. Brim asi their „Asian(' becomes cleated and fauns regnlaily, cultivated and improved, . pigs hive to be confined a portion of the year,sod not allowed to - leave the yard unless -there a particutarly well tweed close r them to von in, which there shoal be . oti every farm adjoining the hothestead ; theti in ,summer they. can get half their! i living by grazing, and will grow faater,and come up toile fatted in healthy st&te, that therWill'euive and lay on flesh and fat better for the liberty they have enjoyed. Bown kept up to breed vrillt,succeed in raising i more and bet eter little ones for ranging about a small . field, with "a pottik or stream of water running. through it, and if all are accustomed to go to their own sty every night, and each lot to be fed "with , some ,corn and grain, ana the sows with : : Rome swill, dco., they Will pay for the extri feed. The year before last I was en/a place where that , was no field or 'maxi with, a fence to prevent pie; from (getting through, or under, but there was a --aKOlons, yard into which the Oggety opened, and every day the, whole o them were turned' into it. The last week in April a few acres of turnipi were &Ailed on ridges' drawn out on a poor sandy hill, Which wiebecome too weak to grow grain ; about eight tons per acre of barnyard manure was covered in, and they came all right and did well. In the first week In 'July the bottoms 'were large enough to begin pulling, and the pi: had a one-horse cart load daily the last week in :September. The turnips were thrown' about the yard and greedily devoured by the old and young, l and they had nothing else till tile Corn was fit to husk, and no lot of i pigs could hair() done better' than they did, growing and keeping in good Condition all the while, and towards the latter part-of the time 'mentioned an extra load had ; to be occasionally fetched to them, on 'ac count of their increased size. Some of these pi ga were miserably poor and crippled through previous restysint,_ and being fed on boil ed kiln dust and bran, too thin to nourish them properly, but they rb covered, and after harvest got, very fat on corn and corn meal m ixed with steamed swedes. However, though these turnips were produced at little expense, for they were only hoed once over by one man, and horse hoed be tween the rows twice, yet of course it would be still cheaper to have 'the ,pigs graze and the \ little they would require, to he!!!') them with the grass would not cost so much as the turn ips and ,the hauling them home.t Thir ty-four bf, these pigs weighed from 260 lbs. to 420 lbs., the rest being in a very profi,table state when I left the place. Ido not advocate cooking white turnips for pigs under any cir- Cumstances,they are only fit for them raw; in warm weather. Steamed swedes'are good mixed wish plenty of meal, .but potatoes tire so much. better than half the meal mixed with them would feed as fast. Good win ter quarters is 11 great step in the right .direction•; the sleeping apart . ment I should run into bank under other buildings or not, as convenient, and plenty of straw for them to creep under in cold spells will cause them to thrive as well as in warm welitheA —Country Gent. -RECIPE To CLEANSE WOOL:— , nt Brothers, of the Northßloomfiel. us tom Wool Mill, New 'Ark, give the following -recipe for cleansing wool "TO two pailsful , of water . a quart of soft soap and half a pint of coin. mon salt. 'Heat from 150 degrees 'to 180 degrees—or a little warmer than the hand can bear. ° - .Put in_ all the wool that will stir conveniently, and let it remain fifteen minutes, moving' it in the kettle Occasionally. Then take it out, let it drain, return / the drained liquor to the kettle and add all the water needed. Repent the process, and occasionally,add a little salt. After the wool is s i nfficiently (horned, simply rinse it out well in cold water, aid you will then have it . white and sod: Neverilet wool boil in the liquor, as that Will fix the gum, render the - fiber ;stiff and gray • and unfit itid make,sott, flexible yarn.— Fine wool needs more time in the ' kettle than 'coarse. Taggings may be cleansed - in / the same manner, by clipping off the.hard matter that can not readily be compressed between the thumb and finger.--Eural New Vorivr./ BALKING 4onsv.i.—When a ho rse balks, he is excited, and does not know whatyou want him to do: ,When he gets a little excited; stop him five or ten minutes ; let him be come calm, pet him, speak 'gently to himi; and as soon as he is ,over his excitement, he will, in nine eases out of ten, pull at the word. Whipping, and slashing and swearing only make the matter worse. . After yon have gentled him awhile, andlis 'excite ment las cooled- down, take him by the bits ; \tuni/him each• way a few - times as far as you cant pull out hie tongue gentle him a little • unrein him ; thei step before the balicy,horse and let the other startfirst ; then you can takeihim any way you wish. A balky horse is always high-spirited and starts quick ; half the panic; out before the , other's start. If a horse has been badly spoiled, -bitch him to an empty wagon, and let him pull it around awhile on level gro un d th en , put" on a little load, and increase it reaually, caressing as beforii,and in ---' a short time 'you can, have a good working, horse. YAsious Itrarts.—A. weak solution pf saleratus, pretty strongly tinctur-• ed with alum, .sprinkle over goose berry bushel!, is sure to - pment mil dew. So says ime who hai experi mented, with it four years. Cayenne pepper, mixed with tine road duet, sifted over young- vines, will - prevent ;their destruction by striped bugs. The same, mined With a little sulphate of. soda, both mixed with moist meat will save Young - ehickens from death by " g a pes „ A naturated solution of sulphate of iron - (copperas) which to • soak seeds and4rOota of plants ,before Put r . Ling in the gfre,d, iirill - protect them from all 'Wash trees that are affected - their etwxdoo )I°l)nm—A attlfal flowsyi floatkbes in secret paws. . .._ - ~ T . ~ r . _ ~..., .I.I.IURVO. PROST. "mold Gall Om . large lad varied sesottateatof - niniddbltion' at - h 4 Ware Rooms: which be will be happy to allow to any,and ewismone Lee of tharge, or to all at a - Tory linen ad none boa oast.. Meath' for • the peat Itheral petrovage• of the public, I would, arty the; I abaft - still muleteer to state It to their Interest deal with me, sot only by ,keepi ig • To sant Ifni Ova Is kept in say other Fund tare store in this region ; but slob) olbrlag :Than the same .quaUty of goods ca be par staled elsewhere. nave now in Store over 60 DIFFERENT PATTERNS OP.ORABki-. TILDITY DIFFERENT SPIVS ;BEDSTEADS Besides,Burcons, Bands; Tabled, Boot Backs, What Nota, Sofas. Tete4-Tete's,.Bookers, and Buy Chairs ," Piano Stools, OU /dun's Carriages,Cbildren's Cradles and Crib Looting Looting Glasses, Looting-class Platt-s, . - tare . Photo. gra Ovabi,Bteel - C tea ' • ,) to., • In fact a till issortuelit. OF EVERYTHING IN THE LINE, She pnblicare invited to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Store oa Main Skeet, 2 doors south of Montages. I also keep on hand, a large assortment of ' From the Mat common to the finest Mahogany or Rosewood, which will be furnished with or without Attendance with Hearse, at as low a price as the samtguality can be puree/mad else where. Deo. 1866.—yr. NEW. FII.RI4ITURE STORE i Having rented.the Furniture Ware-rooms form erly occupied by F. N. Page, Athens, Pa., would now say to the patsons of the old Estab iiihment ;hit I have a complete Stock of Goods, just received, embracing everything in the My goods are new and well selected, and for Will sot be susdeisold' by any. Call and,ex• amine my stock before purchasing. I retain the Workmen of the old establishment, and' Will Uri:charge of the business and lianulliact ruing. la short we have the finest Stock of Goods in oar line wed of New York, consisting Parlor PUrnitnre, Chamber-Setts, Bobs, Bureaus, Mai%le-top Centre Tables. Extension and Dining Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Mirrors, Picture Frames, Photograph Ovals, Cord and Tassels, Steel Engravings, ./ COFFINS AND/ i BURIAL C#BES t 'bur Undeitekei'a 'Department will at all mes be well supplied with everything In that. ae. We Wee the . b this section, not ovcapting anything west of Ncw York, and will attend Funerals within a circuit d 7 orate Milo, on reasonable terms. G. H. VOORHIS: N. I. Hair, Agent. Athens. Jan:IA.IEIBB.-1y .FURNTURB WARE-400MS 1 . JAN* lIAICHON announces to the public that he - still continu; to manufacture and keep on hand a large asso merit of • IPUBNITIIIIE, • Birsaas, Tables. Bedsteads. Stands,. 'Chairs, /Lc., of every descriptu. , which - will be made of the best materials, and'in he most workman like manner. I invite the inaction 01 the p li c to myiwork, which shellac be mused arability, at any shop in the country, and my prices will be found to be u low as the timet will admit. Beady-made Comas, constantly_ on hand or made to order. A good Hearse will be furnished when desired. Aug. 16,1865. THE TOWANDA BjiKERY NV: K. HILL, luiving purchased the Bakery and Eating Establishment and Grocery recently kept by Pena & Hovey, first door sonth.of the Ward House, Main, street, Towanda, Pa. , and having re-modelled the same. and having asso elated with him IBA SMITH, they are prepare d to Walsh their customers and the public With everything in their line at reasonable rites— Is fitted up in the most approyed style and' meals ale served at all hours, and their store is filled with a good assortment of GROCERIES, CONFECTIONARY, aco., lc. They will keep in store andi sell at wholesale sad retail or manufacture to order.' BREAD, BISCUIT, RUSK, FRESH Of - all kinds. Also will keep the. best Crackers of all kinds in the market, by the barrel or pound. Fresh Oysters constantly on trawl by the keg or dish, cheap as the cheapest. They will use the best materials in every thing and will try to please the moat fastidious. . • demrr Wedding and other' fancy Cakes made to or. tar Families supplied daily and prOmptly with anything desired in our line. They employ none but the most skilful Work- Melt, and nee only the best material. They are determined to keep a first class establishment. Give us a fair and outdid trial and you will find 'it to your advantage. • WIC. HILL, - Towanda. JP. 26,1&67.—yr. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. WHOIXIIAIM AND RIWL, JOHN MERIDE.TH, llifu st., Ind door smith of Bail Road Bonn, rand? jost ref o lud large / addition to Wldeh trill be sold se wholesile 'and 'ts4 the tell lowest 'rates. 11, . 4 „ BYE FLOUR, SMUT FLOUR, •/ - L , • • 11:1480811111E OIL, • - lyWholesele. Rumex Peados of all lithe* bought and mold. The puidlo attention in respeett_ tdly vite sd to ney stoat widen will be foroundt in o be Pteelt. boo tit kw prime and wUI be mold at Iv low !SUM Towandi, Kt 17:866• VOTIOR TO JOBBERS AND LA BOURS.—Jobbers and Mertes its mated to peel 5000 tomb of Ileadook Bark. and eat sad haal the lop for 10.000.000 I.IIOf huaber t ea leads of the Schrader IdtadAloW. play, Franklin tea. Apply' to the aadeti. Wit ibe !oat st newtor 111...113, rid, theta' al MEI COMM hip-.ocrotitit:***-o , rtiog ;.''.._l.csii,=:-O-iiO.i,vii;i:,,i':-.1-..",'.,..,'1.:1-1'; ,FUANIiITSII.I LAR4:IER STOOk AT A. LESS PRICE And more than All of which will be sold caEAT FOR CASH READY MADE COFFINS, I:ts):4;poitiltA - 40 1 WIA GOOD GOODS 101. N. I. HART 00 Cartier, Toilet qtands,iWoit-Boxes, Pictans. &Q. FINEST HEARSE illitutllatuoug. EATING ESTABLISHMENT THEIR EATING DEPARTMENT ROLLS, BUNS, PIES AND CAKES, GIKKIERISII AND PROVISIONS Kay 1867.-4 m. D. , ~: r Sk ' . l ±~~~~~~~~~~~s.'d~'^~ r .`)n ` fay,_v:i4~~=:%.lS ;s!,'{i,'.i:.z~}•e't ~_:.-"i': ;`- temp-mit illitthier . 4 • Ot+ftg.& POWE'S M UG "W M ' Go;,sel l k 1 1 / 4 1,44 ,... " h tironl inai i ißigrilulhalkitsP-W-10111411.4 MOWN MI Ms Staaltirouthe meat udiniumfadantra moo. lay WM or 'a Oberst 'olulnt bird& pains. aIe.WV "c`k t I FRESH DRUGS AND MEDICINES Hai Jute beini .receinii;„ead we *4 tow lire pated.lesupply the - . . *ANA OP THE PUBLIC I SITII ACIPpIOLES Pt Mt WMEs- RN AlF3Ognilirt soirAmp. ECLECTIC AN), : . : MEDICINES. AW TEE POPULAR PA PA { INT AND VARN -BTIIMINI FANCY AND TOILET Al BIND, ftiDlFtell ALCOHOLIC AND - .IL/C4/.. olD' 4110:D RESINC4IDS. ABDOMINAL OPPDB7ERB, Shoulder Braces, BREAST PUMPS, NIPPLE SHELLS. AND 1, samum, I - 'Nursing Bottles, Syringes and Ctlteters,, • a•aos Assam:am OP a.tzots, emirs, recur Kam, STYLE SYdIGICAL LNSTEITEENTf3 OF LATE STYLE l e AND us? quALrrY: ! • • A large supply Brushes for the Hat and .Hair. Also for the teeth and Nails, Tooth Pow. dem and Pastes, Oils, Perfumery, i Soaps, Combs, Hair Dye, Invi,gor i athrel4c•P Kerosene, Herosene Lamps, Shades, Chimneys, Wicks, No., all• of the latest styles. CH„ ICE CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF. Physicians Supplied at . reasonable rates. Iledloises•and Prescriptions carefully and/ ac curately compounded and prepared by Cotspet entipersons st all hours of the day and night. Sunday hours from - 9 to 10 o'clock in the fore noon, to 2in the afternoon. W.H. )L GORE. Towanda Sept. 29,,1866 OLOTHING I CLOTHING.! BEADY MADE AND MADE TO ORDER. Ist 'door Smith of Coddilig & Russell's, has jut received from New York a large *and atractive assortment of ' NEW WINTER. CLOTHING. Oar stock comprises every article worn by * and boys, PILOT .AND BEAVER OVERCOATS,. BEST ' QUALITY BUSINESS SUITS OF ALL STYLES. COATS, PANTS, VESTS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, N'E. TIES, WRAPrERS,_ DRAWERS Ac. GENTS FURNISHING • GOODS • i . Of every description.. 1 Especial attention is roiled to a.stock of CIP US, CASSIMEHM AND .'VESTINGS Mile we will make up to order on short notice, A nice line of Fancy Cassimers for Punta and Coats. Latest style Hats and Caps. Gents Far Collars. Cutting done to orderr shori: notice. Tear in mind if pan Irish to buy Clothing CHEAP, and as good asetepresented, call at 'Terms Cash. COLLINS' Towanda, Dec. 7.1865. THE TEMPLE OF . FASHION 17 , E W G 0.0 s I .t.'n entire New Stoc- Of Clothing bought as pheip as before the War, to be sold with i .1 r SMALL PROFITS! The undersigned would respectfully announce 'to the citizens of Towanda and vicinity that he has this day opened at the south Store of ' B * I IDLE MIN'S .B f LOQK, ihriote the Means House, *in Stzeit, s N i EW'ESTABLISHMENT Of Ready Made Mens aid Ff °Ye and Obildrens C L.O T I:N G GENTS FURNISHING GOODS: HATS, CAPS And that those goods bonghtat very low fig nr will he sold .With very small profits. I ante ; to establisi: r i a urmanent trade in'this place ,a . in order to the confidence of 'parches p' will deal with them on 'a basis Of honest y' a'. integrity, gide! goods sold 'will be guarante a r for ; t they are represented to be. • / • es. Come and examine dui New Stere'of i blranda, April 8,1867.—yr. JACOBS SO4OM•ON SON, - A - now opening theli v general stock of sp in NG & .SIII*ER , For men and boys .wear. The assortment will be found the chef* they have: ever offered, se lected with reference to the - wants , of their trade.' They respectfully invite an examination -of their clothing.--which is manufactured ex pressly for lebeir trade, having a buyer at all times in th we feel confident to give a betterlat o price than can be obtained elsewhere! Alma store for the tradka cent -plate stick fit - OHNT'S FURNISHING GOGDS, • BITCH A. mk mars.' , PLA N & FANCY CASS. SHIRTS, I • I4EN AND MUSLIN SHIRTS, LINEN COJJ.AIIS4 AND • PAPER ; COLLARS. AND CUFFS, • SIIOFENDERS, GLOVES, TIES, ; HATS AND CAPS, &C. The entire stack mast be sold by the first of August, next. We are offering great bargains, : a s 3 w i ;e i s g ften ol d ir torrirtr and customers , feel con:trial find It your Interest to call oa us before par clysins elsewhere , 1171.10brfale In k NO. 11, Patton '!_ Block. 'lro May 23.'67. . • - • S. & BOOIDS. i ki • . 7 No I TREASURY NOTES, ' ' COMPOUND INTEREST MASS.! midget d sold by .-- ; •- • NS. RUSSEI4. & CO. , Arum. of the United States is now con that - Series or 7 340..Tivascirl Notes in the 11-20 Bolds of 1865. Holders in this Irk:ll'l4l 4 lth° wish to haws 'their Notes conirt. *Vein so by calling . nus _. • - ..,. S. S. ROWELL A. CO, • ~„ Aug. f0;1868. •• . * Bankers,'Towanda, Fa.. - 'ENAMELED CHAMBER SETS:- z . MI ALto ?int Obesnutlielfilulit chambicsie "[LONGING TO ral FOR memiou, r•nrrs, On; Atlibe Beat Trusses, J. M. COLLINS, NEW. STORE. &c., &c.; i J G. i:,dj I =, t•,'x , o'ti'3't"'+ L;,~ . .: , ..,:! , :1. , ..;t::,! „de.'...:4 , ' , : - ---.-w.:. G'!{ - A,. ir6 , 14- . !t-T, '•8•1 1 :11Y-k, '-114::-'4"''''z - 1 : -• .-;,__. -4.z.i. , ; CERAM & 8L&0K., - : ::;- -,.., ,-,--_- , ,3,-._ , - ' , :- 1 '',-_ '..-:`' • -,::::r.::.ff": -- - - adliffitidittlioettail itseirlitOte. i la. '- • , • - ' 1 ' ' ' ‘," .3.,:',-;-';', i - t. ' 7 : '''_ 3 ‘'2,..;,1,1, % ,::,'%. -..' : 1 •,..- ,-, : --\IIIORY-• LARGE 't no to% * And ednontinent it -, ":. 6RO it - - GLASRVVA H;:'..,!,. t, s • t ! t.. ~ -, , . -t, T _ ~ .] CHIN A, 1 '- -: :I , • '---, I , , . • YELLQ,W, .11110 Eli El EVEitY STONE WARE. We propose to keep to connection with the above a full stook of SILVER . PLATED; ''," JAPANNED ..GOODS • / TABLE CUTLERY. , As we bay all or gear from FIRST We flatter oared Lower than any other TAILOR'S MANUFA WHEELER SIEGEIVI3 SEW Towanda, March 7,18 G L . A S S 225 Greenwich Street, 2 - Is the it Depot for , CROCKERY DEA RS" GLASS WARE: CONFECTIONERS' i if if DRUGGISTS' GREEN ?LASS BY THE PACKAGE G L.A S INV A R E . Also,:a complete:assortaiont of / BRITANNLA And ; 1 ' • BILVEJIPLATEO WARE, • 101:1013pNE;WAttp, . . CHANDELIERS, LANTERNS, &C., •-- • Best brandsof kerosene . ' • The best. patent Jars in the market, to be sold at. the loyrnat prim - s. A full line of Looking. Glasies. All kinds of 011161 'Ware made to order. Agent, for 111Oridleo Britannia Company,! ' • ,JJ T. WRIGHT, _/ 226 Greenwich Street, April 16,'67. 2 doors below•Barelay, N.Y. THE UNDERSIGNED, VANIN4 ; Purchased the entire interest of In in the firm of C. B. PATCH *430.,ti now . , prepared to offer to" bib citiz ens,of Bridfoid bounty and vicinity, a large and . we ll selected - i. , - - V I . • •• , . stock of GROCERIES, Which I_have Purchased for Cash and teal oonfl dent that can sell. at as lo W. figures au can be purchased elsewhere. ; I now offer ta the pDbllc a splendid s titch of u • TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, STARCH, SAIZILLTCS, SPICES, Hate on Leads large stock of AKRON FLOUR, GRAHAM DO BYE DO. BUCKWHEAT DO. I keep constantly on hand, - POSH, Han, LAltli and kinds of .F413/1. Would call the , at• tuition of the pnttlte to onr Can't Be Best STOCK OF TOBACCO, is quality, or twice. Jesse Oakley, Celebrated Limitary, New { York balmiest and Itrawn Soap: Please call sad examine oaratoUlt WOODEN- WAR. "•- , . Lime ikoioilmeot of YANEtEE NOTIONS; TOILET SOAPS, Ac., 50:74 will. PO' the Nth . eel cult Floe for , 11(KJI4ORY Parmeis give.= a ciol Woo idiot slocirlon. All pencils' Wallkill :Wale lite. Arai Arta TI1:=711 'TOIfIII ' B. TATCIt. , {~ ' y. _... .:ROOK. MEI LAVA. AND WOOD; WILLOW, WO) " / r , I ' In : yarlety ANDS, es, we.* mkt OODS GOOD lee in this' region. CM i~ mss, EE2 RIMMIN,GS, quality. Of the bee' KO CUTT TURING rder, - - . 7 Done to I= WILSON'S If MACHINES. REI 'doors below Bare lay at In , fact all klim_ll!..of R. H. PATCH, d. B.;PATOj 4 ; s•• • tobis Stock. II Carla ;parpose6 catehdly 4 UP tile. ro~lk will - lie Wept -eastilittly purchi per . suit,olbred fermicat, • ordistsg; 'Wring .Inll •iiratiaite ;manta V Abe - IMM pi ed tad rr cand i n ig -DMA ti ED49ltmet',O /M l* . • 14nfirg OIL!, iiiiirisiiii, ' l e - ' 1 • - d t : BENZINE • AND - j'TURPEN '-'•-•• BASH, F , ...r • iviatinsui. , ,WW2F-1, a ? A 44 idlide-0.# 61 ,0 0, ~ - .: ; /4s. ' KEROSENE "; 6*:: - Oen' 'fj "': • • ..< lad &Wait- rhddit "4 • . /o'g 'ODES; 1 5 4 00", ,•Viillni,*S.:. • ‘: - .111i) Ingd. Mile:N.4s Pcio ' i - \ i , 1 1 1 01§Iiii: AND, ,MACHINE- OILS, Fancy ;and Toilet Arlkges in all thek,naillt7a. :BB SPIiNGIEff, . - I BIRIBBEI3; 00 AM, v- ICO , Poiniden Mgr-Dyes infanney ;POCKET B 00, PO • IiON,IS,, Knives, Mit* HAM =I TOBTH, 8 walEs AND. LIQUO. 1 . For -IdrdiCinat use, . Sril*,' • CiEt rid imdFrour Oivids; 1: aspensor es,, Shoulder - raps, - Teething RinWs, AlPPtesi MPl4 4B Mns_ gringos; uw rani, eau- Fruit Jeri; Thermometers,' irmtribtei.,Eitone ow: 'wok ; , vish Tae Aram' '• tante, Didactic and Re es. and- Ni the Popular Pate! ; 0 - 1 -. N.SS• ;.- arranted , ia.repr red: se can. receive their , which will prompt:) Oirecoc, Gardeoi ~ porters, e , Breast, Ficttlie 8 l Plavo Ware and Ste ' tlon lto le gem. .1 A li ari sona t a stage orl ~ careful at DR:Pb TEIVg PREPAR;477 FOR FAMILY USE,. e and Reliabk Remedies are, t they are, intended fo Aire, Knoirn se. . 4 ranted for w notion, vis Dr. Porter'. 0 P ecioivd 114, foron? .. z e colds,r ham Imp! 1 Eclectic , Pas, or bums con plaints and wad adkartie.... 1 *buffer Syrup, for scrqfula 'skin diseases, ic.e 1 Dir. Forfe i r ll n te u riuLToMo t ,for female weak i , Br. Porter Tonlo v iiiiiii; **** '' ': * g 'i; the sYstinn, 1 Dr. Porter's Tansy 'Jahns pa, for f' and kufney " "ii o.— 1 Dr. Porter ' s y or omp. • Syr. del lizop bites, 1 Dr POrter's Blackberry Ban. f dias • riusa,Ac. .. I. i Family Embrocatlonfoi sprains bruises, • dere, for hoa t r e... ...... ..',—:. Pectoralrse nas, stare Arad, 4.c . ' i il = Wafers, for impel/mg .Wore Syrup. for extension tiny unn ins Want Belief, fur crying bakes cohe Itc.. . 11 cepha li c . aniiii, f or ' caiikril; headache.... i s Toothache Drops,• for 'tooth ache 'Tooth Powder. for Preser*W teeth , a Tricocene, for dressing and I ha fi r co w . in . p , ll . ll; e : . o kia :r lfe:iu 7 Miying 4;i . 1- • s Odotrous . Sh!rmpoofor clean. in hair. Dr. Porter's t i k ti f i l f un lowir z s i3O for beautify. Di. P'orter's Pile firitgent. 1 171 .- external Dr. Porter l i srench Compound. ; for scald. i 'nig lain° e t 1 Dr. Porters Medicated Pim. for habitual AI connipation 1 Dr. Porter's,liealing Salve, for cuts.wounds • Nko ~ .. . LS Dv. Porte pi , Lip Salve, for chapped lips.... 15 Dr. Porter' Dr. Porter' Dr. Porter' D. Porter's Dti-. Porter' Dr. Porter' Dr. Porter' Dr. Porters Dr. Porter' Dr. Porter' Dr. Porter' Dr; Porter' Dr. Porter' Dr. Porter is Eye Salve, for inflamed eyes" 46 Dr. Porter's Eye Water, for inflamed eyes.. 25 Dr. Fortelle Corn and Wart Iteu'iovez, for . .1 ,soma and bunions.— . .4. Tb Dr. porte4"B•Conatipation Pills, for motive. news. 2 D * Dr. Porterio Iron Pills, for ; poor blood •• • • 25 ,Dr. Porter's Citrate Having', fora pleas. I • ant estbarrie. • • Dr. Porter's Liquid Rennet, for making ,on tritons diet.for Dr. Porter's EXtriet Vanilla, tOrslavoring ice cream, /co 1, • Dr. Porter's Extract Lemon, tor flavoring ice cream—large bottles Dr. Porterts Oriental Cement, to. mending , broken glawi,Ac. Dr. Porter's Liqnid - Gine, tor repairing wood Dr. Porter's Cleansing Fluid,for easy Wash- Dr. Porter's Bed Bug Poison,. for killing bugs • t Port4's Ply Poison - Paper, for killing el m • Dr. Porter's Rat and Mice Poison; tor ex terminating rats • Dr. Porter's Benzine. for removing spots .from clothes, • Dr. Porter's Black Ink, in pfltt , in balk by the gallon 1 Dr. Porter's Hormel and Cattle Powder. ter ;Dr. Portef diseases of animals. 's Rorie and Cattle Lotion, for sprains, galls, dn. 'a Itlng-Bone • and , Spastin Cure, lei lame Leese. Dr. Porte CU I advice given gratuitously'st the office, •nly for medicine. - I .1 ter,past liberal patrenage,would y announce. to ids friends - and • the t no pains •ahatl be spared to math*. the continuation of 1 hair confidence B. C. PORTER, M. D. ' o. andmori and ME NEMEMI IPdoiraPhhc OD THING MAY BHISEEN WOOD * * *RDING'S fiALLEn: .OF WAND* * 11/LADJ:O2II comm. ?AL. pleasure In lemming our old Mesita nbilc_,,tbat sro hare procured one of the • Moist Cameras , non In me; and are to furnish to all our patrons, better HAPEII3, from miniature v illte sloe, offered M this cennt%'•,, at low stlll making the neat G anted on cards.. as well as all hinds .P1C7'171103. such as We and the best to than . .4 ea. We TYPES of C : OtOßs4mci.dimi l otipEs. ME We are sir !asking beautillil . 64,L0 ,H070,9R.AP, a fr, . •il of 01. the best &rev', and havinit in the We l: Tin pl" tatu nist V l Z lller o lP t Ir ; swi st tel i ntheir tr is to si apsesaarda:;liteti7cinumovithe favorable, and custom Mitt! 1 in regard to. . '. t iscUliiee enable us :to e Oi - 1" - siuut : he moat artistio pictures fro, ' very poor sx: / t ie aziato minm , suno ilk .. OR 411BROTYPREI,: - • - -..- wrinkle:Asa tolthit imaiiiiiiit iii 64 'ris Ore our sttestiou putt" y tOth: itios busbassul • - - , ' , , .-,-- • mlikluirlisrP SailtiOrisi csir. - ,0,44 ‘ ge. riscsiOo s i) sus warairi -, ".,; :., 0,1866. 'i_ •; i , , , _ :. . t, . cnip - nosh; the in lamina Nana ot• „ 1111, 1110._ Dec. • S. 'HOLLAND; BOOT &ND Po street.in nerd W k 'where be will Make :Ora., sII I U tog .11opti and Shoeklor Ladles land 13leidleoet - On the lewdest notkii eleo , f RTIAPAIRDIG.J?O„NE. *wk. iteriested 14110*. : -. A shati001(0411111/ 11, emm4 slgiarg4k inia „... , . 1 _, l l - :,-4,--, , . n . 'li- u 9Dl # ll , - At 108111.. m. • 1, - . ., - .A: `,. d l Ot .t i; .' rl i 4 . - -ir ,.r 0 , - - -n --- -,n e, la t { -r l i ... - i - . 473 4i' -1 I''' i" : '''. AP '' l ' U W*, ' ' - N : r;1 -.1. i' : ' f ' ! 4 l 7 b tb" iw , 4 81”, ice_ t SFr? 1 iiicOoKiNci.iii** -, i i ;:rf:.., ' us' moo -is4, -. myt- besiiitaiis tents as sal : . - ....1.4..).L. giumBATID AiNDlDfili '.. 1 114 boaattfal dove le eserrpeoped kr(iirthe thy-, le-f ellia perfect Aither; hi cob-lboo, MOIL STOTT,4 the 'socket. Amon dolt W beating Stoves y ined. A, grim Tido" osisagi3Offver7 11 ; 011 ,rbere "IP'. l i ti l *lr : STOVI PLPB AiDlOUNatintlAti4 ..' ' '''' ''AI 4 014 1 - 1111 1 1 .10 / 00 1 106 4 Ndisi .. S 1,,,,' , 'stodf, , ? l'N'W All 1,1;..1. ' _7 F . '. =ollikkdootimil fro= Os 1 1014 1 st and b 7 osilerloo,* 1. , .,0* A Isoli fal soiortmeet cf - IROLIIIALS AND 1 3:TP 4 4 . -- ! - s : :At New:lrerklat; , /i, !i, .:. -. _ Reims Azirp.,c+a*pli raillutos; room lroti:vmg IPAitittii; -. `.- . .. Toole' for th e Now Jother,..oad- Carpester.— Tools for IllsokiSolths' — Tools 1 .9 F Slonts 4 7" WINDOW.BASH AND,OIABELPAENTS.OI24 . Leo uranium, aa:Otirot Ott ass untoss; _ . . KDROSENE OIL. LAN I I_43,. WICKS AND f 11) Cilik*/To - a aszareo t TADL WM, rocas , curzioor, ~ PRITTAND/IA 'ARP' • PLATXTIWARE.' Pomp, LOoi.: , ‘ Airy , ',Aoki'. Amp,- \" (WY ,i,r4r; 4 9sis 4441;*farci e kegoogNE /fTEtt ifs.'' Jos. Q4li.:dow6vith di . spitili. Lirtios re WO iOb iIIid N IANIW. 84 : 11 td"rr ' "4 "" l : Ordo.Old 11, Cala mdtt i ewilthitotillis . l ftper, Brea. lleannr. ro l and Ds. men lio -- -' Hl= price in paid for fthee-iPelte SS 04 Goolls Ow bees parchseserat tio np l i gy i, 7a mum 45“ , ,111 be sold for logs A ' Clignaa, } CODD \ W a. a. aresatt_. - O di ausam. Towanda: Nardi 10. DM.' ':\ II - p :A ~, y'~. 7' ~ , l i R~t= ~ 1 ,, 1 I. 'i ' ''';-, - 4 .ii - .41' t#II:SINii: 6) i \b" . . 1. 4 zi . • . 02 01 •is '4 l ; 0 us g t ; - • oct 2 & ',• ta /E n ' ir :• , :En I~ MARSHALL, BROTHERS' With to tan the attention of the public to_ their new Simko' • - HARDWARE. PARSING 111P41112M, MACK SMITHS' TOOLS. - • and CARPEWTHInii ,TOOLL . also, a large assortment of - Window Maas, Earb;Painte, Oils, • ;Petty. Varnishes sad Paint and Varnish Bruised • of all kinds. which win be sold. for thejoirest Cash price. Also. a eine wortmeat of , • ' KEROSENE L•111PE 50 ' 60 of every st3ili and patters to snit this pitals. Lamps repaired and, th!nged from ; . 011 and Plaid to Kerosene. I Particular attention paid to the Saaltactaring or all IMO,' of , TIN W. 4411. 1101111111TROMPTLTAI'VIIIIkv TO I We hue on hands line article of 1 . _ • 01.6138',PEUIT JA2tBi, with improved lelf-sealing aWits.and 1 ' . .11,BBNETICALBEALI1510 C , A NB, !shields one of the bid MI toed. . Juni 20,1866. WHOLESALE MI Y L. 'B. POwet,r.. Scranton, Pa., Dealer in Chlokaing's Pianos, Decker's Pianos, lfasonA Hamlin's Cabinet Or' gins, Treat, Lindsley tc.Co's Melo teolui, and of Mwdcal Instruments, Sheet M as i and Music Books., Orders from - Dealers- and Teachers es• pecially so Soiled. , Address, L.S. POWELL. • 116 Pennsylvania Avenue, Scranton, Pa. March 28,1887.-Bm. - . PIANOS, kmKRIWAN ORGANS • AND NELODLANEL : - The undersigned'most reigiectiolly announces to the citizens of Toirand& and vicinity that he, has purchased the litsiC baldness of. G. T. Cons, sad will hereafter supply any of the above arti cles, together with , • VIOLINS, GUITARS, ACCORDLOS, ' qautuis. AC.. . - 'on as good tamsas pm : can be bad elsowbere: 2 V.A.. OHAMIIBIII.I 151. He.isalso Agent kwthe CELEIMATED AMERICAN WATCH and has always on isid, ..good impartment cd Sirbw Watches, With a mural assortment of. JEWELRY AND • FANCY GOODS, Silver . ad Plated Ware of the iIIET MANZ. PACTURERB. which will be sold at anasually lo* 'Alum. w hich rge variety or Okla* jostle. ceivN, among may be found the &Was. mas, which has no, equal LND J - OBBINO;, dond with licatati and dligiatolt, and iiarnini ed. To thollif er can't see, we would say go to Chamberlain's and gets pair of glasses that wlll make you see-as well as ewer. Don't forget the shop, maul; oppoelte the Court Moon. _ „ Dec. 1866. W. A. (IHAIIBERLUN. , MATHUMIEK PATENT PIANO AIL ',FORTES. , Miasmas mid Metall Airenoy • tor Norl Bait • -.Peruisykaala and Umtata Nur "rt. AT THE, NEW MUSH) STORE TOWA i lill PA. xeetdeorto the .zietheic . a All those Masai are' sada to Water drawn; and farmed by - • Whale eepatation for theory !maLpractios , 1 0; ati jigio . s. 111 %Irk rovemo awl to„ i tor olibtam yam, la t he atiiara 'Ff ali g l arara duo fella. lialkorabok, wao =AA* the rather,. oVianorieoillamv ihe Improvements liaw z arril all ths prominent Aram The Pima. Tortels the only huariazeat'arlllea 4A 11 41 041" Oil: a d =tibiae ilia and 7 0 11 , :ii11 bsi t io other. There am be. Wadi ebea,p * MUSIC &OM the_ : IMP . 1 : ' For .id hl to* alt tha15 . 01,4 FM••7 41 % . 11 0, 1 ! AstesekiL- • * • • ;,IMPROVED sstiiptpii* - LIUST .111111k1M , 11* , 1 N'S.l - ! t1i,117/ .ol Clke".oAl4 - ,P49, 1 0i04 . !n;•-• • überi diaooGat,l;RilliiiESE &WSW:flail cilehOok• Sheet ey- awn, OM lime aid Melodeons lakes uelpset (*RI leddeueeets • Giblet soil&r . sad. , Wile r 19417. 6 7 j Igo 7114 bet ; - Towable: Mil CEEB ij • 1,1 ir ". .'l7r VP - illusitar, SPOT, puyik . xm mnunr useezioT. El ws r t trithr.lmmeark .'. • L .-..- , . i . ~ :"...,: 4(' : - .., :" .1 1. 1: -- 7,4 l i '.-, • 1 - - 7 .._,..-•••!. . 2 j 4 4- =l l 1 4i I . l _ ,±. ' 7 l,4 4iNintY ~ opp w 4:Pi0. 4 . 14 i$ (' :I: AIN V It: :..la''rweti 4 :4* --— . 1 ' ':11 • 1.: ~,-,:. -.411 , -.,1 f - ' Au --11(4 t. ' ' : 1;14:4041 trf4AlV-41.-,12.r• ., -•••L'5,• - •A.r. ~;- . 4 ,••••• ,' 14fi l'' lit1 `.." 1 • 141411111844 1 14 " 1111 iii'Uf' l ,l4l 1t4.14i841141,64-1 ,8 4 : . 04, „:,'.,.i,' :. r -;:'4* Atse: 41r.0144;(*. - ---, ~.. iik, ‘: - I ' 1 .9 1 i1l . '-‘ l 4*= lll 4 o4 tlli*:' inid, l'• 14'..e. i'f; s' iiiikat 4 l6llliVreil l ,'" ,' f j 46 imps e , 0i ,•4,, •-' ' l ' , A . :ultue'k'.... ,l -,,.. ' i'ir:lX X.• 'I, , fr=2 -t 13: . T; - -4=: It '' ....' -,,.., '' I '4 i" am-8440.0114, 01,, ,, .. p h .- ~ k i , !4.,it-0---f gt 0v 40. t. . .1 ; ..4,, . 1 a"4 111 4 1 ‘ 1 4 10 0 04 / 1 0 IWO 1 ,I.' : cer1.tr0i. , 4 40 )1007.-- .(, , I. _. 1uiR00ktE5Aw 1 ,, , ..m0468. , ;.,, , ,,--,i. 13 ,4......, :: , , t-.!!...*.rvfm....„ _ 1; , , - ,- li - --,ii-t1 a >Awl ,••• •- =3' '- ' ' - I" ', - --'',. " 1,,,: . -- 4 " I "'"'" ir r en l K4 l Atib lii. ~'1 M0'4 4 4 811INGLE,... SACHINSB,-I , -- 4 ' . Westin' co. i ' M 0 ' 444 4 1 ' Viliviliiktlis 4.l .l l i 4 i' - ' ea r l ' l / 4 1118ad Resolfgeitte?.t: ' 4 :,..u. et At.iirida wit °gag litaiii r l ia , •^Alr• •I— OS I 7I, ' ;:, 1' ; - iliria'aikr 1111ilartigtei ca 1,." : .,.., IMO i n1114.11D;NIMMIllh Or er (Goll i 5 t". 17 . . °°11 , 430 7 044 1 D 4 6 11 ‘ ; Si MI r - !, MAlfittlicitplAnTrafF-Iflrk kiliil46ll3llolltAttellt6ifitAiti • t . ipritAxlvlusTbas-- ,,, - s ,, - .-, -•.-,, j - ci , i i ia ,-, ; : * 4 4. C , -• i. , t'• Lerskit.ottoutitt ' - 1:-. , -- ' 4 9- r. ' • * --,. . -, . - -.. , . ,,,, - 4 401, 04, ~.. ' , ... , 1. -). - qjkijor Comm- - ; .; - wthipiebestitisemisos autrasii- - ;- t "'' -. . `.;. ,"? :- qi,- ;,t -tr , • A;- fi rr; ir tkijigi'A.,4 rAl f- .. ..: :'• i ',-V " 11 4 01- 4111r114 ?fir rt. '. - .', - Lt , !.''.s .1 . 901 41 . 11 ,, . / .7 . •,,...... ! .. ',.............. 3160.000 I li o.t T=` - e Ilrl_r_ei ----''''' . - ' I C mumaP tAa-daseha mAairimim44 l • - ' • --- --4 - - . :, 4 • . ".•,-., ..: :•.. _:"....,—„ ./---,-- '-- • , ' , ;Dos from to Clue to - diameter - . . . 1 0 60011110 . , ~_7 .. _ . i • 01 I ,, isti - ; „ aiiititirorit .. 6 , t - , „,.. i ,- ;184 - ili mititivior - ..-11.4,,,, , wii5i5 - 1 Gear pap eses,-dose to :iirdsi:•4l l ,• abu ••-,C04..... .a ('-''' '' ' listar/Prei OHM., ', - . A isosa k tfit •,- , 2 ..„!, I f , .-.. ,•!• .; • ....,...,-.= , r 1.7,.• , -1...., ELL ', ~......,,,—..., .. ..,...‘.. io.ooo,bou COOKDIG. it HEATING - -MUM, -- ' *---- ' "" fi—u. " ' ' -cod sad wow swam. Vaitiltire kielliildig 410Vis. Wort 'Vt. ligs-Wapt . ibis 'Plumps. rows;Calthrittolvaad Uppers', kiptaisstut - . 174Arbande : • .z.. DRAWING& SP EOIPIOATIONS Of aillands'of . I, insitlieii for Astitl , iiild Other f ur P. 0111 . 1 "P allt 4 1 1'•! " - " Klima 7 ' a . A lots 84* ;Avliutzli * .Varejasa' billblerbidiaile bribia: traac ( ,l . ! 111 , 01 1 9 1. ~ , Thwaset4 04' IL 00 D ' '0 0 • '• - -•- '.7 f 4 till i lfqoidiulltire• the !whit ,•.. _ • - 's E _ S ‘lfixtssrizits . 'AND CLEANERS, THRESHERS AND SEPARATORS; "AMINO NULLS; aut,, 4 ke„ &e. -.1 411 of wMar . *, 'furubdiki, the Lowed PNces. CatiL a;cl. Si ALT TUB :IQs 'floor - • , • • Athens, Pa.,. Auk. le. :Es, WAcIONSALEIGHS THE OLD D.: ABLISHMENT syiLL nrOPSII. , . Aria!! FELLOWS. cliAliDALl! , Samessors to Reynoldallo i Co., are not prepare ' laciderin are . . Tetdah ' on', short. notice, gOny Carriages 13 Men, a all deseriptiOnt and of , the and most appro. red style, end of the beet ma lal at the old auind opposite the Union House in the een. Mil part of Albs Noroligh,' -County, ,The public .are awned. that the last -alder the shop has'acquireddhring the last \.7 . older tbe superintendence of J. 11 , Fellows, be ,more than maintained, as he will age - .tend the work as heretolote be baring long been - and having bad much experience as'a Ca end Sleigh , Salida-, 'Mild usive theg l O i lM, that ao pains will be spared by the above flans to Make the establishment worthy of ' chair pate: romp. Thankful as one of the old firm for the patronage thus tar • extended, We hope to merit • a continuancelof the mine. - , „ N. IL-We, the undersigned,: being practleal• inschanicli, can, manufacture and oft to: the. public at pricer that will dety_coinpetltioo. • - .1 alta3 .11.1 . 6LLOWS; . , - ~ - :D. W. C.,CBUNDALL, - _ J. (3 - . imam_ , _ 01. Borough . April 15.: MM.' ly. : • • T O WA IyTD.4-OkRI.(I.AGE FACTORY. The tunlerelgne4 insliectially announce to the public that, they base purchased the CARRIAGE 9•H - OP ■ G. H. DRAK,E, And are now prepsred'to build worn• In THllk 14ATESi/iTTL-E And most workmanlike manner. They nil constantly keep on kind an assortment of splen did - • - TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES •. " - FAMILY CARRIAGES, , DEMOCRAT AND LUMBER VAGONEI, osz £ND . TWO era* ALBANY Ai,mimmC BEPAIIIINCi :promptly. attended to at rea mudgil prices. • ; • BRYANT do STULEN. Towanda, May 9,1867:-Iy. ' LUTH.E MILLS,, .• • BURLINGTON, ‘P The proprietor, holm rebuilt ..Ida Ytlt fa Barthitoe. awl taken :paths Bap ar tics, raid the moat lt la saw completed is avii= sl U of CUSTOM WORK DONE AT SHORT NO, CB. ..Y9or with ChantWl -E aibuidante,lirho, will see matt in good order, and With general • lion. . Wreath paid for Grabs: April 14.:18a8..- RogiltSl.l. LU T : • • . NW . ' _I.4NIIICIII MILL The andapdamed6hin large_and cow inudionenth thR.BRoo6 of Towanda; and - Illed`italth • tbd moat dah' and' Inaproved Inachhierp4or the rioduitaiture.of ; • ; azitrepated to till .orde r *Who! r : large of iipoa the . altorteit _We hare also' a large - Variety oyClifOULDlllO€l, Of the lakatitee and pattern„which we caniundah ranch _ cheaper than they .:can.. _be worked hp - 11451121421:--' . - • I TONOUSIIIO . , .. GadVinkr, • i Afro SoROLL sitsli oihiiiiiik POtitali - iii*Jo4at,q. wig be domitosattairrandosterir ._ _ - s Pumas tedidlag,'Mul!act...llelng rime rasa twelve to lambert miles distant,. mill dad it, largellifor theitlntaiest - to - buy of its';or bring tadr imnbitr: ladrwititiUtiroar machhiery; Mat 'gets*" o noging..fo r other Limber. tad whna. par 1411111''.1a bi _feeding. lore, o grorind oat aadialteit home itithpl i po • .We mill pa CASH fir PUMA " 'WIIBER delivered at ocz 'lumber j'a '4:''= sad see as, or lire can't come:write. .:. L 11.1tODG11118 & CO . • Two 416,4 b... 18 54.' : • .1 •-- = :-• :•';: - L - :. ' ; .:- LVUZBINDBRYTER. PUBUO , is_ rospeistiallr_ed,that the_Book. (!B " has - bees rmneed tothe Argo* SIP& ,lagi, dory-, 'barn vabirdede -'- ,: • --; I : lazintli varlet* ' .. _ _ =I biasabas. oa toms no-, somaille — ai ii iiiithast"..will allow; Talllatt , oluadertlar doge of - 11 4 1 . ISTITAIMP aisziolsicod' Maar; wait z ~II4MW 101. 1 4 1fiei =Ae • 4 :61 11601112 • bond_ 'Ow misty otAagis„ 11/I.be paid* " l ag ala 2 . 0 4 1 . 31 ,i ' OM - • BLUM •1100113r tlitgaidetheitrifitliniP'1111116* Ilitalltr t e r mu be leariseted,•: , ,4 4=ll - 41 AFC51 6 .4, / 41, 44 1 -wralogel *Prim , TelMoo6 IV -a RTFORD Wig STOOK IficSU- ' ancsretillPLSY: _f • ' vertrot.; $500.000. I. • tiiik . .. .. 1133,298 83 oti - -"iikkind• or Aire 'Btivr. AIM sal einthlone. H. . licKE.l"iii, - .1ao.10;1847. - it . Rem,. bec:•bfh therilire Tidy Hank'? onntra Peones 941 a Ilion., *widen in 11 . ; received i Iron ameba , ' hone; 'breaking her hilt lore leg Mine the bee,. rendering it memory to hitt bee Oleo' •• - etb. .• ru moral in the Hartford !Ave Stonli to iqtttni n. Patty. &ion pale fiie mit iBB7. • • •-• .. •- =AND"- ACC Aisurcisck..; F't r .T r ak' slifF 61 " 1 " 111 ' SEVEIiiTERiV M11.1.1491V S. RUSSEI f Li• :A roksiiiriummto OniaaD INspaallcs coutrAwT, Fkirairel xphr{.ud isurpluo aver Roxig Wmp.}o-, Qf 'NA& Irtirk. ' Capitol iFui supias, over; .1 .1 Ittaintiain Opkaattear Phiiatid a ik '• • Capital aitil7aarplaa, over _ M surtarrsts hatuitstica Coutirssre; • 0 pf Nets-Yolk. Capital iud surplus. Entrarpss. bsusAircir. Cosimix, 01 Philiu clig Capltal.and surplus;over..•.. Airrlc lozok .t ios Cos 04. • - Of New- York. Capit i ipl al and as, over - - PtiVisan CB CO Z 7, . 0 Bari! , coon. • ;Capital and *las. .vvr Iltrrial. Lars ow cts COY? ' - . OrNeuto York. Capital and unit's. over , . --.... • TsavaLttas Ilanwics Collissi, • / 0 Hartfmr, Conn. _Capital and turplus;tiver • ' Risks taken on all kinds of low Tawas billliy other reliable • ... Sir-Policies issued andlosses Jested at this Agenoy,thereby swr and expense of going elsewhere to Zirttalce St :the Etardwhere • ding . a. Busaill . . •C. 8- •.‘Vmandii. Feb. i t - , inst.- .11 - . INSURANCE phiPAN Y - TOP NORTH AMEBIC - - Office No.'2Cl Walnut Street, Philadelphia. .; This Company,nre now proseading bri 1.. 1 1 4 neu of Insurance from loner. darns e by FIBE.: on ' Buildings, •Merchandine. tura, lc .. throughout the State of Pennsy on liber al terms,for long or short periods; permaneotr ly of ' Buildinge,,by a..deposit of edam: The PeeleApsymeat of claims or losses deb ing the putted of, nearly 70 yeam,thas the Co tut pany has been in' sistence„entitles them to t bi confidence-or the public. , ' . Dtiutortme.--Arthur. G. .Colls Zones; John A Brown, Charles Ta White,. Juo. B. Neff; Ricimid‘ D Welsh, Wm. B. Bowen, James Morris Wain,- John Mason. Geo. Pranoba•R. Cop. Edwatd E. Trot! Clarke, Wm. Cummings .., i •. . . , Amiga Gl Come C. El. RUSSELL, A gent; Torun phaudzat MUTUAL F. a: . : AIiCE COMI!ANI litT :ED DU: NithetlYLVJ Ottlim la Danville ~lifonte4Vom ' - • .' -' Capltah In4 u. . Matt ---___.; r The Fanners a Fire ; ' Company of Middle Penasylvanis was i ted by th.• rennsylwaia I.4lslatrire,iiiii the U 159, tor the Mutual Insmance' of cotuttry k iroperty only, and humadiktely thereafter* comm Cali its oper ations on that principle, eitich been strict— ly adhered to since. , 1 Allies:les hare been promptly p Premiums collected on appliattim 1 without making any sasssameats. . .- • The Insurance of Cottutty ino -1, oul:y. the low'rates chaiged for Insurance, the prompt payment of losses tire,deemed's ' dent recom mendation c .. lttlei-Farriers 'Mid Fir, ha ea once Company of Middle Pe nns rank. to r.: owners of ssikolaas country p y..,+, P. Jouwatitt; Sec'y. - ww. Ka. Prat . C. M. MANVILLE.. Agent, Towanda: Pa. SLEIG 11,$ B RADFORD ..09M.NrY. • 4 ) • lIHAV ESTATE AGRIOY, i. , . , 'll. B. M KEAN , REAL EnArs Aassr. -•I . • , . • . • , . . Vidnahle; Fame, MULProParOek/CitY aid Sown Lots for ale.f - . 1 Parties . • ing ,property for sale *lll find it. to their ad . tage by .eaving a , , description of th e „,,.g t Imes of ode at Allis agene_y. as •. dies U. .. , , tly enquiring for farms Ac. H. BAdokIEAN. i . . 1 - : : • Reel Estate Agent. - Office Hontanye's Block, Tosta• - da - , - Pi!. .Jast. , 2o. /887. :•r• ' . -, . LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLARE •PME' AND aitlS INCA:MANCE OOMPAXT-44: 1 500..405 William St., and 204 Broadway, 12; Ir. • . . . CaPhi l ;•Sur,liiis Reserved Fund; - . ((Gold) • , • . .116,271475 Anse in the United fitatee.over .. • I,3oa.cau Daily- Preminqia L apwarlis of (gold).. 1 Loots' • I The sharehelders personally " responsible for engagements of the& company. All , Piret•tom must bestharsitoldettr. • - - I Dluirrons IN NEW Oa tenet. Esq. Chairman,' Henry Grinnell Esq., Deputy Gimirtotati - Joseph Gaillard. Jr., AIR- t.- it M. Archibald, E0.0. z H. D. IL 'Consul. Alessedel Hamilton, Jr..l.m, Robert C.- thrown. Alfred Pell. Esq., Resident Seimetarr. •',t rag &wit.. Jr.* Est.. Comma of Board.. Statists Banl-43ammann & • Co. The Policies of this GcnOtany re issued by vrell-ktiOwn American animas resident in Now Iroft, who are Directors and liiharehißder.s. and oommnuatlyivrith the otherBlsr m s. are laditiWasily - liable for 'ell the is at the, Campany ; Policies arc s th-1n elates are piyalfieln cash kw pima u' 10,43, ,4.4fttr r frar Weft*. Miti-not, as ix usual, *MI days presentation of pr." .1 ;I 3 'l 4 l2 lLbestatv'edock: P. if.; Ind ha at noon—PLUS. inistranca sod ansuitioa 17144 on favorable terms. ' • . Mei:FAN. Arlo. Tommulle:Atifil 23. Ltiki2. - ^ . I • _ Goodrich IlerdlitiiPer Ana. tram /rum. She origootetweb,and beam •Nut to awe, ate nowntady tor delivery* tit, • oho bare elms 4ralligotiThetereadafalso , :tf / i/:y to whoever -ntey MUD tootetae Uwe* eboi-e allow/ ror, the aosetot los. , elm ot ilk, time by ' these who ireroetrtimmtej to to ware 'Beate eee4l ,froa me uApril* - 4.4sest, le twwie here be ar& sopenutit. , over all = 7 - are are • taiai ni ted tar Ta jruntemte 3 1 1 4 ~tceeailntlT eseelleal, tatgo eye, rod v_en herdy— ! , o' bee, - howl% ; Or 'clime. •OLD Periallt MOM, • bad "bette.',:ipply , soworearlfeeliaisilde,l ewe bring:their bytes ; to/ Dr. Portent:bre/ mss: .; GoodrSeli"bistoestly. IS 00 pr CslicsilsisstifSi sad detioate,•' = • 300 0101. - Pre,Hilo farmintee- 5 ,4 • 300 " Rusty Oust, superior yielders* eiouira 00 " Corstiiisionnousit 'a beet it Cldll,llti6ool/110, oterket Wee. • .10, Mit - Dr, .11. Igirtirt-f . • „ ' , 4 5. 1 g 1 3, - a: •,;, • PT's: ~ 9114 P . • Ums OF AI. JLdpi iileiteiCit ass NEM MC ENE I= March 6, '86. .ptrollvOr r , p),.1,?,t!,4144.it t §.. : .z MEM 1.1,4 Pg' ; • s ....s3stipujj $3,75011* .$1,7(04095) .1)00 135U.000 .:.i7bOAOO~ AIOCI q. / 48.000.00 c M -.4600,000 .... sq. at ma •tnpantea. U any. "ad.' g the trouble aettlautexg.. et Coo•• ,!,41138F11.1.. G ?Samuel W. - loc. Ambrose Wuod. Wm. Dickson, B. I L.l Ilarrcinw. tredwarit6.. EMEI RE INSU iii FliZifi $352..000 d out of the for loadraoce