TERMS .0P MOariCrATION. • :, Val: IZF.rowrPpt is pplaP4edevMThzup., r..ing, by E. 0. GoitOmon, at $2 per ~,iribi. in :11 viince... ..,, I A - tI)EICI.'I,SELIIINT,S, expeedirig fiftser 1i .! is aro inierted at rim moirs per line fc i. 5.-3 t insertion, am:ll , l+z c - firs' per line for übsequent insertions/ • Bp4dial notices in erted before ilarring,ea 4cl, Deaths, will li charged rr iTzdi • ortrrs per line for bac . itertion. All resolutions a Assoilationi ; ,:tanunications of limitedl or individ! • , • blterestand notices of Marriages or bee .• e -.22, - ;ding five lines, are' pliarg,ed TIN '. :.-: '. , -.•li ne.. 1 Year. i 6 mo. :. 3 m.. ti-as.Oolunin, . $75, $40. . , . '.) ft Ilf " . - 40 25 5 • ),, FA tinn , ' 10 _ • 76 : 5 i:.,tray,Caution, Lost and Found, tindoth , r .: IN ertisements, 'not exceeding 10,1ine:, throe weeks, or less, $1 i i 4,lniinistrator's Jißloti. ecutor's Noticeti: .2 I I Auditor's Notices -2 , . I Business Cards, five lines, (Per yoar)..s 'i Merchants and others, adiertising their bus'iness, will be charged $2O. They will be entitled to 1 column, contmed exClusive ly to their business, witliprivilege of change. T.'-Advertising in all cases exclusiVe of subscription to the perm 0" :- • rOlt. PRINTING•of eVery kind, in • Plain , and Fancy colors, done with neatnets and dispatch. Liandbills, Blanks, Cards, Pam phlets, &c., of every variety and style,pria ' ted at the shortest notice. The itzeowran 01 , FICIE has just been re-fitted with Power Presses, and every thing in the Printing .11,10 can be executed in the most artistic nianner and at flit lowest rates. TERMS INVARIABLY ‘CASII. • • , -- . r Cita , • .. e . iIEORGE D.: IttiNTANYE, AT .k..A' TORNRI' ,IT I • TV Oncecorner of . };sinand.Piue streets, 0 4 . osite Porttr's Drug Store. , 10::"I'OR EDWARD S. PERKINS, Oilers his professional services to the citi zen,: of Frenchtovrh and vicinity. Calls prompt ly- attended to. . . \kr T. DAVIES, Attorney at Law, I • Tow and.i;Pa. Office with Wm. Nat- Lies, Esq. Particular attentiompaid to Or. Court business and settlement of dece dents estates. tt ER:CUR & MORROW, Attorneys 111 at Lazo, Towanda, Penn'a, the undersigned having associated Ml6:as p ires in the practice of Law, offer their pro services to the Wilk. LTLYSSE4 I43 MERCUR, P. 1). MORROW. March 9,65..'.6 J,JA'I7E.IOK AL PECK, ,ArroßNzYs ic Law. Offices t—i-In Patton Block,Towanda, 1:: l'ainek's block, Athens, Pa. They may be u , ultell at either place. , . U. W. PATRICE., apll3 4 ' W. A. PECI. F B. McXEAN, ATTORNEY & ii. COUNSELLOR AT - LA W, Towan u::. Particular attention paid to business ia Ili, Orphans' Court. July 20. 1866. I ENRY PEET, Attopwy at Law, Ton•an ia, Pa. jtn47, 66. H. WESTON, : DE/YMT.- tillke in Patton's Block, over Gore's Drug A CuUnical I.jiut66 ? : 11)WARD OVERTON Jr., Attor tify at Lute, Towanda, Pa. Office in the ac - House R. DA:VIE'S, LE.I6.Y9VILLE, Pe. Itai permanently located: at the office i,ruTrly occupied by Dr. B. DeWitt, for the pra•twe.nf nss proteas'on. ' May 9,1867. OLIN N. CAITIFF, fIAT L A 1: 7 ,,44and5, Pa. 'Also, Govern. 1 , Ageut for the collection of reunions, Back and Bounty. , e - No eharge , inlesa successful. Office over Post 011ie° and News Room. Dec.l, 1864. fIUCTOR B. DiWITT, PHYSIOUN iND z•lusoEux.—May be found daring the day--uuless,otuerwise engaged—on Hain- st. , a few doors Codding Rest ihnct corner of William and Division-sta., late !3 ~c upied tty E. A. Parsons. ". April 2',, 1867. lys TONES Si, DEMOREST, Coopers, e.) lowiuia, Pa. All kinds of Cooper Work ou nand and made to order. Particular atten- Con given to rep3iring. Work can be obtained at the ,hop is the Keystone Brewery,, or at the of NV, A. Rockwell. Cash, or work,ipaid ; , •r May 9, .1897..., D. STILES, M. D., Phy;sicitin and 5,,,- g ton, would announce to the people of !. , rough and vicinity, that he hail pperma ne:iiiv locate - 3 at the place formerly occupied by W. titone, for the practice of his pi area ,iun. Particular attention given to the treat-- we/It of women and children, aaalsi to theprae itke oi operative and minor surgery. Oct. 4'66. 1)R. PRATT has removed, to State ill street, (11rst. above . E. B. Russell It Co7e Rvik). Persois from a distance destrotispl oun ing him, will be most likely to find hint an 3l each week. Especial attention will ci yen to burgicak cases, and the extraction of , ;.ti Mier administered iheitdesired. July Ift, 1'4;6. D. S. PRATT, M. D. DOCTOR CHAS. F. 'PAINK-Of lice in Gona'W , Drug Store, Towanda, Pa. Cdlis promptly attended to at all hours. To•.vanda, November 28, 1866. 4 1 1) tVI) WEEKS-AUCTIONEER. ••1 All letters addressed to I}iro at Sugar Ran; B rallohl Co. Pa., ecill receive prompt attention. - 1 4 , RAN CIS E.SPOST, Painter, Tot. crla, Pa, witlitlo years experience, is con fit. be can give the best satisfaction in Paint _ ; ;raining, Staining, Glazing, Papering; &c. cry Part icular attention paid to Jobbing in the April 9;:1866; _ K: VAt Gil - lAN—Architect and tr e Bui/der.:111 1 , kinds of Architectural de ics furnl,hed. '-ornamental work in Stone, hon arid Wood. Ottiee on Main street, over Co.*) Bafak, Attention giver to Ra A rchitecture;•Epich as laying out of grounds, \ April 1, 1861'.-Iy.. NEWELL, f da . COUNTY SURVEYOR, otw , .fl, Bradford OQ. Pa„ will promptly attend t t,o,ine-q in Ma line. P.T.rttenlar attention Pen to running and establishing old orsdispn t ,1 lines. Also to surveying of all unpattented lands as soon Its warrants are obtilned. mylt. ‘ATHERS9' WATK.INS, Notary T • Public - 1s prepared to , take Depoii. 6 0 ,, Acknowledge the Execution of Deeds, 9 .-rtglige, Power- -.of -\ ttorney, and all other. A.ffidaviLi and other pipers 'nay; 1,, sw „. - o to Wore me. orr., ~:, t rosite the Banking House of 8.13. , c„ ., jt tow doors - mirth of the Ward -Hr,csv. Towanda, Pa., Jan, 14, 1867. " D. -K. .•A . . 1) P.. • Watch Maker and Dealer in-Gents and Ladles, n'a'mes Chains and Finger Rings,Clooks, Jew-. ,C.rv, Gold Pens, Spectacles; Silver ware, Plat , 61 . ware, Hollow ware, Thimbles, Sewing Na chines, and other goods ,belenging to a Jewel ry Store. . Perticular - attention paid to Re 'airing, at hi, old place near the Post Office, Waverly, N. Y. Dee ;3;1366.-4-tt. , i . OLIN MORAY, . . ....• • • , , , ARTIST AND PHOTOGRAPHER promptly attend' toil] bigiiiitialt tie [lna. attention given to Landscape and Btere ozcopiC Photography. Views of Family Beal , ,deaces, Stores, Public Buildings, Animals, Idaj hint , s, etc., taken in the best manner: ' • articular attention given to the , novel and, 4,,auti,ul sure-copie representation of objects. iiiders received at Wood Harding's Ph oto- Nrspitie Art Gallery, Towanda. Towanda; A pril 23.1867.-31. II UL UE UNDERSIGNED..,. HAVE i ' i _ o ,ened a Bunking House lit Tiiiiinds, nr/4 .. 1 /ler the name .c. G. F. elkilON4 CO. , :,._, They are prepared to draw Bi ll s of Ex.; change, and make collections in lijat Mork .\T:htladelphia, and all portions of the United t-e-v.teg , ES also England. Germany, and France. .1 l Lean money, receive atpostt 4. , and to do a I general Banking buainees. • - •' : ' •, • .. G. F. Llama was one of the late firm of Leporte, Mason .Co..f Towanda, Pe. and his knowledge of the isisineas men of Br adford ' and adjoining; c_ounties,atul hiving NORM the balding buaniesa for: about: IllennFlLM. tellt hone e this hoe .P . desirable one; th rough irbfcifle • Fn eke co llectlens.; -- , ' , , ,--, ::,-- ' , .1! --f ! ' ;--. = ' :• 1 11L11::=It Towanda, Oct. r,ii€66; r . :•-• AL A LAR( E4gBORTMENT' $ cal and iri3trus6dal)3uWaLoasiiiatlti 0$ .1 !laud at the SEWS SPOII. •‘. 1+ • (3. - .:GIiCIC) • itlClEfic Publisher. • • VOLM lirAlit* 'SOS; On Main Str eet, Oft. 8,1866. O. T. AMERIPA.N HOTEL, TOWANBA, PA., ' I • . I Having purchased w Imown Hotel Oil Bridge Ilitzetet, have; ed and refitted it "witirlevery codifettidace for the tioeommodi- Lion of all who may Datm e t n ifie. No pains will be spared to make : altp t sad agreeable. I May 3 '66.—tf. I J. B. PATTERSON , Pry!). L'RIE RAI WADY. On and after Monday April 29th, 1887, Trains will em Wayerl: ; rt.abont the folio* lug houri, viz ; ! • . Qotx• 4pltici Na..__ 6:12 a. m. Night Epresi, Mondays excel ted. R ochester , for Ilia*, Salamanca ani Dunkirk, makio.: direct codnectiona with iraini of the Atlantic aril Great'Western Lake Short and Grand Trunk RailwAys,lfor all Points Welt also.ai_Xlmira' for -Canandaigua., - - i 9 5:42 a. in., Night Daily, V) Rochester Batralci,lSalalim ;Dunkirk and - th West, connecting as above. 8:27 a. in., Mail Train, El days excepted, fo Buffalo and Dunkirk, conti Mug at Elmira fo Canandaigna. West? l 2:5 p.,m., Einigrant , Daily, for thif . 348 p. m,: - ,Elmira A ton, Sunday excepted. 5:46 p. m., - Day • _ExPresi - Sandal's excepted i for Rochester ,BuMilo. Sal' ca, Dunkirk an the West, Connecta at E ira for Canandaigu at Salamanca with .the tlantio and Great Western Railway, and at "Shirai° with the Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Raliwsys, for all point i West and•Sotitb. . - . . 10:32 p. m., Express . ail, Sundays Sundays exi cepted, for Buffalo; Seidman and Dunkirk, conj netting with trains for thelfiest. 8 00a m. Way Freight. S ndays excepted. 1 *StJps at Waverly on Mosidays only. 1 Goma user. Night' Exiireag ''" May 28, 1867.—1 y" 1:38 a. m., fight _tiiresS, Daily, conJ, nectimi at Orsqcoart for l Warwick; and at New York with afternoon trains and steamer] for Boston and New England cities. ' 5:15 a. m., 'Cincinnati - Express, Mondays ex", espied, connecting at Owego torinthsca ; at Binghamton" for'Syracese ; fat 'l3rtat 'Bend for, Scranton and Philadelphia :tat Lackawaxea for H and at 'Graycour for NewbUrg andi Warwick.. ,‘• 8:53 a. m., Binghamton Accomnsodation, Sun days excepted. ' • I 12:05 p. m., Day Expreas, Sundays excepted, connecting at Binghamton or !Unsure; at Gt 4 Bend for Scrinton at/Lackeiwaxen for Hawley;! and at Jersey City wi;hl midnight express; train of New Jersey Railroad for Phikulelphia„; Baltimore and Waishington .1 1:27 p. m., AccommodatiOn train, .6:2B'p. m.,-New, York and. Baltimore Mail, Sundays excepted. 8:25 p ra: Lightning. Express. Saadays exj cepted, connectingat Jersey City with morning ' express train of New Jersey Railroad for Balta..; more atti Washington, and nt New York with corning express trains for Boston'and diet 4 25Sundays excepted. I July 13, 1865 _ WM. ayl. R. BA RR, R. - RIDDI:E. ' Gen'l PiES Agl, New-York. Geol. Sup't. PILADELPHIAAND Elti RAIL ROAD.—This great line traversett the Northern an NOrthwest counties of PennsyVi ' vania to the city of Erie, ott Lake Eriey It has been leased •by the Ifennsykania Rail Rod* Company, And is operated by them. I . . I - Time of Passenger trains at Williamsport : LEAVE EASVEAED s Erie Mail Train I. - 10.10 P.'ll Erie Express Train Elmira Mall Train, Lock Haien Aceominodation saVD WEBTIAS.D. • Erie Mail Train J ..4130, A.M. Erie Express Train ......L ..... 8:45, P.M. Elmira Mail Train,. 6:55 P.M Lock Haven Aceommoditlon..lo.3o A. H. - I Passenger cars ran through without charge' both'ways between Philadelphia and Erie. New-York Connection. Leave New-York at 9:00, A. ii.. arrive at Erie] i ii 10:00, Am. Leave ew.Yorks:oo,r.m.. arrige at; Erie_at,iit 4:108.p. . Leayel Erie at 5;00 p. m.I arrive at New fo r -3:1;; p. l / 1 1. Leave Erie ati 10:25 a. in., arrive at-New York 10:10 a. in. No change of Care .betuieees Erie oriel New York. . • Elegant Sleeping. Cars on all Night Trains. For informatiod 'respecting Passenger busi- ness apply at Corher 30th and Market streets,; Phil's. bi fr And for Freight! basinessj of the Company's. Agents : S. B. Kingston, Jr., Corner 13th and ' Market. 'streets, Philadelphia; J • W. Beira* Erie; Wm.l3thivn,,Agent C. R. R. Baltimore., H. H. HOUSTON, tien'l Freight Agt. H.. W. GWINNKR, Gaul Ticket Agt. Phil'a. A. L. TYLER, Gen'i Manager, Erie. RFADING FRAIL (ROAD —SUM-' HER ARRANGEMENtT. I April 8, 1867. GESST TWINY LitiE pao TIM NORTE AND! NORTIME6Si for Philidel his rYork,iteadingl Pottaiille Tamaqin, d Lebanon Allen town, Eleiton,Vac.. - itt. Trains have Barrisbarg f lows: At 3.00, B.lo l ,and 9.35 9.00 p. m., connecting wi toe Pennsylvania . Rail Ho New-York at 5.00 and 10.10 5.20 and 1035 p. in. Sleep nying the 3.00 a. in., and withontlchange. , Leave lituTisimig for Tamaqua, Miners*tile, .As Allentown tiqd Philadelp 2.10 and 4.10 p. ni.Attoppi all Way Station* , the 4.10 cicin connection tor Philad For Pottsville, Schuylkill via Schuylkill and Basque Harrisburg at 3.20.1 a. in. Retuning : Leave, New -12 now! 5.01 and 18.00 p. 815 , a, m. and 3:30 p Train leovas Philadelphia at big from Readlogi at 6.30 all stations • Pottsville at p. Ashl a nd at. 6`.oo.and 1 Tamaqua at 9.45 al m., and Leave Pottsville 1 - 0 Harr kill and Stisquebmins,,ltail,l Heading accifiiinnodation tug 1L..7,30 a. 0 ,1 , ,;46turf14 • Pottatownl TA.O364mA Pottstown at 1.201. tn., adelphia at. 6,30 p.M. Columbia Hail llhad T 7.00 a. m. and 6.161 p. in. Lancaster, Columbia, /cc. ' On Bandays Lhatte N Philadelphia 8.00 it, m. an a. m.. train running only 8.00'n . ...n5. Harrisburg 9.35 at 1.20 and 7.20 a.. in.. for a. na p , for New York, and del, Com itht mutation, Itilatage._ Exenralon Tialretato ge .4=cti ec k4 ' throe low oath Paamentrer Genera • :Reading Pa. Lpitll,B, 081 ..4 1' _O. ~ OF 0.P.4-Bli 4Li!so; 117, 1, - (l. l at O. if: lows Hall, every Monday e Monday in April Wilkie first at 71 p. in., from 1.161,0 bey April Z 8,1887. i ' TI/PORTT" TO Uee tend butter, you ue asires. ‘cp your firkins mutilated moving the :head,] Use i cloth over your butter. w • and it requires no atten tilad low nk!. Alba.lingord =da cbuity, Ps. for circulars, and 4tyther its) 23. 1444 7-17 RIST .410 tridendlOgnoin noted near tho =loth of atria t n r i gika tab get t ot , . • of m looatln and am fn . well mumtbatol . 14 " South Towanda., April 2 w.~• F Iptilirsl - . , • , - () - 1 :1 ;), • '1 • • , 1 _ 54 ;) - . • .„ $ " 7 ' ; 74:41",•1_;124 - Itlif. j .il Ge,. tteitfl • - fir- , 11) 1 4 , • c 4fl • I) • =l, I , l \ \ * ‘ \, t _N‘ - , r_••••.,••• -,• • 4 -it -4 - 7 I I li. • • r . , , ,•• , . , • . Lt,ll • 314 ;`" ) I I ' • • • C . I 1 t ' ",, F • . 0 --. • • 1 , ,• • • . -„ .4: I ;1 11 .10 4 • 1 4 .71 41' . :7 4 Aja, j 2•91.•..Pir )IL1;-1 - . I - • . _ • • . ,-.13'1,4.,ejrz. !1!:; , 1 4. • 1- . • 1 - I - - T 1 ±1.1,2 !MI MEI tie S)iotdla.' ', I I I OW.A.I4tDA, V. 21 Court Rona. H, Proprietor. 4a*-cla r New-York, aa' a fol-1 ;ca. land 2.10 and similar Trans on and arriving at m., and 4,40 and ng Cara aocompa. 0.00 p. m., Trains, Pottevilla, 1. • .d, Pine Groin, at 8.10. a. m., and 1. at Lebanon and IP. in. Train making pbia and Uolumbia E. yen and Auburn, • Rail Road,leave ork at 5.00 a. m.,t. ; Philadelphia at .; War Passenger 7 .30 a. m., return ' tp., stopping 45' - a.m . and 2 a 4b . .30 a.m.; 1.05 p. En 1.00 and 8.56. p. m. abarg; via Schuyl at 7.00 LI m. n .Train, leaves •Ing leaves Phil- leave Reading at for Ephrata, Mir', York at 8.00 p. m. 3.15 p. m., the;l3,oo PPadi . tig. Pottsville ..m. and ileadink burg, and 11.23" p., in., for Phils-. on, School and At a polatli, lit re- 80' pounds a I A. NICOLL/3 o' . 1 1 Bapeziatendad.• I MEI ffijuLla I FORD LODGE meetn f at . Odd Fel-, -Ring from the brat . Monday in October April at p. m. COAT I S&P DAIRYMEN = 3 310 ..e tti e finiarket your onion of having ,d rgf; ) ; 'n the firkin Walled, ' while in the cellar: , do SoY wham ..1 formation. pityisbased the Haliiifill, wands Creek, and : to p 1 up=rt, F i 9 II = El Original Nottrg. I lookedon a 1e.141 of !lady, • Hicihnisiiitiverdure was there ; And sweet tloiers.profusely blossoved, Filling with fragrance, the air. Fruits of rare tints and iipe n ess, • • Hung glowing from many 'a tree ; And the golden grain seem to whisper " 'Tis the harvest time ,that you see." Not far from this field was another, • But oh, hOw unlike were the two! • In this grew rani; thorns and thistles ' .Not"a &Wei. bearianglea:vrii)l4evA The trees which here spread their bran r chis, Were fruitless, and leafless, and bare , But yet, from the seeds of the thistles, We knew it was harvest time there! . .r 1 I looked again =Oho &mein Had entered within the two fields, And busy hands were Bemiring: What the earth in the harvest-time yields; Then I thought how nnlike,are the products WhiCh the gleaners in their work have found, Why not all gather grain, fruits and flowers And leave ,thorns and thistles unbound? Then a ". Still small voice " to me whispered: The gleaners were sower in spring, The,seede they then planted are ripened And these are tke fruits which they bring. 71 ye sow the good seeds of true friendship, And mercy, and kindrie.ss, and love: Ye shall reap all these things in your earth life, And have sheaves to take home above.. By and by there cometh a harvest, God's angels the reapers will be, And all the works of thy , life time, Will be judged when He - culleth for thee. Dear Friends, in our twofold mission, Of sowing and reaping on earth, kfuy our thoughts, and motives, and actions, Be blessed with a heairenty Meth. Omaha, Neb., June 4 1867. " ' #iltrtti Vait. Beaufort House was full. My aunt Lady Stanhope, thought that mid summer was even more the time for festivity and enjoyment than Christ mas. ' - She used .to say that all na ture was bliihe and gay at that time and that everything w amoret'enjoy able whenthright sunshine danced on' green trees, sweet flowers, and rip pling witteKthan when leaden clouds hung over Ice-bound lakes and snow clad earth and I agree with her.— And so it was that hot and eventful July foundme, Fred Mervyn, among a dozen other visitors at eaufort House. My aunt was a widow 54 many years Standing ; and her two daughters, Helen and •Edith; bright, pretty girls of twenty and twenty two, were the object of her fondest, almost idolizing love. "It followed naturally then, that wen they said that the c'euntry was dull,' after Lon don gaiety, that '.they obtained easy permission to ask" as many of their young • friends and companions as they chose to their " stately home." Of course I was one of the faVored number. I had played with lhetn-as children, ." fagged' for them when I gal() schoolboy days, and spent my holidays there ; and now, though a Guardsman and a man of" the world, I was looked upon as e sort of useful animal, who was, always to be ready to dance with them if an unpleasant candidate for a valse• appeared, to ride in the park when they wished, or take which side of the game at crequet best suited their plans. And ..4:25, A. hi -8:35, A. M .:3:2O'P. hIE I was an obedient servant. - When a man reaches six-and-twen ty, and mixes daily with the cold, selfish world, it is pleasant to,feel as ' though-yon were the proerty of two :dear, warm-hearted gi rls, .who can call you " Fred,"'and tell you frank 1y their feelings and ideas, without any.noniiense. I will. not pretend to say' that was the only reason that in cluded me to renounce the trip to Switzerland with others Of my regi ment, or leave any parents and sis ters to mourn over the absence of their only son and. brother daring their month by the , sea. Man is a selfish creature when the blind little god has touched his tender heart with one of his - t k harp arrows ;. and when I beard that Maud Vernon was going to Beaufort House, Switzerland and Bournethouth appeared " flat, stale and unprofitable " t 4 my prejudiced views. in I Leaves Read from . PhilOClPtdit Maud Vernon was beautiful, love able, and an heiress, and consequent. ly well attended with admirers Wher ever-she. went ; but to my vain eyes, her smile seemed to, brighten when: she spoke to me, and her color to deepen whep I addressed. her: And yet I wps no slaVo, ever attendant on her will, 49 lug were. I was too lazy or too proud to. rush forward whenever, she, dropped her handker. chief, or to ttineovbrtke piana while she sung, for the:A:hands — of turning' her page over in the wrong fllace and looking foolish. Atut...pt—Mand was kind. -She chose tne in the cotillion, or at croquet ; slit ware my flowers whenl :took the trouble :to sea the! vend I felt lhat the awn shone brighter and 'the world looked differ mitio me when those- cleat gray eyes met mine:and that gentle voice sound ed in• my - ears. And so, stood, ly pang _ nay Cigar under %the shadirlimea,watehing be; ant ig nrecut its white= dress, so , tastefully trimmed with Mick,- ai she moved; among the ..ii4;:pps„, and. wondering Why the mauve feithei in her hat warrip)ir look like gold h ifiiiiittoebine„wheu 1114-np , t9l toe euelaimieg, "Now,-:Fred, come, NthiAjeolor, wilt you have.?- Black is 373111.15AMP4113'1,501ake thie thit,nolll",lMFO.- 4 wasWaibbliug. She stood lOgking am . . . . . .. . .. . , . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . .. ..2,i. 4.,.....„ ,, x.x.-,...- ._-- .-~. NEU Foii TEE lispozrza THE GLEANERS. ST ANNTI T: BHLW. A ROE FOR LIFE. • . • .oiiiiittifoustow ?semi • . ; - . . 113. A, BRADFORD'. Cfgttftt:T,44::4-Vii,,,,25,180.i.-]-::';',:::i eetwinnim wny with that c,o g~ited. Lord Western, ,who was bop ng for a spiig of jessamine she held in her hand. There"was some thing in, the , man's air -pf sasy,self confidence that ,reised • my ire, and I felt that Maud ought tb " snub " such a fellow as that •, so • • flingi4g down the , malletthat-Edith had pet in'my ban'', I tweed on my heel' and en sconced, myself in a garden chair some distance from the players, but still is view :of them. Peelin: 'et cessively aulky,,and muish a- if I hated Lard -Westein and Maud a so, I put my elbowson my Icueea puffed away savagely, whew' heard my name called in a,clear voice, that made my blood tingle. . . "Captain Mervyn , we are • waitmg fer you," said. Maud, slowly advanc ing,to where I sat. ' I am not going to play, Miss Ver. von," %Vas my surly reply, without . raising my head. " Oh, but we want_ you," she . said gently. " Mr. Gray is on the other aide, and you are the only one who can play as well as he does. Please come. I do not want to l be beaten." I wonder where mylll-teniper went It fled like smoke at those pleading words, and saying With much warmth and one look straight into her eyes, " - Of course Lwill," I rose from my seat, picked up my mallet, and joined the - game. • I shall never forget the game we played that lovely morning at Beau fort Heine. It , was a' long game, for we were four on each' side, and equal ly matched,; but, not long enough-for me. liplaYed my very best, and the deep calculation and cautious-strokes were well rewarded by the clapping of theie dear little hands and the 'ex clamation of delight as, I struck the enemy's ball or passed through my 'own hot - rp. How natural - and -unaf fected she was, unspoilt by the adu lation of the world or the caresses of friends and relations. How could repress the 10°6 of love as she 'rais ed her bright eyes in such eager ap peal for direction ? and 'how my heart beat with delight as I saw, the half smile of happiness that played round her mouth as the lashes fell on her crimsoned _cheek. We stood aplrt by her ball, which j had been banished by M. Hill, who seemed to feel an especial pleasure -to-day in. spiting the girl that he loved, when I heard Lord Western remark to Vid count Castleton, a brother officer of mine, " Mervyn is making, way in the graces of the fair heiress,. I fan cy." The other laughed earcasticil ly. , " Trust hiin for looking .tcp 'theinain chance;" was tie' replyi He was devoted to the poor little Miss Percy till our friend of the parse impeared, and then - he broke the poor girl's heart by throwing her over? " He's one . of those lucky fellows born without heart," sitid lord Wes tern ; but he knows how to win oth ers, lucky for him." My cheek, burned, and I felt in clined to turn and give them both the lie ; but a feeling of shaine at hav ing overheard what was n t intend ed for my ear, restrained m . I had deliberately listened, and,'received the listener'p punishment. I turned and looked at Maud. Her face , was very pale,, and a l cold, determined look in her eye shOwed that she had heard what had been said ; , and it made my heart nink. 'At that instant Mand's turn came, and without a word, she struck her ball and walked away, leaving me ini don t whether to follow or not, wheer to speak or not. I looked at ii,li and again. Her turn was over, and she stooll grave and thoughtful; watchSt . the next play. Then she walke i , the other side of the ground find seated herself on the grass. Determined to try. and set matters right, I went towards her Ibut I did not quite know how to'set aboUt it. There was sufficient -Coloring of truth to prevent mYgiting the whole story the lie, and yet it was.false. Heav en knows I loved , Maud Vernon for herself, her sweet, winning Ways, and lovely face, and should have ' lov edler had she been penniless!. but in the latter case I could nolhave married her. .My father allowed me enough to live in the Guards es be came the I son~ of a baronet, !but I knew full, well that at his death, the estate would lbe so crippled .by my Mother's jointure and my' four sis ter's fortunes, that I could not afford to marry a penniless girl, and live As the Mervyn had always livq,To a girl like Mand, who knew how many sought her for her fortune alone, this would "seam aelful and' mercenary, and *et - it was not, tho' a romantic girl might think se. As to Miss Percy, ..that was partially true. She was a great friend Of my sister's and had stayed atonr house again and again, and I had paid her the little attention that a than of the world feels bound to pay bis father's guest, and pays more readily when she is lis pretty as Emily Percy ;. lint 1 I-had done more , and since I had dis covered her attachment to me,' had . carefully avoided her. s - _ _Thus again I wait unable to Utter : iyihni3Lwtuit -yet was utterly untrue and as I - crossed the lawn I felt 'cm decided how to - act,- or what ;to say. ItCwas 'soon deCided fin , me: 1 . 1 As .I threw 'myself on the groMid-Aiy..hai side, Maud said, with a cold, haugh. ty seine, perfectly t w to her. ' • b' "It is just your rn toiplay, ,Cap tain Meryyn. i Pray t;lo no t :lose your time with me.? - — T hPre WWII quiet emphasis on her last words litlahstung me to the quick, and springing to my, feet,l walked awaylwithout al wozd. r Determined not to' hit Used see how deeply pained I was, I I .conquer ed myself, and bandied, joken' , with My cousins, chatted with the otherfk played ley very best, stiil eyes vote vastly snit eivilky, to ord -Western f orhfi rcous i n . .1 Jr, 1 , -.;,... . • f.- , , - ~.. ,:?!i. :,;',.:-.1-.;!,-/:1;;II, , How different wee the eud - of the game from the beginning I • I thus ned Maud. , and never looked*ber, allowing her to play ber lowa game. without= vouchsafing single hint; and she seemed- equally inuckum -to. show me how totally indifferent 1 alas to her. . Nevertheless, I feel , convinced she was as glad as I was When we finished the game and won, and were both free to go oar own -The luncheon-bell had rung, isid. the ladies and , most of. the I ge1416- men had cone in ; but I.- felt inclined to eat whiles she sat facieg me, and tea:mined to get away Ms soma! I illd . leave the _howl, and. be off, a ad or .anywhere. , 'sauntered do the garden, and stead by the lake, flinging pebbles into its atill %trate -sad , watching the widening circles till they had died awaP.rr. 'Present a light hand was laid.on UV lump ud Edith% bright face look -led iip into ine. i - " Why, red," she exelahned gaily ", are you moralizing on the rapidity with which happiness like those cir cles; fades sway 1' What silo you, e.ousin, mine ? Yqu have been.quarr telling with Maud; about Einily Per cyl..l.o ,w for 'he has ..been asking : me all about her, and when Iluid made her jealous as ever t could, 'She set to flirting with Lord Western, and you have come to this solitary place, hating all woman-kind, and particularly Maud Vernon, and feel ing verymkch in want of your lunch. Now, come in; and have .some, or I will speak to mamma, and she shall remonstrate with Maud, and assure her, that you ' never loved but her.'" " By Jove, if you do," I exclaimed, " I'll sell out and go to Australia, or Marry Emily Percy to show she is wrong. "Whichever you like," replied the laughing girl ; " but ycu had better come and finish 'the pigeon-pie. first. Maud is not in the room." You are I-began, but not quite knowing What to cal her, - and , feeling as if there were some girls in the world worth loving, I kissed her little hand and walked back to the house With her. But life had as ,sumed ti different aspect tome, and feeling anxious to be out of the house I finished the pie as directed, .aid went lona to the stables to order a horse. ' - .44 Will yottry the new horse, Mas ter Fred I" asked the old gtodm, touching his cap. " She be a 'rare atid,so 'mistake ; but if .'anyone can ride her you can, sir." " I'll ride her," I replied quickly; whatever she is, and not , di4race your teaching, Jepkins, I hope. It's twenty years since you first took me in hand, and I ought to kubw how to sit most animals by now. , Bring her out." Jenkins - grinned approval and dis appeared into the stable, while I sat, down on the 'mounting-stone, wond ering how Maud would feel if I were brought back a corpse. My gloomy ‘ meditations were cut short by the appearance of Belle, the horse mentioned, and I I ' saw at once that'Jenkins was right when he said she was ' i are 'un' Black as jet and beautifnliy lormed, she was fit for an empress but the quivering noatril, the eye turned back reveal= ing the white, and the quick short step of the dainty feet, showed a temper that rendered her unfit for any lady to mount: My heart bound ed as I saw her; and springing up, I exclaimed joyfully : " All right, Jenkins, that is the animal for me !" - My quick motion startled tier, and she stood straight on end,pawing the . air \ with her fore feet for - some sec onds k but I was soon in my seat and grasping her closely with my knees. "Here, Jenkins ; I've no -whip.— Fetch me one," I said impatiently, as she danced and rose under me. "I dareu't Magee Fred, " replied the old man, . "It's all your life's worth to show her one eVen,let akine touching her. She won't want no whip I'll warrant." "Well 7 , said I, "open the gain, then," and I was off, cavorting . and dancing .dowri the road like a mad thing,feeling buoyant and proudwith that beautiful animal under' me. What a ride it waa I—auw tearing along like the wind, f or she_ was swiftness itself ; now rearing on end at a passing child ; • now resolutely refusing to pass even a wheelbarrow. Bat I conquered her in all, and biought her home at. dinner time, panting and !mating, but more' tray table,,though evidently. unwdaried." "Let me hate.' her again, to-mor row," I said, as I - resigned her to, the admiring Jenkins • "I'll take some. of the temper out of her before I go." , was late for dinner, but that mat- Itered little at Beaufort. House. There was no crusty old pater-familias to growl at my seat being empty till. the, soup .waa removed; and my say ing that I had :been ruling the new horsasoon ste.e.o nate(' for it. I fancied Mattel :looked up auzionw Ity as rikyaunt remarked in a hortifled, tope. "My dear Fred—that wicked creatUre I -What a providence she did not kill you I Only fancy her hav ing been got for dear .Edith 1" , • "Oh ,I'll break her in," I said 'pg. "Edith shall ride her when I go. I'm going Out on her again to-' thiorrow." ' "Are you," exclaimed Edith,hastily. "Oh, I must go with you. 1 I have• heenklonging to see'how shexcies. ll- • "Splendidly," T.teplied. "But you Shall see for youreelf. We'll have a good gallop to morrow." - - . . _.... "May I not come also ?? asked ift., itirs,y, - *Atli a , quick 104' at-If•dittr ; that heightened her color ; and be. fore I ociuld speakhalf the part' , had ; irninged to coms,wit,h us on the mor-, toi l , I was annoyed at this,,eeling little' inclined to do the eiiil tcilill'these ;- but I could not, unsociable, i and i ilioughifelt grstvordeßbia Mtn howl MN i`t: 1`~~.:n HENS ME 13elki *eta & b,ehtive sitith*oli be theldnii tongue' ittd letimatters take theirveatuse., . I did - not. kw* rho ITlAll:txerkiegleo..Pee,-.444 !Pam Ounce I therntgre lOked round the table tattle ant feisty Unit morning at lireakfait ,tO were equip.: - tied for ride. Yes; lined wort bectight; dark ;habit, which ,aliowedi t gff hey slight; round4figttre and fay skinAn perfection; Whilst her 'soft golden : him Via wound' toint at the back iof ,- her- heed. in a - wheel of glossy :plaits; A slight odor tinged her eheelrots her : eye; met, mine, and• she sai4: q tlickly to Lord Western : _ "Yon see I have lOpt my primate, though I I'll°6l mulch' rather have stayed - at-home.' In iny' °pinion, it is .too tot for riding." t.atelittle breakfast that morn, but sat playing with my knife,MoWy, and - abitracted. Thad a strange Pre nentithent over 'me ' that 'something terrible, was going: to - happen ; and. though I was not frightened !. I left unable to rouse myself from the gloom that oppressed me. • 4 "Why,-Fred, how graves you' are l" exclaimed . Helen, as we-Stood in'the hall, waitifig . fa,* horses to come round ; "you sureli,are not nervous. I never,knew you. afraid, of anything in my life, ' • L - tiNo, Helen," I replied, •gutetly,.4l - not afraid. "care too. little for life, but I, feel convinced that some thing terrible , is going to happen." "Oh; pray do no go, then I" She ex claimed. "Please, Fred, give up rid ing that awful horse., Oh, there she is ; how horrible I" and she hid her eyes as Belle came ronnd,led by Jen kins, and rearing straight up every other step she took. f Ilatighed as I caught sight of 'thp I excited, animal, and with all the man aroused in me, I sprang, doWn the steps; just conscious of Maud's pale, cold face it my, aide. "You'll please be very''careful," said the old Man,' pleadingly "she ain't fit to ride to-day. All those around her: excites her terribly, and yestern's gallop only pate her sperrit up." • , •• "NeVer mind, Jenkips," I said, ta king the reins 'from hiti brown and shriveled hand ; "I'll master her, or die for it," and I started slightly ahead' of-the rest., Belle was certainly - ;„exeited hex whole framuquivered, -and she snor ted and retired the whole way down the avenue. "Pied, pray , be careful 1" implored Edith, her merry face clouded — and anxious. "Belle 'is not broken in, -and •Pm sure she'll do you some mis chief." 1 fa ;II 1 i•: • • • 'OO ver 4 -4141P / Illina, M AbALIVIInee• bi Edith was riding by my side,watch ing every motion of the fiery steed, for once unconscious of how anxious ly Mr Gray was striving to reach her slide ; but I felt. inclined to keep her tp,myself, so I answered gaily, "Nev er fear, Edith ; I can manage her.— tF us canter on A . lead,pf the rest id work off her exciteVnt." r On we went gaily ;,, aid in the -so i cety of my merry little r cousin al most forgot. Mind and my presenti ment of coming,evil. We kept ahead for a long time '; and then Edith, re rnegapering Mr. Gray, declared) that it as rude,and we slacked in a cool, shady lane, though Belle still refused to walk, capering and dancing. like a mad thing. The rest soon overtook us, and we mingled for thetrst ,time. Certainly it was no doings_ of mine that' placed the at Mand's "Ode, for I l didnotevert know where she was till Irimmd her .there. . ."Well, Captain Mervyn," shusaid, in a satirical manner, "not thrown yet, iiespite off' your presentiment I" "'lf that is what you 'came to' see, Miss Ternon,"l saidquickly, "I trust yon may be disappointed:" She did not reply, but in spite of my answer, 'remained at my side,and Ij fancied her face wore an expresition of sadness. Had she,too, a presenti- Ment of whatiwas coming.? . "We'must cross the line here,"said Edith: "I, hope there are no trains e„ due." • "Oli; never fear 1" exelaimed Mr. Gray, 'opening thegate. "It's ' all 'clear. Come quickly." •We passed throg gh—Maid and I last, and'still side by, side. As we crossed, her horie stumbled she pulled him' uri sharply, and-her whip struck Belle smartly in the face. She rose straight up in the air, wheeled 'half loriod, and with one wild bound tore away straight down the lane, the •bit 'betireen her teeth,'" and"per fectly Nip:on& all control of mine. • I heard 'a 'cry of" terror from Maud, but felt none myself,; for, all: was plain , nailing, and - ,a good gallop would quiet herdeVin. Suddenly a fearful' thought dashed into my mind. Sup. pose a train-werei coming:l At the tame instant I heard far behind the whistle' of one •approaching... We iterelin the left hand line, and it was behind ns. _ Never, shall I forget the cold *rill. of, horror ,that ran over me as rreal-, ized my position. I tried in vaip, by 'jerks and steady pulling, to turn the mad animal to the right or lett, but it was -beyond - my power. I kcould not throw myself off, the . speed, was so jfeaitul ; and , if I did, I shOuld preibably be killed by the fall, or' run over by the Coming train. - In the few' seconds that,:these thoughts occupied the fearful, sound bthind had come nearer and plainer; I could hear the snorting of the en end, and the Mad bounds 'of the horse Seemed' slow es- I t remembered the 'fearful speed at which Death wes running Abehina me; i I dared -notiookrottnd ;.it was close now—l conid feel the rumble in my • agony ' of fear,and-closing eyes,l breath ed a libaigr. prayer :to Heaven; :and gam inyvelf it -tearful shock; a blow, tWroar 4414• train--.stud -knew normbre:' 7 , •', , Whenlirewvered•in,y ceases I was theillhiN% bbtweisvAlia metalt; around me lay-the shattered MEI , . malaise of the beantifid animal I had, So !MeV bestrode, and Yaur non,'pale and weeping,, an ger me, wringing her hands a .1 sobbing wildly, "Me la .dead, - and 1 killed him. -Ohl what shall I de, wliir abet! I do ?" Even those sweet; words- failed to recall - thy scattered senses, so fear - flit had.been the sheep_ that I had under gone; and 1 was dimly conscious of them, and quite ,unaware of their meaning. Raising,niy head I gazed vacantly round - meow& in reply t'o ' the eager expresion of delight front all around -me,' - asked, "where am Whafhas happened P' - " Rather a bad, thing foryoy," re turned, Mr. Pray, wbo knelt by me "but .it might ' have been worse: Your horse fell as theltalica - 'neared her, end iluog you oier her head, and the train ,saupshetk her, and passed Clean by you. You've got your limbs all right, old fellow ; about your senses Pm not so Sure." - - - 1 "-heard him, but I heeded not.% My , brain was still confused,„ and, achingin every limb; I struggled to m a y feet, saying, " I must go belie Where's my horse.?" I asked, pass-, frig my hand across my 'broUr - , to die- . pel they mist that oppressed mo.= Lord Western pointed to the warm, quivering lumps ,of flesh that lay round us. ' "There She . is" . said he, "and, , lucky for you, she fell, or, you would have been Much in the same , state." I saw Maud shudder,. and _reel, but his words failed to shock my dead-, ened nerves ; and I only askedquiet; ly •if somebody would lend me a horse to get home, as I‘didnot feel up to walking., Mr. Gray resigned his, well, awarded by Edith's look of approval, and slowly , .and Silently I turned hia head to'retitrit to Berffort House: :The . rest of the party ' as me, • but I was scarcely conscious of it. Once I turned to look "for 'Maud, but she was far be hink.with Lord Western ; r and al mosfiiishing the / train bad been merciftil, I rode ,tn more quickly; and 'atlengtl/Jreached my aunt's house. Leaving the rest to answer , all the eager questions of the terrified in mates, I. passed through my, room. ,and threw myself, 'faint, sick, and bruised in every limb,• on my bed. Here my over-strained .nerves gave, way, and for days I lay unconscious, of `allaround me , raviugin all the, ;wild delirium otbritin fever, tender ly ttursett bymy kind aunt andwarm hearted Edward 'Gray. Every aid .that skill and,, love seuld yield was lent to my naturally ,strong conatitu- - tion ; :and_ after Many, days, weak, thin, and Pewerless to raise my own arm, but in my , right mind, I s lay gazing dreamily at the kind face of my aunt, es she eat by my bedside, watching anxiously for the gleam of reason that was to restore her broth er's child` to her.. But she was! not alone. The tenderer, loving .eyes of my mother were; ,the first to read re cognition in my ',eyes, and *her fer vent " Thank Heaven" was the first se,und that ' reached my ears after those long days of unconsciousness, Luckily it was-some time before I could recall What had happened, and even th l en the thrill of ,horror jhat ran thrOugh 'my. -weakened frame, Its I recalled that fearful race for life, .1 was so v iolent as to threaten a re turn of delirium. Bute Nature,. icon qnered ifind wtren Augast was well on, I, onCe more i • entered the, cool, shady drawing-them 'to be warmly welcomed back tohealth by my aunt ~.thi and cousins, a d-4laud Vernon. In spite, ;of 'eve effort, my heart bounded and myale cheek, ecitnaop ed as I met quiet, 'searching gaze of those clear gray,eyes. "You' Were not Aware I was still here," she said,• ,smiling gently, as she Saw fay look of. surprise ; " Lilt I could., n o t leave until I had tnysy.lf asked yor forgiveness fir allythe pain and llness which my c‘relees ness hr 'Will y=u grant it at ease I Item. 41 Lord Westerr9— _ dashed intomind that she might be even now his affianced/ bride. Her -color deepenedlas she tnoticed my hesita tion, an: she said, - earnestly, "In deed I. am 'very, 'very sorry. Will you forgi'ye me?" • . "Yes, I Miss Vernon," I • replied, dropping!my voice; "lrforgive you freely for all - the pain you. have giv ,- • en me ?" - - • She - turned hastily away and left the room- but I fancied I saw her. eyes glisten as the did so. " She pities the poor ' fellow whose heatt she has won only to. break," I. mut; mured; as ; oppressed with all the morbid sensitiveness of bodily' weak ness, I' lay watching the'shadows lengthen on the.; smooth lawn,,while Edith sat by my . ' side s stitching away busily and - silently at her worsted-work: "/ "Edith,"l. said; gloomily, "when I get stronger I shall sell,out, and go to New Zealand. I have. a great longing for that' life, of freedom - and loneliness. Until my father- dies, I am not wanted in : England." "How can lou talk such win some, red," she, exclaimed, looking ° - 13 1). in astonishment. , " You . low well enough that you cannot be spared for a'mo'nth by many. What would--;-" .l/ She Stopped abruptly, and, laugh ifig to herAel4 resumed her work. Presently she lOoked up. again. "We're you very much Surprised," she- asked ) , "at finding that liand Vernon was still here ?" " Veiy-nnich,"4 replied; trying to speak indifferently I suppose shn, is eingaged_to tord - Western by thil time- . "To Lord. :"Western 1" "exclaimed Edithy , eci refitstd hien the day of pint. ac6ident„ Yon -could not' , hav6:,thought-that; Ab, Fred, how unshed your cheeks - are 11 1 ske I it; S ~ i ,, ~ •, -n f• -.- . 2;0'11 Elllli 7 i . .",'.1..`.1 7 1.1 .--,.. MMI3ER 8. -----; .7: r,;•;,;f1 -4- 4, 7- ' ------ Jib 7 ;n- 1 , - • i - h • tl , Id nna,urovounLy. 1 alinit ten - or Aunt -Ellen." '''-'--- • , ' - ",9 - lifonettnier; ' , Editb;fl 4 replied, r ' 4 big , mylON an`- Ent' ethow: ~f Is ti, ~ true r, :WhY 4 : 11 4154. feN# B, ,bilur 1 t`` 4e.,t' she i•4' , - -Alit , gist .=yo .. or o f.tr, s ; l : i...,. wns • toy `little`littleCOniiitir4` "r....iv: "I r if, must . sin,i g , t. carpi tour • .."' it - , : 4.- Mind, Fred Ciatiti iti itrjaitk•)Wil ) ~ '- ' iihe- ac id i :--atidi 4114-pa:teed -totlF•uttAd 2 Maud slowly advanced up throtigh , f4l the room. • . , , ,-' .i. r , ~: - ;- 1 .--- "Whet is ,it, Vffltltin Afrirspl" ;-, she asked quietly, ak,slie alkipf any-IAY my sofa, "Can I give yoNany- . thine! . ( - .."' ' "Yee, Maud, ev erything :f"-'Les ',., claimed. rapidly, n't, daring to , ~ .wait-i-'2 till my courage failed. ." Oh, • Mend, I have 'only Just return ed , iu life., . :, Will you make it valetas by refu , 4 ~ , ing to, be. mine ? Say you do ; Lot believe those wicked tales - about nie. I love.. you for yourself only, itud ' have never loved soy girl in my lit.: butyou: Only tell me I,may, hope, or you will kill me. Maud, do you„ , can you love me Is" - . • -. ; .She did notelinswer ; hot kneeling . down by my side shelaid her clldi , . - 1 trembling little hand on my burning'~ ' fereheae, and gaied lovingly, into I my eagereyea. I. needed no answer, -butas II drew -her. erimsori , -face to mine, and laid lier'head on qiy throb- Bing heart, Iblessett the fearfcd . race , and terrible illness ' that had rivited for me the affection of the girl- that LI% loved.so deeply and devotedly:: But though lowyears have ;483'6:away, -, and my-hair••is gray, and.my fulse slow, never , Can I recall without'a" '! painful:thrill of horro , that Tearful • sace for life. . f FUN; FAOTB .AND FAORTLE. ' WHAT kind of a ship has two 'hates and no capthin? A. courtship. -: . , -•- :IT is exceedingly bad husbandry to harrow up the feelings" ofyour wife. .• "Pride goeth before a fall."' It.of- • ten goes before a waterfall .. • . A.:Ye/mu on being naked siltathe - should do if hewere banished to the Woods, replied that ha thought - he should .sptitt.• --, FEW of our ladies • have ,travelled - • ,extensively, but . nearly. all of them have ' 'taken tea in China, ; - • A GENIUS out West, who who' wythed to( mfirk half a dozen new, shirts, marked the first John Jones, and the rest "ditto." A WESTERN editOr is pained to• ... learn that "his dear,friend Brown lust', gone to Heaven." . - - Tan Boston A.dvertiSer thinks.that beef hasn't been so. high as now since the „cow jumped over the moon. , -- -( • i WHY is fair Luna ; called the silver ' moon? Because she is constantly chang... ing quarters. ~ ToPEis ,should lid= in mind that -what they quaff from the goblet afteriranis appears in-the ‘ mug." , - . . ' .., - ' LrrrLE girls believe in a man id the moon—big igirla believe in a man in the' honeynioon. , .. • . , , WE should ,like to ask titrninstra-., meat dealer who sayEi his ":dnims cannot, be beat,” what they are good for? Ax editor compliments, a brother ' ' editor thus: "I,li. Brown is a clear think.; er, a ready and vigorous writer, and a Ant rate fellow to boot t"' - "" I'HAVE gone into the Silk buai-: " ness;" said a man to his _neighbor. "So I supposed:as I saw you ,reeling honte last, night." • A WRITER Says that he hadcomeito r the conclusion that the terni grass Widows arises from the fact that their htfibands are • always roving "blades." - . ' - A BOSTON lawyer says that'"snolb" would apply admirably to an individual wher,-', while he lived on a narrow alley, invariably - spoke of it as an " avenue.", A CLEVELAND paper says there ifs a in man in that neighborhood •so earr that he sits on the doorsteps of-the church Sundays to save the wear of his pew cushion's. .- , . J - " SlunArt," -says a ustice( to 'one . brought before him, "Yon ere an arrant knave." Say.s the prisoner, "Just as your worship spoke, the clock struck two." , Tin man in jail who lu ked-out of ' the window of his cell and ex laimed, ii‘this ia a rate country !" is now ge rally adiait ted to have spoken within bee - 4 A 'astern "wag rem . a s t4 "l,l.lat he has seiXa couple of sisters' ho had to be • told everything togetherjor ey o much alike that they couldn't tol d , OLD Bachelor' Sneer, would o know what kind of's / broom the young wiim= an in the last s new novel used then' she ' swept back the raven ringlets from her las- E I sic brow. %' ' ' ' A. Quaker lady recently evl ned to her new domestic that washing a y : name on every Second Day: — - The girileft in high. dudgeon. She didn't go -to, be washing every other day. Not she. - - • 'HONOLULU dispatches anniApccd the. death ..,f the famous Colonel tivsar Kalnak achuhkuttkaubannapaukalabitkitm akachuk, akaioeklackalonikapapaakeo*Continued in our next. ' '' • •-• - A YANKEE being asked - to dciseribe" his wife, said: "Why, sir, she'd makca regular fast go-ahead steamer, my -wife would—she has Mich a wonderful talent for blowing 'up." ' - - ',• -- _ " ALWAYS. aim - at. what becomes yen s " Most ridiculous tuivice. Just - im agine a man setting "sap his best coat for a tisfet or , blazing away at, his new spring beaver. • . . . THE iowne3. of apiece of land, COM: 'plaining how little it' produced, declared "that the clover - was' so short, that the honey bees, in order to get at the honey, had to go down on their knees." :• ' AMONG the advertised letters - at Fall River, is one to the "proprietor of. the best hotel in the place." The Postmaster is now boarding around;-one week in a_plaeo to decide who the letter belongs to. - , • AN Indian givt drunk, in Bangt,r, kte.,,a few nightaNince, and was taken to the watch house.• ,On being pressed to tell wheie he got his /liuor, he said, with fin: plumb : "Injun drink, but no squawitura,! • '"' AT a Selaooleiaminatloten'yout g .tyro in declamations who had, been told by the teacher that he - must gestnlate accord ing - to the sense, in- commencing a pleen with "The comet lifts - its -fiery' tag," lifted thetail of hie.coat to& horizontal position, causing roars of- laughter. -- Walnuts was :one day with a ,friend when ho observed a poor dog that had been killed lying in the gutter. Wiggin&patund ' gazed IS, the dead animal, and at last said: " Here is another, shipwreck,"- ."Ship wreck. where?" - .',"1 1 7,1ty here's a bark , that's lost forevei." HiS companion growled and passed-on • ••:, ._ ......, • A servan t itka countrytOWD,Whose beauty formeiftt matter of general admira tion and discussion, in • passingn group of officers in the street, heard one, of them ex claim to--his' fellow, "By .Heaven, - she's painted!" "Yea, sir, , and by Heaven only!" ,she Very - quietly replied, turning round.— The officer antabwledged the .force of the rebuke and apologized.. ,- I - - . . Mos. Paarmarox, reading -an ac cetmeoi a railroad accident, ~was much nor prided.tolearn _that the !engine bed been &lien off the track by one of the bwitelies. "She 811440 have thought," she said, "that the , geat iron engine would mind anch'aliftle thing ale switch." "Yes; but yiniti mtist:rentember.. mamma," said Ike gravely, ”thii - ixonadive has a tend9q)e- e more N!!!! 0 = =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers