nos atiratums.. -4%6 Mutinous: -haire-fl*Overe4 another veri rich gold min*. - —A train 'of seceding liortneinis krom Utah arrived at Meshing on the 18th, en route to the States. `--A, few eases of the cholera hive occurred Memphis, —All the leaders of Union !mita*, who e i vox' Wit:stogi a are opposed Jolanito'eacts.' , ••• —l3 right= Yotipg Promise's, ttt ish polygamy as soon as the tiniest is is= "stored —:kaPoleon is purchasing, an im mense number of horses for the Melia' a- - -The Afehidatehee Sophia, moth er of MATimil;ao, isroported insane. —Louis Kossuth 6 a‘caudidate for the Hungarian Parliament. —Gen. Salnave has been elected President of Hayti for four years. —The A imercans in Paris had a, very spirited celehretion on the 4th. liquors has made 100,000 maniacs in the United' States in ten years. . —Two ¶of the leading Mormons have renonnc I3 d the "holy ordinance" of ,polygamy..l —Heavy rains have caused floods and serious damage to rice crops in South Carolina. —Fifty one oases of whisky frauds are to be tried at the next term of the tr. Ili Court, in Tuginia. —Advicee Wive been received from Borne to the effect that the Gexibehliens are menacing the City of Viterbo. -Gerrit 6mitli eaya, in a' remtk' t lettr, that he has . given swig the tea& of hie fortune, and is no.longer rich. —A villain in Lewis connty,N. Y., cut off the leg of a neighbor's horse—a val 7 aable animal—to gratify spite. The scoun drel was armited. • -LA new.use has been discovered for crude petroleum. Saturate rags with it, and pat theta in rat holes, and the rata will leave the premises. —About 400 1 3fortnona are now on their way across the Plains to Utah.— They are mostly new converts from England and:Wales. .;—Two girls murdered their step mother, in Roane county, Tenn, • few days Wince, under circumstances of special cru elty. . The Euglish Reform bill, eaten ding the right of suffrage, haspassell the Rome of Commons szel has beeri reed in the Houie of Lords. .0 —Robert Toombs, of Georgia, has been pardoned by the President. Toombs is deingtis best to incite opposition to, the Government. -The New York emerald declares that the present Adniinistration has &tor , mined on a war with Matico. John,. Mani), of Syracuse, recently caught a pickerel weighing 19 lb& and 5 off. in Onondaga Lake. —Daniel Drew has selected a site in Carmel, Putman - county N. Y., for the establishment of a Biblical SchooL —Mrs. BridgeteCrowley killed two 451na inankes on Main street;ln Mt. lion* ' • Y., a fee• cleyr ago, each over five feet in 'Lane/. —The Camden and Amboy Rail road Company has fitted np one hundred and twenty-five . can for the transportation of peaches alone, -7114 Atlanta Era says Georgia , Dili go thirty thonoand for reconstruction ,on the Congressional plan, —The Mexicana have given , up the body of vaxivnilian, audit will he deslivensi to the Austrian Legation and forwarded to Austria. —Col. Russell Errett is strongly ruled by the Pittsburg Gazelle as a susses so; to Hen. Thomas J. Bingham in the State Senatt. • —The Methodists decided to establish a 'college st Lockenow, in canna°, lion with their injssion in Lulls. • —A Tennessee traitor joined the Union League and betrayed its workings.— The. whole work has been changed in con. seqtrence. —One of the female visitors at isaritogs Appeared in seven different dresses on the first day after her arrival there. bhe positively had "nothing to wear. • " —Oov. Swann, of Maryland, has .commissioned James Cooper, ytto served io • the rebel army during the war, as *ladies General in the . Maryland 44 1 / 4 4 4.Wh0 are eqipping in rebel grey. --At the Old Colony Depot, Bos ton, on Tuesday of last week, a young tide( seized a linen coat from the arm of an old watt ,and escaped. It bud $l,OOO ig the Pact. —The second Advent people are arranging td go op atopuMe 'Brit of Olio -ber. —Mary Preston 4:41-intgeatChea tie, on Ifondil of last irook,aged 103 yearn —The i3roomehttrg Democrat says that 260 buildings are in' proem of erection in that town. —A young man ded in Panville, knit week, in conseque l i i trof eating unripe fruit. • —Wel-Russia his . been adde4 to the military department of Washington Tar. :Rory. and Gen. Rosseati has been maimed 'to the command. - • • —A man by the name of Dunlap, finin Baltimore, yes drowned on Wednes day moining, on the bead► in front or the Atlantic Hotel, Cape Island. • —The last "democratic" demonstra tion in Texas resulted is sackings eslered church and killing two mail and one wcma —A. copperhead was killed in the Harrisburg oeroeteri,last Sunday. ' It was a real serpent, not a politician, ' —The , wheat - haxvest throughout the State is genendly caw, sod the crop is large and in good condition. —William Johnson, who 'keeps a livery stable in Altcinaa, hat.beea arrested for “shoving" conntartalt money. ' • —The Cheese pactiny at Brookfield Haw. ocitlutY• in =Wig goat 600 4.4: cheese pnr loiy. • . } z erniebid COantY 4444 of I.o42, LeAglig 404441441$ Ms Ines nitlopiel is ae+ eitil additional; eamtko this owns. - • ~.' •.f !f t Towanda, Thurfulky, Vision BepubWan Ir. FOR JUDOS OP TIM!" . „, HON. HENRX .- 14 MIL • / OF ALLWOHANY.COUNTIre / , 4.1 *ll ' • • Tat PILUSIDENCY.... Ti!eg-,14 1 1)0.4,..A9, 1 ;0 3 9.Wi1k0ktAt in the Preeidentialieacket at present; . „ aa4 i t alry,or i o t ur ptemppraries are eryinipiiiiiiite Wares, as we think; Esther -preinstarely.- ..,It is obters 1)1e, ihstrfewAixe sufficiently to iulvooote the re-efection . _of the Pte#Ot .. 6 o4 , o l ,ni§' trate; unieu,, Wm, Ifsehs... they fm ! peat an immiiiiste ; ifis•st! Models "eertiiinly sofifficietitly linen= viable"to . 'lain off frotn' the datigix;; ous, elevation s,ll who prefer peape of mkt!. std. 'the esteem of their. fel. low-rnen. 'Vet -they will lefleot, , and truly, that it•ivas by the base be trayal of the friends: who placed hiin in power that . - Auclrew Johnsouis• name •becaine the synonym of all of all that is contemptible and worth- less. It is nut unnatural that those • who have .been 'so grievanslY Poukte4 in him **sold begin, to look around for some - eligible successor to take his place when- the country will be happily rid of h'is obnoxiinis rule. In doing, this ~ Various ;motives will operate opon,the minds of those viho . arnme the leadership of, public opinton. • • There "are men to *bons principles are of the first importance, witiz . i inok upontmen only,as instraments . for the realisation of Theory, irho wish to see society advance toward its ulti matum by progressive action, and . will seek for 'a represontation - of those views. Honesty ,sud capabil ity will here be the necessary pre reqtdsites. There are others who •are influenced by their : -personal re lations, self-seeking politicians who think to advance their owu interests by promoting that of their favoritel; and men who are guided by alley rather than convictions of right. Most men are more or• less influ enced by the great e,onsideraticrii i. availability.' It is a very nice ques tion, how far we may, be justified in adopting a Candidate upon this last consideration. While it is impor tant That a candidate should be avail able, he 'should be something more than that.; he -should he true,' ge should be a representative - man of the leading idea of the contest, and his success should' be a mark of its triumphant progress. Ideas. govern the world. They may be aided or retarded by the personal action of Oilers. Of this, the present infa mous Administration is a living ex ample. Of what avail has it been to the cause of freedom and th; Union to have elevated' Andrew Johnson to the Presidency; 'all; cf whose . efforts .have been used to re establish the political' power of the rebellious and conquered South! Ex perience has taught us that it is more bitter to be betiayed by , a pre tended friend than to be beaten by a candid foe,. It is hardly probable that'the administration of the Gov (itunent byfleneral canid haye been half as offensive to Union leen as has been that of Andrew Johnson. We should have expeCted an antagonistic Wks) from the Dem oCratkc candidate,' rand been in no way respousible. _for it ; and it, is quite possible that it might have been at least di:mired with a, respect to loyalty, which Joheson'e malig nity has thrown aside. It is certain that the personal characteristics of lifcelellan woad not have been as vulgarly offensive as those of the , boasting - Tennessee plebeian ; and " swinging round the circle" ,would, not have been- one of the" Presiden thil amusements, When our politi cal, opponents have - outreached es, we may console , ourselycs with the reflection that we did , our best, up- . held our principles and struggled-for their ascendancy; but there is no solace to be found in , the catalogue of political consolations for -electing a chiefs Air, your opponents oat of your own rimier. Of what avail Will it be to us if we, achleie success in votes, and not in principles! Assuredly,none,whate ever. Then it becomes the great Republican-party, , 'which is reeponsi ble for its 'seta the people, to see that none but a . true andAtnswerv- lug friend of freedom and trnion, as we -understand• and interpret. these words ; is nominated for the Pieta , dency. LOVIStANA. FAVES.—The prOglr3Sing I • reconstruction movementis CO 804 is iip'yeliiping wetly iptereetinif sad will unquestionably. show More as time advances; The last retains from thO.parishes of . Louisiana; ever all, abeshoW 109,178 'voters . to-day, against 50,989 -seven years ago ; an increase 458,218. - Tluicol ored majority. of voters is $4 . ,689, the whole white voters Wing 114 . 37,2i55. The 71,930 colored' vote of course givei thim this supreinsey. The eie igration in the State has been limit.-' ed to the' pariehea of losionrce,Wash; ingjon and lilew,C/rleins;when every : ‘ one. at ill familiar, ivithi‘Liisishins would have . supposed that,,the,firsi, wave "woald have bordered the Tette llue azi ( V4ie to tboiGulf, 4twems *swag,' three' MEM ' . 1 ..". s N argumem, will be made this _w k,: when the case will i o to the4ury.l The,geper l al opinion s that - the)* Will fail to tu t Sgree;us t eta alreim seral secession sympa 'Win 'lth Wd ',T at y.:he d r & fence has i, mainly e r anavored to ptove an tbi, by oho ing that Bur iatfwas . t Elmira , `ith l / 4 14th.0f April; 186i.'- Th e eprin4Par vi jWest". rior the,.def j endarti, - WssiDr.''s*o)nrfue ; ) 319 . 8 ,:*". PilneFlT F,l B i 4 .l*g i'? ' !t ) i4 (i . anaWavi i ) i tlYi . I Tho ft(tatfied thst, he Was a t „ g ira on the ~4th of. - April.; ,• nd ea* Btrasarr — at the Brainard Houtie:. *; . ''li I ' ! _ , Dr. B.'s ; testimony *Lis attacked on tha ground of his bad eputation for truth and raracitr—and ' - MY of hie oldlictinaintances '*.'” - Orly; Owe go and Nr- - ibpcanmd, who, gi, a high character Shtkrswi delphia 1 manner sVith hich the ,fmanuiere, baskets, Iraann acturera, .merchants and busitro nu n 'gen rally regard his: ast course. By hi .., decision in teferenee to .leg. 1 tendr currency, he created more c o usion nd individual ; 1 , lose 'among the, business men than did'any ether judicial letlicer in the Uniied ! States by adecision from the ; e bench: On this aeooun the business men of the metropolis a reiolved to cut Shareweod t the : balle•t-boi.— They aver, and justly l eo, that a Spin' who Strtick a bliry at the credit of the nation in the hoot Of its peril, is not to be' trusts in pea'ee witenlits highest honors a e to pe distributed. Renee the Merchants, ' manufactuers and bankers of Philadelphia, who re prrtical , men, +d who produce he wiealth. which maintains the Gov rn ,nuent, will oppe , _se Sharewood. - 1 liar RllolsBl3oll AGGAIIIZ pointedly atur•empliatically deniee the . within ship of a letter *httrihnted to him 'hy ,the Copperhead PresS,' asserting the negrn hald Keen for thousands{ of years r patholegipally9,4 d , phusiolo4i- Cally au essentiallyinferior nine to any otlier—a diferent and lower nni• mal, and'unt properrs , belonging,o the human species. Notviithstandibg this disavowal of the anthorship . sd such a letter, the OoPperhead prfiss use this forgery as one of their str4m gest eleCtioneering docunients. a If the deliberation of the Now York Convention to amend the Con hiitution , is an index to public sen'ti t, Inent op'the subject, wothan s ffrage will not be conceded in the . mpire State for some time to cpthe. ,A \ vote was taken, after some debate on the sUbject, and the-result was fifty-one against land twenty for it. It was found:adter taking the vote, that a cinorum of the Convention , was not yresent i but. the. vote shows how the matter would probhbly be decided in full meeiing.' , _ . tivo of tit. ttletk . , —Desperate ellortil are being made jo get up a gold mining excitement at Scran. len, in this Richardson eoiurty, Ohio, and in Citqada. _People who are disgusted with petroleum specnbAinnir, can'add to their stock of experience by taking gold shares . —Railroad Fares. i*t the State of New York are cheap at preiient. The •Erie' railroad carries passengers from Dunkirk toliew York city for $6 76. The Hodson river steamboats to compete 'with the mil ieu; carry passengumftimi Albany to New York foir 24 cents each.. —Judge Sharswopd decided tbut the bills of credit possible .by then:aerie= people were of to 'possible value, which is equal to eclaring that the people as a na tion are dishonest. What right has ,a wan ^holding ' • such opinionto ask the People rthtui characterized for position of 'honor and. profit?. . ---A, shocking,. tragedy occurred inear Union City, Odin County, .11y., •on °Monday. t A negro inatt broke jail in that t;t”rit on the prededing Frida . y, repairing to the louse of aged 'and highly respected' widow lady named Charam, -outraged her, old then fled. 'Two sons of the injured Wont= 'folloWed the -write' h to Hickman, ICY., arrested him, and, taking him back to near the scene of thWoutrage, shot him ;dead; and emit: gemmed ; his head frordgif , b o at, ' I " • • . 7 Last , week a train 'arawn by an engine using crude pstroleum tbr foil went .frouilidOnteto Iritinl l toit, It consisted 641 of eight ' cars bade with petroleum. In two p4ini exPeet .4o see JooomoOvea on most of great railroads of thecoun try tYibli !Pe*eiim G, YAi l LlJ§lli ACADEMY,, . . '. , I . Wyalasini, Bradt' otd County. P&p 1. H. BROWN. , Ptuscleilt, Mho Mt, E. 13110WS",,Asilsttu;4, Mrs. J. IL SU)SSES, Timelier Otbisteotesiktar • find Vocal Illtude. ,-. . .. „ , • The Sane will come” tee on aIOITDAY. AUGUST 19, 1867, > ittd coUirete lii week . i Rites of tuition es, follow' ; . ' -Readlegi ling. Geogrsphi, Grin:mar, Wand Wiitiani Arithatetle to -••- •., Decimal Fractions... A... i . .. ......i.53,00 Clippies a d 131 her Beglif r ldfa4ohes, ex, ~_ 74 se ed belOwv.' :'• .c .. ' COO , iiii er 4/itebes sad Geonteify TAG T gehoi,netty aid Sorveling ' spo IdusioileiWommtal 7 .;..,..„,..:„.. :, ,,,.•14.c'te4-••••.1,-44 23 the 1" u?P sonn. 4. 1 r." 131 7;20 . Y 144, . b.T . 1 4 61 040 1 . 0 C 4 .. Illp f 6 rvoia sieoust of stbsentee;except - In pritsiated,3llneoe.. • '; ', - ' 151t25; istL:4w. • I ... t. . im I d ft e ,wl/.1 .M31,1C4114Y: . 9r. 1 1 . WALK Station hint.. - Wm. B . 134 , 111 t : Gefill Pass. Agt.1.ti,...-X. . ` T #eirkitk Y. ~ t " i ' ' l li Y. NS,T TaT . • . -Ari-- , - - tiatiy, - - ii'd -- the iortfoth leim \ hts Ins o .11 er charge °4 4 ** .L l i t a # l .; it,":-,-/drKiF.44 .nfte.,nl,4scr. gust '2O, WM:* " `-,_. • „ Toth, Other itlepert .. theets.:;of illettiletkm,SiaP long and 'A 101 2%1. 1 4 ~. 44 .galtPdt I.lhll CO*, T ao mercial course, 'fleet t. 9 S waled In any 01. mar Illoritthertlll Oollegel, hwiti added ,' with . modereterstetkol tuittm: -.:!,;„, .5.,..-. . :IT— ;,,„ --- ..; liOrreal Claes_ . usual. In erhlah.Sweety ,toe h plis - recolie.tree YOstractlon:' ." . , Pupils ;an Eiseekothe.cespeneeltillbitierdvbt InPonring mink gindiPoNdlnetalclrkoOlers,;Or. to clubs, di cost. - , , .For further parglulars adhiount.the psineipiil -, . 1 ..: . , . :- , . • i , . ARTIIIIR •LATISV -. ' L . ' in PnOlden lear4 .9 1 TP* 2 4 4l ' N. Aug -s. 1, 1067..-3 w: : . _ TANila , ON . IYOUR ,-HEAD.I.AND EA . TEM .; • • .y ; i;_;...;.;;:-.. • ; :.:• . • ,;. -• ;- • 1981, '.54. API' ,i,) :-. 99 .1 l!il oi ( 4 .0 6 4 g!Ult ( aSr - • ' -11011111;W ;.,11 , • , 11,tm1i. t, ' -'• -•''.. ' '-. ':*. '' • .. , • NPgalPellisP9 AM, IsahunoP4Oll9l •pli eiti . or,a spy. 01 WO). inea utluaNs.a4h. -Du at ltit r\ii,g; ,elfaitap - at itiddoettr s AltuBar, ' O O-iu FlTliuHulgujlo-9Put4 Nu Pliullifiklrlakulei .gl,l=ol 0 1..1f4uW1- aPt °A ; - 'qell.g. P PiFIC !Shat utaterirP o l . o4- o:u stI'FIXNTOI+ 0,1, "lalAilki- , lc , f Ul.paaraiPps aqlqubqa ata. 'WO ' O3 I I 4.IPMPqn - ig 1 (1 10 31 9 0 . Pm. A WWI, tpuuti;uciApuum:O . piennia44,o.3poia @Bawl, ,- - traolad aMaoaisa.v \rotu i mp' -Ilr''Appittb Oak 0(11 .10. 1 9:4 0 Pleilt.Put PIO/ O . 'Oulut) Pug sport ,Qll 1:1131,1:. DM slum/ , :liotoJiva...ioj. piaßg ;.2 . 1,01, 101 'ouem poorasiin itriLltatii tut- geluitai nib' m ap ul A Mot IBalluato 4q tioRME 2 MIFAINT ldva ,tm i mam WIND . l eadtaqa ain MI .44:141 . 80611311 , Ilan" parguln Apnaamun ran .. . ail i... :, ' ‘ ''.4a a ama litutizi ~t..taauoa ,f4aaq aqs Oi trob,4"' siauteare puu iaroiNo jakausq l „ 'pa I tu[ionto Os . lied apepagitioti Ofziar;quio.olol. aql ,patuid lusg art Uaqr„ ylaaaiia ,oioe lilt o tuo4uy pay . T'lpo . fl ius auk! ilk MTh 16 soak 'iji ilatplaia eh /I ;,. an'a ' l umap.rfa ulumnig, °awl 1 01 01 PuulPfit 1 0 ' BU'lluuuu Al . .1 / 4 4' 1 4 A . 1 3 1 0,3 6% , .*A.:N aqii , - 14211 ' 0 .41 A 43, poor pat mu „aq/ paaunoua2sl.4Bpladassupi, I ualed_,acil, • -wails u‘vaa a i 000 Slulliiiuit !mom aqt al • ‘uaWaAcudu4 , maapaos: y t .N?qw. -ucempi ;wipe rod qopuiti q? nietecrkr4o 1 g ato woo; [tough; euoEtqi , ormagi 'uontausixd,,awid waa. aro Tir J •BULOOS - V Tit SAIDIILIALIN It 1.1.1410(1.1F goo!'d-, 0 "1\ •uu amao Jo - p4uoq 2uiputiou GO wotj a1u.91,: kilo um 'alum Napip• Tnua•puu - StusAavtinq !plug )(trjuotaiu eql.puu. saw Awn tapaugtoql: at Judge. in Phila d in tb TIIE TOWANDA BAKED " EATDIG gIqii.BLISHILENT I WOAD iALLYN having pnrchase4 i the Bakery and'Elitlng Estahlkhment and Grodery recent ly keg by Era It.Bialth, drat :tom , sdath of the Ward; ',House, Bain. -street, Towanda, Pa.., and baring re-modelled the same. they are prepared to- fa 'rash their -customers and the public with everything in their line at mason. ableratee., . . THEIR ,EATINtrDEPARTMENT Is fitted up in the. most approved style and meals are setml ei all hems.: and. their store Is' filled with a Oio4l assortment id, • GROCERIES; • CONFECTICN4RY, OItEEN 4NI) , D.RIED &t." • • . , . . . "They will k in , - abzel -and aell ate wbekaeale and , rebiit or inanufactnre toorder. BREAD, BISCUIT, ralsicyittelf: ' Willtig, BUNS, PIES AlfritAlf.l4l';`'' 1 Of all kinds. l Also w il l keep the beat C reeitere I: of all uds in the. market, by , the b , l .or pound. Fresh Oysters ~constatilly on hand by, the ke or dish, cheap as the theapeet. They will use the best materials in every thing end . will try to please the most fastidious. , w 'Weddihg and other fancy 'Oakei made to order. w Families Supplied daili sztfVFroEallgY,. with anything.desired in our line. • j , They employ none but the most skilful work men, and use only thelxist guiterialp , Tbey ere determined to keep a first clue establishment. 011ie us a fair and-candid trial and you.will Hull It to your advantage. , . ~ 0.. H. WOOD. J. S . ALLYN. Towanda, Aug. 1, 1867.--yr. U • OUSR AND tOT . FOR SALR,I The enbebriber &less his Dwelling Home and Lot for sale, in Towanda Borough, on Btate street, between I .tiain and Watir streets, and about 25 rods directly north of the Coort'Elonse House 2Lit49 feet, two•atories high: Lot 3$ feet front by 22Q. feet deep,. including an Alley-ion back end.: Bar and other outbuildings, and some tint trees thereon. Fultable:. for , - a Pri , rate Warding . Price OA • 4. Aug. 1; 1867....--tt, •.I HE I,YCO ALK,r VALVIR' Insurance Akeitey toF Bradfopl CourV, • Mutual Cast' plan. In eneeems!al operation Qv er twenty seven yes ra. .‘ • ' IdUNTA NYE' & WARD. Towanda, July 24, 1207. THE tEQUITABLE LIFE ASSIIIt- ANC& Society's Agency tot; Bradford Co; s • CASH OAPIT ' AL . . si3 l 000 o. i • Yearly income ove r $2 - .000,000 cash. BIONTANYE ' WARD • Towanda, July 93, 1887. THE ASTOR FIRE INStrItiNOR 1 of New York. Agency Tot Bradford N. Dividend for 1866, 10 per cent. - Towanda; July 95:1 1 11 5 F A4Y 4 Vir.4it'' ,FOR, SALE.--A good Canal. Boat, with full equipment,. Alpo a pair o gorses. Will be sold ehenp. __Apply to MONTANI'E & WARD; Towanda,July 25.1867. TOWN PROPERTIES; TOWktil. DA.--11 building lota. on , Loddard .and Third Sta, Price from $350"t0 MC . .. - 60 Lots on Main end Railroad streets. Price $3OO to 350. Fifteen lots on Bridge street. A Town Residence. \. Good house and, good nelghborbood. Pricer/200; , Heat* and dot on 'Third "street, oapoaito ooi. -I. lege. rrice $lBOO. , Trio Lots 60 feafrOnt bj P:Kt 111114 ; dee ik ° PP : site College. A pyly to .. „ it Town properties loond, bought , itd mold. Rentals obtained: . : - • PROPERTY, Tee minutia • Talk , from the Borough. Price $3,1500. Part may remain. • • MOBTADTTE- WARD. Towanda. Ju1745, 186 Y. • pop, SALE CHEAP.--An Improir ws. ea Fain; 71 ; Bliealiegitta ;45 acre, cleared; 12 acre '‘of good - cheantit tbritoe aud railway..flea., l.donhle.boarded herdic in good repair. livingspring Vitul.'' Barn 36x56 thgod YePtir l _ # 4oEll 4 r,u4r, tact: Price ',IMP. fru* , • MON TO 17 & WO% ', 25;,1861:,- . • . • • T '44iands;JCi4 pAIITICULAR::NOTICE. The underldgm l dFo .n 9491414 Owe Ito: Hee to *elf trlendi and 'the , pok/10 &Mendip itto; ito goods wittbittOttiV • • • • ?, T , • - • At their Start atter the : '-' ' FLEUR 4.sEpTtrimpitioni, 'Aid an do,eotu;t44.o P . : 6' 94 44 4d 61 iik 1 07 - :Itkd by the frttli of - Atguat-' r.i.,.."'siir..f.,4,TrafitsB,-Juutotra aro% A FINE IMPROVED FARM AL.,/gliso At t iolgia JeWsw§iti 80 alvell ‘6O iim•esimpriAtea r t # 7o 9.oß W44 l * nOthd4 'with 14. apso*ents ; tivo - Lfoqx lit Ina springi! ; a -Ptitine M=ent, 38x48—For Sate. Plkd $3OO. !T , ift. mahi ):"APPlitl “iVARD. 1847. 4- Thiflil Eil (ONS wi tanlea thU US trot of 40 . ;o and , rot. os•regalar fort loket will 112;15: other stations, the to. prop.,:t.rtfott: Tthwo or three. rthot-. nodetion may be=l belbeer‘fl rket Office.' AIM CAPITAL $3,400,040. CAPITAL $400,000 I , SPRING. : AND ; SEIMMEIL GOODS, , Ar 9M/41ft 14 STAPLE do FANCY : DRY .GOODS, ) ll --13ROWitititOrtila , -".:• • • •;..1 s' 5- A aiiiiiiment litaamtap...sfustiNvit,L , . tbiket s .;-, aat: RI f•L I====loll •- - Folk 20. / 6 : 904 , .,-• 1,1 ).- TA 4 -, .P*0 1 : B .i '1A134.4.340%1* gßAstr iou Towns: 4[l,n4gii DR Lags' ref 6,-y l ig. large' wig kaottate E DRESS 009DS FOB THESEASON, , Inc/Wing thelatest styles ;with: varieties to snit, '}6e map 4: 11 .4C 1 F 1 590 41 9! • SACIEW . :CtOTHS: • • Vcii - lA4 I eff Saab: ' ' ' " j IRALIIGRAI 4 .B 1W& cLN Di SKIRTING. \ =I . • ; -; -• • f,* piallliest'sty,. A nice line or i DRESS TRIMMINGS, 4test styles. \ ♦ gip did usortintat of! \ A`ip,o4l usortaient.of , YANOE and PittPUldEßt, MILLIN,E,SF !<:~ THEi MILLINEBT DEPABTHEBTbe. .11Feptiin. good style, nailer- the ouperylefon , !of ! MISS A. 11081,1 t, r.z.• ' ' • •-. ~ • • :Of. " n reku Han. sing Just re calved Boni Nei! Yost itiMileMil - e - assortnient of Bap ! ^ . • I ' TUTS. AND iicti,NNETS; , • rosigtir WitAlk,loo assortment. of \ • \ rft4Nai c ! 270/H/Ilflyßfff. We ireireparesl to-liirtitisls In that .fiike so me- Wad the "11l tore andinit, Vired,to eV.* thle, bran& of on r. kat' Slams entire 'estlilactlop • CaU 7n indismitelne Our IMods, one decir north of the'Peit OSlce..oMaln Street. - ••!• • 7! - B. A. PET* * A. 00.. Toiranda,Ta:: innOl2,lBo. , • T 91:14, 0 00' & exciaig,si Wholesale and Retail at ' RANDALL & COMPTON'S First dose eolith of the First National Beak OTI!' E TI TWPIDAr PAr BRANDS'Orr- TOBACCO-OHSWING. I= Gobi Leaf. SantlY Wet. Pig* 494. Mictitost Lsaf and Star, whir 4 we" otter brake In IPltantittea to suit ciststners. Packages in Liarrehli Vartets. BRANDS-LOP : OTGABgb. Atiterkeit / Eagle, Glen:l3rsint,..LeboOef, pert , ,Tycoon and the ,very e1401.,c44 tir*ls.l4 FANCY WOKING The edebinted Lone Jaik, Pride of the Mai lad Sista, Virginietle;otitit'Leat, Navy and nll 1:Indio-of KlllicknlOk . , • _ I J/ • • °, PutalPP4ssuPPl.led Ifith ( 4 1 Sac4 #Nt yplifTo• betawirber4 ordeie prOnytly 411. Igiireht 1116 ItllB. -EXPOSITION IMCHINE RESIII4, EEL ER &IF I L 0141 laidig7 TILE VAX!. , - The highest, premium thei o!) 1 .1 L' Pm !WIWI= i r ward eer d D i g o run has beep' WiIIFELER WiLSON • MAIM FACITRIIO There weroceighty-two competitan, mane i=r iere l l !'" lte,t k ed aRIMIT/c4Raes2t of ~• ' - ; :1,1 W/OIRAM :& BLACK, Bradford CCdpati k - at city pricer. • , wanda,July 11047. VArkriJoooloA rirglimivr A Ono oeleogon of : - 411111i0TOBilt • 1.4117.1611:4 4 4m4 7 0 :- Ociodo, .; BIBS, SACKL &V- • '. Gthvgii UW2: ' 14110141, Toisolui ai!-Idada. %Als(4' tullOt MIL 5•5,.; .r'4-31: f • „ LaslO. 4 3 / 4, 4 2 . . nritrotE,PASSAGE ER:OM OR :TO f. t 'sump voila ma 'Or pkiwuzra , 0 1V.iazz.tpatItc_;:',.1 4 '' l wifitami ilitiaer Old • 4 411106*d LAO" 1 61 Lingua' Paabelk, Ate* - week. •.; of 1 4 41: 04404 .;' oc.*Laa ,, ` don, ' twilik a maw. ; • ifisiattinz i tilligland; azillilatothad •I '• • ••;'• - . 1: ,c';;.; rib'. firth* particulars, apply to Williams 4. ~ aalap, 29 Illoadyray,Neir ; Ya4, .", • y uk tbi hr Illawaglaiiai EI ► 't . 4' , t Una of I 7 1' • 117 , 041 (In i(43: E • 4. 1), ]if T.,go N. f 3: LAit I" I , • 'T07123E1- Ei • s. F•,l qtil ;LA I:5tlT • •11:61 •yri 1. , 7 14.4 STOGIC 7 tOF''' g g 11S I Lir.. „via' r, - ",~. - Fi :15 1::p • • , • t . . . :+l;`'i;l Cf ; • MUM rrim TrOTAT:ik FEZ • IS I. - vt .4' • f• • •J. *.", IV Awl 7:4 • • . ' : G 111 1 : 4 11 * : k i 1:" XN PIUGE t • • MIIENI •I , , VA' one inember r :of our , firm donstantly vn New York; we have been'. ableLtaithin the Past few days to Profit - large''' ly by violent; fluetuatio its' in -„ •1, • •" 31- .•.• •I the markets and have , 4, ': .•• T.!!!...f.f. *Attislntechithe , of. Cioodo,tts .KT,T.C . O - ::''' l lM - ,LOW: • -.; y REGULAR MARKET , RATEE. \•, , ' Mayi5;186T... ,, • t4t. I . ti E T NEW. aCIODS:I - N E A) oIE & I E ,s yfi.:,.4 . ,..41;qiiv,0425:,. ..CANRD \FRUITS, PINE APPLES, . PEACHES;' PLUMS, • ON ALL . ' • • AN.D.CANNED, OUSTERS: DRIEDAPP.WiI9, . . PRIISES, t . • 40, itc, am. • • A • . ''I".EAS, -. StrGAItS, STATT. ~ ~ ,~ ~• MOLASSES, eopoEt eveiitaiLlgin the It , o-0 Eli Y. 'L,-I`Nil I ii )MPTON wUI be kept censteally ag pod i. • , PI4,OIJR,FEED,BRANDIPOT9TTOES, .NDTTNN, • LARD,' 8408, i AND' EVERY, y*F.,,O, :8 t A fresh lot of DRY_4OO r " inirchased at tho • • _ . . LO l 4l/ST gomittilitE,MAllJlET 4 26 *i4i. l 6,s, 80 4 at• cr k w ~,' , •:• , -',, -....: I I WOPAP*- ~I ' hr - • . ,-.'; ,::,2„, ......'..;-.. .:1-11; . 10 alik4l44ißA . • • r ;t•'''Crt*HP:D*,.l.: j.ipr' AITPEr " ( ir • Al{ookltt '• inc44,13,,A€4,, ~1. . lay- . . , DEA.OOII4I4IVTEMs:StiIIia, • ..,:• ;,-;; ~.,,:. •,,, -, , ~.:. , •••,..„1„4....t, 1• , • •-,:. lit 1.% ,, p , :::., ~ , ,,iOL.L.•••,, ~,..;•••••• ..:i•• , !•, t:•• , , ~,••••,-.:,.. ~, r . ,7,,,..):: , ,,,, •;,:.-.• , •,i ,ll O ;if ~-,..K.:.AD1..1:.,t. tO T ' T"..,'- . .'.,:. , '-: L 1 '). ElettaiNGED : PPR NVOM4 iir ' i -- , • „ , i5,....: 'I C ' . , '; i'i-1 s , -. if i': LIMMIINIM. !I filar * Vit dated , au, lutiMa4Wit iicTir illel" tbentklagit a itt=="" 'AIMS 04 Etrampai 4407. 186 . 4.""' . 7 441:2140400r4 It , 12.,/,34,8t.8i kJ- ::,..... , ~..1:11 iiiY . 7" , 0.31,if14, 91 , 1 .:, 1 1 41t01471 . 'firrzaim , vim, ..'" thisoiy 1 43 , . ... ift 141361soged Ileallotik Stank, ikt, 11Arglay OM", Toi ands *lffle*AoVi • I ' Ifilyl3 ,i NV '-ii & CO OM NTLY MAD :-..", •:::;.. :‘,.,.: - ,;: , 1 !!.::_;;.. 1 .7.- ..*:; ,, :ci ..-:::: 'I•-". 0 , :-..': 1 ~ ,,:r . . , i'...-U• FOR' THZ • , , - ME FEII =MEE BM Ea ZEE MIIIII me= ?Lit . - Et*Pimii l iii .. - timis: . . 01 " ' ' • ;';'4 14 30',.`41 . 1` 4.7 . .4".).1",-1 •.''''. •*7 1 :- into' - ~.4 . , . 4 . * ..''' ,r•, .. BOOTS` AillY 4110E8 • . . lifsQ.Tfi'f. ,- 401id.E4, _.. i. ... ~•L~:e LEM EMEIME • ~ fill!BO: : ,BACIT. / 4140.: . L- - 1140 ***,ji:4o*Ti** !:.' .?pg**.ii,:*.o.,.-.:,4..,::-_.,: .J°/ :i~ 1 . f • : Jr, 13Inoe the Ai rITOI sof MO; TOPIC nICITIBPSPRINOI fiTOOK, • • par very extensive "sales has warrantee n s preiariitiiina . fOr a Very largo I I U 1 1 , 41 R 41 ' R - • A E And In .:F,4 01.,„-_1)‘,R,P..4,B Tiiitir. We ar FrILL SiOCBED I V. 1.71.41. STOCKE _ FULL ::STOCKED t With goods of th e sa la; TY, A .1 I T L il l . 13-P 17 it-I sE GAI'I'IMS -AND - B'AIMQRIII,I9,' , - iEs e"g ri sL.IRP , • ' FOR Loms, zeSSES'AND CHILDREN PM2Cr - IfO l pTS, GAITERS - & BALMOB.AL BO' S. 4ND YOUTIi ?be catalogue embraces. ALL TUN . STYLES A.I4L THE ALL TILE STYLES ' MI First Clasi .Booe and - , Sh,oe &ore, • NOWOPERLEG IN TEL H A RNESS DEPATMENT, tPIiZBESS DRPABTIifBYT, tGUMSS pg.P . MT; • IBM - ,14,ATFIER FLY NET GOTTOk 14iiisz ANti, &nazi Sits • A - IPCOE'S • AND , EA.11... NET 91fNER O HORSE FMB. HORSE FLESH gimp is:wilsour NUM ML JARS • _ 41"142-14714 tliegarwiss s Isola hand and ready to wait on all Old triendsailla 115 more Si possible, ill the styles'ot _ • LIGHT - AND.; _l3,:z y. ,IIARNESS, 4 IlTiflaii HIATT OR LIGHT,. sAtsms,. gams,. AND N" . p3.LTTELING, ,ANl}%:-Wirltli4uNG MEM nr - THE tINE ,SADDLIC: .449 11 34.k.. 1 4:10qui,.CT „. r on.! • SARAqTRUN .E.,• • •••.•`• • • ! ~.,! 1111 E EL Thkilll4.6lo , -A4l) . • OROCCO' TEAUEGING'.II • =M= SALES to bu t ;HOES ES • cn raq . 0 EU IMI AZ i Lei FOR ; STYLES IN .A ROODS, , Too, mama to mention. The stock /Ws Siss purchased since the last reductliiel . tbeiefore will be soli at prices .th *. will. vrease• I. *ILL NOT BE UNDERBO4,DI TbeclUsens of Penneylvaefa " and the rest of oordiattincited to call on htu and eamagne the stock of I . goods Millis new\ store oisktain Street.'; * doe eaat of kerb Ho , 4 1 : VAmt.7 - of that Veil - 11,00 T. ClWegi). June 13.1887. 1 ..(149f.E: 11P01. , .1:.= THE"" . LAND 01` IreY:rquantity, on d e l l'ioc t t e berlia.ter laste ~:-. "Owner or owners • will pleaeui come forwird. - proreproperty, pay:charges and tate the 1:R -awl__ _ ..Y. • ' 'FRED "C. (1011 E. bnelbequin, Jonell, 1467 Slimliatumis. S F::`:` . es , • 'C o Merk.ur earner and Pins rtta • . The usdirosigued hating termed a partunrsitip geuerai: gt•ohee ffi the - 1 3111,6liElit GRAIN , , ;Si PROViSION Od 3 lNgsS, • would iNii•ettc!uy tie the attention or d oe ,' 'bfixefe•, elkd the i'lltkno generally, to our bttmk of Goods purchased under reryisrorablepiream: utensils; Whidi we ofkr for Cash or 'Short time, at prices whiUlt we 'ttdak will satisfy our friend s tlist, we can: furnish Goods's& the - • . „ . LOWEST. MARKET BATES • , Ope o f, on e ! K ula attistancy. In New Yea, i t aleklacauthases tor` a large Jobbing ho use ... them, is well is for us- We hope by giving pee' soul attention' to of business, keeping i• tiismisnent at all times, and liberal dealing with our canto{ a. to ins& the confidence and . ... • • • • nine** of Ilia casosessity. S'• Speolakettem tion given to iferelintits and itth• - pis whit bay goods by the package: \ Cadl paid fa's!l kinds of flight and Country Produce. Per, STAV3IIB; MERCUR k CO. ? Toirands, Ai1d4,1887. a „ • BEE We 'Wei a huge .0/ CHOICE TEAS, • ~_seileCtedb ox et New York Mot/mule Prices. . - SUGAR, MOLASSES, SYRUP; RICE Coffee, Tobae4.l3,Boap,Bl {testes, StarA 4 11,44. • ' .Candlei,Cnicierease. Brest variety, chesip by the Package. - 4.. . • A LARGE , STuqc.. OF *FetoUit on band hi Barrels, Sacks or In Bulk ; also Cora Meal ebesp—Feed.ito. • ;PUBS . - , H AL MS AND LA E) 71811. 0! ALL , -3 W(k)D' AND WILLOW- U ARE, Stone Ware, Brooms by the quantify BUIST'S GARDEN. SEEDS CLOVER & TIMOTHY SEED • ASTITON'S The only kind suitable for Dairy use Agenci for the ieht of IiOVIN'& CO. .K.RPJ:SiNE' Off„ , at Mannfactultes pikes 'lids oil Is put up geedsound tight Lairds, I warrantedto be fulliraeasure,.and we believe the • quality to be the beet la market. NEW STORE. AND NEW GO,OpS .- • FRESH FRO THE NEW YORK MARKUS. CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST-• The subscribers have_isnrcltased baddini lately owned by A. J. Noble, (ewe- door soca of Beidleman's Block,) And have filled. it with GROCERIES 'AND . PROVISIONS, . iof• WOO EN AND WILLOW WARE, • Otitis of ali•kipda le their season, • (fresh and dr.ed), in feet me, thing usually {pond in a drat claw • • P,ItOVISION STORE. A share of the 'patronage of Towanda and vi cinity is respectfully , solicited. We will pay the highest market price for all k4 l l/ 80 4 - • COUNTRY PRODUCE. We also hate the sole Agency for Bradl•44. I aid adjoining counties for - the sale of the Cele bested Virginia and Non& Carolina Smotio g Tobacco, A liberal discountmade to the-tr. , U. BRAIIHALL & Towanda, April p,1887. • R If OPA t L. H. BRONSON Would mod respectfully announce • t y a3e-a tent of BradOrd Coenty, that he, Imo, remo v ed from Orwell, Pa., to' 0 - :W_.E . G , Of . i . N. -T.:',. Where he'lls"ewal a soot well selected-- stock, of D R Y G' 0 0 D S:! Weft sdsp► to the prevent times pt L, 0 .W lP R 'I C E S! A large variety of D•K E S:S (.2 0 O. D S, Consisting of PRINTS, - bEIeAINES, °RALLIES, • • Organdies , &pias, 1 • - ALPACAS, MOZAMBIQUES, . • Grenadines, • PIQ,IIE'S,' HILKS , _'&0: • SHAWLS; Paraaola. CLOTHS IN Besides a la OTHER qOODSE The motto is NNE VARIETY:, went of . . 81. IL IMO '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers