LI .pi - iwymigag.k.lii:l4.liih'ubii• -- :',' If the soft can have crops re- turned to it in kind, or in ,t ie r of manure wade from feeding„ Mto animals opon :it, it wilt. cosistoltly improve: A wornouknonleftlioffrow: up to forest,reeovielts - ;*tilit! in due time. flow'ashram. in productiveness because .1000010 are usually yarded at- night,!- and-a ; large tiart.of the manure, ill lwen ai milk and calves, is removedl froni the soil. It is different with the rasing of beeves or of fattening sheep. Where the. bject is to make beef for market, hulicichs of three or four years of age are bought in theißw . ipg in good condition, und turned Into Tasture as soon as the growls sufficiently grown to support them, • and are sold,off in the fall. It is con- sidered a matter of great importance by grazier-that the pasture shbuld be large, and should have only so many cattle as it can carry through the 'omen. It has .been .found in expe rience ' that the changing of beeves from one pasture to another has abad influence wit them. They Imams - restless and lose flesh. - In many dis tricts where ground plaster does well, it is sown at the rate of a bushel o two to the acrereepTepring. _Wel k fa this small . quantqy the effect is often astonialung,:bringWg in white clover, and on patures where it has not been applied before, it will Some times increase the feed four-fold.— With this cheap dressingandgrazing beeves, many run down farms have been brought up to a high degree of productiveness. Some. boast that their miliZows will carry a bullock to the acre With good judgment in buying and selling; this is an easy, way of getting rent from land. The stock require very little attention af ter they are , turned into the pasture, until the drover, comes in the fall; or - they are otherwise marketed. Sheep are said- to improve land more rapidly than bullairs. The ma nure is more evenly distributed if the land . % level ; and if it is - troken, the Moat of it - hi dropped where it is moat needed, upon the tops of the knolls. They also crop- bales much more closely than beeves, but in order to keep brush under, all brush should be cut: with the scythe at the start, and the pasture should be heavily' stocked as long as the sprouts push. In Harrison County,Ohio,and ir. other parts of the State,'where the winter wheat has become an uncertain crop, we are informed that may of" the . 'farmers have resorted to wool as a substitute. , The crop has several im portant advantages over wheat. It involves much . lea labor, and Am proves, rather than exhausts the soil. It is found that the sheep pastures are growing more productive. Wool e,t fifty cents a pound can be carried to market profitably,. much farther, than wheat at the ordinary prices.— A pound of wheat is now worth but three or four- cents; and freight on grain is about as expensive as on wool. The latter, moreover, is one of the few products of the farm that can be held over without serious risk of , lima. Some of the finest wool in the State is produced in this County, and has been sold for from fifty to sixty cents a pound this season. In con sidering the question of abandoning sheep husbandry as some may be , - tempted to do, under temporary , re verses of falling prices, we think due credit should be given to sheep as improvers of . the soil. The farmer can hardly grow poor whose soil,is constantly growing rich.—Americas Agriculturist. Salt and Cold Water frr Swine. We do not know tke source of the: following, remarks upon the subject: which heads this piece, but we re-1 gard the information it contains as; valuable, both as it regards the ad ministering of salt to fattening swine, and the providing of pure water for them, not merely in hot weather, but at .all seasons. 1, It is nor a common practice, we think, to give salt to swine occasion ally, while every farmer rwould con eider it a prime duty to offer it to tili neat stock, horses and &ewe often as once a week. To be sure the swine get a little compared-with the'amount given to ogler animals. In proportion to their weight,whyflo they not need; a 4 much salt as the other stock on the farm ? We find an article going the rounds of the papers upon the use of saitforfatlening swine. The wri ter states that he selected two pairs of barrow hogs weighing. SOO each.— One pair received, with their daily allowance of food,two ounces orsalt the other, similarlrfed; none. In the curse of a week it was easily seen that the salted pair had a witch stroll _ ger appetite than the others; and af ter a fortnight it was increased to two ounces 'apiece. After four - ;months the weight of the fatted hogs was 350 pounds, while that of the un salted, five weeks liter, reached only SOO pounds. The .experintent was repeated with almost premsely the same results. - Alf such should prove to be the gen eral result, most, farmess have not ;gained all the good svivantagei" they aught have done from the food fed out. From the example cited there -- is no indication , the salt excited a morbid appetite, and produced unnat ural flesh and fat. Of course a sound judgment must be exercised in the - 'use of salt, as well as of grain or any other food. .Another neglect of swine —and sometimes it must bet cruel one—is Abet of not giving them a o n . qui supply of pars cold tooter. Why_ it is supposed that the hog should not 'need water as well as the cow and sheep,is more thou we can tell. They dorequire it. When .water is not gin them, although fed with swill, will drink heartily of the water co ected in the 'yard or barn-cellar after visiting their trough several times, and finding it empty and dry. Nothing is more gndeful to them in a hot day -than.a bucket cold water, drank. from a clean, 'sweet trough.— We trust that farmers will- give at.. tention toile) &natter, and ascertain for themselves. our suggestions are valuable or not. - - Ait s social inhering of mhOstero, 's Baptist :skean= Objected to the 1111 th o. a=became there was glta *oh to it." • John Athos, of atm zonstbst celebrity, responded is this giYes thus is s good deal oftosobtowy, 'but i ßapti t donst 't take much water to rut it as the = " c , , , ;; , all. ; STILL ANOTRIR, NMI 4rOOK • -1 1.1 OF 00081 ; 1- JAM* O. FROM woolti idfatillaiii to di! • larp sad nriskamlamatii U'll N - IT ER Et Nos co ishilitton at kis WatellOtes, wile* will to happy to show to en Stortifoo Inset oboan, or to sell at kirety- man vow trots mt. ,- IMAM tor QS poOt ZWor the punk I mould ow i tli n At eadesior to mte Si to tholt istesit to tiootwlth Ise, sot ont by L ltoopysits ' • LARGER STOOK 1- r To skeet= %Male lost Is soy oat ) farm tD Store hi two lido main ; but also b aline • - • AT A LESS P RICE Iles Gs Same isislity of pods 'cos Pori- , domed olsowlere. I have low oW6 ores 10 `IDIFTSBENT PATTERNS OF • qr THIRTY DIPPEttaliT BITLEtd,IIO3II4DB "lido Swim - we 811116 _ TO ka, 'ADO Bads, WWI/obi, Soto, WWI-Tete% Ud• ts„ ° and eef Chola, Pia& Stado,ieldl drones Ohlidren's Crates - • and *Ma i ldng Wass* , • Looldng Glue Pluto, Plc. • • tare num, Photo; I 14 0s Ovalo,Steet - t - Cordr °ll 4 ll I " Tugela, In tact a NI insortment iL ' OF RVERYTHDIG IN TILE :LINE Au of which wfil be sold ' ' . ?be publicus invited to call and examine isky stock before parches ins elsewhere. Stoke on Main Btrost,2 doors south of Monts:wow' I also keep on band, a large asiortment of , . From the most common to the linestglistury or Rosewood , which will be tandalibt wt or Without Attendance with Horse, sr lowa. price u the sass quality can be Finalised else where. -, Dec . 1866.—yri NEW MINITITEE MBE I . e • • Having rented the Furniture Weregiocesui form erly occupied by F. N. Page, Athena „ Pa., would now sa_y to the patrons of •the Old Eder liehment that I have ircouiplete Stock of Goods, just reoehred, embracing enreutidn* In the _ trilmiTurtE-Lutin. GOOD GOODS Will aet 88 endersold by any. ' Call.-and =- amine etock• before purchasing. - I retain the - Waima of the old utabilshaunt, end YR. N. I. HAUT I Will have charge of the bushman and Nandect oring. la. abort we have the *et Stock of Goods In our line west of New Yrt, coludstitiff of • . Parlor Fornitarro,, • Chambereetts, Sofas, &weans, liarble•toi • • • innidarth ; And more than OHEAP FOB OASIL I I READY MADE COFFIPIT, It ode are new and well eekeited, sad for Centre Tables, *teafi,l4 • sad Dlalas Tib Chain, Mirrors; Picture f ranieli, Th i • - .; Photairaph On Cord st 4 I:sasebt, Steel Ellgra*Sli, On earthiii; Toilet &Aids, ifoikaoxes, Pictures, c. . 1 s_ CDFFIDD3 AND BURIAL 'OASES. Our endstaker's Departatift 11411 at • times be well supplied with everything in the line. We- have the - FINEST IIeARS,EI In this section,not evcepting andthing, w -ofeNcw York nd will attend • Faint& wit • a circuit of ?weft Miles, on reasonable temp 0.11,' 700101E6 • N. Bins, Agent. I. Athos.. inn. 25. 1 PURNITURE WA RO-002413 11 j: . ! s 1 JAMS EAKINtION announ ces that he still continues to man ' mullpse on hand a large 'Assortment of I i . CABINET 'FURNITURE, Bureau; Tables., Bedsteads. ilta l i .ds .H. 14Co, of every descriptue_ ..--whieli WM be , .' of the best materials, andsf3 he most t ... like manna. --.., ; I I invite the inectionot the pub* . to =pivot which shalllo be surpesed in d4abUity, at -I shop in the country, and my-Iprima will , found to be as low as the times will admit. ' 1 . Ready-made Coffins constan: l l4 on hand . when made todesired. order. A. good Hearse be famish 1 Aug. lb, UM. ' l i . 'l' EuruUtmmia;] GROCERY, PROVISION • FEED STORti r JOHN! MEM:DM • OlLsin-at., first door south of the-Ran Rouse) would most respectfully ;!mite the Mutton of the public to, histur and well %acted stock of GROCERIES AND PprirlZlO Which he is -selling to salt the times. panes of all. He has also opene4 a spin& FEED gTORE, Which is well innate& to Barclay coal region at all imP ties. : the ft " a ! 001Istantay on hand a large stoOL ftf TEAS, COFFEES, 'I".rGA MOLASSES, , 1 FLOUR, BUTTER,- PORK, •• 0„ i •-. which Ili h-sahkitatoni!itoo flb. , Thl intim. of TOvanda and Iviondlar. pleas scoop& sax thinks tor tkotr tot 7 ' 4st PUMP fo r the last tool pars, and two moths with- their amintoact 0 4 t intp iv ory optraWft_to enlarge on? mno. as to warrant Motkro to a11.. 1 an d Is Win. • t . . • JOIBIN *MID • •' • Timed% Job 10, 18 6 7: . 1 ' MERCHANT'Si trilllTH . ~ - IMPRESS CONEPANYi , ... , I , fIIWAT .•.= iNDIJOEitITS 0 s ND • " - 1 i .--:. - -- - lileinThrli BRIPIIMEt, _, .: . -!• ;-: • ' 1 ; • ---" . ; . , . •,. i liavisa . m a de arningewma - fir 1 With 'the • i Perk sad Ilirhrasihrsy, to do :• . ~ • on their road, :me now recel all Of freight sat merchandise for , NMI uw, yes ifairm..iferth_ L • Booth ~ Ask *lr. dm, garrot, west es. wOoms lOW . to A a ... rtticrt,. of Calikmds, air With tint • 41hippera motes - merchimrs kriThrt enormoat Mei tbey_ lag for Mg* Mimputation. 114;r is •thig !' parry is ng ' szobwirebr'i tiMehem, Mgr. obante and s Shippers, oni ri u tik_ 1 all the meelmw; Iy A rLthe old hrWirizol o tte to fair rates to . ty.. Tarartr,g .60 l wr Na dgte; ' op i m* 01.Mrtnel - -• ; -The y tots* kir isles, is tope - Monies the poet that brought them dot's.. •am .attentlea given to mossand '.‘tiiinalois Pack. ages, aollectlow, - 40.. Collations 'Made 04 mhosl forwarded by quieint ditt i rt___. , - - • ; . - . - ..ii. (LOWS, • :.- • H. ,T ~ Elk .:,. , - i Ageet. • „ • t rooeurdm : . lia fron , t.i ••• -. . P. fi.-411 Packages to .be : ' Twills and. - by, •jeering , them en the t o (Him of .Joba will be lb to Uri Waverly OilkW of .; * . „ \ . - .1: BU . MS, Progirlhags , - .l;me 3 . 11111-4 y. 1'. , ',...---:. :' - , -;: TT V.F.- . -BRADFOHD LO th r Jui.10.157,•1. O. of O. P.; ant" et Odd PSI lan Hall, sE Standar .o=ol4 241 , aim* la A to th e ant Oasbe at Tip. a., oltderto .401 at 41 , 1.11.; caw • W 23,1867. . 1 , I-= • I _ ~-' ' • 7;.' L ,' , l SOW. ‘ • --,_ -..4., Li ; - - ----' ; "3 , - g..410: W. 34 tial4lagfliint ii Gk. 'iPtielph es isiftiglikkl ippirm-, 414'11110: - 441. rfir.'ll6,46Wftewlliiik,-aAw - taionstogi MINI anlaile 1 Isparta* sea asubetaran .t- Wm or * „utoriff rape kkrge iebek - . :_. rum, piug . lisiv: - azinon*.! FS leis .teoelioa, atd.Ve-...dreitctik 10. /aPPV.Ae . ' , ' - ii SOP . 1 * Pri4 o IVIT-4141MC011 11320113110 . 10-11111., , PGRg : 1 4QU0R0, ', ." POE KEtil ONLY ;irk; szumwAiDgcnicor4sitto •-•- kiIiAIMIELEE_BBIISHES, ;:! 111*.ag7111 - AND irram - • t AIM TOILET 4141 4 31,2800M,r9r ' • ' . , Is Axeozoia as) *zoo sniugn ALMA 401 D .4ND _ B D # ,13,U PP oliTtiett, 8116116 r Babel _ .011PPLZ SitguAt EgIEUM: , NEM Iranian Bottles; Syringai 'ldea/Wier% -, " 111 “" 113 / 1 " a t - i , t* t ICALIZOITEURCIMI OF lIATIOS . huge iniplY Beashei ihr ihe DM and Hair. Also for, the Teeth'. and Nallp,Tooth pow ders- sad Pastes, Oils. Pailful : my; Smes. Combs, Hair D,inirigor- -,Nerostaeßermene , i '.': . Laii.l3hades, Chimneys. ' • • • . Wicks, .to., all of the • ~Isis sistyles.,.- , . : OICF. CIGAS' TCiIiACCIO AND, SNUFF. '•k " I ill'Srliellina ' um at. reilonable rata. saki= and pitons oaretolly Muitie ,... • - all prepared *, earipet oonup4 1 •., . . all bra „ollhe"-day and night. :. . • boars Irma _9,to 10 n'olock la the fore ' .. •, !4$ 11l i!lek f iftenwz4 W - ,.' It H. . oo r az' . Towanda, Sept,. p; isee: NEW - SPRING AND BI I ‘MipIR, -bows I - • R... W -- ''' ::E:-D-11)1•T,' *odd asutouaoa to the altlzeaii of . Towanda, ono the pubUe 'morally ' that has In store sad ,daily recelftgounraad -,- • F R E G . 0 0 D e S,, In hit enih ~lb the waide of ib() people. .whieh he will leg toad/Tem at forma L Ir . o LBLI 'Consisting as ;Weil of good well and. reliable made 1 • • C . L 0. T. Ei I,N, 0,.!, (No• 81190/ o f gni kind) comisumin B II S I . N'E S S. S II I I'S GOATS, VESTS -AND :PANTS, -I - - DRESS COATS, PANTS Ac. VESTS, Linen' toata, Dusters and Pants, Orer -and Oi . er'Shlrbs; Linen and Paper Caen, Linen, Caasimere and Flannel Shirt', Neck Ties, Edspenders, Gloves. Canes; Leather Sap; Spring Style Silk. So ft 'and - StraWilats. Atl erikolus. Ememher that Good Coeds are cheaper it a lair prtenthan!poor gondola any price. Call and examine my goods before bay ing. Maiden to Powell ar•Coa_.* _ „ R. W. EDDY. Towanda, Hay 38, liti. R E.M O. Q A L,l We take pleasure in - informing our friends and customers generally, that we have lately re moved our stock of Goods from No. 2, Patton's Block, to °lmam sad magn iticent'store IN MEANS' BLOCK, One door north of Tay or & Co., where we are prepared to show ..a fine f. and better selected stock of . BEADY MADE OLQTRING With everAhing appertaining . to a man's outfit than we or any one ohm hi Towanda could ever Molten of late reduced to almost 'nothing, so that noW bar new house is filled with all new WELL - MADE TASTY GOODS, Of varieties to pat terns tthe snit a and choicest; market W Ida having and having choicest bough Ibr • _ We can sell at prices to d, all competition oar line. I Shall be in:Al!i future u It, -I?een is past " 601 1Zwifil fffleg o gne Ind It Is our pmpcuo to ww new th e,; \ OP V Oil 1 Atilt Aidtlis bine or every titios - - ooOity. Milking ioa ill forritimes,vi. rams& _ . 7%01.0/0N & tom. Toniadsi Sept. r ozaiNDEßT:_tnivuo - respeattally fidorated..tbat , Book =,bas bees removed bribe Argus Bend sleryiplmhere WU be dose - • 1 - 11601C - .BIN - Bit:0•1 - :';'‘ lb all tb variessrleasse i fin amisbiele" taitimesumhedw he zeo eq 1 00 ba "dor the Skew ' wfir,!•*_9 11 . 4 ,... -r;167/I,i wildsl* min * sows it iitylit rid &jai, Ittok, pows,Oja Ilooks,lll=lll IM F , nil . " win De plus tO the inithang - • , , , _ * A111 11111144181114. The =O4 eba::pablla . lS *lllo4ed,iiid peat Towanda.* I[6 b lP : llAg .: ‘ ' WSW, DEPOT. " BtilOnlora , It- it; , • 1111:40 211174 1 =t 0i Q e v in Orti r4 Odnutnusints. 11 Books.. °rains troll . Desloge impl . %Oa garlko.4hli-'"7° 4SiAr NG i w_aweageoVth )T ,* RIZ P'im)alk P_AIIDIUSSOR rig ikthe zarmi now lINA Z:Z . P. SEM =EI Ail the 'Beni Trusses, h!thiria.' grades. AU Wool. OUR OLD STOOK CASH ONLY I o bOtritSK'CiF ACTION ,FAIWAND UPRIGHT IM4tIUrIMKEI, - Efl==2 Ti.; - ;.,,z.:1; .:.,:.;,:ilj.,:-.,•.,,,:,. s- , ~. , _ , . - --;. ~. 0:1;k: 0 :P* : - •;; - :'.-'7: . ••.:?:: - :.= - -1711 :. Ave adorgellinid relitteg tote sal 'id up viers VERY; LARGE Ana 7 '14.4 tent ORCIOKERY, • I'4ITARE, E 11 We pieties* to' _ abote6ll stook ot, SILVEIrTLATE'D, • I w . • C.) • t-i _JAPANNED GOODS ,1 VAILFT:bIITLERY. As we bny allow goods front , FIRST .: z HANDS, - ‘jyre flatter issiielves, we ev sell GOOD GOODS Lowirqban any other parties in this region. •TAILOR'S 'TBIMMINQB, MANtif'ACTURING SING Towanda. e r Is ; A W A R . .E 976 Oreenwie . l! fitreet, 2 doors Barc lay* . Ie the Great Depot for CROOKERY DEALERS' GLASS WAREI - CONFECTIONERS' t " . ( 2: 1 DRUGGISTS'" GREEN GLASS BY THE PACKAGE GLASS WARE. Also, a complete assortment of BRITANNIA WARE, SILVER:PLATED WARE, • OHANDELIERk:LAI!ITERNS, &C., Best trends of Kerosene 011. The best patent Pratt Jere In the market, to be sold at the lowest prime. A. full line of Looking Glasses. AU kinds .of Glass Ware made to order. Agent for Meridian Britannia Compant._, J. T. WRIGHT, 225 Greenwich Street, Apritls, '67.s‘ 2 doors below Barclay, N. Y. TIT!. VigiEitigq-NED I HAVING Poretuised the entire Interest of In in the arta of C. B. PATCH & CO., is now . prepared to ,offer to the , citisens of Bradford Omni'''. and vlcta4c a large and well selected dock•ot. _ Which'!have purchased for Cosh and feel oonfl dept **clip Oil 10**3 IoW Boris al 41/ e, metaled eleewhere.,, I now offer to\ the pubic took of 1 • nas, COFFEES, sudeßs o , FARO, 6042 1 1181 SP*, &AL Oltsve on MO! s lase stock of _ AEON FLOUR, a D 0 Chni DO. BIICOMIffirD9. onndastOriln hand, PORK, .1.4103. wodd elan the • bathe of Ote pabliCtionk Can'tßelißeo ,- - - - STOCK or TOBAC CO, io goo, oi Two. Time Oakley'ittilelwatid Pflulerfi NW Yosisah*lail and 41M !lici‘ 'Um call lind4lllk . 'jlour stgok ot WOODEN - WARE Lu atoir • - .. i t . 701LETSDAPII, :ai i 4l44 I v4l k‘ ,81. b te smirtment of YANKEE co at oashptioefor - —, ,- i • • , . .1.-1 I , - ' 4:14 ___ Plumud. Pains givie is a all begin 0., B ?ML 1 : ‘ -'• , - Ali pin* , !Mated U 6 the 2stik• *Ol pm" inn sod sake immunatit maid. • it -• OB.Pi I - Um*. carob /MOW ' WWI I .. a I i i i 1 c , 1 i 1-' ~~~~h ' ;fir ~~E=r(';yF~~'n~~??. ~;:.~ 'titY:l4 - V110,14: - .4 : -.. • . k-iiiiiiiit..-::::..;a-J %WA, 0 IRO . IC, El NW WARE. peep connection wlibthe WOOD, WI ow, MEI _AND MI MZMI CLOTHS)„ OASSIME,RES, AND Of the best quality. CUTTING And Doubt° order, = ' - 0 R & WILSOS Agents rot: And '8 SEWIN4 MACHINES. arch 9.1867 In fact an kinds of El KEROSENE we gE,I 11.1 PATCH, aRO-O•'EIIES, MEE o%7Akft4''"'g-i .. 1 ' . .;','"Z.'51.A,;..i'1'..i . g . 4:',.". . _ I'h. ~a 31r :-..; - P D It, T11:11, 4 , -,. , ' ~,,---- ' 2-.4 rye • . ---.' ' ' ' 3: :''' . ; ii, -•". 7 !" , r0 - .7. , ..-n-14.- - -'17; , • - e ' ,4::' • . 9'D OAS IrtfiltiCt: , s- -- STORA - . - ---- ,-, - - t . • IN ' ' *sift intim, eXigrag - Ifiti. . riot Wtfeets oThlrflOsilW . , - Hubs " added leritelitoidifikelc, a, full and coot usertmen4 conetitatthg an -eltelitie - lliebwßinglintWittelitint,itlid it fitanica is the Arta for • purposes • carefully selected erlth. to., l*Junlitellithe wants Of. the public, will Lae ups ' constsztly imp, And with 'arch:Lim and o d d red on the mod ai sma y cia o I . ilz ! boleeele Weintedir . coal cf ' . - put's,: intattls,.' CHEMICALS,, op,s,,PAPankint, - !: , BENZINE.AND. TURPENTINE, smia,,p '. , VARNISH, WillTeArAtill, Tan. it MO of Brushes, ILIGIOS : . " :;OR : ~ COAL;OI4 ~ , , and Burning Fluids, - , L'ARPS, : : ADES, : WICKS, - .0111NNSTS, Sperm.' - . Nhaify.Salts Foot, TANNER'. AND ,MACHINE OILS,.{ Piney Una TO i et - Articles in all`their variety, SPONGES, : RUSHES, SOAPS , COMBS,. Po . 2 , , Hair-Dyes, Perfumery, POCKET :. ()OKA PORT 410N l im, ~ het Naives, Bailors, - • - I,' AND HAIR PREPARATIONS ' 1 ' , B AND LIQUORS, '.l - Pot Ita i lchua Ire, • TOBACCO, w ars , PIP 74 • AND Oinalta, Garden, PIC and Flour Seeds, Truing. BilP. . , porters, _Suspensories, Si:wider- Braces, Breast PuMpi, Teethhig Rinp, Nursing ' Botthw i lipples, Nipple Malls and IR" LlByringes, Bed Pans, f3elf-g -r Sealing Fruit Jars, Thermometers, Flaw/fin Extracts, Stone Jugs, Glass Ware, Botties;Vies, Corks, Bath Brick, and Stove . Blacking, Fish Tackle, Ammunt. eon, An" Botanic: Eclectic and Homo:path, Ic llMicines, and all the Popular Patent -I ISt 1:0 iajan 1.91NE13.' , - All articl es warranted warranted is represented. Per sons at k d co can receive their orders by etsge or WWI which will receive prompt and careful attention. . D31:1[ ' ,11( 7 ::' •V , .:, % - , F, 74:'ii' t-i :L `P 4 TOOTH, EMU TERB PREPARATIONS FOR FAMILY USE, , , • PO HIIO~IIflir• ranfedlor w fac e tton.ivis : Dr. Porter's , . e and Reliable Item edieetie war they we intended to L ive . satin- P eetoral llyinxi i e di. 00 1 .3 . dihr--13ft. k* 00. code Pins, or 6thou f corn- !amts and mild eathartte ' .25 ) Dr; Poster ' Zur a rg e , fir ger(4 l 4€. i: 1 ( I N: . . . , Dr. Porter's terine e Tonk, for female weak • ,00 Dr. Porter e . itEnzlrfor. strengthening, ' , tenq \ 100 Dr. Porter's - I=ps 1 00 ,for liver and - ads Dr. Porter's ru: ; Byr. Aypophospltiter, , i , or nereoserdeftley. .. .. : 1.;.. I.• 00 Dr Porter's Blackberry) Bitsant. for flier= •., rhea, kn.. , . 36 Dr. Porter's PaudlyFuntiroCition,foi sprain, . , D. Porter's t eto'ral ' Wafers ; for hoarie: ' et, ~ . ,35 Dr. Piker's We i rm fters,l e r 4 . expe ll ing , 25 c Dr. Porter's lycont Syrup, for pitmans . 1116 - wig tan IRS , Jut Relief; for crying Wits ' ',- „i s &d ie Mut!, for ' catarrh ' 4 ... • . 26 Dr. Porter's Pi4ter's 'Dr. porier' l S PT' X l - 4 i tterl ( ll Dr. Porter's tireT4teel Dr. Porter's' Dr. Porter% Toothache Drops, for 41001,, I ache . 25 Tooth powder, for.preserving, 26 To o Trloonene, for dressing . and 60 growing the hair , 50 IlD•Wphlitoor beautifying the [o6orifingSluinspoofovelein• '' l:° ing the hair , . MI Dr. Potter's Milk of Flowers, for beautify. ri. ~:- 5. - ,' I; Ink tkalompleziOn .• ' 4..:. 4 ,:: 'g) Dr. POrter — Pile crntment. • for - exteouti •; 1.. piles. - - ..' . \ .,i -, • 1 90' Di: %French , Compound, racial- • ' I. . ln ; urine ~, - 190 Dr. p 's -Meditated figs„ fbr habitual ..constipation - P 100 Dr. Porters Healing Sabin, forettgaroands Dr.Porter'st Salve 1 . I:l4;*;iiiiis " 26' p qor a pe •• • • . -- .. .. , Dr. porter'sKEye *lye,. for Inflamed eycl, -: * Dr. P l. rter's Eye Water , tot eyes, eyes,. 26 Dr. rterit Catn and Wart Ben:over, for ' . • turns midi:melons . - ~ 25 Dr. l f ortes r C i onstipallort Pitts; for ess , coltive- - . 2 Dr.iPorter 4 a Iron Pills, for poor tdcial I .... _ 25 , Dr. Porter's Citrate litigants, fora plias- :{.. ant catharrio. • • • .50 Dr. Porter's Ltquid Rennet, for making au- . ._ .fi is tZXtitcgcstdeatrifttri,in4gar invalids.... 26. tr 1 I 71 • ice cream, /us .- 40 :Dr. is Extract Lemon,-"for flavoring ik ice - cream — large bOttles 40 Dr. P4rter's Oriental' Cement, fo; s Mending Dr. i',..;Trier4 .l) Ltild g' W, ° . 1,.;.• —repo . 44. : _ 75 wood work .25 Dr. Porter's Cleansing Flunl,for,easy wash ing: • , • ' - .50 Dr. Porter'. Bed Bag Poison, for killing -- bu Di. Porter's Fly gi Poison 'Pape!, fekkill . ing ... • 06 .. • • flies Dr. Porter's Rat and - lillee"-POison, for ex- • g . terminatin rata 25 Dr. Porter's -Benzine,: for _removing sp is from clothes. • 1 25 Dr. Porter% Black Ink, in pint bottles.: ~: 1005 Dr. Porter's Hoke and Cattle .Cattle bulk b l4 ll w e der,ll 9 o n r ~.. . diseases of animals. 30 Dr.' Porter's HorSe and ,•Cattle Lotion, for . rprains, galls, .tc 50 ,Dr. Porter's Itinßone and Erwin ( lure, • ' for Ume horses k . 50 • Medical advice given grataltously at the ottici, charging only for medicine. ' W Thankful for past liberal patromtgeorouid wily announce to his friends and the `pa lie, that. no, pains Shall be spared to satisfy, and merit the contindation of ? heir 'caidldeube Ind 'R. C. PORTER; M.' Dec. 18,1866.—yr. O ',WA' 0Q 0 .:&. 'ir9l-SO - 4' RSi j. lesale : apd 84taii at • !list dociesoitb of the Alit liattieit4 MAIN STREET, TOWANDA, PA: MI 'I3IANDB OF ''TOBAOOO=OIIEViMO. • ClobilLeaf, Sunni , Side; Pine Apple, iflahigarr Pig, Eton Liar and Star, whtpk. we oaee . toraile 4.01110/4011 to al* putout*, Nokias Duro% t!alfs and quartos. . • - • BRANDS OF CIGAR& : .. t4llieericsaßsgle, •Geiharant,..Leboquet, perkl l p Tycoen and the very choicest brands of peigoi dmoinio,-H The celebrated Lone Jack, . Pride of the •Uai+L tad 84ies, otrginietie,Gold Leaf, Novi and all kinds of KiWokolok— • 7giWlorasB KIPP , 4 000 , On libpral tents Alt - orders prompilyAllei i'iorp ctotice. W. H. BANDALIi."._ . • . orIMPTONc . , 1. irnE .4 VITAALII'I4IFIt ' - itaStTit On. Wei lireney fQr Bradford rd.. • .• . • oarlirmils,poo,ooo. • : Yearly ' income Offler 11.000,000 oaab. 4 MONTANYE & WARD forsalls, 15, 1867. • 4 t- trall.liYoo/111474,ItIITIT :Iiianiioie4geitoi for BaidtattCrottaii . . . -OAlTrAti ISAPIIOOO.I !Maid az 06aq : oar* Oda; - 110111Vair* e Towanda; dali TY," - . . .s.~"^S~-~r~i - r~~~~ '-,,;•;;- - -..;',. ' :-., - 1 1 1-y --- : - :. • .- -- "1 - ,-, - ;,%. , ` - , :kl -74. :r•O'r. i rff.:.-.. ; ;;; - 4'i „% ,, ,1 4', .::;',-)” .=1421.'4` . . r. .., `•! 4 - ~ - . 4. I , Is 02 ''.:. ~; .. - 1100;...""1:.' ..,':-; .1, ‹.-. , ,,r, 70-- './.fis--7i'ieliii, Wal t - 2,---! ' : ''t . — 4 .1• i, . ' . 1 :1 si,a - Z - T.! ~,7:-..{ r.:4d , t .,- - .t _ , 1 `.;: ‘ ,.f. 5 i.,, •., t . :l t , • i x.., , ,? 1ii.1.-1 - -..1:4j - v ,, ,ElYmi , t . 1. .- ', ;i . :, - ','_,,.: ''',.- . 1it.... .. 1 ,,,,,,,, r i& ..,:- ....1% - -1-.. 0 0: - 47'1i1•1f .vim '''' , ::: :14' .4...4'.X.":41 7.,?. - 414. •:( 1- . ....,.. , z ''... ... . I 'o' ~"•-, -14... ,, •;---!.{. fli:•-:f ~,• I . • : ,:!- , . 7 , 4 ~.:::.„..:,:-•., f : • -ilk! i t; ': '7 "•: , o' . 1 - r,"%;:', , ,ti. -1 ii`M•2•3 ! • , Pt -- :* -1 •:: -- • i.-. ,-, '4" ,':jgcl6ft.t, -'''' ‘'i ''' -.:". ': °-.‘!:.-...'-- --• ":----;-::., ' , ,-- , .1614V, :P,'-' ";,-.:-.-4:- . : : •-:- ',.• tr-e• ''-' •. - 4;' , L ,•=:- - - ' • ~....i.-rt.;...43 . ~..j , t v. ,_,. ~..,. -, >• , :: . 71 , ),( z) :;,4':, :i....4 . .%.;.•-' 4 MAWALL .BROTRBIIB adithi f 1104 1 1 6 4. - :ofithpotatk , •to '7 l r.:. . - .. 14411*. 11211111131._, _&11. add e '.'z'ocq•a• Market flliesi - ,Taiiiti;titik 4 , • Weityt-Vsznislies • . ktaa4, wbitti:ltia be "ow** ,iiiebreept olail f ,rtge. e :Aba, cr:,l,lC RA 11(041 ritettli 4111• P eievy ead . pettere te ere peb2t» litispe-repelver aed , ekenged . figar:6ll'. and: Raid alien : • - - .0- Pe:Weiler 'Melee pellto ' theieeielaettirtui ill 1.• - . . • T.l. 2. 59 - 4 - eo.ssi ette r=e. et-r rev.!;sl4.l , pit o We time One article of: - ..GLA3I3 FASUIT J_A2 S. , J_ - -AR ,S. v lpippiived cork"; end : . 41 2 1144:200,4,1.4 $ll 4.114 N (1: ; width it tee of the beist eau ased...l ' • Juncepi 1866.7 ;, ;. ME En EIMIN ME RNSI MMME - - BM bODDING & Reipeethilfinform*- their Tcasto ' biers -Reif - the Publb) generally, :Ahat, although' the fire owe alozkua anima Joys atuie temporary talon:4U° ti to our bitable= if.AVE STILL SIIEVIVE I" And hive etdek nt: f liew" anode, built a ntiw • S H A.. N T. Y .* S T 0., R. E 1 And afait-ly ftecomitmc4d and -lOlng Nll! i t ness a n. ' - The at of our More is• now ortPine street-, about I feet.from Main . atreet, st.E.I. , P oa,- "war Powell's]. old.coroerll4f -yon - sho aid go into Pcttell'a. and - walk straight through the wall of ithe back end of his More l , you would 'find youttielf among the stoves, pots, kettles, anviW, bellows - and vices of our new store. -But .1w ion met got•through thewaiiiiaat 'walk t , Pine street to. our Shebang i l where we Wl* , a lan line . of Ifirdware.We ve. a great u varle- . . „ „ = .. ... • ty of .. . - - ,-- - COOKING AND PARLOR STOVES 1 . ..,. rltroongithentis - thei .....-• .. . AMERICA& ~. . TRIBUNE, " . 4 ••••• ~ Em.Paggs - '-'"' ''' _ .., ORIENTAL, T.. *:,:::: • : T ' ' • MORNING - LIGHT, GAS BURNER , ._ - az , o i I. -- Iron; Steel, Nails. Window e Glass; ash; $e o,' sena 911, Table and Pocket Chtlery;Farni.: dog 'foals. 'Carpenters, recd' JOhte s 'l%-3olr, -Blacksmith Tools,- Pumps, - lappd:Pipe,?owder, Guns, .. 1 -•-. Plottds, &c. A cp*Rleti_ . isoitnien,i of We are- agents for, Elmira Ro t~ing:lle7Z Co.'s "roam ~= Durorn!s-Powinm, ELMIRA- ': , KEROSENE Are , TIN', SHEET IRON - - AND:IIDOPPER'WORE S • ' • : . . _ And do all sort's Of 'JOB WORK to onr.litie: - Cash paid tJr Old Iron. Cast and Wrotight Scraps, Copper, Baum, Sheap Palts,llaga, -- Fart Feathers, Bees Wax..t,0.1 , .We buy chear4sell cheap., and areoontant with small I.CODDIgG :ez SUASELI. • . Towanda, Sal+ 12, 1867. ,filiorillatitatts. TWENTY-FIVE,YEANS EXPE4SL 1. ENCE IN DENTIS'fIaI. ` J. M. SMITEI, M. D.,,liooldaespeottelly,inforef the inhabitants of Bradford,•C,ounty tiwt hods permanently located in Waverly N. T., Whore. he has been in the practice of his profession for: the past font years. He would say that:lrani him` ' icutg and successful preeticeif 2S yeare.deratiow he' is familiar • with all . the 'different etylat !of .work doneilnany and all Dental Establishmeats; in city , or nary ; and is better prepared than any other metal operator. the vicinity to do, worlithe best the many and different 'cases that bresent themßelves °Unthaws to the Dentist, an he understands the art of making his. own artift w ial teetli;and has' fiellities tor doing' the same. To those . , requiring under ..sets of .teeth he ell. call attention to his neriltind work which consiata.of. porcelain for botlipiste' and teeih,ind forminga continuous &lc It Id ADM +lambic; more naturalip ,appearmace, and mach 'better adapted to the gad - Man any-other kind of wdrk. Those it - neelt:(it I,h/i Sadie are invited to tainted examine' SPecimens. t Teeth tilled to . buit for-yetes . and 'oftentimes for life,— Chkrreform, Ether, and Nitrous- Oxide n ministered with perfect safety,aa over foexhun. deed patiente within Umlaut lourtyear.ean , 1 will be in Towanda from the 15th to Seth, elf every 1:1(00,-(irthe 0136(6* W. K. TAYLOR] (formerly Omitted by Dr., 0.-IV,Woodruff.) Saving glade arrangements. • ,with tun prepared' to do „WI, work, thevery:beet; style, at ifits °Mei. , 23;186%4 DR - ' I VAi4BUSX.Ittg, " dg''itsiiz ft AND kigonANia,L, Donn. kaliAapilled viotigslii. he Beldlemiti' Bloat; site the elms' lioitie;shit the rattail:4i or preemie; and is preparea'at 'all timerio,per;'• form all belonging tb DentfetrOThp, different kinds if ;Piste' Work; 'Wilt ite ramps- - mended shear bag to their honest merits. NW , - teal Z:441'1%110; L and restored:to their erlgiosi heautWithP w . n . the 004.,4411141tffimeh Ind atukoase., gaest eaten:44l4W *ton will b - givehcle;the correction of kregur -fatties and the ,nstraction .of 'path: 'Department of prsetiee"theVontor iriothEshr, he claims - an . edema or' and -earldom:W -eed:l toast possessedby soy' bite in linyi other .notuatry. .4h.ArillAel:estrasthld without . palm, by the aso of gas, chloroform ether, and in a Manner veryontisfactory topes tionisOuttbss testimoworliundrediz- lean be r shown,!- ,- ?Wasn't:all and, examine speeimennfor our work; and bo7suuniroinf, the * correctness 'of the stitenzenti.. -Added — sail .conaultittion, - be cheerfully Ind grnialitonsly gittn: . ' *Towsidirilaned, 1867:--6m. 'l,, . , i -,.!. , ARDING!* MALEY, , I , ~ , the` ' I Raring , Wired int o a colparbiershies inniktionvi the . PIigTOGRA2IIIO Attie mf formerly . ' oco4led.' byliW7 - 117 'Harding,weinti respectbilly call thel-Utfrintien 1 of tbiwublie to /several Ayles uffictiireeirblob: Ise =l* speolelties; It :•Sellir :Photographs, I Plalu_, Wad's(' and 00014 Oloiltdiumpfccee lain' Pictures, &0., which-we claim tor i e and brill alloy of tone .and • Artistic nnfs auk . mit be taxelled. -Welke* a ll 10-esialididalienc , all'ell,iialbe more common kinds etTinembe whicqmake,Jmowing - fult.WelPPet they will the - closest inipection.,l Mir. y chits t highest rontatiork for' iiimilyprk blt any in this section of country, endife Me de; termimulty a strict. itteallosil. tolnitimmVid the atria nualitY.eteur YrPll.lO figir onl ~ r etabi` ot Incmase 'Mom caw le , iwpdfsf&ssi, '. Nird keep:Ocaistantlyoff baud the Vsiarwiriefy, • or We se lamp** Ow!leKaiirotithe establishment in town. Also ruiles Card - frames, Sard Easebi, Robins' Staab,. mopes, citereciminitielfwand tverythhur IA( of importance ... . ,li tOlie business. iiiri s an egrl mum, " , ' , .rff: iftfidant for tbe tisde , ' ' -•• - D" HARDING - cimistammsnablivisems., -,..: ~. . 1 - -;:444420.1174 .1; I.)ttip ;,,,:;', F.; ' , • it,Dtlota TUWAStiA;P.t. , iirthiih t falSoliAimitheoourtuougal, ikt. %lei.' •in - . r , 4 1 41 11 44 a nt ir ' l 4 f 1 .4 Ut . i .0 7 o.r ' iti•-"' . r.‘ ' • r/r?.. '''' '-' 1 ..., ~. •: .1.,/lr'+:.r•L .g..t4 ;, '' '. l tmg.t .t :-.:40 - , ..u-,41.. , w -..;:,-• i . II 1 I ' • - , :i: • I i ; ; 1:` ',' i , ~ , tg ° * I Or•- . : : . 4'. ' is -1 r. .• -......-P. vi.:-.. , `,/.14 , . ...., il 1/0// , ogfanggiiiiii . m i l ithiderefEL 1,01 1. I • •''':• 44 r ,1P41 7 : .. ; - . .11, 4* . , ' f.', r .1,,,A. 1 .1 4a" gni := I :FATR Tgair 4 4 44s 7 4l °' , ~,,, , -- 1 :;1:i !f , : - .;PA€ 4 01 1 1 1 . sslit.par'k -•:. i A'ND-LB1)110811 , : 1 1/ ONES'S; I lia Aiiitilititili; via ate prepilitto filiOrteia preditlyil . ' 'o.t. : ,, ,t,,,t... - ; -,,:,1. 1 ,-= , ...,;-• :-, , - : ~..r, v - ..,- ‘ 0N.,441 '. Y •• ' '' ' Aioimht_bought in titer Nalted4 l 4ls.:' , Bai log beenlp years led sapp la sattiring 'rambler -Maehialmi , iwo' have neither life O lee toMeoaeolte,porteMing ; ont, -, r ..Mahinat, Knimalpt to, hare .y ..,,,, ,-; lc , ....... ; I ISt. BEST Off `' '815 , 1P,81L&T iitim that will arra. ti e ,81 40 * Amiga* Wow noire tierfeeity, and 'with ime — powei. than any 'Other toannutotareg: OnfllitheitleOe ain earn imunPnYitY , ,_;4.111 .4. , ilk ST W . ' '.. , : THRESHING. ;THE, " • . Li lettly moat VI ,tho :.manbinea nail.- They are very simple in_ construction: tie og COM , ,prised in o' d tojeCer, to that l'aree not rennin a tnithaiith to set guano ts'Or. run Wein j they are 411 . taanuitiOurediun4ur,PaTPBMOsiAuPor '', l ' otIALLENGE' ) Viii *ffitiLD' : ' T bey ;(i_ materiel. E ogr er rMa por v ett machine to stir up end" THOROUGHLY TESTED IJER , ?LOTION, Before leaylng the liforkeiand ere ":.r Wef ' acted to be- in - Working.. Order., • ;...They have•heen - meth:al 'use, tor s several ; Vara, so ere not .advertiiing a new In "-chine every Season, teteli'!* better than an , - thing ever bloom Offered to thevithitci." Th y Pie be elteebee icareatii.Powenr. Sweep Pow ers. Steam orAirstier Potrer and tor . r : "o ' ll ' titT e f Perfection of Working, and; -geonomy, their Equal has not been Itiyente4: . 0" tr R E.S . • Are as low withn° 4 fliay!other:miintifacturers ;and parties desiring to- parafisSoilll 'find it to. ';their Juiciest to eserinedur..stock before pqr chisingelsewhere, • -: ERICH,yLIST T S FURNISHED On siiplleaDhn: kinds ot A - GIAICIJLTII A.L'hiACHINES • Ou hand, mid Mill Work, Flutings: Boilers and 'machinery of all kinds got up t., order prompt ly and' de- favorable, terms*. • - -; • BLOOD & CQ4i ithens,-Ang. 8,1887. , .•., . N ORTH i•BRANOH--.FOIJNDRY. ,4 10 M-A , 0 H . l N E Sitiige4 or(PhAct. 45COU 4ittp - Streft,, TOWANDA, BRADFORD , a 0. ,, PA.; now-priptued to furntith :OIRCIILAR SAW , 'MEALS, 11 4 ,1 - liiis - '' - ' I S Gitt''lfirdilltiS; , Of the hest - g l eentll'etith the Jatest. Improve. eau. .All kiegs'ef hiltehinery for FloaTing sad STEAM ENGINES; MADE . Ar. REPAIRED,: STEAM WHISTLES, serml.m ctAGUES, ' • . , . . qAtrqrE.....eoctEs ° . Fth - nigiea $t abort notice. J j : : -,..7.:,13 . 9. : ii - `1._ , 0x...T,T..ii, - ,,wi,;0:,-,-:, Done from i Whim In diameter. . FORGING , 1 . Of heavy wrought Work ►for Bridges, and all othervarposes; done po:Ord0. '2,4 50,.. olarge . , assortment of' - . , COOKING ct - IEATING : ' STOVES, inorpooA Barneia.Piniftia ler:Cooldeg 'Stoves, 43fove Pipe, Tin-Ware;, Boat Ppiapsi Plows, Cultivators and - Lera ri- u!si kl!p . t opulent lytni hand.' - - j - - DRAWINGS it SPECIFICATIONS Of all kinds of Machinezy • for mills' and oth , er_ purpow prepared la • it 1 r J' - - ARRF; ' : ; Forman" 1 - 69 taiiiad Isto' . e.iperience to th:e !PTAnctl of :1 JOHN OARXAN.: • ißitiAdEg, trAGO-NS,SLgIGiiS TU& OLD . ESTABI4BELVEIT, FELLOWS, "CEd.NDATALr. , titiouessers to Reynolds,Felltrite , Co:, are now. '-otrering - and aro , prepa red. _ tofurnish - on, short ,uotiee, Wagons Carriages . . and S.eigla,ot ilescriptiona 'and or the latest and most anprot, ?ad style; and of the: test • material ~ at the old stand oppoSite_ the Union House. in the .ceiri tral part of Alba Bdrongh, Bradford' Corinth , . The public .are asiiired that the reputation - the 'shop has ' acqUired the last six lean under the superintendence of J. H. Fellows, will be more than maintained-, as he will auperbi= tend the work as heretofore he having - 16dg bettc spd laving ' bait Much experience as a Carriage. and" Sleigh• - ruildet, larbuld assure the public -that)fo paint; Will be Sparud by the abovt. arm' Yfiiie4 the estliblishraent. :worthy of their Talc, `renege. Thankful as One ofthe old firm for the , patronagieethrit-tar , e,itended, we hope to'nierit continuance of ihethtne. - I f , N. 11..—We, the, undersigned, : being practical mechanics, can inanntrictute and offer to the public at . ,prices tbat.will defj , compeUtion. • - ' JAIdES_H;FELLOWS, ' ' • '' ' . • TE:W. '.- • G.IIIERITT! • •-. • alba liorough:April 16, 184. ly. r • :T-0 W •A-N•D , O:A - -R RIA--(rE =I . ..1.1... - E • ,!--;',.., :.. ~ -di r.... ~, ::.- 1.. .- - ", - - ~:ilei caubrielputc4 reepeodally announce SO the liblic r itini l the' r klut r ' r veliurc" has ed:6C : 4•L 1 ,..-L ........./\... g A It It I—A. G E r -, STEr , O orb ..,..„4...„,,, Az: ~..„.„., ........-,..... ~..,..,,,. . .„ i;;..-f=i' .. p„.-,:.'. - .:•; , 4.. 415 .re, , ; ...... , c . .,.. : f. :.......• ; ,-,-,;.:!''.-. ~.,1 ; ~..,.., -...Z.! .. :,:i : ':- 1.,:vc..-g... :,,;:,.. '',• ;:.i t - . -,,,..•• ' G.. , 11;1- . R:.-.&'.1; .f_i.,- : , ',. , . 1 i... , -.::::',. 1. a , aroxfinustrejparect to buildiroxlE in., : . ii ! li: -,,, , ..... t p ~... ~:. : . .•.1.:i..- . ..- -:. i ,:::.-_... .- :. . ~,,. - ark VIEL Rl' lila , S T-.c.i3:T Y IrEf ~. :. - . ' :i 1 ., :fi . 1,11 .. 1 ' ~5- , _' ,'.':- .` _. And lnost:;iir,9 .manner. , ' ~ They -*III tinistanny keep' on •d to assortiitatitit Asici.. libto . .1,1`,',...-i-.... i2i .;' tYI.I, - ..., ''-:, i,! _ , :l - . J:.! r• , 1. , ,tt,)P - ..ItNDi_ PO': , BVGGIEf3„ - ` _,-, ; 1.4.. .... , ff ..-7,...i...1 r .ii. ,44.,,,..,..:1% ..!+,. 41.tafilit 04:1tRIAM .2 : 0 4 1 4.9 4 AK Y.41 , 48 PA1i A4G9- 24 ,Ek oici~ is AL.BA SzT. 18 .Elt IE ~,,. -,..1_:..:1-.- - iri ..,,,..', .-.1 . ,it:...,..Y1 ..-},....:::;:i 1 :417:0-:11: : :!:i. i :, Lli cWOllll.l ' WAIVLANTED:: 7 , !if - • FIPPAY - ) 1 41 0 44 4 aterea -1 "sable ' yttr,ll.'' .707 * r • 9.1 8 07,,:41 , .. . „ . N . 11 l gfi ..f! 44:14 IN kir:;.ll WI. i - Thionamigla A tmllt mui a large ond coin a•llnl4W in - 114notatedfclowlinthii and fi ... 41 t itg ,a„, the tne.Nase inag nee are repined to ell , ordersorketimoilege tot min,* - , ~, Itinkralunreast fp.. Wit ha* ileo s ' faddy Of SO IN at the E r 'WWI aadinielenfi'lrhiede ire'fiviiiilf, Windt f. Vat *et atalriC‘rnint bk • . igik n i t r,l;',e'r-=,-,1 . 1 ~‘ 3F..1:;!! •-.- .i.,.,:i. .:.! t. -.24lKittjtiN_ l O _ . ..,___..--; , : , I , i . .l_ ,i9r.lf -...,‘,.: WIFIV.I I 5 .1 . - 5 :....z..„'" 1i t snoutnoLL - ' gull ..7•T .---4 - ir.a....-,t-L.:1,111- . ., ..,... ;= .:,:..B A =wiNia. witotatotbd, WO* Iltalteinbigin :Jainalli SIM be aaue" Vnitrire l aWit - . .' POWs' it. - • 'gift .sioado-ibu -= abate wilt lind it tetfit alk- 11 00 4 It Ini7 91 Asp at, Ofiniti ' and s, an' , IWlntlgattgadd of. Varti th esitaibes,. , and tune - montisign-la. feeding; have‘it 1 amnia. tan take It home witkyom. I:mint. o.6llStfotaurgirsingcia t wos W WI . "ii l e be W" 9-911° ,: . 1'1: e r .IL -L. SADDEN= 4 1 11tii ` 'Towands P ethio64. , ,-= '- - -•;'-=''' DEE - ii -, f•,, •,,i,-: 4p ~-4---, :_. 0w • ..,• . : A 'INC I i 1 PdtdftiiraMeNv~sailfitufleibP 1 13 pa i by il./14,014e4i 1 4 - : iggiti, 1:KOMISISiii,t01011;.11M nosige Con.' - ',:' PlAile~lol4airfikladrAit. . iiifreptie.oollldultler#P*l,...;,:::3 MIOOO,OO lig.."4:',:i iI • IS• - 1 _ • ."' 4311$11•14 -- 1 V 4 f• : •"•••••:: . 1. .r• . • . 0,000,n00 latairoiftrAtilhones AXD 43V .. • EpPkil,3,ll2emerved eead) $16471, , r0 Amicita bribe thiltedltuitat,'md:. .-.• 0, 0 1 1) Maly; (O 91) 17 ,0 • • A Trl c. F4114111R , 011V1 .. Cans; or,i; tfapfta264•.4110.,.••••,•••• • 000000 $2OO/00 ,osaves - Comuri_, - ~. „•_' . ,::,lfilkesilferke,,rts: 91;a111.:`." - '6 - s lsox o liroitsw Anuultsaiturr.litioxuras ' it'etildeatiit) • • ••:' ' S H•U;P; ATION EBB 4 *W" • VLF . SOO nO . . , CO r,.-. 51 ~ ► t ellar Caatir 10.000,0t0 1866-41! - - tit ARTFOED 'WYE .4 1 0! INSII RAYON COMPANY.' ,0 • , CAIITALIq00,000; ' • Cub pgiteil,Nay. 1, 1806, - 1 1 65,2.96 83 Imam coit, id ,kinds of. live atrick, against* tlieft and death from tiny cloart. - /au. 10, 1887 _ Agest. • . Dec. sth the Hare" Lady Men.," owned by Dallis' F. Flagg, of Bostod, Naia M accidental, y received a kirk tram lurotber horae„braiking her 'Afore kg, above .the -knelt,- raculeriag it 'tteceisitiy to' NI her as an act of-baratnity: *tired in the Hartford Live fitock latorraace Cora pally. Lou paid Dec. sib, 1861. , • Flll4' -LIFE, AND. AGOIDIENTAL PerA.PrrAt, oviir NTARIV MILLI - 6.oDelLL.lft's -..11 C. RUS,BPg! , • *MI. Caiiinkfluxci coirA v 7,1 VoiCoo Figs crartilibra . Comr.cor Phitadelphia, Capital sad sorplOs, over Ho= 4‘ol42oCarretilir.io4 • c a pita snit usolva. $3,750,03 ixsdaaxos CO NT or Nozsu ANZEICk, " 1- Pluladelphia. • • Capital fad saxplus,cava...: • $1,700,0n0 Yoruvrari (Jimmies Courossi r• Calitterinesarplas, over. (900,0i0 Own9trwasspistraLsos ,COIIIWIT, •Of Philade lphia. Cspitai Milteephss; - over Awrio,bispultai Coityr 1 ' * OfN or etts- ' 134481 . And surpins, 'ant pr.p . Am - = uPHartford, Osaa. Capitaland aupliwover.. ...5104.0w • Mmvu Lips isarsayor 'eclErtsy, t . • Of N,ael,York. ' Capital and 5t,i41n5,0ye,.......;...58,000.00 Tria444ns,horonancs Cenreprii, 4 _ I • Of liartfori e Corp 7 - ' Capital surplus, otter • kind,. 4 properly, at is ,Itiw intense by iiityotbes reliable Companies. Policke leaned and Leetaes, U - any. ad - inia44 at tab. Agettcy,thereby sating the traubit and expiate of going °howbeit for settlement. 1113" Office at the. Hardirhev Store el Ct..l 'ding • C. S. RUSSELL. - ..Towanda, Feb. 7; 1886.-41 . • THE :INSURANCE COMPA-NY NORTH AMERICA. 4ftl6e No. 241 Walnut Street; Philadelplna. .. , Thhi.Contpasy , are nom proseentint the bt, plum. of insurance from lose or damage tiy . Pliti: on . Merchandise. Furniture, At., throogleterr-the State of Pennsylvania, on liter. termilifiar long'or short periods; Or permanent ly of. Buildings, by a deposit of Premium, The ProulAPaYdiellt of dolma for louses dc ingthe perioAot.nitarly•7o yearn that the batt' *mance, entAtles theta to ,a conntiente - oUthe public. Rpaitorolulathor O.- Coffin, Samuel OZ. 4.cAta Browit,Charles.Taylor, Ambrose Iteti,.Jno, -R. Keg, Rielmrd 1). Wood, Wm. /Welah',' WO2: Ewen, Zama N: Dickson; '. Morrie Wain, John Ilason.'-Geo: L. Burrht,.b. Franeuilt. Cope,Edvard H. Trotter, Eduard S. Clarke, Witt,...Comttangs• • - • lArernen G. Coyne, Prestt. 'C. fl. ausaELL, Anent. Towanda. i rI " , ARMERSAIUTITAL FIRE 1N :; , 1. - • , :'ILPIOS COMPANY or =ma' rith*onvAxt.t, (Mao iirDanville, Montour Coozoki. rem. c Cap . nal • Thersimem:Matual PIM:: Insurance Comp e or Middle Pennsylvania *Ai Itcorporated by t.... 'Pennsylvania Leeds/ , ' in- the year 1859, tot the /laical Insurance t Constry property only, • analzimiediately tbe ter commenced Its oper. 'atielut on that princlp;e; which' has been strict." li i . Adhered to since.; j .._, - _ :., ' . • AU losses have been promptly paid Oa 01 the . - remise:us collected on appliaLtlon ter fruffirare's thnot making-any assessments. .. ._'.. • T)/e ins."*S4.lA-"ot County (PI 04 0. :Si low rates oharg ... for Insurance th e prompl. payment cf - Insets are deemed is . sacks% recta Meadation of_ilm.forraers_ Illuiaai 171 I I, once Company of Middle peunsilvania, to it owners of sate class cormtelliroperty: ' P. 49 2 qP*INI 8 ec'I• Wee. rinalgit. Peer? - . LUCIEN. !ayes, March 6,'86: - , ' Agent. Towanda. the. B-11,'A-DYO'RIT--C 0 T Y BF4L *6iATI3 AGENCI.. _RrAL, ,Estoir Ati EN t. -• • . „ Valuable- Farma r MiU 1 3 msertlea, City iidd Tciiii-Lots for We; 4. • tty tPartleabaving...tprnyiantifott. sec irtii find it -t•ci their advantage by, .eating description at the same: w ith terms'of :Sale at this-agency, aJ partial are . constantly esultdring for farms ,bc H. B. IicKFAN, • " • • heat Estate Agent:. -Office itiontariyve,e Block; Toiaeda, Pa. , 20; 1887:. LIVEAPOOL AND LONDON AND - GLOBE FIRE AND LiFE--ii,SURANci: COMPANY.--Office, 46 William St., and r2 , ;' Brqadiray, N. Y. Capital Surplus and tieserved Funds • ORO) ...Wets in we united States, over.... 1,,500.m , Daffy Preilllll27lll,llpWardll 01(gOld): . "•,'lthe Aliareholders pent:zany reepouilb!e for telgagetnentic *Mite 'company. Ali tiltevtor , !stet be nhareholders... i - Irrizosaas iN . Nsw, Year.-:-Francis Cu) :Chairman, Henry 'Grinnell, Esq., Depill> Ch tratab;Asseph,liagiard,: Jr., Esq., M Archibald, E 14., U. B. K. Cozad, Alexandr: 'Mg.,^ Robert C. Ferguson, Esq. Mired Felt. Eisq.;liesident Beteratary. AI. , • Ander Hatulitos, 4., counsel of Zontitak.-PWX.Bank—Cabigann CQ -Rho •ot thialketimey. are binned by welliTkuoirnAmeriesn oWlasne resident in tits York, whciare Directors and Shareholders, an,! consequeritly ;lei* the other Hbateliattlern, an Individually Heide! for-alk; the engagements the Company ; ail Policies are signed by them ; 'air debris are payable In cash on prooNat without deduction for interest, •andliot, as .11 canal; g:Cy Asp. alter presentation - of Iwo IIA:0 1 erock. P. M., and nut It - Ire 'lnsurance effected. and ann , utt , - granteaattf,torable tertniC , if B. kicti,E,tll, Agent ItSi: ?' NI W. gi,l3,*N BM ENT - ' RO4ii.thit 4 : , BOOK SWIM 14 3 4 . 4 R rot i l : & I V, Ear M il int ip o g o 44tieiothiilyinvitiViirot&pitiont) of the eslib 2411311141M14 Iqk Wahl g erll $ 131111 1,-. " 14, 1 1111 . 11 ? 1 * " 4 AtaYOW # 4 tßil&P , T. s. ILEUM. B. W. ALVORD. ' • s.4 t c•At 9- VE L P T (V.W P v!ogiiiirehased tLli veil inewn Hotel es tStidie have ' refurnished and _ r matte 4 it lultilAvery emdirmilegtelbe tlm semolina ,- tA9.41,0f ali.ring r msy pfttreake. me. 114* n is be spired to male intVeraitit: Ana We. illay,34.'efLA4t... fl. AT nalBo p. -111USIOic011,:.!ANY OTHER A Isaar Ilse; ordered - at abort notice DY caWfR et the AIM , 80011- IaBBAIEPAST,:. DINING, EXTEN AO! 810N,A4 PulaVabits, at, FROST'S MI $350,06 u 11S9.con ...5600,00n i357,00( , -