.~,:..~. »: ^'?tsar ~--, ._ TERMS ' , • ibis Dts ItaPoiritis id laibliatiedimai TIMM. itaylionaing, b g t. O. GirplFlt ! at $ll per annum, In-advance. • ADVEIIII§PLENTS4 . e4eeeding Meen lines are Waited at: zaccaarin wine for. first -insertion; and inn awns per line for bil tl subsequent insertions pec .110, eel sated before Merthlifie sna Deid*win be charged Yrmrlos **PO liniCroiesaai, i asertion. All resolutionsAssocistinnii ni c )mstru'litioiia) id - UMW '.6l 4 fitaltifilniii . , interest,and notices of.patiages or Death' e xceeding - fivilinea; ale iihiaged arins OUTS p'r Year.. .0 Pte.' ,:; '•4o' 25 'l5 • square, . ; "- tf. 71 ' • 5 ray, Cantign,Post 411 rono4,Andother advertisable*,imtot. ozcie6;lolg 10 three weeks,' orleta, - 541 I.o.tainigtratoeS & Faecyttor's Notices.. 11 00 Auditor's Notices • - • : 2 50 Business Cads; foe lilies', doelt.r 3 s;V•:k 00_ tL .Merchants and others, adiertif449 their btisiness, will.be chirged 1520.: -They, be entitled to 4 'column, confined exchasly . ly to theirbnsiness,Withpriviligetifillentit i Adverbsuilin 2 all asses 'etottunve of sa'iscription to the paper. ' JORPRINTHOI °revery kind, in-Plain awl Fancy . coltms, done with neatness and ,lispetcW Handbills, 'Blanks; Cgds,',Pain ,,iiieti, &c., of every variety andstyie,prin t...l at the shortest notice. The Itzeornat ofrrcz haslust been 're-fitted With. PoWer Presses, and every thing. in the _Printh4l lino can be executed in the inoik,ertistio wanner and at the lowest rates. TERMS IsvAntATILY CASH. i • (Earls. (2:EORGE ,D, MONTANO, Al TORNEY AF Ld W—Offide corner of Main and Pine streets, opposite Portals Drag Stuw. TIOCTOR EDWARD S. -PERKINS, 1../ Offers his professional services to the citi. 4ecs of Frenehtertn and - vicinity. Calls proutp.P ly attended to .T.,DAVIES, AttorneyatLaw, V V • Towanda, Pa. Office wi i Wm. Wat• bins, Esq. Particular attentio aid to Or• ohms' Court busineas and , settle ant of deco. do lats estates. 'a BROW; & MORROW, , -Attorneys ai law. Towanda. Pemea, The undersigned.having associated themselves together in the practice of Law, offbr their pro. 1. ,, ,i0nal services to the public. U LYSSKB MEHOUB P. D. MOBROW. larch 9,1865. ?:)A.TEICK2 , & PECK, Atio r var` ants Ar t h&c'. Offices :—ln Patton Block,Towanda, u. Patrick's block, Athens, Pa. !They may be .nyalted at either place. • rATRICE., apll3 ; McKEAN, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LA W,:Tovran a., Pa. Particular attention' paid to : brudneas is the Orphans' Court. July 20.1866. I EIs.;RY PEET, Attorney , at Lap; A. l'ciwa la 3a. Pa. Attorney , 66. sit. 11. NESTON, Office In Patton's Block, over Gore's Drug aid Chemical Stors. Itjan6B •i_ i IDWARD OVERTON Jr. Attor- Ljnei, at Law, Towanda,' Pa. (Mee the p:rt - House. •1 July 13,1885. . •_ • nil. R. DKVIES, LERAYSVILLE, PA. A-I.has permanently- located .at the office ~raterly occupied by Dr. B. DOWItt, for the tier iil its protess'on. May 9,1867.. t u LIN Vii. CALIFF, ATTORNEY 0 AT I, el IV, Towanda; Pa: Also, ,Govern meat A;.,-cut for tlae.collection of Pensions, Back ePayi and Bounty. e No charge unless successful. Mee over i.e Post (Arum and News Roam. .Deo. 1,1864: )00TOB. B. DzWITI'; • PHysicuat AND SUacatem.—lisy be found daring the ),i'y--nuless otherwise engaged—on Hatn-st., a doors below Codding Sr, Russell's. lest. deuce earner and. Ihrislon-st4.; late ly occupied by E. Ai-Parsons. Towanda, April Sd, 1867.-154 ,t 4. STILES, M. D., Physician And ti • s'argeon, world announce to the people of iipme Borough and vicinity, that he has perma nently Locator at the place , formerly occupied by I tr. G. NV. Stone, for tfis practice of his pt °les- Particular attention glien to the Arent women and children, as also to the pmc t eof operative and nitacir liargery. Oct. 2;60.- DR. PRATT hag, removed, to State street, (first abdve B. S. Iluw&I lc Co's ,;ank). Persons front &distance desirous uf con ulting him, will be most likely to find him on ~111;rday 3f each week.. :Especial attention will be given to surgical cases;and the extraction of teeth. Gas or Ether administered when desired. July 18,1866. 11.8.-. PRATT, M. 'D. nbCTOR CHAS: F. PAINE.-0( -1- 1 AO in Goam's ,Drng Store, Towanda, Pa. • Calls promptly attended to at all bourn. Towanda, November 29, 1866. - D W'D MEEKS-7---AUCTIONEER. tu All lettens addressed to him at Sugar Bun, aradioi.l Co. Pa., will reealve prompt attention. t..P6ST,'Painter; ?'o •ca anda, Pa, with 10 years experience. Is con. •ient he.can give the best satisfaction in Paint- I , Graining, Staining, Glaiiing; Papering , &c. 04 - Particular attention paid to Jobbing in the .entry. April 9, 1866. - yy •K. VAUGHAN —Archttect a nd Builder.-411 kinds of Architectural de ,ll-.74 furnished... .Ornamental work in Btone, iron and Wocid. , 'Mice on Maks - atreet,Wver ilagsell & Co.'s- Bank. Attention given to lin eal A-rchitecture, such as laying out of groands, .i lost anything . by lotte," said 4,--eape•looking mem - "That's . - not tree, " •Baidn lady, =Who heard "these , :, mark, "for I onco"losi three - nights' ship i stiy-ita 16 ~.iiir.% :: 1 . "-' '•••... - 1 •"- -'.- - . ' . . ' : TJOSleßltirtras . oorroctlY.• remarks : ' 'tqtnenemin.life ie.-rely apt tow -make ris 1 . roll* tint time ,when. we , Nasal mush. it , lii ‘J 4s Atiir t thei_kug, on the :. jump;- lit *ant' lie r . when he was tk tadpole— . - but other folkeenitin : • -"'l ' -- • ; 'l . iB- t he gorilla •io see bere t' r 1 'il WSJ air:,"l. LI 4-t imant.tisse •hini."- 'llirinY i ' lira, fir.': -, "It • le. fifty. conta, isn't lit.r-- , One dol lar, sir. -FIN , cents for sertritt; " - `f 'NW rut a sethithit,'"'"Yoye'ttservant ?` I Tau; 4 -alt.'? )e:'''' Moine r , --'-"Yourifiir . rit,oncitunibleteerneattl.` , . ~ '!;Welk in andetnke - a seat. 'The joke is worth the pricerof ad.:, / 'mission." • ) WE'ettn . notall of _as - he' beautiful , Init . `thlilttestiantnikut • en' gocid-htinto're .looli is demediernonel I''ate oan(all of ns, 'increase and also strengthen thelamily nf. .fections and the delights Of home, • ' -: lai Fran kli n ~.. i t . • ° Wll • WAIE; alit assador tfi'AiltlTretteh conit' a TadY:7l'fiti was about ng lueseialsa td , the; king, notiend his ex- . ,oee ly plain appearance, and asked-who he was.- ,being, told . that he wag, Dr. _ _• ' Franklin; the•Americari- ranbassa "The North=qhmaiiiiiir.4ataliamador 'Rt. k at ilYt.elteededr , - 1 . • .-- •; 1 t '': lia-drai, , fig , ' ' Iteitimi` lif , Baker :whiff amend ; !, he Is ;• ther-ingin 'Abet Nettle's up thunder and,•lightning.:.' • . Tnahealetina of *oo4' statetthat "sliue `of the la. diel now wear long ribbons on their • - ticriftetie hittlialiteTenViffiebt •thiy-lisilnitre .attacim42l '•Thie 'IL: doubtless.: to motify . their admirers that they have no ob*tion 4/ a r J zi g* tt • i . „-.. -,-, „..1•;.,yi.:...t. ) i'Vt.....1.1€4: 1 • , , l u- . 4...titiNNieF..., wpgro the .olonits ; pre, italitetVlied 115uti.' penitiely; - - as - she : polite& di lier'-delitate'" finger to the heavy masses thsh. , abted:;in thafeky:: "1 think they are, mini _to thuxu.ltir,!' said her b ze thw r ~ ..3z.e-, - 4. .- - ..1. ... .. I .; ~ ~. t i , ...1. , ... , •.- - i .-." i.. , . . • ... , Ar 161 . a g.ciod th. l -0 .-ilair.e,,titlfity J rind bean* conitlife ' a teijkloi Vaikhrr- d iag :woman said wheirt's e treed her thirteen f4 3 .1 1 .dF 4 .44K.P. i° gr a- P.. ..: t , ',, , ... , r,fil"9A cßijech-to smart childra ' hi,, a429:they pernmen,ee,hating whis ,, ... -- e letitit of hefting braille. By f. -c it &en; you - i - geit so Irma: into i . sir heads that they , become - cracked in • -order to hold it. i •:1;-- :.-......... - 4 ...A.;P Ay fy .....old ,baetheier . , re/narks- that', .... , isSIT* I . I3 / o gOtituril . uT 3 ."ike 0 0 4 9f a " woman iti,'in het hair, it nO/flare says - thitilthegloiylot , any woman. is in tiny . other woman's , hair.-: , - ,e9;reqpimdnt writeoo, aek tholiraw of *tt bBI erir become , iyiinkled ? .."'eohlfinformlatie efelitentive - Mtn on .tbatiPbtnelle; , .thattolkl" head Wier' Osten it . ' ' L An honest dame in the toyin"of - 4 1 Steiskagall'ghbo . ":. thi! o ft.. her ' m:ea Inislatia.. I . 44041. •la tp,,c%s ,r,a4"ble ltitiinely 'dap .. , ,, , ,. - olstervtd..... Is k UN it pit3i ties deatt;xtos h*teelk , are es •-•• goad !la tbay vet ierth i l -II ~_ _1 ~ ,, z,y,, , ... ' , SAElitlikllligef itUrelliqj tilxn lain''; -: ....4W„AIr 0 1.41,1 1 . Vi..Y Ns. . • 1 e! , . r .,: rime te ,fult.. p o rkrentsyere ~ It i- liiii„‘ntartnir Bald that/ p 1 111 ‘ , yon have enough in - yout7.bgeket !di* to eed the family for some time,'! said the _, _- , •1 1 011,anoli linv'ent aielther," -said t thu iatiork. 'tot4ad,aud me keeps five board - ' 01. 4; Wd oo o4,,l:49 ll s.°l l ‘Pr k /". / ! 1 4 / 4 1 41 0 „taart,et i t,"" ' • .Onel ofl - 0 080 T wolidexia: obildren wlia,*.eo4tintd4r,astcpiishingtikeie rauth anir+in.Priat=hrießesenfiabrAe Boaton Varna air - etteldtath g ; 14 ' Nisay "lirtitie did they thedelithatinthettrt. 4-Tliatiporter eFuessvpbefor* inamma madropir. , ,g43.v. 1 i - -43tigidetimo for Atindneecnihulfsivae jmowledgment itgziorani NentiTerigner. ring remarks el good ' breeding, d Indica tin, ofebristitut altimeter, • • * - ii 111