E, APia!turai. Notes and Suggestions for Begtompeir. Farmers and gardeners are,-.oftea unaccountably neglectful about cer tain kinds of work; but in nothing do. they m anifest greater neglect than in the sa ying of seeds of grain and vegetables. Nature makes a. won derful effort to improve varieties ; bnt her laudable -efforts to' produce better seed and more abundant crops„ are too frequently thwarted ,hy the carelessness , of the husbandmcw.— There is a fixed law in the \-vegetable kingdom, by which the vital energies of *growing plimt seem to, concen trate tor the purpose of forming one better seed than all the rest in every ear of Indian QOM and. in every head of wheat, when the variety has , not been allowed to degenerate, for Bevel ral successive seasons. - ' l ' September is. the best time of all the yearito save seeds, althoigh in certain, localities,- many of the pro duets of the farm and garden have come to Maturity before this period. India i seed-e.orn should bOsaved withgreat care. ' As soon as the most fo ward ears,show -signs of ma \ turity, 1 some person who can exer leiso prop judgment, pass-through - the field,and. tie n string on the stalks Lf the seed ears, ' . Tompkins and squashes, and other vegetables, should be watched with c .re ;-Aud a feW of those that come ti, maturity fiot, should be dcsigua tA as the befit-for seed. Many of our worthy ancestors were accustomed to teach their children that pumpkins are pistillate and stam inate, or male and female ; and that the female pumpkin should always lee saved for seed. .The female pump- Idn, it was said, always , has a much larger' calyx, thorn the male, on the i•nd opposite the stem end. Be Viis as it may, when they observed this rule in saving seeds, their .crops far excelled the yield of their neighbors wbo sneered at and ignored this rule. In numerous localities, potatoes t,le odd be ,dug in September. The true w;Ly to save seed to select:the fair (.:4, most perfect- and best; when the tubers . are'dng. When potatoes are spreadiout on' the ground,the eye will (lelc:et i ,' at a glance, which tuber should be saved for seed. In potatoes that have not been badly injured by selling the best and eating the next best, and planting the culls, there will, be, in alinost every hill, one or two, fair and healthy- tubers—more So tikaii the rest—which nature design ed for seed. Such tubers should be selected With great care and kept by tlienise,:ves for future seed. Young fruit trees of all kinds re quire attention, to prepare the tender branches for winter. ,-Every twig and branch that has not ceased to grow by the 20th of this month, should be checked" by pinching off the ehda of the vigorous branches. The object is to induce the new wood to harden before freezing weather cotnes on, as intense cold will prove fatal to young and tender bushes and vines that con tinue to grow late in the season. Sowing winter grain is one of the items of farru•labor for this month,ex cept south of New York. There is such a thing as sowing winter wheat too early as well as to late in autumn. Yet, seed-wheat is seldom put in too early. The aim should be to sow, or drill in the seed sufficiently early, in autumn, that the tender plants may send out strong roots,and form leaves sufficiently large to cover the surfaoe of the ground. If the land be rich, mellow, and sufficiently moist to in sure immediate germination, better not to put in the seed till nearly the first of October. On the contrary, it —the ground is only in I.n ordinary state of fertility,andnot very mellow and moist, it will be , better to put' in the seed by the tenth of September. If the soil is at all inclined to be wet, better drain it, plow and fertilize it thoroughly, and put in spring wheat next season, than to attempt to raise half a crop of winter grain. It is a,good time 'now to prepare new flower beds. Flowers like vege tabkirinould. Remove a portion of the stubborn and heavy soil, and workkin a bountiful•dreising of mould from the forest, or swampy ground, which is now dry. Socibility among Farmers. Naturally alarmeris an unselfish man.. His labors are mostly out Of doom. ;His calling takes him much abroad,--,and enables him to mingle con,siaerably with the world. Yet lookir;g at the very large proportion of the population embraced in his pursuit, and they important influence exercised byit, Over all our public affairs, it is a' subject of common re mark, even' by agriculturists them ; solves, that their social intercourse , shoUld be soinuch restricted. There is no other eau's° fur this! seclusive ness 1 lan the " treading in the foot. steps f their predecessor . " Be this :i it ay, there_are other uses ope rating which \.appear to b changing for the better. - Country irs, bring-. ing agriculturists togethe from did tricts sufficiently near to ach other to- make acquaintanceship pleasant putting and lasting , ) friendlY emtilatio in matters and things , involving th it agrestic skill and success, , are clearly working.to form more close companionships be tween those whose domestic comforts and family enjoyments must be great ly promoted in the future. Little clubs among the farmers of a neighborhood, to meettnice a week, to discuss or. talk over the ihnnmera k ble subjects connected with the intel ligent prosecution of the' noble pro fession, produce a decide IY fraterni .zingLeffeet.. While the lo al associa tioOs should not be too kmal and . re 4 4 trkted, they should ThavO an official organization as better calculated-to eUuse punctuality at the meetings, as Well as to add to their permanency. On' these oecasions the "wives and daughters of families should always accompany their husbands, fathers or brothers—nit to participate of course in the proCeedings that may take 4 place, but to increase the agreeabil ity of 04 meetin g s, andto share in tla. pleasure of these delightful inter changes of good neighborhood. ' In. deed, if the truth must be Spulcen-L and'we ,are ready to do it Upon,. all occasions, especially upon such a, one as this—thee is very little social-en joyment in the world which is not re-, fined and made dcinbly enjoyable b the presence of. women. War is a weatherooCk like a loaf -et.? Because hels coroitaid/Y going round dot* nothing.` - _ knita STILL ANOTHER NEW STINK. OF:1300±1i3 IA: 'JAMES D. FROST, would call attention to the large and Tule:oil - assortment of FIIRITITIIIABI LI Now on exhibition at his Ware-Booms, which he will be happy_ to show to . any and every one tree of charge, or to sell at a very small ad vance from cost. Thankful for the past liberal patronage of the. public, I would ssy that I shall' still endeavor to make. it to thltrlnttrest tzi deal with me not only bylkeephig a ' LARGER; . STOCK To select from than is kept in any other Fund tare Store in this region • but also by offi3ring • them AT A LESS PRICE Than the lame quality of goods can be par abased elsewhere. I have now in store over 60 DIFFERENT PATTERNS OF, CHAIRS, And' more than THIRTY DIFFERENT STYLES BEDSTEADS Besides Bureaus, Btanda, Tables, Book Racks, What Nots,. Sofas, Tete-a-Tete's, Rockers,, and Easy Chairs, Piano Stools, Chil dren's Carriages Children's Cradles .and Cribbs, Looking Glasses, Looking Glass Plates, Pic ' tore Frames, Photo graph Ovals,Steel Engravings, - Cords and Tassels; In, fact a fuktisuiortment OF EVERYTHING IN' THE LINE, All of which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH The public are" invited to call and examine my stock before 'parches ing elsewhere. Store on Main Street, 2 doors south of Montanyes. I also keep on hand, a large assortment of READY MADE COFFINS, From the moscommon to the finest Mahogany or Rosewood, - whieh will be furnished with or without Attendance with Hearse, at as low a price as the same quality can be purceased else where. Dec. 1866. r. NEW FURNITURE STORE 1 Having rented the ParnitureiWare-rooms form erly occupied by P. N. Page, Athens, Pa., would now say to the pitons of the old Estab lishment that I have a completiiiStock of °bode, just received, embracing everything in the FURNITURE LINE. My.. goodis are new and well: selected, and for GOOD GOODS Will not be undersold by any. Call and ex amine my stock before purehasing. I retain the Workmen of the old establishment, and MB. N. I. BART Will have charge of the business and Manufact uring. In short we have the finest Stock of Goods in our line west of New York, consisting Parlor Panaitaro, Chamber• Setts, Sofas,, Sureins, Marble•top Centre Tables, Extension and Dining Tablds, Chairs, 'Bedsteads, Mirrors, Picture Frames, Photograph Ovals, Cord and Tassels, Steel Engravings, Oil Carting, Toilet Stands, rk-Boxes, Pictures, Lt.e. • UDFFINB AND BURIAL GAGES. Our Undertaker': Department will at all times be well supplied with everything in that line. We have the FINEST HEARSE , In this section, not excepting anything west of New York, and will attend Funerals within a circuit of Twenty Niles, on_reasonable terms. G. li. VOGIIIIIB. N. I, HART, Agent. Athens. Jan. 25, 1866.—1 y FIIANITITRE `FARE-ROOMS 1 JAMES MAKINBON announces to the public that he still continues to manufacture and keep on hand a large assortment of CABINET FURNITURE, Bureaus, Tables. Bedsteads. Stands, Chkirs, - & - c., of every descriptor_ , which Will be made of the best materials, anCin ho most workman like manner. 'I invite the inection of the public to mylivork, which shall no be surpssed in durability, at any shop in the country, and my prices will be found to be as low as the timer will admit. Beady-made Coffins constantly on hand- or made to order. A good Hearse will be furnished when desired. • • Aug. 15, 1865. illigtellantotio. GROCERY, PRO - VthION AND FEED ISTDIIE. JOHN ri* R ET H , (Main•st.. first door south of the Rail Road House) would most respectfully invite the at tention of the public to his large and well se lected stock of GROCERIES 4ND PROVISIONS, Which he is selling to suit the times, and purses of all. He has also oohed a splendid FEED STORE, Whichls;well situated to supply the canal and 13archupicoal region at all times. He keeps constantly on hand a large stock of TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, MOLASSES, FLOUR, BUTTER, FORK, &C., Which hells selling cheapifor cash. The citizens of .Towanda and vicinity, will please accept my I thanks for their very liberal patronage for the last two years, and we promise with their assistance, to improve ev ery opportunity to enlarge ohr business, so as to. arrant satWfaction to all' Call and see ns again. JOHN lIERIDETH. Towanda, July 10, 1867. MERCHANT'S UNION _EXPRESS COMPANY.' GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO r y •lIERCHNTS ND. SHIPPERS. Having made arrangements; with the New York and Erie Railway, to do Express Br iness on their road, are now receiving all kinds of freight andierchandize for all parts of the Union--Nor , Smith, East, West : the Cana das, Europe, est. Indies. Opods sent direct to any part of California, all With the quickest despatch. Shippers and Merchants generally know what enormous rates they have heed pay tug for quick transportation:. , Now this Com pany is made up exclusively tcf Bankers, Mer chants and Shippers, to break up the monopo ly [which the old Companies had formed] so as to give fair rates to: the bustneas community. All goods or packages weighing 40 lbs. wad up wards, are shipped by actual weighing The way .to keep low rates, is to patronize the Company that brought them down. I Patties:tar care and attention given to money and valuable-Pack ages, Collections, &c. Collections made and returna forwarded by quickest dispateh. IL H. CRANS, 4. J. GIFFORD Agent. . Div. Supt: P. B.—All Packages to be! forwarded - from Towanda and vicinity, by !eating them at the Stage Office of _John Beeman, W ill be forwarded to the Waverly Office of this Company every day.'• . J. BEEMAN, 'r Stage Line.. June 6,1867.—1 y. • - 1 0. OF 0.1".-BRADFORD LODGE Jle No. 167, I. 0. of 0. Pi, Oats at-Odd Fel lows Hall, every Monday erenfrig from the drat Monday in April to the 6* . hfanday in October at 71p. m., from October tO APril at 6Vp. m. J. H. CABBY, Beep April 23, 1867. : MB s ~. "~~~ ir; ml t E • • .. stimirst : thivda 715ittogek hcbilitlat. additions to Wawa from thelion And mitintAtlares ors - Mend. Atu:s.Al . tAlptitOo - p IH rout.. : DRUGS AND simornza, • -- received, end we ere _now Ant -119 thci " ':" ' G° Mal t & Gots, etas& o. reoeiving reliable fay are A I E Etas just pared to WANTS f1113L14:1 Wlfl ARTIcLE3 rimosenio ro sirs rota., ' PURE WINGS AND luspons , FOE ?Nur. . nil, auourosor or .00riirstrin BOUM° AND 11010EPATMO immonna I BOTANI ,POPULAII PATER MEDIQINEEL 23E13 OILS VARNISH., AND VARNISH BRUSIIM, PAIN DU-STUFFS CV oz4sa. AND TOILET ARTICLES OF EVERY . KIND. FANCY riumaira amououe AND PL7ID Erraiare, L.O ALOO AND ROINOIDS. All t h e Bef ABDOMI L tIkPORTERS, • ! Shedder Brace 3, BREAST PUMPS, NIPPLE SHELLS, i AND • ; ;SHIELDS, Nursing Bottles, Syringes and Catheters, ♦ LARGIABEIORTIIiqM OP RASOfI, STROPS, POOLIT INITEB, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS OF LATE STYLE I LED BEBTi QUALITY. A large supply Bituthes :for the. Hat and Hair. Also for the Teeth and Nails, Tooth Pow ders' and Pasta,- 01is, Perfumery., Soaps, Combs, Hair Dye, Invigor dors. &a., Marano,' Kerosene Lamps, Shades, Chimneys, Wicks, dm., all of the late st styla. . , CHOICE CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF Air Physicians supplied at reasonable rates. Medicines and Prescriptions carefully and ac curately compounded and prepared by compet ent persons at all lionra+of the day and night. Sunday hours from 9to 10 'o'clock in the fore noon, to 2 d in the afternoon. W. H.H. GORE. Towanda Sept. 29, 1866. ~Uothnig. TEMPLE 'OF FASHION TH NEW STOLE, EW GOODS! f An cheap tire Now Stock of Clothing Wight as before the war, to be sold with ' ALL PROFITS dersigned wohli medially announce likens of Towanda and vicinity that he dayopened at the laouth Store of ' The' to the has th BE I DLEMAN'S BLOSHI, lin site tho Means noose, Main Street, a OD ESTABLISHMENT y Made Mens end Boys and Children CLOTHING FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, OAT% GEN &c., ezc., t y1080 . 1;004 bonght at Vet) , low fig ar wine! Sold with very 04(4. I e to.estalish a f:rmanent trade in this place , a In order to the. confidence of pnrch as e' will deal with them on ebasis of honest y a Integrity, and all goods sold will be guar a nte for what they are represented to be. ital.; Come and examine; the New Store of Towanda, April 8,1867 L—yr SOLOMON; & SON, A i re now opening their general stock of SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING, For lien and boys wear. Theassortment will be found the choices they have ever offered, se lected with reference to the wants of their tradel They respectfully. invite an examination of their clothing, which 'is manufactured ex pressly for their trade, having a buyer at ail, timee in the market we feel confident to give a better at a lower price than can be obtained Ei : elsew ere. Also in store for the :trade a com plete atock of . ... • - - G T'S .FURNISHING GOODS, SUCH I AS - ! PLAIN & FANCY . CA§S. SHIRTS, LINEN AND MUSLIN SHIRTS, I L I iNEN COLLARS AND CUFFS, PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS, • I SUSPENDERS, (LOVES, TIES, HATS AND CAPS, &C. l Tit • i e entire stock must be sold by the first of An , next: We are offering great .barga ins, as we intend to remove, we feel confident in saying to our friends and customers, you will ilif i a g to your interest SO call on WI before put.- elsewhere, Remember the plate, .1 ? SOLOMON a SO_ ,N No. 2, Patton's Block. Tc6wands, May 23.'67: NEW SPRING! AND SUMMER GOODS 1 R. W. E D D - Y 9 Would announce to the citizens of Towanda, and the public generally, that he has In store and daUy receiving, new and FRESH ODS, In Ilia G ia line, suitable to the wan f the people; whihh he will sell toren:rainy a former ' , G,OLD PRICES Ling ae usual ` Ofgood well and reliable CL 0 'H I N (No Middy of any kind) consisting in USINESS SUITS ril • All des. TS, VESTS ADD r PANTS, All Wool. ESS COATS, !ANTS & VESTS, Linen Coats; Dusters and' Pants, Ov • r Alla and Over Shirts, Linen and Paper Collars, Linen, Cassimere and Flannel Shirts, Nei Ties, Snspenders; Gloves, Canes. Leather Bart., Spring Style Silk, Soft and Straw Hata. All first class. Remember that flood Goods are cheaper at a lair price than pdor goods at any price. Call and examine my goods before buy- Next door to Powell it Co B. W. EDDY. • Tlowands, 11428, 1867. • • WARD npvsE, TOWAIIDA, PA I-On Main Street, near the Court House. 6 :1 • - r 0; T. SMITH, Proprietor. Oct. 8,114 e .: NANELED CHAMBER SETS.-- Aloal'ine Chesnut or Wand chailber Sets FROM _fl=T ~r'C'i?~=;i.ki d : ^ ':~:~S..r -: . i v•:isfik::~.tig' F Y}'`.,".~a.~~~~~ ry 7~~~?~is~'~~~y~~yi+~tiiC. WM • • "kir' Sir.-9-14Cz AlinilltiSO•tittsd their _ •$..: , ed Wwitai We ptiiieen to ,keep f in connection lett2i the above a full stock of Lower than any other parties in this region. Towanda, March 7,1867, ASSWASE! 416 Greenwich Street, 2 doors below Bain Lai at CROCKERY DEALERS' GLASS WARE. CONFECtIONERS' . ~ 4, DRUGGISTS' - • -: - --rt -- - " - . ._. -*-, ---\ - , • GREEN GLASS BY ME PACKAGE H. JACOBS BRITANNIA •W'ALE, SILVER:PLATED WARE, CHANDELIERS, LANTERNS, &C., The, best patent Frnit Jars in the market, to be sold at the lowest prices. A fall line of Looking Glasses. AU kinds of Glass Ware made to order. Agent for Merbilentannia Company. J. Ir. _WEIGH; 225 GrenWich Street, AptLL 15; '67. idoms below Barclay, N*2'. THE UNDERSIGNED, HATING In in the Arm of C. B. PATCH A CO.,n now prepared to offer to the citizens of Bradford ilonnty and vicinity, s. large and well sekcted stock of `GROCERIES, Which I bare purebearal for cash and feel 4kilwll- dent ' th at can sell at as low figures as can be purchased elsewhere. I now offer to the puidlc • spbmdid o took of AKRON FLOUR, GRAHAM DO 'I keep conistantbr on band, PORK, HAMS, LARD and kinds of FISH. Would call the at. tention of the pubtio tO onr Can't Be Beat in,qnaUO or price. Jesse pakkty's Calebratad Laandry. New York Chernical and Brown Soap. Ple au call and examine our stock of Large aluatMlient Of YANKEE NOTIONS, TOMIT ' tae..itc. I will pay the high • , eit out prioe for • . • ' Femme give us a' esll before selling &Moo ideue m ll lOlll makithrnMate must. ' • '• VERY LARGE. OROOKERYi- OUMWAIM ME os~x~; I- YELLOW;; ROOK; LAVA AHD i STOMI WARE SILVER PLATED, WOOD, wnitow, AND JAPANNED GOODS TABLE CUTLERY. 111 variety. As we buy all,our goods from FIRST HANDS, We flatter cmraelves, we taupe! . GOOD GOODS IMI CLOTHS, LASS REST iND TAILOR'S , . TRIMMINGS, Of the best quality. PM ' CUTTING And Lmmu =L u Dime to order, Agents for WHEELER & WILSON'S And SEWER'S SEWING MACHINES. Is the Great Depot for In fact On kind of G 8 8 \ W A RE. Alea,'a complete assortment of And KEROSENE WARE, Best brands of Kerosene 011. Purchased the entire interest of-, B. H. PATCH, TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, MOM, SALERATIII3, 8P1063, -Uave on hand a lap stock of BYE DO. BUCKWHEAT DO. STOCK ,OF TOBACCO, WOODEN WAGE. COUNTRY PRODUCE. C. B. PATCH: , All perms indebted b::‘ the Jets, Ann will 1 1 042 - iii,iiiiiich 14,1887. . 41 • ? - - :77 \‘'A ' • ~_ ~~.t'tt~. 3~ - ~...--~, __ 7. - _ , 07 - 1 - .- , •' 7.: .54 . i.ritli i•• ''.' — 1- ' , --; 1 ~,, •• ' v --!" ' ••''' : --.-,..... .. : 4 ..• , : i.„. .!:,- --. • •,,:. ....,..,,,,,,, ??.',=%.'"4:::41!-22,..,-_:;.4 ;,,,,!11.: :', '•., • ,4 •.,' -..:: -. . *Vic ' , ;i1::::::,... :. ; 41 erim n . —• . ' irliti4:74l3Tll4l -::-.,...,,,•.., ' 0 ,• I .:''' •, t ':.• :• ~,;;;;•.. :-.: ,:t. .4 1 :4 -, -- 1 .... ,___ a _ . ' 1 • •• • '' ''''' '!'' ,!'''',.:?:-.', , 111,014IMIDiFTIFTX:= '' . : " -f-: %• ' : • tkener „ ~,,,;,: iLds , .- li na ti pbennes - • -.. Th wen d s ms.. /0 taaatly'adadiarkody th toll Gl* ( 1 010 11 1 1 4 hohntanek, 134" kg Thrhotri embirachg *any s la es far.mehaalaal parpashi earef lui6ll, lidecifed hyllktagard tholawants itribile'llmeli will, ,be hP I howdaatly Rap. ,p with , heal;'; and offered on the moat remaidde at -Wholesale' Retail DttU rs MI6/ OMMO I ALS, •1 ljflTl, oku, vahaumze, • • BENZINE ' TU RPENTINE, Br ASH , 'F AI NT,. ! Aad 41I kl a d a ' o! Dimities KEROSENE OR COAL OIL; Magid and . BarninB LAMPS, 1311ADE3, WICKS, CHIMNBYS, SPA, Lard. l l 7hato , * dß P°°4 TANNER'S 1) MAORINE 1414, Fancy, and Toilet A ioliis in all their variety, SPONGES, BRUSHES, SOAPS; ' COMBS, Pomades, Hiiir-Dyes, PerfinOri, - POCKET BO4S, NATI MONAD:3, Pocket Hnires, Hazors,l TOOTH, SHIN AND TEAM PREIk&BATIONS PURE NAAS AND LIQUORS, For- 'Medicinal use, TOBACCO,' NQYP,, PIPES CIGARS, Garden, ki ld and Flour Seeds, Train*, Sap* porters,. Suspensories, Shoulder :Braces, Breast Punifs, Teething Bings4 -- Bottles, Nipples Nipple Shells and &gelds, Syrines, Bed PanS, Self Sealing Emit! Jars, Therm4neters, Flavoring Extracts, Stone Jngs,Glass Ware, Ditties, Vials,-Corks, Bai'Brick, . and Btovo Blacking, Tackl e; Ammuni tion, dr.c. Botanic. Eclectic and Hommpath ic Medicines, and all. the Popular Patent MED,ICINES.. All articles warranted as vepresented. sons at a distance can receivetheir orders by stageca reful or mail, which will receive prompt and attention.. DR. PORTERS PREPARATIONS .1 FOR FA M ILY USE, Known as Safe an d Reliahle Remedies are war • ranted for what .. ey are intended to give satis faction, VIZ : Dr. Porter's P torsi Syrup-, for coughs, - - colt4s; lung complaini!,drc.socasl 00 Di. Porter's Ecleictio Pills, for' bilious cam• plat is and mild cathartic ... . •25 Dr.[Porter's-Sa er Syrup, for scrofula ski d iseases, 4-c 1 -1 00 Dr. Porter's Ute e Tonic, for fenutle weak i nes 4.c. • 100 Dr. Porter sTo q Elixir for strengthening the yatem, • 100 i Dr. Porter's T Y Schnapps, for liver and kid my complaints.... .. 1 00 Dr. Porter'so p. ; Syr. d .l e Mopbi Dr Porter's IF kberry Balsait _ r ; dm. Dr. Porter's Fa . 117 Embrocationj brit fl, 4-c D. Porter's Pea ial Wafers, f nu , sore throat, Arc Dr. Porter's W rm Wafers, fo Dr. Porter's W rm Syrup, for s ' • an tem= ' Dr. P orter'sr t Reliefdor eo/ ofee.... • , - Dr. Porter's O=c Inuff, f Dr. Porter's Toottuiche Drops, ache. . . ... ... Dr. Porter's To ti Powder, fpr ' Dr. .Porter ' s gee wing the ier hair...dr Dr. Porter's cophdle, for bean Char Dr. Porter's Odoriferous Sham int the hair Dr. Porter's Milkol Flowers; fo ing the complexion. Dr. Porter's pile o:ntment. lb 1 , es' • Dr. Porter's French Compound ingrtulne Dr. Porter ' s Medicated Pigs,: 1. 'constipation 4Dr. Porter's Healing Salve, for c . - Ite Dr. Porter's Lip Salve, for chapp, Dr. Porter's Eye Salve, for in& Dr. Porter's Eye Water, !Orin' ued eyea.. _ Dr. Porter's Corn and Wart turnover, ter corns and Dr. Porte:'s Constipation Pill 4, tot. Dr. Porter's 11Nvi Pills ; for poor Mood ..... Dr. Porter's eitrate Magnesia, tor a pleas ant catharric. Dr. Porter's Liquid Rennet, for Malang nu tr,tious diet for invalids Dr. Porter's attract Vanilla, for flavoring . ice cream, .to 40 Dr. Porter's attract Lemon, for , flavoring ice cream—large bottles ' 40 Dr. Porter's Oriental Cement, fat mending broken glass,,Sto„. 25 'Dr. Porter's Liquid Gine i for repairing • wood work2s easy was h- Dr. Porter's Cleansing Plaid,fer easy wash- . ' ing 60 Dr. Porter's -Bed Bug Poison, 'f or killing pas 60 Dr. Porter's fly Poison Paper, for killing , flies 05 Dr. Porter's Batend Mice 'Poison, for ex. terminating rats.. - 25 Dr. Potter's Benzine, 'for . removing spots i l from clothes ' 25 Dr, porter's Blaek Ink, in-pint bottles 25 . , .in bulk by the gallon 100 Dr. Porter's Monte and Cattle Powder, for • diseasea of animals 30 Dr. Porter's Horse and 'Cattle Lotion, for sprains ; galls, ... . .... 50 Dr. Porter's Eing.Bone and Slavin Cure, for Mme horses..., ; 50 _,Medical advice given gratuittinsly at the office, chatging only for medicine. Thanitful for past liberal patronage,wbuld respectfully announce to his f/ r n e ds and' the l public, that noains- shall be ip dto satisfy, and merit the continuation of i heir confidence and patronage._, H. C. POIITEU, K. D. Dec, 18',1880.—yr. TOBA,OOO, & (3IGARSI I ,tq'ioesale and .Itetali at • ItJiNDALL & COMPTON'SP • First,door south of the Flrst,blational‘Bank, MAIN STREET' TOWANDA, PA. t . • BRANDS Olp TOIIACPf :)- 7 CHEWING. - Gold Leaf, Bunny' 'gide, Pine Apple, Michigan Pig, Rope Leaf land Star, which we otter for sale in qualities to snit customers. Packages in - Tarp halfs and quarters, . - ' BRANDS OF CIGARS. American Eagle, Gen. Grani, Lebognet, Im— perle,! Tycoon and the very . eholeesti brands of Yaras. FANCY SMOKING. The celebrated Lone Jack, Prideatthe Uni • ted States, Virginistie , Gold Lear,,l,' and' all hinds of landlorda supplied with t.litta - ri' -and- Foil To lamb on liberal terms. All orders promptlyllllec t notice: • W.H. RANDALL. t. 10(1114P'TON. MEM THz. E lIITABLE. LIFE ASSUR ANORlOclety's Agency for Bradford co. ASS CAPITAL $3,000,000. Year yincomeoye r 1 /40 1 .000 cash. & WARD. To‘rida, July 25,167. Ti*JX6OI.IIXO 1117111AL' FIRE !coiniukcei Agency 'for Bpdfora County, CAPITAL 83,400,000. Minima Owl pin. In sucieal operation ow er 4 r - 1314 17 . 01ITANTE a ,WARD. Toirunak;n.ria F 1807. - • . . , REM --, -- : - /'• - °.'- - ,:'!r- -0' . ‘.--,-.'',l:-Ity 4 rid ~r, rn g g ARSHALL' BROTHERS & C0.,1 i Wish to call the attention -of the public to :their new-Stock of • . f HARDWARE,- 'a ttpr i ; , FARMING IMPL BLACK SMITHS' TOOLS, , , . and CARPENTERS! TOOLS. Also, a.large assortment . of. . , - Window Glass, Sas' Paints, Mil t .. !Patty, Vandsbea, and Paint • • and Varnish Brushes , , . of all kinds, which will be sold tor the loiest Cash price. Also, a flies assortmenCor KEROSENE LAMP'S" of every style and pattern snit thcg . pubilc• Lamps repaired and' chanked !vim Oil and Fluid to Kerosene. - • Particular attention paid to the manufacturing of all - kinds of • 2 0 1111INCI PROMPTLY ATTENDSD R VO We have on hand a Bite article of • '6A.A1318 FItIIPT JARS, with improved self-sealing corks, and . IiEIIftIETICiLSEALING CANS, which is one of the best cans used. • ' June 20, 1866. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS EXPERI ENCE IN DENTISTRY. J. M, Ssivrisol. D., would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Bradford County that he - is permanently ideated in Waverly, N. Y., where he has been in the practice of his profession for the past four years. Ile would say that from his long and successfol practice of 25 years duration he is familiar with all the different styles of work done in any and all Dental Establishments in city or country, and is better prepared than any other Dental operator in the vicinity to. do work the best adapted to the many and' efferent cases that present themselves oftentimes to the Dentistoats be understandsthe art of making his own artifitial teeth, and has facilities kir doing the same. ' To those requiring under seta of teeth he would call attention to his new kind of work which consists of porcelain for both plate and teeth, and forming a conditions gum. It is more durable, more natural in, appearance, and much better adapted to the gam than any other kind of work. Those in- need of the seam are invited to call 'and examine specimens. Teeth filled to last for years and* oftentimes tor life.— Chloroform, Ether, and " Nitroim Oxide " ad ministered with perfect safety, as over fotir hub. dred patients within the last tour years can tes tify. I will be in Towanda from the 15th to 30th of every month, at the office of K. TAYLOR, (foncerly occupied by Dr. O. H. Wciodrnff.)— Baying made arrangements with Mr.- Taylor, I am prepared to do all work in the very best style, at his office. April 18C.7. osplateh, 1 00 for diar- oi sprains hoarle- DR. VANBUSKIRK, OPERATIVE AND MINIIIANICAL DENTIST, has opened rooms in the Beidleman Block, directly oppo-• site the Means House, for the ractice of his profession, and is prepared at a times to per t form all operations belonging to entistry. The different kinds of„ Plate Work, wilt be reerim mended accor.ting to their honest merits. Nat ural Teeth dlled and restored to their original beauty, with material the best adapted to each individual case. The greatest care and atteu• Lion will be given to the correction of Irregu larities and the extraction of Teeth. In this Department of practice the Doctor would say he claims an amount of skill and .experience equal, to that possessed by , any one in this or any ther country. Teeth will be extracted without pain, by the tiso of gas, - chloroform o: ether; and in a manner, very; satisfactory to pa tients, as the testimony - of hundreds can be shown. Please call and' amine specimens of our work, and be assured' of the correctness of the statements. advice and consultation will be cheerfvlly and gratuitously given Towanda, June 6, 1867.-z6m HARDING & SMA expelling oternthus •.• • ng? bales catarrh for tooth• , TOM!!! 25- ::ing an d fig lifying the 50 ,for clean- airy. .... 50 external 1 00 toriscald 1 00 r habitual. I 1 00 I tcworinds &11p9.. Having entered into a co-partnership for the transaction of-the PHOTOGRAPHIC business, at the rooms formerly occupied by Wood and Harding, would respectfully call the attention of the public, to several styles of Pictures which we make specialtleso .as : Solar Photographs,. Plain, Penciled and Colored, Opaltypes, Porce— lain Pictures, &c., which we claim for clernness and brilliancy of tame and Artistic finish, can not be excelled. We invite all to examine them as well as the More common kinds of Portraits which we make, knowing -full well that they will bear the closest inspection. This Gallery claims the highest-reputation for good work of any in this section. of country, and we are de termined by a strict attention -to•business and the superior quality of our work, to not bnly retain butt, increase its very -env fable repdtalien. We keep constantly on hand the best variety of Frames and at l6wer prices than at any other establishment' in town. Also I'assepartonis Card frames, Card Easels, Holmes'. Stereo scopes, Stereoscopic Vies, and everything else of importance pertaining to the business. Give us an early call, /A N. B.—Solai Printing for the trade on thre most reasonable terms. I). HARDING, Aug. 29.'67. F. SMALLEY. ed cues.. .25 ROOK-BINDERY-•THE PUBLIC 1,1 is respectfully informed that the Book- Bindery has been removed to the Argus Build ipg, 3d story, where . wil; be done In all its various branches,. on terms as rea sonable as" the times" will allow. Theliin4 ery will be under the charge of An experienced Binder, had all work will be promptly done, in a .style and' manner -which :_cannot be excelled. Music; Magazines, News- Vapere, Old Books, bound in every variety - of style. Particular attention will be paid to the haling and Binding of . To atilidesired pattern, which in quality and durability wil be warranted. Ali work will bo ready for delivery when . promised, The patronage of the public is solicited, and peritz satisfaction gaarranteed. Towanda, August 201366.-tr. SqTAND ON 'OUR HEAD AND BEAD TIM! • 'Z9BI 'SZ Ant 'ua 'Epuureoi, ('goott ,Ettuori) • • 'ilarazath . Lintatt snippy sinapq •santmoo Burcriol -pv aqa pnv RAD Iwo; Ipso al was eAn -oste weer aft •Fairap og qunoosip SVpillaz eqrq qv mammal lo spun fl pug oievw gang qsitrmi- o 1 pan:dont area Io meg aultigat acq cis .9araiVq oia inkr - SI,EIROV 01, '1,112011 'y 'l' of PassaMP's eq PI P Ogg so *Pap 'iPlid paq•una jo ;tam uo ipleu Sq woe •put; uo Sfluspluoo opmpilaaqg jo Tam aryl --•eapiad appsuostraz , 4eom -owl le Appub lsaq am Jo =won( pug ous2lo '&10A00 Pug BIONS Ollltla 911308p1111H •Itroorp 201 pun 'SEES aCIJ Imola pooaason lue2ata tie qepl.mi uso tam ul Ciaglei Strum 4q qopm le m i staa pee 'apsta emu env pug pladtraqo eq; ate "504( 8011[111 39111 pollittipa iffOUGAIIIII sou si 2j „•/AMI zaea ,j ptault -2.;a0u00 plaq eq; of putbg lISHII3O3AB pus tauotijo mum „ 'pa Aultraxa pus Euea en papptop ;impart= Fanq aq; paSepi pug eq usita •Isluria pootwo °pa ;wall aq; opopyr pas 'Spoq lie= s ui ploy ;cad! a Alprapinidwa sj p „ 'sin 'oust,' pqg Sumatra °JIM MlOTlgniliglf t /o llamado a; a; Ataleall Amami ..A . 'l,l cuu, : dolls aqvio as -puce; map= „ aq; pannonoad—appa plaqi j limpid eq,t %ma na eq .oats ,Sam avow Dualsoq; u; puma* dm; pipapuma 00lotP; •nelloPr 'mill lies A . 1 1 0 141P1 'V MANI Pus mut maid 'pug otr; 4 gontqa nos 19 isrupym 'uotalsodsa shed Iva* eq; rer •smooa op ALE EILHOULLTRI V - ALlLikuala soma sub'. -tut oats Jo frparoq zawunos RI WOIJ oliuma Amg T b u l r e o p u 'oPu lt tu o all; ? ; p 4 ug ilslmlApus o i t u m O onnoum% NEW.PLANINII• MILL The tualendgned having bat a large arid Com.l modlotui Mill in the Borough of Towanda, I and I filled it with the most modern , and. improvedl machinery, for the manufacture of • WINDOW SASH, & BLINDS, atsprepared to fill orders, whether - large or small, upon ' the shortest Utica. We have also a large variety of MOULDINGS, of the ; latest style and pattern, which we can tarnish; much cheaper than they can tie worked by hand. ' PLANING. • -- TONGUEINO , J___ • . G 1 ROWN°, • . - --- • Ahro souou. • Scranton, Pa., Dealer in Chickerbm's Pianos, • . -:---_,- 7} • ••SAWING, Decker's•Planos, Mason & Hamlin's Cabinet Or- and other work Pertaining to Joinery, will gans,T T reat Lindsley & Co's Melodeons, and all be done to suit our customers.: 'i t , • of cal Instrument s , Sheet Huila and Music Persons building, and not-living . Morti.than 800 . Orders' from Dealers and Teachers•es.„ twelve to fourteen miles distant, wUI find it pec solicited. AddresS , l i g ( largely for their interest to buy of us, or bring ,• , .. • . L. B. POWELL. their-lumber and Worked -by our maolthier7 ° 116 Pennsylvania Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Bring your grist of noming,-er other lumbe r . ; 4 . 1 711 28, 18 67.-81r1- • • and while your team le -- (s feeding, - have It d out and take it -hurs with u - . •Q, ANING , AND TOILET SOAPS, F c 4v7 v m p si oagg tin - pun .Nllgid,oom 1..., r sale cheap at the NEWS WOK =DM delivered at our lumber yard. Come and lice us. aril you can't come write. - . Cl_ . 14IPSROlt THE FAMILY ` WE. L. IL RODOMBS aco • • fi l VI LE, at the HEWS ROOIL • Towanda ,. - .'' •__ WHOLESALE MUSIC DEPOT . a eR 7 21 VII ' " 7 . RI _ ~: _o~'` TIN WARE Milneßantoul:l. LEY, BO 0 K-t I NIJIN GI H. C. WHITAKER, BOOS; L. B. POMW,., ":41*. "P'" *Olt. HOZ WM • • .:.4r..jr011 - 1 , : . : - ! Pl'o IV LE'S' N , : o r s 81 . 011LiTORC MINS, • 'sun inantifseta" • e°2 BLOOD'S Mi3o/ HERB AND OL.EANERS,' *ND_ HO - REVE • POWERS, Ara 11M the iad are tailored to dU orders PicomPtli• 7 1 "" • 1 - '4 'OR AS GOOD'VERNS ! Alien be Wight in the United States. Hai; tug been 15 _gears towed in manufacturing Threshing machines, we hare spared neither Uniq ntor etpense in perfecting oar machines, and Cialnlio hare • , THE = BEES SEP:FM.42OX One that will awards thepais from the straw. more perfectly, and with Jess power, than. any other mantuactued. Our Machines can earn pea Par h 7 ''THRESHING THE-STRAW As left by Most of the , machines used. The are very simple in construot% n Ang com prised in one piece, so that Idc et require mechanic to set them up or run t ; 'they are all manufactured under our personal super visloir, and we OHALLEI4GE THE WORLD To ehOw better Warkmanship or material. Er. ery machine la set np and • Ai ik THOROUGHLY TESTED.UNDER MOIWON, Bente leaving the Welts, and are Warranted to be in Working Order. They have been In practical- use seversl years so that we ate not • advertising a new lip chino every season, each " better than thing ever betore offered to the public," Th y can be.sttached to Tread - Powers, Sweep Pow onsiSteain or Water Power, and for • D'U RABI Perfection of Working.A. and ,Economi, •tfteir equal has not been invented., . OUR PRICES..', I , Are as low as 'those of aay other nutrinfacturnrs and parties desiring to purchase, will find it; to their famed to examine, our stock - before chasing elsewhere.. - PRICE LISTS FURNISHED . . Ou application. Ail - kinds of AGRICULTURAL MACHINES ,On hand, and ?dill Work, Engines Boilers and machinery of all kinds got up to *order prompt ly and on favorable terms. BLOOD, 4c - CO: Athens, Aug. 8,1867. ' . N ORTH BEANOH FOUNDRY AHD VAOHI,NE SHOP, Situated on Pinereast of Main Street, TOWANDA, BRADFORD CO., PA:, Is now prepared to fangih CIRCULAR - SOT MILLS, - - ANt SHINGLE MAOHINES, I Ot the hest quality with the latest hoprove ents. All kinds of hfachinem„ . for Flouring and Saw Mi ll s. i m , • STE ENGINES,. MAD REPAIRED, STEAM wrusTLEs e - STEAM GAGUES, GAUGIVCOCKS, • OIL CANS, &C., Furnished at short notice. BOLT OUTTIN.G, Done from 1 to 1.1 inches in diametei. FORGING' 01 heavy wrought woric for Bridges, and all other purposes, done to order.' 41s°, a large assortment of - . • COOKING & HEATING SWOVES, Coal and Wood Burners. Furniture for Cooking Stoves, Stove Pipe : Tin-Ware; Boat Pumps, Pjows, Cultivators and Lcrapers; kep4 constant ly on hand. ' . DRAWINGS 4, SPECIFICATIONS, or all kinds of meltingly for mills and other purposes prepared by WARREN HILL, Foreman, who has had large' experience In this branch of the business.: • - J0HN9431.M Towanda; Oct. 29,,•1a66.—1y. • CARRIAGES, WAGONSALEIGHS THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT STILL I IH °PEE: ATION FELI 4 OWS, -91LUII?ALL Successors to Reynolds, Fellows it Co.iare now offering and are prepared to furnish on short notice, Wagons Carrlagesi and S',eighs, of all descriptionA; and of the !atest and mostampro ved style, arid of, the best - material at the old stand]opposite the Union Rouse, in the can. tral part of Alba Borough, Bradford County," Pa. The public are assured that the reeation the shop has acquired during the last s years under the superintendence of J. H. Fellows, will be more than maintained, its he will superin tend the work as heretofore he baying long been and having bad much experience as a Carriage and. Sleigh Sandal, would assure the public that no pains Will be spared by the above firm to make the eatablishment worthy of their pat-. ronage. Thankful as one of the old firm for the patronage thus far extended, we hope to merit. a continuance of the 'sake. - N. B.—We, the undersignod,.. being practical mechanics, can manufacture and offer to the public at prices that will defy competition. JAMES .11. FELLOWS, • D.W.M. 'CRANDALL, J. G. MERITT Alba Borough. April 1,5. 1868. ly. TOWANDA CARRIAGE FACTORY. The undersigned respectfully announce to the public that they bare purchased the CARR E S H O. H. ,11-1 i AK E, And are•nciw prepared to'brdld work in THE LATEST. STYLE And most workmanlike manner. Whey. wil constantly keep on hand ad assort mei# of sPleri did TOP- AND OEN .BUGGIES, FAMILY dARRIAGES, DEMOCRAT AND LUMBER WAGONS, ONE AND TWO MIZE 'ALBA,NX SLEIGHS ALL'WOM WARRANTED. REPAIRING promptly attended to at res enable prices. - ' BIiYAN'T STULEN. Towanda, ?limn, ;: 7.—ly. ' gam 'TOWANDA INST.!' JL ' PEET! . 7 P 011 0 011 ! 11110 61i01110110$11164aq_ By & & lirgE4N. 4 Oi Oft Myren" well known and ' piffles. Ofileegantaip's digtrfga e 4 . 10 .unt qr Capital ,::. I -7 MamaCOMPANT • 1 • Bastard, 6men., ' ... . LIVINFOCIL AND LONDON Axo • Pres AND Ltra batsmen Co. Cita b al i rirphis and Beleevved Fait :Astets to the United Staten, over... Dall7Premiume, opirards'ol (Go • ,FirribouesP Ixarraexce CONPAN - Harejohl, Conn :Capital = ...$200.n00 .. Wicarwa ea Cot Emit, , t I. Wilkes-Bars e, P .„1_ i .apttal..... r ~... • ....... • ...6160,a0 Irma Atatttois TiAnyebtatnuat l, , , - co., • ~ (U 4001114 I"• - Pt ! slcultlphia .., "Capital. ' ' . • i600,1x,0 1 ~ ............. . ; Cchtssim * cm? Mtprn.i.Ltra basunl . 11' C 0.,..... , • Milford,. Conn. i !! Capital - -. , 310.000,00 p Towanda. ?eh:40.1368—U ' 1 , • ART FORD LIVE gTOCK , /INSI'.. RANCE COMPANY.' . • ... * • : 04P1TAL (500,1*. 1 'CAA assetilMov 1, 18C6, .. :..: . .. .$165,25r. 41 • 'dnatires on all kinds of live +.,.k. a ;.. , i• theft and'death from any cause. • • i 11. B. /del*: A :. , Jan. 10, 1867 ' ' - Agent. Dec.l 6th, the Marc" Lady Mace," intuP.l 11 D P. Flagg of Boston, Alass., ay.:M.:1,1.3y r ived s kick from 'another horse, breditm s r felt fore Iv, above the - knee, rendering It n cessary to MI her as an , act of humanity.- in es mired in the Hartford Live Stotk Insarao ee C.,*m party. Lou paid Dee. 6th 1867... r , t-- -FIItE,-LlFiliilAllii.cAzecipENTAL CCPITAL.ELVIUMNTKD OVIER r*ENiEEN MILLION D 01.1.41; O. S. RUSSELL, *Agent, rtpit TUE FOLLOWING NAMED RELIABLE COM PA ! lii , 1 ..- • - • . GINARD Fin &.'hl.a.ittNElNatra r attai I 1. COMPANY • . Philadelphiq,l Capital and surplus iover ' 13r.,(1,(41t Ho* r INauItASCIE COStYLNY CtrNeto.York.' Capital aad anrplaa, aver . • S 3 .7. - ,0.r.60 . . I:9ORANCE'COISZANY OF NOiTII AMILTIOAi Phliadrlphia. Capital and surplus, over • 511700,069 MAnnArr4.4 'senaAxon Conziart, 1" Of York. Capital and manias, over 'ExTlara!sE lxisoluNce COMPANY" , Of Philadelpliia. Capitetrand eirpitin, over AILTIC INSURANCE CoirriNT, ;Of New-York. Capital and anvPlue, ever PITT2:111 INSCILANCY CaI'AST, Of Ilarlford, Conn. Capital and surplus, trs:ey MIIT1711:LIPM INSURANCE COMPANY, Of NKr- York . Capital and aarplas, cmgr . TRATICIMZIg INSITHANCIC COiMA.-NY, Of liartford, Conn. Capital and airpinat'over Risks taken on all kinds of Property, at as low ratesas by - any : other reliable Companies • Policies issued and Losses, it any,. ad- jested at this Agency,thereby saving the troubl'e and expeue of going elsewhere for settlement. Si' Office at the Hardwhere Store 01 Cod. ding 4 Rowell ..C. EL RUSSELL . 'Towanda, - Feb. 7, 1866:--tt • 4. THE. INSURANCE COMI'A N 1 OP NORTH AMERICA. - Office No. 242 Walnut Street, Philadelphia- This Company are now prosecuting the Lu ness of Insurance from loss or-damage by FIEF, on Buildings, Werdhandism . Furniture, a, . thioughont the State of Petufsylfiania, on 1.1,r -al terms,for long or short periods; or perreauo.4- ly of Buildings, by a deposit of Premium. . The prompt payment of claims for in the period of nearly 70 years that tr:e pany has been in existence. entitles _them to to confidence of the public. Dinzerons.—Arthur G. Coffin, Samuel %%. Jones; John A Brown, Charles Taylbr, Amhro.e White, Jno. B. Neff, Mcbard D. Wood, Welsh, Wm. E. Bowen, Jamea N. Dick.o,u Morris Wain, John Mason, Geo. L. Francis# o ?ope, Edward B. Trotter, Edwald Clarke. W. Cummings. Awriftra G. 00177 X, Pres'o.te C. S. RUSSELL, Agent, Towanda. FARMER'SXIITUAL PIRELIN RANCE COMPANY OF MIDDLE - PENNERTITANIA, • °Mee in lanirille,Moniotte'Ootmty, Penn a. Capitai The Farm ra Mutual Pire Insurance Comparly of Middle Pennsylvania was incorporated the Pennsylvania Legislature, in the year.' rSr . ;I.r the Mutual Insurance of Country property only, and immediately thereafter - commenced its oper ations on that principle, which has been strio• 17 - Adhered to.since. • : • All losses have been promptly paid out of the PremitimiCollected on application for insurance without making any assessments. • TheAufarance- of Country property only, the low-rates charged for Insurance, and-the prompt payment of losses are deemed a sufficient ret..;: mendation of the Farmeis Mutual Fire ices - once Company of Middle Pennsylvania, to al owners of sale class country property, • P.,J011N8014, Bee'y. Wtt. Fuusse, Pre, t ; LUCIEN MYER, March 6,'661 . Agent, Towanda. l'a. BRADFORD 'COUNTY REAL ESTATE AGENCY, H. B. 'M4.BAN, REAL' ESTATE AGENT Vainable Farm, MIA Properties, City -ziud Town Lots for sale. Parties having . property for sale will raid it to their advantage by ,caving a descripti! , ll the same, with terms of sale at this agency, parties are comitantly enquiring I Cori:ups , &c. H. B. lifeliE'AN. Heal Estate 'Agent. Oftice Montanye's Block, Towanda, Pa. Jan. 28, 1567. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON A N P GLOBE FIRE AND LIFE lrizsUltat COHPANY;.—Office, 4 William st., aulf, Broadway, il.zY. Capital, Sitrplas and Reserved nut& (Gold) • .$16,27t, , n - , Assets in theNnited States, over .: • 1,9o,do() Daily Premiums , upwards of (gold) . :. 17,0uu The shareholders personally responsible itr engagements of the company. , Direetoi) must be shareholders. ' DIZZOTOII.I3 sx Nrw Yourr.—Francis Concoct, Esq. Chairman, Henry Grinnell. Esq., Deputy Chairman, 'Joseph Gaillard, Jr., Kiq., E. M ArchibaldiEsq., H. 8.. M. Consul Alexande r - Hamilton, Jr.;7,..5q., Robert C. Fergasolt. . Alfred Pell, Esq., Resident SeCretary. Alix• ander Hamilton, Jr., Esq., Counsel of Board. Banieas—Phenix Bank—Cammano A. co. The Policies of this Company are i,,ued by well-known'American citizens resident in :iew•_ York, who are Directors and Shareholders..and consequently, with the other Shareholders. arc individually liable for all, the engagements the Company ; all Policies are signed by them ; all claims are payable in cash cm proof of !oss. without. deduction for interest, and not, 14 iS usual, sixty days after presentation of prof,J; They expire at six o'clock, P. M., and not ;It noon. Life insurance effected, and annuities [ granteg_on Tavorable terms. 11. 8, BicKEAN, Agent. • Towanda . April 93,1887, N E - A Rll - A - N - GE E - r; AT raa- NEWS ROO3l AND BOOK- StORK: _Tho undeialgneil having pariased` the cop K. STORE AND NEWS ROOM of J. J. Otittitio, resitectfully Invlto the old patrqns of the 4 mtsb- Ushment and the public generally to call and sa lmi's's out. stock, • /amino BA MI ER. r. s. aauais W. AMID. AWERICA - N . .HOTEL, 01V AND A P"A • . xaaNng purchased . tlds well known Hotel pa Bridg's Street, I have refurnished and tetitta with every convenience for the actomm ,,, i. Non of all who may, pationize me. No pains s iti be spared to make all pleasant and agreealde. May 3. '66.=-tf. B. PATEERSON. Prop. ' MUSIC, OR ANY.. OTHER AR /XIL,"11012 in out line, ordered at short notice oy.calling at the NEWS ROOM/ . EBAKFAST,' EXTEN B sugizand Parlor Tables, at. FIWSTS. II RENE ------ ANCE ISOM !vie, liable Cow .. 7 t40Y060 $tc,271;;7 - 1. 1,800.00 ,) 17,00 • • • • lk,00i) i 3 ;i! a,Op 1750,(7 4 Q $7( I , ! ) .{WI ! • ii } ..stor,ooo $357,(w