Agricosmd. Hints About Work for Avid: 'Animals at Pasture.—Look to' the water supply,and see Wit no animate sutler fur it. Nothing but abiolute Atarvistion_pulls them down in condi tion faster than thirst.:' In - the Viry hottest and dryest weather,.lioree.ik bet little good Yn the field p unless they have thickets and woods to stand in, and get away !from flies. It is best to stable horses during:the heat of , in • day, - if .ine has no use for them, I nod turn them put towards Files are - exceedingly annoying n.p days, When storms are' proaching, and at inch times horses , snould be taken in. - Give salt regukl lady, or keep' it in sheltered troughs& always accessible to cattle and sheep: at , pasture, away from the set shore, where, from 10 to 20 miles inland, it P a regarded as unnecessary. Sheep should have.their poses tarred; ,should be separated from . the ewes, and lambs of suitable age-and vigor, weaned. In weaning lambs, put-the ewes DU the dryeat pastures, but leave 111.1 lambs where they are *4lQ:sloped to be, with a few large ktretherri for ft ,ek-leaders. They should he out of hearing of one anther's e.tils: The ewes should be, driven several' ev,.nings - into pens and'exam- Hied, and it tbeir• bags; are tender, caking, hot,they si.onld be milked. Mitch Ci,itos need regular feeding With some green foddet• as the pas tures get dry ; yarded, and thus fed in - the evening, the gain manare,to say nothing of the milk, pays well for the trouble Swine.—Give plenty of green foods It there are no weeds to pull or mow for them, then• cut clover or grass.— The trimmings, along feuces,and sods cut wherever the ordinary field cul ture cannot extend, are excellent.— Some fresh earth ! , either upon the roots of weeds •or m sods is essential 'to health. Charcoal is very benefi cial, and plenty of fresh water desira ble. At all events, the hogs shO:nkl have daily a good drink of pure wa ter, no matter how liquid their usual food, and last, not least, they sfielad have a dry, clean, bed at all seasons. Wounds upon animals, at this sea- sun of flies and quick pntrefacation, need the most prompt attention. We know of no better application .than hot pine tar, (not hot enough to burn.) It may be put on alone, or as a plas ter upon apiece of cotton cloth. Look especially to the heads of rams. Poultry.—lf is desirable to shorten the moulting season as much &altos sible. To this end Teed well andgiVe range, or green food, daily. Make the - most liberal provision for their dust-baths, a - box with mixture of coal and wood ashes, sifted, and kept where it will never get wet is best. Give them the range of stub ble fields, if possible. .C7r713-Little good will be done b) plowing. or hoeing after the first of August. Weeds should be pulled by hand if they grow t large. Let the suckers fblutie ; 'they are often needed for fertilizing the tips of the ears. If egvi is blown duwu,it is usually best to let it a. .t tip as it best can, yet if the field entered at once, certainly -within 12 hours, it may be helped a good deal Take care n0t4,0 crack the stalk, 1).-ud it, or injure the routs as is ott,e dune. Turnip., Sow early in the month, -' and up o 10th or 15th beloivdiat lode 40, , i. i.•., putting them in where ever the.. 's ground not otherwise occupien. 1 sprinkling of bone-dust or ..114tere.., ;Waste of wood• a?, es, wi,; finely upon the crop. ' Buckf, .t may be sowed on ground - not babe 11. eaLly firost, as late as the first tho month, perhaps, and niak t a ci op—but Sowed any time before lb. 20th, it will make a fine nee nof greki mauve to be plowed iLi as ethyl as it, is touched by frosts, ' dr when tdOssoming freely, if frosts hold off. • 11Theat.F-Land intended for *linter wheat probably need,k;o4e. or twice plowing and harrowing,, ki.nd if a good 'dressing of fine c,o4iposit, can be applied, all the better. '• Sow at the lend of this-tuOuth or first of next. Use the drill. ..,Pft. wheat ~ ,,on well •drained or naturally dry land.• If it dotis not winter-kill, water in the soil will- prevent the crop being profi - tabJe. Oats.—Harvest before fully ripe, and thus secure better straw for feed ing., and equally good grain. Sied Grain.—The selection should be made at harvest time, when the - best grain is allowed to get frilly ripe before cutting. If this is not done, select at once the best sheaves, have them threshedi and cull out the best kernels by repeated winnowings. • Stacks. —Examine , as soon as they have time to settle; and re-top,thatch or straighten them up, if necessary, using braces set against upright planks. • lirater.4-Look ont.for a water sup ply when springs are low, and tile are generally dry or discharg ing very little water. Take levele r and_ see ifyou may not bring water. in pipes to the house or' stockyard, ,and dig basin's in the pastures.. If wells are to be dug, or if digging them has been suspended on account of much water', a time.of drought is favorable for this work. No farmer should be satisfied until he has good wells Or running water close to, or in ' his bairn or stock-yards. Impements for which there is no more use thin season, should be cleaned, painted, the steel parts coy .cred with linseed oil, and put away. Brush in Pastures and Fence Rows. —Cut close to the ground, and .lay the tops off to give the snit a fair chance at the. roots. It will pay to lift a fence after cutting off the brush, and tear up the ground with a heavy plow, and then re set the fence, Should rains= occur, or if the ground be moist, :Lod the brush start again freely, enclose sheep upon the land, stocking so heavily that they eat everything off close, and give the roots no chance to breathe. Weeds.L-Go over grass land, cut ting docks; dandelions,-, burdocks, thistles, nettles, wild teazles, mul leins, with "Spa' 'Wild wrote! and asters must be mowed off as soon ax they throw up:their seed stalks, and long before the first blossom. Bogs.--Cut the heads or tussocki`i at the surface level, splitting the big ones,atid lay them up - totiry for burn ing, .` Much good bedding stuff' may .tatlioni bug land this month ; it bh',uld ell he se-cured.f KEEP pot or covet what Is not your 1..,11444. I 1in541440 ILL ANOMIE INS* max Bili OF-GOODS ! , JOlltis -0, 141041'4=U ,cl3l attietki 0.14' ' , JAM virig4 alll**AlitAr : • F ; !-J, ', 4 14,T*T., 1 4''y ;74i?E„fy'!":---,:'i Now onexhlbition at =Ma Ware-iht whit* be tirlU be.happy to show to: 4uty Mid everyone ties of charge, or to - sell at :w :vary , Inas& vanoe irons oast" Thauktal for doped lihoral patronage of the public, r "aid; oar that 1 sha t ill still endeavor to make It to their Utmost t? deal wtth MI ; not only bpikeeplig a:— LARGBIG STOCK UN 'Condon from than is kept in an other Foal tare Store in this mina but by ofitniny %ran AT k LESS . PRICE 7i Than the ! Lime quality of goods can lar d:rased elsewhere. Itare now In store bver. 60 DiPPERENT PATTERNS OF CRATIP3, And more %ban =I THIRTY .DIFFEREST STYLES BEDSTaiDS Besides Bureaus, Stands, Tables, Book Racks, WhatNota,i Sofas, Teteis.Tete's, Rockers. and Eery Chairs, Piano Stools; Cktl. dren's Carriages,Chikiren'a Cradles and Cribbe, Lookihg- Glasses, r Looking Glass Plat s, Pic- - 'tale Prunes, Photo- 4 . ..4 graph Ovals. Steel Engravings, • Cords aid ~: Tassels, • 10., In fact a full ssortment OF EVERYR ING IN THE . LINE, All hich will be sold HEAT FOR CASH. The pubic are- invited to cull and examine my at!. fore ; purchasing elsewhere. Store on lila t,12, doors south of Yontanyes. -.I also k pon hand, a large assortment of . R ADY MADE COFFINS, Prom•the mod common to the finest Mahogany or Homewood, which will be furnished with or without Attendance with Hearse,. .et as lOw s price as the same quality can be purceased else where. Dec. 1866.—yr. NEW FURNITURE STORE! liming rented the Furniture Ware-rooms form erly occupied by P. N. Page, Athens, Pa., would now as to the palaorul of the old &tab lisbment that I have a complete Stock of Goods, just received, embracing everything in the FURNITURE LINE. My goods are new and well selected, and for GOOD GOODS Will aa de iunicrsold by any. Call and ex amine my stock before purchasing. I retain the Woren of the old establishment, and MB.. N. L HART Will have cheap of the business and Manufact uring. Ii abort we have the finest Stook of Goode In our line west of New York; oonaiating of Parlor Furniture, Chamber-Setts, Sofas, Bureaus, larble•top Centre Tables, Extension and Dining Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Mirrors, Picture Frames, Photograph Ovia, - Cord and Tassels, Steel Engravings, 011 . Curtiu, Toilet Stands, Work-Boxes, Pictures, ac. COFFINS AND DIIRIAL CASES Ont . Under(aker's - Department will at al tikes be well supplied with everything hi tha line. We have the FINEST HA'ARSE thia aectlim, not excepting anything weld of New 11.101, and will attend Ponerala within a circuit o/ Twenty Miles, on reamonahle terms.. G. it. VOOSEIIB. N. 1. aA. BT. Ageni. Ath.rne. Jan. 2t,. Isfig. —lv irRNITURE WARE-ROOMS I • J ABM hi MUNSON announces to the public that he still continues to manufacture and keep on hand a large assortnMAt of • CABINET 4,VBNITURE, Bureaus, Tables. Bedsteads. Stands, Chairs, tr,c., of every descriptim which wW be made of the best materials, and!in he most Workman like manner. . - I invils the inectlon of the public to my t work, which shall ne be surpassed in durability, at any shop in the county, and. my prices will be found to be as low as the time, will admit. 11,vady-made Collins constantly on band or made to older. A good Hearse will he furnished •hen desired. ' Aug. 15 , 1180 . 9 - _ GROCERY, PROVIVION AND PEED STORE. JOHN MERIDETH, (Main-at., first door south of the Rail Road House) would most respectfully invite the at tention of the public to his large and well se lectel stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, A hich he is selling to snit the ilmes, and pluses of all. He has also opened a splendid FEED STORE, • • Which is well situated to supply the canal and Barclay -coal region at all limb. He keeps conf i dently on/hand alarge stock of TEA'$, VOPFEE S, SUGARS, • MOLASSES, • • FLOUR` BUTTER; -:- PGRE, &C., Which he is selling cheap for cash. .The citizens of Towanda and vicinity will plea* accept my thanks for their very liberal patronage for the last two years, and we promise with their asidstanct, to improve ev ery opportunity to enlarge our bung's, so a.; to warrant satisfaction to all, Call and see us again. JOHN KERIDETH. Towanda, July 10, 1867. p ARIS EXPOSITION. THE SEWING MACHINE RESULT. . W HEELER'S; W.I L SON CARRY. THE 'DAY Tbe highest premium the only - GOLD MEDAL. For perfection in Sewing Machines has been awarded . to the WHEELER & WILSON FACTORING COMPANY. There were eighty-two - .competitors, and the greatest Interest attended the announcement of the result. WICKHAM & BLACK, Agents for Bradford. County, sell these ma chines at city prices. Towanda: July I I .1867'. CASH PAID FOs DEACON. AND VEAL SKINS, 7 Also, • _ HOMEMADE. CLOTH' EXCHANGED POE WOOL, AT. DAYTON'S. Towsnils, April 8, 1867. • 111:JSIC, OR ANY:;_ 'OTHER AR- . J-11 TIOLII ow Wu, ordered' t abort noiles ey calling at the • . WONG 1_..... ------, ' -' "Ilw -''. 4 7"q:PilifilTri. St i ) 0 W ili Is I S I , . i : lIG InCißs, - . 1 , ~ . ' in R E r • la, pc, • ' "r110.4 . ...' . • lattly ails or a (saecessers to: i W. al. M. • - the Imams] at the , old :1 when he la • 11. thatinheturairs' Moil share oriole° pa SS AND MEDICINES , FOss D , i g l e 4 • . , ceivid, and we ere now re lef-A- . r Tintrouls nio TO TON TIALDi 311,011 PLIRE " S AND LIQUDES, DlOAlcifiE ONIIY. TOR ♦ TILL ASSO .•• ommsrkrim, IEIITICIAND HOIKEIPATHIO lIIEDICENEEL ;) WARLI3y I WIT stIEPIINEs= re, OLL, VARXIBB, VARNISH BRUSHES, I - =EI ojElgo *e i r Al' AND i , DTI irrtrrini ♦ND GLASS. IISr_ART/CLES (iF EVERT BIND. kNeYi LW)) T TILDE 'S ALCM OLIO AND FLUID *RAFTS, D AND RESINbIDC' . . ALKALO 1 AI the seat Trusses, L 00 ll4s, 4 . 1 . 3 .DP 4 i N , ouldei Braces, 14MA PIIM 8, NIPPLE SHELLS, AND SHIELDS, Boning Bot 1.4111311 ABBO • Syringes and Catheters. or "taunts ontips, Poourr ZAITIS, lIEGICAV /IYAT QUALITY" , large.kupPly , Alsoihr the dere abd &taps. C.l ators.• Lamp' Wi, rashes for the Het and Hair th and Nails, Tolith Pow- Pas tea, Oils, Peithmety, mho, Hair Dye , invigov ~ Kerosene, - Kerosene , Shades, Chinn:lel, ks, ail of the (late at styles. 13HOICk CIG ,TOBACCO AND SNUFF L gliyalc 2ilediainpa and - ' curately compo ent perabrus at ~andayhome goon,Lo 2 In t ;supplied at reasonable rates. escriptions carefully and ac nded and prepared Iby..compet -1 hours of the dayl and night: rom 9 to 10 o'clock l in the !Ore e afternoon. W. if. U. GORE. 29, 1866 Towmgda,Eep clothing: 10.0 d PIIN REAi/Y 1 CLOTHING I E AND MADE TO ORDER. 11111 M. COLLINS, Coddlag & RanoU'e, has , just 'lr.:York:4a large- Oil atraethe 'Lt 400 South, reoeiveallima • iosortiart of NEIV ' INTER CLOTHING Our stock co men and bop, PILOT lAND rises every adjoin worn by BAITER OVEBCOATb, BEST I KNOW SUITS; .OF ALL ATS, PARTS. VESTS, • COLLARS, N'IK 'FES, ERB, DRAWBRB c. lIRNISHING GOODS fi b. • sinus-. iwit4el inNts every description. ! j 0 fo our !nook of : :DIENES AND PESTINOS 1;;;;; cierap, CA Wide . e e ap to order ciostiort notice, • !tancy Cassimers tor' Pants and •le Hata and Cape. Gents Fur ♦ idea Ilneof Coati. "Latest Collars. Cutting a ne to order on short notice Bear ih mind CHEAP; And' d Tenni Caah. Towanda, It if .y *2 wieb to bnY Clottnig d=u represented, call at . e. QOI.I.INS'• '(:Iris!; Tg ~ ~~ LE OF FA6IIIOII-1 , NEC . STORE, El ,' GOODS! Stock of ,Clothing bought as the war, to , be sold with An entire he cheap ea befo L PROFITS! S. M A L The ondersi ! to the qit izeus has thhi day o ed would respectfully announce if Towanda and vicinity that he tined at the south Stv,,kif A N ''S B-',L CK , B E L Opposite th (Means House, IL* Street, a gTABLISEIMENT • •,e ?dens and Boys and Childrena Ns* E Oft&lay, Ma l C.l • 'OTHIN Cr! {BRING GOODS, i ATS, CAPS &c..&c., &c., r° GENTS F And that the: Will beisold to establish a In ordez`to F. r oods bought at very low fig n r 1 . very small profits. lint et I ` . ermanent trade in this place , a I . the confidence o porches e them on a basis Off•honest y a I goods - sold will bp guar ante . rerepkeseated to b i : r will dem w in thtegriV, , and for what they 13. me d examine the New Store of Towinda,,. ,pril 8, 1867.-yr SOLO A.AI now SPRING M 0 N & pening their general stock of I • SUMMER CIi ! OTHING, boys wear. The turirorttnent will °lces they have ever offered; se - erence to the _wept& of their nectthily invite akiexaminatida g. which is manefactured ex it trade, having buyer at all ket we feel confidpnt to give a er price than can, be obtained 1 11 -- la store for the itrade a com- For men and be foutid the lected With trade. They of the* cloth pressly for t times In the better it a 10 elsewhere. piste stock of OM'S 'FURNISHING! : GOODS - OUCH AB • FANCY CASE' SHIRTS ND MUSLIN _SHIRTS, OLLARS AND! CUFFS, PLAIN & - r- • PAPER OLLARS ANI) CUFFS, ERS, GLOVES, TIES, AND &C. SIISPEN! iHAT . . k must be sold by the first of We are ofering great bargains, o remove, we feeli confident in friends and customers, you will interest to call on us before put , em, Remember the place, 801.0110$1 & BON, No. 2, Pattlin's Block, ay 23.'67. The tip tire e August, next. as we amend saytug.*) our fled it to your diluting ehew Tow, TT 'S BI kJ • CO MP BoughCand so ii NDS. • I 0 TREASURY NQ ES, UN D INTEREST !NOTES.. d by 1 1 _, 1 • .B. S. BUSS Li & CO. I I • of the United Ste is,now con da.Series , of . 3 - . lo n T o rc e s ta n ry in No t t h e i : bili - to bitie . tieirlfotlni ool": . aert- Y I.I_. i .I I I I ITS I I3E4t, & CO., - 1 : . . Bankers, TO rands, Pa. The *men vertingthe the In the 5-20 vielnltyrerho ed, can ;do sto Aug. 20, 18. NAME') Flpei lED CHAMBER SETS.=- Chesnut or Walnuhamber sets • tpIOI3TV =I r.tratktrit4:i-intr.' „ „, 0 .8 - 1-001 E E -R T ;ST 0 RE. • \ WIORRAM & BLAOK dire 0'44 , 10 4 and ititted tiio'i i atora aria 'ad. Emu -Arid varied apartment of • We propose to keep to . conitectllity with th above a fall stook of - , . 'JAPANNED GOODS OF LATE STYLE Lower than any other parties in this region Towanda, March 7.1f!67 G L-ASSWA RE!, , 225 GreenwichStieet, 2 doors below Barc lay •at CROCKERY DE ALCM' GLASSWARE CON FECTION DRUGOISTS' GREEN GLASS BY THE PACKAGE GLASS' WARE. BR•ITA•NNIA WARE, SILVER PLATED WARE, KEROSENE WARE,' CHANDELIER, LANTERNS, &C., The best patent Frnit Jars in the market, to be sold at the lowest prim. A full line of Looking Glasses. 'All kinds of Glass Ware made to order. Ageot for Merldien Britannia CompaLy. J. T..WRIGHT, 225 Greenwich Street, April 15,',67. 2 doors below Barclay, N.Y. THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING In in the firm of C. B. PATCH & CO., is now prepared to offer to the citizens of Bradford County A . vicinity, a large and well selected JACOBS stock of 'Which I have panhandler Cash and feel coati- dent that can 'sell at; as low ttgann as can be purchased elsewhere. I I now offer to the public splendid stock of TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, STARCH;.'6ALERATHI3, SPICES, IC; Have bend s - large stock of AKRON FLOUR, GRAHAM DO I keep constantly on band HAMS, LARD and kinds of MEI. Would call the at- twat= of the public to our Csoit Be Best STOC4. OF TOBACCO, lovalily or price. Jesse OaltlePti Celebrated I.eiandry, New York Chemical and frown Soap. Pia sae call and examine our at4ck'Ajof WOODEN WARE. Large assortment .YANKEE NO 08, TOILET iiOAPB, / will . pay the high; esit:cash price for Farmers give us a call before selling elsewhere. All persona Indebted to the late firm, w.UI .please call and make immcdlate payment. O. B. PATCH, Towanda, March 12,1887, j'aiiY LARGE LROO&EBY, -; GLASSWARE; • OHINA, . YELLOW, • ROOK, LAVA; •ND 'l, STONE'PARE. SILVER PLATED, WOODp, WILLOW, AND TAIILE;xIitTLERT. In variety As we buy all our goods from FIRST HANDS, We flatter ourselves, we can sell GOOD GOODS CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, rll? TAIL‘,R'S TRIMINGS, Of the Ai ‘ t quality. CUTTING And \ MANVFACTIIING Done to order, Agents for - WIIEELER & WILSON'S end • ' f SINGER'S SEWING MACHNES Is the Great, Depot for In fact all kinds of Also, a complete assortment of And " Beat brands of Kerosene Oil . * Purchased the entire interest of B. H. PATCH, GROCER ES,, RYE DO. BIICIEIVHF4T COUNTRY PRODUCE. Cylt PATCH: Wow. ,1.41,11 b) Atigneint, :f.7. H.:,_ P 0 T 4 1 7 MIP, 014/3_1910/1: : 311 We 'WORE; IffASLII=) 19rfM..*/4a9k ,- Oorriet.liakt end Tinelkireets Towanda lining recently ,ad gely to t his Stock, a full_and complete aortmen , coratituting• an extansivo variety', embiectegmatir# rtfeiea used in the Arts'fOr mechanical - peeposes; carefully 'selected with regard to .the progressive wants of the petite, which - will"be kept conitently sup plod with fresh perch? sea and offered on the most mineable 'terms at 7boleaale or Retbil, consisting cfr• - • DRUGS, MEDICI NES ; . otiEgleArai, :• BENZINE, .. 0 1 ,01D TURPENTINE, 'SABEL PAIN'I`, 'VARNISH,' WHITE-WASH, drid aU /Linda . oi. Srosbes,.* , ,KEROSENE OR COAL, OIL, Alcohol and Burning . - LAMPS, SiIA.OES, WCIII, CHIMNEYS, Sperm, Lard. Wbale,'Neats Peat, TANNER'S AND MACHINE OILS, Fanc and Toßat Articles in all their variety, '' SPONGES, BRUSHES, 'SOAPS, COMBS, Tomadexi, Hair-Dyes, Perfumery, - POCKET BOOKS, PORT:4IOI4 AIS, Pock 4 Ehivet,, RiitTrs 4 , TOOTH - , SKIN , ANDi HAIR ,PREi'ARATIONS • PURE WINES AND LIQUORS; Pqr Medicinal lIEa, TOBACCO, INUFF, PIPES AND CIGARS, Garden, Field and taiour Seeda; 'Praises, ,Sup porters, Sospensori es, Shoulder. Braces, Breast Pumps, Teething Nursing. Bottles,• Nipples, Nipple Shells and IT kids, Syringes, Bed pans „tielf • Sealing Fruit Jars, Theririmeters, Flavoring. Extracts, Stode Jugs, Glass Ware,- Bottles, Vials, Corks. Bath Brick, ' and Stove Blacking. Fish Tackle, Ammuni• tion, &c.; Botanic, Eclectic and lintwmpath ic Medicines, and all the :Popular Patent -MEDICINES: All articles warranted as represented. Per sons at h.- distance can receive their orders by stage or mail,• which will receive prompt and careful attention. 1 DR. PORTER'S PREpAIi'ATIONS FOR FAMILY USE, Enovin as Safe and ßeliable Rem cafes, are War-. tantejl for what they are intended. to I.;ive sat's facti n, viz :. Dr. Porter's P ectoral Syrup, for coughs, colds, lung complaints,4-csoasl 00 Dr. Porter's Eclectic Pills, for bilious cam ' ' plaents.and mild cathartic.... 25 Dr. Porter's Banifer Syrup, for scrofula skin diseases, 4-c 1 00 Dr. Porter's Uterine Tonic, for female weak nesa, .I.e. . -I. 100 Porters Tonic Elixir for Strengthening the system, 1 00 Dr. rter's Tansy Sehnappssfor iivel and kidney complaints 1 00 Dr. F's . , i t s Comp. Syr. Hypophosphltes, • . . for nervous debility ,• . 4 1 00 Dr Porter's Blackberry Balsata, for char ' rhea, &a ' 35 Dr. Porter's Family Embrocation foi sprains - bruises,4rc ~. 35 11 Porter's Perttlrt 0/ srers, for hoarse ness, sore throat, .s-e - "25 ,Dr. Porter's Worm Wafers, for eipelling • worrs 25 Dr. Porter's Worm Syrup, for exterrnina- ting win ins , '35 Dr. Porter's Infant . Relief, fur crying babies colic, 4-c 1 26 Dr. Porter's Cephalic Snuff, for catarrh headache • 26 Dr. Porter's Toothache Drops, for tooth- ache 25 Dr. Porter's Tooth Powder, for p r eserving teeth 25 Dr. Porter's Tricoaene, for dressing and ' 60 , growinl the hair.... ~' 50 Dr. Porter's Tricophile, ;or beautifying the ' hair ........ .... • . 5P Hr. Porter's OiloriierousShanipoofor clean , log the hair I 50 . Dr. Porter's Milk of Flowers, for beautify. ' lug the ,oluplexlon l, 50 Dr. Porter's Pile 9 lament. tor, external . ; piles.. y ... r 1 Ck. Dr, Potter's French Compound, for scald- '.. 't , iug urine - 100 , . . Dr. Porter's Bleoirated Figs, for habitant ... onus' ipal tot! 1. I Dr. P orter's Healing Salve, tor cuts.woondk 1 . Lc Dr. Porta•r's Lip Salve, Di . POI , CI'B Eye..S.ilve, for inflamed eyes.. 25 ...... for e-happvil lips". Dl..Porter's Eye Wate, for Oflamed eyes Dr.:-Porter's Corn and Wart Remover, lor corns attil ltuirrions • Dr. Porte 's Comdtipa 19,r costive tiemv Dr. Porter's 1 , on l'ills,,for poor blood .... Porter's Citrate . ' rdagnesia, for a pleas. ant catitirrte Dr. Porter's Linoid ; Bennet , ior making nu tr tfotiB diet sir lily:lndy Dr. Porter's. Extract Vantfla, tor flavoring ice cream, Dr. Pdrter's Extract Lemon, for flavoring t y ice cream—large bottles Dr. Porter ' s Ori-n , af Cement, to. meadin g , .• . broken;,4..e Dr. Porter's Liquid Glee; for repairing ..., wood work \ Dr. Porter's Cleansing ''ltild,for easy,wash lug Dr. Porter's. liedt Bug Poison, lor killing' Dr. Por 's Fly Poison Paper, for killing flies Dr. Porter's Rat and Moe Poison, for ex terminating rats Dr./Porter's Benzine, (or removing spots from clothes Dr. Porter's 131Sek Ink, in pint bottles in bulk by,the gallon Dr, Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder, for diseases of animals •.. Dr: Porter's Horse and Cattle Lotion, for . sprains, galls, dm 'Dr. Porter's fling-Bone and Spavin Cure. (or lame horses Medical advicelgiven gratuitouslY at the office, _barging only fOr medicine. u Thankful for past liberal patronage,wonld respectfuly announce to his triends and the public, that no pains shall be spared to satisfy, and merit the continuation pf heir confidence and patronage. U. C.' PORTER, M. D. Dec. 18, 1866.7 yr Potographhs• A GOOD THING MAY BE SEEN ♦T WOOD & IIARDINGS' GALLERY OF ABT. TOWANDA, BRADFORD COMITY, PAO IWe take pleasure in . inthrming our old friends and the public, that we have procured one of file best large Solar CameraS now In use, and are pieparedsto furnish to all our patrons, bettei PHOTOGRAPHS, from miniature to life slae, than ever offered in this count- , at very low pri ces. We are still making the neat GEtI FERRO TYPES, mOcinted on cards. a s well as all kinds of 'CASE PICTURES. such as MELAINOTYPES and 4111111ROT,YAES. We are also making beaiAlinl CA-RD PHOTO 6 of all the best styles, aid having aec4red the best, and plenty of help, we can insure sittings to all' that may favor us with thdir patronage. We shall in tnture give our strict attention to all sittings, In order to secure the most favorable poaitions, and as littl: Inconvenience as possi ble. is our customers. In regard to . " C'OP'YING, onr present facilities enable as to make on short notice, the most artistic pictures from very poor ' DAGUEVIOTITE3, MELARIOTYTES, OR AMBROTYPES, the increasing demand for l that kind of work has lead us to give our attention particalarly-to that branch of the -business. We are making large additions to onr„ stock Dum,.DosrivooD AND WALNUT plumps' ORO. 11, WOOD Dec. 10. 1866. A lITENTION FARMERS EASTERN BRADFORD! • Farming Tools of all kinds at MOODY'S, agent for the celebrated, Cayuga Chief Mower and Reaper, which ackuowledged by all that know, them to be the beat machine \ yet offered tg e the public. Also the best Horse Fitch Fork lathe United States. .HOrbe and Hetid Bakes, Scythes, &c., &c. • ' . t • L. L MOODY. fiame,•.Jude . 24,1867.-4w. .• NEN -W A R E T • • OODDING It RUSSELL 011 ME LpR(iEADi . I: SELECTED- STOCK Or To widebyaddltlona are daily being ma de, which they ogler cheap tor Cub.. •A large imeortnient . • STOVES, Atit thaVilany. deeirible. and. beanilittl pat ter ii thee:, 2 , . CELEBRATED AMMAN, , . , This fleatitical stove to unatitioassed for rime my in fuer; is a perfect baker *is the hest COO& STOVE in the market . " ' Among Abell. hinting Stoves 'may be found a great variety suitable for everfflpikee where stoves are msed. • STOVE Mrs SHEET IRON. WORK, Always on , hani and order. - • T WARE, • - '/ • ' A large stock manufactured from , the very material and by experlenced workmen: .A ,erg ful assortment tf 'DON. NIALS AND STEEL; • .Atlcei r :YOrk prices. • • HOUSE AND CARRIAGE TitIMMINGS, TOOLS= FOR ;.THE F ; ARMEH; Tools for the Haase Joiner and Carpenter . — Toots top ilboicamiths'—Tools for everybody. 'Vt,IN DO Vi" SASH Arsp GLASS.PAINT*, OILS AND VARNISHES., MACUINS OIL •ND • MUM!, KDROSENPI PIL, LAiIPEt, ;WICKS • AND BEL?ING, T•aBLG L qi POCKET CUTLIItY, BRITTANNIA 'A'ND P4ATEDWARE, Pumps; Lead Pipe, Chain • Pula pa, te7 Pipes, Grindstone:, and .firtures, ,'KEROSENE LANTEIINS,• , JOB WORE done with dispatch. Lamps re patr,!d. Fluid Lamm; lind Lanterns tdcrred aed tliti.d to burn ' G min, Old Iron. Casting and Wrought *Scraps, Cuppeq, Bruits, Brittannia, Bee,m - ax, Fe'athers and Rigs taken in exchange teegoods. ' Highest price in cash paid for Sheep Pelts and Furs. , OUR GOODS have been purchased on the pay down system and will be iold for READY PA: JOHN A. CODDINU, COD DINO & RUSSELL C. S. RUSSELL. • Towulla, :larch 10, Ikt63. . • • , .... - .. - 0 ti' , 0 . . tcroWill i t'•=l ' -90, . • CP W 7 (3 .2 CO 'MI - p: Q. ~., r O et .. • 0 0 r -: .., w - :.1 " • , . .; ;,.. FI •..' . V.' -. CC ' • ;:l IV ' 0 22 ; = .....• r;.• rp t; . d i • x x • p ... 3 3 '. X I -Y '' g :P. ; td M t/: " '5l . 2. ' o. 1; a q) ~. t• ' • c.s2 Xf - 0 -.0 • m . ' n . . ......: ~..., . 0 _ , . - • . WRSHALL BROTHERS & CO., Wish to call - the attention, 'of the public to their nes; Stock of TIAROWARE. I ' FARMING IMPLIMENTS, BLACK fiIIiTTRS' . TOOtS, and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. - Also, a large assortment of Window Glass, Sash, Paints, Oils, - ;Putty, Varnishes, and Paint and Varnish Brushes of.all kinds, which will be-sold for the loweit Cash prie.:. A IFq ne assortment 01 ' K rt. 0 E 'L A M P„S' of every style and pattern to suit the public, !Amps - repaired and changed from Oil and. Fluid ~o Kerosene. • Particular attention paid to the manufacturing of all kinds of JOBBING PROWITLY ATTENDED TO R y e ltaN;e on Mod it lino article of iII,ASS . PhtII`I JARS, Fitii proved . sclt- grating cork-s, an ‘ il - tiERMETIC2 4 .I.,SEAL.INGCANS, .chich is one of the hest cans used. Jooe :moa. ' ''RVENTY-VIVE YEARS EXPERI - Iti JIENTISTRY. I. M. SHIM, U. D.. Would respectfully inform the tohabitatits of - Itradiord tloutity th it 11 , - is permanently located ut Waverly, N. Y., where he has in the. pr,ictice ot his profession for the past tour year+. He would say that from his long and successto I practice of 25 years duration he is familiar with all the different styks of work done in any and all Dental Establishments in city or country, and is better prepared than may other Dental operator in the.vieinity to. do work the best adapted to the matty.atill different cases that present themselves oftentimes to the Dentist. ns be understaiida the - art of mak,ng his own artificial teeth, and has laidlities for doing Om same. To those. requiring under sets _ot teeth he would call Uttentiori to his new kind of work which consists of •porcelain` for both plate and teeth, and forming a continuous gum. It is more durable, more natural in appearance; and much' better adapted to the gum than any other kind of work. Those in need of the woe are invited to call- and examine 'specimens. Teeth tilled to last for years a,d (Mei:alines for lite.— Clitortdorin. Ether, and " 3itroys• Oxide " ad ministered with perfect safety, as Over four hun dred patienta within the last tour years Lan tes tify. I will be in Towanda from the 15th to 30t11 of every month, at the office of W. K. TAYLOR, (formerly occupied by Dr. 0. H. Woodruff ) Having made tugements with Mr. Taylor, I am premed t do' all work in the very best style, a his o us; April 23, 1867. 25 25 1 00 DR., VA BUSKIRK, OPERATIVE AND 54:C 1-4.NA71.1 ! DErrisr, has opened rooms in the cidleman Block, directly oppo sito the Means House, for the practice ' his .profession, and lq prepared at all times tolphr forM all operat ens belonging to Dentistry. The different kinds . • Plate Work, will be recom mended accor to Chair honest merits. Nat ural Teeth dile. 'anil restored to [hell original beauty, with m: terial the best adapted to eac h individual case The greatest care' and atten tion will be given to the correction of irregu larities and the extraction of Teeth. In this Department of .motice - the Doctor would say he claims an a Mint of skill and experience equal to that 4p.ssessed by any, one in this or any oher co. try. - Teeth will be extracted without pain, b.• the use of gas, chloroform o: ether, and in a manner verrsatisfactory to pa tients,,as the • •stimony of hundreda s can be sh,own. Please call and examine specimens.of our work,and be assured of the correctness of the statements. Advice and consultation will be hheerfvlly and gratußously given Towanda, June 6,1867.-6 m WHOLE, Scranton, Pa., - Decker's Piano: gans, Treat, L. of Musical Instr Books. Orders pecially, so liciti 116 Penns • March 18, IS6 To w Get yoar'wool cent in ritir WANTED, 5. et price. cash. ^ 'irANTED, 5 the lowest rat entire satisfacti WANTELL 511 Our Carding this 'Spring an' perlenced ¶ ark: BU-Q June 13, 867! TIISSO -11- , op Itt teal consen by 8. F. T the late fir. Wyelasin DEL. HAZDENG BIM rind of, the dim the patrons , I do earnest with the a• q,HAVI lk—.l for Hal • G AM ~a~~ma~rtt. 8•9 B • GOODS, TIN WARE ALE ,MUSIC DEPOT. . . L. B. POWELL • ti i ealer In Clickering's Pianos, , Mason do Hamlin's Cabinet Or &ley & Co's ftlelo 3 eons, and all meats, Sheet Music- and Music 1 rom Dealers and Teachers es ' Address ' L. B. POWELL. vania Avenue, Scranton, Pa. .--Sm.. ' OL `GROWERS. anufactured .anu save 50 per ha: 1 ,000 lbs'wool, at highest mark ,oo(3 Ms Wool o : manufacture at 1, and .work Warranted to give .000 lbs Wool tO card into Rolls achine has been new clothed! will do extra work; with ex : en to attend it, as the ANNA WOOLEN MILLS, —.tiw Waverly, N. Y 1". 10N.,; The firm of Bish r is this tiny :dissolved by mu he business*lll be conducted who will settle all ancontits of BLikioE! dG TAYLOR. ne 11,1867.-6w* To TIM PUBLIC ring thanks to the public in behalf 1 reiptictiully solicit a:pt.rtton.ol s • rally shown to the firm and i y recto th , se hav4,ing . accounts l ye firm to settle them a t once. - , S. F. T YLOR. G A D - TOILET SOAPS, cheap a the NEWS ROOM FO t THE FAMILY CIR t the NEWS ROOM. A1cu4,140,, , ,i_...,. - . FouND4r MAOIfI. N; -E S SkitetrottAsilt, aka of 'Street, TOWANDA, BRADFORWCO., PA., nowireparol 9;ROULAW : 54. W MILT g; AND 'SHINGLE MACHINES, .. Of the best quality with the latest• Improre enti. kinds of Machinery for Flouring and flaw Mil L. - • , . STEAM ENGINES . : MADE. & REPAIRED; STEAM WHISTLES, - STEAM 04G1JES,' GAME COCKS,,, ,OIL' CANS, ' - Furnished atehort BOLT C!JVIvIN-G; Opne from I} to inches in diameter: . FORGING - - ' ' Of heavy wrought work 'for Bridges, and all other purposes, done to - order. , Also, a laige assortment of COOKING- & HEATING_. STOVES, , Opal and Wood Burners . : Furniture for dioking Spores, S'ove Pipe. Tin-Ware, Boat; Pumps, Plows, Cultivators and Lers pens, kept Otrialstant ion hand- _ • ~,,,, , h 1 • • EgiAWINGS & 'SPECIFICAT lONS di all kinds of machinery for - mills 'and other pUrposes prepared by .' ' . 1 t 1 , WARREN HILL, i . _ . Foreman, who has buTlarge experienci in this Lifunedi of ihe buslrusis ' . , ' JOHN CARMAN. Towanda, Oct. 29, Isilii. Iv. .:, • CARRIAGES, WAGONS,SLEIGHS THE OLD i ESTiBLISHApT STILL IN OPEB; • fe ATION FELLOWS, CRANDALL & CO., Successors to Reynolds, Fellows & Co., are now offering and are prepared- to furnish on short ,notice, , Wagons Carriages and S:eighs, of all descriptiOns and of the latest and most apprri ved style, and of the beat material' at the old stand opposite the Unkin House, in the c.erl• tiltl part of Alba Borough, Bradford County, Pa. The public are assured that the reputation the, shop - has acquired during the last six years under the superintendence of T. H. Fellows, will be More than maintained, as be will superin tend the work as heretofore he having long been and having bad much experience as a Carriage and Sleigh Builder, would aisnre the public that uo pains will be spared by the above firm to make the establishment worthy of their 'pat ronage. Thankful as one of the old firm for the patronage thus far extended; we hope to merit a cuotinunnce of the same. N.• B.—We, the undersigned, being practical mechanics, can manulactare and offer to the Oldie at prices that will defy competition.. JAMES. H. FELLOWS, - D. W. C. CBANDALL, , J. G. MERIT' • Alba Borough. April' 15.1R56. , T '-wANIDA 'C.ARRIAGE , FACTORY. The undersigned teoielfally announce to'the public that they have purchased the CARR.AGE S HOP IS G. H. 1) R AK E..; -And are now prepared to build work in TIIE ;, .LATEtT'STYLE .And most workmanlike; manner. Theo will constantly keep on hand an assort meat of splen did • I TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, FAMILY CARRIAGES, DEIIOCRAT AND LUMBER WAGONS, ONE AND TWO SEATED ALBANY , 'SLEIG HS: ALL WORK .WARRANTED. REPXIBING promptly atteo i ded to at rea- souable pFices. BRYANT StISTIILBN Towanda, May 9,1867.-IY. LII . THEE'S MILLS, BIIRLINOTON, PA: The proprietor, having rebuilt his Flaming /dill in Barington. and taken pains in selecting ar ticles, and the most improved machinery, it is now Completed in °r i der for all kinds of Flouring. CUSTOM WORE DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. • • 'with cheerful attendants, who will see to your wants in good order and with-general satisfac tion. ,Wash paid for Grain. April 17. 1888. ROSWELL I.I,:THEI{. N - E, W PLANING MILL The undersigned having built a large and com modious Mill in the Borough of Towanda, and filled if with the moat Modern and improved machinery, for the manufacture of , ._[ . ViINDOW BASH, ,St BLINDS, are prepared to fill orders, whethei large or small, upon the shortest notice. We have also a large variety of MOULDINGS, -of the latest style and pattern, which we can furnish much cheaper than they can be worked by hand. PLANING, . . • ,TONGUEING, - • . . 1 GROVEING; • . -.. • AND SCROLL SAWING,, and all other work pertaining to Joinery, will be dcineto suit our customers. . Persons' building, and not living more than= twelveto fourteen -miles distant, will find It largely for their interest to bay of us, or bring their luMber and worked by our machinery. Bring your grist of Flooring or other lumber, and- while your team is is -feeding, have -It :ground out and take it home with you.. We wlll pay CASH for 4PINHA HEMLOCK LUMBER delivered at out lumber yard. Coine and tiepins, or if you- coal come, write. L. B. Romagss CO: Towanda, Feb., 1864. ' UOK-41NDERY.—THE PUBLIC LP is respectfully li/formed that the 13Ook- Bindery has been removed to the Argus •Build= lug, 3d story, where will be done• B 0 011-,BIN DIN GI bran its various branches, on tem' as rea sonable as." the times " will allow. The Bind ery will be under the charge of 'H C. WIfITASEI3I; . _ AneXperienced Binder, and all work will be promptly done, h a sty.te and manner which cannot be, excelled. Music,. Magazine:lLNews papers, Ord Rooks, &c., bound in every variety. of styie. Particular attention will be paid to the'Buling and Binding IA BLAKK BOOKS, • TO any desired pattern, Which in quality and damoitity wil he warranted. : All wort will be ready for `delivery when promised. ' • • The patronage of Abe public it nollelied, and pertte sathfacuon parranteed. Towanda i August 2, 1866*—tf;' TOWANDI INSITBANC • • AGENCY! Policies lanted,Lonanaiiicultad an ; aptly Ps ,411. B. liVariLdß, Awn. 01 iha Following will Julian rei•able (:on panics. Office liontanya's 13! ° Aggtegate Alm* of Capital, $ Arra* braimanos CoarAlll` Capital , Ilartford, Cow., • . =POOL AND LONDON AND GL PUN AND Lin baseman' Co. • Csipital. Surplus and 1/06ttled Venda (Gold) ' it6,271,q7 Assets is the United States, over.% , 1,800.0 u Daily Preipiums, upwards 9t (Gold) 17,00 NivribioLnar bcausiinteomraxt..l • ilartjaid, Conat.7f Cap Wiroinia btouttatatattcs CotoAar. t Wilkes-Ban e, I Capita! Hoare ANN=Ax Tannin. Imitraiscs 0 0 ., , (Accidental) • • • Phiguktipisia, I Capital., . . -45(Ki.uou • Commortour YvrvAi.Lmixsaivxcs $lO/- Co. . . Cana., • Capital ,000, 000 . , Towanda,•Feb.. 20, 18436-4.1 •.t. • HARTFORD LIVE STOCK IN6u. 1.11. RANCE COMPANY. • 'CAPITAL $500,000. Cash assets Nov.-1;186G, - $155,208 83 ' . Insures on - all kinds".iof five stack.' agiw • -theft and death from ' any cause. H. H. McKEAN • Jan. 10, Ifen • Agent. • • Dee.sth, the Hare " Lady Mace," owned I,y Dennis R. Fliiggi 04 Boston.. slues., accident-illy received a kick• from another - horse, breakin g her tell tore leg, above the knee, rendering it necessary to kill her as an act of hulnautly. cured in the Hartford Live 6tonk inianines 6, ?Iv pang. Lou paid pet:. nth 1861 1 : FIRE' LIFE; AND ACCIDENTAL • INSURANCE. 17 4 1 . AL REPRESENTED OVER - BEVEN7WEN . MILLION 1101.1.4 . • -c; S. RUSSELL, Agent, I. - FOR TUE FOLLOWING NANZDItr.LIABLN CoMPANYs PIitARD YULE 1 MARINE INEIIIII.ANCZ - COMPANY Philadelphia, f Capital and &opine'. over Roma Ixsusatici COMPANY,. Of New-York Capital and surplus, over.... INOURARCI Comi4Eanit or NORTH AMERICA/ Pheadt/phia. Capital and tamping, over 31,700.u0u . Ids.sriArran bairns Nos COMPANY, i • Of Wm-York. ...Capital and surples. over • $9OO 9(0 .., E * NTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY, / Of Philadelphia. :1 Capita} and surplus, over ~..$350,000 . Mow Issunstma Cosirssy,„....,,A• Of .New-York. Capital awlsurplus, over ' 'PUTNAM INSURANCE COXIANT, 7 t . Of Hartford, Conn: 1 • Capital and 'surplus, over... ...... $704,000 i. licrusi. lasi 11On:rah-mos Costrastr. • Of New-York. 1 tiapital and surplus,nier. Trts.vszums Issussaos COMPANY, t ' , Of Hartford, Conn. 1 Capital and surplus,. ()Tar ' $600,000 'niiks taken on all kinds of Property, at jui„ low-ratesas by any other-reliable Companies: ?elides issued and Losses,-.- It any, lasted at this Ageney;thereby saving the trouble 'and exists* of going elsewhere for settlement. W 011ie at the Ilardwhere Store of Cod ding t Russell ' C. 13, RUSSELL. Towanda, Feb. 7, 1866.—tt T EE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTEL'AIdEItICA. Office No. 241 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. This Company are now prosecuting the bu nese bt Insurance from loss or damage by FIRE on - Buildings, Merchandise. Furnitbre, throughout the State of Pennsylvania, ou finer• afteruis,for long or short periods; or perrn.loKa.• ly of Buildings, by a deposit of Premium. The prompt payment of claims for losses tug the period of nearly 70, years that the (2' in . pany has been in esistence p entitles them to t h confidence of the public: Dzazorons.—Arthur G. Collin; Semite. ' Jones, John A Brown,Charles Taylor. A nl Iro,e White, Jno. R. Neff, Richard D. Wood. Wm. ' Welsh, Wm. E. „Bowen, James N. bielthtni S. • John Morris Wain, Mason, Geo. L. tinrr. , . , ,, Francis R. Corp4.,Edward H. Trotter. Edward S. Clarke, Win. Cummings. • ARTIIIIR G. COFFIN, Pres'nt. C. S. RUSSELL, Airpnt, Tnwanda. FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE PNSLT RANCE .0014.PANY OF MIIjDLE PENNSYLVANIA, Office in Din:milk, Montour County, Penn a Capital The Partneri Mutual Pire Insurance Company of Middle Pennsylvania was incorporated by the ' Pennsylvania begialature, in the year 18.59 for the Mutual Insurance of Conntryproperty only, and immediaaty thereafter - commenced' its °per. ations on_that principle, which has been . strict : ly adhered to Once, All losses have been promptly paid out ot the P.remiuma coUected on application for insurance without making any tomm.supenta. • ' The Inanrince ot Country proper-y only, the tow rates charged tar Insurance, and the prompt payment of losses are deemed a sufficient recom• mendation of the Farmers tMuitud Fire loss, •ance -Company of Middle Penns.lvania, to al owners of sate class' country property. P. JOHNI301!1, Sec'y. Wy. FIILMER,Prert ' I LUCIEN MYER, March 6.,' 66. . Agent. Towanda. Pa B R F.0,1t . 1) COUNTY REAL ESTATE AGENCY, - - IL B. ArcKEAN ? REAL EsTAA AGENT Valutible ,Farms, It'll' /Properties, city sod Town, Lots tor Bale. Parties having' prOperty for sale will and it to' their advantage by eaving a description 01 the.same, with term*of sale at this ageocy,as patties are crtnstantlY enquiring for farms dtc • ! H. B. McKEAN, - -Real Est to Ageot. (Ake Idontanye's Block , Towan , Pa. Tan. 29, 1867. .J.VED,POOL AND LON _ -La GLOBE FIRE AND LIFE Ib COMPANY.—Office, 45 William Broadway, N. Y. Capital, Surplus and Reserved Fonds Meld) 1, - $16;271,675 Assets - in the United States, over 1,800,000 Daily Premiums, upwards of (gold) 1. 17,000 •r es sharcholdersi personally responsible for engagements of the company. Al Directors mast be shareholders. DlREC'rnag IN Nrw Youx.—Fran id Cotteuet, 'Esq. Chairman, Henry Grinnell ql,. - Deputy Chairman, -Joseph Gaillard - ,. . Archibald, Esq., H. B. M. Consul Alexarirle ItathiltOn, Jr., Esq., Robert O. Per u, w.sq. Alfred Pell, ,Esq.,, Resident Seere lay . 'Alex ander Hamilton, Jr.; Esq., Counsel . 1 Board. BArlins —Phenix Bank--Camma n Co. -The Policies of this _Company e issued by. well-known 'American citizens real eat in New Yolk, who are Directors , and Share alders, And, consequently, with the (other Shit elders. are individually liable ,tor all the eng gements of the Company ; all Policies are sign by them ; all claims are payable in cash on proof of lola, without deduction for interest; and not, as is usual, sixty days after presentation of proof They expire at sir ofelock; P. M., and not at noon. Life insurance -- effected, and annuities granted on favorable terms. 11; B. McKE , Towanda. April 23..1867, .. HORSE• HAY- F , O RK. . DRAKE, SILL & HUDSON'S 4TENT. Patented July 31, 1866 The aubscriher would respectfully call the at• tentiou of Farmers to The latent arid great• st invention in the way of Horse Ha Forks and Cutteri. This fork is Heer, chew er, srld -bet ter, more durable, and less liable to break or get out of repiir, than any one now offered -to :the public. It is proposed that th:4ork shall start upon its merits and is warran to work perfectly id gip-better. satisfaction. than an York in th woHd. It ,is easter Wok for the man who. ' it, a boy can manage it with easy-) and it is a rat rate hay knife. It is p,sp lend id l i es article,' please look at it. For sale by Cadillac& Hassell, ToWands, T.. L. Moody, Rome. -,_ • M. N. MOODY. -- June 13, 1867.-2 ms - • • I - 11 1,1 E PARLOR SETS, at • ' FROOI3. JOCIHOTOORAPII ALBANS OF ALL atm end 'styles. at the 'FEW ROOM. - fEAKFAST, DINING, EX.TEN EtION,And Palm. Tables, At Fixosrs. s2ou.uou CA IA 5360,0,,6 $3 ,750,CG0 $750,000 $8,000.060 f~ii ism ,ft, 'ON AND ' ,:sUR,42,IC , ail I 7 , Agmt