~...., ~., . „ ,-. 4. -,,,- i Mx gl----' • l aiiiifts Mt; 1 1 1 w'y Toinda, 00t, IWIL Union • Palisaufao l * FOR MOS 97 rae,‘"vainnr. cons 110 N. HENRY W. WILLIAM, or i,xAkowti ootrxrr. Ml;e. JMUIL-WEI3B; of Sk7imim) J.F.VHAISMERLIAosi WYALING. CHAIEL:N. .1401tiT; of QEWSLL• • 1 JOHN MOODY,, 'or -.4osizi JOS. FOU'L', OF WEST BIIRLeN . • ' • araterol4 0. D. FIELDS, QP Aument. ELECTION, TUESDAY, OOTOBER 8. ELECTION ! TVBSDA.Y BEAT! 1 431-o to the pcn.a4el V(l6 the Bepnblioan Ticket I yetis to Rebuke Andresajohnago t /teniensliflr that a .Fult- Vote • . • - Republica Victory ! ONE VOTM: The value of a single vote cannot be overestimated. The exercise of 'the electivefranchisiis a noble Orli ilege which. no intelligent freeman should neglect under any Uirenni. stances. The loss -of one vote by the neglect of a Republican, or by ' his indifference to go to the polls, might seriously affect the general -result. Our . enemies congratulate -themselves on our presumed apathy. . They know they have not a legiti mate vote sufficient to carry Penns sylvania' . They know they cannot achieve victory by virtue of 'the strength of their numerical numbers. They calculate on dealing a triimiph on sneaking to the Pas, and by ca joling Repnblicans,there is no issue at stake, surreptitiously obtain a triumph, and, then bruit the L fact as an endorsement of Andrew Johnson's measures. A full Reptiblican vote will explode, all these calculations in_ shame to our opponents. Every friend of the Union can afford to de vote an hour to his country to enable • him to vote. During the war our friends freely gave years to the same service.. ROVES now are all that are asked. Devote a few hours to the 'duty of voting, and a single vote may lie the means of perpettlatln freedom , for "centuries to come. If free . institutions confer advantag es, they also entail responsibilities. in a republic, no man, however engross ing may be his ,business, sad how ever ardent his puriuit oe - gain - or pleasure, can afford to neglect the duty of active" participation in pub lic affairs. This participation is made tp of voting. It is the duty of every man to vote 1 ANDREW Josssos BE SNDOIII - ED ? , -..The question before the cone, try, says the 'Pittsburg Commercial, and the one to be decided at the-dlec- tion is, Shatt Andrei") Johnson be in dorsed? Many times during the war the question before the country was, shall the war be prosecuted until the rebellion is put down.? Happily at all times the answer was speedy, right IMd emphatic . .At no time dur ing the war was there more depend ing on the . answer to the question then pending than there is on the question now put to the peoyle.— There is no - exaggeration in assert ing that the purpose of Sir. Johnson is to dace the verdict of the.war and destroy its dear-bought fruits.— And no man can be so blind or so ob • tune as not to know that a reverse` to the Republican party it this time will be regszded• by him as an indorse ment by the people. Let that hap pen and no mail will have the right to expect anything but anarchy and ruin. JOHNSON. IN Utt FIELD.--Voters I should bear in mind that Johnson `heads the Copperhead army iu Penn sylvania, and that Sharswood's suc cess will be hailed as a rebel triumph throughout . the entire' South. Four yews ago, Gem Lee attempted to y carry Pennsylvinia, in the interest/1 k of the same cause, but hi was re• pulsed at Gettysburg, and stint "whirling" across the Potomac. It is the same old tight over again this year, only with • ballots instead of bullets. It remains for the people to say whether Pennsylvania shall . now be lost to the Union cause—or whether the Traitors shall again be driven back to their dens. k Rzersucesal bat a , fesir 'daye re main in which to posh forward the work of organization, Canvass your wards, boroughs and townships. See -that everrvoier is brouglit to the polls. ins&ls way -you will'secure a „ glorious triUmph, and thelold Key stone will come but of the October oculist; with all her former laurels imtsrolsbed. - • Wooki yotk,stand by Sheridan aa4 &Ws as tbsy stood by the old Aivis t c mil, Shen vote triiis**l49s# WO. - • - ..1101101ridaY - Johnson In his bold, and unlawituil usurpations, , vote for Siumwood. ilf you wint ; to otigmstin the ins jOritY bill:ogress for drioSiolithi faiegrity of the Union tied enfweieg the laws, vote for _Biirm:iod: ,‘• If you want to',.z.....breakidowic-:the liepublican organization, and there. * weaken the Government, vote for Sharswood. you *ant ,j to sustain Andre* Johnson fp hia wicked. and malir 31ant pirvenkui of law„ - vote for filutrawoori: ki s you want to reduce the value of your , Government bonds, ' -vote for: Sherwood. . I = If you want to Bee the National ebt repndiated, vote for SharewOod; ilf you want to be -taxed to pay rebels for the loss of their slaved du iing the rebellion, and for those nade' free by, the emancipation acts of Con gress, vote for Sartwood. If yon want to be a sympathizer with yeason and a friend of traitors vote Tor SharssiFood. If you want another civil war augurated, millions of -dollars squ tiered, and thousands of lives soul fired, vote for Shorewood. In short, if you want to dee 'the Government—impair thenatio al credit—restore unrepentant rebe to posirer—re-enalaire the. freedm • , 1 Hdegrade the poor white man-p , l introdUce a reign of terror and hi shed •and anarchy; vote for Share 'weod. • Jointsow's . Fuson given out in Washington, says a co respondent; by the president's con dential friends, -that he intends keep quiet, now until after` - tfie f elections. The 'President . opinion that matterst are just rigtt, everything being favorable to a vin ! dication of his course at the polls. f he should go-any further he is afra d he might make a mistake and Inju e the prospects of carrying the elO-- . tions. No Cabinet changes will take place until Pennsylvania, Ohio and; New York have spoken. The large numbers of Democratic politicians 'who haVe been' swarming the White Rouge for the last two weeks are rap- idly leaving for their homes, having become satisfied that there is to be a lull in matters for the present BeiLors.—Our friends must remem ber that under the new law but two Tickets or slips must be voted at the "coming election. One headed JUDICIARY, And containing the candidate for Judge;of the Supreme Court, and-the other , COUNTY, An& containing the balance of the candidates ,to be voted for—from Representatives to County Auditor. MP The Copperheads in 1862 went into the, political C.optest assuringpie people that the Government could Uet put down the rebellion. In 1867 the samt demagogues assure, the, people that the whipped rebels cannot be held responsible for their crimes, and ask the soldiers of Pennsylvania so to vote that the result of tne election in this State may be used , as a justifi- I cation of rebellion. - . , EVERY COPPERHEAD waß a sympa thiser with the traitors when they Were in arms against . the govern. ment; and ;every Copperhead is now a co-laborer with Andrew Johnson in trying to restore rebels to power. Can any Union man vote fot Cop perhead mar If you are honestly in favor of maintaining the perpetuity of the Union, and religiously hold that all men are " created free," and that tierison should be - made odious, then vote for the loyalist Williams. Prove your faith by your works ' Are the Union men of Bradford county, willing to give the work of re•conetrnotion into the hands of Copperheads and quasi rebels ? If they are not, let them vote for the patriot jurist, Williams, and all will be well! . sir If you want to break down the whole financial system of the country, and entail ruin and disaster upon the business of every commun ity, vote - the Copperhead ticket with Sharawood at its head. ' EVERY VOTE given Tor a Copperhead candidate is an endorsement of the rebel poliCy of Andrew Johnson. Union voters, keep this face in view, When yott go to the polls. Nothing but supineness • and two great a confidence on the part of the Republicans, can give the State to Copperhead& Remember this end do your duty I , sap Thi: "loyal Unionists= Of the South are looking ,to us Ink the "boys in blue" lookild for support at the Ton *oUld_help and save them, vote thnSep 'can ticket. NS. The re . = of liuryland are arnOn_g_and•fhillhig for a new resis! tunes_ under Johnson. If you would encourage them, vote for ilharswood. Johnsol has appealed- to the le whose iffi :he offer obeys.' • him bear in *ander at the • that he +i►fll feet and tremble. "~ r""` "" M=IMaiOM WM - 'Lc -7- 7' - -,-- - ---, •••••-i ,- -- - beeinen Of Bradford! ' take e L 4s3r,aextv /B : t° . j4 e one M05tf...... ",1 i o Per . ,Oa eeiatereVii r itii i its influence n t!inlin. nies'of the C untri, Rebels rout ea ins ihelel -- iiimr,Tnitim — rtiatei 4 4 1 10 at the IBalkit x— hacked by the patronage an - guided bye-the craft of a' T 7 t,-t t ' i* -PEREIDIOTTILPIMILD : 1 , ji lt 1' . t Threaten new! denims to: oar corm-,, try. - I LbertY,", Union, , and Self government are still menaced. ' :The Holy] Cause, 'Victorious on El many , battle-fields, - sustained so"- often in 1 the'#lb; and by .. Ocingress, is L . Al f • OT `YET SECURED! , opr, sacrifices, of, blood snfl tr, ~ , are jeoPOrdised )),y‘ , the trea . . ery of-, the Eno:Wive, the ins-, c.' 1 ions of-:our. old foe, and . 0111 i - owl; APATHY! 1 '.- - Shall this be f' Will - Patriots i 3.- pinely sufferthe fruits of victory to, pass !into the hands of _ , - . ,f . REBELS AND TRAITORS 1 emember that the arch traitor and demagogue, ANDREW JOHNSON, IS !STILL NAOMI. Re.. member his unmatched baseness,; his ii4fiolis designs, his cunning wiles, his despotic will ; above all, renieui= 'ber his cabal of wicked advisers sad the tremendous poier in-his hands.' i R4 ember that he and they will ` lli slightest falling • conatme e o,ff of our i majority:in any election, as evi dence -of sympathy with them, and a pretext for defiant and armed - hos , tility to Congress.:The. INFATU ATED DICTATOR will plunge , us in • . ANOTHER CIVIL WAR! Unless the people awe him into obe dience_by die significance of vast majorities. The question .to be decided on Tuesday next; is "Shall Loyal Men or Rebels Rule the Batten t" days past; Braddrd has contributed her majority of thoulands to rebuke Traitors and re-animate the Loyal. her tree men now through su pineas said indifference contribute to a Copperhead victorit • , AWAKE FROM YOUR LETHARGY ! i Throw aside every minor bane cappresa all complaining ; BE TRUE TO THE CAUSE! Be united, and for the life of the Nation, remembering Madison's glorious motto,- . "PRINCIPLES, NOTiItEN I" VOTE • THE 1,, WHOLE REPUBLICAN TICKET The crisis appealAi to' .your The only etiiety for PEACE; ORDER, AND , LAW LIBERTY-AND MON And the payment of the National Debt, is in . TUX - COMPLETE VICTORY \ Or THE - TO/PUBLICAN PARTY !! Give *O4 to Your ClonntrY! Onearly.to f the Polls, on. Tuesday aezt! Vote early and seni that your : neighboroasts his ballot. GET- OUT 'THE VOTERS! There is in every election district voters who have; to be brought to the tolls! See that not a single votc-is lost, through .the stay-at holies! A victory this fall, makes our Miccess next year certain, and ensures a REPUBLIOAN PRESIDENT ' to succeed the miserable' venegade and traitor wbo now disgraces the Presidential office. ; I SOLDIERS !, A traitor President is plotting . to. UNDO ALL' YOUR' GLORIOUS WORK' One day he pardons ieb, els by tens of thousands' `.47n anoth er heaps cOntitmeiy on the — brined of ' , our leadin;s, - and strips thein of command: ? Shall ALL your __piititions, ALL your 'struggle s, 'ALL heroic sacrifices be !set at naught by the Despot and Demagogue and his &My. cAntors Sava ; the im -mortal thousands, _dead, on the tat tle-field, indeed died in vain? CLOSE li-Pk.THE -RANKS ! , Advance -the! Whole. Linal Ohargn _upon the Oopp(?rhetids as you oharg-i ed upon their the Your ballots ate as potential n ow r : • , 4! ae your . hullets IMO when the 'ref front of batthrlowered ,Thefittlts of youtlitdor, and your saorifiies are yet to , :ttel. secured. :The Coun ty- yet needs your-',exerbonn . - At the- olls on:Tailid!iT neat, , yin can dasorvice f,n4ter; as effectually as yeteeier_did_On the Utile:field: Eli e 'No Tim Sam vine Viten - 13114 vote foes Oepperhet4 Neitrav, we haie a - Presidetoo liVeg vote - given fo Otilliisheatil4sosi: weakens mil foitiiiiiptiodibip. sial itraage:i MZU - thick /corruptible loyalty. _ Atyhiladist immense SSE dinheld - on — Frffisy eve lkonas eing , ; we hrek lo :e .: ;:_iiiiiim - y the lift_ ot. " ! 41 1, 13 1C1 f l i t t i e ttlt c° T h f. T=l;: •!orle,gY *Pc o 4.ei.ul, vi o lbirtactus iiieliiCairollintrir4. • urn` Ilitai4; eine u ak+lkettbeektytelfeir 4 - Of" - attach:mint '44l4eit' 'Pr& Thia. meeting win'', Alma, when the nountr7, perti s *ien dolt and' Scott were; holding ,Wsish=. ington - 'for then hisingurirtionlif Lin !ixiln, Masten via filling 'the milk' . 'nals Floyd - haiteanptied twhen Stew toe, the, great Wer2. l 44lßorlf mod ern timer, . crested , armies that.; 1 . 3 . 1 1,, the daYit i Antletio;: Gettyk Ritgr,-ChattinixigkiWineheiter, , and Mh=nd [cheers]; We • reca p the day when the Arronching •. Rebellion ,held. Sheridan'ii,„stirrup while„ he. viiinnted Tor the ride through` the Vellerfprolon limo& *re g -the -•: enemy's' 4ast ,charge on -•..- -, Ridge. Weliee• Lee ;en:render 'his , siwirrd ; and ,his, army* Gfank-in*Obin the.4oo l B, trestle's:A.4l , in onion", yet Peace has-her victOrierrilitc . : -Now Gove rn. ment is engsgedin the:eouserrative' duty of organizing loyal. iva author ity In the Rebel Stater.: Qt• oonree this can only lie done by giving the right to : vote to all lOyal 'people in. the South I - apple - use], and' until-the loyal State governments sre,eitalP Relied Congress must retain control; no other means being pomade._ itary officers have been seat to inn. cute the lawn of Congress; preserve' order; proteet the loyal people, and superintend the : : .formation of, , the State governments; -, It has been said that Congressional action and Military - protection were unneceii nary ; let tll3 see' about that for a moo- tent. The - Legislature of: South Carolina in 1865 passed a law,. az. proved hy i ldr : Perry, Prvisionid einor rev r the militia of the State. By that law any :officer of the militia was atithorit . ed in the ex ereise.of his own . disoretkeLto.;:call oat his command and shoot down, disperse, 'and kill, and destroy any aasemblaie of freed people of color forted anywhere. Under the eirciim. stances that' Meant mischief. That law was suspended by military an thority, and Congress prohibited all such militia. , [Cheers for Congress and Gen. Sickles.] In 'North Caro line' in 1885, s law was`' paned le. oizing all transactions of griardi alio, executors, 'and ) trustees, by which property of • widows and orphan children was turned into Confederete money, Confederate bonds,'and Went to bohster'np the Rebellion Ind im poverish the women and: , children to whom it belonged. A worthy: citi • - zen of New l itork,, name is McLaughlin, Went to SinitlrCirelinti soon after Vie *sr, ',And hired` an abandoned plantation from' the Freed men's Bureau, whose:-.charge it yas placed _by,•„*._ _McLaughlin Tilanted and Wiled .6, crop, when along cam a - riturnerßebet who claimed tin) land, .hiri him.put in pris on until he could fi nd $40,000 bail for tree Arid took posseision of; the la an crops. [Cries ot.."Shame, shame.")! . 'T bat is a specimen of the; itreattnent Northern 'settlers :wonhil I have received in the absence,qttoili-; tart' protection, since, given by Coti gre!s. Ie 0::swell Comity ; 14: C.,: during the war, a loyal student*hile, escaping • froni tire • enemy's lines to: ours, where he afterward= did good eery*, took without leave one night ' I a piece of bacon for his . subsistence on the march. When he returned home after the wiz was-itipposedto be over he was arrested,' tried oir charge of burglaryi, and sentenced, Ito be hung , and :to pay the cord& I [Laughter and cheers, ] While he, was awaiting his trial; and Pending, the execution of - his' sentence,,the prisoner was chained inside -an hen Cage, and kept there fora year,with=l out a a blanket even in, winter. In , formation Of hii case, 'Was undergo frnrestigation When' the Governor of North Carolina, in exercise of the power granted to him by the tart' Commander, , perdoned the m_ am! The costs not, having. been paid ; oft account of PoVerty,'lle Was confined for scene time aftenvird in'ditj "same place until release& by ' tnifitiry eu4 thority.,_ Rere ie an filustratienef what must. have been -the fate.;. of , reftigees if the Governinent hand thein' military pro, Three thausitut sohoolstor the edu l cation of the freed people have been eitaldiiihed tinder the protection of our bayoUete. i .rwo bandied and MY thotuMmleoloted peoPleletteud these school". Nor, has-our piesoi*iii.ded alto* loyid.fiiends;whom *mere bound in bonotAtud hmusaity to pre; teat..: Assured of the just*, free la bor has produced this yearAglio,ooo bales'Of cotton, intik° targest'orop of grain raisedin many - years.' L: The value of this. maple monely is more that $400,000,000, ; its value to the population of the - South can only be measured bylue estimate to put OIL thefiriffee ; Without it, 'they must have perished by famine, apd yet w/mut Militaryt protection _ the' freedmen would have fld fr,onketheit old Mestere Ma sot. "security aria empl*nettt bithe'ftw Sates. - (kir g. rear did not mans there to eompel .the'Rebela to pay the empemmselthe wah as, Bir . aark.,Trotddhar) dow-r The Nortk to : costa o(thp 'Rebellion;loaning 'a - viably ' and we have heed bilphethlilbriia advesaarici to , feetimd - he salve* and,to rettover from*e ruinin which have involved.themOvee. (The crowd hero mybe much reseited).s'atati ''for'amotheti in is stant* in teridoh cl os ubdted anodes lave been so4ganee4 ' ly treated WAIN* ( =Kok — Mystrengtkand elk Sit,lll7ll DO Sr str a irrWiLii .. ;;* longed li` tithe bi tiro iduter -vatiosti,with et !adeptutkbefore I,useGood, - Umbras .flbfs GIMIPPeit g RIP* I O,I/ 1 4 4 .geN).. Will,ertbe pOpliki,tue jaw IC* . inuffli; BO' trididoza V4s'l .1 `~~~fi°: - Stab* MS £oe Re: Rebellibm o it ma ED 01924 • , ciiii 1 ~ •tknowl_their Trio - i fro:Mew . Their hearts felt - . ffratitudei-;Wilr:Vieerti---tifett . . , lo c . Ir.* -,r. ,• ~• , ~ I. *lilt *I) wilt* .04,P,g05144 9 + 3 4 , i- 8 11,t , is*4 tratote, beo, tkeyxiitio*r Ottiti ° 4alitly to'the'"iesottici l / 4 3 / 4 tf;the _ suitfinWantltake nothingt aw4 , lketa' the .inaVoyateatal3;Aranchisettof !awl Mbekt Xace. s 5. 05414,41...,,tts ' mud 7of",tny voice le, tztespok7wnere the • eettiot, liefit-:viee-, pfeeratieet 4 thiit, olitineii . -dietitM'tree' and; 10quab n - 1 Upon . . rook ent-rreinibli.,: gaulustitations; , built ; , aepower ',C4 ll .lPliOvA il iP 4o, lo t. , Clizota -1 9t: at not-forget Or rave , companions mini'in 40 itisi' fiii tini ljnitni:'-tz' Theitehreadiess m ifforms lie belied in Jonny &forestal - fieldiiike .Antannt -Iglk!es i lit4 B ‘:nailide B4 •43.B l *.VP 3 -- 11 r0 nipp4red 914.,bithe tO?railig -4 4V. 101:" . L 8t ie tta, am:di:tint - L.4' istiiitiollunk pad 4oineit,iikrernfq ai 'tingled diem; and heardeven threngbithe „t ielding *d. The 7,160 *ilk Nowilbrotkere, f Oli.- WhoWe ,e,P#Zedr • , lea" xkotlnul - One thsWork we;did let liiintebelt•, IYou de: [ - ' t ' = . _ Fat. Vcite.-iy One says: "If. .W 8 can get but full> vote;- the ele& tion of i,Judge Villiams f-i 8 ewe , 'WeU t ,friends 4 ,the only way to get it Ont ' is through, active work- ; land thet net the wok of 'title or two im " en t e in - - a'. ,l liitrietvonly, -- bucciPailf who can be.. induced .to.takekan .in et in i it t . i l Emery . district has its o wn peculiar work bik, do; bi gOtiog ,o ut its vote, and to one knows 'so welt how , to do it 88 thOse Wheliai , e'doite itbefore. Weisly• te any Reiiii6 , lioan v ihen, lneki Bret to your. owl. district, and see that it 4 . ; . .,.eifectivOy canvassed -41 !till vote in each fake tion district:is 'necestlari - th' d'inl 'voteFin the tkemtry ,"•Atid , ithe lattei will bescoomplisheid ,, when.we.,tave fully attended tO tho,dotaile,ior on 0. OeotiOn precinct.' . , ' ‘ , Inn; .11,botrtiopitcpb:, , LAP.:KIMBALL; Lid6nted Att6'. S timer, Potteraville, Bradford Pa. tenders his services to the public. Satisfaction inirsatesCortopay required:, Alf orders by mail. addressetas - ati4ve, °will receive prompt attention. ' , Oct. 2,1867.4 m FOR SALE.L—k" tiesiShi ft itig Top 1: . Baggy, In fbit: rata style. • be , sold below Ltet cost. Also 'IP •elthtrod ine and all the Allures -. for fishing Ind be; w eraold at hall cost. Also a good [toot an oar*: ,alao a set'of loath& By nets, for a working team will be sold ea stone Mated sa,tbi owner baa no furth er we for them. Dail on'TROS. B JORDA N, et the Bail Road Rime, Towanda, Pa. ' 00%4. 1867.-3tl o r PLANT V'RUITI AND ORNAMW TA, TRIOS, TINES AND FLOWERS: '•6l. .; • 1•. . 2: '.1 . 1` Ramernbax fiat at the :TOWAND.A . :E.OME NURSERY • •. ,• Tod Gan btiy _ANYTIUNG inky want in the line ot NUMBEST TREM, 1.16E8,1313RU8S and FLOWERS. 4 , t not on band. leave or give your order: and will t,taik..eatelally and•satia. WOW Ifik 4 *.-Iciu.PFAY Yoa .• .THRIETT :APPLE, TREES,.; • , '. • ; • • VERY P P EAR ' TREES ALo eisivikt c gAn ''and • FEIO2I . DWARF PEA_ - 4)11E1111T, , and TREES. GRAPE VINES o! allbest varte. OW from 1 yet 6: assays 'EVEROREENS: MOUNTAIN A13.1148...M0R5E CHESTNUTS,' 'WILLOWS, Ae., Otime . and see, Or send; T1car,9014(... 1 1867. "' 1 V 8 1 4 421 ` wat*, 06 :, • NVINTORAIDODS.f The Babairiberkareiow:ragettring ip additioni - to their for*er stock; a ihie assortment of Newl •Goodstbsei.l - 1. 4,- FALL AND:.WINTER -TRADEi9 ConitstOirrAlk T 13tic a* • ; l Nitritzss CLOTHS ALP/LCOAS, A 1139; D 541103; &c. Piiate tman • "': '9 049 eta pr • Gingham .:•.- ; 1911,. •;. • ";•.• • Brawn Sheeciiiistrand Shirt .. .10 6•W di 41 ' iikaohed 1 . do. ,10.40. 84):118 TABLE , _PINEN An. TABLE CMPTE§t; CRASH AND DIAPER, FOR TOWELS, TAS:ITES SHAMA THA .SEASON • weals SHAWLS FOR TILE BEO4 -- D. T 11GS • ~., .001171111311411 WIZ " Unfit , STI(LEEL ' ; N :A. Istga;aaftaidendid Itue'ot, -latest otyles Of , ; DUO.. AO.. SACK BIZIWNS , V, I 1 Itolinoral "41 1 !t 5Q to tES ; 99 etkch. ~, DO% PATENT,I44NED , pulp.. _HOOP.alci#, ! A noiand iidendfd tO Joie. ', ',. - I A . , NIOR"- LINR:' OF- RIBBONS; :itilikEr liOn_,ONst illintOßTP ibi ' t --• ' 'A abodfireat Of' Keni aria-Boys '' BMX :111171iNS - ' 'AND " GlioVgat I ' ''''' ' A ii*ltrtetiof_ - .. -' ' , Liiilti . GLOVES ANDII . OgIEVir; 1 , 1 tli i -1 : 1;t.4;14 ,,4t 6 ,4 f' : ' :. LA*Fia " 0 - oAtii" 'kb - StiOkit! kt very .lour Pr i ce ° . ' 4s.f.'; mil "N* 10,1Z : 71'" i 4r• ariiiikireedrang I ardentid . Hai oficiods II! Ulf dientoOnty_._Ana ai*lsta,_• 8 4 6 49f:1 EATS AND. BONNETS,,'," , ' Together with a nice lino. oi : ) 1 T.40 1 # 4 4 1 .0 13 ' OD:. FEATHERS l i , . , Expres4 fir bie . " : FALL - AND 'WINTER 116.1141 -.'.= All' tain ilia Ofre l iint: stAilia - ''. t, S tepired 4 1 0''N if ` T '- Vl{ A.At'E'S l 1 flo that* are -' '' in' MIN tho-aiititn r and - tastes of all: ., • ars supplladadtigovortenoed and able MMlnets;* and will ipare no pains to :Plaalleatidertr. Wirtintket ,in. thli;lminetvol trif= 11 toi:pasirciroisorei hope' tkitnit4i a 40,Fi e 1 ,1 4 1 . 47 "" i r b A li . ° 0=Vb o l: 1 , Towanda, Sept. 30,17. .k.i.f ~ .,1, ,0 v ! -,A MIMS NOTICR-aln Uirnust ..awiriAor of E_atly,Dreote,Alectored.. .In "fhb, VONA of Brom& County. .• r ~ Tht Awn* - ltbr4sald Coats 1_ to _ distnbate mum in e hapde of John B:1111611B, adinkhatitorit 'aittehdr:to'lhe' diAxt hda ii*taloat at oldeciaAthene VOA 4 y, the le ditY bf:Theetn. WAS 3 A t oka. 14-1114 lit AP44,40 lerested op attend if they proper. nd idlpanesibatbig daub en' Madan* pot . dent tliein.qbe tomer de hMr..,. • lz,f, ..,„, 1:3,....t• ,:; , ......, :1- .41. B: . ... Oidobar 18117.),:, 11710NI—Whefe '4l # jail or prb n So I 1 N 11 22 1134 ibt0 . : !ay lititekAlitegati* , :solll GINO% &pont /6117.... r .rsgpne- Mai we a any.in°i tle P IICSIB 1 1 1 Want bad Of. ==." ottirvu) LIEWir lit. reduce& to almost isAtilig, so now our new house Is Ailed with all new WILL=, 12•TY-tIDS • Im. Itern' tio uumgab and which hi {bought tot 0&8417,011%151 41EZ - 170 - T . 4 ileatimill at plitegbrdetr eaumetltlen in regains. , , s ` - ,f;:"; O e X , d i rtoit:: Alin be •Itt.tbe ratitrelia . it has 'itein it piiid; I =¢=F IB AND ` UPRIGHT . • -1: in oar dealizga ane r and It is our, purpose to,inalce bar new store t 19. `). 4 ,y!, - _-TEMPI4iOY, FASHION; t , . . lAinailiih6llllEl s 6f 'every iltfzei 1u We - 6 . 00t7; A.V11410g194 all‘pr s pg,g, (*To:p a ve ; rentOEV a Your , ' . "1. ~. SOLOMON "ar.l SON;t, Toll/finds& = .pt: 1867. . , . .TIBIAIORNEIk.GEOCIFIRY , ,The eutl39 . ol?Fris ~ deetrejo,onnotuice; 30 the : Public, : t h at, , they _have, cow ;mended bnsiness as ' ,, generaidialeral 'in 'CI-ROCEATES PlloVrati*EC , iG`rl IN and: gpIINTRY".PRQ~ IC 4)110E, at the . Bridge Street corner . of Pattorl'aioßlook, , and ' , that - they `lave now'On liana, and' designJO keopirecomplete assottniefirofpce& 'Plaited to - the wants of i tbe age tandconnt4 IThey, would respectfully4llV4e rumination cif ;then° ,stock and e; comparison ,. 'of the , iname;`'with any l 'othei geods in the market, ' as `to qiality,and py.Ace., They are provided; : with: ample and efficient help' to give prtunpt at tention to customers, and will', give, carefuf attention fe.akerderalphieeci their hands,, We pay Cish -fir PRODUCE and 'sill *clods lei Ready .PaY'. ' Loko' k.ittPttit. Towanda l _Sept. 17, :1807: E IT RYE K t. . I HAVE ;''. THi-IiAST 'DINS OF KEROBillitE NO ItiOAE 7 XPItO i SrONS .NO MORE:- itEIGIITRU4",.' ACtIDENTIin A truly sate, and at t4e,rme #tfu?. a Bril2iont. -111uMi9aiztitig Subitati 1. • ,wo. ovEup. -• >r'`' cY.:: ' i i , . , 6 :eillia • • • t • r• •• rit i:g. k . O i4-•=7'; 'X l'''t c',i. g i y,i' ! therefore•aa safe as, Whs le 011;;-: 4:4Y I:areas —l 14d . bill llant~7lgbt, QIMI4 -410" GAS' -IN • , fi ()WEIL , lAridlai more s o ft a nd leas ; • I "‘ ' ' ITCOST&GNE-BALE LESS THAN i • • , • szaossari . - r .•. J. 1 • And Is rapidly inpatieeditig l atter article% w ft has bee t urinirllneedi : •_ nly' ask'you 'to • give it trial, YOU WILL ITS , IIIE IP: YOU DO • , so. The agent is now, cans/owing Bra dford county, for the ,, pupas"' of -IMMO TERRI TORY and Bights to. Ma nufactore and. Eiell the W 'O The oil will find ready - market, - •. t ' • • IF9IVIT IS ALL WE REPRESENT And thous Who' engige in= tb mannhictur4o,l !El 1,, c=. l '; • While tlid - coi3sunter 'WM *we 11.- 7(.4 - .1 1 - P . • ; 50 P E R :11,i,;, - , - . 4 ~.., : ". .. r. .7,--• ::.... ".',- c - A1 ,:y . ., - i i!e r thiro k i ; ,, , ,; • -Atuts•forAtradford,.. Sitiquetteilt• i ly:,om- • i , +it tie l t e rk24l ll4 /11M r - Elitlist:l9;?lr.if: If I ENitIT knotrrtiNG. Nth , 1 • 4 , ,„ :• . •• TN U'R • . • ESE 200 POUNDS IN' A 11*IIEL t'OlINTAINS' L i'RPAiltrlif F 1.01314 -;;;:. 11,10 , Baz i t Li manufactured Ly,thesubscliberluifichiglti from tLeibect Celebrate 4 . . ME MICHIGAN: 'This' favorite' PlR(e' faiiperior., It is (.11 • • T*o ,HIINDEBD POUND 14Lutigui,, thiTOnerit t of thtretall ifige•. • • is BtTi: NUR • I BIG •BA4R,FLS • 4 •,„ ::,.... :ic,.,...,:ii,-, -.., -"4 gi. tyl P't 'o' IT .It.-17‘ ES 444144 Witfi /4114 11 1) 4101414'f.p . , , ,;. • f . •.4,171:1;;; , `,1:" iti v i a ti tt ai ta t. fiLky • .• POMUIO TOCA 'wT►!!!#.l7! torrlfel,ll4 - .. , boos whiz , lintbi4 tierg n - arac• RABBIS. . ts • r : li• ft. 11l y ,- ti:4' '4 , :::: 7'. ; .' t'il' i 1 MI BM Worming our it oo& -4 so hart • ' A from No. 2, oxigolloent Oai . rs ' 5 !, i.. .. , t . .. S BLOICX! ior Co. - orttere wig ner end better sake* :mi: , oLoTgjxq:-1.:• - ;.-,:. :natal _ KAY,Fti . .4)M,II./ I _; !,!,,EXII4EKA.,. -,OIT, :1'.!..; i'lf Z YI VilfkiclaVit !V'x. • ITIVZ7 ffittljt; ..I".aitafratiE 44112;iiiPts.St ti . Y V:, IL .11 • .-,,cf - I s. el i Arr P- 4. 4 A - • $ -,14 4 t 4 ' l 11,!: 7., 7.7 Fok , 7,144 , Out • c;:j Pr..l - •• • • „ • • • •••••• •- • SUMMER ArltiAlllE ') . 4. ;.. A. 7 71': : 4:: f,t''.: - .. 74iliplrlt , c7- .. .... -- :: , ;":1- '..;',"-- • :;•tr ,. ., :nil:: ~ i 1: '.....1....i ' u , - - . i . .:::•. , .., i. , ~-,- ~, ,). Eif..t4 .r..--y!,.;. , .?:4 El . ......tr.if. ' 4, ,, V,:: - ...d.:: : ' , `...qi,. - ,;.- MEM MEE , , f , •J. G R A',/1 T:Elt,''it,EV.ll:e HON ME ,PIRTPPI Z 111 1 1 7: 1 ^-kp _ • ME M=El=lE Wqh pne,Jimob.or,of our Aiein «me tont New To* ivelgre .. icenr Oie within th 4 Pa.few deal° ProldArgei vs lent tat ong in the markets;. r 417 , Kr- •.• , r1 v_t , • - • heavy. p J crcliaa`es ' 4ll kinds of ma MIM , E7 :8.::.E14Q:W,1-1 JAR MARIIET. , ,I4TE4. I " - , vI3EGII 13IE c.tM / AT. UNITED < STATES Gi ...-714, X::: 4MA:W.,4I4F4DDHEIE i , .. i . ..›....• . .•-. ... - :. ....,... .. .....tf ..= = ../.. . , -, tnor-T., Ii"..'4.:ELL.EY7 . 14 `itOi,- • i - No: 30 Vinci' fl r et,. New ... Hare opened in .connection with their pr4sent 1 . L f4feyi!"..fiVholeolti./Wtthliobment, alargo and ELEGANtIiETAILDEPARNIUNT , . .. 1- Por the expresss purpose - of retailing their goods ; 10 - 'OOIIOUHERS.. , AT inaPounse,pa=s, , and thus, sate them the hiimmuseproltkiehtsh: 'usually go to the-middle-men and speculators.'-, ..,._''' IFis guarantee, our ligui and coffees it. all ; - Motet° be freshiindprcandwirrot ell idod* sold from this house to glye'eiltiretattefinnlon; , otherwise the goods may be ..rettumed,, and the -mitierwlll be retimdect,„, • f; , ... , :•z;.;,:. . ' 11,...1 , - 'llium .List— _. I l LONG , [Black] 41410, 43%. IP, $/.00 plinth» Best. ILIKIRk•(Orem% .and....Blackl GC 70..20,! 80, 90, $l,OO per lb., Best. YOUNG HMO N . ; !Green] 60 70, 80, 90, - $l,OOl $l,lO, 91,25 per lb., Beat. IMPERIAL: [Green] 80;01,00, $1,251. 1 . ENG.' BRELKFAST, Mack] - 70, 80, 90i 1100 i 1,10, I,2o%Lbeste JA1NE.9141.134.1,35 per lb. GITNPOWER, 141.1,60 Oft-porintr.-' GB,01:1111;0. OPFFEES :0 - • , ,• :. • . ~ .? • - -,:•- !.EuRE.8.0,40, ss , aid 80 centOer.pound. 1 .Tron OLD .govEgnopq ~ TAVA, 40 cejga, ; • MU. DLl s ai t ,zire. Plner.39 mitt „:. "' . .. , :1iT0 OP", ted . --: ' .-• , , ;.• '''- IffE8818:' 43431,W1LL - ikWarrmAN,- t Asiakfor 114 sole of our Teas and, Coffee; at. -CANTON; . 4 Who will furnish clubs from all Parts of Bmd ford couqtl... All f r is anflutt anby ourselves. in ons,potuad at. Otir , :Warehouse int New 'Ark, and 70 ed at Canton by Messrs; COLWELL: & WHITMAN 'at the same prices. _whitti therare Mae had over, was maniere* New York... in /4 geode Int Z 4 PLus . beagl ft e 'TRADE MARK or The Or united Bpi e Vea Waiehouser Co!::itamp, ed.= theimoltign. -Ifbne7 others . 'szeit gaanine - We solicit a FAIR AND THOROUGH TRIAL; Of our goods from all who are interested int buying a ftrit-class article of Tea and Coffee, a?' the lowest.posslbleratos, Sept.'l2, 18 ;7. _ main STAVES' EXPRES'aCO4 The - extension of itheloiteseftibis to Denver City and Points 'in Co'orsdo and the establidunent *Cacao* , all points of „Inc *twice thrff 141,Vorrito 4 ries completes ,a conditions &aid eir - olliees from New York city to the. Fat West, embraol ingpriurcitiutseuttowswia 'l ll 9sz fllndian§,',:-/PVist,oWchiganii • fowa, Whinonsin, .I{issoinl i jiruifq nenota, Kansas, Nebraska, etc., ' Als 44 -• An the line' of- ew-l'ult: and' Erie Railway and its !Rabbet, and Weds enabling t hem , to tranamit r al.! Goods, Coin, Ilanktioina,l4 • and Nalnablns, • With speed and safety, and without tranefer. Tb _Willorablekoonnution vtithothettelisi bie - zricesecomptfidet Suable Wear telpmfan-, tt i s i at i = i t i de bit/Mil t execution, ote at en all Noa — fwZ-nll'Omir'Sonthweatern States and Territones_ . 3 Notes, Drafts, Bills and_Accoidthi collected; and the proceeds-este -ned".with the greeted' despatch . Our ratan . will Ie- as low' as charged • ,any theuturoxatlx," opan. Wen, Allude bdwelia:;) i , ` Vit . I Waverly, Athens and Towa da. ' • ' 1 , • Thhi COMpiiry h :ue `allo4tallah at Towanda:and , Athens, Ps.. end lOU run DAILY LINE between Waverly and these ohms, carrying all Goods, Money, and other 'Pao and deliv=ering direct' to consignees., rata ropy Goods recep by Railway, bit o Bar e modlavorable op trinity ever Mb for thoXerchanta and Itti Lens of W'VW twirarsdapla bushiesslithe itedidsr stood thu tot timalisrel de nit' leave pur ilikan haads f a s Tersktfadjaitift whont'Gratite arb ss rdlt, oat , - .; jimmktvwit oesigtote P,E.Bmuntmasf,r-Iz t . `P 'Of :"Mnit:vvol - t Looi , - .4b.0 t• • t 13011091„ :DAY... •:14041ON'AVIN, I, lir ,„4,...',.. - . , , :, " NpflrVihr 1 47: .v.• - 4 7,,,..:„. ~....,-,,,,..,,,,,,...;:iit'V :,„11 , : - - Id.l 1 ,14,L Atusii,..O. -NU c.v i 4 , ~...,, . ......, ~ pu tivis=ptiri . - g... 4i0 u 10 i A 1 lam& of Tsang &rofig.,..7' . . ftviii , oraoriese.:,...l,, . • 1 - atioink,ii..,Vao i l i t i :.l,e Ig t i Mises win: 1114m,12ar PENNSYLVM4EV.I3TATE NOR. ~- M SCHOOL, dnosrato, Tube*, Co ;g i Mao". . : 1 ..:::// A - •, ; - it.f.. FACULTY: ,-• • , 3 4 1 .! A. Ar' l 4}lo., Prf=d t. Pro4osor 4 ?taws' s' , .1 t d ockllCe. , • I.l'.sl*: , -no ..40glajoh000r.ocAnimuogeo. ' gg# ll . l 4 l g 1 1.- ~ W 4 / 4.4 1,• 4 1 ••rroCeis*Pc 01 41 * Li IL . - IV •A* K °46 o4 l litilltft , .L. ,- - .. Illiss:81I6 E. CON _ _ ,ARD .B. IV , Abli&toroeiter. IftsliA t ilX4.-.11 Al.' '14.1.-PilliWpal of 0 ' Witt •',Pid w. friotrtnitplit;Ontal 20 ~, : c , . ,- 1, .• - - - lirimarlinoic.-- ' • - , Kisti-AW* B. OWLET, asoispuit pastructur 1 . - - of Moak i' - `'l' iftilioOt. Till 188tt l ' .. • 7r- -:yhia:Thostreginii:EiVaNbs'4; /8117,,v SeOnd . • ...„;., .. ; f4ootobot.j. I!, 1864. • 5 - Third - -.! lOWA --r 23, f- 1867 . ' 1 " -- -"Itioiaiiiiiiii isiiiiiio"lolll6: ' Pot Talk and Sp _sing TormAnololiogr noora -4 rOOll l tiOSE.APIOfoks 'ts9ok mkt, fool, oil, _F andlonsions,... , .... ~.......60 00•^ Fos wi j o e , T ait , . 4., . ,s‘ ... a .64 00 For do itsdadcydtion and book: rent. 00 '& . ' - 'oo'''''' I• • EMI I LY-MADE 'Nat expensee tor, school year ' • $lB4 00 216 Siam charges: .littirsenta'. Room sis fur• nished. stone, chairs, fables; elands; wdli, hediteads, inatrrediet, — pillows and one wWor• tibie:?For blither. Infonnadon send. fat Caul lope. '!Address Principsi. • • A u g. 8,1867 • UEQUEITANNA" - COLLEGIATE .7•00 1 4/VD.I, BRADFORD CG ,d, - The FalrTesit open WEDNESDAY. Sep tember 12,1867. ow 'will be faudabed- In the tont council, : ENGLISH, CLASSIC, NORMAL and COMMERCIAL - with facilitlfb for razwoir And !AWING' ; *VOCAL and INSTRUKIINTAL_ USIC . ; DDAWING- and PAINTING, • - &snit:44a Cie"- titiMe will be under the Immedinte,chargent • Principal. ' For terms,- pta.dipply Rained 7 to the Principal, SAMIGIL F.IIOLT. , . An - i 4 22. Ilk Towanda. =I 4. .•7"/ ME 11N 're -open her 171. schOol for 'Yoani"-„fAllei" oft .11 - 0111),:t Y, • SEPTIWBEW2, 1867. ISERE TUNS, ,•-• • - - • En~lie4CbriooD~ :. . f 6 ooCiO 250 41) ;, .4 CO Dedeilion mule foe glie;;;;Irlmul ocatsion ed byprotreeted illness. - ~ • ; Towendi, Airg. '2O, 1862 .31:Ei k „ • MEE ME =I = ME =NE = =it F ASHI O NABLE. TAILORING Y A 4: DAVIDSON, Respectfully =mace" to the nablic that be 6,4 oPened *Tailor Ship in Burlington ft orn and *lll cat add make Med an I Roy* Elannent. Ili tlietn..st Embatantial and - ,Fohlouble MAU nee.: CUTTING' done on .short notice and on roma:stable derma.: . Particular attention - given-to Cleaning cud Repaidiuttflothes of all kinds.' ,Barlington.Pept. 3, Oita. . . - N - Ew BOOT AND SIO_E STORE a. TITUS, Ileapec' tray infinms the ..citissenn of Towanda Smooth, t% at, lie haeopeded Bootend Shoe Shop Ito Kirby's Building, .inent side ot Hain street4wherelte. will keep on hae4.% stock' of i I ' BOOTS-AND SRO* Adopted lii-darns arid Women's wear, to ~ ‘rh ch be Writes the attestlowa, the Irene. • :P4tieelar sass will be paid to awantacturing the very be.t stock will be used; arid the work teewship willbe warrantedAlret clam The pa tronage Of 'the klblie ie eollr.lleal, confident: that satistnetlori aim be given:' 014 Robber !oats whit Shoes neap patched • Rubber poles atta to 'alb a A.F.PAIR.M 4 9 TR.N . PER 'CE/rT ziELoir Sig! . • CWT B.' tBtLY;: toed ist. 'Office' tyl it" cder . Wickham Itc Blank's, Towanda•Pa. - 41kli _the variant'. ityles ot work scientifically r ,doiialau .1% warranted.: Particular, attention called to • th - e„ AllumirMni Amp' for Artificial • Whiola la - eqnally aw' good' as.Clold and far aup_erier to ei th er Rubber or Sliver: P ease call AM emitalitesperimPtur. " • , ChkrofororarZther • administered under di: reMionnt a Physician when desired. • Aug. 6. • - • *anda Tan. VANTEii tit C°E'Clairo 'Hadn't thous:lca . the qqalladr, to-be . delivered -!EaMediateig, Itt:their workgAit Greenwood. Beot.-2. 1867. - •- i _ Vs lowiNto44: - flAX — gair . . EATI!IG 10. 1 C1431,113H1M1T1 • D ALLYN Itavfne purchased the Baltitl ir adNaeftl Ettlitdiebtatti'itattetoesty eeetet,_ ' reptity &Staltb,• tratdoor with ortjte ard IRiaae c , Kam 414, aroirsafia, Pit 1 and ltattat reinotlelled tberaiteit. • Altai Are prepped-to • laid& ibilretastaderat-aatt the public with' trearythiagthelt , , tins at "vuum abla ratet: - • - • • . . THEM EA.TING DEPAlirintarx Islitted •no in the most: improved' style and .ILL are - served in: all boom and their itare 6 au *Ms good assortment - (31;t,06ERIES,"- t CO . NFEIAIONARY,' 4REEN i AHD DBTSD FR111143, &C. ' •i• - • Th 4 will feet In store and sell'atjwhstesale and retell grnunttactsre to ordf,r . , • 11"fR1&TY BISCUIT AIISK FRESH,: : .2, P• 1 - J . -BOLLS, BUNS, PIES OP ;CAKM Of iU kinds: 11,;0 icatcriickei. of alltinds trt• the mutat, by' , the barrel dr pOUnd; . Fresh Oysters constantly ,on land by the keg or dish, chop an , the, cheapest: They will:usethe beat AnaUrials- In ltrell.o,4 l lem!ki tit,' to 'deltas the most hatbilons,,' • Wedding and other fancycakes'made 'supplied daily And prompilY With anything.desired in oii; Dee. Theremploymonebukthemost skilful wOrt• men, and use Ably the beat - material. They are determined toleep &first clam establish meet. Give to a fair and candid trial and you will nod ittoyeuradmintage. • • G. 11.. WOOD:. - • .i. B. ALLYN. ' - Towanda, Aug. 18417.--yr.z HEAP•PABSAGL FROM OR TO 'DR •,-ENEgiANTO SUMO Iifi I IVLIN3 or IMUNInip. " , quiamerowx .W.Wiams&Gakon's old I , l lfar..kBtar Line' of Limped Pickets; Balling every-week: • • Liao of PliCketa ;tom or, IMP li f!DP ,SP. 4 41 1F 1 C e m°6ll " ' Re i xd t o E a gia s d r l r elai u d Mi4 Mad ,Para4Mk!..ll4/4! •aI. • pp 11.40 ams a Gefon, 39 Braadisit New-Timit, r . G. P. 11.480N4 90.;Bosakerb ,- Towands;Fl. • , BAiliWki COMPANY .g. ..tWi. 1/A1.:•)..i, - s:na NOTICE . • tictirldcin Motets to,.piwthat of 4.0 1 or more -POPO%•to any. station :on_ Mts. Brilway, will 'be sold 4', a Em i t reduogoatrOtertgaw rstes. lainawde:soS* *VI Of 40 .4 en i tn .t° visit liirrlttigic_tiettts pt g 0 and :stars. Win be . Weep: at, it WI% The regalia-Are le $650 ' l Tbio.siebiritt4 *bet. will $2,15. On 40' del** $B6. TO other' ststiots. the re' 1140#14.U1 halo - proportion: 'Two or three deot oasbOnld be glisa k that due Itrrar m „ :Wait nett soodaMnatay be ea tok*VgigiutbetWc infornstisa wllbacheer• Ag i: e bug it tibbit q . 'AWL; W • agent. WK. MiNiCietti .. N. Y. " • Titz.4 4. OriOMMIING 'GAUT i -..-:••: P' , ..;',::1 1 ..,7,,,,::--..1, II ill