Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 03, 1867, Image 1

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    'We 41P-IPlialtaialeloll4
: • 71:Ii"
atiallia la pablishadorrarThWE
dayllorning, l lol.-Cal par
ammo, IP .LA _ ' •
- I.l3Vloo:ll3l4l3lNTS.__atroadtog Irma
lima are bat ttt Titoalli *lino for
h 3 .01*, 111 4Y 1 7 1 . gorilk.Pet 14,1, F!
obseipani inaertions: Alpsalapao4all*. -
ot:led belbre', , Afarrlagia: c ilAp#oo4
ohorged - ririrmai- atifiriffifbriiieb
nsertloa. • Allresolataasa or4polfooni;
oputoiikittio.:oknad4a-Ai , hidivoisr
intereskend netioes of llasria4o4orbastbo
exceeding 47/ liateow9l#4l44:iguluv
er line.
. ,
1 Year 6 mo. mow
thic - '3ohnun. $75 $4O $3O
.. r:ll5d,J. .1-11 e
.. '''''' -
ei t trey,Osutionji• LOitittollintinVoldcatinii
adveitisomeitto,t3Ntrig 101intt,
$1 GO •
t3 drriii=4llll l l;;Qi Novae. coo
Auditeeet-14410:n0L,..........; - •
Inudnesallirds, Ave lime; 41yeaW46,
Merchants ind other iiiiertispg their,
business, -iiilfbetAlisiged 50. They , 0111
be entitled to eduxo 4 cciiihted inithutivei=
ly to their.businees.ivith prlvilop of Change*
. Advert =mg in ill oases ocetium of
staxigipipbm, to the Isom -
ICB 146011-M1 Plain
and }Aoki Onlors,.;l4tia withnettnele Nut
Phie l ß, Sc., of tiveri mt'it 11 40:4
ted et the shortest notice.. The . B3isostron
Omar. has just been reAtted 14. pyres
gressel , and .everi 41drig in the :Printin g .
can be executed in the'ittOit'aitletici
manner end et the4oweit rates:' IMAM
M - TORNEY A T LA W-4)814 eorner:ot
than and Pine streets, opposite Portit's Drag
if Offers hie professional serviees to the eft!•
sena of Prenchtown and Vicinity. Calls ptompt
yiy Ur. •
28 , 186 L-134
TJDAVIES, Attorney at Law,
Tiiiranda, Pa. Office with . Win. Wat.
kins; EB4. Particular 'Menthe:l4W to • Or.
plans , Court business and Battlement of duet
dents estates.
'at Law, Towanda, Penn's,
The underaigned having associated themselves
together in the practice of Law offer their pro.
fessional services to. the radio: •
March 9,11365. '
'PATRICK & PECK, .60081111Y8 Ar
LAW. Ogicei i—ln Patteeftlock,Tdirszuht,
in Patrick's block, Athens, Pa. They play be
consulted at either place.. - •
a. w. essalci, apll3
da, Pa: Particular attention paid to litudneee
in the Orphans' Owirt..,_ July 20.1868.
HENRY PEET, Attorney at Law,
Towan la, Pa. jaat, 68.
1.! Office in Patton's Block: over Gongs Drug
and Chemical.Stors. ll=6B
. .
.ljney at Law, Towanda, Mice in the
Court - Roa se. July-13,1886.
Li R. DA.VIES, LERAiriilux, PA.,
-63 permanently bested tat the Alegi
onnerly occupied by Dr. B. DeWitt, for the
practice of nie pioreas!on. May 8.1867.
AT LAW, Towanda Ps. = Also, Govern
ment Agent for thacolleetion of.Penakoui, Back
Pay and Bounty.. , . .
No Mary unless aneceestal..,. Ofileitomer
he Poet Office and News Room. Dec. 1.1864. •
Tioaroa B. _BsWITT, Poiret - ass
.11 irto filautliton.-:-Ifay be found 'dutini the
day--nrdess otherwise engaged—on itain4t. ; a
few doors below .Codd lihosell'a • BO•
de zee torner*Oh-sts., late
ly-ocupied by E: rui. • -
Towanda, pill
- 4 - 1 D. STILES, M. D., Physician and ,
Ts 'snrsons, NOON annbunce to the people of
Rome' Borough and vicinig, that he haa perma
nently locatea at the place formerly oocupied by
Dr. G. W. Stone; for the practich of ilia profes
sion. Particular 'attention given to the treat
ment of women and Oldiaren, an rag) to the into-
Me of opers4lve and minor , surgery. - Oct.
PII4TT: Jim rerafivect to State
11 street, IBM aboviß. llasaell'a "Co's
Bank). Perilous-from a distatice dasfrotutoi coo
Halting hint,so beloost_likely to fled hint oa
Saturday i f each week. Top-• -tittention:will
be given to earglcal eases and thei extriustiou of
-. Teeth: elan or Etheirsithelnktered when dadretl.
July 19,11368. '1). B. PRATT, Y.
flee in Goli's Drag Store, TcAn' Inds, Pi.
Calls promptly attended to ,st elbows.
Towanda, lionotttber 28•1868.
DW'D mEws_Ationowin.
isktomoilfittiost to h* it Saga Run.
Bradiopi Co. VA.;44l.roseive pt . attatitiost:
..FRANWS, rOST, IPainb*: - 214;
*add, with...lo years mediate. LI no*.
Merit he coo give ea Lion in Mee
ing, Graining, Staining, Gluing, Paper l ng..d4.
. We-Particular attention paid to Jobbing in the
country.. : • , , April 9, 1868.
dK. VAllKLAN—Architect and
u • kinds of Architectural de-,
signs farnhatedi•• Ornamental wort in Stone,
Iron and Wood. Office on ibis' street, over
. %Ascii A Co.'s Bar& Attention given to Bu 4
eal Archiisetorn, such as isytog out of grounds,
Ao. . • . Aprip,
COUNTY" - srfirirEYOß
Orwell, srsetta Co., P14;10 1 1 Promlnllatteld
to all business in Wolin°. Partinlea attention
given to running and establishlnl OldAr dtaPil!
ted lines. Also to surveying of-all nitpattental
lands SO soon an. warrants are obtained. mill
• ;Public `is;',lnipand ' to' ;take N
I:h! , eo
, one, Acknontetkithe Execution of Deeds,
Mortgages. POwers,Uf Attorney, and till other
instruments. Alliderits " sadotherpsperarnay
be sworn to telbre ' • •
Office' op to thk Banking_ Howe id 8. - B.
Hassell I ti., & tea; doors north of the Ward
House. ' !Intrunds. Ps, Jon, 14, ,
' • - ,
D -K . N A ti
• , ' -- • •
Watch Maier and Healer to Gusts and ladles
Watches Chihli and Fitsrlooke, Jew
elry, Gold Pena, Spectae Week wan, Plat,
ed owe, Hollow ware, eei Sewing Mai
Were. end' ether Stledll belonging tee Ariel'
ryf Store.
Pertloalar . attention paid to Itejwirtat; et
hie old Nicoll:nod-the POst Ofileeti i war N.
Will promptly attend to ill badness in his line:
. Special attention given to Landscaperand Stereo
oscopic Photography:; 'flews of Family Red
, deuces, Stores, Public Buildings, A44 ll as• Ns"
chines, etc:, taken in the beat mainner.. -
Particular attention given to the novel and
beantical ateraipoplc representation. ot,objecta.
Orders 'received" at Wood & Sardines ?hot*
graphic Art Gailerp, - Towaroda:
Towanda, April 2,1,1138 T-11.
'cipteiteds lianhing Howe Antiariesdi;in!
der the mule 12k. _P. MASON & CO. ?'
They are premed to rirser Bilis of Ex
change, and makrg. collections in New Yorje i
Phibuielpble. OA an PorUfter clf -' Unk "
States; as also ' Slngland,tierenail. idle Prance.
To Loan aloney, receive. derail, and to
G - . F. ' Bs = less' irnestif the' late.Erni
Lapente, Easonfr:Co..!ce.Thisindie; Pa.; Ind
his knowledge' dtbetuidam "A lt ignebl4
and'aikloinbig Connties,srid bad Wirth do
nuking bushman ' for about !Moon yeani dike
Ws house ladnage i on!le 1 , 11100 0 1 : 14)
141110P1' gill/404V
Tennadai, tocto 11418.,' — ', X; l 3 MASOlgi/
THI , - , AsToR,FIRLINgrxtoot
.4 ,
Towanda, JolrMaat"'ja '
- -
; r. 'ti ORTMRNT OF Vt.
eai and fustranututal music 120Datantly_o
hand at the ' WEWEI BOK/K.
t 0
-- • -
IVICAtt- •
•••,. • • • -• A. - • •
VOLT=• • t -
- , t
•• tract at had situate in Glaismester comft,
New, Jassy. Costaint Acmes, Rau,
hot* Malaga Malaga, and Ospe gay
Re wsy ,
Tier" No Anehor u dittollert, /211112 . 1ty
township, Camden malty, N. Y Ca
3.500 hues. To be sold it *
Potter County timbered
with' Rellikak. OA, Cherry and lard
1 1 :19 11 , 1 P! I Tt t 't, '
Tracts No. 47811;oontaining 990 sores ; No.
4764 990 aeree--betweft the auto had oat
for of the Shmantaboaing in Wharton and
.83 1 tow l A l l o9 . ' .4 I
Trim' No. 4767,_-990 aceas• No. illiff, MO
aortal No. 4698, 00 saes t Wharton ,ton7a.
ablp.. line of Appot, !wad-won of ,
4 oak
- i f
- Trilail
No. 691.7, 1100 serea.;__No.47lo.loBo
acres •,tlfo. 5813, 1100 acne; No. 69143081
strewn perches : No. 5911, "1100 acres. No.
5930;1100 acres No. 6938 1100 acres ; No.
5919,110 Q ;:in Wharton and Bannirdsos tat*,
ships oh head yawn - UM "Creek, *ear talln
klub. 1 - i 4' i-;
_ ,_.
1 , 0
Tracts No. 4717, 196 acmes ; 4729.990 sores ;
Appot and Stewards:at townsl4pa,. near 14"
1 Raft% Cheek. . • c
Tracts No. 4910,4137 lan ; 4924, 990 acres,
Marton tinnteldp; Main bran,* libutimahow
Two hundred and seventy-ave acres prime,
drat clam coal land. Blakely township, La-
serve county, Pa., half way between Scranton
and Carbondale. Very near the Railway:
On thawed Int Anthracite
coat had about zi miles north-sad of WlLk.ea
the EIS
, isISIMPIPutto- 1 .
•Abdot ISQO acres, of la .164kott.
=Pt Botihadton count , New. Javey,'-abont
four nines north droM kvon Junction o;2 .1
Ounditialuad Atiantio .Delawme and .
tan Nay Balltaye.‘ Val bla. mlll lest.
or three homes, stable, barns , Ac., second
pow* of Amber; Rarer Ming safer. • Pewee
.11,11 15 or 18 feettmenhot. ?xioe' CIO per acre;
Onepthird may wain. .
Delawaie Farms and
Description and direct
V, A. Mg.
A vilcuibleVoutry
Splendid grant& and-
o 120 tereeat
1 ., Sea Plere, Star
FOTO acres of good la
plomr, golies. ro.—
t 4.1111
.. 2 4 ',..
Mo of Title,
*gab im
4 sa* loinft, Y.
_ __ ___ _.. mks GI *ma,
homostOods; and propertaa espoetilly 'dosilsbls
to capitoliito ; to promo . odevacos at Stoney
upon b o nd and • and to Prosecute la'
(labia for awe - ,' to 'make Investakiita
or ware a bolsi. 1 irill oast
Isi for bast known II '
111 M IT he nt
b 14 .111 1 4.1
puke la theme mend
Those who desire to
All who Not
future benefit
first-obis pit(
= l .=.;
AU Bar
PVINtOti "•-•
w 440 trisi 'to ob
Tam Peals
Are mp)Milli solfct
j. : 44, ri
~ ....,.
:!-- „,_,..--......,...- ~, , w .5.zt., . 7,--.,..',..-":- ; -...,:- . ..t.,;,L ~
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N:.4 .-,-‘ ' i''' ' -& f."<kg - V 1, 41. ', ..k - 1 , i.L. 4 . ....vroirAt- 4:- ,, , , , ,!r. .. •-p , , , ,. , ... -.- ~ ,,.c4 - ..,--1• 4% 4 -, *r -1 z ~, .--..., -,.... :--,,, ....v.,,._ ,, , - . , --.‹ , - .. .. , , t , .. ~,,. ‘-..t... •',„. ... --, , , ; ,, ,,-:.'.:T.. --, -*,.' ,, . - :, , ..• ,-- --. , . - L7....,,z,: '..:::.t, .i-:.,. , ,-.. .-
__„-.,---.,-,:- ._ . . .'. , . .
......1M1! 11 .-4 0 $ 111 0E 1 ...... 16 1. 111 , 11 AinalriAMEMS.
- —.....-.
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'- - ..' - ' .' . 1 -L' ' ' '-- - k r ' • . '-'''-. r. ' .' 1 ! -- --- ' ' ..,' '''',- 7 ; 7 l ! . .;-'-.'- -.. .. 1 ,-1 ' - "n - '.' n- ,- :' , -- - ..,-.-.- -. ,- , , ;r.t.c.., ti,411911461i - 11. - 4.! ,ziortitt.t.taral: •,..14 -......- .• - r te' - .• - ;., ....'... - - • =, • •
. _
Ivenie lands.—
ono . tea on.epplice
• '
near Philadelphia.
69 aerie 'or land
• —For sale- or ex
od land one t bird
county. ' ,
d liith•frolt 'trees, ap
- Improyad,
x. 4. ul
Mono) lot !Fol.
!taloa eolo•
delsktinodi of him.
o! , sal tam ; ,
farottaoe NabriP4,l°
Al 4 1111.°714.1iF
lair•staients !bribe
I • - •,1 ,is secure sail
or nit wil".
mahu,stimi l
*lv it's!
to :ea4idit"sdchlid
kat maiskratk.
Arfirf ° D 17liz
;Olltoeß oa~at ot,
1 '. ,
. .
' wi •
I -- . r
...U:i• , :1'.41 , .• i J' , :..;.' '
4 17" - •••••",
•' •
J.. 11.111 • •
sow !;. •
ChattesiPanisk. 116 _ -
Itoa..P.B.Streeter b roo"
'- '' - ,', 1,. _=1... th i -, ..? . .• • .-. 1 %, i.i. .. : 1" , ~, . _ ..
is XAVII,I If login.
' - T '': - ; '.4 , 7 - .ll , Hrt- , ,.
.. , • .....-- !. . -i., 11
15 " nada, ThelaVOck . 8,.1867.
We &rote - this _ page -Of the ,
Repo 7 ll:-tiFf. voh*Fro. view
of.the inOrtainii Of the' nation which
takes phioO on Toethhy' We
; hall thereafter give oar - Atenal
riety, of .iatareathir coisealloneone
'reading. ,
Vernal llarnin7aber that; dui gee
Von tidies piece on . Tussuii > um,
and „tie, the . result to,be
either #lB en , endorsement of Jon=
sos's - nefarious 'aoheines, or's, rebuke
of his- high-banded nod -diotatorint
conduct., The:SW:ties, Aif
is the triumph- of, the „ cause lf the
ariacets of Sitaiiiireen'ln
the overtlitoW"of Republienu
eletilinliiumph42Rebel mak!
Ribthisers- I , The Ref.4 l .). l lifen ?.°O l.
who; tionote„l' jie culpably
negligent of his dilti t4lle tountil;
as was a—deserter the-r nkni
ranks when , the betties,ache cram-,
try were fOught in,* Old. . •
11101 1 1 944 - ar
'aria= sap Tug mainany.
; . • t•
. We find that man* of our, claims"
-believe that General" Goy:t — can' hold
his commission 'of ileitteneral - no
longer 'than the Preeldent permite,
and that since. the President in •1: , .(=.7
mender in chief of the army,lni has
the poWer to appoint to, and - dim - nisi
from, all officers hading commissions
under. that grade. ~ But little - as-we
are acquainted • with the "tenure of
military commissions, we thinktimt
opinion erroneous. : 'WO remember
the' passage of the ilaw by Congress
making Gen. Gaol, LientGisn.r of the
;wallet, of the United Strites,elevating
him above the
, caprioes a an Official,
who, for hitiown treasonable. purpos
es might ' denire' hie ' dkiplacement.—
Gen.' Guilt- !holds, his high position
et the will, and by the authority of
'the Representatives of the :people,
and Mr. Joixiiiii; much as he might
wish it" otherwise, must endure hii i
presence,as the highest military pow
er known to our laars,as long as Con
gress, whit gave him the ; place, is
'satisfied with his discharge of its du
ties. Mr. Jonsson has shown such
an utter disregard of the' wishes of
the ipeonle, such a defiance of their
yig.-. fjeoh , a mistaken, vieF a \their
interests, there is an exhibition of so
much headitrong folly, revenge, low'
passion and ' even malice mixed tip
with his official sets, that it is 'patent;
to all Men -that he is an imaafe man
.to exercise civil,-and-especially, mil
ititrir power. ' . - ' ,
I ' Such an opportunity as, he had of
being a benefactor to his.riicet, of un-,
doing the unmerited wrong to which
hislkinthern fellow-eitizens orOither
race had been exposed for many gen
eratione, 'dean not occur twice ino
thousand years.? He Sprung / final Rio
class known in Southern terminology
as poor whites, he knew their ignor
ance, poverty, rejudiceo4d, vim,
they trusted , hinr'foi. his abi*trlii
surmounting the difficuitieir of ids
huMble origin, had exenied thOde
feet(' of hie education, had given 'Win
office, and he had by his syinpath ~
with them the tiower,had theinclina
tion prompted him,to dispense them
of, their prejudices, against Northe,rta
oqnahty` end indiuitry,igainst-North
-ern maxims :of political economy,
against Northern educatiuu and mg
eh; WA the thousand conveniencies
and iiiinforte which flow from North,
ern thought: ,:lie might have ; taken
the Colored*" - Population ,by the, hand,
encouraged schooln smellS
'shielded them frem r"misansinatiOn and
robbeiy by his partimins, protected
their labor, - ond prepared them folk
the, ballot which ioasenre to eome td
;them is thaetheie is i Geifin Re.avi
en . andjuirtice upon earth—iii shorti
"he might 'have fulfilled t ni hie
liotoß' blo of be!oill;!-1404$ and guide
in their escape item a worse than
Egyptian servitude. All this be might
have.done,and•all this he should have
- done and. probably *gait have done,
but Southern- nabobilm ,'sand '/liiintli!
1 enkellii,t4FY - . ( rfof°° l °9 fiF' °ear l ° f
jestine; his ditty to the whole comb
,trY,.ond , mado,him.the •demagogue
and traitor he is. . He prefiirs an
immortality of infa my:to one of fame,
of dishonor to . the - grateful reinem.
bream of e gisodameu pint he makes his
bed let hini lienpOn it. , ' ' ' -
.;,,,.. 7 14 South litieTelgolthe MOgit.4 o n "
ions crime in history. - , ltoost the iia
ti9n,fouri - thousand, millions otmoney
end ` intite" thailill4adied thoiiuunt
lives to save it from , iumihilationk
- - There is not square mile of. t ita'
Northern_ agri which deeiri not
harbor some . r; *aimed, broken,
.14°P0gf- 19°'
p 4xt,
war; end the govertutetit JR; to Alny,
Piet , ire APIMII 4 43r0A5 1 9 tO i
t L liii4,itkinriinint.." - thine mid- '
guided Sontheniers bliinibfihWeet
tion andiheinselvea, to the brink of
rallwily 1
,gtoa tains
lrable 14in-
from 60 to
td taper
138 acres
:hard, good
cOns V. on
la on wog
, Bradford
' i
E 12223
after ace.
,P .
. uons r -4. " 9 • . f,." $ ' • ' 14 ,
• " 7/ $ - Pt , J 1111 FoNfr i , 114 WM. a . JF$ '?.`-eislUio . s' , ol - .l l lVAlXteeik.
, 1 - ,
:: .„ T o l ir A ND A r f p A i q
, e , I '.. ' y.,
doettuctiOn; did when '.#, li itV i * P I;
l eafahhiOf More 61 404 t z_ii
th—tisivstarring*ir 094
keep," araf hod). toffetherOblevas
Ain, r thit 'the Northern owe-lit
,i 1436: pity sen t - 41430614.**114,
r iPefPetlistAt th e milierel49llfrell'thei
bad= forfeited lejustke k .eii ibreiew
l ions 'years supplied' their wants'
were °Fein; through every raomei,4 aerial:tie/
•,. kiai i. 4001404;
t 4 . ,
end, engaging in ploteaettfeewierefft
thetouuders of=the union ; 'and Row,
today, theY'ere eisaitiallihe 8611i13
I rebelliene crew that fired uplufti*
° The to*''o44' 34:
ter- Y 0 you r . y :,w ith
one bend, and stab-you=the dlr
per. They threaten the on and
of the, oorimnfint:sulliiegiel
taste their cowardly' elstei l iiie only
because the. Goveromen is merciful.'
They need' Northern emigration and .
enterprise to build, up ' , Janie_ /waste
places, and infues i i vitaP*apirit, into
the WY Politic- Thhk 4l t ll4 7 .oe/ild
have if the' would 8 47 tlieiFs , haeda
from murder;-if they would ripen*
Northern men among tienzi:` , lA tior- ,
than man in any and every Southern
State, must spend his der' in a Con%
dition of sembarbaristn, moat be se
eiallyprosaribedoug must consent to
risk not only his property, but the
moral edueation of hie; famil ;?` ) ''
The South, must sifik lo err and
-lover. There is no help for t wbile
the present generstion su iviis.—T
What moral pheeOmenon eau' heroilii
a change is beyond the ken of human
foresight. All the aCcointii jyjiTave
are to the - effect' that theledicated
men are actively opposed to corms.
views of the situation, end engaged
in pro to ra )
pagatieg the o I 'virile wh• e
has so long poisoned the Senthere
air. The clergy, we are told, are ea.
Pee:hilly demented, whether from me ,
fives of r aniary interest or 'from
moral considerations we are noted.
vised—it is rune to find one totally
oblivious`of hie salery, or no les&
ing public opinion instead nf follow !
711 , ' 1 ,
There are many reasons to ahoy,
that Southern redemption from pres
ent evils`will spring from thef despis
ed colored race, and thet the social
and political 7 power ! IT 4jptheir
hands. This proposition / need"- enr
prise no oneft Causes precede effeas
and effects follow cau s es with uner
ring certainty.. A man with philoso
phical acumen, is ever competent to
predict events by a Jpo;kledge of
causee, or fa other " 01 4 by li.ea!at
survey or things be cart
whateveryday. doeahe
see, to day, of Southern eloaintif 7 . -
Why, that the colored popyletren are
straining every nerve to acquire
knoWledge; and the 'skill` 'ton it` in
a way which shall improve „ their con- ;
dition, and enable them. to fill , the
new place tiivihiek Providencia hap'
called them, while the Whienversist,
in the eareletemess of their ilatiree
to ignore alt the claims t)pit age heal ,
elion'them- There'are Meel'aeW. l ;
jag in . Oherlietoll who wilt lee A
gro inaugurated governor of , Seeth,
Girdles, if this state or thinicti eihall
continue twenty years. ~ ItnoWledte
isipnwer sad'will continue power in
time future, as it has been ',in Aim*
past. Read Gen. Pores Oltlctitt Re
port and think it over. '
In all this turmoil with =out bent.'
wee President, the people, the ilorde
okthe soil, look'calmly meAmdient ay,
ed. Let hbe funie and fret,sedsWitip
ger and swing round the ehire, to her'
heart's conten, theyhee r 7 their Pow
er and their remedy. :YiletY her lel-
Plicit confidenCe in their Lt. -General,
and, they know - thethekhae the Power (
and the„llciut to save*ll9 7 ferr-weatg
should Am' Jonere with all the
Iliseetildied 13 4e 1 .9 0 e i ti 3 PPI, *ma lif
Wl " ll o°A."P ire ta-illieiit: T hey
have ` weig h ed " the PFealdeet,
l in the
scale of exact jueircer and teend hiiei
wanting kali 4italleali l eatieee MVP
'constitute,* safe publievans - anni
theywill dehver their verdict hi 013;
We `want every vote:' - The Ire4er.
rebukeot=i4 *fit leo our re 6. of
1616 and . .osnrpation on ;hie
Let as give ( 40
as to a 41413ab * af ' ' a t °,4ooo*Ptle
Will imioui*tbail
walk out ova gorenynalkia.44 L D 7 I
np 4 11 0,fF, SW: fcli: 446
and t no t.
that suit*err
1 1 c!Mr! , II,P , InOto, 10!41.14".1)211 pe
an 4 : 1 04 0 R., 11 4 011110 6 1 f0 1 :1.
1, ; 2 ;k 111 ,0 4 04 01 , 4 witi0i1iti14 4- 1 1 6,-
*V:O I 4 Jif the:
polio October. Abe:
Tteildinit -have aseitathiliait
. 1 04 1 4 O . ; 0i..3 40404 ir
Thalwastaiaa,' _
advantage of such change, Oboubi it
ik, fiNtef fg.# T e #BAREOP.'
l i eett!if
imegb,:.eceLreelVi Mr.p Minot is Tat
7 10111 4 **MOW *kg
b e
TA, 0:9444.
b eske& 'pear*
2 .± k c e. ou t . 44fi t i.rs5
' :59 1 1,4 1 . 1 9 1 M o=P. l Kr i 4 l .ffl,
401Mdk'lle0 4- oef: *AI ftlatlibeiNdit
i mmisineatyltitjta.dey?knoriirmahldtar ,
mi t *irlituppootead - cTioioliiir
. ilit.:;4 lll l4 l6 ttige; )'l4ll l
Yecwillnliiamaugneatte.foUye ,or: ,put
up With ‘l.. .
'the l.o6 4 r ! W 4 k
tin Toil; sirPissty h it' is
1444_` 4 11 4 Yop -er#loeflt ferfleteke,P
By. all your bppositoUthe
p'rosperjty. end re'Y.'tf - Yeei ) nati ve
riota,s* froo_
04ifi0!u,!** 1 4 1 0.7.414 WV/4i
- a
say oriminsurited its Ueda; yikAn
ill-timed adjowinient.=j Itkhisvoirer ,
*gain, enacted Akeltilll'of the watch.
man who seiVilifatelf the 1i042. 0 ;
gibes the tkef.
our historynfw.cartain great military
genius who `being. brought lo•tnitlon '
%Milian kid tbk:* * ip,
*Ond , 1 0.84641 1 %!ii4iii .9#it; wUli
1 / 1 8;`Ve1J;ihe otwoi4 has aqf
piany,alcorilinnknot in pnlities, end .
int is to sever' this' lenot!'
Order &tit; Gen.' GiOrrEshotild - :,tiii3 it,',
i6344 - 04,ti0
men we should be., prepared tor ; this;
very_sontingeoey. , : , l The 'enemy hal
keen inereyet steal
:1'.4152;3! fo= :9;1';
gq‘!ll4 _ they ~1 1/ 1 point; lfq
way.- ECtigas was huncon
lows hated bhilt forz hts
02d4 we's gal?* to'
03 4i 0 . * 1, 004 14 : 4 4: 4 W , C1f*
100114. tkffitiyaggi
to hteirot nom Ake, ,Parbiromitvandt
tit throtioi l andkleideM 491 - MM,
lie hie individual!
yolee l of alienation(
= • tholiempiriprosistr.a flow
:mat siiittwrzoic
f7.L. If. fl
.-The' indicatiOitu -lathe ' Oldest liot-.
frOu g 'irit( SinkulaiiiiUlhoui, , 4tireiii-,
P Y l c 44 4M0 1 k.!4irq4,o4 l 4ikho
ovilviii.thelP .1 1 0 et i land tiNue,
'tamed resistaica ieilscushedmrit for al
ithilb, , yiWth7pirit wiikt , integb4- 1
'id&rl3blliori ot,ordy'gre4; bitt lii&
, , ..4 • . .. , . .8F.../ _ l ,
Vindietoo k Tema thegorertquear
14 11 11 an reesidi to:delitia_ f it, "elpitk.V
time eitteemet ;;„Tbeie iris) doubt
ablitir els: i NO kibeH , faeeilitlirtsedl,
p 'lfif,irti . l3oldL/Ai.: thileioK.O.b?i,i
1 4 44.4 -iiliEilllE* 6 4To l i*.t4 - 41.44
teu g giclworetatot,ecinqUer4 41144
`that they iirosid - ieCusture• *Pine!
,tiuseofol'atialegtol'the :'-,-Oithe ihO t
_.,..... f / P l t 3, il D ' i6 ~..a v i-,bi...0.40,
,i,,...6,,,9,,.. .. ii: 0 11 44 iA.14 1 't*i.l/
iookug, Wear& iutelt a eozonur4o?
is •no*loostiug lutoltiietii. . 01 1 1 1/13Rtrel
'qient itirehr e eiroUlatctot-4140
La I .Tou!saills qabhiet;sre grOisiAtoike
4 46,, ofittuoitpaipw to thro_tnt.he 04•
tire EieoutiveDepartmentof - • : ,)
erunieitlinto the - lands oir lief re: •
veadilleil l ip l rthiti4Loqiiiii i , i, 7)
P . ,0 044 14 0" a ;0041 ir 1 I # 4 4 '
ioaDc.•leelmuro l 4.4lo6lA WAIA_J-,
Runrarmotill no longeYansititilik
PlittlPiT• i2 Stroniter efejkl#L . WI '
feritit 06610 lik e ,f.4 , * 4, r ' itr i iR
The ruliiiti desire with''Xinu a reuf
.beeesleed is lie% to beeleutedberest,
dent in,lBBBou4 beis - zinc
f B' figaitne
pf zioilittad dii. Milo tlithtti*
. 4:#1111014,, 4p,f4ge:44.11.
k _ ~.4.
, loaders an i
d4inusplitottounlaixi t
andlta*lictiaiikleirda Alii ttaipig*
*O* W44,040:404*
impreistanAliat thernenionfahosionl =
ioVianninaol4oiiiiiinOWslit ''' ,
iiiikiihinitta iciiii 4 viii, oretikc c iii
r. ,-,, r).7.• ~ - _.:' ..E-... .kf TJ 7_41 WU...a
- t.PW R ( 10;101'98. er MA a M
;#7.onOokiiirgavergi .04 thcAlamtiPti,
~..,1 10 .,0A41 . , 0 kikje. t 1 140 1
1. / .. i.:, $, 4 0 i .. 0
I.l"llsP.W.filtagiiilo4:o44* 0
41.4 i panyAlte actbbag mithoatel.
.i6les•asaliquicaAMlletwittiiilatie '.
..* koilifiatilii o 46o , .o ..', - •
Ot ' „ 6 1 9 f61404 7 -;*(Oie• I ';t t 1., '• .
..1 .44 4; , 03ki i ii i. 014 , 1„ .. . 44 .1 1
stiefla t _Aim diatrikenhianoillaneX;
*143 likkAlikirrlfilltakeT46 katObin:
liliffeirniiiinritit4aiiiitili e
UV, tiiiii se di 4 . -wolip . a.l
~ : r .. 1771 ..,:-..: 1 4".kr.•.,lailr e , ,7 ..--=.l.
44 11 9WW44 1 .9. 1 4,01aUWWW. ,
'Annitanrein ergaannsinfoikit.clarl• etS '
' , ' . diafrontibiadckiapatnitket :. :
;...../ . : ,,,,...:Lt hii lb w w., . . - 1 , a ~ • -2
'Olitioail •• . - willibtOnsit
) 4 000
) I V# 4 i .' ' .!' 1 ', : lidt t ttiffli v° ' , l.
411 1 - it
,4:11:mow ; =• . 1 I*'' -.. ~,.
A ,
MVO, • . o . = , , II; . a kn.' f
l h
a elbow w i1 1.. : th e ! . Democratic 1 F party
' •
~.. . - .
:3 ~~~~ ,
•, ' t ‘. vailietietvaritigentila
I- let lantnunisifall.V.T, - ..1-c
' it thisien it eti . . • -,iiv .
• , . betweeortheAcii - -' • • •- rici
inkePArtingl4lo4o l i,..*, ''. ': - '
WU bil Ntkilfgo43 6 s4oA- '''- cot
LAMA' e ag ainst f
.i. „ ..,e •• , pre me
b./ th e
;'ititAi die ciliiitTdi tai . Ail:
~--• - 41bOavabh4ip, . „ inist
les - 7 . tk(pariii.Adfmtkeciftt. 'lnfir'...:
? Dig ivltnil. Agierfte.4: 4' , ;P.
1 1 .4fili4M.Pilkilgra.nEgt.ciell, , .r4F
otber caliatintiOtut foillie.clii la of
taluial l eiliiiit '0144 toijl4inSelf,
hi .may do it, fre'llatid4itill iiii
!a 1"gr&a(014/1111Stra•binrifienikl
.;fil&V." , l i ft iP$l. .T)** 4l ! , * I
'tlpileid;fri s , a t . ... , torlaig:loii.h
-h.4,fti #. 4 / 9 _,0 1:674,0' any bow.; .
tin•d,ht giiizie' W' ikii6SeCi t useugitild .
h'i lie affit i ii t d iii .` t i bre:Oil - 4124 fo.ilji
etc M '±:ttel*-: tiettii'ili . &gain
inViiiifiiiii*`i•-ienoiiii inite•ifentuitt
mini wilt :go ItTlWltli'is;will,ran anY
tiihtr'dispeikdo itiould::• • ._ • •
lo•Theirosilint ate.J.s*ssoli's (chimes.
folt-TaineelgiinAbin - imtwt•With4o
Pcx99/ 1 '.094404131 1 t54 1 4v,ea1k OP
NM' ikn A -7.1,v.q.,_.:14?:,
buns!PVtlic•iinP" l . ?„ . 4 - f l 4g-.01 1 / 4 1 . 1 .0!".-
r , ,,A,,,P.P L ,4P8 , I ..',"POgr• e ,L- 4/ f i l!,•
'rue 'lost presumption is ' th at: J osui 7 '
son intends to. esipt an Impeschment:
forih4 VanlAiijilrtAitliA4con-
~ . _
'4lllo°th:in law, soikatitockeswiont oil
thin Piesidentkl4octiciit the ,_ blade: .
man's vote, if he is strippectef o po*erli
Piohl 6 o ll -be•tiie - i
wpfstion,- mid if-knocpulfutliti
pils,he nx he in, , all , the
,featc 'that'
follow • and-then comis np•
the question, now will he tibia' un.
•i:,11,1,.... 4.1. •• - •-/:_c..., ; •,..,, b in • % .,...1
nupeschment'T - 0.. has been teiv,
tii i ikine of tififiiiiinientE,liit'*•ol :
lairsif' 'to' dribind - Cniiiiiii ' 'on' its: '
Writ iiiiiiblint,bY.tfreOgnfinn i and
if Congress reeists, knd . Will•not-*
dissolvestAhen,: •,- as ':Oommander•in-;
Aid f ut: Om Arny, cull ....upon.l"that :
arm of the Ago.rmunentle e , : exedute ;
hi sAtr4ePik itoll'rrt• "4 in4P l4 lO;l
if nped,:ye,, Sick of the anibere oft,
VMlS t ie*!viliki 41 1 . fioPif hielinidate.., j
•' 41ent Comenitheciiiiiitton, Wilt' the
army obey thisurder r: ; . /kfteflkitiiiie
genittruis"lfe4: W-4,011 bike - nay •foi
JOHNSON to usurp •forthe! power. He;
.s.....,_elcalllifkliaMalsViiig PA
ilfl? t l .l War:, OTc.N. AO_ if ...91., re ,
lases to `Mieirtfieiiii:Acinde, sneisend
him for disobediencei_ and giveCkin.;
- G. l3.l.l!thaftiatiieibliniziT E. LzE„'
the position ad ititer#4:andfttitenAf.
lATPIis FV...o l °ltlfflAßE ,091-**
an44 l p l ?f,ltie Baidier4friF t lfmg will
it take to 61111 alfhi,eihnentifetLss's
llosny, to . Washington Iti 7, ::.blideiiii;
WNW to 4, fi:ro4dy , ;for tWos
c,asion.- , ' '7,IA
-.):. We-i 4116 : ;r;t!lerits:tn cr itfir ALI,
inind, .). a we • are n'Ol,no3v - itraVngi
ONNlCelefa. "'Virti l liiM the `posit
sAVergenilibli- th4•Upiniftini,iiiiti
`WI Rtkattkrengtkoe- tteAt -is; ohneii
is :to,iin i cieiii4eit - 'rand'nhiiiitt*Slagli
,440,1 1 4Vne„s neh`i a / a i Wanted I
i'll? e( 4.•1-. °7 ":5 - ,14.3. 1 1TA t i fi°a i
, , c , . , Nt;o c r.\,tlies Ontr .;.t afies, AI copper:
00=4p - het Presses ; - ni:t
,e - Sinlng .
t' fr i
' tit fieliosikilioki • falaiii*`l3 the
iiiiiiiii Aif K eii iigei- peWenoinii,° - (:it
tg,Fifte f tiiiiitit sli*'46'etaliiiiritiiit
1*- iiiitiii&dviiiiition'Adinifilkiitilbi .
Suppression, and calling ofi the:PitsE4
BACIL , ,# u ?,#)? 4 ,. . 11.9 P , Mi l r#4. 1 ,110#
ki li tMa n 0rj!M c * . .., 14 9!?...; ° F.TP i7
raey of liirussen)y7l;i,okuppr#4l
the National Congress. 1" ' •'.
And Wilk iliSAbYtitilaple of these
',' A • ' -;
. ' Chiglikaielair.MlVAid
- . .
~., (.40.7stkilkel'itl•Ahrir J, ,-td
cllikArftkiiii. etft . t.4 o
"....ti14 1 3 - z ,i4f9aoisS9V 3 f,s4,PP .
f l igert-Prilb e
or ;!t,
`people. •
ls•' 4. " , iaakßA9 , 9s
= t 7 ) l'g l ' . Tt l4°i i ,il li , P at,
p #OOl atu l ita4lp 9 irtelAot
idi tetnkifAediiti We:ieeo
k. i4tiili*T6gatiiri r Aii '
''' r lrekniiiiiiiiiisfea . ` ?In thitnuitie,qind.
( ggiltfelik vilillife4tbe thia: 4r...
. de't ti atinfist&r . ;lii4hesfiaTVititlie
doesiaheed,raTeinite*ketAniee .
tlgtlitkiint°444#9 l '34, Itkea pan
t ' `
t nti9P .4 P-IS t ifO rnl 2 4l °V. i .gir s:
Atiif g' 6 **cti i . IFIT : t 04 1 01 y ko
004 ,x 97 - lici - piii pioil ? ,4r:
. liViti ::•#! otgaZ i niii,ib#o4A3
.. . ittiiO. d. 1" thi4A64-hisiderls
*36411414 4 ve1e6 iffifi6liiiie Oen;
4070.* Vegiiitisiiiivittztaiii*
fii•ltoirest, qvidaile.:lll , 4vaetealnitui
'l4-,idieteilistartiOli issisnudtoniinnn=•
pre ..4 i i .. 4 4:0-: , ;:t .1 , 5.7' v :,.!
t 4 R ea iitt i "' ,, Itht64'iT4ifitkn
Mi1k t ,*9, 0111 F 4 5,9%411*
%-u goll -9 * il tf °ll i Oil:040, 1 ' r Pow;
heimppo:sp"FOmil a auli* Irins Win:,
tIVIC I AIIE t k Vi e ulfg i k;:gl. tt,lP4 (l4 l ''
Crib . l i ttnii?3, ,19ctt illeyppi :
lht-.31..09.1.,1PAr#4 , 9nq
_7).,-; '‘..4., - ,- -itift . 414*I i gt ,
g i
i , us . .. e dump, tntfii ii,
more intensely than did e 'rnit up.
on Fortr i Sumider ? If
_he. does not
4 .1-2
• - ,F.4.•?*•,,,,1.5.aweer.64--4:`,,,',,
virk -
ow theae things, if he , does r „
er the let I'm ffo" OA with Ma
ft . , ,-; ~. _ L.; .., _. _
, '..‘ - 4wit , -7zltittoili,Rit4clo4o47 4,c):111W,
Mott#oll.Kcimi, , , l 4/I' i (P)4l4oppfgkekd
4 0 09;$904*thpiv4Puleyvia Abe,
AijwceSsii,iti IP; 'the:: Iguingin 4
i119ttinAk:41 1 040,114( 1 3141,14,40 1 34..r.
the re-comstritotion,layr,. tuuljilrfr_ro.‘;
1) c 4tik.; 4 lloPliti9 l 4 it- ''' , ein - ill
, -- , _ , -', - Amu
#44ko.thbig. :, ~gogrew_wiltint.
gained.' Rebel legionaevezi r Clirmol
i - trk A
iliAniliO3 , -4.Ye botlnifteNimntY
.. .. R herPtli:ali f 4Wll4l l oll, , ,; YT.. 4 .),
The „Yft*, JOIN* Nt4in,thif,,-. .., ..;'•
whole sollitwof,Jorotator,:;the.
stßttig w4&ii and, Add ,ki CPttls: A lt.
Olitii.tlve4 jf n 9 ii,k 2 Pen.ninlY!, nt if 3 tired
tAitml., Ij'prAe pr9.lo44'lWhigikit3;tmt.
4 9 0 .4.miniriAntt ii! .t 4) ePfreAchise 1 41 Owl
xiti.o 8 1 III?, ,that; they. m ay , To4f 404,
kffitidontial.eeptionottal disfranchise_
the blacks,in ord r not to allow them
to. vote, and thus ..carry all the slave
States, and then I *.qcntie 4onna PKno
or other, naul Psztuniizrania Pr New
X...ur 1 6 ur,, 1 10. 11 .9.an4, n 1:.! on,rq:t4ct elec
ttPui qt :w never 4lieneeauY fAndtie: ..
0.1 Our k,uoniedge of gle;;EflOon elol,
i iv
went of:this coa l !
si try , forces this con
viatica on our m: ~- It
wii! "to; al
'lowitoelfj to-be a hulled. in, this . way
-Rut_ of the ' government, 3?y ielielti attO
PclPP..e#o 9 4 ll3 , 5' 1 :4 for. 0110 trese•pur!
P 9 1": an the gctritnqAellt in to- be_ aro
1 4 PPriS9d-to , .;whPn thus_ caroa , -
- We . luive 4 ai4Pg oPPPite4 the, in*.
PflaebiWntf JPllNEMillrquOlie fef4r
th 44; he would wake it the ,pretbst, of
ti,,cilii wq t'.. butt -,, if this, war- .taust
ectuieituV, i'livvitimay: as well
with_ ATI iiipeachment s as in some
fora/Afterwards, land this seems tri
evitattle..' So go o with theimpeacir
ment. There ~is ;ll
,no reason left now
why it should boll be instituted.
CONGRESS..., - rf
The adjournment of Congress to a
distant day places the natton . a
if -
position of great ilangdr: Before the
day liewhieh it a r‘-
sge "ble •
- *es; events•most; pregnant with 'ev,B,
most influential o4 T our future weal
and prosperity- mio 'have transpired.
The experience, 'the 'vcirld: has
shown in all caseEi of' disputed - pre•
rogative r that the"'earliest action is,
most efficient. `':'But Congress has
tied t 6 own hhildif it soParated rl tind .
many - of 143 menih j ereate eithtinsindi
MileefrOM 64` theatre ' Where', their
adtitbils most needed. Whetjoie!: the'
people have an' efAcient . :ffient.,.'Who
has' the ''Striinn tOisptit4i a itvason-
Aile'ordei; or end 4ho dare initiate a
course of action in harmony witkthe'
4i4atinteres'ts of t e nation, ,is "a pro-, li
hit'irti f v / ihiktiine alone iallviedie: 2 --
The British iiation, : fan iwO"'Several
occasions, have in, the
_same. di-,
le ' liinla. - It is : well , known that the
'King: only can f 'ae4onihle, the Perlis
'meat:". The t xeCtOve - Officei of ,thei
'government; b9l l i . 1 4 , *nzbi'itt'AllaP4 in
the 'drifted States, Can -
onii - bring' the
~ .J -1 :,
Legisiattve'dOPartmentS together for
the tiaianction 4'141E4'1168e, however
pressing the business:m aybe . Now,
at. '1
time. when, Pllo'o. hat' no Ex*,
eentive- 7 =at,, a:. time ,when an army
whose 'intentions :Were not - knoWn
was marcl4g, upon tondon Oxon
lYs'Faa!'4'''..4Pg re9 n itY'ffl,eq , i11Y 1 . 01 4 ,
,94 , i);9Aim4• - in;ic?, PailiaPent
was called ,together,,Provided for the
crisis, and 14..t0gi0n., fromsheer nei
Ageo4r4., Pk 3 Aow,W*, satisfied ! So
;again,, akt4Aigiejx_oef:Reyoihtiori
in 4.881 azffice ikic'sitita: 4 .o o e---the
?ar1i4 1 3./.9At va4;!.up4 , ,zi itcossi,atoor-
Ay„qux s non#d : ):oi the -.P4i1100 of Qr.
aßilet. 4 , f. 0 .;08/en but Yet Ae - hifiheet
military authority , in, the 4kingdom;
and in this unconstitutional cbnvoca,
thm - disposed ofthe,crovin and king
rfiom, very much, to-the dissatiefacticin,
no t Ocuht, .of .the,.;partisank. of the
.IkOluter:of.,..:Srami; but: with: the ca-
Afon.,4 large,. the, 4t, was immensely
popular. Necessity knows ,no law
but compliance. ith its edicts,' hovi
ever imperious... The i Aniericin . Pnb•
lic will mike tny sacrifice - of tformlo
Preserve its 4ibety. If England
pardoned a,fimeigner at the heed-'of
; an army, come 'over- from the_ coati
-newt expreasly. to ' interfere with the
administration :Pr 1 the governMent, ,
- think you, , the 'Veiied , States' Would
- find Much fault with Bini.lirerai and -
Speliker , Corm? Or calling together
.tho Representativeii Of the' peofilel-te
look j . Aaur . Joni smi square in
th e
' t 'The-'plea' .14:;neolikity, : tk,Ostilty
that works 'every bliange4iinder the ,
, stinthat htablialieii• go4ern4eptv
andeieteires,''ind , 4",we,-=-that bifida
'up and tears - dowoc,7 that kills and
lakes: alive. ... .Tiia ,, May Floc was
' - a,imcvpsity,the licimluido l u of ntl:wiii
4..uoegetifs, the.Deeliration of-Inol-
Cede iktiebeascir,-.the Emancipa—
tion" Act a tremendpnsnebessity, and
' min49.FiTis *;.-.!prribie..brteL, Leo
, _..,met sPAr 'AtetThiltiee,,faie.tst*;
lig iltilikall feeli.*.lituLt Erarieo
. 1 414, 11 .PECNC ( kAY.;01; - -asaboAlhud
give iveigkt to our. National charact
OMOCM Ut • ' 4t... k., . . .i. ' •
in 1864,•delaredimburocet the eee- "
ibikaWritOtaitiOCAß4 l ,Ateettrfki. -
thatAhaelval 49,0§traillrikr”."1.
are.. - - _ ,
,1,2_,,, . , -., - . •
Tk i 0 .E 9911.3 •I I ,zo=ithat
, lintel gar)
P ., d's ... . .._
'pronioted ilematiotiotaill exPrewl ..-
.4,440, 481 0 114. 4*94r gligilk2NOt
ling South Ogg neverlii4irlf ve. ,
The ,• . le till the -
iiiiiiierit 1 , tinbellfori allitttialulatiotil; -
more than . eepthulsiand millions of
494spfraPd *. tic
4esolitroii into'avetzioyai w.!use=ld •
lin the:N , .. ....
I.',Thevee TfietrikagitUigning -
e rs c o rthik
_L. -.-,,; .;--' '. Will - - lota
In the W. ''', - 4V . - r.: •. 4he
rebellion; co . :pia' 'i",.. ,, bel
[ td,.ai rtru=st r 22l"ltp .
et 1 a a rebel F iji-
a. 4,3' ' .!si ich
• ,
TtiejobllP_leroo,s4W -.1 ~
'U10.4)0041' 1 , ,floare4' f •:-.' .".
i lkilieciiititt pp ' ' 4 _
~thiile NT
arm of J. WM"MM% ;am*, iu,in-
tt,h:AlirlAatiiiiiiikdAt Ifiliestaomot -
tecause Mrs. Sumatt was proved
;guilty and !maga, and gow eyip ra a. .
-!thizee - •Valtlftri_EtWifa.
1 _Thelteople,..remereher that f. 4nrev
:benukratic - Stat t e 44 _Delaware and
'New Jersey went oat of the U nion;'" :
are thee. twn,Wool4-- have dope,so, if
thaloacer, of the 'lige: .i,mc, isit
itie,Riapopc.wig .#0 3 ,041. 401'44
net prevented; ;, if lifi*ried Wits an
eiception : ft;iwiiiil only beeite*thei- •
rebel" Legietature- was •.. sioreetidalrin
military- foree,.'and the State told by
the, TYninti,-, finales in &Aiwa of tl*i .
Dini*ixte:of - the Stite. . • ; i... - -.'.
The people donot fAir&thitiihile
the: Democratio "Ste* , went oat 'of •
, thi Union smiths , ainituilling.:: futon
of:the.-Deitiooratio pafty,wannaao44
to the rib:neat fgrthe ertamse,o(tbe
iebel,lion Ind the ; . coneetnent, &Ara- -
thin 'of - the' triiiinel - the - .Reiiiibliciati
party ppv 'ed . % loyal to the Union is
eivryttruil and einergerutdri f,-. 4, '. '
_. l •
- Thee peopie,. not , furge . t 414.0
the Xepublicani*tee rema ined Iciiel
and "
exerted : potter' ler the de-
feat of thsritonllion'r - I- '''''' ' -
The penile- remembei- that Awhile
Democratic, -Cenip:essmen, • (liner*.
ors •and Genorals -vugated. the* skat 4"
ahandpned.tha deg Rf. their• s c,Cuntrt,.
and - Went" into the Contederitii ar
udes, 'ReOublican Congressmen;
tiovetaorefor - Alenerals; tamed- kid
torslind mai into the. Confederate
_Congresa and .ConfedeiratOrmi,ca::
The people - do not forget :that the
Republica* party; jock the brunt of
the war, was alirayii fint, 'Oral - and
hopeful, while the Dcumumbe 'Oast,
;North and South. waft:Alm. mestak
fortress aid. nUrsery
people do AO Sorpi that
While the - Republicans' -- alwaye 111-
joined "Crieiftebet'defeatti and rebel
aurrenderS,lhe Democratic pattte.
joined. ini# defeats-, gat traiee
• c. , ; ;
The peopl47do ; not for.Ot fl4l, since
Was cinsW by 'force
of arms, and trim std en and pat
riotic:ire, trying to bind p:s bleed ,
'ju g wouude of the natio aa4:llocfP
lastingßeano" : the. Dem parity
is the-
,enemY and. - chie obstruction
to wissilenniatrtictio4 the %We
of Truth, Libirtyandl
, Taught in the school &ti
the people • e istues
to divide *my bSt - - 9° 4 1 4 1 .° to
go to the' ballot-box th ditiolcen,
'ranks and `
vote . ' that - qiethibli4ri
renudn d ' • I*SW - to
oral Nation; and-that
PArt9 , A) l 4 ,i)4V.thq. ~apples
of ,4494
• ' e pol itical - Te okY of .e'
'Union is - ftilret`itmens - ~,- I. `digits
violince;Outiage and ~ r ' .:, i ri tw e
have at the head ,01 the,. Routlibiont - -
4,,deb,liphea , and -1 des ~ : rpto ."mun,
*lO4l instincts - ire in:i:A - bud, ..
vihotie- heart' Is ' filled' %if ill iiiiirier
of 3 villaincitie intents '' • . e•tliti pith.
lip peace anil..*elfaie, _ ", -4i- eat&
...on that knowsland,
~.., t t it,2 - 1
rhitt its ,0 9 4 grogoatipn-r7lntkik, i • '
that is blind ,a nd a heartfitat Is s "
arged Avith, iirif '
JOhneoattioirliolds tied atti k tride of in ie
enemyto_his counttii who waits Milky
1 4,itn 9oension telitrilte - iitytthe deer- '
:eokllgu •°(,,t4nPl,i'la by a direct,
open an d`violeht w agalpit t , their -
Cchigrees.,..-WitliAlierier -math: ingviif. •
forded by hhiowninotleitents sad the
expressions. Of his friende,tha people
1 11 a7 en WellPnVere for the 7 1 itt7 '
the inttlrelo4 . !Prl 8
: cloudy. and portee.
— tut; and It hithe'partef'.wiatTnitao
double the watch on deck, audit pos
sible, save the-ship-from- mutiny and
deetruction., - • Johnion t lip;-,hia Mad
ness, may,,olii . indicated, attempt
tii &tie Cengreo fro'm the capitally _
force:: Me secret 1-authorities, Nilo •
'are be numbered bythouseeds
in Maryland, .are now represented as
holding themselves' in readiness to •
do his bidding, . even though treason, •
rebellibb and reiolution iliall 'ensue.
We may took for-iiri 'era of 'violence
and bloodshed, And that at no very
remote period,: if the signs: of -the -
times are , not entirelyYfe- deceptive;-.
may be wearthat, period. when
there wilt be, work for stout ':hearts
and handifiblofOr id. tare
-es. Johniomattezipta - to carry *labia
foreshadeWedlloo4 designs; **ore
. will vengeance fall t not only ‘ .,upon
him, ' but, upon his -,4.34jutc,p- r , z t t ile
rebeliof the Sn)itivand4thirrtiiifier
heads of the - Nettle: '-' 4 Then en' who
whipped theeerreecabs:ence, can = do it
Seqi. wist....i•_:., . -
: Wititiviit a tiettbitic enttiiii,itrids
litintelfc yliddingitotb -,4 tltie.. eihairible
and degrading prejudice !limit the
colored peePiewlet.l*retileMbee and
carefully opid er.. .. th e ol eo, factthliti 1
bzitfOr AO WreMelliserneet or these
ColOred_'PeoPle' lair die- S outh, 'the
'wholegeWtneitgof ihemintryireeld
today,:with a perfidious Alipeidea in
the Presidential chair, bril E coorolied•
by the men who organized the re
hellion aid who were movie(' 'to
hti*UenAefeated by '‘"thelinion
aoldieri. ~„.•:.0 ti,,,
.- . i ~.. ,:_,11•1...a ',:il.a /
1 -- .---• - r-r7 4 P - 7 ,-- -.7r :.*'; 4 '.
It iiitisttemperance.,'ol: a,tlon
was in 4517, in.ft-l.biroVstid : 1 flwit''''
ed its membefe'from ge c ft ~ .. ; no
member was, allowed to • more thaw
fourteen glasses a day.. • . _