gkgricultistat. How tti Oan bait. As t ia.is the season of Small freiis many a bacribers in the country will h e ..nli4ed to us for republishing the following . account of the linatuier ot preserving att:Awberries and other fruits, which they do iery,suceessful- - ly. -We - copy this account from' the. Wallingford Circular: "The fruit is first suitably mper... #.ll by hulling, assorting. or paring, and cutting, as the _caie — demands and is then placed in clean gloss-bot tles or in, tin Cana as the . .case „may" be. Next prepare a;systip of Melted re fined-or white sugar, and pour into the bottles, by .the following ' 'rule: allow six ounces of sugar to one quart of fruit or melt ten pounds of sugar in- one gallon of water ' and give one half pint of the syrup thus pro duced to one quart-bottle of fruit.— This rule is adapted to the strawber ry, cherry, peach, and other similar fruits. More acid fruits, like the currant, requir e a greater proportion of sugar .. Fruit put up air-tight will of course keep just as well without without sugar aa , with it., but it is thought much better to heat the fruit in syrup, than to heat it in water and apply sugar as it is used for the ta ble. - The filled bottle's are then piticed in a steam box—best when made throughout of wood—the , bottles rest on a false bottom of narrow .slate, c,overingthe stearn-pipe—cold water is then let into the box nntil the bot tli.s are covered within three inches of the top ; i the fruit is then gradual ly heated to the boiling point by let ting steam into the water, through a pipe leading from the engine-room in another portion of the building. It requires frurn fifty-fiVe to sixty 'min utes to 'properly heat or cook most kinds of fruit. Thcy are commonly, allowed to boil ,five minutes, but in some instances are taken out of tliie steam-box before they reach the bo?l -ing point. Corks are made sufficiently flexi ble by steaming them twenty minutes in the steam-box. • They should be large enough to fill the neck of the bottle tightly,and require some force to crowd them in. For sealing-wax a compound of the following proportion is made : One pound -rosin, one and a half oz. tal low, three oz. beeswax ; but coth mon boat-pitch may be used, and is cheaper( "The fruit being sufficiently heat ed, the corks steamed, the-boat-pitch ready, the bottles are taken succes sively from the steam-box to a table alid'quickly corked. The corks may be forced in by a blow from a mallet, or better by a small lever arrange ment, or best by such a machine as that used her„ansl in other fruit es tablishments,`'-:which, worked by hand rnd foot, performs this operation eas ly..and rapidly. The portion of cork remaining above, the'bottle is pared off with a sharp knife,and left convex form. It is found that the fruit re tains its color better when heated in a tight bottle than when heated in an open c;‘ , and latterly our preservers have . ked the bottles before pat ting them in the steam-box—the cork being held in bia cla'sp' while. the steaming process goes on. The corked bottles may now be sealed with a brush, or by dipping them in the melted wax. It is well, after the latter operation, to immedi ately transfer the bottltrto a basin of cold water,dipping to the same depth, to cool the wax. If the dipping is . carried below the bulb or-rim at the mouth of thebottle, there is danger of cracking the glass. If any. blis ters form, rub theni away with the ,finger, using a little_tallow or oil to prevent sticking. hen the first dipping leaves the cork imperfectly covered, repeat it. The operation is now completed, and the fruit is ready to be packed away in, a. cool, dry, dark cellar, un less, 'tp inprove the appearance, it is thoug,lit expedient to add a cap of tin foil. This can, however, be done at any time, as also the labelling' In a few days after packing away inspect tae bottles to see if any show signs of fermentation, which may be detec ted by a foamy appearance of the fruit. If this is observed in any bot tle, it denotes either' a crack in the glass or that' the sealing was imper fect. The bottle - should be opened and examined; the contents scalded, and the process of sealing repeated ua belore.. In some cases during the r=eason a little vegetable mould may be seen to gather on the surfaae of the fruit in the bottles, but this is of no account as it can be readily's . epa-__ rated on opening the bottles, leaving the mass of fruit perfectly good. There is a 'variety of-methods prat : used in preserving tomatoes, Our people scald and peel them, and then place them in a steam boiler, where they are boiled from twenty minutes to half an hour. The bottles are filled directly from the boiler-L-having been previously heated in the steam box, 60 as to avoid the danger o' bursting —and are then ready for sealing. Tomatoes, squashes, beans and oth er vegetables, are put up without syrup of any kind., Apples atie put up in fresh apple juice, anti - ._ are thought to-be much better than when put up in water. The'process of preserving fruit in tin cans is nearly similar to that of preserving in - bottles--excepting that the cans are sealed or soldered before putting into the steam box. But in this instance, as also when fruit is heated in corked bottles, the steam has to be drawn by making a small .vent immediately after taking them from the steam box, which vent must be closed as speedy as may be, afte the steam or gas has blown off. There is in market a great variety of fruit bottles, most of which avoid -the necessity of corking and sealing ; but they are generally too expensive for the use Of thoad who put up fruit_ in large qtantitieS for sale. The community use a kind of bottle mod elled here and manufactured in New Jersey. Sweet corn is one of the best 'arti cles thus preserved. - Smile put the coin in cans immediately after it is taken from the cob, seal it_up; then boll.it five hour'', then punch a bole iu the top the cans - to let putt the ttten meal and pack aviay.-- (3 4 1, ,, ta r:frt if* ',into, alter it Is $O/,44 t ",4, 11 1 4*n or twfullY, tt r PLC* atal it lb t:4144 YtMi IMI hit "rk.' , kf , *rod. •• 1 Vt - C7r. •.• • . _Goods • : .kilEi3 0.. PIIOST, would call stittoaton to the 'brie sad varied tasOttißtidlori !Fri tiT“, NOw l ni t nlt - his Ware Rafm eow - he will be happy to show to , any and every one freeol. charge, or to sell at $ ,very- small sd• • vanes . from ant: Thwaldal for the peat Pend' Ipstronsge of the public; .1 would sty4thatl endeavOr to:olake it to 144 tereat tzs deal - With me, riot anly baceeplag i, • I tA I RGEIC "'STOCK '- • To select Aka thatail '6lst Su any other tore Store in this region; but also by offering :AT kLESS PRICE -; I ; Theo ther.ssibusility of goods_ can )e=pee; chased elsewhere. I have , now In store over 60 <'biFFERENT PATTERNS OF -CHAptS, And more thin THIRTY STYLES BEDSTEADS Besides Bureaus Rinds, Tables, Book Racks, What Note ,, 4iofaa Tetea-Tete'sr Rockers, and Easy' Chairs Nano Stool'', Chil dren's Carriages Children's Cradles ~ and Cribb's, LoOking classes, , : Glass Pates, Plc: • tdie Frames,t. Pho l graph Ovals o litee Engravings, \ Cords and Tas els,.. &o. _ .In fact a full assortment OF EVERYTHING IN . 'THE LINE, All of which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH 1 The public are invited to call and faxlmine My stock before purchasing elsewh, Store on Main Street, 2 doors south of Monts.l Ts. I e s, also keep on hand,,a large assortment o . READY MADE COFFINS, From the Most common to the finest Mah bgany or Rosewood, which will be tarnished with or without Attendance with Hearse, at Ilow.a price as the same qualify can be purceased else- Where. Dec. 186,6.-.:--yr. , IN EW FURNITURE STORE! 1 Having rented the Furniture Ware-rooms form. erly occupied by F. N:. Page, Atbens , Pa, would now say to the patrons of the old tstab liahment That I have a complete Stock lolGooda, just received, embracing everything In the FURNITURE LINE fay goods are new and well Selected; and for GOOD GOODS Will not be undersold by any. Call and ex amine my stock before parchasing. I retain the Workmen of the old establishment, and MR. N. I. HART Will have charge of the business and Manufact uring. In short - w have the finest Stock 'of Goods in our line west of New York, consisting of - Parlor Furniture, CliambefilSetts, Sofas, Bureaus, Marble-top Centre Tables, Extension and Dining Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Minors, Picture Frames, Photograph Ovals, Cord and Tassels, Steel Engravingvi, Oil Canine, Toilet Stands; Worh-Boxes, Pictures, &c. • COFFINS AND BURIAL CASES Our Undertaker's Departinent Will at all times be well supplied with everythpg in that nue. We have the FINEST HEARSE In this section, not evcepting anything west of New York, and will attend Funerals within a circuit of Twenty Miles, on reasonable terms. G. H. VOORHIS. N. I. HART, AgMt. Athena. Jan. 2s IRGR.—Iy FURNITURE WARE-ROMS 'JAMES HAKINSON announces to the public that he still continues to manufacture and keep on hand a large assortmentrbk . 'CABINET, FiItIiNITURE,\ Bureaus. Tables. liedsteads. Stands, Chalk Arc., of every descriptrut which will be mad of the best materials, and'in he most workman like manner, invite the inection of the public to mylwork, which ahallne be surmised in durability, at any shop in thp country, and my priced will be found to be as low as the timer will admit. Reidy-made Coffins constantly on hand or made to order. A good Hearne will be furr.ished, when desired: • - Aug. 16, 1866. ItSLPI wits. THE TOWANDA BAKERY • EEO EATING ESTABLISHMENT I. W. E. HILL, having purchased the Bakery and Eating Establishment and GrocerY recently kept by Pettes & Hovey; first door aohth of the Ward House, Hain street, Towanda, Pa., and having remodelled the same. anil having asso ciated with him IBA SHITH, they, are prepare d Win - Mai their customers and the public with ev • rythiug in their line at reasOnahle rates.— THEIR EATING DEPARTMENT Is fitted up in the most approved style and meals are served at all hours, and their store is filled' with a good assortment of GROCERIES, • CONFECTIONARY &0.,•&c. They will keep in store and sell at whOlesale and retail or manufacture to order Bit,EAD, BISCUIT; RUSK, FRESH ROLLS, BUNS, PIES AND CAKES, I 1 'Ol all kinds. Also will keep the beSt. Crackers of all kinds in the market, by; the barrel or pound. Fresh Oysters constantly on hand by the keg or dish, cheap as the chea est. They will use the best materials in ever thing and ile. "will - try to to lease the most fastidloa . MT Wedding and other fancy !Cakes made to order. - We Families supplied daily atA promptly with anything desired in our line. l• They employ none but the moat skilful work men, and use only the beat material. ,They are determined to keep a first class !establishment. Give ns a fair and candid trial and lon will find it to your advantage. - W. h. TULL, : Towanda, Jan. 2J, " ' • GROCERY, PROVIOON AND PEED STORE: 1-1 JOHN DIHRIDETH, • ( • ain-st., first door south of 'the Rail Road ()use) would moat respectfully itivite the at `tntiou of the public to .his large *and yell se lected stock of , GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, trhielf be Is selling - to-'halt the times, and' prtraes of all. Re 'has also opened a'splendld FEED STORE, Which is well situated to supply the canal and Barclay coal region at all Idnies.: He keeps conitantly on hind a large dock of, ' • TEAS, COFFEES7SUG.A.RS, MOLASSES, FLOUR, . BUTTER, PORK, &Q., Which he is selling cheap (r cash. The citizens of Towanda and eicinitr , pirate arcept my thank,' for their very liberal - Iwirocalis for the last twd years, and ,Ace romles with their assistancr, to InsproVe er• . 11 7 43 Poinia ally to enlarge opr boainaasoto .to warrant satisfaction to all; Coll and see as *PI- s r I JOU* If ERIDEPT, Trati . 4a, , July , II `dt:,POWELL'B DRUG sroßpht & Poßrs,. 00200eflo . tejto: .01 nore,y_ are continuing the n= 4t the old . •4 1 o• hig istnemfroni - • able importers and respect asks or a liberal share o nblio patron ,age. A large stock of FRESH DRUGS AND IiEDICINEB Itaajust been received and we' 7"sr are now pre- *id 3- 1 - le WANTS *Of TIE PUBLIC WITH ARTICLES RELONODIO TO TUB 'MADE. PURE WINES AND LlOOl4B, it FOR MEDICAI..IisE ONLY: ,♦ PULL AEISOBRICINT OP CONCH:MUM . 1 ;ii TANIC, ECLECTIC AND ROMEPATHIC MEDICINES: ALL iIiEPOPWARIIATIdiT firkIIICiNEEif • ?Arias; OIL, vAntrisn, TAINT AND VARNISH; BRUSHES, • I DYE-STIIPPIi AND GI4EI pkNoi. Aign TOILET ARTICW OF EVERY KIND !unties ALCOHOLIC AND =IUD =TRACTS, A LI Al.O ID • dND RESINOIDS. All the Best Trusses, ABpo tif.l N 8 tIVP-011TERS, Shoulder Braces, BREAST PIIMPS, NIPPLE SHELLS, AND SHIELDS, Nursing. Bottles, Syringes find Catheters, A. LA ASBOBTMERT OP ELIZOB.% STROPS', POCIIIM ! ' SURGICAL INSTRtIIigNTS OF LATE STYLE • lINDNIEST QUALITY. A large suply.Brushek the Hat and Hair. Also for the Teeth an ails,' Tooth Pow ders and 'Pastes, ' Perfumery, Soaps, Combs, Hair Dye., invigor store. 4ke., Kerosene, Kerosene • Lamps, Shades i.Chirimays, Wicks, &c., all of,-the \ • late at styles, 'N CHOICE CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF. s• Physicianif supplied at reasonable ratetE . Medicines and Prescriptions, carefully and ac curately compounded and prepared by compet ent persons at all hours of the day and night. Sunday' hours [ from 9 to 10 o'clook in the fore noon, to 2in the afternoon Towanda, Sept. '29, 1866. illott)ing . CLOTHING" CLOTHING 11 READY MADE AND MADE .TO ORDER. J. M. COLLINS; lot door South of Codding Russell's, has just received from New York a large and atractive assortment of. NEW WINTER JLOTHING Our stock Comprises every article worn by men and boys, PILOT AND BEAVER OVF,RCOATb, BEST QUALITY BUSINESS SUITS OF ALL STVLES. COATS, PANTS, VESTS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, NIC. TIES, WRAPPERS, DRAWERS &c. GENTS FtrRNISHING GOODS - Of every description Especial attention is called 'to our stock of OrPTHS, cASSISIERES ANb VESTINGS Whie we will make up to order on abort notice, • A nice lane of Fancy Casidiners 'for Pants .and Coats. Latest style Hats and Caps. Gents 'Fur Collars. catting.done to order on short notloe Bear in mind if gal wish to buy Clothing CHEAP, and as good as represented, call at Terms Cash. COLLINS' ToWanda, Dee. 7. 1865. TEMPLE OF FASHION I HE NEW STORE, NEW G .0 . Q D. S ! An entire NeW Stock of Clothing bought as eheap as before the war, to be sold with SiAl-A'LL PROFITS! , \ , . The ti t iersigned a - ould respectfully. announce to the cif ens of. Towanda atte and l3,nt v/(: t i o n r lt e y o t t lial he ,y \ has this da :opened h h . BEIDL MAN'S BLOCK, Opposite the any House, Mau Street, a - NEW ESTBLISHMEN'T 01, Ready Made dens an\Sot's and Children -L 0T EI NG 1 GENTS__FURNISHING GOpDS \HATS, CAPS &c., &c., And that those goods bonght at very to fig rit. Will be sold with very Ismail profits. in t e to establish's permanent trade in this pla .e , a in order to gain the confifienee of parch s e will dealmitii them 'on a basis of honest a integrity, and all goods sold will be guar a n for what they are represented•to be. • IML Come and examine the New Store (A. , Towanda, April 8, 1867.—yr. OLOMON & SON, Are now opening their general stock of SPRING & SUMMRR L CLOTHING, For men and boys wear. The assortment will be found the choices they have ever offered, se lected With reference to ,the wants of their trade. -They respectfully, invite an examination of their-clothing, which is manufactured ex measly for their trade, having a buyer at ail times in the market we feel confident to give a better at a lower price than can be obtained elsewhere. Also in store for the trade a Com plete 'stock of GENTS • FURNISHING Gporos, , SUCH AS • & FANCY pAss. SHIRTS, LINEN AND .14117§LIN SHIRTS, LINEN OOLIIARS AND CUFFS, PAPER COLLARS, AND CUFFS, ASITEPENDERS, GWVES,,,TIES, HATS AND CAPS, Theentire stock must be sold by the first of August, next. We are offering great harping, as we intend to remove, Nve feel confident in saying to our . friends and enstomers, you will find It to your interest to gall on us before pur chasing elsewhere, RemeMber the place,. , . SOLOMON .3; SON,., No 4 Putton's Block. • Towanda, May 23.'67; • BONDS. )NDS. 4 • TT. 7 310 TREASURY NOTES, ' COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES, Boaght and sold by B. S. RUSSELL & CO. • The Tribuirer of this Ted States is now con. 'e rtingthe first Serial +if 3.10 Treasury Notes The d. Bonds of-1860. Holdere: , i in this vicinity who, wish to have their Notes convert ed, elan do eff by calling t n as. B. S. dc RUSSELL CO., Aug. 20;-' 184. Bankers, Towanda, Pa. ENAMELED CIIAMBER SETS. Also Flap Chesnut ox Walnut chamber sets 'MOW& - ; ~,0.:A.C1410.4,A•4141,i0214 • , • =-- U. enlArged and re-qtted theft 801,1:aid U. ed *jar& • : P,11•01, • % I . VERY LARGE - - I•A i j.., L Au!' !KKK!, -a ` ' • ' D] We propose to keep to connection with the above a fall alma of Low than any other pa t rties in this raglan. • • W. If. 11. GORE Towanda, March 7, 1867 G L 226 G CROC' CON DRU GREE B Rl' SILVER PLATED . W KERO SEA E IV-AREA CHANDELIERS, LANTERN • - The st patent Fruit Jars in the Market, to be sol at the toweit prices. 101 - line of Look g' Glasses. All kinds of Glass - Ware made' order, Agent .for Heridien -Britannia Comp LI. • J. T. WRIGHT, 225 Greenwich Street, April 15, '67. 2 doors below Barclay, N. Y. THE UNDERSIGNED, RAVING In iii`Ahe firm Of C. B. PATCH St CO., iiinow ktapered to offer to the citizens oftirad!ord 67my and vicinity, a large and well;selected ,sto?k\Df H. JACOBS sGROCERIEA,. , —,- Which Iha purchased for Cash and feel cord- dent that can \ell at . is low dimes as can be 431 e. I now offer to the public,- TEAS, COFI\ 8, SttGAltS, ' STARCH, SALERAT , SPICES, &C. , . , Hive on hand a large ck of \T iE AARON FLOUR, GRA Aif DO. RTE DO. BUCKWHEAT DO I keep , constantly on hand, PORK, -Ma; I,ARD and kinds CO FISH. ' Wadi' call the. at. . . :tendon-ef the pnhho to one Can't Be Beat • STOCK OF TOBACCO, - purchasedeLsewhi a sOlendid stock of In quality-or price. Jesse° Oakley's Celebrated ILaundryA'Nnw York Ckemical and Brown Soap. PiePle aan nail and examine Mit at)* cif " ; - Large haaortment of YANKEE NOTIONS, TOILET SOAPS, &c., &e. I w ill pay the high. eat cash price for 1 COUNTRY PRODUCE. . . Farmers give as a call before ecUliig elsei►bere, 0. B. PATCH: ' AU person indeited 'to the late will plasm gall and *aka inunediate paymeo2. - I . Towanda, March 17,1887. O. . a PAT. • ca BEM CROCKERY, 'GLASSWARE, 611 N,4%. I' 3 YELLOW, BOCK, LAVA, •ND STONE WARE. SILVER PLATED,' WOOD, WILLOW, El JAPANNED GOODS TABLE CUTLERY. variety. •4cs, we buy all oaf goods from FIRST— HANDS, We Stutter ourselves, we can sell GOOD GOODS • MAYAS, C/S -AND TAILOR'S TRI Of the beet quality. OUTIING Aud MANUFACTURING .Done to order, Agents for WHEELER & WILSON'S 1 and SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. ARE REI awich Street, 2 doors below. Bare is the Greit Depot for ERY DEALERS' GLASS WAR. 4"; ECTIONERS I - " " GISTS' Mil GLASS' BY THE PACKAGE In facCitil kinds of LASS •WA,RE. Also, a complete assortment of ANNIA . r And r Beat brands of Kerosene Oil i I Purchased the entire interest of R. H. PATCH, WOODEN WARE, Iffo Ell :r . t o. • rsa vi4:ttirk i - - q*-i4).6 1- hafix .U 4. . itigleivei: :,1 ' , •- . .. c* - 4-.74 , ;(lni i i- 41-.7r. , ..r..A irk,•lrku -: 1 . . f.i. , 4d0.tvi . ,,,: taitz.i... . 6 ida-1-71 - 4‘i-: - • OLD' j42IASID!'i 4:11iM10.15TO .i„,vd.....?,..„0,Ltt,,14.,-4„..,:ii ~„..,,itzial.; i.c„„apoitattotisldow-Armit: 403, i...) 4 , ..- •• -, .• •- i -...,..,,,,,, ;na l gaintillhiallalllasaMll4lira• riiiing iecentiiadadUrgiliki,o his Stoch, a Poll awl-mte aseostneE, epastituth* An thWemboiclnwftweortlileenset , =rtilfra • meehitileil - piatikwesiimmolkellf; • with regard lo.thetWogrellOK *OW Of the public,. which J will - be kept constantly sap. : plied with ~ , ,fresh,Fci l ts ses_and Offered on the most reasonable • at Wholesale or &tail, consistingil-,! , i . - t‘ -•- - • . _ . DRtras, stibia*Es,:CHEMICALS, IPAlmrs, - 011.8; Bess, PAINZ *mum, isruris•wAsa, 0 4,10 Mad* otXinuturi, KEROSENO" Oit — COAL . Alcohol and Barak% Piafde , LAMPS, liMADES, WICKS, CHIMNEYS," Neatnix) . 43t,:, TitNlsiElt/S A*) MACHINE -OILS, Panay and Toilet iitieles In all ti;e ; ir SPONGES, 41111313095, , SOAPS, • PomadeS, !lair •Dycl,, PerruplerY, • POCKET,BQOp, ypRTMONIS, . . Pocket Knives, Razors, TOOTH, SKIN AND RAM PREPARATIONS . • ! , PURR WINDS AND LIQUORS, . ‘ I TOBACCi), SNUFF, AND ,Cl6illB, , • r. , • ,_t, . Garden, Field and Flour Seeds; Talkies; Sup porters, Suspenglr•es, ;Shoulder' Braces, Breast Ponape, Teethin Bings, Nursing 1 co t ThAtles, Nipples, Nip le Shells • and , sAelds.Syripgeli,,B P/ 1 . 111 1.8e4 , ,i, I • t t ' !Sealing Pruit data; ermoraetein; ' Flavoring IlLtracts,, St, ne Jugs, Glass i Ware, Bottles,Vhdi, ' ki. Bath Brick, 1 and Stove Blacking Fish! Tackle. Ambient. Lion, ki. i Botanic: Neter. and norm:Oath. ,ic Medicines. land all t — e Pomo lar Patetit i MEDIC NES. '. All articles warranted s represented.. Per sons at a distance can ie4eive their orders by stage or mail, which will 'receive prompt and =dal attention. ,; ' DR. FORM'S .fIiEPARATIONS FOR ,FAIIILY ORE, Known as Safe and Reliable Rem edies, ate war ranted for what ploy are Intended to Alva sada faction, via : Dr. Potter's P ectona - Syrup, for coughs, _ colds, lung comptaints,*c.s4ocatil 00 Dr. Porter's Eclectic Pails; for bilious cons- BEE • p/ainti and ,mild catha rtic.... 25 . Dr. Porter's Sanifer Syrupi l '; for !ero.tula ' skin diem*, 4w.......... 1 O 00; Dr. Porter's Uterine Tonic, for female weak • nese, .pc. - .... '1 00 Dr. Porter s Tonic Elixir/or strengthening . ' the sy',.. , Of. Porter's Tansy stsmi. Schnapps, for liver and 100 kidney Complaints .. ,- . . ..... - 1 00 Dr. Porter's Comp.i'Syr. Hypopliosphites, for nervous debility 1 C 9 Dr Perter's Blackberry Balsam. for diar rhea, , 80. -, 35 Dr. Porter's Family Ep/lirOCalloll,foi sprains , - - • bruises, to ' t.'Porter's PectorAl Wafers, Jar' hoarse. I . 35 ness, sore throat,4lc 26 Dr. PiTte , r's Worm ' Wafers, for J e.rpiliing ' 111071111.11. 25 Dr. Porter's Worm Syrup , for ezterwina. \ling worms 35 t , Dr. Porter's Difitat Belieffor crying biAles Volt; tkv....... ...i... ....4 26 Dr. Porter's ' i C a eralic Snuff , for catarrh val.. • 25 Dr. Porter's Totitlutelle \ Drops, for tooth -25 Dr. Portes Tooth'Powder, -for preserving _ . teeth ' ' 25 Dr. Porter's. Trioosene ' for Alressitig and 50 wing the hair 50- Dr, Porter'scoptille, ,or beautifying the hair 50 , Dr. Porter's Ddoriferous Shampoo jor.elean-- • Dig the hair 5Q Dr. Pbrter's Milk of Flowers, for beautify. -. • ,tng the compkition 50 Dr. Porter's Pile Untment. kw external p i oo - • iles Dr. Porter's French 'Compound, for scald ing urine • 1 00 Dr. Porter's Medicated Figs,: for habitual constipation 1 00 Dr. Porter's Healing Salve, for cuts.woutids lee ' • 16 Dr. Porter's Lip Salve, for chapped lips:— 26 ! , • -,,.. Dr. Porter's Eye Salve, for inflamed eyes.. 25 ..:- Dr: Porter's Eye Water, for inflamed eyes.. 26 1 Dr. Porter's Corn and Wart 'Remover, r = ot corns and ()unions. . 26 Dr. Porte:is Constlpmion Pills, for costive ness.. • 2 1 Dr. Porter's Iron Pills, for poor blood ..,..,. , 25 \ Dr. Porter's Citrate Magnesia, for a pleas ' ant catharric 50 Dr. Porter's Liquid Rennet, (or making nil , tritions diet for invalids 25 Dr. Porter's Extract Vanilla, tor flavoring ice cream; Arc - 40 Dr. Porter's Extract Lemon,- for flavoring ice cream—large bottles - 30 Dr. Porter's ()dental Cement, fo. mcuaing broken glass,EyC 25 Dr. Por ' ter% Liquid Glue, tpr repairing - , wood w0rk..... 25 Dr. Porter's Cleansing Fluid,fer easy wash ing • 50 Dr. Porter's Bed Bug Poison, lor killing. 51) Di. Porter's Ply Poison Paper, for killing • - tiles : •05 pr. Porter's Rat and Mice Poison, for os= ' terminating rats 25 Dr. Porter's' Benzine, for removing spots trona clothes 25 Dr.,Porter's Black Ink, in pint bottles , 25 in bulk by the gallon 100 Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder, for diseases of ordinals ' 30 Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Lotion, for - sprains, galls, &c. 60 Dr. Porter's Bing-Bone and, Bpavin Cure, ' for lame horses 50 t. Medical advice given gratuitously at the office; charging only for medicine. Kir Thankful for past liberepatronage,would respectfully announce to his. friends and th e public, that no pains shall be spared to satisfy, 'and merit the continuation of their confidence and patronage. H. CIAPPRTER' Dec. 18,1866.—yr. RE, ! I x l..- - I A l GOOD THING MAY BE SEEN WOOD k iHARDING'S GALLERY OF ART. mowing, BILLDFORD C 01721217, -We - take pleasure in infor ming our old friends and the public, that' we have procured one-of the beat large Solar Camaras - how in use, and are prepared to furnish to all our patrons, better PHOTOGRAPHS, from miniature to life else, thin ever offered in this county, at very low pri ces. We are still making the neat QEM FERRO. TYPES, mounted on cards, as Well as all kinds of CAGE PICTURES. such as • • ME',. I I4.INOTYI, I .ES and .AMBROTYPEAII. . , We are alsb making beautiful c' t etrin PIiOTOORA,,PIIB, • of all the best styits)and having 'secured the best, and plenty of helpiwe earkinsure sittings to sill that they favor tis with thi3ir latronage. We shall in tufure give oar strict attention to all sittings, in order to Bemire the most favorable positions; and as Intl:- inconvenience as possi ble to our customers. „In - regard to' COPY IN G,• • . opreSeni facilities enalde us to Make on skOrt no D ce, otr t E he nu mo lrts st yrp artistic , ol m cto u reslo o m ityr )rery ra p , o , or \ : Olt ' AMMICITYPES; the inc n g demand for that kindqg work has lead' stove our attentkor particularly to that branelfof e business. i _.,„ _ , • , WO arum log large additions - -toour stook of . I • _ _ i, • NI)? . ' 011:r. trAISE.IOp I AND WA A !, FILANDS. GM IL WOOD. , . - DZI..IIANDING. ' Deck 10,1866. VP • • .. AGTTENTI .N F-ARMER _ 1 , EASTERN •-B ' DFORD - 1 • Fanning Timis of all kinds at OODYII3, agent for the celebrated Cayuga -Chief afoirer- and.' Reaper, which is acknowledged \hy :ell ' that - know-them-'to be the betemachine E ct offered tafi l r to thei OM. Also the best Horse Itch Pork • In the; nitedStafes• 'Howe .111!4 , 4 Ilekee, fiej ; &m i ke. - - 1 . . ' :. \ -' *es innifi4,1867.4 . W. r - • MEM For Medicinal.use, 1 c q raphtjs: ' .14.) lit e% . - „ teirset L .. p.101A., -, .; , , _t l , - a i#32.41 T • -, • , ..,,, „ rthkdittiDlNSE 1 02 13 11,1 1 09 1 0q..81$ __ . 1 '•‘' : _ cd BRANelt al EfIOCNIVIY . &Ai ta - vinet re , iria!nr.cr..se'l lo aloVirtil walel soat CrIOWV -0 111 1 ' ) soliba 4.4.2 a .7f4 0 . • - ' n Ge/k.AUISSIqa.• 4I tlrf 4 dt";' •4 gutfill) lie* 411t411 T . ttritr., r.e .71,Lreirr u. • n ,, -- --_,—fo------ 1 • itsfriorat4 leaf itakilrYo 1 itg 43, 1144" '• 1 ' 441 V1 " 11 T "M (11-.. '' 8821 12 AT oT, 1 ,u , ...,_ Ani. - „, 1.0 afagcriviont4tswc bal. 1:,w,j11 1 .4 1. ',lllo4oll2'g*Rt . *Me 1 A ~Mt . , It r iNttrigt , l a gi l P.s . l4 , sl,:. l noe.t.tlnsufbir, Alt Jaw. ) rta won . ° o ° • .s'azuzJkl. I, en (TWA leg lialkOkOhliifoo.j:TA.i naiad ouktiowlitAikodsb-aswit i ghtesll:;,, . 4 4, !Flitch additions costilnitrisaffg Made whjeh - , . dtlittelleeilibi OM , kr lArvions4nantit vuieffeetttiAß „AW **julep it- , , ~--rc , Itu - 4 , pileowil *4 'wits 4111/I”leiti ' -h.;.a. Id 3os at..:‘" Aiqv i., r.:...a.,,,n , --, -., 1 frrolfret4 .rf.nuxa 1 :loa ;0.71u1 .4 ." - ' t, , - ''''' '.....,14,4,`" 'l' , i , r , . Aiiirit4'" Ataong44llrfllpfr-,t1011) le anu beaW l ,4* •.? ,i ," I Ntatt44. Ntt-isa i t•lfvcoAt ' iti l• 1 -- •- 4 , , _.. - di the , best ,qualfty lelttr i Ae latest Improve., ''' 1cW 0 : 11,12 4° ,P l ,f ° r )AN* ~ z., - Ift 'ehti.' All - kW! of /field for'Plotirlaw and ' ...--. ' 4 44 . 1 alallialiika V 4 yr f., ,r4;411 - L.; -,ir:lL:i.. - : y -Tbia . -imuitlftti git 4i • lis dnihrpaesedler eeencro, 1. ,,,„,,i a i i . . n .,„, lNst; m- IA feel i• Is . a pelfect , toilets. tit : the:, beet -:,. i , .rleo ~ A111 ' .1 4 041 4 1-4 gm!: in 4f: - ' , COOK, STOVE la the uoirket.y Atnowtlialc•• : -I,LADF:2, Ar,,REgAIRE ,•, 1 heating rteveli day be' found, tasgreat. rownt.t'leiririi A 1r .. .tornargpt i pm, , ~ ;, ratable forever! place wherershaves are"tiled. - 9 4444 " 41, ". 4.4. "' 4 Wr ' . • ' 1 1 1 3 ' .".1.-.'''*- 1 STEAK . , GAMIES Twig PIPE - AND _DIADET .111,0N4WARE.,. s GAUGE ~ COCKS, , 55;4 . 4 1 11 6 ° P .14 45, 'k, d f l4l #s .oeF.n.i ~,, ,• 1 i , - i f 0 /4 4 144 % Sfig tr 4 •. • r..ta W A IL.W, : , r..^. - :..irz.-....,.., _II. - )' ,,-;, .•,,,- . , . , , „, 1 ,1 _,.- c , ~ , . , F , Endshell at,ahort,notiee. . atlarfia ' llfilek mi . :nal:int:o from Abie,VAX7 belt 1 ' "30 L W ' p,UTTINa Material and by experienced workmeh. -- A'irery ' -`1 L , . , IJ Q' ~ " • 4 1 • "", :al assortment of ---4 , - - . 5 ' - i4 03 41:!: 1 i • to if InPhes..4 disiuldr. 1 tRoN,'NIALS MID fr,FVFtr t;- ' I 1 -• • ~.' i • FSOIWING, FIR . - ..,....i_ ; .0f h ar7 WrOreltyweti for.,Drhips,^ttd all • ' BOVSE A ND. CA#olto4 TiliiiilNa...,A t k e ;Fir""4" o l, 7 CT d ef , 441 . a Ug, m • , - TOOLS FOR. 'liiik :PAR ifflEßvs''''' ' doom - NG , 41trnATING &rOVES - Toole for the House Joiner and Carpenter-- do - afgiatiiidli ticitners. Anititurefoi Clic:ark Tools for Blacksmiths`-.TRs tor r evr l ybp V : - stevei,litteeti PlPa."' Tin.Ware,"-lidat Putops, WINDOW DASH AND qt.,s, ,E,,AnitTB,iipcsi i 4 19- FrultlYM oll-1 444 I .9 2 aßet's, kept constimt. inn TARAIIIIEB, ifiXIIIEft 00 . AND BIDOLE,J_ - IDryjr:W:7 Ai Vt ' S A — ,OEoIFICATIONS KimosENE cm. - LAMPS , 1 1 79K 8 :fi Nt i , of , aliilwB4 . i7licf4iiaety for mills and other - CHltttig,:irti.... marpoiesprepired hy - • ' , BBLT ' - Vi r iR4EN HILT, .' - MO T , ABLE OD I'OCOT btPkltEarroi, " • „ i o Foremt lebo' s tati bad•large xperleareln this fiIitTTANNIA 'AND; 'PLATRDWARE, , ~ , _ L , - 11 i• , „, • , 1 . jranch .the bnlinesS. , ,-- ••,, , Pumps, Lead :Pipe., 1 : 7 1ai10;, t .1iti4,1 0 . - ,t ~ r 1 „..,. , -, .s.tQati. nA1p4.4,1c, - Towanda Oct. 20 I,4ca Is. ' Water Pipes: Grindstals - an , virfs„ K Eft OSENE IiANTEn NS , JOB WORK don& with diapaten. • lairnist re paired:.Ffpid Libya and Lanterns altetad end fitted to beta 45 tivoegP; -‘..„ '.-' 2.' Grain, (41 Iron, Casting and irgettg,p,!DeiPsi Copper, lirpss,i lyittannia, Ilees*ax, -Feathers arid Rags tnicen in eatlaage.tpc geode. Illghest price in cash paid for Sheep - Felts and Furs i -'-- - sir 9111:1 GOIQS bare been purchased Fla the ph down System and will he rtild l'?r 1 2 READY 111 , - ietill A. PPDDnia, I - - dODDIN6i aiiI3ELELL; c. e. wcpsta.T... ' Towsnda, !larch 10; 18138 _ , nc! ES i • - .."' A . . . • ',41 ~ ~ , . • •'''''. zt, ;:d r 4 .7 • W' 4 , T 1 "; 9 • - . ... " ~.. • %4' '... P. 4 , " ' . ri i ', • - r - II 4, ,1 4 . ...•.- tt • .4>.• G' . ...z r: . W P.. . , 0 1-4 2,, r • ? CP .. i - CI " ' '" • .. 0 % = '", r. P = l, )L.i r: •a- , , q.:, •g' U fz et .. .- 4 - - ,•- '*l , 't 0 * . .0 • -, • 0 ‘ .<::, , s . . ....., ~ : 31AitS11Ap., BROTHERS & c 0:, Wish :to call, the Itielitada• 01 the, ikubllc . to Oar hew Stock 9( . , , . RARD,WARS.••., • ' • f FARMING IMPLIMENTS, • BLACK SMITHS' TOOLS, and'CAR,PENTERS' TOOLS. a brae nunttrneht•of • • ' Window-Gl:cgs:Sash, Paints, Tutty. Vtirniattea, and 'Paint • and WarnielOrnahas • - of all kinds, whl4! ki!e sold for the lowest Cash ,ptien. dlao.B Oildie•fiksortinentof E (1)1t1.4.1i- . 44 -LA hi P 8 of every etyle,und, Ottterij,to,s4it the pnbtie . . . • • Lamps repaired ati4` ; 1 / 4. .....,, ,j, aa„^ed -tow, Qil • end_ 1. • ..., : • ; .; , Flui" g ' er"eq. • - '-'4 — h" itanufacturitz P.,:i-Licalar attetitiul pal . t.i., e . ~ ut 411 .kinds'iit * zi i „ . • , . JOBRINI.i PRO/IF:4Y A TTANDSD - TO We have. on hand a fine article 6i.. ~* i3LZB•S F I titIT(JAItS, .= arith improvod "self-sealing corks, acid' - H,EJBMETId ALBI.I A LEN - G C VSS whidh is one of the Lest eSna n.i;V: - • June 20,1868. T - - - r WENYV-FIVE -WARS EXPERI 1 ENG& EH, DENTISTRY. J.M. 6311/Tll, ii. Di., would respectfully Wrenn the inhabitants of Eradford County Lb it h' is permanently located in Waverly, N. Ir., where he has been hi the practice kg fin profession for the past tour years.. He would say that tram his long and successful practice of 25 years duration he is familiar with. all the alifferent stytai of work done- in any and all Dental tatablishments in city or countr,y, and is better .prepared than any other Dental ,operatcii , in the vicinity to' do work the best fidepted to the many and different cases that present themselves ofteiatilfes•to the Dentist, as he Understands the art of making his own teeth. an& has facilities for doing the sante. To those requirhig under; sets of teeth he mould ea w attention to his new kind of -work which consists 'of porceISILL for both plate and teeth, end fornaing a continuous gum. It is more durable, more natural• itrf appearance, dad much better adapted to, the gulp` than any,,otliOr.. kind of work. Those in- need of thesaaie are invited to call - and examine specimens. Teeth, tilled to last,for years and oftentimes lor life.--- Chloroform, Ether, and " Nitrous Oxide " ad ministered with perfect safety, , as over four hun dred patients within the last-lour years can-tes tify. • . ••. I will be in Towandk from the 15th to 30th ef every month, at the office 6i W. K. TAYLOR, (forterly occupied by Dr. 0, H. Woodruff.)— 'Having made arrangements with Mr. Taylor, I arh prepared' to do all work in 'the very 'best style, at his office. April 23, 1867: R. VAN USKIRK, OPERATIVE -Cr` LND IKISCDANICAL 'Poinsr, ;has opened roams to the • Beidlemlin . Block, directly oppo site tho Means House, for the pratitice• i.t his • prefeitsion,nud Is prepared at ail times to pep\ form all operations belonging to Dentistry, The different kinds of Plate. Work, will be recom mended actor lug to I heir honest merits. Nat ural Teeth tilled nand restored to their original beauty, with materialthe best adapted to eac h individual case. The greatest, care and atten-- Dom will be given to the ; correction of • irregu 10itles and the extzliction of Teeth. In this • Department of practice the Doctor 1 would say he, claims an amount or skill and experience equal to that possessed by any one in this or any other country. Teeth will •be extracted without pain, by the use of gas, chloroform o a ether, and in a manner very eatikhictory, to 'pa tithats, as the testimony •of hundreds can be . shtm. Please call and examine specimens,of our work, audbe assured of the :correctness of, the Statements. Advice •• and ; • coninaltation .will be cheerfully and gratuitously given s -*- •: Towanda, June 6.!1814.-4m. • - 1 • - • HOLESILE ISIUSIO , DEPOT: L. B. POWELL., , - • • Se;nuaton, Pa., Dealer in. Chtekering's Pianos, Decker's Pianos, Mason & BarallesAlablnet Or minti;-Treat, Lindsley & Cki'a Idelodecms, and aS of Knelcalllnstinments, Sheet Music And Mosta Books. Orders-from Dealers and Teachers es ; pscially solicited. Address . . B. POWELL. 116 Pelmsylvania AveLlne, *rtfil - Peon; Pail' ,ilaich, 26, 166 .=.8 . m.," -" •- - • iro W OL GROWERS. Getlot*wool :mant4tured anti agArts - A0 Pet cent in your cloths, • WANTED.SO,OO Iba at,higheit,mari et price. cash.. - • - • WANTED, 50,)001b3 Wool to aiiinnfeittnrO at the rates; and work warralftetTO'Vve entire satisfaction. - •'' " • - • ..WANTED, 50,000 lbs Wool to card into Rolls Our Carding Aladdin Satr-beeni net clothed this Spring, - and will .dorextra *ork, with es perienced4Worlmen-to attend it, avtbe. • - 817NUEILANN OL WOE b -MILLS- - I 1 JunellA 180.—u* , Waiy, 11 18 SOLUTIONerzThe-firzuloOish- JL, op & Taylor is this da`y , alitaalettrl by. ad. tied consciet. -- The ,balinotta wilLba Aoaducted Ily S. F. T yloe , who . trill settle- 4a sescoanta 91 the leis gm. • • ..SIBI.IOP, Wyalasiß4ttie 14, lyri.psee'; THEI •Pritkl4.• of the , firm, I respectfully solicit a pi,rllon , 4ol the patrolusgete liberally shoietttellps.firsetit ncl Ido earnestly request those having swotS IrMtthe khotre ling. to settle thew At osee l 211441-ta S ICI VING4 3 (or salt deopot the NEWS , ROWI aAMF 4 S FOR T kgh:flatairPl4t:,4l4.:l,/, , ME fl &c., Ali of Which we 'fintrisla at the- Lowesti3Orides. ----- (IAR.RIAG 46,W AGO S,SLEMEIS • T1IF; fiLWESTA BLIS II NI STILL : IN OPEE Sucfe.-aors to Heynolds, Fellows St bo., are now offering and are - preliared to furnish on short, name, Wiraral Carriages and eighs, oiled deberiptions ahlef- the-fan:at anti most appro..- ved "style, and .cf the material at the old stand opposite the Union. Manse, in the 'mai Ire part of Alba Borough, Bradford. Co , .Po,. Thti pebHa 'are aimed that the refintation ' the tihop has acquired during the laat yelyit tinder. the superintendence of J. H. Fellows,,: it be more than maintained, as he will Imperin• tend the work as heretofore be having long been and. having had much experience asp Carriage and Sleigh Enlldet, uropld assure the public that .ao. pains will' be Apar° d by -the above ll= to make the establishment worthy of their pat. rona ge. Thankful as.one of the old firm for the patronage-thus fur extended., we hope to - merit a continuance of the same. N: 13..--We, the tkadersigned,' tieing mechanic:in:an manufacture • mid offer to the public at prices that nifi de*, ebuapetition..‘ JAME, H. FELLOWS, ' • - 'W. C. tiZANDA . L.L,. 'J. G. Alba iltr6agh, Apritts, Isaa. ly. • T ° " r ANDA• CAI - 1U E •;4 Tito utttletlignell roa,peetcutty attoounq to the public that they have purChased the C . ' Alt-4PA 6- E 6$ -0 ilt And most . workmanlike manner. Ttkey wil constantly keep on hand an, assort meat (If splen did TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, FAMILY CAR:IUAGES," 'DEMOCRAT AND LII . 111:BES, WAGONS, , ONE .A.ND TWO SEATED : . A•L~'BrIN.Y, SLEITU US . • ALL-11'0RK WARRANTED. REPAIRING • promptly attended to at rea prices. •.. . , I. L lIT, R. R R '.' S M - LL S , . o • , BIIELINOTON, PA. The proprietor, having built. 'his Fleusiog Mill in Baringtorwind talro pains , in Westing ar ticles, and the most improved machinery, it is nknir.completedinordellor all kinds of Flouting. ~ -. CUSTOM WORK 'Dint AT SHORT NOTICE. • with cheerful atterdants, Who . will see to your t w io a n n . ts In good order and,with,general satisfac- Air-Chat paid for Or.iln. ' i ' April 17, 1ti66•.; ROSWELL lITEREL 'MEW 'PLANIN4MILI The undersigned having built a - large and e.om mudions Mill the Borough of Towanda, and died it with:the most modern and improved machinery; for the manufacture of t . , SVINDW SASH, & BLINDS, are prepareit.ta ,hll ordere, whether 16rge or small„ upon the shortest notice. We hare ali) a large variety of MOULDINPIS, of the latest:style:and pattern; which we am furnish mach "cheaper, than 'they can be Worked by ]land. • :4 , - TONODRING, .. ' . = . . .ii • GROVEIDIG, tig --- "•• i °. ,- 7 ' , :t. AND scßou, ' • , t' , A Sh.IiVING, atm all o6dr wo pertaining to c '4Cditer y• will be dune to suitb tcuatOmers.' ' ' . 1 Perso s building, and -not living'more than twelve t fourteen miles distant, will find it .! their interattZto-bny of , tut, - or bring th : ker and worked by our machinery. Brhyr• griatof Flooring, - or uttier limber, and Ar le . ykur team 'is is feeding, have It gr*d t,aud take it home witb.yoti._ , We w ll'pay:C.A.Bo. for PINE 4 HEMLOCK LiTAIBT delivered - at oar Inmber yard. ' Come 4nd - se tie. or if you 'can't come , write. - *) •' , -- '•'"L: B. RODGERS"4 - GO. '-',Toirmida;Peb.,lBS4.' 7'-. • ; '. .. 1 ooK,gINDERY:IIEfE :tPUBLIC, ' • Is ! - resiiiettolly lutoiiited that the attiok liindery; has : bean removed to the.,Argtis tbdid ftfg, Sil ',Achy; Whei:e gril i be donal- • , •1- , - '• 'FB 0 0 IT -.II : L lle ft - L N•tt I -i - -., .) . ,1•;. -- 3 . .. - -,•• 1, ~.. ; ~. ,---:, • ...: In all Its var lowt braitekes, 014 ter:zit aa• rea sonable as" the times' will' allow. The Mod. erY. Vril-.-PCtu/#r the ' hu g e of • ' -. • ' -'' ""• - . 0, - , - -WIIITAILER,- -.- - `4 , e 6 zierielfaecl"Bfitcl6i; and Lail 'work will be •preotptlydesseilft. i style did ::man lebtah vatitiotibe excNI.W.L, Mink, magazines, News papers ,I,Old Bookei-864., bound hs every variety.' igt6; -Tartioular attetOlon , will be Plilt° net] 21014 of: --- • 41-., 1 :: • Ot l 4 l lc ,It - chp l 4l;, - :.::1 "To-. , - , Y 17 - utheit ,. 1 patteni .-- ;,. 4 . . me i" ino zq ' winis:mid 4 jiz • • - durabitqrwil be tvarratcled.•: _., .4. •C. AU workArfltt be Deady for delivery ..when .. 1 1191 1 .a. Yo.We 9c.tira publicte- iiollef*, sod ;perftolausomulguanuateed• • ''' •• • 1 Towanda, August 3 ', / 86 0i -4 4 . --' ' ' ' "- ' • . , N• / ' - ' ' . !daniir4 the •host Hp'RSE"IPOWERS, WIMIN The! Best TEIREMEILS -, AND CLEANERS, • ; , - Gam. ♦SL Set, ,AT TUB Nsw.-Suor Aug. . ATION VELLOWS, CRANDALL & CO., FACTORY, OF G. H. D R A X. E, And are now prepared to band Work in . THE LATEST STYLE BBYANT STULEN. Towanda, May D. 107.-Iy. • .1117 o.4ll4*nief. II , • T -0-W A:NDA-114 - SV 41" • . #lido; tegued,4iaiei'adkulted sad I,,,,raptt 3 I,k ' By WrriliV,-4 pt.tii folk:y*l444a knoita= br , limpTegi• • OfilcerSoutitrres 131: ~einritoto Aeon* tir OPPisiv..... 817 .otatat,-;' 1 0 14 ' , . - IltimumaitaireaNY;" t • Irailfini t Comp - -$ 4 . 1 01114 , • :14rstraam, AID Loanant flnut .11,11D Mrs IN9LILANO2 CO. , : • SurNas aad,,Reatiired (G 91.1).... • - • 5ta,171,q7 Assets in Me 17afttidatateg, „I/100.00 Dan,' Rzemiamli;uPerarth of (Gold) 47,00 Imivaaacx ComPaari, • ://grtJa)4,' Conn., I . ... f, , .$ r • • • •• • • bunnigtrUNCli COAPANTs Wilkes-Bans, Pa.,i ........ ....; gamma 41.1aitaaa Ta.utari brausuaa - (Accidental) • TkiladelAia, , - ;$500.600 : adItNEOTICIPT MUTI7/1. 1 4/XLI 4 BOII.AUCT Co.. Rartfoid; Conn. 4 caplakt- ' • I io,ono,imo Towaada, Feb.. 211 , 18.63—tt, AFFARTPORD LIVE:STOCK INSU -11. RANCE COMPANY. - carrrat, $500,00%% 'Cash assets Nov. , 1; 1866, • •• . 315.5 ;PA R 3 Immo on all. kinds, of live stock, a4ain i t theft and death trout any esese.:" 11. 13.-MeICE-A Jan. 10,. 18131 • • • . • "..ageat. Dec. sth,the Slam " lady stai.,o i 'Dennis F. Flagg, of Boston , received a Met from . another horse; hre,.iking her lettAcire,leg above the knee.'vren.lering rt neeesaary to kill . her as an act of ha.n 4.1 i y. zured. in the Haftford Live Stock 111S1r tace : puny. Lbss paid Dec. 601,1867: ti IRE, 'LIFE: .AND , ACCIDENT.A A:. L i 1 ...., • • VATITAL EXPRZSZFIT.D BAYENTEEN .1)01.1.A . *C: S. : E.USSELL, Agent, roa-Trig . rolzownwo musirb lIRLIAIII.6 etaivii• T 4i ~aD Fax k MAanislxgraatics pion/. " iadelP4ic . f Capital and, sOrplo a over... ROME , INSE!tANEE Coupwrr. • - Of New-York Capital and surplus, over.... 14;stritisrcis Com-Nary OF Not, AMEILICL, ' Phdadt Capital and earplaa, over ..... :11,7t. MANBAITAN INStritANCI COMPANY, 1 Of New-York. , Capital and sarpina, over s . , Erraktenisa INOCRANCE COMPANY,. , i - . Of Philadelphia. Capital and surPlna, over , - Alai° INSYILLN4 COMPANY, , , Of New-York. * 1 Capital and surplus, over $7.5r.51c0 , . t-TuiNASI INSURANCE CONTANT, Of Hartford, Conn, i [:rl„ pital and surplus, over.. ) - lIE „ A L INTURANCE COXPINY, — 7 ' • Of New-York. Caidt4.l and sarplo a, oyer... - $ 8;(10;,'7., .. -• , _ . - . • . • TRANIILLICII.S INNUILANGIUOXPANY, • Offlartford,. Caul. T } • tapital and etirplus, over ' i ( 43 600" , Itilsks. taken on alt kinds of Property, 4. IA ow ratesas by. any other reliable Conipaniel ,-Tolicies lasted and Losses:it any ad d at this Ageney,thereby saving Abe .apense of going elsewhere for settlemenlP..‘,. Odlce at the, Nardwhere Store Gl Cod `k Russell • - C. S. RUSSELL. Feb. 7,1806.-4.1. jafit hid dißg eTO Tr • E INSURANCE ' :COMPANY , • OF NORTH AMERICA. a.. No. 24 Walnut Street, Philadelphia., T T. Company are now proseouting"the he, i ness of Insurance from Joss or damage-by FILE on. I . tidings, Merchindise. Furniture, du.. thro. about the State of Pennsylvania, oa liber al to ....,for long or short periods; or perumiLeat lp ly of Buildings, by a de osit of Premium. ,- Th.' prompt payment of claim:is for lugs du - lug e period of !tear!, •70 years that the C., ,T. pany has been in esistence. entitles them . to ` `1 COM/ P once of the pniolle. . 1 Di..FOWL—Arthur G. Coffin, .Samar: W. Jonea , 1 John A Brown, Charles Taylor, A mt,r , ,q-- ~ :White, Jno. R. Neff; Richard D. Wood, Wm. ' Welsh, -Wm. E; Elowen i , James N. Dickson. S. Mort*. Waln;idohn Mason, Geo. L. Harris ; ,, Francis H. rape. Edward H. Trotter, Edwar d Clarke, Wm.Chnunizw. .. . Aaruna G. COFFIN. Pres'c! ' C. S.. RUSSELL, A gent, Towanda. • 1 RMER i - 'S MUTUAL FIRE . LS S L /' RANCE COMPANY OP - MIDDLE PENNSYLiINLA, Office in Minilie,Montour County, Paul t! Capital . The Farmers Ilutital Fire Insurance Comp -of 'Riddle Pennsylvania was incorporated :y r!:e 'Pennsylvania Legislature k in the rmr.le-ls, i. r the Mutual Iraurance of Conntry property and- ithmediately t hereafter commenced its per ations'on that principle, which ha., been strict ly adhered to'sinee. • lodses hive been promptly paid , out oi the Pre rams collected on application for insurance with Out making any assessments. ThiF a lnsurance , ot Country proper t ylowgates charged for Insurance , and the prompt pay ditt of losses are deemed a sufficient recom mendation of the Farmers. Illutnal Fire' 1n , .; ancitlecnppany of Adiddle - Penns;fatiia, Ic owners of sale class country property. • • ,P.Y;iotwox , f3ec'y. • Wm. FuLsoss. Prey t. - 15 -LUCIEN MYER, --Ilarclt 5, ' '66. Agent. 'l'olvands. BRADFORD CO , IINTY REAL ESTATE AGENCY, H. B. MCKEAN, REAL ESTATE AGENT Farms, Mill PropertieS, Rity at,/ Town Lots tot' sale. Parties halting property for sale will finl it to•their advantage by • .caving a deutriptiun the same. with terms of sale la Win agency, parties are constantly enquiring for rarmi Sc. . H. it. MeKEAN, Real Estate Agent. • Office Blqntanye's Block, Towanda, Pa. Jan. 29; 1867. LIVERPOOL LONDON AND GLOBE FIRE AND LIFE INeURAN(7 COMPANY.--Office, 45 Brilliant St., and I - Broadway, N.Y. ' I Capital, - Surphis and Reserved Funds (Gold) .: . ... .. . ............ .,sit; ;,71, , ,:3 Meets in the United* des; 0ver.,... 1,"i.te) ,,1 Daily Premiums ,' - upwardsof (gold).. 17. , w • The slaareholdeis personally respGnsib:e ior egagemente of the company. 1 All Pdrecturs - ast be shareholders, , I Dlraterons is NEW . TOBX . —Francis' Cotten4 . Chairman,- Henry Grinnell. Esq., 11c1 o 1 1 hairman, Joseph- Gaillard,. Jr., Ed+ , S. N...... .! Archibald, Esq., EL B. M. Censal, Ales - an&-r ' iEn Bamilton, - Jr.,Teq., Robert C. 'Ferguson, F. Alfred Pell, Esq., Resident Secretary. Mint- ander Hamilton, Jr., Esq., Counsel of guard. Bsakaas—Phenix Bank—Cammann .t Co.' . The Polioies of tkla Company- lire issued by wellsknown American citlaens resident in New York, who are Directors and Shareholders, and Consegnently, with the other Shareholders. ate individually liable . for all tho - engagementvet the Company ; all Policies arc signed hi. them ; - all claims are payable in cash on ,proot ut io-c - : . withoni. deduction for interest, and nut, .1.. is usual, cixty days after presentation of pr, ,i .. They expire at-six o'clock, •P. 51 4 and n.,:- ~ t noon. Life. Insurance effected, and anusi;% - .c granted en favorable terms. 1 - . 11, 13. Mali EAN , A&1.... • _, :Towanda , April 23; 167,,, QRsEc.: 4 4..y DRAKE,-1311.1, & HUDSON'S:PATENT. ~ : , .Patent 'J my 31; 1866. • , The subscriber ir tad respectfully call the aft A9Ptlon of Partnerit, to. the latest and great. <-,. invention in.tbe. way of thinse Hay Ports and _ Cutlets: This fork 'slighter, cheaper, and bet ter, more durable, and Jest liable to break or ;getout of ,repair, than any -one now offered to `toe pnblic. ltfo PrOpwod that the fort shed stmt.' upon its merits and is warranted to 'fork perfectly and give better satisfaction than any fork is the. irorh3. 'lt la easier wort for the man-who ases.it;'-ia bdy can manage It with eas and it is ar - first rat , * hay knife. It is a sPienall articieeplease look at it. For ealeby podding a Rusaell, Towanda, L. - L. goody; pme. I -font It 184..—ant, • Fin - PARLOR SETS, at FROST'S*. PHOTOGRAPH -0 le ALL and Axles. at the NEWS BOOS.: BREAKFAST, DIN 131:43i; EXTEN , aiONouid, Parbr Tablea, at FROST'S. ,!••-• •-i...B2othuog $150)r) is :u,i r U 1 Ito ,-,.) 0 .8350,G0G s7li4,i/ii $.157.f.w U. N. MOODY