ford plaint LOC. A It k Z. g Judge 'ElmMa. and family are in town. They are stopping at the "Elwell House." a Mr. A. F., formerly of this place, has opened!a Bakery near the “Herdio House" in Williamsport. THE ELMIRA EYZ AND'EAS Ixsezrors There are over one hundred daily patients at this institution under the treatment of Dr. Up De Grad—Ebnhu Daily Gant& Mr Rev. BENJ. J. Dotrinrs, iste Rector of Christ Church, this place,, who has been spending the pest fifteen months in Europe, expects to sail for home in the Scotia, from Liverpool, on the 20th inst. IN6OMPABABLE Dwear Csucar.—.ll. M. WELL= (see said in another column) advertises plants of this new variety of eel eq. With the new systeni of otd blanching and winter storage, anybody wbo has a foot square of rich and tmoccUpied soil, c 441 easily raise this delicious vegetable: ser; We are glad to learn that a new Post Office to be called Fassetts, has been established in the town .of South Creek, Pa.,with our frieud Capt. John M. Young Post Master. We feel happy,in congratu lating the good people near State Line on securing a new office at Omit place, where it is Mich needed. • WM. G. STswerr, who pursued his Theological studies,with Rev. B. J. Dot*. 1-4 s, one yearid Towanda, watPordained to the ministry of the Prot Episcopal Church by Bishop Joints in Alexandria, Va., the 28th of June. He is in charge of Eit. John's Church, Henawhil county, Va. notice in our a4ertising columns it will be seen that 'the firm of Fox, Stevens, Merdur & Co., after the l!it of September next, will confine themselves to a wholesale business. Their faci4it‘s for buying groceries will enable them / to sup. ply traders with goods at very advantageous rated. , / . / 1 ;T SINGI4 .A.ll PBXS *NT OF DZAIII.- Charles 'Weiss, of 131 drun township, aged about sixty-seven ,y ars, took home six yards of muslin to' wife, on Saturday, June - 22, telling her take care of it, and use it for his shmudAs he would not live long. • On ttuQiicuiday following he called on Esquire Leah to ask his advice about 4 snit he had at, hickshinny, •where he had been summoned by a son-in-law •on some frivolous'pretext. He said he was oldand did not expect to live long, and the suit troubled him. He wished Esquire teat to settle his Estate. The suit was Tuesday, but the constable having altered the date of the summons, the Justice dismisded the suit, raid Mr. Weiss got. into the wagon of .a neighber, Aaron Shade, to ride home, and . I died on the way. The muslin was used - ier his shroud; end Mr. Lest has ,taken out Letters of Administration are requested.== *likes-Barre Times. • L SHOOTING AFFAIR.I-A young man, a son of Lewis Armstrong, late commission er of this County, who resides near Factory vi le was shot by a man. named DeMorse, a few days , since. The circum stances as related to us are as follows : De- Merge, who is said to be an irritable and violent tempered man; had been annoyed by the conduct of some boys in the neigh borhood,and had threatened to shoot them ; and in pursuance of his threat he had pro curifd a minor rise. The young man,Arm strong, who i is sail had no intimation of danger, when' . passing the garden of De- Itierse, in the ore part of the evening, went into it for the ipurpose of getting a radish. While thus engaged Dalliers° was near by, shot him. The ball which was of the lar gest size, entered near the point of the shoulder glade and passed out at the breast. At last acdoruits the young man was alive, though hiS wound is said to be such as will probably prove fatal. Dellers4 was arrested and is now lodged in jail aw4ting trial for his rash set.—Z4nk hannock Omocrat. 'Tss Lars Sronms.—One of the most v:errifle Ul i tuider, storms which has visited . this section for many years, swept over the .county -o4 Tuesday last ; the fall of rain avas .very heary, and did considerable dam age to the growing crops, especially on hil ly farms. or two bridges between this place and 030ushore were washed away, and the Stage Bailed, to make its appearance on Wednesday. "The pnfiniahed dwelling house of Hichael Meylert, in this Borough, was struck by lightning, the current run ning down a side door, .splitting it badly, tearing of 4 the caaings; and sanding the floor prel thoroughly with plastering from the : ceilin . No other damage was done at this place:, We iearfi from B. W. Henley, of Cherry, that during the storm on Sunday last, the dwelling hOuse of James Fitz Simmons, in Cherry twp., was, struck by lightning and one gable s end completely demolisned.— Nobody hrirt. Mr. Henley also inform us that du s rix* the storm of Tuesday a fine - .horse belonging to Thomas Farrel, of Cher ry, was.killed by lightning. 11 Dlr. Berger, proprietor of the Stage "hal bet ty n Laporte and Hughesville, in toms us t another bridge near Yankee Town, ' g the second this season, was carried a ay by the high water caused by 'the storm f Tuesday ; and from all parts ;.of the co try we hear of damages done the crope, miads, bridges, &I.—Laporte Pm. THE BRADFORD COUNTY TEAOHiItB AB soarrnoN convened at Warren Centre put- Boant to adjourntent, in the Free Will Bennet Chtiretk, slid was called to order by the President, A. T. Imam, at 11 Web* A. M. Opened , by the read at 11 o'clock, of Scripture and prayer by Rev. Mr. Nixon. The reading of the minutes war called for. read and _approved. The committee on business reported the following Resolved, Thatpr oper a "sound mind in a sound body " is the end of education, but that health of bny and of of mind are - both impaired by a • daily oonflnement of six hours in the school-room Resolved, That school officers should ap propriate a part of the public money to wards establishing a library in every school as a means of furnishing wholesome read to the youth of the schoobi. That it is the pressing duty of every permit to see that the amplest facili ties of growth qpd development are secured his - oWldmn, and it to therefore the duty Of evezy parent who would foster and en courage the unfolding nue=i i ' his cl4l - to visit the common ly, and show by his presence and rice, that with him, the proper education of the, young, is ,a matter of significant import ance and concern. Under head of 'unfinished the following Was taken up: fo t etatell' the reirtdmi A d a terwlan -ale oe 'il4lsi intour come: 22acilcit4L a short joirned till half-fast 2p. m. **noon Sissiow,t4fet purstuintin ad. jorpment. Resolution of forenoon ,kead for disoussian. On &Oar Of D. and, th, reicaution was laid o* the table. Resols:' tire reported byikutiness Committee Moil Resolution No. 1 amended is follows : Resolved, That six hours school per day is detrimental to' the interest of schools, and ibitUriOßS to the hesdth of pupils. The resolution at treaded was laid up enithe table, Mr. Corbin having made n mcition to that effect which was c =Jed. Hssolution' lead. &Marks upon prepnety of resolution made by Messrs: Crap, Hewitt, Kingsbury, Brainard and others, finally amended as follows' : lksokexl, That it should be made the du ty of school officers, toappropriate a part of the public money toward establishing a library in every school, as a means of turn jelling whcilesome reading to the.youth of the schbols. The committee appointed at the last matting of the association, to examine and rec mmend a series of text books for the used of the schools of the county, made a report, which was • unariimonsliadopted, aft* discussion by Messrs: Hewitt, Craft, Chtibbuck and others.' [This report has already appeared, in-the Reporter.-En:] The Association then listened 'to decla mation by H. G. Gridley, after which, read. log by Mrs. H. G. - Salmon. committee was' then appointed to solicit questions, and amp/ them to different members ofthe Association,, to be answered in the evening. A! , portiori of a letter from. Prof. Coburn waslread by Prof.. Chubbuck. Prof. Coburn. expected to have been present at this meet= ifitf the association, but illness in his y prevented. 4motion of Prof. Chubbuck, lain H. bury of Towanda, H. Armstrong Monroeton, Miss Electa Camp, Leßays- EMma Brewer, Omen, Mrs. G. H. SeaMmin, Macedonia, were appointed to mak,nomination of five to comply with the laChange in the school -law regarding lament certificates ; the committee to elected at the County Institute next fall. Alijourneii till evening. Eqening Session.—Called to order at the appciinted time. Song by Mr. Davis. Dec lamation by Wimen Young. Hon. Geo. Landon was then introduced to the audi en • and addressed them on the subject of • : 'cal Teaching. A vote of thanks was tendered the Lecturer for his very, eloquelt anff Able lecture. Adjourned. Sc4unlay Morning.—Meeting called to or der et Ba. m. Miscellaneous business be ing in order, .the next meeting was fixed at West Burlington. Questions answered. Sel64, article read by Miss Burbank. • Dis c:l24n of Resolution No. 3, taken up and participated in by Messrs. Fixon, _Chub buck; Horton, Coburn, McLean, Cook and other's. Discussion arrested by order of bnainess. A song by the Crawford Bros. Disccission taken up and resolution adopt ed, and the fiiillowin,g offered by Mr. Cor bin : Re*tveci, That the .County Superinten dent Should by all proper means, endeavor to ascertain the moral character of candi dates for teachers, and withhold certiticates fromthose who do not sustain a good one. .Qu4stion discussed and unanimously adopted. An excellent essay was then reed by Mips L. A. Lyon, for which a vote reed thanks was tendered the essayist, and a copy lolicited for publication; Committee on membership then reported the follow ing Betsie E. Davis, Rate Wil bams,lS. B. Morris, B. Thomas, G.A. Pen tiepi4iker, Mary Cash.. On motion of lir. ProL Chubbuck, 0. E. Farnsworth and Mr. Hewitt were appointed a commit tee to 'make out a complete roll of the names of the members of the Association. The I Following= appointments were then made ; Lecturer, Rev. S. F. Colt ; Essay istat Emma Peckham, Mary Noble ; De clairneem, Alfred Blackwell and J. H. Kings burY ; ;Headers, Helen Loomis, Roza Morse; Business Committee, Milton Loomis, itbv. D. Ort4t, M. d. Wheeler, Sarah Morrison,. Fred. Vhitehead. A ;v o te of thanks was then tendered the eitizeni; of Warren for the use of their ohureli, and their very liberal hospitality. A n 'Darned to meet at West Burlington the- 4 Friday and Saturday in ;September. 1 i A. T. L77e7 , RY, President, 0. V. FAligiswoßTH, Secretary. Wren Centre, June 14th, 1867. 1 i 1%4 The following letter from Prof. 0. J.! oarranucx, trgierintendent of Com mon *hook' for this county, explains it selL ' Nothing is more evident than the fact that a uniform series of 'Text Books should be adopted in the county, and the best jacigea of w t that series should be, undoUbtedly - those' who have made themielves amiliar with the different Scho4l !Books now in use.. We hope the moveLtit inaugurated . by the Teacher's Asso • on, and seconded by the Superin . tendeut, l will be carried into practical over ation by the School Directors. J. 11.1 Brarossunv—Dear Sir: I learn from a friend of yours that you intend spending a portion of your slimmer vacation in in troducing the 'books adopted and recom mended for use in the , common schools of the county by our County Teachers' Asso ciation.l I approve this course, and trust you wilfind at a healthful and pleasant em ploym t. I The unanimity in the selection of We aeries of books in the committee, and their unanimons adoption by the As sociation render it useless for me to add any thing in their favor.. I desire to see them in ~ use in- every sohOol in the county at thel opening of thc,s winter term. I think difectors and people can not do better than to work**, this end. The pnblio mind was, i I believe, nearly ready to, second such a tmovement se has been made liy,the teachers to secure anni formitY bf good books throughout the coun try, wpciti, 11 the active effort of an agent, a series 1 books justly regarded as inferior, were iiitiodiced. These failed to give sat. isfactib* Our teachers, and our people too, for that, matter, were unwilling to re nil elin a matter so important as that of Text Is. I have always felt it was but just pro per that teachers be consulted in the oh of text books ; for those whose provin lit is to use them oust to be good judges of their merits. Nowthatthe teach ers of ko county have formally expressed their in the matter, I trust that a Un iform* isill be secured, clad that it will be generally _understood that hereafter no &mini be ma& until recommended by the of thd'county, or a committee of act I directers under the provisions of the .80.00/ Law ; ' 1 1 Yours tauly t . , • tr. J. Cireantros. MlNls i fittuAL Assocurips.The 4th and last meeting of the "Troy Dislzict Min isterial le 'o n." for the •currentoconfer once yeAr; will be held in the Id. E. Church Towan4 on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 30th tinl Slat fast, beginning at 2p. in., of the 30th. ' A cordial invitation is extended to all. 1 -- i J. T. BsowSins., July 8f 1867. • i Secretary. 1 —•:----- Steinway &Aorta Piano Fortes took the first premium at the Paris Exposi tion,. A Dittriclagents for N. B. Pa. See tidvartisemant next week. 'I Sufßcrezwirur for sale at Cascade Paraptown. Price One Dollar per boeheL,l a. B. Isfeutax. JUIY Opttiat 3 otkto. . . , . To Tisonzes.—Paiiree , Theory and Practice of Tem:thief; . Weikaisham's Scheel ,economy and method' of Inatrectipa at Ax.- Ito= dr. BLinuries. 1 •('• Tme Firm%Madam or )Witssts-- Masora) just out.; fff , ' -Call at Arson') & lisansa'a f Ontromswzr " „P, WANTED.--A first class cook and a good hostler can find steadyi ployment at the American Hotel, Athens Pa., Ap ply to Bennett & Smith, corner ;Division & River St. Towanda. DeWitt & Dittrick give• just. received some new Pianoshat ca 4 be bought very cheap. One of the t thenm ming Bird o Pianos has arrived. ser If yon would have a / beautiful light from your lamp, just go to Wia,lam & Blacks and get one of those opal shades. They are a new style, of. superior quality and of a variety of designs. , WIT 0. F. Cross & Co. are now prepared to receive Subscriptiona to all the N. Y. Daily, and Weekly Papers, l?amphlets, Magazines dea. They design to keep a reg ular News Boom in connection With their Book Store.' • COAL LANDS CHEAP.—For - oak, one thousand acre! or-Coal Lands,! in Tioga county, Pa. -Title undisputable. For partleulara enquire of B,.KEAN. Towanda, July 11, 1867.-3 w. • RECEIVED of If. B. IiCKEAN, 'Gen'er al Agent for the Hartford Live Stock Insu rance. Company, one thundred and thirty four dollars; amount of insurance for the loss of Man mare Fannie, immured in the Hartford Live Stock Company. May 30, 1867. L E. SOLOMON. Wimuzum & Bum ar_e7juSt. opening 'a fine assortment of-Table Cutlery, Knives and Forks,Desert Knives; kc.,Plated Ware Spoons, Forks, Napkin Rings, Castors, Call Bells, &e. A large addition to .our stook of Lamps. , June 6.--lw. a Agents wanted in every town ship in Bradford county, to sell Gen. G. C. Baker's History of the Secret Service. Ap ply to C. F. `Cross S Co. ' who are the soleagents for' the county. Those desiring an agency for this highly interesting wtrk, we would advise to apply immediately, as the territory ialeing rapidly' taken up. We al low agents a liberal commission. They can make on an average from ten to twenty dol lars per day. Ifir The Decker Brother's Pfanoe are increasing very rapidly in popularity and they are, becoming decidedly the favorites among cultivaten musicians. These pianos must not be confounded with the instru ments made by Other firhis of , the name of "Decker." The Decker Brothers Peitenl Plate Pianos are made only at 91 Bleiiker St. New York,. and L. B. Powell of Scranton has their wholes* and retail agency. July 18. FARMER MOWING MACHINE REPAIRS Fos SALF2-13cythes, knife sections, rivets, cast and malleable gaards, bolts of all kinds, made from best refined iron, cast ings, &c., &c.,,teir re - pairing Farmer. Mow-. Also machines repaired at 0. D. Bart lett's Machine Shop and FoundrY. • Orders. by. Eitage, ,4 eccompanied by the cash, prokeptly attended to, or repairs . sent to be paiash on delivery by stage. A few good Farmer Mowers, - with ha provements added, for sale cheap. R. AL yiry.r.t Towanda, July 8, 1867. 4 G. F. MASON & CO., BANKERS.-In vita accounts, discount paper, and make collections, throughout the United States, at lowest rates. State Bank notes received at,,,New York quotations. • Gold and silver bought and sold. Government Securities bought at highes rates. Orders for the purchase or sale of the ye ;ions issues of Government Bonds, prompt ly executed. 1 ' Coupons of ten forties, five twenties, and seven thirties, cashed on presentatiOns. Interest allowed on special deposits. Foreign Drafti and Passage Certificates for sale. Towanda, March 11, 1867. 7-30 TREASURY NOTES—The Govern ment is now .converting the first series of 7-30 Treasury notes into the 5-20 Gold Bear ing Bonds, the undersigned have arrange ments and facilities for procuring their con version on the mostfsvorable terms, holders who desire to have them converted are re questedlo call• upon us. The new- 5-20 Bonds oe hand for sale, we also purchase all descriptions of Government Securities and pay the highest market price. April 4, 67.' B. S. Russell Jr, Co. Powita; & Co.—Would respectfully announce that they have connected with their business a Millinery department, and . intend at all times to keep a full & complete assortment of goods in that line. This department is under the superin tendency of Ladies thoroughly accomplish ed in their _ professio whose long experi ence is a certain guarantee that all goods manuffirtured by them will be of the most faihionable styles andliest workmanship. The stock entirely new has been selected with great care, and is now offered Whole sale & Retail-at Low Prices. Towanda, May 23, 1867. 30,000 CELERY PLANTS.--ANCW White "Incomparable Dwarf." "This ) variety- is so much superior in flavor, ease of culture, and hardiness, that for the past six, years" the best New Jersey gardeners "have grown it to the exclusion of all other varieties for the New York market. It is planted one third closer than the tall growing sorts— from 25,000 to 40,000 being groyn on an acre." My. Celery Plants are very stocky and hardy. Now ready. May be set in rich soil any time this month. Price 50 cents per 50, 75 cents per 100, 3 dollars per 500, 5 dollars per 1000. Safely packed (without extra charge,) to any distance not exceeding three days in transit. Plain printed directions for - culture and' winter preservation, accompanying each package. Rejittres no trenches for culture. Towanda, July 8. E.M. WELLES, /I"nrseryman an ij .3farket Gardener. 7-30 TREASURY NOTES—MPORTANT 0- i:um—Holders of the August issue of Sev en-Thirties wishing to convert them into Five-Twenty Bonds bearing six per cent. in terest in gold, can now do so at the First National Bank of Towanda. This is probably the most favorable time to make the conversion. If delayed'until maturity of the notes, the rush will be go great that the Treasury Department will be unable to supply the Bonds promptly. Compound Interest Notes—Jtme and Ju ly Seven-Thirties, also received in exchange 6-20 Bonds.' 3r information desired in regard ,' will be cheerfully given by Le bank. N. N. BETTS, Jr; Cashier. March 11, 1867. ATIONAL BANK or TowANDA 40ENT OP Tom_llErpED STATES, )posi.., received pagape on demand in Legal Tender Notes. —lnterest allowed on time - deposits accord ing_to agreement. , • 1 17norirrent Bank Notes received and s it or ex ~ , s iisnged for Legal 'Tender. U. 8. 'fronds and 7-30' Treasury ote) bought and sold.. Highest price paid for Compound Barest notes. • Drafts payable in any part of the United States at par for s.le. [Drafts payable in England. Sootland,lre land or Wales, in any amount over one pound sterling, furnished at lowest rates. Passage tickets from Liverpool orQueens _n to New york. by tip well known Inman /11 1 401 and for sale. E. H. Saprit, Pres, March 2W67. N. N.Thrrra;jr„ Cash. ft.. Go t to ' Jo Rt lizaniEtttla for vegetables •of all kin . First door south of the /tail Road . No jyll4t, -- . , , —74+- 1 ' ''• ' - ler At .a Inedingqof, thetommittee, appointed ts •issamina , and," remunand -Books for =tin the' Sobooli-of Bradford Co. the following Ir,eo9lllik'n Taarisesl` Resolved, that tee rikenuntii Pwrsow, -Duarrott dc Bcainm's vstem q. Penman ship: - ' 4'. I. Hzurrrr a Tll/3 above IPenmansldp is publishe d by Lower, Barnes Snd Potts Philadelphia, and can be obtained of•Alvoid end ,Barbaßook : 4 sellers; Tot* Pa. i • -,. i ' IdayM.: 3m ie. WE:: ,ould call he attention of the reader to the adveitisement of Dr. 1r L,L Vanb • lc, dentist, in , another coumn. -•-• 1- • L The Dr, eoni to ' nal Well recommended from . Y, where he has practiced for thi) last ve years. ' We bespeak for him in Towanda the sacOess his ski ll and ex perience meri ' —3w. I , , .. • "MARTIN THE AMEIII4AN COOKING ;STOVE.-"AN THEE 'GREAT INEPROvEN:ENv-aurniG AMES MA= EASY: —Every liciintekeeper knows thatthe process of sifbitig Coal Ashes is at-, tended with much inconvenience and an noyande from dust, 4a., .and unless the ashes are sifted. much Coal will be wasted that can be use after sprig. In the Amer ican Cooking . Stove this . disagreeable pro cess is, entirely overcome by the ingeinous arrangement'of an ash kilter, in the hearth or Ash box, of e stove; by means of which after the grate is dumped- into the ash box ai l the ashes can b sifted On a moment, with the ash box closed; and without any dust in the roo , and the coal and cinders are ill retained] in a separate apartment, and can be returned to the fire chamber, o;• be removed elsewhere, end the ash pan can then be reinoved contaihing only thelasho without any dust whateVer. This arrange ment does away with the old fashioned ash sifters, and mut commend itself to all, and is another lon stride !toward perfection, and must add largely to . ;the already extend ed reputation of this deservedly popular stove. This improvement is fully secured by letters patent. I Swan, 14...7can0 & Co. 17 and 19 Given St., Al bany. For sale by CODDINCII 4 RUSSELL, , March 6, 1861-tf. 1 Towanda, Pa. 1 ' I • AUDITORS RErciaT.-7he _Auditor bf Canton. Township report tho condition of the lifilitary • BOunty `d df said town ship, embracing the Bo ughs of Canton and Alba, under the urements of the Act of Assembly, approved April 11th, 1.866,,as follows : i , , . Auditors met at their' officfe in the Bo rough of Canton, February 25th 1867, when the Collector and two of the Commission ers of said township Was absent, and pro ceeded to issue!"nosticeisl ,to' be served on them to appear I and se e },mi the 21st ;lay of March next,,, l 4t 10 o cloek, a. m., and adjourn4d.i , March_l2l , 1867. Au ft:Ts met in pursu- ance of th'eiradjournmer,.when two of the Commissioners was i pr sent and declared themselves unpireparedi to settle and' ac count for the disbursement of the moneys expended from said funo4,, , and the Collector being absent adjourned f.d; meet on the 4th day of Jund next at 10 *lock a. m. June 4th, 1867. i Auditora met in pursu ance of their adjohrnmeht, when two of the Commissioners, T.IM. Watts and E. Sell ard were present and deelare themselves as yet account for the disburse ni`ent of the moneys expended from - said fund, and, proabeded , to4ettle witn the Col lector, Calvin S. Sellarl, whose accounts, and.credits are as follows Amount of Duplicate r c l Credit as follows: By amount of exonerati ns .. Paid POmeroy Bros., on note.. Scrip issued by Commigsioners. .- of Canton and paid 1 2,166 45 Judgment paid, Elias Reckwell. 22'J 74 Agreed for collecting and paying . ' Pomeroy Brothers note • 100 00 24 per cent. for coll,ecttng bal ance of 41uplieato Balance at this date in lectog, $92,00 of which preciated - A true record Attest—C. W. LAxDo Jane 26, 18671-3 w. MA.R.RIE,D. - M_ELVILLE—PCND--A l t Brovintown, June 18, 1867, by the Rev. n. Williams, Mr. T. Melville of Browntowti to MiSs Elizabith Pond, of Terry, BradfeirdCo. pa. • j ~ FAIRBANK—CIANIIER—At the,HolCoinb House, LeßoyPat, July 3, bi A, Royce, Esq., Mr. SaMuelkFairhank and Miss, Ada Crammer, all pa. 4'West Prankliti l i i DYER—BUTTL S--In Towanda, ' Pa. July 9, 1867, by Rev. J. T. Brownell, Mr. John C. Dyer, of Town do, and "Miss Mary A. Buttles, of New Er , pa. il at. HILL—DAYTON— ev. Wm. Harris on the 26th ult., Dr. Sctli Hill,of Bethlehem Conn. to Mist Phebe • Dayton, of this place. 1 1 E . • WARD—In Wysox, on the 13th inst.,' after an illness oil honrsL.Thursey, wife of James Ward, aged 65 I..ears. New . ,Vner TO THE FRIENb. OF EDUCA • CATION AND LOVE S OF MUSIC. We take pleaiure informiiig you - that we have just opened in .Tounkn- da, on the corner of Bridge and Main Street, o. 3 Patton's Block • on Elegant New Bodk andMueie Store, where every thing in the Book Stationery' and ,- music _;line iay be found. Also Stationery, Paintings, Gold Pens, Spedtaeles, Bye Glasses Spy Glasses, Opera' Glasses, and a general assortment of • Muifeal \ln etrunteitte Yankee Notione and • Fancy A idea Our O-oods pere all selected in Oa • reat .care by exiierienced city with hands d bought 'with ,cash at a very 19w tAig community. wants of We fe 1 1 confident we shall be able 6 offer or us and set THIS IS PERSONAL TO ALL WHO READ: rr.—Caoss-L- Co., have just 'opened a splendid New BLk and Music Store, in Patton's Blink, Toianda, ,where they are selling everything in their line cheap for cash. Call and see them and sat- lay yourself that such is tho case. owanda, June 27, 1867. ..$18,737 20 0.1 . 7 18 13,582 50 105 19 $17,131 06 $1,606 14 hand's of the Col more or less de- C. Wl:tic:lFr, deiAIID LEWIS, M. S. JAIME, Auditors' Town Clerk. isements. ure with a view to — the all who will fav atronage. Cal CROSS CO. fitiiiill: itiiiiJ;e NEW' SPRING A: ROT . Would announce to the c !lame ,ot' an& the public generally, that. he hail and daily receiving, new and :FRESH GOOD In his ilue,;:aultablo; to the Ivants' Of the peg which he will sell tor Currency at former t • -GOLD PRIICESII Consisting as a9ual of'good well and rel CL'N G ! ofilltoddy of y kind) B .IN- SSS LT AU Op*. COATS, . VESTS AND PA i All Wool DRESS COATS, PANTS & VEITS, Linen Coats Dusters and Pants, . . Over Ails and Ove Shirts, Linen and -Paper Collars; Linen; Cass mere and' Flannel Shirts; NeclrTies, Suspend • rs, Gloves, Canes, Leather Bags, Spring Style Silk, Dolt and &raw Hats. All first class. Remember that Gooll Goods are cheaper at a fair price than poor goods at. any priCe. Calrand examine my goods ! before bay ing. Next door to Powell & Co. - R. W. EDDY. Towanda, May 28, 1867. TOBAOC . O & CIGAkSI Wholesale and Retail at RANDALL' & COMPTON'S' First door south of the First National !tank, MAIN STREET, TOWANDA,.PA BRANDS OF . TOBACCO—CIEWING. I Gold Leaf, Sunnyl Side, Pine Ap le, Michigan Fig, Rose Leaf ailtd Star, which oiler tor sale E s in . qu nudes to suit customers. Packages in Barrel , halls artd :quarters. BRANDS "OF DIGS S. • r;Arilerican Eagle. Gen. Grant, I, eboquet , im • perio, Tycoon and the very choicest brands of Yarns. I 6. FANCY SMOKING The celebrated Lo' Jack, rida of the Uni ted Stites, Vlrtiinist e ;Gold Leaf, Navy and all. kinds of Killtekniek. I..andlmds supplied with (.4 ; trt ttl Fop To. bacco on liberal terms. All orders promptly fillet .1 notice. W. 11. RANDALL eh 7. 1867 C LEANSE THE BLOOD:H-*iiii C corrupt, or !tainted blooll, you are sick 411. over. It may burst out in Pimples, or Sores, tlt` in some active disease, or it may . erely keep , , you listless, depressed and good for nothing? But b;ou cannot-.:,are good health while Sot 43 blood is impure. AY RE'S SARSAPARILL* purses out,these impurities; it expels disea'Se' and restores health and stimulates the orglin(•, & e lite into vigorous a tion. Hence it raptillY cults a variety of coin faints watch are caused by impurity of the Me d, such as Scrot ulat Car King's Evil, Tumors,leers Sores, Eruptionsr; Pimples, Blotches, Bo s, St. Anthony s Fire? i_,e Rose or Erysipelas, Teter or salt Rheum, Scald' R ea d, Ri n g Worm, Can ,er or, Cancerous Tura; ors,Sore Eyes, Female' Diseases, such as Mill tention, Irregularity, Suppreskon, Whites,titeii ility, also Syphilis or Venereal Diseases, 11 , 44 Complaints and Heart Diseases Try AYER% SARSAPARILLA. and see, for yourself lAlle s.,rprising activity with which it cleanses the blood and cares these disorders. Daring late years the public have beentnilsi led by large bottles, pretending to give a 4wart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. I mp3i of these have been hands upon the sick, ;Idi• they not only contaiu lit tie, if any, Sarsapiiril la but often no curative ingredient whateveil.-€. Hence, bitter disappointment has tollowed the use ot,the various extracts of Sarsapgrilla which dood the market, until the namebtSell has become synonymous with -imposition AO cheat: Still we call this compound, " elarsiti• parilla;land intend to supply such a remsitly a,4 shall rescue the name from the lload of ot4oquy which rests upon it.' We think we have ground for belie;ving ft has virtues which are irrd sistr ble fly the class of et-eases it is intended to cure. We can assure the sick ; that wd offer them the best alteratisie we know how Co pre duce, and we have reason to believe, it iii,:ay tar the most. effectual purifier of the blood yet (BS , cdvered. - AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL is so uni versally known to surpass every other medicine for the cure of Coughs; *olcis,lntluenza. Hoarse ness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consuin ptioa and' for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of toe disease, that it is use less here to recount the evidence_ of its virtues. The world knows them. Prepared . by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., and sold by all Druggists =a dealers In medicine everywhere. •.11ine 6, 18',7. 2m TWENTY-FIVE YEARS EXPERI ENCE IN DENTISTRY. J. M. SMITH, M. D., would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Bradford County that he is permanently located in Waverly, N. Y., where he has been in the practice of his profession for the past four years. He would say that from his long and successful practice of 2& yearn duration' he is familiar with all the different styles of work done in any and all Dental Estabfishments in city or country, and is better • prepared than sny other-Dental operator in the vicinity to do work the best adapted to the many and different cases that present themselves oftentimes to the Dentist, es he understands the art of making l is own artificial teeth, and has facilities tor doing the. same. To those requiring tinder sots teeth he would call attention to his now kind of work which consists of porcelain for both plate and teeth, and forming a continuous gum. It is more durable, uiore natural in appearance, and much better adapted to the gam. than any other kind of work. Those in need of the saute are invited to. call 'and examine specimens, Teeth filled to last for years and oftentimes, foe life.— Chloroform, Ether, and " Nitrous Oxide '' ad- Ministered with perfect safety, as over four hun dred patients within the fast tour ?ears can tes tify. I. will le in Towanda from the 15th to 30th of every month, at the office of W., K. TAYLOR, (formerly occupied by. Mr. 0. H. Woodruff Having made arrangements with Mr. Taylor, I am pregared to do all work in the very best style, at his office. April 23, 1867. FANCY GOODS AMILLINERY 1 , A firm selection of FANCYGOODS,ZEPHYRS, - EMBROIDERY PATTERNS, Stamped (#oods, Infant's Waists, ' . BIBS, SACKS, &C. ' • CORSETS, GLOVES, YANKEE *44).TIONS, Toys and T Dolls of all kinds. Also a fine lot of MILLINERY GOODS, For sale cheap at Vb. Carter's old stand on MainEtreet. June 6,1867.3 m. t CHEAP PASSAGE FROM OR TO IRELAND \OR ENGLAND 1 , GLTION:6 CO.'S LINE OF STEAMSHIPS FROM OR TO QUEENSTOVM OR. LIVERPOOL Williams & Gnion's old "Black Stathine" of Liverpool Packets, sailing every week. Swallow-tail Line of Pickets from or bo Con don, sailing twice a month. Remittaaces to England, Irelan and Scotland payable on. demand.. Par furtber i particulars, apply to Williams do Gnion, s 29 Broadway, Now-York, dr - " G. 2. MASON & CO., Bankers, • Oct. 1, 1866. - Towsida,pa, CASH PAID FOR DEACON AND VEAL SKINS, Also, HOMEMADE CLOTH SICORARGED FOE WOOL, AT • DAYTON'S. Towanda, April 8, WT. • oltagtor - to ,Ntto MEI . 1?. t wands, n igore rTErvir irrimersz • IMI NEW STO EMI iiit~ Have just opened their large and spaeimm 'tore, .and will keep at all times.. A LARGi AND WELL BFILECTED STOCK ■ D&MES`TIC AND FANCI?. (MPTON DRY GOODS. [(Opposite Codding & Russell.) • ° r • - Towanda, April 16,18&1 NEW HTIRdNE I NEW STORE V M 177 0 0 D S I TAYLOR & CO, Have just opened their large and apacions:gtore, and *il A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK DIOMESTIO AND FANCY DRY, GOODS. (Opposit Towanda, Ap ■ ■ OF I - I d • Ell AND V keep' at i 'ali timesr— or Codding it Russell.) 10,1887. neat estate hoar:ann. • iforix*NYE &HwARD, • MI REAL ESTA'T AGEN"Qt Offer sale the :following propertiei at reosonable pews &Aver' favorable terms : . • Twilve town lota, on . I.4smlxtril and Tliintßte. Towanda Borgugh. '' • - EC 10,000 acres heavify 'timbered • land on, tho bead water's of the Sionamahoning, Potter co., . A Valuable - Antbrelte Coal Property, near •Scranton, Pa.. • . 7,000 Acres of Wild Land • in Stewardson township, Potter county, Pa., heavily timbered. 26 Town Lo' in Monroe' Borough, Bridford county, Pa; 4 , - , . 782 Acres-of ImproVed aticl timbered laud, known as the Peltier and Trutt farms, in DL:In• tyre and Union towniblps, Tioga and Lycoming counties, Pa; ..To be aid in lots. 49Town Lots In New Milford, Susrynchannit co. Immediately! adjoining the I; lic !ot. . I . • • ;,000 Acre • A valuable Coal pr • pt. Pa., having thereon Wyoming Valley. XI. third of 1 ,9 4eres of wild timbered fontgomer et, 'iv , Georgia'. OM land, ild Laud.. SvUlna cociaty, Pa. .122 Acres good Farnrjug I; ad, Burlington township, Bradford county . . 2,000 ; Acres, more or id3S, wild and, heavily timbered; Llclntyre township, Lycoming coun ty, a TOI9II ; 6itunte on Main. Railroad and Centre streets, p:owanda. • • 40 Xeres ni linprotei farming land, highly cultivated, Wysns conrnsit'T, near fowanda. - 11. Acres highly Unproved ;aria's._, eland suits 'ldefor a truck farm. or reudettie—Wibox. .7 Acres improved land, Wyso - s, tea minut,ls walk from Tow.tuda. Borough. "••=r , • A FINE RESIDENCE; W4h every ino,le'rn improvement and conveni mien. Rose nearly . new. xvlL• > 56 Acres" heavili• 'land, - .oalt, pine, ehesnut, - within halt mile of the Susquehanna - - • TOO Acres valuable farming lana. Atlantic corinty,.New Jersey. . EMI Tenements' :and improved Real Estate, To wanda Borough; and other properties.;TAE .& WARD;_ Execute Conveyances, Famish Briefs of Title,. bpj , and sell Real Estate, collect rentals and liens,suivey.and examine all kinds of 'property`. They are prepared 'O homesteads, and propec..i.2.. l ?.speci Lily dasirable to capitalists ; to procure advances of , money upon bond and tiaorteage,rand to • prosecute in quiries for ttiose desiring ti) make investments .or-secure a home. The . will effect - • I v S In the best known ecru-, CIDENTAI, au_ s , have exclusive l ..• :•• boring.couutica several &Partin . Those who desire Gi buy or sell lonia ; All who wish to'elleet Insorance against Fire; • - All who seek permammt investments for4he future benefit of their (tit:allies, in secure mill first-class Life'Conmanies ; ' ri . -, `Capitalists desiring to' buy pc Eel! valuable speculative 'properties ; All wishing surveys and examinations ; All - wishing advances upon valuable rea Property All who wish to: obtain Yease or ,rental o Farms or Tenements, -1 Are respectfully solicited 'to .entrust each bust ness to our -Agency. Further particulars furnished at onr office Office, Union• Block, Timanda. (To be re• moved May let, to corner of Main and Pine streets.) Imo'' PROPERTIES• ADVERTISED FREE OP I.IIARG.g9 I REFEit. EN CES,: Hon. U. Mircur, T(wauda, l'a. • . Ron: Wil, el:, Bloomsburg, Pa. - 'C. L. Ward, Esq., Towanda,' M. C. Mercur, G. F. Mason Sr; Booker:;,.Towanda. J. D. Montariye, Towanda) Lathrop, Luddington & Co., New York. Dickson Brothers, Philadelphia. . ' "Hon. John N. Conyngliarn, Wilkes-Barre. Charles Parrisle, Wilk-Barre. Hon. P. B. Streeter, Montrose, Pa. Towanda, April 2,1867. EMI N. VII Eigil Ix. petty near Wilkes-Barre, 'All. the coal veins of the CM - SUL: XIV. xv EMI .‘ \ 111 EN -ZANCE n. rill/3, LIFE, AC •.t ‘III.NE. • They r 1 grid neigh ! •••:!vanies in these . G. D. MONTANYE, HENRY WARD. 1 4 - Nol 4 l l ,;a—Notiw, iK -LA berebikveri th;:11 . 1111 .per -0114 to he- estate ?.) J.A.11F.4 A rib. r 4 . ethate .paymet t, and 1.11L,1 . 'at .against mn,t .; • thenticaled tur st: t Ivnent. ' - , 1:1.1:3" 1.1.1t6.:•; L iGELLNE , June 25,14(4. . - Exiclonra. • A DIIINISTRATOWS NOTIGE.- Notice is hereby given, that air A tinistia; • indebted to the. estate or Sarah' s ic z/ovesi, deed, late of Connecticut, are regae- ted . - make immediate pay . uaent, • an& th