II M!IM=EM3 IgZS II • "Pgai.! , (.IENiiRAti:XLMON , TROOLAL NA MATIHIL.:-Wbemals, by *West of Avian illy of the Cemnionwealth - Of Plvitnia, ca rload 'seer act relating to, the our *MIL Cammonwealtitil it is enjoined upon iniSto,glytt. public notice - of-Mich election 'to be held o k as 'and. also the Cannludation to noncombat _ are to be elected, I, WM. CIRIFFIB,4IIg - it Id oflhe County of Bradford, do Welty mate knovrn aid give notice to the electors of ' said county, Oh TUESDAY, the Bth day, 01;00TO• BER, In the several districts hi ' said Coat], to . wila alb t . • f" Borough; at the hoar formerly 00e riled by D. P. Knapp. ' 'I hi Altsiny, Mahe school house 'near WlWain Barnes'.. - ~'the - ' ~ . ~, kt Armenia, at e house of John S. Becker. In Asylum , at t he school house near Simeon Decker's. ' In Athens bore', at the house tormerly ! Cot pleJ by E. B.. Mathewson. • - In Athens tip., at the house formerly Occupied by J. ii. Hunt, in Athens bore. - In Burlington bore'. at the house formerly oc teupied by L. T. Rope. I ' In Burlington tem., at the house of Juan ~„..., . Wilcox. i . .lia tingle* Wait, at the honie of Kira (Ward. a _ In lay at the School House: ' - In n boro', at the - Central House. In Canton twp: . at the house formerly oceia- Pled 1, 1 thi. M. Myers, 41 Canton taro.' , . In. Gob bra, at the house of James Keegan. In Franklin; at the :house now occupied by S. S. Dori:dug. - - - In Granville, at the house of Beta. F. Taylor. In Herrick, at the- school house near Daniel Durand's. - • -• . In Leßlysville bore'. at the house formerly .occupied by J. R. Fletcher. In Litchfield, at the house formerly' occupied by Cyrus Bloculgood. - • - Isa Leßoy, at the Centre School House. • In Monroe top at the house formals:occu pied by R. IL Mocktrells la Monroe hero', at the house fornierly occu pied by Ethel Taylor. In Orwell it the lionise of Francis Woodruff. In Overton, at the home formerly occupied by David .Waltlniti. -• ' • ~ In Pike at the Immo. Traver Bosworth. In Rome - two., at the Academy hi Rafe born. In Rome borough, at the Academy. In Ridgbury, at the 'house of Setif, Hennas. In blieshequin s in the Valley House. In Springfield, alike house formerly occupied by Jesse Hammond. ; • . --, ~ o f yens. , - liStanding Stone; the house of Simon • In Smithfield, at the house ` formerly occtlind by A. J. Gerould, In Sylvania hero'. in the house at Varna Mee titt. -. In South Creek, at the house of J. F. Gillett:, In Terry, at the house of Jacob Frotehlf. " In Towanda boro'. at the Grand Jury Boom. In Towanda top., at the house of T. ft ; Jor dan in Towanda bore. ' '4 In Towanda North, at the Id - use of &A. Mills. In Trey top., at the house of V. M.tong in Troy born. In Troy born', at the house of V. M. Long. - in Tuscarora.. at the school house near James Black's. , la Ulster, at the &Mrs of 8. B Holcomb. in Warren, at the lionse of B. 'Cooper. In Windham, at the house of B. Knyketidall. In Wyalusing, at the house of J. H. Black. In Wilmot, at the house of A. J. fitone. ' -In Wyse', at the house formerly occupied by J. Iff. Reed. ' in Wells, at the house of - L. Seeley. - - At which time and place the electors afore said !ill elect by ballot. One person for Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Two persons to represent the counties - of Brad ford and bulliian in tbe "Legislature of this - Commonwealth. One person for Treasurer of the (aunty of Brad ford. One person for Commissioner of the County of Bradford. Two persons for Jury Commisidoners ftrr the County of Bradford. One. person for ~loaditor for the County of • Bradford. - - And in and by said act, I am further directed to give notice t• that any person excepting ju nco of the peace who shall hold any office of profit and trust under the goiernment of the 'United States or this State. or of any incorpor ated district, and also that every Membe r of Congress and of , the Legislature , and the - select , and common council of any 'city, or commis sioners of any incorporated district, Is by law ' incapable of heldtng or exercising at the same time the office or appointment of Judge, Inspec tor or Clerk of and eft ction of this Common wealth and that no Inspector or other officer of any such election shallbe then eligible to any . office then to be voted for. ily the 4th section of an act passed - the pat day of April f lB4O, it is provided -• that the 13th suction of an act - passed July 2, 1863, entitled ' An act relating to the elections of this Coin - monwealth ,' "shall not be construed so as to • prevent any military , officer from serving as Judge, Inspector or Clerk, at any general or .special election of this Commonwealth. An Act to change the time of closing the polls at the General and Township Elections In the County of Baadiord. . &Mon' 1. Belt enacted by the Sendto and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penesylvurtia in General Assembly met and : it is hereby enacted by the authority of the ' , same, T hat . all General, Special, and Town ship or Bdrough elections hereafter held in the County of Bradford; the Polls shall be closed at six o'clock in the afternoon Instead of seven, as • heretofore provided by law. - A further Supplement td the Election Laws '.of Pennsylvania: • - WISIMEAS, By the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled " Au Act to amend the several seta herefofere passed topro.Vide for the ennolling and calling oat the National forces, and for other purposes," and slimed March third, one thousand eight hundred andmity- I five, all "persona who have deserted-the military of naval service of the United States, and who have not been discharged, or relieved from the --penalty, or disability: therein provided, are deemed, and taken, to have voluntarily relin , quished, and rbrleited their rights-Of citizen ship. and ar there of : e deprived of exercising- any rights , of citizens - And whereas, Persons not citizens of-the United Stites are not, under the Crinstitution and laws of Pennsylvania, qualified electors of - this Commonwealth : - Sacrum 1. Be it. enacted by the Slide and Howe of Representatives of the Commonwealth Of asaayy lranta in Gene, al _Assembly met, and • it is h ereb y enacted by the autkarity of the same, That in all deal - one hereafter to be held in this Commonwealth, It shall be atilawfal for - the judge or inspectors or the electiOn to receive any ballot or ballots flom any person or persons em braced, in the pro Visions, and subject to the die abilitilmposa by said act of Congress approv ed Mar& 3,18(5, and it shall be unlawful-for ea, such person to offer to vote any ballot, or . . • ots. - Sny= 2: That it any such judge and in - specters of election or any one of them shall receive; or consent to receive, any Inch unlaw ful ballot or ballots, from any such disqualified person; he, or they so offending ,shall be guilty of a mtedemeanoreand upon conviction thereof inany court of_ quarter sessions of this Com manwealth, he shall, for each offence,be Eenkn . - ced to pay a fine of not lentil= flOO. and an , . cergo an Imprisonment, in-the jail of the prop er county , for not less than 60 days. - ' Szcriox 3. That if an person deprived of • c itizeuseip, and disqualiffed as aforesead, shall • at airy,election,he eafter to be held la tide Com monwealth, qote or tender to the officers there of, and offer to vote a ballot, or ballots, any per son, so offending, shall are deemed guilty of a _ misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, in any court of quarter sessit,ns of this Commonve.ilth - . shall, for each offence, be punished is like man ner as is provided in the preceding section of , liact, in the ease of officers of election reeeiv nt such unlawful ballot, or ballots. cericm.4. That if any person shall hereafter persuade. or advise. any person, or persons ile prved of citizenship, and disqualified as afore said to offer any ballot or ballots, to the officers of any election, hereafter to be held In this Com monwealth, or shall" persuade, or *advise. any such officer to reeeive any ballot, •or ballots, from any person deprived of citizenship, and disqualified as liforerwid. such persan, so offend ' ing, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. and upon convlctioi , thereof, In any court of quarter-eli sions of this Commonwealth, shall be punished in like manner as is provid ed in the second sec tion of this ad, in the cam of officers of each P leetilM, receiving such.unlawfai ballot, pr bal. lots ' By an Act of Assembly of Mint. 30,1866, en titled en Act regulating the mode of voting at all elections,in the several counties of this Com mcrorealth. it is enacted as follows : BECTION' 1. pi it enacted 0 the Senate and Mouse of Representatives of fht Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General A:seedily sad, and it is hereby enacted by the author y. of the same. That the qualified voters of the seSeral'courities of this Commonwealth. at elf general,tonnskip borough, and specisl elections; are hereby,here after authorized and required to vote,by tickets prinied,or writtee,severally classified as iolldwe: — One ticket shall embrace the names of all japges of courts to be voted for and to be labled, out side, "judiciary:" one ticket shall =brace the names of all state officers to be voted for and be .labelled "state;" one ticket. hail embrace the names of all county officers voted for,:including office of senator, member, and members or as sembly, if voted for, and members of txmgr , as, if voted for, and be. labeled "county;": one tick et shall embrace the names of all township of ficens voted for, and be labeled "township;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all berough officers voted for,and shall be labeled "borough". and each class shall be depffsited in separate ballot-boxes. The meeting of retain 'Judges for tbisßepre• . eentative District, be held at the Court - House, at Towanda . , on the seventh day' after the election, which will btpin - the lSth day of October. • The meting of return lodges for llke Comity of Bradford will be at the Court Bubo is To wanda; on the third day idterlbe ddation which Via he /Way, the 11th day Of October at 1 -0 , - their, p. zo.• WM. GELPPIS Sept. 24, 1667. • Sheriff. E_+MM _ _ srui tiiimmum, -NSW OF 000D.1:,: ./A.1015 0; 41108 T. : fa sums* io 041 - ' • 114. led Wied,alstirtaliti FURN-ITITILEI , .. . Now as siiiibbloit a bli Wateitoossi, 4016 b. I be will be hippy to "bow to any and 1 , 7 ta *soot charm or to sell at a , eery Maas Eros cost. • Mislaid for th e past 1 pattonagw,of the :public, I would . say „ 1 l dal still seldom? to make it to their in arms is deal wltb me, not only bylkettplan * k • - 1 LARGER , STOOK t /t . 7 i To select ttoni than is kept in..togy otberitrill tare Store In this region ;lot. also by fibrins ; 112 A LESS • PRICE • 1,31 Than the Lune quality of goods can be Or slued elsewhere. I bur no In store °Ter - • DIFFERENT \ PATTEIMB OF CHAIN, t ' H L ' • Ana more than • I . , • , THIRTY DIFFERENT / STYLES BEDSTEADS _ ' : _j 'Besides &mans/Stands, Tables,. Boos *os, What Rots, Bobs, Tete-a-Tete's,"Uockerol and Easy/Chairs, Piano Stools, Ckil. dren'aCarriages,Children's Cradles and Cribbs, Looking Glasses, ,Looking Glass Fluke, Pia / • .tute Frames, Photo. •granh Orals,Steel &gulags, Cords-and, Turbo,. , I Infect a full assortment 12131 OF EVERVIWNO - IN THE 424 E, I which will be Bold CHEAP FOR Thep'',Ho are tnuitid to call and moraine my stock before purcbas `elsewhere.,: BMre on Main Street, 2 doors south of Montaes. I also keep on head, a large assortment of READY MADE COFFII4B, 1 From the moat common to the finest Mahogany sr Rosewood, which 'will be furnished - with We without Attendance with Hearse, at as tort a price aa the m y guatity can be poraiased else where. • Dec. 1866.--yri NEW FURNITURE STORE 1 Having rented the Furniture Ware-roorne form erly occupied by F. N. Page, Athens, Pi., would now say to the pawns of the old Fatah liahment that I have a complete Stook of Goods, Mat received. embracing everything in the . FURNITURE LINE. My pods an new and well selected, and fot GOOD GOODS , Will oaths undersold 11 any, Ca/1 and ex amine,m my stock beform., pparcbaaing. I reMin the Workmen of the old e t, and MB. /CI. HART Will have chugs of the business and fdannfaSt nring. In short haves the finest Stock !of Goods in oar line of Les, York, consisting of lor Furniture, • Ctuunber-Bettshilofas, Bureaus, Marble-top • , • Centre Tables, Eitension and Dining Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Mirrors, Picture Frames, - Photograph Ovals, Cord and Tassels, Steel Engravings, Oil Carting, Toilet Stands, Work-Boxes, Fistfuls, ko. COFFINS AND BURIAL CASES Our Undertaker's Dem-taunt will at ill times be well supplied with everything in that line. We have the FINEST HEARSE In this Notion, not evoepting anything yea of New York, and wilt attend Funeral, within a circuit of 7Wasty Mks, on reasonable fermi. G. H. VOOIIIIJS. N. 1. Efate, Agent, Athena. Jan. 26. Iss6.--ly II URNrTITRE WARgIOOIIS i F JAM ILANINSON announces to thijpublio that he still continues to manufacture and keep on hand a large assortment of CABINET PURNITIIII IC , '1 131=m, Tables. Bedsteada. Stands, Chai rs, &c:, of every tlescriptat. ,which will be made of the best materials, man`, he most workman. Iffie manner. [ I Invite the Inaction of the public to mit - Mork, which 'Wino be sarpssed in durability; at any shop in the country, and my prices will be found to be as low as the times will admit.. Beady-made Coffins constantly on hand 1 41ir made to order. A . good Hearse will be kraislied when deaired. • ' 1 Aug. 'l5, 1885. t Illindlcnuous. G4 OOERY, PROVISION AND PEED • STORE. . I-. JOHN MERIDETH, • a'l r h-it., firstdoor south of n ost respec tfully et. tuition of the public to his large and 'well im r • lected stock of . GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Which he is selling to suit the times, ati parses of. all. He has also opened a sPlenlUd , 1 I .1 / I Which. is well situated to supply the canal anal Barclay real region at all times. Be 4ee constantly on hand a large stock of TENS, COFFEES, SUGAS , r 1 FLOUR, BUTTER, PORK % 40.; Which he is selling cheapifor cash. II The citizens of Towanda and vicinity, lI please accept my thinks for their very Merit , ' patronage for the last two years, and we promise with their -assists=, to improv evl• cry optertunity to enlarge our bus- new, az to warrant satisfaction to all. Call and nil JOHN NERID Towanda, July 10, 1867. MERCHANT'S ' UNIoN EXPRESS COMPANY. ' GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO =MEWS ND SHIPPERS. , 1 4 :il l : I :ad z' -lade 1 117 1 1 Inge way, a t i o en d ts o F zith th s e os pit On their road, are - now receiving All kings ol freight and merchandise for all fiarti - of the tinion4-North, South, East, 'West thiCanaJ, due, Europe , West Indlea. Goods sent dgt: to any part of California, all with the qui ti despatch. Shippers and Merchants gene Y know what enormous rates they_ have beeniply quick transportation. Now this Uotn-I pan is made up exclusively of Bankers4fir.„. chants and Shippers, to break' up the mels4o.l ly (which the old Companies had formed] lb asi to five fair rates to the • business commulity.l Al goods or packages weighing 40 lbs. 6D up7l wara, aro shipped by actual weight. The to keep low rates, is to i tetronfse the that brought them down. Particular care d attention given to money and. Valuable 10.1 ages, Co ll ections, a. Collections - made! d returns forwszded by quickest dispatch. LG. CB S, H. J. GIFFORD, I Act :v Inp ig t tobetoi; L i 'Towanda sad vicinity, by leaving , them at the Stage Office of John Beeman, will be forwarded to the Waverly Office of this - Company evM7, • day: J. BEEMAN, Prop's Stage Lina„:: June 6,1887.-Iy. • ' . FEED STORE, MOLASSES, . . T O. OF O.F.—BRADFORD LOD E •.1.• No; 167, I. O. of 0. P.. meets at Odd- - lowa Hall, op lionday'eveming from - the t , • Monday In A to the Ana Monday in Pato Arks,,,o ! , : ,_ . Isoctober3q.p_rn_ l 4.4 ..,- 7", £p6il 241867. J • r* UAA "' . 1 jr e=%IZIM=NU. , MIIM IMEN IN "* • • ; •; • ; 0 4„ Z :43r-IP•0., w• 271, - **tk. =: , ' , • , ., , ..;,..• 117 , f74 - 41,0-4 , I , : ri n . 7 .„.: . . .., .i40. , 1 - t fil4 . apouLt: cpuktarnami -10 i W.... HOS: e l , 1 4 -stireostinel4,ol, Ale: 1 • b.& Patt&ft c , lrAimilui . , le . , _additions to I _;I ds IStOck from tbe', 1 - Id ilisiddletemit sup* dutif ul. or , a Mewl • *art of public 'WM ha pIUMEI r AND ...unDiguirss i . .. men' received, sr we . ere now p bppre rn? THE p1T131.10 WITH AliTicOdd moms° vo ram veszi. 0 I I !t 1111 r ig o'6 intim; " * . m?. iiktqaAk- nu& ampawf.#27l.7.4?)3.t.akirkimat,-_ , ly. /MC, gpLECTIe AND goigarespno - inIIDICINES; ' . '; ' i•:' ' ' '''''' - 1161 . POPMALII . : - P.AITENT MiDlollfl§i:' rum, 0n,,. rAiiiiii• :,, , ` '`° `,% ' ? AND VARNpIi int Sags, - - D!1-92111 , 7M AND CILLINL t . - Oi I '•AND Tonsr•atiLESOF IM Uri —• • • 111 •10011LIC ArtfyPLOll ALKALOID'.:ANOW.gie . Isolve4— IMI . All the Best Trews, • - 0 A . 11 14 0 B 888, • Shoulder Braceit,,, t• • 'T PIMPS, NIPPLE SMILLB, : , AND . • SHIELDS, ilitrsing Bottles, Syringes and Catheters,. A rases ABOOMINT or ressoeS, moss, toms : 1:11,1111 4 INSrunnurrs OF was inna AND BUST QUALITY. i ge . f u p t p he y B eeh i e s s n d Nahiles ~ Bs o t hn Poi ders ir. and Pastes, Oils; Perfumery, Soaps. Combs; 'Hair Dye. Luvigor- _ ators,/c., Kerosene, germane Lamps, Shades, Chimneys, Wicks, ar,c.,'411 of the - late st styles. EOICE CIGARS, TOBACCO - AND BMW • Physichma supped at, reasonable rates: icines and Prescriptions carefully and ac . tely compounded and prepared by compet en persons at all hours I of the day andnight. Buiday hours ,from 9 to 10 o'clock in the fore noon. to 2 intbeafteamoon. - • • _ , 11. H. 0111111. 1 1`owanda , Sept.'29; 1896. HE -TEMPLE I OF FASHION I EW GOODS! • • New Stock of Clotbitighoeghlas p before the war,: to be sold with MALL P:ROFITE;t he undersigned would respectfcigy announce the citizens of Towanda and vicinity that he this day opened at the south Store of EJDL'E , M A N EL 0.0 IC, I ppoelte the Mesas Battle, Main Street, a EW ESTA#LISHMENT -911:Wady Made Mew and Boys an&Chlldeeas CLOTHIYG.I GOTEV.I93RNISHIE4 . 900DS, HATS, OAPs Aid that those iodibotight at very ow , Og at willbe so)u eiL very, sma ll protlte ! Hat a- . toestablish f i r rmanenttrade in this place , a f 4 1 order to . the confidence of par oh as e 11 deal with them on a basis of honest y a IlTitit, and all goods sold will be ate what they are represented to be. • • • ts. Come and examine the New Store of • • • Towanda, April if, 1867.—yr. SOLOMON, & SON, b., eitpAre now opening their general stock of RING & SUMMER CLOTHING, Fpr men and boys wear. Theassortmeit sill, bb found the chokes they have ever offered, Se lected with reference to the -wants of their hide. • Theyrespectfully'invite an examination of their clothing. which Is manufactured ex pie's], for their, - trade,' having -a imyervA ail times in the market we feel confident to give a better at a lower price !than can be obtained elsewhere. Also in store for the itrade a com plete stock of :, : GENT'S '- FURNIQIIING GOODS, t- . . LAIDI & FANCT CAiS. SHIRTS, LINEN AND MITSLIii inns, LINEN COLLA4, AND CUFFS, PAPER COLLAP,, AND CUFFS, , SUSPENDERS, CtLOVES, TIES, HATS AND OAFS, &C. The eotire stock mast be sold by the first of bi rx P ugast, next. We are O ff ering - great ins, 1143 we intend to remove, we feel /con eat in ailying to our friends and - customers, a will llnd it to your interest to call on as bet pur , g elsewhere, Itemember,tbe place; - - _ : . SOLOMON e 61119 N, ' No. 2, Pattonte Block. Towanda, May 23.'67. , , TEW SPRING}/AND SUMMER •GOQDI3! . mild annomme to the alibi:is 'of Towanda, aka the public generally. that he has In store ad M./ receiving, new and , . FIISSH 4110 , 01).1$ ' his line, imitable to the wants of the people, bleb he will sell prrerrency at former (}OLD PRICES! jorting as usual of good well aid rellalde CLOTHING!' (No Shoddy of any hind) conafetfag la 113IISINWS-. SUITS OATS, VESTS ANL? t r PANTS, I BESS COATS, PANTS & VESTS, Linen Coats, Deeters And 1 et nu sad Oyer Shirts, Linen and Paper Oollars. Linea. Caiatmere and Plannel Mirk, Neck Ties, Suspenders, Gloves, Canee„ Leather • • Spring Style 81114 1 E4N and , `43traw Bata. r &Waimea: Nmember that.t3ood Goods are • per at a fair price than poor goods at any oe. Call and examin, mergooda before buy , . Next door td Powell Co. yft EDDY. own/34,1W 28, • I i 411D - E° PAN - 14 PNVAS.D4 : PA. I ' On 16 4 1/ gtrett near the Catltt ifillil I 8, i BBB. . 9' :2 ,i,. - -814 . 11 . / . 1 / 4 Yrk r " I_N %ft. 146 dbesiiittoiAdOectitinteigeti KIND ItNIV72, elot4ing. NEW STORE. ac., etc., • H. JACOT3. Strat:i AB All Wool. tiALARY ST6IIM. :ni5.,.....:., ~, `' Lv iiiiiHritiN & BLMIC .".,,, ' , '4,1 . ~::- :. i' - 444the!r " , A. 4 _14., .._:_.:-:,..... ~, .VERY - ::l..',iltliit . t *litirarted as%oitmeat of, • - - , ''.oROOlgialr,:... i:,l-:'::,. MO GL* . 84 . r.4R . E . , oinN-A; CIE YELLOW,- ROOK t ILA N* STONE WARE Wetol keep lak4onneetfon with the ;above *took of ,I• i • • , • AILVER , !r" -k WOOD, - WILLOW', • .eriv ~...- JAPANNED GOODS o6LtIRY. nriety. ill we buy all 4*i:rah from FIRST' .HANDS, We flatter 'parsete., re can 0311, GOOD GOODS Lower than any other parties In this region. 4LOTHS, OASSIVIR,ES, AP - - TAILORS TOIMMLNGS, Of the beet 410417. OUTTMG _ ' IkIitNIJFACTURING Done to order. 'Agents, for WHEELER WILSt'S v -1, And SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. Towanda, March 7,1867. GLASSWA REI 225 Greenwich Street, 2 doors below Bare lay Ie the Great Depot for CROCKERY DEALERS' GLASS WARE, CONFECTIONERS' " " DRUGGISTS' GREEN GLA§S BY THE PACKAGE In fact all kinds of GLASS WARE. Ailsois complete assortment of BRITANNIA WARE, And S4VER:PL4TSD WORE, TOKRO‘,WABEI ; OHANDEL4icS,. LANTERNS, &Q., Distbrands 9f-Barosene Oil. I. . The best Intent Pratt Jam hi the market, - to be sold at the lowest prices. A full line of Looking' Glasses. All 'clods of Glass Ware made to order. Agent or Meripeu Britannia Company. J. T. winGiq, 22.54ireenwich Street, 4pril 15,'67. 2 doonibelow Barclay, N.Y. HE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING :-Tarcilluted the fitire Interest of R,;,• BATCH, In in tiOrm oeo. B.42iTCH & CO., is now preparcd . :to offer to. ..,,eitisens of Bradford County , lad vicinity', a tare and well selected stock qf 0 0 Ell, I E 8, Which I have purchaseirjor Cash and feel anal dent tbis can 801 l at as low Agana as can be , - parclufied owhere. .now offer to the public a spleilld s tuck of ,•TEAS, COFFOS, SUGAIt, `EITARCE, seunii.vu s, WIOES,IO. ! ''Have on hand a Lugo stock of AKRON FLOUR GRAHAM DO _ ; ,11,113 DO. BUOMECEIAT Dt). I kessis' .. constantly on hand, PORK, BAYS; LARD and Ondi of Would call the ~sit• tentkm of the public to Can't Be Beat 13TOOK. Oft2TOBACCco, In quality or price. Oaltlere f Celebrated LeriediF, New York Cbe nlcel and Brea. &lip %Phrase call and 41:w3rixt!s' . ortrrk of WO4IDEN-IVARE. Imo assortment ot4ANKKE N6i/ONS, TOILET ROAM, ar.,&4;,.i w lll "PaYOft biga 00 cash pricelor COUNTRY PRODUCE :3 Farmetejlie sis a call ; before iselllng elsewhere. I • "'‘ , O. B. PA.TOB -H • • yarns IndebtO to the ,Iste dial will Plifise 'call and make imin ediatt p 'Annuli", Much 12,1867. C. 8. \PAirgil vett NE A, 41 10 4 ' 20 1 11 .4. . „... „- , 1-;_ ii i t i, 44 - . A w argouvoio. ialt. Ntlakrortloaltoood ---,-.4...F0P001t, Mittolly ~.to Us progrooilre mutt ot Ile, ‘lllolrboitook.oMstially sup prat purotatillidc a tieteeklis facet _ftna i : iii, .., • or Rea, oclos.iiikg 7,i-aso-,r -, - , -- usz f - if -, DRUGS, ifEDIMF4 3 OBEIifOng 1 ,-- r4 l . 2 06 0 4AIral9grintsi 4 i BENZINE,/ OA . :TURPENTINE, \ 134811, .. PAINT, , VAUD* !AT . / 7 2 • 4411 -# l . i 1.,,, t r, -. iiiiiiii r 4 u 4kii ii 4 o, : . ii , coa EBRO ENE OR coil, 'ow ;f 5, hi 44 g urn ii i ett*Vii 11' LAMPS, mu*, 7isrAcc: woof* et IF ID -._ . sp_ , ,: 1 ov,listogefif4 .o *.v:' '' ' s TON MACH ili s tii - Olis, 4 ' .r. „ , Fancy an Toll 'Articles in all Aolr oartetif t 4 EiP o # ol 4 3 , ; 411DINT4 L- AOOB, a • CONN, Plialr•Dlerireiroinery, e',-; -, POCKET B OEB, PORT tIONAtB; P ROW*, liasoit,_ TOOTH EIKIN !AND HAIR P i : , CSI1115114TIONS: ' I-i 2 PURE WM= 4ND XITRUOREI . 1 For ! •Nalloinal ow, ' T° 1340 C. 0 1 ISNTI ff r t, :PrP lB,-21 0' 0 Aluist Garden, Field aidiolOir Seeds, Tinsies;SUp", potters,• 13uspeusories, Shoulder Braces, Elaßreast Pumps, Teething Rings, Nursing Bottle., Nipples, Nipple Shells and • 'Maids, 'Syringes, Bed Pans, Self-I Sealing Fruit Jars, Thermometers, Flavoring Extracts, Stone iJugs, 0111611 Ware * B".tl°!!:Vials,.qorks, Bath Brick, • 110 fell r E tuld Stove Blacking , 1 Ash Tiekle, &a. ißetank. Ecleetto and Homcepath= 4o "Mediates., fuid all the Popalar Patent MIE D 'LC I 1CE1.13. All articles. warranted u represented. Per sona at a • distance,. can receive their .orders by, stage or mail, '-. which will receive promptand careful at . • DR PCITEB'S .P8EPA1L4770176 „ FOR FAMILY Hai - Known as Soft and-Reliabie. Rem ediesare war-• ranted for What they are intended to g i ve satin. •faction, vii : Dr. Porte s. Pitteral • Snap, for co,VhB, - • - colds, lung commaints,*e.soc34l.. 00. Dr. Porter's Eclectic Pills, for bilious sou- Dr.'Porlee l s P l a a i nifer Byrn nts and ; , foe scro t+athart je :l4 . 4l 25 skin diseases, 4.e - 1 00 Dr. Porter's Uterine Tonic es , for femak Meal • 8, ¢e . 00 Dr. Porter Ton d o Eltairfor stiengthening • 1 the Osten, 1 00 Dr. Porter 's T ki a d nsy Bchnaapsdor,liver and, Dr. Po:tie; Comp. Syr. yp o 'i,i, ; ;;* p ui te ., °° II for Nervous debility ' • 100 Dr Porteg% Blackberry Balsam. for dial , o. Dr. Porter% Family sprains '35 . &vim, ' 35 D. Porter's Pec t oral i Wafers, e for hoarse- . .26 Dr. Porter% Worn Wafers, '1 worms 25 Dr. Portaii.Woriu 8.1 7 c0; for extermina ting mos ma • 35 •Dr. Porter% Infant Belief, for crying babies colic, 25 Dr. Porter ' s Ce belie Email' for catarrh 25 Porter' Toothache Drops, for tooth ache t ; 5 Dr. Porter% Tooth Powder, for preserving teeth ' 25 Dr. Porter' Tricesene, for dressing and • 50 growing the hair 50 Dr; Porter' Tricophile, for beautifying the, . I .. '.„ d. . • 50 Dr. Porter's OderirferoosShampoo,for clean ing the hair. ... ....... 50 Dr. Porter% MUlsot PlOsireWil for beadily. - lag thecoaiplexion.., 50 Dr. Porter ' Pile Writment. for external • ' .I , i piles • • 1 •00 Dr. Porters French Compound; for scald- . • ing —1...6 • .6.Q1'00 Dt. Porter's - Medicated PigS4 - toi habitual camstipat&on..i....•. •• • -4 00 'Healing Salve, for cuts ,wOunds ate . • ' 15 Lipl3alve, for chapped Ups,. .. 25 11 ME Dr. Porter',' Dr. ISM Dr: Porter gye Salve, tot inflamed eyes Dr. Porter Eye Water. feinfiamed Dr. Porters Corn and Wart Remover, tor corns and . . Dr. Porte:'S Constipation Pole, for costive- i l ness. 2 Dr. Porter'S iron:Pillai for poor b100d......_, 25 Dr. P,orter'S Citrate_ klagnesla r f6l, a pleas-'.„ ' ' ' ant eatharric • • 50 Dr. Porter'Liquid Rennet, for making nu tritiOns dlet for invalids 25 Dr. Porter' Extract Vanilla, for fl avoring i ,- . ' - ice cream , iko., • • . I .40 iD. P o r ter 's'r attract Lemon,' for' flav'oring - ice cream-large bottles 40 ;Dr. Porter's Oriental Cement, 101 l mending. , . .. • ~ -.1 broken &mote • . . - ..,-, 25 Dr. Porter'S Liqvild ~. Gine, for repairing. •: 25 - i . Wood work 1 ' br. Porter' Cleaising Finid,fpr easy wadi- - ing i • ii 50 Dr. Porter's •Bed Bug Poison fpr killing brigs Di . rorteilii'Ply iotion "iaper, fin. killing . . , . z OS , . flies.. ; ... • ......... , I • Dr: Porter's Bit and, Slice 'raison for OXI • ' terminating mks 'I .25 'Dr. - Porter:a Benzine, for removing spots..,_• ',from , clothes . '25 Dr. Porter'ii, Blac Ink. in pintlottles . 25 , ,-\ ' • .1 • ~ in built by the gallora,l - 10 Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder, for diseases of anithals . 30 Dr. Porterai florae an Cattle Cattle Lotion, for • - ; c:. ' sprains, g 111, itC 50 • ft. :Porter's Ring-Bone and Spavin Core. • - '-' - far lame horse.s • 50 . _. Medicaladvico givan i ldattiiitoasj ' y at the oltea, aiming only kit niedicine.t- ,- ' ' '-• - sir Thankful for past li b eral pationage,would reV pi:w egctu-ly ow:me, to hiorignda and 11:i.9 .pahlie, that no pains shall spared to eatiefy, and merit the • continuation of akar cionfidence and patrons e. , ' - . . , 1 ;1 ' ,• . 11.-0; PODTED,M. - D: • , Dee. 18 , 1 66.— •r. , . TOBAO:/0 Sr. CIGIA.itSi a.: • .1 ' • '.‘! Wholgsaleand Aqua at. iIAND* /COMON'So , First door,sonth the First National Bank, MAIN STREET, .tOWA:iIPA, PA lIRAND*OP Gold 144 Bunny Bide; Pine • JAPPIe, Michigan Plii.Anw Leaf and Eliity„whicki we offer forealp In AiOantilleli to snit customers.: Packages in Bartels, bat 'and oarteik. BANDS . OF azion, pato; Tycoon andltos'-tery chOieest braids of Yaras. tii•coniko: The ielebuted Lonejack, , Pride of tfa Q ii'd , ted Maw; 4. 114 .4 4 40:4 5 4.”7 idnai imicKtuok.. f a4l;4loaapplled with ANgla m4ioll-th; All*; bac& tams. - • ord z t w. ALL. . .1. CtOtEl3o.4l : . EqtrrtAßLE. lawg Assirg: , -4.,ANCElSoolety'S'AganoYfoF Beaftwiltei; - ,94 ) ITAL , sp,oolhooix, Yearly liyaer oYer s2.ooeoAtsh. .• Towandii, 41725. % 43Th' 4 WInD. 111Fitilt OMING litrTIJAT; FIRE rist'onixi Agency tot Brealerd Con* CANTAL43,4OO,OOO: , ..v,l•lr, • ?• , ,A. , e; i.., steamed operation IN. Atfirgiorite, . f;MCIMIT Towands,Jely 25, 1887. 4 111[ . 1 1 1, 11 0 0 -1 1-'• _ . . Wish to ,call the sttenthiii= - 44":tde ntifitO 'to ; thir new fitoelcof--o „ — , -;•4... „Ara- • Too - A I n i t or y enitty, V tionittestatqs and. rashes astir, kinds, which • ittik 0 4 . 49 1 '..41101,10it Ouiktrrice. Also, a nine kusortinent oi KkXlO.B - END ifrogagirh4 ;c of l Intadatirgeroseho - ;:t 9: a f 9.0 . - Partieider attentkui paid*tliti4Ssittiotiiitni tit all kinds sr • 1.2 -.411:y. • T N • Is:At 7.! We hare - on band. lane &acid of O=LASB P J Ali; with l inipro*eil t eelkealliiikorik; l o6d. - !`..'; 1- I ,lues'446aWf beit 464'444 - , Mine 20, 1865: " ."` -• " i i, ,e ~,44 it I --, lA' itltiQa.' 6wilifillt t t...., t i iy. s',.''',.:l - Ak... , , , ,, II: .;.., , i 4 • - PA>11. 1 4,,r, , 1= al „- fr.tl I..v)"?:o4t. , :difi tt=s;3 . : 11.:1T44 i 35,.. bil=l =:: it . ^.. if= 4 ltin . . 4ff.4#;f:ill7,t ;"4 , 3i1 „1,1 ' liCod ~,,, r , Firia-: '4 , ./4067.141 . 3ii tifi...ie Ro r , '.l kA , 1 .. .?. :44k....f.i,', - frn...1416.4. , ;;‘ 4 - 11 , ,AP ::::31V4W-t'il haizziLtr.f. F;17 . 4'1 - ; , ,A,... e . 1. , ?; - : „ inv., 40... , i ,z o ll x . 1,„.........q . ,. i' t ,..;,:,.-t: . p:1 t1 1 4 ,, ,, '::' 1 :41.„,...'4.• "it, , 41 - , Itin , iitrlO ',,f,;,... , :11 . .P•1.-- S , 111; ..i4; - . 61 ,fillir.4l( -;:, • : !:- -,•. , 1 fio..-.!; - i 0 144, r. , :p..K.4rK,V . gag! f 1- : : -..7-. 11 , , Ziar l c' . 4 - 4 - „4.-_ii :1: iTt , ;71 - .t , „41. .ii",- . - - ';'..lt.ri ;.; 1 ;0 = - 1:0-tq ;7.',2.1:-.1,, , ..Tti11,t,)- .'1,i63. z, '• , if,.. 4 . - V 1. '51;1 i - ,:r4:l' ['?..% : 1 f,i2.41d . ifiills-3 . Igrif:l .- '''',`, . -5 7 ', ' .. 1 -,. . !' r , ,',.;; 1 -- ...c1L,Li•p5•.:: , 40,7 , ..a1,gi ';',.l 111tutlloti4tt9;- ENCE 111 DENTISTRY. 'J. M. Smut, would r dspeCtfaili Inform the inhabitants or, Brtidfciiil Votutty. Cast he Ls' =entlylocated'lnirtivitrWlT,N., - There be't Inlhe'Preetlerf.of hut:profession for; AiglPfertrfO,ur...,aA,Wcilit seY:fritatirtkerhisl. long, and succeseful:practicer yesriSanzatleit. he fa familiar . with 'all thh„ diffejeat_ i tityres ,work done in any tind'all Dentrillstahlbhutm* hi gay' or tetint,'arid hetter r iritst Pared ;the' alit other Denta eperntorAry lord& work the.best adapted:tot/it twiny and4lffereuti cases( that presentithmethes ..oftentimes t4i the: Dentist, es be undeostasn/athe,art'of Inaltiogjiht' own,urthiolalteetbould luta :facllitlegtor:tlißeP the siuue.„,To those ,t'elltiltieff-tte4ei . 11 0 8 -.4ft teeth he nr.Ohg 011,iitte4101ath work which consbits iit."pOicethin for hotlilittite; and teeth And farthing* -cenitliStotriS more deratile;rmoitvitatural'tippetirsote;atie, mach better adapted to the gam any other I kind of 'work, Titose_hkaieed—of the sortie are I 'invited tOicall andlexamine- aPecigaens.” petll 1 ifilled he for'yeislo iindjottenthnen'tor Chlorottirm,t - Ether,lnCH Nitrens?biider J" addt ministered with perfect safety,as over four hun dred patients within the,last,lour seare.cau, ToWau - dafccinl the Ibth so SOtttsoB aver. month, at at therothee of W. - .X...ra'AYLOllp (foncerly ocCupied.by 0.41: Wooduith4rth Having made .arrangammita with Dir., Taylor AI - ; am prepared to do all work IR the very-best .style, al his , -• tr - Biiitz 'tki • ' • R. YANE PgaSTIVP. ..E.l AND MECHANICAL , DENTIST, has opened rooms is the .Beldlefiiiii r- Blobk, directly oppo site4the tisanellonse, for the . : praetica :Ptureselett, 4 4 is Verged 4. ll 4e B ta Per - . pparatioas. .„ belopaing.tol;l . ;eitistry;: The . .diffeient kind& nt,Plate..Work k .. wW - -bP.reeent..., mended accoilng tO'i,he d ernest merits. Nat ural Teeth [Mea l an rest d' to their original beintY;:withlmiterial sti : attabted to eaoti;, individual case. The: rp , greatest, earn and•atte ition will-be givenl,to - the crirreetten. ofirreFln ;Junks and the extraction of, Teettu .In this Department of practice the Doctor, .wnuldsay 'he claims an! amount oi slag and' mr,perionce epatto tliatiipases4id .by..,,nuy, ono in thia l or .auy. other - , euuntry. *ll4,lza'.4tracred without pain, by the uto 'Atialq - tliorot6rm etlier:tind manlier very" itlethetork ,t 6 pa dents, as thoZtestimnriy , or -hohdr. - 4dsrean be shown: Plehse Call - and asatnizio - apicimensvof: our work,lndleylisallted of, the,,correctueSs ot the statements.' l A - dvicio and consultation. will be eheerivlly and gratbitoteilY Towauda,4tand, HARDIN . G- - 8: SMALLEY, HaiTrig eritired'lntdifeeVrariiiiisliigorttir transaction i of the PR9TO,GBAP4IOesiness,. at'the roonia•fcirmerlY - oocupied bY Weed and Harding, would respectfully call the attention of the sbija joaeveral sty;eCtit'•'adtbrea':waidg' - *e make specialties, as : Solar: Pliiitograplia; Plain, Penciled and Colored, Opaltypes, Porce lain Picter yy claim letylp_ranms and brilliancy cif tone irtratte nem, can not be excelled. •We invite all to examine them as well astlic. more, comAton,kinds of. Portrait* which", ttink4;.knostiag that tlkt. will beatthe eThseit Thit Grallery claims the highest reputation fpr good work Of • any in this Section of country,xand we are de termined by patriet attenqqn; to, businssa and the superior qnallty of Mir .work,' to 'not only retain but increase its very inviable eepdlation. We keep conttantly on hand the best variety of Frames ma aeltriver prices thaifat any other establishmiint in town. Also Passepartonts Card sfram*. pardyEaielsi , „ flotmesipliatsreo scopes; /hereon op It" Vles•,' told 'c'verPhitig else Of importance pertaining to the business. Give esx2g 4 e /o l , tau an" o. giatla* the trade ,ort ;AIL mot retiitenahrei•Urms ! , 131.01NG,', Aug. 29i 67G. F BOOKO3INDERt:-THE kUBL'It is respectfully lufmmed that the Book- Bindery hie ibequremoyed to the Argaic.,Build ing,3Crstorr, Muni - • • 111 1 0 0 $-B N - \ ••• _ In all its various\ Munches, on ter:-.,i'as "reit& sonable as 1' the time.s " will allow. The Bind ery will hojtnder the charge,of H. C. WHITAkER, • V... An experienced Binder, and - all work will be promptly done, in a style and manner which =nut be excelled.- ( 4dctidel, Magazines, News papers, OW Books, &c., .bound in every variety of styie, particular „attention, kat4/9 tts:e'Rotinglaud Binding btl• _,_l, ; • •BL ^IK Booll§, - • • - •.• r• To allytgred pattern, which in/ quality and dnra y ;wil bq warranted. werli wilt be rsaily,::.toA;l4l very, *ILO Thepatiothia 61 intbllels'e, parka 'eatlifaction guarranteed. I ' ; 4 Towanda. August 3,-1,866,--tr STAND ON YOIM ItRA I ) AND 11EAtt , THL31 • i i ). ', a' , -'t ..-' 441 . 1 , . • * L9 I :RVErir . , ' Loptr.p.an egooithmnlo•pia • - ) ) —•-, ' ~ - * _ liolllLLlll=Ait, ITALItax Of ~. $.., • 1 lompou owe; ao,q •s:iri noo trittrOf - PB.O l ll Puy ETU 'ln • ruL O 3 4140 I - _ 11400 usit -ou us luret. em "stom 44 p p 010 p Armen - 01 11 Su eludug u 2llll ii).spramo Fps, uNhiutuilli qsruzuj ol patudaid ors oa *opsij, jo woos auLT4 O /' ?ID 0 11 1 010 4 1.• i r eA,VIITUNNOV Al.• 03 74INLIG .'''Y 'to; PoilaapPil. in Motto NO -pro •oopd pojium Jo ;die= uo ipok t fq ling 'Pululuo ,