Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 19, 1867, Image 3

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Paand Ittpottr.
,.u.t A. Gnaw is sttunping Western !ennsil, under the auspices of the I2ep4lican
s tte Central Committee.
botween this place and Waverly have been
I.nd with rails, and them '4lc-eriti prospect
that at an early day, the "Iron, horse" will
takxo the place of the boat horses on the
ing path
se- A Musical Con.yention will he
held at Wyalusing, con*Lenciug Tuesday,
October . 8, 1867,at 7.1% - taltealt, tQ c,ourunia . :
three days, and close with a consirt on Fll
- evening, Oct. 11th. See Spada] Notice
The North Branch Association
of Univorsalists will hold its neat' anntuil
in - Springfield, Briilford Co; Too„ \on
Wr l duesaay and Thursday, Sept. 25 „and 265
.1.11 arc ihritcd to attend.
Smolt= Burzocx, Standing Clerk..
-Isl. hi. DELAxo, of thig borough;
Las established himself in business at
hero', and will leaiu the people ot that plea •
Ant village how to buy goods at cheap rate's
1.. r cash. '1311..11" Las serVeda long ari
pientieeship in PUNVELL'S and other. leading
?;tablishments, knows what the public,
Wants, and uuderstandS how tosnpply theni
at the lowest possible - figures, We wish
Lice success.
Ettr" The Lehigh Valley road will
. - zoon open to Pittston. ken work night
and day on it, and the tail.* is being rapid
ly laid. have a branch from
the p nt where it comes into the Valley . in
Ne ori to 'thelnitla:of the Northampton
Coal Company, ':which will send coal. by
that road.
vEn : ., One of the roost important Q , •
j octs a t than can have in this world is to
maho Sure his family will be provided Lir
when ho is taken away. Now if you haNie
not made such provisions, you should eaD
immediately and, take a policy, of H. A.
likeass, at Dr. Pratt's office, on State Sti,
who is Agent for the Pluenix Mutual Life
lilsarance Company, of Hartford, Connk
one of the oldest, cheapest, and .most re
liable companies now in existence.
SAD ACCIDENT.-WC arc pained
to chronicle a very sad accident which oc
curred at Blood A: Co.'s Foundry in" th • is
place, on Wednesday morning lest.
Sinsabaugh while oiling some part of
the machinery—the "Line Shaft," he be
came enttumiedtherewith,by coat-sleei , e
catching, and, after being reN lved two or
three times, was rescued seriously, though
we hope, not fatally injured. On examina
tion by Surgeon Eastman, he was found to
have one ann and one leg broken, and his
slioulderLdislocated. Yet, after all of • these
injuries, up to the time we write, he is
quite comfortable.—Atheas Democrat.
WELL, I DECLARE !—We always
thought, and• so did everybody we ever
talked With about it, that when an eye was
injured, and replaced by an artificial one,
the old eye to be gouged or cut out
previous to the insertion of the other.—
But tisn't so. Nothing of the kind.. The
new eye is put right over the old, and
moves tout just as natruid as life. No
pain, no soreness) attends the insertion or
wear. We know, 'cause didn't we sie the
thing done yostd,day, by. Dr. Up Do Grai'?
AdvertNer• •
j' The se e u tive . Committee
rdthe Bradford County S. S. Associat ion will issrit during the present week a neat
tad: circular, LObe sont to all S. S. Super
intendents and NO l'sters in Bradford, solic
itin,;.contribations for the support of the S.
S....lli , sionary's stork in the County. Rev.
Mr. Carrrmum.r., gives his whole time to
this work, tli'ti results of which are well
1:i.o - .. n and shotdd receive a generous, re
spom,e to this appeal. He receives barely one
l, , !his support fttom the field: The commit
t, e• most affectionately commend this Home
Missionary work to' the christiaa liberality of
Sunday Schools Mad Charchei - M Bradford
tonmaty. B. S. RUSSET,L, Pres.
Towanda Sept. 18, 1867. ,
chronicle with feelings of the deopes&reiret,
the sadden and awful death of FIIANCIS )10-
lirr of Wyalusing 'township, which took
place by an accident, occurring on Wediaes - -
.lay, 11th Met: Mr. Iloura was a contrite
(with E. TEnar) for building tho
road bridge ner i oss Wyalnsing ereek,,suid it
• twearne necesstiry to remove a large tierrick
a.w.l for raising stone. In taking down the
derrick, and when it was .ready lowered to
the fromid Mr. with 'a crowbar went to
the end of it, to hold it in its position. 'lt
suddenly swung-around and the end dew up,
catching him, raising him into the air,t and
crushing his head aga*St the abutment,
killing him instantly..
, Mr. Homer was about 47 years of age,and
leaves a wife and family. Ho was an excel
lent citizen, greatly respected by all who
Luca him, and his untimely death thiew a
gloom over the whole neighborhood.
Colin PROCEEDINGS.---NeCOna Week.
Decrees in Divorce were made in the fol.
lowing cases :
. F. C. Rockwell vs. Mary E. Rockwell.
Youngblood vs. Youngblood.
On filing petitions Subpcnnas in - Ilivoree
were allowed in the following cases :, . •
Mary T. Brig,gs,.o.„ William 8. Briggs.
Lovina McAllister vs. Chauncey McAllis
- i-,...
Henry Burdick vs. Mary Burdick.
Emma J. David is. James D. David.
Mary E. Briggs; is. Edward A. Briggs.
- . Hannah Harding vs. Joseph Harding.
Lydia A. White vs. Wni. H. White.
•Lncy E. Luther's's. Burton B. Luther. •
Irithe matter of * the application of E. F.
Bishop, for the benefit of the Insolvent
Laws, Court continuo the hearinguntil next.
_ In the mattertif the.applioation of E. IL
Wiggins for the adoption . of - Idinnio• .E !
Brink, the. Court decree adoption. •
Ann Donahue, an - alleged iiinctiic—On read
ing and filing affidavit ; Court direcCei writ
to issue, and appoint Jared Hart, 'Esq., a
In the matter of the Nortlilltudforil Wes-.
IPyari Mc thodist Church of Itidgburyl; First!
Free BRifist Church of Tuscarora, and the
Agricultural t and'Farrn Stock Association of
Tcrwande. Borough; on presenting articlas of
incorporation, and. petition, the. Ci/urt di
, reet notice to-be given. 1
lu the Common Pleas the folio ' ,I, busi
ness was transacted ; . : '' I=
Bkx' iirs 'use vs Charles E. Welles.i
in debt, verdict for thoplairitiffirfor , 86:12.
/bile granted to show cause why anew-trial
shall not be tillowed—returnable nett terns.'
4 tlgtolus,Letais is. D. I), Breterge;!.4-rdect
"' • ..' ~. : ~ ,„ -'.., - f,...A.,. i
aunt. Verdlot4Ot ~ efenklank — . 4l !I
in question...:i'ilrf .0 p, I ill!. rg-ss-, .1
J. A s . ; M:culiey vs. a - , 1 ,,. :Af -
da..-This *ail' 'an nation ' to; l i
a bcinnt3r. of; s.l 4 :4..;Sertid, * . ;_i7 )l -",i
Plaintiff IgniminfSt9 have been ii,.' ;1
on the quota:of iudd 016144: 2 : Ir ,
the plaintiff for
~$33.1 7,c(,.:
The returns of an el e ction held
'township • !Alice:ad* '4i4 ,- thii ii , z.
erecting thd new township of Bare , I
ing IX= Presented; .`luid.ltt, , .. , . ,l
a majority of the.. votes on at
- election were for - a itetw totfusblP; I
tiered and decreed, that the said to •
of Barclay bol. oreeted, ligreeable.
linesmarked in the survey. ,- And' i.,
or6d th4t the . elections 14 , held it ~
12 11
clay school house, a d that the
tion-jor township offi ere beheld Oil
day thq e 2ist SePte liar, linst•g r i ' . ~
appoint as officers to holdlsteehlelee :
9 - .. Blight, Judge, b.. W. !Dickey . .. . 1
,Scott, Inspectors. ,i : . -
' On meals - petition the Court .ac‘
' resignation of J.V.- i llice,l -an Cons
1 Burlington borough. 1 ' i . . .
On presenting petition`: sundry
. . ,
of Timm:rout township, I praying
erection of a county bridge over
Creek', where the higinni4 - to - Auks
Montrosererosses said orOpki the Cc
poineas viewers D. NlN,ltrown,
Howard, Ezra Allen; StePhen . Lyo:
Sialford, and Clark Efollesibsek.
jOn reading petition andlapprovini
the deart - grant the .4anifer of 4.
Smith's tavern lidenne,' in Erman
Ship, to Geo. II: Granibled
Also, the ,tinnsfet. 9f gielmel
-tating licensa t inAowanda b
lo E. H. CormOy. -
Also, the transfer of I'. J. Donlo;
ing house license in TOWlttcdaboro' ti
Bo=n !=—Two .111 mi Trmirn , --On .
last, about a. Ir. the bollor atta!
the steam saw milli of D'. Ovst
Fraiddin•tolvoship explodbd with a
report, :demolishing, the !machine/
making a complete wrockiof thebn*
There were several persons a
about the mill at the time pt the ex
of .whinn Jorni T. Sarrrn Was killed •
ly. He was outside thEi mill,
literally blown to Pieces. 'One
first discovered, some fifty feet
place where he was -at I work.
about 47 years of ago, and leaves
and family; ho had been', in the e
Mr. °TEUTON for some y4ars, l and
spected as an industrious land Wo
The engineer, F. 4 114213.T0ND, v
in the mill at the time of ‘lif3 explos
scalded .from head to foot, and otl
badly injured, and linger4d until 8
fn the evening, when, detith put an
his sufferings. He was; from' Mi
aged about 28 'Years,and teases a w
slightly D. iIAVENS and ?Ira* catrroL werey
, injured bp timber faiii;l,l upon
them. ALL2-I,mx.w Ma.usu.4r. was nmnjuica,
`though at work but a fells , • feet from the
The cause of the', exploSion is l a nitystery.
The boiler was ne4rly4l. Ow one. It had
been "blown out" Oeidat previous and at
the time of the occurrence was
steadily and well, under bout 80 it. pres
sure of steam, with apparenilf p -ty of
-water. The boiler -from nppearane „ , blew
into small fragments,i heingCscat 'red_ in
every direction. :
The loss to Mr. o,vmlerot pdenre ,
serious ono, as the:boiler and eig
completely. destroyed, an 4 the mill
chinery nraelr - danattEd. ! The for.
explosion- was terrific 4the report
lacing felt for a mile distant.
of the call issued by is joint corn
the ~Sons of Tenaperan,o and 00.
plain to all friends of the{ cause in
ty, a meeting was - convetied at the
low's Hall, on-Wetlnosi4-, -Septa.
_at 3p. in. Gen. W. r t iTT9N was
::_the chair, and G. IL lq'ppi:appo.
- -.letary. •
' I
Several committees were nppoin
Ivort lid the evening Sessipiii. • .Adjo l
.At 7 o'clock re-sseeratled' at se. , l
The , report of corarnittoo 'On. 90 :
was called for, when. at taw. refine
convention;ltev. G. D.- ChenoWeth
periling .Secretary of .i'ennsyiv ,
Temperance Union, 'reported deo.
which after some disciiSsicm was
find is as follows : (Only tli - •:
'sections are published.),
Ant. 2. The object l ot this' As.
chilli be to promote the cause Of to,
nonce from the use, ..i.uinalifacture
of inimicaling drinks as a lxveraE
3. Any person malt' liecoind ' a in ,
this t‘ Union " by signing the con
and pledge hero& presented.
4.. No person shall be a momb
society who does nOt subieribe t
lowing pledge : We the undersi
agree that we will not use intosi
quors as beverage, nor traffic
that wo.will not provide them as
of entertainment, or for persons in
ploy, and that in all •suitable way
discountenance their use throng
5. The officers shall be a Presid
Vice Presidents, a Secretary and 'l l
with two managers for each Town zi
The committee on nominations
as follows :
President, S.' W. ALVORD.
Vice Presidents, W. Prerros
Treasurer, J. B. BUST,
Secretary, 0. A. Braga:
(The list of Town maimgers is in
tad.) ,
At this point adjourned .to i
House. This meeting was cello
by the President, who intniducei
Carrimipati, who led in prayer.
E. Gamow= then offered the
resoluthins which were adopted.
Resolved, That we gratefully eel
the providence of-God in the snot
Temperance refori in the his
past, and. that we litimbly implore
dom to guide our counsels and
on our efforts to lictrish the curse
perance from our comiiMnity.
Resolved, That we consider it.
importance theit, the rising, gen
carefully guarded against the
intemperance, and we eimestl
mend, that this E•ubject should b
to the attention of S.l3..Supt's. 7
era, with the request 1 that they o
with us in seenring the pledges r
dren under their charge to total a
Resduat That to - the Arable '
ting drinks may be traced • three
the Pauperism, Insanity, Crime al
tics of the country, -- and that. age
Ovils'es:a civil right,. the people
protected by wholesorhe legislatic
as a lieen'se givealreedork appro'
spectability to. VW -traffic and i
Pr.PO-triitaetibri to the people, t
UMW tight and duty'of the eitici
ctantrOnwealth in self.. defedp,
'tioii;: - -4ather- Slittikb* means 40
traille tii an. end.'' ,;
Resolved, That lieencdrig• of ick
I"evils is wrong in morals and min
iShition and- that ttgOed_ *els a
atrument iii itreaprig tooda - Till
, J ... , '•.' '• . ' ' 4
-'•' ' - : ''' -^ 4 ,- ,4 :-..-.^‘,: F.' •-. ' ~- !s , -•i- -_ -,...". ,i
it; Ith 1
. lori=o,ves2 our coon= 44 14 14 101 ,4
ertfe we or nn 1
to a which *all gfee'thtt , klildaPol '
tion of, e state to the traffic' in bitoxicattagl I
drinks,' business so ruincina ba th e motels: 1
atalest intarosts of the copunonirosathandi
that that probibillOn is the only,sgs legliskitionl
Resqlved, That we respectfully requoBt r th.•
Pastors of the County to tall attention to;
thelmbject of Temperance '',.in their sappiss- - ;
tivn charges and preach on the' =bleat at,
their earliest - convenitneo.'3 , • - •":1 • 1
. .
After "Ike adoption of Ihese - ieSolutions 1
the - Presidia introduced lian.Biusr. Jar, of,
Petal Yen, N. Y . whoadditiss edits° convent '
, .
tion at length, advocating in strong ,to nin e
thOionly safe way "T*4 l tbatinen°°•"
Dev. G. D. -Com - Aura aadreased the con.:'
vention in a pleasant israrnesit way urging the
necesta4 of totally abs.:.'- 2 -... ! ,z,. ." g from:every
. _
thing %via& intoxicates. :-::, i . '-'.
; _up.
At.the close of this address, 411 who were
wiWng to twit for the right Soil take the
pledge were iTiirtte4 to 'rise, :ishonsa loxge
proportion of the audience • '
These exercises went interspersed
: with.
Temperance Glees which added totheevo.
Dings entertainment. • • • •
This convention adjourned td moot at the
Gond House, Gibber 16, 1867. , ,
/ • - S. W. LLyOBD, Prey.
' BrAom, • .1 •
.t, the
ble of
,or tho
r , carom
!. ap..
i , John
1, Special' = lgotice
. „,
Payeen i panton an
New System of Pettnumship, a
'others, At CIN3BB Ca's Now t
O.'X a
To IlEionints.—Pagui
Prtusticelof Teaching Wieke
economy and method of lust
VOW) 4b ainuires.
1 riflin's
. . eel
stock ofpry ViOode,poota and ;
ery ike., at Auction, con3xnen.
Sept. 19.
'S eat-
WAN, sn,---A first class cook and
a good hostler can find steady employment
at the AMerican'llotet Athens,. Pa., Ap.
ply to Bennett & Smith, cornet Division Zr.
.River St. Towanda.
•• :
VW A superior quality of Stamp.
ing Paper and Envelopes always on hand,
at C. iCitoss Book Store.
*l.lWe haveTttelk received an
,elegant Stamping 'Press from the city, and
are prepared to stamp paper and envelopes
in all colors ~ o r-plain, as may );e3 required,
in the idosefashionable and artistic manner
at C. F.' Citoss_&, Co'd. Book Stbie.
•had to
on, in
4 , , and
)' ding.
. work
a was
,e, was
•m the
e was
a wife
ploy of
was re
y man.
I ho was
/ on was
GRAPE VINES.—Do . you !want any,
GrapereS ? 31. Welles can supply you
with an known cultivated native variety, and
warranted true to name.' I Aug. 28.
SHORES is the Authorized
g Agent for Life and Fire Romance
s, and Real Estate basines at this
MONTANYE k Venn. '
• .4 July 25,1867.
Is erwise
Contsi.frs, te.—Do you want any of these?
R. Dli Welles can supply you with good and
thrifty 1 trees of any; variety ; and warrant
th#49 k , rou. , Aug. 28.
Air Theory aild Practice of Teach
ing 4r the motives. amt methods of Good
School:Keating, by Dayrid P. Page, A. M. for Teachers, .at Onoss Co.'s
New Vp - ok Store; . .
0.-E. Crpss Co,, are now
rprelared to 'receive StbscriPtions to till the
N. Y. Daily, and Wpekly.kapers, Pamphlets,
Magazfees &c. Tl4oy design to keep a reg
niar News Room connection with their
Ikpli More. ' . - -
ler' Mrs. H. G.Sttlmon will open
a seje . qt school on Orwdll Hill, at the Pres
bytgoan ; Parsonage, Sept: 24 for a. term of
elevrn weeks. Terms, $44 Z: $5,
Ang. 19, 1867, 7 -44*
It ,
4. 0" Were
! - of the
T. Oar old friends and oristomers
will' ' d 'us with a full stock of Hardware
in new shanty store on , Pine street
obi) t 100 feet west of E. T. Fox's corner
bac a Powell's store—where wo invite ail
to and bay goods cheap.
"nit', Aug. 20, 1807.
Oorr .
ittoo of
d Tom-
e toun
o dd Fel
,ber 4th,
ailed to
ted See-
prj,E TREEs.-IL 4 M. Welles has a
.o; pupply of choice apple trees, of all the
;• g valuable varieties. His trees have
d two years growth in good soil since be
g .splanted ; and, besides being very•
, are splendidly rooted with a mass of
brows roots ; and aro well worthlwice
: .. nob as any other apple trees you can
Aug. 28.
,dlo re
cd to F.
e place. b
t of the
Our heavy loss by fife compels
, us te'ask all perettons indebted tons to make
a sting effort to help us now. We need
it I c l t lw, and shall feel very - grateful to eirar
tri do, if they. Will , remember us at this
time / With material aid. •
CODDrNG 4 Bu sutra
Towanda, Aug. 13,1867.
a State
. portant
al absti
and sale
goo&live and strong Strrewbecry plants that
will be sure to live? B. M. WEltzcad
supply - them to you by the dozen, hundred,
or thoutiand. lie has growing upon his
own grounds, the Agriculturist, Jucnnda,
Lennig's White, Wilson's Albany, Jenny
Lind,. Downer's Irrolific, New Jersey and
Brooklyn Scarlet, F i llmore " and Metcalf's
Ear Seedling'; and can fill orders by
Stag, Express or Mail. . ,
I , mbor of
r of this
the fel
. ed, do
PlPE.—This pipe is lined. with' Block Tin t
andploes not make water poisonons,)as the
vat& does not come in contact with the
lead. It is recommended by the Jroton
Board of New :York, and by the ' Water
Boards and Physicians of all the principal
cities. It - is 'cheaper than common lead
pipe. Specimens may be seen'at our stare.
, • Mau:mitt. Bamintas dG 00.
T.wanda, Aug. 26, '67. -
our em
we will
out the
nt, two
I reported
Mdangbter Will give me no
peace, she pa
I have, many broad acres of
lami,besides $lO,OOO in Government Bonds,
and' yet won't buy her a Piano, what shall
I do?. 'Mc> echo' answers: Go to Dewittand
Ditttiph; Temple of music and get her - one
of those•soul-stiriing Thum Fortes,. -whose
bass sounds ' like the roaring thunder or
-the;booraing of cannon and whose treble is
MD2o l. llusical than-4.0 _band organs, and
"peace ,2 Tale a liver of water," will- flow
thr(mgh your household. Instruments -to
rent: for sale on lru3tabnenia. Organs_an'd
Meodeons at great bargains, orders from
tea 'ers specially solipited. Sheet' Music
send by, mail.
C. M.
I t comple-
1. e Court
to order
Bev. B.
Bay. G.
-4 ustom."CoNvEkryoN.—Mill be held
-,,iit - yalushig Pa., common , ' c-
eveibag, October 8, 1807,.at 7io'clock, p... 1
continue three days and el , :. . . with a cm.
cot en Friday evening, Oct. iiih, unclothe
directions of J. B. Primp, of W,yalusing,
Dire. J. B Buxom, Pianist. 1
admittance to the fuliconventicm.
e!Oltioniepi ..... ..... . .' ... , . ...Si 00.
r es,: .. .. .. : ... - 1 ' 50.
i ke
7kinple CiOir wi ll be faniisb}ad:for the
„ris cif Convention free of charge. Clergymen
requested to *ad this notice to their eim
gt gallons end attend free of charge. The
fri Is of lictr; - Btunnei andlall lovers Of good
xn 4 / 2 1 aro requested to atterul.: The first
- seisiott t free , to. oirerybody 7 , - . during - _whickan
address wilt be_delivered,-subject, - Mtutio.- ,
1 ' . • WM. W. WELLS, .. .
r . 1. 1. ~. . ..N. J. , Gartora, Co
Be ~11,1(1. 3t 4 :1 tl."11." TATUM, ,
. ,
s. owledge
ss of the
ry of the
His via
of intern-
the flint
ntion be
t evils of
: brought
d. Teach-
• h ie the an
, tizemeei
=flat of
' ' t these
should 1*
and that
Arid rt
enles the
, jam The, Dulcimer:" InatatotOr:cOn
toitung Airs, Marches, Waltzes; '
dies ? iloppipes &c. &c. also directionsier
outing; at I.) I ds. Book Store.
Jar We.arc prepared to furnish
Yeying Cants at reasonable rates on stietrt
nll4tOo and of the latest and niost 'fashion.:
ItYlea at Cum it Cos Book Mori
no of ,thif
ring "till
• .wlc4lge4
ilt leg
piinor to all
k Stoic).
Iheory and
am's- School
lotion at kb-
, bjs entire
-0- 7 --
;..« - , -..T. , •:-. , - - 77 , "<''''" 4 :1:7 - 1777". , ,
Athit., IRMO fatho44l "•' " ' =' 1
,illeiAlersAylUOL4, , . ;
.NO:het of.Em;ric,34 MO' e -_- ' ~,- 1
4 Ackle, Nor WngY,,J.!liPa4:si, - ‘ ~,,, '-' ''': I
AbitEt4aLliktiZia ilijaWihiailonitti
Nth hug., by Iter.l.: A. itoecio4-
-M-iliwiTorli=*3o , Mo4 l llllk OA
pi Wyspi,''' , 4 - ':(--- --•• .4 ; ',--,, ,r,
-. i.-N,,,vl,4*.l,rtoyvtgAt,:p-.
.ei . , -: ,:, - ..:.•, - .:1", - ,,%,:::';',:f
,-5, , D4,.
..-, 1 ,..:J. , ,..;:iz.-c- f f:-.,-?. ~T.74.,...,,,TT: !;111".11.7fe'L ..14.
) 4 1r.
~1867 i of , .-- " ~ i
"..,,ntlfaiiialniteatiliS. _ ,
- . 1
..: ','..'ar'..Viti Y feaaai'etkiTliti:l4i
1A.4.0•Ti,01 - ,.i ;Wi#W''l.;.,
:--.4316t1 e of,on*klidars-.sihei 80,4 0 9 01 !" ,
so - Academy lietie en ..tlai year* itiltinal'
404.* Jrfs...,xscti:'-',.**,#1.0:4 ' 40 1 0...4.4** l'
4.1 the most promising 2 boys o f . large
numbers thentliattaridtutSVl - ,Sittallyerter 7 l
ia*,,u4.04003%,11440g in hii , Oalliffk3u. ,
lathe games and. amusements,
'heilgairePianilse OfilesieanOrthastal liiiii-=.!
'He held various position* in tfici.Postollht
at ihnitwaad;*coansimtOin :1414014i ,
Iliiiiai aid
,:filialiy as chief," clerk [Pi the '
school Department ,4'iiennitilsartifkln,all
of; which his ,intZgrlty . and - distinguished
ability were Manifest '...- 'While in Elmira part
Of hisdadea:Ntini to receiii. - thenigbethaile;
in the„exposlne,inaidentto . y4deliho naught
cold which iu one form or nL,other, -OW 44
him nod filially resulted in his death, • OW*
six months Of severo'suffOing.: tie leasek\ a
Wife andtio children; beeides.lihi aerie*.
ing parents, - a sister And• biother to mourn
his early.rdeath ,Whazi've iook_hieWtO the
many. days, 4=04: wt 4149 -,Pl4F,..ear in
struction ho conned : the 'Clasii& pages, of
Horace, Vi r gil - :end tibmer,.;; Our eyes .are
dimmed with a itear,. and: thel qtasltion. - -13
forced upon: us J who .next of:As 1444 : g0 -
Wit way -whence we shall not . ikiiinia:t—,
Owego .Thites. .:, : - ,-. I -I :'' ' .::''":(-.:'';' --' -'
r :OST.4Three notesioni;.koy
Lewle, dated Oct. 10,'1866, for eSIIO :
one given w.f. G. Keeler, dated March 1,1866,
or 814 and one given by 3, G . Heeler, dated.
July 10: 1867,- for $47 62. ' The Ander will be
rewarded by rebut:mg theeame to
S. , a surra.• .
Wyalusiag, Sept. 17, 18G1.•
VSTRAY.—Came to th 6
X4l of the subscriber, in Pike twp. , aboukthe
20th of June, a small pair or- wen matched
Bed Yearling Steers, - The ow tier Is requested
to prove'property, pig charges and take them
away. A yoke_Of 3 year old liana tor sale.. i ,
. ASA WhatNX4l;
Bept.l7-, 18G7,*
CAITTION.-My son Hehry,..sked
10 years, having left hia hung, ULU la to
caution all person: , 'tom i larboriog or tiusting
him on my account, as I shall pay no debts cow
traded by him. . A BROIL - t3e.VE80001...
Towanda, Sept. 16, ltiti7. _ ,•
ZS. kind and'
,good size.. !so Harness and
Wagon, foliage. E. T. FOX
. Tawandn - , Sept. 16, 1867.
iIAITTION.-4-Whereas my wife Ile- t ‘
V becca A.haa leit - my.be4l and boardorithont
any just cause or provocation, I hereby caution
and turbid all parsons harboring or trusting her
on my account, as I will pay. Ito dehti of her
contracting'after this date.
Towanda,flept. 17,1867.
11OR SALE.=—The Subscribeks, Ex
mutant of the estatnot Win. Girard ,offM
for sale the House and Lot situate corner of
Franklin and Second *edi t Towanda. The
house is nearly now and contains 12 rooms be=
aides cellar-and wood house. -The lot is en
closed with a good picket fence well painted,
good.frult, well and cistern. Persona wishing
to purchase a home will-do well to call - and
emind before purchasing elsewhere. Enquire
efl: M. WOOD, or on the premises. - •
G. M. HALE., .
Sept. 17, 1867.
The subscribers desire to announce
to the Public, that they havee_ com
menced business as general-dealers
DUCE, at the Bridge Street. Corner
of •Patton's Block,l and that they
have .now on hand, and design 'to
keep, a complete assortment of goods
adapted to the, wants of theyillage
and country trade.
They would respectfully invite au
examination of their. stock and.a
comparison of the same with any
ether goods in the market, ae to
quality and price.
They are prOvided with
and efteientlelp to give prtpt at
tention to .customers, and' will give
careful attention to all order's placed
in their hands.' /`•'
We pay Cash l for PROntrdE
and sell goods fortßUU ' dy,Pay.
Towanda, Sept. 17; 1.867. '
Flaying given up our BETAIL.TULDE,' sio-are
now enabled to glee oar whole attention te gte
selling or
We have in store large stock of;
And other goods in _our line; which were par,
cliased for CASH, from 'first hands, aid whiclC
we offer, to the trade on desirable tern!..4
We desire to call particular .htteiittou tO our
stock of
• • ,
FINE NEW 'pop \ _ TEA%
I, . •
Bought directly from the, 161POSTEVS, con.
sisting of - •
EY SON,: Y 0-117NCH,Y130'N,
Which wit
Guaranteeing the qualitylinalicaisk ,
We are daily reechoing additions to.our stock
is all DEZABTHENTS, all'ofjwhichiireiratight
with. special reference to the leaf* of thls mar.
- •
--- Oneour , fiim being;a res ident,
bvOlnisTeiv of- ilianzyearp
experience i trenables_ us to take a . 51:
vantage` -orany. ;favorable' changes
, 7
_Market, a n d tO ledep - our
Stock always full'and' com dote:
: OEl'l- basil:Tee experiene added 'to our facili
ties enables as • to offer •• great • tridneementel to
'Orders by 11=114. or 'iotilerwA,ll4,oo4lto
#romPt and
.e_Tortktdol - I care 4!Pt..o4; •
(,).I,a'. - ,..T.:g-g . '21. - 90 - 4,T0 •
• ,
4iiiik.46401.4144-.44,0,04*0. -
Mr - our lassort*lft-, , : ,
10118, , Ute.takipleasireininforiOing I
i 8 44 149y,iittivcbayebeen:.:sue7,
I Unitif4 and wei're _
ceiptiot&ulkjitshieniest aelebrai
ted manUfaCtirex's gaiiterin
and Newr 1 1 04:1011.rohia,
at, lowest are ourselves:
manufacturing,' , ,inNrge dituiroties;,
prime 'goods,. fellable stock ;;
an&by: \ - firsi-chw workmen; with
esOci4..'referenen),:to l
The reputatiOnnrourgoods, throdgh-,::
one the Cotuaty,4iteet -• the fact thatl
it is Superior to all others, and: n-i
creasing demands', Allige . us. ;to
areas!) our s to4iekkßanufactur-i
ing Our napioved salesroont
hirer stOok iiinablec44.4a44fer
ducements which: na , -dealoWlinmis-i
iellaneOui. goods etiit; : - • • I •
, • •
1 1
f. CNC
._l44o—ofp , .4104ie*
Misses Button, Congress and Bal
moral Wierfs at uirk),Lastipg,_ Glove
Kid ana.Morocco, Ladies and Miss
es Slippers aml Bnskipe, Moioceo,
Grain, Calf and Buff Bootees and
Balmorals. All the different varie
ties of Children'i Shoes. Men?
and, Boys „Pitod ; Leather, i Calf,
Kip and . Thick Boots,'Bal
morals; Ties and Slippers, Rubber
GOods. Alsci - Harness Trimmings
and Shoe FiMiings.. •
Pad, Cqg,; Saddle `and'ASeic:2ld - jiiii--
ing Ranieri's,. for ,Carriage or Team. :
Ladies aid Gents Saddles, Bridles,
WhiPi_and anything to be loimd in
a well conducted Harness and Sad.:
dlery Establistabeit.:- • Me are prey
pared to make to order 4ny. patient
'of Harness. 'An Work le undei tle`
immediate .43uperimtettilAnce of
.Wrixcolc. long c known tci
einnimiiiiiti ' iAL`supeifoi wolf s .
man,. EyerAing guanunteed
right anesotil!
.. / (r ~1 •}. fr r ..~
.~ ~~
ff 2
, '
7 : _,.
;'.•- ) j .,...74 a: , ~ i.;_r,--::
'The ffmastrtelabricted ,ibrandivlof
Fre',llo4,-and,,,Ainexigai)... .44
and. Uppei. Leather.. Oak ' "and neM4
and Cochineal Lining :;att&Binding
Edienia,cPtvgirme. - "Trko!"-' l lVii9d
. 1 ..., , iir : 1 2. - - . ...'-''....:,, Wi1;: - ,1. 1 2,p,',1 1, 1 . / 1
„Cni. Al i.
'0? Lo F.'",1, , , ,- ;4 :L,_
sitx.)....'iiiyi‘ . 5.r, 0 '... :,t00T.;..i
-:.,:;•.:74.:.,11 - 1!) ! , .;11,, - .. 1.:4;31.1 , :.. E.;:t4"4 . •:!x:ilfi I . c.f Vilcrsp pl 1,
~, t .:-.5,1 IF ~ , ..:'t.-;- ! .1.- ,. ,...• ''..6.4.; . );...47.) - .Z . ...,, - /..yipTel, ,•te'l'h••.l'.l l i'
1 • -1.) 7if.t...;1 , , ..,..; fc1•1f......i . .;:.-, I-,. t •
~cL•% 5"• ! .r, 1/ ; , ';'. i
1 '
We are giving= ei*e,e4olloeie l
to the 'hove named lirtuiebes, and
by hief)iatt a iosatiiiiaiimt at 4
iinkl t - vealk Ageitre.:,the Tvibliothfit
inY articles usually
keg y the trade, and at-the lowetit
Taal' fr:::
. .tawrt,wellar4. - . o4 o l l UrAltg
/*Pa 29, 1287, • I
",t3;11.,“ gr.:77:11 ,sibmzoT •
,Ct.'' 71
3 .1;•
•t ~ I.TY'•f
Q . ; .
';t.l°, - 1.0.,'.( - ..,
t;..` "r!
... ,+%U.
r . !t
1' i:i
...:.,:: 1. J .....,]:".. i.....;;:i L 1
!. - .li.
;:: filg.',..s.i ;
= 0
.1.1 i.: i
~.... i;t . ..:,,2
;', ,, :t,' Y,1111.'' , 7).+.', - ;1.:;;" .0.1 Zsifi
4%r 4:alit igTi 0::11-11
!',..D: ,•,, !,• , ;: i , 'il;;;; Ed, '..-:), 2 , ..ilina i
x:t, - -:, , •• ..gtipt-,1_7,1
:, - t..5.5 , ,. b . -,•..!;..,
jilymglititaiD,,. iloymf 4
D .
7 410 , 1*vsse,, ,otlttato
ov i
, F f .--,-..,, ...-..,- 41-14 , , , 1. 2 ...,),:. ~ .;;i , ,v-- .. .
" ' * a t P ka P r t S. 4W s Mt far l i l i fi l
1- I,fr &. :- V2...l.ll'frkittg.t '417.1.r. - . i 'l• 4l,l4ra t , P r I
0.. .1... - • OIWO Pin.t Snit
, _ ,,,r µ pt,t,t.t.,s 4/ 4.4V...t.. _:4O p. ,- .0- , -.?„ i ;••••
,d vitt
, :tt - E:lt : 14, r, vsihtti, ....04.7 inr,;7M - I, at ,
21 : ' 4,0014 - 10.4 ° .Stail i tti .
1 .144 z . ' 1,4T01;:t1 fic•*.A?",trilif) Deztaii
, /2/ i ant New , Book .and Mille!
-ni oil ~.74 .7i .;,7.... 001. , , 'el. i .,,
.el , ' '....,, r.. , ••• ~,,
'-' , ti ittheie ever" , thsnd tiike Zook
i ' 012. , 41;f1. - 41'.11.48a."?,=i11.:4(t el'Xi.'l !
~ and muno, tine may
.P.,.77717..1 , .n, ro - I.,'f •' [ ..i•o.i. , :az ~ . i
41ti'• Cist . .. .
Ja14. 21 *:1 tAtiatri Oa** Painting/41
t Okil l iiiii; ? ffieetaike;Xii r iglassei
,\ 4 ,,
• ? w ises ;. 0)104'v/roue - and;
.1, , c.::.•;!.` , 114 1.7.1 , ...x., a:T:11,4:- i ...,,...": --_
I .110)er(fl anortment.:of 21241802/ In-,
I . Didlii, fr an te• i NatiOnah .
ellY411164414:"-.1.'s:z' ' :I
jjk : Onl 4 6 f flotit,i siiii.ail seli:oted . inV4;
1 ,, e l y w'itk grOat'ca; : e -, 4-4orienceci,
t l inas
` , 4 L bought-41*h , cash at a,
jfry low fioure with a, tii.e2o to flo.
wanfalqf thire(nnonitinity; s 's :).• • . 1
. _ •
We fee confident we ..h a e .aide `.
Co offer bargigiva do an -who will /ay.!
•• •
or. us - t!Mar patronage. .Can
andia •:"
4 'Tzaki Thittiaomii; Td %tu, wno
READ rir-CEDEEI4; U 9.; have just
iipOnea,a aplendid NeW..Book and• ;
Masio Eitltton's
Towands,•iarliere they nre selling
everything in:their lino cheap for
Cast' s and - see Mena And sat-
qakyjrconiself -that suckle the Case)
- . l ki:May:lhOnne, 27; .198
. - _
Haillsolargea,bls' gore Audi Is dsili;addibg
to — hri stock. In thin. line Watcles
he keeps the-
And a - well selected - assortment of SWISS
,WAT.CHES,,aII warranted to .ran well or the
thcinep refunded; Be keeps on hand a large as
, •
sortteld'of the celebrated
SETH T H 0 3k/ S
ikatahlitotialcis the 'Parlet - Kftchen.' ' 4
•usual a good stock
a the plated line. lie has Rogers Btoth t er
FORKS .AND. 8:109NS!
- Heavily. plated ;
& Dianeti"CdstoOs,
I:tegaat treble plate doable wall
0 ;WR:-8-1 ,
Handsome Cake Baskets,
• Piale g*d§, 're.s 4e
, .
CIIOIIIERIAIN la now , !iceepinithe
. Thee Machines are superior-to all others for
family use. for the following reasonS d •
`They sew with two threads ieect from the
4Ficliile,ttild require no rewinding.
They are more: understood and used;
•and - l_ess liable tciderangernent;than other ma-
Adses. ti • , '• • .
They' are capable of executing peffeeLy,
withotitgbange. , ,of adjuatm4t. a much greater
variety of work than other machines. '
rlTheestitfti made . V.these.maelaines is =Oh
more tiim,"etstic: and durable, especiallY tfpoit
articles which requirkto s be,washed.fuld ironed, v
'than any other stitch. ' -
This:stitch,. ()Wing tia ~the' manner ha wblch
.the',.underlhread is unwraught, much; the -
likistplUmp and lientiful' in .nso; and retails
this - plranpnestand - beauty, exen upon Artieleu
Irdagetitly„ ted' and Ironed, until they are
teetaoat.''' • •• •
. - Thisttictam Othe'searit. ;such, tjuit4tho , b
: lite' cut - or broken at Intervals': of only - a law 0 ,
stitches, it will neither' open, rap,' nor ravel, a
Ind remains firm, and durable. E E 0
't,?Alnlike , other machines;- these • fisted
ends of the seam by, their own opemtion.
With these machinesorklle silk is need upon
Almaight Qr face side 4gtheficani, cotton may .1
'be used upon the other side_'without leSsenlng
the strength or durability of the seam. This- E
*Rid Com on uo 'other machine, arid Wit great"
Saving upon all articles stitched or made up F
with siLk.•; , • - 4 L
"Theselhaclines, in additicmiti theft superior
mortis akinstraments for sewing. execute, the '
Watt permanentsandirtildery.and
ornamental work. '
. .
Yon - , can get Sewing MaoMne Needles, anti all
articles pertaining to the Machina Guinea's '
I 4
A l l.A4oSr giiii o DONS
Pir can get,* CLUOtßEitii ona of
'D , 8 11 55 =4 8 'C r aSOALI T IV
Nbe madobi thitits 2 14 - ''''d I
No tter . arrante aer
eo ,yearand!to stay M tome; longer ; : than any
tther:''Keeps IM hand tho t tinerlean, add plat
Linde Linde ey ilt Co , !celebrated' , • . r
P= '.R 14 .o_li 0 A- 0- , A l i 7/9
.\ 4;• I 1 i_,,, 7
a lt . • i
' tot lkweitseiV at tons 4 style , ottirdan
.cannot be amassed. Are suitable for, Churches
isedgqi;SemtuarlWiMd the home's:4min.- Alio
irstmerat assortment of other`:. mu doal Inatito
! . ;T i ts toy a t i tezilt e l e ttl es ; VILMA irlo o n w n ee n U a o u ßtr y g s t
IRes*, 44.,'.4r,f) I, i -'„. .•-; • .
'Remember that rdo net' depend upon the
I .2ale.or /Weal Instruments. for ..a li ving,,conse.
r vently 'JIM *ping toned! at a`c!tletr Rma . 11,411-
. _ , .
Done In the best manner, as usall • at !low ratee”.
i,ToNaPda , Ail 18,1867, - 1 -,,... - .71-..:..., ~. ;:..
LL •" -'• • r ••••• • 4-
}.;-• IaidORSiONB!- - •
. .•
nt•-• tiktf Piirtr 40
Olar 0 • 00 0 or. more
persons, to any station. on this Railway s will
bo sold at a great niduetlint from regular rates.
For instance, say a party.
,pi 40 desire to visit
:Ferfaas - FallMakets to__ act pi rettinGitill be
Issued al $4 35 each . The regular Taro is SG,6O
The saving on a single ticket will $2,115. •On
40 tickets $BO. To all other stations, the re
.daelien,will be. in ' proportion.. "Two .:pr three
•ihrenoticehheuld 'be given, that due arrange 4,
menu for their acCommodation may be Worded
each psittY.-IParther infortnntion cheer.-
bully furnished at the Tibket O ffi ce.
, 01 Fi: WALKER. StittlaitAgent
,1:-.ziWN:11..111.1114 . Gen!' Pate: Agt.. N. Y. '•-•
- .:1
114 it videtidided-tioakilkstreliftly
• alb. bklieleirlende: and 'AU -Inoue generally,
. 11 1 1 64 V 15, r7 1 . 1 ". birMAd '
A T It, E . T - A• I i i , -
4.4 „1..(1 ,41, -f
-- , p - :—.- , ..t
k At their Store After the ,
FritSt l o# s trPTEIEDEIi NEXT', .
'iiiiiiiill,"ll - ':wi us ,
fled hy the 16ttt of At ' O
i t, exPectea Ukte sate
FC - ag 110Xs , ' i agacart - a co.-
;'!-..,;,,,':. t . ,- - -- :', - ;;'.7 • .'7 , .. , `:.V
OR OhB I' , CO. .
1, 047 K
And tlic;i
, . .. .
~- r 0.x. A .AL,40. -. — 4::,.13.4*
, .i..:1&121/ 4ir thellionein. - irtaldnrollb;
clutito filsib' deem 'therefore offers his SAE
.for adedlithatetttigelStlty3.o., Tioga Coari-j
sr, pa.4.l;:cm tatting 0 acres orehole6 rand; 200;
'lKrea..Uni rtiEf 4 the' hakume In good Umber,welli
'4115t1 4itrielPiilllhat'Arptirigl4ltall;
fence. _ &poi layngdutlyin/ffng, ',Ohl
three t Apple-. orchards and Fruit tor lam-,
ltuseljihVarPf Isr 0 44 04 /o .l !eighborhoOd ,
arid a' dinartot vett trettenfroni Blesabarg;
one of.thelargeBt coal works In the State, and
1120A1 1 141e1f1040 111 WiiiktmilKirVAll.cf4macn B.;
46414 1 43F•1 0 thltrolt andsOboo/,..j.1in Itanrcrkipi
in 4 m.teare one bid twc,t;siory hone* iatllfortalge
leriEnXimPer slf Peril P,lc.„ i _ „ra028,14 1 .4. 40 .11,0
I.leelYtitc....- utoltrlllo.4nd 014 0101,3 0. r PP callfitillg -
Mlthaend - 004;114catisfatAlge.Pliwiliflis•
also a good . /Aill;seeti • .rrlthsi clain•Atalt. 7 . - 4Ue
farm will be told *lch everything Ain - Mi . Tann'
•as follows : 12 costa and „id; dairy., utenelle; 1. ,
.span of yontmluiriati, 3:seta of qtarnesg;2• wag',
castle cn field roller; 1 Eagle Mowing ee
llnaplag KNOW°. -combined. 2.lloreerrakez and
.roik:p.FAiradutrldlli Udft , Sw/#;', ll /OWOt - .tc.;' , !o„
- and In illtot 'Otter thing. that • I's wanting oz - a.
farm and mostlyall , new: Price -$32, an atm
including all ; $3,000 down, the' balanee to alt.
the prirehmerl.lror fartheelaformation•laddreler.
IL K. UOTT, Liberty,•Tlega Co. - , Pa. .-.?„
Aug. 29, '87 -- . 3nt -.. .- • - .
Trui*dieriber , olienifor 'Salo; a new Hardtes
located on Raildoad • South Towanda;
nearly opposite• the brick :yard. The house Is
-20z30, nearly finished, with a good cellar. The
lots are 50x200 itetesch, and will.. be sold..sep
arate or together. Possession given immedi
ately. -Apply to Dr. Pratt, or , the subscribers
Aug,.29, ?d . j., .30Exzwo.p
,x Fro.-;Yhtione,,,„,`,ea
, ;kti s pitith',W,estably ! l t ed
. -
Ang. 21, 1667'5':
pOR 'sires uui pet)
.11: . ed land tlintired ;Pine, ono male from'
Camptown, tour 'miles -from tha 'Susquehanna:
Apply to • lON y W.4.11D. •
Towanda, Aug. 21,1.867. • : . •..
grf FARMS tut iriereaslag, Patties liav
ing Real Estate of that charahter 'for sale Will
}lo well, to leave'entrles arid' dewriptions at our
ntik. 21; 1867
Mr sebscriber plers his. Dwelling /101180
and - Let - for sale, in, itawauda *ugh ;ort State
street, between . gain and Watsr streets,' and
about 25 rod"; directly ' north of the Court gotta°
House 24149, feat,' two stories higti.l.44 38 feet
front by 220 feet deep,l•Lieluding an. alley on
back end. Bar .. and other outbuildings',and
'Herne 'pit, trees thereon, - .Suitable for la PA
vale BOardlag House. Price. ••• •
:Aug. ' • - : ' • ',L
OR" 'n,v ilnd
'throe story Brick Building;With Bare Merit
and sub-cellar, Lirmbe .Fr u it, Gx3 feet glais,
now occupied. as lioteit and •Lestiinrant,
,three new-Billiard Tables in 2d story. also r
nitare,fLitures,-2ce.‘od leo Lioatewell fill
ed. Lllotel and Restaurant, is -doing a• good bu
since& .Satiatattory reasons ,given for selling.
Said Hotel and Ilestaarant is in 21eati'S't
Blain-st., Towanda, ...Terms easy. For ,
further partieuLtrs enquire on the premises.
~ .lilo/1t341.X WOLFE.
Towanda, July 11, 1867.
VOR RENT.A valuable .farm sit
; nate 'on the Junction and' Breakvrater B.
bar miles from (leargetown, • county -seat
of Sussex Vopary, Delaware, containing 300
acres,lso improv.:.d timber: .Good
dweling, barn,• stabling.-and ont-buli dings,
over 600 peach and apple ; trees. is well fenced
-Will be rented for Six years, 3
Far farlber information apply to, or address
SPENOXii-, •
;teal. Estate firoker ,s
Lewis, Delaware.
July 11,1567.
F' -OR SATE'' atikAP.,-.-:.itt Li3iirov
ed Farm ;"77'acrLis ; Sheshequin ; 45 acres
cleared ; 12 acre ;..of„ good bliesnnt• r buildin,,
tfaaher and railway,. ties, A double boarded
hortSe. in good repiir, living spring in • kitchen.
Barn,- 36x50 in good repair. , About .75 fruit.
tree S. ,Price $2000._ Apply to ~ .
. • ..riONTANYE 4t, WARD,
T wanda July•2s 1867. . • '
7 .____7_____ .......___ •__.: .___.
The subscriber.offets for sale his farm Sit
nate in North '.l',/wanda; rabout one mile from
To anda Borough, on the road leading faim
TO anda to Waverly. •Said farm consists of G 2
aer S•on the e2st and ~abont. 41 acres on the,
w sidevet the road. ..' Has anew framed barn
fraiiied dwelling house, 'ond good fruit thereon,
and; is well watered. Terms, Slade, easy.. For
further particulars enitdre on the premises of ,
,I • r - • WM- N. WATTS.
I . , arch J 4, 1867. .
1 •
;;Lli::_sltizate la 'Au:am .torrnsliip SO :crag
Gleres ImproVed'i (-101) FR,QIE HOUSE
wit 14 apartments : Two orchards't' four -liv
ing springs ;,_. a acne Dim AIM Easel:dent;
3tls.46—For Priri:. 53,500; (part may-se
'main): Apply to • - ;••:. •
a WARD. • ;
Tovrand, July 11..1 - c437. • "
I E '-
, .
Y. The: subscriber oterSfor sale his farm in.
Wysox, nearly opposite Towan. a.. This Carta
,o sins 12,,) acres of land in a high stare or im
or =eat, with a .spleirdid dwelling house,
mr and Outbuildings. It has a larg,a-pover
ail ng_orebardstocked with good frait of .er
v description.. It. is in. a f good neighborhood
wit in . easy rencb - or .ti) 41kurch. and school
al lieges or Towanda borough .. .For terms of
al , 4T.; enquire or .thasubScriber on , the prow-
A „ ' • rtrilllGAN D. '6111.1°1i.1.-.1.ND..:
ryscx,.April R„ I'sc7.—tfl
y ALuA.L . F.; FARM. .FOll 'SALE.:
'..' Aboiit' fliOi• rniThi `froth'-Towanda,, * 'oil ilia._
ton bawl: 0.- . t.iko,646qao.ile.tia River. Eon.:
ing about - lOU .:ner6... ' fr:ifire.d. hoese, and,
. ~ a horse barn ? corn house : And good app,lo
, 14' ed duo e,tot, . 4 . Fer, terms,. dad' •particril.44::
. fre.of \VM: I..:DELDEUCII. of Sbesheqiiin;
, AMES WOOD, at Towanda.
nue 13.1567. • . ''.. - .: I; • _ '
R Y , L ARMS 1.
ToThat and 'a dj , Jint4g conntice.enthe,
-tern Shore of Mirrylaid. • •
I csinble Farms scar , Salt Water, Oartie,
'1 . 4 , and Oysters in: the greatest abrindance.--:
fo , t'lerttie 0.41, prodoeing Grain :and Vegeta
de: of every kind. A delightful climate sulta
na for-Peache s ; Crapes and :every variety of
21. t, with ,a tide of emigration pouring_ tg
fronfthe North, combine to make it a great in
du ement to any person contemplating a change
to a mild, and ; healthy ` climate. Circulars,
ma s, and catalogues of farms, and prices, sent
Ire upon application to_ me al. EastonyTaltot
Toray, Maryland,.or to Edward Oyertma,Jr.,
anda.-Po._ —• ,- . : - -. . - - •
- - - .
. MAJ. t 4. B. OVEllToli t
Li " U.- S. Alloy, -formerly connected arlth
• ingham,Estatc Land Agency in Nortt ern
Pennsylvania. • 1 Aug.. 8, 1867.
Al ,- DA,--11 building lota, oh/i ombgrd end
Tlird Ste: irPriceirom 050 to $lOO. • •.... ! •
" " 0 Lots on Main and Railroad streets. 'Price
13 oto 350. _ .- - • .
.Psateen lots On Bridge street; .
. A Town Resideiice... Good horMo and go9d
,neybborhood: "Price $3200. 1 . ' ._
- • . °use an_d,lot on Third- street, opposite eel.
ID: q' Price $lBOO. -'
*ci Lots 56 feet, frbot by , 300 teet'decO, opp.
eat. college, ,' • • -.. -' , •._ •• !
130 Y to L ION T A NYE dr.' W.A.Blii. !-
. own properties , tonna, bought and:sold.
Re tars Obtained... '-• 1 ~ •
4 )ktir..ates ylatic froth. the:l3oroitgb. - Price
.00. Nit may 'remain. - •
'owandi, July 25,1867
H. s. in ~.-. .
0 ers the following Farms,'Coal and Timber,
. Ind Timber lot; miles froml*ifn4, en.
g 531 F- Prie;esl,32s. ,'
: Vittill ir! mil, containing-OS 'litres: Goon
liugdiugs. , ride; a lice state of cinitivation.
Mostly improved. -Priae SOAK!. -• ' ' •
_ , VAIM is West . Burlington—on jho Creek.—•
New,hodie and barn. -Under 'aline statii;of cal-.
tivation.9s acres. Frio $4,450. , • . '
' Vail - it:3l'U Franklin.. All under good cialtiya
tion. Good baildiugo.. ,For sale cheap. •':,...
' . 'Sever4 , verTy , de.lir t sl.4e „Gower.: awl Lots in
-,A'large tr.:Cot 'of tol.f.s:ndis in• Tioga county. -
, ,Towaudc, July IR, 15.4. ' - , . .-
1 . . r . •
76110 R SALE.-L-4kocid Qaii;al,B.o4t,
411 - - - equi6pißpt.. Also ,pai;;, ; ;ql
7111:be3? Obp_p; Apply t o _
.. • . • • •
ToWanclai July 25 4 :1867. . •,-
ELWELL Tow,ANvq,, PA.,
• .. • . •
;:io:vf#7, - ,Teascil this Hooke,is nOW ready"to,
wrrimodate the %Travelling tnblic.
nor expense will to apaind Ito, give-sitLifootion.
to : those viL'o,ntay give Alm a: call.: - - 1
_/Vir,Nortft tido of' tin), publlo agnate; 441. of
filOreor7g oeTtgoclr (now_ hp:aiding], _ „
o.4litibmwitthe - NEws Room
• • _ • fs.i.- , , - ii,, , -, 1 - •::. -\ - . .
QHERIP;FS SALE.By virtue of
itJ:_vrtio °X britiltroi - ~ out or. Court- -
Of : C ommon Pleas 01. .MMd county, there
.wIH he ttpOled A patilloytair,li 'At -Lima ,Court • *
HonSe,llll.lle' HOl'angtr - bi ;Towaistff, - ota . HAT
•Wilarithe fittr day of 01M01313111/ 18d7; ill
.tdlooki ,p. AN., the 4010Y11pdp.•deseribAl 164
leo pr pareia of land ,sitaato r in 0v.414, fp..
untied ninth by latd-x•F 4Ribn;..titternim;ealt
.b.thindli Heory,Odlittemin..routty by •Thettoi
4 4 1 4twit4d4 0 04./vivatbl:•t•O alStufttYr 4 .Liat •.,
lartiooluout t of to lereVinbre or less; a
snail frametbbnlidlitg amid ftAs .cooyetsbok,
',thsmcott , .., -,.., .1.... , , , ---• 1- •i : • '• ' "• -
Hefted and tilteU,in •exhch ion , la liiii Suit... 4 •
fibitclieniery& Bro.;• re. James it - . dielmod. l- "
, _•. : -.4103,. r .The folloiloglbf. Weide or poroelif ,
land :aitenito in Troy Awp.i.bouude t d atortit u,y
'linds'of in 4. - Austln, John Grist, Jaisis - fde•
..Clelland; floury,liaggios, Leonard Haggles; add •
.the ;labile ttigtitriy; , toast , py. the laktaka: high
way lud,Elogaz.reez,ponta 14 land o: Ns •uol;
AS Potter aatl*tirt - by Atha -i•atilf•--Colitaiti l
Ingle; 40 acre Les, lt and ,attraed, taver ttolmi
[k n own' as; tti el -East' Troy "irOaok. Iwo . it,_ .. .„41114 •
, barns; Ira:Pod eboo,lsyr irJ Wades. atni*lttotr •
ii t s
. park theree .•.: - - • • :.,... . -, • .• - , ~ t, ~ ,
• ' Seined an 'tetitelfin `execution at the tuft of
iii% H. Peo and JObtt•O. Ward' int: It'll. - •Caiti.
._ /3.80:.-T tolkOs,Lag letittleal Or 'ParCel al -
land situate in Snaltbleld tarp.,boundod. north -
by the . publicsquare and the - ItighWay; east by •
tau PublieldihVotleionurtill3arlinteon Dom
south by lands pf A:2ll.cips, and west kg 1 1 / 3 4
Of IK. Bullock . • ' Contlibafftg - one* acre of 'hail;
more. or less, i all Improivedy with olio": hew
d tavern•,hauati.; frpmed .harn.„andia few
fruit trees thereon. - . . . • • , * • ,
Selz l and talteilin. execntiinr-ht the :rift Cit ,
Alvin raid vs. N..o.lTutris. , -- •' . - ; -*•,'
1- ALS ~The following /et,. piece or parcel oil
Lied alb:tate' in West Harlington -tip., b.luttliod • .
no. th by ia.248 of. tite,Widow Prayine, east by
the Norman ~alc4att lot , totit.b op WO UM.
Ayres lot, and west by end ill Grist., .., oft
tlialbk 10 sores of land; 'more Or kiiff, all lin
proved, weraid, log..bottse and. logbovei thereon. •
' Seized aail.takettan eaccuttortat the. snit of
4:Hada:sod ltyucii 'vs: Lew it - Jobb.on dad God.
Johnson. Alm .18. ht.', , ,aspenwail vs. Lewis •
AL --The followinL; lui r pieca or parcel oi •
-land ' hie in - Wafer twp., bohnded übrthly •
.rates O ..JOSeph - Eitcben, oast by lauds of gar
- man k - paw, south by a road, leading from Stein
road to Holcomb's ,Steant, Hui; . and west by .
*ltablitildghway leading from , :To/rani/a to At i=
ens. Ontaining *an sere of hand l more or lea
"all ImprovedOrithtwo• framed dwelUdihoultes,
one framed barn and a few fruit treesithereMl. - • • •
' Belsoduiatt taken in .execution at: the- suite-.
E. WPltOtt V 8,8.11. Hi11....i • . .
*- WM. 'GIII,FrIS . sberiff. •
&lit. 12,1867. ' '. . , ' •
PAnl;ilg'RS NOTICE.--Notice is
-AL hereby given that - all persons indebted to
the,-estate of 'Peter 'Hastings,; deo'd., late of
Wimihstatwp., are requested:to aiSke paynlent
41thantdelay,•and those havin ,, ilkthAtt
said estate mast present them 7(laly,aathentie-t
-ted for Settlement., -; • • •
'‘ . ECUTOR'S NOTICE --Notice,
is. hereby given that all.,.person., tudebieti
to Ake estate of LORENZO OJ WELL late of.
lla, deed,. are ' requested •to mate im
mediate...ll32=m, nu d - a ,lavlng :claims upon
said estate 'will pirsent timart.duly e.:,,muticated
ter settlement
Sept. 12, .1.5A11,*
Notke. henlby given, 'that ail' i•er4oll.l
indebted' to the estate ofPt,.J. PICKEItI2 , IO,
late at Orwell* tarp., . deed., __ are •requested
to make •immediate payment mid thoe hav
ing demands against said estate present
themidaly. authenticated for settlement;.•
- • :gAap-mArnAt,
. Sept 16,180'4• . • ' , Administrator.
DMINIS'R'S NOTlCE.—tiutice
3- i hereby ., given, 'that an persons indebt
ed to the eatat .of .Theodore Arnote late, id
Monroe deeezaad,are 'requested to make immadi,
ate. payment, and those,ha , iing elalres against,
said estate will. present them duly authenticat
ed tor tettlemetit,
Rpt.lB-, 1867
-CI. Notice iS hereby given, that allyersou's
indebted' to the estate of- Franeig Roulet,.
dec'd, late, of Wyalusingv are requested to
- make immediate payment; and thke...3' having ,
demands agabast said estate will present - thee
duly authenticated for settlement. t, •
L. b. CHX3SBI'sRLI v,
. • Administrator.
• -
&pi, 17,1867
. , . .
This is to give notice, That.on the 3d try ,ol
Augnst, -A.D., 1,3,3, a tvarrrat is Bankruptcy
was issued against4he estate of George 1' Tracy_
of Monroetoa, eotalty of Bradford, In
thoßtate of Pennsylvarda, ,wlO his been ;id,
jadged 3 Banlartipt,;on his owe petition and
thatthe payment,or any . dahta and delivery , of
any property Lelon gi ng to suati. - Bank:apt tc
him or 1,.).r his esti. and the tra.lnfer.ot bay pra•
petty by. him ere furl:id:len by !a.* .
teat a
meeting of the. creditor's of said B‘atript tn-4 -
provetateir debts and to choose one or more di.
sigestipf est te, will be held at u
Banartiptey to be holder' at the pea: ut The .
Register in the Court tionse, in't he, Bunmgh of
Towanda beton.: Vt.:I:TON; At.
Register, is tlie . 23,1 cry of. OCTOISEII, ik.V"
D.. 1F.61", 2 oielock . .. p.'
• United Marshall as Messtiin.;...l NC:es
- • tern Distriet l a
6epla 1,•1167.-4w - -
AA 77,i5 i:s to give )1 - dice _That on Ihe L'Ctli
any of As-Joist; A. D. 1867, a warrant la Bank
raptey yes issued 4*st:the estate of. Yi,Biatu
A.Park ofthe township of Lfourte, in th•stoja.
ty of :Bradford and State of I'ertrtsylvanLo,-;ith
has liffea adjudged a Dankrapt on tis ots - pat
tiun ~ that, the payment at nay debts • et de ; .
livery any property Leloagin; to sueta.air
rapt to him or for his= n. 95, and the trail Icr eg
any property by him are ' lorbiddee_l , 4 My ~
that a nrteths„h• of the ore dit , Aw of sal.' Bank':
tiapt - tr, provf their debts and to choose enc. or
more A'sbignees of his estate, will be held at a'
Col:at of 14eakruptcy. to Le .hcidert at the ofilce
of the Register in tae Cohrt House; iuli,e Do. ,
romp of Towanda, before EDWARD OVNR
TO.I, Jr.,•llegister, on the 9d ; day : of October,
A. D-. 1667, at 10 o elock.a. na . . ' -
•••", ' " " THOMAS A. - ROW-LEY, ,
United States Mavhat se Messenger; West.. I
•,.. . ern District of fermaylvani.t. • e,
- ' , ' By E.' B:"COOLDITIGLI;;DeImt3 I ..
Sept. 1,1867.-4 W. '•,• •.- - ; •• .
VIXECUTOW" NO i keiri--. ! ,,•Notice is
NA hereby given tilat' alt petAiii iip?.eipted to
lie estate •of J. R. hlArellY, fate c',l
.4ylnai twp., dee' .. are rainestato make idi
mediate payment, a nd • t49:41 laa.iiug• claim,
, said estate tlbt preiefit "t s %era Cu!y ;:a-
thkageated fur ast jemeat
Aug 22.1435/ 1 . 4. .1
E'l l ► OR'S NOTICE —,, Noticg. is
,hereby given that all pone . *
the estate of William B. Horton, deCtl.,
of Shesheipit. are reqnested to make 'Mined'
ate payment, without, delay, mad; those luting
claims againsti- said estate Must' presealliun
'duly autheaticated - for tettlement.
August 29,1867:
Retie° is hereby given, that' all persons
Indebted • to thei - estate of HORACE KINNEY,
late of Sheshequin, dec'd: aro' -requested
make immediate payment, and those having
claims against said estate will trescnt‘them duly
authenticated for settlement. , ' . $
Ang..29 , i867.*
IAISSOLUTION.+—The c?-partakr
shiii-heretoforeSealkting under the name
of Gore & this day dissOlied by mu- .
taut consent. MI ,debts; due to and by sall
firm - will be settled by W. U. in Gore at the
old stand. Parsons indebted to therabirre arm
are req coated to make immed Me patinent:
• W 11; H.-I,OIIE,
To*anda, Sept. 2V1867. • • ;-
The undersigned will 'continuo, the business'
at.the old-sfand, where, he littneato see Ills old
customers and as many nova 'ones as will favor
him with a call. l Ha will ikeep : .constantly on,
hand ,a Irish" ; supply of Drugs, Pai'dti,, Oils,
Dye latuffs,'Pattey and 'Toilet • Articles-and ev
erything in his nue Which will li: -- 361d us . low
,as-tlm market will allow for cash.
• • 1"7":.: 11.- 11. G;011Fl.
TAISOLtirtION.,--The cir-paitner
-LI Ship heretoftte existing multi the name
of Wood kt Harding Is this .ddy' disholvekby
mutual consent. 'All4ebts due to and by the
said firm Will be Hi. Harding at tly.
bldstanfl. •
- Peramil indebted tn• the above lire requested .
to: pay,up. before tile- first • ot.Oetotter. as .alt
accounts unpaid at that time Rill ba 1011.171 r
*. • ' -• •'•
,GllO. If. WOOD;
the sdbacriier on Or about the 2Sth. of July
laat, a,pale red COW, middling . size, SIN scars
oldithfclviteavy horns', a good milker, one of
the bind team defective,• havieg. • at 301110 time
.been frozr.D., conSequeniry . giving milk from tho
side of the feat:near the 10. i er part. Wlto6ver
rNli retnriz said cow to moor give tt le Informa
tion where -1 can dealer, shall •be 1 1 *Lre•.•
."Tottandailpa. 20, - /867% •. ' '
MILES rollick:,
. • AdminNirator.
;0E013: BULL,
FLN.c. caw..
-AN ;14. P. Y,
. Admiztistratris. f