mow :twin a ,Nationir. BIM Engl3B4 penny poetnfe,o4/1! rvsenne cit tow fbt pxp . es k g ea. ; • - —TER. Turkish Seemtary of W ar ono visit to °wads. • • • I --The French Gnveyn nient hal gitr= en assurance Btpeace inyrussia.. — r evlored jurors sit in the - bonds a Martin county, Natlit:ukt -• nominees ' for office, in ObioSate nearly all taken' frour . uul*rtii.l soldArs. ' . la' camp meeting of Spirit- . malts is being held in Walden, Mass. —A new insane asylum is being . built in Chatatique county, N.- Y., —The Prince of Wales .ban taken a pledge of total abstinende from ting drinks for life. , , —A. drunken Irishman by the name . of Joyce was literally cut to pieces at /hoe. ton, N. Y., last week, while' lying on the track; by . ti passing train. —ln one day'li report Of the yellow reit % Lava. in Iti t iw : deans, out of seven deaths IC six were / • ers. ° • • —Five hundred dollars were re contly paid for three Indian scalps. , Johnson, - a, young 'marl living in Ntuida, N. Y., was killed a few days since, by ths , accidental discharge of a pistol.. - —hie rebels and tbeir friend, Gen. Rosman, have concluded to abandon the idea of putting General Sheridan on trial. —A large vinegar' establishment, grist mill and refinery, belonging to Bunett Casper, in Milwaukee, has been seizedfor violating the &velum laws. --The wife of Col. Bankbead and twenty-five men of the sth regiment have died of cholera at Fort.Wallaw. —A. German in New Haven, Conn., shot and killed a saloon-keeper, on Friday of last week, and then shot himself. Carisr -money and lager. —Grorge:lngraln,late of the navy, t was run over and killed . by a locomotive, at. . , Migukta, Me., on Monday: 1 —An Englishman bait- devi,ed a plan for supplying London with freshair. Varceigh pipes, from the country—to be soh' like gas, by the cubic ..foot. .: - —Lead ore has been diierrsTred the hills back of Wellsburg, Ni Y. - Excav ations give promise of rich ore. —Aide{plan Johnson, who is offi ciating as President of the United States, b. about to flood the Philadelphia Navy Yard with rebel:copperhead voters. --A young ortitran s boy name() Lit's worth Sheppard was killed on Friday last, in Orangeville,, Wyoming County, N. Y., 1:1S being,struek on the headf4 a'pitehfork. —henry, Cliftou, a seamat., who robbed Asaistant Secretary Se ward, on board the U. S. Steamer Gettysburg, at Kingston, Jamaica, has been - tried iu that place and sent to the-Penitentiary. • , —A young lad named Robyson ,died in Elmira on Saturday last, from dis-. case caused by being hit on the head with a ball while playing the (Motional game." —The rebel Lume' in the vicinity of Manassas are digging up the bones of Uhion soldiers and selling them to be ground up for fertilizers. - One of the_ hyenas has been caught with a wagon-load of thetones. —About one hundred head of cat tle were precipitated into the Susquehanna, at Vuion, one day last week, by the breali big of a span olthe bridge. Ten were killed and a large number maimed and had to be killed. • —A gentleman named John B. Haight lost his, containing $9O in hills, at Rochester, Sunday. About a week before he lost one which contained $lO5. What kind of company does Haight keep? ' • —Willkam Richardson; of Paulding ccitinty,OhiO, is one hunadre44ind four t ears old. He is the survivor o five wives, and is now living with the sixth. He is the fath er of . ktwenty-five children by two of his wives=twentpone are —The series of resolutions passed by the United States Congress, expressing sympathy for the struggling Cretans,. which Mr. E. Joy Morris, the American minister recently presented to the Sublime Porte 4 have created a profound sensation at Con stantinople. —Gen. Pennypacker of this Sta is oh duty at Grenada, Miss. • • new Baptist church is to erected at the corner of Broad and Mast streets, Philadelphia. - 1 -A bear in Fulton county recent. ly drove off a sow and pigs'to the woods and devoured them. —James' FOreman, postmaster at - Corry, died last week. —Over one million barrels of oil have been shipped through Oil City since ) January L —While two men were fighting, in ono of the streets of Philadelpkia,on Friday last, a third stole a bundle, containing ap snit of clothes, belonging to one of the com batants. —lion. M. .Rnenell Thayer, late member of Congress, has been nominated as the Republican , candidate for Judge of ..the Co'urt ,of Quarter Sessions, k phis. --A gang. of Incendiaries organized in Tioga county to burn barns and rob hou ses. By a capital management they were „caught and caged. Their names are Fisk, and Ives. —Some Indian relics hive lately been discovered in the vicinity of Olepolis, by parties who were excavating upon the Oil city and Pithole - Riaich Railway. s —Charles Chase" was executed at Brookville on -Wednesday, of last" week, for the murder ofldrs. Hltiabeth tlcDonald, on the 19th pf February last, He expressed great confidence in his salvation after death., yonng man named Stark, of was recently ..struck dead by lightning. He hid-been cradling oats, and was returning home with the cradle on his - ihotader, when the scythe attracted the lightni* and conducted it to the body. --Gecirge W, Winnemore, convic ted:422e time ago in Philadelphia,.of the murder a Mrs. Magilton, was executed at the county prison on Thursday of last week, —The opening °Utile magnificent um 'Assad tiotuse, at Erie, on Thuzsday,tho 22(1 41apg calatratel by s excursion ',iScein the Ply, bonfires, ilitimbrations, ;Al - 11,1hriPkort, Me ractrasionials =spent abont: tiWA4CUtt#W 6* 04 , tl6 I', • t1,11#141 036.64 '1404, - Towanda, : Th=bw l ;l4ll4.' ),A'140%. Union ,laingeeati . Nelliffiati#4 • --"" • • •••• son num or Tips lord* 'oh* 4 HON /UMW W Wn&LIASS, OF ILIIEWILNY, COMM. Mika4lectii C.laY:`2'llelggst' JAMES Et. WEBS, - op Surnariig , .T.F.OHANBEBLI NM. WWi t ipirG• Tizmiinum; , ILL CHIEct. - :MOBET; 0k00j4. 1 It JOHN A. MOOME; OF ROME ! a7Z, OMEMELO2II6. JOS.. FOITLRE, OF WEST • FIELDS,. OF: „, E480T1041 . I:IIESDAT, OOTOBE* Tx* COUNTY TICKET. The pro4bedingiotthe *Rublitan County Cofivention'and the names of_ the cant dates piresint;:dlfor th`ciof frages of the voters have already been published. We had only space and time last week.for a brief notice of the candidates,-but th-. 1 nnaniciiity and good-feeling which marked pet deliberations of the Convention, and the high character of ttie candidates selected, are worthy of more extend- ed comment. For Assembly, JAMES , H. WEBS of Smithfield was nominated for re-elec tion by acclamation. 'This .doak:pli ment iyas not unworthily bestovod. itr WEBB has acqui rod t; n • ! ii h n 4if y through many years' of political :lot,- ion, an enviable reputation foniujeg rity and straightforwardness 4 I He has carried into his Legislative car6r, his usual manner of boldly and lion estly meetiug all. questions . a.,' they arise, and has inspired his constitu ents with still higher ideas of •hiS' shrewdness and worth.. The poopl; of _Bradford repose the utmost c ,ntil dence in him, certain that he will , $l• waysbe found --voting on the side Of 1-tight—"unaweci by iufluence,and f uto oribed by gairi." - His colleague upon the ticket, .JOHN F. CHAMBERLAIN, of Wyalusing, comes before the people under pecu liarly favorable circumstances. .Tile nomination Was unsought by hinyand i:ooferred without his ku,,i,vlet'lge.l To those who know Mr. C. Commendaikin from any source is'not needed. IThe party honors itself ily the selectioh of such men as its candidates. A . ,#ian of more than averag intelligeneft.,'ie, is possessed of views aud'princiloes which will withstand the demoraliz ing influences of the Capital, and ry him through his Legislative.c4eer unstained by the shadow of a suspi cion of corruption, The Lekislature .4 Pennsylvania nseds'the leavetiling influence of such men as" Jourr F. CHAMBERLAIN; and represented b the candidates we now present, .13-radord County will continue to retail:e l its reputation, for sending tq the Legiisla cure men of incorruptible integrity, whose votes are always given or i tthe side of Equal Rights, and with iefer , 'ence to the interests of the statei, For Treasurer, CHARLES IN. _MOREY, of Orwell, deserves the euPpolit of . every citizen. His qualifications for the officl - - - are unquestioned. Heiwas one of , those who so nobly responded to the ball of President LINCOLN for men, and went as a private M the 141st regiment, when that body, of which we were all proud, marched to the aid of our country. A seveo ill ness brought-him very near to death and left upon him disease from which he has never, recovered, rendering hiin incapable of manual labor. i The Convention, in' a grateful mannek,:re cognized his claims, and the cotitesir ants for the place gracefully tiith: drew their names, that the Republi cans might award justice to a sUldier disabled in the line of his duty. I . For County Commissioner, Jo ' s A. MoonT, of Rome township, wa th choive of the Convention. ThisfEce ti is, of the first importance to the tax payers of the County, and theoave well consulted their interests lb the selection of Mr. MOQUY. A thrifty and intelligent-farmer, ho has the in tellieence to comprehend . the - ilaties . of the place, and the habits of ilidsS• try and frugality, to secure an roan arnica! and prudent expenditue — of the public money!'j For the office of Jury Commis , sion Cr, Joao. Fotrute; of West Burling ton, was selected. Ibis is a nev of fice, and as the nominee of eachipar V, is sure to be elected, 'it be4me incumbent open" nominating lOon ventions to put forward for' theoat, a man of intelligence, extenaiv 'ac i quaintancel with the' people of the County, and conecientiOusly deter. mined to cat ry out the provieioFts ofr the law in good faith. Such at man we have nominated inJoism FOinap As a candidate he commands the re spect of all parties. If partizaship' is allowed to Control : theiielectlOn of jurors, and corrupt the; -jury 10 . a, it will not be tile fault of the offiocii se-1 lected by the Republicans; r 41 D. Fxstms,'of Armenia, the iCom .inee for,Anditor, is represented by his neighboll to be a'man wellAnali- Bed for the :. responsible positieli for which be has!been named. - The offiee . ilk one of great importance to 4tax payers, and. *B.ere assured thikt r ifx. F.. possesses :the intelliginen, bust: ness habits, and integrity; neCiftilary for, a proper Alspbarge of his 4014 duties, , EBEENE . -AY m - *tar? of nivel 0 8 7 or le„galklield to:tiepoiridOlpersoui . rare obpseti, either direotly - Or in.the'cissiedilditii of th lite Pres , are dettarrask *Om toioping by.the Ody who r4tl Men soul fibs twentieth Sel4sipn of Eat ee Conference vvas beMit Xionti*AnOle, Ge last • . /3' : . op, Jailor prestded witliltis wonted nu- bani :,-and • impresSivelower of executive anti/. rity,*4 abilitY to disi*oh enoleasti6A cittes :one of law end business, however,orit- Icel. ;41. complex, in a fanner seldom exe-, cute . by any presl4ing officer.. The runt Con.-4.nce. is to be-Ilielfl at BetNißtettbest Co. ~ Y. ~.. -. .1: ,i - •• . t',. , . . . ••' • . •., OXAssi . : Grosesint CC*lll* NH... -:—Pzefli , -, ....Eiders ; Elmirsi l District; J G Grdiek ; : ornelhiiille 'District, J' N Bro - . :, Troy D 7 trict,, Wcochrane ;Fenn Yen ll' : trick. TB. : Alison.. The following are • e 'appointmen :tor the Troy. District Troy ( , •3 H Blades ; Towanda , 3 T Brownell; -Burlington, E Sweet"; Ceriton,J Thompson ; Ho i f. ' eton,.. C Wektr and I J B. Wright,. t Sp 1 gfleld, J *ow ; .Eant,,Smitblield, ,R 'Vi ; Turksville,l 0 B•Tran)in.;. Dusk : are, T el rris ; -Colnixtb*, HT Wheeler ; Minns illurt i In -OE F Howe ; Idenefield,_li • ; We boro, 0 L Gilmost ; `Blossb M S ky .er ; Tioga,and!Lawrencesille,•J Tur to'n - V Brownell . and. ,0- P - liivings n ; Ch leston, AV Statham LFarmington, W .. Has 'ell ; Knoxville , 0 B Weaver ; Westflel., C wley ;• Brookfield, C G Lowell ; West Can hem, A T Smith i Pitio- ()reek, G N e ,Pac t r; -- Threes and Allegheny, R Hinman; Vitt nschoten;gOeS to Elmira, LACharch ; and Z Case to Ilading Church ; N Fel -1 lewd, Millport ; G j Dubois, - Big Flats ; E H DD Nap bee mer, Havana ; E D Huntley, Honda ; VunAllen, Springwater ; Daniel Clark, es ; J W Pala:rani, Prattsbnrg; 0 Dillen , Branehperrt. 1 ' e delegates to the general Conference held next • May in Chicago, were air... ied as follows : Rev. J Lindsay,' D D ident. Of Gllitesee College ; Bev J , Editor of Western Christian Advocate ; G 'Hibbard D D Bev W 0 Hunting and-Rev X P Jervis. Nttu 21intrtistmento: WELL HOUSE, TOWitiDA, PA., JOHN C. WILSON g leased this House, is now ready to so • ~a date the Travelling ohne. Nopalne xpen se will be Spared to give satisfaction • w, o may give -him a call. North aide of he public 'square, east of r'a new block now building]. • }lnv corn nor ; to t ; ITED STA ES EXPRESS CO C.dP/T.ilL se,doomo. .• e extension of the routes of this Company :fiver City and points in Co orsao and the lisbment of agendas at all points of Im mo in all the W e atern States ana Territo completes a continuous chain' of daces New York Clty to the Far West, emtaac. ill the principal cities and towns in - • a, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, wa, Wisconsin, Missouri, Min .sota, Kansas; Nebraska, to all inints on the line of .the New York rie Railway and its branches, and Canada enabling - them Ito transmit s, Coin; Bank-Notes, Jewel , , and yaleables , speed and safety, and without transfer. T eir favorable connection with , other retie b'e ress Companies enable them to guaran tee he prompt and faithful execution or all E p business in every part of the Western. Nor hweetern and &nith.wesAne States and Te tones. , N. s . Drafts, Bills and Accquate , collected, and he proceeds returned with the greatest des.- tch., Oar rates will aaplovfucharged by y other assroxanum Contpany. Exterr iftn of route between / " averly, A t hens and Towanda. Is Company have also established paces at wands and Athens, Pa.. and will run a D o Y LINE between Waverly and these pi - , carrying all ooda . Money, and other Pac ages and delivering direct to consignees. Tb line will embruie not only Goods received by ilway, but offer the most favorable oppor turd y ever afforded for the Merchants and Mi ne of, Waverly, Athens and Towanda, to do bust with each bother. We wish it lender s ... that Goods entrusted onr tare do.not lea our hinds until delivered to the parties4or who .. they are itit.ended, as we own and run our own teams. C. l A. DeWITT; Gen'l Supt. F B'. 13&1111611, 4,cnt, Towanda. • 19,1887. 111 I E GREAT UNITED STATES J. 132 por ' ries fro tag Obi ge TEA: WAREHOUSE! • F T. Y. KELLEY & :CO., . • . opened in conf ection with tank present sive Wholeasle!Ea'ablishment. a large and GANT, RETAIL DEP.A,BTJdEN p the express pommel of retailing their goods ;01/9UMEBB AT IIMPOBTING PRICES, this save them the Immense profits which y' goto :Ls: to m:pie mea i r d d spenalat e o t re i i i ' be fresh and pare,and warrant all goods rdm this hones to give entire satlidaction; the &ids , 'may be -returned, and the y nil be refunded. PRICE LIST. • NG, [Black] go. TO, a n d ' B 91,00 per lb.. t MIXED, (Grew... and lack] 4(4_ ,70 41,00 per lb.,' Best.- YOUNGRYBCIN. ] 60, 70, 80, 00, $l,OO, 91,10; $1.25 Per , amnia. (Green) 90, $1,00,91,21 BREAKFAST, (Black) 70, 80, 90,1,00, .140: best.. JAPAN. 90, LOX 1,96 per lb. POWDER, 1,25 i 1,60 per pound. GROUlip COFFEES. - Rio. 20, 25, _Mid 30 dents per pound'. ' OW 091VMENT JAVA, 40 cents BO CLUB— Extra Pine,ls outs, W hove appointed - • • 1198103.. COLWELL :WEITILAN, ' Age ts.loi the sills of air lei. and pasta at CIT) time sold oth 111012 CANTON,:PA4: , --..., -a • Wh. will !WALL clubs from VI - parte of Brad- , et, ford co unty .; All e Ss erupt& ap_by ourselves in pound pa at ..out :Warehouse in N Ycnlr ard-re at Canton ormarrit. CO ELI: ft ivarniart at the onune ptfeet whi theyare tcl be; had over" out owners In' Nei York. AU goo ds put urby us bear tbe TRADE MAU of ' !ITS ila s Unitedl4.49, Tea Warehhuair " oil. Yp . , fr, Co; stamp.' ed et the Pea/CO-. X OllO- . 11 11. ,rApx - ::-.AND AND; T OROITOIrria.6.;! Of oil'. geode flora Al who are Interested ....a u ffigireFdtes elgtkof VII and Cane; at (cinturmicited Pa!' hailth7 *rt. the fig per : ix 110 -i n Ade , TtF . '4,1 6 ; al 4 - and oire* under the lawi ition that Inch ittlettaillariee; - The chid or /owl _of the late 'Departmantavf, testa '‘. l 4 itiOsubt title obeys the 'ASY I .4 I IO.kor .Govepora of lseited±otheridai iieriP3s of the traited : dint ieel!ing No. 30 Vesey Sheet, New York, ffEN WO - AND' • * -‘I,ANTBry e - Ye A L IY, t 011. - PURall4l , .e Tug; *• • - t lelot ii._lllllix - 1 .rovictfalli iavtog Inform-1h • , limos of tido vf y thot 1:4 prepared to luat. TEN ND 'SHEET 'IRON WAR On the shortest 404 1 .. As I tositufeet;e the goods nayseii, ain•Wilibk'd4:l.eibittgaik: doesments _ULU deniers I who :hind their work dode. • bierchouttit stipp — lied trithititi)thing . : Frrythinprold, 't• - #.l=issit-14(al:aoling lint jig* *wet opprtored st,3 onitoottitotics.:-.- va sat Nes% --Mania Welke Store ouse over Chall44ol St o r e = "sl't ‘IT.':00"4111t: Wyaluslog. Sept. /0.. FASRI° AHLll.''. - 1AILORING : 1 o' • Broom • tt.siegiruny Iv/foram the:nitiamM :'of Toiac Berolgh, that-he haa r epeno a •c • TAitioW SHOP ja ikddleman's likiel4oppoiltethe Mesas Boast, aid Nikita a shall -Of Pub* ntionsP , • Ha is prepared to 'bat and - mate n the moat fashionable style; and the• tanat'ders , l ble Meener, , Perfect satisfaction- will haver; sated: . • • - • Vattiniand Hepati c as done order Oa idib natits. • ;• • , • Sept. 103881. G D` S HIEA ' P I. AND GREENBACKS THROWN : 1N . , : A MEW AND - RARE•titiloE . , TO , 8 'A V • 0 . . • Thitsubscribers havlitg on: hand's largess' i exteriaivitstock of • . , _ • _. DRESS, , ,GOODS,'. And wishing to 'dia v pose of - then ; to Make•roOtp. for their Pall and inter Stock; now offerthe iollowing inducements to any pepsins wishing to purchase Goods in that lineti ' •Wellne PO,FP,IJI" Psclis 100 LDRESS PATTERNS, ot'verlotis styles and 'Midi; varying in price ..from Ur cents rt $1,50 per yard, at as low rates as the tame quality of-goods can No bought In• this borough. or vicinity, and in twenty of , 4to packao we have put In '131:11, E S • • 1 3vner * l . $ 2 , $3, St or $5, so that you not only have - the chance of purchasing good goods'at: v ry low prices, bat may and in the page a gift of 'one of the foregoing amounts. - A sample-of each pattern will be plainly' ex . ititted on the on side of the package, and the Panther of yards guarrauteed. • • - R. s . PHTTER & ' One don: • north of the Post Office. \ . To s anda, Setlte 18h7. Don'. forget the place. HAARDWARII CO G Bv-RUSSELL • \ Respecttully.inforw.their oustomebi and the public generally, that although the fire owe - atoned serious loss dud temporary interruption to oar business • \ . • - r WE STILL SURVIVE 1" And flare purchased a , large SW: k got sew , cfoodp, %vain a new ' \ IS: ANTY ST 1)\IE And are fairly Reconstructed and doing bnel ness again. - The front of our storels now on Pine sleet, about 100 feet from Midastreet, at E. T. ox [now Powell a] old .corner. If you aho algo into Powell's' and walk straight through • the ( wall of the back" Mid' of his store; you watild\ find yornself among the stoves, pots; kettl es, anvils, bellows , and vices of our , new stare. apt as you can't got through the wall,jast walk - Pine street' to our Shebang, where we keep a full tine of Hardware. We have • great vat.* tyof • • ' COOKING AND PARLOR STOVEA : Among "em I tin) AMERIOiN, TRIBUNE, !I EMPRESS, STERLING,' ORIENTAL,. • MORNING LIGHT, • • GAS.- BURNER, Bic ECM dcpcsple!.e. r ipmortme*of . - , irs . ,*6l, Nails. Window G 1 +a - Kel•o --aeone,011, Table and,Pooket Cutlery, Perm log Toot, Carpenters. • and Joinen — iplr. Bleolindtb,"Tools, lumps, - Lead 171 1 5 i; ' Powder, Gone,. W 0•143 (agent; for. .Elmira Rolling Mill Co.'s Iron. DUPONT'S. POWDER. ELMIRA KEROSENE We manufactdre Ti; SHEET IRON AND COPPER WORE, And do all torts of JOB WORK in our MO. Cash paid tor„Old Iron, east and Wrought Scraps, Copper, Brass; Sheep Mts. Rags, Purl Pothers, Boa Wax, &c We buy °bean own' cheap. and are content with small profits. CODDING & RUSSELL. Towanda, Sept. 12, 1867.. CL.OTHINGI_, FALL AND WINTER ODMI INal COHEN .k ROBRISTIELD, [Next . door: to. Far r BOvens, Mercer c0.,3 Emit:Let reqjved thelr FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING; • Protn \ litew York, and 0.0 attention of. the pub. lie is invited to the lap, and. attractive stook of 'Ready Wade Ken's and Boy's— • - • *1 • . • CIOTH.IN.G - •1 , Nov awed Watt pnblio at the loweit market prices, and which w be sold cheaper than any other More in this lace or vicinity. They have just opa• •a An Lirsortment of Goods, salted for 14 sesson..- ail and see. the _new dyke, !ma:psi:deg the 1' Hosing articles : • Doeskin, Pilot O. eaves Ov — erioata , - - W . MR . SS' SM I AL L ` STY4EPs Doeskin an MEITNE Of a Fade's for *es . 1 abo $ Anti 'nodded a GENtB-FUigN • hill) mid riintyt , litslll , :Elbirts • AG . Overalls aid PaPer Ciglaii • ' ' • ours,Voveli, • - Bop, sad a. K 4 'IB 4:.,!1 Having ii man nonatapi ing them goods thef trade ainasnab l 7.;and, can ISSN' ilMind finxidoov to Fan Ulft• 4 0. • , e r - „--. yfragentntenanatin f ffsefroftw ,l();)ittimagoaff 1a,f4u.i441:34 :. , Itlll:43llKArriAollo',/,60.45.3f1i . v trls*Noii* 411Zito it -y 4,4 1,41,' IL.:1 a e.Elsi All[ qn. ,ii{ 4.. r t i at i 7ltiftids 1' I roki!m4fif , oft , 1.4.14,41 . 0 b POWER ‘,- ; 1 tnl. And,"ut ore eon and las . • IT 'CO ONRIIIAiLF.LPSB THAN •I 4 . tt , •t" • ecdiq where_or has hoealatstothitoed.i :We)* isk_yeti td glee tt one trisl;'YOU . WILL CONTINUE ITS ITEILIVXOI33O: oa r , The Merit Is Dow ,C l AClVOnitig Bra Mara meaty, f0r,0t4 3 TORY. dNights to ..41ouOt, cLukBKIIINWTERRI o4 ' Eell, the Oth 'The Ou - ortil Notrrearty' - • r f#, I .4Iq I ,I 4 f 44 I W 4 . :RR P 4FAWT , 4 7t - Mad iiibkeitiiig& in ‘4ttanainshietnin , • ......3121. 13,40:;ELFAATy,Kg9FAT, thiie the ooprithei -wilt - sire pr . : • Ii - ~1 11:4 2 1.1't , )50 PER A UNT. /3Y,IWA,IISE. q• - ;uz - . dAtz"i, Agents-for Braiffordj. Stiaquehatins,'lLyeouti : log, Loser* Wyoming,,Cortibn, and other I o duties in Pentisylvanti: .l4 ' Sept. 12 ; rettti EW 'STOR , , „ , NTAND NEW' t . - . , -; , 4„, ,-;), ,;,,,, •i ......:1 , I ' * diiiilfAiltirt3 1 y'REECH:PROIif TEE NEW Y . - , CHEAPEST: . • ' . CHEAP AB THE C T. - • . , Tite subscribers have ihirclisiceil the building lately owned by. A. J.. Itloble,;,:looe.. door, 110314tb' ,of Beidleman'e Block) and have tilled it with GROCERIES AND ..ItOYIIOSRS. WOODEN 11. ND :WILLOW w0iaN,.,,,, ; Trulte of all kinds is their iiaann, as4sh and & edy;,in. huat'every thing noudlly ; toiled In a first class . , . P,-R OV, , I 5..1 0 11 , -S T, O,R E. I I 1 . . i , A shareitif the': patronage 'of 'Towanda and vi' chitty, IA nispeethally soliclie,d. ! ' We' - will pay the bigheat market price for all kbids ofl -6, . .. DNTRY PRODUCE. ... We also.haye the sole Agency, for Bradford and adjoining counties for the sale or the Cele brated Virginia and Nor,h, Carolina Smoking Tobacco. A liberalliscount made to thetr4de. • -' BRANHAM & COWELL. Towanda, April 9,1861 . . , • I ' ~ • .. THE I!.EOPpE'S \ IN \FL OVRI' 200„POI/1013 RIG A BA.RBEL 1 \ ' • FOUNTAIN'S PREMIEV* FLOUR; - - 'II3E'"ItETT 451117E1V• ~ • '• , Is manufactured s by.theaubmribors Mfcbfgao from the best oefebti =I MICHIGAN WHITE WHEAT. This tevorite Flour liav\lne jib is a P h _ • _ . • .... • , • Mid made exlribtvety to- suit the' entail want wf the resit t,rade. , , . , BQY THE Cash supplied at s small advance from cost of Manufacturing Wholesale lions Deliotii WA*ERVit,=Tloita county. and POUT ,J Is l 71 p s, p' Au 22, Is 7 : . , • FANCY I'GOODS it MILLINERY ! f A fine oelealon of,. ' !Ai:NO 9 ti o n s, z.o,:fh(R,s; Stamped Goode, Infant's Wale& 0011111M31 GLOYILII; ' YANZAIC NOIIOI4IB, Toys and Dolla of alllkinds.. Also a fine lot of "reds cbeity. at'Dt. Cartel's-",old . staitCou Alsip , ; .Jane -N„g. p u, , ;'•:: . Haft had bin Ogre . .bantriPat destronanf disposing of his entire dock (it ' , • 1 ! t • CLOTH.% I 1 9 DE • •••' . -• t•.• • !,. :(0..t GENT'S .PURNISHINCi : GOODS, 3: % ,. .ttb s t. • &O. - 1?:::Y.: : F!, -...'.r.:,.',; boil - Wear. and 4,ie 0 G00D44 "110 Mal good aobtr . Vein BINEiI • - ,81uv Etna tad .• • and Drawers: Lioeie and Conlk : Ektrilet-, Travenol/ • " • • ; Akira f; -.f .11! ; 'ffla pt. cd:a plact4to do D V 4 /' .•:54.1ax et: miagent tido. tsteLVMUt. U ibibeloow wOod, blott..Vittltiortit i ttoltArool, tiosity oppotus'thelitorit' tome: - • NOTIOZ,4II pima o indebted to plestatolei-' "e100d,4111 cooler a loot by oilling otit- Uft Inuatonotolyiotopoonithemielvot 'Gott. / • 'J. N. couron3. - - - • 'l* In New York,nend• pteperedlasell to the: mislafir s9s.dcalrfh vine yotysw ot lbw • Zweita(l6. MORS . PM TV 4001DINTO31 lIRE B()METHIN(iI NEW IMO TWO RPNDREID POUND BittittEti, = on' 50' . 1 . r And•the BEST FLOlritt 1. EMBROIDERY PATTERNS,' AIRS, .SACKB 14ILLINERY-1 GOODS, , J 1 M.'OOLIIINS: i i ',.,.i',, READY MADE OLOTHING,7-11 =I 1. • , , • - .1 NI MU ; ~„ - Ji \A - I(AT • • .Trit74s,gottutiii* . ,qmpurr i.ati - R . L. Funr.V.l. :Jaw g- l 1 . 4.41 ii 'OL c:•,1.41c \ opliki s A rt - . - ; i , ...,-- i ..v.100 2 6.ekolf, cull ;India ;,-, , ..-7 , 4-. , 4.1.4-.14c,A-.. ou Kowa 1-na . . : 22r!0 -.d 2, 4-,.^.arti k „ 5.e.i. , - , „.-.06! - .. :zido .. , .;.:i . _ ...Jt a - k k .iirliaaffg . i t . 1.41-1;;I rc . mte...11-..;fif 1, • .r,!.7) ' . r.:..;•. r .c ~ .,-.14 '' :,...a&- 4 .-4 7 .A.i.a- t r.-,; •, • t--, izr. ' ~.., . ..4 .t ), ; ,., -..„1..: :.::1-, ,rr. - ~ i . ai :p.ii:ez,.llo-1-5-.- , , cio.l 1 wa'it ;tti.s.:.l - , ...t i;,:y1 4 ,.;%. 1 . .. t.if t:rri,' I: ; -, .5, it 4., J. -0 4;:41;fq , ' ,. .: ,..- r...rid7 - 74 1i s 'l l .-.n-ei. . ,: 2w --:..1.' • 1 r • ' ' I ~ .. . ';.,_.•,*-? ',,-;,, . ".: * ...ti 2, ~ d'A'-‘, 7). ' ' '. • ''-: ; 'l ,; ' ; ' , t; 42 k- 1- - /- , ~ 7 -.'i. . ;. ,a,ea :1•0 il.'. WqCf V3Z-L. fj Lf.f.t. e. Ulli "-;:: 1 '9"rd 4-7, r.. _ m il. J --- e ~` ",. . - ME - - ~f ,iln , -,..-.... -- ; - - . 4 , .:.:•,-;zki air,W arts, ell; c ;0.±.40 ;',i'.:il - 4::... - .- 1.:. .-: -= Pt •:-OF::.f.i.,- : i ........,..,...„............,,:,...'7"7.`ff',.."t"...*..",.....-1.r.-:.t..".. • :1:1" t'1:.41,4' ..; ..1 . - 4: . ;.'7 . i . : t,‘41'; 7 4 .- -' • ••N . ._ 7-....- t:/; 1 ,.-i-;,,,im'•:A/ , . a 1 ( .1 . 1 .' I 1• • - -''.' - ~ • :',l - .....c',' to ti!:l.,- ~...,.:,.,-,,-, b (..)„,.. :•,-,.. .: -...,-, ..,,,,„ „ t4 „,,,..„ {:: : :: _ ..,, w, :•• „..,,,,:„.,,,_,, :,., 7 , - ,' !, ,;: 1 . . 7-;14‘.•f..,:1i • - - Pir P . - 0 ' Mil '.) e ' airy'• ; . E.; , ME ME S. \ .. ;',._l , .!i. Ir':'l2; .i ~.:, , ....7: ...bill 1.7. , i!':: . ... , . 1 : . •? : i1....!,.1.t.,±",,..V.M:,,,,'1,;'• a: ~a M=MMI MINI ~,.. ',.... , '4:r,liifif.l, '- fi : ti.f.iiiz'.. ..,-..:1•11.'.'' ISE vi • :i ? n*”.= . ...,:.,;..,,,: '., ,v . . 1 : 1.1i,..:, ~ k.o: ,:v..t. , : ! ' . ,,,- I rl) : - '• , i ; „: % , --,`,... '; ' ~,,-,-.. ~: i° , -../1 TI: • :.(1 . , , . ~.,-, . 1 ' ' . 1.-,,.! i .4 1, 1.,,-2.',:v. 1 8 __„, :i'f'. - ,. fliii '2 r k , .. i ..-41 1)11.9 !, g ........i.1..:, ::..i,i,,,, ,L.,..:::,,i,..,„ ~.. ~11 1. ~,.: . , .. 1 ~/..1„.... ......,..y..4., ~.,..4 8. .„...„..:4 9 i , ),:icr,i'il ', ,, i_ &TAIT ' i . ... i ,. ..::•44(xi •,:."1 It MEM lIIMIE OE 1 i ~'.l ME .., -.;•.;:,, ...,f0._•.:4 15,\ fki.,..t •,'„ ,); I . ttittir I , :•,,,?:,,,,,i;"- ~,: , -. :1• : /?cit,I- • '), , - . . ,;nt. 1 a ,%. s ' - ::.i ' l ! r ..C.ii'` ' ::;', - .7 IIV 92.4. t. .9<.: :: . ;'21..", 1 . / .10 - I:tin',!..ip..'„,, t, ,-......,,,.„,.,.,,, ...,-, i 74 i ,'. ,:. q.,',. ,e,' , ":"' • •• • 1_ t i .. .1;:.!„"..:!.:,,' .2.1; . .'1,., 1 ,-,:3 e • - . ,,". , , 4; • .1.14 f, ;' . ..:. •1 ;:.: t st, - i' , „ 1 " )I- Al"..,,.:..'t • s'..;:ti ,tf."," 1 ,i','''S ... t. .„ a' ' " ... , .....i 41Lrif,' it...i11:, , - t; , .;" 1"4 .01;41 ?4 , .. 1 , L,41 i ..:s.ig , 1:B ,1ti,....„ - ;,,,i i ii z.,,x,„...--I,_:i. . e lu.p.:-. ..,awc. Drl,-., ~, ,--07,71,5,.,..:-.0. t :.: fr i. , AiJi,,., 4 , :) , „. ! _,,,, z,-,,,-,.... . Vii..).,..,,,,ia1't-•,..:-...,:t bail ; ,airrtfit.••.3,l • l>i,, : - .4 ‘IQ :; -: ., :ii , :,..:,•.: kt ; • •I = :.:• . .ti - t • e.....:: ..;. , A ,, ,z ei . .„, - ; , :,.....3 , ' it: -,,,,.,.., , £ t' I -- I •1. •r4 , :;- • 4 '' 'il ' 'LW . ; i ' . `'"f; - -,thod'.: :. ,„ ; ~ , ~, . t, ; -,,_;:', . - ,7_ 1.,".1 •,..; ,i1;.!.: 7 !:'...:1 - `J;,;3 4: , '..: ' ';'i'..'t, , i .(!) - 1 • :';i.,.. - .;.;11.:_t r , , sj - .: ' •iiiw -!. ..7 . %":1 ',2 . - 1 1- f ! •-•_, tp ;, 31- -:. ":: s i,llO ~e.flt;, i S;'- '../i,r,- ,-. 1 131.111 ' .i,,.;; ,-. .mili .:0!;; , 1;:, , i1_111.-.--.• FA.t.t.,,,;T)21 . . ' . f/,r l -, • ', ' ; t 1 ri,. , 3 - 110 1 4,,t - I , i,;',.'; "11l • ,1 - Ik.i'lki ~.,;2:0 i...1a2, Vrai OA, : c.iij ~ : '. . E. r . .P ;•;t3 G• 1 fr.,i 6 ,litliflrr 'i‘ f ... - : . !aref l l.o-fr.:'.fq oi, iiitak:lilotYillt 1110 4; ie - . ic - -----:::::: • • :: , : - .7 . 1 , .~~.e#~' _~ OEM Ell $ : • :I' Lr!-;: - soma MEE MEE IMISI if 'T MIMI EIS - • 4... 1":V_ 3~; EOM P;- , 1.4 ti . • lill: !.:.•,:e.ill*. , .....zi ' i • .. I CI . ,•, , f.%.1:',:. .:' . ! . :f.',‘ ‘ l6), ,14`fli * 1:1 .C.414j. t }-,,-. ••! . -a i l: . 1 i.;:t !i;9,, t ;; ; '];~ '4_ i 1 r ME IME ~Y. ~;~~f HAVE . t,‘ 4kltt.tillictosoo , . gifTIJCP 11-/147MEN 411E1 _ 12T1i if 2x3. t . ,YOrt.aCtit, $ t 42.4fs:he .19 • -,ikoiLLl. --cft.rsr„Rii .1 , 1!f!" ' . • 4if?4,1. , :. , , • .; . i...INEIIIIMARI "I'XitA.ll:).lo sn.7) 11.141 .1. m% pc.7-;y14" . 41 • , 1 , 11 " •"; ,r7•::11 - ,.',=,',.:V6 ;,...,:. ; , e;. -- if.4t t' , ...... 1 .'. ~; i §:1 ..,•;'. ME tiit EA fiZ':.f.q::*, .1' ' 0 :1 - ia IE2II r 3.• ITT PRICEI ;;C.:'.11.';•• • ie.71.; , . :•; . • ;';'': _ one,:mouterqf ottr ••, firm:cons kintiy in New York Wehave',„'alie-,:w2thsat Past -Mg - (141181.0 OtAker e-. Iy - by - Violeta- fludi2yatim* - 4he...incirketBi,.anit.have - ;t. " e • heavy purchases :Of ail k of Goods' an near; lane ' BE -.! MUCH LOW'E . ' ...... ISIE Lj , ' REGULAR • Xs, 23.116 i. ~ ;--.;-,-...-:. NEW . .:"4731.6b1ia1 NEW.QRQ 0,-E.R-TV BE .L.ibi.6,al! . ,;!T;;-,c,f bt.A.4 • A: 4 #CICAIVE/1t4.5 , . 04ftlik ME ~J %d d :I', • - • P NE APPLES, PEACHES, . PLUMS; AND. OAN.N.En OYSTERS. PEAcilES;=:4l..ll;tlp, , ,-cHW!,4IES, 12E111 TEA - SYlitfr4 . ...'' • 1.11014813.10FPR I E ) , . , '• 3yl4l,oziT. EMI 11 2 ;;Of fai;t7Anicithiug inlts "1: ...:.„L, MB! :• G B Ck:CV,SIVYT L Wjape. keno con,tan4 t. nand •.1 6 ::r~ii! FLOURFEED,ER,AND,POTATOES, , r:ARD,"` iots,,,'"Asrc ,•, ' • VAIIZTP . OP PATOolts 'PE-ootrezf , ,ra 0, DRY GOODS OF ALL VARIETIES' • : : , 1...• ' f.,•...;' , . • , .: 2!. -.2 , !: -,. , •-•;:.'j ...),-2.,--.......: ::-..,...• ~,, •, . ~..... .: , 4 0 . 7 .iv.... 8 T-1.4 1 '7.W.T.1W MARKET.. • And irillbs-noWas , I~fIH&AF~=."Ag atTE~ti : ~ISEAPEST ~~ • -44 '.:`l - A . RMBBk .1191 o 94400F4411) FOi ALL KINDS Cii" 3: ifiODltat I-. • NC. A. BOOKWELL. - -; May o 23, 1867. • - SR 4I 4 I4i R R!!_h-All COST: o undo% _Ario• ed hereby give notice , to their -nimbillat 19.10 generally, that they wilt ononieekee sel suer this day. Aug. 8, 1867; their entire doe of tEacHANDISE, -consist-, lug of . • ••• • - DRY G 0 OV I STGROOERIE S; i 5, 4440.4)! /4F4541! - JERIOW,_ aisq, ':: OILS ac PAINTS; BOOTS & SELOBSH mersiiiiPk6oirt3 glftioNiairi '_ , 4 ' 41a1woo, atm WALL men, . .. ... : . AT COST FOR . S2.4DY , i'44 1 7 , ' . 1 , - : '.!;..1-',':e.,!ALiiiio":l: I THEa3. - 11 Duane= B01:0'. Aug. Bth. 1. • i • • 1 s ;.1 D:il4 A,V473:174,11;`:, t • • ..?.. 1 .g.-- - t•oT •;, W ••• DBB. WITH Mali .11 at • -.. L., •••.- Would 'tail, 4.11 rt: tidwat . Bre,"and ull 1111. - it tat in 311141 • .11144 conthuui or • • '7.40141.• tan pattpes • ~%; , itaß TiMnakliil f iletrt:tv;; iY,II4DB Mr ..110T., MIME ,I.t =nom ME .111 ;r_' ;7 r. ,VS'' = lIIIE ISM 11111 MEM WI ISMS 10..'th: lit ikii : ,•--. 1f;; DRIED APPLES, A fresh lot of Purchased at tho ''>~li. ~. ~r !El , -• 4l,l4lnaL g/tzli-x. OAilifilitiWANl*Bol-4408004 El ,RT • Afole.<4 . .l XY • • 202 MA PISAN Aymos - ..24: 4 .4 ,,,,, z-- -, N.Ex...T . muuctrv. • • . -.0;*45,, • t • ifirontrioetoimirtbs, sosomittiollathletslai bu igiffr deAr 10 i 11 4forin Pik ikli&TOult r e sha u itto e o aidvantiges her thutiya illargerimPatio6ll o Mot4Adlett ' 4 0 1 40Orituf SalirP toirrottiol luo:o l • , tre r nott y Wa. CMt!to . J . t , its. ~. , tiooOtrsY(*aodu.3'ae ! LUNN SYVA NI A STATE NOE. 1.14 , 2 , -* 11.801004.14 - r. Itij A c„. I. • *'• PAC 13 ; 1 • Ovi A. ALIZN , Pro".ch;•or ol ar.4 Mental tie • it. - .T.Vianzrei..96Fraitesitmar 1 4ioalelgo o oiR i ARLEs H. V8RML1.. ,1 i;•44-.:Trwlte,or or_ Idailimaatios. • , 8`a,1:5.`,L.11: PETtirdELTE;liftdeis Litagnag eo Iiiiis•BITB'&I7OBARD; %B. :Boleti br* - ae.• • KW/A , Prisoi* of , . mow Sdhocf. 7. if i i nst - eistitiletnisialvimental ood ve7V...e% Areal )ol4lALlcß.l3: q'EPEllr u titsala . 4 1 4 iutritetor , _ rsaii'lBe7.4.• • First Term beg . Lisaleptaiiibet 4. 1807. -., Second • , „ December 9, Ira, - Third ''•-•• di 23, 1367, • ' ~ Mar te it ' wins : • Spentratiai.lbeliadiaa b. lard _Aiskixt ;111•IltZLE b(4l ma', Joe L and "witalimg,,••'• .. . .. . , ForliThiter•Teroo; •—• .. 1 . 4 For 40 7 opidomo tuition and book rect..lo 1.0 • Total Silicoses forschool "yes r.' —• ."..61e4 CO , No Wm - charge& Stadenta' Booms i re ;ur-. olished.ssith stoves, chairs, Ishlea, stands, ;bedsteads, mstoresses, star or c%cnvor.- 't.lble For further infortriatkna terlif 1Q1141%.- , 4fidt.niii - X4l/All4l. . QUSQ,IIEBAKNA:: 1.3 INSTITUTE. IVIVAADA BRADFORD Pe „The.PallStirna-wilt (wen WELIINKSOAY.sep. tember 19,1867.• lnsiructious will be furnished in the fnur courses, viz ENGLASII: CLASSIC, $0fillil&itiaidt0111111111CTAIL4: with fsellit4 k• Mr;.IIIENCII. , ,AiId . DRAWiti(3I4 -VOCAL aud INUILU3IENTAL - DRAWING sad ithaZITING. .; 13darding hi, !User chostitute will be uniler immediate charger& the Principal. Fir terms, ntn.,niqtty inunFiliateiy to the Yrinoliall, ' • - He!! 4 , k 4144 , Vp cOLI. • . . TtiaarAt, IS IiCSSAIUNT • i , lll re upeu lies - acktool far Young , Ln.d , ics ea 1402i1l IY, UrOutwit 2;18•37. .*. • . • TA . . &elan ... 00. qt. Su „French LlTl•4th/ ' 4-40 09 Deduction'tnioe fort übieave, , when ed h 3. !no' •:, 7 s • To.winad to 20. • i~llscctl4nfOUL 0 '.VA I N a. -v.- .ihiv I iisus . . .. .. u . , • :. Respectfully ,tannnces to Use ;midi.; I: stri tric-•cipeterd a fsii•yr citifli in Bitrii•lgt•itz ifi-s• and will cut and make Sleitsiril - U Is fisiai a i in the na.ut snlistitic.lal .itl ks.isltionaute nun. der.l .CUTT/Zill.dutie on Short notice nu uu rensr)natile terms. • .„.. • ..• . • i. I , ,irticularTattentkin.,o,iveil to Cleitaltg suit Repniring Clothes of all Rlidil. Rttiliiigtta. ept. 3; IBii7. ' poufAND.SHOE STORE • : 0 S.-TlytJti, _ . .. • _ _ Baspactfully inform 3 •-the citizens of Towanda -*Arta's!), t, at he ? has'opqned u, B..but and z•ii chop weat • siae ~t street, where ho lilt keep-on tkind,-, . - .:110-jAND 6444' E. 4, Adopted to and Wornees wear, to wh Lb he lay.itee therattentiori of the public. , Particular dire manurreturtag the very Lilt stock. Wit be ;Wild: aud - the w.ab• autuship will bewarrantod first clakts, i•Ar , tronage.of the p ;bile ill solicited,Oohlidc:.'. ILA satiataction dm be glir-S-rt . . . Old Robber Boots era Shoes neatly patched and half-soled;llabeer solelattached to Icat3 . erbootar - . . Towand ; Sept. 1867. 111fficr, ,• B. KE.I4 f Y, Dentist .. • lf over Wickhaitt Tow.n,ls All the yarious ; styles of work .ecieutatictiiy deid aril warranted.- Particular; attentive at _called fa the Aljuakhicuir Base !for Antilic!,tl Teeth. which is, equally as. guo4 GLI:d u Jar-superior to either Bobber . or Sayer. N e 411 sad etataito specimens'. - _ - Chlorotorni or Ether admlnktred ijaihr di rection of a Phyriicivie wheel desired. . Aug. d. 1867 NANT E)::tdie Tau- Var Co mpany /two H undred Th l * Z .a •tiliii*thetquality, to be - eei d immediate! It their works at Greenwood._ HE - I TOWANDA- EeTAllittgilMENT p rch men 'lit .11akery and,Eticing Ealatil t iAintgut and GPM/ r, `tenent iy. Isej3t,bs2.lll 41, SOU, first, dpot wrath of the Ward House, -.Main ativec,_ Pa; and haring re:modelled the same. they sr.. fireparEd to WWI theLr customers and the pubtleiiitlieverrl4orM ti!eirllne at :THEIR - E*TniG:DEPARTAIENT _ . . - Is fitted - up' In• the. most • approved style meals are served-at all boars, and • their store • filled with a toed assortment of I :l4oWart*Sy CONFECTION Gni • - AND DRIED FRUITS, ,lej. ScO. They will keep in store and sell at who'.s, and retail or manufacture to order BR*D, BISCUIT, RUSK, ROLLS, BUNS,: PIES AND OAKEN, .or all kinds..2ilso will keep the be..?. Or.v.ters of all kinds in . the ,markot,• .by the. barn", or Pannd. Fresh Oysters cidistantly• 11.10 toy the keg or dish, cheep'. , sari the cheipebt.. 'f our ? 'use the best materiels tet - elre*. thing sad wilt try io please the most leadldlons. Ise- Wedding and other fermi, Cakes midi to order. 'MP Paulillo supplied . daily and . prump:4 - with anything desired in - • - They leniploy •none.but the i tudat work men, and use only the beat material. They are determined terkeepa first' alas. establishmeat• Give tii! a fair and candid trial and you wilt and tit Wpm. advantage. • - • WOOD:';:., -, . J. LLYb Towanda. ART , 1.1867—yr PSTRA.V.---Carne-te ,the enci. l 4, ..1:4 of .the, atalacriber is -Herrick tnwus. illxiO l tlieripl, da y .of July: iiisrer4ll.Briwu Y i •Ifai. • Whitwin dm filitherad. ' - _The oilner i4 l qaeAted 't4i . prave'rpr6ver.4l, pay, ,ch ,rges 4 t:ka.said steer away. - v • .. 'clitus Ftri,r,d 1 . Herklck, Bept.,2, 1E47; 8 - • CHEA.P.TASS4GR 'RUNT OR TO . tiffdtAXD . Givio:e.a.o'o. - tior:.:1111111L3111124 11. rims .0 . !IBlackStar law" • LiiOrpPol P4cketi,sol4%,gr!r.y:4l4. • .. 1 319.110W•tei.1114/0t raCketa ox `o:idt:ei . ,•• • .1 Brmiaanced in. iligiicii,,lrekiild4os d Scotkir.l Payable On'_ -. !:letatilia:: -* - 4 "farther portiiinivzs;appkv:ki. witi:ams r 4, 211 BroadwayENew,Yorß, or .- . • • (1.3 - v. • stABON' & • CO:, caiike"l•l Oct, 1, law,: • Towaiide: • . _ 7 • • . ir':lnglpAlt , REV ENUEI .91414'A111•4 4 : Annul . 141 , 4:4c, 1 14..** 18131 beelVtratLemq -1'941°4 ieslibicand the 'nem' bas'be come iievi parade.' All *sow( iveta2d lathe *inky of BRADFORD "itilt make pay- Meet' Towanda. oa or beforithed2th - do of September, .18o7_ Nai4o Abotliblln 'IA* 4 11 PitrilOas rho neglect Y,rre -I,Dam tbeolultea and Mates aesemed upon 'themwinga. thO.thogi • speelited; ;will become li able to pay`lhe pew Itlee iMpo'ed by law, In _::'• B. 1.. SCOTT, ~' calieetcrtlSth Dbtrict, Penn's. Tuwanda, pug. 17, • "I T - ' legatLiucivs • BCii3ICAT . 1040 the =I ''COLLEUIATE Mil BAKERY
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers