Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 10, 1867, Image 3

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    LOCAL 'RIM. -
- • t, L. t Jane, .sta-IjittaN4 tenlo
OWAl l 4.eigrin .'APOOMEIN?: 4I aPag
Vim:, e v forAfringirf DVlR4a.4ol49rit
' elfro AtAt ' alk
top. ftesOksilby It 190 A. i
and 71P. 41. ' &hear IMIlt. i
Prayer ifeetil 4M7 W i • 1 3 ,1 ,
yesbyteriaa ',.._ or.: 1 .
Pastor. itafitiiigtefal
A. JIL i SIIII .7 P. st.. SundaylkAteol,lficift.
Pu l A rMelli f.,reveri#ls t- 4 Tr.
'prscoimi ativicit.-I.Seiiisnkut=
tor Pre.Aldat 40401.1.14 .
and 3 P. I X., 3 ailltair 1, ii P. X. '. :
, . --.............- , _ WWI
lift. The • SymmriittANl4a
- commeses ite seadcin'iii*Oti, A 1
Thrinct* orei:
omen antlatader*UL ' 3 llfietlii
ceedings RiU 1
.fli4 highly f . n.;
Adverdeera will bear in.;100
that the efroulatteqpfthiCatiOrylitipiii..
er.thaa the ocllignea r or c n 4 , 11.4A141 . 1
other Men l eablia boa! 4l 4 6 m*• l 4 4l
that it Las more 44,4 i , thap, fill ilia sitfu;
Berne dater- printed tilf)
notices label teas every sitheeriberltirbeii
his etibeeeiptioiirkspir r ec . Se*ithe ,
dote - Al tell
,* Fete* Aytteilo *merle.
paid to.- If mistake oceor;. , *firill-ttui*
our subeeribons to glue 9 i s
that the correctian may be'imado:
After a liourrotlvre monthe;
thron,gh• Great Britaillarid tho . .4ntinent,
ihiting q4 , :r;irisziozo** ouFilengfelp
low roltvvoirn,ltairettirled,,
8. 1340 70740 14 1itti1i0, laid/Do/deg
g if it
NoncE.--014." Ifiratiiiuk r
,BOston, Maas., will learn* in'thiii'plank at
the Court House; on Moliday evening, nest
47i - o'clock. •Subject: ,:" What Ileyttion
- shall the Colored Mai: &Atari t'4l theta
wiLlican and Deinocutio• Parties."
bar The new Efardwnie StOre of S.
N. AsprewALL, in the new Nalck BlObk; is
now opened and is the most =complete and
attractive in this section of the, County, he
Seenn to have eve:L.3lldr*, and we noticed
iorticralarly that his stoves Were . of new and
beautiful patterns, suave - speak for the
ones called "Oar Mutual Prim:HY' and the
Brilliant" a successful run. -
wanda, Champions of Bradford County,
hereby cladlenge any Cligt, °Ohs 'belt
" Picked Nine "in Bradford county, -to play
a match game of Base Ball.ondte ehalleit
gers grounds, at 'tiny time the parties ac
cepting may appoint, for a -lbtst and ball.—
any communications addressed,
Voczar, Secretary, wilt receive Trossittlat=,
tendon. '
.- •
Tng kauatoao.—The
Lawrenceville Railroad Oompeny now
efficiently organized and . Awed. It is
not our pitrpotte to excitettable k ez-,
pectations in the publio mind, hit then
reason for hope that the'broad*llle'eprll.
structel within the :.The.
survey, • we limn, is going' on' nob; quad
though this is a,prelt. {nary which „
itself significant, taken with thelattendszt
circiimstanceie it il3 not barren Ofproinisp:'..
It is to be hoped that the right way
be granted without haggling oi—illinliV;
fof the chief benefit to be derived;ircrin the ,
road, if built, sill accrue to the oivnerat of
real estate. The people: floStler be
liberal—Tc'elishurvi' • •.'••• •••
CliDhiNCip OAN.A44•ZTENSIO.4.7—Wqrk
o:4oe4last i ‘ii4ek
says " the contractors on the Chenango Ex
tension have besnaiotilledly-Cdtandision
er Hoyt, to stop work, as the appro.priaff",
for the canal Is' exhatilded: hive ac
cordingly •petitioned the Canal Bona , to'
h aye their contracts '904.49,N41#14.41#4
'work raeastirif ,uP, -to She; wolVtlustithSy
may receiv e
have accordingly . been ; • Ordered, to pooped.
with tbe meseozement of tae'ldrle . ,
stoppage of work oi;tto 43
sion„ is a ieti otui detruneatto4liftvio . htt l. ,
self, fold proye . ,it:X4V . /Os* #, )- 9#l .
state: Itiittai - soshethiriiptiore.thest half
eompleted,':llo 'fia:a - InC 4 *.b o ol l #o#4o:
by the-buik: /4 11 4 1 .4 1 44, as 4.:*uli-have
been, it might , lrre been •eomplebill mad
boats rt*lngli#ApNierlear;"
N, Hot For in' Wm' J4,l3rrotio tint
Ilmsuisren.—A complete lructory of
New States and Territories 'from 'the Great
River to the Great Omar. -- • •
Life and •Adviinture - , - cm 'Prairies, Moun
tains and the Pacific ckii4.,-...i.Witik:over
Two Hundred Descriptive and Ilmtntritik .
ie Views of the Saiiiijtsitiee,„-tinndli s .
Mines, People and
c niiosities of. the Great
West ; by Arrorwr HirinsiosOir.''
To prospective emigrants and settlers. in
the " Far Weak" this - Eristiny'-of : gukrkii i
and fertile region will prove an' ittVratielife:
assishost, ,- inpiliiii as it , debli4WW:l;Mig
felt of a fulfinithentionn m
d *in - giddii fb
climato pioductEi, &shine* landitiek
..means of travel: etc - etc., with In elids*._
ate description of its • wrniderfil l resources ,
and =developed wealth. _ :work ;Ss
mop Historical
~ and..
_descriptive -in His
chamter, and is . netripillticale Wi4l*,
• The *genitor this valoshlON , Ori
main in town 'few Age, epd *45:47'
mend him totho'sionitet and pike:4l*n .4
oni citizens andirast he will sleet With OM
success tinuuniMi with the: nig4, l nniii4
of thewark.,:,.., • '. I:-,,
Two Mortis: rOis liamso,. 10-I:4r
\ AT : TEM Onliii,l tscoised 14 Af/lfre
\ limn AgricaltiTiatfoi Octeliti.')9 .-- I!i4
,klutt an our triatill' add Silabli paper.-
-We know of ixo engin Irldekirel-terge i'
arn\unt of truly ialnallsjjliitereiatiVeia
instuovs reedingniattereedd be, simile
a faint at so opsikaprice is &Olathe:4
tion to a.. A. * trig- i Esokiss
tairum . .1 ,‘ . ~1- ~ ,-1 , ..-. —i4F5716-
50 flab ••! • fogs,' nanzikiii . tta very *os,
Is and bean*. Here, ;in this October
nuniherossfil in addition to *l;lP*
atabuiidf "ulna 6' in/Orilla*: brii* 01%
g est k i nk sic. , - '# 01 : 0 632 :i!rt :Itgrititliii
severaLot whieheassongliss-tototecipsa.
sire ever found iirt, kiiiiiidj==.
ilisic alpti
- This mini:ter is - ot t i zestr waiiii riies
subsozipiaiw .:Vhe Coat disuismiciat Ag
ricuihrri7,d 4 :00110 — iiii k iii li,
or fourboiles - or tia. ' TEL ttalareldr#
that valna.ble.jentnalfrrs 4he trietaininir
two r. In°lo3lB o rthleal 2 N4 41 IY.IA; *KO!
° magi-WA 481‘.1174) iirisi . litikeir.
ad Q .
Rubee irt±o l /0 40 ,f.
vfrie 4 4434: lil t 'i44 iigniitil
terms.•- It Mil Uri* bi benellto
and istotbeKiiiia iniestskanathiSts
childratil‘fintskiptionvilitrtddlbilo 7 7
the Pagebe,l it
_fluDil tar..
its _ , ~.
the store _
litr. Oliaa.
ten.t. PausonsatW . .. 4 1 .80.0
fitiviikamOliwy • ' „ • 1
M AT • -', • A tj
ilt *co litlifo - *Lao
L ElliotiCalf.olly.664444ltl
;14111 # 441 V,=..
iiiiiii4* 1 • c ' ''
'itg O*4olooooo
v a t....4 = 6 0.„L416, - 3 .. it:,cii . oc
the-• mrnotug a It i ii 141
ngliti do r
4 1 1 . 2 0c 1 ::i,;!! 1 04. .
fkif:YA4 ll .4.iiiiii4othif
thot , *bkiwinita*atr
Of tigifirdiMesiOtß
l i ener e l tlrh ail ki ;
*►en 1 "4 / 4. 9 * ° l Atii
4.6*v:to were
DicoteheeNiere lord
, 14211421 4 ± 1143 0 6 4/4
i . Th ;broke*:#ll
' '' e* , t . e .' , loo*44,V4
iotiit;•aireat i l l
Court and,P lo .4iih
tourse Ciiitua4ea Ta,
ei l eday4itiire,l6o*, , ,
dry ; :the new Meacurie:fia4. of
i o 4o;.*.faii4oo. za.l_3.l),di
iiiitri4o.l3isitati4i*Odoe v iti
1r tiffeeit - othe,r emaper ea 4111014
,AILIIIMBthieI3 fill° Mick rUpil'OiOri:
(iral 'ipaibderi'diiO4igs lieifabio bii
We heard the. kmaea 4.41'6 1 mb:41
thate g i c l k 9 / 2 g f ; V'49-9Q t o
Gut the P!r•S%iiiiiiidopinfoii isieeined'
lies-et.MONO. ' . There , Itrea: . !fro
one - aud 4 half notes grohodib.
, .
WPT / 31 = 0 *(Yroir; 00erit-'l3 . 1
i l pht..lo:thers Agigiociation met 6. 1
adjournment; and was called to o '
the President. De' i rfoits4 exercis
cionanoted by
_Pm O. it. Cob.
minutes of the last meethig were r I
on motioti j itirprov4 Tl o roll -
called kl ..o the
appointed at magus ueeting
ont a listiof riiiirmi,ottkifi r.. 1
the association. Adjourned till 2
Affernoinit.' iftbilibbr or
t, Wet
013 ;:e 16 #4ichis - te l o4E44iati, PPE
was appoint ed to U tha vacane
committee mid; thellifipoii wined
oepted:l,llX . 2i
Resolved, That ti6, - 4,4414-thWig'.
school, eithei aa thei r :prope*ty'Of
'er or the districk aoqpr_of Web : 1
Vi r ciittite;ti .
,„ : 13#111ndgca pictionary.
This resolmii9kW4 ilissritased .I).Y
Ohnblitick i 4esititi4d•Ttitimpotoit
, .
Resolved, That tyre bit Added to
of text books recommend6d by t
mitteli_ appointed to' repoif, birthe
text bookii"the Scriptures PI the .l
New Testament,
Bch:to I.tie„iisciteaph da
as die
nitY.ll3o*9 PPskexPidie"ri44°P
rifit*ldiOti e4led 441,
cuss - lan, Pailicipated inbi'thessrs.
t s ;tiAtiT‘tti JaePnto; - Com' Gbh.'
1 0hilbbuok. ThompsotLottered the
ing amendment: • • r
Resolved, Thiii we Sitin4itli reeo,
*it 110- 44. 11 ..k1etre4. in kin our
without comment, and that Bible
;be amulatto quahlcatims! of the
Amendment lost. IteiblAtioli at
' NalbiXeicsg
appointed a 90344 u An , mere'
.Whfolif‘i:cininiiitee iiionfijectbi ne
bers. Mr. G. P. M .
oninti 'and Reza
n committee . to Ataiiyarigras •
signed- to the members of he asso
Theisport4 thkedinibit etrp .,
lit k" di Pligk l ii*ita44 chi m
joiiii46llli n'ileelci-Pl ... , cy'. •.: . ‘
•Itc?gtig. , ?B e iAeri• *4 4" 4' s r.* , l. -
43 n9PAV 8 .4 31 464iii4 with 'a lectnie
'S. F. Colt. With ; joy we irelcomej
Ariiinfoid*ifi.4Woia ighiikii.iai
- ( A,Oritinheope.*el'niay be pernlit
cieft4kii 3 O tf90144,i4.:14i) - 001 - 41
i63 - ;;Akir Avis . readv* - I.Biranw Po
MtlieU9l3:.iiii:Sbiobweii:, - fii
read I T itoiii lifurSn. '::pin 2; 1 :9Eil
ildroniial iiiiBl o'clO - 44
_a. nu -•-
,`, . fishrelar kiforeisoi-:;Dev tonal 433
- . o oiiiiiletyld**,.ql4s23, :. :24}4
: litudzieiabiing I . jitt ' f.4tpie.r. tie next'
was lixed'af :14t4.'; I •.'
- i The followinifiesolittkini of the ,
tee warVa t ken UP. J e4i
• - Resolved; That a each — Onartel
of this anociadmiltherestiallbe
by the President. twci OrOlut,'w)
:it shall be to prepare and teed
rdeptiux pimp womeziit ,
title subjects, which sublet
been selected by the asseezetion,
.That at each p
theelobon there.
witted-0f those whose
loot and , report subjects
are to be prepared in f
foregoing resolution;
be presented at Its 7
ing the ono
read, which-papers
members of t/49,11
40 11 , 11 ,,T1W Ft
tionsadcipeed. l u•
WraPtiTi ofSkA ,
for his subject, "the.
tovomm Two,
Colnmida," ani
-the eubjeePtii
1.47,1.4 14 , 1 ng0Z
the " laziest man in
tion of the oialataiitea:
µ ,
4 tii
ji tion t e
tit spv:
• *eit
one to.
der by
•:d and
o mak*
beds of
; IA
°bum - ,
"as ac-
• •
ter's or
I the list
1, e cow Df
id ana
in the
- -her
en logy.
: r8 1 3 10:
• ba tut.,
au adw-
I. • Res:
.aok to
eflutia - -
i *the
7. Dec!.
• hation
ere see `
g of
im- ton.'-" ~. ~-,.% .A..-. - : 'QV 5-•;.
4.' :_itreedbllibir Maw 10 1 0'' -- *lC'‘'`.`l'Petet
* N. "°1.4 J . a i iP al i:%ias ' illiKo l #4
to PWlPen4 6 , Par! cat44)44l gmi 4 Wi
*ittly." Wm" me.... WA S to ran's. tt
earkthisto.r7: 0 ,t ) ,,..-iitnetibi),
9a3414 and Week BurAugtelt. - "11161:144,
per. # 3lO be Teed et tbe Februetr meeting
fc'lkvin IPPentmein wen made
Leo - , • Prof. l - Leelrel ; EBee*tv - Adis ,
reigpaokaeand,• Ellen Zohnaon. Bee#o3s,,
.414 Benjamin, Adds Plisractre. Bud.
neee!tMumittlo, i &v. ii.z.t, H. 0.
poay, 4400:40tuttui,•=i}w8iamis '. b
Anwi MYez . ,j'-'-
i ' ll t .a fatti " ibi gi li s " "i t a4tii449tek
r ad opt"'..
' ' 1
: m . low; tbbb tre WO? *thanks to the
,er WOE Butheito - for the use of
met, ° 4 act...l l **emelbellitted
bt moment' tbe • setsny and
Y in Elitezabei tint ,'
''L' _ "0: - ' " 1..... T. EMMY, Pres'L'J. I
} 0:c !
t •-•- • -4,
sake 4' faiy iwtbe Mt* pite
I =' : Von:Parartford, Oonn., =Oil() Of thi
beet • .mpenles now in - existent:4k 'IL A.
4genk - Eitatelt. • .
Thee Nottli
of Vigversaliats F140=469*,
ido,44t Attigui, Biadfoig. o`oanty, Pa; oz
_Wednesday*lll Thur s day,, Oct 30 and 3 / 1 111867. 1867. Srixam 13cOoopt.
• &raiding Clerk:'
, Optcial Notices.
Pciit 8414,--T-iv,bboYA at the ; Vi'riird
tra n i o. , Towanda Oct. 7, 1867.
... . . . .. .... .
."! :Zip,,.mtittitiiSt of :the - ladtes- is -call
od -to sfisailinwra'a stock of Fall and Win
ta, Ifillinery Goode, which will 'tie open
Thu:allay Ootober-10.i:- -- --- -'• - 8w: • -
TgareitixosThe Bradfdril County
Tennian, n os Union will hold its next meet.'
ing atthe Court House, in Towanda, Wed
nesda ,
' October 16. Every friend o Tem
peran eln the . Ootoiti is requested to at
tend; 1 every town it is hoped will send
delegi r tes;. • .
Th MariageM would & . meetly pray ev
-eg 1 0 , ex of morality- and •Rod - order, to
give this organization their sympathy and
aid. ii ',, S. W. &mow, President. . :
Osrkl:Brteu, Seimetary.. lo.lw.
. ,
seiliz iv
,- De' rrr & Drrriuott have a; large
stock f Pianos, Organs, to.,whioh they are
very cheap this fall. ,
In e line of secondhand. instruments
they have nn elegant 7, Octavo', Bmiewood
Piano *a sr& .fine 6 octavo t rosewo o d.
doub reekeabinet organ, for slfto. These
ins ,i. entekare nearly new. .- -
, . - "..-.
. .
-ler dor bean , toss by fite OotOpels
us to fiek allperaon I - indebted to us tolnake
ai Wig* , effort td_ help us new. We :need
it no*, , and.shall feel. very grateful to our
friend, if they. NM . remember: 1)e at this
time Ith material '
_ 00111)3X6 & .141;1138;13=
Testi:el:4Al*. 13, 1867.:
_ Awn , %, OK TIN
-Prx.t.--44.11ds pipe is lined - with ' BioOk''.,lln,
and d` 14 not makeVater poisoner as the
water: Oa not i come ,ill contact:, with the
-lead. i• tTs reconunended- by the , Croton
Boarililot .Newr.Xciik.--and -by 'the Water
'Boards/ alid.ThYaWialis of all the Iprincipal
'dues. , : , , , it is cheaper than common lead
pipe.ll3peelmens may be sees fiat aim stem
- , iitunTicr.Bacansas it Co;
Towanda, Aug. 26, '67. , .
lit 11
My.- A anger- wi give me ne3
:peace, she says I have many broad acres of
•land,besides 510,000 in Goyernment Bonds;
and won't' buy her a Pia.* what shall
I dot j The'eoho answers o Peuittand
Dittric Temple of mud& and
of thoaosoolutizzhigPiano . Fortes,. whose
bass elands „like" the roaring thunder or
the Is:aiming Of cannon and viose treble is
more musical -than-40 hand organs, and
i"Pene 4 like - a river etinder," :will flow
tthront- your, konwlield. Instaimmita to,
vent - o 'for sale on instahnenta. 'Alma and
'mat great bargains, 'Arden from
!teachers mi ' sPecua ll y solicited:- Sheet Music
‘sent :
. . .
, Cards, of all kinds a
Caoestittio's. Book Stoni. •
' . s44s. . Yon WAsznLY, . connecting
t ith 7 tyriins.East and West, leaves Towmada
w in
'ye orning at 7 o'clock, and-willcall at
d " gs, foy inunsingers it - naineti and id
dress s left at the Post Office with Messrs.
live ik Bute.. .. , . • -
* ',Stage retFrning . leaves. Waverly on arri
iar.ofrevemng_rtrams, from 43t and West;
' • Ailq,;;/ , / 867 : .
_-_ • . . .
. .
ai foilpwB :
1 , October 9, Orwell-hill schoolhouse.
"Hlr., " JO, Landon , . " •••
Standing Stone, " ii; •Stevens ''"
WyelMmig " 12 Wyalusing "
Tuscarora. "14 figring bill s" "
GamAown. "15. Camptown . "
Wllml/t " 13 Sugar Bull
Tony , " 17 Tarrytown
•AsYllocm , ,. "/ 8 Lalkate , '
"Towanda " 19' Borough• :•
Rome " 22 Borough ‘, -
Litoheld "23 Center, )
Windluim " 24 Cttykendall
Warr = , 7 " 25 Bowen Hollow
Le::i Ei " 26 Borough
Sh . '.uin. ". 29 Lower valley
Ath ~ 1 " 30 Borough •
ibnitl4ld l' 31 Center *
Bilmy, Nov. 1, Burnt= -
Soo '_Oreek " 2 Gillett
W -1. 4 Bowly hill . r- ~
.Columbia "' 5 Auslinville , .. "
4rWt6eiti " 6 Center . , o`-' " '
,westlstirlington ",.7 ; Westßur. (tn.
Wysoi I" 12 MYersburg ' , ' - "
,Ulstaz " 13 Village • _ .. -- -_:_:-..
Budthgton "14 lat h ers M i l ls -.
Allmilif,anilOnaton " 16 Wiz
Mop*, bozo '" 16 Boroug h'
[‘firs. .- "48 ' Canney
Graneille : "J9 Center', - -
Lakiii,ft, 23' , Ourituni
aiiii9VAl" -2 /1 4,iirouSh
ffejkl_? l , l .Pc'r°3 l 3 l ./
a tat
' : ex.
Atan, Attw o li n2l -lie cna ..a elay ll J
it:li r e:a 1,
151,.114C- gs
or:a= teiin v.;.
!t i sk MA*
Daiftis2 02; Orninne ,
Advanced Draw
ofeVefy. di:
~14, 1 , d roAkti
.." tZis'
• - *Am
" • ow*
ofsmadiaal'Aust , ..,
thiftitiaitat - Olga t .
' ALl44,lz:iia ...A k4titrOji, - 4.40t,..
"Ifer A non assortment ..ot 'rratnea
/ boa)
bank Ebil . tear at Sistemny
a / 41 = . *Mat' - s
hallitAla . I .dai l sta. .
;dem patinae .
_mdtafala for Mbiafei ',vitt' of
atol - ,5 ,,7, ,fialw...7 AY i , faci.4
, ist i go if • Eliterofi. -.. - t ' TWA;
lint • ' . riamee, uard ' , r- l'aise
ts Acr4 - Attiljatorma dr : - ' e , , 'a Aid
, ASW iv.) .P,Z . 37:- 1?,:1 , . ~ . ..lft• ; Ts .a
'1 ~t •„:1 , 4 ;*:2l - _,: , .'.,.. 1 , Z ,
fficietV ir e'Pig i l im ,.., L ,..._ ‘ . l2o ing B * 6, pcpc.., ,
. ...; from .....wago' Mar Car IN
~. OVAbge. ;ova made'iff Nortikere '
• Citalt YPPl E Piatarea.' 1
tam 4
gratem,_ il *mutat or boloiii i
either from' ilfe'Cli - csslidea from Oa* Pic'
000. 2. ' -,--,... ,: , aiXl4llO aIiNIALISL
:.-7-o.s',v,.: i , L , ,,, 0,, 71 . 1 .1 ! ......,.,,
_n;:), . l'.. II k . iiml, •
Tiosi..- - Qn Suiltiv,,,%#,,ilf4AB6l,'
!!lack Plaid Shavd . ;Alutplaidiciarte and of
coarse texture. The :ihider viall.beXuitably.
ikArardett by huiviririt IA thi IrsionvireelV
4oe, Towauda. • ,WrEe4so Leur AND ,
T i * P A4 l oo 9 .lPlntiVY=
~', ; 44.4. ..
ligtoPit.iiiA,Pciiiton , 4*Bp4ileri
e* Syatesi of Peli)iiluiihip;irapiv•'loJoll
6 thrgi lit P ll 9o' B ol l o 1 1 * , - 1 #441:4k,
- -- - - , . ~. . ,
.„ .
1 .. I gisii - ; : Pas 6., -- : . -;,Benks ''.. iiitd . .; - , Meitfdr 1 ftli:
uini"etieraxini*M,„4#oo4itetted;:if.' :
1 i . :-.:•.!. , *.L, .'.."- ~ 0.L.;.:4. . *.-.f. i 41; -77,.i :- .
, Nair Papet.,.af fel , - 61Ifielopiii
~. a
. .
old -Prices f :...We - bate j ust muted ix large:
'aid well selected stock of EtivelopiiS, ~ Paper ,
and Stationery, of all kinds,whiet hits been:
, bought at prices urbiekenable rut to sell at
I 115 . 4:TVIree , , tIM. - inime s goOdiebtilit ur :re'
been purchase. for_ before the,*ar. 1 ball
and examine, • ' "f .•.` 'Azvonti r&E
'-' /10 1 ` . ' Our ob. fri ns au ens era
i 1
If@9` . 'Our ' ' ' 'e . a.' .ria'`Viifii t '•' •
find us :with a full stock of ritkidtrre.
~ ..„ . . ~.
In our - USW, : . ' , %• ~ .IStgire 4:2 ~ Rine. ,st , eet
about - 105 feet avast of. E. , T.' For...ii :- : cot
boat , of. Powell's titere, , Orhere. we invite'
to call and buy goods - cheap. 'l , - ,- H i 4 -', '', -7:
f 1. , ; .1 i •• - . 'l'toriminulk - ..t 11,F=4..'... : ,1
-• r Towanda, Aug. 28;4867. - .-' - I .—. 4
'lLfr- : • . -•'. ' --''''' - ''' l l • 1 .. 1,
i,• - ,
QUARTERLY_ REP a pf 411'6,''don . di . talozl,
of the Fizat National Dank of -.Tee - aide, On
tlie niorningOttlie linktlinnajr tif flOtober
: , -1 , ....
iits.6 cg.§. - .: - Hi
Bills Discounted:— ~' -:. ..: . ,$ . 141;
V. 8. Securities deikosti t . loBl:,..;
I Treastutn..llnited Pia . .:.....i \PR !
11 8 .• se' °HI/ 11 4 3 ' 914444 0.:......... ‘ , ,, , ;.11
- ,l3anking Horse, Qver ..i, i tiiiiiture_and -.
Fixtures....' .... . . ~• .. ' . 1 . ' t i 's.
Edperisea. i - ' • •
Cash itennik... .' . - ' ..l'.
.Due from National - Banks. .',.,:. ..
Dne from Banks andßankere..- : :
L6Ol Tender,NOte.:s iniiiiiaid.... ::$
150tonallkuak Notes ' ..1,...i.. -... 5:
1 5446,846 24
.ital •
Buzplta Fund .. . ... .. : . 22,50(PA0
Circulation'. ... 00
Individua s ite;:.l) . *O 1136 2 -20
United' 80ifos PepositEri.::L.... 2 , 65 68
Due National Banha; 1,560 , 68
Due Bankers . ..... -
i 370.60,
Profit; ano 1055... . . ;
97 -
$44 10 s 4.
N. N._Brrrs, Sa e
.Citakier of-,ihe First
Ntitlonal „Bar• To4ande v : ,. 'solemnly
swear that the ..abnve- statamentiOrne to
the best of my knowledge and belief:'
147. N. 13,rms, Jn., paShier.
Sworn and inbidibad before - nibthis Bth
day, of October,' 1867. ff
• 7: wittais, Notaryrat;ilc.
- •
, ,
COOLBATIOH—AIni OUT t -dn- /Alonzo; 4:111
the ISt of Octobni, b Ibri. HallochArta
strong, Mr. Portia IL Oxdbaugh,taXiss
Emily A..Arno4;,all.othf l olTxt.
ituiDIC—PEITER=LIn tierriek, the 3d
t inst., kry,Eld. Wm....Lath/ow-11i. 11;
Hanna, and Mias !dtula 'both
of Wpduaing• • '
BTALFORD-4.4.1/043i-t Rev .' (haft
at the 'residence of the bit eiFather, Oct.
7, 1877, Mr. Edaiard'D.;Stallerd, - - to Milis
Ella T. Vanghn,dno , ghhit ottlohn'VaNol3,
• ; of Wytdasing.
• '
IDALENEADicZniki -lit.:6At
ocTiage • in- Tarrytown,' ,Dct::01887, by.
Bev.. D. Oinft',' lir:Theater Tfollenhaek
1, ! to' Miss, A.debn Keeler both WPAIIt
HAW:-:rTIIEHT.f-:-Rt. Omaha, Neb., Sept:'
22, 1807; , at the' resideziciq ot, the [ brides
brother, - H. W. Reid; Eig., by Rev. W.
B. Slaughter,- Samuel B. Shaw, Esq.,. to
Miss Susie Field, all of Otnahti.
Vtiesday Oct. I, at
the residence of the brideslather, byßev.
L B.' Lake, hid:-E, B: Kelley: to Miss
Amelia M. Smiley, all of Leßoy. : _ .
SCO'ilt--STENIIOI:—ItY ger. J. T. Brion*.
ell, at the MeE..,Parsonage t Towanda
' Oet, 1867; Mr. Winfield Scott, of Liber-
ty Oe
m ineors P eton . and Miss Pithily E.Stervens ! r . •
LYON=44Trirxlll.--By; the same, 'at the..
same. place, Oct. 3, 1867,..•Mr., Adin ' dr
Lyon-end Miss Oatimrine L: Maki; ixath"
ofiWyalusing Pa. •
;Ig wt ij s,INGt
TO PURCELet;'.i" " TIN! P. •
.. • -- ,' .- .! ~, - - -_, -- ~
I i The niideiiignect, bayfag" . ottabltibidlitmse" *lf
at Wyalusing, respectfully informt- the Citizens
of thlt.titinity„thor kt
. : prepared td tazalik
L aft Wavle of . , , . • s " '1
'On theahortest: not lee. ..,0A I irianufnetnie the
goods myself,4am - • entibra t 3 `offal better in
ducements than dealers who hire thelivilidt
done:; Uerchsfits suppll&with e*ei.
Ms et, the Joirest •ratesria Everytliatikild;
. - • •
ißavetroughs and Tin Roofing put, on in the
Most 'approved style c nnd on short *ice.
-_,_:93ive me a call: • Shop In Store Rouse
• ' 'it-Y- 1 11 1 LTZFX ,
s WYslusinnitrePtnii,lfitit g•-?P:
Towanda, Deg.
, /an. 4.
) regni exinnba
ietirPlate of tench
)/!t for those P
rVulat :woad
lomat - from the
to,aaploy t 1 442411,
12113110 at .9 a. za.",'
=Ws nnalindably
Antkno *ore than
lon_ from Abroad
PROPOSALS will .bp 'Teceive4apl,
:144i itchier 10th, at the otter( Of Aisr.Tdok
over 14.13. Russell & Co.'s Bantrwhere_ Ohara'
and sgeoftlostions pay Imam ' forthodialtirery.
et atoms gettable to:. the, • tontidittiqu,of a stone
_ l %_ l o* Ingdhig to be elected upon Watt Ad-.
joinin . g the Episcopal Church.' on Main
in the borough of Towanda.- 1 1 0 1 10 . 8 01etwilt
-alckla received- for-iprep•Aine •-and-b&ggre
oons inAnnentin4 rtioittarj 4.4lthie
tag Ifridityllig the stork:2 ch_mktiralatt"
Mentos WY be Minh** lot bekre
the first •of March next . pr- 4 ttll9 Or'
7,1 il'ayments to be nidde In cash, when , worlds .
VOmPletelt or !APO, I VII*EM - Yriftiteo 7 `
't11?" ktiaPlE
Comity , :, - miust .1*
rig sithgeL ,‘Sekoot
BTBdY &twat 0., •
Of the sabecribet in Herrick township,.
AbOtit the let day oL.fabvsternaltlikown Year-
White in IheibieWid. : The owner is le
lnested to_ Pim PiTilfs" 0 1e5
tailtliM rIWW
• -1
4 / 9 100if00143 -1 61: 44 ' '
8 trf `'J
New ents.
ost.t.a 'maxi
r :
, -4g,hooifratoos tiott
t f , 1 / 4 - votk-osiv
4 33;111.
- 0`•
. ,
i tl,-c..;1.0k..,•i)f.,,,...-0.:.A13..T.,,
. 7-fa.t."*.ii •
1.3 .
000 00
450 00
w It
W li
g). ~.).?-...J:•!,1
500 00
5 17.40
1 - :5 1 368'.03
, q144i131
1760 75
I. , . ~_ . i
i ~'~ `' ... 't~
L --- '
I:' ,- A k - ;i:"l4'l . Wf. ..
....7-0:' ti , :trs,o:, ' '6
I •
. . - . .
• . .
„It: •
7 , , • ;.r. ,, A;
__ a ...• , . .
7 i.7 , .:1 i'',:,; f',l . . t. ,f-,1
- Vt
k , ` ' -.,•: :111 ,
7 :-Tcf.i. ;?.
.•.i . )4
I.J ,
102 f !Ts - -
'45 A*, tt y
.61 k) 0
4 • t r
.V.iftr;!..l) •
7 0 1 3 Ali .
1- 1 . -
%..404- 1 5 0 t.
, 1 : 11 j1 1
.1 4S
. re7yr
at , • , TYPTO.,II'4I.7trAIJtro
- .ever
.. a .-,„ ,
14411 , 41 0:4„ /414:
- • -
Oalbeig.W var,T !lAA 44'7 4:
A. - 3
.t; 4151:.• ,dattrer
4 t„,. _
tr/OVI '
1 : ,
:: r:, ,fir CD,
- 0
1- :eV
; •
4 i~..~.
. i . r
i 0 .4
:. i :: n'till,
' 4 e4 ~
, ( 1 • r
A i
L` .. 'A
A:, F. ..' '1 %;.;.i.ii.?i' ..,1,
1, •
i . _
fi:TT f.: , 1 4:lv
t" '_ r.
~~i `
ia ; 1210 , 61.6 , 7. 1 i, pii:trinviiiika
Sherif Virf- pri i A ". Ittlct:i7, rirv; b ill -
1 1
I M-lUZT laioll l l s I --. RVA
1 . L le‘ ! l - 14 r $ f*f-.A 10 44 I M4MISIMI n g att
10=4.4 4' 41W iShitsetytpaistings,
G01d...8",1 .icrikalz
rend ) Aveotaolco v -ve 111011
riititi...v.:4i ll- 7. l me r ntzt. t • 2 ,,,
I tt
1 i 3 11 1 rAI9regiig..,ki* t r.
genet: al ataima r if i l r iu ' In-
I fdit44#l,Mkal° ' ' IrP a 'ar
lia r
p anes Altaic - 0 ~rm
~,,,.. ra 1 . 1 . ,
h r 4 0 .0. ~,"-' 7 1 .:0 - *Z9' 0.: ''',....1 cr i i -- - 4 •, . 1
• e uur utodi ti o w e i ie t iAki gai t
Y witA ggitiegioe'w* a
vi t en,:
.47: ~;
un" magas- pan oac a
Tertka9Fi *a - a :,ak,go -4,4
. . _,,, -•,, • - A , -.... .
',anus 'qr ati v onvi niiiik , .:l. - AT,
. 3
i • . ~-
2 ,:. , .„..., :,„ 3., , • -
44 2 airer batgaintielailioho • fay
; ,
ty, t ~.,,;,t,t,c,.. c - ,1. , it-A ~; .:
t -i,:-: -;.-5, - i,
or up vie their a.pettronage• I Call
and lee -UB.
ano m y:
-READ ir.LOluXei it Co., havej.
- eig#Leote-ipteri4hiN,4lieelr.
Tovrtuada,;.whe're they're.-- .
everything in their
.line eheap;.f
Cash, Call and gni tharn and
.3 #4 1 ,0f thiCiPi*tkitYCr')
~,..... ~: isufaflgu ry
W U A. Olt AYR E R
ase sioce 1,. dilly
krply to' stock. the line of '
he keeptehe . • ,
InTOWS • .Al4El4a- I .
And a well selected assortment of :Wif3B
WATCHESpaII , warranted .to run well or'the
monep refunded.... He kx.epuon hand alsrgese
sortment of the celebrated
sib :'ito3e4kB.'
And the .
/ 1 44021 CALENDS`,, CLUCK,.
sEiltiOr otticeil
mat a good stock of lino
theiplateilline. he hes Rogers Brother: -
Heavily plated ^
Breakfast - & Dinner Castors,
Elegant treble plate doable wall
0 I T
Handsome:: Cake ,Baskets,
8UTTER;.,447.410,7 .D,r4=6;
Pickle Tqa ilvltsa . se
°HUME** is)**: 1 04 . 1) 1 41 tie D. V
' .•.'
Fdmily Matitti - 71, t
These Medial mei homier to -all of for
family use, for the following reasons : • ' •
They,sewlritli two threads dieect from the,
spools, and require no rewindistl;•:_.: •-•,7z
They are • more easily -understdod- and lased,-
and lees /4 4 ` - ,t°.4P/Pgenenti4u l 4 ogletPir
chines'. • - tf,;"
They are ,capable of ~exectiling
viithotecitimge of adJitstmentr; n mtich'graier
variety : 4 .work than. oibe; machines. , t
..The stiff* made by-these Machines ittMiell
more firm, el .stic, and durable, especially -Upon
attledes which require to bewashed and h'ed,
thinany othernitch. tie:
This stitch, to the mannei
the under thread is witriought, ivattith • lima
moat ifintopind beautiful:lm use v 4md•rendag•
gib piss and'obeiuty;•etetrupon•irtleles.
fres:Featly waalintranit . frogitid; antil-thaYarei
woniout. by 1 , :•••• .. • • r
-.The stractanrof the seam . Li snob, thatOhot
it be cut or broken at intrvals of•cuilya felt ititches, it will neither n, run, nor ravel,
butlimudita firm data
• Unlike other machines, these fasten both
ends of the seam by -their owit operation.
With these machlnes, while silk is need , upon
theerlarht nr•face.bidd, of therieAnt tOttifit Mat
be nsed upon the other side Without lessenin#
the air enEavor durability .int the, ses2ll: ;This eaapi dove on no other hmithine, andis*reat
savinguponarticles r ,stitched, or, np
ttome. - 1 a •
These machines, in addition to their superior
merits - air instruments jer setring(texenatn_the
mast beautiful * and'Permatkent enibrbideryand
• Yorttui ger'SeithigVnehirk4Netliels,4itl
articles perishing to the unichine Misiatuis •
• 31,,U_ I 9 _
TDn can get at CflAlUarniatS'4o.4'
•••• • ..
pAtislrit - '‘ . 114 , 10 , .F9RT,F4.!
ititietor'made In lug Rata., ~W Wllistecturf"
err Yerirs;and to stay in tune longer thin any
other.. Keeps on hand the American and Treat
ifandsley A Co , celebrate&
,1 ° 1%7 t t
wm . ch'for'sweetness of tone al4d styleetinian
tutu* beiinpaseeC fAsetittitihjor kr Asiebief
Lodgesieenteszteeotellithhoms ehele;
a. general assortment of 'other- mnidoSi
meats together with Violin; yiolincello Strings
BridElai XNetait iiS I 4.4CIVII,
BeAlbet Qat I. do, nrit depend upon the
sale waisted' Instrument( lint 404 gr;, octet
tinently siatx wittlitg to fees' small a.
74 • rit !-1.•
WATCSAND'CLOCt. ;•Pest =mar t se.n.Ripitatlortatei.:
anda, July 18,1867. -
p TlOtrtatlt NOTIQE t
, The,tutdankned would respectfu ll y-4lva no
tion talbeltlrlenda and', the public generally,
that no goods will ba sold ;; . • „
1 : 1 A T E,T _A. I L
,At tb,eix Store gter tho
An 4 Actanults 4414 PAM vtrra-"""-
tle44titherlstit -rj a.
• Towan* MY...1/3'0126
ty., OSti=aaliree, lititesoindi gi Sit by
-iii4il;evai date - 11 , 0011e 4066,1 b e, RIO: .
qtielir '3.41. Kiehl ; (ATV". IMIS ,
off , • tinetrititilt• t.i7i1.1 4IOC
ARVID.' 7i' toe SR %Ilkilen i111:10
I:WO. , - 4 11tartithilhe'llirtat *la L'. 4 ''''''',.;' , , 4l
....•, r 4.1 , ,,,.., -.1.y. , , TA 1i , 7.......,i;: , i , •!.. 1116.:13,rifinVir;'..41
•.1 Wialgelpg . z ' 11114 ttlet!". 1,;.2. - . r.u.:..5 ? - . •! , , k. ..':.-4
W..-tPallid. l- 14. --11 40 7 010111#*
itX . *l l sl,,itkettil•pi
of: ne,*ir rectif Area - Ante
Red Yearling The owner, tkiecitre -
to.provtilli•bpdety4lV - jeltirgeirlindteltelhem
Swl T'Arl i rlVßg r ?1"111115 toe dle.
• -111 A
, vita
fa :fact .
e !Mr me_
B. Ifitoci. Liberty, mop
l:ot g1i1..1%4311‘
.: .
medom4l - 4101~4.
jab the - Houseehdr:Lot__ 01
Mikisad Accord_ ,- inse t The
l l s 4 neerly offevialrWooti ....__ 13 roomi he•
liddroeellar end: woad hoom ol e as o lot I. en
ellieaterithir46o44~/` 110.13411111961
good mut, wea arm clam.' j wigwag
"44,#714 3 ,„,-,.......,... ,- .!,.._..
--..,...,..--,0,- `''' . 1
'------.....,.. - 13 , • : •
Sept 17;1011:' . ji::-.", e -''pf.,;,- , ]; . , , . tore : 1
si. OUSE AND -- m 6 t ovr cur SAM
›, • : '
r A. - a•
iocaThybectribe . i . ..
~ .! . ...^:qui":lSie, , a new :ITO* ,
on Itsildoad In nth Towanda,
; Swirly opposite the briar - 4%rd The house is
20 i 30 , aSttlitlaished i 'frith a, 011ar. _ The
4 4
Jots are mmoo teen:fen, and
' DO sold Isep
irate or to gether . ' Possessio n given immeili
tfif.i) 'ApPli Et( Diainitcroetnirtiliitimr. , .
- ! Towanas, Aug. 29, VT. ' Olibi MCP.).
. BidalL:.k"; Hotel
Property with tuirntl*rd business 'at.
Apply to r•T Tr 6
I.• I lotdiTANitti*AUD., •
Aug. 51;1867, : • • • • " •
• .Is.' IL: - I,
cores.liniFigittot ,
- edla n sk titnbeiediiltlt.Pll4oitio*Ottol
- fiftit miles 'boil the-
Apply to ' MONTAN p l a nh u r
A r owan4ll4 ARV 181 r: . 1 aft
dkPPLIOATIONA ,14,P11.0V-. 1
'4O Am ere ,
Rearifetite tit•
d° f e r- r d°*
' ' KON!cANYE a want
AU& ;107
VI Olt ItbiT.--A vainsbk3 . firm ei
A: ate oes• theJoriatiorvailreelftittiV
fiatosileo- froto"Georgfloits. ;oodity Pest
of toseitz•Voda,fy.-D Aioeistitfee ;SW
wee, .150. Improvdt:balmeo- •=4;lood
dwelllagP biro; driblivlrma r AbrkZdt=
over 600 peed:Land appy,tmg,, _le f
Will be rented for six yam: ,
For further Information eppliiso i or Mike"
-;•.; . • ,
1:1V4 Eitato Broker,
- J.evrts, Delaware.
I N,
1, July 11;1867.
VOR SALE ClitiltiP.--* , ImOroiv;.
A 7 '' . ed Fang. t ..77'.'irei ;811pWfa bo lt
4:Unsay:lV-Imre - I - . or litill
timber and railwo ties. A. doubt e
house in good repiitViiiin spring in kitchen.
Sant, 36x55 I li rti re - Aboot to t 75 &nit
.i ! * Lv VF4RP 4v.I
Vintititditoluty 4 2s;'lBl37. '-" '''' ' • • '.4
ghat. in -4.olylein kiln arlacai:,*
410 acrealmprovaci 1. - 41 (1 Y9D•P •• 'HOUSE
With 14 apartments"; Tit& '; four liv
In swims da le
Simi 1116.111aMment,
56z46,F0r Sale.- Price , sksoo.
,(payt may re
inain): I Apply to"' • •••••• •
.14011TANY4 - S WARD.
- Towieda; Jniy,ll. 1867: ••1;_".•
vAwAnkb..ol)%ilow i r•
The subseribei often for ice " Ili firm in
Wysoz nearly opposite =ranee. This farm
codtainii 120 acres of landl4 a high •state of im
provement, with a- splendid dwelling house;
Wm/ and outbuildings. It \ ban a never
failing orehind - snicked Wahl gundt tit ev
ery description. It is in a )good redghborhood
thia emir; nitwit of the •Obeyer - and /wheel
privileges- :or Towanda boraingiul -, ihre teramet ,
sale, te., enquire of thesubacriblweratiirect•
ises. amp ND.
Wysox; April 8;113111. •-•
Abimit tali miles trcullotmall;-• ton the
Eastern bat 4 et thelipoula airalver7
talnhatabtailVl6o acres. , Punned - house , ausl
barn, a Sarno barn, .corn hofitiriihdlorid atple
orchar4 thereon. Per - teem and" '
Inonlre WM 41:1E111X0/1; of
or JAKIIS:WOO7/0, at' Toirandari
Jane 13:1867.
)tA YfL NI;
. .• •-•
Farms is SolbOt o.llldJulj. •• •if thanntlincot
Reams Atore of Magland. 51. •
:Deidtlii,l'Arse - near,,sgt, • * j ai -.04- 03 4 4. 1
PlehAnd Ctilitere in the. Ontent,
Host remiss - IL producing _ -
Weft 014 verikiltd , • ktlOSktfuisf l o/4/isittuf;
blVfoilieariativi. Grape*, ataLeTery,
endwatn., poi
from thp2Loyth,.conithirms tot
1 4/ 44.46 i.
.ipmsE2 . ,
.dnoem4t . tit ti p person content A
t* . 1,.1012417 75„
Inifw, and' Inform or tains, andtMtrArts, -
tree upon application me_, at EneEem-T
-'• ' "
•, , •1/14.4,444ETA1T18T0N,
Late U. B. Ann" .lormerTrtaiinEcted with •
• Bingham Estate Land agency in Nora ein
1,. :Pennsylvania, —•• i .- Au& a 66 7,
..I. DA.-11, braiding lots. on...,qmNird and
Third Ste. ,Ptitiftitsl3s4.*S7oo:• , •-• •
.60 Lots on !dais .• lid Railroad streets. Price
; p fee pfeeen lots on firldipiiireSt... ~ • •
A. Tows Reside:mos . .' aad'good
nefghborhood. PriCe $220 0 . • - •
, end lot on Third street, opposite`cmi
. °them so ionV too othw
Mite College. r • .
Apply to_ -_• &
Town - properties• toondi• bought , aid stild.- 1 L-
Rentili obtained. •
t •
• -
ea- Elliat,ea-1 , 44r0al - titna:
. 101wOgit. •
EVOCfy.::4II/4 Lr • •
July 2 5,1667. July 25, 1667. •
offers the following Farina, Cast and Timber
Land; for sale :
, - Find Timber lat:3 mdse liom - Towaida, Can
-tattling 53 acres. Price $1,32.5. •
Fermin Asyban t eantainhqtl3lVaisteatilood
buildings. Under a fire state of c ultivation.
b 1041 3, itopmed.,, Pri5146,0001..
la. - asti - Builtagext—oaritketairesito--. ,
tr_fji holake.lablkent,l Under aline ante al ad
taxatlutuw, tort - naet. ;POIN. $5.46Q/ !'thE
.Farmala, Ands-,mdzablare.,
: ) ,Good boildings.:--For sale obsap.-
:Several, very desirable Houses and Lobs is
Towamici .
' • A large ir t actif f Coal lswda la Thigaitte
Towanda.; Jnly18; 1887.:
X- with 'MI **tient: isipair of
licirses. Wilt bo sold rhea APP to
Towanda, - .) . 28 - . 1887. ' •
e rl
SOUSE; ,r9tfAliDA,
. ; JOHN. Q..*.W1,1, 2 01F .
14 , 1 * Ind thiclismesia- o w re sis to Ise«
oo *Wile No psiss
Wwitign w-oulaitive Ala
:Sir -forth olds at th eAnial th - lOWA. elliat
IfigC4 ; 0 Op wblook lair. ballast];
OATITIONI-Ify.. eon- MI di a roted
v- ioiyetro; hailog tett - tee,
option alliMn sto nffrOm'hisrhoillit*llitgliir
Mtn on toy sbcosati as shall pie - nO debts
traiited MO; , ABRAIS-# 1
, ',l3eLitt'lkler•
ilamidihd.-44 -
444 1 1 441 . tiii401 - I n iell aid
Wkallt4lrjale:l*J;;i64pu ;,'"NiA„'w)
wartdikftbiit .‘t.,"o-4
114.010,11 . "=H' —"Ckniere4B.4Wiirltatti•
t0f.....b8*- i;s6,.laks lelvoly britomoilioartorltiott,
grom orProvoll 2 49ka away caglll4a 1
rocs inens.barhatlister Itringis he
Olk illy4tomutie.3B I.will. pallia,dobts , o4int
oottodfm, ii lei ti . Als Am& ~.. le . :,:, -- -..- q.
. •• PEtlift 11314L14)18),,k
Torii:ft, Be 17,1867. -- - -
isos tittei,tams
3 t ..-. .
', aaiLvitithir:7. , : -r , ,:-.:;- ‘ 4111W1; BOCZ ' av
CIEMIM)181 1 01 tWing.'e
. .._
' ;041A , r at i= or l .
t fOrk pe tiregrilfofii
lininalihallif Aiistitlimdiellitibm*g
r aiukd
. 1 4 i = l3t e k i l 4 WN.,ITAIM t s i itt I
Wds.ot Voirtialegrfr, aotts''by tiattiolq-:
&um IrsiMpliwiNt at 24tototei41W,6 ).
'4gttbsmta DELvd.; V cl t i r :
west Mt it r _ !44 an.
!timid bin sad .tralt, treeo ;wear Ti • 4 1l
giklkf t ra' '
1.0 P 1 iW: 'li i
. ;
__-' --
: Ihriams,% , 2. litlt.,,f•
. . ,
mayor 3,1 -4 , i
NM a I R ' ', - :t ; i7 . j4311 / 42 ".,.. - ii 0 3
1 its u r o ilsrXicer7ntat.= delot,l o
trierniseestaialt wawa .i. 4
11.1theothist4blueoludCoLltradto/ Ift.ate".;
a .P* 131 ; 1 3/V.lthVhs.l bna K 14314 ; 1
itellikurco6 9 1 / 1 1 tql.tilm. 3 tkketidkr,
pieta Amt,3l3l6dissail-wwry or as `t
- 414G"ki , a1"-4144 1 19ri f l
a t 00 1 4 , 9 ti Z,- .1 11 Mrt in t
Idle - forb a ' b7 taw s ? st ' t or 4
ttse iri p u eleiStßkroptclb prove 11
debt4. ll 4t4 us or 13 ;Me•4 1 044tekil l i
Ws estate. Ur ail Conn ot Itto - sare2t.../
iVetbiltaides4t, thWoftlea)vitthii Retist6 , 4l;
t r t r eitult s g i r mia bobA a ligsgb-0
. . 0 : h ,
;vilraaoxlit - 41Wirt 1104119132 e" il;
P4T, 04 ce040.1 pi ta. .7a5 . Th- • - 71:oie .cefi
—494AS-A:ROWIIiPZ,% ,
, Arnitillptialii Kmear'se Nesetitter;Veit:
, i... ~. ...... ;3 ' : era Dlittlet it Thslorspr , ~l4.
' ' 2 vii• 914QP LAW; Peme‘ik
' 1 647 ./ 0 4. 71- .. 41 !.: —a c.. r,
lade44' 009 4.4- heseb7Arenkthit
Itor t. 4 sae esiste q•-, W. Ookos kw
leraitot,•;'4lo. B .&lsitei";rtkeinted
elikimiiiituttmAd waft 64 -VM I 4 ttiopartsti
stheatiestkilter kettlement. -
zoos IMLY11110**;
.00L a;iest
.M. ijo boil* glearthatalrposoqadebted . to
t h WIA O4 I:rFgaO •,:iotil
or . ire re ,to moire tatwe i li-•
t,.lllllliiitil y, aglitho l ieqigil* '
Critti=tntcP rt ettemen i Ptebtt ! , .. . t "
. '• •- • ` ..; • ""•111474VE:CliAPPites' ‘,
SW, 28,1867:: • - ...I. , VAllDbilstactir.• •l•
a . ithelelkiVi2enjidiara iliiisonsitid
la •K Pt Tqf P l 4o9:°ll. 4 e9Astid N a P;i444
Imineditte eat lig"Pdreona' 'ens .
claim- against eat& estidielirrir preelrat thefirdool •
ky. authenticated for Pettlemen ,-„,
• Sept. 25,1867. . - Administratrix.
Jj is hereby given that_
- ill persons indence,i
to:Uwe:state OtiiollEs3o GilINNEILMateot.
Weds, dece,
dvArt,,;., niVaimted • " tan: hai-,:"
Mediate payment; and lumina alg open,
siddestate wilint-ttitin duly inured
t "
" ' 11 4 1 W ) 1 4 ; GM 44 4 2,_ttitr
*eptht. ll6.7l • 4"
. itisg44o44lol.4 l s.:xiquat l / 4 ,-",!
Ercit#4 P 9 4 .4 0
Indebted it 0414. maw ofir -
but ontornitites”
ft-sn iga *l44tai-tebrelsammeti
gp :rNett
Wea l* tr
:::t Asea - .a. ;a..
-4 a
• •
~~~ B~M
! _
A Dittlainiai:iNOTlOß—orte ' s e e ;
'harsbY•4oE4 f i lbat ,
Sets Mb cats of of Thitodore'4 - "4.4
estat e :l44 H PFVest thus azty ailAentltt- -
edloisettliftietc,- •,• -• • -
0 9 * • 20111IPV tairaLy7J.if , l
gePtp lB .l47- • • 'hyladikistpartt
...6 , :zrocialastberebsi girew that i
b al,Sali t 9, 4 4%=ifili t t#4.
de.i.da nudo bkunecabiubidif iNhAft
f - WtultilWartttmle.rt * " 4444 ".. l
c ,
kep r, (3Bl : 7: u, ; D'aIiAMBIBLIZO!,f•
4 11:i. •Trii .R.7IP-,bi''•ci-r..f :
i • rAu ia lilSvoi°4oi Their he.. daY2 Wt. t
Atiti4,,C. .; DM' d d•airant ReitZtiti,
Ida Imkedligabiantlititheiatte of. 6n•gt Tr t}^'
0 NonlY44l4'L l iti the ilittetpikrttatt Era Lew
t4kstatetenvllitl i t, irPqrblui 14 - ! "
judged a Nan fit - eke' Iron pittitiO ;' w
RAMO Perneatitauept Ribes tad deinescry iota
any prdpert'y' belonging 'to such Banitraptieti ±
him or or hid nse. and the tra.leter ot dny• iiii -,
party br e lhint •Irehlbfbitiden" :Gflaii • -ibif u.
biliting:Qt toe' cOmukimPrAlol,B..tu(riikaii
prove tileli dsbia L anpl toenopsease or nvreilort,
eigneetiif hie eat Wirth beheld at 4 I,,iTir• = ,`bc :
ReaktilPt4Y AO- be- hOldeii:ediithe• ottine;3l the.
Register ia On Vourtlitiose 1 4.-the Botonala ii;
Toweadt.'lettott` 'REMAND: DIFERT4I - ..7.1 "
RegisterottaAlle INV oak -V ' , 43(7l)loitiki A
1 :x.1 Tr Ip7clettA i tii4,_ ';:, ;;,,,
Ll_l_ ~,- . . OWLRX
~, . •
LMNl*Retiteill N r.:Wes.
'. • , - 1; Item bialticket - •Pitasts3hreti, - .
Regt. t 6. .18e7.-,-ter _ t
G • i
igetiT°il3l443' 4 o::L'l4 ll ol 3 - 6 2
heteby gtveti thit pet11011:11 intlehmtt , io
•estste . p; J. kt.• . .144:1111N, • Intl. M
deed.qtre requested to make .
mftte- payment,
an those , kharing
aping sat estate moat present - them di, is ,
thentiqUed forLiPOR
- • ' TE,
,Amiltifo3,7; Executor.
• 'llerety given that' all persons Indelatedlo"
the testate of U. Russel 11 1 .1Kinney,deo'd.i. -latent
Miter twp. t omt -
4equested .to make payment'
wlthontlelay, and those having claims, against
saldeettete montrpreisent' them i dalt 'taken:ties.
.caPorJoettlemettt. - , -• !, •
. Ef..C. d • .
:Oct:1;186Y." A dmingriator.
ler4 tkcattils . qf' Bird - Drab, ittr trims f.
kii 3 OrptiluCs Court of B ord Ali:gusty.'
; %Tbsi Onderstgonelt. indltor Inta by Raid ,
Court. to distribute moueyis In e binds o John
R. 24110.11. adtrtrOv, 4011 e attend' . the •
4 4,
deities of bib' bitaidilt sit bin office in Uinta
Ikalightia • 41131,11 n litlat any4rt4 'ern:. .
MT; at 2 AV„ ' p. in. whetgi lope in
terested csizat ad.-if tbeillslik FR U. Alnl.
ppOtioni•NaVingllatem oin•nidd hunt Mild - pre-
~ item. - of toTitf. elbitnNE the:draw. —I, t •
„ • p. 4., p t etzvk
' 12itiltii 2.220. 1 " ::' - 1 . - - ,' Nuditor. . -',
li'LLING':•OPF- • T COsTif -
L • .:‘'
Thfruudirsignea nerOyiive WAWA Ig. thtli
frieidtanti Übe public getergilly, tliWik, will
,commeoutseWitter thbu t iliy. , Auw:, , 3l: LIM;
theit 4 R4Pf 5t 4 1 11 ,4 !OiqP Fond ,
tag bC
1.1 h•
D 4 Q1:1 D:13;.41 1 0 OAR; Et;
I _L
: 3 V.I.T • • . f 9
• r
t i 47` :404i '.1410r
„ -
into:4 toisi , , Aug; Ni t -;
61, 4 U
Alet • aa
o b
4- N:11