..Y:Ls. -.!;'.L--': ti,....:3:,w~tiav:.:.._ - k~k>s '. ri.:~xF4e '-:. Sdi Tams Os' romaienos. Tax Baron= ia - publithadever*Thur* claylifornin& by /I, 41 Goanzam, at aims annum, in advance.. ADVEBIII3 serneeding &tea lines are inserted at vas cues per line for irst insertions and nu of per line for nbsegnent insertions. Spealalnotiaesam. erted before Mardagee as DecAlut, will charged msmar came per line for each ' miertion. AU resolution of Akaochickma ; ommtmieatione of limited or individual intereskand notices of MatniAles or Deaths exceeding five lines, are charged VW MITI er line. 1 , 1 Year. 3 ruo. 3 mo. One Column, ..... $75 ' $4O $3O Halt " 40 , 25 "15 Ine Square, 10, 7i 6 rlstray,Oantion, Lost and Found, and other advertisements, not exceeding 10 lines, three weeks, or len, ..„ $1 50 kdministrator's & Executor's Notices —2 00 Auditor's Notices 2 60 Business Cards, five lines, (per year)..s 00 Iferclumts and Others, advertising their business, win be charged $2O. They will be entitled to / column, confined exelusive ly to their business,with privilege of change. Or Advertising in all cases exclusive of subscription to the paper. - JOB PAINTING of every kind, in Plain and Panay oolora,'done, with neatness dispatch. Handbills, Blanks, Cards, Pam phlets, &c., of every variety and style, prin ted at the shortest notice. The liamoweka Orrin has just been re-fitted with Power Presses, and every thing in the Printing line can be exeouted in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates. TERMS INVLELLI3LY CASH. • Cabs. (I,EORGE 1). MONTA'NYE, AZ. TORNEY AT LAW—ORIce corner of Male and Pine streets, oppoilte Porter's Drug. Store. DOCTOR EDWARD S. PERKINS, Offers his professional services to..the citi zens of I?renchtown and vicinity. Calls prompt ly attended to. WT. DAVIES, Attorney at Law, • Towanda, Pa. Office with Wm. Wat kins, ;Esq. Particular attention paid to Or. phans Court business and settlement of deco• dents estates. MERCUR & MORROW, -.Altopieya at Law, Towanda, Penn'a, . The undersigned having associated themselves together in the practice of Law, offer their pro. tensional services to the public. • • ULYSSES MERCUR P. D. MORROW. March 9,1865. PATRICK & PECK, .AThiRNEYEI et LAW. Offices :—ln Patton Block,Towanda, in Patrick's block; Athens, Pa. They may be consulted at either place. 11. , PATRICI, ' apll3 B. McKKAN, ATTORNEY et .L.L. COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Towan da, Pa. Particular , attention paid to business In the Orphans' Court. July 20. 1866. TJENRY PEET, Attorney at Law; lowan la, Pa. jun 27, 68. H. WESTON, DENTIST. 1J Office in Patton's Block. over Gore's Drn and Chem!cal Store. • Ijan66 VDWARD OVERTON Jr., Attor ljney at Law, Towanda, Pa. Office in the Court Hou e ; e. July 13, 1863. DRnlt.• R. DAMES, LERAYSVILLE, Pe. . hap permanently located iat the office onnerly-occupied by Dr. B. DeWitt, for the practice of tits prolessMn. May 9,1867. JOHN N. CALIFF, ATTORNEY A7' LAW , Towanda, Pa.' Also, Govern ment Agent for the collection of Pensions, Back Pay and Bounty. No charge unless successful. Office over he Post Office and News Boom. Dec. 1,1864. DOCTOR ~B. DeWITT, Paysicui IND Susozow.lday be found during the day—nnless otherwise engaged—on hiain-st. a few doors below Codding do Russell's . deuce corner of William and Division-ate., late ly occupied by E. A. Persona. Towandamdpril 28, 1887.--I_yo oD. STILES, M. D., Physician and • Snrgeon, would announce to the people of Roine Borough and vicinity, that he baa perma nently locatei at the place formerly occupied by Dr. O. W. Stone, for the practice of his profes sion. Particular attention given to the treat ment of women and children, assist) to the _piac tice of operative and minor surgery. Oct. 2;68. DR. PRATT has removed , to State street, (first above B. B. Russell leCo's Bask). Persons from a distance desirous of con sulting him, will be most likely- to find him on Saturday 3f each week. Especial , attention will be given to surgical cases, and the extraction of teeth. gas or Ether administered when desired. July 18,1866. D. S. PRATT, M. D. DOCTOR CHAS. F. PAINR-Of See in Goaa's Drag, Store, Towanda, Pa. Calla promptly attended to at all hours. Towanda, November 28, 1866. ED w'D MEEKS-AUCTIONEER. All letters addressed to him at Sugar Ban, Bradford Co. Pa., will receive prompt attention. FRANCIS E POST, Painter, anda, Pa, with 10 years experience. L i t:- fideiit he can give the best satisfaction In Paint ing, Graintag, Staining, Glazing, Papering, Ac. wirParticulir attention paid to Jobbing in the country. April 9, 1866, -I- K. VAUGHA.N Architect and • Builder.—All kinds of Architettiral de signs furnished. Ornamental work in Stone, Iron and Wood. Office on Main street, over Russell & Co.'s Bank. Attention given to RIP eal Architecture, such'as laying out of grounds, &c . , 4!ce. April 1, 1867.—1y.' J , J. NEWELL, COUNTY SURVEYOR, Orwell, Bradford Co. , Pa„ will piemptly attend to all business in his line. Particular attention given to running and establishing old or tlispn_ 7 . ted Also to surveying of all qnpattent-W lands as soon as warrants are obtained. myl7 W HERSEY WATKINS, Notary TT • Public,is prepared to ;take Depot& ons, Acknowldge the Execution of Deeds, Mortgages, Power; of Attorney, and all other instruments. Affidavits and other papers may be sworn to before me. Office opposita-, the Banking House of B. S. Russell k Co., a few doors north of the Ward Rouse. • Towanda, Pa., Jan, 14, 1867. D D KNAPP ; Watch Maker and Dealer In Gents and Ladies Watches Chains and Fingn.ilings,Clocks, Jew. eicY, Gold Pens, Spectael es Silver ware, Plat ed ware; Hollow ware, J Thimbles, Sewing Ma chines, and other goods belonging to a ewel ry Store. Perticnlar 'attention paid to IleAlrlog, at his old place near the Post Office, Waverly, H. T. Dec. 3,11366.—t[. J OHN MORAY, ARTIST AND PHOTOGRAPHER. Will promptly attend to ill business in Ma line. Special attention' iven to Landscape and Stem oscopic Photography. Views of - family Best/ dunces, Stores. Public Buildings,Animals, Ita chinu, etd., taken in the 'best anner. Particular attention given to the novel and beautiful stereicoplo representation of objects. Orders received at Wood A Harding's Photo graphic Art Gallery, Towanda. .Towanda, April 2.3, 1867.—y1.* HE UNDERSIGNED HAVE T opened aManking House is Towanda,•un der- the name c; G. P. NOON A CO. They are prepared to draw Bills 43f Ex change. and male collections in New York, Philadelphia, and all portions of the United State's, as also England,oermen7. and France. To Log money, receive deposits , and to do a general Banking business. 0.. P. Mason was one of the 'late firm of Laporte, liason k. f Towanda, Pa., and his knowledge of the Co,, isminess mend Bradford and,adioinlng Counttes,and having been in the inking business for about fifteen years. make his house a, desirable one, through which to make collections. G. P.' MASON,, A. G. MASON. , Towanda. Oct,. 1, 1866.r7 THE ASTOR FIER INSHRA.NOR of New York: Agency_for Bradford Co. OAPITAL $400,000. . Dividend for 1888, 10_per cent. IiOnANYB & WARD: - - Towanda, July 25, 1867._ • A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF VO• -voiL. cal sad instrumental made sosiatali WB BOOK i:aa Land at the 101'. E. c0..43-cooto VOLUME n' Ittal estate anal I MONTANYIia Oft kale the, followingproperseee prime sal epee, Layers* fetus A tractor hadn't:nate:4. New Jersey. Containing from Malaga Station, Railway.. The f 4 Blue Anchor"Operty township, Camden coonty pr ,IN. Y. 8500 ACM. To be sold in liota. • Potter County.. Lamas. lineavil NM Pine, Hemlock, Aibii Chen woods as follows it , Treats No. ins, contahili 990 acres ; No. 4765,1.990 acres—between the fl t and east forks of the taylnala townshi Binnam. psshoninH in" Wharton and 1 Tracts No. 4767. 990 Ores 40. 7 . 4768, 400 Sacs • No. 4999, 400 semi; What. C - ton town ship of Appot, heal- waters Of Kettle reek.. Tracts No. 6917, 1100 seiesi • N 0.4720, 1080 acres ; No. 6823, 1100 acres ; 5928, 1082 acres X 76 perches : No. 5912, 1100 times. No. 5930, 1100 acres ; No. 5938, 11001 acres ; No. 6929, 1100 ; In Whartdo and Stewardson town.* ships h on head waters Kett i le Creek, near main branc. I I. May 58,1867.-1 y , . Tracts N 0.4717, 196 acres ; 4729, NO acres ; Appot and Stewardson tainships near Little Kettle' Creek . i ' 1 I Tracts N0:492,0, 637 acres ; 4921, 600 acres, Wharton townahiponaln branch, Stnnamahon ing* • i • Two hundred and eeventy-flve 'acres prime, first clam coal land. Blakely toWnship, Ln• acme county, Pa., halt wail between BcKanton and Carbondale. , Very mum the Railway: One thousand antes nisi chusil An th rsilte coat land about li miles notth•osatl of Wilkes. .Barre, in the midst of imprOvements. ~., 1 - About 1000 acres of land Ia Ifidford town ship, Burlington •3ountyY New Jersey, about four miles north front Jackson Junction of the Camden and Atlantic and Delaware and_ Bari, tan Bay Railways. Valnkble milli seat. Two or three houses, stable,' barns, &c., second growth of .timber, never failing water. Power fall 15 or 16 feet overshot: Price. $2O per acre. One-third may remain. 1 1 1". It . Delaware Farms and pennsylvanla lands.— ti Descriptions and direction!, givenl l on applica- I on. 1 A valuable Country Beitt.near Philadelphia. Splendid grounds and treel. 69 mi i res of land. 1 1 ' WESTERN PROPERTY—For__ sai er--or ex. - change. 120 acres of g" -- 041snl oak,' t hie; rUm. bored. San Piero, Starkiconity, biers.-- 1 1 I Forty acres of good lsnd With (nil pies,sBoo peaches, pears. .kc 25 Emma one ce haff mile trom, Baal piere on" "` 80 acres one mile from! slim Pleri timbered. NO improvements. 0 Price $800... I 1 , ' ! A Steam mill property l in Itarlin ; ship, Bradford anty. A fiery deal, bering operati n.. I • I W. A. PZIX. , Eight.parcela of land,' co l ntainlin 100 acres, each partially timbered, al Imitable for farming or grazing. t • House and Barn in 'good order of improlvd and timbered liand, or water. as. Union townthip. Tin: Northern Central itallwr, . For .. 1 time and easy terms. !. 16 Town Lots in Browroo "Boron county, Pa. I . 3,000 Acres %lid T ibired Lau county, Pa. 122 Acres good Fermin: I.and, township. Bradford con tt , 1; Other timbered iMproved Descriptions given on apppeation. • Tenements and ;Improved Real wanda Borough. and - ottmr impart! • MONTANE &WA Execute;Conveyances, 4arriisla B rie buy and sell Beal Es te;, • , collect llens,survey and exan4e,ell kinds o They are prepared to hegotiate - homesteads, and properllml especial! to Oapltalbits ;to pros i re advances upon bond and mortga ge, aid to' p qulries for those desirlhgt mak e . or secure a home. The, w effect . , In the best known FIRE IND LIF : NIES. They have eic uslite Igen° End and neighboring gonnUes I). serail panics In these departmen once. • L -- . Those who desire to Luy or sellia f All who wish to died hisniance : I All who seek perm s . nent investme, fitture benefit of their &Mines, in first•elass Lite Oompslllo . Capitalists desiring Ito buy or se speculative properties: All wishing surveys and examlnatl All wbbing advances upon Pro Peal ; - . L. • All who wish to obtalw law or Forms or Tenemode.l ' • • Are respeethdly solicited ' to entrust nee to oar Agency. Ferther.particulars Office, corner of • ser . PROJ'ERTES Ap#ll , . FREE OP CHARGE . • . „ ~ ~ .• . . ... ' REF HiIINOES i Hon. 11. MerourT#watina, Pa. - - Hon. William Elwell, ,Bloomalicirg, C. L. Ward, BK., I F9rO l / 16 , . : • 1 M. (7. Nerenr, .1 _ .1 .. 1 • lEi. P. Mason 1 Co.J.,Bnatani,T T. J.. D. Hon i t iowindt...„ :, - I --nisitheop, , . 4.004 , Hap akol e4air . Dw ain : busdaphisiv., •_ 1 Hon,Johis N. , Wok* Charles Parrish, Basre._. ',. , _Hestia% Pis : Towanda. 47111, MT,. P . -. • v• , ,, a ..,..,= t.,.. ~, , r i 'qzAil`..D., 4 - , , 1,''..:.11.141:1 - ' 2, 11 a;r..:_•:.- ' 1 'l, ..` ~.1 1 . t 3, 14 .7 1 1'..Z11, " ..3 .,if-'..:14... ' •, - . 47.:?..k •.. ',- •,. ' 4 - ..11-. ~ ` :.: .1:.• r: 1- .-. • I '. :• ; ~,, .!:. 1, , ~..,,,'. r . ' ,. "._t:_ ':I -. ' - - -- 1--.--- •1- ---, ----,---- --,- , --.l' ." .‘, 1 1 , , -._ ...„, . ~..„.. ~,. , . • ,„ , . , , ~ 1 . ~,. _ - .. . . z , . , .. , -, - „ . , -. , . , ... z , 5... $ $ .., ~, , ,..,,,,i . 1 . .::.:.-„, - , .•, • , . • . .-.- c i`• \ -^. ' •. - •., t 4 .' ' f , 11 : -'......', -• •v: • • : '-..\ /./ :: 1 ' - - --- -1 1 ' \ '-, t • . . , \ : I 1 \ ; 1 1 1 1 ' 1 ) , , -•, I 1 . 1?'1,1‘ .. r 1 i * ) . 1 . I I` ' . -e• _ ....„. ~., 1.. . 1 '..."' ~•: l• 1-;. .7, , -1- 1) 1 i N • I ( . 1 ... ( ' t.: i • . , . 1 --- " . ".0%, 1 .2 .. . . . , k i :::- . t \.. \.. , . ' ~........,....: \ ~... ' • •- 4 '; \.. - ' -\. 1 , '.i I --.4=-:' ~;., f 2 ` . ; 11 _1 f • o r , ,- • ~, • .._ . . . .-... . • . • . • REAL EBTATK Ai INSII.4 ' 4N - 0 I!!!!!!!! niani Pine Q. D., NON nENRY W IC"," blisher. ItsAfix4l4olo ARD, razsmicirr. It is quite manifest; that there is a groWing desire . Solis,* President John son impeanhed; ae well among the masses.of the republican party, as on the part. of its puma's. ' We re gret - this, not that :we do mot think he richly merits an impeachment and punishment. , But' is such a mea sure feanible, and is it expedient ? These are both impostant questions, and it behooves us, to • ponder them well. 9Y,' resaosable 1 ~ ~ t county, 4111eys In Winslow Containing y timbered • and bard -, That4hich has lately, most of all, stimulated the anxiety for 'an . im peachment, hail :grown out of the summary and unwarrantable remov• al of Sheridan from his .command in Louisiana and Texas ; and whilst we agree that this . _ was an unmiti, gated r ontrage upon the dountry, not only because the 'defiantly lawless spirit of the rebels in Obese states absolutely needed the stern and fear less administration of Sheridan; but becanse it was in, opposition to the, will of the - majority of the people, -as expressed at the last election, when the , policy - of the President, and that of Oongrer, was fairly be fore the people. But why should we objeet to this act ? : If the pewcorn mender of the Fifth. Military Bistrict revokes. Sheridno salutary otders, issued to keep mischievous rebels in subjection, should. 'restore removed rgbeln to power, and in every other way interfere .witti4e lawful re-con struction of Louisiana and Texas, who suffers by it ? Theserebeis can on t get back through Congress, and they not come back in the Manner prescri ed ,by its authority, and ,if they nullify and 'disregard • its acts, \ they only gbstpone their own *tern. By this , the 'i try loses nothing.— the leading re le i n . the stat4nam -d, have lately howu, repeatedly, and 41 every way p ssibie, their hos tility 'to the governor nt, and exhibi ted a desire to inju it at every point, and are they fit for itizensgip? And who wants them back 011e:un der the influence of such a rverse spirit ? ' And is it not better { the, country that they remain out Aile it-lasts 7 , Aside from-this,. what Z' feet will Sheridan's removal have up-- on us' as a party ? The probabilities are, that it will make ten, if not fif leen thousand votes for us at the next election, and this is a consideration of no small moment. -If too, by the restoration of Monroe and Herron in New Orleans, the rebels get up one or two riots, suck as they had when pose worthies were in power before; we may count on further gains in our `Votes ;' and does anybody who has studied the rebel element; doubt the return of mob-law,,violence and mur der, whenever it gets into power un deiJohnson's regime ? Gen. Grant never said anything truer than when he told Johnson "the rebels would look upon Sheridan's removal as an encouragement in their opposition' to the government" This being the in terpretation they will- give to this act, we may look for - high timer among; rampant rebels., What need they fear if Johnson upholds .the ? So look out for the burning of schnol and meeting houses, and murde ed union men. • tress, ap improved, , one-third railway . : tan town table lam- from 50 to 'nd improv- d 136 acres hard, good [county, on a on long , Bradford Sullivan Burllnfton propertim te, To. of Title, tab and property. of farms, deidrabb of money mute in vestments There is still , another strong .n -sideration which should not be I. at sight of in this matter, and that that johnson alleges,' he, remo. -d Sheridan because he [Sheridan,] • id not obay the laws, but traniicen. ed them in a nunber of-instances, them by irritating - and provoking opposi tion to them ; and he haajust finned a proclamation, ordering, not only 'Ol citizen, but all 'officers of the ArmS , and Navy, to regard with punctilious care,' and obey with the, nicest strict ness,* the laws, and orderinga of the constitutionaliourts. In the ab- Betio* any riots, or lawless demon strations, at present, this proclama tion hao been wondered at ; but may it not be intended as testimony against the accuiatious On which the impellehmont is to be founded *ln this,9rtul in his letter to Gen. Grant, Johnson is evidently making outs lawful justification for himself ; ~and in fortifying himself thin, suppose he defeats 'au impeachnient l , will a fail ure in this matter not injure asl and is there' not souse danger :of this ? and if there is danger, ii 3 it flood pot icy to undertake it I' Clearly Dot. Furthermore suppose' Johnson re, slats an arrest under animp*hinent Can he do this_? Certainly;. , He is commander-in-oldlit.of the til i ntand navy, and if Grant refuses to order a . regiment, battalion, division* corps to defend the /Preaident from arrest, he [the President] can order Grant under arrestfor disobedientai of the orders of - his superior; and can to this, until he finds an officer who will obey his orders. - Suppose_ then, tha t order of Coigrese for the arrest'of COMPA at Brad ling eom ot hump I= LIJ valuable .na ; ble real 'rental of ch bat. office =I nUI TISED MI En! I i ~ TOWANDA, BRADFORD OUNIT, PA.; SEPT6IBER'I9, 1867. ZZO or:tisttirctrizole quaram . , Johnson is resisted What. then ? Only this, that , civil War will be in augprated, and ate we !prepared for this And can we - getentirely'olear of the. - charge of Instigating it, if brought abisit in the way indicated? It is alleged= however, therS is so 'danger of thin-. That the Presi tient will not, dare not,. resist the go hest of Couqress. Who'bnows this? We 'believe, and no 'does more than half the country, that this man John son is base enough to--do anything, add ,is he not, by; trick,and contri vance, defeating the, 'acts and par ,poses of Congress, almost daily Besides this, we have - the express declarations of his lorgan, that he will use the Army sand Navy tede fetid himself. The Constitutional Un ion (horrible misnomer) one of his Washington organs says "that it may s sotni be necessary for the President' to arm his, riendi, that the array and na vy-will fight for him, and that he will at all hazards fulfill his term of office." Can any.one mistake the meaning of ;this : ; and there is plenty of! such testimony,out. Is the . country•pre pared for such an event ? - is the re publican party? We do not believe it. I .As a question of expediency, it is perfeetly right in us to ask, what will be the condition of the re publican party, -in case civil war grows out of. an impeachment ?--- Without attempting to predict any resnit, is it not fearful to contemplate the fact? And will any wise repub lican urge it under such a prospedi ?• Then, if we look at the fact, that Johnson's bad conduct, Oti in no . wise hurt us, as a party, why should we. care to impeach him ? ,We do' know that in his attempts to in-• jure us, helms done himself the most harm, and eo it will. continue to be:; and does it:notiook more like a spir it of revenge, than like a wish fen. justice merely, 'to think of impeach ing, under such circumstances ? And will not this very -fact hurt us more than we can gain .by 'an impeach ment, even should such a measure be successful, which' we sincerely doubt More than all this, :Johnson's bad octal are really venal compared with those of Davis, Lee, Mason, Slidell, Wise,Beaureikard, and their compeers in' crime, yet we are unable k to punish the latter - , in the least, for their note 'ens villanies, and with this truth sating us in the countenance, we seek to punish, for venal political • l proatit Li on , a malignant, and there by mis-g ided,political enemy. How \ &lea this 161, to say nothing more ? We confess krsetves ashamed of the fact, that ther is any otherwise fair repOblietin journ ..tin -the land, that favors the, schem of impeachment under such a state o things. The N. Y. 'l3ano4 o . gasconading on. the subject, is not w ,th a row of pins. That journal biok its neck, as a republican organ, on e Davis bail business ; and it has trie since various expedients to get back\into favor,- and this is one of them. Nor is the pressing, chafing, urgency, fo an impeachment, on the part of Gen. Butler, and other Congressmen, to be regarded as 'purely disinterested.— The PreSident'a impeachment would necessarily give rise to another ad ministration, and Congressmen, are known to be partial to cabinet ap; pointments; and foreign missions. It is to be remembered too, that it la seldom that any but Congressmen are faicired with .such commissions, while it'has been intingted that Gen.,, Butler has had, for a l long - time, a strong hankering for the War Office. Where-is-no-harm inthis, only we ob ject to bringing on a civil war, mere-- ly to gratify- this person's Political aspirations, and lathe expense of the republican party. We 'should be chary in this matter. Some of the leaders who are urging it most, have destroyed former politiCal organiza tions, which they led, by imprudent irsecations of political'opponents, and others again are working at it from personal spite, while a third _party, ivitich professedlY cares 11°0 7 ing for the republican paiky, favors it on the ground, that. Johnson iskep posed to political equality to all, and therefore, should. be removed; with out regard to _consequences. Let us b3ware. -' ,e I 1, ' , r j Max is a _ social animal. - All the intitincts lead him to 'attach hi elf to his fellows morally, intellectual y, Scientifically and religiously. Hen 17e, ye see for all past time, and all o r tie wor ld , m ul t i tu d es Of societies for 1 lae.carrection ut of imoral hab its.— ' 'Societies to restrict or abolish nip +e of alcoholic.. beverages, of opiatek 4 tobacco; and of many , - othek arti , - c i lcui, ,admitted to, be , deleterious *hen used with - indiscretion. - . : . .! We see`ill around is. bands of mem a nd women, who, having devoted themselves te the, study - . of.the Ural ichnines; , to any iartioakisit, or arta, to geogroPlkii ;ekendstiy or 1, astronMny, to reorient* for knowl edge of the . Manners,, habits and oc cupations of generations, long 81400 buried with' their fathers, prune jheir joint labOri • 'with- all the love of' beaven-inspired artist for hie art, and with if the unwavering perseyer ance oft the alphemiet of the olden time, in, hie vainsearch fOr the Phi losopher's Stone. - - ' Undaunted by gigantic( din:allies, and unswerved by apparently inst* Mountable ohatrnotionsi- these men, bound together by a common love, and by that' unexplained - sociality, implanted in our nature ley the Ores -tor, will for a lifetime traverse the mighty ocean to witness ha soul ter rifying storms ; will toil up the ever mdying sae inspiring glaciers of the towering Alps, afill hunger and thirst and suffer death on the inknown, un measured miasmatic deserta of- Afri ca, or will gladly depriie themselves of alFthe comforts and enjoyments of civilized life to by locked up for yeare, prisoners among the' mighty ice mountains of the`i NOrthein Pole, and at last yield theirlives; and their bodies remain through coming time' as frozen monuments to this great principle of their being 4 With this unchanble principle fixed in our natures what wonder then, that men who have fought, side by Ode on many a bloody field, who together in the dead hour of the night, after the 'battle, have toiled ,under the weight of the bodies or their slain comrades, to save them from 'mutilation by a heartlese foe, and place them where at some .future time they could be pointed out to a stricken father, or a heart-broken wife.; who have marched shoulder to shoulder for many weary miles under the sweltering southern sun nail they had seen their beloved comrades fall by their, sides, nature succumb ing at last to the unbearable exhins-, tion..of _upaccustomed labor, and who now' having gained (the triumph of the greet God-given principle' foi which they . marched, and fought, and died, having laid upon the' altar of. their country, the lives of four hun dred thousand of their braves ; what' wonder that these men should form themselves into an indissoluble band of brothersl Than the ties; which bind'them, there can be .none more closely wov around the human heart. Thad' the Sympathy with which they regard 'each other, there can be none more deeply rooted, nor more lasting Their devotion to, and dependence upon each other have been tried as by fire, and it is in ac , cordance with our habits, it is de- 'Tended by our nature, that these pa triots, bOund ,together by the Strong est bonds 'of which companions are Capable, should desire to perpetuate the recollections of the times and the event's which drew them so near to each other, to labor for eacl4 others good, to proteci‘ and support the widoiis and fatherless of those who paid the forfeit of - their heart's blood on the field of battle, or lie buried in the viciuity of some General Hospi . 1. • " e have been led to these remarks by n . icing that some-of our contem ; porarie have endeavored to die, suede t e remnant of our brave boys, who eying ransomed our be loved county and Whose lives are still preser from associating themselves for eir common good, and who have sty d themselves the ," Grand Army of Republic." We would be prou to see every one of those patriots an • tegral part of such an association, a ~ we hope, that having been inetitu • . it may grow`and Prosper until pots) e shall be left.who is not included • ithin the sacred; folds/of Such a bro er hood, and our children's children wi weep over the remains of- the las soldier of the "Grand -Army o• the Republic," the eaViors of oar country. Scam% Srinarzes.—The average =ma cost Per pupil for instruction in. "the Common Schools of this county. for ten years past bas been hoodoliarsand forty-three cents; including fuel and contingencies. $2.75. • lathe school year 1866 schools were open six months. tile ociiit of lin/ruction per pu pil was $1,54,. tr a d contingencies eight cents. For the year 1867 the tielloots Were open . six, and one fifth months ; cost of instruction $2,44. fuel and aintingOncles a seventy cents; , Thus while the colt of in-k struetion increased, only 58 per-coat, the amount of funds expended for feel dad eon tingencies has increased 875 per cent. This large incre4probahly due to a great ei teat to a of practice in thi3 way of providing for fuel. This we see that while we hear loud coin, plaints of high school taixes,p3ople pay more . for an article to adorn , the head of a child, 46in is paid for its education for a year:— How 'Many expend more for tobacco, or for artisdwief no real neoewdty, in one month, tlum they do for the yearly training of the sands of those wh are soon to take their plea* isthe ,bnay scenes of life The whale cost per year for the support of the common solmags,- including **expenses kw build ix& twin in these times of high prices, is le that itifsrdelbwit pee labolati wu_ 111 those who complain of high oohed give these bets Moen minutes' candid sokratkor , I ; Eighteen steel houses were built in county dining the school year ending J 7. let, 1867. 0. J. U.-1 •\ , • , Runt Lynn, Clark oil,. Wis.; . a :CO ." IllipOldfiti 1111 the pillthil th i;l! 'Of mahinelad7 death of 'loam tr. Warm, fora toWnship, in tide comity, w emigrated to Wiseman in HIM W , was weithing on the 91st of I dirgna,.nit, a dazing, when a sect which he was haat. IN; to the pile, aught by the forward end, and wasithrorm with great ickreasgainst his head, rendering him insensible, and• he was • up - ,fa dead. He - survived until the th, when he bream hia last witiurat Woggle. He was hurried on the 28th, 4 own tapi r anti bya ;ermine :squat the old Fariaa's Elegy' iris sting at his ire. He - was 85 yeas and 8 months old, 'the thae.of his death. 1 ,iiir A correspondent writes as from :, . .kfieid. as follows : . 1 • - Brookfield is 'a aim& Tewnship in :the orth West owner of Tioga 00., six miles - of Knoxville. iThere is no village In , . e township,. but there is in it five goad soling homes, and convenient school hour •-. Dairy btu/bless is ;nosily , . folkowed bY . e farmers, who keep froni 20 , t0 60 .. * c l ime. ere is a convenient cheese factory in the .irn where many of the farmers: - deliver ' . - milk and receive their cash once, a .. with. Among the difficulties of the phial a gang of "Barn-burners" who cause the g... cities:al much anxiety and trouble, a nights ago Ms. Baia= Rum barn burned, containing two hundred bush , of winter wheat and a pair otoxen, feat Thursday three men were arrested on scus rdainn - and Bent to Wellsixoro for trial,:- on Thursday evening tast4wu barns were burn ed belonging to H. Iluentan, of this towri, containing about 80 tone of hay, besides otheruables. Mr. H. was sick at. the_ other' H. being in feeble 'health, . went into vtdisions, on eking both barns on iire,is not expected to live, the barns were rods apart. . It ' reported that Mr. t3cnoonovan's barn was burned IsAl evening, and that the Ott- I F rens iriunediately surrounded the place and, took Ili number of persons who were secreted near by, who were suspected. , • The inhabibmbr are in Conitentdread;arid hardly dare retire at night for fear, their buildings will be fired before morning. ' • It is hoped that the guilty parties will be brought to justice, and 'rade to suffer the penalqes of their , crimes. Yours, &c., - 0 W.. 1101 1 8 FOR II• S. BONDHOLDERS AND THE HOLDERS OF GREENBACKS: READ, AND RAND TO 'MINI NlOOBl3OB In 1861 eleven States seceded; and since then only twenty-three - have been represented in Congress, until the admission of ,Tennessee in 1860. All the United States Bonds-5-20's 7-30's and 10-40's--all the green backs, sand all the National Bonds were created by this Congress of twenty-three States. . - President Johnson •calls this an " assumed Congress "—therefore not legal. His supporters and the Dem ocrats call it a " rump. Congress," and a " usurping Congress, and hence not a lawful Congress; and the great effort has been to elect Con gressmen in the North, and admit enough from the rebel States to-e n- force this " Policy." If a Congress representing 'but twenty-three Stites be not 'a lawful Congress, then every • United States Bond, and all our greenbacks, and National Bank notes, are worth notbi ing ; because an unlawful Congress could not Make lawful Bonds or law ful money. The mad effort, so recently made by the rebels and their sympathizers, to destroy- this •Government by force of - arms, failed. Thus far the attempt to do the same ' through Congress, has also failed, because bf the action of the loyal voters at the ballot-hex; and the, last effort at. destruction is now being made THROUGH ItER COURTS. Witness - the recent attempt by Democratic' lawyers to induce :the Supreme Court of the United States to issue an injunction, nullifying the- Reconstruction Laws of Congress in Mississippi, Georgia, ,and other rebel States. Bead also the' opinion of George Sharswood, the Democratic nominee for Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in which he • gravely denies , the constitutional poWer of Congress .to make 'piper money a legal tender. (Bone - vs. Trott, Legal Intalligeptier, of Meri3h 'iBth, 1864, page'92.) Judges Wood; wa t z m l and Thompson of the same Co announced from the_ bench the satnk alarming doctrine, in • 1865. (See Mervine. vs. Sailor et al. Legal inlellolieer of June 16.& 20-1865, pages 18tlic 205.) And th too, in the face of the fact,that ttuperior Courts of every, loyal State 4n which the question has oeeniraiseit, have. sustained the 'power of,Congress. . • It requires,. 'therefore, but little knowledge of either arithmette or. law to estimate the\lmminent danger of putting any mo re men men of Judge Sharswood's opinionain the Su preme i llench of the Sta I If you believe 'the Pre t Congress to b e.unlawful, or unlawful, or desire or Nation al currency or GOVernment 'Bonds to be declared unlawful,vote forlorge 'Sharewood. It you believe the preeent Congress to, be 1awf . 9,1, or desire their actiori\on Currency and Bonds to' stand goed, iota to sustain ihem,—for the partY that Created' the - greenbacks and' the Bonds,—the parts that sustained the war, and oompelyed submission to the National authority,and that stands pledged to. keep faith with the Bond, holdete,and to maintain the NatiOnal credit -vote. for Henry W. Williams, the worthy and twinged noininee of hilPati7; :Advance. Ca k e im 411E6 8ET11131,1-OWITATE OWITATE =TEAL 130.04 TEL. • . ,-- Co iciarzaa Boom; . • • • 4, HAinniannies„ Aug.• 27. 1867.1 , 2b ihkPeople of Pennsylvan ia: . et:, law Citizene:—ln- it recent )iddrega from deli, Cominitteis ,your attention was' invited to sundry' issues and prineiples..involvekin the • pending canvass ;_ and also- to the political opinions and_ jadictal decisions of George atiarswood..! _A short ',review of- the principal occurrences; since' the last iiltate campaign; is now con sidered proper ` " - The contest of 1866 - , w as fought, in the main, upon the amendments proposed b 3 Cnnztess' to - the Constittitinn,:of .i the ~United States. These wer.e natierkal issues; and on the one side were' arrayedthe Union - Republican: ,party, and the "'Boys in Blue;" and on • the other President Johnson; the Democratic party, and all the rebels end their sympathizer's' from one end of the Union to the other.. • 'On these Jae mentuons issues Pennsylvania rallied her strength ; and %polled over one hundred and• forty thousand more votes than :at, her preceding annual election. Ainong 'the ' results were, the. triumphant election of Major_ General John W. Geary for Govern or, and the endorsement of Congress, by the return of. a 'delegation more unanimous for the right ,than ever known before In the histOry of the Commonwealth. Other loyal States united with us, and 'Die: ,insane_and wicked "Policy" of Presidentz.John son, and of his: new friends and al lies, was eyerwhelmed by the unpre: cedented and magnificent popular majority of four 'hundred thousand votes 1 Every State which had been faithful to the nati;:itial govern.; ment and the cause of the Union dur ing the , war, approved the proposed amendments. Every rebel State ex cept-Tennessee, rejected them ; and under the rebel provisional govern ments created by President Johnson, rebel power resum its authority, and became domin tin their execu tive, legislative, an judicial depart ; inents. Vagrant and Libor laws:vir tually re-enslaved-the freedmen Loy- - al men were" ontlaWed and trampled under foot ; and the 'revived spirit of the rebellion was everywhere trium phant. Riots, mindere outrages,and assassinations, were ' t he , order of tie day; and security for either the lives or the property of hiyal men- Was no where to beltiund ii, Treason had front seats, loyalty had een made odious, and traitorous cspiraters against the life of the na tion were vindictive and rampant. i ' -.. Such was the i condition of affairs in the South when Congress conven=- ed in December,' 1866. This nation had solemnly resolved, .and voted;• that the Union should be restored,on the basis of loyalty and justice ; and to this end was'the F" rtieth Congress/ elected. Hence, wer passed the Ref construction-laws,in xecution of the= recent popular verdi t. The Presi dent vetoed them, re sing to accept or abide by the deei 'dn of the peo ple, to whem he had so often and a 6 vauntingly appealed Congress re enacted them over the vetoes, by more then- the 'required , two-thirds, and they ire"f now the laws of the land. lJniler , theni, including the amendments of last session, recon struction is rapidly progressing; and would doubtless ere long , be success fully accimplished i , but for.the per sistent obStru.ctions of the President, in defiance of Cong,ress and the popu lar will. Justice•is being done; loyal men, white and' black, have been pro tected from ,the - malice of defeated rebels; treason,in a measure at least,. has"" beet made odious," and traitors have - been compelled "to take back seats"—as Andrew. Johnson, in a In cid interval, declared they should. Even the better portion of the rebels admit'the justice , of these reconstruc tion laws, and i eheerfully acquiesce , in their provisions.' General James Longstreet,, a distinguished rebel officer, in a recently published letter from Nevi Orleans, expresses him: self is follows : , "I shall set out by ass uming a proposition that I hOld• to be self-evi dent, viz : The highest of human laws is the law that is established, by appeal-to arms. IThe great prin- . ciples that divided political parties prior to the _war ,Ivere thoroughly discussed by our w)lsest statesmen. When argument was exhausted re sort was hail'to conipromil3e. When compromise' was unavailing, discus\ eion was renewed; and expedients were sought, but none could :be found to' suit the emergency. Appeal was. finally made to , the sword, to deter mine • which of the 'claims was the trite - construction of constitutional . la*. The sword Alas - decided in of . the North.; -and what 'they claimed as principles, cease to' be 'principles; and are become law. The views that tpe hold cease to be prin ciples because they are opposed,to• law. It is, ,therefore, our duty . th abandon idecus that are 'obsolete, and conform to, the requirembnts-Of, law. ,The bill and amendments are peace offerings: We. should accept there as such, `and place ourselves upon them as the starting point from which to.meet futuie gwlitieal „issues as they arise." Jet Thomiison,, and her rebel . Gen eral, in a late letter to .George D. 'Prentice, Esq., eridorses the recon struction laws of Congress thus: "The Conf4derate Government o7t`ped out Sta righ4 - the first year its existence ;; a bloody war ,wiped on slaver*, and wiped out thb Con federacy, so they are obsolete ideas ; and the plain question now present ed is, g Will you accept citizenship under our , terms, es contained in this' lawl' and 1 ,emphatically answer,' It is greatly ' to. he regretted . that terms Vit.hich are so acceptable to , the fighting i•nbels,'of the South; should I be so`Weteetefid; ind cause so much . ~. .r . , - iftt F. .',Y , 1 2 ‘ . , i .z...:" J,t '''-t , ,, • - .1.?:, , 5 ,t0 '-.7. v't ~i-i;-.-t-c',./ * =RI , NUMBER WM clam*: Irani: their iron-oornliatest sympathizers in the North. `• • The enemies of ,the.,llnited States Wring been finally 'defeated in , battle, united' their. effortilci'eleet . 413 2 0 a• thisere fit= 'the North,' end to' , unreKthe:admissics. Of enough: rebels: from the 'South to enablkthen4 WO . anagram ; 'to attain *hat they: had lost`in the Odd: This . programme Stag frustrated by , thUloyal people at the ballot box, - in the electibil of the Fortieth Congress. Defeated open war, sat :again in Congress, these baffled conspirators, as last resort, are endeavoring to save - "the loat cause'? through the courfs., They deny that anything has been -settle& by' the war and boldly proclaim that " all theseLgrave pending . , quea dens" mast be•decidedi just in -fact, curthey roald--have een-,decided had they ani4 . ?' eight years ago, iff had no 'war takeii pia& (Philadelphia ,42e, July; Bth). They not , only .deny the constitut - Nnal power of 'Congress : to impose - terms upon the rebel States orpeople i ) - Rit deny that Congress itself- is a Iliwful body, because the rebel' States are . unrepresented.-- Mice, the rscent application to the Supreme' Corirt of the United States Air injunctions, to nullify. the .Recon- - struotion laws of Congress in Miasis-• sippi,G,iorgia, and other, - rebel Stateli. In the same interest; and of the same ' character is the "nominetiOn'of (leo. Sharswood, a well knoWn and life - long State Rights 'man, for the Su preme 'Court of 'Pennsylvania. Re judicially 'denies ;the power of Con gress to issue paper money, or to give it Value by making it ,a legal . tender. ..(Borie vs. 'Trott, /n 1 telligSncer, of March 18, 18134, page 32.). Judges Thompscn • and Wood ward, of 'the same Court, not ouly announce *these same .doctrines la the case of gerrine vs. Sailor :it at., (Legal Intelligencer of June 10 and 80,,1865,.pages 187 and 205),-but in the cases of Kneeler et al. -v&. Lino et, al., (9 Wrighis ,Ileports page 238,) denied the potver: : of Congress, 'in , time of- w .r, -to - Idraft men into the military service.-- The principle& de- • dared in these ! decisions we're as hostile to the national existence and - perpetuity, as any„assault ever made' by General Lee ;and his armed le gionscat Gettysburg or elsewhere. It require& net argument 'to -demon- - strate that if :these decisions on cur- • rency .and the draft had prevailed, and become' the establish - ed law of the land, success in the war - would have' been - more impossible than if .the rebel army at Richmond had been reinforced with half a million ' of men I Is it safe, therefore, to place another < man, , entertaining' these opinions,on the SUpreme benelt of the State ? Mil 16.. Forwaned should be the forearrned. • These Superior- Courts are now the "last ditch!'-of the rebellion .; an l the . country calls upon the "Boys in and every, ; loyal- voter,- to rally once; more to the rescue • • - Complete your county . and township organizations without delay. With this thoroughly . done, victory is sure ; •witholat, it, there is danger. Revive at once everywhere loyal I.,eigues and associations, which proved of such vast service-during 'the war.— L'et ev:b . ry patriotic matt' feel that Is.. has somobing to do in the good work, 'and progeed forthivith to do its witii all his might. Exclude all' side %E.- I sues, tlocal quarrels, and personal as-, pirations, and labor_only for the pub tic good. 1313 not deceived by the stare clamor about ; negro, equality, and- negra suffrage:, These worn o u t hobbies were Supposetto have_ ben ridden to death af our 148 t two alb lanai elections, when, as now, they were declared by our, enemies to l'e the great issues of the contest. They are now raised up and brought. upon .the track_again,mounted try the s;aine riders, and destined to the same ig noble end.? Be noti discouraged . by the vain boasting of our adversaries. They liave been ingloriously, defeated in every contest of years, and cannot ,now prevail against TIB. The loyal. and pptriotic people of the State have,; hetetotore. nobly sustained _us,• and the cause of ..the country, under the. heavy pressure and. discouragement of drafts,. taxation, bereavement, and carnage ; and wheri nothing but an abiding-faith in an overruling Provi dence, and in the `justice of onr cause, enabled us to see the end. Surely there can be no faltering now; -and when the goal is almoit r eached.! and when one more united 'rally for our principles and our ; flag will ,enable, us to securethe ripe fruits of the hitt; dreadful civil war, ' and - toig,arner 'them safely for oursetveS and our children. We stand over the ruins of a-gigan tic rebellion, the ritrist formidattle cue• my ever .j encountered by reptihlican institutions. ' We stand close by 11113 graves of three hundred, thousand of our noblest men, who counted their lives well spent when offered freely for Liberty and Union. • 'ln the pres enceof-theirtpeethlesss but eloquent dust ; 14 the presence- of doubting e and sneering- nesedes of free govern ment, at ho,y e and abroad ; in full' view Of the ,oppieftscd millions who from beneath crrishing despotisms watched our fli}g, with tear", and lopes, and prayers, throughout the four long years of 4. bloody - conflict ; before the rapidly boming nailli9ne of the future' ;* be, fake a God of justice, and in the rrie of all that •suake's 'faithfulness to Him,and honoi among men, we stand pledged to Bemire and maintain forevei• the principles 'for which our brothers - died:- • • . By order , of the Donriraittee. F. JORDAN, Chairman 'GEO. W. I:I4IIfRALY • 5 ° Se , 'y. J. ROBLEY PIJNGLIEON"-. - ' „„ JESUS A- HIDDEN PLACE.— ry flat beautiful appellation is thi ,given aim saviour l How rich and fall of - meaning ! What a strong hmid to run to, in time of trouble 1 What a refuge wherin to 'flee ae the - storms of lie• beat hard upon us What confi dence does it encourage mingle, - ,with childlike simplicity . 1 As a little child wearied with its petty tares rues fond mother for rest-=4O trials come -too seveie to endure alone, fears _:enlage to its Own weakoashow soon the, throbiug hdad finds, a resting place in the mother's warm embrace I Faint emblem of the 'Christian's ref ge- Wxem is treason, asked a Wag. but reason to a t? which tau accident A.d. the press May dis place . with the most awkward effect. • Imagine an'historical character im peached for reasonable practices. WElT'ill a weathercock likA loaf. ii;to? Because he It ionatintly go A timid aping siogdak. 111 61