11111 Pi II M - " 471111111 ANS eII4VViV A - t . , , • , „1-1.... q.:: 1 ticr 'won `,.> •::-I,J This grain iirlifdkvaltl ted itele. giima well Wl* 0 . ' _214 l e** nage and of mote , iniwyl!, 6 1:4 1 *CP ...: mot et hig landaim . , ~ liiimtlitin YevirlY dAtiEer..ftun. *in 1 1 0WOnle .0F ths liesimn;:msit. i:.$1160!1, 1 1 1 44410 e.rop..s . If gre** , exclustraly , tie, grain it ineertioPle*nt,;;Mid.'ipiti* what expensive , crop to: haidleiit ea account:of the bulkinessof *On* and the grain ItalfAiniatintliing la PomPatativetl'hillbroblizthg t o l% ' ket: But the on m thewativinlk t Sable * than that of any of the oereeln. The farmer has many, tlifelfl*.it — For thatching *Poses - it'estiels,ind. a roof of- tNis - - materialirell.-pikot, will hat twenty-iVe or thirty- para.. Why sliouldnot _farmers • use spavir roe& in preference tool-Elamite, On* or humbugging patent nghtil Eye straw id excellent for - punkt; and Mixing with More untrition for Many purposes aroandthe-farmit, is convenient. It makeschsaV good protection AG. fruit:trees, .- r i. 'the paper makers will par i the •-uoiot money for it, and larrners -.wELfindlt profitable to grow rye- straw to:siw, ply their . demands wherever, pipe; mills are LI operation within ient distances,. - Tr 3" 'MCA Bina giveashise information =Spadini th e Video of rye stray /in tfietentralpart , of this state, which we copy. "The making of white print paper trim rye straw was commented at F - Prt Edward, N.Y., iii 1857. At that tiine,rye straw could not berpronored in Sufficient quantities to kevn.....one mill running. It taken two tone of straw for one of paper._ Ttielazima, began to grow , th e crop* Ni r filth: t , mi and Saratoga counties, and n a6.. ten large mills min operatienimft in the aggregate 15,000 tole annual, - ly. The straw at these mills, for; past five- years, has averaged leim, . that $l5 per ~ton ; and 5223,000' are brought into these counties for straw blond. Then there the vidaeOf the grain. It was poor farming dis trict before the _`introduction of 'rye' growingand now the rampere are ' making good. incomes. ,••The mills nt Herkimer ' ble'llOW using oix tone of rye straw. per day. - Matthew Smith of Frankfort, grew last year 04. an acre of land and from two bushels of sowing, 47 bushels of rye, for:which he got $1 20 per bwhel,and two tons of straw, which were sold at $240,T. This makeslBo 40 as the yield from one acre, which'may be considered'a' very profitable crop. Probably the farmers of Herkimer would find into their advantage _to grow rye in con- nection with the dairy. The Herki mer mills are , using . 8,000 ~tens of strap r?utiely, and are formato get their supply from Scheneata*„ It 'comes in bales. Eye straw is worth from $24 to $3O per ton In New To* c . . y, and is of ready sale. All the inilTs East pay $2O per. ton for it. The itnsitess is confined to the 'State§ • of New York, Massachusette, Penn sylvania,. Maryland, Delaware rand Illinois. Nne-tenthnof the . printing paper mad e of.itraw is produced in New York." - l)oa:Eing There are certain practices with hortes that are sick, which are pop- Alai., certainly, but are just as cer tainly not only , unfeeling but siva 'lntel)! cruel. In the first place,.the probability is that not more than one horse in ten would, be sick in the whole coarse of his lifemiless through EOM • carelesancia, some want of knowledge, or some cruelty of man. And yet, when ; sick, how often it is .rtiat some terrible dose is-adminis- , _ 1 / 4 tered, such as a pint of gin or vlni a - \ hulf pint,-of castor oil in spirits ettur• \ pentme, or a tre-rendous ."ball of \'aloes," to say no'ing of the potent caustics, such as bichloridp of mer cury, arsenic, nitrate-ofailver, sul 7 phaf copper, &c., &c., • "The horse's - body, " it is said,, " doe s"quickly respond to open -4, inimedisine, but - the action, on& ::,•.-, .7elicited;ianot invariably easy to corn- Mand. The anti are life is`frequent-1 - ly a prey to\rt potent purgative. ; Tne veterinarian knows titat the different creatures vat slouch in their capacity - of swalloW:lg amounts of aloes; that , r the dose kith , kill, not move• ;one quadrupe - May destroy' . the inhabt. taut of tit nextritall.,* One trOattire will Imbibe two ounces ofdick drug without Marked effect; another` will be shaken by the actioAf less .thou half an onnee of the samt paws!. tioir." - 1 - • \ •'' This praetice is all, wrong, and should never be allowed by;owneri of horses. Mere can be no ' doubt that Many Minable animals are lost, by such desperate prescriptions. L . .: Among the Brat evils practised ilk , that of using tits horse too soda. Few of them are now permitted to grow until their sinews .and muscles are matured. A frequent, bat light .and gentle use of youn_horses in nn --doubtedly good for them -,' but one" 'fatigue, or strain, may affect their /. whole life. .'Too often the , impatience of gain - seizes- the colt and subjects ' him to long travel or hard labor, ' c which'brings on 3me.of the counties; - diseases or lamenesses to which he is liable; and from twhicit be never (nlik recovers. '' 13ecause the horse can endure, and icillpatiently endure, a vast amount of bard labor, neglect and even Cruel treatment, only a few persona reflect upoa'-the marvelous delicacy of his , construction. „If they would only study this more, they would neglect, or over-drive, or overload the animal leas. Half or more of alrour horses are mean-In spiritund faits. They come from old and diseased Animate to-be- 1 in with ; animals hiiided with quar. tercracks, smin, lxits, rheumatism, ringlbone, founder, 'greaser stnM w .. halt, and forty other pings; and with these they possess some' other faults, which Makes them anything but safe' and agreeabie— such as stumbling, running, and shylug,thou t th_thl Ist: ter may be occasioned by e imams. nary and senseless use of blinders.— It is timia a reformation t were com menced:l—Z E. Farmer.. • Ewers the beo, aril in the chance gam' of neakisnony ; annuanan customs by diamonds and kr sus ; often ; won by Wolof, said oceolionally tnOod in a sW. , mss IsOnner,.and then eat allogetbor. "hit - roam why do yell Dime yfteas le* 16#16i skietier Hun+, str, / *at Mir e • , ' MI , VAIOI4, riAnnling4: X ._gta,' iiiilNAFitAlW l grifiVAC/ 1 04t:t ', 4rirdll lii, " Ski': , fi : O.,tlfade.4' . l . ; 4l%,;:, Ar ft,. iblit ;ntleill. - - & I 1" 1 ' "; 43ii , t• ...:11... 41 - vity7lFfel""Culf: eti.....*a.: 1- i.e.; IC qiU:f.X.' , 4. I .410-110 ~ . ...Kgt ill 4 L :*• , :1.1 • t' ' • - •ik. ,t,mvit ,•:.:7,0 ill Vi 7' JO 0:014,:!)....40 , .: Te:= , ,1 41 4 , ,Y e k a . .. .. • Off mi tliA d . -4' ..( .. • Nf'N' . •.. • • ' me, :j: , , r . , . • licuilti.goa , NI lint.FaiiPPOßtibt.l4fitit a ;;:-- - -",.: !:4 1 2 t:) - Lt ~.W alig STOOK! .• St ikast soistsilai is kiekia , iff.stbie ary Ilk MAI ' alike T-I n l4l0 1 0 - htlahlill =41.1 • r; ti!, • ler diS4lllloollr t i . v:Orr tr:s. .15 Than the mimeefift_ et VWeda, -eie hietett pee etilMiEnifilfAilft7ThiTe areklia •.?. f.. 1 :=1#14111121iii!4'010014 - • • •• •: 6 :6 1 4: • " 1 11 010 •1: . Wijt:Alt i • ,••• 11131111rDIMIPINTf ,fflhltilf . i.lll4plM49:ll,3, V i et • and - _ .., 17ehs,T Moe Metes 'Sta ra, ' Chu. • . deallTe Mks • Cribbe_„ Meg. Gleam* ' - Looking Ohm s r " Pic- . • ; CO* • • - OS; ( •.' `:"ll}?illitA'S OF EVERYTHING N =LINE, c;s ` _s ' A; P 0 F L, C,),.8 O A SH. Thopobito ow Invited to call on e Votookillgore .joroboo tot elontbete. Store ' 44 lomat 91 'Montana: X X6Ol * *Eras Alonment 0 1 • . • BEADY ICON- COFFINS , = - t i ll i i i iteto V i . e !' ii ass ti ti lb cl i aii i r p heima icienewd..wbieliwill be Surnlshed4Let r ar - .Atitandence with../leme, 'et lui low $ ae ea the - sew wordy OM be permuted else= m— . , .. • , ~ Dee. MC .oit. NEW -- MINMJ.RE fiTOXIgt. : Eat*, rested the•Nauttiore Warproolas ' Orly -000spiod by N., Paige . lOW hag ety to t heyahoos of tile old- Wilmot OA/ have it mop** Stock of Goode. =ethics in the s LIDIBr Yj gook ma ma and well selected, sad ter ilea 04111114mohr.tilliO,.._ aod: wan loyatock before probating. retain' the Worlimieaki cddeatoblialunencand ifffn bays chaige'of the *Wines, 4'14 Waitakt. okoo we lam) •Ihe finest stack of Goods In oar Ifni Test of New York, coudating ' • , Pular Pitaitare, ' 0111114"4146,-8,11, Bureaus, Viable-top • Ceßttes TWO , tetelidoi and Dining Tables, Chaim ikdsitatds. Maori, Mame Frames,. Oit *diet EitaiisWor. Bova, , . , Pctures, &c. - • Oar Vit4tertAshr's Dewy/oust times. to swell supplied wititeverything. ill that Um. Ma Wrath, . . • t, Ln imatiolo., lot aramtiog taithing: Ariss of Nc Yak and wilt alma Funerals WWI camp, of oco4l Arita au reasoilablo team Nowuns. a. I. Him, Sguit. • Attutoo. Aut,, 24-16418.-47 • FusinTram: :WARKraO9/18 I • JAMBEVINEAKERION gunmen toff di ubllC that be AM 'MAW= to saanufattme and loop on hand a large assortment or - OABINII2 - :PURAITITIitiI, • Banos ' .TT.; Bedsteads: litands__, Mahe; werylescititiut 'bleb. I'M be made ittbetbeittnateries, and* Ile most warlanan I Invitethei !meth:a o:the public to nolletnt, which *Ann be. wed in durataltjyat any shop br the eolith% and pr all be he Sound to w lair as the *net will a Beadratede WHO eacatentl_v on hand or_ toads to order. A good Hearse will be farriabnd vbetdeldred. • • Ant. IS, iges.. ' • . . C/ROCERY, PROVISION AND •. • . JORN2IIERIDETH, (Pain-st., first door south . °Ube Heil' Road House) would most respectfully Invite the It tanks of the'publie to his large slid well se lected stock: ut lIROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, inich ha is selling to suit the time. and purses of all. He has also opened a splendid FEED STORE , Which Is,welteltasted — to supply the anal and Barclay cool region at. all • times. He keeps tonstaatlyonlintaisrge stock of • • • TEAS,. OOPRANIS: SVGARS; • MOLASSES,. 1 • . _ . • • OUB, BITTER, PORK, he keelling chain* cash. 1 The M 1 1 Owitida :and viebilt7 •.wlll less mythanks fot 'their warners' -tor the last • two years. and' , 10g promise with\ their assiatancs, to llnProTe my opportunity tO- enlarge one bann.s& so as to warrant ictlon to AlL'Oall and seetui K. t galL JOHN MERRMETR: MEECH* -: UNION EXPB `U PANT GREAT tOttifollZNO . ilagol 2 ,as An? : ~; living made amuMerimmte _with \ the New Nett and Sit e Itailway. to do LtprMi_, _Baldness on their rand, • an. now reaI : UMW& of freight -aad-wanimedke tor' WI. part* _oribi - Usits-Xiith Ust i • Woe: thellatut des, &rope, Goode - ant dirks to ass t t of Callikasdai on with the i ti %kt, despots . Shippers • and • Nerehaats know w enormous rates they have pay. lug far quick transportakm:_ Sow Eth to Wore pay is Made up aralusirely of -Baskets, ifw Mutate aadbrook' up Um taimopo. is Mach tbs. bad formadj no as toliss tair ants. to bostaess anatuaalty. wwauNs,ars iralsidair de bre•siodsqs. by actual weight. The . way to,ksep Mw-rata, is to patronise tho Oampap . that breeptkibelkdown.- ' Particular " tam sad attsutiou Own to um* tut *Was Pack. ages;Colliedlisme, ac. Collection, made fad returns torwardtd by quickest dispatok; ' s.p.caiss i OffilM io ) • - • Litt . Die; t. • P. Packages to be f trots Towards add stoWty; by - ft them sit ed Step 011esat Johnaseima, "nibs forward to trie Waverly- 011 Ma of Mitefkgapow _miry J. BEZNAN, idteiteLlee• Joao --- • . LO;OF O.FerBRADFORD LODGE aro. tom or o. - mita Odd Pito lows 16 =Tst"tile r ;t 1 " !APR RSA". • ‘` tVr,. 3.5 d „A:I,. All ot WWI Ala 130 goill .600DEI Phottwaph Ovals, Cord and Tassels, E1W1T146., OOMILS AND BURIAL OABBEL = UinWnL 4 41 - , t KM "DR ,5i2,1141.), • • A 'rim& i - 1 :.. ME PAIVAND . ~1 ii~ac`' i...,D' TWA ‘41% • A LWALO7 Lo. 130 ). rsiitn atrtYt i.. —tegistTrasoto;;. ' . _ A - itill dirt it i i''rl3 If'r44 Wig It 13, • , I • fArY,Wr -, „... -111124 , 1311 PUMPS, NIPPLE SHELLS: &ND ~, _ " -.- :cEHLERS, ...' 7 . Y.': - . Narah s t ig , Syringes and Cathetet!; i LatMll o , 11 0 /0/ 01 +na Piggrkist?, LA TE Bins .. t 1.2111 BUT QUALITY. Lai i - A large pp y for the Hat an Hat!. • Also Or tU th sad Nalliaoothi Pow- 4era Or Tutu, Oils, perfumery, 1 Sri". C0r1b1...1114 Ile, 'mita. ; .: , , atonote, , Korean C hi mneys , ne!'" ' ! - Lames Shatbm, , ! 4_ ..,,-, Wicks,. &e., all - of the' ' 1 ', 1 ' , • 1 tte - st 'dyke._ 1 .__. 1 L UmOICM CIGAR,' Ile* MM'illistem *. awl ' .OP PPOPA _4ll Sunday haus' , soot ,to 2ln • Tnwanda, Beg VII 414 attire New chap as belbre. ait A The Oxide:sign • to the Citizens 6 WU& dfil.y E I E OpPeeite the WEW'ES 9411eady Made L GENTS. BURN And thiit thrie willbei sold wit N I to establish a ne. in order M gam In:Levity, and for wO4 12‘1% tip; COilin NW Totikalla„Ap SO L' 0 ire now opt ning their general stock of - • • SPH,ING Ai; SIT MEE CLOTHING, Foi; and boys wear. The &sports:tent mid be foend the cbc lees they hare ever offered, as. with to . the wants of their trade. ,r. They tinvite an examined= of their whit& is. Magsfacturedsx. trade,t a rtil i foalleß ket f li s s t ri t t l u n imer at ai give a better at a IrAr price that'l can be oitd ehentbertai Ab r in store for, the • trade a omit piste stookof • dkolitiS klur LINEN 1,, :41. - PcgEß. fiPSII : • , HA ejurtc o next. 1 as* .e szytimg to our_. flap lit, to your , 11 0 114 di" r '- . uoasi4l iNit .suythe ideas pibuo - amsoes''H F~~t tn,tis thic irrobrizi a,O Othialstiu as Made B 11-8' I COATS, REM -1 ./0 Lb= bre &tapir at • arkta. ling. Neat • • room* W 41 4 Soo ;up _ AL 1384-ONLY "NOKWATMO - ,R..gcI9E.4EVA ARTIOISEIor ISTBRY • , TOBACCO 1 4Nis OBBIPP supplied at mac, le rates. &lonscarefully anda% did and prepared by commit ! hours. of_ the _day nicht. I . m 9 to 10 o'clock in the fort afternoon. - :'• v • I- 0.; 11:?011,L . 29 1868.....;_ 1 ) 13 : 1 41, , ). , LE OF FASHION 1 EW STORE. ' I G 0 . u'D Er! • tack Chithlair bought r a - war, to be sal with • • • - $.0,71 T would feepectially 'announce Towaada.and vicinity that he ed at the south Store of . B 0,0 .11 Home, gala &net,* i'ABOS HMEIUT Hens and Boys and Children THIG * i RING, Gi0():03, RATB,IIAII3 kc., .acc., bonghtat very Tow figs -very small 'pnnl4. I late rr nenttrade WAX, place 01 the confidence of purchas rrr• , on a basiaof honesty a goods sold will be gtiarante reVrlstited to,NL . exam* the New Ekoie of B. 'JACOBS. 8;1867.-yr. ON & SON; `:GOODI3, gots , A f f • ANCY CABS. SMATS, musrAN slum, itauns AND ou.res, 1 ,141,W .. 419) QUM; RRS, TIZS,, AND OAPS,' &O. • k mitt be said by the Bret of We ere offering peak hassles, remove, we -- teel - conetteatin • and iostomers..yon will • . 'to cog ouzo be.ore par- Remember the place, ,• tiOLC‘ON & BON, . No.. 2,,Pattoass . ; 33.N51; '` RPM - OD.. MINER ockipsii„: , ' D'D \ to:the oittanis et Towanda, l • thia ha bas,in store , newaimA m-- . 4:0): , 9 ly;,s Ib to the4aati l at, thellap - 10. Itaf Carney' as gnaw . „.. . _4?,, of pod volt: lad - 0 V g I-'S , 13r‘r, ISE of so ktho2 ,3ol inew I E BSHI2II T AND - Au' Oda; PA.NT4 AU Wool • TS, PANTS: k VISTS, ts, Dud= and Pagar • • f_ Oren. Bbirb4 Usessair. Piper. :sad Flu* , • • illawii.Ssaai. /satins Gott. ISSI Mani Hetet raw that Goii omit an F ike this, poor POiR IMP '•• aka' goods Won bap. Nino 11 Vo. -.. )1...19%.111DDh". o!. • 1 ' - ;,V 7 0.. Ts s • • • =I .. 4 1,-; , .111 it , I; • Is t ;i!-p• • • - itsgethettaki4zottia ., ZiaM VIMY UIK&E = ORMICERY, EMI YELLOW, • • •. • We to thee, 11 C..eeeileettee with the ibovestnibtock'd SILVER IMITE% - WOOD, rh , WILLOW,: .(y) ANSILL. JAPANNEIr''GOODS BT,rY. In minty. —; 417 e bo, au oar P° 6 fr°M (FIRST SA N DS, Wifitsiter, ourseltes;lre em gel j t-IGOOD GOODS- Lower any other plates In this region. CLOTHS, owes,. TAILOR'S tiUIIifINGS,z.V; Of the • best;qttaitl.; CfIT.T4N4_ - - MANUFAOTITRiNG Done to order, Agents foe I WHEELER & WILSON'S SINGERS BENNO MACHINES. Towanda. Mara 7,1867. GL ASSWA. RBI' US Greenwich Street, 9 doors below Bare lij , st CROCKERY DEALERS' GLASS WAR R. CONFECTIONERS'., " " DRUGGISTS' Is es GREEN GLAS§BY tHE PACKAGE In fact all kinds of GLASS WARE. Also, a colpfete assortment of BRITANNIA WARE, SILVEKPLAZ4D WARE,. lIKEIOIENE WAUEJ CHANDELIERS, LANTERNS, M., _ - Best brands of moan= 011. • • The test patent Fruit Jaw in the anallue, to be sold at the lowest price& A foil line of Looking Gleans. All kinds of Glue Ware made to Order. £gent for „Meridiem Britannia ComPag4. • - • • . WRIGHT, 225 Greenwich Street, April 16+'87. 2 doors billow Barclay, N. T. - THE 7DERSIGNED, HAVING Peithuieed the entice interest of • B. H. PATCH, In in the 11Fai of 0- B. RATON 4,k, 00., Is now prepared 44:offer to tlukthfena of Bradford County andl i rlelaity, a Wren and ven selected stock 'of G‘''ll'B 0 0 BAR'! 8, Which I bail; purchased Or'eash and feel cond. dealt that oast sell at as ley Agoras as eau be pordred diewhel:e. I !!!w offer to the public it splendid ittOok of - , TEASgOOMIEI, • . SIVAREIi • , ~ 1 • . i. STABOit, SALEIIntI3, BP/01113010. , (.. • ~•-• 1.. ; 1 • . RINI; on MM a . large stook of , . . 4. , I '\ *KROSFLOItR, ',AR4trAM . lio 'me Do. suoiMEA'r DO. I ket9 c44lstl, on bud, P O BR, Ham, LARD sadillula of FISH. Would *lea aV, testi= of the public to clik*Un'tliaßest - • STOOK OF TOBOOO, r • In quality at price. Jane Oaltley'a Celettateit Laandri,Now York Cluniirtelalllnerit tap. Pli ese and atUidoe at 1 I WOODENWARIL _ I r rg• maartateat, at TANIRE NOT 11418; *)111111T BOAT % /Wu, 4t4,:iarrd I pky Moak. ert amb price for 001 INT PRODUCt ,r! r - • framers sire is a beim , I ___.._, O. B. PATOU: 'AU porous ladebtol to AVMs 1140111 ' G .+4 id' iphile la 'ad auk! bamillate paypsiC . . • • • . 11, • & pm& Smoak, Korth r • I) ..'. 4 - 4 1 1 - 0 , - - VIP- ',, t-,Y.1,04--- . 4t4: .., ,?,:.•,, ..10' .1., .40PLItOggf4.. 1 ,*rnarAt Zlitligvkle. ,- 41:4 411131kODIOINIEVOIUMICAlaS, :1 - oAnorrottLitiviiimmniq;a , .4 41 6 = vrvr. L6SW.v.. 1 1V SAM 'PAM ,--marra,ormisi , • .7, 0- 'Abdo) iimalkald4: ll . 6 * ) LA** moss; canivelrei; Sperm, Larititisk a Nadi Foqk TONEWS . :MittiliVeditai r taeirvatietip B rTf: 4 l .- (•; 814 4.*:h80# 141. °W U* :F ' lo ,-"118411041/4:764teilriii- -.!41 !VOMIT 'Bea% PORT )L ONAA , ~- 4 ocketurftsigaiors. •-• TOOTH. BIN AND -HAIR PNEPARATIONS EEO ME ISM BEV .-. 1 AND . I ~<_,~ '~:,° ~ El And And Mfatag . 'o4all - : - KPIROS*I4* -1 :0/C•1,00/14: ~ igrei• PUBIC, it ii*40:1;14001*:: Nor'' arealefig ~ Ast. , Garden, 't3 . «1 4 , Otters. eta ea . .. Sboalder Braoc,s, Braid Pampa, Teentltii*s, Narshig ,;041410, t ailippla. mpla 'Melts ana tilM4ll:s7 l *Per *d Pans, 13.14 1384ilitrOt: 11,naometerf,- ME Fla[o SE~tteeaii ,~ Btoae Jugi:_flt+ies Wire, Sot Vith : Collor: Sash Btick, and Stooe,Blacking. Pble i Taekle, Amnion., 'Woo_ Banne r &teeth: and Hommpatit. to Indlenes ! - and 'all the. POpolar Patent . 1•1/1 D 8 . AU articles trarnotted .4ul' represented. - Per son at a distance can recelie their ordeis by stage or mati o ,ntleit will receive prompt and ennui attaattop. : • • - - . • 1. • - DR. - PO.B.MM -, PREPARAVONB you.FAMILY USE, : : - Known as Safe and . RetiaNe are mar ranted for what they are WWI to hive matte- Dr. Porters. Pectoral Etrespijor eam,:bu r ! ,4 1 441 . 00 Dr. Arks's teleet , aZttar =r . •.d , 25 iir,..koiter's Lre: By .for - 1 00 : Dr. Porter's lltertne Tosto,forile peak ; Dr. Porters l itotirfor - .llvSgthenter. l .00. like Is 6 tosWi Dr. tta pi or ' .1 00 liver asd • - emOLM • 1$ . • • kidney • Dr. Porter ' s Comp. • Byr.. Eppoptseeptiitis, •• for sereemietalsty • - 1 Dr Porter's Matklupsr. 13.3sam. for &or . • rhea. , • • ' Dr.POrtWoMindliEmbko!**l 4 4Wala''. - bruises' ay.. • ,A 5 Pm/Jut . Wi'ey 0 ., Los:,l!a, ie- Dr.PSeter's Worm - Warms, • 1•; -- Porter's u N ' V r eins- Syrup, for exterithotw _ sing amiss - Dr. Porter'e Intant-kilef, for crying. *lts Dr: Porter's; ' folie..te sgt Cephalic nut for "eaten,* Ls , Dr: Porta% Tootintekin Drops,' for tooth- • Dr. Fader's Tooth Powder, for preserving teeth 25 Dr. Porter's Taconite, for dretudni and 60' rowing the bair 50 Dr.Porairli leophlie, or beautifying thel - halt ... ,f . . .. BO Dr. Porter'. Cido.lierousiimixipooor dein- • • tug' the hair 60 Dr. Potter's tti g kl e i on Fkrii r for beautify. - 50 Dr.. Porter's L ile 11;'nlinent. for eland- Dr. Parte?s P .E' ll 'eneli Compound, for scald. 100 - lug mine . . 100 Flh poetet-t, ftelir i te a t i piga„ for. Gar' 00 Dr.. Pea teen Healing lialre; I • • 15 Dr; Potter's Up Salve, for dropped l'pa.... Rb In .pot tern y , e . Eisive, for istiamtd eyes.: 26 Dr. Porter's Eye Water, feria:m*4 eves.. 25 Dr. Porter's Corn sod Vats itemover, , ar • ; come and impious.* . . . 23 Dr. Perte.'s Cotistipa-lon Air costivlr. • P' • nels• • 2 orter's 1. on 'rine, ;or poor blood 23 Dr. Porter's Citrate Magnesia, fora pktk4 ant ealkrrio.' ••••• so Dr: Po.tm's Liquid Bennet, for making n n. _ • - tracks diet for invalhis Dr..Po:ter's palled ',Vanilla, -lor • ice eream,,,fse 10 • Dr. Porter's Extract:Lemon, for _flavorinlp' _ _ ice bream — large bottles... .10 Dr, POttees • Cement, to: menditig ' Dr: l'erter's"lquin, g ,i 7l 2l;t e for repairing: l4 _ l 4 • wood wink"..-,, :21 . Patter's Cleansing Plutd,foreauy, wash-r: • - Be I:.Poster'n Dad Bag,Polsoa, :or tpfag - . • 710 .:-Porterli Fly Poison * paper, for killing f , gg Dr. Parise. Bak and Poison, le " _ loi teratiniting rats, ,porier's Bentine, for pint hem clothes 4 Potter's Black Int. p bottles 26 In bulk by the gallon 100 a. Porter's Horse land Cattle Powder; or diseases of ~, . 80 fir. Porter's Horse and_ Ca_ttlatotion, Yor, - sprains, gaus, me 60 Dr* Porte 's Itingafrate and Eipattf Coe, • _ for Lame h0me'..... . ......., . 60 _ . [Medical advice givengratultonaly at the office, *wen Only for medicine. _ t. Agri Th inkfutior paat_ilberaptfecinageoroald r.iwpwagm a y anzonuce to his Mende and . Cie public. that no palms shall Le *fared to satisfy, and merit the continuation of neir confidence and patronage. Deo.. lif e 111030.--yr . H. C. POWER,II". D. dIGARISI Wholelale end I` till at • • • • 11 _RANDALL & COMPTON'S° Pirst door month of the PirstNational Bent, , • .„ VAIN STREET, TOWANDA, PA. ; i . 41441144 , OP, .ITIBA.OOO-POBIA .440. 'teat, Sour Side,' Phie ittchisan , Rose Leaf and Star, which we oiler fcir sale ciumfritierr to SUft custostra• , ' Packages. fn Berets, half . a an a l quarters, 04. 0 1 P GTaati catur uiliviat i t i vido. bona_ a#d the. very &dwelt-brads of Tonic t4Nalr t . • ' I II IOKINe., Tie Cl* LOllll Jack, Pride the trill. tid BLates,Viegliditle Leg. Navy and all 14adipt 1111Killickulok. a _.1" 4 1,01 8 40/ 64 6rill , A3ll fiu. Asockao liberal teems: illloedeee ' -' PIIIROTin* jhtil; PO* ;Mirth tiltirti,' squiTAßLii taFrg AtSSUR socky's Ail*. for EalarOrko&-,_ •. • ' 'CASH' CAPITAL $3,0oopoo:-- H A ' ("!' N Wisp 'Tuirems..Tayss. ; 17 HE- INCOMING , MUTUAL - FIRE kin Agwarklhatealeanitt, titillAri'llB,4oo,ooo: : ' - 5 ' 4- . •: - ,: - .' r 1 ~ * r. ~ , 1.. , : - .'4,.: , ~ +l4'.:, - ...; w:;,; ::,, • ,-:: .. ; ; , . 4, ,, I , .- 4: "1 "" " r L/ 1 4 . j6 3 1 a WAlit .. .. fr 4 -• .. , riza 0 to i 5 ,R .lO 4,0th, - kit rti ,.. ,1 -, .:tt,hcEhec#o , ~. ... tj riflig .'''' ' .: 1.1 . 4 1 . 4 P31..."-:''''-'''''''l - • . . - r.:_ j —ei. 1.1.,r, iiit.ft ':•.;1 - ,- , t‘cl ,J 0,..?_ - : j:4-41 1 . 146i1;"` ''-liilf.itt li -. 1 , 33i .. 1. ,?, 0 1.:0.:‘. IR a wl. . ttm 7 1 „.......7,.41 - -,/..... 4 ,,,.,, c 64,1,if,,,,,,,,. of-!/... 1 -:; - -er - 4 10-4 teAkqtrßgl".. *-17,ritra `t -47.- - e• '- 'Z .. , -7.,, ~ ..... ~.., '', -.).. 1 i ..;:a5 t r..qi?.?"•17 .1 0. -, 4 4, ..... .1,:: :. ~....4 r.i. , + 1 i u . S . .-,01...1.-1, j44. - F - . Z•fi'ai17....74'.. tA; , :I „....4 , ~, - :,......„, :~.....„, ...,,L.,„.„. ...,„ „,..:,,, .......„;,..,„„.„..,.,„.,),......,....,...„:.,. ..,.,,L„. „.....„..., ~........„ r 0 1 / 4 -'l*l ----- - 141:ABSELku'irOcROIRKBEV* 00.: -ALL I!b.h to, c all ettenthnt 0111" .1 11 0Ps., 1 * theliseitentelteri -- - ,. ..-' -, • , , ~ i • MARDW_4I,*,f • , , , 4,1 iicrbi.t. -; 1 . I -."'-' ''- • . ' BUM: , aw, .. , . --- -, t ,. , 1, ? , ci, ,, , , ,, .; L ::, - , 12:- . i , .. :: w it a r ~ 4A • ,': ,11:0#1;iff . t 7: l6 i<g r illig t - 1 _ '_l B Pty3 a ; l p F li4t 4 t l li 4 l e lg* .' r e i n ii d i t 1 1 - , ' ,' = : • V ' ''-•i•: ". -:' andVetsleb idar= ra 'l - 4 1 lie 'Of all: t; ,Ittleit'Aidillbelsold torSbisolt pith price. Alao.i a Abicalicuteenton.i. .. ,-..-, ' K B Bdtas Nll---t - i-11 P Bt , 1 et 'mance** anal -pa oat on pfiblk... : Limp; fienntrest , *-. m' ~ ri - ' Oil, end; Pirleoer attention ieldtotae - natiet n , tr of all kind* of .-, ;• , .., - ,1,17.. TIN •,- , • " - . ir..titS. . .. ~ ... _ JrOiIING PZOIV-7,14T-•I.VIFIND OP VO . IVO ' here 0 k 1310 4 4* ** 4/0 / B ; 42(*r ' . . •f. ' •,t - Ki;ASBI . PAIT:II J,A,ltf..' i trithiniiiniety neff-nentbig «Aso* : , 11 - 11 0 WE T I c,AIV LE Al. ING - C.A .,. Ns; "bleb la'one Ot the best eine need. '-'' „ . June 110,1864." ~ - •.. --' -4 Allitireltimeouc --- wEntrAti E. yliks - EXPERI-, ENCEJII DENTISTRY, J. &I. Sattia,4l.o.. woulareePectbillj Inforni the inbabitanti oi =Srabfotid County that be Is permanently located is N.: Y., where be his been in .the,prsece,of.his= profession for thepust four years. He would say that roam hit lot%aid anceesilot practiceof to yeam dttlatiott bus inmiliar with , sIV the different styles of work' done in any end all MedalEstablbihmat in city or country, and brbetter preoired than sty other Dentai,ope-itotin the vielnhy to do yolk the ben %Ivied to thee mewled difibrent cased - that meant themselves' oftentimes to Dentist, as be understands :he art of making bbs own artilielal.tecili,944 has facilities tar soles the Same. TR those requiting Refer sets' of teeth be Would call attention to his new' kind of work which consisSs of porcelain for both plate and,teeth, and forming a condi:mods gum:l - more durable, more natural In appearance, and much better adapted to Maxim than any other kind, of 'ea. Thole in need of_ the setae are invited. to call 'mut examine- specimens. Teeth : filledtalait for yeata eniL.lfiteritimes ler-Dte,.-- Chiorotorm, Ether, and ":NitrouB Oxide " ad ministered with perfect milety;as over four bunt died patients within the last tour years can tea t - Will be In Ttiwandtt from 'die lbilt to SOtii of every monib,st the officettlV.lC. TAYLOR, (formerly ocoupied.bY.Dr. O.' R. Woodrulf.)— lining made adangemenhil With Er. Taylor, I am premard to do. all -walk the jvery beat eityubal: his - algae; Ata:s 22; /861. 'l. DR: VANBUS - lc ,: - ' PBRATIVT. O low ,iiicomancAL:.,Dimsz, hast-opousd rixonsin 'he 'Willem /0 :Block; Tautly opne-, sitellie..Mearialleueedfoilbe -firiatice i: ni g profession, and ls preoareiVist el tams to per; t o rm illooerstiona Want sg to•Deriticry.. the different kinds lot Rho, 'zINOHt; will' be roam- - mended accor log to i el; honest merits.: Nat :oral Teeth tilled mad r 'rnd to their original beautx. with - mat - mini-' ',fits; adapted to mica Individual case. The sates' t - ease - and alien• Lion will be given' to t eTconection of lirefta laritlea and the; ex.r.i.alcur. of TWA!. W.tnis Department of practice the Doctor would say be claims an .amount Orefill and experience equalco that possessed 'lo:inv one In this or any -Other corrarv. - Timid will be' extracted without pain, oy the asp (lima, ehlorolorm or ether; Ind taw mannealtretynatiailetorr to pa -1140; as• the testimoor of inituireds. - man tie. Awn. Plesuie 611114 examine specimens of our wort, and be mu:andel the correctness of the statemeats. Atlince. , 'lmid coosnliation will be cheerfully and grutuUdisly.given. . Towanda June 6. 1667 - ..,6m. `. - & ;SMALLEY • • Having= entered into i cO•pari tliip tor , the tranSattica: of thti P G OIOIIRAPHIG b crakes's, al. the , rooms 'formerly occup ied by,Tfoed end Harding; would' respectfall calf the.'itt:ln of theltublie toseveral et of Pictures which` we make specialties,. as: holm •Photograpits, Plain, Penciled and Colored;Opaitypes, Pone lea Pietores, &Qv Whleh..we claim for elm noes& 'and brilliancy of tow au Mastic finish, ctor rif ctceiled. We invite ll to examine Wen 'at well g; the Mere common kinds of Portraits winch 'we make, knowing fall that they win b?:ir the•elosel. Inspection: This Gallery cleats be highest relutatkm for good work'ot any .la - tb is section o.:conntry,', end we are de termined by a strict at'catiou to loudness and the superior vett, of ttor wotk, to note lv re Ain not increase its very esviabfe ropdite:on. • We keep eons .antly on heed the bestrvarie of F:antea and r a lower prices than stony other es.ablishment in townt• ; ..A/so Parirepartoota Card 'frames, Card Easels, Holmes' Stereo, scopes; Sterroicepie Vies; and _.seryWng. else or, importance pertaining to the boa - Give nsas earl ' • N. Printing for most reasonable terms. Aug. 29; %T. • 1 •r -110106K-BINDERY: , PII}3LIO B. Is - respectfully ltifonned that 'Argos Illookg.- Bindery has been removed to the e - rirtts Build.; lag, Ed gory, where will be done * B' 0 IC • B 'IN 1 - 1 1 In ail its Various braticheisi•Son teens. as AIM sonable as" the times ", WM •The Bind ery will be under giii3llintlo • , '• H. O. itivreszu - - ' • An experienced Wader, 'and all wOrkirill , be promptly done, in a chyle and nianner which cannot be excelled. Music, Magazines, News papers, Old Books, kc., bound in every variety of style. Particular attention 'milk be paid to the Baling and Binding of ; • • . BLANK BOOKS, . , To any daiired pattern, whac k quality:find daraotity wit be warranted: ••• •-•- ;All work will be'. ready- for 'delivery when: promised. U . iThe patronage oi the pulalie solicifed, and perk.° satisfaction guarrantewl: • . • Towanda-. A ngtud, 1, tg,66:-;-41%; Z 3 MI QTAND ON YOUR HEAD AND ' READ THIS! • - 1.99v9s is • od C 3 Poilhinatail), • 'noinua .v wawa souppirouus; aod reoputmoo flume! itu fain .puu emi,xou min 440 up lads ow "Ue. Saar ate; ; ;, ,, itutooofP:nplor 9011 Moutallogi Jkarritila pas aPaa WWI tispuni , pandatC ate jo 4 pteug ,454 0 . 1 aq% 0 1 3110 1 K Eka OV _ sultan 'y *r el pale aci99 l atte 2 49' ' l 9lO • *salad rnalut J 9 3droOoku, ,/q jam' Timm uo Criusuntom oplopoNalll /Or ,ox2ri; ,—.•Baolad motional Vow cark-O , Vuitt' •at Ics tamale, on tinatolesaimOlaulillioDWC otivid GuIoPPIPB• ,;AquithiP 191 POO 7 1111. al., Mid, ,gotret Supop.., 4 qatwww swAted G i Ecr MOW Oqt, laulolt • u •iive‘atast pima limo* *Kt eir o ro 4 l Csaba ''sseall*Ag sailed io 14 2 1 21 2-Pus - 112 b, 11 1 1 11M1 110 9154 1 11qu0 • Ananrivi4 eq una. ilsprinavatnoa 13 %. .0 1 T 1 1Alinill REPO WWI vaatAllatthait II 11. p 91111110 ana Ram xintatutiLturi 1 8 , 3 910Mi1t Sal Wax si 01 Aping. mma - x - st - etz efnariso was, mum pammoucmul-eVerunt a lcarki ORI Oa°Ofany'Wm Janina oils 1 uoucuoldurr inpopuorcomgo _lmam mewl ices Abu qopola Ip magutnunr Unq amid WO It ns 40olukullit Ins gamut.* luonwiza vws , WW, uffit ?ulfi eiliklitWala• itiLaima VI, WAWA *al +ILO yam JO . 4 1 40(1s Samosa 4110 u 1 04. 4 101914, ituo 1 110 4 1 P 0 &144 1 -1$ Poo MI ktiamottim ossD•ialttillikilittt Firma iguriglitotivir lin =ES WHOLBOALS -MUSIC :DENT. i, rOWEI.N. BoiiioDoo, P%, Dr* Decteestianok Wimps& 'll Tripit,' I,lndy ColiNelod eons: - ali ot laded isatrappetWElbeet sad IIO* Bobb; ,l olftlilk:OM Allder tullaV reithalli'.! firJao 11. POWILL.r, -1•114. b 4114 AMUR, "kglitaaiTs. are" it 111. !. • I-. PM eiteviNO AND-TOILET SOAPS, talorldrebsio4loll-IIIIIIS wow; ilipatorotlacttittvr vr , du!. NEM NOV. „, , ...5.,,1 re 7. - A - ifwT tot Nt i C E . 1, .. Mirk i -ra %At, ~.*-01111114"01W:, Sp e w s famed . • . • if&X"Ri. . toilir-f ” unlikely 1 „,,,L ; 4viekv,i.l - ~ • .a.OWL l 4ftWlicf-A 4 44. orgiejlibas - . , - :, I ' ,t• i • .., "Lit...l_ IllifSinfilerifilt . 6''.0% fia t.' . A , , "i'..- 7fir:riktriupria• , I,UPPIPAR, 4 . 01R 4 ' '.• ,' ' ''''.. ' ' ~. WM/ . ','-;' I. , • 1 - ' -mr;jl "- --- ., ' - i pyldiLOak. _, 44 t 4, - # lll o [l ,blimmessoanPinva—r , ; : s. t; .1 beuzupti,4a LW. . , .-...., -.An 4 di g- - • 'I 'Cr' / .. .. r4Ar : l4l teglikilliffp#Mlllll4:Abri .1 , , , . .4tifikik , HORS .6-POWICSB4 , I : 7 4.:44 " 11 ,5 411160 ",' '' kit 1 .44 1 0A166 / iiir ... :4, r, ~,, , : , , ~_._,i _1L:441;4.1406 4. ..„,•91 - . • Tiiiil iWilf. 7rf Li' I 'rl'a 'afar, It'litt i ! , ~r. JO frri-, tin Ap.-_,,,,1,4 4 . , 1 4,. ,, 141',WAiiAMIAS41001) MlBMSV*%34oiti;tr- . : di=4 16 1 1 , 44:4 :.. ~ u - Alll/1410120011044, 41 / 1 144/61161 1 11aNNILAkutyi . iiisets :I, I , L ,.__:*,* • :, -": 4 "-t.,..t 0 111 osero,iged- le tanokiki 0 FhoWng lie-Ii 4evillVtgiragg --i- P t-M -- • • "Af--- (o 2` - au , ': Marilliiaskile •r , •- A. 3. - t ilIiithiln= 1 " ;11111 1 11111" i : THE BEaTjtiftivii6icr- 1 tliPllal 0* idll apes** - pa" 01# 1 ,41tarSIC "IllealdtaNali f unta 'r— allistitil*. oif .:1 4 1• Nati illarlol l ._ulliatit; smell an/. -, ithi ld i t alti • ei,dr i aftreßffThlo 4-4,-.11..4„ , :. : OW :iviar,aeonsiniiiaill- 1 al - • POSIII-12___L_ L ikt --n- nAr.,l , r , ;nit k -,..:;:-.ica ' -iti , , ..'i*TP .:') e 611116 / 1 / 6. 4 . 1 . -r:P. 7 .4rye.tl ° , -_ __THIMBIAINO TES , STRAW * 'Fr Afulasupe d ir o r 4 1 •44 - most , o l tile .00004 liPtlc.••-•Titio, c - 1 -' l gA l :tAl X allar 1144 lit 'aisteutztscon ‘ betas_ par -1. Capital:, . 1 4600 • Ape primed Win epleatliotlial-11 &Wan air` 'i • , -- . . s 1 1 0 15118 .14 4 aanciliakikr :et nut :thear4l-I,brty Otoonicitutrt U di ' - vtirs i lA_ ,Zllolo,l#ooXlo,4ll.TOF,ReimKgpw , f ftw a ill 1:p..4 • I, -c :l 4-, limy! -of..- - - ' -1* ' -Wririog lirdfr - V WW I I' t....rernlEGY? . Tar' *OEM" ; . • - - ' nisilieciiiii_liiiii'A4iilif* r'kisia l l.' iii- UAITNYRYVET '• te4iiii - 3:1 esymoilsiet no end ri.. , '-A '. =-:•-' - -, e teat Mit' • .y( — s '., ' •• , -.,. ipuisopolu e urgaTilD ,usotaliovint y ' -odic . ) :Al tilt 460,az . „ A lo teatn . . - il ...r. ,1 _ ..,/ ",.. *Om isitailt liajWooluroind are ~,, ;: -.i , . ialt Morita Nov. 1,--1866. . • t $ 15 3,2045 SI jarranka, go be 4a ,, War*isi-Ordfir:, f.la . Igusins ,cla 11 1_ 461 . against • ' !noun bun iii ipsotica ay! tor-lentil, 77r -TISTIrti, _ .6, MA, t./ kV •-•-•:., -, - *auto* that_ ve ste sot, abating; -a, taw '4O ;kiln - ' ' °„ 4 4 "; ... tn - artu'irm Main, 01010* bettir thiiii so:-. ' ~.f., ...:,,,____"'''" ':. '' .' 'lib L- - gent; thing ever Mare ollbratutld* public'' , Th y i,,=,.', l rtr2P 6 w, s , ;ZilillOfennial by . Calk attached Tiew3 rovillri, aire•P e9w- ipientraa -- - atlalk`V - ' paeridmitally ere. liteasior Wren Powir,ind,lor ~. ~, - , M -' 0 1 04 - P,revkiiig . - . 1) t I - Irk RI L 4 l l t -' .- - bee _ .."- m i tA t taw*" hi- Perkaloo:' of ' i6kini ',4o . ti :email= ' thei r 6646111 thi rd Livigtocx rinattnce i,, - equal has ita integi Invented: ,' ".. 's• ' - Y. -Lull ' " lt L l e°' ' 6121 VW:" '' r;•: 7 7 ive4mksisi tbiae a agi pokeimaiiiiictitiers . and parties desirlatto - patellae. will and It Mt' their lawn to mains ow Jitoelt beforo.pur _. ehadng elsewhere. • _ : , ;.PRICE - LISTS . FIIIINISRED . 4Y-,4 , :4:4,lapplkatkaa. 1 ell Malta °: _ . 401{101/MURAL MA,OinNES On hand, and UM Work; Engines, BoUers and oniehluay of ell kinds•got up t $ order prompt ly-and on favorable term. • - - BLOOD & CO. Athens. Aug. 8,180. - c}.4 111 FOUNDRYN WITH 411" OH Situated on Pine; east of Main Btpet, TOWANDA, BRADFORD CO., PA4 amrprepored tolazitisi 01110III,AR SAW MILLS, of the list 'quillty with the kitest improve. eats. All kinds of liseldussy for Mooting and Saw ICUs. • . , STEAM ENGINES; MADE & REPAIRED, STEAM WHISTLES, STEAM ilitafEB, (LOME COOKS' ••:: OIL CAlifS, •' Furnished 'itt - abort wutleo: 'BOLT -t CIITT - TVG, Done trout ito inebes IWdbnieter . ." FORGING:, or - beery wrought work 'for: Bridges. - and nil other purposes. dke to order, Also, a law sesortment of ' COOKING & STOtrKS, Vosl and Wood:Banters; lturniture fdr Cooking Stosgs. Stove Pipe. TiWAWare l , ja w & POwiloo• Pkowb, Cdttrabrwrlnd limper*, kepTeondant- DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS . 'Of a kin& of mseldneiy for mills sod other purposes prepared bl % a Foreman, who haa hadlarge experienCe la thli branch of the badness: . ' ' -- JOHN OAHU/X. Towanda, 04. 29, 1866.—iy. CARR AGER,WAGONS,BIitaGEB THE OLD EIIitABLIERMENT STILL IN OPElki Pacoima to Beynolde s l'allormil Ch., are sow kahring and are prepared Ao. butdak on; abort ,tire .Wagons Carriages .and Steighe;rOl ill ftsmi , ptions and of the latese•und moo 'Nowatgie, red Arlo, end at the best material at the old stand oppdaltei the - Union' Hesse_ _"ln the cen tral part Of Alba Borengb, Draelora County The public anaured:thet the mutation the- Shop hag snaked dining' the bat dr years under Abe eaperinteridence of J: H. Pellovvirdl be More than maintained, as be.. folloida*. tend th eirork heretotbre be he long 'been sad having haunch experience as a , aad , Sleigh Bander, Scald assure the e = that nepains will be, spared by th e thove dim' make the establialuneat• womb of: their pa leness., Thankful as one , of the old Ina for the patronage thus far extended, ire.hope =sit, .n continuance of the sums.'- , • • • ••_ eadendgued, being peastisal mechanics„ can manufacture and' Mks to the pnbile' at' pricer -tbalwill 611treompetithan.`• - , . • JARS FILLOWI3,-' D. W. C. CIIAIID#3,I., • J' 0:111:113T! • Albs Ilareach, 'Spit 15:1111111:i trade. on, the D. SAWING P. BIiALZEIP. res MACHINi SKOP, SHINGLE MACHINES, *TION rmows. CRANDALL a - co.; T OWA ND A CAB,RIAGN The andershpod *waft annowne to the- yablia that they hen parehaseetbe: 0A 4 Be,l AVE. 'l3 o , 01? MEM H ; It Ai IC. I? And are now OfewareitAbgat work Pi', ;T Hi 1,4 4 1 1 'Fit' i t 'll 't.Y..li:E: nand f l Ymilonailibi inannic tarntildkr "moon hand's taaartaaant atatim TOP AND: - . , OPEN 'IIGGIES, 13 13, ..:FAMELY-4 iiaIOGRAT AND -- 1100 bra tr . •.• !.; • • - ,• . . • ~ ,-; Two swap -81,R1111,2 • -." ALL wasx.watiaustuke,z.-1 ullUIPAIRIXO; irOtitittbt : itkeito 0,14; -MbIa•PIPM 1111 . a STULEt doh Mg.1616tr7;....1 • • NSW' L IRO' ; L TheAVirtel e 04 Mot atehkeur br the Bereaglid wads, saa Sled it with the Met modem Mg , hifireeil ii!9 02 1 0r.tb• alelaitittaes 11, ,; , miaow mum a - stalviporsdAs 4111 seam Mbsilier ss I IMMatr , WM am • 4100001 , 405kt5. , - Wel vs 1 doors lop vstivif 1110IIIMINGS,of Istsm k stes sad minors, width ms If "Mk tsis -eas bil basil. , ; t: s t ,-; t , madvjggift r • le. ._7 1 !! C Mird.) stiliSmsdr Pedikdie Ss , 'IA*IIII7O4 ! . tiril u =lisslies 70MIrd, Ugs d rvistatille- skst Wise mg- lAtzGaME4T Bring ypar obt of , ipmvseaslopilr/SOMII Allmilmti .1111,11 grand oat sad • r ar a i . z i t u . 9 1 1 N 4 IIIIZIV.a • "i c 1 4416 Wit IRE, LlFft - ANIS - ACCIDPITAL LINBURILNOW. , - 1911 x. . dAPTINI ISPANIMMI i*PENFkiN ••,• ' • 0:43. .RUSEIIna4,S444IV •-•, • . • • I lot ssis ipuiiimitimi Om. an Filurls,,Maluxt ',mamma Comiaars• • 3i, •••' , •••••'.3 4 llataidelpirid, Capital:sag, sorppus,,esge, f>.;•13550" awls ••••••-•••• ' - f ' • 3,,L • ‘.-.• Of Nest-kari:. S 3 760400 iitimuicidlistairr: or , Nowa Asurauct,l.._,Phigsg_Npi44. Capital and surgoa, °vet,— .... $1,7uv,91.0 lorirmaxcs 41f Netc- rotk.. '1" • copltei,sid Ramis% ovek. • • ;•-.7seuhto iirruralsz papits,•.,l4!.*sait. .. .14:60,000 46iiho binnwiai - • • : I.:olNetiP,lrork.' $ • 4.4. vapitat ina-surplea, over • mein rtriPult ix ontama - 0104:Ward, • .Capitat and sorplos., over - - 4704,600 - - . 4j6 1, t 8 • • • • ') Of tfielti-TorE: C. 4 * l **lllRPhiso Mgr. " • ;If ,0011,000 . wkafßPl4/. over Riskilfakis4orsitekiarit lowlife/40y asskplitek.relistdollerespente. _Sr Policies issued and Losses, it any ; 4a- Jutted at tbkiAgency,theyebi sating the,trouble autexpakse of galstrelseiiltire — for settlement. • • Sir {ye fliktivilterneotitore ot l cut: ditg, • QS- nuwq.L. - =-• - • - pug Isstai C.(wzo Y lIP•trOTITIVADEIII o 110:14Wablet Etieet;'Thftderpilli. ..z Ttlik ComPaYAns nalf PeneenUair inns el -Thininnee . &inlets or keeenge '.FIRE bin „BODONI:el Ilferetiendioe:' nusiture, tbroegbanktbo Biota , of Peimeatialle. on libel' ~ 44_ bog oribeit periods; or -ponweot - It. Of derlieen..ef:Premjciii. . ThelpeolOpipikrineat of ellitei for Lionel in .isg,tbe period oi, neatly . 70, ; yens theisthe Qum bee been in eidstente. entitle, lb ion ePtheyablit.- -• • -1 . Dascroortb o urie..,; : nillbs;-,-bainaei W. 'Jones, JbluC t a BrortkVberles Taylor, Ambreee Wbitit,'4l6ooL. Ifeft,'Didtaid 'Wood; Wm: 'ONION , lifeio Yoreis 4ohn' . .klaseo. Elarritoo,, .Francis Cope. Ediefe, • Trocttr. Wind B. Clarke, thunesitigO;Nre • '' ; ' • .• - ArrAKKA4sofra, Preen'. DUSI4ELL, Agent.. Towanda- L. 411.1011 t SbilnlGAlf IN S x -', nixes COMMnr , • : 1131144/11:111MITVAiriat t . Cli !! l6 ; l !" l:4 ,F. lti l le;l fl int9tir 7 1 1 112 A. 7 +1 ,, :i.,:.3n.000 CO - 21144innefillatditlirie Iniilol3o COM y of *ladle renhaylemill tete itgiorpoilled by the Petiasyly yearl249, for tie Ifutaal anta a f onnt.l7.p mart! only, aitd Isuaelilmetkrtftvdtee- ftmui. fur aper - thOioc4dst, *hick buthasteetriet. ty line* to -5 .Ocer_, • , • - AU ItaineafirhrbeenpionWpadvat, ot Prosaism collectedibr.tastmate Without Making ttos 1.a.• Thelasarance =fte llT ZZ:V i 'l4l 9 l foie rataseleargaitat 1:1 Palm °Pow* $ 11 14 1 1411. 5 fft At t ran meathtion, of _1 . 2 1n ,. 1 " sate lEfauljtatif of-Affildlir:Peetitimaa ; - al owners of sate clam Oortittrrltratimel*. ' - otritaatr, num. PZ69 L. sc. '"LUCIENACTE'IL ' , March 6,'66: Pc. BitiD:r 0-RD , (O:43T:N'T: y ! -'' • • f-I '- ' It* ItTAi H. B. "!.,IcK.N, rtita.t. kiiiint.i6ENT. .' I lialtUible•Varmii-Ititt 'f! . ri otitlee; gni! ond :amp : Lots Soroofo c 1 i..; i!/.:t-;-....:.,c.: • • . ,-.. • • - Prartleit-haoln i propeTtcr for lale -will t in d it . lotheir.adnake bye:eavt!it irderOpt.ion of tae oantoorith Was olio& at ogeSt• to • 114 ties'Are Cot#4944.etphing.tocforms Am, - -' - • • ,-• B. 110fOXEAN, ;,, ::. • 'l.4'" ' bi-: - f - _ _ _-.'.::'.. :: Rail ftiatelitv• ' : ulnae Moaten.T.'o2.l4**, '47oinitidoii - Pa.' • • .140:29.1867. , • hi Pttr.6.oll;llNj) LQ, NRON,AND • • 6,l4laßNlßE.ANDAirffi t jhflh.a 4 NCß, .._ , _ . _. If. -dam - • W,IIIIiin Bt.igliit il ., . s mr . ;•* rviii Sit , . cr. :,- , ..,01:.,1.1 , 4 ,a,,..?w, ‘:,....!., . ;ckplidiliottinfeserielyuisdsvn s 4r • '?:'::-. • (001131. .. a. ' ..: -, ...111071'Xi hiteetola tie lititalititTes:evir ..—;.,- - 141014006 XhitlehormotaittiToporaidiioritgoldN'ii , i - , -37,600 i*lOD.ohorabotioris . _ Alentoselbff:oiopoo*oltor to, ot tteccomoop; Ail. Directopi tat- oluittrOgilinA''. ' " . _._. • s .'' ' "' ' - . ' -`,- laskiroilmeNWT4a2.••4llrantii'Mtiebet, _ • Chillookon-litoog__ ,_tatitittita t;i yi.P9ittY r ,Ch mike, - Jetotph . plas4,,J i .. At ~ AzithThotChiti v ilelkillAto • ';-- formder /Irtiatte-1-.ltalhatthor.,_ ,30.: ffire . asoo.,Epse. , 1 i *woo, ell, gitcb, soot !gra.. A .e1I: -BBBsillkin;i1r.Ohol.;, l'OT'Board. M—Phenix Bank-4h. manailltAto.;'; i TOO pollees of -thteesingoOr-sre tattled ty .si l iV latt i )ledd tOreltl ns Efrinit irk "1 ' VlSOMlViagfik. th goosier. -".4Q4 are .in . l i tt i l ivi AllU i rg ititi l llWA: l 4 :, iallebatoptitOgblelejtihh4tb • , 61 loss. ' 110 4100.40. . i*te-kttegft rld 11101440 I'l :ft u i4 p shot". -ys, after .Oreten top 0; pqt,; They ereWat.ati- 7 co'deell-K. 11.;- lad stortt. - Fitocc.--.4l4.looeittoitc.filloaterViadt solitattes. r ll44 l 4 : 4 V a rttetllNfii* - .. • ii /,. lra - -1 _ _, -- . 4, - - .44,..i 1. -- r ale , . k -,1111.% io6C; Li::-.;.-ts; : •;,_ 0..0 op J.-... -317 11 c;;*• 11 . :X. Ilk 01401*14- ,L i v iirto ..: :'.;.:.11 ., ..Li ar .--*H : - . ..t.:Qiw-•...i f: , ... *AV** *AtAORE. ;,...,......." 414 . 4 i 12 lOgie it itailifila a'abit. ,E k .....1 • , a 'Of 3: •J.' Griffith, =llliottitioathettotooltspOtotient, the &Lib ! 14 4itheAd#C0r 11 4. 419P0 1 . 404, 01 7. 1 4 11-41. " 11 rii - . 41 :4 :e ino iv nikadite • . 1 - ;- \ le. ork•hoitito V itil b 2,09 ..elii4• 41, MailllL ' :et e l l:1 0 1 R liii.:.,o:ll.ltik.it 11144.ifP;iii,'.41 ,. .•E'w . 1, - #l li re•t. l 4 ' 4 1 7 4 l it e t ill I t *a iII i I 11. i i it - . 1 , ~ gettlFotovogooomottde - v ie trU mug mo t at Is w* ; ,l oo4 iilf lit itift . ' ad re.- .. I' Vilik-4 ,,, A! -ItOr 4Pr014: - EINE Mil nra 1 1 1 ' t ctt . ktiEFAßT,, T lMUlterellnirli sioNmaa Parlor Table% at FROB7II.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers