Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 15, 1867, Image 3

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    fradford !porter.
gr The .c)tiblio School of this Bor
ongh opened'n Monday last. .
1 1):.. 1106. W.L.LINcory,M. 0: from
Owego, N. Y, was in town last weak.
D s. W. H. Taw maul; will Lecture
at Batylay, on Friday evenin g ; Ang.
seet- Mti Geo. COREY, formerly of
this County, is spoken of by the Scranton
Rep/Miran, as a candidate for Congress in
The 12th District, to the vacancy occa
,ioned by the death 11Mr. Dimusox.
tog.. The Williamsport Lumber:
Company " haviS just purchased a tract of acres of timber land in Canada.
Enough for quite a farm. B. H. TAILOR, Troy, is'one of the @ockholdeis of
al,. Company.
to erect a temporary building on Pine St.,in
to do business until they can - rebuild
in the site of their old building. It is their
intention to erect a A'lts-trtntial Bre•proof
- r.. itt.;v. It. J. PARVIN, of Thil ad 61-
phiti, will
,preach in the Episcopal . Church . of
this pladeron Sunday Next. Mr. P. was one
of the first Rectors of this parish,
his labors contributed much toward making
the church what it is. Hada an eloquent
speaker and a sincere ekristian..
„re” COI. ROGER FOWLER is on aNis
it•to his frier* in, this place'. CoL F. is now
Largely interested in the Southern Pacific
R. which, I he informsus will be pushed
tn, ,1 speedy completion. He is looking re
markably well, and has not degenerated a
ranicle politically since he left Bradford.
tel. Mr. SAMUEL HAWKINS, of North
Tow.tudic, accidently cut one of his fingers
ii with a broad-axe on Monday last. FortU
'lately he had two accidental insurance
so that he will draw forty dollars Per
week until the Wound is sufficiently healed
t., permit him to pursue his usual business.
is. The crops are promising well
iu Western Bradford. The hay ctop is much
larger than usual and all or nearly all has
L6en cut, Wheat is excellent and undis
turbed by insects. Oats•promise to be little
if anything ; potatoes a fair crop, and corn,
If the hot weather does not make cigars of
the leaves, bids fair for an average crop.—
Troy (nuke.
-11R21 - J. B. BROOK'S, (colored),
Bishop of Zion Church, visited this
place on Sunday last : We believe he came
here;at the solicitatioif of one or two colored
persons, for the purpose of transforming the
members of Rey. S. Coopmes church from
their connection with the Weslyan Metho
dist church, to his branch 01 the church.—
Two members . oniy ,!voting in favor of the
change, the Bishop departed without accom-
I•lisliing his object. - ghe wistst course for
the colored people here is tb remain united,
and continue to,we4ip in their old place. Foor.=—Little girl came to
thf• Eye and Ear Institute on Saturday with
a lout bent backward and inward from in
faucy never being :able to walk a step.
Dr. Up De Graff snipped the coutmcte'd
tcliti,ms in a twinkling, and the foot r
tlt.ttt-il to its propei4position. After wear
a.l4 the club-foot shoe fur a while, to keep
it straight, 'twill be just as good a foot as
This operation, together with one for
.14,t, and another" for cross eye, kept
1 iz , ctor busy on Saturday_ morning.=
Laity Gazette.
-1.1,1 I-11:i OF THE -ACCIDENT. —Last week we
g.tre•a brief account of the accident whiCh
ixf I ME , Bennett, at tie bark-peeling camp
about four miles from this Place. We since
learn that Mr. B. recovered his senses for a
short interval, and stated that his injulies
were one of his horses stumbling
0% , r a wagon tongue and falling on him.
Dr. 'Benjamin, of Thashorei set the broken
limb, and at One time he was thought to be
out of danger, but 4 relapsed into a state
f hyneope, and died last Wednesday night.
lie leaves a wife and six children to mourn
his loss, besides a large circle of relatives
andfriends.—sillivah Democrat.
UV' Thelite fire having destroyed
- the office oq.upied by Dr. DEWITT, he- has
taken the room, on Main 'et., lately occu
p,“l by G..P ; Mason Co's. Bank. We
congratulate the Dr. upon the success. 'he
. has met with as a practicioder of medecine
thus far, in our midst, and trust•that in his
new locality ho will do still better. Per- no Phyvician in this• section-of coun
4. try has h:4l the experience in the treatment
of disease in its various forms that Dr. Dir.-
Wrrr haat: He graduated at the Jefferson
Medical College in 1853, and. has fox four
. teen years : ;enjoyed a very extensive and
moat succissful, practice in the eastern part
of this county. Thousands of his old pat
rons would to-day gladly avail themselves
the oppoittniity of testifying to his great
power over disease, excellence of character,
and strict -honesty of purpose.
LANi, who murdered ROSWELL
Tioga County, has not been arrested. The
Times say§ t•
"It would hardly have been thought pos
,ible, that so, great a crime as the murder,of
the old man, Boswell, at or near Tioga,
could have been committed, and the perpe
trator so long escape the vengauee of put
t raged justice. It seems, however,thatnoth
ing has been'seen or heard of the man Lane,
laid it is fear&l that he has got well out of
the wpr. The only, and probably the' true
taotivd',of the murder, ascribed to him, has
herir-tliat he might conceal "his Mkt con
nection with the daughter, by the wholesale
poisoning of the family, and having failed
in this, resolved - upon clubbing them - to
•loath. The possession of the money real
lull from the sale of the cow could not pos
sibly have been the temptation. It lasin
gnlar that a Ruin, with his intelligence, could
have thought to kill a whole family. end ea ,
cape detection. He is- said to have been an
.aduattions Mechanic, has a. respectable
f"tailiaod was respected by all his neigh-
wage House 4% Owego; N. Y., by Rev. L.
Cobb, July 4, 1867, - M.r.' G. H. Humptire,Y
ti Miss Clare A. Bosworth, both 4:4 L -
Maysville,' Pa.
VANNtSS"--HOLCOMB.— In • th,o 33n fiat
Church, lin Leßoy; Aug. 4, 1867, by Eo
' JFt. %Tartness, of Frank:.
aale, to MWAdellHoloonab, of Lollop
Optriat - - -
air' Albums, very tbios .
& Co's. Book Store. 111,, •
tek. Pvson,Thasto' and Scribner's
New System of Peomtu n dlip,attperior to all
others, at Cuss & Co.'s few Book Store.
To TEA.cliEßB.—Pa‘it Theory and
PrNctice of Teaching likkersham's School
economy and methoololinstiitction at-An, ,
cone & Pennon's. •
WANTED.—A firsticlass cook, and
'good hostler Cl l / 1 Ltd t'eady l emPloyment
at the Ailerican Hotel, Atheos, Pa..- Ap
ply to Bennett & Smith, corner Division &
:River St. Towanda. •
I. A superior qMslity, of Stamp
ing Paper• and EnvelopeE4 always on hand,
at C. F. °Ross & Oo's. BOA.Store.
Ifft.. We bays lat4ly
r eceived an
elegant Staniping ,Press {From the city, and
are prpared to kelp pd r and envelopes
in all colors , or plain, ' may be required,
in the moseffishinnable d artistic manner
al. C. F. Caoss & C0'5..13 1 k Store..
FANCY Dass Bet,L.--ilThe publie, are
i vited• to attend a Fan bress Ball to be
gi •en at the Union Rote in ROme Borough,
on Friday evening, Se •6, 1867.. Good
music will be in attend - ce. Bill 22,50.
Aug. 5.-4 t G. Gorr, 'Prop. .
- ---- , -- 1 — - •
S. Z. &maze: is • the Authorized
Traveling Agent for Life' d Fire Insurance'
Agencies, Sail Emil Es 'to busines at this
office. ' ; Mo ANTZ & Wean.
TOWANDA, July 25, 186. 1
- 1 j - •
tar Theory andsPr l actice of Teach
ing or the motives and inietheds of Good
School-Keeping, by Dafid P.lPage, A. M.'
Expressly fur Teachdrst at - ewes it Co.'s
t :. 1
New Book Store
C. F. Cross Col are - now
prep, ed to receive Sub4criptiOns to all the
N. . Daily, and Weekly iraper, Pamphlets,
Mag ine:s &c. They d4sign t4 -keep.
ulnr ewa. ! L oom in connection with their
Book Store. • • '
i Go to, DEWriri& DM'=W.§ Mu
sic Booms and see those beautifid Pianos.
Buy one and give it, to ybur daughter. ,Its
mellows and brilliant tone will make, her
heart merry and gay. Tort caa get a better
Piano for less money than in New York City.
-Melodeons 'at - great bargitins. '
• •
-my-, Our heavy .lost by fire compels
us to ask all persons indpbted to us to make
a strotig'effort to help us now.i We• need
It now; and shall feel very grateful too ur
friends, if• they will remember us at thts
time with material aid.
03DDLtila & Russzu,.
Towanda, Ang. 13, 1867.
T - •
STAGE FOR. WAVERLY, (.:oo,nect ng
with trains East and Weld. leaves Towanda
every morning at 7 o'clobk, and will call 'at
dwellings for passengers, if names and ad
dress is left at the Post -1 0ffice With Messrs.
Stage returning leaves Waverly on arri
val of - evening trains from EaSt and West.
Aug. 1, 1867. • '1
i The committeh apriolpted t for
the purpose last year, hi - conference with
the County S. S. MissVmary,l have fixed
upon the( 20th of August for the annual S.
S. Celebration-at Mountain Lake. Invita
tion is extended to all sabools in the vi-in
ity that can be on the groids before 10 o'clock.
Each school will Foy - 1. e oWn, refresh
ments for which tables a already prepared.
D®" At a meeting pf the - Committee
appointed to examine and recommend
Books for use in the Sc: hoots of Brfulford
Co. the following restitution
. Wuki passed.
Resolved, that we" r• ommend PAYSON *
MINTON SCRIM= 8 system 6f Penman
ship. J. D. Hiwrrx See.
The above, Penton/184p is published by
Lower, Barnes and Pott3 Philadelphia, and
can be obtained of AlSoid and Barber Book
_sellers, Towanda, Pa. - .May 23. 3m
I-30 TREASURY Noll l
went is now convertin.
7-30 Treasury notes into l pe 5-2 t Gold Bear
ing Bonds, the undersigned ha, a arrange
ments and facilities for procuring their can
version on the most favorablaierms, holders
who del - dfe to have the'' converted are re
quested' to call upon .1: .
The now 5-20
Bonds e hand for sal ; we also
all descriptions of Government Securities
and pathe highest ma .6t pri e. ,- .
, April,i, 67.' B. li. Rus ell A: CO.
. .
Buti r ls.—N ow readly fol. 8 le,double
and single Tulips, Hyam_iths, b utiful vari
ety, Crocus and a few thae Sue
celery plants
resetfor sale, all been reset i s dondition, is
ono of the best vegetables , a little industry
to_clean up the ground vihere th 3 early Peas
and Potatoes have been raised, 'prepare the
ground with compost and4vou can successful
ly raise a crop of celery if set by Itho ?oth of
August. Determinatlop, iuthistry, work,
application, with good j‘ qgment , and econo
my with the. blessing oflOod, w( rk wonder.
I can educate any man Ili two minute:3'l4v
to raise celery. Many Mrs.
Aug. I.—lm
---:-0-11-- 1
m_,E WINS if
AwAnos.—We recentlyhblished a brief tel
egram 'from Paris, anno cing the award to
Messrs. WA a gold med
al, over eighty-two eomlietitorf, or the per
fection of their sewing-niachineS. Follow
ing are copies of the olial documents con
firming the announcem At . i ' l
13 - July, 1867..
Mr. R. Hunting, No. 13F i liegent-4reet, Lond:
DEAR Sin : Replyinglito your' inquiry, I
beg to state that the only Gold Medal for the
manufacture and perfec l ion of I„Seicirig-Ma
chines and Button-hole Mlichines,Nns awarded
to Messrs. Wsextind:, 7cc.sox,Of New-York.
Yours, respectfully,
Member of Internationa Jury and reporter
of sake. WICERAII Cr'. - .ll3L.tcs Agents for
, 1 . •
-.-... tT --- T
teachersof common and other schools of
the County, are invited4o attend the Coun
ty Institute, at the plan q`` fixed upon at their
last meeting, viz ; Smithfield, nonday,Aug
ust 26, East Canton, gopday-Sept. 9th, and
Orwell, Sept. 16. i ,
Teachers are requested to be punctual in
their attendance at thO opening I,Monday at
two o'clook, prepared to remain till 'the
close, Friday aiternoon' or evening. No
frivolous excuses fora bilence from the Insti
tute will be accepted *exainination• ddy.
Able instructors aid lecturers will be
present. ,
, I
Teachers will bring; text books, note,
books, Ac. . ;
School Directors, Ciergymen and people,
generally, are cordially Invited to attend.
Aug. 1. 0. J;Crralmucx, Co: Supt.
FnrearatiL AGENT OF ! - Um= STAmms,
Capital $125,000. .1 z
, •
Deposits received paYable on demand in
Legal Tender Notes. ;,,• -
Laterestallowed on tine deposiits accord
ing to agreement. 1 • - II
Uncurrent Bank Note received on depos
it or exchanged for Legal Tender.
II- S: Bonds and 740 Trearury Notes
bought and sold. -- , \ ,
Highest price paid for,Comporiad Interest
notes. • 1 \ H •
• Drafts payable in anY, part o the United
States at parfor B.le. i ., 1'
Drafts-payable in En land, Scotland,lre
land or \Vales, in any amount' over one
pound sterling, furnis' hbd at loWestmtes.
Passage tickets fro* LiverpoOor Queens
town to New Yidrk, by this yell known Inman
Line, on and for saldd. 1 .}'
E. U: &urn, Pre i s I
I March 20;'67. 4. N.BETrs, jr., Cash. N
, -
• far Wickeri3haltigi School Economy,
a vary :valuable wok !prepared, expressly.
for School Ts,cht3 , for sale at W 4i,
r i
Coe.-Book Stine. , i . :'
,j Violin Violin atA 1 Guitar strings,
min; for. the: Bow, at Caoee it Co's. Book
Store. 'i
- I
li 88PTEMBER TER11,160;:
WEES.• -
Jas Lackey 'vs. m Lackey, bt.,a1..., .issue.
Clarkson aNi c als vs. Me lest & Warikdebt
SNAJP BI 'a vs.' l ,o F Wellea,Jr.':case.
duo Bortz vs. Po'meroy Bros, traarata4
Polly Chffson vs: J W Sweet a. al —replevin.
Allen White vs , Lewis D Goad win...appeaL
N 0 Elsbree vt. Chas Baton ,ejeig.
H E. Stevens vs. F H Person eLal.. appeal.
S Hyattet.aL vs. F S Elliott et. al.. :..tres.
Augustus Lewis a vs. D D Brawler... ..ejet.
B W Chesney Ts. Athena twp...... —' Awe.
3 Thompson% ad's vs. GWDuakinson,ocija.
Fail Creek C. 4 L Co. vs. 3 M Smith.. tres.
ET MaKeal vs'. W Bramhall....ejecturint.
Wiles Prince va, Edwin Oweis eLal.. do.
Seth Peck vs.•l3aphen BullOck - case.
J A Bradley vs. T owanda Twp ' debt.
J B Dickey et. vs. Valentbre Smith, ejot.
Z P Corson vs. H W Thompson . .:....ejcL
Slc 'Bronson ."N N Parks, • aiipeaL
BroaMa Ito ell'il use vs., G N Park do.
Morgan it Da ' on vs. Wm S Dobbina, Arise.
J Jle i nmark .N C Railway Co do.
Win & Mitch' vs. Welles & Blood.. ado.
Co onwpal _ vs . M Elsbree's ex're ...debt.
F B orff vs. B McKean et. al. —t.att. ox.
D E satin vs./ D Coolbaugh's acim'
W_H Vansyckle •vs.• Fall ereek C. Co.. app.
Michael Kerwin vs. G Simons
J V Ballard vs. 1111.1; II A Ward-- do.'
N Smith vs. Aug. Kelly °kat ' do.
D Slaughter vs.) S p'ierce's • ex'rs .... ,sci., fa.
W HShepard vs. same do. i
John l Drumm vs. Granville twp' debt'.
LPi Gardner vs. Bidgbury twp ' do.
Henry Miller vs. 'Ransom Tanner, ..sci. fa.
Patrick Blade vs. Wm J Eisner , eject.
Advi4 Bayles vs. Leßoy twp debt.
Darnel Quaia vs. Towanda twp do.
Martbi W McGill vs. do' do.
G F ledington vs. F H Parsons ....appeal.
D M James vs. J J Green do.
S Hawkins vs. C D Cash °kat do.
J. -- F Means vs. W Means Watts case.
-Ann Donoho vs. C S Lafferty.. , apseal.
Subpcenas returnable Sept. 9, 1867; at,lo
o'clo4 a. m., for second week, and Sept.
16, 1 3 10 a. m., for third week.
Au . 12, 1867. W, A. Moms, Pray.
BEn AND ALMON& 1807.
• "dlituiy, Alex der English; Asylum, Si
mama! Decker; then twp., Samuel Hulett,
John !Morley, Elsbree• Burlington twp.,
Barker Brown, Hairy Allen; Canton imp.,
Paz ' • Granville, Oscar Saxton;
Herribk, John Anderson; Leltoy,_l3enj. J
Hoagland ;Mo oe twp., Joab Sommers;
Thoialas T Smiley; Pike, Dennis G Nor
thrup; Win. Si Payne; Standing Stone, Guy,
Brow*; Smithfield, Elliott Wilcox; Sheslie-
JChn Webb i Towanda, Charles AL,
ManvillO, Charles helium, Jared D'Gooden
ouglif Troy twp.,
Daniel Randall; Wells,
Ephraim Mosier; Wilmot, George Frutchey.
Albtoiy, Orrisofi Hibbard, Walter Conklin;
Alba 13oro'. David Palmer; Asylum, John
Bennett; Burlington twp., James • Nichols;
Canton' twp., Simeon ,Mclntosh; Franklin,
Thoutas A Seamen, Joseph, E. Spalding;
Granville, Percival S Bailey, Robert Bailey;
LeRoY, Cheeney R Stone, Hollis' A Hol
comb Monroe twp., Charles Holland, Geo.
W White; Orwell, Chancey G Gndley, John
W Hill; Pike, A Dennis Fassett, John Al
derson; Rome Boro'. John Whitaker; Ridg
berry;. Columbus C Bun, Morris Cummings;
Shesliequin, • Andrew Webb ; Springfield,
Win Tracey; South Creek, Geo Suffren; - Ter-
T Horton, Solomon Strong ; Troy
Boro',; NeLscin Adams; Towanda boro', Geo
W, Isaac-Smalley; Wyalusing, Wm N
• Wells; Daniel States; Wells, Abram Nl
channan, Morris Shepard; Wysos, Gaylord
Wood, Geo Gard; Wilmot, Reuben Barnes.
Athens twp:, John Satterlee, Goa—Bur
chard' Bludington West, J H MeKean;
Colui4bia, Gilles-Peckham, Richard Gustin,
Charles '0 Havens; Columbia, Uriah
guson; Franklin, James Williams, Daniel
Montgomery; Granville, - Smith May; Le-
Raysville,. Benjamin Pierce ; Litchfield,
William Campbell; Overton,' Reuben Rhine
bolt; Orwell, • William Browning; Pike,
S Davis; Rome twp: Silas N. Banter,
Washington Towner,Elnathan Smith; Bldg-.
berryo Thomas Decker; Sheshequin, C E
Brighttru;•-South Creek, Jamea Burnham;
Smithfield, John. Chamberlin, Christopher
Child;: - .Troy twp., James. Ward; .Troy
Boro'. l Clement T Paine, Samuel Aspinwall;
Tuscarora, Bailey Keeney; Towanda Bona'.
Win. K . Marshall, Nathaniel N Betts, John
geridth; Towanda North, Samuel Haw
kins; : Wysox, Hiram Davenport, Clark
Sruithi; Windham,. Benjamin Kuykenibill;
Warren, Wm. P Arnold; Wells, Wzi. R
• _I. I '
,ks—Tl e Govern
1 0e - first series o
Albany, Alvin !Waltman; S Mc
lit an f Laporte; Athens twp., i Wm. - West
brookli Burlington twp ;Russell Hollenback;
Burlington West"; Ste hen Stylesf Canton
twp.,•Henry Warren; Chnton Bore'. 'Daniel
Wilccic; Columbia, lames Benedict; 'Frank—
lin, Daniel W Cokeley, Joseph L Johnson,
Herriqk, William -Hillis 2d; Litchfield, An
drew Layton, - Andrew Brainard; Leßoy;
Hem* Andrews, Joseph - Shdley; Monroe
twp.,Jefferson. L Coolbaugh; Orwell, John
H CWles'; Pike, Bradford Beecher; Blue
twp., prepepter Forbes; Sheshequin,Charfes
E Segar; Springfield, Charles O. Elliott,
T Daly; John SalsberTy; Smithfield
Walter Scott, William tierce ;- South
Creck i George Dunham; Terry, Moses Mar
-ceyl,\ Troy twp., Horace Welch, Stephen -
Chilson; Troy Bow', Moses Gustin; Pow
undo I3oro'. Thomas M. Woodruff ; Wilmot,
Daniel D Crandall, David Abxams; Warren,.
Nathan Young jr.; Windham, James New=
man; :Wyalusing, Ira Brown.
pa. School - Cards, of all kinds at
cgossia Co's. Book Store.
ail" Bands furnished with Brass
Instruments, at tho lowest rates, at Caoss
& Co'fif Book Store.
sclk.. Sheet ' Music,. Music Boooks
and Musical merchandise, at Caoss & Co's.
Book Store,
.11Ma. The Dulcimer Instructor, con.
taming „Airs, Marches, .
.11 Waltzes, Schottis
,nrnpipes &e. &c. also directions for
Cnoss & Co's. Book Store.
We are prepared to furnish
Wedding Cards at reasonable rates on short
notice and of the latest and most fashion=
able styles at Cnoss & Co's Book Store,
Constantly on hand 'New and
Standard Books, Family Bibles, Testaments,
Maps; Engravings, 4ke.`at Cnoss Co's
Book tore .
g The Ladies will always find
a large assortment, and Anu quality of
Prencii Paper and. Envelopes at Cnosa'&
Co's. Book Store.
s Army Drum and Fife Book,
Guitar, Accordeon, Violin, Flute and Flage
olet Lastructor,at Cnoss & Co's. Book Store.
ser Jew's Haips, Month Harmon.
icas, &c. &o. at Cnoss it Go's. Book Store.
Agents! wanted, in every
To hip in -Bradford Co. to sell L. C.
Baker's History of the Secret Service.
Xoung menlof Energy can make from ten
to twenty dollars per day, apply to 0. F.
Cnoss & Co. Book sellers, Towanda Pa.
WB. KELLY, Dentist. - Office
il , over Wickham Sc Black's, Towanda.Pa.
Ali the various styles, of work scientifically
donefin warranted. Particular attention is
called to the !aluminum Elise for Artificial
Teeth, which lis equally as good as Gold and
far superior to either Rubber orßilver, Please
call sqd examine specimens. e '"
ChlOroform or Ether administerel under di
rection of a Physician'when desired.
Aug. 6, 1867.--tf. .
1. 1 11PTP714 ACADEMY:
A. A. KEENEY, Panicte4.
Fall Term commences Sept. , 2d. - Superior ad.
vantages afforded those desiring to qualify
themlelvea for teaching.
Stu t ents from a distance accommodated with,
Boar and Booms for Boarding. • -
Furl particulars address the Secretary.
D. D."CHAPFEE, President
'Join R. CANE', Secretary,
Aug. B. 1867'.• I
yparlp Income 0vcr42.000.000 caah.•
T. .4a01u11q.61 186 7, = - •
Nem 2klertisemento.
NCO: Si!oiety't! 4ektney fof Bradfoid co.
ASIP.CAPITAL $%000,600.
*an areitlionnently:,'
11 0- SE - P
- Q E S
TH10.13116418, CLEAMERB;BEPED.gOI3,
BLOOD Si . 004 '-iTHENS;'
Still c ' , salmis to inainitsctbre`r -
To tun the muno,Und are' prepared 'to' Ail ()Wks
ProinPilYi • ,
, ,
As nit be bongdt in the United States.. k ilav-,
log Sean L 5 years' eng wad manifestarlng
Threshing .Machines, we have spared neither
time nor expense la_ parfecLing our • machiees,
and claim to have •
. ,
One that will impolite Me gi ail& frogs the strew
more perfectly, and with leas power.lhan any
other= nranutaltured. Our Maohluar can earn
good pay by si
I• ! -
- .
Ail left bq most. Of the machlies used. They
ate Very simple' la constructhin. being nom;
prised to 6 e piece, SO that 1 di es not require
a Mechanic to set them n . or run them ; they
are all 'manuiactirred nuder our personal super
virion. and we
To show better workmanship or material. Ev
ery machine is eet up and
Before leavink the Woke, and are it, ,
Warranted to !be in. Working Qrdj.
They have,lven in practical use for several
rears, so that we are not advertising a new
in chine every season, ea ch " better" than env .
thing ever bowie offer to the pubitc." y
can be attached to Tre Powers, SWeep Pow
ers,'Btesim-or, Water POWer, and for .
Perfection of 'Working and EConomy, k their
equal has no bp i ? invented.
Are as low aittose of ably other manufacturers
and parties fleatrittg to purchase. will dud it to
their Intetest to exanaine.ou.r stock before pur
chasing-elsewhere. .
On appllcation. All kinds of
• I
On band, and Mill Work, Engines Boi lers and
machinery of all kinds got up to order prompt
ly and on favorable terms.
r ' BLOOD CO.,
Athens. Aug. 8 1 , I. 867.
WOOD k ALLYN having purchased the
Bakery and Eating Es,tat..ll-Iment and Grocery
'recently kept by Hill & Smith, first door. south'
of the Ward House, Main street, - Towanda,
Pa., and' baring re-modelled the same. they are
prepared to fu•nish their customers and the
public with everything in their line at reasou
able rates;
Is fitted up in the most approved style and
meals are served a all hours, and their store is
ailed with a good assortment of
They will keep in store and sell at whilesale
and retail or manufacture to order
Of all kinds. Also will keep the be. Crackers
of all kinds in. the market, by the barrel or
pound. Fresh Oysters constantly an hand ,by
the keg or dish, cheap' as the cheapest. They
will use the best ,materials in ever:, thing and
will try to please the most fastidious.
Sir Wedding and other fancy Cakes made' to
W Families supplied daily and promptly
with anything desired in oar line.
They employ none but the most skilful work
men, and use only the best material. They-are
determined to keep a first class establishment
Give us a fair and candid trial and you will tied
it to your advantage. '
Towanda, Aug 1, 1867.—yr.
pacursion Tickets to' parties of 40 or more
persons, to any station on this - Railway, will
beseld at a great reduction from regular rates.
For instance, say a party of 40 desire to -visit
Portage Falls, tickets to go and return, will be
issued at Et 3d each. The regular fare is 86,50
The saving on la single ticket will $2,15. On
401,1ckets sB6.' To all other stations, the re
duction will be in proportion. Two or three
.days notice should be given, that due arrange
ments for their accommodation,m4 be afforded
each party. Further information will be cheer
„tally furnished at the Tibket Office.
G. P. WALKER. Station Agent.
WM. R. BARR, Gen'i Pass. Agt.. N.' Y.
The undersigned would respeetfuly , give no
the to their friends and the pabli generally
that no goods will be sold
AC thiifStare after the I,
And all accounts due us, are• expected to be set
tled by the 16th of August..
Towanda. July. 18. 1867.
Farina in Tolbot anti 'sidjonilag, counties on the
Eastern Shore of Marylandol
Destr.ble Farms near Salt Water, Game,
Fish and Oysters in the greatest abundance .
Hest - fertile a 11, producing Grain, and Vegeta
bles of ievery kind. A delightful climate suita
ble for - Peaches, Gicapes and every variety of
Fruit,- with a tide of emigration pouring in
from the North, combine to make it a great in
-ducement to any person contemplating a change
to a mild and healthy climate. Circulars,
maps, and catalogues of farms, and prices, sent
free upon application to me at Easton, Tallot
county, Maryland , or to Edward Overton, Jr..
Towandai Pa., •
Late 11. 8. Army, formerly connected with
Bingham Estate , Land Agency in Northern
Aug. 8, 1867.
DA.--11 building - Wm. oo ombard and
Third Sta. Price from $350 to $7OO.
60 Lots on Main and Railroad streets Price
$3OO to Up. -
Fifteen lots on Bridge street.
A Town Residence. Good house and good
netighborhood. Price $2200.
House and tot on Third street, opposite col
lege. Price 11800.
• Two Lots'6ofeet front by 100 feet deep, opp
site College.
A p yly to MONTANYE , .£ WARD.
• Town properties band, bought and sold.--
.I.intals'obtaixted. '
Ten minutes walk from-the Borough. Price
$3,500. Part may remain. _
, .
ToWanda,,Jul• 25, 1867. • •
Offers the ' following ;ud Ticiker
Lan& for sale.:
Fine Timber lot, 3 miles from . .Towandik, cn.
tabling 53' acres. Price $1,325.
Perth in Asylum, containing 135' acres. GoOd:
buildings. \Under a ollt. e state of 'cultivation.
Mostly improved. Price $6,000.
Farm in West Burlington—o - n the Creek.—
New house and barn. Under sane state of cal
.tiVation. o.secrez. Price $5;450. \
Farms in Franklin. All under gOo4 l cultiva-
Goa.. Good buildings. For sale cheap:
Several very- desire le Rouses and Lots in
cA.largs tract of Coal Lends in Tioga comity.
Towanda; July 18,1867; . °
yulety for Etale--chrgo...
,We take pleasure in informingiott
that ve'havijust ,opened in Tomsk,
da, ,on the corner of Bridge 'and
Main Street, .140. 3 Patton's Block,
on. Elegan t New Book" :arid - Music
Store, where every the Book'
Stationery and music Jilts may be
fogia. Also Statuary, Paintinim,
t:: :
G#4l Pens, Sp' . tdeles,Eye Glasses
igp Glasses, ere elaSses, and a
general assortinerd 'of Minim/ In 7.
struments, :Yankee :Notions cincl
Fancy Article&
Our Goods were all selected in the
City with great care by experienced
hands and bought With — cash at a
very loth figure loith a ,uiew to' the
wani4 of this community. -
We feel_ confident we, shall be able
to offer. bargain? to all who will fav
or us wit their a patronage. cal
ana, see us.
BEAD Ir.—Coon A: Co., have juit
opened a splendid New Book and
Music Igtoro, in Tatton'a Block,
Towanda, where they are selling
everything, in their line cheap for
Cash., Call and see them and sat-
isfy Touripplf that such is the case
owanda, June 27, 1267
Has enlarged Lis store and is daily adding
largely to his stock, Id tho line of Watches
he keeps the.
And a well selected assortment of SWISS
WATCHES, all warranted to ran well or the
monep refunded. He keeps on hand a large as
sort-nent of the celebrated
Suitable for offices tho Parlor or Kitchen. As
usual A good stock of floe
In the plated line. he has Rogers Biotber
Breakfast t Dinner Castors
Elegant treble plate double wall
Handsome Calib Baskets,
Pickle ,tiudi, Tea cte., ie., to
CHAMBERLIN is now keeping the
aftuvEß & BAKEW3 •
Family Sewing Machines.
Thek Ilachinesare superior to all others for
family use, for the following reasons :
They sew with two threads vieeet from the
sp,ols, and require no rewinding.
They are more easily understood and used,
and less liable to derangement, thin other ma
Ehey are capable of . .exectulog perfectly,
without change of adjustment, a much greater,
variety of work than Other machines.
he stitch made by these machine., is much
more firm, el stir, and durable, especially upon
articles which require to be washed and Ironed,
than any other at itch.,
This - stitch, oiving to the, manner in' which
the under thread is unwrought, is much the.
most plump and beautiful in' use, and retains:
this plumpness and beauty, even upon articles',
frequently washed and ironed, until they are
worn out.
The structure of the seam fn such, thaerthol
it be cut or broken at intervals of only a telt;
stitches, ft will neither open, run, nor , ravel,
but remainsdirm and durable.
Unlike other machines, these fasten both
ends of the seam by their own operatign.
With thesemachthes, while silk is used uPon
the right or fax side of the seam, cotton mai) ,
be used upon the other sidd without lessening
the strength or durability of the seam. This
can be done on uo other machine, and is a , great
saving upon all articles stitched or made up
with ,silk
These machines, in addition to their superior
merits as instruments for sewing, execute the
most beautiful and permanent embroidery and
ornamental work.
You can ,get Sewing Machine Needles, and all
articles pertaining to the aig n uhine business .
You can get at CHAMBERLIN'S one , of .
No better made in the States. Warranted sev:
en years, and to stay - id-tune • longer than any
other. Keeps on hand the American, and Treat
Lindsley A Co , celebrated
Which for sweetness of torte and style alai&
cannot be surpassed. Are suitable for Churches
Lodges, Seminaries, and the home circle. Also
a general assortment of other musical instru
ments together with Violin, Viollncello Strings
Bridges, Tail Pieces, Bows, Bow Hair, Keys,
Resin, Ac., Ac.
Reinember that I do not depend upon the
sale of Musical In.strtiments for a living, conse
quently am willing to sell at a very small ad:
Done in the, beet manner, as usual. at low rates
Towanda, July 18. 186 .
situate in Asylum townsitip, 80 acrd ;
60 acres improved ; A GOOD FRAME HOUSE
with 14 apartments ; Two orchards ,• foot . .. Lit
ing springs ; a - Flame Barn with Basement;
36x46—For Sale. Price $3,500. (part may
main). Apply to
Towanda, July 11. 1667. '
The subscriber offers for sale his lam in
Wysox, nearly opposite Towan a. This farm
- wdtabis 120 acres of land in it high state Of im—
provement, with a splendid dwelling house,
barns and outbuildings. It has a large never
failing orchard stocked with good fruit of ev-/
cry description. It . is 4 in a good neighborhood
withbflasy _reach of the church and' action'
pribileges of Toiiinda borough. For tenui of
sale, empire. of the subscriber on the prem
ises. 11.011 GIAN D. STRICKLAND:
Wysox, April 8, 1867.—tit / - .
About font...miles from Towafida, on the
Eastern bank of the Stuvrehannailiver. Con
taining about' 100 acres. Framed 'house and
barn, a horse barn, corn house and good apple
. , For terms and particulars
Inquire 4)( DELPEDCH • of Sheshminin,
or JAMES WOOD, at Towanda.
Jetta 13.1867. ; /
T. HE,
York. Agency for Tfradlord Ca.
CAPITAL s*oo,ocm.,
Dividend for 18 6
Towanda, July 25,1567.
And the
Heavily plated
Mi S !
1 ; '
" ;Fa'
~A ;(1t.
F..- AIM
NE''Vir \ G.O 0 D I
Have just opened their large and
spacious store, and will
keep at all time*
DRY- , G-00136.
. [(Opposite Codling & Russell.)
'i,, - , Towanda, April le, 1887.
I w PIP NE 1
IV a-
Have just opened their
=spacious Store, an
keep at all tint,
.. -.t
•- t •
(0 , 1)rm44? , &iRwMII)
Tow% April 16, 1661.
: Swap 717 V
ittkitAitattrrol4 4 -ircht"
President Judge
of Ole 12trOcuirchurf,r.coadrnb4r of the
colonies ot•illradiord and guaehadna. and
• one.
_Ley' !Belford and, J. W_ . Van Dyke,
Aiociiaaaoee hatele." - tge u 4 for Add • Costal of
Bradford, We preeept basrlegdate
the 24 day of July, A. D. 1867 to me directed,
'for holding I.osert of Oyer, ond Terminer. flew'
ant Quarter* of the Pace, Manson
Pleas and Orphan's Coat, at Towanda, for the
CaittPdi -Stsdard.oklienddl, the:Sit - day of
SePesedow vertkto sonlines three /reeks.
c , Ntitiellietherefote hereby: &tea to the Conk
aqui:hides. efthe-Pretee. and Cranstairkw. of
the IComety* Bradford, that they be.thekand
thereln.: thtie , pma• psnon, at 10 o'idoek In
-the foremost of 67,10* their anon% in
=ions and other remembrences,lo do those
which to : : °eke appertains to be
dune ; and those who are bound by redegnisane
or otherwise to prosecute against the prisoners
wt,ar,e or, may be in the Jail of said COnnty,
w Ain be bound to appear at the,ealff Cood,
meld be then and there to 'prosecute age not
them as shall be Net, Jdrors are requested to
be punctual; l their attendance, agreeably to
their notice. ' •
Dated at Towanda, the Slst - day.of July, in the
year :of ourlord,ronerhousand eight hundred
sad ilztriamen, and of the Indepeubileece , of
the-United Slates, the niztetydlrst. ,' • •
Q i ilEltlti"S'BAtE.: 2 43i . "viritie - of
Li 7 snadry-, rits of Vetiii.Expo., issued out of
the 0 °lnt of Common Pleas t Bradford . Coon.
ty there tr a F be exposed -to, putt& sale, at the.
Court Ho .In the Borough of Towanda; on'
MONDAY the 24 -day of. SEPTEMBER, 1867,
at lo'ckek, p. m., the following . eacribed lot.
piece .or parcel of. knit situate in Athens Bow'
bounded as - foil. its, to wit : On , the 'efts& by
.be Dahlia Waver larding to: Waverly, on 'he
north by P. Tyler, on the west and south by C.
F. Weller, designated as ota -II .. 40 suo 41,
sizelo:l2o feet with ,dwelling house Cu; (tut,
trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
E. H. Cook A Co.. vs. 'John Heavener. -
• Ai/lc—The I /Bowing- described lot. piece or
parcel of land situate in Home twp".,.bounded
north ;by lands- of B 1: .0. -illeibigg s . east and
south by lands belonging .Lo the estateot David
Ridgway. eec'd., Ana wee t tby the pub I. -higtt-,_
way leading from Iftmweron to•Aftny: -con
taining-10 acres of - tuna • more or less all im
proired, with a tramen, Wiese, framed barn, saw
mili, and a feW fruit trees thereon. .
tieizenand taken in execution at the trait of
. ABCs X.; Comet va. Gen..• W. Besay. - •
ALSO—By virtue of suncry writs of Fl. Fa.
and Vend. Expo., /lie followia g deacrib. d lit,
i parcel' lrih b ot hu hr d : e f tu ir e o in Troy t j w o i ii;
G t, James Mc&filtand, o Heniy iluggles, Leon-
Ruggles and the public • high Way, east by
th public hi ay and Hagar Creek, booth by
ds of N las Potter, am 'west by land of
'Jo 8 er. Containing 40 acres of Jan&
m re or less, all improved,- With a brick and
I ed tavern house, known as the &at Troy
H ] 2 framed barns,, and Trot
tin Park thereon.
and taken in execution at the snit of
.W . H. Peek's use et, al., vs. Miles D. Cass.
o—By virtue of sundry writs of FL Pa..
th toliowing described lot, p eee or parcel of.
li d situate in the Borough of Towanda, bona.
44.. .p 4 described as Ottawa, on the north by
State treat, east and south by lands of Mariam
.Moody, and west by Geiger's Alley. Being 33
feet onState street. and about 100 feet back,
mere or less, With two ir.amed houses thereon.
Seized a d taken in execution at the salt of
John Holmes vs. H. Yaw. " - t-•,'---
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Monroe twp., bounded north by
lands of Thomas Bennis, east by land of Cha .
Brown, south by lauds of B. 8. Hinman, west
by lands of Wesley Harvey. 'Containing about
75- acres, about 15 , 4/ores improved, with a small,
framed house and few trait, trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of
Simnel Schrader's administrator vs. Thomas
Dond. , . „
ALSO—The following described lot piete or
Pied of land situate in Pikiii;twp., bounded
north by land of Azarish Champion, east by
land ot said A. Champion, south by the public
hway and on the west by lands of Samuel
W net. Containing one acre and eight perch
of land, more or less, all • improved, with A
4 14 d
house thereon. .
• Seized and taken in execution at the snit of
George C. Atwood's ash va. Fanny Jarvis.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or
parcel ot. landsituate in the Susquehan n a: River
"(being n Island] directly opposite the mouth
int Itummetflind Creek, , and lying- between
Landing Stone and Asylum typo:, bounded on
sides by the Susquehanna River. Contain
ing 16 acres el land, more or /
leis. with about
3 acres improved. , " I
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Joseph C• nklin et. id. vs John P. Primer.
ALSO—The following dincribed lot
.piece or
parcel of land situate in Herrick twp., bound
ed east y the Union Scho,ll House lot, south
by the Main road, leading fromi Bucks mill to
lowan .a, and west and north byi land of L. M.
Stevefis Containing one acre, re or leis, all
improved with a framed ballot° erected tura
cheese Maninactory thereon.
Seized anti taken in xecution I at' the snit of
John A. Codding vs. Andrew A. St. John. .
• ALSO—The .obowing described lot, piec'e or
parcel o' laud satnateint Canton tarp., bounded
north by lands of Ja de . Colwell and N. Vans
mee, east by land of S. D. SendaiLsOnth by
•the public highway, west by Lands of the said
N. Vamp*, et. al. Containing li acres of
land, more or less, all improved; with a•fratned
house , saw mill, and few ft nit trees. thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ot
Chao. A. firise'a use vs. B. P. Bishop
A ISO—The followins described lot, piece or
parcel ot land situate in Ul , ler twp., bounded
north. by a Line running from the nsain road to
the canal, east by land of Patrick Flood„ south
by lane of Mrs. John Flood, treat by the public
road leading from Towandt to Athens. Con
taining 4 ot an acre, morel or less, all improved
with a plank house and thereon.
Seized and taken in 'Execution at the stilt of
Amasa Watkins vs.AAndrew J ..Elebree.
Towanda, Aug. 8, 18:7. • • -
hereby given, that there has been filed and
settled - ht the office of the Register of *Wills, in
and for the county of Bradford, accounts of
Administration upon the following estates, viz:
Final account of V. C. Leonard. administra
tor of the estate of L Reed, late of Weflea,dec'd
Final acc't of -James ElsWortb, adm'r of es
tate of John Campion, late o I-Windham, dec'd.
Final acc't 1. P Stafford, adm'r of estate of
Joel Stafford, late of Wyalusing, dee'd.
• Final acc't of!James Drake adm'r of Julia A .
Drake, late of Lit hfield, dec'd.. !
George Morley; tide, of Sally Olmstead, late
of Ulster, dee'd.
Final acc't of B W McClelland, adm'r f'J C
Hurlburt,iate of Canton, dee'd.
Final acet, of 88. Hakes, adm'r of A phew;
.D Moser, late of Albany; de4'l.
Final aeo't of M T Porter and Thomas Ames
adm'rs'of the estate of hiatus Sturdevant, late
of Granville, dec'd. - •
. Final acc't of H H Foster, adm'r of Peter J
Vroman , late of Burlington, dec'd.
Finalacc't James P Coburn, adm'r of- the es
tate of W B Friable, late of Warren. deed.
DB 1
Final sco't of C. G Gridley adm'r.of the estate
6f J W Tyrrell, late of Orwell, decd.
Final acc't of R illilobards and J A Carr, ad
Ministratora of A J Carr, late of Albany, dec'd.
Final acct of E A Coolbau4h adm'r of the es
tate of J Y Hinman, late of Wysoz, dec'd.
Final acc't of Revad Bramball: guardian of
Geo, L. Middatigh, minor child of - Isaac Mid
daugh late of ,Wyalusing, dec'd.
Partial, sat •of Isaa c Marsh, guardian of
Mary C Marsh, mina; child of Elliott Marsh,
late of Pike,. dec'd.
ALl3o—The appraiseruent of praperty sei of
by the Ezicatar. or Administrator,, to widow;
or children of the followingliecede,nts, viz t •
Fatate of Johnißolleabacit, deceased. '
- Caleb Ingeraon -
" . Caleb Bennett "
Robert Lewis
" Jonathan Yandike "
" John Horton
H eyser
. 4 Josep Hitchcock "
" Daniel J Horton a
" John .Dickerson; " '
"- John Tam& .
N 4:~ ~j:Y iI:H ~~
And the same will be :presented to the Or
phan's Court of Bradford - Canty, on Monday,
the /d day;nr September nest, for contlimation
"Ad allowance. ' , H. J. MADILL,
'Ang.l3, 1847.
..Li This is to give no/IW, That on the 24th
day of July, A. D. • 1967, a warrant in Bank
raptcy Was•issued against the estate of Henry
Fulmer of the township of Cherry, in the coun
ty of Sullivan and State •of Pands, who
has been adjudged a Bankrup t Wen peti
lion ; that the payment of any debts and de
livery' of any property belonging to such Bank
my to him os for his use, and the transfer of
any property by, him are forbidaen• - b, law ;
that a meeting of the creditors of said Bank
rupt to prove their debts and to chose one or
more Anignees of his estate, witl be held at a
Court of Bankruptcy to be holden: sr the °Mee
of the Register in the Court House. in the Bo
rough of Towanda, before. EDWARD OVER
TON, Jr., Register ,en the 30th day of August
A. D.• 1867, at. 2 o'clock.. p. m.
United States Marvhal as Messenger; Wait.
' • em District of Pennsylvania. '
" By E..B.COOLBAUGS, Deputy.
Aug: 3,1867.-3 w.
To David INumblo94-,N0.161,Dea -term
1866. You are hereby notified that Margaret
YoungUaad, your wile,by her next Mend, John
Bicluinberg, haw applied the Court of Com
mon Phma of Bradford County .for a divorce
from 'the. bonds of matrimony, and the said
Court tap appointed Monday the 9d day pf
geipt.; . 11367, at two o'clock, p. 132., for tearing
- 1104 4: 1 4 1 ,1101A, Mid pre:abet,. b
simeland you can attend_gyou pr
ar. ••' z • WM. Cluarr#, mom
• .A 81.13;
.: •
lIERIEFt.SAtE,4I,y virtue- of
14.7 .a writ of Pt Pa.; isaibiVont of the Codrt
of Common. Pleas of Bradfirrd. =My, there.
will be Wooed to- publiar,ftle, at the Co Art •
Rom, ia.the &cough. of - almonds, on - 11021-
DAY, the bp day of 1867, at
O'clock, p. . m., the following described lot, •
ercoweparool of land snail.- In-Overton tpi, •
bounded northby land of John - fibensim, east
by land bf Henry' Sherman; south by land of- ,
Andrew Pennon, wed by the highway. Con,
into About 4 of on acre, more' or leas, 'a
amallirambd used for. a .cooper shop.
thereon:_3eized-and taken in ezeeatkm at the stileol - -
.Fiefcbemor ya. Jame A. Jackson.-
Wil• GRIFFIS. Sherlif."
Aug. 13.1867 .
JL TATS of Milani Snyder—late of aheshe: - _
quin, decamped, who'died testate. At 'an Or , '
phanii Court held at Towanda, la and for the •
teat_y id Bradford, Oil the 9th day of May, A..
D., Dia s Hannah Snider . executrix; and PIZ'
Ham Snyder and Jabez Fish, executors of, said
decode*.~ presented their patithon td said - Court ' _
setting forth anioygst other things, that they
held in trust fat the use and b ,, t, of John P.
Huy*, son el said testator in accordance with ,
the will of the said testator as ascertained In - •
'the 4th codicil thereof,' all that. certain lot of '
land situate in I.ltehteld, and county aforesaid '
bounded and described as follows :- Begkuaing . •
'at a post in north Ilne.of a lot of land belong-
lug WO. Mathewson, thence along the town-
shlp line between Athens end asitchtlild, north •
160 pre. to the south-west Corner of H. brakes
lot, thence east Iglo rods along the south lined' '
said Drake's lot tcwthe south-west corner of '
hut ry,Dicliinney's lot, • th enoe south 160 pra.,
along the west line of, Hiram Merrill's lot to-a.
corner,tithnce west tOO acres more or less. ,• -
The said executors farther set forth that the
raid Jdhn P. Snider had lately deceased, leav
ing a widow, Sarah A.-Snyder, and one child,
Ora..flayder, that in their opinion it. 'odd be •
the advantage of said midair- And child;
to have
said land sold , and that . I, th ey could Lanier I
the same a better price at private tha
_at pub; .
lic sale, and Faxed the court to authorise teem
to make sale thereof at Private Bale, AC. ,-
Wh,erenpon the Court on the day and year
aforesaid . appointed Monday: the 26 day dep.
tit. 1867, at 10-o'clock. a. tat, for the hear
ing Ond Metrication of the matters contained
in said petition and directed that notice be per- .
many given to all persona risicing . in this
bounty who are beneficially or legally interest- . ,4
ed in the above de. tribal land, and that notice
of this application be pabliabed in the Brad
ford Reporter for four weeks next before said
dd day or September, next:' 1, •
H. .I. HAIIILL, Clerk.. _
Aug. 1, 1867.
This is to give notice, That on the 3d day of
August, A.D., 18 iT, a warrant in Bankruptcy, '
was hatted against the estate of Stephen Whit
aker of Rome, in the couuty of Bradford, in, •
the State of Pennsylvania, wha has been ad -
judged a Bankrupt on his. own petition ; and t
tharthe payment of any debts and delivery of
any property belonging to, snob Bankrupt eu
him or for his lase. and,the tra_isfer of any,pra•
party by hint are forbiddin by law ; that a
meeting Of the creditors of said Boakrapr to
prove Weir debts.and to chose one or more Al. -
signeesi of his eat te, will be held at a Cannot
Bankruptcy to• be holden atft office of the •
Register in the Court Rouse, in' he Borough of
Towanda, before EDWARD ERTON, Jr.,
Register, on the 13th nay of 8 PTEMBER,
D.,1687, at.lo o'clock, a. wt.
This is to tine notice, That on the 3d dayof
August, A. D., 1887, a warrant in . Bankruptcy
was L oved against the estate of John Whitaker
of Rome, in the county. of Bradford, and State
of - Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a r
Bankrupt on his own - petition ; the th! pay.
metit at any . debta and delivery of any pronr
' tY belonging 'lra such Bankrupt to tum yr for ,
his use, and the transfer of any proven) , by '-
him are - torlmiden by law '• that a meeting of
the creditors of said Bank rupt to prove their
debts and to chose one or
__more Asaigneeruf
his estate, will be held at-Verona of Bankrupt
cy to be holden at the office of the. Register in
in the Court Rouse, in the Borougtf oi-row:an
ds, before EDWARD.OVERTON • 'Jr.. Regis ,
ter, on the 131 i .day. of SEPTEXBeIt., A. D.,
1867, at 2 o'cloek• P. '
United States Marshal as Messenger, West
ern District of Pennsylvania.
By B. COOLBAUGH, Deputy:
Aug. 13, 1867.-4 w . • , • ... •
virtue o an order issued out of tbct Or
phan's Court of Bradford County, the under
signed executrix of the estate of Job Tibbetts,
late of •warren twp., dec'd, 'will bell at public
sale on the premises on SATURDAY. the 24th
day of AUGUST, LSO, at 2 o'clo k, p m.; the
folaowil4gdeseritted lot piece or parcel of land
situate in, larren township,' breaded on the
north by the highway leading from Warren Cen-'
tre.tb Jackson '[alley. on the east by lands of
Jen-ks Bowen, on hp south by lands ca Nathan
Bowen, on the west by lands of Ractiel a.. £m
betts. Containing about 29 acres.
TERRA—SA 'to be paid at 'the time•o: sale
"SW od confirmation of sale. and the balance to
ten-equal 'payments with interest Irma cotir
niairoia. RatetiEL TIBBITTS. -
fink 1, 1.8e7, Exeedtrix.
lIDITOR'S NUTICE.—In the !nat._
24. ter of the estate of Cornelius Vanciie,doe'ol
In the Orphatit's.Court of Butillord County. -
e undersigned, auditor appointed by said
Co* to dispose exceptions tiled to allow:* •
ance of account iSf adminibtratrix of Said is.
tate will atteud to the 'duties ..of Lie appy
went, at his offieeign the . Borough. of. Towanda,
on SITURDAY, 4LUGUST, - 24, 1857. at 1 o'-
clock, p. m., •Rrhete all persons having claims_
mast present them, or be forever debarred. . •-•
Aug. 1. 1E417
okoe vs. Michael Cohnion. In the Court
oft Commoa Pleas or Eradford County, No. lta ~ •
December terra, 1564.,
Court to distribute money arising tine thee'
Sheriff's sale dr defendants interest ince..l.aiw
Teal estate, will attend to the duties of :his sp.,
pointment at his office in the Borough' of
wanda,on TUESDAY, the 27th day of AUGUbT
1867, at 2 o'clock, p. m. whele all persons bay ! 2
lag claims upon said monies'will :attend - or
torever '.be debarred from the samr
au 4uu vourt of Con?mou
Bradford County, N 0.652, Sept. term, 1862.
I The undersigned Auditor appointed 'by. saki
Court to distribute moneys in the lian-'s (4 Jam.
H, Webb; administrator of rhonons Same.
dec'd,ea assignee; - of H. W. hoot; will attend
to the duties of lila appo Lament at his °Tice la
the Borough Towanda, on Eaturday,
gust 24,1867, at' 1.-o'clock p.m., at which, time.
and, place all persons having claims , upon‘.o.l
moneys must present them or be forever ,oe
rted. W. T..DAVIES.
Aug. 1,1867., ' Auditor-,
0 RENT.—Ari Office on Main-bt
La. 2nd door : , Two rooms. beck and Ina,'
eur u p i e j t:l t o u r e l z o t. ca d t o tio o n ri. -Applflo M N
Towanda, .I . aly 11.1867. '
The subscriber offers his Dwelling Bowe
and Lot for sale, In Towanda Borough. on State
street, between Wain and Water street*, and
about 23 rods directly florth of the Court ,
Elotuse 24z49 feet, two stories high. Lot 33 feet
front by 220 feet deep, including an ale on ,
back end. Bar and other ontbuildings, and
some irnittrees thereon_ Suitable for a PA ,
rite Boarding House. Price 5 4 ,500. _ • -
- 'Aug. 1,1867.-4 t
I' OR SALE.—Anew and. splendid
three story' Bricißuilding, with Basement
and sub-oellar,large- Oak Front, 6x9 feet glass,
now occupied as - Hotel and Restaurant, with'.
three-new Billiard Tables in 211 story. also far-
Inithre, fixtures, &c. - Good Ice House well tid
ed. Hotel and Restaurant is doing a good ()ti
taness. BaUstactory reasons given for seillisfr.
Said Hotel and Restaurant is in Means' Block,
Maln-st.l Towanda; Pa. Terms easy.
further particulars enquire on the premisiti.
Towanda, July 11, 1867.
FOB RENT.—A valuable farm sit,-
nate on the Junction and Breakwater
IL, four miles from iieorgetown. coutity'ss4
of Sussex - lOonnty, , 'Delaw&re, cent.Ainiaga i ?
acres, ;151i ! improved balance timber.
dwelling, barn, stabling and oat-baildiage;
over 600 peach and apple trees. Is wcil fenced
Will be rented for siA years,. _
Forlartber information apply to, or address
Deal Estate Broker, ,
Lewis, Delaware.. .
July 11, 1867.
I.R SALE CliEA2,—An Iwprov
ed Farm; 77 Acres; Sheshequin 1 - 45 acres
cleared; 12 Isere. of good (*wawa, beildiug
timber and railway tie‘ L-doable borpled
house in good repair. lidgg spring in kite ea.
Barn 38:56 in good repair. About. 75 fruit
trees. Price $2000. . Spply to
. a -02 , 4TANTE WARD.
Towanda, July 25, 1887.
1 The - subscriber offers fpr vale ids ielll i.itt
trate In Nh Towanda, about one mile from
To Bo ort rough, on the road- leading - trom
Towanda to Waverly. , Bald farm conalids ut 64
19 j"
acres on the east and about
West side of the, toad. Has a 41 acres on•thr,
new im d barn
'Slimed dwel li ng tweet. and good fru! thimeon - ,„
and is well watered. - Terms made am. For,-
further ppileglars enquire ott a the i remlaes of
Klithl4,lBB7. . 1
- ,