Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 01, 1867, Image 1
TERMS if.peißipowrzSis in?tred fv*Th4 4 burning, by 1.. 0. DEWS, at $2 per auLoro, in fulvance, ' I>N7ERTI•rNi7ENtS', - ''eiree:ediiig . fifteen lines are inserted at Tan owns per line for Si 3t insertion, ciiii44 per lifie for übsequent insertions.". Bpdefid iiatteeir erted before hlanines and Deato.. elleirfkitirrime aigtir fle line Yo ' `eech i assertion. Mlxeeointionslof dmioaktions ; 'ommtmications oLlimited or individual „ tereetomd-notieee of Marriave:pr e seeeding'five . lisiee, are charged rz 'Crf , r line.' • ix . w ) /YOU; &MM.:4 MCC' t • e $75 x1:11 '" . .. .. 75 " 15 '1.1•• square ..:.-. b: ,t ray, Caution, liost.andgortrid,iind aldxertiiiiniekitsi , - not 41sheediag 'lo s = three weeks, 'or less, . • 50 administrator's &11reentefeliotilieft. Autlitor'a Notices, - Business Cards, -five lines , Ar,r t §!sp )ferchanti3 tuld' Others, advertising An4r i busiitegs, ivllPtfe They will be entitled•to'VOolumn, confined sieltiiivg ly to theirbtilnetiti, withpiivilege Of eltatiike.' may' Advertising in all,,easeireletehrve:Of suli.?dription ,to the paper. 5013PitINTING of every kind;. in Plain ' and Fahey colors, done NvitAt neittneee And dispatch. Handbills, Bla4ii ! ;_Cargat Pagt phlets, 'of every variety andstyle,pAii l , ted at the shortest `notice.. l'in3"RiPoitfirs sOFFioi just beerLie-litted with Power yr,, , ses, and every thing in the Printing liae can be ' the.inoat artistic taauner and at the lowest rates. TERMS INVARIABLY CASE. •••••• Otarbo. ( 1 FORGE D. MONTANYE, AT .A NRY 4T LA tr-415106 'cornet ot, Main and Pine streets, 'opposite Porter's Drug Store. t , OCTO rt EDWARD S. PERKINS, IJ. Offers his pbilessforial service's 'to the citi zeu. of Frenchtovrn and vicinity. Calls prompt ly- attended to. - • ' . May . 28, 1867.-Iy* • 1.3 j . T.+ DA VIES, Attori4 at la • Towanda, Pa. Office with Wm. Esq. Particular attention paid-to or, phans' Court business and aettlement:44.deca• dvilt, estates. . II ERG R & MORROW, :Attorneys ILL at Law, Towanda,Penn'a, rhe undersigned having associated themselves rt in the practice of Law, offer their pro iervictes to the public. t LISSES M'ERC LI R, P. D. MARROW, • ch 9, ,186 . • • • is ITRIU PECK ATroluass, I,Aw. Offices :41n Patton.Block,Toikanda, Patrick's block, Athens, Pa. They may be Lo:l,Ulted,at either place.' '• w. PATRICE, Stag W. A. Pitt. hI B McKEAN, ATTORNEY & •UNSEL,LOR AT ~/.., 4 W„Tovtgai. Particular attention paid to business in olic-nrphans* Court. July 20, 1866. 1 1 ENRY PEET, .klitorney . al Law, 1 Towan la, Pa..• •• jan27,6L H. WESTON, DENTIST.- 1...! Office In Patton'e Monk; over Gore's Dritg and Chemical Store. ljan66 77 Al i cn t7 . LiDWARP OtrERTOil 'Jr., - .124,1ey at Law,' Towanda, Pa. Office in the Court House. Juljr 18, 1865. IRN r y-DAyIES, LERAYormi..O ) A.. IJ , bag permanently located at the office ronaerly occupied by' Dr. B. DeWitt, for, the practice of two profession. May 9, 1867. [OLIN N. CALIFF, ATTORNEY T 1.4 W, Towanda, Pa. Also, Govern lheut Agent for the collection of Pensions, Back Pay and Bounty: tar No charge nudes successful. — allied over he Post Office and .'ews Room. Dec. 1, 1864. DOCTOR ,B.- DzWITT, Pmrsicteli A.ND Straurie.i..—May ba focald during the .13y -unless otherwise engaged—on Hain-et. a lew doors below Cabling RCM 1, TIP e corner of William and Division-sts., late ly ~cc,lpied by E: A. Parsons.. Towanda, April 28, lBB7.—ly* JI. ONES & -D.KMORE ST, Cooperti, Towania, Pa. All kinds of Cooper Work On baud and made to order. Particular atten= hoe given to repairing. Work can be obtained at the shop in the Keystone Brewery, •rat the store v W, A. Rockwell, Cash, or work, paid May. 9, 1867. D. ST!! , FIS,II. D., Physician and O• I) . si, g ,on, would announce to the people of Borough and vicinity, that he has Terme nenily located at the place formerly occupied by G. W. stone, for the practice of his profes sion. Particular attention given to the ctreat mvut of women and children, aaa'ao to theinsr , tire of operative and minor surgery. Oat. 2;68. • IL PRATT has . removed, to State c street, (first above 8.. S. Russell & , Co's • Bank). Persons from a distance desirous of con -o ;ling him, will boat likely to find him on • .7: t rt.:ay of each.week. Especial attention will given to surgical cases, and the extraction of as or Ether administered when desired. July If), Ik6G. D. S. PRATT, M. D. J)OOTOR CHAS. F.: PAINE:=Oi flee in GORE'S Drug Store/Towanda, Pa. Calls pro4Ttly attended to at all hoora. Towanda, November 29, 1866. '"DW'D MEEKS-AUCTIONEER. All lettep addressed to him at Bug& „Ran,. Brad tot &Co. Pa., will receive prompt !Intel:ROM' FRANCIS E. POST, Painter, Tow arula, pa, with 10 years experience. is cow iont he esti givetbe best satisfaction in Paint -1122'. Graiulug, 'Staining, Glazing, Papering, s - di - Particular attention paid to Jobbing in the • witry. - April 9, 1866. VAUGHAN ----Architect 'and il l itnifdtr—All kinds of Architectural de r :y.3 furnished. Ornamental, work in Stone, and Wood. Office on- Main' street, over S Co.'s -Bank. Attention given to-Hu aiArc hitectu re, such as !lying out of. grounds, ' " April 1,1867.—1 y. J. NEWELL, -- COUNTY SURVEYOR, tiradford Co. , Pa„ will promptly attend ' • asinesu'ln his line. Ptaircular attention . • ruliaiug . sx,d establishing old or dispn ; I:ncs. Also to survgying of all unpattented as soon as warrants are obtained.i myl7 . VIVr HERSEY WATKINS, Notary T '• Public is prepared to ,take Depost on:, Acknowledge the Execution of Deeds, M ,, rtg,ag,cs, Power •', of Attorney; and all-other ustruinents. Affidavits and other pipers may sworn to before me. • Office, opposite the ,\Banking Nixie of D. 43. Russell A: Cr., a few doors north of the Ward Couse. Towanda, Pa., Jan, 14;1867. D. K N P, 'A Watch Mal;tr and Dealt" in .Gents aid reill!en Watches Chains and Finger Ringa,CloOts, Jew elry, Gold l'bna, Spectacles, Silver ware, Plat ed ware, Hollow ware t . Thimbles. Sewing chines, and other goods 'belonging to a Jewel ry Store. Pertiottlar attention -'paid to .4epairing h. at, his old place near the'Post Oftleb, Waverly, 'N. Y. . Dec. 3, 1866,-4f. J , - OIIN MORAY, .'" ARTIST AND ,r:H.9TOGRAF,II,ER.:, 'Viii promptly attend to all business in his line. '•••••;‘ , .6.11 attention given to Landscape and Were ' o,,st)pie Photography. .Views of Family Peet , d , sices, Stores. Public Buildings, .&ttim4s, ' ete., taken in the best manner. - Particular attention given to the novel and v.tutiful stere•cople representation of objects. Orders received at Wood & Harding's Photos graphic Art Gallery, Towanda. Towanda, April 23,1867.-0. • T" 'UNDERSIGNED' ' HAVE opened a Banking Mouse in Tdwanda, , : , •r the name c. G. -P. MASON lc They ire prepared to draw Billa of Ex. 'bulge, and make oollectimuk in New 'Nit Phdedelphia, - and all portions of the Un i ted, `mates.. as also England, Germany, sind_Pranc•; Loaa money, receive deposit 4 - , and to do a 4e:.eral Banking business. G. F. Masan was 'one of the late Aim ,of Laporte, Ala - Pon 1:- Co., of 'Towanda; and .;ir knowledge of the business men of Bradford adjolnknf Counties and having been in the king business for about fifteen years, make'', house a desirable one; through' Which to to co Ilections. • i n..OI.IIIIABONV wanda, Out. 1, 1866. A URGE ASSORTMENT OF VO. -LA. cal and 3aiitrialueatal maalo-coastemtlt on anilb at; tbe ' - • ZiEYVtit ROO,N. • 'I a . ,I r . - .. .L - f/ : CiTri . i'', j •F:l- . ~. -)-IP. .11(V**1.1 ..-. -- • .1.-i- i 4, • :- ' „a 1103114, 3312.1. • _ .•••• --- I•V- i - • .fit Millitlll73 4 l*.':. 'la - •,•••-• '' ,-• • - -''., . I - : 7 ;'-! 7 - : " .1 - :'---• •- - _ ~.. . . g..*::' . - r- -- '-- - '- - l ' -:-. - -- t -- .:' - f ---: 7', -- -. - -: '''-''''' -- :7' —' l' 4 ' I ' - ' l7 ."..- --- -fr --, - ------. ' ' ' ::-- ',.i --;-,.- ' -, -: ': - : .. , :.---i .F .- ';' - : --:: : ' ; .:-. ' - : -- : -. ..p.i . .r..q .. 7.. , -,?1 - t' di .60 - 4:• , ,:,iiii - iii41.0,141 i;_1".1 0 . .... 41ir I .', I. - IV' i , .4 • -.._ • _ - S A• (I ',. tH,RoTa ,11 , 11 T., - . Pi , - , . ;W:4lx. ; IA 4_17. , ''k (:u 71-..' 11 =.1i„&-a , . 1 3 8 11 k, ,' fir A.- iv,ll: ) tfjo =...iii 9 1iijw' 1 t. ' ~ -: , :-. —4.- N . i i . t . < •,.,,y, J I "---------", , .4,-.t , .•:.- ' • I ': ! l i ' a. - ' ! !' -r • - ' . Crj • ''.. :1 :- .' • _l 7: i) ,/' : 4: 1 ..' N I L : . 5 .' 4 1, . 1 -••• I \ - .4'c ',... -.r , -4- - 1-I • i i , , : :. - - , :. - . - „d0 , ,,, , ..,-4.,... , ,fl- _l'l p) iiicii 5, ). J.l isi6/ -8.2. -: iv -t I Toe ,t .Li .',7tha i /,1 I -,- -% 1- i ik\ • ' - . • 1---- N I •.: -'; \ `‘• t'N._ I ;. •.! ,I '•., ll\ , 0.p . 1... , 1 . z . m.,1,.. .„ \.., . 5 ,,,,,. ~..1 ..,_ i ~. ,ot i ~,,, - t -- - . r- . ; .C..-- \ i . 1 I. ~l' , , i l L 11 I pi ; %•;.'.%; ~, ....,..,1 . ) - 5... , , --, .. .4. , •,, 6 .• il ~ i. •.112 '4 , i • . 11 \-, ). t .' ( 1' / 5..„ . ',' ' --.)' 1 1 1 ' • 'I- ,- 711 1 .4, - -' - 1 _ l' '.• 1 i 1 . - '5l; 2 ' ' , 4 ~,, !- . 1.,.+1 LI . : q-..;;;‘,,-,/ i; i' 1 1 .:. , ~, .1 , 1 -I- 2 I 1 ----- -41 : --- kk- 1 • - ,- 4 I ••• •k e 4 :-'‘ L ,' lil ',, .! i .• - \'. 2 ‘;:i ~' '•• ' ,-„- . B A. 1 3 . .: T i t _ ~.. 3 I - It% ',".? tt-(7. !i ,- 'i..., .: k ....... .;•,t, •- . ,I A r - ,- -- -• - '• , er-r .--•-- • • --: • ' • ' - :1: I Lif, i,.. , , rvj - ja; yii:, , tz, A .- .- -:117 'Alt 1/11V .45t.q, .. • it' - _ : . 7:4, o -.5 . iti4l,ll .- la: P,11,, , i 1 . . j Vt:„r , ?.1 4 t,r,,,!,, 1 :,1 -, ,S:,. ../ ..... .7 ".. .k , ' N .... \. ' ' - ' ..1 1.•• -, 1 , 1!. 4 'l',' , Ittal., li 'bat -oi tigo..-. ,L.1.7 . L. / L 1....; ..., - I' . I ,1 • • .• - 'of; .Y.kv-W,4 - L-^- , i;11 / il , :: --i ..,,,,I•il-31:c4.1,-...-_,;_,, v'.; ::+ ~,..,.3 1,2;:; , ,T. —7l- .1 .. .1:-. ' - 1:? ..!,ci , .5:,:i C. • - ..' . . 1 . ' ' ..' • '1;tit'...i.1: . .1 . ..:Wi. il .- ft 1 -4 1 ' Me r • C13133EL1 Min er. TOME, I ves :••• • .;•.* !* • 40045. W;ffliYtiftm,v,ow - vk On Main Street,. near the C. T. BMITEI, Proprietor. bet. 8. 1888. tr. AMEAIOAIitt.HOTEL, T W A Nll PA . , rr I . Having puitaiiiiibutirWkikiemillet 1 on Bridge Eitzeet, 1 bave(ilfurniatied and refitted rik rarcOrit,loe let: e tio of a wbo ' May T Wain me. No pains be spared to make A p,leaeaat ,May 3, '66.--tr 3: EI:PATTERCSON;Piop. oafs. VRIE R On and after Monday April 29th, 1867, Trains will leave . Wa*erly. at about the follow ing hours, viz : nortro • 8:12 a. m., Night FaXprets, Mondays- excep ted. for Rochester Salamanca and Dubitirk, direct connections with trains of the Atlantic and-Leat,yirestern,!Lake Shore and 'Grand Trunk Ra wapiti for ill points West I also at °Ritliirx 401 ' au4aIRFI • ir5:42- a. 114 RrpresS, Or Rochester Buffalo, siks4Drtirkldtan4 the West, connecting as above; 8:27 a. uk.', Mail Train, Stuidays excepted, for 130Talo and Dunkirk, connecting at Emirs for Canandaigua. . 2:57 p. m., Emigrant Train, - Dally, for the 3:48 P ' . m. , ElmiraAccoracaothitioit, ,SundaYs excepted:'- • . . ' ' 1" ' , •., 5:46 p. in., Day ExpresS, Sundays excepted for Roc hpter ,Butialci..Salantanua,Dualdrk i atui the West; Connecta at Elmira for Cananda gna at Salamanca ' with the I Atlantic -and Great Western Railway,at finale with. the Lake Shore and• Grand Railways, for all points • Wit and-South. , , . 1 , .., • - s nk 10:33 p:in: • Express - Mall,' Biu4sys' ex cepted, for Buffalo, Wsmanca and Dunlilrk, con necting with trains in r the West. . , 8 00a . Way F ght:Sinidays excepted. -, r ii ' "Staps at Waverly on Mondays only. GOpitil INIT. 1:38 a. in., Night Express, , . Daily; con ' necting at Waymire tar Warwtek,; . and at New York with New traina'and steamers for Boston and. New Enabled cities.-- - • • sild a.131-AND. air '& - Preal,alondaYs a - cepted p connecting A ,OSrego for ,Ithaca • at Binghamton " , kiettrnseasil !,r; at Greet, ; Bend 'for Scranton and Philadelphiali-at Lackawaxea for Hawley, and at G r ayoorirt for Newburg and Warwick. 8:53 a. in., Binghamton Accommodation, San days excepted. . I- -. , i - 12:05 p. m., Day Eiprea, Sundays excepted, connecting at Binghamton for Byraciase;,at Gt. Bend for Scrantonrat Lickawaxen for HaWley; and at Jersey Citji wi;h midnight express' train of New Jersey. Raihbad - tor 'Philadelphia, ,Baltimore and Washington. '1:27 p. m., Accommodation train, daily. 6:28.p....m.. New .T. T k and Baltimore Map, Sundays . excepted. • ' • - 8:25 p m., Lightning Express. Ehindays ex ; epted,.connecting at Jersey, City with morning express train of New - Jersey Railroad for Bahl mpre and Washington,. and at New York with morning; express tram/ for ' lkieitoti and .the corning, I '' _ • 4.25 p. in. Way Preight; Sundays excepted.' WE. L BAlta t _ H. RIDDLE GenTl-Pass , "Ag't, New-York. Gen'l.,l36pl, ERIE .L RAIL ROAD.--This great 4ine traverses the Northern an Nor west, comitleaot Pennsyl vania to the city or Pie; On Lalte' Erie. It has been leased by th i s Pennsylvania Rai/ Rom , Company, as 1a Is %Wilted by theint.'',,'; Time bf Palisenker trains at Williamsport : LIGAI7I; EASTWARD. Erie Mnal Train 1 - 10.10 P. Erie Express Train 4.25, A. 11, Elmira Mail Trainl Bl5. A. AL, , Locit.liaven PAL:L LRAV 111111TWARD. Erie Mail Train 4130, A. M. Erie ExpresiTrai4L: . 845, P . M. Elmira Mail Traia,. .........6:65 P.Y . Lock Haven Accommo4aticin..lo.3o A. M. Passenger cars reit through without charge bothways between Philadelphia and Erie. • New-Yoik Leave New-York'.ii:ol4 'A. X.. arrive at Erie 10.00, A.m. Lealie,New.Yorks:oo,p.x.. arrive at Eries,i,at 4:06 pl. pi.l Leslie 'Me sit 6:00 O. at. arriveal New' , if ark. , ll:lr, -Leave Erie-at 10:25 a. in., arriv e at New York:10:10 a. in. No change of Cats behbeen Erie and New York. Elegant Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains. For information respecting Passenger busi ness apply at Corner 30th and Market streets, Phil'a. , • And for Freight hnsiness of .the Company's Agents ;S. B. Kingston, ,Jr., Corner 13th and Market streets, Philadelphia; J. W. Reynolds, Erie; Win. Brown, 4gent N. C.a. B. Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON; Oen'l Freight Agt. Phil's. H. W. GWINNER, Gang Ticket Agt. Phil's.' A. L. TYLER, Manner. We. RE K AI R I E l I NI N IrIa T ll.. Cl A A.El prii - 8 1 8 U 6 ?!1. GREAT Timmm Lr Hoare-weal - for Phili delphia,Ne T w liz -Yo N rr,e l adin; Pottsville, ;amps, Ashland, Lebarien,.Allen town, Eaton - , &c. &A. i 1 Trains kari liffinig,for New-York; asst' 'lows: At 3.00, B.lo,and 945 s. in, similar , Trans , o the Pennsylvania Rail Road ; and arriving a New-York at 5.00 and 10.10 a. in., andA,4o an 5.20 and 10.15 p. m: Sleeping Cars' &Kemp nying the 5.00 a. ta., and 9.00 p. in., Trains without change. Leave - Harrisbnig feetileading, Pottwillie ,Tamaqua, - 2finersville, Ashland, Pine Grove Allentown and Philadelphia,at 8.101. in., an 2.10 and 4.10-. R. toppin g At itncon an all Way Stations; ; :e 4:10 p. nt. making close connection tor Philadelphia and Columbia For Pottsville, Hetinyikill Haven add Auburn', via Rchuyikill and'Busquehanna Rail Road,leave /Harrisburg at 3.20 p. M. , Returning : Leave New-York at 9.00 a. m., 12 noon 5.00 and 8.00 p. in.; Philadelphia at 8.15 a. ,m, and 340 p. ITI4. Wayrpasaanger Trtiht leaves Philadclphla at 7.301 a. in.',' return ing from Reading lit 6.30 p. m}, stopping at all stations ' • Pottivi ll e. at .8.45 a.m. and 2.46 p_: m.; Ashland at 6.00 andll.3o a.m., 1.05 p. in Tamaqua at 9.45 a. tn., and 1.00 and 8.65 p. m. Leave Pottsvi ll e fo r Harrisburg, via Schnyf kill and Susqueluinna Rail RoadJ at gra. in. Reading accommodation Train : ales-Read ing as, 7.30 a. in retandng , . Rem eVhia Tna at 5410 p.m.. . - •,- z . .. , . 1 . Pottstoiri. 4.94im6datton • ; laves Pottawwp at 6.20 iwnt.,Teturning.leaces Phil adelphia at 8.50 if. in: - ." . - " I ? Columbia Bai l Ileitis leave Reading at 1,60 a. zu. and 6.16 ip. m. for .E744sta, Win , ' Lancaster, Columbia, Ac. . J l On Sundays : Leave New York at 0.00 p. m . , Philadelphia 8.00 clui. *A 336 fin: theaB,oo al - . in., train amain ontV to Huang. Pottsvi ll e 8,00 a. In. H g 9. 7 35 a. m. -and at 1.20 a 507.20 tn.. for - Harrlabiitgima i r i ft 1 .4, m.'foiNew orlf, and 4-25 p. m.', for ,Plilla delphin. ! , . , ICOunnufaukut;44lk/ulO, Ekstoniiikh ool.6ls4 , Eactiriion Nicety &an item all points, at re #eed fie,. - -..•-• z - ,E: i Baggage checked - tiunifghi li p o e : h tutZ al. Owed each Pamtglie , - . 134• 7 A - 41.41 14.11, " . 1 ' t General Bo , ~,:•• ;Raiding, Pa., April 8.1887. - i'' ,- -- ,• • - r ruttourr.. , ,- - 0. OF ,O.F.T-BDADFORD li. LODGE • No. 167, I. 0. of 0, ~7neete at Odd pd. loin Hall, rrery Hominy vregipg from tlicerat lipndior tali/loth* oaday itrOctotat p. m., from October to April at 6* p. t ' t J. S. CASEY, Seo'y: . pre 23, 186 f. , MPORTOT P TO D 'MEN. T bd ßErlt L strit,sna =tic conmeri). so Ta. • • tter, you nrerjos th, et, pri Yqur drMns 'tune tat win fre• mitring the :head. 11 it, andV need sio 'Math over your butter. when the 'Atkin Is Allot, slid it requires no attention while,in•Alit fend your orders to Dunbar Ilea •• • k Bradt is r u rnty, PagnV i t it hr tar Cite Maar:foto tt 29, 17. * • - FIST the grist-mill, knoini as the Hale KM, sit oatefirWAllN MOP og TO stoat two miminota of Towlines *a this inothod notiqing MI old friends joy locathekil.anallf#1 10 pear frieniis Irons oy M y r iz o liti t tnrk, •0434.0.64. Icittiwt ." • . -r P r 2 . S P M 6 j.*..L lit`,,a4nl tlvighuttlod* Pea mas Bzemorza.' j HEART NAThloMis. They tell me earth is banditti], . That, Wee MS bristit• and fair; Aliti‘ 6 4# sii t(* art i the a t9l_, )T roat thithigh libi= six; - 'That life, end light, and gladness, Are spread o'er land and sea; That each one has his heart shrine, But 'Us not so for me. • The earth is . wrapped in sable, • The skies are murky daik, The waves and winds contending To drown my little barque'. ntat ll .4 o TD 4 11 / 11 4141#457. ` 'the !Alta foafn an'et6 eft . ; • find one bright heart token, ' The onoss is raised for me. iforiroetm, April, 1867; lordistwouo. " MAKING IN ItIEW YORK. There is something peculiar in the cultkre of .the gpipc for Lthe,purpose if *fie inaneactdre: Narking ton- lions of soil, of climate and expo sure are demanded, which very few • ctions of our country answer.— These conditions may exist perfectly in a certain .circumscribed locality ; while in. another; iiiinediately adja cent, they are not found at all. In. the region along the Ohio river— '. eretofore famous as the vineyard of the United States—it has been found that4requent and heavy frosta,ro-' , ilea *mildew,' which 'is lighly Wu ifavorable to cultivation of the grape for :chanipagtin purp4es.3k,Thus, at. Sillery i -in France, the low and mar hydultriestaiield\an inferior quality; fruit, while at VeFzenay, in the lima..atondissement, and only:a.lit", e whys distint,lhe grapes ere pro duced Ittiolt enter into\ tbe wanufsb- Lure of the best wine known in .ni- MOM, \ ; ,;. .; ~, k, ;', ::" c.!• t \ s i , N About twelve years ago, the ex- PeT*lnk•walls fi rst lktiieltrfilf-AtilthroF ling vineyards along -the rich chalk lands of the PleasatitYalloValejdzig down to the waters Of Croo k ed 'Lake. in Yates and . Steuben counties, In ibis State. It has proved a splendid enemas.' An enterprise which origi nally extended over a few acres-on ly, luis been. - ,so, enlarged 7as to' ems brood at illelpresint time more thart iiix thousand acres—while the terri- 1 ry thus employed is constantly in ceasing. Ten years agp, wine was thadckbY 4 1 84heStaT4rAkeisiNk.4Ktift very small quantities.,_ Now, there are, three companies with large Capi tal engaged in the manufacture; and . their annual - prodoct foots up had dreds of thousands of. botsles,uf 'az rions brands. The scene presented bs' , the region devoted to grape culture, is particu larly beatitiful. ,No finer landeciipe is to be met with in the United States, than that of Pleasant Valley. Its ohores a4ise by , gentle, accliyities, preaditing(ntirfaotiGi•At mile! 94 green, covered by pleasant hills, and interspersed witit:several. varieties of trees • Ein,d shrubbery ; among winch the mule, the elm WA the Oak predominate. Instead of the usual peculiarities of, agricultrust sections —grain, potatoes, corn—it is' almost entirely: deiroled to the .culture !of grape vines, which ire shown in un broken sections,'" along 14; section miles in extent. ~This: is, the_tifiexly universatelement -of intinstikiiii the neighborhood—and a most profitable one it has proved. lands r which in 1850 would have been _thought ;dear at thirty to 61'4? &Mari an acrii,now command seven or eight hundreil,,anci. are . rapidly rising in value: There are three incorporated oqin patties in this section, devoted to wine! manufacture. The: loldest'And most extensive is the " Pleasant Val ley Oompany,". which has its works and cellars at Hammond's Port, in Stebbensounty, at' a ileasantllelii distiint some three miles from the Lake. The " Urbana Company" has been in existence during, a briefer period, but has - already, niider'ellei= eat'.superintendence; succeeded in producing one of the best brands of wine in the market 7 -the "ImpeFiCat7 which is clear, strong'" and fruity, without much of that pop and froth which are so-popular with uneducip teddrinkets i but ,with, ,s spark's, *MA centinueir fiometizinis fOrtilf or three-quarters of an hoar after the bottle has been ruicorkid. -," i 110.9FIress ,of chipapagne =Pt' fi t ottre-is' die' 'of the %mod tedioris and delicate that can be conceived. So many circumstalic'et are to be taken into, comideration, so E wan •• difficultielfire to be met Lind avoid ed; so much labor of .4ifferent sup is to be performed; that' Ilie ben vi vent, who smacks ,his his. ; ,.over gas delectable 'biiverne; can hardly lai n* at what inUite pains the con „tributiori to f hls palate' his b e en,er, feeted. It is a creditable,: factiViiti notwithstanding all' 1 thesefObstaclifi; ' 1 our Amerip_an, mapul#Fershaysi already', during • the few - yeari gin& the business was first , commenced in this o country, succeeded in producing so art i c l e iwhichiviurpfatacictipvor ably with the best 'braids ithported tOnt the , etkam.Pe4CVL ...--.041ide:4 et `l ance ' . - NFs - Istirk-Auring 6 brief insElef,i; tiOn el the works .. off' -they - 41 Pleagant Valktyratripraoye,l lit' , ffalaiiii6i#6 lltat,/a4 Waellr;-7,atetingl) , :linp - - ark — alt hor %lmi.*.lllolol4tainii3l,i, . . to attatOmthemoin. - - - 4 4V4 1 #44* - -... 1 4 -IMt r i.o4- 4 r.” of . Ail eateoo6.6 tg...Fe h , ta fliffilatftif partial -111 filtn Oml - ~ ,,. arrangediTentsiizeniaw • • 101) ion &able the amount ,within the nett two orethreilearis: - .'/ Iml ' I The efelleP efritielf.3 l ..WrteK neker ip ' . veil: the grapes are carefully i " ka# --inferiorSelo l / 4 4fryiji I ' iriitittilOit.thiitE . , • .... - - - - -- - i - -• , t•-•fi!!£/..,,,11',': 1 14'6 msdbtilia. 00'n 'kintiir ow:nose ANT - 4410A1/111:1 tv, TOWANDA, BRALWO 813NTYAPA UGUST 1 . 1867 •-•- - ~ AiLtp .“...... . _ ough inspection: „ The 9;440 re. (infra "it thhilittdrit tritylie Untie:int when it is 04444 „ttiAtos, introdue ton of any' foreign ; - etiffaitince—aa ft: 4 . lo 4 4 l lolJ'lle3gtonigii_SV.b.fiArl—.• Might ruin the " must" for hundreds of gallons of., vine: ~ : ii.ftetr Ai soil ;tient qiientity has been aceumulatedi, 'the fruit is suhjeded ltd!iliTiressure for the purpotie of removing the juice. The first prestnirtilieettieslhe body fore heat ,•grades ..,pt sparkling wiiief 'Wet' Seennit yields - ''aninferitar t ' quality,„wl,the third „the fermented liqtiorktioWnia'atiiti I , '.•i z ~/,,,,--, guiy., ,beip,g efpree: 'IA ihtces' are Sarrelek and' suffered 'te, dert' go fermentatien',at • various ,pf t'etiiheratare for'h eonaidistratile r , riod, before being drawn off. The Prolluats,of-ortetal itariettes et .grape are then mixed,to produce that com bination of : quialitiea which isesseni , tial to thermannfacttire o ni ssiiirkliiig' wine/B. f NinliilMitiing .=:e,o leto,,tliio, fluid Is 'tuition' Off into :, Ogshetids, where it is „ permitted,:to -, relnsio for, about fifteeiir eighteen days,"when the fermentation ,lias, changed - at out one-half its sugar into alcphol. , It is into . 'the , ce below, - . t lare then sent ',.. Where ikremains for Bey 41 Weeks,', and at the end 4f:that.: Ina, being, dosed . with syrup, rem, ved to &', warmer cellar, end ;permitted again to be undisturbed until the period ar-, rives foil bottling.' ' "_. ' '1 'r - ''' The bottles into ,which the liquid is now drawn; are the same as these in which it appears- in the market. They are manufactured in' France, and must be :very . strong to resist the pressure of the gaS, which is sometimes as,- great as five 'hundred pounds .to the eqeare, bleb. A great ;deal of loos is . ' nedesearily incurred rit. by reakake. ~ During our visit, 'a yonn gentleman of the party was, ca ing a, bottle kilt • ,a lady .friend, when under' the fllfluOn6e * Pf . 'Abe' _Warm atmosphere, it exploded with !tremendous force, covering himself and his companion _with the prema- L.turely-released • beverage. Such ao *dents do noVpftetr 'happen' outside .ihe.eellars, and when fermentation 1 is co .. a lete„ , : - But' in the - callarsi.,.,_a lpercen ~ :e of six to . eight peel ent of loss is ans sustained, . .., • . .. . , After the l?ottlee have been nearl filled; :.,they'l,nr.eillieedi ,in *; rows. .1 shelves, about six feefhigli i in whi• holes have ; heenmade,.. Intoi,these jthe bottlea - are liitiodtt&id, seas to hold • them , in s , diagonalasitton t ' neck dowrimud. ...The, ohjeeket 'this is to permit , the : peiiipile,o,., vfhich,ren Inatnoilnilie'ciine;', Ao;ainh . :doivn to theneck.:- To faeilifite''Alii,wor*". ro o ll.4klyoPPrOacktheelielveti; and taking each hottleinhand e fgive its 1 slight'and- redid* :rotatory...metien r ilDuring,several, days, this continues, .'iintifereil bottle / has lieen i handled more than %hundred times. %.:- • In preparing the wine for market, the bottles arelitken from, tha, slielvea by a workman, who holds them, with the neck downward, . over , a. hooded , receptacle, removes the, temporarY .cork, 'and'' with- a 'finger' partly' over 'the mgdh, suffers the froth and sedi ment to escape—the amount thus dis eharged : generally being ',Omit. a tablespoonful. The cork is then gitickly ,,, replaeed,' . `and' . 'the ',bottle transferred to iiitither - workmen, by whomit is' charged, froth "a 'machine with a given,_ amount of candied sugar, which hi introduce& not mere ly ta:;,,aeweeten tile wine, lid to Pre-, duce the; ,carbeiiio ,:acid i ce . ,, that ,giiealtlife and . pingency., ] , :i4 third,: workman receives the bottle; l re moves the : , temporary -eork,, find places it, under * an appal - atlas , by, e. Which Srk , about -twice, large: .as the mouth of the bottletis 'cod. iressed and driven , int), it ;', w.hile.a., fourth; fir another machine, : *nip'', the top of the cork into a t Pund , shape, 'and fastens it with - ,clainps Which , catch around the rim of the neck, and hold it firmly: The', subee.' qnent operations of - wiring, ceverin,_ and , labeling !are ;done. by hand.,; - The.- wine ie ready for market in 'syrup three or lour weeks -aterthe has. been introduced. .. .. • ',, : i ,It is a mistake teenppese that the best wines are - those which Oop and fizz most loudly., ~This_ exploaive pe culiarity can h e _produced,* intro ,dticing edger, le di\ extent i ntuited- Only by thexesisting impaci ty. of ; the bottles.. Some tilanufacttiferii; use it to diegn . ipp , poor.,,winark, which ;r: !rhea opened, d, and. learn, wit&-remarks-, ble denionsfratiOn,Overfkliithe glass. for:gome Seconds,. , and ;lies peilectly dead :tind"lliit:' .- gE: tieigittid n iiii4k, b a g the true body and bouquet, does ,npt exhibit, Ulm" zipeculrarifietr( . . It maY. even , retrife-an: 0 .ff:9#1 ,3 -WO' draw' the' eorle."litit . When ,it has been pOured out, theeryital globuips' will continue ta9# l4 Wudifr.o./}tliek+' ix* of the gifies,eotnetimes for near lyilin hour... : -,,.:- , ~.: 'M" A Mr. Muaeon,..the Superintendent. of thellikaniOndte Port wOrke; and Mr: Baker, Suptaintendent of , thagrbana works, are both natives of the Chaco aew 41Wride sACFrincei tend -be nme perfectly 'familiar with the manufacture in that , country. We are indebted to them and, Mr phonw, the.PleSeant Vila's)! ComPanY, ~for,..abnadaut butspectic:n and information. The, best iiPirklinif imifiniui•Oidticed in:the Crooked Lake region, ,are not #ey eCto tie 'Sale - 0 .Mansintan; ;kid - • b e y the most finfoifs LROedertu%4lol , 9l l % 14 At, fikimr ondlf Port ; tve sated 'a* variety I 10 49 *PLOW DADA grape ' , gmb' . Itu pe . onliatlrriobio mustrtlivoi, il 6 OPli ka . t l 4 4 -Pf #lO buncteleinot Wegirif, :Tigreenny. ,, '' PreljotinP 0t , , et mpenai lugh raps* yrigh and fruirand bese!not nnairttible" hAith "Green Seal" of the " eeuletlrlr' 1881. ; o 2 45-iitt,- ip 4113 , - nj 1 . 44 7 '441 att.44: Lft - IPAY4 YornPanY • , year 85 OWNS tlee'br aparklini wise, , a the, "Ili: 44ma. Von Dane a litttle magi. thin 60,000. ';-•-This is le :addition ‘ tot the stilt *Au* the' oWeiei :imi ; thiii lirs* diee'preduced, 'which will aggr. ,egate nestlyilta ant 'quite - s I, ma*: Thi " Or.cokatlake,(kimpluiy", is of more ,recent.umanizatien; and we: did 'not earnt4otlitisticai• . - t..t.,1-t•ls- .-,, ' • :It Will •"be > inquire bow much 'the' CultiiViont of _ the .grape and, minufecturn- rot wine in Una /country!! are:, Idestined ;to !do tti:mard slPPlying - the t:deniaid for ihtpxicafink . and,.iliminishiis the consume ioii of alcoholic liquors. 4.tpresent, ,' drawback is in the considurahle cnitraboat #0 a case. (But_tat the; extent of lands I •appropri rmla lotted to ',vineyards, is UM , ' and ;the ilimilier " oVinanafactureis , •tie comes iveater, the price Must pea sadly-be'. reduced at least one ; aid. therms bottle, of t pure champ gne wilt be alWisys Withm the reach of a mim . of Moder& :-means: ,1 1 ,r'' . . , ~ Trass.—lf , th re ar e ! he r r ing na tures thtit wistfUlly ask, with • e pty handii, what weimay with our- r-_. + ty &it° embellish the earth, to t m I Say, when a ll the works of Maxi are ended, he hail not - approached the in expressible beauty of GOd'i architeo , tare. Thoseitately elms, that , teach uS,Overt winter how ' meekly to lay our glories by,and receive the reverse of inevitable misfortune,Snd that soon Willjeitelkis to look forth 1 out of all niisfoitunee, 1 -and clothe 'ourselves afresh aftecOvery winter, *hat have y; thatlinay e,ciMpare;with Ili* ? The c thedrals Of the world are not traced as*these,,noXiso adorned, nor so full in of comuniaii, , nor have they pliant boughs on which,with humble might, they.swing' the peadeful singing bird and from whose swaying,. night and day, there is music in the air for them that know the sound. ' _;Of all man's: works of art: a cathedral }U3 1 greatest. A tree is greater than that. - Of all man's instruments of souud;au organ; uttering its mazy harmonies through the soMbre arches 9f the! reverend pile, is the grandest:; batlithe sound of summer in the forest!' IS grander. thW # l 4ti And if sve . Wander out from the arid: city till we come. to these crowned monarchs 'of the fields, ye :need , not " - be. ashamed lei stand with lifted handii, and - •bleis our God for,agif.t, of beauty greater than any man bitildri: It is here thit every one m s yyield. to life some pmbellish went. -To the home of your youth you may return with. gathered wealth, In replant , it ,With ilowerii. 1 : Your na liv* villae you May emboridim in well selenked , forests. The ftra.teler may, In another generation, jonruciy along your roads,oVerarched with elms or shinled . tiiith'stately oak*, j , Your vil lagert rnaysgrOw lovely in a thousand featti tiouniciiitin. very yard and: karden may •be apitradise ..21relt-' . , , • ry Ward Beecher. 1 1 • VITTILSTE ; OUR ..PRILDREti'iII `1k603111... ,-MOSfr,' parents. before retiring', to rest, make it a duty, to visit the sleep ing room of their children 4 They do so in. order .to ,be pitisfied -. that no dangeris threatening the little ones. But,if 6'o. leave the_ itioom with closed windows and doors,! , they Shut in as'great an enemy ulfire, altho' its ravages may, 'pot be ,so . readily detected. ' 'F'olson'is there;rand 'dead ly. t Morning after morning do many children awake, weary, fretful and oppressed. " What can it be ?" the mother cries. In despair She , has re course to medicine. , he constitution becomes enfeebled, and theichild gets worse. , The, canse,:rierharie,- ii, never titieed to:overcrowded sleeping room without proper air, but itl is ne7er theless- the right orni' , An iiiitelligent •mother having acquainted herself' with the principles , of Ventilation, will 'not retire to her own room for the. night wlthout 'having provided sufficreneiof air for hei children, in the same manner that she provides :and regulates. their night covering, or any Other requisite for j udiciously *lumber. „ , Sometimes by ' lowering - a wiridtm, and at other times by leaving a door t ope; this end ', mart.% attained.. ; . 4 . t many houses the!diy , and: night nurseries ccimnirmioate: When this ts the'case the Window of the farther room sho'd be lei .open:' Even in severe wealh e.7r, ng Children can bear, this' ar range ent If they' skis riot expesed to a direct 'draught. ' tni Vilma: 6 Athhisov.-Llt is the result of every , day'sexperience, that * st4dy, attention OA:cotter's or detail .lies , at the root of human progress, and dilignice -aixTe'all, iii.the moth . . 'er of good luck.' h f .ccura4 ls_al‘ , fninch importance,. _and an invaria , le mark of good trainin g -!- a ccuracy it speech, 440ouraoy in the .transaction, of !affairs— What is donti is business-; 'lust be Well donei for better. to accomplish a 'perfectly a amall amount, of work, -thait—half do ten tithes - as • 11114:i.: d'iefie. - ' , him used'te ,say;or . 'f Stay n - littlif that we unit make an end•'seoner.'' . 'iroOlittl rittentibn, hofeifer,is . ioad to, this h ghlii.inpor-• I lard quality of iseentacy. „As a man, 'eminent in practical' sci "bee, ' lately sobierved : "Itienstoniat4g how few people I have . met in the course of my •e•Speiiunoe:wki:Cfsn d*it_fSo' jfeciratelk: ' Yei rib - ilium AFS ire, ' it is the ninupei, injst i iptii small mat. C 4e die iiikeiqdteor- thatsi3tieti- decide en for or against you. j With vir tau, capacity and good conduct in ~914elltit i likictd,"thitistrinikWlidtis &eV,: ituallyinaccurate cannot be trusted, 1. , iti tfOrV lont tOlie - 40 .411*, Aign; 1414 he.dhua,,osusesF.,endless,4nnoy -I,ollOporeplionand..trotiblOP-_: • • .. '' , . Tipw i ..,,,:.,„ , ,ppidoni-, in the, **g i g:: A 1 ',, , .. , • listilit fad Ms lan' ~" :#4 l4 iiii i•W i'ilited it before It • ' - :=lond ,it , lxifire . it was I% ' • 113111 • so much NiFluultarst ~,, lolgstitsui, ontitinUkedliika, wife NM. Ali OLD-IV:CUED -11WEILLTtqw ! . -ataiittaif is iiir, 'Omit. ' '' ..;_. • , , ---. ~. 1 .,•. , :.,„:_-_, -, ~ ..,..r.1.: I. 17 1, . • ' ham: ( 4 ' 'pimp or, Fiveautd, Twenty:Tear& 0P WO'Jake the fig" lowing admire)) e paaturo,of; a.,Sn,n; daY in *Colin ' : ' '::' ', ' ' . ' liiihe the thee, iehe*titenlim Bots up'and loolts fir it the:east we, not far .from . 44 o'clock of a Sunday , Inon4g, -On) g00( 1 farm et : folk bestir themselves right early; - --, 7 'ln placoof . setting the pitcher in the . dingy area 'fiw,*3'. milk-and-water man, they turn out 'to , fill their 'own frothy . pails , as soon; - (*delta' y, as sunrise, and kV off the dPwY4I 3 94. - cd eciws toPast e again. The ch - . drsit 'are all broil& up to'the kitch-' en sink and scrubbed• and rubbed till they take on a shine, like new furni ture. Pretty soon-old aunts slip out into the garden.and..snap nff osprig or two- of lilac bloasoms frotn the bash close by the gate, whit% they : stiek-, into : broken-nosed' pitchers shout the mantels and. hearth. The farmers themselves, in snowyshirt eleeves, are everywhere : about, the barns, greasing inn their wagon- Wheels, tinkering at the harness, and indulging in aeneral- fuss of pre paration for the hour of meeting. Breakfast being , done and tho,chil-: dren haying.taken off , their long at.., 'tires, a tedious Spell—to them—irt tervened till chdrch tithe. Where the family' is a pious and well-order ed one, the. restless. young folks are, 'seated around .the room in a silent circle, generally with a Testament in their hands, and there they keep 'them fast, sitting stiffly, primly and uncomfortably, until , the hour comes laggingly, around. No matter. if a golded winged humble-bee does .in at the open window, or a lady' batter-- fly shakes the Yellow . dust from ' the velvet of her gorgeous cloak, 'just over the window sill ;_ or a, - bird cornea and sings on a low bough hitt& by, to let the boys feel how unspeak ably joyous out-door liberty must be. of a Sunday morning ; there must they all sit' in 'a row," with facelas rigid as the copies of Miles Stand ish's; and , spirits crowded:,back into the . pit . of youthful despair, till the' old Clock in, the yout hful ringOout tin, and perhaps a little" while after;- : After thenountry wagons begin to stir the: dust on =the .roads, they - de not stop to let it settle-again.. One family party close' beldhd another ; a white horse pulling Up 'behind'a red one, and 'a lean beasechasing up after.a: pot-bellied One . i a` loitering line, of , sturdy young fellows, honest and lusty, , whose necks and \hands have been tanning all the - 'week in . the hot Cornflelde ; now two maiden = ly women in bonnets to match their years=now a hobbling old mart whip is not able' to keep a horse,' turning\ about alt the while to let the tvagonto pass , him,.i _girls crowded in on ,the back . seats' Attie cost of - much Of the ' starch" in their Sunday attire - ; these are the_sights that 'give knew face, on "that day, to the landscape'. Yo s ee. nothing like it near, the clip. .iosyou would hardly , think that e N,,,, se a picture could be sketched from ife anywhere. ' Alm at every country meeting house lw\a plat of green graktabe-. {ore and ardund it; and, occasionally, a few. trees, 'Cld elms, or vigorous growing maples. Commonly, too;'a sign-post—the ,inmost - for knots of men, , before , sti-vices\open., , , 'Within, , ' theron they " attentively\study the probate, town, and socieWa proola . \ mations. ' ' It is painfully clear that no y feels iat his ease in his, Sunday clo ;. es ; f at efforts to appear so only make thafact more apparent. This one is in a ' sorry state of doubt the best place for his . hands; and you geese he. wishes she could 'have left theni at home.That_ first ' one and then the other-thrusts itself about in every, conceivable I position of emir wathneee and unrest, as, if they were in conspiracy to play him. false and let him down. Another betrays a slight, personal acquaintance with the_ hat he wears that day, ,continually tipping it - back and 'pulling_it for ward upon his head. ,Still .another ghes 'around 'Offering ,-..,hW hind to' et , - altiody, as if he thbirgt.thein mast he sortie, Inagic in the town's palm's. The uneasiest and unhappiest Of all' laughs; when he catches any one elie laughing; though he can gigs no skirt of reason , why he should.. If: Coe of tho other sea chances :to paps:him.on her way in, he heights, b,.throwing a glance at, her o uneakitddy; and ends with a eqUare,and. courageous turri about ,studying .the' motionsiof her shoes till they take her up the - etepa ,and out o f. his eight - :.! . , C 4 . gs,Gimnuz....--Ben. W.,:served in 'the Revolutionary War, and ,had, been in .the habit of repe,ating his_ long - and to ugh yarns so often that it laSt he . &any - believed them hiMeelf. 1 ,12.100u1d give iiipeisonai;ineedete :ittiont every battle *of the 'War, in - 1 *thiohlehimself 'always figured as . ' *hero: . On s being askeir: if he' . *VaS in the. battle of, lifon,fiontki.lie..... ,plieirt --- , _.: 1 , : , : ..-7. - „ ~ - -- ." .I . guess . ; Evian.. I- haill:mlright i liaiid pocket full, of, powder, , my left band pocket fUll of bullets, and J, had 14thei's`14041=1MitelediAttegun seven, feet' lone 7-I put in A. handful of :bullets, and every . ' bane I let her Or. I-lmocked -doww. Oil Britkih.444 fifty:at a . time -I :. General 7.:Washlig tot rode pp,,AnkSikid;'_93eu do 444. I ye:4'6lol4_ them - . to o-badl'-.. , I.touehedi my hat at, the 4 Getetal 1 --4 as ,ca4di. • Wall, 13enoral d lot sag • - - ' - co+lik Cease firing T . but I: thirdr:'l, bught*) kil:a",fo*lll9o44olo`liecn*: _.grail With that the Geeer.e. l -9ToPt '''' Toni- Idwit 06,- sok' fl*oarlot Ito' aria around ; j imp, exclaimed ~ ' lei!. rba't ball me Genervelainelifeo4o1 2 , 1 •..- , . ' 2 . 1. ", 'ci .• , , lor • "JAW' ju!mwk ,4 (l 43. , J.t4.77; (4 (4. . n LISWX dist rated oeit' 'Able fit Ittith" Mira' se*allY; asitiltotiot4eiy, 1114 anytentti particular , thoalitcrw 1t is rare: Pbeeei PrAfr a tbauo,,tur l q se. thoc P ai r,4lo e - b 'f i ll I' l 4' a l lane. l 4 .1; 4 WI 1, Aeaddink *hi iei called a bat in Virghde and Jo Reef the BoxitimnuiStietes t but to - the Gila, ward;thename iegcnerally., rcO r eiveti is the. Night Hawk. ,The present'spe cies must 'net be Conflimidel with the Whipopoor-wilt—it btrd,jthlit ittecnee what resemble+, •butdwhickie alto gether different , bird. Tye name, of thepresent upeOies iq a.misnomer. - It is: o ft en seen alproail in kr - At sunlight,' and "every f after noon in slimmer keen be`seen sunset:: On dont: days it is abroad all day. As soon as the, twilight be gins to deepen into, night. it retiteste vest as regularly as any.otherlAiurn al bird, the only differenoxiin the case of this species` being that, it retiree a little later. A The male bird of this species pre" ducesk very peculiar noise. lite flies very high up in the air, and then sud denly turning, he precipitates him self very rapidly, expanding 'his mouth as he does so. Now thiss° , tion produce:4 a very , pecnßat ing sound, like that, produced VI blowing in the bung of an empty cask. • The 'female never produces this Bownd, ittunge to 'relate. Both the male and thefemale have a hoarse note, which can be heard et a consid• erable distance. , The flight o'• the Night _Hsu* is :very powerful and -rapidoind they possess all the grace' and ease while : on, the wing , that are 41:03,attribufea of Swallows. , TeWardikhe last week iii,Aprilike Night Hawk arrives in Pentsyliania .from the south ; and, ittakes its de: part= from Pennsylvania about the 'middle of ' SePleinbei. Of', course they 'Move South 'from - those' States north of Pennsylvania much sooner. • ' The, food of this species consists of various smaltinsectu-lhat abound,in the ,air. Of these it consumes an ink= menfe quantity. etates`tlia t tha he shOt some of Ahead birds -during the Month' of Auguit; and 'found their stomachs tct be, crammed. with. criek -03, , I • )- '•-• r • - The Might Hawk breeds during the last' two weeks' Of 'May and the!first* two ofiStme. We haveloimalwo of their nests ourselsva, one flu June 11, 1863, land one on May 20; Both Jif the preceding nests, were. iburid p Chester Co,' Penn. Another' egg in 'bur "collecti on`' was Kind on May 19,- 8866, in Widoonsin.' Two others m.our.collection, from fleeter Co., P 311 ! 1 _9 wPrO:,t-f Ol /0 PY luh-and we, i nre nuable, give . , tho A ide ,of their, calletron.''•Three Other,eggs our 'Cabinet; from lowa, shoWno material, variation. , ',I ; In \ ; the • two instances spoken of above,j in which we, ,found,the eggs of thisierd, no preparation had been Made for thniggs' ; in one instance they were laid on where"'stump of a trees-14W ,inches from the -ground,' and in the other'right on , thelocks, a atone quarry, Is both . , case'. the number o f f ecrgs was two., Thin is the' - regular nuMber that` the - bird lays, • :and we have never heard of i more: , The color of . the egg is of a dirty whitish or . yell - ow l ground, coy eied thickly with markings of a light elate color-and a Yellowish' brown.— The markings , vary is size' and, Anon= tity in different sPeciinens: l lAlso the ground color varies. ,On an average,- the ':.eggs of this - bird :measure from 1.23 tcrl.2s 'inehes in length,and .82 to' .85 inches in breadth.' The female bird' will it on her eggs until the intruder is within-alesi feet of her, and she wiii-then flutter along the', gro,nrA \ as if wounded, and: by a thousand little artifices endeavor to make yon folloW her tifiWntiedisttirb her nest:' The Poet Thomson calls this `..gpious fraad',", It is kept ni ,until .'the , intruder is•eo,me -distance, 'from the • nest; (that . is if lie follows her,)- and She then ` mounts in the , air and flee out of night. `Wheirth young.birds.are hatched they:do, not resemble Writs in, shape at, All,,and . they are difficult W distinguish from the gtOtinit ate , &big. They ;e 'covered'Si' Over With a -brownlEih. colored down. have never heard' of their raising ,Imore . ,-than one urood in i t fletia(SU. , NORAIS. . A•good storiis -tOld 'ore' eirtaitv plonel in the lsts.warl, Thecolonel *rekaid witafijaiagADAHOtsge:coaCh With several ether psssenliern, when, i he aCeidentilly ' dropped hie hat'ontH Side 'the ''edach: Patting ' l lll 'head .o utof , the-ins& %Widow; he e claim eit in a eteustorian troice;,,!:o &Het eet• Pam? I Thaye lostiaythipeall4 The driver paid no ' heed to the 'de., mend. Again the bombastic fellow inthoritively— spalie," Charoteer, , pattse.i I.haire. lost ray atutpoA..' 7 7 - No attention foeing - . .paid by, Ae dFi• ver'bi'' this list" c o mmand , 'a' Piain,, blunt' man,thwhe hat becoine'disgust= - ed ; withi his"' ktlbroyalielonrsilltheas i-PcoPe'litts ; p t. hieihead ontkeE the ,Win4Pwo.,a,n4-Asid, !!-D4YeTvhollA on ; this enntOrnided'foolhas lost his bats 'Thiti 'siiii 'perfectly' intelligi: Me to the Ariver, - :eiPletive:and all; Sad the hat arta wean& ~, • 'l' . .. 4 ‘,NidliTAßUi r Pai !" eiCiabileCt an ojd bl 4, ' , don't' talk to. me of golf stmt The beat Negetabla eiret,madcs is an ama° damphng. • Pot deft oymg amailing `orthabtomach there% nethintUe Mit : Foliiit s inly Igissikailicartsy, /14- krnail tady °Mind the. kalawing.t9a9t zoinsg Allen of Agledei: Thou 'atioi"o'br imppoif; one' anna.thatexased.'!3:ltall.***-611 ; ' 4 41' Gamiimita: , yitio - wittelating sif iht .44-,zatt,,vith inj Chenhaile from a fall, was hy surgeon if it it.siX nma• the rieitatine that'heitad berg Mat r=nlitb, : Aff#4. .t` foams ilia ...,‘ g -,-...... ..5....,,0._ ~. , ila are useetibilitellivr Ibt' l tb#°ail 1 iliddikabilllol4VibOreithat4ooo7T ' I,dai Aifio pulig)ein, ve-, ipyxli,.Abq.,„.ol .. et part Of which,,App, T o ol ‘ s o r , „ fi.m atiroad Thetimberland akiges It ~. an, rt.l rgt4Wit? faMifrfi: -, - .., the best., lid it-ilie - -141;''?" 41 L , •i • or: tlreing! Which .".,. .7 Juslivikat thwsepply Amu-. . -,. nearly exhausted byruanatt Geibtaily I 1. ' '- ri :'.4:ll . 4Tf i klikS tk iimsei t t , 1,... .. ; . witeig the ,3PegP ,. . p !Ply direir :niost flourishing, there , are severef' sl : mentifitetodesv..tberflargestor -*itch - • iii et iiiteizOkeptty ther:Raberfitotklmt,a elth. It :is a. family business witlr.4i ihelPtliekikt.* IlikkfEffkad9, 44 er- . . - Wing ,NAP. I .IPPIKeg 1 .% , rtil-A r o' , - , ,' Ilieixi i andbas been • 'canted on un Jr.,. - tifivatt6titioablet,tifitionelniita , r-, renowned. AcittsinitfietoryrAitr\di bilited.lforg 000 3 0,ttime.:11tiVoncond; !!lase., and.isPiltheT L.443oAhreuana; i ci: 14a now:been, established near O. .. tokeetTetelAniiiy.'"Aettii istiib: . liiihment iiiiiilY 016i/fort is' liduill'''' biAlsiaahinexy, mild* irt,lixmetrueteds-. '§yartachiniatil rat.Abe.444.Fsory. LwWiciiii 14 Germany pencils are - made 10y2,, x 1 41, 11 ;„ 4 , 1 -,,9%.„ th!, itrapO i °C. : pencils : ar I,•p,i, b i l l eatlli with • mill si'siii.' "Onelet - f the tivadeit''' blips aregrOoved, and fitted to ethei'l '•pieties ealledmemoractend thenlefir till - the: lead is. ineerted,....llumbiga.\JA . is not properly prepared until itlhask.„.x °K.O.VaIIY ! I ,Pfacalal Of Ptl c 'o.ll' minin g pre s sin g a , oak= , irig. When it comes out of the f ierlid -' ' mill, .it t goes into large -tallith where ' it is-refined -aiul:•separated frotitAlt_ biiredierrtiq'and •itia then 7 . plikled ia , zl; a bowlahaped machinei-vrhere •it is,as_ rolled &admixed., lt is next Fuss& and. this Ps.: th e.. mast.l4 11 , 11 4 8 .4g1af ...-. ;the various ; of prep aration;. -. it uudergeee. A .eylinder with tidies'' . in,the toter:oil IS -used; and throu gh _ ,these - run& -the lead= iii • hexagon, • • . square; Itirtind,'or silly othersbape! 't-'- wanted, and is received br coils nn= - .L. denieath, l ib , a small,. Iloy, who .man- ages lb& ,t board on *deb 4 .falb; 4, I with.. great.,. dekterity.. Other*,boys:: k take the d afterward And prEtskin. .., models, which are then sent `to the heatiifg-room for drying'irid harden -- ; ing ; '' .for - the lead, when it icintes -', from their:vas,. is soft and flexible;" and wanting in. tenacity, It bilift 17 , ' in thecketiting :roota ..OP3 day,. when . it is.removed _to a kiln,, where , , Ott in otticibles and burned after the„, manner ,of 'burnt-brick. When this.,,. , is done,, about twenty gitis er e kept employed in '' pitting the leads its,to grooves, 'and' gluing' , on the' dovers,'''. andthis work is performed inJa'verril rapid and Systematic style. -' The . '" cutting of the strip itdone by kniirea run by a machine, And, aftpr theyaye tune - dont are .put into.- arioth_er mat ~ chine, where they are 5m00tW.,.., „ , From there they go to•thP,,P4TPPc - Ws sliori;*where' the Oda ate - neatly , _cut, and t o e . then riasEr thiotiihqt;'.' polisber's halide,- thel'prihteraean.'-' the counter's and .are finally pais. . boxes ready for sale.- 1 ..-:. : . • , ....:.•,...- 4. • LJA ___Z_ FUN, -FACTS , AND, FACETIE, - •6 s • ", r • :%trik t ,„,.. kr.,40( .." KEEP not ot,ignetlatatkikuOttBlM4: err Irishman remarked of a lady very icin to`liira--"Bidad . . she a perfect geitleatan:r - 4 •el 4 .:„ A copir.NEY, seeing an urchin lying "' Walter; remarke& that! the' boy - 000 ld.not Roo straight bPeatolif be . Was , f ide. " I wouder, l ? said a Scotehmaideni r what my brother, John sees the Wises : that them' siti•Welli w tior my , Wad niLgai...:tba company ter... cum for"! • !IF,entY 4. 188 e 8 ." • " DaOsu r rsa,, why do . you not Wear • 0 1 1 1 ' '4 , Beeatise, papa, thiy hurtme Wheti any.• . • body squeezes my hand?". :T • . 7.: " What business have you, I would kli j c,„ :l to know , to have your band squeezed ?"- , • mini - ; brit still , yorilmoiripa tro like to ,-• . :• t. i. • : • ../ I Lovk •Or IVATEs.--Some persona ?. shrink, from. bathing, but when they once • ge'rt. need- 'lktit WiredisPernsable: A midi: . cal limiter _ _ • c• TF;- , "Let a child ery morning for stiteeri 'yeais, *MIA , soon go without iik,lueskfeat ea_hie ,Punosorwitis say -that shuttingAhs.. •T eyeamakes the sepses. ofMarin' g more ute. A wag/suggests that this accounts for.. the many closed eyes that are seen at church' orient Sunday.. • : I. - • .14:1415w 'York .• correspondent of: eh • English piper states that the ladies ofikiii - - toroutstrip the ladies of New . tork.• AT a yorn . ig latly'fra,seminary , - rccgot ly, anring'anexammation in history; one of /the most_ promising pupils lead haerrogn tedi "Mari. -did )5m Luther die allat- utak death $" "No. ". wanut,he reply , " he Was exisairinstinilated by a bnl4" . ' A womalPis-not fit, tu f haye bv hu who' &peel:ilia:to* liOw • to hoblit;: is as tree of tongue es of a baby. " • • Bciiitou'reii,think : s that ing the Queen tif - Hangtti7 Mid& 'the - right armpit•wM a ticklish operAtion. , . . . . , . I.l,he , Bafialo Commerctit 1 is ;respon--::. Mble to; the folloNhig : A ; certain . well.' "ktiolin ittiliottd . employe," who. -was rather ',.' inalined to• expensive amuimments, recently'. 1 " - astonished buk ,frierids .by sorting . a gay , horse and' - oatahlianimintf • --One.of'- 'hiss - friem34, , , is .mitising-, the-. abircud's:eamice-. -: date, said: J , He was -got by 'Conductor . -, of 24tow.5,Min and Ewe —. ..., :-.•.-, ~ _ _ • •• , , . Max Ftsarmaroli has -, been‘iiiiidh* --, - 'OS health officer's weekly repeats siidthinks: '' that "total r must be an awtel disease since so many dba.of Wei- of ell . the rest fit 'tol gether..„. :,j,,..,: . , 7 , : .. . ,-, -, ~ , , ... i s • ~ . " . A RURAL' contributor says • he - baS: .. belonged his' establishment, and ne .. w keepi .a head of mien, acheed of :hen,.: nixiiissreral - - heal. of cebbig%; while he is so.h3qtryingto , : i 'keep - ehena'of the times. - . l'. ~•.;.), ~ ..' , „ r , ~. I' Eriiiii ar e quite a numfier - of reins . l4 • . physicians in Pliladelphia , The editor of the Press antis %kora i one: tit Ahem it: Shi wore her,heir oripped*rt like a z00krz,....ft0..,:!`f asked:her Why s - and elie rel tre : ''"'Beesuse , . 'I am brie: o t the docked , • .1.. ' 1 A " Pruktuzi.ruti - la;wyer ", gives Ake following iltiiii4tion: - of lawerid eqrdtirr.::-: !.AttOonunon law you tare cue onea.;,- - 'at equity' rite are not itb' etkii4y d isposed a. ... ;Oasts pro :deltoid "'and' the ofherid lniiati' , .•• -.-il 1i ;I ,c" 19.:1 ...i.N. e - Tiiijur. is -a boy :AlONvrt East Whp, is .„. catiatomdio:i& - oti'fielatirdid'Ois.A. 0 ' .mitate the steam iNfdatie an-iPelifeatlyituth 'deceive the the n.: His last . atteMpt=prtived .etthently aimeeisful: - the.' : _dePeo 4l ~...t , 4 1 0eiv COMO OM and,tswitehed r _ AIM 011. • ' •• • t •• • ' • •• • . 4 t. CMlsaiN old lady of,o r aCquaiUt intoe'whotusii never Meowe tie efiro`m ,-- 1011104111.0._year.ttoxiait i. She ha 4 .i no sooner alighted from a c than a niert. tc4c hold of her Orm•withilf usual ' ,' Tale 1 ,Ikeabr •.14aoking.' 1 0,* c.441 , :* ,the feee. she .. drawleillant;hekiitaiingilil ' !, te4l d 01240. t s i . •Bi l ,#it l y goal-to-este -' ,'=.'-'' ..c , A mamma liidy,.\iii , . ing - ori utio -- ;: Satnntay_moluMgolislike;., -ak-q ruxhin . went to lukkon, ii'dishui*.f felt , inilis, .. to dosione Argyll*, . .. ,- . in'the'nitirsi:H toga and mtu.' zed at.. the_ •- . ' hour: That a ' - woman is rara ads. . ..