow fever in New Orleans during the slimmer, of which about one-tenth died. -The rebels of Virginia are die .l-Intrging all Negro workmen who voted the radical ticket. . : That game won't work, ' —B. C. Yancy, brOther of the tor Wm. Ir. Yancy, is a - member of the Red ick Republican party of Atlanta, Georgia. - -Rev. Miis A. J. Classin has been called, to the pastorate of &Church in lion* Pleasant, lowa. She is said to be a thumt sisealum • —Fifteen thousand foreigners.have been naturalized in New York city within a month—all good "Democrats." The new, Congregational paper The Advance, has reached a subseriSion iiat of 10,000.dtuing the Brat three weeks of 4ablicatioa. --Madagt Deliortie, the noble mat and founder Of the Freedmen's Orplwa tiylnm in New Orleans, reeently died in that city. • ' ,-The majority in Alabama Tor re contraction and a convontion-wis, This is a Republican victory whiahtheCopi don't mention. —The cash receipts of one hotel at &ratOgs, during the season jut closed, was *780,000 ; tibont on e-third of this sum was Pte, . Hertzler, a we althy citi zen of Springfield, Ohio, was murdered by burglars in his own house, on the morning of the 10th inst. • —Carl Ruff, formerlY adjutant of the 45th Wisconsin, alas - killed at =win. bee, on, the 10th inst., by a picket entering his direst while he was getting orer &forum. —A church has been opened in Ho boken, New Jersey, the creed of which is unbelief in the ditto* of the Christian Scriptures and the ezimitence of a Clad. —lt is estimated that the hotel bills for men, women and *uses, at Sarato ga, the past season, amounted $4,000,000. The armies of the fashionables east aemneh more. ' —Associate Judge. Swayne f of the united7Suite,s Supreme Court, at Louisville, ,a, the 10th, in a lengthyand able opinion, gave a decision in favor of the constitution ality of the Civil Bights Bin. —The Pittsburg Comiiiercial_thinks that Geri. McCle ll an is still com petent to organize a defeatrof the Democratic party as ably as either Pendleton or Seymour. —The Dayton Journal claims to . hare information that Vallindigham hie geepred the support of a majority of the Deiaoemtie members of the Legislature. - -The , -Blackfeet and Groeventre Indians recently had a fight ; the Blackfoot. had ninety men slain. An alliance hap been made with the Sioux, Cheyennes, Crows and Arrapahoes to carry on a war of ester annation against the Blackfeet. • —Ex-Judge Geo. W. Smith, of On eida counts, N. Y., was recently deposed ' from his office in disgrace for official ocestrp tion. He was the author of the "Democrat - ic" resolutions of that county; charging.the Republican party with corruption —John J. Merit, an intelligent Quaker, was recently excommunicated by the New York monthly meeting, for speak ing too frequently and freely without the sanction of the Elders of the “Selem meat. ing." A new aid independent congregation is the result. —On. Thursday of last week the sawmill and keg 'factory of .1. a Monroe I Son, it :Rupert, near Bloonasbrug, wail de stroyed by Sire. I • —A company for the 'manufacture of steel in Schuylkill county has b3en form ed, and the 'works will soon be in course lit construction. • —Reading boasts that the Mozart Musical Union of that place is equal to any like organization in Pltiladelphin. —A quarry of 'good varegatedtnar bla has been discotered near Neeltanios burg, Cumberland county. - ' —Tne Northern Central Railroad Company, has 'commenced building an ,tit tensive machine shop and round house at Sunbury: —Judge McCandless has decided that the National baniruptlini cannot inter fere with .snits and judgMenta pending or concluded in the State ComtiLt, —The distillery of Robert rage,. West Buffalo township, Union county, has has been seized for -defrauding the Goyen*. meat out of its proper revenue, —Col. McFarland has located a Soldiers' Orphans' School at Mercer, the citizens having purchased a fine unpomitpled building for that purpose. The school will be opened in November. . —Last week, a young man in Honesdale; accidentally shot his mother with a gun he had borrowed and was clean.: ing, not knowing it to be loaded. She died in a few hours. • —Distilleries are numerous on the mountains of Luzern county.. Two were recently broken upi: That accounts for the falling off of the "Democratic" vote in that county. - .7 1 —A • much respected native of Pennsylvania, named el Mad; died rbe ucently at - Fostarbuts lltiabit, at the Javan, ced age of one hundred and eight years. - --The Lehigh, and Susquehanna Railroad his reached completion after three years - of arduous Isbor. The now 444; Babes a permanent line between. Betidelmit Arid Preransaarg. , —Lizzie Sevier was knocked doWn in the - street: in lisrrisburg i lied gagged, outraged end robbed; her face and shot:Men were horribly bruised, sad she was and is atilt unsonscieue. No eluito R.e I'Pe• !radars o! the hoinass. outrage yet hien- . llorl.lllllii e..of victim art elltasar batdirio ba 1 • futsin is Mimi. ._!rifitoid, L 7 tit mop 1M fl BM ="litbe folio have of the last : .144cial Witatt. • Newiredt the Demcierette ensfatUgr hilbs The editof Attie ; Fog, Ag• a l ior, lays &lite Plitform - on the suffrage Tuition in the glad tiole,:wirkii is worthy the - ideia r '- tionof all thinhing men, hatteei, !mho' their twin, the subject. The editor: This is recognised is a l'liizedt ineation:w and that ft ia , by-many'difficulties none 1, deny . ; but it, wed not be s :a ;" 4- : quer tionm a 'lay longer, if the Re party will plant itself upon thri-eor feet .principlei and' - there . the fight. • ~ Oar views are notoewia wool? They have been more or less faroillik, to them for more than 11 . . ; We may not be sitagether. but we are more right than ,wrc.urg, this matter, atleast., , , .. i,.t .-- at There are trite dangers to be wrold I ain taking -position : ' Fint-4111 ! , "'emit Silfragei and Itenime:l44, Prolit bk &drag, frith A.. , : l '_ , :4insio : cation. . :-.,:: 1 We take groamd. - for . • -13si ra g e ° Pa n iafriglaFe; ' lin rin g !Of other accidents, spelt as oo . prep ertY, ' and nitwit . . ,- , The argument in this : I agree ' that the permanency of f 'IOW Lions depends 'upon the;e mid integrity of. the people i ne lied i ntegrity are ,the _- E mits.of .morel groith and .enlighttnred t seseon ; therefore - *lntsiligerice inual:te=-010, , safeguard of the repubhie. Admit this, and we Proceed 4-:the folloiring order : Repeal all naturalization lairs let every man having gained a residiate in any State, paid his declared his intention'to reams'chines Of the republic, sworn, formally, to sup• port the Constitution sad laws, and admitting the authority of the Gen eral Government to be, paramount in: national affairs, be privileged to vote. Making voting compulsory to CV. ery man who claims, and is entitled to enjoy, the privilege: Let us iecapitulate : ' 1. Intelligence the basis of Buff- 2. •Repeatof naturalization lawn. 3.. Voting to be compolzory. —What shall .be the measure of intelligence ? I We, reply—the &bill. ty to read,. eatiily, the literature of the day. This is the " oppertlmitY , ! . of intelligence which le euelcient, a rule. Men 4o can read will read, as a rule. Men who otumot read, of course will not ; and such men; as ''a class, are the tools of demagOgne* They constitute the uncertainbal: of power today in this nation. t: better than all, ena t that nonzani 'ehalltereafter be .privilkged tote unless he can read, 1 and . yon fural]sh the very best and Most 4w:dyer:a-I duce:Dent to universal, cducstiem.--- Every man would devote .his spare , hours to the work of educating him.l - He would take care 'to edimatS his children also., , Why repeal the nataral— laws ? Because they are a dead-le* ter. Never adequate to the prevenl ; tive work for which they were intend ed, always false in principle, and ,stantly evaded sad defied, they malup a show of resistance to fraud sad. bad with which practically' diuroilt the people against those evils. . . Yen' of intelligence do not require a year's residence to qualify them 'o' vote intelligently.. The ability tit r o read discussions ,of pi/bllO quest l 4 is the' only safeguard of liberty, what it does not oure,.. csanot . .be Lastly—Compulsory voting: What? compel a man to vote ? Yes orb*" , not? You compel a man to pay life two, for the public good. Tehigh, eel function of the citizen it mask& A fall and fair ezpressinn of pOpuleri will is essential to t elter,Of tiftrg:* log of a govenune* br,the wok:, Whin a man. accepts the ballithe Contracts to participate in ',the goy ernment: What h, - lay Troo the performance of the contract ? a man neglect, or , *Sae to Tot& three times,le being:-in health, Ind not prevented by circut an ela• Yond his control, strike Ss wn! o the list of citizens. reduce the labor and Amman of a 'campaign onohalf and gala= sweat, good. The people would -then read, and hear, and' qualify theenael:s4:l:€ ' the duty of citizens., 3 ::'Y ea, would 10. longer pamper Trashy by waithig to-be invited to , ircip.'/' hiJaci; it , fe is reasonable to compel polls; is it in to' ecinpil . ithstia*ppy taxes, ight, sit as WOO as witnesses, . : • Until this be atene,' and suffrage be bailee Sporrintellf4, gence, residence, and allegianoo,thfe republic will be at the mercy ad* ppm, and knaves: " ` `;;) • This is our Plitforii, tiad it may be the platform of the limputo_ *an-- party in 'Pennlyivaida._ rife, just, 'necessary; and watafil littlefeo l 4o . 4 o ,4*mo or sit.. ties stood grit it., if.tba imams, a *Ws 161,930 Is 11, reeorsti bar "lobed for is g°.1141 0 1 • MP 1M I , , EN was eaga-1 a - easevfiftetz' 48 he was elec.. and . was seat Aegate,to,tbeAticago i= be feetfigimpoeild denn tbewlfrt*reobirtla a• felectaGonall 44a*Bitob in 069,. ooie,!►entii Oilitilat 0 . nt:e men and Geo erk the folio .4 Lipe l of- Phillietel o. giOnsoo ; lor tawrcnae. • %see; connty,, • !..Deatithk i '6.fof IPMladtitz liMi ITEM PRIXILIMITIOF i I I ill : f W..... 1 litaNsi 1 Fro* fii in a . pileup - 1 ifori .0 • - ,Vhiii ,aBl lidie hi 141:14- ' ichittraP ..- 1 ' 1 raleth r it4. 1 • e . liiii4r" ipiltd , ' - .icr..bE,AßlF;aciirElijiitt. n ,the ,ntiatio.crthe . woild, as sivi L ditsev,: i it, tali been, 7 tnint !wart i cAfrtain daye at 1 1 24: 4 bed‘'obneeirt= :ht 0f90 1 0 64 1 .3 4 P 4' u, 1 0,4,M., Pitilia eon &of the of PO :Oievi .leg i h ityll, sit 'eartt,2 rightenetruess ic ,. - o dilly ' bitqctli• _,Witb,,lua, jitt;)kt . '',_ L l6 44f; - - Bf i l s4 t,it 4 mute' , of " r eelj over-ruoug y *Welk rte *tilt end all it itr.e . gotier* ;id `64iitibil ' , by. ; Thil'i dfo, '46, 0:0,0* d vionv'sliaj t4 , 1 4 *1 116 0, 61 velitien _We , th..)iie Vat, are reCogni t ze i;:ttat Supreme Ireaveuly. Fitter, to whom iuddbted. for :Caietence - and blessitqW3.4:.o49Y,, '4o„ti. e wore potkiumt end "fervent' Vlig 4d ymat q lp,', it wilt; the'.'earkafid, water= 7 ' Iltri"i'fidttethl'' the fprgowi it the'Orin rige;thereof;" .Inicith Ihe 'year Witt Hilt ; ind i Whose' the_ 'drop tai , ho ' " &tamer,' etie - Pastures lik'ild'6,l:kte •' , t the valleyi in,; wi fe ' "tuOteth the - out of the morning and 'l4, the to rejoice r ` who'?' is, our , . strength" .Iwhe " ataireth cease," and "laveth usArom • - , ;'..whose "ithrone as. for‘.. ever ! ". andwho " idesseth .. . _whom God ',is the Lord." , /a sides , h ave : , increased ~ of. tber loVing•kindness" 11-wise , Aura of wood, ;wha noted "oar„ nation • through a • terrible , war, and 'emitted Is. to Jutoes' e [once ;more in without: any to:olest them tetbent-afraid,P J 'Tut+ Anon et disunion_ is' no „-- ~The ,i•Flag,. , the ...MO 'ii are esl 40, tar& of the iberties .:the people, xsteed-, I ed as the political ty. ~ , ' . ili c videace has not grown supplying our continuous . bounteous' harvest:has re labors of l i the I , husban t.., - .herd, areecattered 'umbers- ever our,- val. ,ifiiinmeree isranie6 .. vmmols Andes:with - the natage.lodiet . artoimid' werAlm glees deepar, 4111-111813. - distress 4erillkal halre - Ally Milk, propel!' 'aid thetripb cc tho 1111 gt, but_ peace, -, mo , t3r, religion, it bleisinglii' tire - 4 ' ` :aid ` enitii. hate H melt iger +e sire , c.tO *hook irho oith it ;*1 4,nd !Ph° $ near iiith gong IM3ttin tefnge I liars to Over, s 11811112 • 'oo • long: Out illafeth pr-tkin '0211130 , libr 4 eiry 6aa. 'eye nd great 6. Wi la lth, Ned --. 6 -:' 1 1 - •- - ,/liadviad-thelitosit, , ,_ ...,..... ? -.0.: Oct9ter- WW4H I N , • 4 ;11/11471101104 !Weal* the faineW ...., . h. 1 . 0 i'....i: n 140014 lso44itr. L.... •"- ' ' 41E11 ,I, ; 25 • t en the ova, ID,' ted Se 4 ldiks lain* The,,Altotansi raoreliterplerined 1 01:44 1 :, -110 , of the office c i;c; the 'reeneyk .won: 11 )4ilf ) t AA, Wish. We haft iffed-- - Selfridge II: Retch; 1 - P 447 steni ' as% vaadidatei ff',.ri:AT!'..: , . - ,v OE *MrT!,2taw /5 i -r i*OiiallitY . to' tbe datlittei 'et tadEtidtOtkao4" ifrita l ,6ol l ol' whoisoffe . :•144 all time eiell - 4410 0 11 1 6 )* °Ornate live our * 4 l into Ithe each:- trittot.thitiobeeettor on 'mai about Thy 20 th day ober, 1687, a Bed - Yearling Steer, the woes ti :equated to prove property, pay 4:IWO-GE *. HEkTO.- Buritheour Os*. 29. OM._ • - .I UM . . lIM. BUCKS_ V,013, .SALE-1 :.i. i t o torele_or tp let, e few or 001111 'BO:JO. , AlSO',,two pieMituil 1".*: . . 1i0..; Mee* few -tit 401 Atryit1t1i5 1 .;...,..... ILI i RFAICIALIG. I. Itaynitic now. 5: - 1 I?-3V. - • ALIJABLE - ,FAIpt 'FOLSALII, *., The SibsathWH'eliers faim situate in nottitern?OVA' Berrielm, 000talaieg .13 imps of ea4,about 84 acseetwproye4, new-, hoine;* and alseessary Luttuildins, t IteetValw.AThe Ywisli trateted set Anod stete r At cants , 44;1 For ap kio, 'debris ' 'JONAS LUX. • 6v.'6,11M17 6w , - Herriektille. ; r . , , , üßuo vArrici .-Peraiiiiii., are cautidned agitiuti pitichislng Dental Plates of Volostalte or Hard Rubber of Dr. Bea. Vottosi aad.Dr... liartin L. , _,yaosoaktrk; of lanaada Borough. Pa they befog anatithotiaed 'Md bdibbletto usestatl Cue. by 'be owner* of as sake tight SlerretO, luster the Goodyear Pat • en. _ls • d Noleasoas groat Abe if• El. Court, will Ire, .eitual upon. Ald Dr: Weston and Dr. Vitae*. idyl, its' Ic es is they be obtalnet AU ,giskostomers weds s• Votes ot itt* tasan• 0 211 1 are stIrWIP Ils , i4e o„ suit. Ft 11 : • . - _ ' Alan BACON, 1- , .-- -. ,t Tristrare. Goodyear D. V. Co: , ') Ok ' ' ' t;'2o:ilBB7., ~ ~ - ,- '_.l , TALtrAfax,•ao I I 4WD, P99lllotiSig;,. i 4 eOnM_ryryaaenoi 3 Of dom - the poprlet ititot, MTV is °Wed ' Vb. or•I Roue , icat the - debotrof thi pCialB.llost•dadpilge Ta trI•r,TIAP. bria a tifive I repittiyind'oth " eve 1 ry. tcs. doh* , a • „ will bp:Wit wistk -the . and lmat wppllesetnn mar be to Jugp*Pli- PoNTBIalw . 1 I Rona; Toirsai3a,P H7 -11 ,- I B.T Cl=3 , •r•, Jut reotlava • 'plan id- assortment of , 1 4 Q*13, A!Tp, F ' . .G00D4 Radar,. ' from era., ce ats to twelro,dcdlaro and arralthlog ciao to cones- Poll!t• • ZIA/M .- • • ra*appur - FATTERNS fillipera,'Stamped. Goods and all Idadior Youlloetlona, . Qin mid sae for ;o P Orbi TowiadaiNot.6,lBti lON.Whei ,las my wile has lefenty • and board, without say Just cause lor provocationcl. hereby caution lad tar* all will or trusting uer on mg oroolln al I will pay no delssi or her oantracting after, this' , date. _ 4INEJAJLIN RYDER. Wllmol4ocfober 17,167. "till 411" to p'nbllo that the above fibie,.and ga , napat,ed for, as no one will unit colds acco=t.t i for the bed. he had mite, end board, more te walab. Had I not bad parent. fa, uslizd up I should hue suit ' stud for foodand clothing, besides every dsy sabre br less idanderoa use' from' his etR tongue, and used ha ndsoforiolence.-- Therefore my case I just. ., " I Toingionov Oci.ll, 1867.* ' WOCHILAt: BUGNILNIN BItOIIiERS. t 11/6& - froin iope; 'With a large asiortment ai, 'end Watebee. W ith the best mann (se ta, in iswitz.erlanli, hove' located • themselves, tainporgily, at the likely, limns . 01 De AM & Dhatteng where they. will be pleased to alto v their Wires to the pantie. A. to.moigh experi ence 1E1.8411'4,w/4 es tsbpn we enable& them 11001$br aim ago of. e inplete astielietion in ark department. 'Par cater attention given ta making 014XiCS..W4ti and jewelry . , • C)4/ Ili./ t• OCL 24, NEP • —331.* „ tle - .13ALLi—In °theft,. Thurs. Lt. Asp: Naveadmr 31, n0 1867„ commencing at 10.1 s. in.*:theisabicribe otrers fur . sale , on the plinnisesthe following petty, vit.: I horses e CORIt 6 /mailings; mslves, 3 shoats, 12 sheep! hayotalks, 1 two horse wagon , 1 fmc7hci. se -,markbt •spring 'wagon,' I sleigh, 'grain plow, ding, sat of cootie harness sod honseh old fur niture, consisting of chairs, Lad es, bodices ds. biliaan,2 stoves, and many other articles. TElllls—Ag i soms under cash. All sums pver 7 ss, from 4 to 4 'tenths credit.' - • • M. M. FA11101111;1), 12 • Orval O• at 25 181 - . ALLEN' mvTi Rosmanpi — tens* their services, the ,;.ad lei of Thinned& and - akin kr. All work Oar ran ted to give aatisfaaloa. Particalor art 'option P aid • ; } ! ,0117$1-S4l . Bootee in easement otn reildenee oe Second Street. Towanda Oct. 17.18'71 P . BTRAY.-;-0 . .. et% the enclosure of theanbaolbe4 in. Towanda Mown:ship; aat tbe MI Atimp,t pt., II amall