Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 25, 1867, Image 2
I= Ntll3o 'from 01, Na ',no. —A: tititviug, tlOatiteriog expeO, tion'is on foot in NOW York apinst Mexico: man named liforia was fined' $lOOO last ti-eek_isltloatreal, or sedating his cousin. —Tile Albany and S squehanna Railroad is now , opened ],loea to bridge. - 1 -Garabaldi bus issued an - address declaring that he and* "Sons plll fightliir the liberty of liCane. ' • —A. Penn Yen 1 .her pock et picked' of $l3O at Cam... gun depot the other day. 1 —The :first,przze-fo foot racing at Watkins, on the Fourth, -iris' taken by a colored boy of Horsehea . •. - —Commodore 'Nut and- Minnie Warien are Lb be marrie * - r —Large deposits a coal have been fotiuti.-on'the Kansas". oh of the Pacific railroad. • • , —One hundred and twenty Union League Clubs are now in'operation in the , a —The' search fey new island in the Pacific Ocean has proved unsuccessful t Prussian minister has.beeti recalled from Alttmico. • —A plot Lai be murder the Queen of S "- —The Grand Di. of„Temperatice of the will - meet at Saratoga -1.16 latest newi cable,- is that tea has ti in price. Tewtopers . r! —The fallitre . of Gra)rge A. Wie)Fes Co., dry goods merchants of New York,is announced. (Liabilities in this country, 2,500,000. —Hereafter the= Austrian ministry is to be - responsible to Parliament. This is progress in a queer quarter. with the • Indians occur red at \Vallace, lianhas, on the 2G of June. Roin - iiiiNse, a celebrated Cheyenne chief, waf, killed.' Thirteen white soldiers were killed. —A m en 80 years 011, while cros sing the 'ferry from New Y Irk to Brooklyn. last week, laid his watch and pocket-book on the (gel: and jumped overbear:l to drown himself. lie was rescued. •Papstown,,lll., a farmer hung himself last week,the day after his Marriage to a beautiful young girl, because" gossip wire had'lived infamously. —On Foiday of last week an en gine, tender jld baggage car were thrown from the ti et of the Erie Railroad about 10 miles 'E t. of Elmira, by a broken rail. The engineer and fireman were killed, 1, —When SNlaxAmilian's troops found that thti mast surrender the-city of y4ra Cni ,they,plenned , the sacking of the whole, c'' , put , were prevented by the American and British members with war ships to back them. , ." . Col o J J. Patterson has prosecu tedthe p r ubli,licrs of the Juniata RepubliNit t Otopperheadi for libel. • —The ! lusaue Asylum, ip HarFis 'tiarg, ts-40,,a114 no mOre psti:ntscari be reedived - at present. riew war steamer,named Push. matitha, has been' launched at the Phil adelphia Nary Yard. .couudrel,. at Empdriurn, erdZown ty pole that had'been rais ed for the 4th of July flag staff. The' Tact is now made public-that tiro ;..:litany Commission that convicted Mrs. Surritt recommended her to the mer cy of President ?Johnson. • t..) • —A workman ia the Pennsylvania Steel Works was burned to deatii,last week, 'by molten steel falling upon and over.him. A. little son . of Peter 'Shaffer, with —'resides aboe Selinsgrove, was accidentally drowned on Wednesday oflaStweek. —Daniel Daniels, of Tamaqua, has • teen arrezqe..3 , for the crime of incest and hastardy , with his own daughter. —Hun. George Boal, pf Centre = cdanty, late U. S. Revenue Assessor, died on Monday of last week. • His age was 71 yews. • —l n Mai ion Township, Centre, county, last week, an infant six montlii old blipped off the bed, caught by the tjrawing string of its night-gown• and hung itself. It was found dead by its mother. —Mrs. Isaac Saylor, of Cressouia, Schuylkill 'county, fell from a cherry tree, last week, and broke her collar-bone, one leg in two places, and several of her ribs. —The Philadelphia Council is pre paring to impeach Wm—J. Ovens, the as sesior, who is charged with murdering the gallant young Col. William Riddle. , --The Pittsburg Post, a democrat= is paper, advises its readers, in case Grant is nominated for President by the Iteribli cans, to disregard party ideas and vote fo Writ. • —Abbot ten miles above Reading, we learn from We ,Dispatd., 'a blind horse run away i,kith a little child on its Lackr,,inid tlatabled into the Schnylkill,and both2were atowned. T -Vil toiiian says tbat_the citi zens of Who.ontown, Turbntville, andvicin ity, are , : + ,itating the subject of a railroad, ,to run from Turbutville to Watsontoymand connect with the Philadelphia ! ,t, Erie; —A boy, 13 years old, while eleep •ing ou the railroad track, near Wrightsville, last *self., was run over by a train which cat off both legs, both arms, ani crushed out his entrails. He Jived several hours. —The Williamsport Water Works are about laying a pipe across the river. • —A fourteen year old daughter of Joseph Harris, at Loch Haven, man killed by lightning. I . . —The Congregatiorialists are about crectbig a church at tilliam3port - jeter Herdic gives je site, and $20,000 h been subscribed. —The agents of theAlbanY steam en are selling tickets to New York'a - t tmeu -Iw-five cents each. The Troy. steamers are equally liberal in; their dealings 7ith the traveling public. --In the late fire at, Itbacii- the Danocrat informs us, the men would no work the' brakes, while ladies volunteered, and aid take the place of manhood, work ing the engines while the poor sneaks stood b - ~s43orne years ago, the Iteaditig itsilrotia ;Company charged James Petit, a colultietor, with embezzlement, Sad he paid to btlV6 a prosecution. Last - week fu uvuzkit, rutt against the compuny for extoitios and the axbitrstors aWar .344l .1,4 u tit Towanda, 'Thursday, Ju1t251147. Union Repub/ican Noinisudio i. . • FOR JUDGE OPTk*Lifirrti* fi 11(m. HENRY NC -wrmars, The danger >of eteoting 1 -ocprier. head Judges is shown by reference to the past -, judicial " Opinions" of the magistrates of that stamp. ' In 1861, iihen the Soutti'aeceded; Judge Blaak, Ifuelmen's Attorney Generl, ptomulgitted'ithe "Opinion,"= officially, that t,he .Gen;, eral Government , had no right' to co. erce a Stale even in go grave a mat er as Rebellion. President Btic4l)4 on adopted , that view, and rertwed to reinforce or provision thezirrition at Fort Sumter, - or. to resist the hos the measures of/the traitors which resulted ( in the. surrender of that Fort, and kave to the P4elti their firstlinceess., Jidge Black, at the late Harrisburg Convention; ea . dorsed Jodge Sharswood as haviag diecdvered to " no unsound spot, on may be taken to mean that , he held in Of the Sone to of New York, e.24th inst. the same views Iv 1863 the Copperhead Judges of the Supreme Court of _gennsylvarda from China per n a great tumble declared the Draft Law unconatitu tional, they- having at that time a majority on the bench. , FoitnnatelY the Republicans elected Judge Ag- new in that year, and this decision was over-ruled soon after, by hid vote. Butler this circumstance our State would have been involved in direct conflict with The General Gov erament, and our citizens probably with each other iiithis deeply im portant question. Judge . Sharswood endorsed Judge Woodward, who was at the head of this conspiracy, at that time, and Judge Woodward now endorses Judge Sharswood as a nt and proper man to succeed him on the Supreme Bench of the State. In 1864, Judge Shorewood himself tried to get his Court in Philadelphia' to declare that U. S. Treasury Notes were not a legal. tender--and pro mulgated an elaborate °pillion that the Act of Congress declaring them to be so was unconstitutional and therefore void. Fortunately again, his two Republican colleagues, Judges Strong and Hare over-ruled him, and this second attempt at null ification was averted, and Pennsyl .vania saved from disgrace. The people can judge from this what sort of law may be anticipated from the Supreme 13ench of the'State if Judge SharewoOd should hold the, balance of power.. Let them take care not .o afford Judge S. an oppor tunity to give mere flecisions of the same sort. _ FOREMN.—Adviceslfrom the Isle of Candia via Athens; state that the Cretaqs are preparing a squadron of five fire-ships, wherewith to attack the Turkish fleet. supporting Omar PAha's army. The Austrian Reichstath advocate resolutions favoring the recognition of ; the equality of religious and ac knewledging the legality of the mar riage ceremony When performed 13 , ) civil magistrate. • Measures are being taken to reor ganize the Honveds,., or Hungarian National Guard. A dispatch from Paris announces that the Vrench Government is con tinuing its warlike preparations.— Large numbers .of horses are being purchased for the use of the army and the employes- in the military workshops are overtasked with work.' old tapoiiii. NM= COUNTY OF ALLEG BA - OM The warlike preparations of France have awakened fear of war through out Germany. < Great distrust pre vails in commercial circler, and Gov ernment and other securities are sat. The review of the royal volunteers gotten up in honOr of the Sultan, took place at Wimbledon, Saturday. The twelve thousand men ia line ma nceuvred. with admirable pregision.' The Derby Refor r in Bill was under discussion in the House of Lords, Saturday. The Tories sustained the bill and Ford Grey opposed it. Much dissatisfaction is expressed by the Russian Press atl the lenity of the sentence passed upon the assas sin Berezowski. JUKE * SHARSWOODIN FAVOR OF REPtr. DlATiOlC—Whenbrave ben were rail ing to peril their lives in defewe of the Government and when those who had tikomeans were willing to place them at the disposal of the Govern ment,trusting in good faith that they, would be. repaid ; at that moment George W. Sharswood,lrom the - be:Leh of one of the highest pouticof the . State, rendered an opinion "looking to the repudiation of the national debt, It was the most wicked blow struck trt the. time- at the existence,of the QGovern• went Arm lil►n IT NOT. BEEN FOR TUB STERN AND TREE LOYALITY OF THE OIHFLE, , IN DISASTER TO of this fact is to be' trusted ? r this question WOULD RAVE BEECTLTED TUE NATION. In vie Judge Shars6.odfit Let the people answ: at the polls. The State M. memory of, the Penns who. fnll in tots built in the -Capitol gi burg, 14 John McF City. Be will receive work. B. Section 2 invests District ue 4, 7 • - witil„ the 4ao,iser,fo, remove tiP§ 3l4 Per!io?? I ?PlOiPg oPfle iP 9 3 P oel E l taten, aubjenp,tn:t4AliliapiT, al f the General of the - eirm3i or th",. sec three - in-, vnet4:444l -general the removA,a. a ,mmln eita reier redoin-lebion two. • •- .; •-: . ti . Section fon4\sonfirms . j hat has al ready been Oahe by the District .ders; atid . .Makes, it , theidity• to . remove from Office dialoyttl,persons, or Orscins ibwhii•try to obstruct„the worki'ngs' of the ReiionstrtictiOnlawk, Scilorl five •Te4ltel s ,fc ili'l4Y,ot the board of pegiiitr!,stieS, ignmiAle .. board authority to take Itestimily, and making it the d'uty o the. bolil to'reieet the re'gistrationlof 'peratin4 , who l have'not the necessary .qualifL catihns.;, No person shall 'be dis* qual ified from being a member of the board by race or -color. f• S6ction six 6dlares "ttiat t4e:tftie intent and meaning : Of the oath pre seatedin eaid snppleme • t art' act in (among other things) tha no person what has been a membe r f the teg islatureof any State, or ho has held any. executive or judicial ffice in any State , ,, whether he has en , an oath to eopport the Ccmstitu ion. of the truitcd ' 1 States or not, on whether he was holding such office ;at the corn: mecement Of the rebelifum, or had held it , before, and who has after wards engaged in insurNction or re• bellion.pgainst the-Tnited States . , er given - aidnnd comfort to !the enemies thereof, ,is entitled to be , registered or to vote ; !and the wordp "executive and judicial' office in a4y State, in said oath mentioned, shall be constru ed to include all civil o es created iu , lay for the adminietr tion of any 1 keleral laW of a State, or for the ad ilillistratiOn of justice. I - Section seven gives until October lor i'completing the registration: Section •eight makes" all holding office in the militUry dbittricts take the oath prescribedjor the officers of United States. 1 I section nine prescribes ".that no :district , commander, or member of r,e board of registraoon, or any fficer or _appointee Aicting under them, shall be bound in kip action iby 'any opinion of any civil omcer of thlUnited States." I r S ection ten giveiyhelcvmmanding general power tollegire members of [ the board and fill *nudes. Section eleven enacts that all the , provisions of this act', and of the acts to which this is supplementary, shall •be construed. libpraly, to the end that all the intents R thereof may be fully and - i)erfectly carried out." GREELEY REWARDED.-I . llq President, before the tidjournment of Congress, i I nominated Mr. Gsust,sl as Minister to Austria, objection bing made in the Senate to his conftr Cation, it was laid over. The Times payk: "The, facts about Mr. GREELEIp 111314 . 11atiOR I _ irtithe Senate are substsaiall these: Mr. Suussn reported. tnat e Com mittee had had the nomination un der consideration ane - reported it back---favorably. Sevcral • Seoators .cSlleArsfor the vote,.at 4noe, and the sin rmiiti ve vote was I calle,d ). when M. Ttrrox asked the effect of an ob jebtion to its immediate considera tion. The Chair replied that it would p4stpone it one , day ; which was , egnivalent - in this case to; postponing iti until December next. Several Snators appealed to *rl Tif•Rx to withdraw his objectiori, ,as he &hid effect his object just is well by vot ing in' The negative. Ife replied that 1 1LO might do so were he certain that fr. GREELEY would be defeated; but . It . s' he had no assurane . e of that, he li st insist oil his objection, "for," ad he, with increasing earnestness, !!(never i will I censentto conferring i Inch honors upon thp bailsman of i.Fy.' Devzs." ~ ; It is due to Mr, Gunn to say Oat he treats the appointment. as a il.ractical joke," it having been made without his solicitation or de site - -is- .• • - '•:. Gum' vsJOIENSON.,--4 rom the cor respondence made pi lie, it 'Would Eletn,`that Gen. Gran does not re !. gerd the President's circular to the, 4ilitary , Commanderd- embodying, the opinien of the Attorney Generil, sii of any binding force. Johnson, Seward ; and- Stanbe' , ithereOre,- 169 red 404 brotiffht orth *nothing. "Enforce your 'own - traction of the military bill until rdered to do otherwise," says Gran to' 'Sheridan;, acid to all the military 'eolinnandera.. President Johnson's, igoranoe 115,Ahe fclrm and i characters; f e. , militaiy eider defeated th6.vasti lab Ors of the Attorney Geneial, anctkleft Sheridan aid his brother Comtilasmasters o 4 the situation.. i , i l'' l'. t,.. nuthent to the W W • Kittchnoti and el; .I(arding - . are :13 ram ef !sa c ! ~ R ?•1 i)ltblican candidates tr_Roagreps -tE o Lfi rqerne district made:vacant bq the ljleathi.nfillit.l9enidsono...,isdge Vrixidward viill likely pe the ;Demo- eta* candido4.- ;' ivania soldiers War, will 'be rip fiarris 'adden of tha t ti $8,200 for' tlici ; - Irstariata . ' Oll ihrWe J 1-the 114ipublic • State &amiable? - lindens ,Scotect ie Bepul ilation • icable fiction to learn. PlatY - , a. knew . IM proteei— ita oreettat all. I would an litoVrineolantriC Writikflrf4A Republican . party was or- , - objedirairogstlicr; and .4 TV% nit lithWalikaiKiiir . - . opua o vs - of tirep atid - prti- tfctiontitOrnrettrtl:NitlilOectittoollito l 118 , 01.1 1t...t0P:t119.iti4V,01.1/04004144.1it rvluito.ii,4010/14(1,8114alitA.tif riiAte.W9r9 tAtti betiattep iiktavorot“ha. .largork Isimitons.Ait IMateid , SOlNkpf Us)! firedmit ntliaClT - - .4 u#l limtijeot' torrdbqo 4ainsidionsiuterpokitiOn into its oroisi Off -anyriviwitoied* espocially , if it favors tow claim interosts. :‘r . - '.onr goverainent wags -founded upon the I prinnipleithat all Jneattire , created, free and lap& theory nf!-its,'duties that It l . in4n protection in their Yigb ofimmlwi , aud 41rdpect7:•tmeder.laws )3iadWeipial mid general; iigium be, lid.tbesesit to ,:pipseiva .1 , .. political r*htsly.lepealirigi intaaicakito 4 . :goes be yond•ilsvroper-proitnes:'ltfis of thedUty 'of flie goiebunent/ta - beip or` to binder any latist or set'#Eriten ittlheir affairs tci inciddlev2witb. th= tberefaroinoteat eg 'adding a new dogl-' a ,to thiltSnribli nreedz , chanting tectiotfor other . 14 n - d i n a us try; (. What does p teatkfraOlkineribarebidus tiy mean 2 I !deans (that a-few largo ea,; kialista are engaged in iiroancingsomethiug (tae , PitirQ ll6 l: an Insianna)iind 'wish to abate 'double what ,it Ys worth (4s' ,they . ssoN db) and tolske the' I,awa so rnied that on are obliged to hay, cif tdeda, by which they' are.greatly enriched without in effort: How does this benefit the man who rekily. works and makes''the-inA? Why he gets 'employm nt, but ,does he, get, morn for making iron than he inlildget'in'tuity other .brimeh id' industry with the dame 'amount' of labor and exiodsciie.? tiot at ali-4—not ., any more demi if the'irofeito4 ford what it is".worth. The iron'-nia.ster , hires his laboi• as cheap esllie minket 'for i labor will per. mit ; but every man" that bays it in any form has to pay One-half 41 the original price to,enrich the already rich man. One man tuaolifactures - for huinfreds, nay, thousands of consumers, and protection means taxing each one of those thouiiauds for tlorprolits of that one-man. • 'I do not object to rich men. like them. I would be glad to be rich ; myself ; but I think they ought to:he sansffed with the advantages-that riches - given_ , theta without wishing to tax us to Make them richer. - Nor do I object to, raising a portion of our national revenue from tariff. But-where the tariff is alreadreo high l as to have- in jured many branches of manufacture and leaves nuns a country exporting next to nothing except raw material and provisions --and when as now several- manufacturing interests are enabled to fix the prices of their prodUcts at about double the price• which would yield a fair profit for capital and risk—and others declare ten and twenty per cent half yearly dividends 'besides' set-' ting aside large sums for additions and proveanents, I think it an outrage upon the people to ask for further legislation to y se cure touuch interests further advantages. The Republican party is notby any means, composed wholly of menu who apProve pro fectiOn to American . industry in the form .proposed ; out of Pennsylvania it is fiotibt , ful if a majority of the party are not agaiost it, in Pennsyliania there is 'a strong feeling that the 'matter has been.carriediar enough. I do not standalone. - !';will not vote 'with the copperheads—or any set of men • who sympathise with traitors—nor stand 'side by side with those who give them counte nance or bail them.' But' I will nOt, and' many Others will not be stand on a platform that asks for class legislaticin— whetter it ,makes the rich,riclierarikthe peer, yoorer or not. Whenive , vote for the' R44Mblicatieendidate for tupieme Midge, it will be because we -beliett who to be a competent and patriotic, man who will con strue our laws in the epirit,ot freedom, with judgment and 'fairness. I hadhoped that the day had passed for dragging the qUestion of,lail and 'protec tion into party polities. The interests of the country demand 'these, questions to be acted by the whieet and clearest heads • without prej or pap§ 1 4 4A d wiLliTip counting the effect upon the - .party of. or that item, but taking :into, consideration the effect upon the revenue present and prospective and the present and future good of the whole people. 0. D. B. Nem Mvatistments:- Tr HE LYCOMING MUTUAL FIRE Inanrance Agency for Bradford CONtrqs • 131!ePiTA.4 $3;400;(i00. Mutual Cash plan: In succeeattd operation ov er twenty seven yeirs, ' MONTA NYE, WARD:'• Towanda, July 26,' 1867. THE Ci sgTjo LAO g ELIFE' ASSErR y'a Aenc I. for Bradford c o : . • CASH Yearly income over E1.600,t100 . Cash. I,t • 410NTANTE A: VIA RD: Teiwanda, July 25 ° ,. 1867. • . • .A.STOR FIRE prSIMANOE of New York, ' Agenilifor BradiOrd Co-. Cog l 7 ll l - , • • 1 Dividend for DAM, i 0 per cant. 4 , . UONTANIE k WARDS , To ands,"Jpiy 5 1687 • - , . poR SALE.-, gdod Canal Boat.; tritlr• fall equipment. Also a pair ] o Hopes.. Will irsolit cheap . . - APply to • iIONTAITIE - towand4July23. /88744 , • • IC.—WN . - PitoF.E . RTMS; i tOWA.N7 DA.II. buildilig rombard •arld T.ll St& fr0m4314i0:170G.1 , . • • 60 Lot& on Itzpogq streets.. rose .Fifteen.lots on Britsiinimi A Town Residence.; , Goc O liouse, 44/4 89 4 .4 neighboittood. Price '82240: . House and bif,Third • street, opposite 'Col. lege. I.PM:re 4180. lis if; • • n Pt) ko feetA" Ot leR op bite vollege;. •Apyty IioRTTANI7I vau,44: •.Tosin properties' bound, !might end sold:, Rentals obtained. - 4 - noTzt itoPEEITY" Ten'ininutes walk from de - pintugh'. $3,600. Part May vitamin: ; 4.! r^o i•, ,• - • ; 110141TAXT** . w4D, ,iroliaede.Jek . 2s3B47., , CASH PAID FOR r F 1)E4001 , 1 i 1TE414.1 SX 4 /g/ 5 ;,, . • : ; j . 4 , „fiMcpe:,.ii - 3 it f. 1 11,1‘ 0 113 ~i1,'49,1 4 1 19 R1VA:19°..-LP.4l:iir. i !yi kiAyfroi N 41,1 liowards . , Atilt 3;1186Yr:1.d :!f.q 27 41.1..411 1 I . . SUMMER 1000D§, Ti9. 1 4 2 tgz!5T, 4 0,44Pg,h 1 the STAPLE .i.FAN6Y- DRY - 1 I GOODS, 1 0 5'1.0 ' 4 a lia:1";.! , Li c . ' 1 ,I•T'q.:l-::'• . •,, ,i....A1l t.f,z!....r.r v.-1.. '.'..,...T.,:..zi - ...'.. I , _ _ ,- .:v A YarlPty at -wlAt t b4 ficuik;'4 l tali, eta-Rel. yard. Lriad atasortinigieot : '-'•'- -- J. • Zi..,•%•• ..7 • , • :,1 , .4C ':...: i ri: ~•. - ‘ 11 ;131ja A duatv litustpiB4 - ~.„.-1 , ....,..„, ~.,..,:: . PROW 4,4 A iartetrof styles - sortmeot of 'DRESS GOOD&TO*THE SEASON ' , ,• : - ) Including the:intent styleiyuith vaTietlealo set the moss fastidious. - A nice assortment, of -, SPRING'. Sk SUAIAIER MIAWLS: !pi Sacks. • • ( BALMORAL SKIRTS 'AND SKIRTING, I:I3IBRELT,,AS'.A.ND PARASOLS, THE t MILLINERY DEPA RTMENT will be kept:ln good style, ohder the eupervhdonl of Of well .known reputation. Having just re ceived from New York a 'apiendidamortment of SPRING STYL,ES of Ve; are prep - axed to. furnish in that flue Boake thing'Oat 'will plenieiand snit nil. - No pa(his ,will be , spared to give 1n this branch of our La sims entire satisfaction', i Call in and examine our goOdsrorie door north of the Post Office:, Main Street. . • ' :+ • B. A.: PETTES & CO. Towanda,"fifi., June 12, 1%67. T9BA:cCO CIGARS!, 111111 iq N , .111 yroixt 10. to 15 Cts. A t., ‘ large and Etplvpdid. SACKING. 'CLOTHS, ;, HOOP: SKIRTS, IThe latest styles A nice line of DRESS TRIMMINGS, / A splendld'assortment of •, Latest styles 1.1 B•B.0 N S A gocd,assortment or YANKEE NOTIONS, and PERFUMERY; &C., &C MIL-TAINpRY'r f , 'MESS L. A. MOSHER, HATS AND BONNETS,. Together with a Men assortment of FANCY TRIMMINGS Whdpsale and Beall it RANDALL Si, CO? PTON'g First door south of st National Bank, BLAIN STREET, TOWANDA, PA. BRANDS iDF TOBACCO-CHERigNG Gold. Leaf, Sunny Side, Pine Apple,llichigan Ffrg,Rose Leaf and Star, which we oiler tonal° in quantities to suit caatornera. Packages in litarrels,.halts and quarters. - BRANDS 'OP 43IGA1A. American Xn4 ,Gen: Grant, Leboquet , Im• perio, Tydoon a dd the very choicest brands of Yaras. FANCY SMOKING The celebrated tone Jack, Pride of the 'gni ted SUL - Ceti, Virginistie ,Gold Leaf, Rai) , and all Linda of Kil Laudlqrds supplied with Clglri at 1: To bacco on'llberal terms. • All un ers firorup tip shin. notice. D ALL W. H. 17. 1867 March IS 'IXPOSITION F.A SgWitqc, 44CIJINE Wit .ELER, Ss W I L SION CLUJT . DAY ! The highest premium the only .; GOL . D JEDA.L For. perfection in. Sewing Mabbinea has been awarded to then ' -WHEELER' & WILSON .MANI:I PA9TURING COMP4Ny tore eighty-twq com Wore, and the t ter d h ' the es a O l e t nounceraeat 0, the result. WICKUAM &' BLACK, nt3'fcir Bradford County, sell these- ma ws at oily prices. , . , • Toariuula,, alp 11,1867. ' . , , FANCY GOODS ASz MILLINERY ( 4 WI selection of FAITCYGOODSIZEPHYRS, ERBSOWERY PATTERNS, 4Stamped , .. 2 Chxds, Infant's .• Waists, BIBS, SkJES, &U. GLovEls, _AIMEE' , NOTIONS, ~ trot's sad Dolls of all kinds, Also a One ictt • , 1 , f, /NEAT ' GOODS,‘; ME •- t 1 ; • . , Tat 'sale :citeap - at D i 4 barter'Er . ola atalid ifilitifAtioat;;'A • ; ,Janit a; e l : 6.4ll: Pi S g l # 1110 g !;M TO iiittaND''OR.ENOLAND OUIONIA CO.'tl LLNE OF STE.LIIMPELIPROIL Wirt° 1•• 1 lt4 , eq9 I3I R. I !F?" •OR LISERF9°L.• - • - iillitamolcSnion's old .91Tac Star Liam: Ot ourerteot pieluts, Jiat, l 44COvq.9 Swallo4.:tall Line id Paelietaliom eo- tci Lon.; don, Sailing twice a niontiv. :.. • : '• • 'Benildandeotil'Enginnityeint and &o and 'OO •.'l/ Atfirth a t en t a t il l ' aii i f . l4. rk t # Mll : l l •y, Hely- ~,or r""q v . ‘ 004111iikketly) ; Oct,l l 1866. I ..!ii!',ll49Wigidkr..44. r SD . CO a fLA.VE . 1 1 line of L•A R G, all =MI STOCK, z,OF GOODS =I MB TRADE • GREATER, REDU'CT'ION ...• . ,' With one member of ou, firm constantly in New York, we have been able within' the . past- fete - days to profit, large ly by violent fluetuatians: the mffrkets.,:_andJave.._made: heavy purchases of all: kinds of Goods in our line' - .''- MUCH - BELOW KEGTU•LAR MARKET RATES. BM lia;23, 1867. N E w 4 sT ORE! NEW G I IL 0 Eli I §- AT W. A. ROCKWELL'S. PINE AP ANTI G- PEACHES,. PRUNES, CHERRIES, MOLASSES, COFFEE, SPICES, GROCERY 'LINE! umulTos FT,OVE,PEED,B.EAND, POTATOES, TAnrpnr FARMERS PRODUCE. PRY, GOODS OF ALL. VARIETIES, LOWEST POINT IN THE NA.RIIET CHEAP AS' THE CHEAPEST I ALL RINDS OP PRODUCE , May-29, 1867. • , WOOL E . B'S Get'poir wool merrafacfared find ears 60 per .cent In clothe. • • . WANT Di, 50,5100 1 Ths wool, •at highest rfiark letigico. ••' • • I'i 'WANTED, 50,000 IDS Wool to manufacture at the lowest rates, and work: warrxnted glee entire satisfaction, ' WANTED; 50,000 Ms' Wool to'eard into Rolla. Our larding 41schine b been Amin. clothed, this hipring, and will do extra work, erlth. ex- POrlenced Workmen to attend it, at the %,!. 1 , 1 SUFQIIEHANNA:WOOLEN• hiLloldtp•rils. 4)14, 15, 1867.-4-6w.. 4 . WaYerlYi l ISSOLUTION,4-The / 014 Taylor daY :4 1 afalYtoil by in • taal cocaent. Tile business wabe conclude by 8; T ,ylor; who' will eettle'all =manta of the late firm. • BISHOP: as .WYalualpg, Jane 1,0,...41347.--41e TO TM irMiLIO. :I [Rai reg4ariag tiaairs to the pobiip,ia behalf a the '&m, 1_ reepeithilly stecttPuttittb i l ( th yottrottags ilr) !Metall,' shown to** MOW , AD -0 • !Nine" - ttioSe AVibit Haot4ta k ktek i1it 4 1141 00 ‘.4 3 RM. to Aqui' thel. at m irdia* NE 4flct:.• CENTLY MADE • 1 • ••• • " i l i l E. :A-D,_ C° , _ " =lli 1 1 . 1 , AkiLatiatt .:i:• :t- MEI • FOR y;re.-;•,, AT A- STILL • ,a:A { , ' IN „PRICE ! Ell N.F;ff : GOODS 1 NED FRUITS, ' ES, 14 L AIMS g ALL MXDS,. - NN g D G Y,SVE iS. bRIED ArTLEs, ka. TEAS SUGARS, SiRIIPS, Of all kinds, in. fact, everything in. the, Willi he kept constantly — on hand RUTTER, 'LARD, EGGS, AND EVERY A fresh lot of Purchased at th.q- And 'Fill be sold .as TO 1111 4 ' FARMERS CASH PAID .POli W. 4. ROCKWELL. 45.4144AN80V5,„:1f0b4A voktoitk* I, NOB "9,04:4, •'• ••z , * t , • '•-r-P tr• • 011211111..:1 etI M I e t • 0 • • :1 G SALES . - - the 1. tot the_placo to i•fly a 5 - rl ' 9 SHOES ' " 1• " ; '27l ' to SHOES , • aTrisTP.l; 0 • • C/2 t, ,-4 ~. ~¢ ! ' i _. =s ~~ -... _ a+ - -- ;i5,: - "iiiiinifiiii ilia's: IC) e - % - ••• 1 :. -i, i- % - '', , l ;C : ••••1 ,7 5 q ' • ...t.' . ..,..t '.. q ~. C> , ' • . Totra AL-NirdsiloA 2131 pOOTS,- - glr*F4#o:; l t*QT#Ptp, "1111.11.'flt Y/11)R fl T. 11:1A 8 S IlitoT#Eßs. ES 'Otrß SP4I:4G . STOCK, SPRINCif. apt mu* noes, EMI I , Onr very extensive latICA ha's warranted u s in making preparations for a very large S Ulf ITE R THAD E, If EACH DEPART ENT We are • FULL STOCKED 1 1 1311, STOCKED FULL .STOCKED It I Q A . 'L I TY POPULAR. PRICES! GAITERS AND 'BALIthRALS, TIES AND S.EIPP- ES, LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN BOOTS, aAITERB.& BALMORAL,S WIN, BOYS AND' YOUTH ALL THE STYLES' First lelass Boot and Shoe Store; H A RNESS DEPATMENT, HARNESS DEPARTIMYT, HARNESS DEPARTM E NT, LEA-T ER FLY NETS, LINEN DRIVING, .ANI; , STABLE SHREW, NECKS] AND SAR I , NETS, HOESE FLESH HORSE HORSE *FLESH saqu,Ln sE. WTrE(Otrf TRIM MR. JAMES V. WthLOOX, Superintendk of the 'farness Room. Is du ban d and , ready to vitlt oft: all Idiold ,trimidekand as many more ; ppaslblei, and has all thirsty lesot • -- _ ,LIGHT AND lIILE4t3n'.IWESSt 1".)• SADDLES, BRIDLES,i , Vale, '&1A1 1 -; . .111*1 7 r , 11 1 32ZE.I\TG", ,-- .IFaVE . . grIKINGi .' • =ME • 'IN_ THE : LINE.. OF . SADDLERY ! ,REM7I4II LINESIO! ME s ASB A T 0 4. Si7 ,l fati ,„:-• • TRATELLINS'I3AO& —'no;PiAii,gaiactls.lBo7. • 1&• SUOES IS AT Since the null of • IMIZI And in With goods of th e FOR PATENT LUTHER FOR The catalogue embraces ALL THE STYLES ALL THE STYLES OM lOW OPENING- IN T COTTON F4Y HOODS, No - ow.mak 01! MiAtit Oli 'LIGHT , • . " ! SE,'; C:.O Ell S. Marcur titore;corner.ktainAnd Pine :arm - The undersigned having !aimed a partnernliip fiigenerai de4lep' ,the GROCERY, GRAIN OSaPROVISION EN'S INESS :41 troll the • site ntiOn o ,t (iro, !shyers,. and the public generally, --to Our htoek 'of ¢'ioda perchasCri Under very favo'rab i le dream. st‘roues, w,hiat . we offer for Cash or short tino., ,at Prices which we think will-satisfy our friends , that we can furnish Goods al th'e LOWEST :MARKET ATES , . • One of oar firm being coOstantlY in New York, and Itikklng Parc bases for 3 large •Jobbiag house there, as Well as for us. - We hope by giving per. sonal attention te our business, keeping a fu!l - • 'aissoitrosist at all times, , and • liberal d4iing with - oar` customers, to merit the confidence 'and pat ,romaire of this community. • 7 Special attention Merchants,and oth. era who buy goods , by the package. Cash paid. for all kinds of Grisin and Country Produce. FOX, STEVENS, - lIESCUR ~ Towanda, /sprit 1,1887. - . We have a largestock of C H 0 I,C E. ' TEAS,. st6fected with great‘carei which will be ;Ad t, y the box at New York Wholesale Prices. SUGAR, IIap.SSES, SYRUP, Ric E, Coffee, Tobacco, B'oap,S klemtus, St an. h, Candlea, Crickers p Acc La-great Tartety, cheap b) 1 the Package A. LARGE STUCK OF FLOl'i on band in Barrels, &Oka or In Balk ;6'4 cur;io 14ea,loboap.—,,,Feed &c. HA-MS AND LARD, !: FISH. OR ALL(.I{INDS. WOOD AND WILLOW'R ARE, Stone Ware, Brootrui by the quantity:. BUIST'S GA•RDEIV ,SEEDS CLOVER & TIMOTIIY SEED 'ASHTON'S SALT; - The only kirid suitable for Dairy use Agency for the sale of MARVIN CO. KEROSINE Off., at Mannfactater's priete. This oil input up in good sound tight barrel , : warrantedto be full measure, and we believe tbe' quality to be the best in market. NEW. STORE AND NEW GOODS FREES , FROM • THE NEW YORK MARKETS_ CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST The gubseribers have purchased the building lately owned byA..l. Roble, , (one" door soul iq of Beidleman's Block,) and have filled it with—c GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, WOODEN' AND WILLOW WARE, Fruits °tall kinds in their season, (fresh and dire ), in lact every thing usually found in a firstplain • . . • P.B ISION S T 0 R E. A share of the patronage of -Towanda• and vi einio is respectfully solicited. e will pap the highest market price for all kin of • • • COUNTRY PRODUCE - . .. .. - . e alio have the sole Agency for Br s adt.2ll. and adjoining counties for the sale of the Cele brated.Virglitia and Nor,h Carolina Smoking, Tobacoo, A liberal discount made to the tr.,de i: ' BRABIHALI 4 ds COWELL. • Towarida, A - pril 9,1867. • - . .; • p' E ,M - 0 V E ..A5 . !.. i.t. B R O'Y - S 0 Would most respectfully announce_ to tlfe citi zest . of Biadford County, that he has remove* fmm Orwell, Pa., to OWEGO, N t Y., Where he has 9peited a large add well selecteJ stook of DRY . GOODS! Well adapted to the present times of LOW'PRIb.ES! 4• -DRE'S'S GOODS, 111 PRINTS, - DEI,AINES, CH AI, LI ES, Organdies, Poplins, ALPACAS, MOZAMBIQUE;, =I PIQUE'S, SILKS, &C. SHAWLS ' CLOTHS IN GREAT 1 VARITY, Besides a large assortment of OTHER 4;1- 0 D Too znarnarolius to mention: - The Eitok. pureryug since the last redaction In pries. therefore 1411 be !told at Rill please. The motto Is . • WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! The citizens of• PenneyivaraeM any} the re,t et minlind6" ate to call on bin t pndeXtmlpe the 'stool goods at his nor Street: a doors ant of Pail/ Ho- store on, tel. 1.1 lay pt . that good $l,OO T. EEMESI nAltit; VON', THE LAND OF V the subscriber during 'the high water Isst Kay, a quantity of Ben:dock- -Boards. .The owner. or Osmirs will please come Newlin!, Prove..RroPerl t 10.1 . cb Les and take 'Ts • i- •- A FRED R. GORE. acme a r / :7; ....1 ~p lila A large variety of Consisting. of firen.adines, L. H. BRONSOS