• itvrfilitraftlfefifno. ttpo; as AliAraSs' taii9014,416504 r 1 Batidlitian Cloineiticii",', *: ;The Navy, Departaps,tirill Wm- p orate a limited number of engimmis into the regular ,smoviee.: • Perscocirho not less than tsio rem ibringthimbelihnt eno,niskei ippliediondOr —46-tirotori. minim, for not redeeming its eirotileifrig notes inlaivfni money oti'denand. rtr, —Theptiqtiskg, of .the impiwOutbila testimony, Ariliati • begot some. medal new: has been suspended. for the preeentont miii not be mimed. • week pre li ustotink tow Ambling of Congress this was Atibsofi nee eMary, in ardor to prevent any ehinee'isfits being made public before its preientstioaki --The yellow feiter intertnenCe in New .oriean f ~4,*eaidlii.ntipiki.iiia# ty-three. ;gin —The persona beat informed ofAim President's designs do sot-hesitote that it me radical ticket is atuxxsafid in g and I 'esinsylvania, he will,makeitgetteold decapitation of radical alee-holdone l .7 The Canadian Parliament' Will meet ortNoTeMber , . —The large raerehandiae huneeef Bnchaiiin, sonde , of Aamilton ;' . ( 7~ • s t o Pp e d Mit#l3/'-PrilimUY. —Pavid S. SPKIIIEO !TPnel; 4 00 4 - . deuce man,. Rho en ink= gaged in obtainingjer*AiOnßo4o43r, Lai been tirreked • —..ittchild.of Guinan emigrant, probably amnia:a ilia teen, > vai tom& recently itt•Canisteo Clenter.: •It seemed to have been abontairmontbabld. -‘ • -Qnite'anii4rainginailidy P. revailed at Bath among young cluldrin4 bloody dysentery. The &Kali ie cui*Aid . to a portion of the village eaat.iidLibinty Holliser,•of South I)anevllle,. deserted by her 'husband four yetiri 'ago ! took arsenic and out her thrust with a - ease knife, the titter. day, 64 Was pr? Sly saa. —A you*. female belouginglathe family •of Parker Karr, of Kam Valley.; die; appeared -one evening, after she - had been sent to drive home the ducks. , - &fait dap. afterwards, ducks and girl appealed near —The qinieteo Vallej Snes Gaye : Mr. Bailey,; a shoemaker halms employ of William Iliehardion, fell dead in . the'titreetti of Almond last Sunday, Morning . , Heart disease via supposed to be the; cause of death. He bad a . *rifek and fa,mily,for whose benefit citizens Contributed $lOO to take them to friendi. in Canada. —General Grant hasissned . an or der authorizing officers now absent frora their commands, which are now senbw In the Fifth military distriekto remain absent until fluffier I orders, in order to avoid, the risk of yellow ' fever. • The OotarO' issioner of the General Land aline has submittal to the acting Secretary of the Interior for approval the fourth list of lands,comprising 22,231 acres, accruing to the Central Pacific Bailroad Company, under acts of Conine' of • 1862 and 1864. —The postage to Sehle.swigHols... tein and Danenbarg by the Icambnrg stea mers is now reduced to the same rates as are now charged to Prussia. • —The branch mint at Charlotte, N. C., is soon to be put in operation, bet will only be worked for essaying purposes : . It is said that the gold mines in North Carolina and contiguous fitatesorhich were negketid during the war, are being worked again. —ln Russian America a Beard- of pure imihranite coal ' over thirty . feet deep has been discovered ' , and has bola traced for a mile, near, a good where there is an abundance of oak and flr ihubar. —The ainnal report of the eatthler of the Bank of California shows tnausaitkoni for the year amounting to over $62,000,000. -: Canby,oot?turanding the seoond smilitazy district, (North and South Carolins,) hasissued order ptohibiting the provost ootirtirikarli exercising jurisdic= don in any cuss :involving the title of had; or in any civil cause "here the ifsue es. coeds two: Be has ako giggled: his in teetiOn'of modiltring General Sickles' order closing the bar=rooms ' —The flour mill of. Bond &Polk, , near Vincennes, 9* was burned on Tues day. An imme n se paniity of whoa, vas. destroyed. Loss $90,000. . • ; —Stveral bpldinge• in London, Ohio, were destroyed by flie - Oblifond Lom $O,OOO. , • —At the Suction sale of Pittston coal in New York, prima zinged bozo to $4. '75 per ton. , • —ln the Governor Eyre case in England, an American officer deposes ;bat Gordon entered into , unotiationa with hid tb purebase an armed ship and munitions of —Revolutionary demonstrations aree - repotted to have- been male at Viterbo, Italy. - —The Emperor of Austria will via. it Paris on the 20th inst. —The deaths , from yellow fever in New Orleans, on Tuesday, munbered fifty four. - --The Crow Indians reiuse to meet the Indian Don at Fort Laramie in lipvember; • :4 - the lerchanto. Union Riprean Company's fiats, at Brownsville, &braid*, Was" robbed 0f415,000, on Tuesday night. —Rear Admiral Dahlgren hut re . . potted to tluß Itavy:deriirtmezit the 'Wins, of_the voids ixisiugut' g' to the South Pacific squadron . = the Silt ofSeptetaber. —An attempt WIN,- made on Satur day night.-to at fire to the"Tribtes bnii ding,- A qiiantity of po der.as lksind con cealed in the editorial Ivens, toil/thee with half-burned candle. The incendiary has escaped. -; —A OM named Mark :Dempsey, trawling on a ant train on the. Monte and Essex Banned. dipped between the , m on tietnOgy night,• add red out 6110 pieeea: The dreadful *Wei neatasred near Linter, N. 1. r -,ii .• 1 - -7-11243 trial of Dr. Thcim., Gard- Dr, irbo ?as faits' *di Dr. J.-Ildwast Taw" for burning the Thishamtost „Ina imot tk luser brii.4l Aglaia ili th at eitOuliing - been hi * lO4 torff as" • flatpdig Aro 'frewcwq 4 U.i ! e Poi , %meet of not vl/44, 06withw likcscriMi Die viiii Os 's. . . .4, II .... .- • --;.., k u The election ' - . .. 1. ~ t T esday, passed ' , /41 . elki li ht vote havhig polled. "'AB a , • nseqience our last fare majority Chun is not, reached. - We have eaua reatiiia part otVi coattcytait 4idugh vindimtAhlit, Re =jai* for :Wumaxs _ia froin IS (it to. , M l'-' • ~. flifeloilthathespialal dispatch that thorgatent oeiellii;iiiii received litspintil4"-hkef'night,.iind is • - 1 P° 4 1 0 1 1 .: 1 1 4410 1. 1 0 5 P 1 ti r: , vol e ' lifi Ii Y14101.4::14(1 some; ' 4 . ' 4 . 46 Xowe;- reopitimv itiliuliarelf4Poilible that be yeadt imy be different whin-the rest ofilie Iltite fi, lientil treizi: • 1 : :4 ,- .1 . Sar . .110' ,",;' , Th;• ,3 , a •••• Cii. - I )4!* l s . TRA,* '•lgirair 4l , :; 1 1 ..' e-- ~-1..' Ir*llPt, got-A,lB :•t I 'The 'hulitissilana are that - tie Stati hais ocuke Popecnitiob7,,ruid.-tbnutand Ina : In the , litth .Vongreasional: /*strict the vtobe 4,0/0.%11 1 10 0 1 4 be AWL is tioubthil,;=- I ' . -' ziA pop tit e r 4 EaFeltuies dation p*er WOaDWAIID. - • • .. , i Ohio delete the Empublicsui State "ticket but the Conatitational Amendment is , • - A4it!patelit, icotn -the Chairinan of , Democratic: State Gotnmittee, says. that Philadelphia 'gives 8000 democratic rmijority— and thatShire wO W is elected:4 l6;66om ajorit y The indications -are that the vote WS:State ie close, with the chances in,:iiiroe of - the - -Inceess• of the De poctscy.- Ilir -The Mass Meetings advertised 1 for Troy, Towanda, and Laaysville, week before last; '••were the °Fag ion' of much dliaPpointment froth -the ,nowappearane,t - of the Speakers ad. .vertieed as certain to be in attend ance.- Having promised, through our 'columna, 'that' • Gen 7 ' Nvi ` would certainly be` present, we, feel that sematxPianatien is due Alike to the public and ourselves. • • • • - The Chairman of the State Central Committee, Cot Jotaipr, advised th e me , nibei _of the ..Committee for the empty, • that the services 'of Gen: Nye Woul4kbe at his disposal * for fourdaya, comineneing ` . with the 2d of, Outober. Meetings were accord ingi fixed upon, as . advert' , and endeavors made to procure th atten dance of some :of the other gentle men name 4 in the 'bilk 1 T even ing. previous to the Troy eeting word ; was received. that Gen. Nv would probably fail to 'fulfil the ap- Pointmettle, b u t that another speaker of abilitY *Uhl be sent in his .place. 1 11 4 ret4 lo /. of Gee NT/B failure, we have noteidcially , learned, but hear that sickness in his family prevented his . corning. * - • ' We do not see that any blathe at tache!' to the Chairmac of the State Central - Committee, or the County Committee, 'who- all -ucte":l in. good faikrelyininPon Gen: Nl*Ei grom-, iee to be hereand we Preen= he has some .good reason for Ida non-ap pearince,.‘ but :the: disappointment , was <a grievous -One, and very dam agintlil its rent • , , While, upon this subject, may we d bOPeruOted,to inquire, ,what is the. l 'province of •1 State - OenttalVommiti ,tee, and:whit is its utility ? Here ';i 11: Bii!4 _f9l'.,d w e , 47 6 eeiltifticalar ,Iy_ tuAtuFtanate ** l our reliance apt on.that body . F.:Whin it has appeintf ed meetings in this 'County the-tithe has been - the most inconvenient pot; 1 0: 01 P; find - when...speak.ers have been ,promised, :they haveawariably faile4 to comb e,%- ,It is true, that on the eve of an . election; we occasionally r* ceive a package.f'4' .. stale . , " docti meats," tow late to 'f be of any. poop hle use. , . . ~. . ~., .' -. i Now, if the State Central Commi tee will hereafter strike' Bradford off their list; . confer a real 4- tillma • the Republicans of this county.: We :can conduct the can* yaws upon our own "hook "—raiiie our own, funds - appoint J our meet D—inks B ..Peakerswithoilt troubling, any Vommittee--and can-promise oar usual msjority if not interfered with_by outsiders. ',, .Evuom.—The reporta which are itourkmeoeived in. London from the south a Italy,set forth that the rev oluthinists are invading the Roman territory on ail sides.. Sunday a de taehment of troops was sent out from lonia to meetithe invaders at Frog -none, a province lyisg southeast of 'the city. A fight ensued and the pa- - pal troops were defeated. 'A - report is !entreat that Prtussia reoeives with - favor the appeal of the Italian enunent to the European Powers egad)* the Treety_ef Septembei, and aappoit the dethends Italy t in iregard. to Rope. , It is- said' that = Lord Derby will wen *site,' the?' Premiership; The truth . of the newspaper iiporte" eau carping 140 1 46" of Earl BDeselta is positively deniallll6 London .21ines of yesterday !Isis Edward Thornton, the preisent British' - , 'Envoy RIO; wfil be appointed Ambassador to the tinited§titee. pioneer: itc46• ern of :AO . A.hyssinian exixdition have sailedfrom Mien for *4 . . • • ex; eminent etatestaiii, died in Piris Saturday - night.: Late advicen frinn (Shine; .via'ing , hinik report that - `a - violent' and dieft. truetiVetYPhoon had visited the har bor at , gonygong, and canned great itenalpita theehipplog, lEVI lIIMEM =the ar_ en oixth in Ourveye ris - atOertaineirthta t t„....the tiro cities is really 1226 abk..Wei n nr/PiPs to saptjhe. extra, 2e. - ir, ' tied - te- titar - I 90142911i - I 't. At e meeting mkt it 4 that e thotdd choose ' tine of it — Stririfi - Oitliilltrairan - i ire ito walk IMO irdles;ithe AO ref Vie ' instant is tO WillkfiftfollOe`• IVA t ls to be Witkin th4tedajir.' in "silith‘ his inother's4equiet; he. 4 ,.. ... ;.,,..,..„ ~..... ~iitt,,bil time 111:01‘,3? , di &0. - ' Gov. 6' --I - ," ,i. . ,', •• rip• „tarried,.- P. i -4 119 4 4 / 7 Pr. at_ 1i 14 4 , • # il,,*w fls '' 92 of MlTAalld -ofltlY 4: =4 l l4 2 4_ l 'F i tft* ' 00, 0 4 4 9 34 agfe4,l3; 4 44 , ,,coluoittitOlN, Ili _ '27 . b. 6 4 1 0 4 . , 4. 10 *Ores: tbat.athat 4ritir of ri, tea, haring been ,nest for the • on,; Plod ;bY , :the: conventionet, lily o the 17th of Augsst lastot viifir into _ kalf the proper s Conatiint*, anAlorzo of vent of the-Ot awii (sW-- persOintrth one now existing) oil , _Satur T dap the sth Yof October.,. ,p, • , -4-The 0 lO WOol Growers' aim> tlon rnei it Dayton On : thir 26th; and de.' c i d in ft' 'of the vresenttariff as pallil: Olt and that. *3 "piesentde l :Tressed "state of tire 'awl arket is due to excessive inf. Iplions of wool and woollens before its' o f e, ra than to an defect in the • - or it i oroomi o m. ,t i -L.A . ,Rri ate ,letter from Ferran .`.l cline, lihr.,_sa the residence of ex-13Mted , fitaies, Woo W 1 43 retmuY mobbed Loxeslnegroes, d serionsly , damaged with, Apries and oar missitis. , i*Hung and its . depend'encies arenbont to - intersected by anetwork of Ossys. j Ais also projected between 13tua thelDannbe the Theiair,, / ' 1 ,---/ The' pen* of .Lotdati!le, crti-, 012;14' Si.:Louis and other !western cities, ere! contributing liberally for the relief of thel 1 destitOtit and distress at New Orleans', I -Sever hundred Workmen are :not& actively engegd in panting the ex terior and :). , • ting the interior of Buck. , iraesun P , . - - The stonewericiain many pl4es quite.. ecayed. , ! • • 1--The ational Intelpiencer inti xnateo that it : hardlY prObable Gen. Sickles will 1 )43 gra .3*! ed with a court of inquiry. L I-4bn -01 of General Scott pro vides' that3' , . property shall be divided among his .3 3- daughters: Ilie leaves his Pulaski •! to the United States /Military Academy, 3 3 d his Mexican gilt sword to ihisigrsrubsco . .Winfield Scott la'hryt. To bis second and 3* . daughters! Camilla aid marella, Ix:. bequeaths to each an equal thiid Ad' w 3. money falls dua to his estate froin his pub • a aa ' : " ; =- The I To& is prep to tune three thozea by ,i Mak& 2, 113 a 4 $lO,OOO compound ii months of Thir accrued . foil such retie cy.l Era itte4; the 1200 mils sistAnt Treasprer at Nei! I, ed . and has been instructed • per cent. cerntientes, as an -0 act of Congress, approved 17, in denominations of 56000 each, in redetaption of t h e twat notes natttinng in the • .tober -and December neat.' interest on all notes presented ption will be paid in amen- !.. • , =The i , ad Chief of the Osage 1 Indhuni wri from the Osage Naticm,south.: of Luisa, the halcer of Indian. Affairs that the desires to remain on friendly tering With United Stateigovernment. . --, The'S ainehi T ''' i' Phin P mg's. p Phi la- delphia, New -Orleansvia' Havana for Flina4 elp ' was liurned at s'es on the, 27th. - Thine of tel crew were b*ed. to, death. The rest of - crew d and alittininasengers were 'rescue b y : the stemiship Bapidizt,, 'which 'arriv d at. New Yorki . The Tioga 3,4 a 'fine v I, and helongtd to the nil adrefplila end Southern 31134 Steamship company. -, I - . --- !I—A i fire on. Sergeantls wharf at ' Banton, b ed a building' occupied by the Boston Lins ed 0 11 Onnipt, ' - whose' lose 1/ 01 reseh $ 60,000; a lso , e binding, 'Oc cupied by e Bay State Si i p: Belinerti Tile 'latter - stallishinent ins ' owned by - Nasser A otson , and coiitifned e large' qunntity of and 'veinal :de maohinerk th; loss on vhich is eitimatedat $156,00e The total loss iftprohably reach $240,000 whichis nearly covered by insurance. . , :-4. ptimber - of the members of the I Bar of W ' gton v . D.. 6., held a meeting' to Amor the port of . 4 committee, .appoint ed.iin Angus last, to investigate the dila-- nutty be lei duridg eßurratt trail. f ! The' report di dired that . Bradley's name should not haie been 'oken from fibs', roll of attor neys withou giving him an epportunity for explanation, and, .closed with a resolution', &daring . seam of Judge Fisher. ma 'e request of 'the' Nether • - ant; the Ilary State . to the IC* of the requesting, f all sanitary tegulations,. I .• mitres,. oi '4otrerage, and I t or . draliOnt,eff er of I tiith *ite*y4eiciip I e * - tirtganir.atinzi • , ! warhinge' j beards of health.' , llow fever seems to. hive! • •us skew liur-ivhole Bay • than ever singe 185& It has • - the cities tont the interior, the greet topic' everywhere. to Mexico the siaffron.eolored been abroad,. continues esti has. been stopped by it,' has been ~asked .and, received `now Avant's.) the &slain ktrns, prepars pre;',The early ltosttl will those. win, exit sink big eon and ne . , , ' FYom elkagein beg 'to' visit 'initial:. lough ' Perfect I niPtiotHt ly by weekti .subsegneart ob- Yierrilds Viiiitskinti is likely willtrelies • riA4 lO, ep on , _.ditifigmenr. - o1 _ n i Id de low ato 14,14 1 111011 1 14 c . 41_ jor_Givnie ' ALLTILIILIe lice WU eu ves &susraction. ,-1/110410**440Veim.;1- . - trip, A , 14. Eti:jr ar,T i ltalovo 1;0E4 tra. o .3 . 11"1 . ' Imso °l4e A ß t ' br a ntr, ihritarcA ti i i t, v iiitalko .4l3 k loateintkiletatontrforatiViNoW ;.rf 0 t 1 0997,4 1 09 * i Atßaik77 o*Wil nest to *AY,P, B 9Y% u 7 )ta-Nrifißo 4 imean4oum.= l "ir • , 1166;.fiejdoit WABO/A.st will 1,0 seat to aisky. • shim isOldbag tillbe:thimes of ttiteet► Died' mobseribers to Uie .e.v.97,17.1) • - ' t , r4 - I,CfEWYOBBioll9tanui -., .1; tWith thicSodellY (00 .iorgoir yearleadroo'co. . , Wehar oontlm , ego 4geratr i s a , more than SEVEN - NUNDEED' prikeie otdoom. dudd ud they era =trend orikitactiOn ., " . t. , r? y. i;• ../21 , ,, n. - LT4eri subIOXTA alleo 1 . , 4. 41 ,.44 •o . r,, noixtone paces. i • e l 2 airEeiidbyehe*riliorifor 'Pail-Alc or-' -der... Satoptcoldeo , ,,tiroolito sontir ee...;-- c ,T,r . ,41, B. 045 .r_i_lel rfi eivaucf- ~ - • ..,,, I' - 9/ BE I Y i E• '- 11 7Ent . .;&CO: , ~-,.......,.,....(, 1737 . VIN New York . . • 1 -Pc4oi .4 1 11 0 7., , .• , - • - J. '; ,'' •1 • ',-; .- .'.- . ":.$ EL-drY The subscribe= „sra .now !stock of staple italt - i4nor • Whlth they'etTer to thei 'pn marke rates. • igiuNcli3; WOOL! DEt MOHAIR LUSTRE, Our excelleul t usiortuteUt loud knurlles are ample Inducements 1311 AWLS; VOICE.? CLOAKIMII SI, STRIPE, asssturaEs, DENIM% JEANS, SHIRT~C}S , FLANNELS, 1300 TS- & SHO HS, ' . HATS & CAPS THREAD, &c. PAINTS, OILS ANDIIDTE": STUFF PLANT FRUIT .AND ORNAMEN a.'AL TR EE4, VINES AND.. FLOWERS ' • - ' Rememlier that at•the • , TOWANDA., 11,0111 E „NURSERY!: Ton can ANTTRING'yde•May want lii the line at - NUMERT SEERS,: VINES, SHRUBS and FLOWERS. It not on, hand lease-4,0v" your - order; and it will be carefully atidssigs. tactorily tilled. I can supply you with • • .TBAIFTY, ArPtg TREES; .B RIFT . • Splendidly, l'oated. _VERY. 0,111. E p r E.4R, TREES, , Also ,PI CREART; QUINCE, SIBERIAN -.CRAB - lid.TEACEI. TREES. 4Also, , DWARP , PEAR; CHERRY, • P,EACit • and. APRI.E T TREES. - GRAPE' VINES of nII . the beat vatic- 41es, from Ilear te 3 Years old: EVERGREENS MOUNTAIN, ASHES, HORSE -, t lIESTNI/To; IVILX,OWSoks.,. Coma is see, or send 'your ordeis:'; • ' 11. WELLES. Towanda3,oeLVl.B67:, qoops: The enbaceibeis are.tuiw leceisingiu addition to their former stock, s inecewet of New ..Gooosfor.the - - , V.ALL ZR,A\DE t DRESS G' 9, D - Sir& as ittRINQ M'RESS 'CL (0118 .ALP, 9 0 A84 rLfiP4, tsfrom . 9 . 0 15 cti,pr yd Gingbrintr - • - = - .4r *line._ 1s 12'= Brown Sheetineand Shirt ' ings_ . ® 20" Bleached. do - al 30 " • • T I ABLE Unit AND tAB/R.4 CLOTHS ! -OBOE AND DIATER„ FOE TOWELS, _ _ te'Arctic, explor=e Aii,t;i1000i1i118 where" be -11 /4 te• 8 0 Portia to Pells:BaY; 144 .112114:moth. 4 Paz;*' "ith si White t4e1' 124 #4,_ ;ft Plik,vv.ft-,. . , •,,:= liLiklrt e Genesti r iwing letters froni g - tvi ne k-.! ,=,,-e'-• d.z° ihiPBESS DEEDED POPLINS, BB iETINGEt. A' s ioodliasortdient of t low prlcem HOOP SKIRTS, BALMORAL% CORSETS,.TWADIING.S. BUTTONS , 040C8ELIX . „ . &1411) Of.iI3SWAItE, , At pilees {lid defy o',ompe . • - .I3IIGAR,.tEAS; COFFER or. - • TRACY & MOOSE. Towanda, Oct. 10,1887. _ Calinisting lADIES SHAWLS FORTH SEASON ! 3118SES stvons Fon Int tonAstON A Mee ti* DRESS. T 31 31rN‘GS ! COMPIHSIHH , THE TEST, STYLES. 0 A !irge 4"npleisoid line Rf,l4lO ' at styles of ) 4 AtESB, AMKi 54041 13.0,T05S Baffin* Skirts - SI biito49,OO each. : PATEHT, , LINEH I , : CHAER EOOP S KIRT,. A.:WV and spl endid 'lOl9l - NICE . LINE OF ligißONgy. YANNSS: NOTIONS, I piarirustc*, , *:. ; - A gooistioitziOint of , BoYS_ 'BUCK MITTEWSC' GLOVES bularkrietl Of • LADIES GLOVIS 'IIOSIERT. A nice iino of ii!e latest stiles -• • LADIES . DLOAXS, .1.14 D j StiioE.Sll, . . . „At perry -1 vr prices.. ' Ler I 14 . 14 lEI Ito 7 2 - I 1154 We ire shoe receiving tar sPlendid line of triode' Itthis dtpartment, mach as the late styles of , 'HATS 'AND BONNETS;' - •:.': 75 1 1reLhe,r)iiII t i11 i 4 : 3 „ . li a," - P:i :.f :.,C !TRIMMINGS .4`4.1.1Ds i:FEATIIERS 1- i , i..!, pn.,...pap ' far the - FALL : :..- ANW••••'• INTERi - - - TRADE 1 ~ ~ ,• : . lilthejitc . and: Meant Lgtylis of , -', '-• E -o_-_ . TT IT EtT -- 'V 41, 'A AU--E S 7 i 6erbitrialaie preps d, to - snit the:yenta and Is4lemes/14 Wanes piled wilt experientle4 and. Milliners, an will spare. no psis* to p, and Ore sat oli , -41-4 - ... itti'brovsit of well iiilt ...) int* al for e -.- ;mt., vre, hope 4;8641 nr prlthat!ed quire, crittili a c patisalge. ~ -i . - -•-• ~.i..1 J .. Ak'PE ~-: •'&,110: . : ' , , -.:. .+l ll owiussis..tibyt: 410. 41167,S - i,i c :,-.,..), ~ '1 :1, , t„ VOEXSALE:4kI *O4 Shi ft tl e 1 1 , T* .filr'silift, lutist/. '' stile: 'llilil- 'lad Wow,' first coat. Also eight. rod ins sod, all the fixture& for fishing will be teolel-lit hat - red." - Also *IOW 'Meths oars. also 'laird rler Bp Iletvihir, s i l t workideimas..in' isto turatipeo stated, e ta thgensper Ms no i . et for,tiittli. Call Tao& R:IoRDA , ,nt thitailitolia licicAiiTcwiti&t.Ti. :.=! "'f . -'' 7 i 09P ?.!2...1441 • 3.0i-.11. I 1 ~ ~ ~;;1• 7 11:.,,. 1 c.: .• it l fitt aws .:- • i_ir; ll l. Itttgefi topos u r i guanatedia,.or 4 9:107 r -,,Allordgs,thy aual;'iiddresised abOt,' retehrelpromt, Odatlairre"el t Lt .mT Ifi t4ta 113 ME P, ';- 1 - -. - •, ' ii i '‘‘ , , . ' • :364 1e 4 bi 413'6411. s,jiiPtr_ .314 ; „ It,: late ~' '4Ol .3 "-' 4- p -:l it limp.. ... 1. rt/i...;;;11t 1,`...v,`1fia,10.1... - ~,.ai i ,..1 . ..1. 1 . 4 ,; VRIll• Y. WREL 4.47 8 ,07:1 intali e fok r#*04:11,0110 illtatkC : ' 4 ".`71 7.: . .1:1: z. .. 1 , 2 f i" ".. , ;:‘'Cr . , A1V1) - : !.1 iqtr•tc ?!. ii pt. :',, , p , 'lig torrer -- til l .if'xibliif • - .i. _O-:.; !--,...,- 7'4' , :-.l"i -, -1 ,! - , 3;it , ,ri '''' ~p, tt i n li NEW,•TORXL'JOBBING' PRIORS; .14 li . /t . ... ''.,-. tint 7.-1:41,3 .. , ,tJ, 4.1 G'- : PRIORS ` - _ - .. • .1 ' = - - . '. .; .-, • •z , ;Gdandetlnibie iiiiiiltiii iti iiiiht f - ' r , ' We lie 'Astii#*iiiiiiiiidittiiiitiiii - iine; s toat Inidt DICPA_ NTiii *ll . orkehlab ate licniglit 114 41fP.1 0 40.X. 1011 4 10 e* the 1M41 1 ,0 Still Taw 1 _ . tc. ME I no; 'of - our 'firm I Nu* islisidefiti bu • j er ifi New Tork„of !u!kuy yeara ex ti tnerkoe, enables .: us tetakead.i , v tage , of any 'faVOrible;chaugot io — lceop ..our stook ilivays full ana:clompleter -0 ar buftetiexperieriee, adid ou t &pill t,iei4 enables us' tondbr Knit indsOements to , TSby mail, or • otherwise, will receive pt sad mirehd Litintion. winds. dept.i ISt. R R 3' • . 1 , CODDIN4 & RUSSELL ' • - I -• . 7 mn W ertb S r L nbm ? itudth t:l2: liatui;h g Ire o storied serious las and teropontrY,interrnptiOn to 001-1 I , ' • • EEO irtCeiviag a./arge =I D' S I tel et their- Icnteid ALl i A 6 C4lic ,i , m ! • GIN.GHA.PdS, ►waugMß And have purcluined a large noo.tk , of Nor , anode, Wilt a new `. BIfA . 14 l i tlr STOR I • had ars - fairly - -Bstobstrutted and'•dedngbast. The front of our. iore is now An Pine street, shoat:100 feet from' Main - street, at E. Pos (now Powell's] el corner. 'AU son • sho tad go into Powell's' andent straight r,firough the, Wall of the back dud yourself imon , the stoves, Vets, • ketii ea *nth, bellows and via* of,ixtrlutari Stare:, Mit as you can't got through the 'unjust , Naps. Alp Pine street to our 'Shebang, where "wit keep `a fall floe or Hardwitree We have a greaticarte.. W of, • i i- . • r'-, COOKINGI.;PARLOR apfrat i is the' l ' moir Oen! • • ' ' " AMERICAN,- : EMPRESS, STERLING - , l• 'ORIENTAL;' =I - MOANING, 'IAGErt; ' 1 (419 iloatpiete ,assOrtntent or: • 401 .4 Stafai N. 012.1 Wind_ow ZGltss, 13151 i., &exp. 011... Table and Rodket,Chttlesi:. "in* = ToOtt; - , ITentets . - eta' Jolitert • lholti,;,.BLk lteai th 'TooleJ , Pithttly. :Lead , ProlPowde6 ; 3 04 1 •1! 4c. Elmira :Rolli ng . ammes :Po jirnsiii•;l iiCEROSkNE L.' iireinaagfacUm. {, . /HpUM IRON. ltNO Oopesar Alnat o, ena do allsor7ti Cosh paidAr 0 pail Wrou&bt 860ips;,0oyper, num, 13beenv Pelto;Thigs; rum, Nottplk Bee,' WAXI. itc yr,: buy chelai obea, opd aye kco!kteut witbi . '"- • 000DDIG & R0881111':` TOwanda, Sept. 12,1887, fe`. "; 1 VA4I., AND NyIifiTROLOTHAI(G:t • ;-.,-, r;:•'... -, • i t _ ~,- i:',. i . ! - !.- COOKii 4; 11.013011411LW . .ti.•••."-J - ' . .E )-. '. - ....1! . ... - c - . - •—,,:-;-: , .. , ;: z i tNeit door to Fo,; ptevene, Mere= it- CO4 - Have Inet v iocelired Their .: ; ,; 1 I ; . VALI, AND ' VIPER OliotHl,NG,'' Prom' Neir York, and the attention of tie teiti• Niff i slio li invited to t6e. , , and ,attraetire stook ' 6l '. 4i 1 ,1M 3 1P Me!!ii ~ B °Y' l ., -'.. - , :',: , :- . 7 . !`- q'''.l.' - 'o It 41..j.g. q'f '. .: Sow offered public at the' lowest viutiltet Priees*and which will' be sold 'cheaper than any.other.etore in •this place or, vicinity. They_ have jint opened a floeassortniet of suited for the - salmon. Call .end - -' see "-the' "nevi styles, comprising Pihe Mowing, sitticilis D°EB 4 ; inr Rt 7054 tt Beaver. Ciiteroatsi BUSINESS SUITS, ALL STYLES, P 81--A N D S • Of all grades ft:claim and bays , ireati a `abl hate also a. nue asaortiaant, of J. - _ GENTS FURNISIgNO GOOD 4 '1 , l i ii ii , i . 7 " . . , ,v,-; . . , Plain and Rainy Ciadnurei,..l3ldrta, Linen and , ; NW* :Mimi :. Underehirta And: Drawers;,_ '- pveralie and Over shirts, Una, and ~ , i ~ :- Tapir COWS and Cuire. - Iminei , ''. • , ..i.*: , dorsi: Glinveiv , Tiss; Trave ling '-F' -, • -1,, .1 - Vadsr.444 good bra of - ..Y:.2 '''7" llaiink a niiii donataidiy liiieli d ivri,elailid= tog thein goods therare prepared to• Sen an tae' , Fiends resaollablis . WE. la - ..satiti.tr ioupref nail v al iant , beau'indconvince - yourie ' , i) , the. rill, ihery let the ebtoipost. ''' "' L .4 " ..4 I ".....;i. If b,:tl 'OMEN .t . , BOSIINVISED,;:=,^It. ; • _Nat doer iotoon litagenai*prcureitaN'' 1 1 f Twitiltds. Roc is;ipyr,:i-, - . ‘ nA. 10N,4 - .:Wheidaa* irife igAr fucialikaairthirietunkboa ai wo o k i k.7 6,,, 4 :Auti—ar.iirist94luton a hare, 61144- 'l4 grlbif or trainibii.-4 Z ta i t, Pay/1940k atter , datll.-i - srolliAllialtAliMt ,i i 1 9401Alft 1 .04!,i-itp. 181177 . - 7-IP • ,_ i „ , 4 i 4-s , ---; 1. , -- r--- , ~.- • ---,, _, --dr---_ f l AilliN , VA Iv; OIAIIVID.t:;t11 - ,bsu '-• ' l.l. 1 ,f:4;ti. , •. '- .. • 1'4:14. I.w..tri • ,I: : .! WAS ' 4, Tillt94 , `F ..,.. S ' f - L.f.' , --f !,,• A•-• . : • -`,, ''.6 , 1,4 ...4 , ..• .14 t n ',Alia • "• . 41. ~t tiati 4lite. . ~•, „ „ „ , iiiii r \,, ..., . . r_ blolo milt ~IVoui. kit ;ro wa r. *kik,C4, .lAallitz,,l.4k, 10,S :• - - . ..„ , A „.,.., „...... , - 7. =.,, • .. - 4141ari.,;_ , ..,41.... : , ~,,,, ~.t ~;.;,,,i ...4- 011 , :r.,..-45-,7,t)--.,--.vv-t f "ir , •1-3-.1,;:t( stock of APReV -- 10 - 103 ''' - .. .'~ ~. ~`".` A MN WK -ST LL, SIIKVIVE 11 We are hiferlielohl'-' , q - _"*: sad Chusigien: = Itreveillbtog op I ng to n than we .br auy one else in_Tagigjg~ boast - • 1 , • . .0111t7OLD - .:ST _ Clete reduced to almost tiat'noir our new. hone to Aged 'wll T w_ELL.. fr Tlfr . - DS; • I. , -7x. ,- 1 4 ... f : nrietl I tr.aat au 4 . . t pat the 'marker - illbrdais - alldlliblatr tattog. t'fbrlriAnn, UlarrA2ol47,TErr 1 • AMC_ *NE§ jilllit6 z.4l'?_ is canaetali VI fV . 4iii r .-- alt" — ' 4- coin tt ratio l a r in Mr. line. , - 4 , ..:,... .41 .....,l.e.s. r+11:-Wtp rta. Da t:..i.17.... iizin Vrivi:2 liVirMill ti'i4As b.th: t . '. '• OUR OOURSRNOEvAirriONT pt; • i % i '‘. ,s‘i-..-s. T itt -NI.I otlouptErvaq Shan be in the 1F14tre:i 11 .444 11 ,e' keCi t t in 'P ailt earg, i . ' ' . l • ..4k A ir i -4.•,.-4 1 40 ,1 4 4 944x51N 4 - -fr 2 q'i',:ti:2l3,ll,,ilL4'.crt 11. i; ilk-our-dealing& !ma eery oug, !guilt ispar purpose to make , Oat'itestr-~bb "A 0 - • • • ' TEMPLE 'ol` ,- ;, FASHION! 1-.); - iq - - 47 And the house of every %titian 'the county. Thanking yoa 1111 . • ,:< 7 qatittUOlCOlimitailol4. . Towanda, fießt)P67, rt..l7! . x ME T HE CORNER 0 0 660tt The_ subscribers ditireAV to the Public, that they have coal IP^••;. • P•47N•t•; - ,..;.; mended Amines& ,generat fielders in GROCERIES,' GRAIN • -.5 and:, Ototilfalki PRO DUCE,:at the.Bride4',Strefi'COirier of Patton's Block, • and that they have now'Oif' ligtid ; F und;: design keep, a completu'Tassortnientlif OA; adapted 'tu'the'Sv'alik d iit,:ttifq*4! and iouutry tradev, Tijayeuld examination their, -440014 and a comparison ,of the same iith any otiier ; •ge•iidi;) in zAel c - 4644 iii'-tor • - quality and.priee: ?,s • They_ ai:e providek.witlii ample 04ifficient,lkelg40;givffr pri:Opt at„, telitiefl:tcf. : Otatothers,"airitl yoll . vve• eatefttlf.atteutimk„talivrile*placed, . t f r 0 -.We:, pay, ~ Caslr'lifrr-, S PR,ODUCE-, go9as tor eadylV. • !lc , ilL14:11.24:: LONG tIe:VRIVE RR; 1 -10* 41 0ai Sept: /7:11-1,a6* E A . r , Li . vati' 11A.VE. , FOUNR - 4 1 4 1 I'l r ,r,rl 4.l.vr;:iiitimn.t, • ;! Af.ORE. ti4PLOSIONSI'I • ' ; 1 1.:!Li 41911 P 11EURFITrui,.;iAccIttiNg33 !;. a#Al#..o.kgAitt:.) j. 7 - rt - • „ 7 7. • • , 1 400.7.. 1 1 trlcF-2i , ..dEet; 4C. 11•111 FIIMIA EIE • .(+ - • MEM i , : lid 'thiiiefiiie iiiiite .ii . -Vilii:)! -.t. - ,rjiii;r: , : ii - .3i-... I:::: , ),Lifi2') .-;:-',i, , j -.:ltafraid*ii. .clear. al4l,iiriiiiita! 5 • :'too:. ma Lit P I , ri-stsl ; 19 Ft e t 1,, 17 c9STS" 0 Ntlf.6,7;iF 14,7 anlit; t.trt ' ' • - 73 EitihetetV the la r grtiala. Wherever Rata lefikli seed.; ce ”." 1 LJ We only ask you 44 , d :a it ' 441. ' , YOU WILL 00NTINUE I 117 Db t IIII:d/WitSent ) dittvias -Bra dfroid oo,n4;lter the putpoiieJeCßaildliG, TERRI ! TORY andlighte i tp .14 akuldete Beß:thl OR." TM oilmen ttotteistd maait • 4 FOB 17118,4141. J trig IMP AI!: 71' Lit• !I -VA4,1410C1 e qll l o4 i rt ,llB , - 40 1 0/ 10 , *MP • J.. • ; for-litradfin4;:aw i ti#o , ,•,Li tt it a ii.-; Lamm, l igionthkg‘p patid Rao c P I 117. ti Vins7 P • 021101 trawintopLEtx.B*EFFT4 , l , l , 2;0 .lf 5 1 1 P, NO ji .13, 1 t,( lettirot l itill .41iffit0. t . jtl 11,7P5.1/4. pl?r, PcrUi 1114* ; . •::3 1a.r'21, -1 4 , 42 $ ':it ; :-.• ". It z ! ?, 7 %,,: i c , " i : $, -„, ilu. i -4. IIi; :: :1. `ii , ..' , j a ' i -";:t . l.f 7 7 "v , 1. 11/ -kW l ,:iPir. Pal' ,-; , :' , 3 - :-...: •I f %_.:l iit "i:t • .....fl - .1 i'..l- , ,:!S- .1") . --', Lt, ;': ~..! :r 4:14 ii 7 -4' 41,Man , ft02/O(I I4ARST9IFOOM 1 .41/4/. 4i4il Arft thepearcebitrateu . ,-..,: ,; , ,...v . tow ~ , f ro. . 7£.1Ti4,•..; ittlifft Yi f 1 41 .4PRIckigiCW.11/T) • 7:qtli 3ll ill; l ji a •ii:rtiilltirj, flao j- lm ',Lhais!- I fl i gk' e lft:i4..lo - Pootiq: - ..i boil : tv: - . ..;a41.11 - 1, 11.154...! r•-,"t ti. .b. 1, 1 i):4 SII4 4igtRIPBNAIP,OPS 1 • 4' . 1 f : 2 .‘. , 41iiii , .3.111.n. '.:/V , P.--11 , ("' : /MlL'n.qcolvitazPO - UNII.; : ere )-L V.cL !..tq ~ ,1, ,ILI i 1 'dtiMALiiie ' viiiierigl ' ,eN.l,lilaugui ... i;•: , ... u%/: relies 11 1 liktYr 1 : 3 11114 1 . _ lEll frlqw ; :k;3l - tv i, 'mss 1m .:oviic, A1 4-44.1 - i29Nt•, - ;l,,tilt iii.olbt3l , t l • I , ? fr. - li p t -i i i r d ri p t, 46 dag,b4.teitf,Liz. t ii.,:i 1., 10i'll- ,-,•!.)Ii•, rir 0,,.•;.- - , 14140 . 11 , 011 •1 1.1: - '1544-1 " . 1 1.)E :, Iltil Tod: , ;',.; ..---_, 3i; !,. 41:4. l i. a' . ,4 _it tau v ,s; $ 6 ...,i. ie.kz i d lfttovi kfit . 9*r 44 ..i .0400.41.4.4V4 3 10011,04 1- • Ealitr-11101 ,P.W47r:l = P 7 - =ll,l Co. t rim* w• and 12etter oloseed - , ' - • MADE CLOTHING ,1 t 1. W..raiT 4 D , 1.5..1!4. ;+: - -,. 1% . - Ilighi,•9:. ? r :ri!.L -',l !..WERL:t 0t:...;_;1i1-j Izsm : ; • ' :-. I i - rci -/ • JE - Vnlit rOts • • - , • - OE , . .3101:1131DUE 6fit) *.h.7lri ' ft P: AT •f- - • lOKaSn', • :;.'1" , S „i„orvoow e t ;.% f::.: MEE . , ell"; t• , TRADE' _ 1".4.11 , - - -, o.i:- , , :,.t. . =V:- : ,;,..•:-- - ..•:,: , .,,f..t:' 51 .;:l. I Pe' ACA lin eltj e. n" W.; .4v6- R RE D ITOTIO N . . I preto - R, =1 MEESE CMS 9 ,Niith one, *Miler f? our • ~ firm CO/28tatillkii York,. tie haPe see* :able within the 'Violent Yuctuatians in, thoMarket B : gad ,haPe •made r ;E: ::." - • heavy pure/ma - es of all kinds of. , owr MEE KITCII :BELOW 1039 MI 'REGULAR : MARE RATES. ILO* Int T H E GREAT ',UNITED STATES t ,i• X4,*4 1 0. 4 4 015 4E) .By co. No. 30 Vesey Street,' New York, Rave opened in connection with their present esktWisive Whcilestle Ekvaldlihment; a ,larlte and pLEGANT RETAIL IMPARTMENT ForAtriiipressimrpoutottetelling P - ` Dods to CONSUMERS AT ;IMPORTING PRIORS: and thus save thew the Immense profits'which usually go to the middle - men anal speculitors. I LiEsratuaraWtee our • teawCand , looffeesCat• sit times to be fresh and prinisaist joirnint alrgooda, bold from this house to.;glve entire satisfaction othorwhse.the gda', mint" togas; It4d3be will be•pfkkiii.,•• ; • •.- • ", PRICE LIST. '.l. ~b Obi.OSietalacki 60, 40,44, 90,41,001 per lb- Beat. NIXED, [Green arid Black] . 60, 70, 70, 80,90, $l,OO per lb., Best. Tornio RYER/ N. Green] GO, 70, 80, ,90%-$l l OO, $1,19, $1,25 per b., Beat.' IMPERIAL: (Green) 90, *l,OO, $1,25 NIL BREAKFAST, (81a410.70,,80,, 90, 1 ,00, 1,10, 1,20; bid; 1 :J/PAPAN AO/ 1)00.1145 per lb. GUNPOWDER, 1,25, 1,50 per pound. !GROUND COFFEES; '- • P,;llllll4llo;l6;ls,___'andlo'efeitiper Pound. ' - 410VREINI$BNIDQ , JAVA - p4o.eenta .. 010*$ antbinls • - ' ' • • FaEßgh RMIAN, 1e• *Orbs Mr/the alba( ' Tea aziol Coffeiee at • aSI 4 tTON, - PA. • Who will furnish clubs front all patio of Brad- lord county'. :All 'goods are put Op by ourselves in one pound packages at. oar Warehouse New York, and retailed at Canton by News. COLWINNI, tk.W.NIVIAN tho AM(.-prtOrsf: which Uniar ere to bit 104 over oar - counters In New York. Ar.goddir'plitng by.tts Nuir Op • PlADllNAllli.of.R , TheoGreat-1 United:Stater Vep Warehouatte!‘Ot T. Y. lielleg &.li4::Maio ed On the package. None otkerare genuine We solicit a PAIR AND THOROUGH TRIAL, bf our goods front all who are intended In aying a flwiillass officio of ,Tes and Coffee s at the loweittawilble ?Mod: "- • • Sept. 12;184, • • 'UNITED STATES EXPRESS CO. f— ovi- - so.arittis:•ssiis,oo. i‘aushe ''- Cff" T The mansion of the : routes' of this Company and Points in co'orsdo and the ent bf lambs at -satellite .of .tat: portance in all the Western Stites andll'errite• vies completes a continuous chain of offices from New-icet Cliglo the ,line Wadi; MOM lag all the principnt chi a and 'towns in tifili;, 4 (iiiilianap . " Blind . " ' ' Michigan,, j lowa, Wisconsin, Missouri, Min. :mesas, ilanomoliebrita*; ek6 " Also to a points an the line a the - lieii York 4d zefißsliway and ite breeches, and Canada aVelisiblintthia Ed ttiliagnit ‘'W• .. ' • ' Goods,Coin Bank-Notes; jiwelry - 1 . ,-.17:„. ...i.anili,Valuables , Nr, • .1:: , , • tlith tiefaudlllal% APCP/Ithonktransfer. , 1 The earns wnnectlot Idth' altar rens re:, l articieVr i ltral .execution of ell trprese adn fit Way part of the Western. frorthweatern and Southwestern States and erritarme. . Notes. Drafts, BilbaiunLiccande collected, ,• d the proceeds returned with the greatest . • . (jar__m_tre will • elks low u charged 4"i' ' aillogil itarDl 011100; tam. , ID of route between WaverAYA*l 4 .- 1 ,44 - !4'911 1 4 4 . ' ... , This Company have also established 'Offices it•Towanda and Athena;. Pa.. and will run a DAILY Lag betfeen irlirorly .and 'these (laces, ac carrying' all Goods, You'l l) sad *other kips an ijIM I consignee& Thls Une Ifill =lt o oods received ty by Itidivey, but otter the VI II ce, 4 % thnity Sun afklidt.thrlithe Sons of Mreadjr a t".beilth ..finaud to; business with each , litbsrvArd):Visb a d a t ' stood tbstAloods. entrusted t., our. leave ourbililbralllielhikeitinithe Milli tek whom they are kmafferollinsaini, log rise &ix o wn t oo nw i uAkis , o'l .1... alezou ,„..i.4 i - 1 - • 1... ' •. 4 I lk , ' Merigilielair," ir. - it infoisk? r ---;!.. le.; f: 13eiii 12, 11307, ri - Pr i7 - .-, 3 ;7 1 ", -.4 .-;,: 1..a3 .y.1:4:41%10( .I.:tti•oil j..1 . 1' - i .4,5 i; 0., Mr 1 . gm: f , ..! - 'l,l :7.,t-.:-.:14 , T.: -4 -,:-JI - , e ; BRE ME BIEZI =MS ES MEM WM :,. . ;rtri' : ;. , 0.,4„,..4;4,..i,,, 841, . A. PUS I VAM I DATNEPOL, r.; ,- .4 '- , 102 , VADMOX lAillilllTl - T''-z , •!' :, -, - '•:', :;.•.,-,:,,•,:, . ~ ,.••••:::.;.,,,, z ,ii . Ir . . Prdr....,,„, 4 4 :7,p • MADAM' -Mtilliii 11 1 . ..' 1... ,, ,iiit 7: - . , :;.•. • -..-z• oG. ~. - ~..!;-, ~ Ibliiri_ittAk t , aemlawiiMA n p u toikeemwto =we' lief INSeditirtiket la arta ollelkil admutialeratant tireftation to slaw I ihtsalsli fir di . ." 4- - - i KresticilLs, ?.. ' la Jar. 11M,_ fluoimi,4„ A.M.'. Woz, EN 166 X, q• ,/ SPlnsq, PA . • -•..-.-:....- ENNSTINANIA, n STA.T.S • NOR NAL SMOL,..lll(aframD, Tuna Co., Professor of Nair"! • Progenies of LW gei. 9 1 4 1 4.!/ 19 }l •""s mas igA!l ise lt:X*,eioraewr 01 ' Ilf ilk !X; Pat thia*Uailias, • , - ayad mminu _ • • sue CONARty • gigiattsches. 1f85..111411T - 3. 811104313,' B . E.".. Principal of • • :Nadel G. HOYT, Professor of budruntental and 'Focal Munk. Mtn AUOB B. BMW; Anistint •Instructor nista. ' " 'FfriteTerui mo begi s. n" Septembet 4, 180. Beoond - " December - 9, 1867. ;TWA: • .Muck "•:' , 2111, lest, • -13711 sits Psi nine or it wino : - For Fall and Spring Tutu. Including board Yana ran_ I _B tuition, :book rent, fuel, oil, • end in lllllll 4o ••• •• ' GO 00 For,y/luter, Term, " 4 Oo For ddi students, tato:and' book rent..lo - 00 • Total eigineies lorichool year: - 1184 0o No ern charges. Student"' Norm are fur. Jibbed vitli non", shahs. tablet, 'Weis: pails, beibtqads, mattromes, plitowi and one coattor- For further infornottlost send for Casa) • love.. Address Princifial. , Aug. 11; Iso7 SUSQUEHANNA COLLECHATE INSTITUTE.: TOWANDA, D I t4DFO4'OO,, P A. The !Pall Term Willnpen . Wi 130P tember 18,1867. Instrnclions will be tarnished in the four conrsei, viz LNNOLDEGI. CLASSIC, : NORILAJ..miCCOAINEGICIAL, ,srith facing. ror - 411IGICH snd DRAWING*, VOCAL hnd INSTRUNNNTAL - MUSIC ; DabWING Arad PAINTING, Boarding in the Initicute will be ' ander the irninedhite charge of the Principal. For terma, etc, apply Immediately .to the Principal, . "Bev. SAMUEL F. COLT. _ Towanda. Aug. 29. 417, HUNT :.wilj re-open her al school for Young Ladies' ca MONO SEP,TEMBER 2,48 67 =I . . Frill branches - .u 00 $Sm French or Latin ..... ..-.. - 2 30 @:'4 t 'Deduction made for absence, when ocmsiou ed by protracted illness. • Tovranda, Aug: 20, 1867 —3m.• illisultannuo. 1 1J ASHION ABLE TAILORING ftfi F • - ;A. T, NA.VIDBON; announas to , t*e pablie that be; ha opened a Tailor Sh. , p in Buffington B uro' and - will tut and make Men an & Ilwys Gerin,•utt /, In thd m at anbefantial and Pashionable.roso ner. CUTTING done on abort notice a:Wog reasonable terms. Particular. attention, given to Repairing - Clothes al alt kinds , Butlington. Sept; 3, 18'67. MEW- BOOT AND,S,HOR STOKE; . =- - . . - G,.. B. Trrus, , II Wally laforteK / the 'citizens .of Towand Bo Of r / A t i at he-hos _ opened a : Boot and Shoeilgec Rang - Kirby's Building, west side of Main: street, where ho' will keep on hand 1 stock or • : 1- . ' • BOOTS A N I) BEIOE3 1 i . . Adopted to Men's and Women's wear, to wh•ela he Invites the attention of • the public. Particular care will be paid to manufacturing the very bet stock will be used, and the work manship will be warranted first clan. The pa- c tronage of the pablic isaolicitid, confident that sitistactiori can be.given. • - Old Rubber Boots , aed Shoes - nestly Patched and halt-soled. Rubber soles attached to lean,- 1 REPAIRING T.EN PER CEN T BELGIV • ' USITAL,RATES.. ; ToWand , gept WB. 1, KELLY, Dentiet. Office. e over Wickhini & Mackie, Uinta& Pl. A.ll . .the. valleys •atYlea or work . scientidcatly don.) an warranted. Particular Attention of called to the Allnutinutu ' Base for Artificial Teeth, which hi equally as' good as Gold and far superioi te'etther Rubber or Silver. Pr. nAc call and examine specimeng`. Chloroform or Ether rection of a Phyaloiati_when desired. fug. 6, 1867.-"-tf. _ . • WANTED.--By the ToWanda• Tun= I , V tang etttepaity, Tip Hundred Tbuogand. Shingle:3,ot the boat • quality, to be delivered immediately, at their,:worka at Greenwood: kiwit. - a,1867. .. • - . . HE • TOWA.Z4DA BAKERY EIITABLISHMEN'r I WOOD g ALLYN: hiving purchMk4 . the Bakery and Eating Estahlthaent tad Groans recent ly kept by Hill Budtl4, tint door smith • of the _ Ward. Rene; *tin •abfeit; Towanda. Pa.,!: and having ratufidelkd the lams. they are • prepared to, in their customers the public with everythiag in, their lige at nano abte rata.. . _ - THEIR - EATING . Is lifted up in .the most approved Style and meals are surveil a: all hating. and their Store is filled with& good assortment al . • • difOcEBIEB. CONFiCiIONARY ; GRERN AND DICED FRCIZt, AC.4O . • They will keep-in store and sell at wholesale and retail or manntacture to order . BREAD, BJSOUIT, RUSK, FRESH ROLI BUNS, P AND CARS, . , Of all klub. Also will keep the beat Crackers eel, kinds re • three markot, by the barrel or *pow& -Fresh* Oters% constantly on hand by -the keg ;ordish, cheep u ths cheapest. They will use the best materials in every thing and will by to plifine the most ihstidions. • se-Wedding and other buy Cakes made to order.!. • • Familial supplied daily and priffspfty with, anything desired in our They employ none but the most skillet work men a nd' use only the best material. They are dete‘ined to keep &Int clan' establishment. Give us a fair - and candid. trial sad you will find it ,tii,your sibrantager. - J. 13: ALLYN. Tovianda ; Aug; 41,0367...4r. - ME REAP.PASSAGE PROM - OR TO' " '• • I REIAiND :OR "ENGLAND-1 etrimqs co.'s Lisa • OP. immunizes yam on to ' qtIIIXXISTOWN • 011 LIVIMITOOL , • , • • 1 .1 Wiillama & Gobi's Old "Mad Star Ltnel of Liveripolfacketa, menu ovary week. -, i'Ehrallow-tall Uwe . itickeko trait or, to Lon -10.1.,T1311t,e1ee a reee!h..:, • Remittance* to. England; !refs:and leothittd • lotyable on maw& ' " _ - Pbc %Atm partlculars,aiptt .13 irlitatea Gulon. No:mbar ;New-Torg. - Or G. F. pegowi 00., Ratiluirs, , 044. - 2 888 - ' ' ; Towanda: Pa. THR • ERIP4 RA -S WAY COMPANY. . _ 4 :NOTICE'?' -" - pcursion llama to *tits or 40 or skate no, to any *akingo Ws 14allway, will - told .itt it great reductlqt trout molar ram. ekttetelmekeel - i'llertir..4.4o ttestro to flit • crap Pas. ticketd to and retora. win be itted**24.lls each. - The regular faro is 80,20 • on a stogie ticket win $2,12. Oa ticketa 188: To all other station, nthe ditto will. be,lo',.proporti a. , Two or three , =dee 'Wald be gi . that .doe • l = =r t 1 0 o,oz- mg bel a A wi tt er fonnatkof *Who cheer - 11« , Blake 'Agent. , WY. R. NOR. e Ati0.444.. N.Y. LINEN . ' OTHING GREAT ', .* 6111 746wit . FEE ■ CA Jug and under di
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers