Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 03, 1867, Image 3
~;a of :r a~ A ;a~!•stii~ir+=c~"+?~c_a~tik d p 1 tpobitn. is ,a i è* th TI3WANDA na t cmoer.-7 Boini,Thnark ;pow., •prreaohing. Sundays' at 101 lain x. Stutday School, lit v. is; 'Trayer . fleeting every Thursday waling: • M. E. Ckarch.--Ilev; I t T. Swims., Pas tor. Preachingivevy liWriday at 101 AAL a nd 74 t;. Sunday_ Soho* 11 P. is:. Prayer Meeting every Tbrusday . evening. Presbyterian Once 4.4-Itev: Vs. - „Main: Pastor. Preaching avail , Sunda' at 10/ 4. 11., and 7 . Sunday, 84001,14sCac. Prayer Meeting Thursday evenings: • b:p;Rmixti Chnreh.-11.em'T. D. Hamm Pas tor. Preaching every. Sunday at 194 .1.-x. .and 3p, tc. 'Sunday *boot 14 P. id.' sir H. A. BUBBAIIi - *gent. :for the rhcenix Mutual Life Incomes - Co.,* Ibuiford,Oonn. 7 Applications for Thimenos eall be made to him, at Dr.. Pratt's Ofce.: FINZ Owis. l —Mqaers. BRAMEIALL Co WILL are agents for,tha side o; Grapes from the Seneca Lake Ntujiaiy of 8.13.110wx,' tar, and',lutva for sale some splendid frta, put up in five pound boxes. • DamcAnow.—The union ChurolCof North Orwell, will be dedicate& on Tina& day„Octolierl7, services to commence, at 10, - ft. m., bedication setmon by lee+. H. J. caims, of Wysox. ' Rintroneirrio Soltpsg*.—Vr; Up De Graft of Elmira, N. Y., nix Saturday made fur a man in that city a new nose, the orig inal one baying been destroyed by `cancer. he material for the now ; organ vaa taken from the subject's ,forehesp. Rid*Fluty is getting to be quite a common thing with skillful knugeons - now-a-days.-:-/fochesfer Union. MR. CYRUS WEBS, and FRANICIE TEOI7, a little dangnter of A.J. Tamar, had It narrow escape from drowning on Friday last. They were riding in a skiff on the viol at this place. when the boat tipped to me side and they were precipitated into the water. Sherirearms, and another gentleman, happening ta see .the accident" . procured a boat, and went to their assist :uiee./, The little girl when taken out of the water, was unconscious and Mr. WIRD was considerably fatigued from his exertions in keeping himself and the little girl from staking. The girl was taken .to her home where the proper remedies were applied, and she is again quite welL GOOD RAIL-ROAD NEWS.—By the fol lowing extract fiom a letter received by Scpt j . JAMES M. WALD, from a reliable gen ttemini in Auburn, N. Y., dated Sept. 21st, we have the following good railroad news:— " I am happy to inform you and your Di meters that the City of Auburn has • sub se;rebett $500,000, to the stock of the South ern Central Railroad, and . that the contnict to build it is signed, to be completed within eighteen months, work to be commenced next week. It has been a long and bard fight, but we have come out ahead." This insures-the completion at an early - day, Of the road which forms a connection • withittie Pennsylvania and New York Canal and linilroad Company, at the State line near Waverly, now under construction along the Valley of the SusqUehanna, and secures the most' practicable and ahoriest route from Philadelphia to the lakes via. the Susquehanna Valley.- iifir Mr. Joss . Mow has been fOr feW days engaged in delivering to subscri bers beautiful lithrographic representation of "Towanda, the County seat of Bradford Co,,"i Copied froin his .painting which was exhibited last spring. - • . _ The picture needs no praise from us. We can justly say that'it is finely executed, and is remarkably faithful in, its delineation of on village, the general effect is pleasing, much more so than we expected, for we did not know until informed bythis picture that - Towanda was such a beautiful place. .W e I, .agreeiwith the spbscnters that the work is lwell done is a credit to all concerned and does . honor to the artist.. . A great many, 1s o - f this w • copieork ought tribt, and un donbtadly will bisold thronght the County and elsewhere. it is ;an elegant ornament for the parlor wall, and would make a most as eittage preamt. We advis4 every citizen th get-ontiNpr more, iopips. The *tire is 4 . to b&Seen at l'7o DIM where copies nlyi_be bad s _at HARDING & ' Slummy's, and al 0. - t. ' & Cosa. • , .. COLLELIATieINirr rum: AT TOWANDA.r— We are pleased to be able to announce that • the Susquehanna Ckoll•giate Insliinte•at place has opened fo the 'fall term Hader very encouraging; ts. Most of Our readers are aware that I: :v. Bearcurn F. COLT, the original founder d first Principal of this institution, has la • y returned arid ta ken charge of-it e number of pupils who have greeted • • at the beginning of the term, is larger' •.n than has been at any fall' term for man yearepast, and the frit:um:lll.ot the lasiUde feel lia.stred that it to be once more highl • sucoessfril. We be• sptiik for it the earn = and hearty support , I• of the citizen,- - of To • ads, as well as of the CoF4y, perhaps a statement of some fa cTif in :.regard to it y interest our rea deri It is not generally vial allays of this cellent Management ALMA rilpettAM haV and prude mid , it is Emhstarrilitily out or three hundred do in4demandit *tins" t arises from the lint - the school during the this amount in - • debt of between foni tars lays as a heavy b exty, all of , which is institution was nev- ,, i financial condition. • serve as an Onlaollllllll - something for a • so much good in our tributions are wan . 1 old debts... Ate ftnita — .; or mismanagernent, to lend a helping . • i Lion the people of To fished, (excepting " feel emleailet go towards it s im most hi:melees of all: .! olkdebta. Wteen.Yearg ego et - 4'lll4lWe was of Towanda, aided throughout the Co . were purchased, the I _owned by their • i tral always rentlizt heaticmal p signed; A Ix* gill long Anil gay two inidgbf, wee , • just thirteen yearn' • 71111344814,11,144 *wee hult4i 4 te educition,we cannot adinit .thit the inono o .o 1 4 01 ' . ' 4 4- *Nti4 have hCen bestowed. on !hat 41 116 20 8 ROPY It Towanda. =4* deaceof theft lilienditres an cianmuniiiitis - • their institute. .At this I day ten bread laird could" be . !melt at any nOdensible plebe in the barmith of il twainli;aintini# li htulding areoto.4`foi o r - inun of *Ow that could possibly be. procured by sub. kiiPtion fijr NIT Wind* therefore think. thoie with yesis ago. made this grovision for .tiit til isdruaitketot the children oqowands ol viehlitT: Th ai did more for us than we radios be Me or willing do for ourselVei: WS then at' heat sitetain 1 4 601 libloit vita** Belong had the benefit 'lt would ;be difitenitlie 114 oam to sc. eonit for the fact that&i a mb:d has been so poorly patronized and -et the close Of the last tern, it hadtha names, of so mill , `plumber of pepilsim its :Mlle. Pornmetely for our plesie the truitaai wire 'riot 80 fax discouraged as to close the sehooL have enlisted the onetime of lar. hors who hike employed als e flichmt, Minter pf first daze teachers, and his well known item, elk density and tact, and the anspicdous aim" mencementihe has made; give ns assuien... cra that thin Institotels about to begin more snccessfol career than it-has ever en, jOyed 7 1 • • . - The r inal ug has been lately repaired and quite neatly) fitted ep, at an expense of sev. .eral hundred dollars,. paid for with !n idea prycnred by Mr: Wiliam from'S distance; and we only wish we lard a feW more equal. ly puldio spirited citizens to lend him a helping hand in such good works. There is always opportuniti,of help,iiir, any such in stitution, and of adding to the comfort of its hard working said often ill paid teacheis. Nothing in the world so valuable is half as cheap as education. Shaply paying your . tuition bille does not cancel your debt to those who eineate your children: • 'We COM, mend Mr. dour and his assistant teachers to - the kind attention df 9ur • citizens, aid we. Can assure him that, he has hosts of ,' friends hi tits:place and Conty who warm. ly sympathise .with him in his noble elf* to build up 'obi schOot s aid`whO wlll . mans; feat it in a itubstantial Wiener by sending their boys and . girls kith:lt to be educated: The borough aflowande aline could imp, port thia Institute, and 'with the completion of our rail- ads now in progress, and the , prospective, growth of out town and the in-!, crease of the• population and wealth of the - surrounding country we see no reason why Mr. COLT cannot within s few years build up here aS'7,ery'lruge, first; class, i ' .TEAclizes ExAmstAnm . ewill be held 1173 follows I - ? , Orwell, October 9, Orw elll kiltrichool lama% Herrick, se 10, Landon" " Standing Sb6e, " 11, Stevens " Wyalusun,g 12 Wyalusing . " Tuscarora a 14 Spring bill • Camptown ," 16 Cam_ptou r " Wilmot` "16 Sugar Run i • AI Teny-te ri Tarrytown . 1, ee Asylum!• " AB- ii Towanda 'eejl9 l -2 4 rugh I se" ROIXte " 2i , Borough ' I • 'ee Litchfield . 4 23 Center__ , H SI Windham '1 24 - Cmkendall 1 44 Warren " 2p " 26.80r0 h ' Bowen Hollow • " Lelia:yr/Te l ee u4 ismey Shealtegmn•.ee 29 Lower , " - &hems " 39 Borough ' -_ se Smithfield , 0 31 Oen_ tar . '— • . u ' Bidgliury, Nov. 1 Burnham es South Creek" 2 Gillett 41 Wells " 4 illowly hill , es Colprabia Oil Anstinville - " " , sprinOeld i o 6 Center ; " West Burlington " 7 West Bar. Cen. ss Wpm es 1 1 3' 2 , val barg I , Ulster ee I ....,..-- Burlington '" 14 thrtra win; Albany and Overton " 16 Bahr Mouroe born " 16' BoroOsh Pranklin,l 4 - 1 18 Carney 1 Granville "119:0entes 14193 , I , 20, comers . Canton " 21 Borough- I Troy ds 22 Borough • Special. Orwell, Nov. So, Towanda, Deo. 14, Troy, Dee. 21,- Tow:nide,' Jan. 4. __- Teachers attend the regular examine tion 'nearest;Wu' residenie,or plaoe of teach ing. Special moons are for those.pre- vented frota attending the regular annual examination; and these must present the Usual Written request from tl4 board of diractorwdesiring to employ them. Rwtyniflattemis will °ordnance. at 9.a. mi.; non admitted unless 'nnavoidably detained.. h propose to admit no more than twenty, to any one olass:1 - • I Thelki: Whits - the [removal of previs ional oertiSgates, and those from abroad cannot be endorsed. I' CertificS valid in this County must be procured re commencing school . Selux)l Directors. requested to be preseltduring enaminatbnis. 0. IT,. Omniarrar,, Sept. 21sk 1867. • County Supt. iranzir;'SePtember 1.867. Tau Amaluca2( Comma Srovs has just been awarded two that premiums, one for Cosa and; tine for woed, at our County Fair, and the fo ll owing . telegram has just been received from the State' Fair of New Jersey : Fun Gaordaie, Minas, N. J., Sept. 19. To Maw, Pfickard & Altiony,"24 Tae AmeriCan Cooking Stove was alias% dad twremiums- over all others, at, our Fai r. • _ • Dom & Sons. • Thus itwMbe am that the' superiority of the American is tio marked . and. decided that "bane* end wherever it IS put on ex hibition analoomes under the examin ation of practice:l;lnd - scientific men, it sweeps the board an d takes all eel:maul:Ens. The. Stovie are for sale by .thidding Russell, Towanda Pa. Oct. 4, own that the th!an lation - wider the ex . t:its Treilinrer, been so, ttdielously ted, that we may say la debt. At ineettwo wit Pay all &W -and the whole of this patronage strait 62 year which kit it Some yam* ago a five thousand dol. en upon the 'prop now paid. and the A , , . _ bir , , e assortment of Frame's Walnut, ti V ite.i , atifAmmto % & we rxes PhO phio Booms. Will soon have on some 'eltgant liksmes of To rians Wilma; *minable for lllonafi tiew_of Towan da. 1 I-' • - '''' , Oct 2. before in as 'good a Ie hope this fact will Vent to our people to fool whio'hhas• done • •nunnniq.. No Omi t° pay off any stale farmer:improvidence I any one is disposed: d to the best inetttn • dahave ever ‘., Churches) they • ecuatributionis' - '• ememt Ind . t • wiee the' iii&teht • - Snininekainui Oak • • • • - • 14 the nifirann many : hberid persons • . Ten acres' i of land whole 'of which is ntid: lion, and ire /ZOO* dediented tos wkinh it'van • de. k building rnigkb , ' feet *OR • andthisokool .•—•• . glifirsta. It • sa:p al h ► , and Rim been!an: y ew a r tii wo tftemilsei ciloch 0:9106144' :ma* *Oh* Whin*. of tbli •Notut' 0. goblet! Steroscopes, Stergsoo pio Car d Frames; Clad Easels Pais,- Mkita N at HakDING & &waxes Gel .rit 44 I ;. Oct 1-• • . sir We !are producing name of the, finest Plot e, from Miniature and Card to • 81se. erhr made in Northam Pannql 'L;; • o . lolPareelain *tame, Soler • ; • opephil plain, *Mika at odor* either from dife or copied from otherfin• tares. •' Copying done at remarkable vadat& Ooe. 2. - Mimeo & faxmarr ~ - Loer.--On Stuiday, Sept. 18, 1867,' "betviean 1:1103? andllarth Towanda, ft bun* bleak PUS& Eihawl_; the plaids imp end of name tradann. The Andes 'Mlle lantaaded Viewing Mat the BairoAni dt t 10 61annaL -- - ArnsenttleraLum,,, Pe' ;Sept; 19 1867. • MEI s~ ~ ~~-- rrrv.+c S -e ' ~'a;, r~t ..'4;''.4.~ ,t'. .. '~a . ~~';i?~~~:a':%",ice: r~~c 3>r~. - arOosilsßobkir iu4 daiwth dip • *al evecbegare— , ALV:4O ar'is ispir an d Ei l vdoix t s , (keuut 7. lo_ on' Pfriatt just - oliimut ma troll selected ***of-It I Pea! and fitstiouosz, of all .Wl*lllo2l boo hoon bought st prioeu urtdohu**-4 1 •1:1 lawAlgures as the tauie goods could, OATS beta:. gurebanit for' bistbre the soar.Wl and ezandne. Ammo ?k'!.141111116 Than 'mho* fit lie. A. J: SWAItt mopen her Select School, in Canton,- az: y, 00. 1411:. 1867, and oontinne . 3mtil tlnne Meek . Obsess TM be formed for the bow -1 dial Shoes desiring to quilt themsekel or tasting. Turnmt (SU: term at 11 weeks : Oman= English fSS 00; Mew English, Qs& branch extes}llo etc French 0118 00; Begins= in Davin 64 00; Orsycon- I Sag, llikroslnomorinin and Ads:wood Dran, big 114 00. N. 11.' mtun be inid befc:rw stvelllm_u)* Our old friends and cnointers ets fall stook of. He:delve in our now. Sent& store on- Pine street . Olvdt 100 feet vest of B. T.. Phs's ~eorne book of Etwell'sstore—vitere we invite all to °alland bur g w4s = ' G it Busiesta. 245 Fillids• Aug. SC l i 186 t Mir Our heavy ;loss by fireoonipels as to ask ell pe indebted to us to make a strong &NI to help us now. ..ife need it noir, and shall feel „very grateful to our triends, It they will remember nu at thin -time with material aid. • I Comma dt B Towanda, nu& 18, 11367.. , PAUNT LUD ENCLASIFD BLO *K. TIN Pis This *lib lined 'with T. and does not make water ixdsoll as the water does not come in contact th the lead. It is recommended by the Croton Board of , New York, and by the - Water Boards and Physicians of all the .rincipal cities. It is cheaper tan comm.n lead pipe. Specimens may be seen at ,o store. Misesars 82013111E1 & Co. Towanda, Ang: 26, '67. , pr. my de ter will give' me no pesos, she say ve many broad acres of land,beddes 1110,000 in Government B and yet won't buy her a Piano, what steal . I do? The echo answers: Go to Dewitt and Dittrioh,_Temple of mimic and get her one of those amlatirring Mang Fortes,whose bass sounds like the mpg thtnder oi the booming of cannon, ose treble is more Musical than-40ha n dmew, and ?roam like a river of water," will flow through your household. llistruments to rent or for sale on instalments. Organs and Ifikodeana n i ec aat bargains,. orders from teachers solicited. Sheet Music sent by . . School Cards, of all kinds at asoss & Oo's. Book Store. ' , - Sun role Wantatir, connecting with trains East and West. leaves Town& evEz i f ft ionting at 7 o'clock. and Will call at dw for passengers if names and ad dress is of at the Past Office with Messrs. Alma & Barba. Stage returning leaves Waverly on arri val of evening trains from East and West. Aug. 1, 1867. - • MUSICAL CONVIiiTION.--Will be held at Wyabish commencing , Tuesday eveidng, bet 8,18, at 71 o'clock,' to continue three days osing 'with a -con cert on Friday evening, Oat; 11th, under the directions o rAluandan, .' of Wyalnaing, Mrs. J. B. Bmonea, Pianist. ' Admittande to the fall convention. Gentlemen, • $1 00. adies, .. • • Ckausert, 85. iti The 711mpte Choir will be famishedfor the use of Conventionfras of charge. , I;lierygmen are requested to mad this notice to their con gregations and attend free of charge." ; The friends-of Mr. Sumner ando lovers of good music are requested to d. The first session free to everybody, during which an address will be delivered. subject, Music. Wm. W. ,Wszia, " N. L GAMOW, Com. Sep. 17, '67.3t• .7. R. Tinos. IFOX,'ST I EVENS, *ER.OUR & .00., WHOLESALE MOUS, Hatinggyen up our RETAIL TRADE, we are new enabled to give our whole attention to the• selling of GOODS AT WHOLESAT R If= GROORRIE3, PROVISIONg, And other goods in our, line, which were par 'chased for CASH, from first - handa;and which we offer to the trade on desirable terms. We desire Weal!. particular attention. to our stock 'et • Bought directly - from the IIIiZORTEPS, con sisting of HYSON, YOTTN - G - HY-SITN, . IMPERIAL JAPAN AND OOLONG TEAS; Mitch we ofibr jkt NEW YORK JOBBING; PRIORS, GOarenteeing the quality In . aU easel. We areL receiving additions to oral stock in all DKP , all oflwhich are bought With special reference to the mints of this war. ket. • One of our firm being a resident buyer in New York, of many rears experience, enables us to \ take ad vantage Of , any favorable 'changes in the Market, and to keep our stock-always full aa complete.: Our btudole matinee edited to oer facili ties, stabiles tor to oar - great: Inducements to' Or by mill, or otherwise, irfil receive prompt tioarettol attention: Towands,J3ept. 1. 1867. • TIMSOtaIMONTiIei Ccoliartner• A! ship heretofore adstiop ander the name of Gore & Poise% is this day dissolved by mu. teal comsat. AU debts flak to and by said Arm will be settled by W.: H. H.. Gorivat the old stand; - Passes babied to the above firm are requested to mate booed atepares. - • I •:-• PERCIVAL, POWEIL .Towanda, Sept. 2,1887. • , The sedaslitned will centime theleulnees st the old stood, where he bops to see ids old egetomen and se, sway new ones so will rotor his with s all. He trIU hop ootudantly „on hod w bosh apply , of Dross,. -Pants; 011 s, Dro Walk Posey. sad Toilet Artie-he. wet or- is7edesyls alolloawhkdi b 3 sold pri low es the market will allow for crab. •c - W. H. B. GORE. „ . . T.A ~• . MIL MITI -. .Thitl;oll, • .!!.. Would take this k ateuttly , of ankh:4 the friends who so a ssisted l them it the i ate sad mould ;ay it, has aolsetioisly la with • thsit-•:berutets,* • Width theystil eo .r. it — ialie tart - ,(koss • Als - ,,(to.'s Sock !Blom la Aistion'ittliock ! • . • A6g.12, 12W, !!-- „,!! E itTAY.—Conn to the enclosure - of tie wilewriber In Radek , tainiehlo, ;boat the lit day of Jam lonell Brown Year. Ulm • White in the (NOM. The owner !a a. Cito won propestr.• pay duties, orid e% deer ewer. - - • immestligiatusiA - • • ind434ibn la ci" MOM Ntw 2naitiiistnwits. We have in store a large stook of NE NEW - ,CROp TEAS, dft ME tBOP' ...AMUIS' Wiliti.-4 . "reelitiet : ' iatliAligier loWitthwiiikii ii (sali ft IL& Sawa * CoAVllask4iirlromr• dooll opsolliotthoOS mi 171411111111 . .fortatt IrtM st one md table 104 , • sio fiiiii Ong MODS: cluitth rnet.d . gra ( proli.asiiili bit neohorfor;:SloirWaquAttho- - i atom fa ohiont pod ~,. A*, tclih.- biz mitt baloglho ohosid lhoolt:z." ' hire Tis stoneita too delliereVaponi - Ahol Woe the Ant , Of Itiorerlottt Awe- woiht 40 bitjxhiir ( • asoosthwoiodlotabc thomittor: , '%4 l7 t:= , Pirmo ti to bo.'-uodo-hr-tmistOnAttitiotr: -61 . 1 9 1 / 04 br to I # o tabnilair If !SLIM. 1.::, .5.... i _ . .... , -1 • ..-...:A“- " • OA; aviia,- , q : _ ~ _ . . 7- - l'. , , .Chilrotiri , BolfiltogVoittalttoiri-" iit, : mormar; F10pt.,17, mirk; _-4, ......::, ,- 14cra ~.„ IMRE till MEN, :AO - 41,07.wiank ,hattng atahlfsbethinwelt at W *ming, that informs the tittle= of thM vicinity that: he — le WreparWlks l l all kinds of : TIN AND.,. must IRONW4LIC, Chi tails:ate it 110 MI) - Ail I llliMithiettAtittik =onlninelf. lam - enabled' ta oiler better to than dealers 2who hire their work &nal- llerclants; /egged :with everythhig la the line at the knrest- rates.' Everything sold. WARICANTED. _ . . gavetrOughs and Tin Hoofing pat (Wiwi* most approved style, arid cm short notice. - Give me call. Shop in Welles' Storollonse over Chamberlin's Store: • • it' P. straws. Sept. 10, 1867. I . OODDINEC& RUSgEIt, Respeettally. inform ttusir aiudomeire an 4 public seawall'', • 'that although 'the lirptcat- dosed serious and , temporary intrriotioa " WE ST.ITA, SURVIVE Aid have ,puretnuied s a tar New Goods, ball; a new 19111.ANT'Y:ST,o,,R.g." Ind are fairly Ileanstmcted and ..doing,busi mums again: The frontof our store is now on Mo i st:reel, abont. DO feet from Main street, at T. Fox [now Powell.] old oorner. If you 'Mild go into Powell's and walk straight ;through the wall or the back end- of his store, ygal would Butyouftelf mom; the . stores, pots, kettl awn's, bellows and-vices of our new stare. But as you can't , got,throngh the‘a 11, just well[ up Pine street to our Bhebaug, where we keep , a [aline of Hardware. We have a greal vane. • ty of - COOKING 11) PARLOR , YES Among them 11 the AMERICL TRII3IIN: EMPR STE: . . A complete assditient of Iron, Steel, Nails. Window 01 rss, Bash'. Se ro arme,.oll.•Table and Pocket - Cutlery, Farm- , ing Tools, Carpenters and Joiners Txdr, Blacksmith Tools, Paul, - •• Lead Pipe, Pow, Clans;, . , nstols We are 'agents for -• • - 'Elmira Rolling Oc?;!, ken. DVPONVI3 POWDMi. ELMIRA KEROSENE , OIL. Welt4ll4cture Tur,SKEET IRON AND Cors WORK, And do aU sorts of JOB WORK ht our line. Cash paid toraOld - Iron, Cut and ;Wrought Scrape, Copper, Brass, Biteep_Palts. Bans, Fors Feathers, Bees_ Wax, &c. We' buy clean, cheap. and are•content with small profits. CODDENG aussita. 'Towanda, Sept. 12, 186'4 C L FALL AND WINTER OLOTHING T COHEN a ROSINFAILD, \. • [Next door to Fox, EiteTenii, Itercui& Co;,) Have just received their FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, From New York, and the attention of the pub. - lie is invited to the !age and attractive stook _ -of Ready Yale Men's and Boy's- C'LOTHIN.G Now of4red to the public tk-the lo4est market prices, and which will be sold chisper than. any other store' n this place or vicinity. t They , have just opened a fine assortment' of Goods, suited for the season. Call and see the new. stylea,cothprisinethe - tollowing articlesi . _ • • I -- ' Doeskin', Pilot • Beaver :Overcoats BUSINESS - SPITS, ALL STYLES, 110 skin and Cassimere PANTB'-A.ND;:v - zs:~i Of. cies fiy m e : and boy! viler, and hate GENTS . FURNISHII!I 'G 0 0M,4 Plain and Fancy Casaimeres, Shute, Linen and Muslin Shirts; Undershirts and Drawers, Overalls and Over-shirts, Linen and , Paper collars and Cull,. Swap den, Gloves, Ties, Traveling' Bags, and a good stock of - _ ,HATS'AND, CAPS., Having a man constantly In New York, send irig them goods they are prepared to sell to the trade reasonab ly, and to satisfy yonr call and see them, find convince yourself . of the fact, that they sell the cheapest. • 1 . VOREN4 ROSENFIELD. . Next 000 r to Fox, Stevens, klerMir. 'Co; ,Twanda, slept: XS, 1867. e HI6NA.I3LE tAthallitild I iswis nia44El • , ItelpeottallY lamina the 'online' of Towanda Rommel, that he lum openedm .1 • - . • • • TA \ ILO/Z SRO 11 , In Phinney's Building opposite the Moans Rouse and . solleits a lama of,pnblc paircinago. gals *pared to ent and ;make garments ln the most - bahlonable style, Mid the moat dura ble manner. Porreot , satiorptioti will bo pas- Cutting and Repairing don, to ; order on shiirt notice.• • .Sept. 10, Ina. SELLING • OFF AT.COST It- . \ :.' The andersigled hezeb give vintiee Woe& : ' - 'Was abd the p t bit( they will oommettee sellistaftee s_ ay: 44. -13, 1811 t theism*. stook of ./LEI;MABDEE, !Incubi. D It'i'Goo - 1) 3,, - GE O I C Eit I E S, umwm,.wqs '/c Id 1 0 1011fIC OILS 'PAINT§' BUOIS - eaSta An mow, iIW rAPingt ' 7 v. •• 4 •,,. -- - ,,7 •-•.1 :7' . •• • ; AT COST FOS' itElpr PAY,. 4 rt ~- *: -;•`:" : 1 . . ; -.: "'' itnif ainthiiiliC; kalital Bafes AT* ea) •: I - GIN GAS `BURNER, 0 Such as -.4.....,.:,......4.. .......;:,... , . 7 . 7 ; .--,.....:.;...; 4. : :-' ,2 -:- . a.. r . fil:',,=. - ..- . .Y,, , , - It - Ittat, : '0 1 1 -jr-' .27. - .AII,NcsM - - , 41(4i.`7 .N P'f,:t ,A: : '( IBM 11 ~i-•.Fµ t ..R . :~' - Pap (Z/. 7!' 0 NMI _ - - , 0 ._ • . MEI ' "• • . :Plii i P: . . V ' : ' , ....i , .....'"' (I)ti ',-. gi .: '.. ... 741 BEE 4-3.‘ PO' lIM ic.. l U 1 1-3 NM F , ) ' O Ol. ME 1-1. . In ~ .. .~' ~:~, ~.. Q.. P;• ;,..74.,: n .:.,,.,:;'7 !. :t-: . :;; ' a ': 7 '-' '' . .. 'r: IN ~ F ,47, - (t . ~ .4. .1 j '• I,l' -_,_.,: f•: ft ,. ~,1,_:..t:t.,.. • !.1.1:310 • 1 i~~ ?. , r •_ • .~ut _ MI EWEN .F;.~ »',T ~,. t', S p iry J._ 11E1 i ~ 'h MINE 8*! SP o C t:v ti a • EMI f ' i l II , o':' m n tl. RIM ME 1:~.~ J El ~.: ~. ~. ~:. 1 ~ 'e4 p.q .... i . g . ~. , ~,.... , ..,...:.,., _ . =IIE ME o imil E b • . co o=.- ~d =I 1 `S 'f - ~ H 7 r~ ~. V . - ,~ Ea :.,» 1:0 I= CM =I REM .trt. 'ovine Or mow: toklitasurcia olorintwr . 4 sZ4-4,. NiT:i - "fihf w'r.."ugs ara eet, o. 0 - too - -4, tgi~nt New : Bak - iona m i o do Ntore, where every thtvin - the - Boo* - . 004'1012m . y - and mai* hheiniqr6 l P r. /mad &dua!" folci•PiOttit.Bpeitaeloi . t t la ie►;''Opera Glasses, `and a‘ • - general 74Vigionft:s1,41.4 GO* were ageeleeteci as go' city with great care .by experienced handa criid hought, with 4aBl a. very low figure. with a uiew to the wants qf tisfe'echnnOinity. We feel confrkat we shall be able to t offer bargain# to, all who tal faw :6i'' its :' wit . ihek i4i f oynioe . . -'- ' ,Call mil see us. .C.ROBS , Tam is Pralsoau. i. To ALL Inlo READ V.-•-010118 & Co., !Lave just opened a splendid Neiv:Poorand Mute:Store: is Patton's BloClc;: Toirailds, ..ivhero .Ukey are, selling everything in their' line cheap for Call and see theta and eat- Uty yoluseif . t4t snob i 8 the case =I .Towsnds, Jude 27,1867 laiuous. 19lar IL A. - C'EA.MBERLIN, yy . eularsd • his store and is dalky -.adding argoty to'hisitock, In- thf 'of Watches heeps the . WELL KNOWN AMERICAN And a well selected assortment eir SWISS. WATCHES, all warranted to ran well or th - - monep-reconded. He keeps on hand a largdas=. sortnent of the celebrated 4 n. SKTH.THOMAS, And the ITHACA CALENDAR CLOCK; Snitahhirer offices the Parlor or :Kitchen.' An • ,7 mil a good stock of Sze JEWELRY AND SILVER .WARE. InVie platedßne. he has Rogers Brother FORKS AND Si'oo-X'S! Heavny Plgted Breakfast & Dinner Castors, Elegant treble {►late dgonble wall C E .1 3 4 ,T 0 ,111 E Handsome Cake • Baskets, BUTTER if• BERRY DISHES, 4 , Ptokle &wide, Tea Ile4s,tte:;• ao.,aeo; CHIMIII4I.I.Ii it now keeping the 011.0yEll• a BAKER'S Family Sewing Machines. These Machines are superior to all others for family use. for the following. reasons :. .• They sew with two threads dieect, frodthe spools, and require no rewinding. • They are more easily understood sanitised, -and-leseliable to derangement, Op other ma-, chines: ' , They are capable of ' executing perfeet.y, w' out change of adjustment, a much greater_ variai t v of work than other machines. , ' . TbeAtitch made by these. machines-m much -idorefirm; el -stic,•and durniiie 'especially upon artieleaxig,ch require to be washed and ircivad, than any - otber stitch. - • -- . Thiliatitea„owitig to Vie - manner in which the under thread' is• unsought, Is - mach • the moat plump and , beautifel in - and retains. thlirplutspeess and beauty, ,even upon articles itrimontly washed and: tronedo:untll they are Itstructure of the seam is such, that, the' It be cutlor broken at. Intervals . of only a lew stitclies, it will neither open, run, nor. ravel, [ bat remains firm land durable. " • ' . Unlike other:lmaehlaPV these laden •• bath endsof the seam by their ownoperation. ' With these machines,while silk lalzured upon • the right or face side of the seam, Cotton may, • bettsed Num tie other' side without tempting . the strength or durability of the seam, This. Can be doim on en other machine, and is a great Baling upon all ' articles stitched or made. up with snit. -.'-• These marines, In additiim to theirsuPerior merits as instruments for sewing, execute the MOO beautiful and - pertnanent embroidery and brinime,Mit work. ' • • Yon can get Sewingalbino Needles, aurall ila. articles pertaining tot e niachine business. . tr O'f d"c -. _._.„ - , PiAMOS, • OID:I4MS AM): 3f.pL9pEciplo..l fort can get at CliAtillidlL'S one df- • IN .- . , . • __ • . •• •DECKES BSOTIVMS . UNEQUALLED' • - . . • PATENT'- .;:PIANO FORTES`! ~ - . No better Made in the Mattis. '.. Minuted say ' en- years, still to stayin Atlllevlimiger than any other. 'Keeps on hand the Arnerican, fradAreat ' Idndsleyl Co , celebrated ' - - • -- . PA BL 0 - 13 0 13'0 A .I%l T ki iwich ioi war:4l3la of tone rind style offinisif 'cannot he surpassed. Are suitable for Churches. Lodges, itentinaries, slid the ttoniccircle. 'Alto a geaeral assortment of -other musicat instra., meats together Beth Violin, lirlolinoello Strings . Res Brid i tes Tail i Plecesi Saws, Bow Hair, Keys, •'. ~., Demember thatl ,,, do `not depend` up - on the sale of Musical Instruments for a living, conies, queatly am willing to MIL at ,a, :Vrty, small ad; r ace * 1 L...' . . .•, WATCHAND CLOCK ur.:PAIKING , • .. Done in,the beet manner, as usual. at low rates. • Towanda, July 18, 1867. .., . • .., -• -. - NowicE. • I The tnaii;ii ir 4;ned would risT4ctfully give !lo tto to their ends, end the public generill7; Oat no goods will biaold A'T s iCiT - A • • At their MLitt after the : Filig i r• or , sgrirtisitEitcl4txt,, And airaccounti-due dif, : are expected to be - , the 16th ot. Aped._ , • t• -FOX, STEVLSS, 611111103111 a 'CO; 1, Towanda. July 18;1867. , • 14ST.- —Three notes; one givir,bn . 1 3.J'A.-Leilir, dated Oct. 10; ten, mi. 'silo one given by J. G. Keeleri . dated Karat 1;11366, sllllW,lnd enit given ty- J; GI -Keeler, dited 414,10, 1867, tor $47 O.' The finder bo ireirarded by reterning the IMMO td "' •-• APiBlOBl6B. TRAY. , :—Came .te:the enetesure — ` _of thasubsoriber. hi Pike abont the Oath of Jane. a %small palr - Otlsrell . *otoliad Bet Irearlttist Steel"; • 'The owners' reridested'• 'tg,proire pmperty. pay charges aid take them 'away. ' A yokel!, 3 year old Bolls tor sale. - BA WARNBIt. BoPLII, , . lIE pit .intwmn mom mem 1 4. ,010,4014itthicinpolf, aituatekliwpo l --- tgisaCoon 4 /,'Pe..,'ContOblinftll9 o "o44w . . OtMcfland, 200 sweillmproved,toll ballwoollo good timber well #lol93.laLswillwincw AMR 61 114 101 ‘ ;11 1 0;j41 0 4 -1 7 -10 4# 111 t 11 . Mee : tipple% aclir Taft Or tam- Mir, imal4ll.lP good J hood. end aldogiimMethetint SulithigiaWaMurg, one of the largest coal works lc! th e 'Awe , sod lie miles trom the .11 , 'Um:sport, & Mlmira g. tr,;_tniotto diumelupliocbtoo t ithallit9lls; , mantises ore - latwkstbor Moispritaliwi fogOtumMer'ocidaimgwis, ltial IA by It legt*lt._ll:9lhgnlinut MOMS for 60:10W11, , war o . gothspind: , noceseatratObalidgek Zsliboa 'lllll - sheilwitli a dalWigiiir , ,Thir will with ciwirything 41e lass as follows : 12 cows and all airy Mencils, 1 ppm of youngbassia satirieimae, 3 war gong. I cast ir &Minna, Mild Mowing Raping Machine. combined, 2 Horse rates and rotk*Tgariingetill,.Marroirs, clgowavl&e., 3 &ci, ind isver thing-that - is :Irontiatma s farm, and mostly alt near. Price $32 as! ears Including nil ; $3,099 down the balance to 'nit . the's:whaler, ,Fur Audis,/ informatkin address H, S.. ROW; t4gerl.9,'Vogitel., Aug. 29, P,7,!-.3m TOR S,ti.riE;4l 7 ,ll4i-35tibriCiikoMeiriii touters oi, the estate of Wm. Girard, nrcr Lir sale,' Ow ..fliouse •-totiaimelO. captor of Ira3aklili sad 13econd' streets, - Toiririda. The . house Is nearly new and contains 19 roma be. sides cellar and Wdod house. - The . lot: is en closed with a goad picket fears well painted, Oahu% wet Ain& *Warm ; Parsons wishing , to purchase a home will do well-to call and ex 13e4re purchasing <. elsewhere: 1 Enquire of J; .3KK:119, or o n the'premisei. ' ' • ' 7 NA RY.I.MIRABD ...,1191enators. T Iffll Sept. 17;18Sr. HousE . ANR -LQTg. The subscriber Ohm • fer.sisle; a new . House: located on Ratldoad , streerps South Towanda. 'nearly, - opposite the bilck -yard. The house Is 20x.W, nearly finished,Vllh a good cellar.. The lotkure +50:200 feelakch,, l o.nd . wilt ,he sold' r.ep arate orgogelher. Possmalou glrcit bnr:tdi -ately. Apply to Dr. Pratt, or the lieu ! , Towanda, Aug. W, ;OLIN • FOR : A... valuable -Hotel Property with' On tstitillatied boaineir, at Altki Ik)ro'. Apply to , • ' moNTAiriA ,t, vri4 A 4.21, 1.1367. . . OW SALF.,-138:scies niiimprow ed•liuid ilirOeied wiito Pine, one nine froal CatttittOirof four naffei from the -Soottailutnisv Apply to MONTO YE & WARD. Towanda. Aug". 21,186,7.- I A PPLICATION Ot . Afilito l 7- ED FAIIMS are isereaslisg. Parties bay- Jai Real Estute of that „character tar sale will. dowel', to ledieeatries arid - .. ticriptoral at oar dim . • • IiiOIITANYE/c•WARD; ; Ailg. 21; • - pow uNT.-=;.kvalutitlit faim .1; nate on the Junction and Breakwater . W. IL;fonr miles ,tram —norgetown. 'county seat of Basset Ounaty, Delaware, containing $OO acres 160' improved -balsitce,t timber. Good 'dwelling,. barn, stabling and out4suildings, over 600 peach - and apple trees; Unreal fenced Will be rented for six years. For further inrormation apply ": to, or address %Vat.. itiPEDICEII, .11eal - .Figate Broker,' Lewis, Delaware. July 11,1861. FOR ALE. CHEAP.---An Imptoi-1 Awn t 17 actin ; Sheatiegnit.t 45 aorta; ",12 sere of good eliesatit bonding. timber,ad railway • ties.' ';11: notibre- - bftrded• hods in good rep.tir, living spring in kitchen:. Bam 36x66 in .good repair; :About 75 fruit' trees. Jeriee $2OOO. A pply to • • : • • i ONTANYE '4,611D. `•'-.Tnirands, July 25,'1867.='- - • it:FINE IMPROVED FARM • situate in Asylum . township ; 80 acres.; 604nrea.improved; A GOOD FRAME .110IIBE with 14 . apartments ; Two orchards •, lone liv ing springt.g . Fame ,Barn with b asement, 36s40—Feriliale. Price .113,500. -(Dart main). . Apply t,? •MOSTANYE. WARD. !rewinds, 'July. 11 , -„ VALUABLE FARM FOR Subscriber offers for sale. his firmAn Wyks, nearly opposite Toriratica.. 'This farm -eodtains 120 acres of land in a high state of im proement; with p splendid dwelling house; barns and outbuildings. • It has a large never-• faillog_orchard stocked with good fruit of es.; eitidescriptlon. It is iti - agood neighborhood within easy reach , of the church- and school privileges of loivaida borough. ' Vor terms of sale, enquire of the saliscriber on thep _rem ises. MORGAN D. STRIOIEf4AND.' Wysoz, April 8, 1867.—t1• .1 VALUABLE FARM. FOR SALE: i. 'Aborit finirmilek A from: Towanda; on the Eiaternliableof , the Susquehanna Riser. - Con taining kW:it:IVAN acria.l. Framed - house and barn, a limo barn; corn house and good apple orchard thereon. For terms and particulars inquire of WiL - J.DELPEUOR. of Srieshelluill, or JAMES - 15'000,-A ,rowandan. Jiinal3; 1867. ' ' • Ar • • A It 1 71 •‘ . ..j..A.,1 1 / 4 1.D R. 14 S . 1 • . . Farms in Tolbot and adjoining_ -etitiMietton the Eastern Shore of Maryland: • ' Desir.ble Farms near .*Ealt • W ; liter 'GAMS, Mikan(' Oyaterrin the 4reateat &bandit - me . Most fertile a .11, producing Grahi: and, Vegeta-, hies of every kind. A. delightful elhaate'aulla , hie -for Peaches. Grapes, and :everx„viiiiety:cit. Fidit, : with a tide of : emigrsitkiii- pouring in :from tho North, make it - a great ;in ducement to any persOn contemplating a change to, .a" 'mild and 'healthy' : climate ::: Circulars; maks,ltisdWogpeatif _firms, and p dens, sent frke upon - applicatioti.t‘ -me st Easton", Tait ot county; Maryland, or 'to: Edward Oirertrlt;.lr.. -Tenanda. - • Late U. S. Apity tuftaeciy connected with BittgharaTstatel.andllgejley in NortE ern -,Pennsylvanta. ." Ang..B, 1867. 1110\VVI 5 ROPERI'IES':-T0W9141- . DA.-11• hd jdiog tots. on •• ombard-and• Third Sts.. .Price.trant 0350 to $7OO- '6O Louten * oriritaiirlud , 2ilreets. Price. $3OO - t0•350. Fifteen lots on Bridge street: ,7 • • Reslibuic4. Good house tutil. good . .nqigigbiorbood.. PrWe 32203; •,. louse and lot on Third street,, opposite col= lege. Price $lB6O. . Twal.rats a feet frimt. by 100, feet deep , site College.: lrpply to ' tditliTs •YE rk. WARD. Town properties Tend, - bought an d sol d.— Rentals: obtained. • • . A HOTEL #.IOi4IIITY, Ten .minutes walk • from - the' 'Borottgli. Prloe .$4;506....-Eart may remnia4 f;•:?,1 • . w4REN - Tovianda, July 25,1667.. r • .._t. REAL .ESTATR, AGENCY. , - Et. B. MAKEAN, REAL ESTATE- AGENT,' Opera the lollowtrog' Purina, Coal and Timber Lands for sale : Fine Timber lnt, 3;nlllAsi Troia Towlanda; osn taining 53 acres. Price $1,325. , _• Farm in Asylum . . c )ntaining 135 acres. dood - Under_ a„,fit :state of cultivation. Mostly improved . : Price $6,000. Farm inW . Burlington-=on.ert the Creek.;— kiew'houso and bank ..Under san etate'of cul tivation. D 5. mores. - Price4s,4so: u, - : . . . Good !Iranklin. under good coltlva?- 11,;,n..,G00d buildings, For sale - iSeve're.l,:lrery desirable Menses. and Lots in Towanda. . • • I • • .. ...Ailarge tract of Coal La i la in lino county.,, Towanda, July 18,1861 •. withMl, etitilpmettt . • laso a pair ,of liorszi; rlrill'ho sold dm • to MON ANY ,; , :!fowaiiitv:lol9: : 2s. - 18 . 67 • • - • , • PAWEP;4IO.II4, To JOHN 6.01T.1L10N ' - - • 1 . Hawing leased thicli•ras Ow si .., nadir ,to 10- • 44 eri, conim%ciate the l'nsvcil • g ,obli . No palm nortzpcose will help*, . to ;iv aatiat action to those w nmay_giv et,hl.. -aeon. , .- - .3 r North aide'.o( the • .010.41E1114s east of Mercox's neW.bloaltiow ..uildiag . . nATJTIONIrIy-ongviiry.' ed lii k yiari, livisgiett . honk, thi ne to 'caotton trsm astsiti 'cock - M1.(14g bits on toy s ceesint, ail ib all ray f no - debti eon. tracted by hitn. -AB AM sevE!tcqpb. •ToWaviti,Pept. Ift, 1 . • . --.YOUIC . G..TAI. Li. mad 044(10 .„ 'Wagon, foxed 10. Tawandi4tfoOpt. 10;180 • , A.has Lett my jvist cause or prov. 'and Koebld ail pergotts "Oa uly sqconut. 06. n'contragtipg atter 41a • +owanda Sept 17,186 ;.ICIFISOELLANEO .A3A: cost.iti thh FAYs 7-:,-„,-: , ,-......, siThilipeitiik::o„ - -viitie _ or . _An* Of Y0049144V1.44/, 04 1 4 0 magma PleZb r . <-. 4 °A 4 WP J . it it..**posatiel. , i Abe Pm di r ..__igisfill us' - Ail ',TT - • -4` 1 , wiDTA* -6 4 61 fi1l ' " • '.' 7 "1 9*lCksr,-. •awAtik: . , . gt- -by ' ot• Mut - • . 9 ' , ?ma" ' - ..,.. 4 / 1.1... 140,4 141 0 1100 . 1 , 41 1 ", vrite......,00,-3,..„ ~..-. .INg•Afwer, . am- nun, or it!. fr. linisa y ,4 l s4 l o - 5..* 10 . 4 . - 1 0 '0 1 .;'.*)1 6 .11, , ,;; ''7----f &aner l4ll"ges ° i"ecilirAll"°4" Be 41 tiro., v . Jamie 'lie tt?. - •tf AlllO,--The Mikados .. .Mt plig,:i. u;.yarivi Pr • ' latiCaltiMe ha - Tat 10., aoundaneatifilfWii - leads of ILO. Alat l : B John Grim. „James 'sr:, . CleKind; Mow B ' o.eonarilllaggies;itild • the reAlle Idgterey. ASIA tOr the peedel4.lo?,- Irsz and. Sugar Cree4„-soath by land 9 . 1!(g011" .. . '' as Potter and west 1 j John In4W. 7., Wallin-, . ing about 40 acres oil Wad, utorefor lfsi,' - 411.: •• 1 - ' Ewith a laid' ..'and lamed mete hbu;e , a as the Kest Troy Horner Piro rism‘d framed-shbp," few 1114 inset and tz4tting. . • perk thereon: •.4 1,. - • ...- ...; ' • '- _Sidra and'atheu in a:edition ettnetli ce-,-, ' W. H. Peck and John 9, Ward sr . it. U.Vaei..' ALSO—The followil g lot, lows or par'is. Vol • • • hind situate•in Smithdeld two.,lglaudtt tiatlCer , by the p u blic squareimd the highway, eat by '• the_Qublic 1441 ,1 1.1 3 ead1ng to 614tlington lb/to 41011Utby lanastit a. Plzen's, sun, *taly law . Of Id. ftlbck: ' twat/alai; eali,..icre ot WO,'" mai, or ,leas; all homily/id, with' , one!, new framed tavern• house, lamed' and 4- 1 01 , -Indt trees thereon. , , . ' ..".1,.•.; abed and.telten hi ; exec. atka :tha,takit Pi . Alvin Arnold vs: N. F. Tuttle'. "-', -• ' - ,-' ,Al2O-41to following lot, piece or parcel uf ' land anoxia in West Burliagton twi, .. winded no,tizyby lads al the Widow Preys* east by' ~ the Norman McKean lot conth by the, Nat. 1 t.m . lot, and west by land, of Grist. '; oul. ' 10 aeres of land, more Or lark: all ire 17' - . ;with a log holm analog hOtettlatteen. . - Seized and-taken is execution as the salt or 4 „ J. Madison Ayres vs. Lewis Johnson sad Geo. autiuson.• Mao 8.. N,. Allriniall - 1,111: kikllF ill - ALSG—The followhig lot, piece or parcel or. - laud onus* in. Ulster twp.,; • hounded Wirth- by• !mu of logeph Kitchen, eitstbrlaatil.ollicir• man Shaw Oiatit by 'a road laWeg !rota Idea tunate46Acomb's _Stem intl. sad west by publictursi: leading from Teesside to mitt 5 ens.- Coat:doing *an acre pi lad, more or less -rill. Improved, with two framed dwelling houses, one lamed barn azd a few unit Wes therWs:* '-' " v l3eized lug& taken 'in execution at ;tha I nuit 0 g,, Wolcott Ts. IL LOIS. • ' '• ' ' - WlW.:(iliffPltiliiiitr., ' Sept. H. 1867 . , . ~., - 1 ,,, ' : ~ -. • .- SA& orbthkrlo obis lax Ansi QI3PRIFF'S SALE.—By virtue •fa A Writ of. Vend. Eipo. Issued catt of the Court:or thinunon Ogee of • &Ward 'County; and tome' directed. '.there wilt 00 'exposed to public sale at the Cixtrt House. in the Borough 'of Towanda, on B4TUBDAY, tin lith day df , OCTOBER, 1861, at '1 o'cloch,• p. Vin., the fol. - lowing described lot pies, or parcel of laud W hat* in Athena twp., bounded north. 11 hind of Henry A. Miller, met by lands of . Wm. Dinelep sogh be public highwey leading Prom Ath- ens to Lltchdeld, and west by landeM -saki .. Henry A, Hiller. Containing two acres; In As or less', about one acre improved, with alteme4 ' , Mose and an old fackemith shop thereon. ' Seize, and taken in execution at the sub ; dr Joint W.Echouteeill nve vs. Spinel Tracy Jr: t •ALEK:-- 8 .1 virtue . of a writ oT Pi.' Va., wiii- - be sold it Umlaute time and place theftdiss,- ing described lot piece or parcel, of land elwate, in Alba boko' bounded north by thepablio high ' way leading from' Alba bore to ArnuAda.'east by the public highway leading from Ea4ton td . Troy, south by land of C. G. Manley, and de the weet,by land of .1. D. WitheraL, Cl:gnaw , log 100 squat° perthes M land, - more` or leer. all improved. '• ' ALSO— One , other lot piece or prutel of • situate Ulna born'' bounded north by land or J. Lough/testi, east by lands of J. B. im,ytiolde and?. H. Dariow,'wenth by land Of 'C. U. Man'• ley, and west by the public highway. Cmitain ing 4 of 1111 acre: - more or less, all buproved. •with a framed dwelling house, na..edirva, Sod Tot bt fruit andornamental trees thereon.' Seised and taken in execution st the snit oc Hiner Porter now to nee 01 N. Pomeroy vs. - James rellows,'J. G. - Merritt and O. W. C.. ALSO--The folioirfng described lotpiec el pateel of land situate in Monroe buotrclail northerly hythe Berwick TurnpliteltemlinAireur,„ Monroeton to Burlington, easterly_ by lands of Joseph Hontet and J. B. 13m!th,. southerly tr,l ' lands of 13.,16.- Hinman, westerly' by land of Bomey, Containing 70 acreeof hued, more or less, nearly al improyed, with a tram ed home. framed barttlind a few fruit , trees thereon. Based and taken in; execution it the suit Jerre Adams' Executors Vs. Dennis Lewis.,;.„- . ALSO—The following dishribed lot ppe:te tor parcel of land sitnate la West Burlington !Iry , bounded northly' the highway,. Cast by lands of Fowler Swain, south h i t lands 01 tieo . Johason, wetly lands of Theodore Curtis.— Containing al acres Of Lard, more or tesv, • about 30 acres Improved, with a 'frame 1 hous'e. framed barn and a few fruit treosthereou• Seized and takenin execution at the soli ot E. Pomeroy's use vs. Oecirge:Perrs, A. J Wieners} Edward Swain tetra taunts." • WAf "l lIAPIt3, Towanda, Oat. 2, 1867. • - ' _ NOTlCE.,—Notiet: lakereby given tbatall perkal Indebted it' the 'estate of ,HILA.Zir D. CHAFIE deed,; late of She.shequln. are requested toin ,ake intwailj ate payment; without delay. and.those having' chains against ' said estate _must 'present ttiim duly authe Dade for retttettieat. ' .1111ZA, CHAFPEE. Sept, 26, 1867. , Adoilnlstratrix. ~{ .~ MDMINISTRATRI X. NOTICE.— No Ice - talleanby given; ttiat allpepeonolnd bs ed co the estate of WM. H. WELLS - PlO:teed., late of Vo andis Dad, are iequesVd• *to itaake immediate -payment, and ill peraiina barring claima'hgalnst Bald .estate will yre9attiMtet4ida l ly anthentlented• for retanneat • ; CLMITtan S. Sept. 26; #867. • • 2LON., ECUTOR'S NOTIOR 'Xi is hereby given that all •-paivotti litdet l o ' u. •hr - estate of LOng,NZO GRINNELti p.m; •30'4. 4 tre I ret tn"ted-41n. mediate'•paymesk inid al itstving- ' s nr,un 'said estate will !remit !hear duly *l,' , _ for settlement:. • • • • Eleitt.'l2. *VW' A .1) ,19 N iSTRATOR ) AlL:Settee is hereby Oren. .that a:', •. tadebted' to . the estate' R - . tate et''Orwell - tlitr:i deed.; 4rs• requeit to "make : •iumediate' payment end thrx ing demands' again.y said estate .wjlta • . -them duly authenticated tot settlement.: ' BA.AO VARSIT,' Adniintatrats:. Sept 16. 1861. t. NOTIGqI , --Nutive. .(1. is heieby giveti r that all Orsolis ladebt ed . 14. the ,taw of Theodom 'Azuot, • LaW'c.f Monroe deeaMd t aret requested to faake hauled ate ,paytoeht; had those baring ashes agittio.t slld mintte . 'will preseut them . dui autheutirit old tor eettregierkt. BoBEar.BULL , -.llltdiutsulitor. • .A D3fINISTRItITOR'S •NOTIVE. .L - 3.. Notice Ls hescky gfveri, t.tat- all ieers,m, indebted:- to the. , estate,- of -..Fraucia deed, late of W,Yelugug; are , r44.. , .;•' ' • make immediate -Laiment, and tLux . 'against _Rata estate- will_preiesni, duly authenticated for settleinent.: - EIIWdUU 110;4C..t, is • 4 L. D. CIL% .1113Elt:-.I.N. 13,4. - NOTICE 114I±ISANKRUPTGY.. .T Ais is to give taitice, That, wn- the a;{ Angust„.A. D , a warrant • in Eit3ko4 3 llc.i, was issuL4 soirist the ei,144 . ..4i 44 444rga.r. 'leery 'of Monrilettm,An the coo ty -co ..ttrauford, .0 the State of Penusylvaula;lw,h4 •• tele'Leen , Judged a liankropt on . his Own pistipoo ; ,that the payment of any debts cod delivery any property "belonging to such t. 4init or for his use. and the tra..afer of '14,-1.1/1"" - party by. him arc forbidden'' , by law ; that . meeting . Of the_ ciedlleisof said g •nkraii4- 44 prime tr.eir debts and toethoose one or moue a. signees °this eat te, will be helii - ittl co•iri- Bankruptcy to be holden at - thi3 offieg oi Register in the Cohrt Rouse. in th 4; Towanda, before EDWARD. OyEgTi o;, 4 • fleeter, on the 23d way:. of 1A67, at 2 o'clock. p.• m, • THOMAS A. SOWLEY, United States iLamhall A 8 liteithenger,;Wes teniDlittict of Penns Fept..l.6, 1867.--4 rt " . NDA, PA., - VigOUTO 'S-NOTICEL—Notice Jus beret," given that all persona -indebted to lie estate of J. it. late .ol Agyitorl twp., dee'd.. are vegetated to make Im mediate-payment, and 'tttoe.e baclog elaimri agalust said Walt? mest.preeent • Them . dety att. thentleated for seqierteoci , . • 7 . - • B. LAPII4TIi, Ang 22,18 b? ., • , • • I.aventor, :OF M=S. llama! aid . T. FOX. . . •A DMINISTRATRIX NOTIt Iy.= Nettee by hereby- giihu.. that all iler M , HS indebted to the estate 0 , 110 % . ,CV." , t; 11 , 11.1gY , late :of Shepbecioin, .are tegiutittee mike immediate "paynient. and those Wank claims against said estate will prpwal thrt;dely authenticated fefeettlement. •-•- • - ANNA" P.' V. 1 1 41 - Aug; 29,1867'- . . Athntaintratrix El iteeily wife 11E4 - . d taardmithout 'ti. • I 13ereby.eintIon • oc debtsvt ttastiag her her ETER' A.l! NT. DMINIS'RSIOTICE.--Notice it Am- `hereby given - t t all perms indebted to the estate of Rased bl'lllnuel.,deed, Jaw of ULAN' twp., are requested to - mate paytneht without delay, and these harlot cLdma against geld estate mat present them td ll 4 withattlea• spitniasuinFiens. • . C. Oat 330117. • Aeadidigniton.- !MB S:BOOKS AT NEwsutoom ,P,o/A=T BEN . ME BROW. :Gllll -NEU; - •• • ExeciraiX • t:18, 1867; L =