EMI Timis or Pusimaimos. Tat 'ldubo - publish.' every erbiirs day lioruing, by O. Gooniuon. at $2 per ,annum, in sdioinse. ADVERTISEMENTS, exceeding fiße4, Hues arOnsextellut, Tan iworra per line' for irst.insertion, and writ morn perline for übsequent insertions. Special notices in ertedlrfore Itarri4ges and Deties; will cliarged Time ouTu per line for noel nsertion. All resolutions of Associations ; eninkunienUnne xiCindividual intereskand aetices oflitawisges or-Deaths exceeding ikte,4line, are elleripsl =X arias 1 Year. 6 rim mo. One Oolnmn, .... .. $75 240 • $3O Halt ..40„ 95 • 15' qua Square, 10 7i I , 5_ IN troy, flailtitoth itestOnd - Found,•andothei advertisements, not exceeding 10 lities three weeks, or 60; &dminisltator's /0 Executor's lioticee„.2 00 Auditor's Notices 260 Business ()aids,' five lines;' (pet. year') ..5 00 Merchants skul•others; -advertising their linsiness, will be charged SS; -.They- will. be entitled to 4 r iumn, confined exclusive ly to their basineas, withixivilege cOharnie. ' Advertising in, all eases 0.04441943 of subwriPtion the'Papei, • JOB PRINTING of every in' Plain . and Faust' colois, 'done 'With neatness' dispatch. Randbifisißlanks, 'Cards, Pam phlets, dm., of everyveriety and style, prin ted at the shortest notice. • The Rzioraim OTrias, has jnifbeim re-fitted with Power Presies, and every thing in the Printing line can be exeented in the most artistic matmer and at the lowest, rates. ' TERMS INVARIABLY CAW. Carbs. ZEO,RGE D. MONTANYE, AT kA TORNEV AT LA IV—Office corner of Main and, Pine streets, opposite Poritr's Drug Store. -LJCTOR EDWARD S. PERKINS, Offers his professional services to , the citi zens of Frenchtown and vicinity: 'Calls prompt ly attended to. WT. DAVIES, Attorney at Law, e Towanda; Pa. Office with Wm. Wat kins, Esq. Particular attention paid to Or phans' Court business and settlement of deco dents estates. Wane OITR & MORROW, Atli;liteys ‘ .111- 4 4 Law, Towanda, Penn's, The undersigned having associated themselves together in the practice of Law, offer- their pro- fessional services to the Fille. OLYI3SIiM MERU'S, P. D. MORROW. Mareh'9,lBBs. PATRICK & PECK, *Arroarrsys AT. LAW. Offices :--In Patton Block,Towanda, in Patrick's block, Athens, Pa. They may be consulted at either place. H. w. PATRICI, apll3„ L.l[ B. MaKEAN, ATTORNEY & • COUNSELLQR A.T LAW, Towan da, Pa. Particular ittention paid to business' in the Orpharue-Coart. - July 20, 1866. • HENRY tPEET, Attorney at Law s Towan IN Pa. ' jun 27, 66. FIR. EL WESTON, DENTIST.-t-- .LJ Office hi Patton's Block. over Gore's Drug ararCherigual &ors. • Mint% UTWARD OVERTON Jr., Attor ney at Law Towanda, Pa. Mee in the Court }louse. July 13,1865. K. DANIRS,.LBRAysvmur., PA -If has l permanently located at the office formerly occupied by Dr. B. DeWitt, for-the practice of his prnfeseon. May 8,1867. yoHN N. CALLFT; ATT Pi AT- LAW, Towanda, pa. Also meat Agent for the collection of Pensi. Pay and amity. - rar No charge unless successful. 0, he Post Office and News Room. Dec. nOCTOR B. DEWITT, P: I 4.1 AND Suitazos.—May be found d. day- -unleid otherwise engaged—on M. few doors below Codding drice corner of William and Division-s ly occupied by E. A. Parsons. ..k,wauda, Ipril 2i, 1S 7 . - TONES & D6MOREST, Coopers, El! ToWania, Pa. All kinds of COoPer Work on hand and made to order Particular atten tion given to repairing. Work can be '.btained - at the shop in the Keystone Brewery, or at the store of W, A. Rockwell. Cash, or w. k. paid for stock. May , 1867:. oD. STILES, AL D., Pity: . ‘n and • snr g eon, would announce to t h e people of Row Borough , and vicinity, that he.has perma nently locatei at the place formerly occupied by Dr. G. VI. Stone, for the practice of his profee stun. Particular attention given tothe treat ment of women and children; asabio tolthe prac tice of opetative and minor surgery. Out. 9,166. DR. PRATT hat; removed, State street, (first 'above B. S. Ito • Al it_ Co's (Lek). 'Persons 'from a distance desire .00n- Iting him, will be most likely to fl d bias on Saturday If each week. Especial attention win be given to surgical casea, and the exttaction of teeth. (as or .her administered When desired., July 18,1866. D. 8. PRATT, M. D.- DOCTOR` CHAS.' F. PAIN.—Of ticks ing, Graining, Staining, Glazing, Papering,.&c. WParticalar attention paid to Jobbing in the country. April 741868; '1 - K. VAUGHAY—Architict and 0• Bsilder.—All kinds -of Architectural de sigrts furnished. Ornamental work in Stone, iroVand Wood. Office on Main . street, over St Co.'s Bank. Attention; given .to su eat Architecture, such as laying out of, grounds, Ac., April 1, lB¢7.—ly. J. N E•W E-'L I , COUNTY SURVEYOC,' • Orwell, Bradford Co. Pit,, will prom tit' y attend di to business in Ma itne. Pa &War attention giren to running and , establishing old, or dispu ted lines. Also to itirseying of all unpatteuted lands as soon as worranta arsobtained. 5417 t , ___ - II WHERSEY WATKINS, Notary , • Pabik lis prepared to.;tlike Deposi ohs, Acknowledge the Execution of Deeds, Mortgages, Powers of %Mornay, and all other iastraineata. Affidavits; and other papers may be sworn to before the. Alike opposite the Banking Ho Hassell fr, Cs., a few doors siprth of House. Towanda, Pa., Jan, I KN A r,p - • ‘• Watch Maker and Dealer in Gents .d Ladles Watches Chains and FingerlUrip,Cl. ks, Jew elry, Gold Pens, lipeetael_ iss "Silver are, Plat ed ware, Hollow ware, Thimbles, Sewing Ma chines, and other gOosls Isks . iAluil isAPllrell ry Store, _.• - ,:o • r ' •-; Perticabur attention paid to BeWsing, at his old place near the Post °Mee, Waver , N. Y. • - _ JOHN MORAY, kirCIBT iiNtl PHOTO4LI4IE /* Wgeomptly attend to all business in ials .ti 3. attimtton given to tAnilicape and 'Stere oscopic Photography. Views , ot, Bed., dances, Storei. , Public Buildings, "lnithals ; chinas, etc., taken in the best. manner, Partierilar attention- given to the noire and beautiful atere-copic representation of obeuta. Orders received at Wood & Harding's P hoto= rgihic Art Gallery, Towanda. Towanda. April ,„ THE - IINDE.RSHINEH HAVE r n BassiEinK Home le Toimaide• Un'. der name CCO.rfli.'il flours & CO. The Ire prepared . to. draw Bale of char ,wand 'marks tolleetions In New York; Philadelphia, mad ill bortiona of 41;uk• United Rates, as elsirfaigtand.Dermany. and Prance.. Ye Loan mosey, feedgf. 41100411t3 ~itut to do a general Banking basil/kw:a. G. Mason WU, eari ,ed the„iate Arta of (Apo Mason & f " ToirenAi, PL, and ta - knowledp , d the Co.. Lasko:al men of Bradford end' adjoining COUntlecsuid bating been In the inking business We abentAtties.yearsonalte this house a desirable" ewe; tkrOltel lifb l 4l- 4 .9 - Glakw.Collectione.l f . 1-- -.,E d .: i i . 4 :,. ' _,' .•-• - • .: 4/..P. NILSON, J.. ' ,XoWends, Oct. 1 , NW: . 'I.. 'A . 0: MASON. - e AUMGE AtS I =l' EDIT VEX°. card laatnimental musk cotista BOO ntly_on KIM M, adb , , )-11 ENE] E: 1 0. 431-CIODELICII, ENiblisher: VOLUME XXVM. Aral state artb . Jaunt= MONTANYE.& REAL ESTATE AGENCY, - - Offer sale the tollowlmtpropertlei at reasonable' prices and upon favorable terms : 4.. tract of 'lssideltnatainelottcester 'county, New Jersey. Contd.. ing 446 acres-, -14 stiles from Malaga Station, Camden and Cape`• May The'a tilde 'Anchor?' PrOperty in Wlnalow township, Camden codfity. N. Y. Containing 3500 acres. To be sold in lots. • Potter County Lands. Heavily timbered with Pine. Hembek, Ash. Cherry 4tnd bard woods as follows , Tracts. No. 4763, ` containing 990 sorts • No. - 4755,' 990 acrea=between the first and eut forks ot• the Sinnamahoning in Wharton and Byivanis townships. Tracts -No. 4787,' 990 - acres t. No. 4708, 400 =col; No. 4698. 400 s a t es ; Wharton town line Of • Appot. bead-104ters of Kettle Creek. Tracts No. 5917, 1100 acres • No. 5720, 1080 acres ; No. 5823, 1100 acres ; 'No. 5924, 1083 acrcii 75 perches: No. 5912, 1100 acres. No. 5930,; 1100 acres •, No. 5938, 1100 acres ; No. 5979;1100;in Whartoo and Stewarded:l town ships on head waters Settle Creek, near main branch. May X1,1867.-1y • Tracts No. 4717, 196 acres ; 4729, 990 acres ; Appot and Stewardson townships, near Little Kettle Creek . Tract* No. 4920, 837 acres ; 1924, GOO acres, Wharton township-, main brand', Slnnamahon fog. ; Two hundred rand seventy-five acres prime, first. class coal bad. Blakely Owlish Ip, zerne county, Pa., half way between Bcrant on and carbondale. Very near the Railway One thousand acres first class Ant hracite cos_ tiland shoat 11 miles:north-east of WU hes- Bar 0; hi - the midst _ of improvement& W. ♦. P*CI, About 1000 acres of land In Medford town ship, Burlington county, New Jersey, about four miles north from Jackson Junction of the Cifinden and Atlantic and Delaware and Rarl- . tan Day Railways. Valuable mill seat. Two or three houses, stable, barns, &c., Second growth of timber, never failing water. Power fall 15 or-16 feet overshot. Price $2O per acre. One-third may remain. • . - Delaware Firms and Pennsylvania Deacriptioaa and directions given on applica tion'. A valuable Country Seat - near Philadelphia. Splendid grounds and' trees. 09 acres of land WESTFRE PROPERTY—For aale f or ex change. 120 acres of good bind one t bird tim bered. San Piere, Stark county, lowa. ' It EY Govern as, Back Forty acres of good in nd with fruit treesrap plea; peaches, pears. &Cr 25 'acres improvt d, one half mile from San Piere on Railway.— Price $BOO. ce over 1864. 80 acres one mile from Ban Piens, one-third timbered. No improremente. On railway . Price $6OO. ( ring the !11 -Bt., -a . Bess late• A steam mill property in Burlington. town ship, Bradford county. A veil desirable In in hering operation. Eight parcels of land, containing from 50 to 100 acres, each partially timbered, add improv ed suitable for farming or grazing. Rouse and Barn in good order and 136 acres of improved and timbered land, orchard, good water. &c. Union township, Tioga county, on Northern Central Railway. For sale on long time and sue t y terms. • • • 26 Town Lots in' Monroe Borough, Bradford county, Pa. 4,000 Acres And Timbered Laud. Sullivan county, Ps. 1.22 Acres good Parititig Land, Burlington torrnship, Bradford county Other timbered , and improved properties Descriptions given on application. Tenements and Improved-. Beal Estate, To. wanda Borough, and other properties. Rotate:Conveyances,. furniali Briefs of Title, buy and sell Beal Estate, collect rentals and liens,sarvey andexamine all kinds, of property. They are prepared to negotiate sales of farms, homesteads, and properties especially &satraps to capitalists ; to procure advances of money upon bond and mortgage, and to prosecute in- quiries foi thiais desiring to' nlake investments or secure a home. They. will effect ''r'• In the best kaolin PIER. AND LJPE, DONPA NIEB. They have exclusive Agency of Brad f,rd and neighboring counties coin panics in these slivers] departments .1 Insur =CO. All who seek permanent investments for the futon benettot their iftimilles, in secure and first-class Life Companies:; 1 . of B. 8. !the Ward 1887. capitalists desiring - to bay or all vitoabbi opecatatbro properties All"wishing advances` upon valuable real Pellertli - . All who wish to . obtain lease or rents; of Pa/meat Tenements, 1 , • . • • Are respectfally solicited to entrust. each busi ness to our Ammo". • • ; \ PROrERT-188 - ADVERVIBED 1 Now% Karoor, Towauaa. Pa.., ' _ PAwbil, Blooloabrur, - Ps. C. 1... Ward, Esq., ToWanda. C. Nazar . G. F. lias - Coc i _tiaitair, Towanda. , J. D. Montanp, Towanda. D i t2 . o 4 rothV W , g r;P/M ; iit ir Hon. John N. Conyagnaa, WikAa•Bfule Charles Parrish, o Hon. P.D. l3ttester, Marlowe, Pa; Towanda. April 3, PO: . '7-"..". - 4 , - , ';' 1 :::%F . MT.47"?:`1 , - . ..5",":".......'...Y . ...11 . .".: , ft." . .." -- ...t - i , "-''''.'''f.-- - ......4' , .....:` ,.. ...C.L . * 4 :;"" . ^ ... '' '. .. C '. -'.........-----.-:.''...';---:- " --1 ,. ' - ' -•- !-• '''' it '. • •.. - - 17 .•=-, -,- i ";- :. • t . ,- . 1) • • - -, . ---- , . . , . 1 11i.' - .. * : { r i' -• . . .11 41 I uottli • 191 !i y,,,11g4. 9 , 343130it1,, 4 - 1 , •v., ..,- • i • 1.; - „ : 14.3.is-r I . s .----,; r ~.:. ..' r t ' 7, - ' rt.?' 4 { ' - ;•'( 7, •, ',:i •!..:,'•-•'-'-+;.;,:-. l'.;11::.7I'Y j:1": ''c't"..0 4. ,:i . :.?i W ;17,1 1 ./ . 1 . , - !.:rap r 4:: - : . T . 4 .:1 1 1.6 1 ' .. :1. 1 4 14r ._ -,-.;, Ju ld'T-tiz... c tii,i, - iiin, gc).rditti,.,iit•J/91w .. : - - - , 7----4.'--7-!.:.7 - ...........; ...........; All. f 1. --, .. s ' '' . 'L\ -'.- ' --v-- - ----• - : - 4.i.-::::171 . ..i. " , : I ' .. ,\‘'- :.•'' - ui era'.to. - -.‘ -'\ ...aAI biaid tis4o . l94iilititi . itzt'if,giii.t., , ' 4 EI ogiiii. ,tafiglp.d _• \ , „..,.. :.• :i 1 , i,_1 ...,,, , 1 ...,‘I li t l.r: , k , u; \ ,t!.. 4 ,itt" ,:\,.. it if Lt 7 .l .Li t iti ll tt it ig u r t ,r o 4t . 77; . 1 j)4,. a d tr; \ .. - • . : ;• 0 : ,1 0 1,.,.., t •,, turoft "T ..,- 1 ~—)=.- .... : , : ,,_,. : -_ - _, i - .. . 1 7 -,i ''''''. 't, ' "l n '" ;'''' ;,"...,:, i e '\• ' ' N ''') . ',.‘ ''.., , .<' 1.,,,,. • , \ .....- • A.., TIC i HIlt II . -, . .. . .... " Nik . 4 : • -\ -‘ ' '.. ‘ \ Z.l. 'EIS itt /CO 51'... , .:14.F 111 -.- 7 . ‘ 1 i '•N ‘, ... s. ‘, -•• • . ~, I ' vii I ". \ 1 ... !!-.i, ):. L _ , . ft " ~,.......... I .. , • - .. i 1 i- i, • '. .• '' • . :-:, ‘;'-' 41 1 i l i' . ' ; (..' ; 1 1 l l '• . 1 , 1 'l t : , • Ai . „?' . (i . o o . ;; : o.::: - ......I 4 1:0) i, 1 1 ., •;,.. ,I , , , 1 . 1 ~ 0- , .:, .• i i. ,..1H - 1. , .-. , i i i - '.., - , ..,i''.t 'lilt! ;32 - ‘,,V1 , 111i, ' - - 1 11 I \,.-_ . _, 1 i ~ , .1 .. .c • v .; I' ' r • . •, • , J ;.. r:,_ . t • *.: : • • •i .---..... 44. --) I , 1 1 ) ' lf '''. , - '') - ~-%.. .'', • ~,'', L " 2 . 7L: •Pi 1:,..8,2- iii-,- .; (},a ~..;ff 411:.*.1 a ~7- . .*' • • • , ' 1 . ' • ' , ~ I ' .iftigf,l II ...4i T I-- „91wi.i-f) .-.1 .. - • !,' "--- 11-h . ' in ' I ` .:..,...-..);, .- .1 ,- - . ; ~,-. - , •-• 1 , „, ,-.,- .-:,, ~- ,i4,ii)it ..i.. ; '=A',o4•; ' . 1 7 1111( , ,:-:,•;.-.).::-. ..Zi. '-;?'..• ', l :-',.-, '?l,' ) .Te. 1— • --, ' '..1. , .-- .ittro'.€4.4 (k i s --- ,to telft9l9 , llli e-till - . V i i -• . ... • , ' • -.i , , . .11 , ,t- , . i , .4;107 it', t. th,Asif.l w' it ti . x - aa ovuou azoad.lll .... • -. ••,, -.i ~ .•„-• „,, ;_,, ~.„._,‘.... ~•,,,•,;(,..,,, . vim _ . 1 lisi.g. ~,,l'brie.w).' tirtoT Iv &twit ill ileil i fteil, MONTANYE & WiRD , - IN . SURANCE' " • • • ' , Those who dire to buy or sell farms ; Ali who wish to elteethumrance against Fire; All wliMng ! a rrays and a zandn,ations piulgtnt:particidapi lufnisimal at our Wee._ Office, corner of Main and Pine Arcata.: G. D. MONTANYE, BERRY WARD. FREE OF CLIA.RGE. '` wgiLEN . cO ; Xtitetid fottvg. ONE BY OWL - I za Alizuma A. PBOOTOsit. One by one the sands are flowing, °baby one the moments. MP; Some are coming, some are going; Do not strive to grasp them n 1 One by - one thy duties wait thee, I Let thy whole strength go to each; Let no future dreams elate thee, Learn Odin first what these can teach. One by one (bright gifts from Heaven) \ Joys .are sent thee here below; Take them readily when , given, • ' '• Heady, too, to let theta go: One by one thy griefsshill meet thee; Do not fear an armed band; One will fade as others greet thee; Shadows passing through the bind. Do not look at life's long sdrroW; See how small each Moment's pain; God will'help thee for to-morrow; • So each day begin again. , Every honithat lle.ets so sloWly Has its task to dolor bear; Luminous the crown, and holy; When each gem is set with care. ' Do not linger with regretting, Or for passing hours despond; Nor, the daily toil forgetting, Look too eagerly bepind. Hours are goldenlinks, 'God's token, Beaching heaven; but' one by one . Take them, lest the chain be broken Ere the pilgrimage be done. uted Mag. A Flattering Reminiscence. " A beauty an heiress I an ec centric guardian, whose invitation includes any friend you like to take with you for a few days' shooting.— Why; my deai Fred, you have bound me to you forever by your selection of myself. I feel quite a new man already ; for I must confess' that, whenyou came in just, now, I was suffering from anunusually desper ate fit of the blues." a Consequent, in a remote degree, on hist night's supper," suggested 'red Clayton, " and a good deal also on the way you remain cooped up in these dismal quarters." Fred glanced contemptuously round my dingy " Temple. chambers as he poke—a survey scarcely necesdary, considering - their intimate lresem blance to his own adjoining rooms. However, I forbore any remark.; in• deed the delightful prospect just pre sented to me absorbed all my atten tion, and I grasped my friend's hand in a fever of gratitude. "Tell me all about it," I said, " and how you came to think of the." _ " There is nothing to tell," replied Fred, seating himself on the corner of the table and swinging his lege backwards and- forwards lazily.— "This morning I got a- letter from an old fellow in the country, remind ing me—as if I could remember it— that be and my ,lather bad been friends thirty years ago, and asking me down to his place for a few days' shooting, with permission to bring a friend if I liked." " And his niece that Yoe told me of,--the , heiress I" said I. " 0, of course he did not mention her," said Fred, " and I merely tell you because, if you choose to put yourself under my guidance, I may be the means of helping you to a good thing. You know," he added more deliberately, " how disinterest:- ed my assistance can be after the lit, tie confidences we exchanged la s t night?' ' True," said I, charmed with the recollection,—" your - pretty cousin —the secret engagement—" " Yes," interrupted i Fred ; " you , all about it ;., and we know more about each other than most fellows ; se it was natural, I should think of you as companion 'for my holiday, and I'm right glad you're inclined for the trip." So saying, and silencing my renew ed proteatations of , pleasure, Fred left me, appoit.ting a rendezvous of the first train leaving foreour desti nation, some two or 'three hours later, Fred Clayton and 'had been school fellows in oar early days; and many of hie vacations were spent in my father's house. Of late years, how ever, he had - lived exclusively in Lon, don ; like me, a young aspirant to the uncertain honors of the bar, _bid, unlike me, possessing a larg circle I I of, friends and acquaintance , and never without a superabund ace of invitations to dinners, balls, and con. eqrts ; for Fred was said to be very pdpular, especially in ladies' society. . 'Except in the mere fact that we were both-younger sons Without any expectations, there was but little re semblance between Fred Clayton and r r Jack Harris. My residence in Lou. don only dated back - a few months, and already the great city 'possessed no charm for me ;. I pined for the country, for freedom; and for the ac tive life of home. I might; indeed, With the assistance of Clayton, ,or through letters of introduction from members of my titan family, hare procured fashionable invitations, and received partial toleration in Society; bit the prospect of a crush, heated rooms, and strange 'faces, was si thet of terror to timid nature, especially with the underlying chance of pre 'Sentatibn to a young- lady ; find the unhippy..knowledge . dial my Mai encies in the art of small talk would maim. such a chance a' per's perspectiv eH inartyrdote, l Ifici ; I confess in iny own heart that society WM ISA My . 1 forte ; other talents I certainly had, deeper, more intrinsic merits than, those that pasied, for genuine in az balliootti - ,- 7 , butlhey were ,inerits to develop hi an 'attheephen3 or pain fulness and repose ; qualities to ep 4 .• - ,••••• Aj ot i) - 0.11, . . , • . _ . .2 4 , „ I .l"l"Thigl4 .°lP' PIIIWIWIAMM"kji • ttialffl.*4• ; ..gr3qxti . ilt“3B fru 111. .44141111 t i ' , t . TOWANDAKM • D BRAIRVITOVNTY4 L k : AVG.. and In - , Ski quiet -- of etka hearth and a Wilke( joy skot'thiot me as, cramming every available sr-, ticle of clothing . ; Into :Clittall ppit manteau, I took leave \of my comfort less chambers , and allowed mSr fanhY to dwell on a brilliant poseibilityy that Clayton's words had , An heiress, and a beauty,—a country beaSyof coriti3e ; -.blushes And aim &city, and rick—how, riot,t,llich euoug4tolive'ou a rand to reep, a large stpd ; to, dispenikprACe- IY hospitality Fred... This, howevezi Was seep/do t ty, : ; Would not of co' acknowledge my: self, , to be tnercentity. must come first ; love independent.pfifora. tune,— " * 4l Like Dines Idge, inasked;unipOupt, Love gives itself, but is not bought.' So I assured myself; buts.then iit all candor; I did not anticiriate any Very great difficulty,,,ion 'this score, ,for I had ever becin ipsiinfully susceptible' of the tender, passion. Finally, for, success, I must trust somewhat to my own individual attractions-(and here a nervous tr oo or •seized me,) and not a littld toth. a operation of my friend, for whose pre-engagement I was more gratified than I liked to acknowledge to myself. . " Fifty thousand Vouudee said i Clayton, n answer to my inquiries, when we had secured a coupe to our selves, and were preparing it for the comfort of all future - travellers by lightingour cigars; " fifty thousand,- i, y boy, and the estate, if "you con sent to take.her name." "Her namb I What is her name?" I asked. " Effing,—Mias'Effing," lie And now, if you think the attempt worth making, I . will let you know how the land lips, and, give yon a. sketch of your campaign. The time is short, and of , course L cannot in sure you a second invitation if all is not - concluded-during our present trip. Now then, old fellow, pro or con - • My reply was 'elven with a fe i rvor quite warranted, by the ace:minty. Fred Clayton - threw himself back. in his seat, and aftet arriving, by much perseverance, at a sufficiently oicmfortabhi position, he lbegan his instructions, interrupted : only' by` occasional puff at his c igar, which momentary pnuse rendered his words all the- more impressive ;I it least I fincied so. " Oar' great 'difficult_ _,y " , said.; he; " is • the - uncle, Mr. ,Merrick;--4is name is Merrick. - Itold,:Ytia liefers he,vias eccentric ; bat that is not the word,—' exacting ' describes him-bet ter.. He - is awfully exit - tin' g, - and possesses immense influencer over his niece ; an influence so great that his choice would he hers, even were ni She not still under age, which I be lieve she is,. •My t ear fellow, all de. pends upon the i ression you make in that quarter. I cannot exagger, ate the importance of devoting your self from the very first to Merrick, —studying his tastes, ,sharing his pleasures, and attaching him firmly to your interests.' The old'fellciw is, so selfish in- insisting on these-atten tions that I denq think, were, r even free, I could stand enough of his so ciety to,insure success. , But there's no knowing, the prize is well worth. winning, , and _ perfectly attainable through him, and through him alone." And about Miss i Filing r" I in , . -quired. , - " Miss Effing lei a charming girl," said Fred ; " quite young, and ready, to believe anything bad of it- loVer her uncle,condemns. Being en heir ess and a beauty she has alreadY re ceived 'several proposals, but all have been rejected in consequence of. the , suitors having bad the egregioud fol= ly to pay more iittention to the niece than to the uncle." So then the uncle was the only real difficulty.; not a very , grAve,l thought. At'all events, forewarnial was forearmed, and I inwardly vowed to - tax my patience to the utmost fox so neat a stake. 'At' the Moment it, never Occurred to me how:remarka bly well-informed Clayton appeared on all that concerned ourfuture hosts, I, was, only too glad to find him sq welt able to advise me,.and perhaps a little, relieved that the great result did not involve much courtship or at ; tendance on a young lady. We were not long in arriving at the station, wherO a dog-cart wapiti waiting to receive aufv,nd after. rather cold driw3 of a coeple of reached, - our.we destinstion... -Mi. Morriok's or Miss' Lindely hoese,--.-far I did not know whom it ' actually lielonged,—was a largo handsome . building, situated in &due' park, with undulating latinlitid well planted trees ;so much waskable, to, perdeive in the growing derktieitin: Our arrival bed ,been a handsome pointer that We 'found reposing . on the tniar,ace i--1114 . alighting, we were anet- by Mr: Me 'tick, who bested me . to.a longs and most, unequivocal stare,.. and :after greetinge and introductions, hurried tut off to our several • apartnients prepare for dinner. - • I-shall never forget" that dressi I heal heard so mach= of first impres sions, I believed in them so implicitly, that my anxiety to .producer,a proper effect almost amountedlelfrenzy, und i I could have strangled Fred Clayton for . his , - coolness and when he .geod-iiaturedky - , came fete ; my room 4,i) socinnpau ins! do' through through the ordeal Of :e . -fitatinp&O. ante in the drawing-r 604 ,, ‘: .1 Misa Ping was there; and the: moment I ,1311 W her; . I undereistatlia failure of all foram suitors; real ized the Illieeet • g4PPriltiPM"gfr9W that would bi'neeesiary voluntarily to resign such oompanicOillifet of the onpepaimlate4 solved- ,steel mysegAr I;l_,iaa*j stint,reetilleetkonf medasesie* fates. Gracifil, witty, and lively to a degree, no wonder the old man liii.'finiii I 7 ; :iiiittof pions Ca; taidaidt: . =. . Cit Wi - %.ffitNitlrnt, ',PI .hei ,1 44 1 414; . .IdineilLat ; , TWA' exemp , • . ittids' i t dtsi ! .* l tiggic4Plt ....' "tit - 400F iit was ovei'liimiit azirelf,:to my. pont( ' sarOafreatablinlinir - an N thh etabli ,qM/M l 9l9.4 l o_,lteligrealLlAl ii/44. ea with adtotranly , gcit-np-interest fi l I long,. dreary - , antadotOs . of his past 4triaao l o*Ohihie.nit dell' of flaidanesrand.evciitttit boars at: vtliichpxpleelpug , .shw4pad,Ji' • been 10,040-110c3b6ei_ old.peoplii are. a wiiiiprodigkelis 14 7 -, and submitted :to anglaitoOnnt o,f. r b.s. .rcient deidroh to - thireifilleatini of Mineralo,..ttrhieli•soroi, Obbligoiti xitipied ell -Ids tiPie - OceOditrOirthgik `licmAir the „OldgeitletiSl44tres , lsery . proud of ; still lieineable'la Ott' , a gun. - -- -- -i - --- -- - -- , Of Ckittielil linimediately ko ... :' • • 'Myself au ontb a siast, on ttie s' r , fit ( of -iniiiiiiioiti; - iiiid - Wile fOithwith Wiin.d - .4gf in triocepb to wittOticirr ernons den; to admire :edit he called his specimens. . .. . The examination ~• .these hideous, little bits of tin • , . stone lasted, what appiiiied - to ' .. e, about tvia, Inntl3 . •• - iind when, SI *i.. ' telyi, **:re turned to the dra*in room, livalan' imtnreatalatted 'itirr gli Cal, iii;MCon. consciously .I stole ov r _to the piano,- Where MissEfiliii'e fa rylingers were wanderingliatlessly. • ver...thep - keys ; while fired els** • 14°0 •boaidaber loOkhig.thiMighifilinti mtsiii,;liiiiie: diately a warning glance from' Fred recgled 411.,t0, a Intl . okligiger; and - thrall's 411 ihe direction oT MC. Meitiek -I perceived- an .;.utindstaki ble scowl upon fill fate' s ** wktok ed thriiiiity. 'l:fastening to hitiiide l i succoodk Rartially. in, row wring it,' by l tbe'peopq.Al of-a gal - se - Of these,, which absorbed. all!his facoltiek i and, agonizedall imine, 'till , the : , , fttigiornl ziois wits'inade for . retiring:... .;.: '...',,Aii 1 approached , , ifissz , liiiing to' wish her good night, I overheard the old WWI MA ,CP4l4o4QBUdingly, , to'u'red, Ctour friend it, an v intsili-. gent: - -fellow 'Wol, -- SYniplitirizi6 l 7: 4 I 4 like hiM ; rather etipetfaial - in min; etiology; ut -we Must try- . arid ' illia . S.o dy that, by,.notkiug :Abe ~intoat, of our . time as yoor stay wil Dot eYit.c.ud)?e yond i few daYS. In fict the . Yining man-4nite interests,. . i Intl& you had his tasies, : ,ri,ed*lr t ! i '• '' ;'' ,- - 1 1- ' 'Sh 'yititi#.,was rewarded; and ilisd Piade a goad iniPren! 4 ; l 4 l " -- ' ' "' ' The next ruorning.weetarted early intent on the , wholesale ; lynigh!ff Pi Partridgesl .'and' ; '*; ; 3l,llB.: - 0, - 004tiu ( 5 . Fred hurt his hand l3 : aerrely , as to incapacitate fijel ko loinilig our flit tura expeditiops 4 , in., aut',eveiy pop., sible, - combination licirentustane.es favorable to 'my 'advance - Me:o in' . tie good graces of hir.,-ifetirck4setned to•suiplind Me. -Tarfliay sitiat!iiii el fort it required to submit cheerfully to his perpetual preiieride - would be impossible.. 'lt iiiiitielikied ~a fter a little, to regard my Rio/14,1144 corm PailfoildiiP;iiii, a.' - Matter, 'of ckurae.; , and so well bad I acted'my part, Unit the. man actually .belieVe.d : l enjoyed his society. Presuming, thelef9;,.. on my established `poPularity;`l'ven.: tared. casually on, an occasion Ow: - appeared.favarable, to introduce the! subject of; bWtileee -into. oneioffour, conversations. , • , ; he,:. and:hie . facettew, hard instantly, watched Closely. She-, • 'BO, humid and , noble•minded 'herself,. , ‘ ,thitt . ,Alie cannot Undeptand . :4linruer' oienaryldd-; signs 'of the butterflies - that , flutter; about her. But I neyet,lomnight of, her ;* tani.eliirtiYEi' td'iloard_ artful attentions, and, keep ,woulokbp' suitors et bay: I . alwayeil iere, and I shall, •be always theiiil he added, changing „his tone,.wXch had been ginwing-excit4 It4kiarivel I we are'free frem seal - intruders at Present- IbaYe never seen, so,little of my niece as , dtinlig rue visitz— Yon have made me forget myeelf, at* her: ;:tint thei •• it.le 'Only - - otice-ii'a lifetime that -one may meet soponge nial• ; for . F,rederick,. • i4bco l o47;rAmli, be *child 'not dire, now." He-.otopp* with gretwk aware. .:;%; "Ur. Clayten'i. setreVengagemerit.Vaiili accounted tor what Ikea.); EIQUoee what puzzled. apparent i u . difference twthe yonng o .a4,Lek#6 2 thig:leWyet'a tete:frkgewithhisznece; but his *larked e m pha s is petitid. now solved the i lneonirnitY;Traid'iliiw betrayed what would baye . beeit his tactics, had helitoefelt itedlrre 4 'find Pt , such ', 1 ( 11 )qwle401: arglol. wpm '.intimate association vita Fours, it 4 `fairs - Wm .1 should have enected from a man idiaikinfpeintlibi*tgiy wee ; ,(ounded. *--*llifty4reara-ego , amitintationtiir:4Vith. :1 1 1 e.N40 1 1- pA.J'3o,46tion,. ittlfiteatilidlD. it; ow of generosit7 on tthe;part'orM 7 3. 4efiltin man into ;oo et. hintehurnt , ettie;AndAig pe r CSo aii*Atitans" a time worePionillandotivan d . i fite'd: rot V4P0444.rit.1064 1 4i , 1 44* guakidehr Opite ovule linddrome in ivell , t`eilaveizemed - therilEAW4fl had:EictrOd - VIV Vlif *44 00Atii s aequtin .. fie uteo? l- 44."!cafPe i tsp elel fOrtalt 40 20 -4 0 1 , .44;,; 3 ,0 itliareinOrsec legal, absobed- %fell vlosouvi , 43 , 4:in*rm iktogiAig4 4110 ikrlltylkstVit' ,4 00. iteMilePi *Pl l 4 6l4 O4#Wk. 0046 6 k4011a4 ,ct 414 IAO4 Offer; Awe gorterid:sef that Ihri Tay" Veen Eau , 0v40 0441 4'4 1 ?1°F4 ni11i14104914191 denlYSioAtine,Witb, &ammonia bre sensation ordoebt. . • ' I deterudited , 46ipidgio l lied, and eeijed the opportunity ,tnetuvegeilr* wheffVios„AllingAlk l ibtitid;'l6 p 0 . - 4okt a cigar on thettettittabi‘filikilealr" 'osition to which Fred readily consen ted. The case was speedily repro? . . - 'L. 186 - ' .- '. S f V s- lit zorn. - 461a4 auT : , _ . dientiad i ainitiVaiPa \ tiniiiirAiiiiittiL—li 4101110itielyinvA e-,ll,intri tniT---:: :,-, L ,,.- „..„ ie9 4 -t, ."I r ct l ii VIX itOtlll I.4liokrAWhg. El' ETteS 4 v gliffre t tlklffit AAR; * tift.Tof ad fugy ciirrYihe pitettr. - • adkllielkAittcrian. not tecmytelaiinte )00101ff:if Onlagi.. ti1Y,44,1 4 101 , pnxnerfoLtha k taan t• t tilig i NiflVFT -/ f 1411.7.9.544% - . aye awn- iaa ,?i. i vi i attend re ti 611 ,0 idit'tiiiintioii'4'ntertairied l et u iiyibizO ent3lB. LefeitittuiVutki?iil .. .y . nat . Jinn oikk.ondnotininiey larnnkt e ...,tf siftittipy i ffr.entltliogn A .Y.OM Olt I;3 ` ac f m t a lf l q Air u-s ft-49 4 V,5 1 .1 91. • • igiitionti; anti"sunniarily - ajected.L 00nnfit.ettr, iiiYilder VellOie,'belle - e l i ineoniwatying 4tonainteilcy; itf--yo r' -. o s474oo l3 ,4noteßtittiag idevoti n 1 t ° tigl.fiisfkkate AiltVeßelpt° - Viaiils e niece . , aric‘Rn,the morning 'brinietteilittlix;&n Ill'O'neeiliros i peon of. toeing 1 hia;,nongnii lit tipitite,',S. Ate caUzlonvhfatuunirved otu-hiarl, , th, 4.9. l 9•askkqmpw- •initho 114)..carY, ;a tormal:propoa r jt j ion, ou retara to . ' iiii4naii eningermia r andy, 'lilt not a s th i" -clear' 'diffliklit`V Eitiiigthtforiva rd. And inevitableint everypaintbecanae so simple. lI You r - ptain your pedeetal,- ..F,ITIOTI g‘milli!!teJ l ll- - ? - tn.d .Ahe -, result. comes abiiiit t ilnitenatarally,.*Titgh end Id donietinente oflthat'verY con idgencryi .i,..., : , i. : a , 1; ,. 'CI i; '. i '1 - 1 l ooked stared with admiration everything , {SPLNlaigitiOo feitoible when, detailed by hink_. in - a few' simple ,words, his very rodeaof eeini-in4iffer. l ' act:A:heti wrondionli paw& oreonvic.,, tail ;' and; 1, morediter;°•ixtroitiettirn ,mizii sense .responded tii.the•asisertiop tilat fi‘ o l l 4 ll . g(t-. of ,Matmer Agee& :1/e 1.4 4 :, m t l -1 15 .TAY-1 1 Y1449!vtl 8 tftlght 'before e,, plain an easy as an ordi. aiiy,timisattioii'bt life;ttia the herl-. orin.grewtbilghtewitliitiztile.y -''.--' if!ilWarinly - Ahankim , EI,Ly ,Iriend.,4 for, t 1 194 1 /val. 1 10. 1 (1. booftutfitf -. 1 4. Ohre.* d' sense and:conyinolng .advice i I with. ilreiv d VS : 4 - itiOin,'iny mind filled -with twin • langnine"projects; ' more !tangible 11 hopesP than-Ibad • yet An-, tialgeAtia, , eloon..the lOginning- of my tivgqi9rE4,l .•t-7• 1 1. -• i L 1! , . -- 1 '`....-'''Ailenith'the ininnentOnit Morning AlsiAtined.-% Me hivrprokriged al- fe* rdefistay to ,a week,. aid , our' host, 1 44, ex:4e** •.deteralblediXortix re new his invifation,aiiite of ,the mangy, relstliletiehre by company gave him; 'So, almost -before.rlcoutd 'renliinit; theleventfuLday arrived, i' ...; ' -;;; ; I passed a sleepless and disturbed night, several that starting from a confused, dreamy rehearsal of , the interview 'l l interidid,...deinanding in .thAtotirning e . to,fency Lheard..whie. 'Ple,ltng'v°„.i49 B =A .444/foaed. • sounda about_ he 119plip p i qu..ifp ,nopol3sible at t ' it'filitc - 'l6iii. 'Visions floated be:. - fore rite-of the already - - af.prOriehiii4 lature•; , the ; events -of the leaf-tem I days; sew:tied to, spread back. offer`. half my life, so great was the impor ; tance attached • t 7 their- issue ; and ,nowithe culminating points.terieh. 4 .1; .folt.. already _the J.foreshadowing of my vletory, ;, for, had LAO ; - fulfill4 ed ' eveiY condition ?--lied I not fie.: comtllished the•teek`hi'"ivfifOli .every othet 'competitor And' failed ? - "And the: .4uestion i of • thit-- younglady'a possibleßpNaitiO4 WO merely doubt ful enough to give excitement to the: denouement. - Did not all young ilid i e4 figiti , '.oppOtski,- tald ultimately Yoiliti.l.ol l /-- - . l rary.litile . persuasion, to all ,_parent ~,,aiol ,guardians,?.. . flow niach : mcie go then in to .present -bitsit, - 4hereiho''airhumatiiii4es' Were - ablexcepilonallriitrobeidiny' t a vor 1, 1. A kiwi atot , I been Jong awake,- and! was 'debating in my own mint} wheth- 1 er or not to start on an early walk,l and by a ;dose of ftesh air to brace. nplinYi shattered. , nervtin and -Orton late theinforabwontaing ticene;when' I wa. B fitai tie d 4:rora Asy cogitatiejkby ii ti t' at th 6 'I R!) AnikAhnost iMme diefelifilr. lifdrrich'e Valet" stood be : fore.`nie.t l 0 This' Nittili aurriflst - oirptice thertxr--ir-sep vent had. never eriWred ,rial room withoitlifafictaironek'Vdd this maniseldoin, even then.. -- . . i a - .--,- .T ' - 'ilie-taifielisi`AietifiticifirOi.,,evil liilz- Wita:l4tieni4: bieuity-ta: look at iitii§n .17 , 0nl lte saifid-li,Nq kttOept:444t ' lt.inine wit . Eiiao liftterly.ittinable to:-cort jfctare 0.6 : cause ; qiik r ierf*:,l.l.l:rit, sdniettin# ',tidal; must :lave . 411,p , poled, r gasped, "Whritle 3t P' --' -44 9riotT ti l .4lq. t Xfi.?Wi kb, Tvi?Y` field he,- - -:-1-tire yen' sure you aon't know. . ? They're mean, sir,,:tAtfiltoid,- 2 --Mr. Fred .ap„ .. d.M.M),. 8p11it,77...„. 0 *,0F.0 ~ D E, VA% 7 ; ,r,e; °eV.. me ani,4o-.oif, inp. a, T om:. , a Mae three_ gaol- ,fiO,tX,l*triti,';' - and `iatve l tbliar.:„.g4,), -- g - Qvainar I ain't ikn0*i . j.aann1v,,,e . .t.. , .... , _. :-_-, 1.,- .3Cy' ~ I .'s .(1 ti . i Thn=iiinn - - in , gfo..„.nexi. sone ~on :speaking forever,—in facts he. did igtronTligt bey,ondthase •few.. fiat: iworifi e 'l*)i;iivirafde 1 4xrefi l ilit'elligt itkl6l.-_,_o4:___ -2 ,l ;tY '444 lial)able'.34B ft; tuno - ' 11 PILo• - "traogyi him- ihewand, I , reilintttar.ershivititiapikeilibli . , ;4444. - '44,;lNfeltlael:,,polveilea v ai !pi#ll l Yzed:L -:.'-' ''. '?" - s,crt i ,';, '''' --''''-' -; ', , ..,' 1 0 43 iViEt .ata'Of • i'imiii... possible ,iaii• taint t..natrfanb of comfort :'" in a Itio milisir feellitoftielo,44;:iinit itatidline Obit-mauls. manner bore stamp:;tilt:afz,trOth 1 . hiejetrbr..,*,a's 4.4rii 41.4 itlitifiaelit, A643401E16 • ta i ititTezootnifor--,4 . 4doubt;-' 4 -It , *no , iily o proma li qf F ientioning,lbi'nft - Men tat ~ remottplYito, _ reeeldfulatian of i veatiPtimit44 - .likki i tbioke-,in on me, but quid • denli; in ali iiiiiant;: 'with . the Figgr ..oik iwoani.o, tab 94, x,,,,, fi 14iit.;,,4onipidettl, ;Nad i, thlitildinnza; taken in 1 ' At last, a:maventeat. on the part , of 1 e servant attractell my attention f liettliiifnlitillhetairnletter t -, - 4. , 1i Probably ,baarr ;.(tna . n!khing•bow tt tante into_his._posseseion;tit - O 'th% i-01 1 4-1.4. ketta a:410'4.T illiyas 4 one Ow telt neithec.--innigined 4 la i eacribed , when, qn Jooking.,,akit. " cogi . iiioll4irritfaticemitidltor. us friend. ,TIR4 : , *4 .ope . r„,,ke,ft, . hie, [ ti e lla dis ft hon r o iT reci rl• pa bil liet ikl i Atedti•ilitotitc'lc:iiittalitl meat a violent ringing of bells an Mr., Merrick's levee ; and . • ,a 4 oarivil 316 7:Luzcaz .tbrilisitig,thainote 4014 keAad.:J RigettAlishAtiolfrollabii' room, muttering " I cannot . I"cannot.; 'Thomas must go tollitet 41 , '4lcine ixoith l ibfeifeirilf, lieiewed, xipcmymoutige 'end - `broke I : tbe= seal: WWI Totaiwas Lithurt;a 1 5?1 51 'b4.1 - ' 1 tflx Ji . ClE.—rrAy v -Acceptety dit' , e - lent aid weieotildriiivei"haiweitteetliail).? liAxidnwicarph oht.Airguso ilirotrake apt pupil, and I singergly„NisluOt equal 'y, ti ,g,essn„alkyoFir future MEL= h - • • • "Yours, bysilt the. bonds of grati, • &nip apolOgrzl ; ; enclose." 2 !hers twasz then''`a - itOther eplatlo looy#d abest it,hat'fOrep:„ on,the 1164 - ' r °panel) itiniabanioally,:and read ho .. u. -.ro ID _:'us, - , , liirt;if Heitntli. l - , -I•' hope o for" my Fied.'What,,ltedid" .x --was for' my happineas. We haye tong Wen attachediand aecretli,engsgedi . but my uricle was saoliirate . aid so ' "`gitartt thar:f.an' .0160n4n.,"wa'a our PpY.fPriii4;.iatii, 4C-iittiiir, your assist - . ince, could not kayo'becmr'effected.r . Tr EIS thigk soonito? re peive - tic:lM, .. - jhiu r , own lips pardpn.fcti*l4rnileiS,Strat .. agell4 "helieVV - me, .yourEi.-,.(14- tde .time low TeteffiVb this)e ., 1.- ':.:_cz::J-:.; Z , - '‘.. BELLA ' 4 oT:Arrdlti i :llo o l2;o. ' ' i• irt Flue, 'sir, - ,' `Mr. *lif4rick,'Wlehes t 9 sPelkk - fP,Y O W-".:; , .::1 :S f , -- - .I;L, —IL • : The door of my room was .:Wide open, laud fin , its` threshold stood - the old butler, ,grave . air.r . e6v6rii'at pa l o'eaf"l'fcinciiveilluin:-isiltinidi,, too fillt of ,bitternesafor words,but Solac: ing myself with the-reflectio,U -- that' in my 'Mist' I . sliould ' find 4: - ,ainrcrukh Aimpft;thizer. in.:" " ,:lifiYl. oierWheliiing= , anger and i ndignation, - ;:,: ~ - :r_ • 1 ..4...f.wazoshered into.s'en4ll sitting- romp,. where Mr, Iff,erieki 14 a' ROM 'int; reediessirig-rootri, and , Abiolute ly:pgrpla 'ith fury i was pacing. up and , down like a wild beast in a,cage. Befcirei c nld open my lips#e turned ; sliarplyfo nd on ig . e j ., and roared out, 2 ." SO . sir do you know I have -sent forthe: poimel•-••• Do Igen • knydr, yen can he, taken. up thr,this coispiracy? 1 - see ' i t all' ii - ow,=the lasi - rums .plot, and the part )on ware brought here to play. Fool that I was P - ' ' , • "•Butiltlt.-Merrick." I toegti. "likenc,l" ' he - kx.Claimed..- "Do 'Soon . ' are to taunt' me? Have rI- not forbid Frederick:Clayton ::'this - 'hinfie scores of times ? and,iii letting. Bella ask him•liere for ale.W - dayit, .could I\ refase 4er fir_st irequest on. coming:of age 7 ` Could- ti. turn a guest, thigmgh uniniitedi'ont-of d iiouse'tliat 'Wes n u t tn Y.ST,I I ?., , -,4 igAleettl- ~ iii44ed i—ra - swindler, a Ulackguard,, probably ,paidlto,atuuser the: uncle,' and s = keep himeff the scent." •' •'' ' ' ' - pro: -'' 'HiS'voicer: vise 'high ,er as lie seed 4 , d ;„ at ~ the, •end: .be ,attually shrieked. But this was .nnbearahle, —my own temper had, been seve rely tried, and endure mhiel eould 'not, - 0 "ML. Merrick." I said hotly, - optich langitage - - even under Abe '-eiroitth stan: 'l3—" , ' ' - .„ 44. are& you - . "1 - aye' off 'acting . ev.e n now.? . " 4e!.4 l lrst - in. i"Slonfound your gaping `look of innocence: •-Do• you see • this?” -he 'cried; ' exhibiting ' a crus ed., lettes, :_rliich,he kept clench-, ed in...hiti ili4id, "They marr i e d by t his `time, and your villainy has so far succeeded; but., the trinuipli 1 Ithall not,last loug,,.4.,WA•diunt the sconndlel `aiiff "hill 'contemptible -ac oeiuplice,-7-ryps,--ioui-t-41Trough every law, court in 'Fturopp . ,; ,I. !ill publish hie - i 'f a n n y in eiery, newspaper,, and. - prOc iiiiirft • througdiint 'the, civilized wOrldrt-'•lirottithhit'tiort' . 66itil0 ine,- ipujahall, nqvini: 1:. •: ~. -.:,-d ~.,..-, , . The,madmmi k , shciok.,his . &tin my fiiCe, and glaredat.. nie like.,a, tiger-:; brit„!Stakgeted: as,',liv 'ae by such, re vel*.ne•''aiideensationS• T rievev. tliela /Mode' one' more atietnpt at a potlest.. : , ,Irotilt.nephets4-=- 9 I began'. thin4l-10Y PPgiflvg.V, hg.. , Yglitc4."do'yoil n theta ptile is b .iny.nepliew 7. ,No, iiiy 'fi'de;keeper ;' I ain iioW no longer yetti'4lliite : 'l' can : see tioc , ' through your Shane* ihamnitagV , ind I order Yctui4c l ,.ileavo.tayallioncte , , Do..!you h e-a on l, .C a Y ,e it '*4 o2 ti.Y, , . orll ' will bid'my:seriitrits . tct,ck,, ,you, 4, - out„," he died; . poliiihit: 'o"the.2",(looi as he spoke..t , - 1 Vit.. 1:::'.2 ., .. 3- 2 1.1 hesitated.; Fate 'Heenied so cruet.' I felt: that the smallest •instifiestion in gplailatioll . , llo,TllCl lefai3e4 ; my, mis-. a ,dry ; but - before bo und • could ".411 4 . 88 liityliperh& bad ' - iiii's i ed Ins 'hifi'd 'With 'the nativage -- trienace,'"'one ''‘ford' •moroand I give the..order.": , 1 i , ! Thero,wae : nothing ..for me. but to. Iretieat ;. and ,,, retreat I accordingly. d'afriim the rooni"and frOta the house, `lesiing 'instructions'' with the - her.. • i , t vantetorseit d .tny belonginge to, the ;, :railway, : station,--tiat : station , , from *,hicy I bad driven Oniy".a,few: days 'hefore, with such pleasural?le erna : sltiiiis 'ea anihitious hOp - is . . 1. !lif:"Merilek'e'nneipeeted rending of.the e.ase , •tiad indeed - brought'my .Wronga , t. 9 'a, . climax. -, Iti Wlta • not enough to have beeuthe,fool,the dupe, the "cat s piivi•iif, .cme I bOiey,e4l my • hest friend ; I' Was arab to be stigma 4ized, as , 41- cenfederate,l , the 'paid. tient..9f,ft Piati of *Nob-I:was the P r '; l4 gi vi 6P lo., _. - T ru ely.J 44 r9.n0.h . . ed'tlie• Summit' or harnan,- . wretched begsi .. , ,:...:,,. ~.. -..., ~:,, :: . ..., I.oa: , whole .of - -tte' schime , which (or ,Idrs.) Bella so - . obligingly called; a ., il harmiess stratagem," Wel-, ed "Ittielf hy i iiegrees . to my minita eyinet t 'Straggle'lS could. 441 ,- &Mk , the-. iliSaght 'hOic; the designing4iairmust hive. etincleled. (PfCrt l psr,PrAdality,, and Iv itcla . i4l with alPliP9 l l B .4tintisel, 3 9eqmyAnxemitting tieireticii to the 0:10eulaK ,conquest, Thetait didp k tiftifferness 'had beefir -itohte4 into Biagi; to lifetime iif..410 %lance , had been. -pro *led into'thel -20 ,acita LiieW. dkrts awl swallowing isfintailioion'as..4keft,i coald,ce-, inVtes Vcind ncie' a Man.. rcely necessary to add that • bate 1 Is ! E Badiriettiervrirwitw.‘ktgiZa o,Plac -- bride tind brideptop i ilde. Merrick:had:re ,oiroeOhapipeit tzmTbtoit . pwreably to the notl*pg „Iwo . 41/14,APOilyer iaefaeA - uisi - oveit'aS and him guilty accomplice. = ramify • • 'off/J.l,n' • : • • IT t olaiwter _ ston. ,ss•ufse,S.; !?:if ,4•4 1. •, .., .. a . : ' Tfi t tme'iltiplisvrt liTzrz -T0,..00. A Dem— It is the fundarriftil inistake ,0/..iitaettliolia to suppoise that:they can 104.,114. - infiteroxf Limey. eased by PtimukAtitu , StiatAaruetLrespectißely .47.,tbflat0‘08 , titVierY. youicaft 18 • to 25 years to-dAy.ivvre.offitard& WN 'O9Q for tenyears at seven,. per' cent:, litteitsi"twMitii4ti iif i th6m wupid • 41 - fikdHiaitgeOt'it Oifiditit'd . o6lVibbi . " ?catatiktitikeiir thati'dtagrOilo7 of ithefif Witifihtidie liariailiiibts -Arid . ' an ipiiii:l ElifiYV dii .1 1:01: ileba' frioliey Sall_ soluticts netbe.:y ineidt;:to-laiiivr- how Lin,eamauisnmerit: „fihe*.knytstbz,at • klie_ deem ,of his first year.af itidepeu ,.deamilkaa-,viturd *ed....sandal:n*ln dred. dollam, giAdc.iirteitted firbkonned - i.j t where i , t.-7ivi I- pay t hiia six9r seven `.per 84t. ,Wilicektmlity become Fiell itl4 Ilia t ' figelici'vbii C256.4i5.; I sl43t. yeAr'ot - 'iiefibiisibillty'lit,'ile'bt, Kitriikpix•balyAiva,andliteriti debt:— 11.beregisgraateri mistake-by .out- On : yenth- than tliat*paying rather.than : receive. , ,i Inter- - . est...dal/aura Aus. While:care ;.. aleep4 it a,bnorbn,enr props . acid aggravates &U..' 'wines: ; Lei' a young naan,, at,_ twenty-fiVe have 4i,0100 ; loaned .pa Aieirit - aid mor t gage, - pi 'iiiietited„ in, public securities, taild he siilriarely want money thereafter ; in fact; that $1,04:10,. invented fat's - even; per , sent, ' :will of. iteetf fifac44-him•riph. beforethe is sixty. , :.: There is no , ruie ~ u .fore.. ire portant pis, vrtiolesonto "for 'our boys.• - thatt. that, whiok tenches .thee.t9 , go. ItiTo:44,life 7 pceiying , interest , iatOer ' than 1 paying it, 7, ,Of the to*entS which aillict i ,thin mortal sphe.re,„fhe_ first rank is.held Crim e s by Debt.-:—Eforece Greeley, n _ Liu ';'g . o • a ; FOB FACTS .41D,FAOtTLE. i*llirs . a .aifitietie.' voillui? Because she wrings men's homiins. , Win; aie:your lips, always at;vari ancii T Because - words are frequently pa.lsed between them. • nee -name' for:a' egainsteari."— idiaii Sew - .fsieetiona fafiner to' his.son, "we had a pretty hard day's work Yrter4ti.V.-noW leVa. 4Yera game'of pmg wood," , A mother Aryingito get her -little daughter of three years 'old to sleep, one night, i said to her •• • - Anns,, why don't yon try to go to sleep?" "I am trying;," she replied. , - "But you haven't shut your eyes." , `Nell; can't help tt ; come unbut toned.' .• • '`, l Alareza,7fiaidW e Ned One Inorti= ing, after having fall out of bed, • 't I know why I fell out of bed last . night. ft was because I slept too hear wheeritQt Musing, a litge'Fbile i if in doubt wheth er he had given the right explauationi Jae 'added,' • 4 1 4 rd,itliat wasn't' the reason:; ;it was becausb slept 'too -near:where Lfell grit." • . • • I . Ax old - fellow' lit i teilishborirg town who is original in all things, especial ly in excessive egotism and profanity, and who took part in the late grcat. o rebellion, was one day blowing in the village tavern td'arowd ofsdruirniglisteners,And boast ' Mg' f his many tloody exploits, when he ; Was terruptedhy the . following question : " say, , old Joe, , tww many, rebels . did i n you kill during 'the wat?"...., . . . ...." How many did I kill, , sir-LhoW many rebs Uld I kill': , -, Well,- don't knovr'xackly how many,; but I knw this much—l killed &nanny o' them as they did o' me !", • A . getillorna.o, „walkittg - ,widl`twi.), tadiei . , - -stepped on a hogshead .hoop, tlfat' flew ini and - stracklximin the fit('e. , "Good graciops !" said he,' "which of ?you-'criop ped that?" • _. , A 6orrespon4nt writes; that, if we desire it, he-.will. , send' .something to filLpp_ with." That's just ylie.t. want'. Suppose Son"commence now with a good roa4tilig piece of beet and a. bitrrel Of fib Ur. ~ name • A 'piiinster . says : " lily is. Somme:met,r. Lai; a miserable old bachelor. I cannot . ma.ny ;, br -how - .could. I hope-to prevail' on a young lady possessed- of 414,e slightegt notions . of delicacy;lo turn a Som erset?" "SAamr,P said a young:tnan the oth= er (lay, "Why den% you wearear-rings?"'? 'Because I. haven't had.my ears pierced.' will bare them for you." AiThialk you;'yOu have done that e,nofigh.' "WorLD.I Were a, man rt it'eirmik-Minded *omen: is heihusliand's ,hearing:: *Waal(' yote.siere V" was hits Mali, 0034ne,1447.-•, , • . - 1-THE good-deeds . tliat 'mostr:st.p prefer-thateirfather's ohmildlefAi.hiShihd them, are r a i ; estate deeds, -iVi r llos is the strongest iiay Of the soye ndays ?, Sunday; because the othersareveelic -- 4 • • • _ ADVERSTIT has ever been consider ed as the atete in which amen, most essg beeoirrig docitfelifteir with himself; Igtictf- Iftrlyhailfg te,ee from flatterers. • WnY stalk about not sleeping ivipkwheitireititle in their sleep never wink Soot,ck maiden; my brother Jolin see* in the, lass'es that he liketo.hem sae well; for my part, I w,aelfp*L.:oo- , .. the o' one lad for tw9nty, lasos." ' • DAIIGHTBE, , why do you not Wear your rings 27 "Beemme, papa, they hurt me When body squeezes my hand?" . ' - " NhatbustrieWo have you, I-woula like to know: to have your band squeeted ?" - `Cortainly pone.; -but still you-know, pa pa, one would like to keep in, squeezing or. def." ' ° _ YOUNG lady _cif eighteen, -Mins 8., 'Mg ea aged to be married to a gentleman thirty.mx. • Her- mother having noticed her, Ipyi spirits .for some time,cingtrired the ' reason. "Oh, dear, mamma," replied , the'young ' ladyi.,."/ wae thiplaiag about my 'husband - beingtwice my age !" 'lhat's'very trite ; but he'i.otili'thisti-. -"Ho's only thirty.etz now, dear• inairraui ; bttt_wheiz 1 414 , H:. -..-t - "•WeII r • • "Oh, dear ! why' then hii lI be a hundred; and twenty." vir •' - 'IV up 18 TIM BIBLE-1.411.E . ItlB lik6 l 7t! ibeautifttl tree, that bears sweet fruit'" for those who are hungry, and affords Stitt. ' ter- and shade for pilgrims on their, way to heaven...f - • .• " - Itis ; liko a cab4ot ci jewels,arApreciona stouts; 'irbieli'are, not only ,to bo.looked_at, and alludreiljrat ned and - worn. , ' . , it is like a ioleacope which . b F ogs diotant bjects eviller oft worlthfTery , near, o that we eau see . .something ortheir- beauty anti 'ie . :portant*, * . - ; Duiqualt aaya - he• always respects old age *opt' when' some one, sticks him Wi p4ir of tough chickens._ • .4 . 9 isOila 'l4 - Intl:: -!?.,ftril7l.L.', IN reply to itin advertiiiemeat head , PLYrae Thinguinbob'sTootiplitush'r Western editor says See'Thinguin bobluinged fasti•l the ditty fellow ! 'Would tt! usc'ptir'sr. • ' ;lie hlco• . • _ • j A MiesoFi farmer being asked if raisin H emp wa.s a good business, answer ed, "I can't sattin say ; butjt is surely tlet-, ter than beinglaised by it." • ' ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers