muusawrim . . Tan listOrllll4ll riblialtedirrETTh day Sick:dig: byit. o,46toixon; Its 2 Per iinnnin, in sul vaxicc. • - &Dvoisainit 4leeediag Site& liaes are inserted at T cans per line for first bisertion, and trim latern per, line for anbsequent insertions._Special natices_in, serted before Marriages and Deaths, will be charged,*testi ants Stan.' ite insertion. All resolutions sf r As s ociatiena ; communications 'of lingteid 'or - Individual I interestoind notiees i of ilaixisges Destki , exceeding Ave lines,. are: hmed tterallaral per line. 1 Year. 6 mo.. 3 mo. One Column, • - $ 75 " - $ 64 s 3orl g B . - )•:. 45, lice Square, 10.._ , Estray,Cautiop, Loit, advertisemota; aoR .01 0 00 01 11 tIQ lids, three weeks, or less, $1 50 Administrator's 4kEseantaillotiom .2 00 Auditor's Notices 2 50 Business Cards, five lines, (per yiito:3l)o Merchants and ethers,' advertising theh' business, will be charged $2O: "Itelf 421 be entitled to f column, confined. nebulae. ly to their businesi,withprivilne &change.. i Vr-Advertising m all gases ex,,c.ougvtog subsoziPtiOn to the Pain. JOB PRINTING o f 0:70g kind, ia f I!* and Fancy colors, dens with nefibissio, and - dispatch., Handbills; Planiiti,Car*, Pam phlete, dco., of traiieti aiidit:yle, prin ted at the shortest notice. Ornas has jest been-re-fitted with Power Presses, and ,nery - thing in 'the Printing line can be. oi(anted in the most artistic manner and at the lowoot rates.. VE]Ms nivAßumify °Asa. earbg. IEORGE' D. IiONTANYE,. TORNE Y L44V-01Mie in Unfon Block, formerly occupied by JAILLOVAimuIa. DOCTOR .EDWARD Sn'ERKINS Otters his professional services to the eiti sees of Frenchtown and vlclnity. - Callsoprotnpt ly attended to. May 28, 18137..;;=1ys yxr, T. DANIES, Attorney 9.t Law; Yl • Towanda, Pa. Office with -Win. Wat ;kins, Esq. Paktictdar attention paid to Or phans' Court business and settlement of decor dents estates. MERCUR & MORROW, Attorneys at law,, Toiranda . - • ' The undersigned havingnssociated themselv together in the practice of Law, offer their pro fessional-services to the public. ULYSSES RESCUE, P. D. MORROW. March 94865. PATRICK •& PECK, ATroramiti; AT LAW. Offices f—ln Union Block, Towanda, Pa., formerly occupied by Hon. Wm. Elwell-And In Patrick's block i Atkens, Pa. :They may be consulted at either' n. W. PATRICE, I apll3 B. licSEAli; ATTORNEY & 11• COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Towan da, Pa. . Particular attention paid to business in the Orphans' cond. July 20, 1866. 'HENRY PEET, AttOnzey at Law, .LJL Towan ia, Pa. . jun 27, 68. DR. H. WESTON, DZNTIST.- Office in Patton's Block. over Gore's Drag and Chemical Store. lian6B EDWARD OVERTON Jr.; ney at Law, Towanda, Pa. Office In Mon. kaiyes BlocU, over Prost.'e - Store, July 13,1865. 11E. R. DAVIES, LERAYsvms, PA. -IL , - has -permanently located at the office formerly occupied by Dr. B. DeWitt, for-the praltiee of his profeaston. May 9,1867. . _ JOHN N. CALIFF, A TTaiiiNgr AT LAW , Towanda, Pa. Also, Govern ment 4 gent for the collection of Penalcma, Beek Pay and Bounty. szir No charge unless , anecerefol. Office over he Poet Ofllee and Nevre Room. Dec. 1,1864. fIOCTORI3: D*WITT, PRY' SICIAN I.J AND Suaokox.--May be found dying the day--unlem otherwise g. ngaged—pa Main- et. , a few doors Codding Russell's. Isi• dente comeiot William and Divislonlitg. late-' - ly occupied by E. A. Parsons. Towanda, -April 28, 1867.—1 y TONES & DWIOREST, COopert, Tommie, Pa. AU Abide .of Cooper Work on hand and made to order. Particular atten tion given to repairing.• Work can be obtained at the shop in the Keystone Brewery, or at,the store of W, A. Rockwell. Cash, or work, paid for stock, May 9, 1867.. aSTILES;V: D., Physiciaii and J. Snrgeon, would announce to the people of Borne Borough and vicinity that be has perma nently the plaza !ormerly occupied by Dr. G. W. Stens, for the practice of his proles-. sion. - Particul# attention given to the treat ment of womercand children, rier also to the prac tice of operat& and minor stirgery. Oct. 2;66. P 4 ' ,PRATT has . removed, to State D iitrieti. (first shore B. S. Russet! dr,"Co's Bank). - Persons from a distance desirous of con sulting him, will be meet likely to find him on Sat craky - 3f each week. Especial attention,irill be given to surgical cases, and the extractlattbf teeth. Gas or Elher administered when desired. July 18, 1860. PRATT, M. D. FOCTOR CHAS. F. PAINS.-Of ' flee In Goas's Drug Store; Towanda, Pa. CUs promptly attended to at all hours. Towanda, November 28, 1866. EDNN"D - MEEKS-AUCTIONEER. All letters addressed to him at Sugar Ran. Bradford Co. Pe., will receive prompt attention. - pRAN-CIS E. 'POST, Painter,' Tour X anda, Pa, with 10 years experience, is con. fident he can give the best sa tisfa ction in Paint ing, Grainihg, 'Staining, Glazing, Papering Ac. /0/-Particnlar attention paid to Jobbing VI the country. • April 9, MC. JK. VAUGHAN—AriI/ilea arid • Builder.—All kinds of Architectural de signs furnished. Ornamental work in Stone, Iron and Wood.' Office ob Main street, over Russell &L'o.'s Bank. Attention given to Ru ral Architecture, such ae layimout of grounds, Ac., &c. , : April 1,1867.—1 y. J:1 N E W E L PI COUNTY SURVEYOR, '• - • Orwell, Bradford will promptly attend to all' business in his line. Particular attention given to running and establishing old or dispu ted lines. Adso to 'sunning of all unpattented lands as soon! lU3 warrants arp obtained. myl7 WHERSEY :WATKINS, Natal • ?utak is prepared to ;take DePost ons, Ackhowledge the Execution of Deeds, Mortgages, Power- of Wormy, .and all other instruments. Affidavits and other pipers may be sworn to before me. Office owesite the 'Banking.. House pt. B. S. Russell ,t north or the Ward House. Towanda, Ta t , .1an,16, 1867. D. D. KN A P, A., Watch Make; and, Dealer in Gents. and Ladles Watches Chains and Finger Rbills,Clocks,jeat eiry, Gold Pens, Spectacle's, Silver ware, Plat. ed ware, Hollowware, Thimbles, Sewing Ma- chines, and otberlioods belonging to a Jewel , ry Stsire. Perticular attention paid to Repairing, at Ws old place:neST the Post OP*, Ws,erl, A. Y. Dec: , 1803.L11. j9gli 4. 0 .1474 ..: .: '.: : - ., 1 ARTIST AND :PHOTOGRAPHER. . s , • , Will promptly itt4 a to alith liness in iia line. Special attention given to Lan &cap and Ste* oscOpic Photography. Views of -Family.Real dencee,Stores, Pah to Rending., ' Atilmals, Ma rbilire..ete taken ii the beat manner., . • ~,-., Particular attention given to the novel end. • leardifal-stere+copic, representation ,otitcte• Orders received at Wood & !larding's . P der graphic Art Gallery, Towanda. o p wanda, April 23.1867.-71. - UNDERSIGNED , HAVE opened a Banking Souse •in Towanda, un der the name c. G. P. MASON dr CO. TIII4 are prepared to draw. Bala .of. Ex change, and make collections in' New York, Philadelphlit, and all portions of • the United' States, as also England, Germany, and France.. To,Loan money, receive deposits , and' to do a general - Banking business. G. P. Eason yeas one of theliti•firs Laporte, Mason . & Co., of Towanda, Pn., - "and' his knowledge of the basineesT men of itzsdfOra , and Juliohling; Counties Ana having been in th e , bootleg business for about fifteen years, make this house desirable one,. through which to make collections. ' - Towanda. Oct: V. 184 AAOTIOE.—L. O. -NFMON. *old hereby notify all venous hidithhillay bitai that he baa sold outtlie itsß aact. ll acoCautha tonot settled by the Alit or sat, : yin boleti r collodion. 114 ASO 11.1. t.Juan* :::;,i i x 1; .011 "43 1 :tiF -4, . 43.4441110111PRICX3E14:XkLbitishiar. ME . !:o'(.)i-i':- . - -. .fy,, , , '.,• l i'd:, - , - ;.0 , .'..1 \ 01t10. ii ... 4 . ' . , • katfszivowtmAl j On Habi l Street. lieu the Court Bogie. Oct. 18e4. 'A. Id 0A NI HOTEL, TOWANDA, PA., • I • Having ptiteMaiiedthil wentaalbStrliciel oa Brill Street. I lava - refurnished al t aied - It *Jowl coare ) oe/ar tier Mei) ottithabo ins nisi bid: So be spared ta maw.* pjeasaataad ftrasibW May #,:68.-41: `3. - 1V PAIWRISON;Prop. QNYDER HOUSE, a four storjr,brick LP edifice near the depot with large airy rooms, elegant parlors, newly furaished. has a recess in new addition for Ladies um, and is the most convenient and only eat class hotel A Waverly. N; Y., It is thd principal office for stages south and express'. Also for sale of Western Tickets, and iWCanoda, on Grand. Trunk 80-way. Pare to Detroit from 'Melo, At, is cheaper' han any other route. Apply for ticketw•ius above to 0. WABFORD. irrEtabUng and care of Horses at ressonnble rates. rl ;.tt, Waverly.N. Y„ 0ct.211,1866 7 3m. 0. W. lUillinirg. anb Puss inakini. Miss GRIFFIN,; Would respectfully ask the s;ri l i s to call and • eisminelteristoet of -hthry Ooodso: just received • froth - New Yor . Every thing beautiful and new. in the line of &nett,' Hats, Trimmings, eta. • She takes_ pleasure in offering to her frieinis and the. public genetallY. Of her work, those who have patronized her, are the best judges, and to them she' ref era. Towanda, April 23,1136?:&—ew* • • MIMES.. VOMITER W. SHIP?. AU. MAN, , • D DUBS SWIMS. Rooms over Mamba!' I CoWelPa Store, Main Street. Second Door below Beldleman'a Towanda, Pa., April 6tb 1867.-3 m. M I Ikl , X li)11;-,R Ti; I.llire,s.!j.)(rPiEßQß;- 1 . 1 ,-:•:: Mould =WACO tO the'citlierdi of Towanda, and the public generally, that •she has just re turned front New York with a well selected as sortment of Goods, and opened a I Mitt St ' MILL ORE, _ k Over Shlam's Cl thing Store, fii the fraiit room' t „ii formerly occupi _by W. C. Bogart, Esq., where elle will be, pleased . to see the Ladies of Towanda and vicinity, being confident that with a, varied and well-selected' assortment she can supply that+ Wants. • , - • Having procured the services of one of the best Milliners r.ofitthe City, she believes that she can give entire. istisfaction."4 l artieular at tention given to STRAW WORK. mar, Come _ mid , see A as. , -Don% forget. Out place, over Shift's Clothing Store; nextddor to , Mercer's Store. Towanda, April 8 , 1867% W. A. PAM. NEW M,ILLINERY Mesa ENNA Rut:l6llS. ButowaY, Having jnet returned from. Hew Tork .with a fine and well aelectedassortmentof , - • MILJ2NERY AND FANCY GOODS, Would inform their friends, andlbe public gen eral'', that the" would be pleased to melee a call from them at their rooms formerly occupied ,by Mrs. H. M. Tracy. ihrPartienlar attentiongiven to Straw Work. Aprll,l7, 1867. O. OF O.Ft-BRADFOBD LODGE J,e No. 167, - I.' 0. of 0: F., moats at Odd,Fel .l6iniXiall, sveryllonday liverdat'from thetfltlt limicifilti.AfrU to the utitifOnday in Octobit 7 p. m.; from October- to April lAA p m. _ J. il3. CAB Beep. LAprilla,AB67. ICOUBLIC DRAY.--irhe subscriber .1 has had made a new and convenient DRAY and will hereafter be prepared to do hauling for all persons desiring his services. His Dray Will stand is front of Patch's store, *henna engaged and all .arderti marbeleß it that store. The patronage of the public , is respectfully; solicited, as by prompt attention to orders, and j by punctuality and low charges, he is determ-1 hied to merit a share of custom. PRANK STEPHENS. Horeb 28.1867.-3 m• havatf_p_larchase4 Gvt gristonifilkuown as the We MI, eitf stated Dear the nuintii, of Tomatda about two mildsouth of Towanda. Bproagb. I take II& method Of tartifyingalynldirlendi of my legation. and am in hopes to gain m any • new friends and patrons by strict attenti onto. - my business. All I ask. is a fair trial, as I ani well satisfied that I can salt my custoniers . Wlifs BAHLY 23,1887* ' f NEW ARRANG'EMEN'T isms NEWA,R4OM-AND OPOK: The undersigned having purchased the gook STORE AND NEWS BOON of J. J. Griffi t li raspecifffily invite the. -old patrons of the ea lisbmiiht and the public generally, to call and • amine c t u Pi tca y -'" ' • AiNCOED s: w. ALVORD. P. M. Daum. „ ripw.ENTt Ivy:, • EARS : • 1. ENCE IN DENTISTRY: J. M, Barra, If. D., would respectfully Info the inhabitants, of Bradford ~Comity that he is pennanently,kimitellin W,ivietis,f B. Y., whew tt i tt r "Cl a p t i ft e e ti = l 4 lol fi s = long arid intermaandpracticp42s years duraticka he is familiar; Yritit. all theA4l3nrent styles bf work done in anyjlnd all Dental Establishments; In city or country l and is better prepared thin any other Dental operator in the vicinity_to•do. work the best adapted to the many and different cases thin Wont themaeltes oftentimes to tha Dentist, as be understands the art of making hill own artificial teeth, and his facilities for doing Trr,thase ;requiring ',under Anti a teeth he *Mad call attention to his lievrklrid work which consists of porcelain for both plate and teeth,;aud feriae' ga colthiumligumi. Nis!' more durable, more natural in appearance and much better,adapted to thaguin „than any Othir. W' of iforir Th, 2 , die In need of the 'sam . 4 , 3; Satikelk taatllhold examirm Amigo” filled to last for years and Oftentimes for life t —' Chloreform, Ether, and " Nitrous ,l oltld• It 144 ministered with perfect safety,-as over four hin-. dred vatic*, wl4l9 . therdast frormrarat4lll,lpi . , tif f will be In Towanda from the 15th to SOthi of every mouth,ls the omee et- IT.:IL4AYLOReI (formed} , oceipled by Dr. 0. ' i ll: Woodr uff. Ea • azlndwentmegisnwit.P'itti g obleit styleoat his office. Aro 3S, 1 T. IMPORTANT TO DATE D111931/B 110NAIIGIIIS .FDLICOB-STDP. Usti 'eine fo 40eriet ;or Z .4 ol=lLo llll°l 4=l 44 V Inning AS - am& UM and no cloth; 014 yostlintteir.arhist daimon is fined, and it requires no attention while in the cellar., Bend:your orders to ' Dunbar A NoNantiht, Alba: Bradford county, Penn's.,whom address for circulars, and farther infor m ation. I Ili/ 23,1847. Get your Drool matataciated- MI save 50i per, cenpvar clottur. 1W c r ar pOKKl Ibis wool ? at "Olt Tat* ANTED:6O,OOO Ita*oot to mane at , 4 , the ion* .rat k . -IF to satire satisfaction: n " - wAnga i itoop o Wool to Prollitto . 0 0 CtinathaillWUlV MA :OW W 40101 tbla atawtir do tura warw, "Wet patentedaltman to attend 11,0; the INISQ W UXIIMINkIWOOLLI =dig . Joe /4 U*7o-41w Wm:4M. T. '1:i; P. I tiAltiliti;, .A;',041 1 1 1 B0 : .. IN= . . .. . - - -.- - 9 - '1311301e trtiNlitna' , r- - • --'• ' iiiditziplilfr -- --'--- ----'''' -• -••'41 - - 4'''' ••'-Fil-'44l;•lilt-1 2 / 1 4.•-•l4 l tiii:A. , — , - , :•-• utreffs4-4 , 4tvittf:4 - - -,,--- . 7. - 641.latztittitiri4 -, • - :•.: . .._,-. - A- 4 - f• -.- ••• • - E. ..- •. • - -.•- •,,, i -..-.,:1. • ---•.: 1 .. • -.. - 1„--.4;,,., -_,..i -i- 1 ,•,. - , - 1:1.:4.r , -;••.---;----- _,...-.;;, - 1. - r• , -- .....f •._ !.*t..l•!. ~ . ._,T. .- :-% : ..,.. 1.-. • • -.V it Vyi - 11., , „ t. ,,, :-.-;.- .-_ , .. - J-- -, : ~-..----, •-__ • -•,..-:__:. - .... , :,L,• ..............., .,.... . :.- •_.......,..... ~.,-,,.,,,,,..„.::......-__,„, . ..__„:„..,.- 4; ..,.., .-:....;_, : 1-f-. •-.••:,t1---.. • -.._4,7q44-f- , - . , r-...,Aq -•-w.- 7,:. . 0 :_, : -,_: • :,- , ... i . ,:, ~.-.•-. L -_-,:..---,-• •-.. 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I '''f• - L , rl.TTi• -:,-, •: - !i. -,- -..- '2' -. ‘,....- - 4 - . . , -•-. , ...:,,,.., . -_..,-., ~, ~, 1 ~., ..„. „ _ ~.... .......... . . . . . • . • -•-. .. ,-- . . , ..- + •,, • 1,- -.- --. • • -- -, . ..; :,- " e-..,..,:i,vg., ' iFf: Fi-;11:. , rir:.; - .I.rri .14:::-: , .F: , 1tr. , ... 7 . '- ' *)".' -..-"'" .--' ''. .". ' ''' ''• - f ' 113 ,-, -4. t C. T. SMITH, Proprietor. AT MONROETON. Aintilanoitg. FM ; Pbutgan. KISSED BY MISTAKE, W, M you be at twine - to-night, fretty V' asked the: speaker, a tall, 4uscular, welloolthig young farm er4ls4ll6l,44l theAtlttn , 44.k,k4g a t, air thougn - me - ;hadommit -*u' so very *icked act, insteadof asking a snuple question. i . . ' ' , He was bashful, extremely so, was L4osiehllawley s , at least in the pres ence of young ladiek.most of all in the presentee, of the girl he loved. No young farmer in the countrrpossess ed a better kept farm, or talked with iore'ctinfidence among his compeer 5 4- Attek h ntlit -- ArePet- ImA efillipdrfd subjects. But the'glinipseer iota Pretty face or foot e comi n g inhisli tection, affected him:' ' eke' a fhiiih of &tiightning. On such Occasions he andsknew *hat to Id° ' with his ands and eyes, and always felt like rewing himself - Into i mimeo hole. How he ever contrived to.approach neater Thomas on the subject of hi's preference probably remains to this day as lunch a mysterr to himself. as to,in, to othirel: f 1 ' , . n ,;* , • • : • Brit thou . yoting liiily - hidlilitje an' mount of fact and cloverness stow , ed away somewhe re 'in, her pretty .tetle headi albeit it was' yet on the impled, mexperieneed . shoulders of . wventeen. Josiah, was wotth, in a orldly way Much more thin iny of er suitors ; good looking and luta igent enough to satisfy any one but n over fastidious person..- -unexcep ionable, in short, barring his exces sive Wishfulness, which' wins ,e,frpit, fal-source of merrimentoareent-the young people -in that little circle. .', whenl --- osiak inhilrawlkward plundering way,.began to exhibit his preference for her lit various iktki ways, such as waiting on her to and frocks Hinging: school, *lnstituting himself her escort when she rode on horseback in the woods , met singling' her out at quilting parties- Hettie (took it allin the-eatneekileailauteat Lanner possible. - - The girls-laughed, and the . young men cranked elyjo at the expense of her timid suitor ; ,but nettle stood iip forlink,,indepen l , !dently—encouraging him out of his ishyness ; never noticed any unfortu 'nate blunder—and very likely helped 'him along considerably when ,his feelings reached "the, culminating :point,! one moonlight autumn even ,= l ing, a's-they were- walking home to 1g gether from prayer meeting. That was a week ago. Hattie had said " yes," and bad agreed to " bring father and mother areund on the silb- , jest." ' ' Josiah had not been to-the house I since—probably feeling very' much like a dog venturing 'upon the prem ises of a person whose sheep fold - 1$) had just plundered. As yet neither had the courage to •iineak to the " reigningpowers " on the subject • and liettie,,feeling as . if she wanted to put the ordeal off as .loug as pos sible, at any rate - to have one more confidential talk,with him on the sub leet,.tiaidli, 42 '. ', - - ' ~, " Mother is going over to Aunt Bilth's to 3 spend the evening, and wants me to go ;. but guess I. wpn't, I, have ,been waking on father's shirts all day, besides doing the dai ry work, addr am`• as tired as I can. be. So I. Oess they-will have to go Within:it me. , ' Do pot come 'until eight o'clock.' I shall be putting things to rights then, and will let ion in." -..0 ,course Josiah -018 set; ' too oh- Ulan In:Understand Ancient - forgot his bashfulness so far, as 'to petition a good-bye kiss, which was peremp torily rotated; of course. " No, I alum% to take yourself ,off. J . Think,l didn't see you fkigeting around Sarah Jones at Deacon Badge er's last evening ? I've not` forgotten that air l"' , "Now, lietty--”/ . . - - 1 But the appeal. Was broken off by a tantalizing little laugh;; and as he spieng folyard to take a ,pleant revenge OD ' his' tormentrem, 'she slipped away and ran up the path to the &Mee where lie saw' her her hand j ag she disappeenziirithia the hitahen porch ; and thent turn- 1 ed, from the gate and .took lh lead 1 , homeward: 1 ' illiii , teie' things had. been' carried out, tho table set back against the` wall, crumbs brushed from the clean home l made.carpet, andHettra wOrk-' itatid drawn up in 'front of the MU ing fire. A bountifully „piled waiter of great red applea, and a plate of ,cracked_ walnuts were Onittclaill,9 'proliniity 'to Hettrs work bilislret. - On one , side of the fire sat Mrs. Thomas, fat and - fair, and at peace with all. the world, rocking;,and knit ting, and tfreshing' Herself Atm dry interval with a bile , from a half eaten apple thatlif *title corner of the table,: i and • . tquching. eery ~now and thena caressing manner with herLfook, ; L sjipa:lc i leggy looking cat that purred and" liiike* on the rug berco her - tilettyN eat on ,the other sidk seed* . Ind dicey in thhikiag how ekka sr... ,00 1 4. 011 141PiRleth4F,..., that she eipectect a visitor.' one would hive given.. the . - wOrld4OUlithitilo say in., an ,leff banded jamme . r,, that She.exPeOe (l kir;': anWt#l3o,44 ll l l abbot,- eight. = 'Bet.% she reeothxdied .Wit 17,ii .. islugi4, 'vrimificienotir - Jiteir sie -hid tried to get thelid lii iiilo '''Seeolnttnn7"heTlnink l o to Aunt: giiies - mi . SOW ol her"Zo* irotninge„ of a spell of -I: *mad& 4 biAreke kna" Plead . headache ,s 4 a n kits' neetienot , ping head., And shi,hnhl! 4 A b gl ier Pahl Wall hive idikii;Bll - 066 ti disw bir oown , ewe-from` th e facts,-and lion aer.,be #4lliditil4lo:w4h' anniPak**:* ) irpe ,an evening itilune.,,,,,::, . -:, -, ... u ‘i aktilu9tA il * 'ti l te ll bO k Cj w .. Shelt '.snre 'to thinkAlieniiid to Set W Vet' of the Wlers gl"--2 10 1 04"t0:::4 '_ 1 4 . ' . 8 .4.i 0 . 111 0444 1 idlentdmes ,- M e et ' o hs Jen +et it..i. Andibilikii l :iilaii - in* ibe 10$4 . bum i !II MI 1 1 PA B::ia r I oil giartp-A t' y , - IPX la, ~ i a r r s I T , ..iiiiiiiiiiiid - -a tgliiii tnilt . . 1 Itc4. I; bark ' MOOS ung Amer's desini = te . tif you lissilii,iseve, seen Betty Tiumar as she I was seirin by the fireeidOeßsitrebid 8 . Wien il,,,..Li- ~ nder, preSterVef .04: ! . - t reeds to go to her male' thing.* had no idea ofdoing,- Ihe isdrittet before 0.114 indulge d yiiiriVlVninlite 1 fi fing IT." 'X ' sly' ii ' Jr, darh lifrili*V 4 Rf ItiMA4OIS 2 M rash linen' &Mir, and" a ' u tibottgyFT 8 41rthlrolTre.14 6 1. dile i,ms 'o ettts wet, i bit l i r l i Irt i .M / 2 410 tti t ' het; ton rt 411 f hours hat n iimkikilf4ilnliow 40s andiewelierr; 'Her rich tair of the . dark est anima. tinge fell in - shining folds clods to hetwirtiredelieeks inifiikiesoight, up i n a cunning knot fielded. Eight 1) 1 ,cloalt ''ind'iliist i l : lifts. Thomas waidasink in her chaft - -4er sl*Ov4Ontthe:..tffoodie.rall betoing: about in grotesque mimicry as she nodded to ‘ ApA, fr i-now,lruslileg the 4oluminons white satin bows on.the apruce.eap against Vieille*. of her chair—now almost, falling forward, Wiese dud her her hamiliw " li."-itiluir lap and her balk . of ay . t had rollea out *Roil the -hear th , 'Unta was' busy converting it ii to Gordian knots:' , And plat•• then came l a l double:? zsic at the door—so loud, sudden, and Fnf-assured that-116W started ni 'th a little shriek,: and set her foot puss' Islyirliiiiiiiiiirti•giiiitivoiee to her aniasemeut and Idhipleasure. • The combhumUmidee ;roused Mrs. Thomas, and starting !plait erect po sition, she ' rubbed her ern ; settled her cap boi mui dur, und eualll - "Bless my ; soul, Hefty, what•was that? Sometidy_st, „the door ? ' Who can be coming here this time a night ?" .'- l , i" .t, "It's not late, mothera little . _ pist eight=' o'clock; -hi' go!iind see who it is," says Hetty, demurely Ask ing the. andle front - the table. • • "No,heye,, ion, wind pp •ntyy . ball and sw e ep up Iltelciartli i i while f.go to, the door, frays the old lady,whose feet.Were:etrnggling iiihe meshes Of the int:eV - tiled yarn. "Drat that - Sit I" And all thil time Josiah' ins stark; ding on one footroutiulhe cold porch with his hands in hiseirirceifq.pocktiF wondering if Ekitty hailtillett'isleeit; 'and every s new istittlien ittrhig the door a, smart,ran • by way, of ;variety. . • In heibirrry, Illie:ThipiiiitlOrgot to take the oitudlOY• 2 ind.ittehestep- pest out into the tit:tie:front entry, the ri sitting; room . door slain*: after: Mt.. She hid her; Itand.'on - the.. liaidledl the hall door at milmentotudieoMt= 1 ing it, she euddenly. found herself in - ' the embrace of &stout pair of arm" ; a whiskered • facet in close : proximity to her own ; andl:before she . coilld think, about the Strangeness of her situation, i she teefired ,a prolonged kiss r a ,hearty smselifill upon - her virtnous - matron lips. ' 4 • •, • • .!-: !I She .had by this tile divested her-I ' 1 self of the impreashin that itiwas Bet ' ustially . sober_spouse, who Mist have ,-come.lp:de-kr &II ..*nitstukily ' ,iiicitesl conditic i A•thus to intlolge in such an unwort expreaeitto of offootl o o. "Get" one i •GiAlopt;ll say - 1 Who are yoniertyhowl /larder - I thieves I' Hptt,y„l. p : onict heat. ,L, Here's a rear' kuleing'nie like mad PT :-- ' • : -- , But-the intriuleti •• had by this time dineitVered . his ~ i i i .: ' :,', •it did not need . the indi : , ant' pituiMeling and • scratching of i .. e: old lady's fist 1 to cause .him. to ref , quish- his I hold and Hy es - ff,P! , - , ~, i.'hy some -'. itglig... i twit ghotit. i. .. 1 .). • ' ''. , 1,7' •.. Netty,.nearly.cho : , g . with smoth- ered laughter; in tip to of trot:000A now came to the re: ~ e. - . 1 • . ' ••, "I was rieite4 en frightened in all my:life I The intwi _ . pi, ,Who can, itle, Hettir• . -5,!•• . • : ... -- 11 ',--; ' But that dutiful! ;tighter Wakie, all aPPlatan l3 .o4. - .4 ocent OA' #1!.., 1.111 tie. dove .. , She soil ed the old linly! bar:. representing- that It might!'hart beeit'i;mo efilie.opblihic:lvi4v inglimnirioo muelOadmiitaken the' honsitandthe 10' iFlfo..lllocosilidi. ed thei•entiry: for , ...missing epectat.:l else, dropped in : semdie itkirrang-' ! ed the rtimpledla :herder-. IstOug4 Tap - the tanO.d - yarn t-, - stirred - op - ,the; dreLlill In thimast able iminster i possible—and 0. length- had I, the ist-!I refection of seeipt her mother subside: intoTtorAaii9indlintoliqtracamstdm ed iiianjtfilit:t is 4 '. l . - • '''',: Mil$::ThOME - W ' fidir 111WIliketrilt! She had . a neir id ' lit'lmehe44',lMid; r ins,tead of set '— .' liitielf t* . ltiaitli-' ler , nag 1d0:: .. p::: ell , Abli in Of thilught andher• itting, : : 0 1 -043i iiiiiiiio4o;k.: :ii.derfiir i . - . pig; 6.. i At lengths . ppin' - - .. andlooki g s keen-j 1 I ly• at Hett);.• •I* , i•!• H • • I - I• E. r.` . 1 ; 1 I .l supple. , .it'S a queer : ciao At, 'Pike, RettYrbit I have : silo iaiiihat man w,94.Sialk ili. ley." , .: ± .I "My Politit if : -et4y4: . didn't' firejin:4lmal .144 ~m*ht, . !Olt a eanZlebi:lL; "Ilte: indite' . t• ' p... UlllOll4 nOtr 1 th e - . . ' idiot!' tcir. 7 ,_ . , i ~ 1 . , . • * • ~ - "Pears so ItO . : '.'''Beea . these: bffirbbk - etivi ' atiatiodh 1 • 'hitiNk: and the! awkwarad ' way he . rippled' ine slith his 'filial prim 1" . - • . - l'lbititr Wait — : dull " .?•.:11Ihni ; bent *vet ,h er .: ork ~ and: That-the' the, needle:Al:A.olh -- wileklY: t , hiemt - ---- - ~a~; illr . UT., antii 3;'..;.,4:z.P.,F)t.)1'..',!•,...r::3.-ti ii ' -1_, 4 41 114 00 11 , ' ' : WIWI AIDW WWI *roes Sul .04 ~1 (Poe littkrithoto Dukte****ol44: *lig to find 'tbit., Eligible agobtlimr. fOker II I M g MITO 1 rultutl 164 h lialad rotherlbed militate 'ilirobi: i LI , ,of MI big,lottokora il e:: , lP r Ctl of ti l Or to evi mil 'tare , He' * (thee) r11111 :4. 16;irk me then," And Iha ow to youllll4 1,CY:01`0010,14 filo:14411 -. %MBA' were , ;sonie :o f the # l * - o"*.gliaci, s •bri: 0 * (4 reY4 ,bocilte reoommendi tee,., show ; that 'I Meet thome t '.*liei era new' before' it review being onll ment of the reuoi the Committee to trend.the' books; .1 the range' o_f, &sew ntodertake4-in thee papers ; and as , It eifeebi 11be eine y - of our. Com mei sehoO 8, Who - interests are sec ond to, none in ~ commonwealth, ... -might be, withpro riety, entered up on in 'a public to al. I propose : however to deVote - article to the Opinion expressed y the teachers of the county. at their last meeting. The report of th ' Text Book Com mitteelrai read t 'the Association and vety, - fully d amused. After a ;quite genera Lex reseed opinion, in its. favor, Abe re ode was , adopted unanimously and its resolutions ap proved. So that e have a series of books recommend, bY nearly three • hundred teachers.' . It is I believe the first time in the story of the Asso ciation that. they have unanimously recommended asi gle s e riesei of books, 1 and the raid time in more than ten; years thatit hat!' 'yen Site endorse- ment to any. ,, , Thisopinion to• unsolicited and was base& entire y tiphn the real Inuit of the book and eir adapta-. ion toiherwante f. o 'schools, It' was expressed b th , who have , the best opport 'ties` or observa tion, and, whose inllig,:ce qualifies them to pronoun an atira *: te jag c,. 'moot. The test, ,elf-the' hool room is the best ciriteriOn of, lc good school hear: Tfence - the . opinhm of an in- telligene - teacher ' who ?ma, had the opportunity ,of , comparing books,' *flog tikeir defici aciestand 'their ex- Cellenidne, - who h . 'm4ked the pro gress of pupils thehitve used one. book andithen an ther i qualified to express an . opini o ug ht to w tii oh have great *ler '" Then'teionera 1 else, halt° experii iencecitioh arise 'varsity of. . books. I too freciank intrc ferior Mum. , Ifeu _director! .Wit h , V adopt the series 1 proraL wi. i. The law - of the duty of „directors !Cl l o4o* boas, inhoolkot'thOr The eiCtllle Vilii been made for n : this: requitrumt 'not ',fin. mains' boob would be -, 1 PuiJliJ '.-- .- ''' . , ?.... : Thin_ q uestion ; now In a great u Board of Dimon') iiiiiiiiiiiiiid Omit ,:iii- , Alm -_opl 4, 1 4: 1 44,tti1j#1 i .(TIPM4 O I/:l l rV,, iiiib1ia.,...1.... ,: ' it 11.04 k, Inpe they should , ' '- heat* toro - pecti rel 4 -1110,-100 can carry-ohltht 0 1 4:thkii ..*040. 11 : P thei4liei, - ; , initili :Oki** Otolikec **NI. 0 Ali4"*1 1 this xiasil- 00- - tea ‘: POCtiiito4.,i 1 4 ,. t i tr .ntti”ice. _,!1 3 I sql:l.F!, ,tiotto or oitiocito•its, ti ,SiitkieKillt,* a .kmiliAlriqtrot rwij n ptr-, f "T ; til ...,!...+; ' ,-: ~, ;.v: a • 'r=l iIeMM i•?•••, :1•:: v ic —• . '• r.......,...:. ..., ' - ' NABBY • - A;..leattne -0-the Ivip 'tn . • ikielOt, ' • Si Discussion Nor r the iitast , ; i'll t koar`onis Ckeinrarrr X *ps, 1,-. (.. 'is kills Stidtuv' Kentucky.) '' - • •'-' - 3=610, 1867. '; ; ' I aeconipagied the,' President 'to I'lls.' ly:' :The ', President.'doesn't feel 'safe a t ' it)in'anywhere Withont'ite' to 'evil itethe ,detids . and'Ai the nice It fin peerin i 7dWiertecessar7:( V' `'ltaWlitiriP, wiithe ;occasion r. of; Serions, i -toublelp the 'Kabinet. !the' Bresldeilt Wuz - nr' favor nv it .Ez vied, he - wtiz . . essinifibelly uv a ,filli I.iitheiteitte.N Ile • hed - tali= ex-' perieneed *most contiobmin 'live for, hie' pirentit, •pertiekelerly for theM on his father's, side. Ille 'tied swun g arena i the entire t . er kli3 fly °Blithe' honor, and hed forind - traitors On all. sides, .bat he could lay his hintion . his . heart and Oa* 'that he, hed never knoived', - a - troo' man, but who, at • some,Peiiqd of his . life, hed - a father. Why, - theit, should' we not` honor our fathers'? How could it bp - better d I than - by, layin • corner Anne?' w l H i f t a i i m b u e r th a d t e etheei this t id . 00 i n ty l Bwlu2s, attendan d i t . ed. . Besides, at this crysis insthe' affairs of the,' conntrb, with Mien ti4i ' Kelly` a snortml • through the So 0, he felt it wood. ' pd-a- -- good #4 to ltho* ourselves. • Seward felt' hat it wttr. well 'to go. filial lovewatt eharrain. "Sliakspeer, wit wuz ez justly celebrated" ez a dramatist ez one he rood menSituri ivu for diplomatic telegraffin, ' re- I g. ma kt, "How Sharper nor a serpent's, to hitis to hey a thankless child;!' trooth of which he lied' exiieriene -01; ez he bed been styled the father iv the RePUblican • partb, but 'that 1 iv. the pint. It is tho dooty ay e 'ver'y; son to lay corner'stuns. In thi " case it wood, perhaps, het , been m _e creditabl hed it been dun; ye rs ago, but- wat difference is it?, It jenatral ez we are* about `being ge.theted to our 'fathers that we shoed remember 'em. Beaideit' ' he bed 1t little Speech wich he ' felt he'd like - to deliver. He wanted to , hear ttin3ony to the patriotism uv the BO ' nv Jacob , Johnson ; particularly to' our colored : .beet ren in North o Kelly C rliny, who hey bin li tenin • tlly I , and WilSon., '. ' ' . if:ended didn't Wee ein it at all. e' in . He Made bold to say, Oast Johnson hed ds ept .without - a , corner stun• for fifty-five years, Ifeq 'manage to git along a while longer. It !Fria rather late i the day. He bleeved'in feelin sorr wful; over the 1 decease 'uv .our relativ s,bat he didn't go much on Join' it .fty r-five years lily. after date. :It , oo ranch like e. t Bustin into tears over the suffrinftnv the last illnelts •nv y i wife's great grandmother. The speeches-he Alidn i t... - . bleeve in at all. He bed seen some rib it—he lied accompanied one tool nv the kind. He hed bin on it. He win. at Cleveland,' at. .IndianapoliS and Springfield, Illinoy. He begged tft 'be 'excoosed. - He -didn't keer bout tailin rich *a - kite agin. Ef the i e ti op a l o e d u b v e t a h b e a:01:th He o oe w d oz rece o i s v o e si s ... corjelly ez the people .nv the Nortb4 id; he preferred to consult his feel . ive plant and disliked sum thin g / .. e f ui ll u is' utt rn r e a tto u r us y c s u e u r d v e e ri d ,t b b i e m eu -r u ite sid i t h v e . dilatterint..; Th . e i . ) p ut e t ople didn't fling h .y ey wuz did , .w ratheru se. cats o e tifo a mt d cheour lydta.wizft cold:nw s ti z they _ rwa t z.e r _ t 0 0 lively. in la violatile elied abctit.made n •, his mind that t•Wuzn't ufv any- ,yoo a to fife it out n that line 'ef it took all summer. ' ueeess is a dooty, bnit when success inipoitsilde.. ez water inthe great aliara,wat'i the yoosel- Wherefor I , truggle ? • 'Let us• go. slow, draw our salaries to the end•rtv om• 'spect,L ive terms,4 and "solive that:wen the summons comes to jine the inn.comer able caravan that moves out -nv , I*- - -14 1 41i* la w rbjared would. "sir), Prlng to telt int mikd each 'a trOt lila)* feel b( 74 0.., 1 , 1 0 , -facf) ;- )miscuott. 4th - s ir Ty-used iNhen. ' , lg t and WoUld I:,their _laugh. to have Ars ago. iret7t4ias from if it w ipe ix agin th‘ nd undeihand-do‘ CONAN g- / 041 d whaA, "neeel?fitrY requi;:. ooV honk, niiiibt -of of. the by e Commit- . t s ore' nearly 8 1 than any oth , Such's. v. la public r which 'induced: 1 opt -and recom odd fait within , :ion which' I hai,e' , i - . WashingtOn toJards theft' . 'apeCtive tore "than any one homes, we go not like • the dusty raced e inconven. slave at site, wit's betlis all on two this great dig wat pair,' but Soothed - and sustained by , from ,we saved, go like one who's got in on , schools , and the where Withal, to live. It win, a mluct: nof very in ; notate nv, : comfort to him 'to 'know d e . 'thy have urged that the worst trtimeewuz soon /for `eat- Oarnestnessis; g6tttn: Whoever sPieki 3 nv TYler i iich i wy ha • ve it or reeree or,Bakannou• now-? Rene. PI dust Arnold is only spoken uv on Forth Julys and Jtikis Iskariot 'op state makes" it ihe I Sundays. i i i, ,t will' be 'se - with twin to selcet and,adept i ta me, fot,'ficht thank the Itord._ for he use or the ; -..-llnt it was determined tb ) go, and I ' . *is sent to Rawly , to find where the peetive distrinis. . . graye •nv ;the _honored father of our Ch. frequently , honored liresidenv was reely locatid, tis i t Plying . with and ta mike Sidi Other arrangements, 4ls i is 4 at %they-have :ez the - - e4geigencies ,nv the case de cif , oydrig. what Minded,. wick .1 did. I bed - , difficulty .. in locatin the grave, and ain't jest '- aloted to . the shoot. that I found. the right one. - • The people UV' Rawly wuz; anishus,. it• . mu to, me is to hey it come off, ez trade - wuadull lei ;tas settled/ Ai in theretail line, [anti for fear that I ,- . . _ a „,,,, e , n „„ eh , wood report that the grave . c,ooden't, ""a" iiaa l__! , ' be found, and thus nip their budding hopes,. they giv me the choice 'nv akin of thtise bestsum twelve or fifteen. Selectin. the l,h e 'boo ti most elgible, I made the - other ar ,bilst b e f ore t bo rangemints and returned. - 1 -, -,' , - : : • ~" The eggcnrzion f contrasted very , our ile i l i wi i. , .. 4 .- faverbly.witir the one we took last tlirke ' should w be im fall. - - The people reeeeved us at eery stishen with ' the,mOit alfectin . de- - 11 - tween.tlicid monatraahuni. uv kir. .-" JohnsOn I 1 te * 9re... . c * f mti e Johnson 11. Johnson P' =they yelled at jai rk- of papule e a c h st4VingPllte.e, - Wil l oly soanded i, i.' - tb ass . istano:l sweeter ihia t tar •'Euldr mine ' Pan c le _ .;1..„ , , e :damnable iterashen of "Grant I s". ter it beau. - Grant I Grant In , wieh-greetid ns at o carry:lout the every - pint 'north: ' 'The President ' - ;eoeefilispt Nitnti t z,sorry he hadn't takin Grant with. ~ ...A easil y: ' : ; most to.abow himthit, of hi wet the _ j _.-. 7"" . _,l most popular -il'-'.inm localities," we th ease : inatiar , hail :the hearts - tor ' the 'people in .1111 All iPter.o ' lithurs: . Bia - flu4r win '-tfr Wh ' -to work - f , oar enjoyment . ~, No sooner wood-the; ma : baba a President : commence : ." 11 •Fellow•ei. ti-.. 1 1 4 , :''iti i'' r l e „ Tel Ait t k o ! n i l .. ' - '0.0 14 ,1 9 '5*,, 11 RanailL'woOd Pull; the -.. . - ,r • i billttothi, 4,10 ' off' the, 'trans :Woofil , .. k ,1%,,,i9, 9 itiik lii iitii.deteilined ,that the, i ,L)::: -,, ==:' .41: 1 ,... '' President ahripldeiOt r epeek wick put s AN 1 . Tilatilall'i ' -,itte'W a xtriitti'''deid I TIV-: trouble; es lil 4 , , i 1 .. ,, 1. , l, t , - , ,, ,.., ~., -.. ,',• - . Jur -, . -. • , .. ..„..,..,. .... ~.,,, trk -• -• • vszn ----- ' 43 , e _e•--, 1 , . r .., • . f'; ' I , •xle per ~m,.xiirmariy. 1 ......_... . ,-.. • ..... r.::,:-; - ..-. ' - i '..-:.-,-.---."-- -., :.'' • ' , 1 7. . , , MEI r :J/1 ./ a - P.,j6r1:1 _ . "after we a 'ved I hed to write." mit : 04 tele aPh 1 4 ,4 ? the P,Pere 0 * ,apeeclies - , the President - wood lief mace, . -At. wley; .13itenecals Battle/ wet. oomeil the Presideintial partiand the. President responded. ,jle _remar k ed Bewley he first 'opened-lila tinder, esea, 'a , pennile s s boy. Here is 'ace nes tivlia•childhood ; . terii. is.everythiag to bind truo3,l- low„and,to, , saseeiste, him with that with Fick ,he ig associated i here is wheratiiiii tenderness" ' av i heart,bei takeirhOlt stipon"eierythiair to wioh Ales attached . 'itself. , ' Bet he:. watt wandrin from , his Bpi:dick.- His mtad went back to the day kW left ttds a penniless boy. Whern_iathem wic. lie left taind him? Ee l :beg ; geirto inoiniie, where 'SAW:, seeiies nv ',his • childhood P Wherthi the .11sywoodli? 4 .. • , • "filled- at. 'Antieta m . ' r plio4te.4. a retprneil Confecjrit.T I' , wuz by William'a side. *hen be wuz Shot." where is . fhe Hnnlerit?" Irßunnin a. : distillery it Wuhan (knirt 'Ouse," eed ti;* same. feller, Avho,:thot the President really wantid to know. Ife - wilz cboked down, and the - Pieeident - proceeded - " Where -is the .Roysters,, and the ,SMithses,: the , .Brownses, and the ,Jneses 'Where is die long Hat nv , 'men that Hired at that (ilay ; and .who, like me, command respeck for" con-. iitancy devoshen? I feel-J*lld of this demonstraahen-4 feel prdnd us , any,deponstrashen. Ez alloosion hez bin .made to my.boyhood days, when J. wuz a pennileifs boy, I may say here,ez pertinent to that subjeek, thastl hey adhered to' thefundatnent- sl prinuiples-uv. the gov'menlylaid to the flag and,Constoosben. Ant to re turn to Iv . . subjeck. . When I went but from aglow yoo termileps boy, I adoptid the ,Constooshen ez my guide,and by thew I-haye allaz bin guide. To the young I would say that they will be safe,in.,takin ez a model. ,Leavin here penniless boy e it is not fOr.ine to ilay J.Yhether or not ' I tier succeeded. .4 sr no longer; a penniless boy; nor lattheln with hre round me. Mrs-Cobb ain't a penniless boy, nor is—but this is a wanderin from the subjeck. For the eneoUrsgement uv the, young men afore me, . I wood.- say tat I hey en- j. oyed all I care about. I'am no as pliant. for nothing, and 'therefore the wayi now open for em. ;' . .All places uv.howir is npw before em. , 1 thank you for this corjel welcom, • north Caroliny sent meont a penniless boy, and . did not alf . prd me sick • advan tages, ez, considerin my merits, I ought to hey hed, yet I Inv her. Its better eSit Goin out a pm:ad ; , Icss boY `and,sreinrnin - after holdin I every offis from = Alderman uv my radopted' village, up to President, shows my qualities to much better advantsge thap of I hedn't gone ont a fiePuilcss boy. I think you for this tribute to my'good .qualities." And ke:start.ed to ,go - down when Randall. whiaPerd suthin in - . his left • Milli prompt, and;drawin nut his liankerchief, the President assoomed a look nv subdeod greet and resoom ed : • "I.he t ir come -amc,ng yoo to parti. cipate in the dedicueben uv a monu ment to a man wich - ,Yoo all Icved, thO' it hez taken suthiilike fifty year' for yoo to diskiver ft., He wuz poor and humble, with . akkoents for my goin. from amofig yon - 4 penniless boy but uv him I au proud, for hed it not been for him I wooden't hey' re turned the shinin example to yoor young men wich I am?' . . - The corner-stun, was laid and the' merit:meat, set on it. - It is uv red . limeStone, - ten foot high. It's ez good a ten foot uv stun respeck ez there is in North Carliny. Re the' monument! was elevatid there wuz 'the appropri ate speeches, and then; my . little ar c rengements cum in. A. nigger wet man I hed,took , with us front WaSh ped ing n itished• for'ard . and . Bed c— " r ess -de Lord,yze bin a waitin for die y• to see' de President-9m President I"at which a squad ofnig.: ,gers, I'd picked' up'auddrilled, holler led " Ror I" J . This:little affectin seeen over, two quadroons, wichr I'd also bro't witl usj in a privit ctir, chm foeard vrith a expression of ,prefoluidt greet; it widhe President wept, aid tender lyslung bokays uv*the choicestlow ers,we ccod buY in Washington_upon ihejtemb. - ' • ItArnz reely a techin tabloo. The ancient nigger I. woman: a holding the , President's hapd, the young quad roons • a slingin the bokayst the President with' his head bowed, ap- Parently a dreamin uv his boyhood-; .me with an expression uv thankful ness, that the niggera hed at last re cognized their -lloses.; Seward with' a saintly smile pn his lice ..Welles tryin to look ez near like Seward as possible but failifi miserably to look like an ything but the eggrejis old ass he is; and= Randall with his handker cher to his eyes ez - ef , onmanned thi; mom • sccen, but keepin one eye co ked over 'the handkerchei to see how' it took 'among the niggers, it writ a ;nee&`easier to be imagined' thaw:described: - - Ther wuz several incidents which occurred with did - not appear in the teiegriph. .When his excellency w as speekin himself and reinarkt that his race was nearly n a unregen crated 'nigger yelled 'out " Tank_de 'Lord - I" and when the quadroons vim a' strewin flowers on the gravel IN his', excellency's father, I ohserved, rather incre.:tittering among _the„ niggers than .I ipproved - uv on so aollam occasion.. I askt Randall what he thought of the ibekelashen l and his answer "It' , don't , Pay-r-etruck me . '43Z havin Valle 'Mr tioole. running thro,ughliti„ , . iptiir'n the President wuz to 'speek 'more; for Randall guttired of-Niutibing hire' Vfo-ii?. turned is good health -aad 'ltairitVeNita ' ell for au a in faith that . :mu* ehowhi yr hisseF hoz an effeoli fa'fiood' ap6# ( the PeoPl, 1 0 d . ei e ' • Prritofictiii l F!' - ifis'or,' P. M. (Vials Postroaiter) arid PriNasor its the Ha 121 d Jsphetti Free: Academy for the deeelivraent irr the intelkk ur all races 1 . • htafil ..f;-...', , _z:;!`i.',....:•^,f,!i:' -.1. ... 4 4 ;-.--.',-:..-. - '" EZIE HIM ;,,. m-" 4 oriom3. , We have laughed heartily over the following indiercria story' aint'wOirld nbt.4onvkinir reki&D' • idigieilt A number of years -ago,wheri Miuldga4 was ii nsa;W ennntrli, in ingot,* eointy, there - lived family by the name ,of c4titon; jitid,one ed ilso,—as'wt4l grbatu many others. : Fite Clayton' was tall,lhke look., - •ing.felloir— r a .noble, specimen of our 'backwoodsmen—standing,~ six feet J - 'twninches in his atoekings,•..- , - - • Pete had fil taken-. a shins. to.isa . SallyiPerkina, find.. it was known in .x fact that they were engaged, but the day when the ; knot' was to be tied had not as yet been divnlged. In the 'month' of August, 1849, • jimeti eirehs - came - through their town for 'the'firet - timo, and ii'faat it ~was the first circus that had ever • . spewed that - way, end there Were a . great many people that had never ~ • seen one.. When t in3portant day, 'arrived, the town. at filled to.,over- .• flow,with a motley. ' (ro wd; of coarse , I andnvery,young,l Ilowlid hls.g,al ) . j Now, Pete ‘wanted to get inarr t aed 'on the coming Christmas,bnt Sally wish- ed to have it' : pnt or tm the 'next spring: 'Wh the ticket wagon was • t in opened the nt - was filled'in a harry. Pete,land ally had . bet% 1641 ring, through). tt 'aide shovra !and ! they were late i getting in; and - the per- . • formanCetad. already commended.- - : They walked aroand the ant,ire ring, trying to find ' a 'seat, and. although they could seat two thousand' people, every seat was full., , " Never mind,!_ said, sal, " lid jest , as lief - stand up?' ' _ .. • 'But the gallant Pete"couldn't think „ - of it, and - said, " wait - a niin't Pll get you a chair," andoffhe started, leav ing Sal' alone. • ' Just. at thi s moment the clown. _came in, dressed in his usual custom and dancing around . the ring, stop-. ped . right in front of Sal and began to sing: - - . " _ .-! 1 Oh Sally is the gal forme." .This caused Sat to .blush, for. she thoaght that the clown was - looking at her. As she stood near-the ring, of course she hid the view of those en the lower: s ts ,behind arA as usual mka. 4' .occasions. the clown cracked hia jokes at,the-offenders . til they take the hint and find a seat;. but but she said she the rather stand -- up. At this the clown commenced his jotes, leinarking to the ring master:: . - "There's a .chance for me, noir?! l• ".44;:hauce for you ?" " Yes,.d'en't,you see that gal has - lost her beau, and she is lccilciug at - me,.l know," and - 'turning three four sommersaults, he ',stopped front of Sal, and began to sing : " Oh Sally is the gal forme, I would haie no other, • • And if Sal died to-morre - w 14ight, ra marry mother. • . This was evidently meant for her raised Sal'S 'dander, •and she burst s out ivith— "-I'm_the gal for you, am I 7 Mar. ry my mother, would yer ? - You low lived - spotted scum of the earth. 1r My feller was here he would wallop you for that. - I wouldn't stay here anotheeminit—nur neither-would auy decent people either." Saying which she rushed out of the tent amid fears of, laughter. 'The clown - : assuming a cotnical at. titudel, remarked -to the •ringmasfer that his grandfather was a rqxarka ble man, and so was •hia:grand-rnbtli er,..toy,„but .that gal beat all his fore fathers. At this inncture Pete rushed in 1 \ closely. folloWed by Sal, ,and jumping into the- ring lie squared - off at the clown and said : • " teach: you. to: insult: any fe mile wider, ,My charge," and' let fly . At Alio o PPonclitp, and , taking him plump in the face, sent Lim to moth er earth, at whrch he:jrimp . ed on Mai arid 'commenced : kicking lum.unmer eifully ; Sal standing on the outside ring .of the 'Flapping her hands and sung-out': "That's it, pete, give' him jessie, . gie married Christmas, sure • At this. moment the ringmasterand three or four others caught Pete and commenced to . - thrash him, whet: - Fete's friends interfered and .a gener al.. fight ensued, which completely broke up the circus., ' • h_ . • Tan .Gems or 1858—,texis Ttwi y*ux.—For ,the henefit.of thoie -per sons who have .a supply of "nickels'l on' hand we insert ,the following con, cerning the cents' of 1858. It may perhaps interest some *he have pro-. posed of rate to take five dollars for 1858 cents . : • Abeiut , thefirst or April, e: some on started &report that the nickel cents of 11$58. containing the "!spread eagle," Which was so exten sively criticised and ridiculed. et the time of the issue had become very ,scarce, owing to - the fact that . the govennxient was calling -them in, hi conseqience of a mistake-having been made 'in; the alloy, by which theirvalk ue was greatly enhanced: It wages'. serted that the amount of gold used in the alley made the coin worth - about - 25 _cents. , Bverybody began examining their pocket-boolcs, tills, etc., and it was generally found out' that the coin was plenty.' liundieds of them have been gathered together, 'and - the 'search' atilt continues. We observe by' some of one. exchanges that these indefatigable reliehunters arenow endeavoring to make sale of their.collectioxis,aud And it an' up bill business as- the nickel of 1858 is worth - no more than, the face—one cent: 'An enterprising lady in Phila delphitilie 'said to_have colleeted no less than five hundred of the pennies referredte, and carried them to the mint for exchange, but, sad - indeed was her disappointnient on' Anding that she was the , victim. of misplaced LnOnfidence and that her bright antici pations of, gain Were 'sot ° be tea ljned--the officers of the mint declin ing to theta at all. In short,the bubble-his berated, and the search .Itir..thgehels 10t h the eagle". will no • doubt 110006111 W. • I,s I - El N II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers