II .4, g d01-ftrat. .EXP=Mffil. Ir=l 'Farmers often find fault with those who experhneut. • They say of a neighbor sometimes, "he is,rather ex perituental ;" .but they should remem— ber that every new truth is an expe - riment,to all those who have not tried it. Some one must be the flak - to very from the. trodden path,tor we should still rise a crooked stick instead of a plough: \-• There is a ass, however, who, upon hearing of any novelty in agriculture, at once try it, not on a square . yard,but on their whole crop ; such men are riot `.worthy of being styled experimenters. But should a farmer at this day call himself prac tical and judiciotts in his caling,w,ho, after having heard that in many sec tions of country corn is- cultivated flat, withcint hilling,and that potatoes, are so cultivated, still continues to hill both without trying the experi ment of flat cultivation ,even on :a single bill, 4= such amn he rated . as judicious ? Is such a man to be called a practical farmer ? Is he peso- tical, who allows Lima beans to trav el round a pole fifteen feet high,when the pinching off of the vine at five nod a half feet high will produce don hie the crop of.beans, and Particular ly,hefore frost ? Should he not try the experiment -and see how it will answer ? Many permit, melons, cu cumbers, etc., to run over the entire area of the soil, in long single vines, while others, by pinching off the run ner buds .after the third rough leaf - has formed, get their fruit early and I -..0f double size. Why should not this experiment be fried and adopted, if found true,? Gooseberries mildew all over the country, bat some have • saved them by cutting every branch that is-within five inches of another, and by mulching the surface with salt had, or other cheap refuse ma terial ; is this not a fair experiment to try ? It has been frequently asserted that properly underdrained subsoiled lauds never suffer from drouth' • who cannot name many farmers who lose their crops from,drouth, at least once in ten years, and still have never ex perimented to know whether they can anderdrain and subsoil their land, for --(ite tenth the -value of crops,or wheth er such sulusoiling and underdraining will save them from drouth entirely ?‘" And those whO doubt this fact,should they not make the experiment, or vis it the farms of those who have, to know of its truth ? Thousands of acres of peach trees are grown by those WitO have never tried the shortening in process, and eaunot telt whether the . ) , will bear for a series of years longer for such . practice or not. IS it not a fair ex periment to try this on a single tree at least ? Are there not thousands of - farmers in the United States who have never tried any other fertilizing material than barnyard Manure.? Sh6uld they not satisfy themselves by experiment, whether or not others may not be more cheaply used, and produce more profitable results ? Continually we hear it said, that those who surface plough five or six inches, have another. farm • under it which they have not developed.— Should not such farmers experiment with the subsoi ; .1:.1 to know if this be true or false ? ' . bushel of carrots and a bushel of oa . re said to be equal•in effect, when '.` d to,a horse, to two bushels of oats. Now as sateen times the number o • bush ' fr els - of carrots can be raised on an acre, than can possibly be g,own of oats, should not those farmers have never raised carrots try •• ex periment, and thus ascei tainif these assertions are true ? Those who use hoes, and forks, etc., for cleansing row crops of weeds, have heard that the horse weeder would do the work of forty men with hoes,and that many have -repudiated - the use of the hoe altogether for root crops ; why should . •they not - try this experiment? It is said that one 'mowing machine will do the work of twenty men with scythes, and that one threshing ma chine will do the work of a hundred men with flails should not those who at present use flails, visit farms where mowing machines and,thresh ing machines , are used, to ascertain that experiment will not warrant them in the purchase of such tools ? Those who use barnyards open and exposed to the winds and rains, and who permit the -washings to run off to the creeks and. streano, - have doubtless heard that with manure sheds, and with properly arranged tanks retained the drainage of the manure heaps, and pumps, they ob tain better results than with the open but nyard practice ; should they not carefully review the operations of • these experiments, rather than satir ize that of which they have no knowl edge ? Eiperience is said to be the mother of wisdom—experiment in the father r of truth. i. There will, for many weeks to come, be great accumulations of weeds and rubbish, by the digging up of potatoes, removal of pea and bean straw, and many other mate rials which, when decayed,will make goDd manure. The economical man.; tiger never , wastes a particle of any thing which can be rotted into com post ; and if the compost pits are now full, room must be made for any extra t:upplies. It is not npcommon to see the refuse of the garden placed in holes full of water, in order that it may decay the more rapidly. The idea that water washes out all the , goodness of the material is forgotten. It would be much better to accumu late all vegetable refuse in one heap, to undergo fermentation and decay without the help of mois ture ; and when offensive efllu is re sults, put a layer of earth over. the heap. ' , Commori mould is the best of all dederizers. CHARCOAL FOR TragEYs. , --We notice that a California paper highly recom mends char Coal for fattening turkeys, and recommends that it - should be pulverized- and mixed with mashed potatoes and corn meal, at, well as tat to them in small lumps. 'While we condemn' the ipiactice of mixing the pulverized charcoal with the oth er food of the turkey,compelling them to eat whether - they wanted it or not, we have no doubt of the excellent ef fects of s,upplying fattening turkeys with charcoal broken into small pie ces: We have had - evidence of what we, say, awl for a number of years have rwsnraended charcoal for this PurTowl- , ffEZMWM== M=',;M STILL ANCTII:BR Itlliir:ET9*; . 01 GOODSI- - '-' ','; ci - -• Lino o. paoiiiiroda au @Mattis it. 4 ai. . 1. large sad rarlsd amostment of -2 1 `UIt I'T U,S - 3! - -- 1 sow on estattlon at bhi Wbge-Booms, which he Ida be happy r,dahorr to any andeveryone free at charge, or to sell # a very snai l ad vance from cost. Tbanlffal far the put liberal patronage of the -public t I Would say' that 1 shall still endeavor to make . It to• their interest ts deallrtth me, not only bylkeeplag a LARGER SPOOK To mien from then is kept in may other Pang tare re in tide ;instal ; bat as° by dining them AT. , LESS 'PRICE 1.•: , . . . Than the aweeinallty of goals can be pur chased elsewhere. I have now in store over CO DIFFERENT PATTERNS OP OBAIREI, MIME THIRTY DIFTEISENT STYLES BESMEARS Beildes BUYeatile I Stands, Tables, BOok Sacks, What Hots, Sofas, Tete-a-Tete's, Rockers, and Easy Cluihs, Piano Stools, Chil dren's' Wrhtges,Ohlldren i s ()ladles and Crib* Looking Glasses, Looking Glass Batts, Pic ture:; - Fratftes, Photo- • ,---- . graph Orals, Steel :Ragrilvings, _ i. { Cords and •, Tunis, In fact a fall assortment L. OF EVERYTHING IN THE LINE, All of which will be sold CHEAP FOR 'CA,SH. The public are red to call -g examine my stock before:purchas Ing -elsewhere. Store °ratan Street, .2 doors south of Mordanyes. I also keep of hand; a large assortment of READY MADE COFFINS, From the moist common to the driest Mahogany or Bosevrood, which will be furnished with or without Attendance with . House, at as lo}► a price as the sea quality can be purceased else where. ' NEW - FTJANITURE STORE I Haring rented the Furniture Ware-rooms form erly occupied by P. WI. Page, Athens, Pa., would now saylto the flattens of the old Estab lishment that. I have a complete ELM* of Goods, just recedred, embracing e►erythi In the virtuartrus LINE. My geode are new and well selected, scaler GOOD GOODS WW not be usufersold by any. Call and ex amine my stock before purchaaing. I retain the Workmen of the old establishment, and I. HART Will have chugs of the business and Mandfact nring. In short: we hue the - finest Stock of Goods in oar 110 west of New York, consisting of Parlor Furniture, Cluunber-Betts,'Sofas,. Bureaus, ilarble-top Centie r Tables, Bite:Won. and Dining 'abler, Chains, Bedsteads, ' Mirrors, Picture Frames, Photograph Ovals, Cord and Tassels, Steel,Engravings, OteCurtins, Toilet Stands, Work-Boxes, Pictures, &c. COFFINS AND BITIIIA.L OASES. Our Undertakex's Deparnnest will at all times be well supplied with everything that line. We harrthe FINEST REARSE - In this section, not eveepting anything west pi New York, and will attend Funerals within a circuit of Twenty Miles, on reasonable arras. G. H. YOORBIB., N. I. HART, Agent. Athena. Jan. 26. 1866.-17 FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS I TAMES MAMMON announces to the 4 public -that be still continua to manufacturei and keep on hand a large assortment of CABINET FURNITURE, Banana, Tables. Bedsteads. Stands r Chairs, of every descripttot. , which will be made of the best materials, &nein he most workman like manner. I invite the inecticm.of the public to mylwjirk, which shall no be impaled in durahlllty, at any shop in the country, and my prices will ibe found to be as low se the times' will admit. !Ludy-made Collins constantly on band cr made to order. A good Hearse will be famished when desired. Aug. 15, 1865. illistalatuous. OROOERY; PROVISION "AND . FEED STORE. JOHN; MERIDETH, (Main-et., first door south of the Rail Road Noose) would most respectfully invite the at twain of the-public to his large and well se• lected stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Which he le selling to salt the times, and purses of all. Re has also opened a splendid FEED STORE, Which Is well, situated to supply the canal and Barclay coal region at all times. Re keeps constantly on hand a large stock of TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, stoLons, PLOITR,, BUTTER, PORK; &0., Which he Ls selling cheapifor cash. The citizens of Towanda and vicinity, will pleaae accept my thanks for their very liberal patronage for the last two Years, and we promise with their assistant, ,to improve ev ery opportunity to enlarge our litukness, so as to warrant satisfaction to all. Call and see us Towanda, July 10, 1887. MERCHANT'S UNION EXPRESS COMPANY. GREAT • INDUCEMENTS TO IiERCIINTB NlAi3mprzas. Having made arrangements with the New York and Erie Railway, to do Rpm, Business on their road, are now receiving all kinds of freight and merchandise for elf parts albs Union—North, South, Esat, West: the Cam das, Europe, West Indies. Goods sent direct, 'to tidy part of California, all with the quickest despatch. Shippers and Merchants generally know what enormous rates they have been pay ing for qiick transportation. Now this Cont i pony is made up exclusively of Bankers, Mar chants sad Shippers, to break up the mcnopo ly [which the old Companies had formed] So as tcAtive fair rates -to the business community. i Or packages weighing 40 lbs. and up• snarl shipped by actual weight. The way. 1 to keep low rates, is to patronise the Company that brought them down. Particular Care and attention given to money and valdable Pack- ages, Collections, &c. Collections {made and returns forwarded by quickest ditch. R. O. CP.ANS, - E. J. GIFFORD, Agent. Div. _Soft. P. B.—All Pa cka ges to be forwarded from Towanda and vicinity, by !baying them at the Stage Office of John Beernan,-wni be forwarded to the Waverly Office at this Company every day. , J. BEENAN, Prop'r Stage . Jane 8:1887.--1y. 10. OF 0.r. - -BRADFORD LODGE A No. 167, 1. 0. of O. F., meets st Odd Fel lows H0,72-lioaday evening from the first Monday la A to the lint Monday in October at P. m. ,Lam October i to . s A , p o rll A at s jp. ,21: April 23,1867. . .• ~ Room; so -mono AND )40111*ATIOUB ALL THE POPULAR PATICBT *imam , on, ; PAINT ii r ARNEW BRUSHES, razor lam= Mall= OF VIIIBf swig's A lgoLic AND 71,1132 xi uvei, AiItALOID - AND RNEILNOIDEI, B D 0111 IS A L 13 UrPORTBRB, I al* Braces, BBEABT POPE% NIPPLE 18E1=4 AND BBIELDB, * Nursing Bottles, Syrlngeiind CMltt4ins. A Lem Atomentm or Rum, mops, room • SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS 4 7 LATESTYLE 1 . IiED , Dan Anew:. A large suppl; Brushes for the Hat and Hair. Also for the= and Nat* Tooth Pow ders and Pastes, Oils] Perhunery, Soaps. Bak Itl ie l se nillbr• ators Au., Kerosenik, 1 Lamps, Shades , Chimneys, . 1 • Wicks, he.. all of the ti l .4 is ate at stylist. CHOICE CIG I , TOBACCO ; AND MVP. • I sr Physkriatut supplied at ramonable Mee. Medicines sad Prescriptions carafe: and ac cnrstel,y compeunded and prepared by compete 1 ent persons at , ,all hews of the day andeight. Sunday hour from 9to 10:: ' plod In the fore noon, to 2in the a ft ernoon. - • IL IL WEIL Towanda , Elindt. 29, Mi. i i 1.7..... T ip- 11- An entire ew Stock of Clothing bought as; cheap u before the war, to be sold with SMAI L PR.OFITSI - The undersigned would respectfully announce to the citizens of Towanda and vicinity that he has this day Spelled at the south Store of BEIDL MAN'S ELO.OK, Opposite the !deans House, Kali Street, a NEW ESTABLISHMENT 01 4 11atul7 M GENTS And that those goods bonght akcvery low fig or will be sold w rery Inca 'profits. lint e to establhhArmanent trade irt thls place , a in order to the confideece of probes a wDldealth them on's bask of honcat y a integrity,And all goods sold will be guar a nt e for what theY are repreientedlo be. Come4 L nd examine the New Store of ____ , _ Towanda, S 0, L Are 'Jowl SPRING Per men an , boys wear. The assortment will be found the choices they hale ever ofibred, se lected with reference to •wants of thole trade. Me respectfully in to an examination of their clo leg, which -is,' manufactured ex pressly for it trade, baying a buyer at all i 3 times in the market we feel confident to give a better at a wer price than can be obtained elseihere. Also in store foi the 'trade a cow plate stock cf GENTS , FURNISHING GOODS, RICH AS . —r • FANCY CLASS. SHIRTS, AND MUSLIN . SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, tiDEBS,,GLOVES, TIES,. FS AND OAFS, &O. stock must-be bu d by the first of. I. We are o great lging, to remove, we eel confident in r Mends and castomerecon will ir.intereart to call on us before pnr where,&member the Place soutmos & soil No. 2, Patton's Block. May 23.'67. PLAIN . 1 1 LINPS I LTN • PAP BUS : . TO ea Angust,t • as say te g ia to find it to !1$11111!g Would am , sad am the pa daily .F JOHN NEBIDETH. Li his Hie, *bleb he G made Coediting COATS, DRESS Over Alla Mars. BNeck ess Zee, Bar p All • cheaper It vetce. 1. Jug. Next _ 'Lis 2 CHAMBER SRS.- Also Pine Obestial or %beat absiglii sat P ROOTS. nothing; 'LE OF'. FASHION NEW STORE. EENV GOODS'! e Nene and Boys and Children O..T:H 1 G 1 WRING (loops, RATS,'CAPO ac.., 4tc., st., prli 8.10417.-34. MON SON, opening their general stook of SUMMER CLOTHING, 17=7,1 SPRING AND arm= 1 GOODS W. EDDY, cs to the. - citlaeno of Towanda, liorerally, that De has in store , sew al SH G 0: 0 VS, R. Imitable to thatrintiat the people, 1 11 sell for Curremayl, at former - L D P ii -. 1:0 S 1 turas! of good well and reabla LOTHINGI .. ay of any molding In 'INES S II I T ta, (No ::, B US All grad, VESTS AND PANTS, • All Wool ! OATS, PANTS & VESTS; Coate, Mete= and , Pants, d Over liblrte, Linen and Paper , Camimere and Flannel Shirts, :Vera, Waves, Came, Lestber .13 a Bilk, Bolt and - Straw Hata. ember that flood Goode are lair, price thipoor goods at any andwanitie , r ls before KY , oor to Pow ell ° . ' 1 R. W. EDDY. May 18,1807. „- , . Towpath HOUSE, TQWANDA, PA. Street. Dean* Owl soa.a - C. T. 814'TR, Pro;ilettor. 04.8. I MBES 41.11 , ME EC olt, ; (wzoit i: E ...r_.-t k , s2,;-,:-.',.. i : ,---:;.-...:;,-',..!...'.:-:*nd4;01.4.1:*4:0(.:,'.1-...i---;.; it'Air. widelthio 101, #' - . • •• v • r ~. VBILY Asaagi ' MN thi ~~~1 HE . , , ~ f. 0 .-.':.;1.. of .t:-. ~.r AM fritietaiooTtate: „ ;-r.,,,,,:-.,...:ri... sow p.. _t sOCtssZ aBTIQii9 MEE We Iffieel 3 0 kali coneiekek , *eat acmes toil stock 4:0 =suv~~z~s~n JAPANNED - GOODS TABLE OrZLERY. As we buy all our spode from FIRST RANDS, : WISPS?' canklyesi Laver Stow any awe liarthe In this seem. LTAILDit'S TRIMMINGS; WHEELER & WILSON'S EMSTGEIt'S REMO MACHINES: Towanda, Yaroh 7,1887. GLASSWARE! 995 Qreeawich filtrint, 9 doors below Bare lay at . CROCKERY DEALERS' ,GLILBB WA= • CONFECTIONERS' DRUGGISTS' GREEN GLASS BY THE PACKAGE GLASS WARE. R. JACOHI3. BSI•TANNIA BILVER:PLATgD WARE, CTIANDELIK&S, LANTERNS, &C., - The best patent Fruit Sus in the marlort, to be mold at tha losrest prices. A fail line of Looking Glasent. AU Ueda of Glass. Ware made to eider. Agent for Meridian Britannia co*Pani. J. T. WBIGHT, 226 Greenwich Street April 18,'87. 2 dooribeknißarciay, N. Y. THE UNDERSIGNED; HAVING In in the Arta of C. B. PATCH & CO., Is now minced to otter to the citizens of liradtard Count, and vicinity; a Imp and well indented stock of Which I hen purchased for Cash'saul feel oaf.' Aunt Oat an yell st 'nt low *mai Man be purchowl Combat*. / now °Mr to thei ►splindidittook - • • TEAS, COMES, Straigs, • • BTABCI3, 11110110,,ita PIMA GRAUM DO I keep conga" on band. PORK, RAILS, LARD eadlinds of FISH. Weald call the see tenticet of the publics to =Can't Be Beat In quality or pew_ Jame Oakley% Celebrated Laindri; New York Chemical and Brown Soap. Pls ue call and ezamine ontstociot tarp. rodwent of YANKEE . NOTIONS, TOILET SOAPS, Ac., Ac. I wlll psj the high• Parraeis give or a ail WWI swift ebiliime. AU ponies Indebted to the.lete-Sret ertil pile. agile& 2oike miott. ' lomp*Ohnhll4**l. // MEE , ''t l4Bl l l "'‘ ME ia:~ ; " -ROOK, tF ..1~ LAVA i - ME Mip SE WOOD, WILLOW, in variety. GOOD GOODS OLOTHEI, MINIMUMS, 'Of the imit , gala/. CUTTING MANUFACTURING S Done-to order, agents for And tho. Great Depot for Ip tlics all Nadi of Also, a complete ueortmeat of EMI KEttomml wmai Best Wands of Keraient on., Purchased the entire Wend et IL IL PATCH, GB 0 (E R I Have on luuld a largo stook of RTE DO. BUDIEWHRAT DO. STOOK OF Topeaoo, WOODEN WARE. COMMY Ilt0i)110E: O. B. Pivcat BEI EWE ~. ' < P ' •OW-CASlkiz DRUG J-iSTORE6 ' ; / 11141114111 1 1 "" I rni al s 1 eenktir 14 1! 1 ..ird 14 " 1111/1 ' VS' Ravin nagatiriAldid Wetly to his Stalk, fa MODAMOR:t coastitatin an asisalive mow. aatiotalog many attiolat vied bit)" , /2kt plioas. cuddly Mooted witia_mil to Uliprogromilve mitt of el/ POW. I,IIICA will beset oaaidawrililitb gal with hash woke retoind Otto on the sad reaaamatila tow at o.Wwla- F°r lil ia l a • ' DICIAAMNDIOINES,-01131110ALS, Ma t ?ARNIM, ' ORM Vim, tIENZIIa AND- TURPENTINE, Panie- TONAL WIIITE-Wl4l R. • And all kinds of Biushes, - KgROBENE .boAL om, Al6lwlsmi, Barbing " Plaids, CR*NEril, Sperm, lard, Whale, Neata Fool, TANNER'S AND' MACHINE . O/148, Fancy andinllet Articles in all their variety, SPONGES, • SOAPS , -:-0031118, Pomaded', Hatt•Dyes, PerfapetY, POOKRT BOOKS, PORT MONAIS, Pocket Knives, BMWs, TOOTH, SHIN AND HAM pREPARATIONB 41/BE WINES ANi• wauona, ;For Keillabial use, ' AND . Towel°, -Shiymg,, PIPES . AND utitts, r Garden, Field and Flour Beads; Truates, Sop rm sas t Pamno, e r c iz eng ittdd% Braces, ,Bottles. Niplos, NILE gene ant - yringes, Fans, WU- Sealing Fruit Jars, ermonleters Flirosiag Rillsobs, Stone Jugs, Glass -- FIT', Bo#,lef,ykikkgorka, Bath Brick, and Stoic 131acIdag, Ptah Ammuni tlgn 64.;tiutio. Eclectics and llommpatli to Medic , and all the Popular Patent ME D 0 . 1 11 . ,.E . 13 . , , AU articles warranted .as represented. Per; sous at a' distance can receive their orders by Stage or mail,. which will receive prompt and 'careful attettlon. . . • • . DR:' • PORTERS •PIiEPAS4I27ONS FOB FAEIf.P . USE, Known as Safi and &Wilde Remedies axe-war ranted for what they are • ' intended to give satis faction, via z , 1 • Dr. Porter's Pectoral Syrup for fo r adds, lung compaintsoke.so44l 00 Dr.. Porter's Eclectic Pais, for Onion, COM. '• . plaints and !Rik' cathartic. . 25 - Dr. Porter's Banger Syrup, for scrofula akin diseases, 4-c 1 00 Pr. Potpies Uterine Tonto, for female weak \ nas, 4.c: • - too Dr: Porter a Tonic Elixir for streng th ening Vie sTsko 2 . 1 00 Dr. Porter's Tansy Schnapps, forliArl and kidney co,mptainti 1 ' 100 Dr. Porter's Comp, Byr. Bypophosphitei, , for urinous debility... .. , ... 1 00 Dr Porter's Blackberry Balstun. .- for dim% rhaa, 1cc....... ... . .... . 35 Dr. PoirtcesPamtly Em b tionjoi sprains brais, 4-e 35 D. Poster's Pectoral Wsfera), for'-hoarse- '. . aces, soft thr0at,,T,.... k .... 25 \ Da Porter's Worm 'Wafer!, for ariffliog 25 Dr. Porter's Worml3yra p, for exterestna. ma Mt ' .. . 35 Dr. Porter's Infant tin: . ..n = Belief, for crying bate opc.. . ... .. .... ... . 26 Dr. Porter'lo finni, fl . , cedar/. \:',245 Dr:Porter's Toothache Drops, for tooth. '' f ,-, . Porter's Tooth Powder, , forpresaming , , i kith... r- , F Porter's Trlcattene, for dressing and 50 growing the hair 50 Peaces Tricophile, a or beautifying -the 50 r ta ofterteb dogthe rifenotullgainpoo,for clean. BO hair • ' ~ Porter' , S Milk of Flowers, for beautify. log the complexion 50' Potter's Pile °lament. for external ' ' iles i - 1-00 Potter's lu Fre g urinnch Compound, for scald- ' '• e 1 OD Potter's Medicated p ige4 for-babittua • • constipation 100 Porter's Healing Salve, for cate,wounds tee. IS Porter's I.4tßalre, for chapped lips.... -25 . Porter's Eye Salve, for inflamed eyes.. 25 . Porter's Eye Water, for Inflamed eyes.. 25 . _ Porter's Corn and Wart Remover, tor corns and banitsuf 25 .Porte:'s Constipation Pills, for costive. Hess.. . Portees ,Ir on Pilia:for poor blood ..... 25 Dr. Porter's Citrate Magnesia, for a pleas ant catharric. 60 Dr. Porter's Liquid Bennet, for making nu . - tritious diet for invalids, 25 Dr. Porter's Extract Vanilla, for flavoring ice cream, iko4o 'Dr. Porter's Extract Lemon, for - flavoring ' ice cream—large bottlei 40 Dr. Porter's Oriental Cement, foz,mcnding broken glass, ike • 25 Dr. Porter's Liquid Glue, for repairing - wood work.. —.. ..... . . 26 Di. Porter's Oleansiug'Pluid,for easy wash * lug.. . 60 Dr. Porter's Bed Bug Poison, for killing F e y 60 Dr. Porter's Ely poison Paper, for killing flies ' OS Dr. Poiter's Bat and Mice Poison, for ex terminating rats 25 1 iDr. Porter's .Bentine, for removing spots from clothes 25 `Dr. Porter's Black Ink, in pint bottles.,...i • 26 In bulk by the gallon 100 Dr. Potter's Horse and.-Cattle Powder, for 'diseases of 4)3linabs . SO Dr. Porter's Horse ' aadr Oattterktion,for (te 60 Dr. Porter's -Bone mind Bpavin Care, " for horses 60 Medical advice givetreratultonsly at the oMce, charging only for medimne. sir Thankful for past liberal patronage,would respecttntly announce to his friends and th e public, that no pains shall be spared to satMfy, and merit the continuation of i heir confidence and patronage. • ' H. i!f). PORTER, M. D. Dec. IS, 1868. 7 ,yri • you/Loco & OIGLESI Wholesale and Retail at RANDALL & COXPTON'S3 Flit door soath of tltri First Rational Bank, wall STREET, TOWANDA, PA. Blia/B OP tOBACCO—CREVIING , tzest Gold \peat gunny Edda', Pine Apple; Michigan Pig, Bose i 1 and Star, irtdchowe oiler for sale to gust' to snit customers. Packages .in. BarOas, b fa and quarters. , BRANOS OP OIGARIii. American Eagle, Gen. Grant, Lebognet , patio, Tycoon and the very choicest brands' of Tama. FANCY eatoKtNa. The celebrated bone Jack, Pride of the Val. ted Btatee, Vlrginiatie ,gold Leaf, Navy and all Wads of HidlicWck. Landlords rapplied with Oiguri iil Foil To. biwoo on Liberal , terms. All orders promptly fillet i i 1 . 131 C H, -BALL. *rah 9.1887. THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSUR AWN Bodefre Agency for Braaford co. CASH CAPIT&L $3,000,000. Yearly Incopze Over $2.000.000 cad. rowaa s, juiy 25,71ZrANYE & WARD. THE- ITTOIdiNG MUTUAL FLEE J. Iniiiituice Agency fqltraAtord County, Waal Clali'plan. In successfuloperation' oir er twentylterren'years. • 'XONTANYR WARD. Towanda, July 25, 1887. . ' ME I= 4 , , OaIdPTON. OriApftig, $3,400,000. ••'• ~. , . ,g, :.' i ti s • .43 i — ", 1.. 41 44 i., .1:s ,„ - ~, td .• ' .. ':' "I . ' ,'•• .' .' .: p, 1 i . • tti - .... Ct - • ~ I Cl' . - .. , MARSHALL, BRQTHERS &'.do;, • • . Wish tw eall 111 W attention of Stbe public to their new Stook of - • . HARDWARE - - ' • rmunizo _ BLACK warm TOOLS._ - and CARPENTERS' . TOOLS. 418° 6 : rne j! f• 41= (li,ShPaints, Oils, - • patty, Varnisben, and Paint • and Varnish Brushes' - • of all kinds, which will be sold for the lowest Cosh price. Alm, a dine assortment ¢f KERO.I3ENEt3 , , of every style and *tent tosnit the public. Lamps , repalrea gadi dinged front Oil and Fluid tolterosene. • Particular attention pitid to the atioatectorfog of all klub of TIN WAI3E. 3011111.11113 PROKIit ATTII - NDID TO We have on band aline 'Miele cif, GLASS FRUIT JARS, with improved self:sealing corks, and • HERMET-lO.A.LBEALING CARR, which is one of the best MB need. ' Jew 841, , ,~li~uttancbtcia. WENITY-FIVE YEARS EXPERI, 1 -ENCE DI DENTISTRY— J.ll.Bktrrn,,M.D., would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Bradford County that he is permanently located in Waverly,. N. Y., where he has been in the practice of hie profession for the past four years. lie would say that from his long and successful practice of 25 years duration he Ss familiar with ail the different styles of work- done in any and all Dental Establishments in city or country, and *better prepared than any other Dental operatot in the vicinity to do, work the best adapted to the many and different cases that present themselves oftentimes to the Dentist, as he understandsthe art of making his own artificial teeth, and has facilities for doing the same. To those requiring ander seta of teeth he would call attention to his new kind of work which, consists of porcelain for both plate - and teeth, and forming& continuous gum. It is more durable, more natural in appearance, and much better adapted to the, guns than any other kind of work. Those in need of the pate are invited to •call and examine — specimens. Teeth filled to last for years and oftentimes for life.-- Chloroform, Ether, and " Nitrous Oxide " ad ministered with perfect safety, .as over four:hun dred patients within the last lone years can tes tify. • - • I will be in Towanda from the 15th to 30tb of every month, at the office of W. R. TAYLOR, (forrcerly occupied by Dr. 0. R. Woodruff.)— Having made arrangements with Mr. Taylor, I am prepared to do all work in the. very best style. ai his office. April 23, 1a67, D • R. •VANBUSKIRK, , 4SPEBATPII.t arm Blactieurcati DENTIST; has opened ooms in the Beldlemaa Block, directly oppo sl ki the Means souse, for the practice ut his pr ,si\ essiou, and is prepared at all times to per for all operaticins belonging to Dentistry. The different kinds of- " Plate Work, will .. be recom mends accor bag to their honest merits. Nat ural T h tilled and restored to their original beauty, l \ tka or 'lrbil the best adailted to each indindnal ap '` , e fgreatest care and atten tel lion3i ' lll bC -, correction of irregu .. brake an, Departmei he claims equal to thin any other without pn ether, ant' tients, as shown. our work the atiteua be ebeettv' Towani lIARDING & SAW. EY, " Raving entered into a. co•part . Sp for the transaction of the PEIOTOGRA • :C business, at the rooms formerly occupied b - Wood a'nd Herding, would respectfully call the, attention of the public to several styles of Pict ures which we make specialties, ae : Solarphotographs,. Plain, Penciled and Colored, Opaltypes, 'Porce lain Pictures..ko., which we debater cleanness and brilliancy , of tone and .Artistic, Aniab, can not be expelled. We invite all to examine them as well as the more common hinds of Portraits which we make, knowing full well that they will bear the closest inspection. This Gallery claims the highest reputation for godd work of any in this section of country,, and we are de termined by a Strict attention to.; business and the superior quality of our work, to not only retain but increase its very ,enviable We keep constantly on band the best variety of Frames and at lower prices than at any other establishment in town. Also Passepartouta Card frames, Card :Easels, Golmes' Stereo scopes, Stereoscopic Vies, and ,verything else of importance pertaining to the business. Give us an early mil, N. 8.--Solar Printing for the trade ion the most rensortable terms. D. HARDING., Aug. , 29„ '67. P. SMALLEY. ROOK-BINDERY-PH PUBLIC J.,J is respectfully iutanned that the Book- Bindery hes been removed to the Argue -Build ing, Sol story, where will be done BOOK-BIN 1)/N 01 ha all its various branches, on terms as rea sonable as" the times" will allow.: The Bind eky will be under the charge of B.C. An experienced Binder, and all work will be promptly dune, in a style • and manner which cannot be ekcelled. Music. Magazines, News papers, Old Books, ace., bound in every tarlety of style. Particular attention will be paid to, the Boling and Binding of BLANII BOOKS, To any desired pattern, which in quality and durability wit be warranted. All work will be ready for deliverY 'when promised. • The patronage of the public' is solicited, and perk° satisfaction guarranteed. Towanda. August 2. 1866.—t5. • qTAND ON YOUR READ AND N..?" BEAD THIS! , twa qtPusliox (' goina giugan) 98i Alnt `Horawa araappo %tam to d •s4jinuoo Sainsor ps ovi pus spit ai 11401 Luta nj was oar; -Ds as mar •guisop o 3 lunoosip z 111231 eq3 is ( loaolonool io NPR Wry olo ( 411 iaogg Aopuu; pandoad an or opsza, io moil Aquila oz of linolog or siy—szsupe CT, =AM - V 'j o 3 Paar4lPPo eq piloge saa • .RDlad Maim jo ;tape.' no 11101 ifq loos •puott no Anansnoo oteopi page to 3[00)3 elan —•soolid oNsuosaas mow cap Spptob isaq IRV Jo soo o Poialtpuosas24o 'smut) poo aloolS mold omoaPooß 4.21 0 0 .(1 3 10 1 Pus 'USS aol oulia .1100,1101301( susaolo us. imam ova Valql nl glaSzq &L IMP 4 4 q 0 1.411(1 Ultno(1 Sus %lima mem soap ling isadoaqo eq; acs gua mum 7sg3 palutupn gutigoom /au Zati9 I Flu!! poottoo 1110417 eV 04 pliba 'yam:Rams pay iaiikod JO Initioxo pus lira am pautoop pupamoao eqiQoLaid ;Nu eq nevi *mush; laoonoo °los lwaS oqj oPIoWV • Po! . •Wog o ci low lsoalt d - Amownidoro „ se maid pint 80 1( 10100 ( 4011 0 4 3 1aqauq3oti to aolaroado illiaaAt 'X aqa deg 01 11 to JO •Poom tooPlom Doqi paaanonoid--sappa ;skull lama aqy •ataqt seas eq oar Ow spud mom Oil) ai MUIOACIAM pazapuor . chime •nalspi lam uos bra golzupa Instea pus unit wort pug eqi ;Loa; mast,/ sung Paragon, suoppanixs, 11081 vsaa eq3 w moon op - oR figHolo.l.llo ...43.11041 , IloasTa sub; an snap rpatoq auipanos RI tram e;srut Apo aso 'Arm Swing twos pus diumsaq laq Troll BlqulqBll 011 l Pot 2 V04 AtlaimmaPunql oqS WHpLESALE MUSIC DEPOT • • L. POWELL. Bcratdon,"Pa.,. Dealer. in Chickerink's Pianos, Decker's Pianos, Mason Hamlin 's :Cabinet Or gans, Treat landaley & Co's Melodeons, and all of Musical Instruments, Sheet Mode and Music Books. *Orders trom Dealers and Teachers es pecially solicited. Address; L. B. PDWELL. 116 Pennsylvania Avenue, Scranton, Pa. • March 28, 18 187.-Bm. QHAVING AND TOILET SOAPS, 1 ...1 for sate cheap at the ' NEWS BOOM (lAMBS FOR TgE FAXII4 NA OLE, at the _NEWS ROOM. •1-zi' f:::' : : - .;' - : • . -.. . , .. , . • f ;s4 r[•z-;'.'4 .- cf.i..;i . - 4 '-'.'• .', EMI p• • • WO:ItrIWZ : P WEBS, , OratOzis, SEPECRATOBS. titOOD AIHENS 4 PA. $ r Cnthlaitt° l2l . 2l 4" thre , 1446 " ai1"Ati1 ),111209 , 014 D 3 4ND CLEANZIRS, • AND: UOESE TOWERS; 40414 prepared to Intordeti Proukikt4) Al CIA be boaght, in the United Stet's.' Hay ins bew Ls pests tamed in •Ananntsettiring Throttling Wahines, ,w 0 have spared neither One nor expense In perfecting our =aloes; and elaire.to tune - - THE , BEST SEPERATOR, One that will rept:444k* v air• froro thwto Bore perfectly, and • with Ras power, than any other roannialored. , Our Machines can earn good pay by • THRESHING THE STRAW As left by most of th e 'Olitebines. used. Th ey 'are very simple: is - construction. being com prised in a e piece, *so that 1, , s 1( ea not require a ineebanilo set theai otrun them ; they are all th an factored ander oar Orwell sayer- Odom en .CHALLENGE .TEE' WORLD . show better wickitutrusbip.or. material. El - machine to set up, And THOROUGHLY TESTEO UNDER MOTION, Warranted to be Sri . Working Order. They have been in liractic.al use for several years, an that we are not advertising 'a new in 'chine every season; each " better than any thing ever betore Offered to the public." Th , y canto attached to Tread Toivirs, Sweep Pow er*. Steam or Water Power, and for DIIR Perfection• of Working and kconomy. their equal has not been Invented. • • • OUR Ave a 8 low u those of aay , other manufacturers and 'parties dash-luta purchase, will-find it to their Interest to examine our stock before pur chasing elsewhere. PRICE LISTS `FURNISH E D Qu'applicatl4:: All kiwis 1)1 AGFRRJULTUR4L MACti (N ES • On hand'y and Mill Wor, Engines• Itoliers and machinery of all kinds ;got np-tel orddr prompt ly and on favorable terms. Athens, Aug. 8,1887. ORTH BRANCH ,'OI:[NBRY liiitusited on Pine, end of Mann Street,- . TO4VANDA, BRADFORD CO., FA., . . . Of th e: best quality with the latest 'improve ants. All kinds of ilachhiery_ for. Flouring and flaw MM. • STEAM : ENGINES:: MADE & REPAIRED, STEAM WIIISTLES,7 STEAM GAGUES,„ GAUGE COCKS, •• OIL CANS, &C., Of heavy wrought work 'for Silts/gas, and all tither purposes, done - order: Also, a large , . assortment of • COOKING- & HEATING, STOVES,. Coal and Wood Burners:: Furniture for Cooking . . Stoves, Stove Pipe, ..Tin-Warp, coat Pumps, Plows, Cultivators abd . Lcrapera, kept constant ly on hand, - • . : -• • DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS • Of all kinds of machinery for z , ilia and other purposes prepared-by of Teeth: fa d i le e Dortor ' would say Ilan and experience any one in this or will be extracted If gas, chloroform o ry satisfactory to pa of hundreds can be examine.specimens of f the correctness of And consultation will lualgiven. G Foreman, who has hadiargn experience in this branch of the business. CARRIAGES, IVAGOI4S,SLEIGHS THE OLD EST,ABLUMMENT SPILL °PEE au to Reynolds,- - .Fellows & Co., are now offering d are prepared to: furnish on short notice, Wagons Carriages and B:eighs, pf all descriptions and of the latest and most.itepro ved style, and of the hest material at the old stand opposite the Union Bonse, In th 6 cen. lasi part of Al ßorough , Ala BradfOrd , ,,Cdtuity, Pa. The public 'are asfiared. that fie reputation the shop has acquired during the last six years under the superintendence of J. Tf. Fellows, will be more than maintained, as he will superin; tend the work as heretofore he having long been and having had much experience as a Carriage and Sleigh Belden, - would assure the public that uo pains will be spared by, the above firm to make the establishment worthy of their pat ronage. Thankful as one of the old firm for the patronage thus far 'extended, we hope to merit a continuance of the-same. N. 13.--We, the undersigned, being practical mechanics ' can manufacture and offer to the public et prices that will defy competition. • JAMES H. pnLinvs, C. CRANDALL, J. G. - MERITT mil IS, 1866. ly. T° W ATNDA C RRIAGE m!Emmimmomlmimml :ON AO 'GOOD MKS 'Before leaving - 16e Worki, and are •ND MA,,CHLNE S-ROP; Is now prepared to furnish CIRCULAR SAW '.MILLS, SHINGLE Furnished 44 short notice: BOLT ,dIITTING, Done from Ito if Inches in diameter. F-ORGING WARREN HILL, JOHN CARMAN: Towanda, 29086.8.-17. , FELLOWS, & Alba Borough, A F=AQQTO,RY.. The undersigned respectfully announce to the pabllC that they have , purchaied the ;,1 'Ng CARRIAGE. SHOP G.H. And are now prepared to build work in THE LATEST STYLE • • And most workmanlike manner. They 4, Will constantly keep on hand an assortment of. splen- TOP AND OPEN FAMILY pARRIA.GES, DEMOCRAT AND LUMBER ! - WAGONS, ONE •RD TWO BEAMED ALIIANT.:,SIBIGI(B ALL. WORK WARRANTED. REPAIRING promptly ate - Odell to at rea prita. BRYANT it;STULEN. Towigida, May a, . N'E PL-AN I N't} IL L _ The undersigned haring' tittilt a large aid com modious Mill in the Borough' of Towanda, and filled it with tlwo most modern and , Improved machinery, for the mannfactaie of • • • WINDOW SASH, dr. BLINDS, 'are trepared to fill -orders, _whether large or , upon -the shortest notice.' We have also a large Viiriety of MOULDINGS, of, the latest style and pattern, which we. can furnish mand.ob ' cheaper than , they can be worked by h PLANING, - • TONGUED*, • ouovzoto r AhD SCROLL • = fite.WING, arid all other work pertaining tO Joinery, will be done to suiteur customers. • , Persons buildingiand , not livinginokthan twelve to fourteen Miles :ablaut, will iind it largely for their Interest to • buy_of us, or bring `their lumber and worked by our machinery. Bring your. griet of •Plooring. or other lumber, and while yourr team feeding,: have it ground out and takelt home with you. .We will pay CABO for PINE &.• .WLOCK LUMBER depend at our lumberyard. . Come and see us, orlf you can't conies write. L. N. - BODOEILS it. - CO: Towanda, reb.,18114. . [ t . .;,` air sitsurestu .. „ 1 1 1 °WA ND A INS lIRANC AGENCY{ _ Poilcks fained,Loalee ' tothisted it 4 WTI I • Bs R. B. M'ArEsta, - 0113iktollowins tuukrelfable Corr 011 icelkantaatyfillic.d. deregide Aura of Cap teal,. f 7. l atTlik /*MAIM Ckarriinr, • • • • Hatrall.. C 40113• 41 ' Cspltal ' ..$4,000,0c0 asir Lomas Awn Oi Punt atm lan bananas. Co. 'ital dliarplas and Reserved Voids Gold) ' - t5,271-,e4 Assets In the United States; over. tt . 1.800.0 0 Daily Premiums, upwards o ((cold) 17, 00 Nitir Diaz.Asik instraAlum Coitraxr. Hartjo Com., I Cipital • Titioicumi!lsmitersmis Coiwrr,. t /10 • 11/ilkeeksta e, tial3/1 • • . Nona' Ainrw C;iis T tal irriaraitsuittics Co., (Accidas) • " flatadaphia, • CaPitai....l••••l 44930,0c0 Comoncreitimriainixraioni .1004tal - Radford, Cam, Ov ga • • 10,000,000 p anda, Feb. 20, 1066—tf AETFORD LIVE STOCK 1NSII: • 'HENCE COMEUI 4 IY. • CAPITAL gOO,OOO. Ca . assets Nov. 1, 1860; $155,294 83 I. , res on alt' klnds,:of live , stock, spinet .ft and death from any pause. -- H. MGKEAN, ~ • an. 10,1867 %. 1, Agent. -e. 6th ; the Mate" Lady Mate, ' ocroed - by is P. Flagg, q Boston, Mass., accidentally teed a kick hem another horse, 'breaking he left fore leg, above 'the knee, rendering it n • to kill her as as act i of humanity. In. su 4in the Hartford Live Stock Inaurauce'i.' re y. loss paid Dec. - 6th 1867. ' t • LIyEix:t.IuNRtiotCOIDENTAL CAPITAL ILIPRZEINVED `VENTEEN MILLION 1_ • • .V. 5.,13,1155EL1,, 4gent, . • ' TUB sor:thwtwe'zimezri itlLl.a.Bili Sfrx rI: r ;t GI sith Fixt-& ifaanqa faausarina 4:O32PANY PAilnd&Wkic, I:apttal and snrplui. over • • . - 1 • Boma Ultima/Ts Co.araivt. Of Nnv- York. • , apital and gravies, over $3,740 tip , • leoluseg Cobsamor ov NORTU 1 f • Capital and. eurplesi over • $1,700,00 I - lff.txruiTanixarmaxes Cortwzr, - Of New-York. J Capital and purples, over SW/MAI Elnreatrnier. ktstraancit Coltarrit, Of Phaladdpkia. Capital andsurpina, over.. • . BLOOD dr: CO-. Agile INsevaireg ColiwiT. . .. 4 " . I - - . Of Nob- York. capital and eraplus. over 1750.06 t . • PErix.h.a bitriarANcs ComPharr, Of Hartford, Conn,. i Capital and abrplas, over MOVAL Li, IpsultAims CoMPANY. t Of 11th- York. j Capital and_sfirplas, otter Takrinuttul 13:stauxes:Coltrapir a Of Hartford, Conn. Capital and surplus, over " . Risks taken on all' kinds of Property; at tt o tow rateana by ad,) - other reliable Companies.' w Policies issued and Lama, H any, ad. lusted at this Ageney,thereby'anving the trouble. and expense of ring elsewhere for settlement. Office at the Hardwhere Store of Cod ding, & &weal • C. 8. RUSSELL. Towanda, Feb. 7, 186t1.L.tf , THE INSURANCE OP NORTII ° AMERICA. *ollace "qo. 242 Walnut Street, Philadelphia.. This Company are now prosecuting the bu nests 'lnaurapee from loes or damage by FINE on Buildings, ;Merchandise. Parnittne, throtighotit the State of Pennaylv,allia, on 11.1*-1 al terms,Oriong or short periods; or perrr.,1,:..!... • ly Of Buildings, by a deposit ot_Premieon. The prompt payinent of .claims far 10 , 5. e.,, ing the period of . nearly 70 yearsthat the Cola patty has"heen in , existence. entitles the© to it, contidence of the public. %tutor its.—Artlder G. Coffin, S4uttet Jones, J hrt A Brovrti,Charle.s Taylor, .1 .1 o. N. Neff, Richard D. Ward. Welsh ; "m. E. Diann, James N. Die .e S. Norris IV: in, John - Mason, ..Geo. L. Francis Clarke, C. S. F 4" Office in Danvillo, Houton. County, 'Arai e. ? Mita ; • The P rmers i ttutual Pire '7.niunartee Company of Midd e Pennsylvania wan incorporated by the Penusyl is Legislature, in the year le5D, for the hfut I Insurance.. of 'Country property only. and ittniediatelythereafter commenced Its oper ations or that principle, whith has. been.strict ly.adhered to since. • All Wises have been promPtly,paid out of the Premiums collected on application to insunuacc without making any assessments. The,lnsurance of Country properly only,ths low rates charged for Insurance, and the prompt payment pflosses are deemed - a ancient retain. mendation of the Earthers : L .Firt , haul 1171 Ce Ccmipany of Middle Peniz.ivenia, to a! owners of, sate class country Erroperty: P. JOHNSON, S y. W*. FULMER, PrE,Bl ' lIYER, March I Agent, Towanda, Pa. BRAD 'ORD COUNTY REAL ISTATE tre.NCY, B. MoKBAN, REAL "Esters ,tars-r. • : • Valuable Farms; Mill Properties, City and Town Lots for sale, Parties having property for sale will find it to their. advantage by .eaving a description of the same, with terms of sale at this agelle4, parties are 'constantly enquiring for tarin9 AS: c - H. B. liicliEa-N; Beal Estate Ago': t. - Office Nontanye's Block, Towatda, Pa. • Jan:29, 1867.. 1' .IVEIPOOL AND LONDON ASR ~.• , JL4I 'GLOBE FIRE AND LiFE 1N bIIRANV'' COMPANY.--Ofilde, 45 William .St., an. - 1,1 Broaditay, N. Y. Capital, Surplus and Reserved Funds ' (Gold) ..$16,111,57: , Assets in the United States, over.... 1,800,w° -- Daily Premiums , upwards of (gold).. 11,000• ,- -,' - The. shareholders personally responsible 10r,; .. . , engagements of the bompany. Ali Directors I Mast be shareholders. ~ , ' • 1 ' ..DIBECTORB )1 , 1. Nsw Yost.„-r-Fratiels Co tenet, Esq. Chairman, Henry Ariz:moll, Esq., eputy e t Chairman, Joseph Gaill'ard,_ Jr., k.'sq. *. it • Archibald, Esq., H. B. • ht.-Consul , Al Awle 1. Hamilton, Jr., ,, q.,.110bert C. Ferguson. Ise • . Alfred Pell. Esq., Resident Secretary. Alex - anderliamilton; Jr., Esq„ Counsel of Dos ,i. BANZEIS - Phenix Banit--Carnmano ..k.-.4 o. ' The Policies of this - Comp.iny are liitled try well-known Amerie:an citizens resident in New York, who are lilrectorssAnd Shareholders. dad conseiriently, with the Other Shareholders. Arc individually liable for ail , the engagenaeritY 01 the'Company ; all Policies are signed by thy tu, ; all claims are payable in cash oli priot of Itiki. .without deduction !or internit ',and. riot, as b. usual, sixty days after presedation: of proot •, They expire , allix" o'clock, P. If., and not at noon. Life insurance effected. ,and'annuities - granted on favorable terms. ' • - . fl, B. ideKBAN, Agent, Towanda. April 23, 1867 ' • BUGGIES,. E-W ARRANGEMENT . AT - ; NEWS ROOM. AND BOOK, STORK e:T r O bi liE 3n A r et n eW i rl i tt g at irC ol a r d J th tir i Zo• respectfully invite the old patrons of the estab lishment end the - public temerally, to call and ex amine oar +Agit. ALVORD & BARBEL a; w. 11.1010. P. N. NAM& A: , NCA- noTitL l"'RI , -- . 101 V A.ll-D A PA . Having purchased oia well kn . own Betel oi," Bridge Street, I !Ave refurnished 'an reiltted it:irltis eirery'..eoneeatence for the aet wawa. Lion of all who may-patmisime. No ins wiV. be apared to make, all pleasant and . le. . s e ta, May 3, '66.-7-tf. J. 8. PARTERSO .Prop., ____ MUSIC ; OR ANY OTHER , AR VOLE in oar lino, ordered al abort notice oy ceiling at the , NEW; R 0011.: BIiZAKFAST, DINING BION,Land Pialor Tablas; at .MOO!** Cope s . Edward H. Trotter, •Ed we rd m. Cummings. I - AILTIVIR G. COrIPIN, Pres'ut. lISSEL . .L, Agent; Towanda. ' . ER'S MUTUAL FIRE I N C RANCE COMPANY P VEDDL t E PICNNSYLUXU, 5150,00 f::fd,tr,~ i 83 - A 6/1 t7o4,Mtf• sB,uou.wo $600,000 0.74.v . ..0 .0 all